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Critical Evaluation Thasnim Ayazi

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7 Questions Name: Thasnim Ayazi Candidate Number: 7202 Centre Number: 10508
Page 1: Critical Evaluation Thasnim Ayazi

7 Questions

Name: Thasnim Ayazi

Candidate Number: 7202

Centre Number: 10508

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In what ways does your

media product

use, develop or challenge

forms and conventions of

real media?

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One way in which we have developed conventions is through our

forms, which were interviews, outside broadcast and vox pop. Many

newscast use these types of forms to present their news.

One way in which we challenged conventions is through adding different

background music for every news story, we did this because we thought it

might keep the audience listening throughout the whole story, however

with the mosque story we decided not to add music to the background as

it is a very serious topic and our hardest news and we wanted the full

attention from the audience.

Also another way we challenged conventions is by having two presenters

instead of one, normally in short, local radio newscasts For example on

BBC Radio one Nick Grimshaw is the only presenter but we decided to

break this convention and have two because we wanted our newscast to

be different so that we can attract more people who are looking for

something different.

In our radio newscast we start with the headlines this is a convention we

kept as people like to know what‟s coming. We start of with hard news

and go on to soft news because we like to end our radio newscast on a

good note.

We also finish our newscast off with the weather which many other

newscast do, for example in Capital FM. So we also kept this convention.

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How does your product

represent particular social

groups? In our “Apple robbery in east end school” story, East London is being

represented. The newscast could imply that East Londoners are

dishonest, untrustworthy and dangerous. The image given of East London

is one associated with gangs that plague the innocent and the vulnerable

because the story connotes that children were deprived. The fact that a

school‟s Apple computers were stolen suggests that students in East

London are not safe and that locals are not trustworthy. This conforms to

the stereotypes that are normally associated with east Londoners.

Also the “Spidey Death threats” story in our newscast could indicate to the

audience that British people are not welcoming, they are rude and hate

Americans. This conforms to typical stereotypes that are associated with

the British.

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How does your product

represent particular social

groups? Finally, in the “councils refusal to approve construction of the biggest mosque in UK” story , we can hear that a white non muslim man went to Newham to also protest for the rights of Muslims and the right to build a mosque. This could insinuate that there are some people in London who are accepting and very open minded about other religions and cultures. So this subverts to the typical stereotypes that white men are very arrogant and ignorant ,self-centered and unknowledgeable about other cultures. We can see unity between Muslim's

As all of them together went to protest and

It was a peaceful protest so this again

Subverts to the stereotype that Muslim's

are violent and always cause trouble.

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What Media institutions

might distribute your media


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Our ideal Radio Station

(institution) would be…

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The Hosts have to be…

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BBC Radio 1

We chose this because their product is hard hitting news, just like our news.

Their target audience is 15-29 year olds and the population is from London. So their audience can relate to our news as we highlight issues that affect them. They also have entertaining personalities and that shows that there is a balance.

The BBC are expected to highlight news that affect a range of interests and our stories do that, we have news on death threats, a mosque issue etc.

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Nature of its programmes

BBC radio 1 provides many services for their

audiences such as, it is to entertain so will have

celebrity gossip. Their nature is to also promote

new and up coming artists and songs.

Also in the newscast BBC radio1 feature some

hard news and soft news but there is a balance

between the two.

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RAJARRAJAR stands for Radio Joint Audience

Research. The population for BBC radio 1

according to RAJAR is 52,352,000.

The Location for BBC radio 1 is London.

Radio 1 had an average weekly reach of

11.85million listeners in the three months leading

to September 18 2012, according to official Rajar


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Similarities. There are many similarities between our radio newscast and BBC

radio 1‟s such as, the target audience. Their target audience is 15-

29 year olds and ours is 15-25 year olds. Also the language they

use isn‟t extremely informal but a bit of informal and formal, this is

like the language of our radio newscast. The style of the newscast is

also similar, for example they present hard news more then celeb

news etc and we also present stories which are issues that are

local. Because BBC is funded by the people it must present news

that are for everyone‟s taste and interest and we also have news

stories which are for a range of different interests. So our ideologies

are pretty similar in which we both arise awareness on issues

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From our Questionnaire results we found that

most of our target audience like to listen to Hip

Hop and RnB, BBC radio 1 also present these

kind of music.

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Who would be the

audience for your media


16-25 year olds Local news

Our Demographics is E, our radio news is presented at

times that are suitable times, for students that come back

from school, university etc. And we present issues that

affect them for example university fees.

Our audience target for our

newscast is 16-25 year olds.

So these are people who go to

college, university etc. so we

have added stories that affect

them such as university fees

and the robbery from a local


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We conducted a survey among members of our target group

to learn more about their listening habits and preferences and that the 48% of the

Audience preferred Entertainment news over education , crime, politics, health and sports

Also after conducting a survey and collecting the results we found that 91.7% of the people

That answered were 16-22 years old so we decided to make that our target audience.

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The particular people we want to attract are

EXPLORERS who seek to discover more.

Explorers are people who:

People who seek discovery

Have Energy

Values difference and adventure

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How did you attract/address your


We attracted our audience by

adding music that is relevant to

their age. The music is youthful

and trendy so they are engaged.

Another way we attract our audience is

by having stories and reports on issues

that are about or affect our target

audience, for example the University

fees, Robbery in a local school and the

mosque issue which is affecting some


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We have also asked for the

audiences opinion and views on

many of our stories and have asked

them to interact with the radio station

throught social networking sites such

as facebook and twitter, by doing this

we are letting the audience know

that we like to hear their views and

that their opinions do matter

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How did I attract my


Also some of our forms may attract our

audiences, for example we have an

outside broadcast, a vox pop, and

voice clips from interviews. By doing

this we are keeping them engaged as

they will not get bored because they

will hear different sounds and voices.

Also we conducted a survey to find out

our audiences listening habits and

preferences and from the results we

implemented some of the elements they

wanted into our radio newscast so that

we can attract more people that want

these features in a newscast, for

example 48% of people wanted

entertainment news so we added that in

our newscast.

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What have you learnt

about technology?Over the years there have been many ways that technology has

changed and will be changing, for example a mobile phone years

ago was heavy and big, but now mobile phones are slick and light

and have many applications, as opposed to years ago when the

only feature of a normal phone was to call, text and play a few

basic games. Minimisation is also increasing and is highly

demanded in the market. People want smaller gadgets with more

tools. And they can get it at the touch of a button. More and more

products are being made available by downloading to a single

device rather than stepping out to the store.

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Technology has expanded significantly

Technology has expanded significantly and has assisted economic growth. Many businesses rely on the internet, the iPhone and digitisation. Technology has expanded by having one device with many platforms, so we see more of convergence now from a range of technology.

We see many more devices with convergence

Examples of convergence:


I phone

X box

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Parallel medium

Parallel medium is when you can multitask while listening to

radio, for example listening to the radio and knitting . This is

why more people listen to Radio, cause they can listen to it

while doing other things, so it saves more time.

Also the Big listen survey found that 61% listen to radio on

their mobile phones. So now that radio can be listened to from

phones it has increased their audience.

The big Listen survey was commissioned in 2007, by Radio

Centre. Its purpose was to range a study of the UK radio


And now radio is available on many things.

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DAB is Digital Audio Broadcasting.

DAB is becoming the new generation of Radio, Digital Radio not only has

better reception for listeners to enjoy, but also there are many devices

from which you can access Radio for example you can listen to the radio

on your mobile, your x-box and your T.V.

Features of DAB:

DAB radios automatically tune to all the available stations, offering a list

for the user to select from.

Better reception quality

More stations

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Survey monkey

I used survey monkey to a questionnaire, from which I could

gather information from about my audience and what they like to

hear on a radio news cast, and what radio stations they listen to.

This site helped me to produce a questionnaire and gain

information about my audience, rather quickly.

In order to collect responses from my questionnaires, I sent the

link of the questionnaire to people through my mobile, I also

posted the link on a social networking site, face book and asked

people to complete my questionnaire so I could gather feedback

and make my radio a success.

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Audacity Audacity is a programme that enabled me to edit and cut

out many of my inserts that I used for my radio newscast. I

have used Audacity a great number of times. It also helped

me save time as it did not take me long to edit my inserts.

Audacity also allowed me to paste inserts add special

effects to inserts.

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What have you learnt about the

progression from preliminary task?

OFCOM – I have learnt that to be a journalist or to work in the

media industry you must consider the 12 rules of journalism and

abide by the ethical guidelines and standards.

News Values- I have learnt that news journalism has a broadly

agreed set of values, often referred to as 'newsworthiness„. And

this helped me and my group pick out stories which we wanted to

present on our newscast. We picked stories that were local and

thought was worthy enough news to put on our newscast.

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I have learnt that organization is crucial for this

course and that in order to complete the task we

have to be organized in order for everything to be

completed successfully. I have also learnt that if

you are organized it is easier to handle

everything. When recording our final task in the

studio myself and my group had to organize a

time and date which didn't‟t clash with our other

work. Without organization you cannot complete

your work, we also had to organize meetings

where we discussed our work and came up with

suggestions on how to improve.

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I was given the task to do a outside broadcast, I

had to plan what topic I wanted to do and where I

have to go and when.

I had to go to Newham where there was a protest

and in order to do this I had to plan what was

happening and what I wanted to ask a person

who was there.

Planning helps you to keep up to date and it also

gives you an outline of what to do.

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Since I have started this course I have

established many skills along the way. I firstly

had to research how to write radio news and

research and about news values.

I also had to research on how presenters should

talk on a newscast and how to keep the audience


I learnt that while researching it is important to

only select relevant information, as information

that is not relevant may bore our audience.

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Working with others

I have learnt that to work in a group you must

compromise with each other because we all had

to meet up at the same time, so I learnt it takes

commitment and sacrifice.

I have learnt that when working in a group you

must communicate with each other and must all

contribute in group meetings and discussions.

I have also learnt that to work in a group you

must understand each other and be organized.
