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Crows Aquila Is Still Nest OPENS CAMPAIGN Leader of 2nd ...Crows Nest NAVIGATOR |SKV ALFRED MARKOW-I...

Date post: 12-Aug-2020
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N- E-W-S From Nortl I ust, West and South Sections of the Township Crows Nest NAVIGATOR |SKV ALFRED MARKOW- " hfll d wmtact man, JOE I MAHKB. number one carpen- J l KLDON RAI80N do- " r «irlM. preparatlooa . u ,n speed for tt» F I M - |ir V, fsrinwl to be held next t our old friend DOC. .', ^sKY. vwsrttonlnf n ,,l,i. drops TWENTYjSEVENTli YEAR COUNCIL PASSES RESOLUTION ON GIRLS; SCHOOL KEASBEY SCHOOL LOCICAI BUILDING TO HOUSE VO- CATIONAL SCHOOL l"] f ,it is beatlni a wMe „, „, Albert street He L|,,,,,s hi- l» ready to settle ,;„„ JOHNNY DUNN Jr.. mhrrited hto BMle ED'S niKl ,i i Ford, and b setting ui ui u»e out Of it. 0 - - 0 , ...1,.1-ary Digeit is again n^ y presidential straw >spite much criticism to :: v the poll has alwaya ,II a fraction of being General Motors broke ; .-! the city of Linden this a new five million dol- iiiing plant to employ 2,- Our own Town would Letter off industrially il : • io foolish restrictions , , .:.. were eliminated. 0 - -0 11 AIR BIXEL AND MART 1N\ jr<> ASCLO8KA8TH18 IIMMY DUNNE'S orchea- ,:,..iild draw a larre crowd Uir Hungarian Catholle llui: il.ince Saturday nlfht s (Uim that half ot the ;h school student* of the mini States enroll for the irons coursea each j«w...Jn- •nil>. did you know that .••in six statei have tetal- hurse i ' - I fr' , thret lure n|MTal and VTVIAS FOX en- ni ,i promenade on (he Aa- L boardwalk Sunday tllliiK. 0 - - 0 ' ull us that in certain iuma things are so quiet ,•:,: a whispering ban- , miles away_ Others ui ••\K Mr|et in Cnlprua ;i!id eleven cats yowl .. l> Irum dusk tu dawn Mugger GADEK swears •\ dun a football uniform ..n unless the athletic ••• finances an operation •. .vhicli was broken last '••••h A practice game. 0 - - 0 WOOD BROUN, nsted IIXT columnist, has a uhu is wUIlni to bet S.'A'ii , m Roosevelt at odda in l provided Landon •- si\ more broadcaata i national hook-up JML BENKERTS Torna- «ill open next Thuraday •i itaniit the crack New at the Orange K. The Old •is dun bak«to be held at iluny's Grove all day im- sbould be a wow IKUE KENNY promise* surprises. o - - o i:i ID believe all we read, i'llitish's have evidently i J rut Russel E. Wataon Three months ago it was ::m'iit The Port Read- ire in the news again.... •<! W believe but Ul6 Dea- '•uuble exposure tnan of 1 ability LEON GER- k from romping in the ' Atlantic City. o - - o to united preaaure by *<>iiwn'» orranliatloBa of N«w Jeney la taking tird the enforcement minimum wave law declared unoon*tUn- Vv. York State, the Bum wage Uw Is to ob- and riiht ttist may force about »f lta feo- ^ At a special meeting of the Board of Education held RJonday night, the members unani- mously adopted a resolution petitioning the Board of Chosen Freeholders of Mid- dlesex County and the Middlesex County Vocational Board "to give serious consideration to the choosing of a site for a Girls' Vo- cational School within Woodbndgt' Township." Discussing the subject last night, District Clerk Roy E. Anderson said that toe Keasbey school would b tbl _WOODBRIDGE TOWNSHIP'S FAMILY NEWSPAPER WOODBRIDGE, N. J. FRIDATMOKN IN(;, Am'Sll^^ PRICE THREE CENTS of Middlesex County and Woodbridge Township With ni(i(!tinK3 of committee heads eads said that toe Keasbey school would j Md reKU tarly, practically be a suitable site for a girls voca- ,. ,, • • • ,. . tional school. An addition Was pu . j ^rything is in readiness for on the Keasbey school back in | the annual carnival of Wood 1926 whe th C i id brid No. 1, open next Wed- 1926 when the Ceramic industry j bridge Fire Company was in its height. During the de-^^JQ^ w j]] pression, the industry was hard hit, and a number of old houses, owned, by th« Ceramic plants were torn down in order to save taxes. As a result, scores of famil- ies, who lived in the factory hous- es, had to move elsewhere, leaving empty seats in the school house. The few children Who do go to the Keasbey school could easily be transported to the Hopelawn or Fords school and the building could then be utilized for the vo- cational school .Anderson explain- ed. The resolution reads as follows; (Continued on Page Eight) nesday, September 2 on School street grounds and continue through until Saturday, September 5. The affair this 'year- will be in a mardi-gras effect. A merrry-go-round, chairplane and myriads of brilliantly colored lights will all add to the merri- ment, The firemen hope to revive the days of the early 1920's when they sponsored the largest carnival In the section. Altogether 22 stands will be erected and they will be. uSv.d to display the finest kind of Continued on Page Eight THIRD WARD GOP OPENS CAMPAIGN AT RALLHICNIC AFFAIR TO BE HELD SUN- DAY AFTERNOON AT ACK- ER'S GROVE, SEWAREN SK.Y.-AIiKN.-Th-! Rcpub- '" in 1 ;'.ni|).'ii((ii in t h e third w.inl. (spi-cially the cam- L' i1 'K«i I'or the candidacy of S;miuH FaiT«ll for Township Cnniiiiittecmrn, will official- ly opt'ii Sunday at a monster picnic to Uv sponsored by the Thud Ward Republican dubs at Acker's Grove, here. All candidates Irom Justice of the Peace tn those seeking state offices art expected to be present and with proper ceremony and speechs the campaign will open. Tables and benches will be set up under the trees for the con- venience of basket parties and in addition the committee under the direction of the chairman, Oliver Nilsen, has arranged to have all kinds of refreshments available, will j A program, featuring spwto and Presenting a Few More ol the Township's Younger Se the * IES OWN 1 HOUSE; ONE SIDE IS 0. K.; OTHER SIDE N. G, WHAT TO DO? JUDGE BROWN WILL DECIDE WOODBKIDGE.—Judge Arthur [tliat ravers the case reads as fol- Brown will be called upon tudav ilows; to decide what ia to •* df;, a house on Green street, games, boating and dancing has been arranged. A special attraction for the younger children will be series of boat rides. In addition a baseball match between the mar- ried men and the single men is being planned for by the various Township G. 0. P. clubs, as a wind-up of the sports program. Assisting Mr. Nilsen are: Samuel C. Farrell, Mrs. Emiline Kiefet, Mrs. Clarence Hedd, Mrs. Ella Mrs. Helen Rasmussen, Mrs. a Hanson, Mrs. A. M. Jr., Mrs. Nicolini, Ernest Nier, John Kreger, Clarence Davis, Car- men Zullo, M. Sasso, Herman Stern Jack Glester SUinley Brookfield, R. Heitmul- ler, Daniel V. Rush, Dr. C. E. Der- rick, Gturge Lulberry, R. M. Solt, A. Frantz, E. L. Berger, L. Nash, Mr. Bothwe.ll, Mr. Munn, Mr. Ev- 'erson, A. Dragoset, R. Theurgesen and Mr. Gerick 0 - - 0 "lit- official information it 1 Hie ma argument about Hie cost of operating a 1 i)use ball team for a approximately $500,000.. '<iwnship Clerk-) DUNI- •iwnt; a tough time iasu- Ul tft- licciuei Utesa day* WPA painters pUst- »nt un the walls of hi* u - - o Firemen, with BOKA beJnf Ilia Mf handed the K. of nkxtt a ih*iuHm to the tun» of 8 to 1 the month cut cotuUtfaq. taprovtnvMit... near the firehouse, which is own- ed by two people. One owner has kept his side of the house in ex- cellent repair while the other ownt'r has allowed his part to go to ruin so that Building Inspector William Allgaier has condemned it. The story of the house goes back some time when two families, one the Nicolas and the other, the Jan. kowsky's purchased it. Sometime ago the original Jankowsky died leaving seven or eight heirs. The Jankowsky side of the house has been empty for some time and tliere is neither windows nor doors. The Nicola side of the structure is in fairly good condition. Allgaier recently sent a notice to both owners to have the houie iepaired but received no answer. He then signed a complaint and Judge Brown issued summonses for this morning at ten o'clock. According to the Building Code, it is up to Jankowsky to repair his side of the house or tear it down and put up a wall for the Nicolas. If they fail to comply 'with the Judge's order there is a fine im- posqd. The section of the ordinance .provision of this ordinance or faii Iselin, | lu ,. om p]y therewith or with any NO REGISTRATION FORDS MAN FINED FORDS.—A fine of seven dol- lars and three dollars costs was imposed upon John Boelhower, 20, a laborer of 71 Dunbar avenue, tor driving a car without any re- gistration. BoeLhower appeared before Judge Arthur Brown Wed- nesday morning. Officer Closindo Zuccaro and Thomas Bishop is- sued the summons. of the requirements thereof, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not lesi than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars or by imprison- ment not exceeding six months or by both such fine and imprison- ment and each day such violation shall be permited to exist shall constitute a seperate offense." TAMPERS METER REUNITE HELD FOR Git JURY FORDS PARKTO BE UTILIZED AS PICNIC GROUNDS ITALIAN DEMOCRATS TO SPONSOR MONSTER AF- FAIR; SEPT. 13 Aquila Is Still Leader of 2nd District Dems <TH HI Secret Ballot Gives I iiiuiimous Vote to Iselinite Ward 1 Active FORDS. Anthony A Aquilit is still the undisputed rV'mocratic leader of the sec- ond ward. A secret ballot hold at a meeting Monday , night at Thompson's hall, A)H>VP is pictured another eroup in our series of the yonnfer wtl\ here, has just served to liengthun Aquila's position, be- cause nil the county committeemen and cummitteewomen present un- animously went on record as fav- Another group will appear in the Leader-Journal shortly aftcTtabor Day Bottom Row: Ralph, Bruce and James Eankin, of 428 Eagt avnme, Sewaren; Robert, Nancy and Tommy Bader, of 528 Olive place, Wood- bridge. Second Row: Jeanne, Marie and Bert rand Moaenthine, of IS Lil- lian Terrace, Woodbrldfe; Robert Burrows, 551 Maple avenue, Wood- bridte; Billy and Jack Reimen, of 559 Mapl» avenue, Wwdbridfe. Third row: Joan and Barbara Grahm, 25 Grove avenue, Wood- bridee; Lois Burrows, 551 Maple avenue, Woodbridge; Danny and Baby Korh, 5» Uinden avenue, Woodbrldie. Fourth row: Janet, Vlrtinia and Elizabeth Ann Ostrom, 145 Dan- ham place, Woodbridfe; Joan McCreery, 118 Church street, Wood bridge. STATE DEMANDS RELIEF DILLS BY SEPTEMBER 3 OR MONEY WILL NOT BE PROPORTIONED TO WOODBRIDGE Omenhiser Urges All Merchants To Have Bills in By Next Thursday As Funds Are Allocated! According To In- voice* Received and Not According to Committments. $7,619.10 SPENTiDURING PAST MONTH METER FAILS TO REGISTER AND AROUSES READER'S SUSPICION ISELIN.—AlvahTindlield, 33,. a handyman, of Cooper avenue, 'this place, was held for the Grand Jury under $100 bond by Judge Arthur Brown in police courl Monday morning on a charge of defrauding the Public Service Electric Company. I According to agents of the Pub- lic Service, Endlield is alleged to have tampered with an electric meter so that it would not register. The tampered meter was discover- WOODDRIDGE. — To close a summer season chock full of ac tivity, the Woodbridge Italian- American Democratic Club ia planning -a monster picnic to be | held Sunday,, September ..W), at Fords Park. " » The park is especially equipped for the occasion. Under the large trees at the ejid of the park there are several long tables and fire places. The spacious grounds will offer ample room for all kinds .of outdoor games which are now be- ing planned. Charles Mangtone is the gener- al chairman of the affair and he is being assisted by the'following committee: Charles Barcellpna, Anthony Tomasao, Paul Giacalone, Samuel Gioe, Cataldo .Palimere, Joseph Grlmaldl, Adolph PetreUi, Anth- ony Moccaro, Luigi Cannilla, ed by one of the meter during one of his rounds. readers LOST DOG—Irish setter, 4 white paws, white note. Answers to name of "Bate". Lost hi AveneJ yesterday moraine. L u r e Reward! 3. L. Francsak, 56 Georie street, Avenel. SEEKING "EATS" RUNAWAYS LAND IN ARMS ilF LAW WOODBRIDGE.—If merchants and others supplying services for the local relief administration do .not have their bills for August in before September 3, they stand a chance of not getting paid. This announcement was made today by Township Treasurer 0. J. Morgenson. Morgenson explained that the Tuwuship has Just received funifc. from the State Financial assistance commission, which make it neces- sary for the Township to report each month on the basis of bills received and not on the commit- ments. The money is then ad- vanced to the Township accord- the, bills, received—so th|t thos^persons' who falfMu have their invoices in at the proper timn may find it difficult to collect. John Omwihiser,. director of ie- lief in the Township, urges all merchants to attend to the mattei promptly, for if the merchants fail to live up to the request, the Town ship will not get its proper propor- tion of relief money from the state. To date, Morgenson says he has uceived commitments for $7,- 619.10 for the past month', but bills have not been received for over $500 of that amount. The commit- ments are divided as follows: Food $5,115,95 Fluid Milk 789.82 Frank Jar done, Angelo Greco, Fa«ir*> De Sisto, Michael Maizaro, | Shelter 896'7.1 Albert Florio, Dan Pancaoi andlClothing „., 167.49 Coal 17.40 Other Fuel 89.03 Medical services 198.00 Medical supplies 92.95 230.50 Joseph De Muro. OPENS NEW OFFICE AVENEL. — William Perna, of Avenel street, this place, a justice of the peace of Woodbridge town- ship announces the opening ot bis new office and magistrate's court on the super highway and Avenel street. i p Hospitalizetion Water Shoe Repairs House Necessities Total .. 7.85 12.90 .50 $7,619.10 "'» been a well the idutftl kMa Bui tbe i»th U th. day, o --o , LEON M«- BlLJL ALLGAIEB No. H WedneMay 1 B Burnett's Ruling Outlawing Sales "On The Cuff AndLottery Ticket Sale Traced Back To Local Law Ot October 27,1738 Every once in awhile we are bound to sit back and uae that somewhat old and worn saying "there is nothing new under the sun.'; Somehow it is the only 'expression tfiftt' seem* to fit) and •Once more we Can < use it in regards to the recent ruling of the alcoholic beverago commissioner, D. Frederick Burnett, who de- clared that selling tottery tickets in taverns and sell- ing liquor "on the cuff" were illegal. Searching through old .records and particularly through the acts of the General Assembly, and the minutes of the. one held here on the "27th day of Oc- tobqr V$38 D6 the 15th day of March 1739, in the 12th year of the relp of King Georye the second" we find that simitar rulings, such us Burnett made public, were enacted. * The old law, pertaining to "trust" in taverns reads as follows: "And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, tha,t if a.ny tavemkeeper, innkeeper or pub- lic housekeeper, (shall -iu»t any person above ten shillings, befare payment be mad4, that he, she or they, so crediting any person, shall lose the same, that *fafww *wffc*m& 1M* Mjiflg f©* or """ ^ a debt. aforesaid, that no tavemkeeper, innkeeper or public housekeeper shall take any bill, bond or other secur- ity for any liquors sold ox drank, in, or at th-eir houses, amounting to above ten shilling*. >* , . , "And be it further enacted by , the Authority aforesaid, that if any tavemkeeper, innkeeper or pub- lic housekeeper shall take Bill, Bond or any other se-' curity, for any liquors sold and drank in or at their houae, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this a«t, under pretence of selling victuals, pipes, tobacco or any other thing, whereby to evade the intent of this act, he, she or they so cfending are hereby rendered uncapable of recovering any such bill, bond or o.ther security aforesaid, for tiuch liquors so sold or dnuik in or at their houses, and the defendent may plead this act in^ar. Provided always, that nothing in this act fthall be construed or taken to debar any tavemkeep- er, innkeeper or publi<fk housekeeper from taking or receiving any SUIJI or sums of m«i«y that is or may b«come due and owing to them from all or any such person or persons that ure or may be lodgers in his, hers or their houses or travellers not residing in that jiny Thing herein contained to th* contrary oting Aquila as leader. Several weeka ago, the same county representatives gave the former second ward committee- man a vote ol confidence. That vote wns mysteriously attacked in a contemporary paper by an un- niimcd correspondent who said that if the vote had been secret Aquila would not have been re- elected. Interviewed by a representative I of thi.i paper yesterday, Aquila i said: "The secret ballot was held t r offset lumors that I would no' i have IMTII chosen if such a ballo 1 j had been held before. I wanted to know tho truth myself and it is jjialifyinif tu know that all Ihi county i-ommitteemen and worn en stood by me if I did not know which wuy they voted." Democratic county commit teemen and women of the second ward are: Leon Jeglinski and Hel en Charanko, of Keasbey; Franli Gregory and Mrs. Marie SkarzeQ' ski, of Hopelawn; Robert F. Riley Anna O'Brec, Michael Palkb,' Mrs. Gertrude Sbner, Joseph Elko am Madeline Brodniak, of Fords; Ray mond Elliott and Mrs. Mary Va Decker, of Iselin; Harry W. Bur lock and Mrs. Ruth Smith, of Co Ionia; Faust Fimiani and Mrs. Gei maine Drennan, of Iselin; Ben jt'.min Zboyen, of Hopelawn ani Mrs, Chriitie K,utcher, of nFrds, 1st Ward Activity Begins 2ND WARD HEAD Anthony A Aquila SCHOOLS READY FOR RE-OPENING ON SEPTEMBER 9 ENROLLMENT* DATES SET FOR NEW PUPILS BY SUP- ERVISING PRINCIPAL WOODBRIDGE.—All ar- rangements have been com- pleted by the supervising principal's office for the re- opening of the schools on Wednesday, September 9i according to an announce' ment released today.* On the opening day the elemen- tary schools will dismiss classes at 10:30 A. M., but the high school will have regular sessions—8:00 A. M. to 12:20 P. M., and 12:20 to 4:45 P.M. Tl.ere will be a general meeting of the teachers and principals of the eicnentary schools in No, 11 While the second ward has its school, Woodbridge on September battles both in the Democratic and JB at 2:^0 P. M. A meeting of all ASTORIA BOYS FOUNDPIL- FERING MILK FROM ISE- LIN DOORSTEPS WOODBRIDGE. Three youthful adventurers from! Astoria, L. I., who were out to see the wide world and Republican" ranks, activity is slow- ly but surely being felt in polit- ical circles in the first ward. The Democrats are already beginning | to line-up matters for the election with a preliminary meeting held Wednesday night at the home of Committeeman John Bergen. An- other session will be held Tuesday September 8, at Bergen!^ home at which time definite plans will be formulated. '-FORDS. — A store owned by Thomas Egan on New Brunswick what it had to offer, found |avenue, here was entered Satur- STORE ENTERED their efforts to emulate Don Quixote and his chivalry stopped short by two officers of the law in Iselin early yes- terday morning. It all came about when Anthony Hale, 18, of 116 25th street Astor- ia, .had a qgarrel with his mother. He felt ill-treated and so got to- gether with his next door neigh- bors, Joseph Higghis, 15 and Ffank Shemensky, 14. After talk- ing it over they decided to leave home and hitch-hike around the country. As to the firpt stop—that was easy. ShemenskJ recalled that he once lived on TYento street, Iaelin and had many friends there—so they used their thumbs in the tra- ditional "going-my-way" manner and arrived in Iselin in the wee hours of the morning. But young people have to be fed and around four o'clock in the morning, the gnawing in three youthful stomachs became un- ibeaqatalf F?9d becaiM a necessity and they set out to find conven 1 lent bottles of milk left on door steps. They did find one-^-but at the same time Radio O/fieers Fred Leidner and George Leonard found them. The boys were brought to head- quarters and after questioning were turned over to the Astoria police to be returned to their par- ents. The bpys all feared that the parental strap would b« awaiting thern. > day night according to .made to Officers John and Anthony Peterson. B report Govelita Ten car- tons of cigarettes, some cundy and about $l5T) in cash were stolen. Entrance was gained through a back door. SENTENCED TO WORKHOUSE WOODBRIDGE.^Iames SmiUi, 18, colored, of 1012 Greewillow street, Baltimore, Md,, was sen- tenced to thirty days in the county workhouse for "stealing" a ride on one of the Reading railroad trains. Harry A. Conlon of the railroad police, was the complain- ant. high school teachers will be held lr the High school building on September 8 at 7:3 P. M. The first meeting will be conducted by the •upervising principal while Prin- cipul Arthur C. Ferry will preside over'I he high school meeting. pas tchedult same The bus schedule will be the same. Buses will meet at places as- signed during: the past year and at the same time. Beginners, who will be five years old qr plder prior to Novem- ber 1, 1936 may be admitted to school the first ten school days in September. Parents' are requested to present birth and vaccination certificates. New pupils for entrance in Grades 5, 6, ?. and 8 in Woodbridge may be enrolled in No. Il school on September 8 between 9:30 and 11 A. M. New pupils for entrance in Grades'1, 2, 3, and 4 in Wood- bridge may be enrolled in No. 1 school on September 8 between 9:30 A. M. and 11 A. M. New pu- pils for entrance in Strawberry Hill school will report on Septem- ber 8 between 9:3 and 11 A. M. Pupils in schools outside of Woodbridge proper will enroll p; the various schools on September 8 between 9:30 and 11 A. M. Students transferring from High school outside the district to tln> (Continued on Page Eight) WOULD YOUENJOY GETTING S25? FIND W A N D TAKE HER HOME WHEELS AND T1RE8 STOLEN AVENEL,—John Morencsok, of Albert street, Woodbridge, watch- man at the Philadelphia Quartr Co.) at Avenel, reported tour wheels and tares and a spare a tire and wheel were stolen from s Fotd truck belonging to the con' cern. The truck wa* in the garage ta k #rffc t tefeJL AVENEL- Want tu earn $25? That amount is waiting for the person who returns "Babe 1 ' a fe- male Irish setter tu its owner, S. J. Fraju.ik, 56 George street, this place. The reward will find plenty of enthusiastic seekers lor "Babe's" disappearance has been broadcast over the State Police teletype and police of Woodbridge am) Rahway have all been personally inform- Th ed of her disappearance. LeadervJournal also contains The an LeadervJournal also contains a advertisement ot the offer today. "Babe" il a tine specimen of her breed, is all red except her nose, four paws and chest which are white. She wag lost in the vicinity of Avenel or Woodbridge. Uat week and was se«n in this vicinity this morning. ' . Franialc reports that the animal is worth much more than )2B to would be impossible lu the person i*ho has her because Uu> ptdigree papers art' still in the OWIHT'S pos- session. ISELINITE PLACED ON 6 MONTH'S PROBATION ON WIFE'S COMPLAINT ISELIN.—Christian Ht-hn, 50, a carpenter , pf Correja avenue this place, was placed on probation for six months and ordered to pay six dollars a week to his wife, after Judge Arthur Brown heard a dis- orderly and non-suppoft charge , brought against the defendant by hip wife, Philipine, Monday. _ i0m Hehn was ordered to give hit wife $10 immediately which ha turned over to her in court Iht Judge warned the defendant U he failed to make hi* $8 payment*
Page 1: Crows Aquila Is Still Nest OPENS CAMPAIGN Leader of 2nd ...Crows Nest NAVIGATOR |SKV ALFRED MARKOW-I "hflld wmtact man, JOE MAHKB. number one carpen-Jl KLDON RAI80N do-"r «irlM. preparatlooa.

N- E - W - SFrom Nortl

I ust, West a n dSouth Sections

of the Township




ALFRED MARKOW-"hflld wmtact man, JOE

I MAHKB. number one carpen-J l KLDON RAI80N do-" r «irlM. preparatlooa

. „ u,n speed for tt» FIM-| i r V , fsrinwl to be held next

t our old friend DOC..', ^sKY. vwsrttonlnf i«n ,,l,i. drops




l"] f,it is beatlni a wMe„, „, Albert street He

L|,,,,,s hi- l» ready to settle,;„„ JOHNNY DUNN Jr..

mhrrited hto BMle ED'SniKl,i i Ford, and b setting

ui ui u»e out Of it.0 - - 0

, ...1,.1-ary Digeit is againn y presidential straw>spite much criticism to

::v the poll has alwaya,II a fraction of beingGeneral Motors broke

• ; .-! the city of Linden thisa new five million dol-

iiiing plant to employ 2,-Our own Town would

Letter off industrially il: • io foolish restrictions

, , .:.. were eliminated.0 - - 0


IIMMY DUNNE'S orchea-,:,..iild draw a larre crowd

Uir Hungarian Cathollellui: il.ince Saturday nlfht

s (Uim that half ot the;h school student* of themini States enroll for theirons coursea each j«w...Jn-

•nil>. did you know that.••in six statei have tetal-

hurse i ' - I fr', thret

lure n|MTaland VTVIAS FOX en-

ni ,i promenade on (he Aa-L boardwalk Sunday


0 - - 0 '

ull us that in certainiuma things are so quiet

,•:,: a whispering ban-, miles away_ Others

ui • ••\K Mr|et in Cnlprua;i!id eleven cats yowl

.. l> Irum dusk tu dawnMugger GADEK swears

•\ dun a football uniform..n unless the athletic

••• finances an operation•. .vhicli was broken last

'••••h A p r a c t i c e game.

0 - - 0

W O O D BROUN, nstedIIXT columnist, has auhu is wUIlni to bet

S.'A'ii ,m Roosevelt at oddain l provided Landon

•- si\ more broadcaatai national hook-up

JML BENKERTS Torna-«ill open next Thuraday

•i itaniit the crack Newat the Orange K.

The Old•is dun bak«to be held atiluny's Grove all day im-

sbould be a wowIKUE KENNY promise*

surprises.o - - o

i:i ID believe all we read,i'llitish's have evidently

i J rut Russel E. WataonThree months ago it was

::m'iit The Port Read-ire in the news again....

•<! W believe but Ul6 Dea-'•uuble exposure tnan of

1 ability LEON GER-k from romping in the

' Atlantic City.o - - o

to united preaaure by*<>iiwn'» orranliatloBa of

N«w Jeney la takingtird the enforcement

• minimum wave lawdeclared unoon*tUn-

Vv. York State, theBum wage Uw Is to ob-

and riiht ttistmay force

about »f lta feo-

^ At aspecial meeting of the Boardof Education held RJondaynight, the members unani-mously adopted a resolutionpetitioning the Board ofChosen Freeholders of Mid-dlesex County and the MiddlesexCounty Vocational Board "to giveserious consideration to thechoosing of a site for a Girls' Vo-cational School within Woodbndgt'Township."

Discussing the subject last night,District Clerk Roy E. Andersonsaid that toe Keasbey school wouldb t b l



ofMiddlesex County

andWoodbridge Township

Withni(i(!tinK3 of committee headseads

said that toe Keasbey school would j M d r e K U tar ly, practicallybe a suitable site for a girls voca- ,. ,, • • • ,. .tional school. An addition Was p u . j r y t h i n g is in readiness foron the Keasbey school back in | the annual carnival of Wood1926 whe th C i i d brid No. 1,

open next Wed-

1926 when the Ceramic industry j bridge Fire Companywas in its height. During the d e - ^ ^ J Q ^ w j]]pression, the industry was hardhit, and a number of old houses,owned, by th« Ceramic plantswere torn down in order to savetaxes. As a result, scores of famil-ies, who lived in the factory hous-es, had to move elsewhere, leavingempty seats in the school house.The few children Who do go to theKeasbey school could easily betransported to the Hopelawn orFords school and the buildingcould then be utilized for the vo-cational school .Anderson explain-ed.

The resolution reads as follows;(Continued on Page Eight)

nesday, September 2 onSchool street grounds andcontinue through until Saturday,September 5. The affair this 'year-will be in a mardi-gras effect. Amerrry-go-round, chairplane andmyriads of brilliantly coloredlights will all add to the merri-ment,

The firemen hope to revive thedays of the early 1920's when theysponsored the largest carnival Inthe section. Altogether 22 standswill be erected and they will be.uSv.d to display the finest kind of

Continued on Page Eight



SK.Y.-AIiKN.-Th-! Rcpub-'" i n •1;'.ni|).'ii((ii in the thirdw.inl. (spi-cially t h e cam-L'i1'K«i I'or the candidacy ofS;miuH FaiT«ll for TownshipCnniiiiittecmrn, will official-ly opt'ii Sunday a t a monsterpicnic to Uv sponsored by theThud Ward Republicandubs at Acker's Grove , here.All candidates Irom Justice of thePeace tn those seeking state officesart expected to be present andwith proper ceremony and speechsthe campaign will open.

Tables and benches will be setup under the trees for the con-venience of basket parties and inaddition the committee under thedirection of the chairman, OliverNilsen, has arranged to have allkinds of refreshments available,

will j A program, featuring spwto and

Presenting a Few More ol the Township's Younger Se



WOODBKIDGE.—Judge Arthur [tliat ravers the case reads as fol-Brown will be called upon tudav ilows;to decide what ia to •* df;,a house on Green street,

games, boating and dancing hasbeen arranged. A special attractionfor the younger children will beseries of boat rides. In addition a

baseball match between the mar-ried men and the single men isbeing planned for by the variousTownship G. 0. P. clubs, as awind-up of the sports program.

Assisting Mr. Nilsen are: SamuelC. Farrell, Mrs. Emiline Kiefet,Mrs. Clarence Hedd, Mrs. Ella

Mrs. Helen Rasmussen, Mrs.a Hanson, Mrs. A. M.

Jr., Mrs. Nicolini, Ernest Nier,John Kreger, Clarence Davis, Car-men Zullo, M. Sasso, Herman SternJack Glester

SUinley Brookfield, R. Heitmul-ler, Daniel V. Rush, Dr. C. E. Der-rick, Gturge Lulberry, R. M. Solt,A. Frantz, E. L. Berger, L. Nash,Mr. Bothwe.ll, Mr. Munn, Mr. Ev-

'erson, A. Dragoset, R. Theurgesenand Mr. Gerick

0 - - 0"lit- official information

it1 Hie ma argument aboutHie cost of operating a1 i)use ball team for aapproximately $500,000..

'<iwnship Clerk-) DUNI-•iwnt; a tough time iasu-Ultft- licciuei Utesa day*

WPA painters pUst-»nt un the walls of hi*

u - - oFiremen, with

BOKA beJnf Ilia Mfhanded the K. ofnkxtt a i h * i u H m

to the tun» of 8 to 1the month

cut cotuUtfaq.taprovtnvMit...

near the firehouse, which is own-ed by two people. One owner haskept his side of the house in ex-cellent repair while the otherownt'r has allowed his part to goto ruin so that Building InspectorWilliam Allgaier has condemnedit.

The story of the house goes backsome time when two families, onethe Nicolas and the other, the Jan.kowsky's purchased it. Sometimeago the original Jankowsky diedleaving seven or eight heirs. TheJankowsky side of the house hasbeen empty for some time andtliere is neither windows nor doors.The Nicola side of the structure isin fairly good condition.

Allgaier recently sent a noticeto both owners to have the houieiepaired but received no answer.He then signed a complaint andJudge Brown issued summonsesfor this morning at ten o'clock.

According to the Building Code,it is up to Jankowsky to repair hisside of the house or tear it downand put up a wall for the Nicolas.If they fail to comply 'with theJudge's order there is a fine im-posqd. The section of the ordinance

.provision of this ordinance or faiiIselin, | l u ,.omp]y therewith or with any


FORDS.—A fine of seven dol-lars and three dollars costs wasimposed upon John Boelhower, 20,a laborer of 71 Dunbar avenue,tor driving a car without any re-gistration. BoeLhower appearedbefore Judge Arthur Brown Wed-nesday morning. Officer ClosindoZuccaro and Thomas Bishop is-sued the summons.

of the requirements thereof,shall be guilty of a misdemeanorpunishable by a fine of not lesithan ten dollars nor more than onehundred dollars or by imprison-ment not exceeding six months orby both such fine and imprison-ment and each day such violationshall be permited to exist shallconstitute a seperate offense."




Aquila Is StillLeader of 2ndDistrict Dems

<TH HISecret Ballot GivesI iiiuiimous Vote

to Iselinite

Ward 1 ActiveFORDS. — Anthony A

Aquilit is still the undisputedrV'mocratic leader of the sec-ond ward. A secret ballothold at a meeting Monday

, night at Thompson's hall,A)H>VP is pictured another eroup in our series of the yonnfer wtl\ here, has just served to

liengthun Aquila's position, be-cause nil the county committeemenand cummitteewomen present un-animously went on record as fav-

Another group will appear in the Leader-Journal shortly aftcTtaborDay

Bottom Row: Ralph, Bruce and James Eankin, of 428 Eagt avnme,Sewaren; Robert, Nancy and Tommy Bader, of 528 Olive place, Wood-bridge.

Second Row: Jeanne, Marie and Bert rand Moaenthine, of IS Lil-lian Terrace, Woodbrldfe; Robert Burrows, 551 Maple avenue, Wood-bridte; Billy and Jack Reimen, of 559 Mapl» avenue, Wwdbridfe.

Third row: Joan and Barbara Grahm, 25 Grove avenue, Wood-bridee; Lois Burrows, 551 Maple avenue, Woodbridge; Danny andBaby Korh, 5» Uinden avenue, Woodbrldie.

Fourth row: Janet, Vlrtinia and Elizabeth Ann Ostrom, 145 Dan-ham place, Woodbridfe; Joan McCreery, 118 Church street, Woodbridge.


Thursday As Funds Are Allocated! According To In-

voice* Received and Not According to Committments.




ISELIN.—AlvahTindlield, 33,. ahandyman, of Cooper avenue, 'thisplace, was held for the GrandJury under $100 bond by JudgeArthur Brown in police courlMonday morning on a charge ofdefrauding the Public ServiceElectric Company. I

According to agents of the Pub-lic Service, Endlield is alleged tohave tampered with an electricmeter so that it would not register.The tampered meter was discover-

WOODDRIDGE. — To close asummer season chock full of activity, the Woodbridge Italian-American Democratic Club iaplanning -a monster picnic to be

| held Sunday,, September ..W), atFords Park. " »

The park is especially equippedfor the occasion. Under the largetrees at the ejid of the park thereare several long tables and fireplaces. The spacious grounds willoffer ample room for all kinds .ofoutdoor games which are now be-ing planned.

Charles Mangtone is the gener-al chairman of the affair and heis being assisted by the'followingcommittee:

Charles Barcellpna, AnthonyTomasao, Paul Giacalone, SamuelGioe, Cataldo .Palimere, JosephGrlmaldl, Adolph PetreUi, Anth-ony Moccaro, Luigi Cannilla,

ed by one of the meterduring one of his rounds.


LOST DOG—Irish setter, 4white paws, white note. Answersto name of "Bate". Lost hi AveneJyesterday moraine. L u r e Reward!3. L. Francsak, 56 Georie street,Avenel.


WOODBRIDGE.—If merchants and others supplyingservices for the local relief administration do .not havetheir bills for August in before September 3, they stand achance of not getting paid. This announcement was madetoday by Township Treasurer 0. J. Morgenson.

Morgenson explained that theTuwuship has Just received funifc.from the State Financial assistancecommission, which make it neces-sary for the Township to reporteach month on the basis of billsreceived and not on the commit-ments. The money is then ad-vanced to the Township accord-

the, bills, received—so th|tthos^persons' who falfMu havetheir invoices in at the proper timnmay find it difficult to collect.

John Omwihiser,. director of ie-lief in the Township, urges allmerchants to attend to the matteipromptly, for if the merchants failto live up to the request, the Township will not get its proper propor-tion of relief money from the state.

To date, Morgenson says he hasuceived commitments for $7,-619.10 for the past month', but billshave not been received for over$500 of that amount. The commit-ments are divided as follows:Food $5,115,95Fluid Milk 789.82Frank Jar done, Angelo Greco,

Fa«ir*> De Sisto, Michael Maizaro, | Shelter 896'7.1Albert Florio, Dan Pancaoi andlClothing „., 167.49

Coal 17.40Other Fuel 89.03Medical services 198.00Medical supplies 92.95


Joseph De Muro.


Avenel street, this place, a justiceof the peace of Woodbridge town-ship announces the opening ot bisnew office and magistrate's courton the super highway and Avenelstreet. i

pHospitalizetionWaterShoe RepairsHouse Necessities


.. 7.8512.90



" '» been a w e l lthe idutftl kMa


i»th U th. day,o - - o


No. H WedneMay1 B

Burnett's Ruling Outlawing Sales "On The Cuff And LotteryTicket Sale Traced Back To Local Law Ot October 27,1738

Every once in awhile we are bound to sit back anduae that somewhat old and worn saying "there isnothing new under the sun.'; Somehow it is the only'expression tfiftt' seem* to fit) and •Once more we Can <use it in regards to the recent ruling of the alcoholicbeverago commissioner, D. Frederick Burnett, who de-clared that selling tottery tickets in taverns and sell-ing liquor "on the cuff" were illegal.

Searching through old .records and particularlythrough the acts of the General Assembly, and theminutes of the. one held here on the "27th day of Oc-tobqr V$38 D6 the 15th day of March 1739, in the 12thyear of the re lp of King Georye the second" we findthat simitar rulings, such us Burnett made public, wereenacted. *

The old law, pertaining to "trust" in tavernsreads as follows:

"And be it further enacted by the authorityaforesaid, tha,t if a.ny tavemkeeper, innkeeper or pub-lic housekeeper, (shall -iu»t any person above tenshillings, befare payment be mad4, that he, she orthey, so crediting any person, shall lose the same, that

* fafww *wffc*m& 1 M * Mjiflg f©* or " " " ^a


aforesaid, that no tavemkeeper, innkeeper or publichousekeeper shall take any bill, bond or other secur-ity for any liquors sold ox drank, in, or at th-eir houses,amounting to above ten shilling*. >* , • . ,

"And be it further enacted by , the Authorityaforesaid, that if any tavemkeeper, innkeeper or pub-lic housekeeper shall take Bill, Bond or any other se-'curity, for any liquors sold and drank in or at theirhouae, contrary to the true intent and meaning of thisa«t, under pretence of selling victuals, pipes, tobaccoor any other thing, whereby to evade the intent of thisact, he, she or they so cfending are hereby rendereduncapable of recovering any such bill, bond or o.thersecurity aforesaid, for tiuch liquors so sold or dnuik inor at their houses, and the defendent may plead thisact in^ar. Provided always, that nothing in this actfthall be construed or taken to debar any tavemkeep-er, innkeeper or publi<fk housekeeper from taking orreceiving any SUIJI or sums of m«i«y that is or mayb«come due and owing to them from all or any suchperson or persons that ure or may be lodgers in his,hers or their houses or travellers not residing in that

jiny Thing herein contained to th* contrary

oting Aquila as leader.Several weeka ago, the same

county representatives gave theformer second ward committee-man a vote ol confidence. Thatvote wns mysteriously attacked ina contemporary paper by an un-niimcd correspondent who saidthat if the vote had been secretAquila would not have been re-elected.

Interviewed by a representativeI of thi.i paper yesterday, Aquilai said:

"The secret ballot was held tr

offset lumors that I would no'i have IMTII chosen if such a ballo1

j had been held before. I wanted toknow tho truth myself and it isjjialifyinif tu know that all Ihicounty i-ommitteemen and wornen stood by me if I did not knowwhich wuy they voted."

Democratic county committeemen and women of the secondward are: Leon Jeglinski and Helen Charanko, of Keasbey; FranliGregory and Mrs. Marie SkarzeQ'ski, of Hopelawn; Robert F. RileyAnna O'Brec, Michael Palkb,' Mrs.Gertrude Sbner, Joseph Elko amMadeline Brodniak, of Fords; Raymond Elliott and Mrs. Mary VaDecker, of Iselin; Harry W. Burlock and Mrs. Ruth Smith, of CoIonia; Faust Fimiani and Mrs. Geimaine Drennan, of Iselin; Benjt'.min Zboyen, of Hopelawn aniMrs, Chriitie K,utcher, of nFrds,

1st Ward Activity Begins


Anthony A Aquila



WOODBRIDGE.—All ar-rangements have been com-pleted by the supervisingprincipal's office for the re-opening of the schools onWednesday, September 9iaccording to an announce'ment released today.*

On the opening day the elemen-tary schools will dismiss classes at10:30 A. M., but the high schoolwill have regular sessions—8:00 A.M. to 12:20 P. M., and 12:20 to 4:45P.M.

Tl.ere will be a general meetingof the teachers and principals ofthe eicnentary schools in No, 11

While the second ward has its school, Woodbridge on Septemberbattles both in the Democratic and JB at 2: 0 P. M. A meeting of all



WOODBRIDGE. — Threeyouthful adventurers from!Astoria, L. I., who were outto see the wide world and

Republican" ranks, activity is slow-ly but surely being felt in polit-ical circles in the first ward. TheDemocrats are already beginning

| to line-up matters for the electionwith a preliminary meeting heldWednesday night at the home ofCommitteeman John Bergen. An-other session will be held TuesdaySeptember 8, at Bergen! home atwhich time definite plans will beformulated.

• '-—

FORDS. — A store owned byThomas Egan on New Brunswick

w h a t it had to offer, found |avenue, here was entered Satur-


their efforts to emulate DonQuixote and his chivalrystopped short by two officersof the law in Iselin early yes-terday morning.

It all came about when AnthonyHale, 18, of 116 25th street Astor-ia, .had a qgarrel with his mother.He felt ill-treated and so got to-gether with his next door neigh-bors, Joseph Higghis, 15 andFfank Shemensky, 14. After talk-ing it over they decided to leavehome and hitch-hike around thecountry.

As to the firpt stop—that waseasy. ShemenskJ recalled that heonce lived on TYento street, Iaelinand had many friends there—sothey used their thumbs in the tra-ditional "going-my-way" mannerand arrived in Iselin in the weehours of the morning.

But young people have to befed and around four o'clock in themorning, the gnawing in threeyouthful stomachs became un-ibeaqatalf F?9d becaiM a necessityand they set out to find conven1

lent bottles of milk left on doorsteps. They did find one-^-but atthe same time Radio O/fieers FredLeidner and George Leonardfound them.

The boys were brought to head-quarters and after questioningwere turned over to the Astoriapolice to be returned to their par-ents. The bpys all feared that theparental strap would b« awaitingthern. >

day night according to.made to Officers Johnand Anthony Peterson.

B reportGovelitaTen car-

tons of cigarettes, some cundy andabout $l5T) in cash were stolen.Entrance was gained through aback door.


WOODBRIDGE.^Iames SmiUi,18, colored, of 1012 Greewillowstreet, Baltimore, Md,, was sen-tenced to thirty days in the countyworkhouse for "stealing" a ride onone of the Reading railroadtrains. Harry A. Conlon of therailroad police, was the complain-ant.

high school teachers will be heldlr the High school building onSeptember 8 at 7:3 P. M. The firstmeeting will be conducted by the•upervising principal while Prin-cipul Arthur C. Ferry will presideover'I he high school meeting.

pa s tchedult sameThe bus schedule will be the

same. Buses will meet at places as-signed during: the past year andat the same time.

Beginners, who will be fiveyears old qr plder prior to Novem-ber 1, 1936 may be admitted toschool the first ten school days inSeptember. Parents' are requestedto present birth and vaccinationcertificates.

New pupils for entrance inGrades 5, 6, ?. and 8 in Woodbridgemay be enrolled in No. I l schoolon September 8 between 9:30 and11 A. M. New pupils for entrancein Grades'1, 2, 3, and 4 in Wood-bridge may be enrolled in No. 1school on September 8 between9:30 A. M. and 11 A. M. New pu-pils for entrance in StrawberryHill school will report on Septem-ber 8 between 9:3 and 11 A. M.

Pupils in schools outside ofWoodbridge proper will enroll p;the various schools on September8 between 9:30 and 11 A. M.Students transferring from Highschool outside the district to tln>

(Continued on Page Eight)



AVENEL,—John Morencsok, ofAlbert street, Woodbridge, watch-man at the Philadelphia QuartrCo.) at Avenel, reported tourwheels and tares and a spare a tireand wheel were stolen from sFotd truck belonging to the con'cern. The truck wa* in the garageta k #rffc t tefeJL

AVENEL- Want tu earn $25?That amount is waiting for theperson who returns "Babe1' a fe-male Irish setter tu its owner, S.J. Fraju.ik, 56 George street, thisplace.

The reward will find plenty ofenthusiastic seekers lor "Babe's"disappearance has been broadcastover the State Police teletype andpolice of Woodbridge am) Rahwayhave all been personally inform-

Thed of her disappearance.LeadervJournal also contains

TheanLeadervJournal also contains a

advertisement ot the offer today."Babe" il a tine specimen of her

breed, is all red except her nose,four paws and chest which arewhite. She wag lost in the vicinityof Avenel or Woodbridge. Uat weekand was se«n in this vicinity thismorning. ' .

Franialc reports that the animalis worth much more than )2B to

would be impossible lu the personi*ho has her because Uu> ptdigreepapers art' still in the OWIHT'S pos-session.


ISELIN.—Christian Ht-hn, 50, acarpenter , pf Correja avenue thisplace, was placed on probation forsix months and ordered to pay sixdollars a week to his wife, afterJudge Arthur Brown heard a dis-orderly and non-suppoft charge ,brought against the defendant byhip wife, Philipine, Monday. _i0m

Hehn was ordered to give hitwife $10 immediately which haturned over to her in court I h tJudge warned the defendant U hefailed to make hi* $8 payment*

Page 2: Crows Aquila Is Still Nest OPENS CAMPAIGN Leader of 2nd ...Crows Nest NAVIGATOR |SKV ALFRED MARKOW-I "hflld wmtact man, JOE MAHKB. number one carpen-Jl KLDON RAI80N do-"r «irlM. preparatlooa.





Lekrer't Ma i Shop WillOpen TaMomiw Maraios KITCHEN AIDS

'.:•• .m

•.(•• Molr . j '

• •hi'-pli.-'.f

p-f-.. thai :'•

.'k to a P"-

! nit "irn-,..r:> lace. I:

•lays in thethink the

was stopped byGeorge Balii't

.*d not produce anor* regjgtration

d to t ». . i to write ou* followingn he told the court

,r '.r.rt up »'ith thp cx--Thafs what I thmfc

uurt the tornas evident* M'-'lr-ar »*i-

rrr.tted that he tore it hul "that r.,,a= nn acndelU" •l-i(i*f * r t h u r

Browr. nfi'-i'f.fr. -. "T/urcd tlv

loo m a t y '•'• ;•'

ffl'" :.nd 6: ;r be an "ac-e, defendant

. . -. • •• .-•.<•• penpi t « - m fiai'tW

p: t>v ftir-pioyment in Middle-. x ._ ,>uiii> ajr;r.g th« montr. o.'

. ur tr.iougb trie Nf* Jersey Butetlm'pH.vmeni aervjpe. Ol this num-t t: iZ2 wer* mcr. snd SO were wo-:ner. THIS is the largeat number ofmtn that have been put to workauring anj one month since thftiiit* wai e*t»buahtd.

There were 28» pUcemeatson public and governmental

,_ making a total ol 441ai-emefiti for the month.Men wire placed in the kdicm-

. ^ classifications genera; iabor-lers 39, ditch chgge™ 33. h u m 'men », carpenters :5. machinist.'&• electricians 3 demerit hmsherbi cabinetmalters :. cooks 2, up-

;, and one each of tbe-porter orderly, adver-1

_ri. rriiidime operatcr.iartiviand. crane operator, truckdriver. toyjnaker, iroa worker.,diitc. mechanic, pipefitter, mechan-ic*; d.-u.tsmaii. counterman, uuui-ar,c«: salesman, camp counselorna u 5tenogra]>her

Female placementi wtr* ai fol-low? r.ouseworkers 16, stenographers «, irjthine operators 5. out•waitress, one charwoman and one




MH Jt'E«F.rBY TUT LIOI^. or i*w


irml {NLrasraph Ikrc*. HCit iv. ut l i t 0>n«Utiaioo

if -"ie« J«r»y. tD n a d

ia one.of Uie

u fol-

AWMBI V ( « N C r » M S TKIXil l TfON", 3t«. 11.

( nmturrrrt


"..- ,.:.VF.r. by lie House of: •••<- «•,!••• «f New Jenfjf

: *:nj: »m«ndment» to Iht! -ht Slat* of S t » Jersey

pr P'«-d uid when the- . I E : - * ^ lu by a major- '^-"

;.Bir,t,..r« ,.>c»e(l to the Sen- »u c l-•. - t AiiseiBbiy. l l » said <'»U

/.-.,] t.» eme'td un tbwr1 •"• yvae and nayi taken

: •: f-.TTfd tu tbe Legia-: - s - t.i t* <-h'iB*u and pub-!.•••- rri-inthe p"-*vi«u« u> th* '.. .i.':cr t*:e firr. Monday ;

ii' xi. m »'. leam one newt- .. •- • miity, if any be put- '

: such newspapers to be j: •• :hn Pnsident of the.-P':J<er of the House of

•'1 •>)? Swretary o( State; ,•' nwi: publication to be• Tr»;jiurer on warrant of I

-n.b«r.« f !be Sen»lt and Qenerain.i.i) auali be ewaad *nrj lecusdb. gLtJtuu^ vi'.b the y o v ont tiiou*-:nr..: Vjndrtd md tairty-*lih'., an

first TueKUy liter lh« I i r« Unity ID .S'.n«Bfc>-r, aod ti»» Iwo b«u«-

n »tu»i; ""»' Kparuely Is r««ul»r K*-!••!. in i'ht »«.t)na Tu««l«* in Janaary

» i ' ufur iht- m d d»y of etactiuft. &'.•:;.••!. :un<r uf nmlinf tbc t K l-i:i: y lit:, rumnier.ct- aDd at.mri :h- iw. houses may meet.' !> ]D ^prcui. Ksai^fi UPOO UlC JultiVaii JI '.!« frT«iileni ul the Senate ami

Ui iiptiuker uX Uif G«nera4 AMembly.ojr Li,': purp^iie </ tLftuit uptifi ociyuci. nuiuvrs UJ! art deiicnaicd In Uie

WO ©BRIDGE. —Mer,"5 Shop at »4 Main street, the

•f formfTiT occupwd by Pet«"'.' .ir. M ;U in1 ?orm*llT opened tp--i r-"M mn-T.:ng The new »s"ar-; r.TT!"n1 -i-il'i be dedicated U? thf: rwr ,.; Wfwjhndge who appr»~ -?tc the fin<r things in merchandisf^nc iv here the> can obtain positive

•..::jnc. of receiving the very•><?: trie market affords at price?- • • 5f.n;.bly low. according to an• •..-i'x.ncemeni tsueid today by the•f.v management• V: L>ehr>-r stated "we have pur-;ose!v deiaved the opeunj of ouiW'Torihndgp store so that our:!ock «ould r* complete with a'.':;p t"» fall styles in men's hats

sh:rti ties, gloves and ho«ery—mercr.an*»e that are new—diff-erent—better, and alT portrayed ir.pe'Ji-ef! fal) colors."

Th? store has been cotnpleteljrenovated in the modern trend oJ'xturfs and dl^ilay cues andcounters. :

!' oisr. handles a very moderc •--.K department complete with afuU' line of John AUen tnd PaulJ imf'5 shoes tor men and boys, a 'well as the famous Vac Dyke ArchF;: shoes—all popularly priced.

The local store is one of a chainof establishments operated m•virth Jersey.

Avenel News^ a n ^tea^# 1 0HBM1 aiBWB A BlHt

aV O. WffaT . n

OOME coda ny—"«rw«yi com*- nw uscepm wlwn M> *Hg riofe.OtSCTS tlCMIIP—TKEW \ Bilt BOW-e*er it n cooked, rice has * -mwt ofboding over when the cook1! hackii tnnwd L*t rbf rice fo iwMi—tor the BCV ^i4 D i m m ranafl«od fpin-ovtn dip pa* the b o mhead to be caofttt m dw tray be-neath—which ratr be wipad oaTetnly or later put in tae aink andwashed. They do aay yea can rabbutter rrotmd thr «o^ half of tbe•ancepan and ta> riot *9) kal atlov tide.


Rev RariMurning Worsnip: Witt. Union

Scr.ifes m the CoogrefltionalChurch. Mr Devanny win preachen the topic,/•Vacatioo ChriKiiii-i * y "

M.dweek Prayers. WednesdayT 45 P. M.

John Orlowsky FmedFor Speedkf In Uelia

I5ELIN — Motorcycle OfficerCejfst.ne Roraonti thiiks that 55m;ies sr nour on the Old LincolnH:fr.v;;;. a speeding and JudgeAr.hu: Brawn concurrs with thatopX-Ar. for John'Orlowsky, '43, ofOak Tree road this place, a grocerand ?u;j;her was fined $1D and $3ctiv.s - police court Tuesday mom:r,g f;r ;ra\-elling at that rate ofspeed

1,. Op:r,

AVKVEI. MEMBERS OF THELadies Democratic Associationof the Third Ward are being re-minded of the opening fall meet-ing which will be held in thehome of the president, Mrt.Morrison Christie, on West a*e-nue, Sewaren. Tuesday evehing,September 8. at 8:15 o'clock.

• • • • '

inss ALICE CUMMIVB or IN*York is the (vest far • wack otfMr and Mn R. Voelker ofGeorge street.


way avenue, who is chairman oftbe committee for the dance be-held by the Young People of St.Andrew's church on Saturday,September M. in St. Junes'hall on Amboy avenue. Wood- jbridge has announced her com- |mittee as follows; Miss Anna,Braoake. Miss Catherine Bury.;lo. M « Steffany Burylo. MmDorothy. Crowley, Miss Margar-1

et Kenned?, Miss Joan oTerch,Miss Elizabeth Gltaker. MiasViolet Gloskey. Miss Madeline!Hadcett. Miss Eleanor* Kayser.

I Miss Catherine Knox. Mi» Ma-ry Kiiox. Miss Eileen Moran,Miss Betty Pinttk. Miss rrances

' Sponeski. Joe Wukovets, JohnWukovets. Jack BoVan. Bill Mo-ran, Jubus Jaeger, Joe Burylo,and Fred Cigurator.

1 • * • «MR, AND MRS. THOMAS Thomp-

son and sor. Thomas spent Tues-day in Belmar the guest of Mrs.Thompson's sister

moving into the hoint on Bur-net strtet recently vtorted hrMn R. G Perier and dtuiJrterJudy who are making theirhome for the fell and winterwith M n Pejrien daughter,Mrs. H. W. Grauaam of Monaerstreet.


aid their Mends enjoyed a butride to the Palisade* on Sunday,August 23. In charge oi the af-

Jair were the councillor; Mrs. Wil-liam Perna, Miss It*aa Brook-A«M. Mis Ruth Siesiel andMist Ruth Hurster

by theing of the fall b.Aumat II, to »n>tee who are asChtriei Slesse!Van Leer, Mrs R


net rtreet, has rp'i,-.ter spending sev«*:

B«»t ol her aunt vand Mr«. Frank p.- ,

j ilj at Manasquar.• • • .

|THE AUXTLIARY •:| Co., committee rn "j ol the chairman v! man ol Park av-I evening, to form -I'--i for the Maaquerai.

e'en dance to bt •-J day, October IT .' Firehouae.

NTR AffD MRS JAMB CBOW-ley and family d Uvinptonavenue and guest Misf afarioriLeonard of Meiwser ttrwt arespending two week* at SurfCity. N. J. Mr. and Mn. R. Tod-ker and daughter Alice of Qear-gi> street ate) Vim Alice Crim-mins ol New York were theirjfuttts for the weekend.


Democratic ehib will meet next |Tuesday evening Septenberl, hi >the Khool house All membeniare requetted to attend as * « *



i U . .i«:b'd m


ARE YOUNERVOUS?Here is a way to help calm

quivering nervesttti rau feel w bervou* thai 70a wwkt t>

•ciram ' Arc ttim MnM* wtwn TOU *J* c m»a0 Irntahlc . . Umn whea rou aoaM tkM*

II ruu: n«v . . <rc on cd«f irr IYDlA t-riSlUUM S ifcCjETABLt </>MPOfNU. Ittidpi culm 70ur qut^rrtn( arrftt tod .houldgivr vi»> tbc ttirafitb *ad encrgj f> tec* ttte»tth a amlk.

*hen tour vrarrlea *ad arM bnxitnc to*much lui >mi BD<1 >OU want to run *"•? froai)[ all rakr I Mil \ L. PlNkHAM S \tO-ITABLI tOMPfll \ D . M.ni «mvHI k » *tud^rrrea »> jantt Ml •• voun, but ibey a«wbat 11 abit to bulUI up ttvrir prp aad ncraT •>«f t back TO normtl »(t1t thr aid uf I VI>iA ft*FINL'HAM •» vrr,FT\BIl. fOMPt)\\D

i tl'huseI

ind. year

uf Artidr IV. to read u

^3-r.ate shall I* cumpas«il of one,•• irum eacb county in the 3ta!t.

••: i j tnt Itgal itMn at the coun--fjiv-i-i'-.tiy ("f 'our years, pro-

>,n»Mt.- the term of Senatortone ttewnrt nine«ietit at«U be ex-

L;r years from UM com-t( tlieir tenni. The term

„, eiet:ed in the year onenine hundred and Uurty-nuK.•iiended to tin years fromi-i.^:mrn; uf ttaeir urns. As.' s m u t shall s>Mt after tne

• i.e held In the year one• t , hundred and thtrty-ntne.

,. i- selected by lot. under;. ,r. uf tlie Senatt, tnreef SJ->« tuuntles the term of

• • - expires In the year onehiiodred and forty-one,•null to be held In the

• . , ,jaoil nine hundred and~.-uiura irom tbeae thret

iiihii fie elected for two yean,i l U t rtb*iLmf four Seoatura atul.elected fur a term of fuur years. II

happtn. by rulrostion or

As : -Li-rs ceieorated babyderbv nears its Oct SI ctnmng,the uh.ree women shown aboveare among the leading contest-ar.t£ for the S9O0.0M whidigoes tc the mother who baagiver. Birth to the most childrenriur.r.e •.•ki« last 10 yean. Mn.Mattrcw Kenny, top, daimsfirs; place with 12 ehQdren.Recer.- family additions havei'.wir. Mrs John Nagle, center.ana Mrs Gtis Graziana lowerpho1. 'c-als oi 10 and 9 ehQ-~.rer.. respectively, since 1926.

« The -A ui of Charles Vance Mfl-K _:. Toran'.o la»7er.r toi tne contest.

NTEtTlALITtuking at Chautauqua, N. Y.,

',!.-:• President spmmoned all Amer-i:;ns to resist the lure ol high .. .; rofils lc the event of war and tc P:es:dert Hoover among the sarntassist the government in enforc'r.goirr.plete neutrality.



L\BO1FOLU3>American Institute ol Pub-

Ennoonces its poll uli..tcr saving that if tti* • • • •'. -vere heW todaj- the Pret- MRS. ALICE WINQUIST ol Rah-

Goventer Ludon would wax avenue, t w returned to herhome in Los Angeles, "where Mr.Winquist will follow sometimelater

are matters ofbe discussed.

importance to

« » * muac for flan..-;

inc the evening a -; .-"• .«pread will be a-*,-

Thoie present «•.-.-.ae Toerjfcr. Secn-.a-Uam Kuxmiak. '.:'•. -Chariei Siei»: -tickets, Mn. 0 - . ,atorgsret Kenned'. ',•ychik, Mri Car! <M. Toulinaon. Mr- •kBd Mn. P. J Dor,;,-

MIW AGEN("It.<Somrthing like "? _•

bureaus have beer, v-;Roosevelt adnur..str

MRS PAUL KOm* PftOPfUE-tor of the grocery store on Rah-way has returned to her placeof business, after a weeks vaca-tion spent in Fairfield Conn.

f • • •


M havf been d.sinstances. th»

abandoned agenciether branches of

the boor \-ote in a ration ofZ'. Hcmever, the Instituteh: t in 19332 President Roose-poiieri an 81 to 19 lead over


voters I*, zlso maintains that fore ,-ry Republican Laborite who••-. .icnes lo Lemke. 14 Democrat)>:: mike the same move.

The announcemer.-t*xe» wiU bebudget isto

ax. x * w r — - — _ Treasury figuresof the Woman's dub met at tbe j since the ne* !>-«home of the chairman. Mrs.ion July 1. receipu r,John Ettershank on Park avenue|B tonTuesday. and completed pUxul

' "for the opening luncheon of theclub to be held next Wednesday

MR. AND MRS FREEMAN WILL-! at 12:30 o'clock in the home ofthe president. Mrs. ThomasThompson, on Park avenue.

Members of the cub are ask-ed to make their reservations



it '.:•

. the

WOODBRIDGE. — Services, in^cowiec:;on with the unveiling olja monument m memory ol Ignalz!Lungarten, will be held Sunday;

.iickiicits happtn. oy rwiEnauon ur;afternoon at three o'clock at the,j'jierwiat:, tht pcr»^ns electtd iv sup- \ t T . ^_ . . iPly nuuti vacancies aiiaii bt elected is Irieorew Progressive cemetery in,lie uneipired term ooiy. • Hopelawn. I


parafrajfc cue, aecu-jr. Ihrte.\ . ut U»e Conatitu".IUI. A mtNew Jer»ey, lo rewJ as IJI-

M i"*»

nHdlLbtiumrfirmiut irrhjit>k asil runiliFwaTbe: ilrpvi'iv)! uiHfi: tiki* tamuusoid awdldh4tsf»p ib*m up «it4iu . lu help tbetr i. . . to beic ttlvc tti*m » Lbccrtal i

'jeuttul iaaoinblj- ahiii be tvin-..[ naatbara bitnnmlly ri.-rl>'U IV-a.: voters uf the cuuntics, re^pni-*ii-. shall be apptini.die'J iii;,..^g.I i uusiief as netrly a r.-i\ irjng lu tiit number uf Pieir :i.:.a-. The present appuri-ji.."^!.;•-iiLinue until the next cti.so» A

the United Sutes shall have been taken,and an apportionment of members of:'!.*• General Assembly shall be made by'.he Legislature at iti first session after'.V next and every «ub»equent enu-m^rutlun or ceniTis. and when madaatiall remain unaltered until another•"•• iii"iitiun shall ti&n b*»n ttten:''^rjvided, that each county shell tl til•. ..TITS be entitled to one membei: «nd•j.e whole number uf members shalli«-i" exceed sixty.

Filed JUM U, 133S.Eip.NwA'St

AMLVEL—Miss Nancy Ann Me'Coa:... u»^. .~: ol Mr. and Mrs.]

^ . ^ T t ^ y f i S f . ? THE GARDEN DEPARTMEKT OF

Hams, of East Hazelwood ave-nue, Railway, ra\f announcedthe engagement of their daugh-ter Oriet, to John P. Bolan, oiBurnet street. Avenel. Mr. Bolasis a well known musician andorchestra leader.

* • * *

ly .B per cent netdawn 3 per centpdown by 63 per cented with the same ;••year However, this r;..ed by repayments u. .cies. It mould also -

IpaymenU under l:.-tax law wiD not beg.:

™ w „_„for the luncheon which will be uiitit next spring

relatives on Thursday, August 20,witr. a iuncheon party in cekbra-t;or. of ner fourth birthday.

The rooms were tastefully dec-ioraiecl m pastel shades add a large'^tiiday calce was the center ofattraction. Those presentJcsepmne. Jean, Joan and JanetBrower. Alvina Blrogh, Gail Jury,Bruce ind Donald McCoach, ol

tlown Marcia Ceremsak aiid MaryJ.: F:r.r.. of- Woodbridge; LeeCcnpton. ol Washington D. C,MTH A J McCoach, of Red Bank:Mrs Waller Worden, ol LongBranch.

i Also M+s. Harold W. Comptoc.of Washington IX C^ Mrs. FrankBrower, Mrs. Carl Krogh, Mrs E.Jury, Mr. andCoach aad Mr.of Avenel.

Mrs. Walter Mc-and Mn. McCoach

the Woman's club met at thehome of Mrs. John Azud onGeorge street, Wednesday alter-;noon. Mrs, Azud is chairman ofthe committee which will hold a iflower show on»Tuesday, Septera iber 15, in the store at 97 Avenel'street.

The show will open at 2 P. M.,and continue through the eve-ning. Prizes will be awarded forvarious displays which will beannounced in next week's issueof this paper.

Those present were Mrs. Charles Siessel, co-chairman, Mrs.Frank Benson, Mrs. WilliamPerna and Mrt. P. L. Coupland

MR. AND MRS. A. PETERSONand family, of Woodbridge are

No new government financing isexpected until December, the bal-ance of about 12,000.000,000 in thetieasury being sufficient to takecare of expenditures until thattime.


i t

A century ago, the zeppelio wouldr*»ve seemed a groteique impotaibility.Today it it accepted u a valuableachievement, resulting from vt»oaliza>tion. Saying, and buikGnf up an inde-pendent income require* visualization,too, and it regarded a* man's gr*at«wtduty to himself.


"Th, B*nk el Str«s»ftk-

—Member—Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation


THE GREEN TAVERN(Formerly Han's Beei Gardeni


Seating Capacity 200 Diners


Choice Wine* and Liquors


Music ByE R N E S T C H R I S T O P H E R S




Better Gleaning Service-School Opening Special

i, tke oalj water-proofed brtukFOR REALLY WHITE TEETH< Don't watte tlnx with . brush that turns1 limp and way when wet. THROW IT

AWAY and get a OIL WEST'S Tuo&brmh.Wurid'l costlicM bmtkm, uaui-proofti byto arhai»e proeest Csmt &* >«tty S<«r-

, (fro-proof in gtaat. 10 colon.




On© electric cleaner does a gocd piece of work but two willkeep your rooms immaculate. Both these cleaners are thepopular Universal make. The large one is the brush type offloor."cktanar and the hand claaner is excellent forupholster*! furniture and heavy draperies. Separately theysell for $9195 and MJK. Ppchaaed together th» pries lafttJS. Snpll carrying c W q e ii you buy on term*.

i \

Go through your clothe.-now ar>d pick out th'.your children will :.school — Suits, Dress-.-.'breakers, Lumber JackSuits, Sweaters or arv .up to size 13 and we w:.a spotl«89-fjust like r.



Special ?rmOn adalt Suits,etc., _ Wework — Th« custonbe satisfied.

All Garments In:?uredAgainst

Fire and Thei-


76 Main St Wowlbrid,. 2SS JWbwt St ?^ ^ulk

- O T H E t STORES— N j.^ Oftant, N. J. _ - _ MTO Mmm St R-b-»v

Page 3: Crows Aquila Is Still Nest OPENS CAMPAIGN Leader of 2nd ...Crows Nest NAVIGATOR |SKV ALFRED MARKOW-I "hflld wmtact man, JOE MAHKB. number one carpen-Jl KLDON RAI80N do-"r «irlM. preparatlooa.


Personals -:• Fashions Ne\VS Of T O A l l | Clubs •:- Churches


50 Attend St. John'sSunday School Picnic

S(TAV.\REN - Over fifty rdrtii .ind adults enjoyed the

IJohn's Sunday school picnic, Bertram's Island. Lake Hopatrecently. Mn, James Crow ley.

jPtrintendeat of Uie SundayRIAN CATHOLIC CLUB lva

As in chaT«« of

f> tPTOU AmoTS* t h o s e Prewnt wereO SPON Jack ^ . ^ Walter ak

Vivian Raisen, Margaret Raistn,Dorothy Jacobs, Muriel Jacobsua




ISELIN NEWSAn., fast*, H. / .

• • *

At alast Friday

nal details were per-; for the first annual |

r frolic to be held to--night at Our Lady of

•armel Parish hall und-mspices of the Hun-

JOHN. WILLIAM AND THERESAHickey, Mrs Mary Dailj andMr and Mrs. Willi«m Mulhall,of the Bronx, were the weekendguests of Mr and Him. LouisSchwartz, of Hillcrtst avenue.

Clara BaSon, Victoria Buhop, Mel- '< SEWAREN. — Ch-er fifty chil-va Reppmann. Betty Visikay, Bil-, Gr^ner was host at one of the ser-1MRS HERMAN HESS, WHO HASly Nelsen, Mrs. Clifford Jaeger/ ies of Dances held Saturday night! beetGoldie Dervck, Stella Kuzmiakjai the Sewaren Land and Water! *W

Club. One of toe .outstandind; row

event* of the evening was- an ehra-an ReibeL, Mrs.

Stella ,McLean, M a r -

Thelnu Reibel.Annie Drach, Mrs. Drach, Gladys!Sullivan, Leon Sullivan, Jr., Wet-Ivy Sullivan, Marie. Sullivan, Bar-bara Rush, Mrs. James Crowley,Miss Clara Nelsen, Dorothy Mar-

f a t h o l k Club and the}ratt, Sophie Kurtiak, Gloria Se-y of Our Lady of Mt.'iuine^ Helen Gersely and her sis-

..: church.and hit eleven-

! t e r ' E U l a b e t ' 1 Rowley and friend,i " " **""**«-. Mrs. Simon

for the wjcwlon.

ination waltz. The lady's prize,". V I £' C E N T .CICCONI, 0 *petit point pocketbook, was wonby Mrs, Noel E. Kittell, while thegentleman s prize, a silk neckUcand handkerchief, went to Noel EKittell.

Those present were; Mr. andMrs. F. J. Adams, Miss MargaretCKilds, James Adams, Mr. andMrs. Noel £. Kittell, Miss Elaine

Tree road, entertained • numberof guests from New York,the weekend.


of Green street, were bent* toseveral guests during the past"weekend.

• • • •

MISS MARGARET POWENA. ofOak.Tree road, was the guest of ifriends in Long Island, Tuesday.-'


TIT* road, u spending the weeka- the home of her aunt in New!

York.• • • •

MRS, CHARLES MCCARTHY anddaughter, Mary, were the guest*

' of friends in Elizabeth, Saturday.; • • • •MR AND MRS. JAMES DESEN-

ttore. ire visiting friends inYork this wee*.


New York, is visiting her aunt,



Miis CatheHnt Clark,f Mr and Mr*. H D Clark, of

i hff road, have returned aftera two roonth'j v»c»Uon at Sev-enth Lake and M N Y




ELIZABETH—Over fiftymembers s.nd »jue»t« of th>Middlesex County Press Clubwere the guest* at a supperheld Monday night at Peter

Mrs. JosephTree road.

Varanay, of Oak

. . . *"13 now *•. ruvieii, MISS Uame . . . . Lrirwrvm v p r n n r r i 1and h» cousin, Ann Nufrick, Zjschlttu C Alan Phillips Mr and M l s s E ™ 1 1 KLANKE, OF New KIDDIE KEEP WELL

Alvin Hennricksen, Robert Simon- -- - ' *' ' ' " • • •• - - •—* -• «--»en. Robert Quinn, June Derick,Lincoln Derick, Ann Van Iderstin*Helen Sanders and Kathleen Koz-utko.

r.g the evening tx:il be held in the recent-

• tr.icted alleys. A cooling ! „ "T T „ . . , ,; ,r the alleys and the IOWlf Democrats Ww

-.:,;; has been installed.mmittee in charge are:

;r. Wargyas and Margaret- general chairmen.

j Kocun, J. Kopi and S.•.-.iwling alleys, S. Poos and

HM Ottini ToitorrowNEW BRUNSWICK.—The Young

*x™<t « Amenca, R»- BrunsUnit, wiU sponsor an outing

Mrs. Ronald M. Buirt, Miss Patri-: aa Steele, Richard Wbeatley Townsend, Mr. and Mn, J. Rivers Ad-ums, Mayor August F. Greintr,Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boyntoa,

I.Mr, and Mrs. Francis M. Drake.Mr, and Mrs. Charles F, Lewis,

Mr. and Mrs. Lonsdale Green, Mr.

MRS JOHN A. K6ZVSKO AND f^,daughters, KathUwti and Jo»n. ANOTHER PARTY TO Iare vacationihg at Point Pleas- HELD OCTOBER 2 ATanV . . . . SEWAREN SCHOOL

MISS HELENA HARKO, OF *Schetwctadj. N Y, u vmtmf SEWARKN. — the SewaMr and Mrs Wilier Sanders, of Young People » Democratic CJubWeft avenue. held IU second Bingo Party at tb«

• • • • Sewartn school recently. BentatdROUIL KIPP, OT WEST AVENVI Rynwha was chairman. The M-

11 vacationing at A^Mry Park lowing were pnie winners:• • • • • Mrs .Alexander Urban. Frandi.

MR. AND MRS. MORRISON Perry Mi» Jane Chroue. Mr*. AnChristie, of Wert avenue, enter- ; drew Simwuen. Mrs M. Quinn,tained, William lforrlfon, of'Mist Anna Kopcho. Albert Loo,New York, Sunday. Miss Grace Raymond. Mist Be*.

• • • • inor. Rymsha. Mr? Western, Mr*

Breidt's Brewery. here. ^McGuirk, a member of theconcern, acted at host.

The supper w u heM in the tav-ern of .the brewery. Rout beef and G F O R G E gnLWtLL, OT CUFF I John A. Turk, M.ss May Moore, A.

road returned home Sunday, at- Rychardt, Ernest Raymond, Paidter 3 ten-day visit at the homi J Patchkana. George Sassc

all the "fixiB's" were atrved bycapable attendants after whicn


door, Joe B>.M

. r. J Tobak, Z. Tobak and. kitchen, A. Kozu and M.

•..:kets. W Kotcis and J.

M.Athletic events have been ar-

ranged including boxing. Prizeswill be awarded to the winners. An

York spent the weekend at thehome of her aunt, Mn. RaymondJackson. - -—-••• -

• • • • VYOODBRTDGE.—Another suc-ITHE GERMAN-AMERICAN SO- Cfssful xaacm ^ h^th vacation-

ciety of IseUn is planning tohold another of a series of cardparties beginning nest month.

and Mrs. Ned Valentine, Mr. and I T i d t e t s " ^ f ? " s t o r t l y

Mrs. Jack Weitzen, W. D. Adams, ]Miss Elizabeth Davidson, John Ed-


LOANSporion* or mzrr.vdwith r*9uks IBCOBM

oxty M e m o loan hmn aa tb*u•- witn nc S?Q

W« ai>cdak* linllll williiini wn&anmn— 31 TW* fftrta. tunutun ata*w ptmaaj

amateur contest will be conducted.,-et.ng of the variou* com- i n addition there will be bingo

will be held tonight so that 8an>es and dances by George Park•••rrrber will be familiar with e r M^'c will be furnished by Ki-.e.- me night of the affair. ,r" Brothers orchestra. Refresh-

1 ments wiU be served.Among the notables who are ex-

pected to attend are Jack Demp-»t>. Senator A. Harry Moore andW:lliam Sutphic.

Dunng the outing an award willmade uf a Labor Day cruise,

two round tnp tickets to Bermu-da ur Halifax on the North Ger-man Uoyd line.

I Arthur E. Lynch, chairman, isuisisted by the following commit-tee. Gerald Jenkins, Thomas Mur-:«y, Rocco Mariano, Edwin Baier,

; Thomai Mitchell, Anthony Sutton.i Lfon Revolinsky, Robert Murray.| Benjamin Reuben, Charles Wein-jgart, Thomas LaJly, Joseph TakacsI Elizabeth Takacs, Mrs. ElizabetoPakoid, Theresa Geresy, RoseScandone, Peter Kara, Alec Vargaand Margaret Kuplen. "

The committee in chrge of tbeLabor Day award includes:

James Rannaznssi, chairman;Edwin Bier, secretary; Edwin Sne-diker. Sheriff F. Herdman HardingJi me? Collins. Charles Didge, Robt-rt Murray. Meyer Cohen, FrankWalyus and D. Carl McConnick.

A DAUGHTER WAS BORN SUN-d_y to Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Gottstem, of Decker place, at theRahway Memorial hospital.

• • t •

MR AND MRS 5AXJNDERS DU-and daughter, Sondrt, -of

is, Md.. are the guests olMr. and Mrs Albert R. Bergen.of West Mam street.


phen , of Westfield andGarret Brodhead, of Hahwayavenue, were the weekendguests of Mr. and Mrs. Ai TRandolph at their cottage at Culver Lake.

gar, Miss Louise Harrington, Da-vid Balfour, Mr. and Mrs. W. M.Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Rene de

JKussy, Mr. and Mrs. H. M John-1swi, Miss Betty Holcombe, Robert!Mae Nifi, Miss June Richmond,John Aquila, Miss Claire Garnck,Ardan Bailey, Mr. and Mrs, J. M,Klein, Mr. and Mrs. William We-

ing will be brought to a dote to-morrow at the Kiddie KeepjtfellC i.np, when 180 Middlesex Coun-ty girls leave camp to return to

A BAND CONCERT WAS HELD l h e i r h o n l e s Fifteen WoodbridgeMonday night during a ptnsh yuungsten are included in they gmeeting at St. Cecelia's church.

• • • «today spending their

ul the health center.last

those who so desired sampled thefamous Peter Breidt's beer.

During the bwoefs ans'onplans wtre made tor the annm.ielection of officers to be held Mon-d*y night, September 28. Meyti

! Rosenblum and Andrew Hila, ofthe Carteret Press and Oil Hunt-

r, of the Perth Amboy IveningNews, wiU be the hosts at the evc-iing.

Preliminary plant were 'madeor the annual installation dinner-

dancf to be held Saturday night.October 17 at the Hotel Pine* inMetuchen.

the Iaehn Free Pub- reftDr F. Fitepatrick. It is a.ustom that the last evening atcamp be given over to entertain-

THE LADY FORESTERS Of ISE- ment and party fare. Prizes willt lin will bold a card party on be awarded to .glrU making the

lant, Miss Dorothy Fan-, James j Thursday, September 10, at the greatest gains in weight and toPioneer Tavern. Tickets may be those most skilled in handicraftpurchased from any member. '^d those judged by the counseloi

• . . . staff nature work.THE NEXT MEETING OF THE Despite the heat, which tends to

Union of SocW Justice will be "°M down weight gains the girlsheld Friday, September 4, at the|a t camP have made a remarkable

Lte, Mies Evelyn M. Leed, CharlesFair, Jr., Miss Elizabeth Dunigan,Leonard Campbell, Miss GenevieveKraus*.

Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Demarest, Mr.man. Mrs. F. F. Anness, Mr. and;and Mrs. S. J, Hood, Walter Still-!

Mrs. Charles Gregory, Mr. andMrs. L. E. McElroy, Mr. and Mrs.Roy E. Anderson, ' Mr. and Mr;,,Erail Stremlau, Mr. and Mrs. Ken-neth Beardslee, Mr. and Mn. Russeil Beardslee, Mr. and Mrs. CarlHedberg, Mrs. J. J. Livuigood,Dudley Croft, Daniel V. Rush, Mr.and Mrs. John V. Hunt, Mr. andMrs. W Schramm, Mr. and Mrs.W. E. Church, Mr. and Mrs. J. HDonobue.

of His uncle, Herman J Baumanof Sjnore Acre*


ro»i and H. C. Watson, ol Me-tuchen. spent the weekend fiih-inf at Point Pleasant.


tat week. Ai torn a* t te childrenleave camp the Kiddie Keep WellCamp Nurse will begin making n - ,sits to their homes to help see thatthe ££ins made are not lost

The number of follow-up visitshave already been made in tht*community, the nurse aiding theboys who were July campersMonthly clinics will be held thro-ughout the fall and winter forboth boys and girls.

MISS RCTH DOJIGAN and Miss:Ellen Connolly, »< Crov* strtetjand Miss Susie Murphy, ol Am-'boy avenue, are' vacationing at |Lavalette.

• • • • •

LAWRENCE McLEOD, OF Gren-; vi lie street, is spending a w«ek

with friends at Betmar.

MrvStf'ty. Mrs. Grover Pener and JackRoool. The door prize was woo byArthur Rychardt

The next bingo party which 1I»club will sponsor will be held anFriday. October 2, at the Sewaren•chool.

iMISS RUTH LEBEB LEFT SUH-day for Ferran. Utah to resumeher work on. the teaching staffof the Presbyterian Minkm

| school after spending severalI weeks vacation with her par-

ents. Mr. and Mr*. Theodore 1*.I ber, of Freeman street.

• • • •MISS LILUAfJ RJtitt«JrYi,

Freernan street, Isfor a week at Island Height*.

• • • •! MR. AND MRS. HARLAN Brady,

of Rahway avenue, areUoning at Schenevus, N Y.


i»-pt •! BMkUf LI*. M« IN

tor Smith and Stit* Su.I cited (H-kclu't Dr»« Mm)

:':-nt Perth AsmiMT 4—*•«HotU; tab 1H*


Alex Kalmar, of Fulton street, an-nouiice the engagement o,f theirdaughter, Helen, to Charles Nagy,if Tottenvilie, S. I. The wedding

will take place early in October.

club beadquarten All membersare urged to attend.


of the First Church of Iselin washeld Monday, Plans were madefor the tall.


ciety of Iselic was the guest ofth» German-American Societyof Carteret, Sunday.

• • • • *RUSSEL McCann, of Lincoln High

1 way, was the guest ot friends in: New York. Sunday.

ht-tlth record during August. Anaverage gain of three and one-half

| pounds for the first three weeks: his been recorded, and to this willbe added the gains made in the'S^r^cord attendance.

HOPEL.AWN — The HopelawnAthletic Association will hold itssecond annual picnic this Sundayat Pfeiffer's Grove. Advance sale

reservations indicate

MISS RUTH WOLK, OF GROVEstreet, Miss Bertha Ohlott olFreeman street and Windsor J.Lakis, of New ctreet were guestsat the Little White House in SeaGirt. Sunday.


of Decker place, are vacarionintat Beach Haven for two weeks.

A DAUGHTER VTAS BORN Mon-day to Dr. and Mrs. Edwin j .Valentine, of Jersey City. Mn.Valentine is the former Mis*Vitama ViMl, of Rowland place.


faculty (if the Millersville StateTeachers College, Pa., is visit-ing her sister, Mrs. L. C. Holden,of Rahway avenue.


I. Mann & SOD-orroi

Daily 18-11,1-*. T-l10-11

N. J.

T»L P. A. 4-MIT

u Sraitk S t Pwtfc

SEV. Wl V. D. STRONG, of Grove javenue, is on a cruise to Quebec ;Canada.

* • • •REV. AND MRS. CARL C. E

Mellberg and family are on atwo week- tour to Lake Cham-plain.


way, Brooklyn, were the week-end guests of Mr and Mrs. Er-nest Sky of Leone street.

"No more grey!. lair is young again

• • • thanks to CLAIROL!"


Soapleu-Oil TreatmentK1SSE n > C £ * WAVE




WOOD. H i l l

w. w « m»nM.o n . quick 1 - t o - fand H M ^ my kwk H Kt p m « l BS«tt

"THEIBANKhdped me put it across"Frequently our ownmrn say that some satisfactory

busing undertaking has ban due to the bank's

assisranff. Sometime* we introduce two men whose

acquaintance pCOVM mutually useful; sometime wr

are able to supply a suggestion—tome sidelight

from experience—that will add to the success of a

transaction. Such v^ntiHTHt a not wy Hfrt in any

formal list of bank services, but we fed that it is

one of tie most helpful para a bank can play in

enmLehrer's Men's Shop

AT LAST, an exclusive M^n's Shop for Woodbridge,

where men who appreciate the finer things in mer-

chandise may come with the positive assurance of

receiving the very best the market affords at prices

reasonably low.

Dunhill Hals

the life of a cotamu

forAsk y<H,r b^wtkion ob«i« o Cloirol fr^tro« hoir. Or wrh. far f « bookl... WEE «* .« •

of hoir o»d FREE beauty «Qly. . i .on car.

Not wkk

1 Kbf . <




RAHWAY, H. J-Member F«l«*s«epoait Iniwtnce Corpormtien

Work Shirtsand Clothes

Visit Our StoreSaturday

A Cordial Welcome Awaits You!

We have purposely delayed th« Opening of our

Woodbridge Store, au that our stook would be com-

plete with all the new Fall Styles in Men's Hats.

Shirts, Ties, Gloves and Hosiery—Merchandise that

is new—different—better, and all portrayed in the

newest Fall Colors.

Fall FootwearSmart Stylee, All Sizes

and WidthsWe also have a very modern Shoe-Depart-

ment and tarry a very complete line of the

famous John Alden and Paul James Shoes

for Men and Boys, as well as the famous

Van Dyke Arch Fit Shoes—Popular Prices!

Dress Gloves

Full fashionedHosiers

Smart Shirts

Lehrer's Men's Shoptf<"*-whoAwnd'Xm*m*w~"h****n W o o d b r i d g e , N . J .

^ii^E^^kiiWiiBff^^BOfi^^yjMHl^^.j^fiiwg^'fr ,>n:t.-j.»J!

T*ri' ' '^-''JwaiMtiB

Page 4: Crows Aquila Is Still Nest OPENS CAMPAIGN Leader of 2nd ...Crows Nest NAVIGATOR |SKV ALFRED MARKOW-I "hflld wmtact man, JOE MAHKB. number one carpen-Jl KLDON RAI80N do-"r «irlM. preparatlooa.

an oi

» « t StTW.i-utnMr.ini

fftramai. aDVMHf>'<'•XfWKKTaTTTW

aanr «IJ» fm fair •






\ ' "Bnac J-

•, ir,T, „• IU- BOBIP

.-. iFTtr- ..anrjssec ': trie Boarco; *":••• Trs"-..ssi0BST reaflf as

' • •'••-• : ••v;env s : ancerfr

.,.' ., ,T_.. ,-ri-i- eifietew fire

T., „ „ . . . , . n £ j - - J X I ^ B ClOCK.

•T TT" "•-• '• ss™1 1* niillcma:

fir* --.i-.ir.~~i"" "•"' Cmspalt' V*

• t t r » « ••:•••••' ' : a p p a r a t u s - i !

"hie: :" -=sissirr Ciueli t "a::.'pour1- ... inc. •apprnxunat?:'tTt^p^*- - ' "'' ^' MI i tf<T' WTOf S • *" •

holism• Tt -.»• - . •_• snaaer :ht rwu'

CT., . , - , *m -v v-, ^ Trre Cfftfipair

._»_,_„,.. • •r: c u e snow? ncrs. ';• 3rfice«»Qi of *nt annua. ?vent W'nn

.:; ai. yfciir ^rounc witbou: uit- fanfare of ££.' I / ! ^ K ^ ^ B- ,.. . . . . . . . j . H , . . . ^ ..-oniinuf : n t g o o c w o r k , w . .. ,;u__- -r-oicctec -ai

; .m!v; i . *. aueees f znz :: car. o n i y 0 * u BBr-:oiK ?• -;• THIS- oreadfu; •••u m e V"U SUPPO"" V. ' trie- ra:. :.aDr*"-. x manicinc

.. r t asKinp ;. :IT;J- *r,'.nj: n return ror ttie ^ . - 1 , -"'.':;:y mEht. T^ itsou" sTiy vonxpfinsauor. ''^JU*' -.•'Or. >rceDt zw sr ' j m r E F fcutfc . r weather snd aartim* 'Of-ThanK. .>•

.-A,, iney reuuefc '.:, return is max yah pa- ; taa^cr.- ; M . : one :. veii: Yes. you wi i i - apw with .**" -aneereiv VOUT-t- -n , oVpn: ;;. : n . . ea r w^ cur. do. • Theonaic X. O'Bnor '

::t 'i. >.-M»rr"'ev _. -.. -i ana 5. TOT their < _ *•• K nc trt -_,• ;r;» Scnoo, street jrrounds'{{(HIE OWWJIS VISTmenu --aiiv u> autv HOUSING COMDTTEE




%«•• ProriF^ivaiui Raurnac. Aatxi.bnt-agt- ciEDoea^ s^iten.V II _ .1 ;' trfvn-TV.itrr ^JVCOOar m'lmmmp poL.Puout iransporssuc : :ui;~:nf d

' X

u. . • • •

- " .

r;: ^r....



tr.f toil.

N t. I. i

" Lagmm* i\ if



saiendic occ-

"Jit Looking BackwardiC H « I S T L \ N

A Warnsnav-

nours-::it.- !!auor estabiisn-

PET.~:. .-JM3CV — Mart that:15( ",ir- v.-ier:- J: prospec::','^


ec ::... :.' jffices oi the PerT_r.:; • J a m e s A. W L . S I . ^er.-^ 'llit- n o t l c t OB~al! Amoc-- Btr.s: HOIIBTTIE Cammitieei!it orcnnu.'H-' '''•*•.'^::~:zs '-Lvyrns to d o s e b t - : o c a : " ••' Jti-; s ' 1 ^ atreex. -ierj"^01 l! ^ ' 3i 1*11(1 ~. Ji.. W', ')£ StXlCtlv GJi "**" "" •-*,-** ' _ - *

>ra !-ur. d l f Cli ipyr ; .av int tne i r iiceTls;?f t M7,- • Oaaek/jr.. Chainnan ol'•"'.'Okec. . tn-e r^^zunet.

^ "s". ;<u.; ;na; aur iirst ter. daysHTl_— I jL r P-.-f"' ' Si"-1"'-"- - ampit evidence.' saicW ^ H T ** ™B r ree r ress . ^ -;Jei. - t na t ^ j , peopi.. Q; a u r

':>.- prest aws not -x.s' -." .luiny countnss sec:i-:- "'' ncr' Deni?G 'J105e C:Vi- , 'j;nt" ^e'j'.iun- ai 'Mt atstt or Q.\

-:. Laropt .*;..- nna» ::.•• ]!ma mur* or less .tJp -..J^J. x m»,r OTI£T!5t mi«very powerf,u, 'country except 'irsa: Bn- ."ami "oB^Erdnt and improvement;,L ano Japai; uit- newspiiperS ari iargeiv ^- — taei: reainauou 'jiai tae1

30. 1935At eigBt o'clock this Tr.orr.:r.£ ::.

Station W2XIC, witi. 2-ryean: Joantladio£gar.

Tex: u; Goc sectan; ais Son urn, tot worii io con-demn me wOrta DUI 'JXH UK worm

Him mign- t>t saved

temporarily -m cuarge will i>eg:;. >per^uot. oat way-.as an official pait of tiw Towusr.it ; once department,operation of tht two-way sys'^r. «".!; 3tan WTULUI a

itiicc '.y :iiv poveznmerii for its owr. uses. present, with in, iower costs u, the--:'• ' . . . _ . . . . *.imf tc turp slier, interes: :mu nt- (

:;iv.-Si 'teiiin '.iireareri-a :.it- a'ieriiife citizen wouk; .-'ji- ;r. me i^st stages a: a -junaing at-j:• '..r.u: ::.• press t=. ir. aisiantea, "too fret . ' HOM- •-^wpments. pnmani: ;r. me/ -•ai.-"!

r -..-I,.: .:- :iiut:. bener- thaji :o navt a kept presi, I L - :!XructU)r- o l ->1°nies a n c P:'--;-K^^-. :•: tne lower t " ^ n o w , ir. ini

i. : - n : ai-curatt news anc aepenaen; eniirely upo:. aeve lppmen , N w JeMev ,. ^ o ^ ;j••• ' - ! • : : H i y r : 'y p s n r a s s i o r t c puoii&n a n y art ic ! t ;n>, leaning siaies J : mt- Katiar,

Eu: j d e Dy suit- witr. ihi- recorii'11;: -_:it Stale aur nev, Pert:. .-uEai....'"ice ;an piact ujest- ract;. Da: -

i . : - •>v,,r:i; aiSl' n s n a i v 5Uper\- igeu. ., :n£ :ti fast "ten aav s .; na, rect! -

i i j e : -uci. - i r c i i m s u i n c e h o n e cai; n a r d l y e x p e ' j ; •.:_• — ^ ic sunmittec u. .enmnt .;:-

psvpi(- -A tht '/ountries K, Ut abit us fonn correc: opir.ii.-:..- ;'ati l t iani ior

ui. jjiv 3jDjec. Tht forrr. oi go\'ernment may van- ;,u: ^ o r . loans ,for m o r e

tn-r- can ut no jtmucraui' processes where mere is- m: :,:- ooi- ani Feaera, Housing Adisenct- of information anc r--omment, and any desire f1- t:i.- "-~tran\mongage ioans ror!pec'Uie for peact. if k exists at nutny Hfisert. can iiaraiv ;... i:- addjiion i:.nas appiiL-auons UL-

ae* r'Qnsiatft"auoE wnich are exDet* *on ii zovyrrrr.:-,-::*

: 31, 1936Thf ordinance, increasing i c numoer oi ucjuor

.itensei. iron. 56 to '6a in the 1-•••wnsnip. was unani-mously passed at a meeting o: ::;•- TOTTISHIP Commit-tee tiefc Monday nigkl at ti._ Memorial Jiimicipaioiuiaing, after a snrnag adareas oi: oenalf of ont ofthe liqutfr iicensc appliajits oy seuator JofeE E. Tooi-

Septeabar 1.1933The Rev. Ear; liannuni Devanny. for nine years

at Covenant PresDyteriar cnurth in Befrakbeen called u tne "Old White Cbnrch" la

June, will assume the pastorate on aeptemoer. preacn-mg his first sermon nert- an Sunday. September 3.

urnict: cam-. pnae the l£ssoc-aennnn is tne lo^

iron; tne flihie. "Ht tnai: tll£ Sac ii tL Ill£. nri nt tW.

, nalfi not tne Sec oi G<x: iiati. nt|.'lite. Tbese •nirigt. nave I wrrtter;untc 3 011 tnai oeneve on tne nam£ol the Son o: G-uc. niat ye ma;-1-know tnat ye na%>e eternal iiie. anathai ye insy Deiievt on *rw atm* Q{tlie Son of Goc" .1 Jonc 5:12. i3>-

Tbe iiesBon-Sennac «iso inciun-eii tfl£ loiioviinfi pag&ag . Erom tneCnnsti4£ ! ipnrF tfixtcoot. 'Sci-ence sad Heaitn witt Ke?1 tt :aeScnpunes oy Mary Bajcer Enay"The Cnnst was the Saint wind:Jest nnpiiec m nis own sait-mems: 'I am the way. the trutii.jna me ufe:' 'I anri my Father artont* This Chna. ar dmnflj- ol theT«r Jesus, was hii drwne nattirtmfc ^xiimess wnicn annnatec 53ir.

. ? 26

ceusorsriip o: news maim-ainec ir. ;>:><:: ^nc tn^ ret-e20i of news froir. tiir

L'eatti ciaimeu twoiocai sp«t-lway i

, i

2. 1932best air*, track dn\eri

a crowd oi Ja; &t went ; i

«I "jpoi; : - exer t rriUCL

i i r s £

mt results ior


m jn;v wa!i Section

fingerprm.ts of

.Miciat. Kiajgowss. ^ super'.---;a o i oi Uit , Peru: Amooy Bette:';

of the Departrueuv ai Knjfisingkcjvmg, aan m, qttu.t :;,

uv troatf

afcrmauonwn, ,-,.- >*,, .rr^u uut me pnffl. rf^ncaL « , L ^ S ^wan: uieirs :.:-.-•: ior purposes of idencficaupn wijenever it .Ior renairmg or mmijrnr :Jf- r:-_-;pru.. i:. Jant a\i!2 J6.t>yo sutfh xiilgerpnntj or ausiness propen-j, :

_were voiunun:;vsant in Wic Department and added tv trios*- terested. |oil riic. • • . ' y.

p ys at the ieopeiung o: the t rac t irnec Frank FarrD-oi ^hiiadeipRia. nationally known driver and Billp . also of Phiiadeipnia. were fatally injured

IL a crash at the west ei.^ of tht: tfatk dunng uie aec-'ond qualifying ftvt mile Jieit.

* * * * *Auynat 28, 1931 .

The first major building project on Mam streetu: several years, an undertaking wnich snows.the COE-iiatnce felt in tht futurt of Woodbndge DV the lar-seeing utoiidera, g-ot' underway within the past 'with the completion ufithe excavauon for the new

id uemgi erectea by the firm of'G. ChnHSensenon :iic soutn side of Siaiii street, directly op-

m a r present store.

Vaaoernerfig gMiepropenr

of prop-

irot-.Tfii: comer u; aapertj :rac taenct ,4- amnf nerv .me J; K Vanoerve«r .-.

A DVE?HTFEF JOHN ¥\\ FEE.V of U W - .* * g^ves u? a yart; that tnigm put him m lis! ',

that 's putting U ^ uit «trong. because th t war is" '-*, . . ,

be ing htnaaii isn : a crime a m more.

B m if thrv d caneht Fav jt it during tht ;va •-.

; shot him sort a? b l a z « Ir. them thar day^ th«- -

wxjrk.ot The prnpie wh< lent atd rn the roemv

yp* * ^ . T " * * **"*• **""* "*•"* * • • * • * nww»-• V M V i^MnntF Ut 11-So mray mer wwr* in tbe notpHal tint »B abk o^.^

w n oeebed tor guard dut^ and tfterc w e n nooe •vtii^tji*J*W**M* The cotene! solr^o that p n U e m br bdrruwing 4 &**-ttMB prtBOBcn fruin thp WOUACCS, UKI ****>HH "tfat?tn V R ^

F I T Pl«n8 to Sive Brom From the Cn»i Cs»s= ;;"At a« tme : mm Bamn.' s»r« Fay "he was a durv_-

oner, uaiec Rr *J» u i t H i m in Siberia, tben V. WDTT •ir 9iow :tTr:hi»- umiefKJunmi kaliiiiiiltn H« « u gntetLireacr.en: 'Ji? A£iericaQ5 env« mm and' worked uncaafisjrhj^ifti- zt r»ican; €xcec: ti tie tep! at hit jab Everron'x&eaiBte ^^f. '^ tb^ uniurUinate ffifiow W^ leamec tsa: ^i u tc. marr. nomt sis aoe norror—aanfnmen: u. *JK

Tberr o a t * aaT wkes Or *—rir»aa wen »r0-.rracaair l u n n t t . aad ta» Oeraaa friMaen werr u. •' a m i u tk* r — n i l . Tto « •Wbrn Br o n r u car t—• *»T » Fay 1

"Gad help aa," IK aaM »*T "We a t laat Kr ua;

That s whec Fa^ arciaac in- was going tc ddv r\tii Little Bamr He tiac ar. idea he couW get Bain, su:or ice CoxsacXi and at betac eooknie op » atfcemt ~Harar abotr. :i. the Uttte teUoWs mnKec e r a tparkiec '-•tntnt at said E^ec a Cocsacx buiiet m aa sninc ^^that a slow, ansermc deatt tc the dnaded tah mine-

Qmack Gtard Has a Snapaaa MineThe next mfta Fa? Tnanatwi m fct tonwej* ca. ITIF

marcaed tae nuiMieiJ t»dt to the Cotsacs staanot --x •ftf^pi- fotiowmt Fay's natrucuoni. fell m i t the rear ti •_-:•a ttf inr ied the v t i t u e i a and twe athen marched or. «;••_.

rtvmc, and Fay motitned tc fiauxr. tc drop ant a! Ime Heand vnutaed ttrtc ttac bl&cbms of ibt

h r p M themt than. Tht ,

he |v*c Tiy • auzrM be « d » . Par Bad a k a e b he ta*rt t e a :

Be WM n j a tthat sight a* slipped out of camp witt a van:-~

A a LaulEEL a! not coffee tr. rns aand. He ntaoe .1:;MM< tooofi T^TT"1 Bundled over a flre ic a tins' ~.BOX ^ me TTn ^ '' F"3 nan 3rOUjnt hiTT B . :. -THAN ^NISHK.I.' CEANGDIG WHEN FDOTSTZ?-

W T H T iffiy 3ITOW OinVtUE.Fiy and Bamn Pnt the Intruders tc Sleer

fnau ns acahnarc li anrone caugnt tten then it woi .fnr Fa?—anc •' wi-turr ( eaxti tox Bf)UT' T"

an agai- The fire crackled and ftarec ~x .:.OENLI, TWO BEAEDED FACES AFFEAEED 3." THTH E CAVE,

P s y Mraek mt: -•

ThW tker icraniir

«(tte iM n « M w a i i w a <aa« ike hwmncam tm tt BeramtJay rf'tr*** ftp"^ mtr. tne rear car and hid OUT. _

He would w sale tnere until the tiaiB cot outaway irmr: tne Cotsaccs. WHO could identify him as a?, esne n"i»^ leave toe tram and witn the hfitp nf the Aner:::^won, make ms way ou; at Sihena. ami bact to Genr.ar'

Tb« BaiFT"! Haven't Always Been Insi.And that's the enc of this yam—except far a r : . .

oenec i vear lawn- F j y : aunit was' statamoc . :M»:...qn-r tnfc captam caiiec HIT. JIID me ornerij' room.aere tar you iron Germany.' ne sais. "Some relative

Fay aaew aamii i *d>dUa't dare rntmH a- "OB. T*S- Mr." to «•"my 'taratker Pat."

U» Samper m i *^Rtk aai the hack « ttei

• Th, ; it desirabtc. Every now anq then a man ar womi»:i SHlmlTr Sis fauiin wandering, arvim.1. victims1 of aHiesia, 'luiahic v.> " " ^ ' ^ ' ^ E ^ S I "tel; wnLi tliev arf urwhert tnev come from1. If tfaeir tinifer- -" -N coapoaATiaN,

ill' iUU '"tPl 1 ^ T^gifK

print:: w«n- OL !;•-. tne'v- i-uiiici ue idennfted and then- iov»d iioi£ TAiUirs ^ witones :iatiiieu. ihet. tney wouia r^ceiv^ proper cart ana munlilt- .susptnst- oi relatives «naed ai to tht wtiereabouts of * „ „ » j ^ ldlOVe lliUH.h iu Tnemi>er of tilt tt'amiiv •" *"• dm!CI*:1 ^ <Je»»««

'and far fron: honir WESNESDAV THE ;BTH JAY y:

i1 uamtis or who to iiotrry oi the 1Q&>. KUSDEBD THIHTT-SI2.

r-jrinii sen! to the Ltepartment uouid easily idi everv- „; :*t' Mte^u'^'^\v:.y nit UIIK^OWTI person was. During uiit mont:: t i ! U ^ L ' ^ M'


•iit: •jfttfiitimesaauu

V'T-.- :i!.iciuiWT:.«;.)Ut with even t i e iimueo file ni LL; iuui«;isiwii Uit- Department was ai>k 10 iQentify Tii u: '.ii».;s-

r.-*t-!y aim ";; lentativeiy, which were counrmecAny peacefu: Jitizen snouAd tuve his ringerpnnl rt

:i 'it- tiuj tnr opportunity. CnrniflalB will objeci u<- '•;wht> art- afnuu they mignt get involved m enmt*;*— ^ V i g n u

caust- ringerprini.^ or: :iiv might help aulvt «i enmtr myaisry, .iu™»r»niig . . . .,,f$Qt>. ^ o i i Ami*; ii^wij. now-ever,, couia'uit their nuger i»r

winiout any dimger. laid, on uie contmn-. with som- ihit IT nngiit provt- ven- v.aliubW aometimt: n; :IK-. '"

a is unaoubtedly, fvjtter and the averujjt citize:,'it vili su>' better. . . ^


FQR TODAYThen said Je$us unto his disciples. If any maji yiil eonir M!

p nis cram,,

, For ArhgaQe.vei; will ^avt hi* lt£e s^al! lose it and wiu»-sr will lu*e hjj! Ma for my sake shall tind, a. ' i^ i

Far what i*> a man.profiled,.if he shall gam the whoie.jui.* a|«ar id , and Unie hie »«ai soul * or what shall "a man

Lchange for hi* nfiul Tsr th* Sw «f "»*n «*»»"' e»m* in th« grlorv af hw Faiiier! ?hua angek; and th«i he «b»H reward every- man ac-

i ont aunorea

capujr. :ooe atiomer lour at the envelope"H we wvri- in SiDfr.L now 1 Tame csasur uui is'.ffir

susp:c:ar. v.a; : Be*-: '.n rr.y inmc.'iar a i

; Crawey B*iitanm mill COWT—t r••en-"-: crivt

mil. •'J- li.- **• periurmiac

mirtnm—2 puLi i

the tir«t'p»rt by

!-i_- wilt, oy 'ieeu O»i«l Uctuberunih rectKtwr in UK Muiiliesex

OH ice m l)ee<l Buut

p U. J.im Hj' | i r

- j-ii. .P nktiur 1 awl. . j - H ir' OikJliiV M riTTL.iL

witt- *U- aiii,

. ' uti ILh . .', L»c! L . A W ttifltt i l _ h£xtM.v~ i r u t t c a ,

i-t: r tuocnr ''. waier

*-cy:. . nanu pmnp-E P— Century w*i

It tht harrwer- u*crK ii nfft*^ it,

i l-.rr • : i t : . j r a B 1---••- »^iiicr:- jiut^ wmmly n«a:

ouannS• - « . mure u.- u s . tu pom:

i a n nit IIIE wm.tr uiiii. ^-HAKCBBT OF NEW JEHSENIT*'

Wt>jL'Ri'.~." i ,-

Fl Fit tOT Ult

r dir«cx±ii aim deiavercu


uLt-UtUUi» Latl Ui h.

cjr,. N, *

r TuiiLXi ^

punmlur UMin

: uuuut tuicatatr, - j ti ii-JL P nwUii tui

wdituureun atnei ltt tMi v » PBUH; tbaan2,1 uurttairi) u > Mac. pumUttt «cft tte : l:j Uiur . i a r i t : WUMt :ul .

i ui.:u ,.u*nBtU« «tte pr~*Tn/»n a . i Hi . , . - , r . , r - i f . w i>uf, <!•**!*• H " r 1 " "^i;

I srii^ mill - ' 10-M F atouii tut cmg, amurr •eneu 1 »-H P muur fw tiu*

i blwmr i * M K Hail mill tan dnvu AMw 1M1 null tall


irnmim7UWfl dllujkic :yUt£ ,*im LM-

* * {« Ok Tiwrjuiiin, o.' W«3iinotc a.'*:•• V ' T : ^ 3 : ; - * 5fi_d:uju.j . ^ ^ - ;?- : . ^N e w JetKfy

iJ*lHJJT T K A A T •MitfiitHUlt; »u M uu icuiauioa u. aurtlnniat cunKr J Tiiuiail.EudUv tr«c. <utu true- Llaaue ruoninv

•-«<•• J - i auu tkc - T I . ui T ^ - 4 * 1 - '

Page 5: Crows Aquila Is Still Nest OPENS CAMPAIGN Leader of 2nd ...Crows Nest NAVIGATOR |SKV ALFRED MARKOW-I "hflld wmtact man, JOE MAHKB. number one carpen-Jl KLDON RAI80N do-"r «irlM. preparatlooa.


W ( X i P B F . . i r t f - , r L E A D E R - W E N A L H l i I > A " M ' t l i v : ^ . ,\' '•' • " >







At the Movies"GREEN PUSTEURS" AND "WE WtHTTO COLLEQE" FEATURED AT REBEHTTwo Fir»t Run Hh» at New Empire. ''Ea** Momer' and

"The H«rve«ter" to be iliowr. Sunday. Monday and Tues-day W C Fiekb m "Ppppv plus M*ry Ellia ic "FatalL*dv" today mm


&avF u m "White A ^ e T and Bncfc Walks Oat" « o «phny«e at R a h i i i j ; Achted AttmctiMiFight P icbra"; J*aa Hermoit m "San of'Earty to Bed" OB S w b y awl Mo-day.


T h e White iMflaDtami

dav and M

thej^rf" with ILay Franco, n d "Caryl oftochty mmd fmutiuw at F « b

t Tractan" w d "TramatUwbc T U H B T S « -Udy", We


rscav nnngE anctner swellt*-lawit oil! to the PlaynoustWrav anc Raipn Bellamy art.

~ec ir. 'Roaming Lady." wmitsii FairoanKi. Jr.. and E k e.•:•.. are Leaturec in "The Amsi-

Gectiemar. Special:ne? a* - E. IT- evervana DISH NIGHT for the



- " - I R S . FRLSAT.



small sneii <&mr cm the stat.

"Poppy' ;praing Fn. and Sat. totne Empire Theatre. The picturemarxs ai= »eturE :o tae screen al-ter „ -ierpis liiness atirmnsni

"Poppy deai* ivsth the adven-tures or Fields at

ir mr Poppv. trie vnimr


ir- aii odea the most yjnciu;.T.s' innHFinE arm most unique jt::•.•-• :iims to ieaturt Bing CrosrjyF-amniount; new rouic&mg aais-.... Brtythm on the Hange. wnic::jper.s at the Rrtr Theatre, provid-er aaianced program erf song-crnecy and romance unmatcnedi" any regent screen offerings.

:*"Trffltwing fiob Bums, drawling.iTKansas maestro of the gas-pipebazooKa. tor his nrst - importanttncn-ie role. 'Rhythm on the w^ngrcasts Frances Farmer opposit;

ana running a C T n s b y ^ a n a n a s ^ e tno•n i with a score a: the best talent in

seen" iron", '"Tne

1:- :•- .i&naiB&n of :, fguuil

• , : ; i r ; -o r : ! v f ' i te i iCi t .i-.ra'd. an increa»ed tnnn

ue- .:•: .ttenasnti nave aeen e»».»ur. to ae oneas spectacle: a f i e t Tiiere will be no .adnwwn'

'creenec It -.narze tr tne Park and the part-• raagmiicient L n £ j i jutomobiles will iae tree.

Special attractions are bang hilledtar Lanor Day. Mowtay

.. i«i- ana Deauu-Ir. thii r«pec*. -t

. jcope than the

••m i

is m "Poppy"

r>- )is:v mnted i t IE the. :jjr.ers before tae toot-:-t j j lwn in all their niag-

^-^noeur or. the sneer:,:rr.;iea space and the ma;>

•:- .-oirtra asve-.at- sage never dxeiemfia

' and ;r. the e"»mng a special tree::reworK-; iisDiav -«rill hold forth1:1 rn* ^rrn., The swannrraj: pool.1: "He: ::;sr!. :or.tmues to noiri ca-pucit*- .*r"A"a:- --vpaie uli conceasions

'.."it create?'. ;aies ir; the past

i-i -Pior Oi me carnival, aawmng

STATE THE.\TRE W<~'.\- "ihoH-ouL: ..- featured -•

:.:ir Stav Theatrt- icimgrn and ;:-r.:urrow Don: i^l to see the float-ii!4 funacc ui 193S. Lei it tfanii VJU••v:u- :t£ new songi. aeart-thron;inc joy. See irent Dunne.

KayX.gnangaie m "Any DICIUTE IS

.TILT. Ian Hunl- picture d vat casi

jiterttly pe;-aer

t.-r I3r '^1*1 mm*ziercy Add so

. tot- mght wiiit=utner







«pest Fcatee—CKrPOWELL

B ' W A Y


Lngnt zuiurt.

•aii years,'iitrii tne

wilt ILir'


-' H»\

.gnj; :.ti'. J; .augr.ter

gs jiru untirtiv




ratne;- 'har i , ^.coupit Vet .-. J j

s i-'orneay J : Lhs |iurpassin^ iiisytEiiig!

sav." '.agetner Deiort. jtru- Elanwa'" Theatre i-\\ n-;r n ul Itjle: Ulu.- iiv aovetTiitfi ne: ds -

w: Uilenti. Borcar:-.itarrec .:. "The Hr.'Ax.-. gai and areeiy i'.~

i nmiiiii- :unusl> ;:i wnic:: me . .. seen wiir. two or toe icrser, • tor*-' roost iesuiicg SJCL. tieac Raiinuim!,aua Booer. Yaunt

i l l S i .SliUHU'VCK'= UO* 11- .. Jjr.'-tiay at the 'vpt- J : 'Triv "a :•-.-• J -"WaiKs Out. u turtricrec v- t;:vapearanLt J : Nea start.-: J;;JHitler, arpaenct. *tu •uiXnuaivpungent auruoi

a a t jornenynyatiw-t 3 y Ai-

Xigei Bruce and iceat tne Faros Thst was the sweeping

-=th. tiui iieroic swn' of meet at Victor Zobei. Hepunuc•*-nt> oecame piclurEs iupervisan. concerrang

; unmarti. sngei of m a — T h e Hafvesier. romarmi: caraedj'suiiencj- -riimaniTy I ts an-'tia«ri on the atioven Gene Strat-arairuiti. rei-ult? portrait XQE Porter rtovei wrucxi fr^ws to

ase aean ana naui-sUmng the Erpptre tfteaire nest Suncuiy,ar inr unmartii aerouse wno Monoay awl Tuesday for a

lorDioosn rrontiers to in-; day run. Co-tEattrrec .witcspire t t nrst gallant iegions of the • Brady in this pl?in out m-tnfuigreat Hee Crosi. Dont njuE this.; tai* at an Indiana farrn nay andAi tae associate reature. Managpr tas tairiy mh^atn- are HnwM Hax-GiucK aflers Sin-Tai-Tiri Jr.. m lie. .-Vnn HuthsiDni. Cars Sue•'Caryi ai 'Jit Mountain^, plus Ep- Colha=. Eddie Nugent. Frank. Crz-.jocf Xiht Q* "Flisn Gordon ano iven. Srnma Dunn. Jovce Camptaii.=s3ftooc. and ai course "Race Nita": Sir- Aiweii anc Fem imaer..t'.ts*'' .aatrinwv ajgat. i o i E-• Tr» aaweiate iwiure ror "arowr..' in t ' craz; naar. ui tnt !^nc Monaay. inri Taesoascreer. is tht main atrractinn Sim- "Essy Mnney . with Onsicw^.'- jnci Monoaj Ana wnat an at- eas.trc-jon. iHe-s srarrec 3 tw.1 Sire ••'Earthwonn Tractars. The pic-'

;aire Li. J ,riot. Ypu'U iaugn your-lifelf iici. The added reature j

Allar,Jones. Paul Hobeson. iiekan IVlprE-an and J iargt- cast muringboat' cme oi tne greatest« filmed. Nev.- iangs aac uli you.-aia iavantes ny Jeroint- Kerr..

A Dnei autucLti oi tne story serv- jt ^ gianous. a~ stnaenaaiis As aes to ihiiscate tne general comedy cofeature. BUCK Jonts" j starredslant of 'Jit as:-moving musical-, t -The Cowooy ana the Kic', ai-rranance. JOE. news ana cartaor.. Suna^y »nri

CrtHDy arm 3umi are eowtwys' Monday tne 5taw presents* Fran-who take 3art ir ^ ilaoiion SQUATS1 ces Landlord '^^ Si'~' ' "" '>t'awM- ^ tmeeGarden Hoaee in Sew T a r t Cros- mg m "Paun apnngiby. with h^s rocieo winnings., buyi' s£ attracnoEa nrrw nni' and ^virts *^th tBe aiu Jarnes Stewart.Tinai £or ms .-vQirie -jinif m Anzo-1 Tea He&iy ano

ar Sums, ai-- comedy, news anc -Ertoan. Mary•Fatal " arty"

Th, add-'-.rent dz

i Speed' withWeaay Hame.

Jai Merits., Also

ieaturedna.. ainaru J JO:<. jar auras. ai-» comeavW i y s srrnTT1-r*aT11*3^ CJV Uli naTrvtly-p . FT1'u i i>»«*! for a t same location ahoard on Tuesday and Weonesoai Heara p3311^1"1'^1 tnim. iifir ^"g oi romance mai can ne\-

LTnusua. :cr ;ts iove story and ei oe tiers.- ComeaT rioveitj- rqsisits dramati;. iiiaQense. and padong anc lanoon.corflpiete tar aragrarq,.

.a iast-minutt puncn tnat stamps it, And. ai course. DISH NIGHT .tar!one al tne screaai curresB tri-:tne ladies. Thursday imas anotherutriphs. "Ths Crime of Dr. Farbe ' ' aouoie lecture bill at the State.new -fax picture, opeis at th* Silii Syi\-ui Sidney and Spencer TracyTVnwrr" witc a noteworthy cas*,, are starrea in "Fur;'" 'S.'nut m ttn iiiriTnjT , Gloria Stsart. Roocr* co-ieature. M&rgsfeT..Kent. Henry Armetta'. J. Edward; Gtenda Farreii. Warren HuiiRmmrwrc Sam Hq tpp aTiri Aiiiu. Lyle ^Taihct me teatured mIhnenart. L^w in Her Hfirids. Aisi. ~'js'

aringmg .to the screen a topic anc. news reel.biaanttec m the rtewspsper head- — • —ones, a riai-mg Lneme tnat srartks' BEHEST TWKATTF, Eliuaoeih.and surpnsfiK witr. its ^lniiniuani . "Tiit* 'Irreeii P'iatur^;. ^n'turiit-::tne ,tlirn ipreaHUB a prooiera entii"-1 cy Wimer 3rot. irtirr. ii^i". JJ.I:-• y new. to triie '.snemi!. Does tnii ."-eiiy • Pulitzer Prizt-aoctcr violate nis sacrep. aa.tr. of- :'—ied v>v -jr-tii::. ...- ".*.Ciuse ne rovei o nmen la m- xveiidrar^- "j-iic.- 1

nsuroer or compasior: ^ ^ J ^ ^ ^ J ^ ^ J

rc Dix Weanesoav

tht :-*-o -


"Wait- out.


iwxnmir iwrnmiw

tutu mil'' —3,~


r. A.



art IAN HCNTmjitijB

of tke

iBDi T » UN JR.


^ i v . . 1 ? ^

*-* f nv


Sumim; tumorro* *ir wiii: ..

unvev u< JUT patmns tnt uuutauu 1

.114; inovk . AUIC ui 'Jnuii cuuuV' •

A trcfl!6U£U>Ua 3-UlU! SlltJW i

reaturuig UB- folitiwint i( Unit No i— !.' Hater: TayWr m "'Jtsui. «^i- 1:vu " n i A c s Atwav» Tumurrtiwa itt: Frank. Mi«S(ii! ^"1 t*1011

bintes A pjcKtre - W w iu«, cun.-, Humamt;

ikuu,U; and UMUIJ UJ - w t

ana irrunei "J-aitoes oi •tutuae *ttn hyrria S^dBByne Kavmonfl and Wynnt

j f

Unit Nu.caraHiy

Tu*l and Hwsy KellyM

cfuctui. Tri#iiuin Top Ftar

K Tractor*'LIMWN




, 1 - 20-


FE. SAT - AL'GC3T i - *


T W Cowfao? and the•ttk WCK MNKt.


« 3 i . MO*i. — AUSCST 3B-H







I RailwayMFMR\ _ V|()\ — TTE=

Two First Run Hits Twc



Uutbta M m

Cailefe." the Met-eumcriy '.vr.:::.

.c.r.tec aemnnstrataiD <rf th::f!eoeier wnicii some peotkr. ,vfr :r. r.igwrr


manageraent of the Park

ess .another .popular tnree

:•• for Tuesday. SeptemDe;

TrtouaancLi af people mar. iu

31" New Jersey avail

• 0: thii lay when si':

smart attraction; i t me Pars

Place Toeet Year Friends


Krnegen ABma an Draught


— F R E E —


Izzysnace658 Km% Gearye » Raui




SEPT. l $ T

GWu&kr a i&p m N»w A m t r t Lary»«


onra UAiu u A. ML. TO it r. n .


Page 6: Crows Aquila Is Still Nest OPENS CAMPAIGN Leader of 2nd ...Crows Nest NAVIGATOR |SKV ALFRED MARKOW-I "hflld wmtact man, JOE MAHKB. number one carpen-Jl KLDON RAI80N do-"r «irlM. preparatlooa.

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Page 7: Crows Aquila Is Still Nest OPENS CAMPAIGN Leader of 2nd ...Crows Nest NAVIGATOR |SKV ALFRED MARKOW-I "hflld wmtact man, JOE MAHKB. number one carpen-Jl KLDON RAI80N do-"r «irlM. preparatlooa.

J>ORT§ caber JournalTODAY AT


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Page 8: Crows Aquila Is Still Nest OPENS CAMPAIGN Leader of 2nd ...Crows Nest NAVIGATOR |SKV ALFRED MARKOW-I "hflld wmtact man, JOE MAHKB. number one carpen-Jl KLDON RAI80N do-"r «irlM. preparatlooa.

• n i


EDUCATION BD. Condition of Officer'sSon it Still Critical



A I. IT.

On' •

l/oun: V

rrl "I Cho-


:••••' M.g "; 'Piursdav,

••:;'. ;ijt(;"r:zc-d tlK-

r:..nii School

':i Fedfcral Govern-

, lib pnipor agenc;..: motif) sufficient tiand erect thereon,-

uliona! School for

Cnu'it• if Ulf

WHKHKAS.i, :- (:•• ••)< 'i school located ini,u!•.••.••:;. -(.-•.ti"r. "f Middlesex

!, '.nougti suid portion•it-. i> the industrial•;•,:: ill New Jersey, and• ::i'.Ti'


i i y ;•.

t t . c .

t h e r

P i r ' t .


fOW>S—Six year old Gtorg*',Misak. Jr . son of Patrolman and jMrs George Misak, of 88 Horns- iby rtrrrt. is in a critical condition jat the Perth Amboy General hos-pital as the result of injuries sus-

B o a r i ' liithfd Monday afternoon when hewas struck «by a car owned by WJliaii Krackurrtoerger, of Crows Millroar! Keasbpy and driven by PeterGergelv. 18. of the tame address.

According to a report made byPatrolman Closindo Zuccaro. O K -

thc present time gely was travelling West on N c *Brunswick avefiue. near Williami-'.rpi't. when the boy started tr.finss New .* Brunswick avenue,south to ftorth.

The youngster was rushed toimportant in- the Perth Amboy General hospi;-

-riw of Middle- al by John Kelly, nf 121 Irenecorrespondingly street. Linden, examination prov-

ui the County's ei thai the bo\ had sustained t•dbridge Township compound fracture of the- skull,

possible fracture of the ribs, pos-sible puncture of me lung andpossible intra-itbdominal injuries.

Botl. Gerscly ;.nd 'us passenger.Chn.' Ffrsth-iffpr were releaseduncic: bond to await the outcomtof the bov; I'.juric;. ForsthofferV.-.JS held as ;. material witness.

(Continued fromt>e it lujJ i ior c:

page onej"And t>e it lujiiior exacted by the authority

anywise nothwithftandinjr "Wo rci.f! a !;rit futther down the records, which

iirp liei- p iir-'>(.T\-. d : n'd h.-.nrilori with great care byTownship Clcik I' .1. Duni^an and we find mentionof lotteries. Fvideitiy. in the 1700's it was practiceto hold Id:.•rii-5 ii! the tavc'tis, all of which was frown-ed upon li.v the crown.

" Afi'-r stufiyinp the oM-fashionpd writing- wefin:i thnt the law reads as fellows:

"Ami be il further inacted by the Authorityiifnresaid. Thnt if any peison or persons, possessing




ConttaiMd Turn P*M» O M

• r i d

'i largest municipal-!;!y and the center of;.!e;t represented by

jiities of Carteret.. Woodbridge Town-

Township and Me-

•WHKREAS, the c'stablisKmeTi1.of MU!. it Girls' Vocational Schcio.wi'vad serve a most imjxirtant edu-t-»ti'fTial fuiiftion in tht urea abuvedesignated, both to the Industrie,be[icf;tt;n|B : ;• :•:-'• ir;g ytudents andwtirKcis trmr.'.-ci and .skilled in thtv(i'-;.tnmal arl.- ;md sciences, and U>the g-,:i.1 !'...Ti'ri '..hf-reir, whowould finn u.-i'iul employment inthe induf.n;.! iiiua in which, theyresii'- !.<:nK unable to receive

MARDI-GRASContinued From Page One

su'1. "ui-^.iof-t ne iinktia:i..i:j< 'Pi"

WHr.IU./sir( ain I '-•

cure w . h a

Ship .: V. I .

I »uiy; ::.(,• cm

V-ViC.I !: ' <\ •'

tH'Tlv !l i :.'!(•

. nt present becausepi oper vocational

unities, andit has been tht de-

o_-e of the Wood-•••' Education to se-

sion.-, ;_ithert-fui c

••BE IT KESOLVED.afoic,>j..'j V.Educiit.fi'. I

•,:.(.• Kirb of the Town-;.:- fur Ihose of sur-

:r:iumties. as has beentins Board's pct;-

iddicscx County Vo--d on previous occa,-'...t past two yea"?!.


Colllitty Vh



111 i t - .

f o r t:ii

that s;:/i-.uilt :nwhicnforms tia grouphave


' L i r .

Uie•duridgc Board ol.'.;(in the Board ofi.iiders of Middlesexlie Middlesex Coun-Bourd to give s t n -

\:<>n to the choosinga Girls* Vocational

Woodbridge Town-;ho said County Vo-n within Woodbridge! if Uic said County

Ap;)ri'x:ma;i'.\ 5800 has been

wheel;- will be usedPenny pitch games, penny stands

for !•><• children, duck games, mick<;. i7i'>'.:>(- and bingo games will alltrt ;.v:i'lablt

Dr. Georgette, astrologist and as-tronorrer. who made a "big hit"trflir.-j iortunes by the use of thepi:.nii al the Stadium Shows Weekwill be on hand and will tell thoseinterested, the ''past, present andfuture."

An exceedingly fine outdoordancing floor is now tjfclng erectedar,d Billy McDede and his Penn-sylvaman* have been engaged lorthe duiation of the carnival.

Chief Thomas Kath is being as-Si-ted by a large committee in-cluding of William Allgaier, nnoc.f t!:e "•'mmissioners and rxiildingir.spec'-jr of the township

| any pti!>!it of other house within this colony, shallj kr.'uvii-.jrly <>r wittingly peimit or suffer any lottery to| ue drawn in such public or other house, or upon the .

litri.i. <•'" iii any ojthouse l>olonginf to the same orshall Kiinumjrly piTirlt or suffer any scheme or ad-\»r\\<<•'.•• •••): of i-ny lottery whatsoever (except as be-for- rxxulfi l) to be put up at or within the samehtm-, in prtmises. •(?'• thf.ll. i.fter knowledge thereof,pufU-r .«ii' i> J t 'v r ie or tidvcitiseraent remain up, such], rs.iii ,r persons shsll severally forfeit and-pay the>un 'if five pounds: Ami that all, or any person orporMivip.. wlu. shall presume to set up, shew or ex- .pos to publick vit>, (with intention of promotingsuch lottery) in r.ny place within this Colony, anyschem.' or schemes or advertisements of any lottery.*whatsoever (except as before excepted) shall alsoforfeit iind pay th? sum of five pound* which said lastmention fines aie hereby made recoverable beforear.y Jiistu•••• '.f the Peace, by Action of Debt to be ap-plied on half to the us<? of the Prosecutor or Inform-

'fr. and the other half to the use of the poor wherefiich f<u-t nv facts shall or mav be committed."


Drouth Relief Dims All OtherCamg^ign Factors in Midwest. . M 8FSCIAL 00IUSPONDKNT

ISELIN.—A broken nose for one—a cut on the head requiring sev-en stithe* for another an eightdollar doctor bill paid—and thecomplaint 1? withdrawn. The po-'lice department writes "finis" onits records and all is forgotten.

, It all started Monday when Stani]ey Tomasso. of Benjamin avenue,this place entered the Veteran'sPost home in Iaelin and Ordered

'several drinks. In the place wereLouis Chapman and Harold Lake,of Harding avenue, Iselin. After afew drinks an argument startedwith Chapman securing a broken

•nose and Lake a cut on the head.The police department was calledduring the height of the rumpus

land Officers A. Levi and G.! Leonard went to the scene bring-j ing in Tomasso: but the complaint'against the latter was withdrawn ashort time later by Chapman BndLake.

! Tomasso is not a member of thej post, and inasmuch as the postI has a club license and is forbidden; tc serve anyone but a member, thepost officers were severely repri-manded by the police departmentand were told that if any morenon-members are sold liquor, thelicense will be suspended

After the gair*, th» t»tf* tam-ed some mid-night oil along the"Great White Way" JIMMYSHOOS is on a tear J"OMFEENEY and MARTIN MINKLEIlwere given a stand-up by two P.A. femmes Wednesday nightThe two young blades ended up bvescorting one another to OlympicPark

SCHOOLS OPENContinued From Page One

high schfK.l in Woodbiidge may enroll iit the high school on Septem-t>er 3 ;:nd 4 between 10 A. M., andJ2 noon These students are re j

ojfd be successful quested tr. bnng credentials from'r.K of Federal funds Schools they formerly attended.

All seniors, juniors and thosesophomores V.'JO are taking scien-title, academic and classical cours-es in the hipij school are to reportto the higii school for attendancea t the morning session at 8:0no'clock. • 1

All freshmen und those sopho-'

jikiisii! of such a schoolsuiooi be located anJ

V;v industrial center efWwdbndgt Townshir)'-- i.utj. being the axis of'if communities which

no time received the bentfits of vocational training for-any;ol the .several thousand girls liv- m o r e s who are taking the commer-ing in them, and ' cial course are to report for at-

"BE IT FURTHERED RESOLV- tendance at the afternoon sessionED, that a copy of these, resolu-tion.'- be spread upon the minutesof tin- Board of Education, a copy 'lot warded to the Board of Chosen]Freeholders of Middlesex County, ja copy to the Middlesex CountyVocational School Board., b copy tothe Township Committee of WoodfcririgL.' Township, and copies to '.helocal press."

:at the high school at 12:20 o'clock



WOODBRIDGE. —cases djjffing the past

IN CHAXCEHY OF NEW JERSEY. —Bel»wu Hari let Grace Clm.se. Edim

Chant IledJty t^id Lulu Btlle MacBnde.CuiAplainantB mill Irving A Miller andAnse Mi!!;r. his wife, c'. als.. Ccfc.-ici-tills, Fl, Fa. V>r Hiile <tt mortgagedpremiat-a dated July 21, 1830.

By virtue uf the above stated writ,to me (lira ted and delivt.-Ld. I will ex-puse to suit at put,Ik: veiidue on


»1 two u'cluck Daylight Saving Timein t*ie afternoon of ihe Baid day, atthe Sheriff • Office In Uie City at NewBrunmnck, N. J.

All ih^ folluii-ing tract or parcel ofland and premises lit'tmatter particu-larly described, situate, lying and be-ing In UIB Ti.wijsliip ,.! Wuodbridge Inthe County uf Middlesex and State ofNew Juridy.

Belhjf kliuwn ami (iediglmtetl hs lutaone liundiud fifty Un<.-e U53) atid unehiuidred fiiiy-fuur ili4i us aliown on'salea ni»p entiu••>!, Hent'.d map of Green-dale Terrac. pruptriy !»f WoodbridgelBdu»tn«l ar,u liewlopimiht C'timpany,»ituated m Woodlindgt Townalilp, Mid-dleaex i:>juiiiy. New Jermry, Larson ftFut, Civil Engiincis. 173-S Smith St..Pert'i Anil>oy, N. J , Nov. lyia, Bcale!•—«/, CJImrl.-a I.. Stmerwald, Inc.:General Agtnlw, Suvliig Hank BuildingSMS Hunt), tit . 1',-rth Amlioy, New Jer-sey, tekjilion.. Ii2(i," more parllcularlydeaenbed uu f"llowii:

BLGINM.NU al a point m the north-erly line of Given street,U) distuiit •ruHterly fifty attd seventy-four on>--luiniln-(itliB (50.74) feet fromthe Inieiwet.on if the noilherly lineof I ; I M , at: i t with the easterly lineof Leonard avenue, aB aaid aireet andavt'^ue are laid down on aaid map andfrom iiuid beginning point running (1)uur.tierly parallel with Leonard ave-nue one hundred five and sixty oue-

' - tlUi.UOJ feet along tha dl


have not increased to any no-ticeable- extent declared JonnOmenhiser, munieipal direct-or, in his weekly report lastnight.

Although sevpn cases weredosed, the same number werereopened. Four new caseswere added to the Hjt

At the present time, Omen-hiser stated, trip Ideal reliefhas a case load of 365 familiesconsisting of 1,149 persons.

WJASHINGTON.-Some Idea of" the political repercu«kms

that ma; follow the charringdrouth of the middlewest it tut-nished by official estimates thatmore than 2,000,000 people onfarms and \n fann communitieswill need direct federal relief be-fore winter.

The Resettlement Administra-tion, only agency authorized tomake cash grants, predicts thatmore than 500,000 beads of fam-ilies on farms and is small townsdependent on farnu will needhelp.

This means that, If outdoorprojects of the Works ProgressAdministration are discontinuedbecause of unfavorable weather,RA's $85,000,000 rehabilitationfund may be insufficient to meetthe drouth emergency.

Almost 100,000 destitute fann-ers are working now on WPAprojects. If RA is forced to takeover support of these men andtheir families after winter set*tn, the monthly outlay Would ap-p r o x i m a t e $9,000,000—muchmore than now is available toRA each tmnth.

• • •

1LJANTJ relief authorities ques-tioned the Resettlement Ad-

ministration's ability to carry theload it forecast for itselt weeksago. This burden was just abouthalf of that which RA now faces

And use of available funds tomeet the drouth emergencewould halt most of the activityin regular RA rehabilitation andland utilization programs.

The last federal relief appropriation made available 15 peicent of other earmarked amount?for needs such as the drouth hasbrought But it Is believed these

amounts will prove of little helpin caring for the penniless farm-ers and their dependents.

The terrifflc crop destructionwrought by drouth Is best illus-trated by figures from the Da-kotas. A WPA report from Bit*maick predicts that 75 per centof the population of both stateswill be on relief by fall. Almost700,000 people live in each state.

• * •DAD crops usually are a handi-

cap to the party holding thereins of government It is a po-litical axiom that economic mis-fortunes almost always are laidat the feet of those who arerunning things.

The Democrats will, no doubt,answer predictions that thedrouth will hurt their Novemberchances by pointing to the 1934congressional elections. That yearthe Democrats increased theircongressional majority right onthe heels of a drouth which theAgriculture Department calledthe worst the United States everexperienced.

And the Republicans may beexpected to come back with theassertions Jhat the net Demo-cratic gain of seven seats in theHouse of Representatives camemostly'from the east and thaithe G. O. P. gained seven sealsin four midwestern grain stateswhich, of course, were mostaffected by heat and lack of rain.

The eastern voters have turnedagainst the New Deal since 1934,the Republicans will teJJ,.you. •

But leaders of both parties, de-spite their optimistic chortlings,are necessarily'Very much in thedark about political reaction tothe drouth and to drouth relieffor the campaign is just enteringthe all-important stretch drive.



'Three BtrkingBring l i t Complaint

Under New OrdinanceWOODBRIDGE.—The first

complaint under the new or-dinance prohibiting excessive."barking, meowing, cluckingand crowing" as a health men-ace, was registered at polictheadquarters this week whenEdward Bell, 36, of Archangela avenue, Colonla, wasbrought before Judge ArthurBrown on a complaint madeby Frank Schanz* a neighbor.

Schanz told tfie court thatBell had three dogs who bark-ed > incessantly during thenight making it impossible forhim to get any rest.

On questioning Bell admit-ted that he had been on reliefuntil a short time ago whenhe got a WPA job. He alsosaid that it cost him at leasta dollar each week to feed thedogs. Judge Brown orderedBell to dispose of the dogs andto use the money which hespent "for feeding the dogs tofeed your family."



WOODBRIDGE—An outstand-ing total of tax collections so fai



of this place, notedand supervi«or of th

Pled kiddies clinir

bership j n ;1

ber of prominent me-jjc

and associations in

this month was reported by T a x ! t n e Rahway Lodge of th,Collector Michael J. Trainer last whieh a number of Townight—and there are still three d l ^ n are sent, has bci idays to go before the end Qf the w i t h membership j n :i ( 'ni,month. w "' •"•"~:—• *•'

In an interview last night Train-er said he has collected 1139,268.41to date while the entire collectionsfor the month of August last yearwas but J97.152.42. A large pro-portion of the collections, Trainerstated, was in cash. The largestsingle collection was the paymentmade by the Shell Oil Companywhich was approximately $14,000.

CaA BMb 8 « MIn the meantime Frederick A.

Spencer, chairman of the financecommittee, said that with the goodcollections coupled with the fastexchange of bonds for the refin-ancing, some definite news regard-ing the return of the Township tc,^ cash basis is expected shortlyafter Labor Day.

noted oth(,1Hl,;

Peru.Dr. Albee,

geon, was notified of"ti,7last week. He recentlyfrom a visit to a numberAmerican countries and wi-ly confer with a group , /men regarding the est,'of a hospital in England

He will be in charge .! ,ure when the men visit \ , ' - 'City soon to obtain info" "be used in establishing >>.





WOODBRIDGE. — Joseph J.Tamburino, of 25 New Brunswick

avenue, Bahway, didn't think his | WOODBRIDGE.-TV ,license should be suspended for six | rest in the polio; departii


WOODBRIDGE - New "no!*'** a v e n u e - b u t w h e n h e w a * cm k«Ping open alter ....faced with his previous driving r<>- hours provided by the rcord by Corporal A. A. Kellj, of J ordinance, was made Wp

when Paul Palko, of 642

months just for speeding on Rah- against tavern keeper

school" signals for the various dis-tricts ofnouncedPrincipal

the Township were an-todayVictor


SupervisingNicklas, for

SMALL CHOP WORTH MORE mire than they received for the

! bumper crop of 1032. This empha-

the truth that relative scar-Although the nation's corn crop

will be the smallest in more than city means profit to producers ajifi

. NEW BRUNSWICK.—The open-1 ing gun in the campaign was firedty tin.- .uJig Democrats of

[America, Middlesex County Unit.' at an executive meeting held re-Icently at the county record build-ling. President Edward Johnson,! candidate for the assembly, intro-duced John McKenna, state chair-man of the Young Democrats ofAmerica.

Puring the course of his speech,McKenna said that Mayor Hagueleader of the Democratic party ofNew Jersey was 100 per cent be-hind the Young Democratic move-ment. He explained that it was thecmbition of the state organizationto secure and register the newvoters in the Democratic column.He also said it was Mayor Hague'sidea that an outing and rally be

j htld undef the auspices of eachunit. The speaker promised that

] Lefore the general election, a state; wide rally of Young Democrat,1:j will be held in Newark. -

"At the present time," McKennaielated, "eighteen out of 21 coun-ties of the state are thoroughly ardcompetently organized."

Pians were discussed for a rallyand outing' to be held on Sunday,September 27, at Roosevelt Park.The co-chairmen of the affair ar^Mrs. Hilda Demarest, of Wood-l)i|dge; Edwin J. Snediker, of NewBrunswick; Joseph P. Costello, ofPerth Amboy; Edward Harkins, ofRaritan Township.

Events will be staged as follows:Field events, under the directionof Wesley Wilson, of Perth Amboyand Vicent Trygar, of New Bruns-wick; soft ball game, between New

use in inclement weather afterschool opens. The signals will beas follows:

For Fords, R e n t e r and Hope-lawn: The fire whistle at Fords,Keasbey and Hopelawn will soundfour times at 7:00 o'clock, 8:00 o'-clock and 11:30 a. m.

For Woodbridee. Sewaren andPort Readinc: The Woodbridgefire whistle, the Federal Terra Cot-ta Whistle, and the Port Readingfire alarm will sound four times at7:00 o'clock, 8:00 o'clock and 11:30a. m.

For CoionU and Locust Grove:The fire whistle at the residenceof Mrs. E. K. Cone at Colonia willsound four times at 7:00 o'clock,8:00 o'clock and 11:30 a. m.

For Iielin: The Iselin fire whi-stle wiU sound four times at 7:00

'clock, 8:00 o'clock and 11:30 a. m.For Avenel: The Steel Equip-

ment whistle will sound four timesat 7:00 o'clock, 8:00 o'clock and11:30 a. m.

12 O'clock Session SignalsIf a 12 o'clock session is to be

held, the signals as above will besounded at 11:30 a. m.


half a century it is expected to nft huge surpluses have crushing ef-the growers around 30 per cent I feet on prices and producers.

, SHERIFF'S SALEIN CHANCJtitT O*1 NEW JEKHEY — •Between "Aenes U. Hoche, Complainant,and Jamb Kuza uid Mary Kom, hiswile, *t als, pefend<mt». Fi f a lorsale ul mung&Ked premiaca dated Aug-ust 3, 1936. .

Uy viuu* of th« above auted writ tuaie dirti-itd »ud delivered, I will ex-[.us* lu n i t at public vaodue unWEDNESDAY, THE 16TH DAY OF


at two u'ciuck, daylight auviiifc- ume, inL*ie alternaon ui the said day, at thedhmlf'i Offlo* In the City ol Newbruuawick, N. J.

All that Mu-lmn lot. tmet or parcelliic nuj L-I • u ' l a n d tui<1 Prelnt»<:». situate, Ij iii([

ri ,"„.,?": tertt »'._tli< County of MiddJenei and

hundredth!lota one hundred

ntid une hundred ftftpoint in the southerly


I.:,flfty-Twu uj i i niia une Hundred fiftytime ci;i) tu a pulnt in the aoutherl]line iif lut new tiundred fifty (150)'Uwiu:e <2> ciuit.iiy along tlie BoulherlyUne a »;ild lot, fitly (60; leet to aolnt; tln-Hre t'i) auutiierly and paral-

wil'i the fiiBl (ItHi-riljed course one"hundrtd fuum-eu mid twi-nly-fuur iiue-

hundixdtti» (114.2J) feet alung the dl-Vidlns line hetween lots one hundred

. llfty-fciur (164) mill uim hundred andg fifty-five H0&) to a point in the north-

erly line of Ui'ecn street; theiu^t (4)westerly along the northerly Hue of.Grten street fifly und seventy-fourOne-hundi-edttu! (fX).74) feet to thepoint or place of BEUINNING.

; Bounded on the nurtfl by lut ullfchundEed fifty (150) on the east bylot mif hundred fifty five (155) on the

; south by Green slieet und on the westJOr lot uue hundred fifty-two (162) all

. a4 shown on said map.Being the tMuue prtuuises conveyed' Irving- A. Miller by de«d ol Alfred

And^faon, e^ ux., bearing date May'~I3 nmt rucoi'ded in tha Middlesex

ty C'leik'a Office to Book 741 uli at l)U(jo 'MS.nc the premises commonly known

I designated as No. tii Greun streetftroodbridge, M. J.~'w appiojiluiute tuuount at tht de-

tu be latlafied by aald sale la Itiefive thousand tlilittscii dollars

013.00) togeliier with the coeU oti *ai«.

»llh all and alD^ular theiivUfiitts. heredlUmtnu andantes Uureunto Mooting or

V|M apoertalnln*,V. HTERrjMAiT if4ppr"T.

BhirittH. H4QWITY,


Slate of New Jersey.BEGINNING in fee nurtlierly „ „

Shaiot slreet (formerly Hazel street)Ui shown on Tract 1 yn Map of Hooac-vell Heights, property of Klng-MartacCompany now on file in the MiddlasexCounty Clerlt'B Office al a point onehundred (lflO) feet westerly from Uieintersection of the said line of HiiaiotHtreet with the westerly line of Hoose-t wth the westerly Hue of Roosevelt avenue (now Wheeler avenue}, andthence running In a northerly directionalong the rear line of lota fronting onitooaeveU avenue (now Wheeler ave-nue) ninety-one (91) feet to lands nowor formerly belonging to one Konkle;t'wnce along the name In a southwest-erly direction forty (40) feet more orless tu un angle: thence still aloistill along

noVthfirly dl-bnd uf aaid ffoukle In a noVthfirly d:reel I on fifty-five (66) feet more or leuto the northerly line of the whole tractof M.ii »ac and Company; thence along.the mune in u wtjHUrly direction five(5) feet mure or less to the easterly"Mi.- of lol No. 160 un the jdWesali}map; thence along the same in a south-erly direction on* hundred and twen-ty six (136) feet more or less to theiiorl'ierly line of Sharol street: theuceulujig the same In aa easterly directionfifty (BO) feet muro or leas to the pointor place of BEGINNING.

It brfliig intended to convey loU Nos.151 and 15 on tha aforesaid map.

Being the same premises conveyed:ub Ko:


the Avenel barracks of the State'olice—well that was another

story.According to Kelly, Tambuiino's

record is as follows: May 23, 1930,no driver's license, Rahway, sus-pened sentenre; May 31, 1930,speeding at Kearny, $12 fine; June12, 1930, parking in front of a firehydrant at Ocean Grove, $2 fine;May 16, 1931, speeding in Clinton,$5; August 4, 1932, failing to keepto the right in Newark, $10 fine;May 25, 1933, no driver's license'$10 fine.

Brought before Justice of thePeace John Kish, in Avenel, Wed-nesday night, Tamburino was

avenue, this place, was fi:and five dollars costs byArthur Brawn in police in;

Acting Detective Georg,-"complainant in the cuse, •court that Palko kept qn :

after the two o'clock lim:'the ordinance.

Chief of Police James Asaid yesterday that he h'.rarrest would prove an ex;:other tavern keepers, as itgiven strict orders to the :the department to arri-si ,:tors of the time limit.

Palko's case will now h.over to the Township C •

fined $10 and costs in addition to who will decide whetherhaving his license revoked. license should be suspem






Brunswick and Perth Amboy, withJoseph Shutello, Jr., of Carteretand Helen Fine, of Perth Amboyas chairmen;! bingo games, Jame?Van Cleag, of New Brunswick andMrs. Demarest, of Woodbridge, aschairmen; boxtng events, Arthur

AVENEL.—A hitch-hiker wasinjured Tuesday night when atruek driven by James Van Cott,22, of Beverly road, Piquannock,collided with another truck ownedby the N. Y., and N. J., Steam-boat Co., and driven by PhiliipMancini, 34, of 16 East Frontstreet, Keyport, on Rahway ave-nue near Dartmouth avenue, here.

Riding with Van Cott was hishelper, William Holloway, colored,of 13 Hamilton street, Newark,and two hitch hikers Steve Kos-myna, 19, of 356 Leon aVenue andWalter Berko, 18, of 344 Leon ave-



Maple & Fiyette Sts. PHONI4—S500 Perth Amboy

Lynch, county director of Leisure'nuc, both of Perth Amboy. Kos-Time, chairman: music, Charles J.Alexander, of Fords; Peter Kara,of New Brunswick and RichardLewis, of Jamesburg.

Popularity contest for girls und-er the direction of Charles Sulli-van, East Brunswick Township;Theresa DuBois, New Brunswick,Virginia Schenck, MUltown; Mar-garet Kuplen, New Btunswick,Dorothy Sullivan, East Brunswickund Bess S. Yaros, MonmouthJunction.

Amateur contest, Henry Spitzer,Perth Ajmboy; Elizabeth Galassi,'Perth Amboy, William Church.!R;\ritan Township and Betty Nem-'eth, of South Brunswick; refresh-1merits, Edward Harkins, Raritan iTownship; Tom Lee, South Plain-1field; Lulu Smith, Perth Amboy |und Richard Lewis, Jamesburg,Raffle award, two trips to Wash-ington and return by air, Gerald jJenkins, New Brunswick; Syd Za- !bolinsky, Robert Murray, D. Carl IMcCormick, New Brunswick andRobert Hltmeyer.

myna was taken to Dr. C. H. Roth-fuss by Comftiitteemaji EarnestNie"r of Avenel, and treated iorlacerations a.nd abrasions of theleft arm and lacerations' of theleft foot and shock, He was latertaken to the Perth Amboy Gener-al hospital by Officer Joseph Far-kas in one of the radio cars.

R«ad the Leader-Journal

to Jacu and jlury Kuxa, his wife, |liy deed of John Worotelko and NellieWurnlL-lkii his wife, bearing SatedMarch 16. 1D27 and recorded la Mid-dlenei County Clerk's Office In bookalb of tlceds ut page 128.

being thf premlseg commonly knownmid designated aa No. 106 Sll&rot street,t'artert-'t, New Jersey.

The appruxlaiaie amount of the de-cree to be satisfied by said sale In Uiesum of three t ho maud eight hundredtwenty-one dollar! (W.BS) togetherwit'i (llo costs uf this sale.

Togitlur with al; kuj siaiuiar UuOn rlfhU, prlrlUiM. hercaiUmesUand appurUnaaot* thuumto bsloii(ln|or Is MjrwtM apiHrUloloi


A clock that "talks" and wlildimay Hiiiiie day give a vocal band toth« train announcer, Is oue of theunique feutur«8 of the Texas Ceotviinttil Eiiiosltlon at Uallai. De-veloped iu the laboratories of theWuBteru Union Tulegraph Compa-ny, the clock nof only ibow# timeIn the conventionaleach quarter hourtime In conjunction

way but on"sjieaki" 'thewith a abort

" Toe "speecb" ts recorded on Aimaud reproduce^ by a "sound head"in t i e tame way Utlktng picturestalk. Huwuvti, tti« dock biw theadditional, faculty of twine M «X-perUy wnchronli«d that. It tajHuexactly on the quarter hour.

Although MM , Iklklm ^now a p u t of loe lelesraph com-

pany'B Exposition exhibit, manyualUe It lu the role of train au t

nouueer becaube apuken juiuouuoe- iiiU such aa train tluiea may be

made between (Ime auuouncemeuU .merely by "cutting" a microphone jInto the talliUn dock circuit. It Iialao pogulble to "pick up" recorded!music which will enable the clock |to .ling M well u »pe*k. M»«j |railroad termioali have alrwdjbeen experimeuUug with the pity-Ing of music In waiting roomi.

The Hay may come when Urgi"talking cloci«" on bulldlag topawill '-'apeak" their meaiiigef to thj»orowdi'pu»lng on the itreaU be-low. Ther will probably alto befeatured on m&ny a State fair mid-wajr and al tuek fow^w r«wrU «Ckmey Uland.

Telepbon* 4—0078

Thos.F. Burke—funeral Dtrtrtm—


Joseph V, Coatello,



St. George AvenueWoodbridge, N. J.



50Choice Winea & Liquors

Beer oo DraughtD A N C I N G

aturdty Evening

UIHVLook OldUlhen It1! §o EasyToLoohVaung

Is your hair grty ?

/i it going grty?Is it drab, fadtd or strtiktd ?

Don't tot thM« ttll-talt marks of ag« remainTh«y make you look and fool old b«yond youry«or$. Erase them quickly ond simply withCtoiroi which shampoos, reconditions and tintsyour hair back to its own natural-looking color.. .glowing with youthful highlights... in onttriple-action treatment.

Aik your brauttctan. Writ* for FRII bookUl,«lvl«# en can of hak and FRfl beewty on

Not with tU-luhl—ditir Jft

N*» V«M, H. Y.

"•••• MHMM

