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Crystal River News. (Crystal River, FL) 1895-02-22 [p...

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22J 1895 D 1 i- tW t lItI- ln 1 I- it n Orj i d ttf Uj- I H MES n I1A FJ a a re t S 4 a PltAXKa rbOmDj- UJMI WISE AWD OTHERWISE l OveraiU Bonds Pace has returned of San Mateo auvlilt to Salauraa flights Monday la tho city Tuesday lidrry one of Pomonas mos- tJKKWiBSItroad tills week on official one of Pomona- si opulariypung was n tho city rflra iQ the carriage maker Is Jl shop erected aL the corner of ad streets bergs residence on Front the bands of the painter Fair glassblowers who lav een forth in the Morfgn- ejpM tho post week left Monday Augustine brm ilurday whcrq ho has been to a dynamo for his electric njffi Herpers of Newark N J AA M f ftbjP t We acknowledge a pleasant 5 IjE J H Harrlsonof Crescent City the city Tuesday on to where he will re some i time- r sn nfflf L A Fisk and family of Chi r trr tbaMr Fisk has purchased 1 msEilhw his future home r- frWtffi 0 B Qnblnson who tormerly Palatka passed through th- eM f Monday en route to Gainesville on the Ledger We Acknowledge a pleasant call v i E Bonds zoological collection Is It posed of an owl rabbit redbird and a large catamount or American ly Orange Bloom on Lemon street U and most popular place in FirsVclass tare at reason Arete- sThepalatka Beet Company received hog Monday 408 pounds dressed Wb bog was raleed Harts Palatka S A F slga painter was In the city last week painting an on he side of H E Stewart 4r itqre- I ffho bod n sidewalks in front of Vt e Shelley property Lemon street been torn up preparatory sidewalk B Maull formerly of this city butj pow cottnocted with the Ledger Qalnesvllle was In tho city- Jtoiiday hakintr hands with his many ifrfends1 i fc BJ jj waves fibUl a Summer Haven- Wl2bUrijb4 tothe ground Saturday IgWEs oj MattT ylorof tins city hDj man passedthrough- al with hU bride en u Jrleanj Mr Crogh if- iynpi6otior this time n g dropped him ij S tlnfor nnately w are not oc TilE Tntwd HEnALD 1 ii r llJlJP- Ar fED W hPttahljnit9 kalbtry I edlr lre nted rw f ItS UJqe L n i l i Stanton 4 a profes- S u l1j1t lwer one of ComOs old i1lL vlslted tho city ndJtc J an went down T ron 1 I l 1r Rt V Powehelurocd iron the J t a visitor to Is In l 1 c sd I the city are pleased In Putnam county and will n is now com I The tnG tlo tea to City e hed o place 9Ppo JlO r f h G aLL c o n to ptac- r ltcrete i n W f guests evtrvthtnItlncI t f4f 0 i l his old TIMES e httullv l ztbUI a1itirll t I mom If xpellent and Irb to fay that is t f Jn e con lith nth r- iJ t j f IDc- R II J t- I i g IAIINfi jI- i j Iw j i tr mm III We l YIAU I n- JI I r L n C rt Iv r i I886- 11Jellk t4 Shine due s rata e pa abia- n s Dm rQ eI tscpd l o- tt e breYDr- gi yTltliCe UEItALL COMI Y kk afa reg rutnt- wtl Brotherhood front Flottda Bo W was 4o c1 Dlouda- ytGeoiE Welch made petot wail it cltlzens M the J n e moat tr son atlyn nlf a tj Lemon eoo have tt nicely coated r Worlds for oitt new vDi a- re winter I ii swap Ala ms agoras 13 i being on arged dally I the blo lI r r Allah 1 and were the- e antsy dhd lost n cash Lrogban a wellkbown and p0 Is gave ey y t c Q to look up UEwt 3d but thou aq a tecI with 1 she mpble ladyheneelTnE- u 1a sure A partl- aMsrJd flonorstiVodda Fair CREAM i PERrECT MADE V tT Tatar Nolada ihw- t Aruiaua sham w Nay etlrr adaitseaat- to a > > ¬ < < > < < > > < = < + > lift u Avery i Lovejoy Georgia Spring Medicine Hoods Sarsaparllln Just Right 111 am happy to state that I tin convinced li the that I have ever taken Last spring I was completely worn out I Had No Strength to do anything The last work I did much I cam and health strength appetite clear eyesight were partlla medicines but found no relief nn tU I a lair trial I am convinced It is superior to all others The good it did me tble H Georgia Hoods are purely vegetable and do tot purge pkln or gripe Brotherhood Overalls at S E Bonds Dont forget that G Paul Smith Willard Gorton the eminent Impersonators appear In Palatka for the last time season at the Putnam House Tues evening at new and unique program will be given under be auspices of the Ladles Guild of St Marks Church and no doubt will b- argely these young actors trained quite a popularity this city Dress ITaklng Establishment Miss Flora Paddock may now b- tret Market a more complete line of Art Goods Follet the complexion Dressmaking Supplies etc to order taken for Delsarto ntid Dr Nlchols Corsets General agent for the new Dress Chart A dressmaker li connection Articles sold commission fe23tf for Ladles Switches Balr In all forms will receive attention if left with Miss P JDOCK Any shade 294 Mr John Copcuttof N grandfather of Mrs Gov F Peek at his home last Friday 00 The Interment took place Tuesday The sympathy of is extended Mrs Peek Wkeo she Was aCblU she cried CaitorU mil she became Ula ibe cling to CaatorU- Whea she bAd ttSldreo abe gave them OuforU 8 A Baker of wa- n town on brislnbss Monday He in ormsui that business good and be dont Intend to Uimber In Ho has recently made a large sale lumber In Tampa close another contra tr a ieifdayi list of UBclilmtsdleUero Remaining In lhoPoBM fflJ at Pa nlkn fla for tho wfietf ending Feb 151685s HB AS cBnettTD Black lortle N N Brown M J Johnson W ss W Jack Livingston H McCutcheo JJ Miller Scott even HI Mask H ointoih Thos G unt Norris Ashley PillocV Ifr A J Ross Willie icbards Hercules Maud HO 3RC- VntttiH lingo White JC- Wu WilliamsJe- mutatiw Jack Mo lygatflJi 2 beib medicine also near losing of one ot my eyes I and I Hoods Sarsa JlaTe taken other CU res 1 Lovejoy Sold b all drnKIu- r and Bud lyceum InUrel attended n8 have tit found the Jennings Dlock Lemon nen1 wllli the taken and on and prompt Y died friends to JIabr ft Mclr we her CI totIa for n his yard and to Rosa Ihirkl Same G E Wilson C D Conner nlel Dress 11 GQutllr A d askl nUlltcr Sadie C A W P Lewis Jones Lizzie D Jarr Love t Porter DD s W Stllhnj mbella G 0 tiLrlllkln Thomas Thomas MW Alee WallPu Write Wrt b Neal D A oAUqJeA the Je Ue Oicaf I 1 WUk aW1fMhi I tJ1lt1jl oi Wr rx- c I Is very the floods entertainers next February 20thn entertainment n Orders desired Yonkers q ed hei- ghts expects CENT n Adams Anderson balD f Illnsou HendersonJS Junes xctI Levi Leah a Rodgers s Sims Jerry Shen i DanoQy r- 13owap Mary Ilrougha olaad Johnr e- Jll qa all a rarr Wbl cr Pefsoas tlieve letters will pletilks sw Natw > > A llmll WHH RBk Or hit Mi hi- ll N soul Wluu bn flttgiiiiy hell abuse Jinl ft lifi take hN Or UMII o j In a IIM I aiujor the lilnes wbl He has a mali io ioan l MB well HP U tin tuuniry Tho iinwa bf will toll Flurliiit bun hint Irutzu And be will light tho Chinese Thu City btailimB act hi regular see slon Tuesday evoMn and aoled several matters of minor Importance Those pr i nt J J Points clinic man AlijFormcu Konuerly Herigcveld Cole Infer Ruwton Stephens fords and Loom and Clerk Coopur The mliiutes of last regular were read and approved The committee nppomtcd Inveatl gate matter of levying a municipal tax on the property of the railroads termed terinlual facilities1 reported and upon motion the request of the railroad company that tho city desist from levying such was granted part R W Davis behalf of the railroad anti ad dressed the board A number of communications wen read and disposed of In a manner- A number of bills were presented and examlued aqd the to draw warrants for the payment the same Th Palatka and Heights Street Rail- way Companypresented an ordloanai which grants an extension of twenty five years to their franchise and per mission to put down T rails on ccr tain streets and extend their line On motion it WAS wad as information placed on Us first reading Mr Craig President of tbo Street Uailrway Company requested that that the ordinance be placed upon Its sec ond reading and final passage A was made to that effect but lost CounclMbcn adjourned Mr of Tampa In the city Wednesday Two Mrs Phosbe Thomas of Junction City 111 told by her doctors the had Consumption and that there wan no hope for her but two bottles of New Discovery completely her and she says U life Mr Thos ers 139 San Francisco suffered from i dreadful cold approaching tried else then bottle of Dr Kings New and in weeks was cured He Is naturally thankful It Is such results of which these are samples that the won derful efficacy of this medicine Colds Free trial Ackerman Stewart Drug Store Regular size COc and WEEKS NEWS CONDENSED- The naval medical board has EL A Jonas appointed to be an Bg t- Unt paymaster In the navy Secretary Herbert the ban Pennsylvania ScotchIrti1 society in Philadelphia Friday night Comptroller Bchels has antoonrec the Orauvllle National bank of Gran- vllle N Y capital fSOOOO to begin btt ln iU The New York Central has ground in Buffalo for extensive 1m prorementa which are to built ii that city An official circular changes In the tmfflo department the Seaboard Mr Un may be expected time this month A rumor la current to the tha several change imminent among the of the Cincinnati and Mackinaw The committee oil woman o the Mss achus tts legislature derided to 3to report bill Into Tor of municipal anffra Dr 0 K Foster of Manchester Col- lege Toronto has a tc chair of theology in the University- of Chicago General Mani er Penn who baa sojourn- ing In Florida has returned to his headquarters in EltUburjr Jonathan Tipon has received pointmeut oi general freight and ps leDger o Knoirllle Cumber land Gap Louisville road Mr JameS lodges of flat tlraore died lut night at U home there Mr Hodge filled man places of honor and trust both national and state Eadtera Passenger Agent Burke of the Louisville and denies report that he has been offered the eastern passenger agency of another Southern Douglas Dallan formerly commercial ptfent of tho Nashville Chattanooga St Louis has been appointed agent of the lloosac fun- nel Line with headquarters at Louis yule V B phattue formerly Mnter pent of the Ohio and JH- 1bttratort to Mttlatbe qn Ji ln ff- enitifMUbotw add dU sho t Ke la fl county Y treasurer 0 ne hue b4 n- tftroglU to tight to that two of the toad at Cdwity Tre iw B mlutHg rot t clubs office la Brooklyn 1 tV v Wit hoe 1h < F II 1 1e 11111 City upon were Jot muting the In in satisfactory of and was was I pro r Florida- St Consump- tion l two In bottles- at rejected quet the the be of effect are WoOd If agent had Na yijle the apd eral southern beefs one f N f U I deYfJ10pln e ntrln tob 000 are 100i- f r l Ii n tt ee IuIi dais energy aver war lb Councllr tax company Clock Instructed mo- tion Lynne Lives Bared was cure Discovery n G t broken any the ex nayor pea hat aeleated as sn the iveutergalna- M6tros the King the dtseavery harry A alas eoun 5 beed are a < ¬ > + + TimesUenl- ilARtiN FDA February 19 I expect Nimble friends aro be glunlng to wonder what has become of hU Brownlethlp He has been doing like Brer Rabbit layln low and say nuttln And then too It has been so cola ever since be left his native Paradise that he hasnt been able to do much but sit on the andirons wish be was a Polar Bear Nimbis little feelings have boon much lacerated recently every one who is acquainted with him knows that hs Is the the Brownie Rand and of course docs not be ridi- culed and be has been alien laughed- at on account of the it one of his pedal extremities has been fore U Whether it is dravtp by rheumuusm bruised by some of these or wounded in doing bqt tie for Palalka It Is impocslblo to de- cide As It is always best to label ones horse Ill say that Nimble ac companies his humble amanuensis in lie of a stickpin hence the pain ful The battle referred to was occasion- ed by a young gentleman from the Brick City making slighting remarks about our bright and Irreslstable Gem City Ot course Nimble would not stand that but rushed to the rescue dubbed the unwise youth witty his big headed walking stick Nimble off victor too Nimble cannot tell his friends any thing of the state of affairs on his bf loved Drayton Island except has hoard through one of the Band that Mr Rogers Intends beginning work on his windmill shaft soon with the object of deepening It sufficiently for him to keep warm by those blazing fires which we are told exist in the lower regions What truth there is In the report remains to be seen And that reminds Nimble of a very peculiar expression used by his honored friend Mr J V Nimble could not under- stand why he should call the weather wa have been enjoying recently Infernal until h bethought himself that perhaps Mr J F pad heard and accepted the Idea of the old Scotch preacher who told his congregation that If they did not lead better lives they would go to a place which was so cold they would never cease to freeze When taken to task for promulgating tsucb an original belief he explained thatif ho had told his flock of the eter- nal fires that they would all have In incased their wickedness BO as to get to a warmer country Is that it Mr J F We very glad to see that A Farmerson had survived the freeze we only hope he Is still In the land of the living sad wilt to some more letters as good as the last We much fear that Bucwyes watermelons will not be very early lifter all that s if he bad planted them Never mind Buckeye re member If at first you dbnt suc ceed try try again It does seem to lose all our crops and freed Wo cannot understand why these successive be sent upon us causing so much suffering and distress all over our beautiful State but we have to accept what Is sent and believe that it is all for this best although we cannotsee It N rnble did not tiring his regular notebook and long pencil out here a little blunt stub and ablt of an old letter to on so his letter cannot btb very long Perhaps he will have some adven- tures before he returns to the wilds of the Chasm and U so he will try and your readers hear of them by scratching them on his cuffs a la Jay Oodld Nimble did feel quite poetical once since leaving home though It was when he saw Capt Lucas Metamora on her Journey up the winding lengths of the romantic Ocklawaba When ho returns to the poetical atmosphere of Putnam county and the rhythmic realm of tho fair 8t Johns be wllltell you of his opinion 6f the Mstamora perhaps Yon know such genius as sparkles as does the moon a kind of reflection bf Mid so I will sign myself your and Nimbles admiring friend n thcltv to secure all the comforts of Conveniently located Lemon lejween First and Stscopd streets OBAirtStK February 20 We are having weather apwBpd it onlyU k8flU a f w hours turn from sum 6 heat to where you lo ttty In tha house by the tire Wete to of very sick Wfj few nights ago PUla I Dude of Ilk to position done rockyroade accIdent that lie hard out labor freetes e ould et The tbe b s OPI opldo rou to lint sorry 1 a 1 Ui ont rom Milh- n t Ito ono n F I or 1J1bn i MMBLES16OTE9 trreb su1eee and and came were treat us scribble start 1ltmblaa Ui Tnase om bomb GR1Ittlt- w T- nreptdegre Thiel hear of the illness D of quroltestp- itlzen 3I Charlie Graingel t- 1r seine vets e- ata4aoks tts4f l it y Pat w It- t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ° ¬ ¬ ¬ < > + for Infants and Children years observation of Oastort with the patronage of of persons permit as to peak of it without gn sslng It is anqneitlonalily tha 1b t remsidy for Infants sad Children tb world hu v r known It li t rm t Children Ilk It It aim them health It will save thtir lives In it Mothers hat1M- mtfcfag whlcli ts afcsolmtaly safe and practically perfrat child medicine Cattorfq JastroT Worm Ctitorla alloys Faverlihneis- CastorU prevent TomlUng Soar Card Caster cure Diarrhoea and Wind Coil CaitorU r Uav i Trouble Cmtorla care Constipation and Tatnl ncT- Oartoria n utrli e the ff ot cf carbonic sold g or polionons Caitorta not contain morphine or otter narootlo ates the food regulates stomach and towels Ting healthy said natural sleep Castor It put up in lM Bottles only It is not told Dont allow any one io sell you linrtnhur on the t l a or promts- B that you get CASTOKIA fttarfmlfo Is on are Children Cry for Pitcher Castoria YOU 10 cent DISCOUNT THIS A ilto Front Lemon St Opponlto Punam House 1- J L 1 THIRTY i do property Ctom the ODe Ja Ut as good a wmIJu 1IIIoeat Th pat of lf WJapper- I 1 1 i i M- I THIB COUPON ALLOWS rKIiIiIH7 t Discount 1 1 1 1 Clothing AT I ifW I NGlnW- Mens I q y W iI j- of I 1 t 3- Jf S M r t1 ar i 1 4 Tee air t- ti opium in bulk 1Inat every 4 r a- I L a- I l per Per Cent H INs e I k v4 e I WEEJ a- w G 1L7ltflCtery < > ° + + cent and tUM and one DtolmtU wont of property W be count I tare npon the oCttx to ot Uvera in and to the at land dMcril d Wilt In tbe northeaM mot one or atoraiald I 8 to nhtto oa UM I A I01UTV OF AN lit I- nbn resit Curioty favor lush J d AwdlA- B Meyva an4 A Rortz 1 amm 1ItIeI f of detendanl I the IItaONt 1 leVi rig Ulle one wett IU tl9n t 1IItBnI COItat bOO1Ied and dIbfd tw- edn1 nGttb llt cur CIA II 40 t c 111M III WI- eucO carat tfI rod 11 1 IMT AWUL tl6l111- I SIU RIFFS SAW- fly 1 tronberedinthe- a Coon furl amain of that ot tMaoe ri ban- d meek tbb make eveq lot wrntrot Town p 01outbeatvIdartorofaop rods s oath to rod n to c41 i Male a at- idrnt gill b twbPz ttY ISM ase tt t t t + + i li I fr 1u t 11 If T e- roduce S L rtbe e1 dull nil le- ar is- Aur bank e twte of a- atin r oarena- we cn- n e xa acre our owu for Ito bt kavk rowers tt creep t W- aIa11 Tigt t 8 Rh 1 141L51 Y l ti a- Lititi an avant mal4ndveaayk- nrQn Oa 11 Warr tt NeW rrk The guest and frekeat the are to be fottwt j t- JT Dana 51- yi jI a
Page 1: Crystal River News. (Crystal River, FL) 1895-02-22 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/08/66/14/00066/00029.pdf · 22J 1895 D 1 i-tW t lItI-ln 1 I-it n Orj i d ttf Uj- I H MES n I1A

22J 1895




tW tlItI-ln 1I-



i d ttf Uj-I H MES n I1A FJ


re t S


a PltAXKa rbOmDj-


l OveraiU BondsPace has returned

of San Mateo

auvlilt to Salauraa flights Monday

la tho city Tuesdaylidrry one of Pomonas mos-

tJKKWiBSItroad tills week on official

one of Pomona-si opulariypung was n tho city

rflra iQ the carriage maker IsJl shop erected aL the corner of

ad streets

bergs residence on Frontthe bands of the painter

Fair glassblowers wholav een forth in the Morfgn-

ejpM tho post week left MondayAugustine

brm ilurday whcrq ho has been toa dynamo for his electric

njffiHerpers of Newark N J

AA M f

ftbjP t We acknowledge a pleasant

5 IjE J H Harrlsonof Crescent Citythe city Tuesday on

to where he will resome


rsn nfflf

L A Fisk and family of Chir trr

tbaMr Fisk has purchased


msEilhw his future home r-

frWtffi 0 B Qnblnson who tormerly

Palatka passed through th-eM f Monday en route to Gainesville

on the Ledger WeAcknowledge a pleasant call

v i E Bonds zoological collection Is

Itposed of an owl rabbit redbird and alarge catamount or American ly

Orange Bloom on Lemon streetU and most popular place in

FirsVclass tare at reason

Arete-sThepalatka Beet Company received

hog Monday 408

pounds dressed Wb bog was raleed

Harts Palatka

S A F slga painter was Inthe city last week painting an

on he side of H E Stewart4r itqre-

I ffho bod n sidewalks in front ofVt e Shelley property Lemon street

been torn up preparatorysidewalk

B Maull formerly of this city

butj pow cottnocted with the LedgerQalnesvllle was In tho city-

Jtoiiday hakintr hands with his many

ifrfends1 ifc BJ jj

waves fibUl a Summer Haven-Wl2bUrijb4 tothe ground Saturday

IgWEs oj MattT ylorof tins city

hDj man passedthrough-al with hU bride en

u Jrleanj Mr Crogh if-iynpi6otior this time n g

dropped himij S tlnfor nnately w are not oc

TilE Tntwd HEnALD1ii


Ar fED W

hPttahljnit9 kalbtryI edlr lre ntedrw f


n i l

i Stanton

4 a profes-

S u

l1j1t lwer one of ComOs old


vlslted tho city

ndJtcJ an went down T



1r Rt V Powehelurocd iron the


t a visitor to Is In

l1 c

s d


the city are pleased

In Putnam county and will


is now com


ThetnG tlo tea

to City

e hed

o place 9Ppo JlO

r f h GaLL c


nto ptac-

r ltcrete


nW f guests

evtrvthtnItlncI t

f4f 0

ilhis old TIMES

e httullv

l ztbUI a1itirllt I mom If xpellent and

Irb to fay that ist f

Jn e con

lith nthr-

iJ tj f


II Jt-

I i





i trmm III



r Ln



Iv r


11Jellk t4 Shine due s ratae pa abia-n


rQ eI tscpd lo-tt e breYDr-

gi yTltliCe UEItALL COMI Y


afa reg rutnt-wtl



Bo Wwas 4o c1 Dlouda-

ytGeoiE Welch made

petot wail


Mthe J




atlyn nlf atj Lemon

eoo have tt nicely coated

r Worlds



vDi a-

re winter

I ii

swap Ala ms



i being on arged dally

I theblo





and were the-

e antsy dhd lostn cash

Lrogban a wellkbown and

p0 Is gaveey


t c

Q to look up UEwt3d but thou

aq a tecI with1 she

mpble ladyheneelTnE-u 1a sure


aMsrJdflonorstiVodda Fair



tT Tatar Nolada ihw-t Aruiaua sham w Nay etlrr adaitseaat-


















lift u Avery iLovejoy Georgia

Spring MedicineHoods Sarsaparllln Just Right111 am happy to state that I tin convinced

li thethat I have ever taken Last spring Iwas completely worn out I

Had No Strengthto do anything The last work I did

much I cam

and health strength appetiteclear eyesight were


medicines butfound no relief nntU I a lair trialI am convinced It is superior to allothers The good it did metble H Georgia

Hoods are purely vegetable and dotot purge pkln or gripe

Brotherhood Overalls at S E Bonds

Dont forget that G Paul SmithWillard Gorton the eminentImpersonators

appear In Palatka for the last timeseason at the Putnam House Tuesevening at

new and unique programwill be given under

be auspices of the Ladles Guild of StMarks Church and no doubt will b-

argely these young actorstrained quite a popularity this


Dress ITaklng EstablishmentMiss Flora Paddock may now b-

tret Marketa more complete line of Art Goods

Follet the complexionDressmaking Supplies etc

to order taken forDelsarto ntid Dr Nlchols CorsetsGeneral agent for the new DressChart A dressmaker li

connection Articles soldcommission fe23tf

for Ladles SwitchesBalr In all forms will receiveattention if left with MissP JDOCK Any shade 294

Mr John Copcuttof Ngrandfather of Mrs Gov F Peekat his home last Friday 00

The Interment took place Tuesday

The sympathy of is extendedMrs Peek

Wkeo she Was aCblU she cried CaitorU

mil she became Ula ibe cling to CaatorU-

Whea she bAd ttSldreo abe gave them OuforU

8 A Baker of wa-

n town on brislnbss Monday He in

ormsui that business good and be

dont Intend to Uimber InHo has recently made a large

sale lumber In Tampa

close another contra tr a ieifdayi

list of UBclilmtsdleUeroRemaining In lhoPoBM fflJ at Pa

nlkn fla for tho wfietf ending Feb151685s


cBnettTD Blacklortle N N Brown M J

Johnson W ss WJack

Livingston H McCutcheo JJMiller Scott

even HI Mask Hointoih Thos G untNorris Ashley PillocV Ifr A J

Ross Willieicbards Hercules Maud


VntttiH lingo White JC-

Wu WilliamsJe-mutatiw Jack

Mo lygatflJi


beib medicine

alsonear losing of one ot my

eyes Iand


Hoods Sarsa

JlaTe taken other CUres

1 Lovejoy

Sold b all drnKIu-r


Bud lyceum


attended n8have tit

found the Jennings Dlock Lemonnen1



taken andon



friends to

JIabr ft Mclr we her CI totIa


n hisyard


Rosa Ihirkl

Same G E WilsonC D Conner nlel

Dress 11GQutllr A d asklnUlltcr Sadie C A

W PLewis

Jones Lizzie DJarr



D Ds W

Stllhnj mbellaG 0

tiLrlllkln Thomas Thomas M WAlee WallPu

Write Wrt bNeal




Oicaf I


WUk aW1fMhiI tJ1lt1jl oi

Wr rx-c



very thefloods


next February 20thn






q ed




Adams Anderson



Illnsou HendersonJSJunes xctI



Rodgers s

Sims JerryShen



13owap Mary Ilrougha

olaad Johnr e-

Jll qa alla rarr

Wbl crPefsoas tlieve letters

will pletilks sw Natw



A llmll WHH RBkOr hit Mi hi-ll N soulWluu bn flttgiiiiy hell abuse

Jinl ft lifi take hNOr UMII o jIn a IIM I aiujor the lilnes

wblHe has a mali io ioan l MB wellHP U tin tuuniryTho iinwa bf will tollFlurliiit bun hint IrutzuAnd be will light tho Chinese

Thu City btailimB act hi regular see

slon Tuesday evoMn and aoledseveral matters of minor ImportanceThose pr i nt J J Points clinicman AlijFormcu Konuerly HerigcveldCole Infer Ruwton Stephensfords and Loom and Clerk Coopur

The mliiutes of last regularwere read and approved

The committee nppomtcd Inveatlgate matter of levying a municipaltax on the property of the railroadstermed terinlual facilities1 reportedand upon motion the request of therailroad company that tho city desistfrom levying such was grantedpart R W Davisbehalf of the railroad anti addressed the board

A number of communications wenread and disposed of In amanner-

A number of bills were presentedand examlued aqd theto draw warrants for the paymentthe same

Th Palatka and Heights Street Rail-

way Companypresented an ordloanaiwhich grants an extension of twentyfive years to their franchise and permission to put down T rails on ccrtain streets and extend their line On

motion it WAS wad as informationplaced on Us first reading

Mr Craig President of tbo StreetUailrway Company requested that that

the ordinance be placed upon Its second reading and final passage A

was made to that effect butlost CounclMbcn adjourned

Mr of TampaIn the city Wednesday


Mrs Phosbe Thomas of JunctionCity 111 told by her doctors thehad Consumption and that there wan

no hope for her but two bottles of

New Discovery completelyher and she says U

life Mr Thos ers 139San Francisco suffered from i

dreadful cold approachingtried

else then bottle of DrKings New and inweeks was cured He Is naturallythankful It Is such results of whichthese are samples that the wonderful efficacy of this medicine

Colds Free trialAckerman Stewart Drug Store

Regular size COc and


The naval medical board hasEL A Jonas appointed to be an Bg t-

Unt paymaster In the navySecretary Herbert the ban

Pennsylvania ScotchIrti1society in Philadelphia Friday night

Comptroller Bchels has antoonrecthe Orauvllle National bank of Gran-vllle N Y capital fSOOOO to beginbtt ln iU

The New York Central hasground in Buffalo for extensive 1mprorementa which are to built iithat city

An official circularchanges In the tmfflo department theSeaboard Mr Un may be expectedtime this month

A rumor la current to the thaseveral change imminent amongthe of the Cincinnatiand Mackinaw

The committee oil woman othe Mss achus tts legislaturederided to 3to report bill IntoTor of municipal anffra

Dr 0 K Foster of Manchester Col-lege Toronto has a tc

chair of theology in the University-of Chicago

General Mani er Pennwho baa sojourn-

ing In Florida has returned to hisheadquarters in EltUburjr

Jonathan Tipon has receivedpointmeut oi general freight and psleDger o Knoirllle Cumberland Gap Louisville road

Mr JameS lodges of flattlraore died lut night at U homethere Mr Hodge filled manplaces of honor and trust both nationaland state

Eadtera Passenger Agent Burke ofthe Louisville and

denies report that he hasbeen offered the eastern passengeragency of another Southern

Douglas Dallan formerly commercialptfent of tho Nashville Chattanooga

St Louis has been appointedagent of the lloosac fun-

nel Line with headquarters at Louisyule

V B phattue formerlyMnter pent of the Ohio and JH-

1bttratort to Mttlatbe qn Ji ln ff-

enitifMUbotw add dU

sho t Ke la fl countyY treasurer 0 ne hue b4 n-

tftroglU to tight to thattwo of the toad at Cdwity Tre iw

B mlutHg rot t

clubs office la Brooklyn 1


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Lives Bared









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TimesUenl-ilARtiN FDA February 19

I expect Nimble friends aro beglunlng to wonder what has become ofhU Brownlethlp He has been doinglike Brer Rabbit layln low and say

nuttln And then too It has beenso cola ever since be left his nativeParadise that he hasnt been able todo much but sit on the andironswish be was a Polar Bear

Nimbis little feelings have boonmuch lacerated recently every onewho is acquainted with him knows thaths Is the the Brownie Randand of course docs not be ridi-

culed and be has been alien laughed-at on account of the itone of his pedal extremities has beenfore U Whether it is dravtp byrheumuusm bruised by some of these

or wounded in doing bqttie for Palalka It Is impocslblo to de-

cide As It is always best to labelones horse Ill say that Nimble accompanies his humble amanuensis inlie of a stickpin hence the painful

The battle referred to was occasion-

ed by a young gentleman from theBrick City making slighting remarksabout our bright and Irreslstable GemCity Ot course Nimble would notstand that but rushed to the rescue

dubbed the unwise youth witty hisbig headed walking stick Nimbleoff victor too

Nimble cannot tell his friends anything of the state of affairs on his bfloved Drayton Island excepthas hoard through one of the Bandthat Mr Rogers Intends beginningwork on his windmill shaft soon withthe object of deepening It sufficientlyfor him to keep warm by those blazingfires which we are told exist in thelower regions What truth there is Inthe report remains to be seen Andthat reminds Nimble of a very peculiarexpression used by his honored friendMr J V Nimble could not under-stand why he should call the weatherwa have been enjoying recentlyInfernal until h bethought himself

that perhaps Mr J F pad heard and

accepted the Idea of the old Scotchpreacher who told his congregation

that If they did not lead better livesthey would go to a place which was socold they would never cease to freezeWhen taken to task for promulgatingtsucb an original belief he explained

thatif ho had told his flock of the eter-

nal fires that they would all have In

incased their wickedness BO as to getto a warmer country

Is that it Mr J FWe very glad to see that A

Farmerson had survived the freezewe only hope he Is still In the land of

the living sad wilt to somemore letters as good as the last

We much fear that Bucwyeswatermelons will not be very early

lifter all that s if he bad plantedthem Never mind Buckeye remember If at first you dbnt succeed try try again It does seem

to lose all our cropsand freed Wo cannot understand why

these successive be sentupon us causing so much sufferingand distress all over our beautifulState but we have to accept what Is

sent and believe that it is all for this

best although we cannotsee ItN rnble did not tiring his regular

notebook and long pencil out here

a little blunt stub and ablt of an

old letter to on so his lettercannot btb very long

Perhaps he will have some adven-

tures before he returns to the wilds of

the Chasm and U so he will try and

your readers hear of them byscratching them on his cuffs a la JayOodld

Nimble did feel quite poetical once

since leaving home though It waswhen he saw Capt Lucas Metamora

on her Journey up the windinglengths of the romantic Ocklawaba

When ho returns to the poeticalatmosphere of Putnam county and therhythmic realm of tho fair 8t Johnsbe wllltell you of his opinion 6f theMstamora perhaps Yon know such

genius as sparkles as

does the moon a kind of reflection bf

Mid so I will sign myself your andNimbles admiring friend

n thcltv to secure all the comforts ofConveniently located Lemon

lejween First and Stscopd streets

OBAirtStK February 20

We are having weatherapwBpd it onlyU k8flU a f w hours

turn from sum 6 heat to where you

lo ttty In tha house by the tireWete to of

very sickWfj

few nights ago



Dude ofIlk to





that lie

hard out labor

freetes e ould


The tbe b s


opldo rou


sorry1 a 1 Ui ont

rom Milh-

n tIto







trreb su1eee




treat us




Ui Tnase



GR1Ittlt-w T-

nreptdegre Thiel

hear of the illnessD of quroltestp-

itlzen3I Charlie Graingel



seine vets e-

ata4aoks tts4f l it y Patw















for Infants and Children

years observation of Oastort with the patronage ofof persons permit as to peak of it without gn sslng

It is anqneitlonalily tha 1b t remsidy for Infants sad Children

tb world hu v r known It li t rm t Children Ilk It Itaim them health It will save thtir lives In it Mothers hat1M-

mtfcfag whlcli ts afcsolmtaly safe and practically perfrat

child medicineCattorfq JastroT Worm

Ctitorla alloys Faverlihneis-

CastorU prevent TomlUng Soar Card

Caster cure Diarrhoea and Wind CoilCaitorU r Uav i TroubleCmtorla care Constipation and Tatnl ncT-

Oartoria n utrli e the ff ot cf carbonic sold g or polionons

Caitorta not contain morphine or otter narootlo

ates the food regulates stomach and towels

Ting healthy said natural sleep

Castor It put up in lM Bottles only It is not told

Dont allow any one io sell you linrtnhur on the t l a or promts-

B that you get CASTOKIAfttarfmlfo Is on are

Children Cry for Pitcher Castoria


10 cent DISCOUNT



ilto Front Lemon St Opponlto Punam House



L 1



do property

Ctom the



Ut as good a wmIJu 1IIIoeat

Thpat of lf WJapper-























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in bulk

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cent and tUM and one DtolmtU wont ofproperty W be count I

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