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Crod-cpp Fict Bip 2012-2015

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 Finance & ICT Bu si ness and Impr ov ement Plan: 2012 – 2015 June 2012
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Finance & ICT

Business and Improvement Plan: 2012 – 2015

June 2012

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agencies and management information to our Services and dealing with the workload arising from the Council’s Voluntary Severance Scheme,Equal Pay and Single Status grading issues.

•  The team will progress the rationalisation of pay-runs, the planned project to achieve better integration with HR to streamline payroll processingarrangements, the implications of auto-enrolment and updating the HMRC scheme of dispensation.

•  Further changes are planned in pensions automatic enrolment and the team are aiming to streamline the number of pay-runs that aresupported, in consultation with employees.

Corporate Procurement

•  This team provide a central resource in the management of the supplier engagement process, support services in procurement of new servicesand commodities and undertake opportunities that will create efficiencies for the council;

•  The Sustainability Bill will be considered, along with the opportunities for securing Community Benefit through procurement processes;

•  A key factor is implementation and corporate roll-out of electronic “procurement-to-pay” (P2P) to get full knowledge of the Council’s cost base

and full compliance with contracting arrangements and the team focus on achieving Procurement efficiencies;

•  As an external bench-mark we achieved a significant improvement in our Procurement Capability assessment score conducted by ScotlandExcel moving into the “compliance” level but we also have a range of improvement initiatives to improve performance;

•  The team will focus on achieving greater Procurement efficiencies and progressing through the Compliance Standards set in the ProcurementCapability Assessment and Improvements to invoice payments SPI will be progressed in conjunction with Corporate Finance.

 Audi t & Risk Management

•  This team provide a range of corporate assurance measures on the council’s internal financial and management controls and is responsible forthe Corporate Risk Management arrangements. With a key role in governance, the team provide an independent appraisal of the effectivenessand suitability of the application of resources.

•  The management of the insurance requirements are also dealt with by this team. Embedding the principles of risk management and ensuringthe core financial and organisational controls remain robust are the key considerations for the period of this BIP.

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Strategic Assessment

The Finance & ICT Service has undertaken a fresh strategic scan of the environment and landscape covering our areas of interest. We reviewed political,economic, social and technological issues. This “PEST” assessment indicates how the service is required to respond to these local and national policypriorities and other external influences.


There are often changes to the legislation and regulations for information security, local taxation and DWP benefits which adds to the challenges we face.These more often than not require significant changes to our computer systems and procedures. This results in additional staff training which impacts on theresources available to provide the service. It also means we must make our customers aware of how changes will impact on them.


The economic climate has impacted the numbers of customers requiring services i.e. benefits and debt repayment agreements. Public sector financesincrease pressure to provide 'more for less', while local authority expenditure is expected to increase in some areas, e.g. due to demographics andexpectations of higher quality service. Such pressures exacerbate a difficult situation whereby the Council could require to find £12 million of savings over the2011 Spending Review to balance Revenue Budgets. This will be a very difficult, likely to mean that strategic decisions will have to be made. One of thisServices functions is ensuring high quality information is made available on the options available so that decision-makers are as well informed as possible.


Due to local employment levels and job losses, uncertainties on the changes arising from welfare reform and financial hardship, more of our citizens willutilise the services we provide, and counselling in debt and money management issues.


The Council has many ICT systems providing services to our customers. These will be reviewed and enhanced to meet the changes in legislation andcustomer needs. We also work closely with external suppliers on aspects of ICT to ensure advancements in technology are exploited to improve efficiencyand effectiveness. Information Technology is vital to our future improvement.

The service completed a review of it’s Risk Register in 2011 and the Council’s Financial Risk Register has also been drawn upon to populate the PESTassessment set out in the timetable below.

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PEST Analysis Template

Political•  DWP Welfare Reform, Council Tax & NDR Regulations

•  Late Payment Legislation/VAT/CIS

•  Data Protection; Info Security; FOI ; Payment Card Industry

•  European - Procurement per EU

•  Regulators/External Audit Environment

•  UK Government - Grants & AEF reducing•  Shared Services opportunities

•  Procurement/Scotland Excel

•  Community interests – citizen panel & customer feedback

Economic•  Recession impacting upon Council Tax, NDRI & Charges


•  HM Treasury strategy to redress PSBR

•  Unemployment benefits claims increase

•  Employers Costs – NIC, pensions

•  Environmental Factors Landfill Tax / CRC etc•  Staff cover/business continuity costs

•  Spend to save/Change Management costs / Early Retirements

•  Budget process

•  Eurozone finance / Oil prices driving inflation


•  Demographics – Elderly, schools & demand from vulnerable groups 

•  EDC administered Benefits demands 

•  Service users - demand for online & 24/7 

•  Expectation of Service standards provided by EDC 

•  Media negativity/reputational damage 

•  Equalities Considerations 

•  Flexible working arrangements

•  Payment method changing (chip & pin) 

•   NFI & Benefit Fraud  

•  Channel-shift; Electronic Service Delivery model 

•  Asset Management


•  Staff - resource capacity

•  IT product variations & technology trends

•  Pace of change; keeping up with development

•  Lack of research capacity in ICT/ MGF resources

•  Risk of kit obsolescence

•  Limit to new advancements due to existing products

•  VOIP; WIFI; line of sight technology; thin client PC’s

•  Remote working PDA’s, comms & telephones

•  Information management


•  Data Protection – disc discrimination (for online)

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Stakeholder Consultation

The following table details the key internal and external stakeholders across our Service.

Main Stakeholders (Internal) Main Stakeholders (External)

•  Council & Committees

•  Elected members

•  CMT & SMT

•  Employees

•  All Council Services

•  Suppliers of goods and services

•  Benefit claimants

•  Communities, businesses and service recipients

•  Council Tax and Other Revenue Payers

•  MP/MSP’s, Audit Scotland & Other Government agencies – DWP, HMRC etc


The following table identifies consultation activity planned for 2012/15. External consultations are planned in relation to the annual ICT usersatisfaction survey, and internal consultations are planned in relation to upgrading financial systems. 

Title of Engagement Activ ity 

ICT Service Performance Review 2012

Overview of Activity   Expected Outcomes 

ICT – survey of service users views on the service and

suggestions for areas of improvement.

On-line survey tools and electronic survey form software will be used as part of

this annual service improvement process.

Consultation Details

Start Date August 2012

Completion Date November 2012

Frequency Annual

Event Venue On-line

Number of Individuals Consulted All EDC web-site & EDC service users

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Overall Cost £2,000

Method of Consultation Web-tool provided by SOCITM

Target Group Website users & internal usersTarget Geography EDC web & internal users

Strategic Committee which w ill receive the findings / Links to Strategic Priori ty 

Policy & Resources Committee;Corporate & Customer Services Scrutiny Panel

Title of Engagement Activ ity 

Corporate Finance & Corporate Procurement

Overview of Activity   Expected Outcomes 

Upgrade and re-launch of the Oracle Financials systemincluding improved management information reporting.

Working with services and key systems users to modernise procure to payprocesses and provide better financial information to budget holders.

Consultation DetailsStart Date August 2012

Completion Date March 2013

Frequency Regular meetings with key Internal EDC stakeholders

Event Venue Email & Workshops

Number of Individuals Consulted 25-30

Overall Cost Nil

Method of Consultation Email & MeetingsTarget Group Financial systems users and budget holders

Target Geography

Strategic Committee which w ill receive the findings / Links to Strategic Priori ty 

Policy & Resources Committee;Corporate & Customer Services Scrutiny Panel

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 Approach to Equali ties and Sustainable Development

The Equality Act 2010 sets out a public sector equality duty. EDC is subject to the equality duty and we have due regard to the need to:

•  Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act. Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.• 

Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not• 

Compliance makes good business sense, as an organisation that is able to provide services to meet the diverse needs of its users is able to carry out its corebusiness more efficiently. Equality issues are actively promoted across the organisation, and not just at the corporate centre. To embed this, the Finance &

ICT Service has developed the following Equality & Diversity Statement, highlighting work taking place. This demonstrates a:

•  Commitment to equality and diversityDetails of any specific work being un•  dertaken in relation to equality and diversity

•  Relevant protected characteristic/equality strand this work supports•  Outcomes / expected outcomes

Equality and Diversity Activity For Finance & ICT

Specific work undertaken To which equality strand /protected characteristic doesthis relate?

Timescale Outcomes

Encourage staff participation in Equality Awareness arrangements

 All During 2011/12 Employees are aware of the rights and responsibilitiesrelevant to equality and diversity issues

Roll-out new Equality training & developmentactivities in conjunction with CR & OD

 All During 2011/12 Improved customer service through increasedawareness for frontline employees


Equality and Diversity – Finance & ICT

Finance & ICT is committed to the advancement of equality and the elimination of discrimination in all work undertaken across the Service.This approach accords with the Council’s commitment to mainstreaming equality and diversity issues throughout the organisation. The

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Risk Management Considerations

Risk Management is concerned with the protection of the Council's assets and liabilities, the placing of protective insurances and encouragement of resiliencethroughout the Council's departments. This work is consolidated within the Council's overall Risk Management Strategy. Risk Management is a managementdiscipline through which concerted and co-ordinated action is taken to identify, evaluate and control current and potential causes of loss which could threatenthe Council's ability to deliver services.

This service assists Council management to review key risks and identify strategies to deal with the key risk exposures. The development and regular reviewof risk management strategies and risk registers is a key means of containing and reducing risk and embedding risk management culture throughout thecouncil is a key objective.


Service Priority  Corporate & Customer Services  Key Delivery Partners 

National Outcome 

Local Outcome 


Service Priority  1. AUDIT & RISK  Key Delivery Partners 

National Outcome  15. Our public services are high quality, continually improving, efficient and responsive to local people's needs 

Local Outcome  4. Our more vulnerable citizens, their families and carers benefit from effective care and support services. 

Resources  £265,000 

Area for Improvement  Improvement Activity Timescale Indicator (where appropriate)

Percentage of Annual Audit & Risk Plan CompletedConsistent Implementation of

key aspects of Internal Audit

Best Practice 

Consistent Implementation of key aspects of Internal Audit

Best Practice including Rationalisation of Working Papers,

consistent Methodologies & Focus on Key Risks

31-Mar-2013No. of audit reports issued within 21 days of completion of field


Area for Improvement  Improvement Activity Timescale Indicator (where appropriate)

Public Liability Claim Handling - Average Days To Settle ClaimsCorporate Risk Management


Review and finalise the position of the updated Corporate Risk

Register encompassing the Corporate Risk Strategy 2012/1530-Sep-2012

Percentage of Risk Management Plans Reviewed & Updated in-year

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Council business 

Service Priority  4. DIRECTORATE FINANCE  Key Delivery Partners National Outcome  15. Our public services are high quality, continually improving, efficient and responsive to local people's needs 

Local Outcome  4. Our more vulnerable citizens, their families and carers benefit from effective care and support services. 

Resources  £626,000 

Area for Improvement  Improvement Activity Timescale Indicator (where appropriate)

Development of budget

monitoring arrangements 

Continue to develop budget monitoring arrangements to

strengthen internal financial controls and monitor progress ondelivering key financial objectives

31-Mar-2013Accuracy of Budget Monitoring Performance in predicting

outturn expenditure for the Financial Year.

Service Priority  5. REVENUES & BENEFITS  Key Delivery Partners 

National Outcome  15. Our public services are high quality, continually improving, efficient and responsive to local people's needs 

Local Outcome  4. Our more vulnerable citizens, their families and carers benefit from effective care and support services. 

Resources  £1,257,000 

Area for Improvement  Improvement Activity Timescale Indicator (where appropriate)

Gross administration cost per benefits case

Housing Benefit Right Time Indicator

Housing & Council Tax Benefits - Average speed of processingnew claims

Housing & Council Tax Benefits - % of new claims decidedwithin 14 days of receiving all information

Housing & Council Tax Benefits - Average time to process

change events

Housing & Council Tax Benefits Processing Accuracy - 4%sample of calculated claims

Housing & Council Tax Benefits - Prepayment Accuracy - 10%

sample of calculated new claims

Housing & Council Tax - Interventions/Changes

Housing & Council Tax Benefits - Revision/reconsiderations

Welfare Reform  Prepare and Implement the changes brought about byWelfare Reform, whilst improving Performance and linking

with other local Partner agencies


Housing & Council Tax Benefit Appeals - number processed

within 1 month

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Housing & Council Tax Benefit Appeals - number processedwithin 3 months

Benefit Fraud - Number of SanctionsBenefit Fraud Reports Submitted to Procurator Fiscal

Benefit Fraud Referral Sifting - Average Days to Sift Case

Benefit Fraud Investigations - Avg Days to Commence


Area for Improvement  Improvement Activity Timescale Indicator (where appropriate)

Income Management,

Financial Administration &Controls 

Implement a review of controls on Income Management &

Financial Administration arrangements following the

implementation of the new Aim Income Management System;scope to include Leisure Trust, Community Hubs and

Municipal Bank


Area for Improvement  Improvement Activity Timescale Indicator (where appropriate)

Cost per payslip prepared.

Percentage of employees paid on timePayroll Administration Payroll rationalisation and compliance with developingpractice, including auto enrolment-


Statutory Payroll returns delivered on time

Area for Improvement  Improvement Activity Timescale Indicator (where appropriate)

Cost of collecting Council Tax per dwelling

Percentage of Non-Domestic Rates collected in-year

Sundry Debtor CollectionRevenues Collection Rates  Maximise the collection of Revenues owed to the Council 31-Mar-2013

Percentage of Council Tax collected in the year the debt is


Service Priority  6. INFORMATION & COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY  Key Delivery Partners 

National Outcome  15. Our public services are high quality, continually improving, efficient and responsive to local people's needs 

Local Outcome  4. Our more vulnerable citizens, their families and carers benefit from effective care and support services. 

Resources  £3,254,000 

Area for Improvement  Improvement Activity Timescale Indicator (where appropriate)

ICT Support Improvements  Provide an effective and responsive support function to 31-Mar-2013Percentage of reported incidents and minor changes resolved

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within SLA targetsresolve incidents reported by users

Support cost per workstation

Area for Improvement  Improvement Activity Timescale Indicator (where appropriate)

ICT Business Systems Support and assist in the efficient development of Business

Applications in use across the Council30-Mar-2013 Measure of successful projects (SOCITM measure 0 to 9)

Area for Improvement  Improvement Activity Timescale Indicator (where appropriate)

ICT Infrastructure 

Ensure the Council's ICT infrastructure is effective, resilient

and future-proof; consider the challenge if the Data Centremove from TJH.

31-Mar-2013ICT Network & Service Availability (SOCITM weighted indexout of 100)

Area for Improvement  Improvement Activity Timescale Indicator (where appropriate)

ICT Strategy Update and implement 2012/15 ICT Strategy following

scrutiny & approval by Council31-Mar-2013

ICT Service - Customer satisfaction level (SOCITM measure 1

to 7)

Performance Management and ImprovementThe progress made by the Service in delivering its priorities and contributing to the achievement of Strategic Local Outcomes will be measured through the followingperformance indicators.

Business Improvement Indicator 2012-13 

Status / Trend Performance Target

2011/12 2010/11 2011/12

Code PI TitleStatus


TrendValue Value







Latest Note

FICT-08-BIP-9Percentage of Non-Domestic

Rates collected in-year95.6% 96.5% 96% 96.5% 96.5%

Detailed performance monitoring will be

undertaken to maximise any return from new

Business Rates Incentivisation Scheme.


ICT Service - Customer

satisfaction level (SOCITM

measure 1 to 7)

5.83 5.3 5 5.4 5.5 Aim for continuous improvement.

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  Status / Trend Performance Target

2011/12 2010/11 2011/12

Code PI TitleStatus


TrendValue Value







Latest Note


Percentage of reported

incidents and minor changes

resolved within SLA targets

90% 89% 90% 90% 91%Plans to improve first point of contact


FICT-30-BIP-9 Support cost per workstation £115.00 £77.00 £105.00 £77.00 £77.00PI now includes schools sector. Target for

future is based on cost containment.

FICT-09-BIP-9 Sundry Debtor Collection 79.5% 86% 86% 87% 88%Aim for improvement in PI and progress incorporate debt activity

FICT-04-BIP-9Percentage of supplier

payments made by BACS87.88% 87.27% 90% 92% 95%

Further efforts to target suppliers for BACS

payment will continue in 2012/13

FICT-10-BIP-9Housing Benefit Right Time

Indicator13.7 14.7 13 13 13

Strong performance in final quarter improved

overall annual totals. Aim to continue this

trend into 2012/13.


Procurement Toolkit - Annual

Score based against criteria

included the "Review of PublicProcurement" (McLelland)

57 60 60 62 65Internal Audit will review EDC's practice in

place during 2012.


Accuracy of Budget Monitoring

Performance in predictingoutturn expenditure for the

Financial Year.

99% 99% 99% 99% 99%Aims to identify significant variances inbudget performance as early as possible

FICT-34-BIP-9Percentage of Annual Audit &Risk Plan Completed

98% 92% 95% 95% 95%Provisional assessment - 92.3% to 2nd March2012


Public Liability Claims

Handling - Average Days ToSettle Claims

179 154 154 150 145New PI for 2012/13 following Scrutiny Panelreview


Percentage of Risk

Management Plans Reviewed& Updated in-year

50% 100% 100% 100% 100%

All Services undertook RM workshop

assessments; Corporate Risk Register to befinalised in 2012/13


No. of audit reports issued

within 21 days of completionof field work

90% 90% 90% 90% 90%Standard benchmark used in comparison toother Council.

FICT-31-BIP-9ICT Network & Service

Availability (SOCITM weightedindex out of 100)

75 77 75 78 80Plans in place to continuously improve

performance weighting.

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  Status / Trend Performance Target

2011/12 2010/11 2011/12

Code PI TitleStatus


TrendValue Value







Latest Note

FICT-32-BIP-9Measure of successful projects

(SOCITM measure 0 to 9)5.7 5.3 6 5.7 5.8

Aim to attain project PI target level and make

further improvements.

FICT-11-BIP-9Housing & Council TaxBenefits - Average speed of

processing new claims

30.1 34.6 30 27 27Feby & March 2012 met PI target. Aim tocontinue trend in 2012/13.


Housing & Council TaxBenefits - % of new claims

decided within 14 days of

receiving all information

86% 87.7% 95% 95% 95%

Strong performance in final quarter of

2011/12. Aim to continue trend during2012/13


Housing & Council Tax

Benefits - Average time to

process change events

10.4 10.9 10 10 10

PI was strong in final quarter of 2011/12.

Continuation of trend will meet PI in



Housing & Council Tax

Benefits Processing Accuracy -

4% sample of calculatedclaims

96.2% 97.6% 97% 97% 97%Good PI over 2011/12. Aim to continue in



Housing & Council TaxBenefits - PrepaymentAccuracy - 10% sample of

calculated new claims

85.7% 100% 97% 97% 97% 100% Performance achieved 2011/12.

FICT-16-BIP-9Housing & Council Tax -Interventions/Changes

49.9% 65.1% 62% 50% 63%PI target met over 2011/12. Aim to continueover 2012/13.


Procurement Capability

Assessment - PCA Scorebased against Best Practice

Indicators developed &

audited by Scotland Excel.

24 31 25 35 40EDC moved into "conforming" category in2012; aim for further improvements in PCA



Housing & Council Tax

Benefits -


51% 74% 65% 70% 75%PI improvement in 2011/12. aim to continue

in 2012/13.


Housing & Council Tax Benefit

Appeals - number processed

within 1 month

51% 53% 65% 65% 65%PI in final quarter of 2011/12 met. Aim to

continue trend into 2012/13.

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  Status / Trend Performance Target

2011/12 2010/11 2011/12

Code PI TitleStatus


TrendValue Value







Latest Note

FICT-19-BIP-9 Cost per payslip prepared. £3.41 £3.72 £3.41 £3.65 £3.90Additional one-off systems spend due to

EDL&CT – provisional figure subject to Audit

FICT-20-BIP-9Percentage of employees paidon time

99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% Aim to continue high level of performance.

FICT-21-BIP-9Statutory Payroll returns

delivered on time100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Completion of returns within timescale is a

statutory requirement.

FICT-22-BIP-9Housing & Council Tax BenefitAppeals - number processed

within 3 months

55.9% 90.8% 95% 95% 95%Pi improved in 2011/12 from previous year.

Aim to continue improvement to PI level.

FICT-23-BIP-9Benefit Fraud - Number of

Sanctions40 40 29 29 29

Activity reflects workload & required

outcomes of the team

FICT-24-BIP-9Benefit Fraud ReportsSubmitted to Procurator Fiscal

100% 95.83% 100% 95% 95% Performance strong over the 2011/12 year.

FICT-25-BIP-9Benefit Fraud Referral Sifting -

Average Days to Sift Case7.24 12.5 5 5 5

Has increased due to resource issue, aim to

continue improvement 2012/13.

FICT-26-BIP-9Benefit Fraud Investigations -Avg Days to Commence


28.84 11.17 10 10 10Pi improved in 2011/12 from previous year.Aim to continue improvement to PI level.

Audit Scotland Indicator; Business Improvement Indicator 2012-13 

Status / Trend Performance Target

2011/12 2010/11 2011/12

Code PI Title Status ShortTrend

Value Value






Target2013/14 Latest Note

FICT-03-AS7-9Percentage of invoices paidwithin 30 days

73.7% 85.3% 85% 86% 87% Performance increase of 11% from 2010/11. 

Audit Scotland Indicator 

Status / Trend Performance Target

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Section 4 – Contact Details

Service Finance & ICT

Contact Details

Ian Black – Head of Finance & ICT [email protected] 0141-578-8212

Marjory Devlin [email protected] 0141-578-8366

John Urquhart [email protected] 0141-578-8207

Jamie Robertson [email protected] 0141-578-5651

Vince McNulty [email protected],uk 0141-578-885Janice Peebles [email protected] 0141-578-8367

Ken Middlemas [email protected] 0141-578-5551


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 Appendix 1


Corporate ICT Corporate Audit & Risk Revenues & Directorate Total

  Finance Procurement Management Benefits Finance £


Employee Costs 986,677 1,873,620 227,420 273,723 1,607,241 629,596 5,598,277

Benefits 0 0 0 0 22,044,182 22,044,182Supplies & Services 9,726 6,553 0 0 136,500 1,861 154,640

Other Costs 27,647 1,446,729 78,645 5,900 274,133 0 1,833,054

Total Expenditure 1,024,050 3,326,902 306,065 279,623 24,062,056 631,457 29,630,153

DWP Subsidy 0 0 0 0 (21,721,148) (21,721,148)

Income (374,000) (73,308) (29,026) (14,000) (1,083,679) (5,000) (1,579,013)

TOTAL NET EXPENDITURE 650,050 3,253,594 277,039 265,623 1,257,229 626,457 6,329,992








FX112 WINDOWS 7 168,000





1,097,000TOTAL FINANCE & I.C.T.


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 Appendix 2


Head ofFinance




ICT Manager  Audit & RiskManager





Revenues &Benefits



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Revenues and BenefitsManager


(Grade 12)

Team Leader -

Revenues andBenefits

(Benefit Fraud)

1 FTE(Grade 10)

Team Leader

- Revenues andBenefits

1 FTE(Grade 8)




(Grade 7)


1 FTE(Grade 7)

Technical Advisor


(Grade 6)

Team Leader

- IncomeManagement

1 FTE(Grade 7 )


4 FTE(Grade 5)


Technical Advisor


(Grade 6)



1 FTE(Grade 5)


Benefits Assistant

1 FTE(Grade 4)




8 FTE(Grade 5 )


Benefits Assistant

2 FTE(Grade 4 )


2 FTE(Grade 4)


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 AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT Audit & Risk Manager

1 FTE(Grade 12)

 Audit Senior

2 FTE’s(Grade 8)

Corporate Risk Adviser 

1 FTE(Grade 8)

Insurance Assistant

1 FTE(Grade 5)


2 FTE’s(Grade 7)


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DirectorateFinance Manager 

1 FTE(Grade 12)

Team Leader –Directorate

Finance1 FTE

(Grade 11)

Team Leader –Directorate

Finance1 FTE

(Grade 11)

Finance Officer1 FTE

(Grade 8)

Finance Officer1 FTE

(Grade 8)

 Accounting Technician2 FTE

(Grade 6)

 Accountant3 FTE

(Grade 9)

 Accountant2 FTE

(Grade 9)

 Accounting Technician3 FTE

(Grade 6)


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CORPORATE FINANCECorporateFinanceManager

1 FTE(Grade 12)

Team Leader –

CorporateFinanceX 1FTE

(Grade 11)

Team Leader –

CorporateFinanceX 1FTE

(Grade 11)

Team Leader –

 AccountsPayableX 1FTE

(Grade 6)

Team Leader –

ServiceSupportX 1FTE

(Grade 6)

 Accountant1 FTE

(Grade 9)


2 FTE(Grade 8)


2 FTE(Grade 6)

 Accountant1 FTE

(Grace 9)


Officer1 FTE(Grade 7)


1 FTE(Grade 6)


Officer2 FTE(Grade 5)


 Assistant7 FTE(Grade 4)


 Assistant5.1 FTE(Grade 5)

Clerical Assistant

3 FTE(Grade 4)


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ICT Manager 1 FTE

(Grade 12)

Team LeaderInfrastructureDevelopment

1FTE(Grade 10)

Team LeaderBusinessSystems


(Grade 10)


ICT Support1 FTE

(Grade 10)


CorporateSupport1 FTE

(Grade 9)

ProjectLeader2 FTE

(Grade 9)

Infrastructur e

 Analyst3 FTE

(Grade 6)

ProjectLeader3 FTE

(Grade 9)

BusinessSystems Analyst3 FTE

(Grade 6)

ICT Support Adviser

2 FTE(Grade 8)

ICT Support Analyst6 FTE

(Grade 6)

Infrastructur e

 Adviser7 FTE

(Grade 8)

BusinessSystems Adviser

6 FTE(Grade 8)

ProjectLeaderSchoolsSupport1 FTE

(Grade 9)

ICT Support Analyst11 FTE

(Grade 6)


 Adviser1 FTE

(Grade 7)



2 FTE(Grade 5)

