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The magazine of Temple-Anniesland Parish Church, Glasgow, UK
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CROSSTALK MARCH 2012 Temple-Anniesland Parish Church 869 Crow Road GLASGOW G13 Tele: 0141-959 1814 Congregational Number 161054 Scottish Charity Number SCO15579


MARCH 2012

Temple-Anniesland Parish Church 869 Crow Road GLASGOW G13

Tele: 0141-959 1814

Congregational Number 161054 Scottish Charity Number SCO15579

After a stormy winter, it is beginning to feel like spring. The birds are singing, and there are daffodils appearing in the park – after the bulbs being underground for such a long time, the shoots have pushed their way out through the soil, and found the light. As the nights get lighter, so it feels as if everyone begins to feel better. The sunshine seems to revive our spirits. And so this period of Lent brings a time of reflection – a time to ponder the state of our faith, and our hopes for the year ahead. In the church, we have had some saddnesses over the winter – a number of people who have fallen ill, and some who have died. We think especially of two elders – Bob MacDonald and Jack Westwood, who both faithfully served this church, and have now gone home to be with the Lord. And so we remember all the bereaved at this time. The storms have also caused damage to our roof, and there are many repairs to make on our church building. The outworkings of the first draft of the Presbytery plan has also caused some anxiety, with many more meetings to take place before we get a better sense of the outcome. We have also been able to see new things happen in our midst. It has been great to see the new screens be used more in worship, the words of hymns enhance our singing, and powerpoints help us to examine issues from every angle. It has been lovely to be able to celebrate the sacrament of baptism also, and to see so many families out at the Christmas services. We are just finishing our first Alpha course, and have enjoyed talking over many topics, and having some lively bible study and debate. It has been a joy to see four new elders ordained, and to take up their duties with such enthusiasm. And it is great to have a new mission partner Susan Clark, soon to go out to Lahore in Pakistan as a counsellor and adviser working with women. Life is often so poignant, with sad and happy events all muddled up. But if we feel like that – how much more so did Jesus in the weeks leading up to his death on a cross. He was surrounded by the strength of God, motivated by love, and yet was misunderstood, faced opposition and outright hostility, until he was nailed to a tree and died as a common criminal. What sadness and heartache does the cruelty of human beings produce. And yet death was not the end, for on the third day Jesus rose again from death, and demonstrated in a tangible way that love is stronger than hatred, grace is stronger than legalism, hope is stronger than despair. We remember Paul’s words in Romans chapter 5: “We rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance character, and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.” May we all know the love of God poured out into our hearts this Easter. Every blessing,

Fiona Gardner


TREASURER’S REPORT ( 3 ) I wasn’t sure whether or not I was going to get time to do this report as there seems to be a lot of long meetings on the go at the moment with regards Presbytery. As you are probably all aware there is a new Presbytery Plan in progress and it is quite complex and time consuming. We were not happy with the first draft and have been discussing with Presbytery some of the figures we were allocated. They are looking into our appeal at the moment and will be getting back to us shortly. I was at a meeting where they informed us that on one of the days they took the census there were 14,000 worshiping in the Church of Scotland in Glasgow. Considering the number of purporting members the church has on it’s roll this seems an awful low number to me and is only 2% of Glasgow’s population and when we look at under 40’s this figure drops to only 1%. More worrying was the fact that the average age was 63. For our census we had 140 attending and the average age was 71. So it is confirmed that we are an ageing congregation but I am happy to say still a healthy congregation and a good giving congregation. Then there is the National Stewardship Campaign which I mentioned in earlier reports and this once again means more meetings. As I said before it is not just money which will be involved in the programme but also time and talents. You should receive a message from the Moderator of the General Assembly with this Crosstalk and this explains a few things but not everything. Enough of the serious stuff. You may have noticed that I have changed my car. I have now become very ECO friendly. I was up at the garage on my own to arrange for the new car and the salesman asked me if I was happy to go ahead with the new car to which I informed him that her indoors would have to give her stamp of approval before I could buy it. Amazingly she liked my choice therefore we bought it. Back to the serious stuff. The Annual Stated Meeting is fast approaching and you will be able to find out how we did in 2011. The Church Accounts for 2011 have now been approved by the Congregational Board/Trustees and you are fortunate that at the ASM you do not have to go through the report page by page which the Board had to do. I will just explain a few of the finer points such as our offerings were up, our gift aid received was slightly down due to a drop in the rate from 28p in the £1 to 25p in the £1 but overall we had a small surplus in the General Fund. I did note that there was an increase in the plate and I would remind the congregation that we are unable to get gift aid on the ‘giving’s’ through the plate at the moment. This brings me on to my usual plug that if you pay tax you should contact Elisabeth Robertson on Tel No.959 0498 to arrange to sign a gift aid form.




Nowadays we are increasingly living in what is aptly named “the rat race”

rushing about in no obvious direction following the latest trend, fashion and

whatever, well I ask you is that the way to run a life, your life. Think about it!

Far too often in this increasingly busy and overcrowded world, the still small

voice of God is drowned out by the surrounding hustle and bustle. We need

places of solitude to get our lives back into balance, cutting out all the clutter

and seeing a clearer path to follow. This allows us to bring our lives back into

a more substantive connection with our spiritual needs. Spiritual truths

become clearer when we are in a quiet frame of mind and this is achievable

when we are in communion with God through prayer. I am not surprised that

retreat places Spiritual or otherwise, have sprung up all over the place.

Retreats can be surprisingly beneficial even to non-believers.

As we approach Easter, are you satisfied that you are doing your bit for Jesus

bearing in mind that Jesus loved us, lived among us and died for us. When he

departed this earth, Jesus left the Holy Spirit to strengthen and guide us.

The Easter message can fill that aching void at the centre of your being and

make sense of it all. You may find your life has meaning, purpose, direction

and a deep, deep peace. Like many things in life, you have to experience it to

really understand it. The stable foundation and surety that it brings can be a

revelation. Humankind needs the guiding influence of a God who is all

embracing, a place of surety and safety where we can find refuge in our hour

of darkness and deepest despair. We can find stillness, comfort, peace and

healing from the troubles of this world that are largely of our own making. That

is why we still celebrate the Easter Christian Festival, the foundation of our

faith which reminds us of the sacrificial “Lamb” who paid for our sins, and then

the glorious Resurrection.

Our Dawn service on Easter Sunday will be unique this year as it is our first

with our Minister Fiona Gardner and I am sure we are all looking forward to it.

It is such an occasion being able to welcome the sunrise. Looking down over

our sleeping parish from Dawsholm Park is a special moment and spiritually

uplifting to welcome the new day by praising our Risen Lord Jesus Christ.

Spiritually speaking it does not get any better than this.

REGISTER ( 5 ) DEATHS 22.12.11 Mrs Betty Pearson, Ascot (07) 02.01.11 Mr Jack Westwood, Munro Court (02) 24.01.12 Mr Robert MacDonald, Fulton Street (12) Mr Stephen Galloway (N/M) NEW MEMBERS Ms May Black Diana Drive (24) Mrs Margaret Finlayson, Ascot (07) TRANSFER Mrs J Steele moved to AYR CHANGE OF ADDRESS Mrs J Bain to Crow Road (19)

Fiona Gardner



We are looking for the old Temple and Anniesland Cradle Roll

Certificates. If anyone knows of their whereabouts, please let

Marion Stewart know.


We are sorry to say good-bye to our Auxiliary Minister, the Rev Marion

Perry, who worked with Temple-Anniesland and Knightswood St

Margaret’s Church for the last two years.

Marion has moved out of the area to Cumbernauld. Marion conducted

her last service at Temple-Anniesland on 27th November 2011 and we

were able to express our appreciation to her for all the work she has

carried out here and for all her energy and enthusiasm. We wish her

God’s blessing in her new house and pray that all will go well for her.

Alison Gray MISSION PARTNER The World Mission Team has decided to adopt Susan Clark as our Mission Partner. She trained as a social worker and specialised in Children and Families work. In 2009 she applied and was accepted to work as a female project counsellor and adviser in Lahore, Pakistan, with the Church of Scotland. Susan unfortunately took ill and was unable to go at that time. However she is better now and is looking forward to going to Pakistan as soon as her visa comes through. Fiona has already met with the 2 people she will be working with, Alice and Ayra. She would value our prayers for the following:-

1. Her elderly mother and other family members she is leaving behind. 2. For safety – the security situation is not good. 3. For learning Urdu - not an easy language.

Alison Gray

BLYTHSWOOD SHOE BOXES - KNITTERS WANTED I have a quantity of hats and gloves for children aged 6 months to 2 years of age and I am looking for those of you in the congregation who knit, to make some scarves in a pale blue or purple colour to match. I can supply the wool. If you have any other knitted items or would be willing to make some then these too will be very welcome. All these items will be placed in the Blythswood Shoe Boxes which I am sure you know go those less fortunate than others, in Eastern Europe, Indi and Pakistan.

Alison Gray


The Robert Wiseman Group will donate a wheelchair to a local disability group, if we can collect the equivalent weight of a wheelchair in “Milk Bottle Tops”. I have left a plastic basket in the old hall for collection of “clean” milk bottle tops so please don’t throw out the tops, wash and bring them to church on a Sunday.

Robert MacDonald was born on the 4th January 1922 at 13 Grovepark Street –

he was one of 10 children. He was baptised at Guthrie Memorial

Congregational church, and growing up, he was involved with the Boys

Brigade. On leaving school he served as an apprentice electrician, and he

served in the Navy from 1942 till the end of the war. When Bob returned, he

became a charge hand at Goodfellows. Bob met a certain young lady Isobel –

the love of his life – and the couple got married on 20th August 1948. Bob was

a great dad and papa to all the family, as he had a deep care for each child,

and a wonderfully mischievous sense of humour. All his life, Bob’s faith was

very important to him. He became an elder at his local church in Dalmuir in

1958, and when the family moved house to 1729 Great Western Road, they

joined Anniesland cross church. Here Bob resumed his duties as an elder, and

he also served as Clerk to the congregational Board from 1971-77. He was

also halls convener, a member of the church drama group, and part of a

support group for probationer ministers passing through. Rob’s faith was

central in his life, and he tried to live out his beliefs in all that he did, which

greatly influenced everyone around him. In his working life, Bob worked for

the Electricity Board, where he was an inspector and progressed to be a

foreman. In 1970-76 he had his own electrical business, and in 1976 till his

retirement in 1987, he worked as a principal Technical Officer Grade 3 at

Coulport with the Ministry of Defence. Bob enjoyed a full retirement – actively

involved in the life of the church, and with his family children, grandchildren

and great grandchildren. He was always busy, and very popular, as he had

an endearing way about him. He and Isabel were married for 58 years, before

Isobel died in 2006. Rob was very sad, but tried hard to look after everyone

else. In his later years, Bob went to the Gatehouse, and this was a wonderful

experience for him. In 2011, Bob went out to Egypt to his granddaughter

Christina’s wedding, and he said words of blessing to the couple – a very

special moment. He also celebrated his 90th birthday just 3 weeks ago, and

was up dancing at his party – zimmer in hand. Sadly just a week later, Rob

had a stroke, and although he battled bravely, he never recovered, and he

died in the Western Infirmary on Tuesday 24th January. Already he is much

missed, but looking back on his life we realise anew that he had a long and

fulfilling life, and we celebrate that life and all that he means to us. We

remember Rob as a devoted husband to the late Isobel, as a doting dad to

Evelyn, the late Carolyn, Robert, Colin and Gordon, as well as a proud papa to

his 8 grandchildren – Mark, Kirsty, Fergus, Stuart, Blair, Laura, Christina and

Garry, and his 11 great grandchildren – Rachel, Cara, Lewis, Craig, Liam,

Jack, Calum, Lewis, Colm, Andrew and baby Lola. Fiona Gardner

A tribute to Bob MacDonald – ( 1922-2012) ( 7 )

We have had a busy session so far working on various badges and learning some new games. At the moment we are working on the Designer Badge as

a pack. One of the things the girls had to do for this was to add a design to an old top or trousers and to make an item of clothing out of recycled material. In order for the girls to show off their designs we are hoping to hold a fashion show and coffee evening on Thursday 29

th of March from 7.15pm – 8.30pm. I

hope some of the congregation will come and support this. We have 2 young leaders with us now, who used to be Thursday Brownies themselves, Hannah and Jodie. They have both now left Guides are in Senior Section and hope to start working towards their Young Leader Qualification. Already they are really popular with the Brownies. May I take this opportunity to thank the Church for their generous contribution to the Subscription fees which is sent to Guide Headquarters annually to help with insurance costs etc? It is very much appreciated.

Clare Sinclair

( 8 )

1st Kelvinside Rainbows We have a very happy group of girls and they have been learning and making new crafts. We made salt dough, painted it and made them into magnets. To help raise funds for the unit, we sold a Christmas Quiz last year and made £30 - we would like to say a very big thank you to all who contributed. We are very fortunate in welcoming a new leader to the Rainbows, Amy Mason. Amy will be our Unit Helper. The Rainbows are celebrating 25 years in this year of 2012. We have a “Rainbows Big Birthday Challenge Badge”. There are lots of different activities, split into sections, of the Rainbow Jigsaw (Look, Learn, Laugh and Love) and an additional section for the 25

th Birthday. Rainbows have to

choose one challenge from each section.

Fiona MacIntyre



The Minister will be off duty 9th

April to 16th

April, and also will be on Study Leave from 16

th April to 30

th April.


We have had a very successful 2012 session with lots of different items on our

syllabus, as previously printed in Crosstalk. We are finishing at the end of

March and we are hoping to have a coffee morning soon so please check the

Intimation Sheet and the Notice Board in the old hall. We are looking forward

to our Bus Run which, this year, is going to Baxters at Blackwood for lunch

and then on to The Thistle Centre in Stirling for a wee bit of Retail and then

back to the Crowwood Hotel for High Tea and then home. A good day will be

had by one and all. We will have our “Tea and Chat” afternoons once a

month, starting on Tuesday June so keep checking the Intimation Sheet and

Notice Board for information regarding this. Please do come along and join

us, we really are quite a good bunch of people.


st April


nd April


rd April


th April


th April


th April


th April


th April

11.00am 12 noon 12 noon 12 noon 7.30pm 12 noon 7.00pm 12. noon 7.00pm 7.00am 11.00am

Family Palm Sunday Service Holy Week Service Holy Week Service Holy Week Service Congregational Board Meeting Holy Week Service Maunday Thursday – Joint Evening Service Holy Week Service Good Friday Evening Service Easter Morning Service in Dawsholm Park Easter Celebration with Sacrament of Communion

I am planning on starting up a cycling club for anyone in the congregation,

both young and not so young, who has a bike and is for all levels of fitness!!!

The cycles will be nothing too strenuous; – to begin with anyway. The cycles

will be on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon, whatever suits most people. If you

are interested please come and see me either in the old hall after the service

or you can contact me either by email or phone. My details are on the Church

contacts page of this magazine or on the Temple-Anniesland Web page.

Clare Sinclair

ERSKINE BRIDGE WALK FOR CHRISTIAN AID Why not take part in the Erskine Bridge Cross with your friends and family and

raise money for Christian Aid? This year’s Erskine Bridge Cross will take

place on Saturday 5th May. When we think of walking, we are often reminded

of the story of Jesus and the road to Emmaus. When we walk, we feel that

Jesus is walking alongside us, guiding us and our thoughts. His walk along the

road inspired those he walked with to return to Jerusalem and tell the Eleven

of his resurrection. We take this inspiration with us as we plan and take part in

our sponsored walks, walking with Jesus in our hearts. The money that you

will be raising will go to help the work of Christian Aid around the world. They

work with 507 partners in 47 countries. One such partner is the Hope Agency

for Relief and Development (HARD). They are a Sudanese organisation

started in 1995 in order to assist the war-affected southern Sudanese. Ajang

Garang is 11 years old. She lives in South Sudan. Ajang attends her village

school. It is here that HARD have built a new kitchen and latrines. Before, the

toilets were dirty, smelly and dangerous. Now the toilets are safe, hygienic and

partitioned – boys and girls have their own toilets and privacy. It is the

money from Christian Aid supporters such as you that has enabled us to fund

this work and many other projects worldwide. Challenge yourselves and

your friends to fight poverty step by step and raise money for Christian

Aid. If you would like to take part in this year’s Erskine Bridge Cross on


May please ask Jim Stewart for a sponsorship form.

Jim Stewart

ADVERTISEMENT FOR A MAGAZINE EDITOR We are appealing for an Editor for the Crosstalk Magazine - this is the final Crosstalk for the moment unless we can find someone to produce the magazine in future. Please speak to the Minister is you feel able to help. The next Crosstalk Magazine is not due until June/July 2012.

( 10 )



Tribute for Jack Westwood ( 1923-2012)

John Bradwood Westwood - was born in 1923. He was one of three children

– having a brother George and a sister Margaret. Jack was born and brought

up at Thane Road in Knightswood. Jack went to Victoria Drive School, where

he first met Belle, and he swept her off her feet at a Scout dance. In 1947,

Jack and Belle were married at Anniesland Parish Church by Dr Harry

Thomson. The couple honeymooned at the George Hotel Montrose for a

week. The couple had three children – Elspeth, and then Ross and Jack.

Sadly Ross died of pneumonia when he was just two years old. Jack joined

the Merchant Navy and travelled widely – to India, and to North and South

America as ship’s engineer. He left the Merchant Navy in 1967, and joined

Colville’s at Gartcosh, which was to become British Steel. Jack was service

manager there till he retired in 1983.

Jack was quite a character. He was great fun to be around, as his children and

grandchildren can testify. Jack had many friends. He was a committed

member of Temple Anniesland church, and an elder. He and Belle were part

of the Amateur Dramatic society at Temple Anniesland church - Jack as the

prompt and Belle as one of the leading lights. Jack was also a member of

Woodend Bowling club, and he loved his bowls and his days out.

On their 50th wedding anniversary, Jack and Belle had a wonderful evening of

celebration with their family – children and grandchildren and friends. There

are many stories about Jack – his sense of fun and his ability to make people

laugh. Jack was greatly loved by his grandchildren – the late Karine, Stewart,

Alan, Jamie, Eilidh and Alison. Sadly, Jack’s wife Belle died in 2000, and

Jack continued to live at home.

However he became less well, and after some time in hospitals, he got a

place in the Bield in Munro Court - particularly enjoying his ice-cream, and the

occasional dram. He passed away peacefully on 2nd

of January. Jack is

already sorely missed, yet we give thanks for his long and full life and all he

shared with us.

Fiona Gardner

( 12 )








25 1 8



29 6




Mrs L Murray, Mrs H Provan, Mrs J Smyrl, Mr L Smyrl, Miss J Greenlees. Mrs M Stewart, Mrs M McCormack, Ms A Gray, Mrs M Hutchison, Mrs A Issa, Mr W Hutchison. Mrs M Stewart, Mrs J McGregor, Mrs J Edgar, Mrs M Chisholm, Mrs A Cowan, Mrs E Hedges, Mr J Muldrew. Miss F McIntyre, Mrs H McLean, Mrs I Brown, Mrs G McMillan, Mr M Macleod. Mrs M Stewart, Miss K Creelman, Mrs R Donnelly, Mrs M Reith, Miss A Weir. Mrs G Cullen, Miss J Maughan, Mrs C Lintott, Mrs E Todd, Mrs M Campbell, Mrs L Tejova. Mrs M Begg, Mrs M Cowan, Mrs A Paterson, Mrs D McKinnon, Mrs J Murray, Mr I Murray Mrs N Sinclair, Mrs M Paton, Ms S Campbell, Mr J Brown, Ms E MacDonald, Ms C Sinclair, Miss M Milliken, Mrs H Slater, Mrs A Crawford, Mrs B Zangrande, Mrs C Robertson, Mr D Cumming. Mrs L Murray, Mrs H Provan, Mrs J Smyrl, Mr L Smyrl, Miss J Greenlees. Mrs M Stewart, Mrs M McCormack, Ms A Gray, Mrs M Hutchison, Mrs A Issa, Mr W Hutchison.

Mrs M Stewart, Mrs J McGregor, Mrs J Edgar, Mrs M Chisholm, Mrs A Cowan, Mrs E Hedges, Mr J Muldrew.

Miss F McIntyre, Mrs H McLean, Mrs I Brown, Mrs G McMillan, Mr M Macleod.

HELP - We are looking for new helpers for Sunday Morning Coffee Duty. If you feel you can help, please see Marion Stewart.

I can do all things through prayer and a coffee

( 13 )






4 4 11 11 18 18 25 25 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 6 13 13 20 27 27

Mrs I Brown Mrs N Sinclair Mrs GT Scott Mr & Mrs F Tosh Miss L Allan Mrs A Paterson Mrs M Reith Mrs B McLachlan Ms J Bain Mrs EGreechan Mrs D McKinnon Memory - RM Dallas Mr & Mrs F Platt Mrs H McLean Mrs A Brien Memory – Liz Spence The Brownies Free Date Free Date Mr & Mrs W Hutchison Mrs H Slater

Mrs I Brown Miss J Greenlees Mrs A Paterson Mrs M Reith Mrs E Greechan Miss E Weir Miss C Trott Mrs F Platt Miss A Spence Mrs A Brien Mrs A Crawford Mrs A Brown Mrs M Hutchison

There are several free dates if anyone would like to put flowers in Church in memory of a loved one or to commemorate a Special occasion. Please contact Elisabeth Robertson on 0141-959 0498. Dates available are:-


May 2012; 20th

May 2012; 1st July 2012; 29th

July 2012

Seasons change, God never does

( 15 ) ( 14 )



















Robert Dallas, Rae Donnelly, Nancy Sinclair, Betty Spence, Stella MacDonald, Pamela Dallas Communion Fiona McIntyre, Clare Sinclair, June Murray Andy Robertson, Catherine Robertson, Ian Murray, John Brown, Maureen Milliken, Annette Wright, Cathie Lintott, Isobel Brown, Liz Gordon. Murdoch MacLeod, Molly Begg, Christine MacLeod, David Murray, Isobel Haddow, Andrea Murray Les Smyrl, Jessica Smyrl, Marilyn Primrose, Alexa Izza, Fred Tosh, Danny Cumming, Evelyn MacDonald Anne Weir, Kathleen Creelman, Tom Griffiths, Marion Stewart, Maureen Mee, Isabel Barrie Margaret Maclean, Alison Gray, Bill Hutchison, John Edgar, Phil Brien, Alison Brien Iain Smith, Audrey Spence, Elisabeth Robertson, Fay Platt, Margaret Campbell Robert Dallas, Rae Donnelly, Nancy Sinclair, Betty Spence, Stella MacDonald, Pamela Dallas Fiona McIntyre, Clare Sinclair, Andy Robertson, Catherine Robertson, Ian Murray, June Murray Murdoch MacLeod, Molly Begg, Christine MacLeod, David Murray, Isobel Haddow, Andrea Murray Les Smyrl, Jessica Smyrl, Marilyn Primrose, Alexa Izza, Fred Tosh, Danny Cumming, Evelyn MacDonald Anne Weir, Kathleen Creelman, Tom Griffiths, Marion Stewart, Maureen Mee, Isabel Barrie Margaret Maclean, Alison Gray, Bill Hutchison, John Edgar, Phil Brien, Alison Brien Communion John Brown, Maureen Milliken, Annette Wright, Cathie Lintott, Isobel Brown, Liz Gordon Iain Smith, Audrey Spence, Elisabeth Robertson, Fay Platt, Margaret Campbell




Session Clerk


Clerk to Board

Church Officer

Roll Keeper

Fabric convener

FWO/Planned Giving

Hall Lets

Flower Convener


Crosstalk Editor


Welcome To Church (Team Leader) Church Web Site

Fiona Gardner [email protected] 869 Crow Rd Glasgow G13

James Stewart

Fergus Platt

Clare Sinclair

Evelyn Greechan

John Edgar

Robert Dallas

Elisabeth Robertson

Evelyn Greechan

Elisabeth Robertson

Stewart Henderson


D Murray / A Spence [email protected]

Jean Findlater

www.tachurch.org.uk (Tom Griffiths)

959 5647

959 1814

959 5814

952 2626

950 2679

579 9958

339 1707

944 1551

959 0498

579 9958

959 0498

954 9226

954 0669

959 3219

For God so loved the world

that He didn’t send a Committee



Prayers before Service 10.10am Public Worship 11.00am and 6.30pm Crèche during morning worship Sunday Club : 11.00am till 12.15pm Beginners; Primary; Juniors & Seniors Rainbows 6.15pm Mothers & Toddlers 9.30am The Guild 2.00pm Brownies & Guides 6.30pm & 7.30pm ALL Sections of Boys’ Brigade 6.30pm Mothers & Toddlers Group 9.30am Prayer Meeting 10.00am Coffee 10.30 & 11.30am Midweek Service 11.00am Brownies 7.00pm Choir Practice 8.00pm The Silver Threads 2.00pm (1st Friday of the Month)
