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Crosscultural Training

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  • 8/10/2019 Crosscultural Training




    SUBMISSION DATE: 17thAugust, 2013

    AUTHOR: Group 7


    SAN#U$A S%ARMA (&"

    AKS%A' GU$ATI (7"


    )INA* GU)TA ("

    SUBMITTED TO: )ro+ Sh-./s-- A-

    (S-or 45u6t, $BSIM"



  • 8/10/2019 Crosscultural Training



    E8E9UTIE SUMMAR';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;III

    $IST O4 4IGURES < TAB$ES;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I

    INTRODU9TION;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; !

    4INDINGS;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; &

    DA'1: SESSION 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; &

    DA'1: SESSION 2;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

    DA'1: SESSION 3;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 10

    DA'2: SESSION 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;13

    DA'2: SESSION 2;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1=

    DA'2: SESSION 3;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;17



    A))ENDI8 A;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;20

    A))ENDI8 B;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;2=


  • 8/10/2019 Crosscultural Training



    Th pro>5t prsts th tr--g o/u6 +or th p6os o+ th 56-t 5op s th r to

    .-s-t UAE +or ?us-ss purposs Th p6os r to ? tr-/ - t@o stgs 6, prrr-.6 phs / postrr-.6 phs 1st stg -s to ? 5o/u5t/ - I/- -ts6+ t 5osu6t-g

    +-rs s-t It 5opr-ss o+ s-C tr--g sss-os to ? 5o/u5t/ - th t- sp o+ 2 /s /

    th sss-os @ou6/ 5o.rs ?oth so5-6 / ?us-ss sp5ts - UAE

    Th 2/phs o+ tr--g @-66 ? 5rr-/ out - UAE t th s-t o+ th 5osu6t-g +-r Th sss-o

    @-66 ? +or +/?5 / /ou?t 56r-g s th p6os @ou6/ h. @-tss/ 6ot o+ /-++rt

    s-tut-os Moro.r, 5op6t tr--g gu-/ @ou6/ ? g-. to th 56-t +or +utur r+r5

    Th tr--g o/u6 hs ? /.6op/ +tr thorough rsr5h o so5-6 / 5u6tur6 sp5ts

    o+ UAE Th rsr5h @or hs ? 5rr-/ out o.r -trt through .r-ous rsr5h pprs,

    5ross5u6tur6 tr--g @?s-ts / ?oos


  • 8/10/2019 Crosscultural Training


  • 8/10/2019 Crosscultural Training



    Th pro>5t -s ?out 5ross5u6tur6 tr--g +or th 56-t 5ops p6os .-s-t-g U-t/

    Ar? E-rts +ro I/- I/- / UAE h. str--g /-++r5s - trs o+ 5u6tur, r6-g-ous

    /o-5, po6-t-5s / so5-t6 pr5t-5s Bus-ss 5o/u5t / t-gs - UAE r -+or6

    / ?us-ss -s g-. to trust@orth pop6 o6 So, to 5o/u5t ?us-ss 5t-.-t-s - UAE, th

    p6os / to u/rst/ th ?s-5s o+ th ?o. sp5ts

    Th p6os r to ? g-. tr--g rgr/-g th 5u6tur6 / so5-6 sp5ts - or/r to

    th +-t -to th E-rt- 5u6tur O5 th u/rst/ th o@ho@ o+ E-rt- ?us-ss @or6/,

    th r goo/ to go

    Th tr--g o/u6 hs ? /s-g/ +tr 5o/u5t-g thorough rsr5h o UAE Thrsr5h @s 5rr-/ out o so5-o5u6tur6 / ?us-ss pr5t-5s ?-g +o66o@/ - th 5outr

    A6so, th rsr5h @s 5o/u5t/ o.r th -trt through .r-ous @?s-ts, rsr5h pprs /


    Th p6os r to ? tr-/ - t@o stgs 6, prrr-.6 phs / postrr-.6 phs

    1ststg -s to ? 5o/u5t/ - I/- -ts6+ t 5osu6t-g +-rs s-t It 5opr-ss o+ s-C tr--g

    sss-os to ? 5o/u5t/ - th t- sp o+ 2 /s / th sss-os @ou6/ 5o.rs ?oth so5-6 /

    ?us-ss sp5ts - UAE Th 2/phs o+ tr--g @-66 ? 5rr-/ out - UAE t th s-t o+ th

    5osu6t-g +-r Th sss-o @-66 ? +or +/?5 / /ou?t 56r-g s th p6os @ou6/

    h. @-tss/ 6ot o+ /-++rt s-tut-os


  • 8/10/2019 Crosscultural Training



    DAY 1


    United A!" E#i!te$

    Th U-t/ Ar? E-rts -s 5ost-tut-o6 +/rt-o o+ s. -rts A?u Dh?-, Du?-,

    Shr>h, A>, U 6F-@-, Rs 6Kh-h / 4u>-rh Th +/rt-o @s +or66

    st?6-sh/ o 2 D5, 171 4our+-+ths o+ th UAE -s /srt, t -t -s 5outr o+ 5otrst-g

    6/s5ps, +ro @-sp-r-g /us to r-5h oss, pr5-p-tous ro5 out-s to +rt-6 p6-s

    Th U-t/ Ar? E-rts, o o+ th @or6/s +stst gro@-g tour-st /st-t-os, hs 66 th

    r-ght -gr/-ts +or u+orgtt?6 ho6-/, su, s/, s, sports, u?t?6 shopp-g, top

    56ss hot6s / rsturts, -tr-gu-g tr/-t-o6 5u6tur, / @65o-g .-rot


    U-t/ Ar? E-rts o55up-s tot6 r o+ ?out 3,&00 sHur -6otrs (32,=00 sHur-6s", 6og th southstr t-p o+ th Ar?- )-su6 ?t@ 22!0 / 2&N /

    ?t@ !1 / !&2! E Ftr 6-s to th @st / orth@st, Su/- Ar?- to th @st /

    south / O to th orth, st / southst Th 5p-t6 / th 6rgst 5-t o+ th+/rt-o, A?u Dh?-, r 6o5t/ - th -rt o+ th s

    4-gur 1

    4-gur 1: Gogrph-5 6o5t-o o+ UAE o th p


  • 8/10/2019 Crosscultural Training



    96-t-5 5o/-t-os - th r r strog6 -+6u5/ ? th I/- O5, s-5 th 5outr

    ?or/rs ?oth th Ar?- Gu6+ / th Gu6+ o+ O Th-s Cp6-s @h h-gh tprturs -

    sur r 6@s 55op-/ ? h-gh hu-/-t 6og th 5ost Thr r ot-5?6.r-t-os - 56-t ?t@ th 5ost6 rg-os, th /srts o+ th -tr-or / out-ous


    4ro No.?r to Mr5h /t- tprturs .rg .r p6st 2= 9 (7! 4" N-ght

    t- tprturs r s6-ght6 5oo6r, .rg-g 13 9 (!& 4" / 6ss th ! 9 (=0 4" - th/pths o+ th /srt or h-gh - th out-s Sur tprturs r h-gh, / 5 ? s

    h-gh s = 9 (11 4" -6/, ?ut -t -s 6o@r ? +@ /grs - 5ost6 %u-/-t - 5ost6

    rs .rgs ?t@ !0 / &0 pr 5t, tou5h-g o.r 0 pr 5t - sur / utuI6/ -t -s +r 6ss hu-/$o56 orth@str6 @-/s (sh6" +rHut6 /.6op /ur-g th

    @-tr, ?r-g-g 5oo6r @-/ 5o/-t-os )r.-6-g @-/s, @h-5h r -+6u5/ ? th

    osoos, .r ?t@ south or southst, to @st or orth to orth@st, /p/-g upoth sso / 6o5t-oA.rg r-+66 -s 6o@ t 6ss th &! 5t-trs u66, or th

    h6+ o+ @h-5h +66s - D5?r / #ur

    S%(e:http:JJ@@@-rtsorgJth5outrht6(1=JJ2013 t 10:20 )M"

    Int%d(ti%n t% E#i!ti C('t(e

    L!n)(!)e: Th o++-5-6 6gug o+ th U-t/ Ar? E-rts -s Ar?-5 Mo/r St/r/

    Ar?-5 -s tught - s5hoo6s, / ost t-. E-rt-s sp /-65t o+ Gu6+ Ar?-5 tht -s

    gr66 s--6r to tht spo - surrou/-g 5outr-s A u?r o+ 6gugs r spo

    og th Cptr-t 5ou-t, -56u/-g .r-ous /-65ts o+ )shto, %-/-, B6o5h-, /

    )rs- Eg6-sh -s 6so @-/6 spo

    I$'!#:R6-g-o hs p6/ -portt / -+6ut-6 ro6 - shp-g th so5-t / 5u6tur o+

    th UAE Is6 -s th o++-5-6 / >or-t r6-g-o / pr./s 6ost .r sp5t o+ 6-+

    $@s, /u5t-o, +oo/, 56oths, /-6 rout-s / . 5o.rst-os r 66 strog6 -+6u5/

    ? Is6 Th Is6-5 +-th p65s grt phs-s o ?h.-ours su5h s gros-t, rsp5t /

    o/st @h-5h ost E-rt-s @-66 /-sp6 U/rst/-g Is6 / th -+6u5 -t hs o

    .r/ 6-+ / E-rt- ?us-ss 5u6tur -s th +-rst stp to 5o/u5t-g su55ss+u6 ?us-ss -

    th UAE

    F!#i'*: 4-6 / tr-?6 5o5t-os +or th ?s-s o+ E-rt- so5-6 stru5tur Th +-6 /

    tr-? r h-gh6 -+6ut-6 / p6 ro6 - shp-g prsos .6us / ?h.-or It sr.s to

    support -ts ?rs ?oth +-5-66 / ot-o66 / s su5h, th +-6 5os ?+or


  • 8/10/2019 Crosscultural Training


    th-g 6s / -ts hoor -s prot5t/ ? /o-g @ht.r 5ssr $o6t ?t@ +-6

    / tr-? ?rs 5rr-s o.r -to ?us-ss @hr -t -s ot u5oo +or 5op-s to ? ru

    ? / p6o s.r6 ?rs o+ o +-6 or tr-?

    H%$+it!'it*:%osp-t6-t -s sst-6 prt o+ E-rt- 5u6tur / pp6-s to ?oth so5-6 /

    pro+ss-o6 5otCts Gusts @-66 ? r5-./ @-th orous gros-t I th ho th-susu66 5os - th +or o+ +st o+ tr/-t-o6 E-rt- +oo/, sp5-66 /ur-g th ho6-/s,

    @h-6 - ?us-ss 5otCt, t-gs r 6ost 6@s 55op-/ ? tr/-t-o6 Ar? 5o++/ pstr-s Th phs-s p65/ o hosp-t6-t -s 56os6 5o5t/ to th -port5 o+

    r6t-osh-ps 4or-grs shou6/ sho@ th-r grt-tu/ / //-5t t- to 5u6t-.t-g

    r6t-osh-ps @-th th-r E-rt- 5outrprts

    F%%d: E-rt- 5u-s- -s ?6/ o+ M-//6 Estr / As-5u-s-s

    Th o/r /-t o+ th U-t/ Ar? E-rts(UAE" -s5osopo6-t, +tur-g /-shs +ro

    rou/ th @or6/ A 6ot o+ pop6 5o+us$.t- +oo/ s ?-g E-rt-JKh6>,

    ?utsh@r, huous,t??ou6h, / -C/ gr-66, @h-6st h.-g s--6r 5hr5tr-st-5s, r

    +-r6 r5t //-t-os / /o ot /o >ust-5 to th Lsou6 +oo/L tht s up th E-rt- u

    Du to hrsh /srt 5o/-t-os, th tr/-t-o6 +oo/ o+ th U-t/ Ar? E-rts uss 6ot

    o+t,gr-, / /-rgt?6sr s to gro@ - so rs, / r strog6 +tur/ -

    th /-t

    Mts tr/-t-o66 us/ @r 5h-5or s66+o@6, su5h s %ou?r ?ustr/s, / gots As

    56s r h-gh6 pr-/ +or th-r -6 / trsport-g ?-6-t, th t-g o+ 56 t-s

    or66 rsr./ +or sp5-6 o55s-os

    Th /-shs r usu66 6- st@s, s .rth-g -s o+t 5oo/ - s-g6potS++ro,5r/o, turr-5, / thr th 5or +6.ors us/ - E-rt- 5oor Th

    -tro/u5t-o o+r-5to th /-t 5 @h th tr/rs o./ to th rg-o $.s +ro

    -/-gous trs, su5h s th Gh++, @r 6so us/ to stu++ s66 ?-r/s, r6s-g th-r +6.or

    /ur-g th 5oo-g pro5ss

    Br+st- th UAE usu66 +turs ?r/s 6- rHH, hr, / 5h??, sr./

    @-th5hs,/t srup, or ggs Ths @r / o.r 5ur./ hot p6t, rs?6-g sto,

    @h-5h @ou6/ h. ? us/ ? th B/ou-s B66t -s othr /-sh, ?ut -ts /.t g- @-th

    th tr/rs, @ho -tro/u5/pst

    S@t opt-os -56u/ 6uHt, /p +r-/ ?66 o+ p5?ttr tht -s ro66/ - ss

    s/s/ th /r-6/ @-th /t srup Othr /ssrts -56u/ h?s, @h-5h -s +6our ?r/

    5ru?s ?6// @-th sugr, 5r/o, / s++roor ?th-th, so6- ?6// @-th

    5rush/ /ts, 5r/o, / 56r-+-/ ?uttr


  • 8/10/2019 Crosscultural Training


    At th 56os o+ th 6, -t -s usu6 to ? sr./ @-th r/ t -+us/ @-th -t,@h-5h -/s th

    /-gst-o Othr tr/-t-os to th 6 -56u/ @65o @-th/ts / gahwah(Ar?-5 5o++",

    @h-5h r o++r/ o rr-.6 / r pt .-6?6 through th gusts .-s-t

    Si)ni,i!ne %, C%'%$:

    R/: ?6oo/ or @r / 6o. B65: th /r /s our 5stors +5/ to sur.-. 6so rprsts our-g, /

    s-g o+ St s - ?65 5tTh ?65 - our UAE +6g @s ?6-./ to rprst

    th /-s5o.r o+ o-6

    h-t: pur-t, @ ?g--g / sp-r-ts / ghosts Gr: gr/s, 6-+ / 6-/ to Is6 s s o osHus

    Bro@ or go6/: rprst /srt / ?ut-+u6 s/ /us, / -s 6-/ to tr/-t-os

    / 5u6tur -o6t: s s 5u6tur6 / tr/-t-o6 - so prts o+ th 5outr su5h s th 5-t o+

    A6 A-

    Se$$i%n -

    De$$ C%de

    A o/st /rss 5o/ shou6/ ? +o66o@/ - th UAE +or ?oth / @o, .o-/-g ?r

    shou6/rs / 6gs Mor 5osr.t-. .6us r o?sr./ outs-/ th >or 5-t-s, prt-5u6r6

    - rur6 rs, / su5h rs h. str-5tr P/55 ru6s,Q tht og othr th-gs, proh-?-t

    @o +ro @r-g 56oth-g tht -s ot t 6st 6gth

    .%#en:Th shou6/ .o-/ @r-g shorts Drsss or s-rts shou6/ ? t 6st 6gth, /

    -t -s or ppropr-t to p shou6/rs 5o.r/

    Thr r t@o /-st-5t tps o+ @os 56oth-g - th rg-o: o +or 6o56s, th othr +or

    Cptr-ts Outs-/ th ho, ost Ar? @o /rss 55or/-g to r6-g-ous 5usto, @h-5h

    s tht th ust 5o.r ost o+ th ?o/, +ro h/ to +oot Th tr/-t-o6 ?65

    o.rgrt( abaya" -s 6 6gth @-th 6og s6.s / h-gh 56-, / th h-r -s

    5o.r/ So Ar? @o r tot66 5o.r/, -56u/-g th-r +5 / h/s, sp5-66 Su/-s

    / thos @-th str-5t6 r6-g-ous hus?/s Th-s -s t to prot5t @o +ro u@t/

    ttt-o, / - Su/- Ar?- . +or-g @o ust @r ? outs-/ th ho thr6-g-ous po6-5 @-66 stop @o @ho hs hr h/ u5o.r/ / /-r5t hr to 5o.r hr

    h-r -/-t6 I othr UAE stts, +or-g @o @r @str 56oths ?ut shou6/

    6@s /rss 5osr.t-.6


  • 8/10/2019 Crosscultural Training


    I ?us-ss stt-g, -t -s ppropr-t +or @o to @r 5osr.t-. su-ts, - th +or o+ /r

    5o6or/ trousrs or s-rts tht +66 ?6o@ th Th E6?o@s shou6/ 6so ? 5o.r/ t 66 t-s

    @-th sh-rt or .st

    Men: Th r 6so Cp5t/ to /rss /ur6 @-th o ?o6/ o.rtos M @ou6/t ? r66

    @65o/ - UAE -+ th go o.r th top @-th 55tr-566 /s-g/ 5r or t5 56oths

    Ar? @r th tho?, 6oos, 66gth ro? / +ro +- @h-t 5otto (or h.-r

    @oo6 tr-6 - @-tr" Thr r /-++rt st6s o+ tho?, ?oth - th 5ut o+ th 56oth / -

    th +st-gs t th 5 / +rot )rhps th ost /-st-5t-. r thos @or ? th O-s,

    @h-5h sport tss6 Th tho? 5 ? @or +or 66 o55s-os, -thr so5-6 or ?us-ss A outr

    56o, th ?-sht, -s @or o +or6 o55s-os / 5 ? .r 5ost6, @-th ?or/r ?ro-/r -

    go6/ thr/ / th tr-6 -ts6+ o+ th +-st Hu6-t

    Th tr/-t-o6, /-st-5t-. h/ 5o.r-g -s th guthra, @h-t or r/ / @h-t 5h5r/ 56oth

    h6/ - p65 ? th g6, ?65 rop @h-5h @s or-g-66 56 tthr Thr r /-++rttps o+ g6: +or Cp6, Ftr-s or66 @r or A+r-5st6 h//rss, @-th t@o 6og

    t-6s r5h-g /o@ th ?5 Ar? sot-s @r 5su6 /rss o .r -+or6

    o55s-os or t th ?5h

    4or-g rt Cp5t/ to @r Ar? grts, / @str /rss -s th or M shou6/

    .o-/ @r-g shorts / s6.6ss sh-rts - th strt, s -s ths r rgr// s C5ss-.6

    5su6, 6though @-th th /.6opt o+ tour-s, th-s tt-tu/ -s so+t-g %[email protected], su-ts r

    rr6 @or - th Gu6+, C5pt +or -portt ?us-ss t-gs / r6t/ so5-6 .ts

    St/r/ @r - th o++-5 -s sh-rt (usu66 6ogs6./", t- / 6-ght@-ght trousrs

    Se$$i%n /

    Gene!' Attit(de$

    Ar?s r gr66 o@ +or th-r -+or6, r6C/ /or, goo/ rs /

    5os-/rt-o o+ othrs Ipt-5 -s rgr// s s-g o+ poor rs / r-s/ .o-5 or

    /-sp6s o+ o5 or g-tt-o @-66 ot r rsp5t - ?us-ss or so5-6 -tr5t-os ThHu6-t o+ s?ur, @h-5h s ?oth pt-5 / st/+stss - /.rs-t, -s u5h /-r/

    I ?us-ss s-tut-os, -t t so t- ?+or th top-5 o+ 5o.rst-o -s /-r5t/ to our

    - rso +or t-g, ?ut th-s pro5ss shou6/ ot ? hurr-/ S--6r6, 5o.rst-os shou6/? 66o@/ to / gr/u66 / 5og-66


    Ar?s, - gr6, 6-?r6 us o+ gsturs, sp5-66 -+ th r thus-st-5 ?out @ht th

    r s-g M us gsturs or th @o To grt @-th rsp5t or s-5r-t, +tr sh-g


  • 8/10/2019 Crosscultural Training


    h/s, p65 th r-ght h/ to th hrt or 5hst 4-6ur - sh h/s @h-6 t-g soo

    or s-g goo/? -s 5os-/r/ ru/

    )op6 - M-//6 Est 5ou-5t through .o56 / ?o/ 6gug So /ot gt

    upst ?5us o+ -t

    Rspo/-g to gr or sr-ousss @-th 6-ght 6ughtr or s-6 -s 5oo thr So/ot th- tht th r ot t-g ou sr-ous6

    Dot gt -t-t or sho@ ++5t-o - pu?6-5

    H%0 t% $it !nd 0!t $%('d "e te +%$t(e2

    O shou6/ .r sho@ th ?otto o+ os shos @h s-tt-g - t-g Th-s -s s-g o+

    grt /-srsp5t / -s 5oo -st ? strrs /ur-g t-gs As gr6 ru6,

    /-sp6-g th so6 o+ os +oot or tou5h-g so?o/ @-th os sho -s 5os-/r/ ru/

    Te Cin S!t: S5rt5h-g or ho6/-g o+ 5h- or ?r/ -s -/-5t-o tht soo -s

    th--g It -ght ? @-s to @-t ut-6 th prso hs +--sh/ th--g th-s ?+or 5ot-u-gt6-g, -+ -t ts p65 /ur-g ot o+ s-65

    C%n3e$!ti%n!' $t!in): I+ Ar? strs ou - th s ou sp, -t s tht h -s g-.-gou h-s +u66 ttt-o I+ h /ost, -t s tht h ot 5r @ht ou r s-g Br th-s

    - -/ / r5-pro5t g-.-g 5ot5t

    Te $ide0!*$ ,in)e "ite: I+ Ar? ?-ts th-r r-ght +-gr, -t -s s-g o+ 5otpt / tht ou

    r ot 6-/, / th-s @-66 usu66 ? 55op-/ ? uttr-g o+ so sort o+ 5urs

    Te (+: Th h/ s-g6 o+ putt-g 66 our +-grs / thu? togthr, sort o+ 5up 6-, s -t

    >ust o -ut or s6o@ /o@ Th-s sot-s ? us/ to -/-5t tht th prso -s gtt-g-pt-t t our sp/

    Un!e+t!"'e )e$t(e$: Sho@-g our -//6 +-gr: Th-s hs ? >u/g/ to ? P-/5t / -66g6Q/ @-66 ? pu-sh/ ? /portt-o

    C%#+'ete NO NO

    965h-g our +-st / grsp-g th 6?o@ @-th our othr h/: A55or/-g to Du?-

    )o6-5 Huot/ - 7 Ds, th-s -s th ost o++s-. gstur o+ 66

    St-5-g out our togu

    M-g 5-r56 @-th our +-rst +-gr / thu? (PAOKQ": I Ar? 5u6turs, th-s

    s-g-+-s th .-6 / s PI @-sh .-6 upo ouQ

    Ae+t!"'e )e$t(e$


  • 8/10/2019 Crosscultural Training


    Shway-shway: A66 +-grs / thu? o+ o h/ put togthr po-t-g up@r/s @h-6 o.-g

    h/ up / /o@ 6-tt6: Ar?-5 gstur +or -g Ph. pt-5Q or P@-tQ P$Q +or P6osrQ

    s-g: A55pt?6, though poss-?6 ot u/rstoo/ ? othr 5u6turs Spp-g th h/ up@r/s@h-6 56-5-g th togu: Th-s s PI /ot ?6-. ouQ

    T%(in)Ar?s @-66 -trprt our ?h.-or gt-.6 -+ ou ?h. @-th too u5h +-6-r-t to@r/

    prso o+ th oppos-t sC Bh.-ors su5h s o.r6 thus-st-5 grt-gs, -t/ / >o-g5o.rst-os, / 5su6 -.-tt-os to 6u5h 5 ? s-6 -s-trprt/ Th pu?6-5 /-sp6 o+

    -t-5 ?t@ / @o -s str-5t6 +or?-// ? th Ar? so5-6 5o/, -56u/-g

    ho6/-g h/s or 6--g rs or gstur o+ ++5t-o su5h s -ss-g or pro6og/ tou5h-g


    Ar?s o+ th s g/r @-66 tp-566 st/ .r 56os to th prso @h - 5o.rst-o I+th prso tr-s to p grtr /-st5, th ?6-. tht th prso +-/s th-r phs-56

    prs5 /-stst+u6 or -s prt-5u6r6 5o6/ -/-.-/u6 h st/-g - 5o.rst-o @-th

    soo, 6-g g-st th @66 or p-g h/s - po5ts -s t s 65 o+ rsp5t

    B%d* L!n)(!)e

    It4$ #* O"'i)!ti%n: Th gstur o+ p65-g th r-ght h/ or -ts +or+-gr o th t-p o+ th os,

    o th r-ght 6o@r 6-/, o top o+ th h/, o th ust5h or ?r/ hs th -g o+ L-ts -+rot o+ , I s -t or -ts o h/ to 55op6-shL

    C%#e Hee: R-ght h/ out, p6 /o@, @-th +-grs ?rought to@r/ os6+ rpt/6 -

    56@-g ot-o, -s th s-g +or 566-g soo to 5o

    I4# tin5in): Grsp-g th 5h- @-th th thu? s-/ o+ th r-ght +-st -s s-g o+ @-s/o or


    S'%0 d%0n:B ho6/-g th +-grs - pr shp/ 5o+-gurt-o @-th th t-ps po-t-g up t?out @-st 6.6 / o.-g th h/ s6-ght6 up / /o@ s-g6s L@-t 6-tt6 ?-tL or L?

    5r+u6 L Th-s gstur 5 ? o?sr./ Cts-.6 @h /r-.-g - th 5ro@// strts o+ th

    Ar? 5-t-s I su5h 6o56, -t ? 55op-/ ? 5urss +ro C-ous tC- /r-.r or

    p/str- tr-g to 5ross th strt

    T!n5 Y%(: )65-g th p6 o+ th r-ght h/ o th 5hst, ?o@-g th h/ 6-tt6 / 56os-g

    os s s LTh 'ouL (- th o+ A66h"

    N%: A Hu-5 sp o+ th h/ up@r/s @-th 55op-g 56-5 o+ th togu s: LNoL,

    LU6-6L, or Lht ou s -s +6s P

    I +or-g 5outr o /s to 6-st @-th th rs, s / th hrt Th-s s tht p-gttt-o to ?o/ 6gug -s .r -portt - so5-t su5h s th UAE Bo/ 6gug, su5h

    s gsturs h. h-// -gs S-5 th Ar?s r h-gh 5otCt 5ou-5tors thr -s 6ot

    o+ ?ro/r -g to th @or/s tht th us 4or th-s rso ?o/ 6gug / th oo/ o+

    th t-g /s to ? t -to 5os-/rt-o, ot o6 @ht hs ? s-/


  • 8/10/2019 Crosscultural Training


    DAY -

    Se$$i%n 1


    Its 6r/ ? ot/ ? o@ tht Ar?-5 pop6 r op t th s t- ?-g 5osr.t-.

    Ar?-5 h/sh grosss tou5h-g th hrt @-th th r-ght p6 +tr .r sh / .-s-tors

    r rHust/ ot to o++r th-r h/, - th +or o+ grt-g, to Ar? @o u6ss sh,hrs6+, Ct/s hrs +-rst %o6/-g h/s . +or 6og pr-o/ +tr sh-g h/s -s 5oo

    p65 / s-g o+ +r-/sh-p

    H%0 t% !dde$$ !n A!" 0en *%( #eet i#6e2

    It -s 5ustor to us Sh-h (5h-+" (or Sh-h +or @o", S/ (Mr", S/ (Mrs", t5

    Ar?s gr66 //rss pop6 ? th-r +-rst s, so #oh S-th @-66 ? //rss/ s Mr

    #ohIt -s -portt to grt / 5o@6/g th ost s-or prso - th roo +-rst

    .i !nd i$ !d3i$!"'e t% "e ($ed2

    A6@s us th r-ght h/ Aog Mus6-s, th 6+t h/ -s rsr./ +or ?o/-6 hg- /

    5os-/r/ u56 Th r-ght h/ shou6/ ? us/ +or t-g, sh-g h/s, or h/-g o.r -t

    N%te: Sp5-6 rsp5t -s p-/ to o6/r pop6 - 5-r5ust5s Th-s 5 -56u/ st/-g

    @h o6/r pop6 tr roo, 6@s grt-g o6/r pop6 +-rst, st/-g @h sp-g toos 6/rs, / sr.-g o6/r pop6 +-rst t 6

    M!n )eetin) M!n:A 6-ght h/sh / sot- -ss o th os or ?oth 5hs r5oo )65-g our r-ght h/ o th hrt or 5hst +tr sh-g h/s -s sho@ o+ grt

    rsp5t to th prso ou r grt-g %/shs 6-gr ?-t A or tr/-t-o6 grt-g

    ?t@ -.o6.s grsp-g 5h othrs r-ght h/, p65-g th 6+t h/ o th othrs r-ghtshou6/r / C5hg-g -sss o 5h 5h

    .%#!n )eetin) .%#!n: 4r-/s / +-6 usu66 -ss o th 6+t 5h thr t-s, or t6st tou5h th-r 6+t 5h to th othr @os r-ght 5h thr t-s

    M!n )eetin) .%#!n: Thr -s 6-tt6 to o tou5h-g ?t@ / @o /ur-g grt-gs

    - pu?6-5 o Ct/ s6.5o.r/ @r-st or h/ to ? sh A6@s @-t +or th

    @o to --t-t, -+ t 66A+tr h/sh-g, -ts 5ustor to Hu-r +tr th othr prsos h6th / othr ttrs

    (Dot Hu-r +tr th h6th o+ th +6 ?rs o+ Ar?s +-6, [email protected], ?ut rstr-5tour Hust-os to thos rgr/-g th +-6 - gr6 or th sos"

    R(""in) n%$e$: It -s tr-?6 5usto / @ o+ grt-g tht rprsts th .6us o+ rsp5t,pr-/ / B/ou-sost6 pr5t-5/ ? Ar?s - th Gu6+ rg-o Th os hs .6u?6

    s?o6 +or th Ar?s ?5us -t -s - th 5tr o+ th +5 -t -s th p65 @hr th grt


  • 8/10/2019 Crosscultural Training


    soo @-th rsp5t (or h-t soo @h th /-srsp5t" Ar? -hr-t/ th-s

    tr/-t-o s @ o+ grt-g grt-os +ro th pst

    H%0 t% )eet A!" in A!"i2

    Th 5ustor grt-g -s PAss66-u,Q (p5 ? upo ou" to @h-5h th rp6 -sP6-u ss6,Q (/ upo ou ? p5"Goo/? -s PM s6Q )6s -s PM-

    4u/6Q / th ou -s PShurQPIsh66hQ s PGo/ @-66-gQ / -s 5oo rspos

    @h gr-g o Ct stps or prt-5u6r 5ours o+ 5t-o

    I+ o 5 sho@ tht hJsh hs t th t- to 6r so ?s-5 Ar?-5 @or/s / phrss, th-s@-66 ? .r u5h ppr5-t/ s th 6gug -s 5or prt o+ th 5u6tur - th U-t/ Ar?

    E-rts / @-66 h5 th +ort-o o+ ?us-ss r6t-osh-ps B-g ?6 to sp .

    +@ @or/s @-66 ? s s /ostrt-g rsp5t +or th 5outr / -ts pop6 (@ho r .rprou/ o+ th-r 5outr / -ts 5h-.ts" Thr r /-++r5s - Ar?-5 5ross th gu6+

    rg-o, / s ou @ou6/ Cp5t thr r .r-ous /-65ts / so .r-t-os - prou5-t-o

    T?6 1

    Tshr+ )6s/ to t ou

    4ors s/ N-5 to t ou

    Is- #oh I #oh

    As-+ (to 6"JAs-+ (to +6" 66tr I sorr I 6t

    %5rt %r -s ?us-ss 5r/

    Mup-hu5rt 9 I h. our 5r/

    T?6 1: 4@ Ar?-5 trs6t-os to Eg6-sh

    Se$$i%n -


    A -.-tt-o to /-r -s th ost 5oo +or o+ hosp-t6-t Ct// ? host / @-66

    usu66 ? to hot6 or rsturt 9ustor-6 o6 @ou6/ tt/ su5h +u5t-o, 6though sprt +u5t-o +or @o ? org-/ to 5o-5-/ @-th th .t Th host @-66 ?

    Cp5t/ to p Th prso shou6/ ot o++r to p - th-s s-tut-o s -t -s 5os-/r/ to ? h-s

    /ut to ? hosp-t?6 /ur-g th st - h-s 5outr Th pop6 o+ th UAE h. tr/-t-o o+hosp-t6-t / @-66 ? .r @65o-g to gusts Th-s tt-tu/ r-ss +ro th 5-t 5usto o+


  • 8/10/2019 Crosscultural Training


    pro.-/-g sh6tr to tr.6r - th /srt Th ?st /.-5 -+ ou r ot sur @ht to /o -s to

    o?sr. th ?h.-or o+ othrs rou/ or to s /-s5rt Hust-os ?out ppropr-t t-Hutt


    Ar?s r rstr-5t/ ? Is6-5 5o.t-os +ro t-g por, ost 5r-.orous -6s,/ us56/ +-sh A65oho6 -s +or?-//

    Mt ust ? ?ut5hr/ - 6- @-th Fur-5 r-tu6 (o@ s %666 Ppr-tt/Q"

    Th stp6 o+ th Ar? /-t -s /r p-t ?r/ Th UAE -s o@ +or th Hu6-t o+ -ts

    s+oo/ 4ru-t / .gt?6s / rg o+ ?r/s 6so +or th ?s-s o+ th 6o56 /-t $? -s th ost 5oo t

    A6@s o++r s5 +oo/s to .-s-tors / 55pt @ht -s o++r/ to ou s gust, ?ut o6

    +tr o/st6 r+us-g th +-rst o++r

    h sr./ ?.rg, 55pt @-th th RIG%T %AND ON$' h t-g, /r--g,o++r-g, or pss-g us r-ght h/ o6

    h t-g @-th Ar?s, sp5-66 @h t-g +oo/ +ro 5ou6 /-shs, th 6+th/ ust .r ? us/, -t -s5os-/r/ u56

    Not t-g .rth-g o os p6t -s 5os-/r/ 5op6-t It -s s-g o+ @6th

    @h Ar? 5 ++or/ to 6. +oo/ ?h-/ I+ -.-t/ to Ar? ho, 6. short6+tr /-r Th /-r -s th 56-C o+ 5o.rst-o / trt-t A.o-/

    /-s5uss-os o po6-t-56 -ssus (t-o6 / -trt-o6", r6-g-o, 65oho6, / 6

    +6 r6t-os o.r /-r or t


    M / @o @-66 usu66 so5-6- sprt6 Th @-66 r5-. th-r gusts - roo 566/ >6-s h tr-g th >6-s, o shou6/ grt th group @h-6

    ppro5h-g / th @-66 rspo/ @-th st/r/ grt-g / r-s to th-r +t

    It -s -portt to o. to@r/s th host / sh h/s A66 - th >6-s rtrt/ s Hu6s

    Th r-tu6 o+ t-g 5o++ -s 5tr6 to so5-6 o55s-os - th U-t/ Ar? E-rts

    9o++ -s sr./ t th strt / / o+ ?us-ss t-gs / so5-6 .ts

    Gusts r sr./ 5o++ ? tt/t @h th rr-. Th tt/t @-66 @orrou/ th roo +ro th r-ght O shou6/ t th gg5up s-/ .ss6 - th r-ght

    h/ @h -t -s o++r/ ? th tt/t

    Thr -s o / to th th prso sr.-g As th 5o++ -s usu66 Hu-t hot -t 5 ?s@-r6/ rou/ / s-pp/ t

    h th 5o++ -s +--sh/ @-t +or th sr.r to rtur / rpt th pro5ss +urthr

    t@o t-s ?+or sh-g th 5up to -/-5t tht ou h. +--sh/ It shou6/ ? h6/ ?th +-grt-ps / ot ? put /o@ o th grou/ or t?6

    T / so+t /r-s @-66 +o66o@ th sr.-g o+ 5o++

    Th sr.-g o+ 5o++ -s +o66o@/ ? th sr.-g o+ sugr/, ?65 t - s66 g6sss

    T g6sss ? p65/ o th +6oor @h +--sh/ @-th


  • 8/10/2019 Crosscultural Training


    A65oho6 -s sr./ to oMus6- gusts t -trt-o6hot6s / rsturts As -

    5u6tur, o/rt-o -sppropr-t )u?6-5 /russ -s 6g6 o++5 /h-gh6


    Geetin) Gi,t$

    G-+ts r ppropr-t prt-5u6r6 -+ th /-s5uss-os o55ur - ho G-+ts ust ? @rpp/)o6-t6 r+us g-+ts t 6st t@-5 Do ot op g-+t - +rot o+ th g-+tg-.r G-+ts ?

    prst/ pu?6-56 to th group t th t-gs /


    It -s t-r6 up to th -/-.-/u6 @hthr to t-p +or sr.-5s / -t -s ot +-C/ Cp5tt-o s

    ou +-/ - othr 5outr-s So pop6 - UAE 5hoos ot to t-p t 66, ?ut +or thos @ho +6

    tht th sr.-5 @s @orth r5og--g, th usu6 out -s 10 / t-ps r grt6 ppr5-t/A -5rs-g u?r o+ rsturts o@ 6so -56u/ sr.-5 5hrg o th ?-66, 6though -ts

    ot 56r @hthr th-s .r ss th -s-/ o+ our @-trs po5ts, so so pop6 // 6-tt6Ctr T-ps - rsturts / ?rs r o+t shr/ @-th othr st++ But 6so r?r tht

    rsturts / 5+Vs oprt-g outs-/ hot6s r +or?-// ? 6@ +ro //-g sr.-5 5hrg,

    so -+ ou s th-s ppr-g o th ?-66 ou 5 r+us to p -t Th-s 6@ @s -tro/u5/ - 2010,?5us -t @s +ou/ tht sr.-5 5hrgs @r +-/-g th-r @ -to th po5ts o+

    rsturt o@rs, rthr th th st++ But ou shou6/, o+ 5ours, st-66 +6 +r to 6. so

    5sh o th t?6 @h ou 6. - r5og-t-o o+ goo/ sr.-5 I+ thr -s t-ps >r, ou 5 s

    th gr ho@ th o -s /-.-// / // to -t -+ ou +6 5o+ort?6 /o-g soh -t 5os to t-pp-g - Du?- or A?u Dh?- hot6s, hr -s so /.-5:

    B 5r+u6 @hr ou t-p So ?-66s 6r/ 5ot- sr.-5 5hrg s @66 s tour-sttC / //-t-o6 out ot go to th prso tht sr./ ou I+ o @-shs to t-p, tr / /o -t - 5sh, / up to 10

    T-pp-g r6-r /ur-g our st @-66 sur 5os-stt sr.-5 +ro th 5o5-rg or

    ?66?o +or Cp6, ! Dhs t-p to ?66?o -s 6@s ppr5-t/ I+ ou @t to t-p 56rs o+ roos, 6. 20 or 30 Dhs - our ?/roo t th / o+

    our st

    B @r o+ th st++ tht r pro??6 p-/ .r 56os to oth-g / 6-. o t-ps


    Dot photogrph pop6 sp5-66 @o @-thout th-r 5ost / r+r- +ro 5ptur-g

    go.rt ?u-6/-gs too B 5r+u6 @ht 6s -s - th ?5grou/ o+ th photogrph ou r



  • 8/10/2019 Crosscultural Training


    Se$$i%n /

    St(t(e !nd ie!* in E#i!ti %#+!nie$

    Thr -s strog .rt-56 h-rr5h - ost E-rt- 5op-s M r o@/ / ru ? opo@r+u6 prso @ho s 66 o+ th /5-s-os Th-s prso ust ? trt/ @-th rsp5t /


    Sttus -s -portt / ust ? r5og-s/ ? us-g th 5orr5t t-t6 su5h s Sh-h (9h-+",Moh/s (g-r" / Ust/h (pro+ssor" I+ ou r usur o+ soos t-t6, +-/ out

    ?+orh/ or s th prso @ho -tro/u5/ ou


    Ar?s /o ot p65 u5h phs-s o @r-tt 5ou-5t-os s th r h-gh6 .r?6


    Mt-gs 5 o+t ppr ustru5tur/ @-th o (or 6-tt6 r+r5 to" g/ )op6

    ? prst @ho r, s-g6, oth-g to /o @-th our t-g 5t-. 6-str

    )op6 /o ot 6- to s o or /6-.r gt-. @s It 5 ? .r /-++-5u6t to +u66

    u/rst/ C5t6 ho@ -trst/ pop6 r - our propos-t-os O6 prs.r5 /

    pt-5 @-66 r.6 th tru p-5tur

    It -s ot u5oo to rr-. t our t-g to +-/ our host - t-g @-th s.r6

    othr pop6 / tht ths othr pop6 5ou6/ ? t-g our host ?out 5op6t6/-s5o5t/ -ssus


    9o.rst-o @-66 usu66 5o5 - goo/huor/ to @-th gr6 t6, o+t ?out th

    h6th o+ th othr prso EHu-r-s r .r / -to th h6th or @66?-g o+ +6r6t-.s, sp5-66 @-.s

    Dur-g --t-6 t-gs -t -s ot 5ssr to prt-5-pt - 5o.rst-o ?o/ @ht 5ou6/ ?

    /s5r-?/ s s66 t6 As@r-g gr6 Hu-r-s -s ough ut-6 ou r o@ ?ttr ?

    th group or -/-.-/u6 -.o6./ Tr-g to oopo6- 5o.rst-o -s 5os-/r/ -pt-t/ ru/

    $o@ 6-tr5 rts -5rs th -port5 o+ .r?6 5ou-5t-o

    Ar?s 6o. potr / 5rt-. sp5h Th r +o/ o+ ?sto@-g +6o@r ?6ss-gs /

    5o6or+u6 s@r-g


  • 8/10/2019 Crosscultural Training


    h sp-g @-th Ar?s p - -/ tht th ?6-. tht @or/s h. po@r Ar?s

    shu sp-g ?out up6str-s out o+ +r tht gt-. sp5h 5op6s gt-.


    I#+%t!ne %, e'!ti%n$i+$ in d%in) "($ine$$ in UAE

    )op6 - th UAE pr+r to /o ?us-ss - prso R6t-osh-ps / utu6 trust r

    prout +or su55ss+u6 ?us-ss -tr5t-o / 5 o6 ? /.6op/ through +5to+5 t-gs It -s -portt to sp/ t- @-th our E-rt- ?us-ss 5outrprts / sur

    +utur t-gs t p65 to 5ot-u 5u6t-.t-g th r6t-osh-p

    It -s -portt to h. 5o5t-os to soo - th UAE @ho 5 -tro/u5 ou ?+orttpt-g to /o ?us-ss thr o our o@ E-rt- pop6 pr+r to /o ?us-ss @-th thos

    th o@, so h.-g soo to -tro/u5 ou @-66 ? o+ -s ?+-t to our ?us-ss

    r6t-osh-p 4-6 / +r-/s 5o ?+or th-g 6s As rsu6t, -t -s ot u5oo +or E-rt- to

    rs5h/u6 or 556 soth-g to 55oo/t th-r /s or @-shs

    T th t- to gt to o@ our ?us-ss 5outrprts o prso 6.6 so tht ou 5/.6op +r-/sh-p @-th tht prso / thr+or ? - ?ttr pos-t-o o+ pr-or-t +or ?us-ss


    h -t 5os to 5ou-5t-o (u6- th @st tht pr+rs @r-tt 5ou-5t-o" th Ar?s

    pr+r prso6 .-s-ts, @h-5h h. th ?-ggst -p5t, or pho 566s @h .-s-ts r ot poss-?6/ ths h. or -p5t th sr-s o+ -6s E-6s o+t gt -gor/, o.r6oo/ or t

    .r 6og t- to ? rp6-/ to Ar?s r hosp-t?6 / p65 grt /6 o+ phs-s o

    out@r/ Cprss-os, / th E-rt-s r o /-++rt Th 6o. to trt- / th-s -s 6so

    grt @ to +or ?o/ @-th th E-rt-s Th-s -s @h -.-tt-os / to ? 55pt/gr5-ous6 / Cptr-ts shou6/ 6r ppropr-t t-Hutt ?+or tt/-g th .t O5

    thr -s ?o/ st?6-sh/ @-th th E-rt- / Cptr-t th 5os-/r th Cptr-t s

    +r-/ / ?us-ss /6-gs 5 5o5

    Ti#e !nd Ti#in)

    Th Ar?s rsp5t @strrs @ho 5o o t- to t-gs . -+ th ths6.s r 6t

    %[email protected], to Ar?s t- -s ot s -portt s to th @strrs I th Ar? @or6/ thr -s or

    phs-s o hro Th-s s tht - or/r to -t- hro ?-g 6t to t-gs,/6s / -trrupt-os /ur-g t-gs r 5oo / r to6rt/ %[email protected], th 6o56s /o

    r5og- tht /6s, 6tss, -trrupt-os / tht t- -s u6--t/ rsour5 5 5ost th

    o / prhps 6os th ?us-ss /6s @-th outs-/rs N.rth6ss, ?-g t- 5os5-ous

    / o t- -s hr/ +or th Ar?s s th 5ot /o tht t th Cps o+ prso6 r6t-osh-ps

    B($ine$$ !d$

    %. our ?us-ss 5r/s pr-t/ - ?oth our 6gug / Ar?-5 / sho@ rsp5t @hr5-.-g / r/-g th ?us-ss 5r/


  • 8/10/2019 Crosscultural Training



    A!"i P!$e$ !nd .%d$ t% ($e in A"( D!"i 7 Rtr-./ August 1!, 2013,


    C%##(ni!id G%(+ Ltd8 -997 Do-g Bus-ss - th UAE55ss/ o August 1!, 2013

    A"( D!"i B($ine$$ Eti;(ette7 A?u Dh?- Bus-ss )ort6, rtr-./ August ,2013


    B($ine$$ Eti;(ette in te U8A8E87USUAE Bus-ss 9ou5-6, rtr-./ August , 2013




    FT8 LEAVEN.ORTH7 A$t%n7 Anne> C%i;(%(n7 T!*, 9ROSS9U$TURA$ TRAINING: A


    Rtr-./ August 1=, 2013, http:JJsr5h?s5ohost5oJ6og-spCW


  • 8/10/2019 Crosscultural Training


    A++endi? A

    UAE Indi!n C%##(nit*

    Th I/- 5ou-t - th UAE, u?r-g 17! -66-o, 5ost-tuts 30 pr 5t o+ th tot6

    popu6t-o It -s th 6rgst Cptr-t 5ou-t - th 5outr It u-Hu6 pro.-/s ?r/th -

    trs o+ u?rs / /pth - trs o+ 5tgor-s o+ @orrs p6o/ @h-5h /-st-gu-shs -t

    +ro .r othr Cptr-t 5ou-t - th UAE

    Th pro+-6 o+ th 5ou-t hs 5hg/ @-th th .o6.-g /s o+ th 5outr: - th 170s/ 10s, @h th pr-5-p6 rHu-rt hr @s +or ?6u X 5o66r @orrs, th I/-

    5ou-t @s ?6u 5o66r to th Ctt o+ !0 pr 5t, @-th g6-g-?6 pr5tg o+

    pro+ss-o6s I th 10s, s th / +or pro+ss-o6s to t th / o+ th Cp/-g

    Sr.-5 s5tor rg/, th pro+-6 o+th 5ou-t 5hg/, / to/, 1!20 pr 5t o+ th

    I/- 5ou-t -s / up o+ pro+ss-o66 Hu6-+-/ prso6

    Up to th r6 10s, th I/- @orrs us/ to +5 sr-ous pro?6s - rgr/ to th +-6ur to

    -p6t 5otr5tu6 o?6-gt-os ? p6ors s 6so - rsp5t o+ th-r @or-g / 6-.-g

    5o/-t-os Gr-.5 r/rss6 5h-ss @r 6so gross6 -/Hut / +rHut6 ?-s/

    - +.or o+ th p6or

    O.r th 6st +-. rs thr hs ? st/ -pro.t - th s-tut-o ?oth - rsp5t o+

    th trtt o+ @orrs s 6so @-th rgr/ to gr-.5 r/rss6 5h-ss To/, th UAE

    M--str o+ $?our / th M--str o+ O.rss I/- A++-rs r @or-g 56os6 to .o6.

    @ rrgt tht @ou6/ th sst o+ r5ru-tt / 5otr5t-g or trsprt

    I 2007, th UAE uthor-t-s @r /p6 5o5r/ @h t@o str-s -.o6.-g I/- @orrs

    too p65 I o -st5, thr @s .-o65 o th strts g-st po6-5 prso6, @h-6 -

    th othr, I/-s, 6og @-th @orrs o+ othr t-o6-t-s @r -.o6./ - 5oor/-t/ Ps-t

    -Q -.o6.-g o.r =0 thous/ @orrs t 2& s-ts 5ross th UAE h-6 --t-66 th UAEuthor-t-s t// to th- - trs o+ Ctr-st 5osp-r5-s, @ @r ?6 to prsu/ th tht

    th pr-5-p6 sour5 o+ th @orrs gr @s th +5t tht th UAE D-rh @s pgg/ to th

    US Do66r / @s thus -6/-g +or th 6o@st 5tgor o+ @orrs t 6st Rs 1000J 6ss pr

    oth th @ht h-s @gs h/ -6// r6-r Th gr-.5s o+ ths str--g @orrs @r

    stt6/ through t pr 5t -5rs - @gs 5ross th ?or/


  • 8/10/2019 Crosscultural Training


    A 6s-s o+ th s-tut-o o+ th @orrs r.6s th / +or 5os-/r?6 r+or t ho,

    prt-5u6r6 - rgr/ to th +u5t-o-g o+ r5ru-t-g g5-s / th-r ro6 - proot-g th

    s5ourg o+ P-66g6Q, s 6so th / to +-6-s 6g66 ?-/-g / +or5?6 5otr5ts - I/-

    -ts6+ ?+or th @orrs r5h th UAE %pp-6, g-. th pos-t-. / 5ostru5t-. ppro5h

    o+ th UAE Go.rt, th stg -s o@ st +or s-g-+-5t -pro. - rgr/ to th @6+r o+

    our pop6 - th-s 5outr

    De#%)!+i P%,i'e

    Th UAE popu6t-o prst6 -s st-t/ to ? rou/ +-. -66-o o+ @h-5h 2J3r/ r

    --grts +ro +or-g 5outr-s, -56u/-g I/- Th ?rup o+ I/- -grts - UAE -s

    s +o66o@s:

    &! ?6og to th ?6u5o66r 5tgor (p6o/ ost6 - 5ostru5t-o 5op-s,

    u-5-p6-t-s, gr-5u6tur6 +rs"

    20 ?6og to th @h-t 5o66r opro+ss-o6 (56r-56 st++, shop ss-stts, s6s

    , 55outts, t5;" /

    1! r pro+ss-o6s / ?us-ss / th-r +-6 ?rs

    S%(e:http:JJ-/?ssuorg(1=JJ2013 t 10:!0 )M"

    H%'id!*$ !nd Le!3e$

    Th UAE $?our $@ -56u/s u?r o+ pro.-s-os tht - to sur th phs-56 /

    t6 @66 ?-g o+ @orrs / ?oost th-r pro/u5t-.-t ? grt-g th /s +or rst o

    5rt- o55s-os / @h h6th pro?6s pr.t th +ro tt/-g rgu6r @or

    Th +o66o@-g 6-st sho@s th pu?6-5 ho6-/s - th UAE +or th r 2013 Th o++-5-6 r+r5

    to /tr- Is6-5 o55s-os, su5h s th ?g--g o+ R/ or %>, -s th %->r- 96/r

    It -s ?s/ o th phss o+ th oo %5, th C5t /ts o+ Is6-5 .ts .r +ro o

    Grgor- r to othr s th /p/ o th 6o56 s-ght-gs o+ th oo

    O D5?r 2/ o+ 5h r, strts / ?u-6/-gs 5ross th 5outr r 6-t up / /5ort/

    to 56?rt th +ou/-g o+ th u-o o+ th U-t/ Ar? E-rts Th UAE Nt-o6 D -s55op-/ ? sr-s o+ .ts / progrs 6st-g s.r6 /s

    T?6 2

    O!$i%n Ge)%i!n Ye! -91/ Hi@i Ye! 1/ H%'id!* D(!ti%n

    N@ 'r 1 # 2013 1 S+r 1


  • 8/10/2019 Crosscultural Training


    )ropht Moh/s B-rth/Y 2= # 2013 12 R?- A6



    Isr N-ghtY & #u 2013 27 R>? 1

    R/ Cp5t/ to ?g-Y 10 #u6 2013 1 R/ 0

    E-/ A6 4-trY Aug 2013 1 Sh@@6 3

    Ar+t DY 1= O5t 2013 Dhu A6%->>h 1

    E-/ A6 A/hY 1! O5t 2013 10 Dhu A6%->>h 3

    %->r- N@ 'rs DY = No. 2013 1 Muhrr 1=3!1

    UAE Nt-o6 D 2J3 D5 2013 2

    T?6 2: )u?6-5 %o6-/s - 2013 - UAE

    YIs6-5 ho6-/ C5t /ts r su?>5t to oo s-ght-g / /-++r +ro /t g-.



  • 8/10/2019 Crosscultural Training


    I+ th @orr @s rHu-r/ to @or o o++-5-6 ho6-/, h sh66 ? grt/ othr / o++

    @-th -5rs o+ !0 pr5t o h-s @g I+ h @s ot g-. othr / o++, th -5rs sh66

    ? ? 1!0 pr5t o+ h-s ?s-5 @g

    Ann(!' Le!3e

    Th @orr -s ot t-t6/ +or u6 6. -+ h-s sr.-5 pr-o/ -s 6ss th s-C oths I+ h-s

    sr.-5 -s or th s-C oths ?ut 6ss th r, h sh66 ? t-t6/ +or u6 .5t-o o+

    ot 6ss th t@o /s +or 5h oth I+ th sr.-5 -s or th r, h -s t-t6/ +or 30

    /s .5t-o Th /urt-o o+ u6 6. sh66 ot ? /5rs/, ?ut -t ? -5rs/

    Th p6or hs th r-ght to sp5-+ th ?g--g o+ th u6 6. / h 5 /-.-/ th

    6., @h 5ssr, - or/r to sur sooth oprt-o o+ th st?6-sht Th 6.

    ? +or@r// to th Ct r, ?ut -t ot ? susp// +or or th t@o rs

    Th @orr sh66 r5-. h-s ?s-5 s6r sp5-+-/ ? th p6ot 5otr5t s h-s 6.

    s6r, p6us hous-g 66o@5 I+ th 6. -s postpo/ to th +o66o@-g r, h sh66 r5-.

    h-s ?s-5 s6r / 66 66o@5s, p6us rurt-o o+ th 6.

    Si5 Le!3e

    I+ @orr su++rs +ro -66ss @h-5h -s ot @orr6t/, h sh66 ot-+ th p6or

    @-th- 2= hours +ro h-s -66ss ? .-6?6 s / th p6or put h- u/r

    /-56 C-t-o - or/r to st?6-sh utht-5-t o+ th -66ss

    Th p6or -s ot 66o@/ to /pr-. th @orr +ro h-s s-5 6.

    P!* D(in) Si5 Le!3e

    Th C-u pr-o/ o+ s-5 6. +or opro+ss-o6 /-sss -s 0 /s +or .r r o+

    sr.-5 / th @orr sh66 ? t-t6/ +or +u66 p +or th +-rst 1! /s / h6+ p +or th Ct

    30 /s

    )-/ s-5 6. -s ot pp6-5?6 to @orrs @ho r st-66 u/r pro?t-o pr-o/, @orrs @ho

    su55ss+u66 5op6t/ th pro?t-o ?ut th-r pr-o/ o+ sr.-5 +tr tht -s 6ss th thr

    oths / thos @ho r ppo-t/ @-thout pro?t-o pr-o/ sst

    Pi')i#!)e Le!3e

    Th @orr -s t-t6/ +or o t- p-6gr-g 6. o+ 30 /s @-thout p /ur-g th rs o+

    h-s p6ot 5otr5t


  • 8/10/2019 Crosscultural Training




  • 8/10/2019 Crosscultural Training


    I+ ou r sposor/ ? our spous / @-sh to @or, ou @-66 / to o?t- No

    O?>5t-o 9rt-+-5t (NO9" +ro h-Jhr ?+or s-g-g 5otr5t @-th our @

    p6or 'our p6or @-66 th pp6 +or our 6?our 5r/ Th-s 5r/ -s .r

    -portt -t -s .6-/ +or o+ -/t-+-5t-o / shou6/ ? 5rr-/ @-th ou t 66 t-s



  • 8/10/2019 Crosscultural Training


    t- @-66 ? 5os-/r/ o.rt- / @-66 t-t6 th p6o +or rurt-o 5orrspo/-g

    to or6 @or-g hours, p6us //-t-o6 p o+ ot 6ss th 2! o+ th rurt-o


    I+ 5-r5ust5s rHu-r tht p6o @ors o.rt- ?t@ )M / = AM, h sh66 ?

    t-t6/ +or rurt-o o+ rgu6r @or-g hours p, p6us -5rs o+ ot 6ss th !0 o+

    tht out


    4r-/ -s th @6 ho6-/ +or 66 p6os C5pt +or /-6 @g @orrs I+ 5-r5ust5s

    rHu-r tht p6o @ors o th-s /, h sh66 ? t-t6/ +or othr / o++ or p-/ h-s

    ?s-5 p +or or6 @or-g hours p6us -5rs o+ ot 6ss th !0 o+ tht p


    Ep6os r t-t6/ +or o++-5-6 ho6-/ @-th +u66 p o th +o66o@-g /s: o / +or

    %->r- N@ 'r, Grgor- N@ 'r, Isr / M-r> (A55ss-o /", )ropht Moh/s?-rth/ / Nt-o6 D, 2 /s +or E-/ A64-tr / 3 /s +or Ar+ D / E-/ A6 A/h

