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Cruising Utopia

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Cruising Utopia
Cruising Utopia : The Then and There of Queer FuturityMuñoz, Jos? Esteban. Cruising Utopia : The Then and There of Queer Futurity. New York, NY, USA: NYU Press, 2009. p 2. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/unalbog/Doc?id=10425196&ppg=2
Copyright © 2009. NYU Press. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except fair uses permitted under U.S. or applicable copyright law.
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Cruising Utopia
Muñoz, Jos? Esteban. Cruising Utopia : The Then and There of Queer Futurity. New York, NY, USA: NYU Press, 2009. p 3. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/unalbog/Doc?id=10425196&ppg=3
Copyright © 2009. NYU Press. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except fair uses permitted under U.S. or applicable copyright law.
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"'''Al CUt TU." G,nmll Edil",,: J"'" E,lobm Muflo••nd Ann Ptllegriní
11m" s.¡""" R,d, 11"", So¡""" 81", SmlUol R. o.lany
Ptw..I< Affal.., Cnlk.,] rrnlu", in 'n, Cullu" ofSod.J R<iatio,,, Phímp Bri>n Horpor
In y"", Fa,,: 9 S<xual srudj" "t>ndy Mord
Trop;';j ofv.,¡", Inl<'rv<'rrlions from Qu«r L!h'na Ammea Jo'" Quir,,&,
Mani,n'n8 M_aliniti", filnloui<, af Grnd" anJ Vial.." in In, Arnm",n Cn'rn, Nowl
Gres fu"" Ou, Moni"" Oa,,,I,,,,, 1h< din",n Ajai' anJ m, l\'alio""llnl"'<I
EJited b,' L,"",n Be,bnt .nd U.. Da¡;¡;>n
81"," Gay Man, &>ay, Robon Roíd PhMr, Fo",,"o,d by Samu,1 R. D,bny
Poui"!: Idrnlily ami lnl"p",ali,," jn S<xuallty. Ra", ara! R<ilgi"" EJ",d by M>ri.l Cm. S>nch...nd Lin.!> Schloub<rg
Th, &planatlon far Evaythl"!' fu.!ay' "" S<xual Sab;<cti";ty P.ul Morrison
1h< Qut<"'t Art, &..Iyo "" w¡'jon ara! Gay 1h<al" EJited by Ají.. Solomon and Fr>mjí Minw.lb
Q'«<' Globah'",tion" Citiun,nip ami th, ....ftmlf' of ú>1""jaUim EJited by Am.ldo Cruz ,,1>1."" md M:ulin F. "t>nilin"", N
Muñoz, Jos? Esteban. Cruising Utopia : The Then and There of Queer Futurity. New York, NY, USA: NYU Press, 2009. p 4. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/unalbog/Doc?id=10425196&ppg=4
Copyright © 2009. NYU Press. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except fair uses permitted under U.S. or applicable copyright law.
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Qun' LltiniJ.J, 1Jmtity p,..,ai"" Di>am"" S¡nu<> ¡....na M>rÚ RoJriguf'l
Lav< rh, Sin: s...""l R,sul.!tion .nJ tll, Li",I/> of R,JjSiOUi ToI",,,,,, J>n<t R. J.kol=n >nJ Ann Pell<g<ini
Boricu. PoP' """ro Rk"", .nJ ¡J" Lztinl<otion 01 Am"i",n Cultu" F'>n<.. No'gron-.\lunt>ne,
M.nnio~ tlr< R.", RLJornti"l! B1u. Mm in 'n, JI", C""", EN M:uIon Ro",
/0 o Qu'" 11"" ooJ Pi.", T"''''S,od<, BoJi,~ S"N"I,"",l Liv<. JuJilh H.ll><<>'>m
II'hy 1Ha" A""""",,,,, onJ Fllch:
fu"'y' on Ro«"nJ s...""Ury In tlr< U.S. Dwight A. McBrid,
CoJ H.". "'Ss; Th, Rh<rork. 01 R,lIgiou, Vio/,ou Mid,..ICobh
an" rou Co BI.!,., C/wiu, [H.i", anJ rh, BLu. Amrrk"n In"II""",,1 Roben RoiJ-Phur
Th, L.tioo BoJY' Cri,I, 1J,ntiti<> In A=rlíon Lit""? .-1 Cuitu",1 Mano?
U=o Lim.,¡
Am"'gins Gri'¡' Sam?J Tim, .nJ tll, Ilody in Nin'k,n'n_úntury A""",," D.na Ludmo
ü,,~io~Utopio: Th, 1h<n alld Th", 01 Q"U' F"rurity Joú E¡"""n Mwloz
Muñoz, Jos? Esteban. Cruising Utopia : The Then and There of Queer Futurity. New York, NY, USA: NYU Press, 2009. p 5. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/unalbog/Doc?id=10425196&ppg=5
Copyright © 2009. NYU Press. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except fair uses permitted under U.S. or applicable copyright law.
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Thi" page imentio"a/(,' leji M""k
Muñoz, Jos? Esteban. Cruising Utopia : The Then and There of Queer Futurity. New York, NY, USA: NYU Press, 2009. p 6. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/unalbog/Doc?id=10425196&ppg=6
Copyright © 2009. NYU Press. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except fair uses permitted under U.S. or applicable copyright law.
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Cruising Utopía
José Esteban Muñoz
fl NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS N<w York and lom/on
Muñoz, Jos? Esteban. Cruising Utopia : The Then and There of Queer Futurity. New York, NY, USA: NYU Press, 2009. p 7. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/unalbog/Doc?id=10425196&ppg=7
Copyright © 2009. NYU Press. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except fair uses permitted under U.S. or applicable copyright law.
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Muñoz, Jos? Esteban. Cruising Utopia : The Then and There of Queer Futurity. New York, NY, USA: NYU Press, 2009. p 8. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/unalbog/Doc?id=10425196&ppg=8
Copyright © 2009. NYU Press. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except fair uses permitted under U.S. or applicable copyright law.
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Intro<!uction: F<eling Ulopi>
Queeme.... Horiwn: 19 Ulopi>n Hermeneutic. in lhe F.e< of G.y fugm>'i.m
2 Gh",t> of Public Su: Ulopi.n Longing>. Queer Memon.. 33
J lhe Fulu", lo in lhe fu",nl: S<xu>l Avml-G.rJ.. 49 ;onJ the P<rform>nce of Utopi•
.¡ G",lure, Epheme"".nJ Que.. Feeling: 65 Apprwching Kevin A,imce
S Crui.ing the Toilet: !.eRoiJon../ Amiri B.nh, 8J R.<!ic.l Bl.ck Tr.Jilion., .nd Que.. Futurity
6 SUS''' Qu..n, Punlrs, ;onJ the Ulopi.n P<rfonn;¡'i,.., 97
7 Ulopiú Se.ting Ch>rt: R>yJolu"on, JillJohn.ton, .nd liS Que.. Intermedi> .. Sy>tem
8 Ju.. Like He""eu: [JI Que.. U'opi;on An md ,he Ae..hetic Dime""ion
9 AJet" Out ,he Window: F.-.d Heoo>'. Inc;onJe..en' lIlumüution 147
10 Aft..J"k: Queer F.i1u"" Queer Virtuooity
Condu,;on: "T.ke Ec"..y with Me"
'" '"

Muñoz, Jos? Esteban. Cruising Utopia : The Then and There of Queer Futurity. New York, NY, USA: NYU Press, 2009. p 9. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/unalbog/Doc?id=10425196&ppg=9
Copyright © 2009. NYU Press. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except fair uses permitted under U.S. or applicable copyright law.
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Thi" page imentio"a/(,' leji M""k
Muñoz, Jos? Esteban. Cruising Utopia : The Then and There of Queer Futurity. New York, NY, USA: NYU Press, 2009. p 10. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/unalbog/Doc?id=10425196&ppg=10
Copyright © 2009. NYU Press. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except fair uses permitted under U.S. or applicable copyright law.
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THIS BOOK HAS l>e<n io th. worb for over t.o y,,,.n. I c.ooot hopo lo proporly Kl.:nowlodge.1l th. I""pl ho h...e l>e<n .upportive of !he ..riting and r<>.,rch th>, weot ioto ,h p.g••. I h>ve p",..nted the wriliog th>! l>e<:.me lh... ch.pler> .t ...min¡;ly muntl... univmili<>, museum., perfornuoce 'pac.., .od coof.",oces. A, ,h••• v>riou. io"itu­ tk>n. many .udi.oce.li.t.ned 'o tlu. worl< .od .ogaged in benefid.1 w»". Queer frieod.hip h>. pr",..o to he !he coodilk>o of po..ihility for im.gio­ in¡; ..h.l qu«m... e>o .od .hould memo The .ctu,¡] ",l.ltiou,¡] circuito I '1'0 lucky .nough to find m)""lf helooging to ..het m)' desi", fur future collectivity.

Muñoz, Jos? Esteban. Cruising Utopia : The Then and There of Queer Futurity. New York, NY, USA: NYU Press, 2009. p 11. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/unalbog/Doc?id=10425196&ppg=11
Copyright © 2009. NYU Press. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except fair uses permitted under U.S. or applicable copyright law.
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md Ano Pell.grini m;¡k. i",litutioIl>lllf......arniog. Ano h... l>e<o a en­ <dito, of lhe ••ri•• lhi. 000k appea" io, aod I ,oold o...., h.... ."liri­ p.t.d eojoying .ueh. fun and h.irmonioWl lrooong rel.tionship. [eannot begin to .xp.... pmpe'ly rny gratitude to th••taff at Perform."ce Studi•• ...ho enabl. my ...ori< aJI a chair, • farulty m.mbe" md a ochola,. Thank ron N""I Rodrigue>, Patt)' Jang, md Laura EI.n. FOIt.. fo, yoo, ..trem. eompet.nce and good humo,. Many fri.nd. oubid< of Performmce Stud­ i.. at NYU n«d to be th..nked ror thei, centribution. to lbe t.xtu.. of my Jife."d thinkins- Th. finl to be m.ntiooed i. Li... Du¡;¡;.", who has be.o a .tauoeh .11)', loving friend,."d brilliant interlocuto,. üthor f,i.nd. indud. AnIl> McCarthy, Jo..fina Saldan.-Portil!o, G.yat,i Gopinath, Ana
Dopico, PNllip Brlan Harpe" ."d Carol)'I1 Din.ha.... Th. thre. sehol... who haye re.d thi. book ro, tbe pre.. io diff.rent
d,aft. off.red me ""lcomed engagem.nt. Elizabetb Freeman and I m" .ach otber a. precociou. graJuate "ooen!> on lh. confe,ence circule, and J ... in h.. wor!< lOme of th. ;""1 tbinking of my :«cond-g<neration quee, th<c>ry echo". Judith Halbenlam ha. >imply be.n ." ide.1 enll.ague .nd reade,. Sh. i. al", an >m.lzing fri.nd. [ fe.1 priYileg.d to h.... lhe brilliant F,ed Molen aJI' f,i.nd, enmrade, and int.rlocuto,. M)' <dito" E,ic Zin­ n.., read IN' book ...ilh gr.at GI,e ."d >kil!. Ciar. MeLaughlin ."d Emil)' Par!< ha... be<n .;"0 b<en .rtremely helpfuL A granl frem lbe líoch D.an·. Farulty Ik\'elopm.nt Aw..d has belped m. indude colo, im;¡g" in IN' book. [ .m "p<ei.ally grateful to Marvin Taylo, and Ann Butle'.t th. FaI•• Library, N.... Yor!< Uniye"ity.
John Andrew< .howed up io th. middl. ofth¡" w'itiog pmj<et. H. ha• ...pond<d to my "",\; with «¡nal part> .nthu.ium aud >keptiri.m. H. has be<n • perfect r«d.. and lbe Ye'Y be.t enmp.any J enuld h""e aJlk.d fo,. My olhe, gre.t enmp.anio", duriog th. ",~iting of thi. boo\; h",.. b••n my p'ince" bulldog•. The late greal L>dy Bully .howed me lhe grandru, of enmp.anioo-.p<ci•• utopi.., and Dulc< Mari. ¡" h.""lf tbe .turdy em­ Mimeol ofth. good life. M)'f>mily are amuingly "'pporti.... My bmlbe,
Al.ú "'pport i. Ye'y touching. My cOWlin Albm "mlled ioto my ""'Y­ day life quile uneopectedlyand has becom•• I<>v.1y p,e..nce, helping m• ...aleh th. No,th.rn Fmnt S>m Green i. rny \;indred ulopian <piril; hi• ...or!< .nd ou, hond in.pire me. I am fortunate lo kn"",' J.nnif.. Do)i., ...ho has ' ..pend.d to my life md lror!< with '" much love, g.nem.ity, .nd int.llig.n«. I ow•• gre.t d.bt lo Kevin McCarty fo, h.lping me gliml'" utopia. LuXe Do...d ha. be<n my fri.nd fore..." .nd I continuo to I..rn fmm bi. wor!< md fiod b.auty lh.re. Tony Ju<t'. imag.. h..Ye al.o provid.d
Muñoz, Jos? Esteban. Cruising Utopia : The Then and There of Queer Futurity. New York, NY, USA: NYU Press, 2009. p 12. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/unalbog/Doc?id=10425196&ppg=12
Copyright © 2009. NYU Press. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except fair uses permitted under U.S. or applicable copyright law.
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noce....'Y ...th.tic pl.....re. N.., Bu""",,,,," i••imply .",..som•. Her fri.nd.hip ..nd .rt m..n the world to m•. Time 'ren' ",..r lhe yom with Jon..llun Fl"tley Iu. be.n ..t!em.ly rew..nling. Nick Tmy'. fri.ndship i. tre...ured. 1 h..ve .njoye<! gctting to know ..nd writ...oonl My B.ro.ri,;¡n (M..lik G.in••• J.de Gordon, ..nd Al.. Seg>d.). K..lup UnZ)'. md Dp"'''Y H..ndb.g (Jib. C""'eron). An incomplet. li,t of«holm•.m",. ""d col­ 1"00""0,, who h..ve r..d lhi. work. pu.hed ,h... id..., or g.n.",1ly .n­ g:oged m. indude l..lu...n IIerlm'. Ann C....kovich. RkMdo Ortil. Cm.. Freccero, Lid. Fk>I-"bt.>. Rebece. Schn.idor. Hen'Y Abelove. Mkl....1 Moon, Jos. Qui",&,. Jorge Ign>cio Cortin.., A1i"" Troy..no/Cum.lit.> Tropic..... , El" Troy""o, An;¡ "brg"'et S..nchez. K....n Tong><>n. c.rlo. C..rujo, D..vid Romm. Anj..lli Arond.k..r. P..trici,;¡ dongh.J..bir Pu"'. Mi­ clu.1 Cobb. Jo.h Kun. H""ther Luk••• Molly McG",'Y. George H.¡;gert)·. G",in Bun. Dominic Johnoon, V..gi....J D.vi., J""el J..cob••n. Iúthl..n McHugh, chon Norieg>. Eric Len. Cindy K.n. Do""ld P..... Mkl....1 W""g. Jn..... M..ri. Rodrigue>. Rebece.. Sumn<r Burgos. Coco Fusco. Ah. Wein'",nb. ""d Sh.,¡ FriJo'. M)' found..tio",,1 fri.nd.hip with Antonio Viego "",u. tlU. work md.o mnch more I""'ibl•. Guin"'..... Tumor h.. upt ,hingo ....:1 in lh. mo.t Iulludn..lory "'''y<. Evo Ko",M:y Sedgwick p....d .. [fini.hed lhi. 000•. Sh. ¡,.., be.n my g....l mend ..nd menlor. Her gentl. touch ""d lnminou. in'pi""ion i. ev.rywh.... fur m•.
Muñoz, Jos? Esteban. Cruising Utopia : The Then and There of Queer Futurity. New York, NY, USA: NYU Press, 2009. p 13. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/unalbog/Doc?id=10425196&ppg=13
Copyright © 2009. NYU Press. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except fair uses permitted under U.S. or applicable copyright law.
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Thi" page imentia"al(,' leji hi""k
Muñoz, Jos? Esteban. Cruising Utopia : The Then and There of Queer Futurity. New York, NY, USA: NYU Press, 2009. p 14. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/unalbog/Doc?id=10425196&ppg=14
Copyright © 2009. NYU Press. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except fair uses permitted under U.S. or applicable copyright law.
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Feding Uropia
A "'"'P of,h. "",.Id ,tw Joo.o no< induJo "'op" .. n'" w""h g1onci"S ot.
-O",,, WilJo
QlHERNESS IS NOT )"<1 hero. Qu.eme.. i. an id..lity, I'u, IDOIh.. woy, ...e ;ore no< ret qu«,. We nuy n,,,.... tooeh queem.... but we can f..1 ~ •• the "'.."" ilIumin.¡lion of a honron imbueJ ilh poI.n'iility. We !uve nover b.en queer, rol qu..me.. ex¡<I. fu, u 0 ideility thit can b. dio- tillod from lh. f"S' and us<d 'o imagino a futuro. u.. futuro i. queeme.ú <!onuin. Qu..me.. i•• >trucluring and odu«tod modo of de>iring thit il­ lo>.~ "' lo """ ""d feell>eyoOO the quagmire of ,he pre..n!. The h.", anJ 00... i. a pri><>n hou.., We mu,t >tri,"", in ,he f.¡ce of ,he hero ""J now '. to,il­ izing ronJ.ring of ",ilil)', lo ,hin\; and feelal"'" ami th<rt, Sorne ",ill ""Y thit ill we hi...... the pie.",,,,. of this moment, bul we must neve, ..ni< ro, t1ut minimil ''''"'P"rt; "'"" must Jream anJ en.¡ct new and b.ne! ple»u",., othe, ..."Y' of l>eing in lhe orld, aud ultimate!)' new world~ Qu.em... i. a longing ,lut prop<l. WI oo nI, l>eyond romances of ,he negative anJ toiling in ,he pros<nt. Queemes< i. ,lut thing t1u, lel> u. feel thit ,hi, ...orid iJI no!
enough, thit indood >omething iJI mis>ing, OOen "'.. can s1ímp"" ,he worlJ. propo>ed and promiJlod by queeme.. in ,he ro.1m of the a..thetic. Tho <>es­
thotk, esp«iilly tho queer .."helie, fro<jYendy cont';", bluepríot. anJ ..he­ mal.;¡ of. forwm:l-da"'TÚng futurity. Both ,he omouneoiil and ,he quotidian can eontain a nup oftho ulopi.l t1ut i. que<mess. Tuming 'o tI>< .",tholk in tho « .. of queem... i. nothiog ~ke ID ese.p< from tI>< ><Kiil ",ilm, iMOW .. queer .."h.ti", nup futuro sociil re!a'ioO>. Queeme.. i ••Iso. I"'rforma­ ID" bec.u.. it iJI no' >imply. l>eing but. <!oing f", and 1o...",J tb< futuro, Queem... i. e.>enti.lUy .I>out the rejection of a bere .00 oow anJ an imio­ lenee on poteotiility o, cone""e po><ibilil)' fu, IDotb.....orid.
Muñoz, Jos? Esteban. Cruising Utopia : The Then and There of Queer Futurity. New York, NY, USA: NYU Press, 2009. p 15. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/unalbog/Doc?id=10425196&ppg=15
Copyright © 2009. NYU Press. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except fair uses permitted under U.S. or applicable copyright law.
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fu. i< .h. argum.n. lnuke in C...ui"l: urop"" .ignifiemtly intlueucod by .h••hinking and Imguag. of .h. Gmnan ide.ü.....dition .nu""ting from .h. work oflmmanuel Kan' md Georg Wilh.lm Priedrich Hegel. An a,J'ff' of ltu. Iin. of .hough. i< eonc....iz«l in .h. erilica! philooophy u­ ooci.>.l.d ",ilb Ih. Pr>nkfurt 5<hool, mo.' noubly in Ibe work oflhe<>dor Adorno, W.ller !len¡amin, .nd H.rh<rt "tueu... lh= .hr« .hinh" wi.hin Ih. M....i<1 lradi'ion have all guppled wi.h Ihe comp1ru'ies of .h. utopim, Ye! Ih. voic< ID<! logic ltu. mo.' .ouehe. m., mo,l.nimal.. m)' .hinking, i. lha. of .h. philoooph<f E.rm' Bloch.
Mo", ]"",ely ••ooci.ll.d ",ilh .h. Pr>nkfurt 5<hool .han Ihe afor.m.n­ .ioned philoooph.rs, Bloch'. work w....hn up by bolh ühe....ion .h.oI­ oS)' and .h. p..i.ian .Iud.nl movem.nlJ of 1%8. He "'... bom in 1885 '0 an .,rimii.lt«l J.wi.h ...ilw.y .mploye. in Ludwig.hafen, Germm)'. During Wotld W.. 11, Bloch rl.d Nui Gernun)', ..",n.uall)' ..ttling for. 'im. in Cambridg., M=chWl.tt•. Alt., .he wu Bloch ....umed lo E... G.rmany, ",h.", hi. Muxi.ln philo"'phy "'......tt .. loo revi<ionary. A' .h. um. lime he "'.. derided fur hi< ,.,riou. defem.. of Stiliniun by 1.11 commenta'on lbroughoul Europ< .nd Ih. Unil.d SUI... H. partid­ pal.d in lbe inl.Il«Iu;¡1 drd.. of Georg Simmel .nd, L.,,,, M.. Weber. Hi. fri.nd,hip .nd ",melime rivalri", ",ilb Adorno, B.n;",,;", and Georg LuH", ..e no.ed in EuroI"m 1.11 in••lledual hi'lory,' Bloch', poli'ic.1 in­ muri,lend.. md .tyl., whieh h•• be.n deocrib.d .. both .Uiptiea! .nd lyrie.I, luve led B10ch lo an odd ",d un.,,,,n "'''ptiou, U.ing Bloch for a pro;.clltu. und.ntand. its<lf .. part of qu«r criliqu. i••1",. ri.ky m",,,, heuu.. il hu be<n rumored Ih.. Bloch did no' hold very prog""­ .i,,,, opiniou, on i..u.. of gender ID<! ..=lily.' lh... biog..phical fad. a", b<.id••h. poinl b.,au.. 1 .m uring Bloch'••h<ory no' .. orthodOIf bu. im••a<! lo e"'ate .n op.ning in qu«r .hought. 1.m uring .h. oce••ion md .nmpl. of Bloch'. Ihougb., a10ng with ltu. of Adorno, MmWl', .nd o.h., philoooph.n, ... portal '0 ",olher modo ofqu«r critique .hal d.­ .,.;,... from dominanl pr>ctiees of Ihougbl ru..ing wilhin qu«r eri'iqu. 'oday. In my ...imalion a lum lo • «rUin critica! ide.ü.m cm he "'''1''­ cially "",fui hermeueulie
Por ",m. time now I tuve been working wilh B1och', .h",.-vo1um. phil=phiea! .",ati.. n" Pri"árlt of Hopt.' In hi hau,'i", book Bloch muridm '" expmd«l id.. of Ihe ulop"n .hal ,"'p lhonuo Mo",'. formolatio" of ulopi.. b,..«I in fm...y, 111, m'"ár!' of Hap< offen .n .neyc!opedic .pp.....eh.o lbe ph.nomenon of ulopi.. In .hal 1... h. di,­ <=1...Ilnunn<f of u'opia induding, bul no' ümi.ed '0, .oc"l, li',,,,,y,
Muñoz, Jos? Esteban. Cruising Utopia : The Then and There of Queer Futurity. New York, NY, USA: NYU Press, 2009. p 16. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/unalbog/Doc?id=10425196&ppg=16
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technologic.I, medic.I, ."d geoguphi< ulopi... Bloch hI. h><! ••luki<r ""eption io the U.S. ae.demy th." Iu,.. sorne of hi. frieod••nd "qLl.lio­ bo..._.uch .. Il<nj.min. Fur me, Bloch', otility h.l, much lo do ,.,ith /he '"")' he theori"" utopi.. He m.ke•• CIiti..l di,tinchon betw...,o .1>­ '¡uct ulopw md conc",te utopi.., v.:lning .b",..l otopi.. only in",br .. they po><' eriliqoe fuoctiou th.lt foel•• criti..1md poleotWly tr.".­ form."i,.. politic.1 inugin.lion.' Abnucr utopi.. f.!ter for Bloch bec.u", /hey .... untethe",d from .oy hinori..1 ",,,,dou.ne... Concrete utupw
Me reutiou.;¡1 to hi>tori..11y .il'"'ted ,¡ruggle" • collecri';'y th.l i. >ctu.!­ iud or poteoti.l. [n our eYeryd.y life .b.l....l utop'" "e .ldn lo b>n.J optimi>rn. (Recent ..11. for &,)' or que.. optimi.m ",em loo do", to elile homo",.u.1 ",..ion of poIiti<s.) Concrete utopi.. c.".1so be d».,j",.m­
liu. but they "e the hop<' of. collectiYe. m emerg<nt group, or eYeo /he solit;ory oddb.:ll who i. lhe one who d",.m. for m."y. Cone",.. utupi.. Me the ",.Im of edu..lecl hop<o In • 1\l61 lectu", titled "C.n Hop< Be Di"ppoioted¡" Bloch deocribe. differeul ..pecb of edu..led hop<o "N<>I only hop<'• .tfect (with ib peod>ot, feM) bol eYen mo", so, hop<', meth­ odology (wilh ib p<od.nt, memory) d",..I)' in /he ...-gion uf /he nut-yet, • puco whe", entuo.. .,,<1, .bo>·e .11, fin;¡1 content .... nurked by.o eodur­ ing iodet..miu.;¡ey'-' lhi, ide. of iudelerminaey in both .ffect md meth­ odology "",... lo. criti<.1 proce" th.lt ¡, ..tuned lo wh.lt Ibli." phi­ l""'ph.. Giorgio Ag.>mbeo d=ribe••• potent"lily." Hope .Joug ,.,ilh ib <>Iher, f..r, ;ore .tfective ,truCIo",. th.. e." be de",ribed •• ."ti<ip.to')'.
C",i>i"~ Utopiú firn moYe ¡, lo d=rihe. mod.:lity uf que.. utop"­ ni.m th.t [loc... within. hi>tori..lly >p«ific o<>u. of rultor.! produc­ tion before, "ouod, .nd dishtly .lter the Ston.....J1 rehellion of 1969. A B1och"o .pproaeh lo .e>thetic theory ¡, invested io descrihiog the .,,­ ti<ip.to,), illomin.tion of .rt, ,.,hich cm be ch.lucreril«! •• /he proce" uf i<leulifyiog cm';n prop<rti.. llut ..n be det«ted in ...p.....ul.tlolUl praetice. helping o. to ... the not-yel-con",iou~' lhi. nut-yet-con",k>", i. know:lble, lo sorne exleul,'" utop"n f«liog. Wheo Bloch de.eri;'" /he IDtidp.tory illumin;¡tioo of .rt, one CID uode ....IDd thi. iIlumin;¡tiou ":l ,u'Pl", of both .tfect .od me:lOing wilhin the .e.lheli<. I tt:lck ulo­ piolo f.eliog. throoshoot the worl< of thll Stooew.!l I"riod. I .nempt lo coontet:lct the logi< of the hi.lori<.1 e....tod)· by followiug.o oci:ltive mude of .n;¡)~i, th.lt le.p. bet,.,,,,,o one hi.lori..1.ite .nd the p nt. To
th.lt eod my ",~iting brings io my owo person;¡) "p<rieo .,,<>Iher "'''y lo ground hi>tori..1que...ite. with li.ed q0...,r "p<rieo My intentiou in thi. "p<ct of the wriling i. oot .imply lo "'....necdoblly but, in'¡e.d,
Muñoz, Jos? Esteban. Cruising Utopia : The Then and There of Queer Futurity. New York, NY, USA: NYU Press, 2009. p 17. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/unalbog/Doc?id=10425196&ppg=17
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to ,e>eh for oth.. mode. of ".>oc;.tiye ;ugumeobtioo ."d el'idencing. Thu., when eomidering the work of. coolempora'}' club p<rformer .uch •• Ke'o'io AYim", I eog.ge • poem by EIi..beth Biohop md" penon.1 recollection "boul mo,,,ment "nd gend.. identity. Wlieo lookiog .t K.-;n MeC;uty'. photog..ph. of mntemporary qu«,."d puok b>", I coo>ide, ..muoto .bout pre-Ston<w.:ll &')' b>n in ohio ."d my penoo.:l .tory .bout growing up qu«, ."d punk in .uborb." Mi"mi. Mo.. of thi, book i. fix.;¡,<d 00 • du.t.. of .i'.. in the New yo,k City ohhe lifti.. "nd .ini.. th.l iodude ,he New York School of poel'}', the Joo",o Memor;.1 Churrh'. dm" lb...." ."d Andy w.,hol'. F.ctory. eru"i,,!: Vlopia looh 'o figure. from thu", 'emporal m.lp' tb>,!»ve b.eo 1...."end<d lo thm O'H= md w.mol h•..-e b.en. Yet it '«IIIJI u!<ful to upen thi< book by brietl)' di"u.';og momen!> in the work of both ,he poe' IDd the po¡> "rti.l fo, the pu'PO''' of iUum"'ing the projert '. prim.l'}' .ppro>ch lo the ",l'ural md th..,retic,,1 m.l'eri>l it '<>ve ....., At ,he «o'e, of c.....i"S Utopi. ,here i< lbe ide. ofhope, ,,'hich i. bo,h • rritir.:l .ffect md" metho<lology.
Bloch offen ... hop<'" hermeoeulic,."d from lbe poio' of view of politic>! ..ruggle. tod.y, .uch " crilic.:l optir i. nothiog .hort of n......'y in onJ.. to comNt ,he forre of politir.1 pe..imiUll. 11 i< «rl.;¡in!y diffirult to "'8ue for hope o, crilic.:lutopimi.m .1. moment wheo ruI'ur.ol"n.d)'­ ,j. i. domio.ted by ID :rnliutopimi.m otieo functioning >JI, pon' ...b.li­ tute ro, .cttul rritir.1 int....-eo'ion. Bul before "ddre..ing the queotioo of m'iutopimi.m, it i< wo,thwhile 'o .keleh. portrait of" critir>! mooe of hupe ,lu.t repre.eo.. the coocrete ulop;'nism di"".«d here.
Jill DOOn o!fen h.. owo puti.:lly Blorh;'n-d..i,-.d mode of p<rfo,­ m.ln« .ludie. critique io Utopi. i" P«jormo"", M"Ji,,!: Hap<.t th, Tht_ 01«.' 001;10" ..Jmiuble book focu",. 00 li.,.., lh..t......ile fo, ·findio¡;
hope,· My "ppro"h to hope .. " critir.1 melbodolog)' c:rn be be.t de­ "rlbed >JI " b..kv...nJ gI;on« th>t eo..t•• futu,e ,;.ion. I ",e my pro¡­ «1 .. re"'''''tiog .:loog<ide • group of ""ent l.,!> th>t h",'e .lI':llegi<>U)' di.pL.«d the Ii", ob¡"" of perfo'm.ln«. Sorne ,..lo th., repre",o' ,hi• ..pert of ,he perform.ln« .tudie. pro¡e.. iodude G,,'o'io Bun'...eeUeot .""l)"l. of the que.. perfo'm.l'i'" forre of go..ip in the prewu New York .rt world,' Jeooif.. 00)1e.I""'"rfullre.ti'" 00 lbe form.li.. ."d deform­ ing forre of .... obj«lo' io p<rform",,« ."d vi....:l .ludie>," md Fred
Moten', be"utifu! In ls", B""",, wilh ilo emph..i. 00 pro'o'idiog" 504rio¡; de""iptioo of lhe re.i.tID« oftbe objert." 1 im'oke lh"", lb"", ,..lo in m effort to ¡"",te my owo ",..)yoi. in reL.'ion 'o tbe L.rger intenJi"iplin­ .ry pro¡ert of perfonn;¡n« .ludi..,
Muñoz, Jos? Esteban. Cruising Utopia : The Then and There of Queer Futurity. New York, NY, USA: NYU Press, 2009. p 18. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/unalbog/Doc?id=10425196&ppg=18
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lh. mooern ...orlJ i•• 'hing of wonder for Bloch, who coMid." ..ton­ iromen' to l>e an import>nt phil""'l'hical moJe of con'empl>tion." In • ....y, "'.., can ••• ,hi n.. of ..toni,hIn.nt in th....orl< ofl>oth W.n.ol.nd O'H..... W",hol "' fond of nuking 'p<<<h acto wch •• •...ow· and .g••." AltOOogh thi. asp<ct of W.mol·. performance of ..If i. olten d.>cril>ed .. an in>incere p.rfornunce of ""iyet'. [in>t..d argo.llut il;'. manife....­ tion of ,he otopim f..ling th>t i. integral to much ofW",OOI'••n. 'pee<h. md writing, O·H."•• as <ven ru. , ....a1 re.de" Leno.... "'... ¡""pre.>ibly op­ l>e.t Wh.t if we thin\; of ,he.. mooe< of l>eing in ,h. world_W.mo!'. Iiking of lhingo. ru. ·w""",," and .g..... md OH".. poetry being ..to­ ",tN ""'¡th fe.ling. of fun .nd .ppred.tiou_as. moJe of u'opim f..ling bo' al", .. hope·. m.thoJology1lh;' methooology;, manif..t in ...h>t Bloch d.ocribed as • fonn of •..'oni.h«l ,ontempbtion."" Perlup. "'.., can ondmtmd the e>rnpy f..cin;¡'ion ,h.t l>oth men h>d ...i,h «I.bri')' •• being .kin lo lhi•••n.. of astoni,hmenl. W.mo!'. blo. Liz T>ylo" or O'H....·, p<rfect lribule 'o mo,h...brl.t. in the poem ·Lon. Tomer [-{.,
Collaps.d; offer, throogh glamour md astoniromen'•• kind of tran'port or • repri..... !rom ...h>t B10ch c.l1«1 the ·d",me.. of ,he li,..,d i",tm'."" A>toni.hmenl help. one ,u'Pas. ,h. Iimil.tion. of an .:li.nating pre<.nt­ n... and .:llo"'~ on. to .... dilferen' time .nd plac<o Much of .>eh .rt­ i,!'> worl< p.rfonn. ,hi••>toniohmenl in the world. O'H.... ;, con...nrly .,loni.hed by lhe cily, H. «I.b"" •• th. dly'. l>e.o'y and .....lneu, .nd in ru. worx on. on.n find, thi...n,. of astoniromen' in qoolidim thinp. O'H....•• po.m. di'Pl>r orban I.ndoc>p" of astoniohmen'. lhe qootidim ob¡.ct has ,hi...m••ff.cti,.., ch>rge in W.mo!'. ,-¡,tul ...orx. Bloch th.o­ rized th>t on. could d.tect wiro-I>ndoc.p'" in I"'inling>nd poetry." Soch I>nd.up•••xtend into the lerritory of fu'uri'y.
L.. o. hegin by con>id.ring W",ho1'. Cok, Boffk .Iongoid. O·H....'. poem ·H..-¡ng. Cok. ...ith You":
fI";"l: Q Cok< ";'h Y...
i. """n roo", fnn th." SOO's <o S.n SoN""'" 1m... H.nd.)", 8'",,'''.,.,.,_. or l>o'ng 'Kk <o rny "om><h on <h. Tr..·..... Jo Gr",," m B"..lo....
p'rtly l>oc.u.. "' your 0,,"V oh'" you look tilo • l>otl.. t..pp'" 5, Sob...t"n
p'rtly l>oc.u.. of my!ovo ro. you. p"'l)'l>oc.u.. 01" YOU' Invo lo,
y.>ghm< p'rtly l>oc.u.. 01" th. ~""re".n<0",,&' tulO!" .round <1>0 [,;,,10••
Muñoz, Jos? Esteban. Cruising Utopia : The Then and There of Queer Futurity. New York, NY, USA: NYU Press, 2009. p 19. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/unalbog/Doc?id=10425196&ppg=19
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p",tly bonu.. "",," ......9 ou, ""il....k. 00 bolo.. poopi. ",il
""u""Y .... h.ru lo boh.", w,,"o ["m wilb Y"" th" lb." e,o bo .,ylb'''l! , •
.. ooIomn •• unp.....otly dolin;...... ""oury wh", ..ght.o froo' "' .. '0 tho wm" N.w Yorl< 4 o'doek hght wo n. J ••ftmg back ",J forth l>otwooo ..eh otho. Jiko • t ... b.."h'og lbrou~ ia .poct>e....
",J ,h. port.... ohow ..."" 'o hoYo no foe.. "' " " .11, in" 1'''''' Y"" .uddonly woodo. why '0 th. world "')"Oo..... dkl ,h.m ,~,
" ynu .od I would ,,,h.. Iook " Y"" ,h.o .11 ,h. PO'"'''' '0 th.
-~ "'''1'' pO"ilily fot lb. Poi;,), 1I.i<!" "en""....t¡. .nJ .n)'W.y .... m lb.
whoch ,t..nk h• .,..", Y"" h.von', g<>no 'o y.. '" wo '''' go '08"""' ,b. fi, .. "roo
.nJ '''" f>e' tlw ynu moyo '" ....u..fuUy mo", o, ......1<0, e,.. '"
"utun.m j",' .. ,' hom. I "'... ,hiok ""h. Nud. D<ocr",j,"!. S... im>M Ol
" ...h..,..1 • >inglo d..w",S ofLooo...lo Ol Moch.t.oS'1o lb" "'o<!
'0_'" .nJ wlw g<><>d 000, .11 lb. ",..""h ",lb. Imp.....""'.". d.u lb.m
wh.o lboy o"",. g<>l th••Ogh' 1'...00 to "ond o.., ,ho t"'. wh.o th•
• uo ..ok
o. fo, lb" m.".. M.tioo M.ti,.; wh.o h. d.dn', p;ek lb. ,odo...
.. lb.ho,..
't ...m, 'h.y WO<e .H ch....d '"",roo m.""Hnu, ..po....u<o whoch •• oo! g<>ing lo go w."o<! on "" wh;eh •• why ["m tol];og Y""
.oou' ..~
Thi. poem lell. '" of • quolidiID .et, luviog • Cok< with oom.OO<ly, llut .igoifi... v..t lifeworld of qoeer ..I>'io,..lity,.n .0cryplO<! "",;,lily, ond ,olopi.. poleoli,lity. Th. quolidi.n ""t of .luriog' Coh, eoo.uming. eommoo eommotlity ""i,h • b<lovO<! ",,~h ""hom oo. ,¡,.....oc..l smil.., tmml" f..,..ti< mom.ot:l in the ru.lory of .rt Though lh. poem ¡, d • .rly .ooul lh. pr...ol, ~ i. , p ol llul ¡, o"",' «¡u",ely Ih. p»l .od io it:l quo<r "Lolion;¡lil)' promi , fulure. Th. fuo of h»;ng • Coh i•• mode
Muñoz, Jos? Esteban. Cruising Utopia : The Then and There of Queer Futurity. New York, NY, USA: NYU Press, 2009. p 20. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/unalbog/Doc?id=10425196&ppg=20
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of nhiL.r>tioo in whieh oo. vi."", .....lructuted >oc;.üty. lh. f'O"m tel'" u. th.t me... Ioe.uty i. io.ulliri.ot fot th••esth.t••pe.k.t, ""hieh «h"". Bloch'. owo .."h<tie th...,ti•• eoo«miog lhe utopi." fuoetioo of .rt. If .rt'.limit we... be.uty_.ceordiog to Bloch_it is .impl)' oot eoougll." Th. utop"" fuoctioo i. en.;¡cted by • eert;¡jo ,u'Plu. io lhe ""Ot. th.t promi.... futurit)" >om.thiog th.t i. 001 quite he.... O·H.., Iir" 10'0­ tions l>.iog ""owed by. hisll-m obj.ct before h. describ.. l>eing wowed b)' th. lovet ""ilh whom h••h.lr<•• Cok.. Her<, throogh qo...-...th.t• • rt conromplioo ."d qU""t ...I.tioo;¡jity lhe writet d'Krik> mom.o!> im­ boed wilh • fe.ling of forw.,d-d>woiog futurity.
Th••oticil"'tory iIluminuioo of «rbio ob;.el. i•• lUod of poteoti'!­ ity th.lt i. op.o. iodetermio.le, Ji.e th••!f<.cti,,,, cootoo.. of hope its<lf. Thi. illomio.tioo ",em. to <>di..e from Wnhol'. owo depictioo of Cok. ootrles. lho", .i1k ......0•• whieh I diKu" io eh.lpt.t 7••mph••ize th. product'••l)-li.h deoigo Iioe. Pot.ot;.üt)' fot Bloch i. oli.o loc.ted io th. omIDleol.!. The oro"",.ot C:Ul b. ",eo ... proto-pop ph.oomeoon Bloch W.m> w th.lt meeh.lok.! ...ptoductioo,.t first gl."... voidJIlbe or­ o.m.ouL But be th.o su¡;¡;esl. th.ll th. orn"",eotil IDd th. poI.oti>üty h•••>oc;'t•• ""ilh it ..ooot b....0 •• diteetly oppo.itionil to t«hnology Ot m;¡.. productioo." Th. philosopher proposes th. n""'pl. of. modero b.throom .. tlU••ge. nempL.ry .ile to "'" • ulopim poleotWity. th••it. ""here ooofuoctiooility ."d tot.lli.mctiorLllity m'rg<." p.n of wh.lt W..­ hol'••tud)' of th. Cok. oottl••od oIher m...-produeed obj.ct. h.lp. oo. to ",e is thi. p>rlirul.. t.o.ioo Ioelweeo fuoctiorLllity .od ooofuoelioo­ .Iity. the promi•• IDd poleotiility of th. onumeol. lo th. P¡'ilosoplry oj Aody lI'"'¡'''¡ th••ni.t mu... 00 lbe ..di..lIy d.mocf>tic pot.ot;.üty h. d.t.m io Coc.-CoI•.
WI..<'> gro" .bou' ,h;. count')';. tlu.t Amon", .Urto<! th. ".ditiun
...he", th. nch." con.umm buy ....o".!ly ,h...me thiup .. <h.
JK""""'. y"., "O he wotchins n' onJ ... Coc._Co", .nd you know
tho, <h. Pze~don' J.inh Colo, liz T'Yio. d,ink. Cnh, .00 jo" tbink.
you con d,in1< Cob. '''''' A Colo j •• Coko .nd no n' of monoy
con SO' you • hett.. Co!<o thon th. on. ,he boro on <h. co ;. Jrio'_
iog. A11 ,he Cok.. oro <h.~••00 .U th. Coko sood. Li. T.yIor
know. Ot, , ... f'r<->odont irnow. ". <h. hum !<no ". ",d you know ~••
Thi. is th. poiol ""here Wnhol'. pmieubt vernoo of lbe qu«t utop"o iropul", ero.... ovet with O'H,,,.... lhe Coke oottle is th••veryd.l)'
Muñoz, Jos? Esteban. Cruising Utopia : The Then and There of Queer Futurity. New York, NY, USA: NYU Press, 2009. p 21. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/unalbog/Doc?id=10425196&ppg=21
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Dr;¡wing' 1950s, Sríll-Lljf (Fk!J¡!er5 oollpoint il1lk OJ] Manil.l paPi![, Ui 3/4 )( 1 ¡8 in. (42...5 ); 35,:lr:m), Andy W;u-hol (arust), 1h:e Andr \ r¡¡rhol MIISI!IJILl1, Pittsburgh¡ FoulJdrng CoUediofl, ContributioJl, !he Andy \!f.lrhol Founc!ation ter the ViSLIal Am, lnc., 2.0
1M Aru:l)" W.lrhol.Follodahofl ror th hual Arb¡JARS, New York..
Muñoz, Jos? Esteban. Cruising Utopia : The Then and There of Queer Futurity. New York, NY, USA: NYU Press, 2009. p 22. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/unalbog/Doc?id=10425196&ppg=22
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nut.rW th..t i. rep",,,,oled io. differeol f..me, l.poS Nre ilo ...th.tic dim.o.ioo .od ,h. pot.ot;'ü,y ,h..t il repr"",o!s. In ~. " ..ry,by nuoife.­ t.'ioo sueh .0 object ...ould rep",,,,ol .:!i.",ted productioo .od comump­ tioo, Bu' w.,hol IDd O'HM. l>oth delect som.thing.1« io th. ob¡.<:t of • Cok. 00,,1••"d in lhe .el of drinking • Cok....ith someene. Wh..t "'.. gle.n fmm w.rhol". plUlosophy i. the uode"''''ding th.. utopi...i ... in th. quotid;'n. Both queer eulturil wooo,,, Me .bl. 'o d.t.et.., op<n­ ing .nd ind.tmni.,.ey in ...h..t for 1llID)' ¡><ople i•• locked-down d••d eommodity,
Agrnlb<n'. r..ding of Ari,totle'> D< ..... ¡"'" m",.. ,h. erueW point th..t th. oppo>~ionb<t......n poteoli.lity ..,d .etu.:lity i•••tmcturiog bin.,;'m in W.srern m'''physies.'' Unlike • po.. ibility, • ,hinS Ih..t simply might h.pp<n, • pot.nti.:lity i•• «rUin mode of nonb<ins th.1 i. eminent,. thiog Ih..t i. p",,,,ol bul 001 ;octu.:!ly ••i.ting in !he pre",nllem•. LeokinS .1. po<m wrineo in th. 1960>, [",•• e..hin polenti.:!ity, whkh.t th..t point h..d not been fully m..,ifest.d,. ",l.llio,..1 field ...he", m.n could lo.. e.eh oth.. cot.id. ,he in.litutiom of h.tem",xu;¡Ii'y ..,d oh...., • world through th.;oct of drinking. b<, ge -.vith e.eh oth... U.inS W..- hor. murlng on Coc.-CoI. io t.nd.m ilh O·H....'. word., l .... th. ¡=t and the poteoli.lity imbu.d -.vithin an ob¡ect, Ihe "'''Y' it might "'p",,,,nt • mode ofbeing and feeüns th.., ..... th.n not quite ,h.", but oooeth.le.. an op.ning, Bloch ...ould po';' Ih..t .ueh ulopi.., feeüng. CID .nd "'SU­ I.uly wi1l be di..ppointed." lh.y "'. non.th.I... in<li'p<n..bl. 'o th.;oct of im.ging tr..,,[orm.lion.
lhi. f.", of both hope ..,d utopi., ...ffecti...truetu",••nd 'p­ pm"h•• to ,h..1l.0&" ...~bin th. socW, h.. beeo prooe to di..ppoint­ m.ol, m.king tlU. eritiGOI .ppm;och diffieult, A. Bl",h ...ould imi'l, hop< e.., be di..ppointed. Bul .ueh di..ppoiolm.nt o""ds lo b< rioked if e..­ t.in imp••"'. ",e 'o b< ",.ist.d. A «rUin .ffective ",.nim.llion o""d. to trrnspire if. di..büng polilk.:! p••rlmi.m i. to b< dispbced. Anoth.. w.)' of underst.mding BI",h·. notion of hop< i. bri.fly to im-ok. the work of J. L. ....ustio, In H lo Do 1hi.g> k"h lI'<>rd, Awtin displ.c•• lhe tm./ f.:!•• dieho'orny th tmetu",. W.srern m.t;¡physics with ,h. mueh mo'" eoo,"ptu.lly supple disrinetioo b<t...e.n Ihe f.licilow ..,d infeücitco.," Austin'. 'emu Me d..i.ed fmm und.rst;¡nding the .""ryd.ly speech .ct. F.liciloWl 'p<<<h "''' .'" üngui.tie ",ticul.lliom th.., do som.tlUng .. ,..,11 •• "'J' som..hing. Bu' .. Au.tin 1Ilolp> out th. Iife of Ihe felici'ou< .pe«h .ct we "'••11 lhe lbingo th.1 " ..ntu.lly go wronS .nd th. b,ilure or inf.lie­ ity th.. i. buill inlo ,he .peeeh ;oc!. Bloch'. hopo ",so.,.t", ...~h Au.lin·.
Muñoz, Jos? Esteban. Cruising Utopia : The Then and There of Queer Futurity. New York, NY, USA: NYU Press, 2009. p 23. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/unalbog/Doc?id=10425196&ppg=23
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10 ..rod",,"'"
notion of Ihe felidtoos in<ohr .. i1 is al...aY" ....ntual1y di..ppointe<!. lhe <venltul di..ppointment ofhop< is n01 a re.son 'o fo ke it.s. critical thoo¡;h' proce.., in the ..me "'''Y thi, e..n thoo¡;h e can Imo... in .d- vanee th>, felidty of Imgoage u1linutely hite.., il is nonethele.. " ..n'w.
lhe momen' in ...hich 1 """ile ,his 1>00. the eritical im>gin>'ion is in p<riL lhe domin>nt >c.demic clim>te into which lhis 1>00. is .nempt­ ing lo intervene is dominated by. dami...1of politie>l idealism. shoot­ ing do...n otopia is an ...y mo... It is perhips e..n e..iec th>n sme>ring p.ychom.:lytic or decoIlJltructi.. re>ding p..ctice> with the clurg< of ni­ hili,m. lhe ""tiulopim critic of loo"Y Ius a well-wom w>c ch"t of post­ ..cucturali,m pi"i" al h" or his di'po..1to ,huI down lines of thoogh' thal deline..e ,he coneept of critical otopimi,m. Soci>llheory ,hit in­ vokes lbe enncept of o'ori> h>s .:lwaY" been vulne..ble 'o chirg" of n.a­ i,..tr', imp..cticality, or lock of rigor. While partidl"'ting on lbe Mooem Lang",,8' A.>oci>tion pIDeI title<! "lhe Anti-Social lh"is in Quoer lhe­ ory; 1 argued lor rep1>cing a f.llering anlice1>tiotul mooe of queec the0'Y ...ilh a queer utopiIDi,m ,hat highligh.u • cene,,""; invffiment in social theory (one Ih.lt call> on n01 only ce1>tion.ali'y bol al", futurity j. One of my en-paneli,ts ce'ponded 'o my argumen' by excWming th>t th"e w.. nothing ne... or ~ical .oou, utopi>. To ",me degree th>, is Ime, in",­ far .. l;un e>lling on. well-e..abli,he<! tradition of enlical id..ll,m. l;un al,o not inte",..e<! in. nolion of the ..die>l thal me"'Ir conno'.. ",me notion of e..",mity, righ'eousne.., or >llirm;¡tion of ne...ne... My in...,t­ menl in utop1> and bol" is my «'pon.. lo qoe" thinking thalemb""" a poll,ics of the he", and no... ,h.lt i, unoi<clined by wh>t 1 consid" to be tOOay's h.lm..mng p..gm>'ic gay agend•. Sorne «itic. woold call1hi. cryptop..gm>tic app",ach Imying with the n<gative. 1 woold no'. To oome degree thi, 1>00.', argumenl i, a "'>pon« 'o ,he polemic of the "",,­ tirelation: Allbough ,he m'irelational approach ..sisted in di.m>ntling m anticri'ica! undentmding of queer communi1y, i' non"hele.. quiclJ)' "'p1>ced the romanee of community with ,he romIDce of .ingu1>city .nd negativity. lhe venion of queer .oc1>1 ",I..ions th>t Ihi. book attempls to envi.iou is erilical of the communi,m.n as m .b",lule valoe .nd of it. n<gation as an .llemati.. a11-encompa"¡ng valne. In this "IIJI< the work of conrempo"'Y French philooopher Je>n-Luc N.ncy md his notion of "being singnl>r plural"" seems "peei>lly import>nt. For Nmcy Ihe post­ phenomenologka! <>'egory of being oingnbr plural addr..... the way in ...hich the singu1>rity Ih.lt marh ••inguLu ..i.lenee i. al"..Y" corermi­ nonsly plural_which is to."Y th...n entily re¡;i,tecs as oo,h particular
Muñoz, Jos? Esteban. Cruising Utopia : The Then and There of Queer Futurity. New York, NY, USA: NYU Press, 2009. p 24. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/unalbog/Doc?id=10425196&ppg=24
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'n''''''''''"," " in ilo dilfe",nco bot 01 ,he ..me 'ime .lw>y< ",[,'ionol to o,he, >ingolari­ ti.~ lho., if one ott.mpt> lo ",nde, lbe oolological .igtt>'o", of qo«m... lbroogh Nmey'. m'ieal opp."'to., it o«d. to he gU'l'.d •• bo,h m'irelo­ tional md relolio.w,
Anti>oeW qOe<' Ih"",i.. are impir«! by Uo Il<=ni'. book Ho"",,, in whieh he fin! theorized lb• ..,-ealle<! ,he';. of m,irolationality," ] have loog heli""d llut ,h••nti",lolionollom in qu todi•• w... I"'rtial re- _pon•• to eriticol .pproaeh•• to. mode of qo "udi... thol:ugu«l fOl lbe ",[,'ion,; .nd conting<ol volo. of "nI.Ji')' GI'egorr, Mm)' critie> h.ave fullow<d lI<=n1'••ntirebliona! 'om, hut ..gtL>bly non....oce.... ­ fully .. L... EdellIlID in hi. book No Futur<,"'] h.ave g,ut r..p'" for No ""t",,,.•nd Ede1mm'. e.m.. book otf....n odroit ,uding ofJam•• B.ld­ win'. /",t Abov< My H,ad," No Fut"", i•• brilliml md nothing .hort of in'pirins pol.mic. EdellIlID d.arly .nnoone.. hi. mode of"soment.tioo .. heing in the re.lm of th••thic.I, and Ihi. introdoeliou i. an .nticil"'tioo of o reaninute<! politiGlI critiqu••nd moold be ",ad •• m idio>yncrotic .J­ l"llimce lo lbe poIemicol forc. ofhi. :ugumen' and no,hing Iike.n ...y di.mi"'" Hi. orgom.n' md th• ..,doelive .w.y of Ihe mti",[,tion;¡1 th..¡, ener¡;ize> my :ugum.n' io key "''aY'-
y., [ nonelhel... coolend thol mo,1 of lbe wo,k with which [ di..gre. onder th. provi.ion;¡1 titl. of ".ntire[,'ion;¡llhesi," moY<o to im;¡sine an ..e.1'" o, d.nOl.meemeol of relatiou.Ii'y .. ti..t .nd for.most. di,t.ne­ inS of qo...m... from wlut ..,m. theo,i.t. ,..m to think of .. lbe coo­
bmiru'ion of rae., g.nd.., o, oth.. portiru!arilie> llut toint th. pori')' of ..,ruality •• o .ingolar 'rope of ditf.",nce. In oth.. wo,ds, m'irelational .pproaeh•• lo qo«' th""'Y ..e rom;¡nee. of th. neg.>'i''', wi,hfuI thin\;­ ing, md im,,"meot> in d.fming v..ioo. dreolIlJl of dilf.",nce.
To sorne .>ten' C",jji"t Utopia is o pol.mic tha, "SO" .sain'l .nti­ ",btionality by insi"ing 00 th•••..,n'iol o«d fur m ond.n!mding of qo..me.. o. collectivity,] ""pond to Edelm;¡n'....enion th.. ,he futore i. the previnee of ,h. ehild md lberolore not lor the qo«r> by :uguing t1ut qoeem... i. p'inurily oboot futo,ity .nd hope, 'Ih.t i. lo ..y ,lut qo..me.. is .Jw.y> in th. horiron. ] cont.nd thol if qo«me.. i. 'o h.ave myvalu. wlulooe,,,,. it mo.t be ,-;ewed •• heiog ,-;.ibl. only in th. hori­ ron. My orgomen' i. ,h.",fo", ioler..led in eritiqoing ,h. ontologiGlI e..­ titud. ,lull ond...bnd lo he portn.r«! wilh ,he politic> of p,e..,nli'l and progrnotie cont.mporary soy ident~y. Thi. modo of oolologieal certilode i. olten "'p",..,n'ed 'hroogh • .,..",'ion of di..pp.....nce md negativity t1ut boil. down to .noth.. sam. of fort-d•.
Muñoz, Jos? Esteban. Cruising Utopia : The Then and There of Queer Futurity. New York, NY, USA: NYU Press, 2009. p 25. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/unalbog/Doc?id=10425196&ppg=25
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Wh.l then doe> • Bloch"n .pp......h off.. in>le.d of • I""""rful enli­ ul impuae tow.ro ne¡;ationl Bloch found roIid groundJI for. critique of • tolilizing and .,.tur>liliog ide. of tI>< p.....nt in hh con«pl of th. no­ long<r-con>dous." A tum to th. no-looger-coflJlciou••nabled. critic.1 h.rm.n.utics .ttun.d to compreheoding th. not-)...-h lhis lempor>1 ulcuhu p<rformed .nd utiliud the ¡=t .nd th. future rmam.nt. to comb.t th. dev..t..ing lngic of th. world of lbe he ... and now,' oolion of nothing •.ri>ling ouhid. th. 'phere of th. curreol mom.nt,' venion of reality th;¡t .,.tor>liu. coltoral logics .uch .. c.pit.liom .nd heleronor­ nutivity, Coocomitmcl)', Bloch .:Iso '¡'.rpens our critical inugin;¡tion with his .mp¡"'i. on hop<, An anliotopian mighl uod."land him..lf .. 1><­ ing critic.1 in ...¡.eting hop<, bot in lhe ru.h lo d.noune< it, h. wou1d 1>< mi..ing th. point th.>.t hopo i••p.wne<! of • critic.1 io.."m.nt io utop", which i. oothiog liu naiv< boto in.le.d, profooodly ....i.tmt to th••lulti­ fying t.mporillogie of. broun-down p.....nt.!>Iy tom to Bloch, hupe, md utopi. i•• ch.l1eoge to th<oretical inught> th.. h.ve been .tonte<! by th. lull of p.....ntn and v.riou. rommeo. of neg.tivity md ha>" tbu. I><come routioe and souodingly .ntieritie.:l, lhis .ntiutopim tl><or<tic.1 fallenog i. ofien nothin¡; more than rote invoc..ion of pool>lrudor>li.l pi­ ..i... lhe critical pr>dic.. oneo summ.nre<! .. po<l>truetor>liom inform my .nalysi... moch •• any oth.. soureo from which [ dr_. lh. ,or...di,,, 1wi'¡' lo mlle by tornin¡; to otopi. is .truoe<! lo E.. Koso&ky SedS"'ick'. rntiqo. of tbe "")' in whirh paranoid re.ding pOlctic.. h.ve I><come.o n.arly .ulom.>tic in qu",r >lodi•• lh.>.t th.y h.>..., in mID)' ""Y", e<..e<! to 1>< critiuP' Antiutop"n;'m in queer "udi.., whirh i. more oneo th;¡n not inlertwin.d Ioilh IDti.....tio.,.lil)·. h.. le<! mmy schul", lo .n imp.... wh<rein they cmool ... fulurity for the lif. of th.m," Utopim ....dings .... aligned witb wh.>.t S<dS"'ick woold c.11 "'I"'rative bermeoeutics."
Althoogh Cruüi"~ uropi" routin.ly ...¡«t. wh;¡t [descnb•••• "eon';n romaneo of oegativity,' [ do no! "'IDllo di.mi.. lhe oegati," tO"t ,,,",t. In­ deed [ find somo theon•• of th. neg.tive lo b. importIDl ...sourc•• for th. thioking of. critic.1 otopimi.m. Fur ...mple, P.oIo Vtmo e1egIDtly d.­ scnbe. th. n.g:otion of th. n.g:otion in Multit"d" BdwWl I"""",/icn"nd N'X"tio". Vimo r""isl> .n oppo1ilion.:l logic th.l doud. «ruin deploy­ meol> of oegati,ity~ md in.le.d 'p<.ks to wh.>.l h. ull•• n.g:olion th.. fonction "mod.lit)· of th. po..ibl.;"....gre..ioo to th. infinit• ."" Vimo pot.nti>lity in neg.tive ..recl. th.. CID be ...,¡,.ped by oega- tion .nd m.de lo worl< io lh...",ice of en;octing. mooe of critic.1 po'­ .ibility. \fimo'. lb",,')' of tbe neg.tion of negatioo prooudil'ely Iines up
Muñoz, Jos? Esteban. Cruising Utopia : The Then and There of Queer Futurity. New York, NY, USA: NYU Press, 2009. p 26. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/unalbog/Doc?id=10425196&ppg=26
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'n''''''''''"," n
wilh ShoYlm. F.lmm'. th...,ry of ..dic.1 neg>tivity: "R>dicil neg.>'i';ly (or ..ying 'no') belongs n.ilh.. lo n.goo'ion, nor lo oppo.ition nor lo co,­ ""tion ('nornuli""ion'), no, lo conlr><!irtion (of ponli'" md n<g.>tiv<, nornul.nd .bnorm.I, '..riou' .nd 'un••no",: 'r1..ity' :rnd 'obKurity')_ ~ belongs p""i••ly lo ,,,,nd.:l: lo ,h. ,,,,nd.:l of lh.;, nonopporition.·'" Agooin, my '<gum.nt with ,h. "leb..tion of n<g.tion in :rnlireL.tio.w qu... critiqu. is it. ¡=Iicip..ion in wh.t cm only be ...n ••• hin;¡ry logic of opposition. R>diul n'g.>livi')', like ,h. n'g.>lion of negoolion, off... us. modo of undersr:rnding n'g.>livily th.. is .t..k1y dilf.renl f,om Ih. ,,,,<>ion of ,h. n.goo'i'''' propos<d by Ihe qu... , mtireL.lioni... He.. th. n<g.tive b<-com•• Ih. r<sour« for • «n.,in mode of qu"", ulopimi.m.
Once .gooin Ilum lo • lit.",y eLlmple wi,h Ih. hopo of d..cribing !he p<rfomutiv< forc. of th.1 pmirubr qu...r u'ori:rn writing proj.ct, A p.a· graph from Eil«n Myl.... eIlr..,rdinary memoir of coming into qu... conociou.ne" in ,he 1%0> .nd '70. i. esp..i.:lly ..Ii.nt fo, my purpos.., C¡"'¡"'a Girl, is. rib..ld tnl foil of fucking. d'inking, md olbe, mod•• of pot.nl;'!ly lyric.J ..lf-d""lruction. N... ,he .nd of thi. I••l"".nl lo lhe .chin¡; m><!ne.. of l<oh;'n d""-'re, • !"""",rful yet diminiohed figure hriefly ent." lh. fram•. At tlli. poinl the young poe' h.s b<com. th. pm·time ",rel.l<.. fo, lh. gre.. qu... voic. of th. New York School of poelry_ J"""" Schuyler, !>Iyl•••nended to ,h. oId .nd infirm«! Schuyl.. iu hi. rerid.n'i.J room" th. legend.ry del••• Hotel.
From h.. bod h. "O th. '¡'ow. 1<'>. ''¡.n'. r.w pooplo ll<now h.v., mo>tly Scorp"", ",,'''eh he "" Yoo"" bo h.......ogly ",";og Y"'"
>10,Y, o, I;k•• ""''''''O eh" , runoiog np,t io whon you """,.,od
<h. lons wh..-f Y"" ,.... "kiog • ,ho" no> on, hi, oboo w., no<
<h.... l' "".. hopo"'''' 1ho yollow.n h.. "",m Iio<" h"sh"'. th•••, Iio<.mo erinkl¡<- Y"'" th""'t Iio<..... f"IThed-you fok Y"" h.J umply
Iio<orno • jo<l<. 11,. p.....oce of 1;;, .tt.mion w.. '" "mng, '" ....ply
f","yo-oueh. thinS 'o "'th. Y"'" tioy ....po",. w.",1< m <hol wh.n
" w.. Son. you h.J 'o ""p .nJ """,,, in "lenco .g.o'n. Th.n 1;. m'gh' bogin, '" ped..p" you eould eorn. up w"h ",m"hiog .1.. ooc. ,he
"".tt"'o.... <h. voiJ pmod. You h.J 'o "'1 ~lont fo, • ""1 long timo
",mod.)"'. H. w.. I;k. m","e, Jimmy W". ",J Y"" h.J 'o ... liko mu""
loo to ... wi<h him, bu, uocio.."nJ ;0 hi. room h. "".. cooduelo,. H. Ji"",od ,h. yollow .j, 'n room 61.1. lt w.. "..,...Iou. to <>UnJ.
1, w.. hug• ."d imf"";'" Wh m.'U" io <h. ~"'OC. w """'S
p;rt.....,mo", .100 'o •ehnJ "" utiful .n.....l."
Muñoz, Jos? Esteban. Cruising Utopia : The Then and There of Queer Futurity. New York, NY, USA: NYU Press, 2009. p 27. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/unalbog/Doc?id=10425196&ppg=27
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In th. >pi'it of th. munte<pol.mic.J " "ve th.t thi. introJuetion h.. be.o t.king I "'nlt to .ug¡;eot tlu.t tru. p g. eoold be n •• ,ep,e..nt- ing.n .nti-nltireÍ>tion;¡lity th.t is bolh weinlly rep tive nld • prime .nmpl. of lhe quee, otopimi.m for ",rueh I >JII ..guing. Anti-mtioto- pi.nism i•• ph, th.t I borrow from Fredrie J.m..on md ind.. ",h.n nurking this I"' g. in M)1eo ...nti-nltireÍ>ti"""L" Anti-.ntiutopimi.m is not .I>oot • me<ely .tIlrnl1tive o, p<»ilive inveotm.nt in utop;'. G.y .nd I..bim .tudi.. <>n too ...ily .,...p into the b..k.lly ,e>etiorw-y po"ure of d.noondng. etitic.l inugüution tlu.t i. not locud down by ••ho,t­ .ight.d d.n;,1 of mytrung but th. h.re md now of thi. mom.n!. Thi. i. th. mtiotopim .tmce th.t eh...eteri... the .ntireÍ>tiorul tum. Th. prime ">JIIpl.. of qu«, nltireÍ>tion;¡Jity in Ile.....ni'. H"",,,,. Ed.lnun·. No F"_ 11m, .nd .11 th. othe< propon.n!> of thi, rum io qu«r eritid.m M< oc.n.. of ¡oui...nce, whieh.re .1",..)'1 d.ocribed ...lu.nering orgumie "'pture. ol1en ••><><:;'ted ",ilh &,). nuI...ru.J .bnldon '" ",U-.tyl.d ,ioky beh,,'­ OOr. !>l>ybe th. be.t.nmpl. of m nlti-mtirebtio"'¡ oc.n. th.t I eould in­ volre woold be mothe< .peet1CuÍ>r io".nce of ..ru1l t",ugre";oo. Th. mom.nt. o[ pomog...phíc mmmu"'¡ ...ptore in S>JIIoel D.Í>ny'. w<rl mm. m...t imm.di.tel)' to mind." But inst••d [ eh""", to focw on thi. reÍ>ti<>n>lline betweeo. yoong wrut.le"';'n nld >n olde< 8"y white nun be",o", it d"", the kind of cro"ing tlu.t mtirebtion1l theori"••re 50 Ire.n on ..ehewing '" ignoring.
Myl.. i. poo to t.le CM< of Schoyler. 00 lhe level o[ politie1l econom)' this rel.tion.hip i, ...y to .«ount for. Bot if "''' think of D.l.ny'. dl1mpi­ oning of inte<d... conl1ct ",i!hin ...rvice econ0"'Y md th••IRcti...u,­ plo. it off.... the I"""ge "P.n. 0P quite h..utifolly.-" Th. younger poet not.....0« of·OOl"'l.."'.... ""d feeling lilre • j.rt ...he ",ort. to t.1re ur. of th. oIder nun. wb"", .n.ntion """,es md ",..ne>. Th. ,eÍ>tion;¡Jit), i, not .ooot .impl. positivity '" .ffimution. [t i. 1iI1ed witb .U .on> of b..J feelings, momenl:l of .i1.nee .nd hrinlen.... But b<yond th. void tlut ...nd. h.t"".n th. hvo poet., lhere i••omcthing el.., • ,"rplo. tlut i. mmife.t in th. eomplezity of tb.ir momenl> of eonl1et. Through qootid­ ;,n ..rvice-ecoo0"'Y inte..ctiottJI o[ eare md .impl. mn'''.....tion lhe ",li­ tuy ocen. o[ m old mm .nd his yoong ."¡,,;mt i. t",,,form.d. A ,hytbm th.t i. no! .impl. rebtionility o, routin••ntirebtiorulity i. ewbli,¡,.d Thi. ¡, th. mWlk tlu.t i. Jimmy, tru, i. lhe mu.k o[ Eileen, this i. the bum of tb.irconl1ct. This i. Jimm)' directing "th. )'ellow >.i, in room 625." Jt i. ful«n ",.tehing, Ii.tening. Jt i.th...n", of mntempbtíve >we tlu.t I Iu.,,, id.ntified in W"OOI'. ·wo"";md OH". nunk opb..t poetic ",d.n«.
Muñoz, Jos? Esteban. Cruising Utopia : The Then and There of Queer Futurity. New York, NY, USA: NYU Press, 2009. p 28. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/unalbog/Doc?id=10425196&ppg=28
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Jt ¡, th. mood of ..ceplion in which B1och..l<. o. ro pmicil"'t•. It ¡, th. boing >ingo!.r pluul of qu..m= tt i. lil<. th. udic.l neg.tivity tlut Sho­ .!un> F.lmm imul<.. when trying to d.ocribe th. bilo.. tlut i. intrirulle in J. l. Austin'. m"l'ping nf the perfo'm>'i'''. lber. ¡,. b.",ming OOth mim>! md chilJ ,lut Myleo ul'im>t.ly gliml"'" in m infirm.d Scho)ier, In this p....SO we ... the .nticip.'ory iIlumin>tion of th. otop"n (ID­ coling ,h. relentleo••hado"" p")' of ab",nce mJ p,,,,.nce on whkh th. m'irelabonal th.,i, ''''!>. lb••!f<.cti,.. 'one of thi, !"""SO ligh!> th. ,..)' to th. rep>..ti"",
lbi, book Iu, b..n ,.,in.n in nolhing hke • vacoom, t luve w<in.n ooid. lttIDy b.1o>..d ",ll.bouto,., interlocutor" IDd ",m..d••. And ""hil. ,h.", f,i<nd, h.ve be.n • ",orc. of prop";,ion fu, m., they Iuve .rp.."ed qoallIlJl ,000' ",m. of the ,h""..tle.1 mov.. I nul<. in C"'io;ng Vlopi", Fo, ...mpl., ",me fri<nJ. ha>.. »I<.d m. why I Iu,.. cho",n to ",u,k ",,~h th. mo.. eccentrk c"'P0' of Bloch and no' l!<nj.min'. mo.. f"",ili.. ule. on tim., hi,tory, or lo", 1 h.ve .¡,., b..n >Sked bo"" [ coold tom 'o • 'eot .uch •• MmWl" Ero. ""d Civil;:"""" .~.. "lichel Fonc.nlt f"",oo.ly critiqu.d tlut ,...,rk in Hiotory 01 Su,ual;ty, rol.m, l. One ...<le, of m earli.. draft ..p..,,,,d ",ncem t1ut I tale time to ulk .bout Bloch
in th. ",nt..t of M.....n 'OOngh' but do no' ",nt.xtoali", Heidegge, in ,e1>tion to Nni.m. [ h".. no' Iud my simpl. o, di..et ;ms",..,. fo, th",. tbooghtfol ...<le ... lb.i, concem, h.ve m.J. m••"'.... of. need to fu,­ th...itn>t. ,hi. pmj.et, 1 Iu,....,i,ted Foucault .nd ll<nj.min bec.us.
th.ir thought h.. b..n well mined in th. fielJ ofqo.., critiqo., 50 moch.o tlutth..e two thinh,' I"'radiglIlJl n",," fe.1 .Im",t uilo,-mad. fo, qo." ,todi••. [ h... w>nt.d 'o look to oth.. >i'« of theorrtkallracbon. Bloch "'.., not.d .. not boing .'pec"lly progre"ive ,000' g.nder md '.%n>li')', H.idegger '.....nto.1 I"'litle.llum w» of ",one horrilic, .nd I\l>rco",'. im;,tence on .",wedl)' ~beutioni.t ,hetorle nuy ...m hk. 5Om.thing of • throwb.ack, A bi'ly ob>'¡on< ,e>ding of Fooc>olt'o "'iting on th. "P"'­ ,i,.. hypo,heri." ",uold perc.ive ~ ... di..et ""1"''''' to Ero. a..d Civj~_
<ation. Al'OOngh Mmuo" ve ..ion of mrpln< ..p""ion m.y pct.nlially nuke reprohe"';on the Iu.k con,tilulive elem.nt fo, thinking .oont "", it non.th.I... offe" • libo..tioni...nd critic>1ly utopiID ,ale on .ubjuga­ tion, M:lITlll< mJ H.idegge' ",..,e not ..dle.lhomo"'....¡, lil<. Fouc>olt o, mmantk melancholico lih l!<nj>min, with whom qu..,. tod.y c>n .";1)' i<lentify, but m)' tom to • cert.in modality of "l>,%im mJ phenom­ .nologic>ltOOught i. calibut.d to offer n."" thooght im>geo fo, qo.., cri­ tiqu., dilfe ..n' p.tho ro qo••me...
Muñoz, Jos? Esteban. Cruising Utopia : The Then and There of Queer Futurity. New York, NY, USA: NYU Press, 2009. p 29. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/unalbog/Doc?id=10425196&ppg=29
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U, me momenl.nly le.ve 810eh .ude md io>te.d Ioc>k lo the prob­ lenutic figur« of /turcu.e md hi. onelime meo'or Heidegger. My iote"," in their work (md 81oeh·., for thil m....r) pivols from ,heir ",I.lioo.hip
to ,he tndilioo of G.,mID iduli.m. "urcu..'. M.ru.m sought ou, • phil­ osophic;o1 coocreten«. ,hit, io. provi.io",,1 f..hion, ",soo.le<! wilh phe­ oomenolog)' .od 'p«ilic.Uy ""ilh the iote"," of!he Heidegger of Bti"t "nrl TI"", in purruioS' cOfIcrete philosophy, Bo,h >1"';0. of thought "'­ ;'<te<! Germm ide.Ii",,'.lurn 'o ."'tractiou..,d inmrdne... 80Ih cra,..d • p,,<tic.l philosophy ,hit d<>eribed ,he ""orld in hi'loric.Uy ...:tieot f..hion, "brcu.. 'urned to Heidegger ... philosoplúc;o1 iorlueo« .od • sourc. durios wh.1 ""•• deocriW .. ,he cri';. io "b,,;,m io Gemuo)' duriog ,he 1920.. Al th.1 poinl • mode of scieoti"" domi""ted M".;'m ..,d led '0.0 .0tiphilosophk;o1 md mechioi.tic .pprmch to /tuno /tbr­ ru...od Heidegger'. ",blioo.hip bmou.1y f.:l..r<d •• /turcu.. joioed ,he F"okfurt 5<hoc>l."d Heidegger e..o'u.:lly joine<! ,he Nui P..ty 00 /tU)' 1, 1933, Ai!hough we c.o no"" look .t 1928'. Bá"t and TI..., ."d loe.te phil=phic.l modelo th.. "'..,'" I"'rlup...eo theo politic.lly righ,-wing, it i> p"'ci..ly ,hi> ",l.ltion;¡J ."d politic;o1 ¡'jlu« 0fI wlúch I nooethele.. ",,:m' to ffi.,..,Il, /t!Mcu...."" io Heidegger. ontology. oew route to bet­ te< d<>e"be hum:m ru"ence. He w.. !:Iken with hi. mentor. oo'ion of hiuo"city .nd ""hil it eould potenti.Jly do fu, whit ",... then. /tuni"" in du,,,,.. Much 1.ler, M.,.", 1844 nunoscripl> "'..,'" diocove",d, .nd the eoncrele phil"",!,hic>! .ppro>eh unde"lood •• hi.loric>! nuteri:ili.m be­ e:une fully m:mif",t M:ln:u.. looked b:ock md ",.:lized thi, ,he phenom­ eoologic.1 .."ion of hi.loridl)· w.. not oec"s:u-y, A1thoogb I too hive • gre.. disd.in fo< wh.t Heidegger'. w"ting b.,:une, I none!hele.. look on it .. f:rilo'" ""o<th kno""ing,. polenli.1 th.1 blt.,e<! bot e." be nonethe­ le.. """,rhd in ,he .e"ice of. <!iff.",nt politia..,d unde"I:m<!ing of the world. lhe que.. utopi.ni>m I :un «pou.inS ""ould ",..,n look Nek on HeideSS",'. notioo of fuluri'y in Bá,,!: "nJ TI"", md "l:Ich ilself to "p«t. of ,h.t theo')' of ..mporali'y. lo Heidegger. vmion of hi,toric­ ity, hi.loric.l eu"ence in lhe p..1 .Il"",..,d fu, mb;eels to .<t with • mind tow:ud "fulure po»ibiliti..: lhu>, futurity becom.. hi.to')". dominIDt principie. lo ••imil.,. r..lúon I ,hink of queeme..... temporal :u-..nge­ menl in wlúch the 1"''' i•• rield uf po..ibility in which mb;'<I. e.n :oct in the pr"",nt in the ..,,;« of. ne"" fulurily. lo my th..i. ultim,"ly eo,­ ruple<! bec.o.. i' find. sorne kiod uf hi.torie.1 r«OnIDce ""ith lhe no"" polilic;o1I)' "'p",heo.ible Heidegg..? Re.de ... c.n cle..1y glimpse the t"ce of /t!Mcu.... ",noooce<! menlor io bi. 1>t.. ""rilins. md ind~ th.:o,
Muñoz, Jos? Esteban. Cruising Utopia : The Then and There of Queer Futurity. New York, NY, USA: NYU Press, 2009. p 30. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/unalbog/Doc?id=10425196&ppg=30
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'o,'''''''''"'" " problem.lic influence i. pm of lhe lhemetical force ofhi. le~ philooophy, To da,," from .uch ",urce••nd u!linutely m.ke them .en.., moth.. proj­ «t, ooe th., lhe .uloo, hirmelf would h>ve quickly denounced, ••"ve< .. • crilicaleng:ogement_crilique .. willfu! di>loy.lty lo the m.uter, Heide­ gge, ¡, therrtore oo! lhe lheoretical pro'.goni" of my ;orgumeol; more oe..-!y, he i. an opporlunity .nd occ";oo to think qu...me.. or qu...rly, Heidegger i. then philo"'phk.1 m..ler IDd .bj..l politi..1f>ilu"" lhu., we the the"",tic of virluoUly >nd f"¡lu,e th., [ d"",rib. in ch.pter 10 .. qu m..... m)'.
Thinking heyond the moment and .g:oinst .blic hi.tofid."" i•• proj­ «t ,h.t i. d...p!y .ymp.lhetic lo Judith H.lbe"bm'. wmk on qu..., tem­ porality'. ",I>tion to .p.li.lity, m",t immedi>te!y the notioo of .lraight time. lt al", dr>w. 00 Carl> Fr....ro'. notion of f>ntmn.'ic hi.torioga­ ph)', Eliz.beth F,ee"",n'. thoory of tempor>! dag. C.rol)'n Dim!uw'. 'p­ pro>ch to "louching ,he p..l; G.)-a'ri Gopin;o,h'. lheorizing of ,he time md pl>ce of queer di..pora .. an "impo..ible d«i",,' IDd JiU OOl>,Ú wo,k on lhe utopim io perform>n..." Aloog lh"", line., a1'hough ,hi. wril­ ing proj ..t i. not .lm)" e.plidtly .ooul ",ce, ic do<. oh.... much poIiti­ ..1urgeocy ,,"ilh • vib,:m' li.. of ochol"" wo,king 00 the p..-tirul.nlie. of qu.." of colo, .nd lhei, poIiti..." 1!uve .pent """,e time .rguing .&""'t lhe mti",blion.1 m",.., io que.. lheory, Quee, femini.. and queer of colo, critique••'" lhe I"""..,rful count..",..,ighl 'o ,he an'irebtional, 1.il""te my worl< "Ju....I)· io '00" qu.rte".
Cert:linly L.uren Il<rl>nú wotl< on the poIitic. of .ffert io public life !U. h>d. otrueturing influen.. on ,hi. projeet. In. [994 ....y, titled "'68 O< Something; ll<rlan' ..pbinerl lhe miel". pro;"t in • m)' t!ut =o­
""te. with much of lhe po",..,rful wtiling th.l hu foll"",ed i': "Thi.....y i. wtinen in f""o, of ",fu.ing 'o l«m the le.",", of hi.lory, of ,efu'ing lo ",lioquioh u'opi:rn p"'eti.., of ",fu.ing ,he .p¡=ent!y ioevit.ble m","­ ment from lragedy to fme th.l ¡,., nurked '" much of lhe .n.!y.i. of sociol movemen" gene...'ed p"'t '68."" The ",f=1 of empirid.t hi'loti­ ogt-aphy>nd il> denouo«meol of utopian looging ¡,." heen >n imporl>nl roe fur thi. pro;'et.ll<rlan". in,i.tence on ,he ",fU»! of oo<"",til.., .ffect remiod. me of ,he Gr«' Refu,>! fo, which 1>l>rru>e ",lled re"" e.,¡¡er, C",i>i"~ Utopi<l i•• criti..1 mo.. t!u, h.. heen forged in re!.tion to the wotl< of Il<rlan' and oth.. ocho!." wilh whom 1 h... h.d ,he huury lo worl< under the b>nner of the Public Feeling. Group." lIut thooretic>! proj..l h.. h.d.n importIDt .eli,;.t compooeol thIDks to tbe inspired worl< of tbe Chic.go F...l T:mk." The very id.. th.l "'.., <>n e..n ",nture
Muñoz, Jos? Esteban. Cruising Utopia : The Then and There of Queer Futurity. New York, NY, USA: NYU Press, 2009. p 31. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/unalbog/Doc?id=10425196&ppg=31
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to fe<l utopi." io the he,e ."d O""" h>. l>eeo oouri.hed thmosf¡ rny fu,tu­ o.te ...oci.lioo w~h th;. eoliegiol eohorl.
Ullim>tely. this book otren. theory of que", futurity th>t i••oeoti,.., to the I""t fu, the purpo'" of critiquing • p.....ot. Thi. mode of queer critique dep<od. 00 critic,1 pu<tic'" th>t su", off the f.Jlur.. of im>gin>­ tion th>t [ uodem.nd ...oti...blion,]ity ."d ."tiutopwu.rn io queer cri­ tique. The mode of ·cruioiog· fur which thi. book c,]¡" i. out on1y or "'..,0
prinurily ·cmi'iog for sex: [ do se< .n unllmited poIentiility io .<tu.1 queer .n, but books of critiei.m th>t >imply gbmoriu the ontology of g:oy m.le cmi.iog .... mo oneo th>n nol ,imp1y boriog, [o this book [ do ooo",hele.. di.till:«>me 1 theoretie.1 eoergy fmm hi,toric,] >ccouot.
of fueking ."d utopi•••ueh .. Joho Giorno'. ;Oum;¡J. (ch>pter 2) .od s"muel Debny '. memoir. TIt, Moti"" 01 Light .nd 1V~k'r (ch>pter 3). 1h.lt m»' h>ve .omethiog to wilb the historie>! textu... lb"", tezto pmvide. 10­ dee<! thi, book ••u ooe to cmise the fie1<h of the ,;.",,1 ."d oot '" vi,u.1 in m etrorl to se< io lbe mticip.tory iIlumin>tion of lbe utopim. lf... indie>ted by the f>moUJI quot.lion fmm Ose., Wi1de th.t .pp<.rs io the epiguph. ", m>p of the world th>t d"". oot iodude Utopi. i. not w",th gI;oocing .t; theo .!feclive >ud cogoili,.e m.!"" of the world th>t • criti­ c']I)' que<, utopiooi"" C>rl c....te. m>p' tlu.t do indude utopio, need to b< ..teoded to in • r...hion th.t iodeecl .....mble> • kind of politicizecl enil.­ ing. [n the pl>ce of ",,,iou. exlu.ustecl theoretic.J .tme.. Cru;,i"!: V/opio oot on1y cl. ,..den to recomide, ide...uch .. hop< .od utopi. but .L.o clu.lIenge> them to feel hop< md to fe<1 utopio. whieh is to ")' clu.llenge. them to .ppm"h the que", critique fmm ....newecl md newly mim.ted ..n.. of the sociol. « ...fully crui.ing fo< the nri<d poleoli,]ilies th.t m»' .bound wilhio tlu.t ¡¡<Id.
Muñoz, Jos? Esteban. Cruising Utopia : The Then and There of Queer Futurity. New York, NY, USA: NYU Press, 2009. p 32. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/unalbog/Doc?id=10425196&ppg=32
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Uropian Hermeneutic5 in ¡he Fau o/ Coy Pragmatism
I HG IN TH IS eh.pI" on futurity .nd a d",¡.. tlu! ¡. utopi.n by lum­ ing to " 'e:>l from lh. p..'_mo.. 'pedfic.lly, lo lh"". worW
