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Cross Hole Seismic Investigation for Characterization

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  • 7/26/2019 Cross Hole Seismic Investigation for Characterization


    26th US Symposiumon Rock MechanicsRapid City, SD / 26-28 June 1985

    Crosshole seismicnvestigationor characterization

    of the rock oundation t the siteof a large ockfill dam

    T.L. BY

    Norwegian Geotechnical nstitute, Oslo, Norway


    The Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) is engaged in research in

    the field of geodynamic investigation of rock and soil quality.

    The results from this work can be used to determine the in situ

    modulus of deformation and other rock mass properties, and to locate

    major joints and fractured zones.

    This paper describes how the cross hole seismic method can be used

    to investigate weak rock. The material under consideration forms the

    foundation rock for a large rock fill dam called the Oddatjrn dam.

    More spescfically, the quality of the foundation for the central core

    was evaluated by means of acoustic measurments through 40 meter long


    The Oddatjrn dam is one of several dams constructed to establish

    Norways largest hydro power reservoir called Bisj. A number of

    smaller lakes have been regulated into one big reservoir. These lakes

    are connected by a system of tunnels.

    The B1Asj reservoir is part of the Ulla-Frre Hydro Power Scheme in

    south-westNorway. Th project utilizes the water power roma number

    of rivers in a 2000 km mountaineous region 80 km north-east of the

    town of Stayanger. Atmospheric low pressures, steadily coming in

    from the Atlantic, give high precipitation, up to 2000 m pt. year, in

    this region.

    The State Power System, one of the four directorates of the Norwegian

    Water Resources and Electricity Board, is responsible for the planning

    and construction work of the project. Construction was started in

    1974 and will continue towards 1990.

    The contribution of the project to the national firm power production

    capacity will amount to 5663 GWh pt. year. The total cost of the plan-

    ning and construction work will be approximately US $ 2000 in 1984



    The Oddatjrndam s a rock fill damof 5.7 mill. m volumewith a tra-

    ditional central core of moraine material, figure 1. The construction

    work was started in the beginning of the Ulla-Frre project and the dam

    will be completed in 1987-88.

    The rock in the dam foundation consists partly of a hard, massive


  • 7/26/2019 Cross Hole Seismic Investigation for Characterization



    Figure 1. OddatjrnDams a rock fill damof 5.7 mill m volume nd

    has a traditional central core of moraine material.

    gneis. The left abutment is of variable quality and includes some

    highly fractured pegmatites which are not very suitable for foundation


    The quality of the rock which forms the foundation of the central

    core, is further diminished due to blasting operations immediately above

    the left abutment in a quarry used for dam material production. Core

    drillings have located permeable zones down to more than 80 meters be-

    low the surface. Some major weakness zones cross the foundation of

    the central core.

    The smallest distance from the quarry to the dam abutment is down to

    50 meters and the maximum charge weight pt. interwall was 4000 kg of


    The maximum peak ground vibration level is unknown. However, as the

    results from the seismic investigations will illustrate, the rock

    quality was definitely affected by the close proximity of the blasting.

    The footing for the central core was to be fully grouted. The

    quality of this anti-seepage grouting is traditionally investigated by

    means of core rillings and water leekage tests. To complement these

    tests, the State Power Board ordered cross hole seismic measurements

    of the rock conditions.

    The cross hole seismic monitoring through the grout curtain was to

    take place in several steps:

    phase 1: Before grouting (August 1984)

    phase 2: After grouting (June 1985)

    phase 3: After magazine filling

    The,winter at Oddatjrn lasts from October until June. There are no

    activities at the project during this season.

    This aper describes the results from phase 1. The results were

    used to irove and to control the grouting effectiveness. Zones of

    extremely low quality, i.e. highly fractured zones were located to

    assist the grouting crew. As we shall see, the accordance between the

    seismic survey results and the grout consumption were good.


  • 7/26/2019 Cross Hole Seismic Investigation for Characterization


    Poer supply

    B & K 2807

    Disc storage

    Nicotef &O9&

    o o digitart

    o o o o oscittoscope


    B & K 8101 B & K 8101

    Etectricat detonator

    Figure 2. Cross hole seismic investigation, principle sketch.


    Seismic or sonic methods for investigation of rock quality, make it

    possible to predict the in situ mechanical properties of rock masses.

    One special approach is the elastic characterization of rocks for

    foundation engineering. Other purposes are prediction of fracture

    frequency, localization of weak or poor zones, grouting control and

    assessment of blast damage adjacent to rock faces.

    The technique involving the propagation of seismic waves between

    boreholes, the cross hole method, was chosen because of its reliabi-

    lity and simplicity. Such seismic investigations as described are now

    established as a regular service at the NGI and the cross hole seismic

    device has proved to be dependable.

    To investigate the grout-curtain zone in the left abutment from

    1030-1060 m.a.s.l., three 5" diameter boreholes were permanently estab-

    lished. The boreholes were 40 meter long with a 60 inclination.

    The NGI device for borehole seismics normaly require only 48-76 m

    diameter holes. The device exploits 2 Brel & Kjr hydrophones as

    signal receivers. This make it necessary to_keep water in the holes.

    As the rock in the actual area was highly fractured and unable to

    retain water, and because of the wish to keep the boreholes permanent

    during the remaining dam construction work, it was decided to line

    the boreholes with 3" diameter PVC plastic tubes.

    Because of the very oor rock quality, especially down to 15 meters,

    it was difficult to establish the holes. The bottom of the tubes were


  • 7/26/2019 Cross Hole Seismic Investigation for Characterization


    to simplify entering of the holes, equiped with steel cones. The space

    around the tubes was filled with grout.

    The principle of the cross hole method is illustrated in figure 2.

    In very poor rock, borehole lining is preferable because of the good

    acoustic coupling with the rock. Mechanical clamping is of course

    preferred where the borehole quality ensures that the clamps give a

    reliable and constant contact with the rock. In our Oddatjrn project,

    fragments of rock fell into the boreholes from the sides of the hole.

    This made a good mechanical clamping uncertain because of the variable

    borehole diameter.

    3.1 Device specifications

    To involve the desired rock volume, electrical detonators were used as

    transmitters to get a signal of enough energy. To attain a good acou-

    stic coupling with the rock, the boreholes were, as mentioned, filled

    with water. Brel & Kjr hydrophones with internal preamplification

    were used as receivers. The transmitted waveforms were recorded on a

    4 channel digital storage oscilloscope, Nicolet 4094. An example of

    recorded signals is shown in firgure 3.

    NGI has constructed a special device for measurements in inclined

    holes. To ensure repeatability and to avoid damage on the borehole

    lining, it was important to keep both transmitter and receiver in the

    borehole center. Figure 4 shows this borehole seismic device.


    From research and field experience, the P-wave first arrival rise time,

    the rise velocity, the amplitude, the power spectrum and the travel

    time are known to be acoustic parameters all reflecting changes in the

    rock mass quality.

    In homogenous rock, the frequency spectrum, the rise velocity and

    the rise times are the most sensitive parameters. Even small physical

    contrasts can be deteced.

    In poor rock, however, the rise times are long and amplitudes low.

    This makes these parameters less reliable because of the very low

    values and unsatisfactory signal to noise ratio.

    As the signal velocity (here the P-wave velocity) is a less sen-

    sitive parameter, it reflects quality variations in highly fractured

    rock more reliably than rise times and amplitudes.

    In the actual rock characterization project, the P-wave velocity was

    used as the main acoustic parameter. Figure 5 shows the sound velo-

    city as a function of borehole depth.

    The cross hole seismic investigation showed that the rock down to 20

    meters was heavily fractured. The sound velocity varied from 500 m/s

    to 2500 m/s in this area. From 21 meters the quality increased and

    the typical sound velocity were 5000 m/s.

    Geological investigation suggested a major joint set crossing the

    foundation rock at 20 meters. The rock above this zone seemed to be

    severely affected by the production blasting in the rock quarry. Be-

    low this jointed zone the rock was apparently little affected by these

    ground vibrations.


  • 7/26/2019 Cross Hole Seismic Investigation for Characterization


    i i i i i i

    Time 2,5 ms/division

    I I i i i [ I

    Figure 3. Examples of signals from one electrical detonator, trans-

    mitted through 8 meters (top) and 16 meters of competent gneis. The

    double curves illustrate the repeatability.

    4.1 Control of the grout curtain quality

    The main purpose of the Oddatjrn project is to record the relative

    changes in the acoustic parameters before and after the grouting pro-

    cess and after magazine filling.

    The problem is to locate zones or areas of poor quality grouting and

    to perform both a detailed and general estimation of the grouting


    To evaluate the improvement of the mechanical properties caused by

    grouting and thereby indirectly assessing the reduction in permeabi-

    lity, the sonic investigation of the rock between the boreholes will

    bear a lot of information.

    The experience from the seismic investigation served as a verifica-

    tion of the great quality of grout injected into the heavily fractured

    area down to 20 meters.

    The grout consumption in the imediate dam foundation, i.e. down to

    10 meters below surface was 80.000 kg for the 40 meter long investiga-

    ted area of the left abutment. In one surface injection hole the con-

    sumption exceeded 13.500 kg. In some areas the consumption was so

    high that it was necessary to add sand to the grout to limit the flow.

    The worst zone was where the mentioned major joint set crossed the


  • 7/26/2019 Cross Hole Seismic Investigation for Characterization


    Figure 4. Borehole seismic device.

    Top: Signal transmitter, i.e. one electrical detonator

    Below: Signal receiver, i.e. special hydrophon arrangement.

    core foundation. Below this zone the grout consumption decreased

    and confirmed the relative high sound velocities in this area.


    The cross hole seismic project at Oddatjrn dam showed great

    variations in rock mass quality. The extremely low P-wave velocity

    in the upper part of the investigated area is probably caused by the

    production blasting in the stone quarry situated 50-100 meters from

    the rock fill dam abutment.

    The results are dependable and repeatable, figure 3. This is

    ensured by means of a special borehole device for inclined water

    filled holes.

    The grout consumption is compared with the seismic quality interpre-

    tation and a good agreement is achieved.

    The next phase of the project, i.e. the acoustic assessment of the

    grout curtain quality, is going to be executed during the 1985 summer



  • 7/26/2019 Cross Hole Seismic Investigation for Characterization



    500 1000 2000 3000 /000 5000 6000


    Figure 5. Sound velocity distribution in the

    heavily fractured foundation rock at the left

    abutment of the Oddatjrn Dam. The more com-

    petent rock below the fracture zone starts at

    a borehole depth of 20-22 meters. As the

    velocity plot shows, the ground conditions

    down to 15 15 meters are extremely poor.


    The project at Oddatjrn dam is partly founded by the Royal Norwegian

    Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (NTNF). The field work

    is ordered and supported by the State Power Board.


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