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Crm - Questionnaire 2

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  • 8/11/2019 Crm - Questionnaire 2


    1. R3 adaptor exists in R3Ans: False. In R/3 plug in exists

    2. Business Partner category allows you to define nu !er rangesFalse. "u !er ranges are defined !y grouping

    3. It is not possi!le to create your own !usiness partner category#rue. $e cannot create new !usiness partner categories.

    %. &ne role can 'a(e ultiple data sets#rue

    ). In *AP+ It is possi!le to identify duplicate BP aster record$e need aster data anage ent and use of Badi,s to do t'at.

    -. &ne relations'ip category can specify !idirectional relations'ip#rue . An exa ple can !e Is arried #o0

    . Partner role in *AP R3 and classification in R used to define t'e inter lin4ageFalse. #'ere is no partner role in R/3. R/3 'as account category.

    5. Is it andatory to define different org structure for sales and ser(iceIt is not andatory. $e can use t'e sa e org structure for sales and ser(ice.

    6. It is possi!le to transfer R3 org structure directly to R7es: $8 need to use iddleware o!9ects

    1 . R3 e ployee personal aster can !e transferred to R

    "o+ e ployee personal aster cannot !e transferred to R

    11. It is possi!le to use distri!ution c'annel to define y R org structure

    12. I can si ultaneously use responsi!ility rule and org odel rule#rue.

    13. &rg odel is ti e dependent#rue. $e specify t'e start date and end dates for organi;ation ele ents.

    1%. &rg odel in R3 can !e transferred to R


    1). =R aster Record can !e transferred to R7es+ =R aster record can !e transferred to R

    1-. ?ser defined attri!utes can !e used to define y R org odels7es. $e can create user defined attri!utes. $8 can create our own attri!utes.

    1 . It is possi!le to store inacti(e BP in R syste

  • 8/11/2019 Crm - Questionnaire 2


  • 8/11/2019 Crm - Questionnaire 2


    3). Action can !e used to trigger a wor4flow#rue

    3-. Action can !e used to ta4e anual decision7es

    3 . $or4flow can !e used for date dri(en process7es

    35. usto i;ation fro R to o!ile data can !e done t'roug' *BC&

    36. usto i;ation fro R can !e pus'ed to R3 syste

    % . onsolidated Cata!ase is needed for e(ery BC&"o

    % . A BC& can 'old only odified fields


    %1. Pu!lication and su!scription are lin4ed one to one"o

    %2. iddleware trace functionality can !e used to onitor in!ound ueue"o. * D2 is used

    %3. Flow context in iddleware can !e defined using a for ula

    %%. In *olution anager it is possi!le to initiate t'e integration testing


    %). Internet *ales is an application t'at is !uilt using E*P7es

    %-. Following application are used using E*P a. Internet *ales !. $in client c. $e! client d. olla!orati(e*'owroo e. Partner Portal

    % . Blueprint ta!le exists in 8nterprise portal ser(er"o. It exists in solution anager

    %5. $'at is t'e difference !etween an acti(ity and a tas4 in R @Acti(ities ust 'a(e a !usiness partner+ a start date and end date/

    %6. *'ould clients i ple ent !ot' $in lient and $e! lient for t'e I or only one of t'e @ ould youplease explain t'is wit' supporting reasons@8it'er $inclient or we!client.

    ) . Fully grown y *AP R is !uilt on t'e following co ponentsA. R central ser(e

  • 8/11/2019 Crm - Questionnaire 2


    B. *AP R/3 as a !ac4 end syste. *AP B$ syste as a data ware 'ouse solution wit' co pre'ensi(e statistical and analytical

    possi!ilities d. *AP AP& as glo!al A#P c'ec4 and de and planning solutionC. *AP enterprise portal as a tool to pro(ide integrated access to all t'e syste s

    A"*: a+!+c+d+e

    )1. an we create Business partner category"o

    )2. Business partner group 'ierarc'yA. A !usiness partner can !e assigned to se(eral 'ierarc'ies of different categoriesB. #'e !usiness partner = allows you to group !usiness partners in a ultile(el =

    . #i e dependentC. roups !usiness partners toget'er in a 'ierarc'y for statistical or analysis purposes

    A"*: a+!+c+d are true

    )3. #'e apping classification fro R to R/3 in PIC8A. onsu er B. usto er

    . ProspectC. o petitor

    )%. $'at is t'e organi;ational unit used forA. *ales organi;ation is used for pricingB. #'e organi;ational structure can !e different fro R/3 and 'as no restrictions regarding usa!le

    le(els. #i e sta p

    C. 7ou can assign scenario specific attri!utes to t'e rele(ant org units for org. deter ination+transaction processing+ partner deter ination etc.+

    Ans: d

    )). &rgani;ation data deter ination can !e done usingA. #ransaction typeB. &rgani;ation structure

    . Business partnerC. Product aster

    Ans: &rgani;ation structure

    )-. &rg. data profile is assigned to #ransaction #ype#rue

    ) . A 'older can !e@A. &ccupy positionsB. Is an optional organi;ational unit

    Ans: a : &ccupy positions

  • 8/11/2019 Crm - Questionnaire 2


    )5. &rgani;ational odel can !e aintained in R . $'ic' of t'e following are true.A. #o assign a user to a position u also need to 'a(e aster data aintained for t'e sa eB. an !e apped fro R to *AP R/3

    . Additional le(els in R are apped into R/3 auto aticallyAns: a.

    )6. $ays to deter ine t'e org units in a docu entResponsi!ility !asesd and attri!utes !ased

    - . Responsi!le organi;ational unit is used for.A. Ceri(es all ot'er org.unitsB. For pricing

    . 8 ui(alent to R/3 plantC. Is in c'arge of a !usiness transaction

    Ans: d. Is inc'arge of !usiness transaction

    -1. Following is true wit' regard to product categoriesA. Initial assign ent of products to product categories is done during download fro & #PB. P @s are assigned to Ptypes

    . P can !e assigned to any categoriesC. an 'a(e 'ierarc'y of product categories8. If a product type is assigned to a category only products of t'is type can !e assigned to a


    -2. Following is true wit' regard to attri!utes and set types

    A. Attri!utes are assigned directly to product asterB. *et types are group of attri!utes or fields corresponding to (arious data!ase ta!les

    . Attri!utes are assigned to set typesC. *et types and attri!utes can@t !e transferred to R/3

    Ans: c

    -3. apping of *AP R/3 to *AP R wit' regard to productsA. aterial type to R3PR&C*#7PB. aterial group to R3 A# A**

    . Product 'ierarc'y to R3PR&C=I8R

    Ans: a+!+c

    -%. *ales #ransactions areA. Business acti(ityB. Duotation

    . *ales &rderC. eads8. In uiry@

  • 8/11/2019 Crm - Questionnaire 2


    A"*: Duotation+ Business Acti(ity+ *ales &rder+ In uiry

    -). Business transaction category is a control attri!ute t'at controlsA. Ite category deter inationB. *u!ordinate transaction type

    . ontrol attri!utes of transaction typeC. *u!ordinate ite category

    Ans: Assigned !usiness transaction category allow detailed control od transaction type.

    --. $it' regard to copying and creating a follow up docu ent following is trueA. opy sur(eyB. opy control

    . opy ite nu !erC. opy pricing agree ents

    Ans: opy ontrol

    - . In copy control custo i;ing w'at setting can influence transaction type and ite categorydeter ination

    A. opy sur(eyB. opy control

    . opy ite nu !erC. opy pricing agree ents

    Ans: opy ontrol

    -5. Following is true for textsA. 7ou define t'e source text of text types wit'in access se uenceB. #'e texts are auto atically deter ined in a docu ent or can !e entered

    . an !e assigned to transaction type and ite categoriesA"*: a+!+c

    -6. $'ic' state ents are correct for status anage entA. It@s controlled !y status profileB. 7ou ust assign at least one o!9ect type to t'e status procedure

    . *yste status can !e controlled !y syste profile

    C. ?ser status is set internally !y t'e syste8. =eader status is independent of ite status except in case of status co pletedF. *tatus profiles can !e assigned to transaction type or ite category

    A"*: f

    . Following is true wit' regard to inco pleteness c'ec4A. Inco pleteness c'ec4 allows you to find out w'et'er a docu ent is co plete or not

  • 8/11/2019 Crm - Questionnaire 2


    B. In custo i;ing you define w'ic' fields are andatory for w'ic' transaction type and/or itecategory

    . Inco pleteness c'ec4 is not a(aila!le on t'e R o!ile clientA"*: a.

    1. Acti(ity anage ent is an i portant co ponent of R . $'ic' of t'e following are trueA. #as4 is transaction replicated to R/3 and o!ile client

    A"*: #rue

    2. Business acti(ity and tas4 'a(e t'e following in co onA. "eeds a specific dateB. Includes a !usiness partner

    . =a(e org dataA"*: c

    3. Acti(ities and calendar integrationA. Bidirectional data exc'ange !etween y *AP R iddleware and groupware solutionsB. Acti(ities appear in calendar if calendar flag is acti(e for eac' partner functions and Acti(ity

    type. Acti(ities can !e created or c'anged directly fro calendar

    %. Partner functions necessary for uploading sales order into R/3A. *old to partyB. *'ip to party

    . PayerC. Bill to party8. 8 ployee responsi!le

    A"*: a+!+c+d

    ). IP is re uired to calculate pricing in R . $'ic' of t'e following are trueA. It consists of *P8+ * 8 and ##8 only. as it also includes data loader and li ited product aster

    infor ationB. IP accesses R data!ase

    . IP is EAGA !ased tec'nologyA"*: c

    -. Billing prere uisitesA. Billing unitB. "u !er ranges

    . Billing typesC. Ite categories

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    8. Ite category deter inationA"*: Ite category deter ination

    . =ow t'e o!9ecti(e and tactics are controlled in ar4eting planner

    5. Is it possi!le to create condition record in !ot' cr as well as in R/3. 8xplain in ore detailsA"*: 7es we can create conditions in !ot' R as well as R/3

    6. an you gi(e so e exa ple of !usiness o!9ect+ custo i;ing o!9ect+ condition o!9ectBusiness o!9ect: ?*#& 8RH AI"+

    usto i;ing o!9ect:

    5 . $'at are t'e org.o!9ects a(aila!le in org. gt.A"s: &rg ?nits and Positions

    51: *o e !usiness partners are not replicated fro *AP R to *AP 8RP. $'ic' setting would you c'ec4@

    A. a: #'e !usiness partner aster data 'as a rele(ant role li4e *old #o Party and a classificationli4e usto er .

    B. !: #'e R site in t'e ad inistration console 'as t'e su!scription All Business Partners .. c: #'e !usiness partner aster data 'as t'e correct account group for R/3 Integration

    C. d: #'e iddleware para eter CI*#RIB?#8HB?*I"8**HPAR#"8R* is acti(ated

    Ans: a

    52. 7our custo er 'as already i ple ented different sales scenarios wit'in *AP R .Additionally+ t'ey want to co !ine !ot' sales related and ser(ice related ite s into one docu ent.=owdo you set t'is up in custo i;ing@ Please c'oose t'e correct answer

    A. a: ?se t'e leading transaction category *er(ice Process and assign t'e transaction category*ales to t'e respecti(e transaction type.

    B. !: ?se t'e leading transaction category ixed docu ent and assign !ot' transaction categories*ales and *er(ice Process to t'e respecti(e transaction type

    . c: ?se t'e leading transaction category *ales and assign t'e transaction category *er(iceProcess to t'e respecti(e transaction type.

    C. d: ?se t'e leading transaction category *ales and+ in ite category deter ination+ assign anite category of ite o!9ect type R *er(ice product ite to t'e respecti(e transaction type.

    Ans: a

    53: 7our custo er wants to ensure t'at only specific out of all partner functions can !e used w'enpartners are anually added in a sales transaction. $'at do you use to ena!le t'at@

    A. a: Cefined partner functions in Partner Functions in Procedure in t'e partner deter inationprocedure

    B. !: Per itted Functions in t'e partner deter ination procedure. c: ?ser Interface *ettings in t'e partner deter ination procedure

    Ans: !

  • 8/11/2019 Crm - Questionnaire 2


    5%: 7our custo er 'as a pricing scenario in w'ic' a surc'arge in t'e pricing procedure s'ould !e ) J oft'e net (alue up to a axi u of ) K.$'ic' tec'ni ues 'elp reali;e t'is re uire ent@"ote: #'ere are3 correct answers to t'is uestion

    A: ondition exclusionB: Re uire ents

    : ondition (alue for ulasC: *cale type8: Access se uence

    Ans: a+ !+ c

    5%: 7our custo er is using t'e *AP 8RP !illing functionality for *AP R sales processes. Curing testing+t'e sales processes do not appear in t'e *AP 8RP !illing due list alt'oug' goods issue 'as !een posted.$'at reason do you identify@ Please c'oose t'e correct answer

    A: #'e !illing rele(ance is set to Celi(ery Related Billing in t'e ite category of t'e sales transaction.

    B: A !illing !loc4 is set for t'e ite category of t'e sales transaction.: "o !illing unit is defined and assigned to a sales organi;ation.

    Ans: a

    5): In account anage ent in *AP R . + life cycle stages allow you to retain t'e different stages of a!usiness partner o(er ti e. $'ic' state ents are true concerning t'ese life cycle stages@ "ote: #'ereare 3 correct answers to t 'is uestion.

    A. #'e ore t'an one life cycle stage can !e assigned to a !usiness partner at a ti e.

    B. ife cycle stages are freely defina!le in custo i;ing. ife cycle stages can auto atically deter ine t'e roles assigned to t'e !usiness partner

    C. Account life cycle is deli(ered as a 'idden function and ust !e acti(ated in t'e ?I configurationtool.

    8. Account life cycle replaces t'e !usiness partner classification suc' as prospect+ custo er etc.

    Ans: !+ c+ d

    5-. $'at for can you use t'e ar4eting organi;ation c'aracteristic@ "ote: #'ere are 3 correct answers tot'is uestion.

    A. For identification of planning profilesB. For wor4flow routing

    . For cost planningC. For apping to o!9ecti(es and tactics8. For aut'ori;ation c'ec4s

    Ans: !+ c+ e

  • 8/11/2019 Crm - Questionnaire 2


    5 . *et types in t'e product aster of R can !e displayed on (arious (iews. $'at is contained in t'eseset types@

    Please c'oose t'e correct answer

    A. Base 'ierarc'ies

    B. Field groups. Profile sets

    C. Attri!utes8. 'aracteristics

    Ans: d

    55. $'at are exa ples of a !usiness transaction in R @ "ote: #'ere are 3 correct answers to t'isuestion

    A. a paigns

    B. *er(ice confir ations. Appoint ents/ eetings

    C. Re!ate agree ents8. all lists

    Ans: !+ c+ d

    56. $'at state ents are correct for ar4eting Attri!utes@ "ote: #'ere are 2 correct answers to t'isuestion

    A. ar4eting Attri!utes can !e assigned to a !usiness partnerB. ar4eting Attri!utes always can 'a(e only one (alue selected

    . ar4eting Attri!utes can only !e assigned to one attri!ute setC. ar4eting Attri!utes can !e used in t'e R $e! 'annel

    Ans: a + d

    6 . *er(ice ontracts are long ter agree ents !etween custo ers and co panies. $'at are t'e 4eyele ents of a *er(ice ontract wit'in R @

    "ote: #'ere are 3 correct answers to t'is uestion.

    A. Product proposalsB. &!9ect list

    . *er(ice le(el

    C. In 'ouse repairs

  • 8/11/2019 Crm - Questionnaire 2


    8. Billing plan

    Ans: !+ c+ e

    61. $'ic' of t'e following *AP software co ponents can !e integrated wit' *AP R to allow you to

    co pile and sync'roni;e all rele(ant data utili;ed for onitoring and easuring t'e success of yourenterprise@

    Please c'oose t'e correct answer

    A. *RB. =

    . B$

    C. *


    62. 7ou 'a(e !een ade responsi!le for t'e initial data load fro *AP 8RP to *AP R . $'at categoriesof data do you 'a(e to consider@

    "ote: #'ere are 3 correct answers to t'is uestion

    A. usto i;ing o!9ectsB. ondition o!9ects

    . Business o!9ects

    C. R specific o!9ects

    8. orporate o!9ects

    Ans: a+ ! c

    63. #'ere are different le(els of flexi!ility needed !y (arious users w'en it co es to access to RBusiness roles. For exa ple+ t'e pro9ect tea and t'e software testing group need uic4 access to anydifferent roles w'ile end users get only one role and 'ardly e(er need to c'ange it. $'at option do you'a(e to assign roles to t'ese types of users@

    "ote: #'ere are 2 correct answers to t'is uestion.

    A. For end users assign a role using t'e user para eter R H?IHPR&FI 8B. For software testers and t'e pro9ect tea allow t'e to c'ange t'eir role using t'e user

    para eter R H?IHPR&FI 8.

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    . For end users+ assign t'e R !usiness role to a position on t'e organi;ational odel w'en t'eylog in t'ey will !e pro pted to select t'eir appropriate position.

    C. For software testers and t'e pro9ect tea allow t'e to c'ange t'eir role wit' t'e B*Papplication R HR& 8H*8 8 #I&".

    8. For 8nd ?sers+ assign t'e R !usiness role to a position on t'e organi;ational odel and t'enassign t'eir user id or t'e !usiness partner connected to t'e to t'e sa e position

    Ans: ! + e

    6%. In partner processing for R !usiness transactions+ w'at are possi!le data sources to find BusinessPartners to t'e access se uence@

    "ote: #'ere are 3 correct answers to t'is uestion.

    A. roup 'ierarc'y

    B. Preceding transactions

    . #arget groups

    C. Buying center

    8. Business partner relations'ips

    Ans : a + !+e

    6). $'ic' of t'e following processes are included in *AP R *ales@

    "ote: #'ere are t'ree correct answers to t'is uestion.

    A. o plaints anage entB. Account and ontact anage ent

    . ase anage ent

    C. Acti(ity anage ent

    8. &pportunity anage ent

    Ans : ! + d+ e

    6-. #ext data can !e aintained in !usiness transactions at 'eader or ite le(el.$'at identifies w'ic' text types are a(aila!le to a particular !usiness transaction or ite category@

    Please c'oose t'e correct answer.

    A. Action profile

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    B. #ext deter ination procedure

    . #ext profile

    C. "otes assign ent profile

    Ans : !

    6 . $'ic' of t'e state ents !elow is true for call lists@

    Please c'oose t'e correct answer.

    A. alls lists 'a(e to !e processed !y organi;ational units.B. all lists 'a(e to !e acti(ated !efore processing is possi!le.

    . all lists 'a(e to !e aintained using R ar4eting functions

    C. all lists 'a(e to contain interacti(e scripts .

    Ans : !

    65. $'ic' of t'e following ele ents are contained in product aster set types@

    Please c'oose t'e correct answer.

    A. Field groupsB. Product categories

    . Base 'ierarc'ies

    C. Attri!utes

    Ans : d

    66. $'ic' of t'e following are exa ples of !usiness transactions in *AP R @

    "ote: #'ere are t'ree correct answers to t'is uestion

    A. Appoint ents/ eetingsB. a paigns

    . all lists

    C. Re!ate agree ents

    8. *er(ice confir ations

  • 8/11/2019 Crm - Questionnaire 2


    Ans: a+ d+ e

    1 . $'ic' of t'e following state ents regarding ar4eting attri!utes are correct@

    "ote: #'ere are two correct answers to t'is uestion.

    A. ar4eting attri!utes can !e assigned to a !usiness partnerB. ar4eting attri!utes can !e used in t'e *AP R $e! 'annel.

    . ar4eting attri!utes always can 'a(e only one (alue selected.

    C. ar4eting attri!utes can only !e assigned to one attri!ute set

    Ans: a+ !

    1 1. $'ic' of t'e following for part of t'e t'ree step !illing process in *AP R @

    "ote: #'ere are t'ree correct answers to t'is uestion.

    A. Input processingB. &utput processing

    . &rder integration

    C. Billing

    8. o pany code definition

    Ans: a+ !+ d

    1 2. Account classification can !e used to classify your accounts according to any criteria you c'oose.$'ic' of t'e following state ents is correct@

    Please c'oose t'e correct answer.

    A. 7ou can assign any nu !er of criteria and attri!utes to eac' classification category.B. lassification categories are fixed and cannot !e en'anced.

    . Account classification influences t'e 'eader fields t'at are displayed wit'in an account.

    C. Account classification allows t'e assign ent of se(eral classification attri!utes to one account.

    Ans: d

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  • 8/11/2019 Crm - Questionnaire 2


    A. Buying centerB. #arget groups

    . Business partner relations'ips

    C. Preceding transactions

    Ans: c+ d

    1 . $'ic' of t'e following *AP software co ponents can !e integrated wit' *AP R to allow you toco pile and sync'roni;e all t'e rele(ant data used to onitor and easure t'e success of yourenterprise@

    Please c'oose t'e correct answer.

    A. *B. =

    . B$

    C. *R

    Ans: c

    1 5. 7ou are responsi!le for t 'e initial data load fro *AP 8RP to *AP R .$'ic' categories of data do you 'a(e to consider@

    "ote: #'ere are t'ree correct answers to t'is uestion.

    A. orporate o!9ectsB. usto i;ing o!9ects

    . R specific o!9ects

    C. ondition o!9ects

    8. Business o!9ects

    Ans: !+ d+ e

    1 6. $'ic' of t'e following are 4ey ele ents of a ser(ice contract wit'in *AP R @

    "ote: #'ere are t'ree correct answers to t'is uestion.

    A. Resource planningB. In 'ouse repairs

    . *er(ice le(el

  • 8/11/2019 Crm - Questionnaire 2


    C. &!9ect list

    8. Billing plan

    Ans: c+ d + e

    11 . $'at is a pricing procedure in a !usiness transaction used for@

    Please c'oose t'e correct answer.

    A. #o define t'e searc' strategy t'at t'e syste uses to searc' for (alid data in a specific conditiontype.

    B. #o define t'e co !ination of fields t'at an indi(idual condition record consists of.

    . #o deter ine t'e (alid condition types and t'eir calculation se uence in t'e !usiness transaction

    C. #o deter ine w'et'er calculated su!totals are 'idden or displayed on t'e pricing screens

    Ans: c

    111. =ow do you ena!le ca paign deter ination in *AP 8RP sales orders using ca paigns fro *AP R @"ote: #'ere are two correct answers to t'is uestion.

    A. A: Acti(ate ca paign deter ination in 8RP

    B. B: aintain t'e condition records for ca paign deter ination in 8RP.

    . : aintain t'e ca paign deter ination procedure in 8RP.

    C. C: Cownload t'e ca paign deter ination procedure fro R to 8RP.

    A"*: a+ c

    112. %. 7ou want to use t'e *AP R *ur(ey *uite in t'e sales process. #o w'ic' !usiness docu ents canyou assign t'e sur(eys@ "ote: #'ere are two correct answers to t'is uestion.

    A. A: *ales ordersB. B: *ales uotations

    . : &pportunities

    C. C: eads

    A"*: c+ d

    113: A ar4eting e ployee wants to a4e a sur(ey a(aila!le in leads.$'at are ini u re uire ents@"ote: #'ere are t'ree correct answers to t'is uestion

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    A. Galidity period of t'e sur(ey 'as to !e set correctly

    B. *ur(ey is assigned to a transaction type and set to (isi!le

    . *ur(ey is assigned to a transaction type and set to acti(e

    C. *ur(ey of type lead is aintained and acti(ated8. *ur(ey is assigned to a transaction type and set to andatory

    A"*: a+c+d+

    11%: 7our custo er wants to aintain ser(ice products in t'e *AP R $e! lient. $'ic' of t'e followingacti(ities is andatory to aintain ualification re uire ents for ser(ice products@ Please select t'ecorrect answer.

    A. Assign t'e appropriate relations'ip category to t'e rele(ant product categoryB. Assign t'e appropriate set type to t'e rele(ant ser(ice product.

    . Assign t'e appropriate set type to t'e rele(ant product category.

    A"*: a.

    11): 7our custo er would li4e to ini i;e t'e a ount of ti e re uired to create a ser(ice transaction.$'ic' !usiness transactions can !e created !ased on ser(ice order te plates. Please select t'e correctanswer.

    A. $arranty clai sB. *er(ice contracts

    . *er(ice agree ents

    C. In 'ouse repair orders

    Ans: C

    11-: *AP R #RA"*A #I&" PR& 8**I" + 7ou are using *AP R + and you want certain partner !e adeandatory in t'e a R transaction@ 'oose t'e correct answer

    A. ?sing t'e ini u occurrence for t'e respecti(e access se uence.B. ?sing t'e ini u occurrence for respecti(e partner function in partner deter ination


    . Inco pletion procedure of t'e transaction type.

    C. ?sing t'e andatory flag wit'in t'e partner function itself

    Answer !.

  • 8/11/2019 Crm - Questionnaire 2


    11 : 7ou custo er wanted to use *AP R for !illing+ w'ic' one is not a R !illing function.

    A. Input processingB. Billing

    . &utput processing

    C. !illing order integration

    answer d.

    115: 7ou want to notified w'en t'e BC& essages are not executed wit' error+ 'ow can use t'efunction wit' *AP R + only one answer is correct.

    A. BC& odellerB. 8rror 'andling status

    . ?$

    C. iddleware coc4pit

    Answer d.

    116: %. Fro a tec'nical point of Giew+ *AP R product aster is a collection or arrange ent of w'ic'of t'e following@ 'oose t'e correct answer .

    A. lassifications.B. Attri!utes

    . *et types.

    C. =ierarc'ies.

    Answer c

    12 : $'ic' of t'e following strategies are supported for i porting and aintaining !usiness partneraster data in *AP R

    A. Internet *elf Registration in we! s'opB. 8xternal list

    . BI Analytics

    C. Cownload fro *AP 8RP

    Answer : a+ !+ d

  • 8/11/2019 Crm - Questionnaire 2


    121: A custo er is already using R ser(ice contracts and wants to !e a!le to enter Price Agree entswit'in t'e ser(ice contracts. =ow do you ena!le t'e use of Price Agree ents in ser(ice contracts@ Pleasec'oose t'e correct answer.

    A. Assign a usto er Pricing Procedure to t'e !usiness partnerB. Assign a usto er Pricing Procedure to t'e !usiness partner

    . aintain conditions in t'e ser(ice product aster

    C. Cefine and assign a ondition roup

    Ans: d

    122: Business partners created in *AP R are not !eing transferred to 8RP. $'at would you do to sol(et'e pro!le :

    A. 'ec4 nu !er range assign ents in *AP 8RP and *AP R

    B. 'ec4 BCoc processing in 8RP

    . 'ec4 erroneous !doc essages in *AP R

    C. 'ec4 RF connections

    A"*: A+ +C

    123: you 'a(e to configure t'e download of !usiness o!9ects fro *AP 8RP to *AP R . $'ic' steps arepart of t'e initial downloads of !usiness o!9ects fro 8RP to R @

    < ore t'an one answer is correct>

    A. onitor downloads (ia t'e download onitor < #ransaction R3A I>B. Cefine !loc4 si;e for adaptor o!9ects

    . Assign su!scriptions in t'e Ad inistration onsole

    C. Acti(ate t'e Replication and Realign ent Dueue

    A"*: A+ B

    12%. $'at would you need to consider regarding data replication wit' *AP iddleware@

    A. Cata is replicated to sites as defined in su!scriptionsB. Cata is replicated as per definition of Business Cocu ents

    . Cata is replicated to external syste s as per definition in t'e respecti(e adaptors

    C. Cata id replicated to indi(idual users for o!ile replication data

  • 8/11/2019 Crm - Questionnaire 2


  • 8/11/2019 Crm - Questionnaire 2

