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CRUISE- T206 Summer 2010 Group Project

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A film pitch about a cruise that crashes into an island during a storm. Follow each character through their exciting journey.
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Elaine Bell, Hunwoo Cho, Lynn Hughes, Scarlett Randolph, Darrah Saare, Andrew Williams


- Made a hand written outline of what we exactly wanted to do before writing the treatment that we have turned in today.

- Looked up different images of cruises as we have already talk of having a shot or a few shots of the camera taking the audience through a cruise ship as the credits are still playing.

1. www.blarneyvillage.com/actors/cruise.jpg 2. www.sights-and-culture.com/Egypt/Nile-cruise.html 3. www.bugbog.com/.../alaska-activities-photos.html 4. http://emeraldcityst.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/daz_ballroom_tk110.jpg 5. http://images.leonardo.com/imgs/H/H19484/H19484_BALLROOM_11_J.jpg

- Created character description based on the fact that we

would like to have a comedy

1. Newlyweds, but are older • Made up, not really based on any characters

2. Rich stay at home wife who is going on the cruise

to try and have a stress- free adventure • Miranda from Sex in the City type of


3. A gay guy and his friend. The gay guy is always over exaggerating things and a considered (crazy). His friend although considered normal seems to always has misfortunes happen to him.

• The couple from modern family type character • Will and Jack like from Will and Grace

- The idea is to create a comedy with three different

backgrounds on a cruise ship that has seemed to be stuck on land. We will take are main characters through many different things while at the same time adding humor and even a crazy twist that no one will be expecting.

- Some of the story was inspired by Gilligan’s Island (1964- 1967: Television Series); Love Boat;Lost

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It is a happy occasion, the wedding of Jan and Bill. Two people that have spent half of their lives searching for happiness have now found love and happiness together. Their wedding is a happy affair, and as a honeymoon gift, their children present them with two tickets for a cruise. As they depart on their new adventure together as a newly married couple, Jan and Bill meet many new and exciting people during the trip. These people are Victoria, a rich woman with marital issues, and two best friends trying to have a good time. Well, Phil, the one who planned the trip, is trying to have fun. His gay friend Don, however, never wanted to come on the trip because he is deathly afraid of everything and believes they are going to die. Needless to say he is very unhappy. Everyone aboard the ship is having a good time together during an onboard cruise ball until something unforeseen happens. A storm hits and causes the ship to crash onto a forest covered island. Jan and Bill were in their room when it happened, so they decide to wait for the captain to tell them what they should do. Don, Phil, and Victoria stayed in the ballroom until late in the night, so they were there along with many of the other cruise passengers. Don, having been against going on the cruise in the first place, is freaking out despite Phil’s attempts to calm him, and Victoria is getting drunk. Don, not wanting to remain aboard the ship, disobeys the orders of the captain and goes on the shore. Being hungry and not knowing what is edible, Don stumbles upon some red berries in a bush and gives in to his hunger. This results in him hallucinating and seeing things that are not there. Phil, having noticed the absence of his friend, wants to go find him, but must help Victoria who is drunk. He finds Bill and Jan and puts Victoria in their care so that he can go find Don. It is not necessary, however, because Don returns. Still under the hallucinogenic influence of the berries, Don begins ranting and raving about the crazy things he has seen. Needless to say, no one believes him. 2 weeks later... After having been on the island for a while, all of the passengers have adjusted to their new life, except for Don. He is not content being on the island because he desperately wants to return to the city life. Again, Don wanders into the forest, and after wandering for a while he spots the berries again. Being hungry, he decides to eat some since he remembered how delicious they had been before. As a result he hallucinates again, but this time he does not return to camp. This time he decides to try and capture his

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hallucination so he can prove that he was telling the truth. He follows the hallucination, and as a result he makes it to a city. It turns out that the cruise ship and its passengers had not crashed on a deserted island. They had only been a couple of miles away from the city. Everyone is happy that they can leave, and they all return home.

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1 EXT. BILL AND JAN’S BACKYARD - AFTERNOON 1 We begin at the wedding of BILL and JAN, joining these two people together who have spent their life in turmoil but have now found their perfect match. With their children and grandchildren present, and their dog as the ring bearer, it’s a small ceremony of close family. It was a beautiful ceremony and they are now off to their honeymoon on a cruise that was a gift from their family. PASTOR

I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride.

(guests cheer as they walk back down the aisle)


We now see Bill and Jan boarding the cruise line. They meet a woman dressed in pearls, diamonds and high heels named VICTORIA, who they find out is going through marital issues. BILL So, what’s on the agenda for the night?


(holding a pamphlet) Oh, honey, look! They’re having a ball tonight! BILL I’m only going if there’s a buffet; you know I hate dressing up. All I packed were these Hawaiian shirts. JAN Don’t worry. I packed your tux last night. And tomorrow, we can do wine tasting! BILL (sighs) VICTORIA Did I hear you say wine tasting? What time does that begin? JAN 2p.m. VICTORIA Thanks, I’m Victoria by the way. JAN

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I’m Jan and this is my new husband Bill. We’re on our honeymoon.

As they are talking two younger men accidently bump into them. Both men are dressed in khakis and a button down shirt. The tall skinny man is struggling to drag a short fat man towards the boat as he screams in fear of getting on. VICTORIA Well excuse you! (as the men just pass by) The passengers are all boarded onto the ship and head towards their rooms to unpack. As the cruise ship sails off into the sunset, we see it has a banner on the rear that reads, “We’re on a boat, BEYOTCH!”


Everyone is in their rooms getting ready for the cruise line ball. Victoria is getting dressed and putting jewelry and makeup on while drinking glasses of red wine and humming show tunes. She sprays perfume and she walks out the door towards the ballroom.


Victoria then walks into the ballroom and spots the two guys that had bumped into her earlier. They are dressed in formal attire. She walks over to them and begins to fuss at them about how they scuffed her new Dolce’s. VICTORIA Who do you guys think you are? PHIL (confused) Uh, excuse me? VICTORIA

Was it not you two who just barged onto this ship and scuffed up my brand new Dolce’s? DON Dolce’s are so last season. It’s all about the Prada now sweetie. VICTORIA They were vintage! Vintage never goes out of style. DON Vintage Dolce’s? I love it! I’m Don. VICTORIA

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Victoria. The pleasure is yours. PHIL Well I’m about ready to eat, would you like to join us, Victoria? VICTORIA I think I’m going to head to the bar first. Feel free to join me later, I’ll be there all night. (begins to walk away) DON Oh wait, drinks sound so good right now. I’ll come! Phil, do you mind? (as he begins to get up and walk away with Victoria) PHIL (to himself) Guess not. Don’t mind me...

Bill and Jan walk in and spot Victoria sitting at the bar. They go over to chat, and Victoria introduces them to Don. JAN

Hi there, Victoria, you remember us, Jan and Bill. Have you made a new friend?

VICTORIA (trying to recall who they are)

JAN! BILL! Why yes, this is my long lost gay best friend Don. Would you like to join us for drinks? BILL (to Jan) I’m here to eat. We can drink tomorrow. JAN (to Bill) Don’t be rude to our new friends. We can join them for a bit. (to Victoria and Don)

We’d love to! (they both sit down at the bar) Suddenly, the captain’s voice comes over the intercom with a serious announcement CAPTAIN

Can I please have everyone’s attention, please? I have been informed that a storm is coming our way. The severity of it is unknown. This is just a warning, to get you all aware. In the event of

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anything happening everyone needs to remain calm and stay where they are until I give further orders. But for now, enjoy the ball.

DON Oh my god, I need to talk to Phil.

Don rushes across the room to Phil, as the others follow behind.

DON Phil! Did you hear that? I told you this was not a good idea! If we die, I’m blaming you!


(sarcastically) If you’re dead, you won’t be able to blame him...

DON (ignoring Victoria’s statement)

What are we going to do? What if we crash? What if we get stuck on some island? I can’t leave this Earth without buying another pair of Prada shoes! VICTORIA Well stated. PHIL Don, everything is going to be fine. Storms happen at sea all the time, it’s nothing. Go grab another cocktail to calm yourself down. VICTORIA Why we’d be delighted to! Let’s go! (Victoria and Don leave for the bar) JAN (to Phil) So, are you Don’s partner then? PHIL Unfortunately, yes. I don’t know what the poor sucker would do without me. JAN Well, I’m Jan and this is my husband Bill. We are here on our honeymoon. PHIL Well congratulations! Would you like to join me for dinner? JAN

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Well, sure, we’d love to!

Bill gives Jan a glare, as if he doesn’t want to eat with them. Jan sits and pats the chair next to here for Bill to sit in. Victoria and Don arrive back at the table to join the three for dinner, with a waiter following behind with a tray of cocktails. DON We brought cocktails! VICTORIA And don’t worry it’s on the house! BILL I don’t drink girly drinks... VICTORIA

No problem at all, I’d be happy to take yours, anyone else not want theirs?

(as she begins to chug down her first cocktail)

DON (laughing) She’s a tank. VICTORIA Three and counting- (grabs the other cocktail) And this makes four! Don laughs as everyone just stares at Victoria in shock as she chugs her forth cocktail. BILL (to Jan)

What time does the first course begin? I’m getting impatient.

(looks at watch) JAN It’ll be out soon, your stomach can wait. BILL (under his breath) I meant with our new friends here... A waiter brings out the first course. BILL Finally, time to dig in.

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They all have cleared their plates. Bill and Jan decide to head to bed, while the others stay for another round of drinks. BILL

Well I’m full, are you ready to head back to the room Jan? JAN Already Bill? Don’t you want to have another drink and talk to our new friends? BILL I could think of something else I’d rather do.

Everyone at the table awkwardly laughs. JAN Well then, it was lovely meeting all of you. Don, Phil, see you tomorrow. Victoria, we will see you at 2 for wine tasting.

Bill and Jan quickly leave the table, to go back to their room.

VICTORIA Well, who’s up for another round of drinks?

Tables rattle and the lights go out. The room is only lit by candles and the occasional lightening strikes. Don screams flamboyantly waving his arms in chaos, as Phil is chasing him a few feet behind to try and calm him down. The noise in the background grows from frantic passengers. DON

(running around franticly, running into people)

AHHHHHHHHH!!! I’M BLIND!! I CAN’T SEE! We’re all gonna die! HELP! HEEELLLPPP!! AHHHH!! PHIL (chasing Don) DON! Don, calm down! You’re only making this worse! You aren’t going blind, the power went out! You’re embarrassing yourself! Just sit down!

Don runs into a wall, falls down, and begins to hyperventilate on the floor. As this is going on, Victoria walks around trying to find the bar to get a drink. The lights begin to flicker on and everyone begins to calm down. Victoria seats herself at the bar. VICTORIA

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(stumbling around drunk, grabbing random people)

Excuse me, can anyone tell me where the bar is?

No one answers.

Someone just direct me in the general direction. Did it get darker in here?

Still stumbling around, with no responses, and finally finds the bar and sits down.

(impatiently yells)

This service is terrible! Where is the bartender? Excuse me, bartender! I need my cocktail!

All of the passengers feel a sudden jerk from the boat as if they had crashed. Everyone begins to panic.


Bill and Jan are cuddled in bed and awoke from the harsh jerk. They sit up and Bill tells Jan everything will be okay and to wait for the captains orders before they leave the room to see what’s going on. The crash comes and Jan and Bill shoot up out of bed. JAN (in a slight panic) BILL! What was that? Did we just crash?! BILL

I don’t know, dear. I’m going to go outside and see what has happened.

Bill gets out of bed, opens the bedroom door and tries to look down the dark hallway. He turns around and closes the door. BILL

I can’t see anything out there. All of the lights are out. I guess all we can do is sit patiently and wait for the captain’s orders. Do you want a glass of water? JAN Yes thanks.

Bill goes to the bathroom to fill up a glass of water. JAN So, do you think we crashed into something?

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BILL (hands Jan a glass of water) I don’t know. Your guess is as good as mine.

(sits next to Jan in bed) JAN

I hope the others are ok. I really wish the captain would give us orders already.


I’m sure he’s doing what he can to figure out what’s going on first.

(trying to make a joke) Well if we crashed, we are either going to end up like the Titanic or Gilligan’s Island. I’d prefer Gilligan myself. JAN (glares at Bill) BILL Too early?

Seconds later the Captain makes an announcement. CAPTAIN

Can I have everyone’s attention? It seems that we have crashed onto a beach. We aren’t sure where we are located yet, but we need everyone to stay calm and stay exactly where they are until further notice. We have some of our crew outside with flashlights to make sure it’s safe to exit people from the boat. We are doing our best to figure this all out in a quick and organized manner. We could be here till morning, so everyone just please stay calm. Remember to stay where you are, it will be much safer for you to do so. JAN Oh dear. I don’t feel too good about this. BILL Don’t worry, they have it under control. JAN Well, they obviously didn’t have the ship under control! BILL Hush, just sit here next to me and we’ll wait it out, just like all of the others. (pulls Jan into his arms)

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6 INT. BALLROOM – LATE AT NIGHT 6 The passengers are in an uproar: some sitting and waiting, some complaining and yelling and some falling asleep. However, all of them stay in the room, until further orders are given. Victoria is passed out at the bar. Don and Phil are still sitting in the corner. Don sits and waits until everyone falls asleep, crawls around the people and sneaks out of the room and off of the boat.


The lights come on and everyone slowly begins to wake up. The captain then announces for people to slowly exit the ship. As the passengers begin to exit, Phil realizes that his friend, Don is nowhere in sight, while everyone else is exiting and still trying to figure out what happened. CAPTAIN

Attention everyone. We now have full light of the situation at hand. We need everyone to get up and exit the ship in an orderly fashion. The crew will assist you. Do not grab any of your belongings at this point. We will give you further orders when everyone is safely on the island. Thank you.

The crew assists the passengers in exiting the boat. Phil realizes Don is gone and begins to panic. PHIL (rushing through the crowd) DON! DON?! Where are you? (to a random passenger)

Hi, have you seen my friend. He’s about this tall (holds up hand), overweight and obviously gay. PASSENGER Oh the one guy who was freaking out earlier? PHIL Yes, him! PASSENGER No, sorry. PHIL (yells for everyone to hear) Gah, you people are useless!

Phil returns to the ballroom, in hopes that he just overlooked him and notices Victoria passed out on the bar. He glances around the room for Don, and sees nothing. Phil finally goes and picks Victoria up and carries her out of the room and off the boat. As Phil is dragging Victoria

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around on the boat, he runs into Bill and Jan, who kindly assist him with her. PHIL (opens the ballroom doors) Don, are you in here? (talking to himself) Ugh, please be in here Don enters the ballroom glances around and notices Victoria. PHIL Victoria, is that you? (gets a closer look) Oh dear, someone had a rough night for sure. (throws her over his shoulder) UGH, you are much heavier than you look. Don carries Victoria out of the ballroom and down the hall. He drops her for a very quick break. He’s too tired to carry her anymore, so he begins to drag her by her arms, when suddenly Bill and Jan appear. JAN Phil, is that you? (looks down at the limp body)

And is that Victoria?! Oh lord, what happened to her? PHIL I found her passed out at the bar while I was looking for Don. BILL Here let me give you a hand. (throws Victoria over his shoulder) PHIL Thanks. She’s a lot heavier than she looks. JAN Oh no, what happened to Don then? PHIL I don’t know, I just woke up from the captain’s announcement and couldn’t find him anywhere. I looked everywhere. JAN Well, maybe he already got off of the ship. Let’s just go out there like the captain said. I’m sure the crew is checking every room to make sure the ship is completely evacuated.

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PHIL You guys don’t know Don. He’s the type of person that would walk off of the ship without permission. He does what he wants, when he wants. You guys go ahead with Victoria. I’m going to search a bit more. Don’t worry, I’ll only be five more minutes. JAN Ok, well please be careful sweetie. Don’t be too long. We’ll take care of Victoria.

Phil continues searching, as Jan and Bill (still carrying Victoria) continue down the hallway and off of the ship.


We then see Don licking the leaves and eating delicious red berries. Don begins to feel dizzy, breaks out into a sweat and in hallucination thinks that he sees a SMALL PERSON out of the corner of his eye. He turns to see what it was and it’s gone. Don gets intrigued and begins his search for the little person in the woods.

DON (Don’s thoughts)

OMG, I’m starving! Where can I get some food around here? Where am I?! OMG. I think I’m lost. I’ve never been lost in the woods before. I’ve never even been in the woods! Okay. Okay, I can do this. What’s that one TV show Phil is always watching? Man vs. Wild! How could I forget? Bear Grylls is that cute guy who does all of those dangerous things! Okay, now, I need to ask myself, what would Bear Grylls do?

(contemplates) Okay, I’ve got it! He would drink the water off of leaves and find some food. But I refuse to eat any bugs or raw fish, though, cause Bear, honey, that’s just nasty.

(looks around) Ooo, red berries!

Don sweeps off a spot to sit and begins to shovel handfuls of the red berries in his mouth. Suddenly his head starts to spin and everything he sees is ten times sharper, like he’s in a virtual world. DON (out loud)

OMG, these are delicious! I have to bring some back for Phil to try!

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Don packs his pockets full of the berries. DON (out loud)

What was that?! Did I just see a midget?! Hey, can you help me?! I’m lost! Wait for me! I’ll give you some of these yummy berries!

Don chases after the small person through the woods. 9 EXT. BEACH - MORNING 9

We see the passengers in a group while the CAPTAIN is directing people to what they need to do and has the crew go back on the boat to get the necessities. Phil finds Jan, Bill and Victoria in the crowd of people and tells them he couldn’t find Don.


Alright everyone, we’re all going to need to cooperate now. I’m going to split you all into three groups. Group one, go and gather some dry wood that we can use later for a fire. We don’t want to be stuck in the dark and cold tonight. Group two, go and search for food so we can have something to eat tonight. You might be able to catch some fish or find something in the trees and bushes to eat. Before eating it, make sure you bring it back so we can check it out to make sure it’s edible. The rest of you can assist the crew in collecting anything useful off the ship. Does everyone know what they’re doing? (Pause) Alright, let’s get to it.

Phil searches for Jan, Bill and Victoria in the crowd of passengers. He finally spots them, notices Victoria has awaked and tells them the news. PHIL Jan! Bill! Wait up!

Phil notices that Victoria has woken up. PHIL (to Victoria, sarcastically)

Victoria! Nice of you to join us this morning! Rough night?

Victoria stands with no response covering her eyes from the sun, obviously very hung over.

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JAN Phil! I was getting worried about you! I’m guessing you didn’t find Don. We haven’t seen him around here either. I’m sorry dear, we’ll all keep looking. He’ll show up. Come help us set up camp. PHIL But I need to find him now. What if something has happened to him? BILL I’m sure he’s fine. He’s a grown man, he can help himself. We need all the help we can get setting up camp, who knows how long we’ll be here. I’m sure we just missed him in this huge crowd of people. JAN (jokingly) Yeah, you guys are probably searching for each other and ending up on opposite sides of the crowd every time. He’ll be fine, I promise. PHIL Well, alright, but if he isn’t here by this evening, I’m going to go search for him myself.


Time has passed as we see all of the passengers finishing setting up camp on the edge of the woods, when suddenly Don pops out of the woods, holding his throat in a panic. Everyone rushes to aid him, and a DOCTOR appears from the crowd. He examines Don and tries to figure out what’s wrong. It is then discovered that Don had an allergic reaction. The doctor makes Don drink some water, to try to get him to clear his throat to explain what happens. Don drinks the water and then begins to go on a rant about the little man he saw in the woods, which no one believes. Captain asks what is going on and directs everyone to go back to what they are doing and the doctor will take care of Don. Phil decides to stay with Don. Bill and Jan also come to make sure that Don is okay. Victoria is around the area pretending to be hard at work.

DON (running around wildly) Ack! Ack!


Don! Are you alright?! Where have you been?! What’s wrong?!

(turns to to Jan and Bill)

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FINE MY ASS! LOOK AT HIM! I can’t believe I listened to you two.


Everyone calm down. I’m a doctor, I can help you. Now just calm down and let me look at you.

The doctor does a quick examination of Don.

DOCTOR (to Don) Alright, you’ve just had a bad reaction to something. Could someone get me some water?

Phil hands Don some water. DOCTOR Just drink this and you should be fine.

Don quickly gulps down the water nearly choking on it. DON (catching his breath)

Oh my God! Oh my God you guys! I was in the woods! I was in the woods right?! And there was this little person and he was runnin around in a loincloth and I was like, ‘hey, wait up!’ and he just was giggling and running! So I ran after him, but he was a fast little bugger! I couldn’t catch him! And I was like…!

PHIL (worriedly interrupts)

Don calm down! What are you talking about? You sound crazy right now!

DON I’m tellin you! There was a little man! And…! VICTORIA

(walks up interrupting Don, holding a bottle of vodka)

Looks like someone’s been doing a little more drinking than I have.

(saunters away) BILL (in confusion states aloud)

How does she always find a way to have a drink in her hand?

JAN (ignoring Bill’s statement)

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Are you sure you’re okay honey? I think you were just seeing things. Did you eat anything in the woods or get overheated?

(feels his head) DON (pushes her hand away)

I’m not sick! I’m telling you there was a little man in the woods!

CAPTAIN Alright everyone, he’s fine here. No need to waste time. Get back to what you were doing. Doctor, you keep an eye on him, until he feels better.

Everyone but Phil, Jan, and Bill walks away. DOCTOR

Okay young man, how about you just lay down and rest?

DON But..! BILL I think you should listen to the doctor son. DON Fine then! (pouts) 11 EXT. CAMPSITE - NIGHT 11

It is now night time and everyone is surrounded next to a campfire and finishing up their meals of fish and coconuts and then begin to settle into their cots and fall asleep. Don however, has different plans, grabs a lantern and decides to go into the woods to find something else to eat. In particular, he was craving the berries he ate earlier that day.

(low group murmuring)

DON (thinks to himself)

This sucks! I don’t want any fish. I don’t even like fish. Nasty. Good thing I brought some of those berries back with me! I’ll go get some more for Phil to try and a little extra for breakfast, if fish is going to be our only means of survival.

Don sneaks away from the campfire, finds a lantern and wanders off into the forest.

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Don is back in the middle of the woods looking for the berries. DON (Searching for red berries)

I need to find more of those red berries. They are absolutely delicious. There is no way I will let myself eat that fish. I NEED THOSE BERRIES!

He finds the berries he’d been craving, eats a couple handfuls, and as they once again make him hallucinate he sees the little man in the woods again. DON (While eating berries)

I wonder where I can find these back home? Maybe Trade Joe’s has some. I don’t know, but in the mean time I’ll just take some with me.

A tree rattles and a small figure runs away. DON

What was that? I need to find out. I bet it is that little leprechaun man. What is he doing out here at night? I bet he is planning an attack on our ship wreck. He won’t get away with this!

Don tries sprinting after the little man. He begins to follow his hallucination to try and catch him to show the others that he is real. On his journey through the woods in search of the little man, he comes across a paved road that the little man is running down.

DON (Out of breath and trying to scream)

Come back here you evil leprechaun man. What do you want with our ship wreck people? Just come talk to me! We can work this out! We don’t want to hurt you!

The little man leads him to a city of bright lights. DON (Blinded by the light) Whoa. Where have you lead me to? Is this your

Kingdom? It’s so bright!

In the crowd of people Don loses the little man and begins to freak out and calls Phil with a cell phone he’s had in his pocket all along.

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DON HEY! HEY! Wait! Where are you going? Wait for me! Don’t just leave me! I won’t be able to find my way back!

(starts to freak out) Oh no, oh no. I don’t know where I am. I need to call Phil IMMEDIATELY! (pulls out his cell phone out of his pocket)


Phil is passed out on his cot. He hears a ringing noise. Dazed and confused, he realizes that it is his cell phone in his pocket. He too didn’t realize he had service. Immediately he answers his phone to hear Don freaking out on the other end. PHIL (Answers phone in confused tone) Hello? (screaming on the other end)

Don is that you? Where are you? Let me know and I’ll come find you. (unintelligible answer) DON!!

He doesn’t understand Don, but hears others talking in the background. Phil asks Don to give the phone to someone around him. PHIL

Don are you still there? Try and find someone to help tell you where you are. Calm down and just do that for me okay.


Don tries to find someone to talk to Phil. DON

Excuse me, EXCUSE ME! Can you help me? Where am I? I need to tell my boyfriend.

Everyone just keeps ignoring him because they believe he is crazy. DON (To man who passes him)

RUDE! Would you treat your grandma like this? I think not, mister.

Then a nice OLD LADY stops to speak with Don and make sure he is okay.

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OLD LADY Young man, can I help you? DON Yes, please. My boyfriend Phil is on the phone.

They are stranded on an island and a little man led me to this kingdom! Can you tell my friends how to get here please?


Oh sonny, you aren’t on an island. You are in Yonkers. Here let me talk to your friend.

Then the nice old lady speaks with Phil and explains that they are not on an island but a city.


Phil starts to wake everyone up to tell them the news. PHIL (Holding a megaphone from the ship) Attention everyone! (People awake slowly)

Attention everyone! I have received a call from Don. He is in the CITY! We are NOT, I repeat we are NOT on an island. Folks we are outside of Yonkers. We need to go through the woods immediately and get to the city, so that we can get home!

Captain takes charge and explains that they need to gather up their things, and that they would be heading to Yonkers to arrange travel plans back home.

CAPTAIN (Holding the megaphone now)

Everyone! Please gather all of your precious belongings and in fifteen minutes we will start our journey through the woods and to Yonkers and get back to your families immediately.

Everyone rushes to grab all of their belongings while Phil grabs nothing and glares impatiently at everyone to hurry. People are talking amongst each other, in confusion and excitement.

CAPTAIN (Holding the megaphone)

Your fifteen minutes have ended. You will need to stay together and start your journey through the woods. Once we are in Yonkers you are free to go

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your separate ways and make your own plans back home. I’m sorry this cruise wasn’t what you expected, but it certainly will give you stories to tell your families. Thank you for choosing Carnival Cruise Lines, I’m your Captain John Smith signing out.


Everyone is trudging through the woods. Bill and Jan are cooperating, while Victoria starts a fuss about everything that she can think of. They find a road that they think leads to the city.

JAN (Smiling at Bill)

Oh honey, this isn’t so bad. Like the captain said, it isn’t at all what we had expected, but we met new friends and have a great story to tell the kids when we get home.


I guess it wasn’t horrible. I did get to eat a great meal and spend time with you. However, I don’t want to scale fish to eat for a long long time, and about that tux, NEVER again.

JAN (LAUGHS) Oh honey, I absolutely love you! (They hug and keep walking) BILL

Also, if it’s okay with you, I plan to tell our grandchildren that I saw Jack Sparrow and we had dinner together around the campfire. Do you think that they’ll believe me? JAN Don’t count on it! (They both laugh) VICTORIA (sighs) I can’t carry all of this luggage. Don’t we have crew members to carry our luggage? How am I supposed to take a drink break with my hands completely full? BILL Maybe you shouldn’t have brought your entire wardrobe.


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Oh Victoria, sweetheart you can do it; we can’t be far. Just think when we get to Yonkers you can get back to your husband and high class life! VICTORIA I hope that he will take me back. I mean, I went on this trip without telling him because we had this awful fight and I just needed to get away for some me time. I don’t know if he will take me back ever again. Jan, do you think that he will give me a second chance? JAN Of course, everyone deserves a second chance. BILL (Mumbles to himself) I don’t know if I would take her back. She is a high maintenance drunk. He is probably better off without this broad! He obviously hasn’t tried to get a hold of her.

Jan hears Bill and hits him on the arm VICTORIA What do you think, Bill? BILL I’m sure anything is possibly. The three continue their journey peacefully and quietly. Then they find a road that they think leads to the city. BILL What is this? (Looks down at the ground)

It’s pavement! I’ve found a paved road! Hey everyone, follow me! This must be the road to the city! PHIL Oh goodness, thank you so much Bill. I can’t wait to see Don. He might be crazy, but I love his craziness. He adds excitement to my plain average life. BILL (ignoring Phil) Let’s go everyone we’re one step closer to getting back to our families.

Everyone starts to follow the pathway which does lead to Yonkers.

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17 EXT. END OF THE ROAD - SUNRISE 17 They are at the end of the road as they see the big city lit up.

BILL There’s a city! I can see it!!


I can see the city too!! Oh my god!! Finally we got here!!!!

PHIL Don’t forget people! We have to find Don first!


And the nearest liquor store.

In excitement they all run down the road and make it to the edge of the city. They walk in and find Don harassing a midget working at a hot dog stand, and Phil just grabs him as he continues to yell at the man and they keep following the group. Once in the city they find the airport and begin to make flights back home. DON (yelling at a midget at a hotdog stand)

Oh my god! I FOUND YOU! Your kingdom is lovely. I won’t hurt you. I’m sorry if I frightened you in the woods. Can I please take you home? I have to show the others you’re real! MIDGET You’re crazy man! Get away from my stand or I’m calling the cops!

Phil is at the head of the group of passengers and hears two people fighting. As he gets closer, he notices it’s Don yelling at a man tending his hotdog stand. PHIL (in excitement) DON! We found you! I was so worried! (to the midget) Sorry, sir, here’s five bucks for your troubles. (hands him five dollars and drags Don away) DON

NO WAIT PHIL! That’s the little man in the woods I was telling you about! PHIL

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No, that’s a hotdog stand worker, Don. We are getting us all to the airport and going home. No questions asked. VICTORIA Excuse me, but do you happen to sell any type of alcohol here? BILL (to Victoria) For Christ sakes woman! (to midget) Ignore her. (to Victoria) You can get your fix on the plane ride, we don’t have time to waste, let’s go already!

Everyone continues down the road, where they finally come across the airport. Everyone rushes through the front door in excitement.


Everyone goes their own ways. We see Jan and Bill being picked up by their family from the airport who had been extremely worried about their safety.

JAN My babies!

JAN’S DAUGHTER Oh mom! We were so worried about you. We saw what had happened on the news, and no one would release information until they figured out what happened. I’m so glad you’re both okay!

JAN I thought I would never see you all again. I’m glad we are all together now. I love you all so much!

Jan and Bill give everyone a big hug BILL

We’ll tell you about it all on the car ride home. Let’s pack up in the car first.


Victoria rushes towards husband in tears and explains that she never wants to be without him again.

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VICTORIA (sympathetically) Oh sweety! I missed you so much! I promise I will never leave you like that again! Thank you for being here to get me! I wasn’t sure you’d show.


I missed you too. I was going to call, but I figured you needed your space. I was worried about you every day. I love you.


I love you too. 20 EXT. AIRPORT - AFTERNOON 20

Don and Phil get into a taxi. Don states how much fun that was and that they should do it again, as he is pulling out a bag of berries he had gathered before leaving the woods. Phil puts his head in his hands.

DON Well, that was a great trip. We should definitely do that again sometime. I had so much fun! So much adventure!

PHIL Fun? Adventure? I wouldn’t quite word it like that.


Oh and look! (pulls a bag of berries out of his pocket) I managed to save a bag of these wonderful berries I found in the woods! They can be our little souvenirs! Here, try some!

Phil grabs a berry from the bag and the taxi drives off.

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Scene Placement Subject Angle 1 8 ft jib crane

descends from tree to aisle of wedding

Aisle, bride and groom

Above- direct

1 Camera 1 & 2 adjacent from wedding party

Wedding party, introduction to


Direct, close ups, mult. people

1 Shot from middle aisle

Bride and groom kissing

Direct profile shot

1 Front of aisle facing opposite of alter

Bride and groom walking away

Camera dolly follows walk out couple from

behind for 15ft 1 From chairs Hand throwing rice Direct, close up. Blur

depth of field 1 8 ft jib crane above Entire wedding

party and audience celebrating

Direct above, looking down

1 Close up of janes dad winking as they walk


Shows dad bought cruise

Direct, looking left of camera

2 On dock of cruise Victoria, show details

Direct, close up

2 Camera 1 behind victoria

victorias perspective Adjacent from vic shooting couple

2 Camera 2 behind bill and jane

B & J perspective Adjacent from B & J shooting couple

2 On deck of ship B & J boarding ship Side high shot 2 Dock shot Man dragging other

man Low, shows dragging

2 In crew boat Ship leaving Direct shot of cruise leaving, reading back

of boat 2 In crew boat Ship leaving Zoom in of reading 2 Shot from upper

deck Water and sunset Time lapse

3 Land Lightening Shot into sky 3 In room of vic Close up of lipstick Direct 3 In room of vic Sipping wine Profile 3 In room of vic Spraying perfume Profile 3 Tripod at door

handle Vic opening door

handle from inside room

Direct, even height with door knob

3 Hall shot outside vics room

Vic walking into ballroom

Even heigh, from behind

3 Inside ball room Vic walking in and direct

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shooting door pausing 3 Ballroom phil and don talking Profile 3 Ballroom Vic staring Direct 3 Jib high, in ball room Vic walking towards

their table Adjacent/ high

3 Ballroom Vic talking to don direct, close up 4 Ballroom Victoria dancing,

with don Even height

4 Dancefloor Vic dancing with don 45 degree down from corner wall

4 Dancefloor Vic dancing with don Above 4 Dancefloor Vic dancing with don Low, feet shot 4 Dance floor Vic dancing with Don Profile shot 4 Ballroom Bill and Jane walking

into ballroom Direct

4 Ballroom Bill and jane walking into ballroom

Profile shot

4 Dancefloor Phil face puzzled Close up direct 4 Dancefloor Capturing convo

with vic, B & J. Profile

4 Dancefloor Adjacent behind vic Profile 4 Jib high deck

ballroom Entire party Down

4 Ballroom Intercom Direct close up 5 Outside deck Storm Direct 5 Outside deck Winds Profile 5 Outside deck Water levels Above 5 Deck Lightning High above 5 Boom from crew

boat Boat in storm High shooting down

4 Ballroom Convo of B, J, P, D, V Profile 4 Ballroom Adjacent shot behind

B & J Direct, adjacent

4 Ballroom Adjacent shot behind V, P, D

Direct, adjacent

4 Jib ballroom Shows party walking up stairs

Above follow

4 Jib ballroom End of stairwell Above to level ground

4 Hallway Phill and don looking out of window


4 Hallway Phil and don looking out of window


4 Outside of window Phil and don looking Direct through

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out of window window 6 Dining hall Table rattle Direct 6 Dining hall Plates and

silverware falling Direct low

6 Dining hall Knives and forks falling off table


Above, slow mo. Shoot at 120 fps

6 Hallway Follow shot of don running


6 Hallway Side shot of don running


6 hallway Longshot of run Direct low 6 Guest rooms Close ups of other

passengers hearing thunder

Adjacent 1/1000 shutter speed

6 Guest rooms Close ups of passengers panicking

Direct 1/1000 shutter speed

6 Hallway Victoria walking Adjacent/ low 6 Golf cart attachment Vic walking to bar Profile follow 6 Bar Vic having a seat Corner end of bar 6 Any location on ship Close up lights

flicker Direct

6 Bar lights From behind bar, lights flicker


6 Bar table Shows vic and on drink

On table

6 Bar table DOF shows don out of breath

On table, manual focus to don

6 Bar Bar lights flicker again


6 Jib showing bar Bar lights flicker Direct down 6 Around boat Ajar of passengers Direct 6 Around boat Ajar of passengers Above 6 Around boat Ajar of passengers Low 7 Floor of bar B, J, and V lying on

floor Direct above jib

7 Floor of bar B, J, and V lying on floor

On floor profile

7 Floor of bar B, J, and V lying on floor

Another above shot

7 Bar corner Don sneaking out Profile 7 Around boat Passengers listening

and exiting cruise Direct

7 Around boat Passengers listening Profile

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and exiting cruise 7 Around boat Passengers listening

and exiting cruise Above

7 Around boat Passengers listening and exiting cruise


7 Loading dock Passengers exiting Above 7 Upper deck Passengers exiting Above 7 Passengers rooms Passengers packing Direct 7 Passengers rooms Passengers packing Profile 7 Bar floor Phil realizing Don is

not around Above

7 Bar floor Phil realizing Don is not around


7 Hallway Phil looking for Don Direct 7 Hallway Phil looking for Don Low 7 Ballroom Phil looking for Don Profile 7 Ballroom Phil looking for Don Above 7 Follow Don Phil looking for Don Follow behind 7 Another bar Phil looking for Don Direct 7 Another bar Phil looking for Don Profile 7 Bar where they

woke up Phil looking for Don Direct

7 Bar corner table Phil sees vic sleeping Profile 7 Bar B & J see V & P Above 7 Bar B & J see V & P Direct 7 Walking of cruise Loading dock walk

off Above

7 Upper deck Captures entire groups of people and

the island


7 Island Group talk Adjacent 7 Island Group talk Direct 7 Island Group talk Above 7 Island Group walk to search

for Don Profile

7 Island Group walk to search for Don


7 Woods of island Group search Follow profile 7 Woods of island Group search In front direct 7 Woods of island Group search Behind direct 8 Woods of island Don licking leafs and

eating Direct

8 Woods of island Don licking leafs and eating

Close ups to show detail

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8 Woods of island Don licking leafs and eating

Profile shots

8 Woods Sweat break out Direct/ close ups 8 Woods Behind phil Behind. Head in

frame blurred 8 Woods Behind phil Focus on small

person 8 Woods Phil puzzled Direct close up 9 Jib island shot Passengers sitting up

camp High

9 Island Passengers sitting up Low 9 Island Passengers sitting up

camp Direct

9 Island Passengers sitting up camp


9 Island Passengers sitting up camp

Dolly follows

9 Island, edge of woods

Don pops out holding neck


9 Island, edge of woods

Don pops out holding neck


9 Island, edge of woods

Don pops out holding neck

Follow, 1/1000 shutter speed

10 Jib island Attention to don Above 10 Island Don getting treated Directly above 10 Island Don getting treated High angle view,

audience perspective 10 Island Don getting treated Low, shooting doctor 10 Island Don explaining

about the little man Direct

10 Island Don explaining about little man

Low. Once stood up

10 Island Behind Captain Direct perspective 10 Island Behind Don Direct perspective 10 Island Captain directing

orders Profile

10 Island jib shot Captain directing orders


10 Island Don stay with phil Direct 10 Island Crew together Profile 10 Island Crew together Direct 10 Another part of

island Vic passed out Above

10 Another part of island

Vic passed out Close up direct

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11 (Jib) island Campfire High island shot 11 (Dolly) island Campfire Direct dolly moves

around passengers showing food

11 Island Campfire Close up of don 11 Island Don leaving campfire Profile 11 Island Don walking to

woods Profile

11 Island Don walking to woods

Direct from behind

11 Woods Don walking through trees and brush


11 Woods Don walking through Follow 12 Woods Don eating food Direct 12 Woods Don eating food Profile 12 Woods Don eating food Close ups 12 Woods Don eating food Behind shot 12 Woods Don hallucinate Sees small person 12 Woods Don hallucinate Pov small person 12 Woods Don chases small

person Follow behind run

12 Woods Don chases small person

Profile running

12 Woods Don chases small person


12 Woods Don chases small person

Head cam, direct head

12 Woods Don’t chases small person

Profile, into road

12 Island road Don chase Profile direct, city blurred in

background 12 Island road Don chase Behind shot 12 Island road Don chase Pov cam 12 Island city Don scared Direct 12 Island city Don scared Above high shot 12 Island city Don call Phil Close up phone 12 Island city Don call Phil Direct 12 Island city Don call Phil Profile 13 Island camp site Close up of Phil

sleeping Direct, eye level

13 Island camp site Close up of Phil Profile 13 Island camp site Phil answering

puzzled Profile

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13 Island city Don calling Profile 13 Island city Don calling Direct 13 Island campsite Phil answering Profile shot 13 Island campsite Phil answering Direct 14 Island city Don being ignored Long distant direct 14 Island city (jib) Don being ignored Above angle 14 Island city Don talking to girl Adjacent 15 Island campsite Phil telling everyone Direct 15 Island campsite Phil telling everyone Follow 15 Island campsite Phil telling everyone Profile 16 Woods Passengers through

woods Follow

16 Woods Passengers through woods

Profile follow

16 Woods (jib) Through woods Above high shot 16 Woods/ road Shot down road Direct 16 Road Group walk Profile 16 Road Group walk Above 16 Island city Hot dog stand Direct shot 16 Island city Hot dog stand Profile 17 Island city Hot dog stand Above 17 Island city Group walk w/ Don Profile 17 Island city Group walk w/ Don Above 17 Island city Shots to show city Above 17 Island city Shots to show city Direct 17 Island city Shots to show city Low 17 Island city Flyers Direct 17 Island city Flyers Above 17 Airport Passengers going

home Direct

17 Airport Passengers going home


17 Airport Passengers hoing home


17 Plane Fly shots Any angle will work here

18 Home airport Jan and Bills parents pick them up early


18 Home airport Jan and Bills parents pick them up early


19 Home airport Vic sees husband Dolly follow around hug

19 Home airport Vic sees husband Above 20 Taxi Don and Phil get into Outside shot profile

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taxi 20 Taxi Don and Phil get into

taxi Shot from inside taxi

20 Taxi Phil hands on face Close up profile 20 Road Drive away taxi Direct, fade out.

Matt, this shot list was created before you taught us the lesson on how to do it correctly. I mentioned it to you and you said this was fine, because under certain circumstances it is correct. Just double checking, thanks.

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5 song soundtrack for final project

Opening wedding scene/ loading cruise. Cha Love- Shawn Lee’s Ping Pong Orchestra Victoria at bar drinking by herself Flume- Bon Iver Landing on island after storm Three Little Birds- Bob Marley Midget chasing scenes No Breaks- The Bravery City island found The High Road- Broken Bells

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--DRU A name and logo for your production group Complete shot list One digital “mood board” for the film. --LYNN Preliminary research on your topics Sketches, personal notes, etc, from the process weekly progress reports --DARRAH 25-30 page screenplay (edit and add) Costume designs for two characters, in color, with annotations. A storyboarded 30-shot sequence --HUNWHOO A promotional poster for your film – this should be done in photoshop, not hand drawn. --ELAINE 1-2 page narrative treatment A piece of environment concept art created by through Photoshop and Google Sketchup --SCARLETT A 5-track placeholder/example soundtrack

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• A name and logo for your production group ( Dru had talked about possibly doing this, not sure if anyone else has preference)

• Preliminary research on your topics (can be images or text – give me a page explaining the genesis of your idea) ( I’ve started to do some of this. I can compile others research as well!!)

• 1-2 page narrative treatment ( Elaine did this yesterday during our meeting, we just need to probably all read through it and make any last changes on MONDAY)

• 25-30 page screenplay ( As of now we have 17 pages—YES THERE NEEDS TO BE REVISING!! Our screenplay was actually read by Matt and another girl who happens to be a theatre major today in class. So we have some pretty GOOD feedback.) ALL THE GROUP WILL OVERLOOK DIALOGUE, BUT BE READING THROUGH THE SCRIPT BEFORE WE MEET ON MONDAY AND START MAKIKNG CHANGES, IMMEDIATELY!!

• Costume designs for two characters, in color, with annotations. ( I know Darrah said that she could do this, but Elaine mentioned that she could help as well!! Maybe if the two of you could work out how you want to go about this.. THAT WOULD BE AMAZING!! ANYTHING WE DON’T USE CAN BE ADDING IN THE SKETCH PORTION OF THE PROJECT… SO SAVE EVERYTHING!!)

• A complete shot list (probably around 300-360 shots) ( THIS IS ALL DRU!!)

o A storyboarded 30-shot sequence o One digital “mood board” for the film. o A piece of environment concept art created by through Photoshop and Google

Sketchup. o A promotional poster for your film – this should be done in photoshop, not hand

drawn. o A 5-track placeholder/example soundtrack.

• Sketches, personal notes, etc, from the process ( I can compile work from everyone since I have the outline of our draft ideas for the treatment that we did during the 1st meeting)

• Additionally, weekly progress reports(or “no-progress,” as the case may be… but hopefully not) are expected. These can be brief (6-8 sentences), or lengthy, but they will serve as a record of your progress ( I’VE STARTED THIS AND CAN FINISH IT UP AS WELL!!)

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• So there are a few things that haven’t been assigned… AKA the bullet points with NO bold writing followed. We can either work on these as a group or Scarlett and Hunwoo you haven’t been assigned anything individually, so if you would like to attempt those items THAT WOULD BE GREAT!

• Please attempt something and bring it to the meeting on MONDAY!!

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1 EXT. BILL AND JAN’S BACKYARD - AFTERNOON 1 We begin at the wedding of BILL and JAN, joining these two people together who have spent their life in turmoil, that have now found their perfect match. With their children and grandchildren present, and their dog as the ring bearer, it’s a small ceremony of close family. It was a beautiful ceremony and as they are now off to their honeymoon on a cruise that was a gift from their family. PASTOR

I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride.

(guests cheer as they walk back down the aisle)


We now see Bill and Jan boarding the cruise line, as they meet a woman dressed in pearls, diamonds and high heels named VICTORIA, who they find out is going through marital issues. BILL So, what’s on the agenda for the night?


(holding a pamphlet) Oh, honey, look they have are having a ball tonight! BILL I’m only going if there’s a buffet, you know I hate dressing up. All I packed were these Hawaiian shirts. JAN Don’t worry, I packed your tux last night. And tomorrow, we can do wine tasting! BILL (sighs) VICTORIA Did I hear you say wine tasting? What time is that? JAN 2p.m. VICTORIA Thanks, I’m Victoria by the way. JAN

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I’m Jan and this is my new husband Bill. We’re on our honeymoon.

As they are talking two younger men accidently bump into them. Both men are dressed in khakis and a button down shirt. The tall skinny man is struggling to drag a short fat man towards the boat as he screams in fear of getting on. VICTORIA Well excuse you! (as the men just pass by) The passengers are all boarded onto the ship, and head towards their rooms to unpack. As we see the cruise ship sail off into the sunset, with a banner on the rear that reads, We’re on a boat, BEYOTCH


Everyone is in their rooms getting ready for the cruise line ball. Victoria is getting dressed and putting jewelry and makeup on while drinking glasses of red wine and humming show tunes. She sprays perfume and she walks out the door towards the ballroom.


Victoria then walks into the ballroom and spots the two guys that had bumped into her earlier. They are dressed in formal attire. She walks over to them and begins to fuss about them how they scuffed her new Dolce’s. VICTORIA Who do you guys think you are? PHIL (confused) Uh, excuse me? VICTORIA

Was it not you two who just barged onto this ship and scuffed up my brand new Docle’s? DON Dolce’s are so last season. It’s all about the Prada now sweetie. VICTORIA They were vintage! Vintage never goes out of style. DON Vintage Dolce’s? I love it! I’m Don. VICTORIA

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Victoria. The pleasure is yours. PHIL Well I’m about ready to eat, would you like to join us, Victoria? VICTORIA I think I’m going to head to the bar first, feel free to join me later, I’ll be there all night. (begins to walk away) DON Oh wait, drinks sound so good right now. I’ll come! Phil, do you mind? (as he begins to get up and walk away with Victoria) PHIL (to himself) Guess not. Don’t mind me...

Bill and Jan walk in and spot Victoria sitting at the bar. They go over to chat, and Victoria introduces them to Don. JAN

Hi there, Victoria, you remember us, Jan and Bill. Have you made a new friend?

VICTORIA (trying to recall who they are)

JAN! BILL! Why yes, this is my long lost gay best friend Don. Would you like to join us for drinks? BILL (to Jan) I’m here to eat. We can drink tomorrow. JAN (to Bill) Don’t be rude to our new friends. We can join them for a bit. (to Victoria and Don)

We’d love to! (they both sit down at the bar) Suddenly, the captain’s voice comes over the intercom with a serious announcement CAPTAIN

Can I please have everyone’s attention, please? I have been informed that a storm is coming our way. The severity of it is unknown. This is just a warning, to get you all aware. In the event of

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anything happening, everyone needs to remain calm and stay where you are at, until I give you further orders. But for now, enjoy the ball.

DON Oh my god, I need to talk to Phil.

Don rushes across the room to Phil, as the others follow behind.

DON Phil! Did you hear that? I told you this was not a good idea! If we die, I’m blaming you!


(sarcastically) If you’re dead, you won’t be able to blame him...

DON (ignoring Victoria’s statement)

What are we going to do? What if we crash? What if we get stuck on some island. I can’t leave this Earth without buying another pair of Prada shoes! VICTORIA Well stated. PHIL Don, everything is going to be fine. Storms happen at sea all of the time, it’s nothing. Go grab another cocktail to calm yourself down. VICTORIA Why we’d be delighted to! Let’s go! (Victoria and Don leave for the bar) JAN (to Phil) So, are you Don’s partner then? PHIL Unfortunately, yes. I don’t know what the poor sucker would do without me. JAN Well, I’m Jan and this is my husband Bill. We are here on our honeymoon. PHIL Well congratulations! Would you like to join me for dinner? JAN

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Well, sure, we’d love to!

Bill gives Jan a glare, as if he doesn’t want to eat with them. Jan sits and pats the chair next to here for Bill to sit in. Victoria and Don arrive back at the table to join the three for dinner, with a waiter following behind with a tray of cocktails. DON We brought cocktails! VICTORIA And don’t worry it’s on the house! BILL I don’t drink girly drinks... VICTORIA

No problem at all, I’d be happy to take yours, anyone else not want theirs?

(as she begins to chug down her first cocktail)

DON (laughing) She’s a tank. VICTORIA Three and counting- (grabs the other cocktail) And this makes four! Don laughs as everyone just stares at Victoria in shock as she chugs her forth cocktail. BILL (to Jan)

What time does the first course begin? I’m getting impatient.

(looks at watch) JAN It’ll be out soon, your stomach can wait. BILL (under his breath) I meant with our new friends here... A waiter brings out the first course. BILL Finally, time to dig in.

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They all have cleared their plates. Bill and Jan decide to head to bed, while the others stay for another round of drinks. BILL

Well I’m full, are you ready to head back to the room Jan? JAN Already Bill? Don’t you want to have another drink and talk to our new friends? BILL I could think of something else I’d rather do.

Everyone at the table awkwardly laughs. JAN Well then, it was lovely meeting all of you. Don, Phil, see you tomorrow. Victoria, we will see you at 2 for wine tasting.

Bill and Jan quickly leave the table, to go back to their room.

VICTORIA Well, who’s up for another round of drinks? *Add convo with bill and jan*

Tables rattle and the lights go out. The room is only lit by candles and the occasional lightening strikes. Don screams flamboyantly waving his arms in chaos, as Phil is chasing him a few feet behind to try and calm him down. The noise in the background grows from frantic passengers. DON

(running around franticly, running into people)

AHHHHHHHHH!!! I’M BLIND!! I CAN’T SEE! We are all gonna die! HELP! HEEELLLPPP!! AHHHH!! PHIL (chasing Don) DON! Don, calm down! You are only making this worse! You aren’t going blind, the power went out! You’re embarrassing yourself! Just sit down!

Don runs into a wall, falls down, and begins to hyperventilate on the floor. As this is going on, Victoria walks around trying to find the bar to get a drink. The lights begin to flicker on and everyone begins to calm down. Victoria seats herself at the bar.

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VICTORIA (stumbling around drunk, grabbing random people)

Excuse me, can anyone tell me where the bar is?

No one answers.

Someone just direct me in the general direction. Did it get darker in here?

Still stumbling around, with no responses, and finally finds the bar and sits down.

(impatiently yells)

This service is terrible! Where is the bartender? Excuse me, bartender! I need my cocktail!

All of the passengers feel a sudden jerk from the boat as if they had crashed. Everyone begins to panic.


Bill and Jan awake from the harsh jerk, but remain calm. Bill tells Jan everything will be okay and to await for the captains orders before they leave the room to see what’s going on.

Captain announces that everyone needs to stay where they are until everything is clear.

6 INT. BALLROOM - EARLY MORNING 6 The passengers are in a slight panic but stay where they are, as instructed by the captain. Don, however decides to get up from where he is sitting and leaves the boat and no one notices him leaving.

The lights come on and the captain directs people to slowly exit the ship. As the passengers begin to exit, Phil realizes that his friend, Don is nowhere in sight, while everyone else is exiting and still trying to figure out what happened.

Phil is about to leave when he notices that Victoria is passed out at the bar. He goes to help her carry her off. As Phil is dragging Victoria out, he runs into Bill and Jan, who kindly assist him with Victoria.


We see everyone on the island in different groups. As Victoria, Bill, Jan, and Phil are in a group. Phil begins to explain that he is looking for Don and hands Victoria off to Bill and Jan and walks off to search for Don.

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We then see Don licking the leaves and eating delicious red berries. Don begins to feel dizzy, breaks out into a sweat and in hallucination thinks that he sees a SMALL PERSON out of the corner of his eye. He turns to see what it was and it’s gone. Don gets intrigued and begins his search for the little person in the woods.

DON (Don’s thoughts)

OMG, I’m starving! Where can I get some food around here? Where am I?! OMG. I think I’m lost. I’ve never been lost in the woods before. I’ve never even been in the woods! Okay. Okay, I can do this. What’s that one TV show Phil is always watching? Man vs. Wild! How could I forget, Bear Grylls is that cute guy who does all of those dangerous things! Okay, now, I need to ask myself, what would Bear Grylls do?

(contemplates) Okay, I’ve got it! He would drink the water off of leaves and find some food. But I refuse to eat any bugs or raw fish, though, cause Bear, honey, that’s just nasty.

(looks around) Ooo, red berries!

Don sweeps off a spot to sit and begins to shovel handfuls of the red berries in his mouth. Suddenly his head starts to spin and everything he sees is ten times sharper, like he’s in a virtual world. DON (out loud)

OMG, these are delicious! I have to bring some back for Phil to try!

Don packs his pockets full of the berries. DON (out loud)

What was that?! Did I just see a midget?! Hey, can you help me?! I’m lost! Wait for me! I’ll give you some of these yummy berries!

Don chases after the midget through the woods. 9 EXT. BEACH - MORNING 9

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We see the passengers in a group while the CAPTAIN is directing people to what they need to do and has the crew go back on the boat to get the necessities.


Alright everyone, we’re all going to need to cooperate now. I’m going to split you all into three groups. Group one, go and gather some dry wood that we can use later for a fire. We don’t want to be stuck in the dark and cold tonight. Group two, go and search for food so we can have something to eat tonight. You might be able to catch some fish or find something in the trees and bushes to eat. Before eating it, make sure you bring it back so we can check it out to make sure it’s edible. The rest of you can assist the crew in collecting anything useful off the ship. Does everyone know what they’re doing? (Pause) Alright, let’s get to it.


Time has passed as we see all of the passengers finishing setting up camp, on the edge of the woods, when suddenly Don pops out of the woods, holding his throat in a panic. Everyone rushes to his service and a DOCTOR appears from the crowd. He examines Don and tries to figure out what’s wrong. It is then discovered that Don had an allergic reaction. The doctor makes Don drink some water, to try to get him to clear his throat to explain what happens. Don drinks the water and then begins to go on a rant about the little man he saw in the woods, which no one believes. Captain asks what is going on and directs everyone to go back to what they are doing and the doctor will take care of Don and Phil decides to stay with Don. Bill and Jan also come to make sure that Don is okay. Victoria is around the area pretending to be hard at work.

DON (running around wildly) Ack! Ack!

PHIL Don! Are you alright?! DOCTOR

I’m a doctor, I can help you. Now just calm down and let me look at you.

The doctor does a quick examination of Don.

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DOCTOR (to Don) Alright, you’ve just had a bad reaction to something. Could someone get me some water?

Phil hands Don some water. DOCTOR Just drink this and you should be fine.

Don quickly gulps down the water nearly choking on it. DON (catching his breath)

Oh my God! Oh my God you guys! I was in the woods! I was in the woods right?! And there was this little person and he was runnin around in a loincloth and I was like, ‘hey, wait up!’ and he just was giggling and running! So I ran after him, but he was a fast little bugger! I couldn’t catch him! And I was like…!

PHIL (worriedly interrupts)

Don calm down! What are you talking about? You sound crazy right now!

DON I’m tellin you! There was a little man! And…! VICTORIA

(walks up interrupting Don, holding a bottle of vodka)

Looks like someone’s been doing a little more drinking than I have.

(saunters away) BILL (in confusion states aloud)

How does she always find a way to have a drink in her hand?

JAN (ignoring Bill’s statement)

Are you sure you’re okay honey? I think you were just seeing things. Did you eat anything in the woods or get overheated?

(feels his head) DON (pushes her hand away)

I’m not sick! I’m telling you there was a little man in the woods!

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CAPTAIN Alright everyone, he’s fine here. No need to waste time. Get back to what you were doing. Doctor, you keep an eye on him, until he feels better.

Everyone but Phil, Jan, and Bill walks away. DOCTOR

Okay young man, how about you just lay down and rest?

DON But..! BILL I think you should listen to the doctor son. DON Fine then! (pouts) 11 EXT. CAMPSITE - NIGHT 11

It is now night time and everyone is surrounded next to a campfire and finishing up their meals of fish and coconuts and then begin to settle into their cots and fall asleep. Don however, has different plans, grabs a lantern and decides to go into the woods to find something else to eat and he was craving the berries he ate earlier that day

(low group murmuring)

DON (thinks to himself)

This sucks! I don’t want any fish. I don’t even like fish. Nasty. Good thing I brought some of those berries back with me! I’ll go get some more for Phil to try and a little extra for breakfast, if fish is going to be our only means of survival.

Don sneaks away from the campfire, finds a lantern and wanders off into the forest.


Don is back in the middle of the woods looking for the berries. DON (Searching for red berries)

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I need to find more of those red berries. They are absolutely delicious. There is no way I will let myself eat that fish. I NEED THOSE BERRIES!

He finds the berries he’d been craving, as they once again make him hallucinate and he sees the little man in the woods again. DON (While eating berries)

I wonder where I can find these back home? Maybe Trade Joe’s has some. I don’t know, but in the mean time I’ll just take some with me.

A tree rattles and a small figure runs away. DON

What was that? I need to find out. I bet it is that little leprechaun man. What is he doing out here at night. I bet he is planning an attack on our ship wreck. He won’t get away with this!

Don tries sprinting after the little man. He begins to follow his hallucination to try and catch him to show the others that he is real. On his journey through the woods in search of the little man, he comes across a paved road that the little man is running down.

DON (Out of breath and trying to scream)

Come back here you evil leprechaun man. What do you want with our ship wreck people? Just come talk to me! We can work this out! We don’t want to hurt you!

The little man leads him to a city of bright lights. DON (Blinded by the light) Whoa. Where have you lead me too? Is this your

Kingdom? It is so bright!

In the crowd of people Don loses the little man and begins to freak out and calls Phil, with a cell phone he’s had in his pocket all along.


HEY! HEY! Wait! Where are you going? Wait for me, don’t just leave me! I won’t be able to find my way back!

(starts to freak out) Oh no, oh no. I don’t know where I am. I need to call Phil IMMEDIATELY! (pulls out his cell phone out of his pocket)

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Phil is passed out on his cot. He hears a ringing noise, dazed and confused he realizes that it is his cell phone in his pocket. He too didn’t realize he had service. Immediately he answers his phone to hear Don freaking out on the other end. PHIL (Answers phone in confused tone) Hello? (screaming on the other end)

Don is that you? Where are you? Let me know I’ll come find you. (no answer) DON!!

He doesn’t understand Don, but hears others talking in the background. Phil asks Don to give the phone to someone around him. PHIL

Don are you still there? Try and find someone to help tell you where you are. Calm down and just do that for me okay.


Don tries to find someone to talk to Phil. DON

Excuse me, EXCUSE ME! Can you help me? Where am I? I need to tell my boyfriend.

Everyone just keeps ignoring him because they believe he is crazy. DON (To man who passes him)

RUDE! Would you treat your grandma like this, I think not, mister.

Then a nice old lady stops to speak with Don and make sure he is okay.

OLD LADY Young man, can I help you? DON Yes, please. My boyfriend Phil is on the phone.

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They are stranded on an island and a little man led me to this kingdom! Can you tell my friends how to get here please?


Oh sonny, you aren’t on an island. You are in Yonkers. Here let me talk to your friend.

Then a nice old lady speaks with the Phil and explains that they are not on an island, but a city.


Phil starts to wake everyone up to tell them the news. PHIL (Holding a megaphone from the ship) Attention everyone! (People awake slowly)

Attention everyone! I have received a call from Don. He is in the CITY! We are NOT, I repeat we are NOT on an island. Folks we are outside of Yonkers. We need to go through the woods immediately and get to the city, so that we can get home!

Captain takes charge and explains that they need to gather up their things, and that they would be heading to Yonkers to arrange travel plans back home.

CAPTAIN (Holding the megaphone now)

Everyone! Please gather all of your precious belongings and in fifteen minutes we will start our journey through the woods and to Yonkers and get back to your families immediately.

Everyone rushes to grab all of their belongings while Don grabs nothing and glares impatiently at everyone to hurry. People are talking amongst each other, in confusion and excitement.

CAPTAIN (Holding the megaphone)

Your fifteen minutes have ended. You will need to stay together and start your journey through the woods. Once we are in Yonkers. You are free to go your separate ways and make your own plans back home. I’m sorry this cruise wasn’t what you expected, but it certainly will give you stories to tell your families. Thank you for choosing Carnival Cruise Lines, I’m your Captain John Smith signing out.

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Everyone is trudging through the woods. Bill and Jan are cooperating, while Victoria starts a fuss about everything that she can think of. They find a road that they think leads to the city.

JAN (Smiling at Bill)

Oh honey, this isn’t so bad. Like the captain said, it isn’t at all what we had expected, but we met new friends and have a great story to tell the kids when we get home.


I guess it wasn’t horrible. I did get to eat a great meal and spend time with you. However, I don’t want to scale fish to eat for a long long time and about that Tux, NEVER again.

JAN (LAUGHS) Oh honey, I absolutely love you! (They hug and keep walking) BILL

Also, if it is okay with you, I plan to tell our grandchildren that I saw Jack Sparrow and we had dinner together around the campfire. Do you think that they will believe me? JAN Don’t count on it! (They both laugh) VICTORIA (sighs) I can’t carry all this luggage. Don’t we have crew members to carry our luggage? How am I supposed to take a drink break with my hands completely full. BILL Maybe you shouldn’t have brought your entire wardrobe.

JAN Oh Victoria, sweetheart you can do it we can’t be far. Just think when we get to Yonkers you can get back to your husband and high class life! VICTORIA

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I hope that he will take me back, I mean, I went on this trip without telling him, because we had this awful fight and I just needed to get away for some me time. I don’t know if he will take me back ever again. Jan, do you think that he will give me a second chance? JAN Of course, everyone deserves a second chance. BILL (Mumbles to himself) I don’t know if I would take her back. She is a high maintenance drunk. He is probably better off without this broad! He obviously hasn’t tried to get a hold of her.

Jan hears Bill and hits him on the arm VICTORIA What do you think, Bill? BILL I’m sure anything is possibly. The three continue their journey peacefully and quietly. Then they find a road that they think leads to the city. BILL What is this? (Looks down at the ground)

It’s pavement! I have found a paved pathway. Hey everyone! Follow me this must be the path to the city. PHIL Oh goodness, thank you so much Bill. I can’t wait to see Don. He might be crazy, but I love his craziness. He adds excitement to my plain average life. BILL (ignoring Phil) Let’s go everyone we are one step closer to getting back to our families.

Everyone starts to follow the pathway which does lead to Yonkers.

17 EXT. END OF THE ROAD - SUNRISE 17 They are at the end of the road as they see the big city lit up.

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BILL There is a city I can see it!!


I can see the city too!! Oh my god!! Finally we got here!!!!

PHIL Don’t forget people! We have to find Don first!


And the nearest liquor store.

In excitement they all run down the road and make it to the edge of the city. They walk in and find Don harassing a midget working at a hot dog stand and Phil just grabs him as he continues to yell at the man and they keep following the group. Once in the city they find the airport and begin to make flights back home. DON (yelling at a midget at a hotdog stand)

Oh my god! I FOUND YOU! Your kingdom is lovely. I won’t hurt you. I’m sorry if I frightened you in the woods. Can I please take you home? I have to show the others you are real! MIDGET You’re crazy man! Get away from my stand or I’m calling the cops!

Phil is at the head of the group of passengers and hears two people fighting. As he gets closer, he notices it’s Don yelling at a hotdog stand. PHIL (in excitement) DON! We found you! I was so worried! (to the midget) Sorry, sir, here’s five bucks for your troubles. (hands him five dollars and drags Don away) DON

NO WAIT PHIL! That’s the little man in the woods I was telling you about! PHIL No, that’s a hotdog stand worker, Don. We are getting us all to the airport and going home. No questions asked. VICTORIA

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Excuse me, but do you happen to sell any type of alcohol here? BILL (to Victoria) For Christ sakes woman! (to midget) Ignore her. (to Victoria) You can get your fix on the plane ride, we don’t have time to waste, let’s go already!

Everyone continues down the road, where they finally come across the airport. Everyone rushes through the front door in excitement.


Everyone goes their own ways. We see Jan and Bill being picked up by their family from the airport who had been extremely worried about their safety.

JAN My babies!

JAN’S DAUGHTER Oh mom! We were so worried about you. We saw what had happened on the news, and no one would release information until they figured out what had happened. I’m so glad you are all okay!

JAN I thought I would never see you all again. I’m glad we are all together now. I love you all so much!

Jan and Bill give everyone a big hug BILL

We’ll tell you about it all on the car ride home. Let’s pack up in the car first.


Victoria rushes towards husband in tears and explains that she never wants to be without him again.

VICTORIA (sympathetically) Oh sweaty! I missed you so much! I promise I will never leave you like that again! Thank you for being here to get me! I wasn’t sure you’d show.

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I missed you too. I was going to call, but I figured you needed your space. I was worried about you every day. I love you.


I love you too. 20 EXT. AIRPORT - AFTERNOON 20

Don and Phil get into a taxi. Don states how much fun that was and that they should do it again, as he is pulling out a bag of berries he had gathered before leaving the woods. Phil puts his head in his hands.

DON Well, that was a great trip. We should definitely do that again sometime. I had so much fun! So much adventure!

PHIL Fun? Adventurous? I wouldn’t quite word it like that.


Oh and look! (pull a bag of berries out of his pocket) I managed to save a bag of these wonderful berries I found in the woods! They can be our little souvenirs! Here, try some!

Phil grabs a berry from the bag and the taxi drives off.

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Dru – Cruise was something that we made up off the top of our head. Our group consists of individuals with different personalities and we used all these personalities to come up with a concept. One thing that was unique was we created the dialogue without a title so

it made the story more interesting. The treatment was what we came up with the first night and spent our night at the library configuring.

Darrah – When we first found out who was in our group we took down everyone’s number so that we could place phone calls and text each other but really we kept in

contact via email.

HunWoo – We started on our treatment as a group and typed it up together than took the critiques from class and made adjustments so that it could be better from a viewer’s


Scarlett – the Idea of three different character types who boarded a cruise ship and crashed during a storm, seemed to be the best proposal we came up with as far as comedy was

proposed. One thing we did to turn our story into a twist was have our characters reveal different types of people kind of like our group that we worked with.

Lynn – As far as our treatment and script we wanted to add a better understanding of the characters and their background. When creating our dialogue we made it so that it sounded

natural between the characters in essence to their attitudes.

Elaine – We decided that we would plan everything out in advance so that we wouldn’t have anything to worry when it was close to being due so that we could work on making our story

better instead of finishing it. We assigned different tasks to people in our group and came together so that we could share our ideas and agree with each other.

Dru – After our treatment was done we made sure there were no loose strings so that we had a strong treatment. We than decided to work on our dialogue first we made directions of what

are characters were actually doing so that the dialogue would flow.

Darrah – Our shotlist began after we looked up different examples and than began creating it before we started our dialogue.

HunWoo – After meeting as a group we decided that we would assign scenes to each individual in our group so that we could get our script wrote and we could make adjustments after

attaching them together.

Scarlett- After spending many nights at the library we broke all the scenes up and separated them into sections of four so that we could make any corrections to errors. After class we

decided that our dialogue needed to be more understanding to the audience. We decided to make the dialogue similar to the characters so the audience could better perceive them so we

sat down as a group and went over the entire dialogue

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Lynn – We assigned individual tasks again so that there wasn’t a specific due date but so that everything would be complete so we could finish our project with lots of time to perfect it. We challenged

ourselves with the poster making more than one by several of our group members.

Elaine – we decided that one of the tasks would be for one person to write the story board out because it would look better when uploaded so that it was all done by one person’s handwriting. It took a lot of

time but each member worked on different poster ideas so that we would have the perfect poster. While creating the posters we came up with the title of our story that we thought seemed to fit perfect.

Dru – We worked on the soundtrack at home so that we could listen to music and ideas could come to us and met as a group and came up with a soundtrack we thought would fit the story best.

Darrah – When working on the preliminary research we decided this when we came up with the treatment and created the characters as we compared them to other characters in movies. We wanted to have different type of couples so we could create a sense of humor. We came up with a newlywed

couple, a rich stay at home wife, and a male couple of whom one was gay. We also based our scene on Gilligan’s Island. We didn’t create the research until after the poster was done so that we could come up

with the perfect cruise ship.

HunWoo – We came up with costume ideas while writing the script so that our two characters would be easy to sketch because we already had an idea with color and annotations.

Scarlett – We used one digital mood board for our finished project because it described our concept of what we wanted our final project to be. Our mood board gives the viewers a sense of humor. The

environment concept from Photoshop was easy to create a scene in the script from the ball room when the boat crashed and the story reached its climax.

Lynn – When compiling our sketches, personal notes, and process of our group project we came up with the idea to write out what we had done the entire time and what our ultimate goal of our final project would be. From the first day we met to the last day our vision had created itself through hard work and persistence. We decided to compile everyone’s rough drafts from sketches, posters, and weekly reports

as well as our presentation we would deliver in class.

Elaine – Our production logo came from one of our group members because he was already involved in a production company however we created it our self so that it would fit the theme of our story we just

used the name in explanation of all the hard work we put into our project.

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Elaine Bell, Hunwoo Cho, Lynn Hughes, Scarlett Randolph, Darrah Saare, Andrew Williams

Weekly Report

Week of May 17th

- Got our group assignments and exchanged contact information

- Did a group in class of what are considered good ideas and bad ideas

- Sent an e-mail to all group members to try and decide

when a possible time would be to meet Week of May 24th

- Met on Tuesday the 25th , to work on the treatment

- Idea of three different character types who boarded a cruise ship and crashed during a storm, seemed to be the best proposal. We would create our rough draft treatment based on that idea and follow these characters through their journey.

- Wednesday during class we had another group critique

our treatment. After received their comments on the treatment it was decided that we would still stick with the concept that we have already created. We would add more details of what is going on throughout the film and add a better understanding of the characters and their background.

- It was decided that day that we would all think of

ideas that could create a better treatment for our film and then also think of dialogue that would have a great fit with how we perceive our characters and that it would sound like a natural conversation between the two.

- It was a mutual agreement that everyone would be

willing to meet on memorial day (May 31st) at 1 pm in the Wells Library to start the script and shots for the film.

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Elaine Bell, Hunwoo Cho, Lynn Hughes, Scarlett Randolph, Darrah Saare, Andrew Williams

Week of May 31st - Met at the library at 1pm on May 31st and started to

make additions to the treatment and also fill the gaps about the things that the group in class thought would be best to work on.

- During that time we also took a look at the blog and wrote out everything that still needed to be finished for the final product. We typed up the list and have given parts to certain people and designated certain parts to do as a group. This way it would create a sense of responsibility for everyone in the group and also save time when working as a group. This way someone could come up with an idea and then we could all look to keep it the same or tweet it.

- We finished the day with creating a document that could

be used to write a strong treatment and be used in the screenplay as directions of what the characters are doing and where they actually are before we add dialogue.

- Dru started to comprise a shot list as well and we

looked up an example of a shot list and that is how we have created our shot list.

- We left the group meeting on Monday, May 31st with the

separate parts assigned to everyone and a strong outline of what we wanted our treatment to include. We decided that we would meet again on Tuesday, June 1st.

- On June 1st, we met at 5:00. Dru was finalizing the

shot list and the other group members (Hunwoo, Elaine, Scarlett, Darrah, and myself) worked on the dialogue together. Elaine also rewrote the treatment to make sure that it fit to the new description that we had wrote the day before.

- After working at the library, we broke all the scenes

up and separated them into sections for the four of us working on dialogue to finish working on. Everyone was to e-mail me by 9:30 am Wednesday, June 2nd so that I could compile it and bring it to class.

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Elaine Bell, Hunwoo Cho, Lynn Hughes, Scarlett Randolph, Darrah Saare, Andrew Williams

- June 2nd, Due to illness within the group not everyone was able to get their parts done and sent to me, but with the majority we turned it in during class to get peer viewed. After looking over the comments, we knew that we had to make the characters more similar in the dialogue and more understanding to the audience, meaning how the audience would perceive them.

- Later that night, I sat down and typed out a group task

list. Assigning each individual a different task that still needed to be done. There were no specific due dates assigned, but there were reference to the blog deadlines, just so the group was aware of the challenge ahead.

- June 3rd, I gave Darrah the comments that were given

during the peer view and she was going to take the time to try and review the dialogue, before we meet next and have another draft ready for everyone to look at.

- It was decided that we wouldn’t meet until June 7th ,

which would give everyone time to work on their individual tasks and their individual midterm projects that were due by June 8th at 11:59pm.


- A majority of the group met on Monday, June 7th to check over dialogue for a few minutes and then a newer task list was made and e-mailed to everyone with more details of what needs to be done within the week.

- On June 9th, Hunwoo e-mailed the group two different promotional posters for the movie and Elaine, Dru, and Darrah started to make sure that the concept art were underway and that we had met checkpoint number 3.

- On June 11th with the members that were in class we

decided that we would meet on June 13th at 6 pm to finalize everything and get our presentation ready. I sent an e-mail to everyone telling them the time and the importance of having everything done.
