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    DOI: 10.1126/science.279.5356.1504, 1504 (1998);279Science

    et al.Matthew R. RedinboNoncovalent Complexes with DNACrystal Structures of Human Topoisomerase I in Covalent and

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  • 7/30/2019 Crystal Structure of Human Topoisomerase 1


    10. K. Gallagher and K. Lambeck, Basin Res. 2, 115(1989).

    11. K. Gallagher, T. A. Dumitru, A. J. W. Gleadow, ibid.6, 77 (1994).

    12. J. R. Cochran and M. Talwani, Geophys. J. R. As-tron. Soc. 50, 495 (1977).

    13. F. Pribac, thesis, AustralianNationalUniversity, Can-berra (1991).

    14. S. R. Hart, Nature 309, 753 (1984).15. D. G. Pyle, D. M. Christie, J. J. Mahoney, R. A.

    Duncan, J. Geophys. Res. 100, 22261 (1995).16. D.G. Pyle, D. M.Christie, J. J.Mahoney, EarthPlan-

    et. Sci. Lett. 112, 161 (1992); M. Rehkamper andA. W. Hofmann, ibid. 147, 93 (1997).

    17. E. M. Kleinand C. H. Langmuir,J. Geophys. Res. 92,8089 (1987).

    18. M. Tolstoy, A. J. Harding, J. A. Orcutt, J. PhippsMorgan, Eos (Fall Suppl.) 76, 570 (1995).

    19. Using the observed difference in crustal thickness(18) anda simpleisostatic balance (c 2900kg/m3and m 3250 kg/m

    3), we predicted a bathymetricdifference of 470m, smaller than theobserved 750m. Using a more sophisticated isostatic balance andobserved major element chemistry, P. Lecroart, A.Cazenave, Y. Ricard, C. Thoraval, and D. G. Pyle[Earth Planet. Sci.Lett.149, 49 (1997)] have predict-ed a 400-m difference between observed and iso-static topography.

    20. Subduction offeasternAustraliawas buta part ofthelarger Pacific-Gondwanaland converging margin[B. C. Storey, Nature 377, 301 (1995)]. The earlyMesozoic margin, which included New Caledonia,New Zealand, Lord Howe Rise, and Norfolk ridge,was typified by convergence and calc-alkaline volca-nism that progressively migrated outboard as thestyle of the Australian margin shifted to rifting in theCretaceous, as summarized by N. Williams and R.Korsch [in Extended Abstracts 43 (Geological Soci-ety of Australia, Sydney, 1996), pp. 564568].

    21. The Whitsundayvolcanicprovincerepresentsthe tailend of rifting in a back arc setting [S. Bryan, in Ex-tended Abstracts43 (Geological Society of Australia,Sydney, 1996), pp. 124133].

    22. The reconstructions were based on the hot spotreferenceframeof R.D. Muller, J.-Y. Royer,and L. A.Lawver [Geology21, 275 (1993)].

    23. The Gondwanaland converging margin did not un-dergo a substantial shift in paleolatitude from 200to 120 Ma, as seen in paleogeographic recon-structions [L. A. Lawver and L. M. Gahagan, in Flow

    and Creep in the Solar System,D.B.StoneandS.K.Runcorn, Eds. (Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, Neth-erlands, 1993), pp. 225247].

    24. L. Moresiand M. Gurnis, EarthPlanet.Sci. Lett. 138,15 (1996)].

    25. The continental outlines, isochrons, and referencedrotation poles of R. D. Muller, U. R. Roest, J.-Y.Royer, L. M. Gahagan, and J. G. Sclater [J. Geo-

    phys. Res. 102, 3211 (1997)] were used and trans-formed to a Cartesian domain with an azimuthalLambert equal area projection.

    26. Our models showed that slabs, while in the lowermantle, only moved laterally by about 500 km, andconsequently our focus on a segment of the marginconfined to beneath Australia and the SEIR wasjustified.

    27. Thermodynamic calculations and petrologic modelsestimate that oceanic crustal thickness increases0.06 km foreach1C increasein mantletemperature[C. H.Langmuir, E.M. Klein,T. Plank,in Mantle Flow

    and Melt Generation, J. Phipps Morgan, Ed. (Amer-ican Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, 1992),pp. 183280; P. Asimow, thesis, California Instituteof Technology, Pasadena (1997)]. Crustal thicknessis computed by sampling the temperature within a200-km region beneath the ridge.

    28. The nominal model had a Rayleigh number of7.4 106 (based on upper mantle and transitionzone viscosity of 1021 Pas), no temperature-depen-dent viscosity, and a 100-fold jump in viscosity at660 km. The clapeyron slope and jump in densitywere 2.0 MPa/K and 5% at 410 km and 4.2MPa/K and 8% at 660 km. The upper 100 km wasassumed to be lithosphere, with a viscosity 100times that of the upper mantle.

    29. Geoid height variations are ignored because its am-plitude is smaller than the dynamic topography, suchthat topography is the primary dynamic control onsea-level change [M. Gurnis, Nature 344, 754(1990); C. Lithgow-Bertelloni and M. Gurnis, Geolo-

    gy25, 735 (1997)].30. A. B. Watts and M. S. Steckler, in Deep Drilling Re-

    sults in the Atlantic Ocean: Continental Margins andPaleoenvironments, M. Talwani, W. Hays, W. B. F.Ryan, Eds. (American Geophysical Union, Washing-ton, DC, 1979), pp. 218234.

    31. L. L. Sloss, in Sedimentary CoverNorth AmericanCraton: U.S., L. L. Sloss, Ed. (Geological Society ofAmerica, Boulder, CO, 1988), pp. 25 51.

    32. For temperature-dependent viscosity, an Arrheniusform with an activation energy of 400 kJ/mol with a100-fold truncation in lateral variation was used.

    33. U. Christensen, Geophys. J. R. Astron. Soc. 77, 343(1984).

    34. R. van der Hilst and T. Seno, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.

    120, 395 (1993).35. R. van der Hilst, Nature 374, 154 (1995); S. Zhong

    and M. Gurnis, Earth Interact. [online] 1 (no. 6)(1997), available at http://earthinteractions.org.

    36. BMR Paleogeographic Group, Cretaceous Paleo-geographic Maps Record 1990/30 PaleogeographicSeries 14 (Bureau of Mineral Resources, Canberra,Australia, 1990).

    37. This report represents contribution 8489 of the Divi-sion of Geological and Planetary Sciences, CaliforniaInstitute of Technology. Some of the work reportedhere was conducted as part of the Australian Geo-dynamics Cooperative Research Centre (AGCRC)and is published with the consent of the Director,AGCRC. We thank J. Veevers for taking the time todiscuss the geologic constraints on Mesozoic sub-duction beneath Australia and K. Gallagher and J.Veevers for helpful comments on the manuscript.

    3 November 1997; accepted 28 January 1998

    Crystal Structures of HumanTopoisomerase I in Covalent andNoncovalent Complexes with DNA

    Matthew R. Redinbo,* Lance Stewart,* Peter Kuhn,James J. Champoux, Wim G. J. Hol

    Topoisomerases I promote the relaxation of DNA superhelical tension by introducing atransient single-stranded break in duplex DNA and are vital for the processes of repli-cation, transcription, and recombination. The crystal structures at 2.1 and 2.5 angstromresolution of reconstituted human topoisomerase I comprising the core and carboxyl-terminal domains in covalent and noncovalent complexes with 22base pair DNA du-plexes reveal an enzyme that clamps around essentially B-form DNA. The core domainand the first eight residues of the carboxyl-terminal domain of the enzyme, including theactive-site nucleophile tyrosine-723, share significant structural similarity with the bac-teriophage family of DNA integrases. A binding mode for the anticancer drug campto-thecin is proposed on the basis of chemical and biochemical information combined with

    these three-dimensional structures of topoisomerase IDNA complexes.

    Topoisomerases are ubiquitous enzymesthat solve topological problems generatedby key nuclear processes such as DNAreplication, transcription, recombination,repair, chromatin assembly, and chromo-some segregation (1). There are two typesof topoisomerases. Type I enzymes are mo-nomeric and transiently break one strandof duplex DNA, allowing for single-stepchanges in the linking number of circular

    DNAs (the number of times one strand ofDNA crosses the other). Type II enzymesare dimeric and break both strands of aduplex to generate a gate through whichanother region of DNA can be passed,resulting in linking number changes insteps of two. Type I and type II enzymesare fundamentally different in both mech-anism and cellular function (24). Themedical importance of these enzymes isunderscored by the fact that they are thespecific targets of many promising anti-cancer drugs (5).

    Eukaryotic type I topoisomerases differsignificantly from their prokaryotic coun-terparts. Prokaryotic enzymes require mag-nesium and a single-stranded segment ofDNA; additionally, they form a covalentintermediate with the 5 end of the brokenDNA strand and relax only negatively su-percoiled DNA. Eukaryotic topoisomerase Ienzymes, in contrast, do not require anymetal cofactor, need no single-stranded

    stretch of DNA, form a covalent interme-

    diate with the 3 end of the broken strand,and are able to relax both positive andnegative supercoils. All available evidenceindicates that prokaryotic and eukaryotictype I enzymes share no sequence or struc-tural similarity. Vaccinia virus topoisomer-ase (6), however, shares several mechanisticand sequence features with eukaryotic typeI topoisomerases but is much smaller (36kD) than all known cellular topoisomerasesI (7), which range from 80 to 110 kD (8).So far, no structure of a eukaryotic topo-

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    isomerase I containing all elements essen-tial for catalysis has been reported (9).

    Human topoisomerase I (topo I) is amonomeric protein of 765 amino acids(10). Limited proteolysis studies of humantopo I (11), and the crystallographic struc-ture determination of an inactive fragmentof the yeast enzyme (2), indicate that eu-

    karyotic topo I consists of four major re-gions: the NH2-terminal, core, linker, andCOOH-terminal domains. The 210-resi-due NH

    2-terminal region of human topo I is

    highly charged, contains very few hy-drophobic amino acids, and is largely dis-ordered (12). This domain contains severalnuclear-targeting signals (13) and hasbeen implicated in nucleolar localization

    through interactions with nucleolin (14).The COOH-terminal domain, comprisingresidues 713 to 765, contains the essentialcatalytic Tyr723, which forms a phos-phoester bond with the 3 phosphate at thesite of cleavage of the scissile strand of thesubstrate DNA (15). Purified COOH-ter-minal domain can be combined with isolat-

    ed core domain composed of residues 200to 635 to reconstitute near full enzymeactivity (16). Thus, residues 636 to 712,which form the so-called linker domain,contribute to but are not required for activ-ity (16). Hence, human topo I is a multido-main enzyme that contains two highly con-served globular domains (the core and theCOOH-terminal domain) that are crucialfor catalytic activity, and two other regions(NH

    2-terminal and linker) that are not

    strictly required for its catalytic and relax-ation functions.

    The reconstituted topo I used in

    these studies was obtained by mixing thepurified 58-kD core domain (consisting ofresidues 175 to 659, expressed in the bac-ulovirus-insect cell system) and the 6.3 kDCOOH-terminal domain (residues 713 to765, expressed in Escherichia coli) to recon-stitute a tightly associated 1:1 complex(16). The reconstituted enzyme exhibitsthe same specific activity as either the


    terminally truncated enzyme (resi-dues 175 to 765) or the full-length proteinwhen assayed under physiological salt con-ditions (16, 17).

    Although human topo I does not exhibita high degree of sequence specificity for itstarget cleavage sites (18), a sequence fromthe ribosomal DNA of Tetrahymena ther-mophilus has been described by Westergaardand his co-workers that is a high-affinitybinding and cleavage site for all eukaryotictype I enzymes (19). Here we describe high-

    resolution structures of two variants of thereconstituted enzyme, each in associationwith a slightly different 22base pair (bp)version of the Tetrahymena DNA sequence.The first is the structure of the Tyr7233Pheinactive mutant in a noncovalent complexat 2.5 resolution, and the second is thecovalent complex at 2.1 resolution. To-gether with the structure of the 70-kD NH2terminally truncated form of human topo Iin complex with DNA described in theaccompanying report (20), these complexesprovide detailed insights into the mode ofDNA binding and DNA manipulation by

    this key human enzyme.The structure of human topo I is ofconsiderable biomedical importance be-cause this enzyme is the sole target of thecamptothecin (CPT) family of anticancerdrugs (5, 2123). Two analogs of CPT,topotecan and irinotecan, have been usedsuccessfully in the treatment of several hu-man cancers (5, 24, 25). CPT and its de-rivatives act by prolonging the lifetime ofthe nicked intermediate in the topo I reac-tion (22, 2628). The resulting stabilizedcovalent intermediates are presumed to

    M. R. Redinbo and L. Stewart are at the BiomolecularStructure Center and Departmentof Biological Structure,Box 357742, School of Medicine, University of Washing-ton, Seattle, WA 98195, USA. P. Kuhn is at StanfordSynchrotron Radiation Laboratory, Stanford University,

    Stanford, CA 94309, USA. J. J. Champoux is in theDepartment of Microbiology, Box 357242, School ofMedicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98915,USA. W. G. J. Hol is in the Departments of BiologicalStructure and Biochemistry, Howard Hughes Medical In-stitute and Biomolecular Structure Center, Box 357742,School of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle,WA 98195, USA.

    *These authors contributed equally to this work.Present address: Emerald BioStructures, 7865 North-east DayRoadWest, Bainbridge Island, WA98110, USA.E-mail: [email protected] whom correspondence should be addressed at Bio-molecular Structure Center, School of Medicine, Univer-sity of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA. E-mail:[email protected]

    A B

    Fig. 1. The structure of reconstituted human topoisomerase I. (A) Viewedperpendicular to the pore. Core subdomains I, II, and III are shown in yellow,blue, and red, respectively, and the COOH-terminal domain is shown in green.

    The enzyme consists of a cap consisting of core subdomains I and II (with theextended nose-cone helices facing to the right), and the closely associatedcomplex of core subdomain III and the COOH-terminal domain at the bottom.(B) A view of the enzyme down the pore, rotated 90 about the vertical axis

    relative to (A), and with the domains colored as indicated above. The centralpore of the molecule varies from 15 to 20 in diameter and provides anextensive, highly positively charged binding region for the substrate DNA. Theoverall dimensions of the reconstituted enzyme are 70 by 60 by 60 . Thecap of the molecule and core subdomain III contact one another at two lips(residues 367 to 369 of subdomain I and residues 497 to 499 of subdomain III),as shown on the right central part of this figure.


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    form obstacles to the advancement of tran-scription and replication complexes thateventually lead to DNA damage and celldeath (29, 30). On the basis of the spatialdistribution of residues that when mutatedrender the enzyme resistant to CPT (31, 32)and on the allowed chemical modificationsof the compound (5), we propose a modelfor the binding of the drug to enzyme-DNA

    complexes.Structure determination. The structures

    of human topo I reported here and in theaccompanying report (20) are the result ofa considerable effort in which six differentcrystal forms were produced and over 1000crystals examined in the x-ray beam. Thereconstituted (33) structures in both co-valent and noncovalent complex with a22-bp DNA duplex were determined bymultiple isomorphous replacement (MIR)with mercury, platinum, and 5-iodo-de-oxyuridine derivatives (Table 1). In thestructure of the noncovalent complex

    with DNA (crystal form 2), the proteinwas inactivated by replacement of Tyr723with Phe. The covalent complex (crystalform 6) was generated by introducing a5-bridging phosphorothioate group at theDNA cleavage site, which effectively trapsthe enzyme covalently attached to theDNA via a phosphoester bond to the ac-tive-site tyrosine (34). Nonisomorphism,large mosaic spread, and poor crystal qual-ity made the structure determination ex-tremely difficult, and only the use of pre-cise crystal growth and cryo-cooling pro-tocols, synchrotron radiation, and phasingwith the program SHARP (35) allowed

    the structures to be elucidated (Table 1).One crystal of the covalent complex (form6) diffracted to 2.1 resolution, and thestructure of this crystal form was solved byMIR. Repositioning of the form 6 modelinto the nearly isomorphous form 2 cellallowed the structure of the noncovalentcomplex to be determined to 2.5 reso-lution. In both structures, the protein waswell defined for almost the entire lengthof the polypeptide chain, and the DNAoligonucleotide was clearly defined overits entire length.

    The human topo I protein. Reconstitut-

    ed human topo I is composed of four do-

    mains that temporarily clamp around theDNA. In its closed form it contains acentral DNA-binding pore of 15 to 20 in diameter (Fig. 1, A and B). SubdomainsI, II, and III constitute the 56-kD coredomain of the molecule, which in turnassociates closely with the COOH-termi-nal domain to form the complete recon-stituted enzyme. Subdomain I consists ofresidues 215 to 232 and 320 to 433 and ismade up of two helices and nine strands (Fig. 2A). Subdomain II runs from



    Fig. 2. Structural similarities between human topo I and HP1 integrase. (A) The sequence and second-ary structural elements of reconstituted human topo I are indicated in the standard coloring scheme ofthedomain architectureof theenzyme (Fig. 1A), andthe structurally similar regions of HP1integrase areshown in red with gray background. Catalytically relevant residues of human topo I are highlighted incyan, and the positions of known CPT-resistant mutations in human, hamster, and yeast topoisomer-

    ases I are shown in gray. -Helices 18 and 19 are not depicted because these correspond to the linkerdomain (20), which is not present in the reconstituted enzyme. (B) Stereoview of the superposition ofcore subdomainIII (red) andthe COOH-terminal domain(green) of human topo I andbacteriophage HP1integrase(gray) (38). Theactive-siteresiduesof each enzyme areshown, with thehuman topo I residuesin cyan and the integrase residues in gray. Helices 8, 10, 15, and 17 of core subdomain III of topo I arealso indicated. There is no structural equivalent in the integrase for the topo I COOH-terminal domainpast the first eight residues, which contain the catalytic Tyr723. The C positions of the active-siteresidues Arg488 and Arg590 of topo I (20) superimpose within 0.6 and 1.9 , respectively, of the Cpositions of Arg207 and Arg283 in the integrase. His306 of the integrase superimposes within 3.3 onHis632 of human topo I, but theputative catalytic His280 of the integrasesuperimposes on a noncatalyticresidue of human topo I, Lys587. Abbreviations for theaminoacid residues areas follows: A, Ala; C, Cys;D, Asp; E, Glu; F, Phe; G, Gly; H, His; I, Ile; K, Lys; L, Leu; M, Met; N, Asn; P, Pro; Q, Gln; R, Arg; S, Ser;

    T, Thr; V, Val; W, Trp; and Y, Tyr.

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    residue 233 to 319 and is composed of five helices and two strands. Subdomains Iand II fold tightly together, burying1000 2 of solvent-accessible surfacearea on both subdomains, and form thetop half or cap of the enzyme (Fig. 1, Aand B). These domains are further charac-terized by two long nose-cone helices(5 and 6) that come together in a V

    at a point 25 away from the body of themolecule. Subdomains I and II are similarin structure to the 26-kD yeast topo Ifragment (2), with a root-mean-square(rms) deviation of 1.7 for 212 C posi-tions and 53% sequence identity.

    Subdomain III runs from residue 434 to635 and is a complex arrangement of 10 helices and 3 strands. This subdomaincontains all the active-site residues, withthe exception of the catalytic Tyr723 (Fig.2A). Subdomain III extends from the tophalf of the molecule downward by way oftwo long helices (8 and 9) that most

    likely function as the hinge that opens andcloses the enzyme around the DNA(Fig. 1B). Subdomains I and III interactvia two short lips opposite from theselong-hinge helices. This is the only pointof contact between the top and bottomhalves of the molecule on that side of theclamp, and involves three residues fromeach subdomain and one salt bridge. Thecore of the enzyme interacts closely withthe COOH-terminal domain primarily byway of helices 8, 16, and 17 of subdo-main III (Fig. 1A). This largely hydropho-bic interface buries 1300 2 of solvent-accessible surface on each domain and is

    made up of 11 hydrophobic residues, aswell as five specific hydrogen bonds andthree salt bridges. The compact COOH-terminal domain runs from residues 713to 765, is composed of five short helices, and contains the active-site Tyr723(Fig. 2A).

    The three subdomains of the core andthe COOH-terminal domain form a 64.3-kD particle with overall dimensions of 70 by 60 by 60 . The close integrationbetween the four domains that is observedin the structure even in the absence of the77-residue linker domain is in agreement

    with the observed stability of the recon-

    stituted enzyme (16). The central pore ofthe molecule is composed largely of posi-tively charged residues, 15 lysines and 8arginines, which give rise to a high posi-tive electrostatic potential surroundingthe pore. The catalytic residues of theenzyme, including Tyr723, are containedwithin this highly positively chargedchannel region.

    The structures of the reconstituted hu-man topo I proteins in our two complexesare nearly identical, with an rms deviation

    of 0.45 on C positions. The only signif-icant differences between the structures oc-cur in the active-site region (as discussedbelow); in addition, residues 628 to 635 ofsubdomain III and 715 to 719 of theCOOH-terminal domain are ordered in thenoncovalent complex but are disordered inthe covalent complex.

    A search for structural similarity with

    other proteins with the program DALI(36) indicated that subdomain II of topo Iwas similar in structure to the homeodo-main family of DNA-binding proteins. Forexample, residues 244 to 314 of humantopo I superimpose on the POU homeodo-main of the human Oct-1 transcriptionfactor (37) with an rms deviation of 3.0 over 55 C positions, but show only 11%sequence identity. However, subdomain IIof human topo I does not interact with thesubstrate DNA in either of the protein-DNA complexes we have solved, so anypossible DNA binding function within

    this region of the enzyme still awaits fur-

    ther investigation.A second structural similarity was iden-

    tified by DALI between subdomain III ofhuman topo I and the bacteriophage HP1integrase (38). Residues 440 to 614 of topoI superimpose on residues 168 to 330 ofintegrase with an rms deviation of 3.8 for 129 C atoms with a sequence identityof 12% (Fig. 2, A and B). Although it wasknown that eukaryotic type I topoisomer-ases and several bacteriophage integrasesshare similar biochemical properties (39),a close structural similarity between theenzymes has not been described. Not only

    do 90% of the residues in subdomain IIIcorrespond with HP1 integrase, but also

    residues Gly717 to Leu724 of the COOH-terminal domain of topo I appear to cor-respond with residues 309 to 316 of inte-grase after subdomain III of topo I andintegrase are superimposed (Fig. 2B). Mostimportantly, despite short insertions ineach sequence, the active sites of the twoenzymes line up remarkably well. The Cposition of the catalytic Tyr723 of human

    topo I falls within 3.9 of the correspond-ing atom in Tyr315 of the integrase afterthe two structures are superimposed. Weobserved that the absolutely conservedand catalytically important His632 of topoI corresponds to His306 of the integrase(20). The putative catalytic His280 of HP1integrase superimposes on Lys587 of humantopo I, which interacts with a phosphateaway from the active site and is likely nota catalytic residue.

    The DNA oligonucleotide structure.The 22-bp DNA oligonucleotides werefully visible in the electron density maps

    of both the covalent and the noncovalentcomplexes. In both crystal forms, theblunt-ended duplexes stack head-to-tail toform a pseudo-continuous helix along thecrystallographic c axis (Fig. 3). This stack-ing gives rise to the observed 72 lengthfor the c axis in both crystal forms, whichis shorter than the 75 expected for a22-bp stretch of perfectly canonical B-DNA. Superpositions of the DNA duplex-es with B-DNA reveal that the inner 10bp (4 to 6) deviate little from canon-ical B-form (with an rms deviation of 1.2 for 460 atoms), whereas the 6 bp ateither end of the central region show more

    deviations from ideal B-DNA (rms devia-tion of 2.0 for 486 atoms). These re -

    F ig . 3 . Experimentalelectron density map ofsymmetry-related DNAduplexes. Representa-tive electron densityfrom the experimentalMIR with anomalousscattering map at 3.2 resolution is shown inpurple (contoured at1.2). The tail-to-headstacking arrangement of

    symmetry-related DNAoligonucleotides alongthe monoclinic c axis isevident (8 to 12 re-gion of DNA oligonucle-otide downstream ofthe cleavage site ingreen; 10 to 6 re-gion of symmetry-relat-ed DNA oligonucleotideupstream of the cleav-age site in yellow). Theentire DNA oligonucleotide, as well as the majority of the protein atoms, could be built into thisexperimental map.


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    Fig. 4. The structure of human topo I in complex withDNA.(A) Thestructures of thecovalent(in thestandardprotein coloring scheme, Fig. 1A) and noncovalent

    (white) complexes of reconstituted human topo I withDNA superimposed and viewed as in Fig. 1A. The DNAoligonucleotide from the covalent complex is coloredas follows: blue for the intact strand, and magenta andpink for the scissile strand upstream and downstreamof the cleavage site, respectively. The protein com-pletely wraps around the DNA oligonucleotide, con-tacting 4 bp upstream and 6 bp downstream of thecleavage site. The positively charged nose-cone heli-ces on the cap of the enzyme are positioned above themajor groove of the DNA, but do not directly contactthe DNA. The position of the cleavage site is indicated.

    The rms deviation between all equivalent protein atomsof the two complexes is 0.67 , and the rms deviationbetween all equivalent DNA atoms is 0.44 . (B) Thenoncovalent human topoIDNA complex viewed down

    the axis of the DNA (in approximately the same orien-tation as Fig. 1B). The protein is represented as a coilwith the standard domaincolors as defined above,andthe DNA is rendered as a ladder in magenta. Residuesat positions of known CPT-resistant mutations areshown as space-filling atoms in tan. The interaction ofthe lips of the molecule, which brings together coresubdomains I (yellow) and III (red) and completes thewrapping of the enzyme around the DNA, is indicatedon the right. (C) Stereoview of a region with extensiveinteractions between core subdomain I and the DNAoligonucleotide. A coil representation of residues 410to 429 andthe side chains of four residues that contacttheDNA areshown in yellow. Theinteractions betweenthe side chains and the DNA phosphate groups areindicated, as is the interaction between the main chain

    amide nitrogen of Thr411

    (blue) and the phosphate be-tween the 3 and 4 nucleotides of the scissilestrand. Theintact strand of theDNA is rendered in blue,and the regions of the scissile strand upstream anddownstream of the cleavage site are rendered in ma-genta and pink, respectively. (D) Stereoview of protein-DNAinteractions in theregion of thelips of human topoI. Residues 361 to 369 of core subdomain I are shown

    in yellow, and regions of core subdomains III near residues 532 to 533 and 489 to 501 are shown in red. Direct contacts between the protein and the DNAareindicated, includingfive involving main chain amide nitrogens(blue). Directcontact is apparent in theminor groovebetween Lys532 and theThy nucleotidebase at the 1 position on the scissile strand. Residues that make up the lip interaction between subdomains I and III (His367, Pro368, Lys369 of subdomainI and Glu497, Thr498, and Ala499 of subdomain III) are also shown; the only direct contact between these regions of the molecule is the salt bridge betweenLys369 and Glu497. Residues at positions of known CPT-resistant mutations are indicated in tan. The DNA is rendered with the same color convention as in(C), andthe position of the1bpisindicated.(E) Stereoview of protein-DNAcontactsnearthe active-site residues in thenoncovalent topo I DNA. Thecoloring

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    gions of the oligonucleotide are morecompacted and slightly underwound,probably giving rise to the shorter thancanonical length along the crystallograph-ic c axis. However, because these regionsof the DNA oligonucleotide are not incontact with the protein (as described be-low), it seems likely that these observeddeviations from ideal B-form DNA are

    crystal-packing effects rather than specificchanges induced by the protein.

    Human topo I in complex with DNA.Human topo I engages in an intimate in-teraction with its DNA substrate, wrap-ping completely around the DNA andburying a total of 4700 2 of solvent-accessible surface area (2400 2 of theprotein and 2300 2 of the DNA) uponcomplex formation (Fig. 4, A and B). Allthree subdomains (I, II, and III) of thecore plus the COOH-terminal domain in-teract with DNA, burying approximately950, 80, 1050, and 330 2 of solvent-

    accessible surface area of each of theseprotein elements, respectively. Clearly,DNA interactions involving subdomain II



    scheme is identical to that of Fig. 4, C and D, withtheadditionof theactive-siteresiduesin cyan andthe coil in green to represent the COOH-terminaldomain. The tight network of protein-DNA phos-phate interactions, mostly involving main chainamide nitrogens, is apparent just acrossthe minorgroove from the active site. These interactions arefurther stabilized by a helix dipole from the 20-residue helix 16 to the phosphate group be-tween the 4 and 5 nucleotides of the intactstrand. (F ) Schematic representation of the pro-

    tein-DNA interactions in the noncovalent complexof human topo I with DNA. Interactions betweenprotein side chain andmainchainatomswithDNAphosphate groups and minor-groove atoms clos-er than 3.5 are indicated. The protein-DNA con-tacts are limited almost exclusively to protein-phosphate interactions, and the protein only con-tacts the central 10 bp around the cleavage site.

    The side chains of Lys436, His632, and Asn722 andthe main chain amide nitrogens of Asn491, Gln633,and Ala635 make contacts closer than 3.5 in thiscomplex but not in the covalent complex (Fig. 4G;note that residues 628 to 635 are disordered andare not present in the structure of the covalentcomplex). In addition, the side chain of Arg364

    makes a different contact in this complex relative

    to the covalent complex (Fig. 4G). The sugar-phosphatebackbone of the oligonucleotideis col-ored as described in (A). (G) Schematic represen-tation of the protein-DNA interactions in the cova-lent complex of human topo I with DNA. The col-oring and numbering scheme are the same as in(F). The side chains of His266, Lys720, and Asn745

    make contacts closer than 3.5 in this complexbut not in the noncovalent complex (Fig. 4F). Thetwo schematics in (F) and (G) provide exact infor-mation about the positions of the modified andunmodified bases used in the two reconstitutedcomplexes. None of the substituted iodine or bro-mine atoms is in contact with the protein.


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    Table 1. Crystallographic structure determinationof reconstituted humantopoIDNA complexes. Native data for heavy-atom phasing were collected from acrystal containing eight 5-iodo-deoxyuridine nucleotides on the DNA oligo atpositions 8, 9, 10, 11 on thescissile strandand 3, 4, 5, 6ontheintact strand (see Fig. 4, F and G, for oligonucleotide numbering scheme).Heavy-atom derivatives were as follows: Hg-1: 1 mM ethylmercuryphosphate,14 hours; DNA oligo with six 5-iodo-deoxyuridine substitutions, at positions2, 1, 8, 9, 10, 11 on the scissile strand; Hg-2: 1 mM thimerosal, 24hours; Iodo: DNA oligo with 15 5-iodo-deoxyuridine substitutions, at positions2, 1, 8, 9, 10, 11 on the scissile strand and 9, 8, 7, 6, 4,

    3, 4, 5, 6 on the intactstrand; Pt: 0.1 mMPIP [di--iodobis(ethylenedi-amine) diplatinum (II) nitrate], 28 hours; DNA oligo with 10 5-iodo-deoxyuridinesubstitutions, at positions 2, 1, 8, 9, 10, 11 on the scissile strandand 3, 4, 5, 6 on the intact strand. The mean figures of merit[ P()eia/P() , where is the phase and P() is the phase probabilitydistribution] before density modification were 0.57 and 0.60 for acentric andcentric data, respectively. Data used for form6 refinement were collected froma crystal containing10 5-iodo-deoxyuridine nucleotides on the DNA oligo (Fig.4G), and data used for form 2 refinement were collected from a crystal con-taining eight 5-BrdU substitutions (Fig. 4F). Crystallization: Crystals of thenoncovalent and covalent reconstituted complexes with DNA were grown byvapordiffusion at 22C from sittingdrops that were prepared by mixing 3 l ofcrystallant [100 mM tris-HCl (pH 7.7), 24% v/v PEG 400, 100 mM MgCl

    2, and

    10mMDTT],3 l ofwater, 1 l ofduplex oligo (0.1mM in6 mMNaCl),and 2l ofprotein[5 mg/ml in10 mMtris-HCl(pH7.5),1 mMEDTA, and 5 mMDTT].Crystals of 0.1 mm by 0.2 mm by 0.4 mm grew in 2 to 3 weeks at roomtemperature. Data collection and structure determination: Crystals were flash-

    frozen in either liquid nitrogen or a nitrogen gas stream at 100 K with astabilization buffer {the crystallant withoutDT T [100mM tris-HCl (pH 7.7), 24%v/v PEG 400, 100 mM MgCl2]} as the cryo-protectant. Data were collected at100 K at several synchrotron sources, processed with DENZO, andreducedwith SCALEPACK (47). Native and derivative data from form 6 (covalent com-plex) crystals were collected at Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory(SSRL), beamline 9-1, by a MAR image plate system. The x-ray wavelengthwas adjusted to 0.980 to obtain an optimal anomalous scattering signal forHg derivatives.Data used for form 2 (noncovalent complex) refinementwas thepeak wavelength of a multiwavelength anomalous dispersion experiment col-lected at the beamline X4A (National Synchrotron Light Source, BrookhavenNational Laboratory) with Fuji image plates. Both form 6 and form 2 crystalsbelonged to space group P21 with nearly identical cell constants (a 72.0 ,b 66.6 , c 71.8 , 98.3 forform6;a 71.8 ,b 66.3, c 71.8, 98.4 forform 2) and oneprotein-DNA complex in the asymmetric unit.Despite isomorphous cell constants, crystal-to-crystal nonisomorphism

    within both form 2 and form 6 crystals was revealed by high Riso

    values (15 to20%)between nativedata sets. Eventually, outof nearly80 data sets collected,a form 6 data set from a crystal containing eight 5-iodo-deoxyuridine substi-tutions on the DNA oligo was chosen as the native, and four form 6 data setswere chosen as isomorphous derivatives (two Hg, one Pt, and one with only Isubstitutions). Heavy-atom derivatives were prepared by washing crystalsthree times in the stabilization buffer to remove DTT, followed by soaks inheavy-atom compounds dissolved in this buffer. Heavy-atom sites were iden-tified by inspection of difference Pattersons. Initial heavy-atom refinement andphasing with anomalous signal were carried out at 3.2 resolution with

    MLPHARE (48), with phase improvement by DM (49). Resultant electron den-sity maps revealed some structural features but were not clearly traceable.Heavy-atom refinement and phasing with SHARP (35) and density modifica-tionwithSOLOMON(50) yielded a readilytraceableelectrondensity mapat 3.2

    resolution (Fig. 3). The improvementgainedwith SHARP may have been dueto its refinement of nonisomorphism parameters. All 22 bp of the DNA, nearlythe complete main chain of the protein, and more than half the protein sidechains were built with this MIRAS map and O ( 51). The covalent protein-DNAattachment wasalso evident in this initial MIRAS map. The mapwas consistentwith the position of the 26-kD yeast topo I fragment (2) in the form 6 cell foundwith AMORE (52). Structural refinement: The form 6 model was refined with

    X-PLOR (53) and simulated annealing (54). Seven percent of the data were setaside for free-R cross-validation (55) before any structural refinement. Theremainder of the protein was built and improved with SigmaA-weighted (56)2F

    obs F

    calc and F

    obs F

    calc maps iteratively with X-PLOR refine-

    ment. The high-resolution (2.1 ) dataset usedfor the refinement of the form6 model was collected at SSRL beamline 9-1 and was obtained from a

    crystal containing 10 5-iodo-deoxyuridine substitutions (Fig. 4G). Occu-pancies of these iodine positions were refined alternately with individual Bfactors until convergence. The final form 6 model contains residues 215 to627 and 720 to 765 of human topo I, 22 DNA bp, and 360 waters, withgood geometry and no Ramachandran outliers (57). The form 2 structurewas solved by rigid body adjustment of the form 6 model, followed bycoordinate refinement with X-PLOR and model rebuilding with O. The datasetused for the refinement of theform 2 model wasobtained from a crystalcontaining eight 5-BrdU substitutions (Fig. 4F), and the occupancies ofthese bromine positions were also refined alternately with individual Bfactors until convergence. A bulk solvent correction (X-PLOR) was used inthefinalstages of therefinement of both theform 2 and form 6 models. Thefinal form 2 model contains residues 215 to 635 and 715 to 765 of humantopo I, a 22-bp DNA duplex, and 63 waters, with good geometry and noRamachandran outliers (57). Figures were created with MOLSCRIPT (58),Raster3D (59), GRASP (60), and ALSCRIPT (61).

    Phasing by MIR with anomalous scattering of the covalent complex (crystal form 6)

    Resolution ()(last shell)


    Complete (%)(last shell)


    * (%)(last shell)


    (last shell)

    Numberof sites

    PhP Rcullis

    Acentric(iso/anom) Centric

    Acentric(iso/anom) Centric

    Native(8 I)


    12863/27375 92.0 (98.5) 9.3 (31.2)

    Hg-1(6 I)


    12004/42666 98.8 (99.8) 11.6 (36.1) 33.3 (39.7) 6 Hg2 I, 4 I**

    1.20/1.41 0.76 0.82/0.88 0.81

    Hg-2 20 2.8(2.92.8)

    16138/38449 94.5 (99.7) 6.4 (34.5) 26.5 (31.2) 3 Hg8 I**

    0.98/1.20 0.97 0.88/0.93 0.91

    Iodo(15 I)


    12921/18547 92.9 (95.0) 8.1 (28.4) 24.5 (24.9) 7 I 2.21/ 1.84 0.66/ 0.70

    Pt(10 I)


    10797/20475 94.4 (93.2) 7.7 (34.3) 17.1 (22.5) 3 Pt2 I

    2.20/ 2.42 0.67/ 0.70

    Structural refinement of the covalent (form 6) and noncovalent (form 2) complexes


    (last shell)

    Reflectionsunique/total Redundancy


    (last shell)


    * (%)(last shell)

    Number ofprotein, DNA











    Form 6(10 I)



    1.9 92.7 (95.5) 5.5(23.4)

    4681 360 24.9 34.6 0.012 1.60

    Form 2(8 Br)



    4.2 83.9 (87.7 ) 7.7(26.9)

    4768 63 22.5 33.8 0.012 1.61

    *Rsym I I / I, where I is theobservedintensity and I the average intensity of multiple symmetry-related observations of that reflection. Riso FPH FP/ FP,where F

    P is the protein structure factor amplitude and F

    PH is the heavy-atom derivative structure factor amplitude. PhP(phasing power) (rms F

    h)/(rms E), where F


    is the heavy-atom structure factor amplitude and Ethe residual lack of closure error. Rcullis E/ FPH FP. R Fobs

    P Fcalc


    P. Rfree

    FobsP Fcalc

    P/ Fobs

    P where Fobs

    P is from a test setnot used in structural refinement (7%of theobserveddata). #rmsd values are root-mean-squaredeviations from

    ideal bond lengths and bond angles. **I denotes iodine positions with negative occupancies.

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    and the COOH-terminal domain are quitelimited but those involving subdomains Iand III are very extensive. Subdomains Iand III make up in large part the molecu-lar clamp that closes around the DNAbefore cleavage and covalent attachment.In keeping with the nearly identical pro-tein and DNA conformations in the twocrystal forms, the protein-DNA contacts

    made in the noncovalent complex are es-sentially the same as those made in thecovalent complex (Fig. 4, A, F, and G).

    The nose-cone helices of the cap ofthe enzyme offer a highly positivelycharged surface to the sugar-phosphatebackbone, yet the DNA declines to inter-act directly with these positively chargedresidues in both the covalent and nonco-valent complexes. Elsewhere, extensiveprotein-DNA contacts do occur, includingresidues 410 to 429 from subdomain I (Fig.4C), which position strand 11 into themajor groove roughly opposite the cleav-

    age site. The regions containing the lipsbetween subdomains I and III are also inclose contact with the DNA (Fig. 4, B andD). As expected, residues near the activesite make several DNA contacts, especial-ly directly across the minor groove fromthe cleavage site (Fig. 4E). Moreover, thedipole of helix 16 helps to stabilize theprotein-DNA interactions by bringing its


    terminus close to the phosphate be-tween the 4 and 5 nucleotides of theintact strand.

    The protein contacts only the central10 bp of the DNA (that is, positions 4 to6), and the vast majority of these con-

    tacts involve the DNA phosphate groups(Fig. 4, F and G). The total number ofprotein-DNA contacts closer than 3.5 is30 for the noncovalent complex and 27 forthe covalent complex, and several DNAcontacts are made by main chain amidenitrogen atoms as hydrogen bond donors(Fig. 4, C to G). A total of 26 residues inthe noncovalent complex and 24 residuesin the covalent complex participate inthese direct protein-DNA contacts. Thereis only one base-specific contact, a 2.6 to2.9 hydrogen bond in the minor groovebetween Lys532 and the O-2 carbonyl ox-

    ygen of the 1 thymidine base on thescissile strand (Fig. 4D). This interactionis probably related to the preference ob-served for thymidines at the scissile 1position in strong breaks sites (18), be-cause thymidine is the only nucleotidebase in which the two lone electron pairsof the O-2 atom are freely available toaccept a hydrogen bond from the -aminogroup of Lys532. In general, topo I makesextensive protein-DNA contacts, similarto the way certain restriction enzymeswrap around their target DNA, but with

    only one base-specific contact and lit-tle evidence for sequence-specific DNArecognition.

    The essential Tyr723. The electron den-sity at the active site of the covalent recon-stituted complex reveals that the catalyticTyr723 is indeed covalently attached by aphosphodiester bond with the 3 end of thescissile strand (Fig. 5A). This covalent at-

    tachment was evident even in the originalmaps with experimental phases at 3.2 resolution and was confirmed by capillaryelectrophoresis of washed and dissolvedcrystals (not shown). The free 5-sulfhydrylof the cleaved strand had not carried outthe religation reaction, in accordance withbiochemical studies (34). The phosphate ofthe tyrosine-DNA phosphodiester bondmakes close interactions with the guani-dinium groups of Arg488 (at a distance of 2.8) and Arg590 (at 2.6 ). Both argininesare implicated in the reaction mechanismof the enzyme, as described in the accom-

    panying report (20).The electron density at the active sitein the noncovalent complex shows un-equivocally that residue 723 is a phenyl-alanine in the mutant enzyme and that theDNA strand is intact (Fig. 5B). When thecovalent and noncovalent complexes aresuperimposed, it is observed that (i) thephenyl rings of Tyr723 and Phe723 are ro-tated 20 relative to one another andthe C positions of these residues areshifted by 0.5 ; (ii) the conserved res-idues Arg488 and Arg590 are displaced byrms deviations, respectively, of 0.45 and0.27 when averaged over all atoms; (iii)

    the 5 bridging oxygen of the 1 nucleo-

    tide of the scissile strand is shifted 0.8 with respect to the free 5-sulfhydrylgroup; and (iv) the phosphorous atoms ofthe scissile phosphates have moved 1.6 with respect to one another. Thus, thedifferences between the covalent and non-covalent complexes of human topo I withDNA are confined mainly to the catalytictyrosine and the scissile phosphate group.

    The residues around the active site, in-cluding the catalytic arginines 488 and590, are shifted minimally, as are the de-oxyribose rings upstream and downstreamof the cleavage site. Hence, the formationof the covalent complex does not seem torequire marked structural changes in theprotein or the DNA.

    Camptothecin binding. Camptothecin(Fig. 6A) is a cytotoxic plant alkaloid thatrapidly blocks both DNA and RNA syn-thesis in treated cells and has emerged as apotent anticancer compound (5, 21, 22,30). Topo I is the sole intracellular target

    for CPT and CPT derivatives (23), whichact by stabilizing the covalent topoIDNA complex. In in vitro studies, CPTand its analogs inhibit plasmid relax-ation by human topo I and increase theyield of covalent intermediates whenreactions are stopped with SDS (22, 26,40). The observations reviewed below pro-vide the rationale for a provisional place-ment of CPT into the structure of thecovalent topo IDNA complex shown inFig. 6B.

    Numerous structure-activity studieshave identified several design principlesfor CPT analogs and have also established

    a direct correlation between the ability of

    A B

    Fig. 5. Covalent and noncovalent complexes. (A) Close-up of the 2.1 2Fobs


    electrondensity map of the covalent complex near the active site, contoured at 1.5, revealing the covalent3-phosphate-tyrosine bond between Tyr723 and the broken strand of the DNA. (B) Close-up of the 2.5



    electron density map of the noncovalent complex near the active site, contoured at1.5, revealing the inactive Tyr7233Phe mutation and the intact DNA oligonucleotide.


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    CPT derivatives to stabilize the covalenttopo IDNA intermediate and their abil-ity to kill cancer cells (40, 41). The struc-tural features of CPT that are essential foractivity include the 20(S)-hydroxyl (42),the pyridone moiety of the D-ring, thelactone moiety of the E-ring (24), and theplanarity of the five-membered ring sys-tem (Fig. 6A) (43). Hence, the C-D-E

    rings of CPT cannot be altered withoutseverely affecting its ability to block reli-gation by topo I. In contrast, modifica-tions to the 9, 10, and 11 positions of theA-ring and the 7 position of the B-ring aregenerally well tolerated and in many casesenhance the potency of the CPT analog inboth in vitro and in vivo studies (5).Furthermore, substantial evidence indi-cates that CPT binds reversibly only after

    cleavage and covalent attachment of theenzyme to the DNA (27).

    CPT preferentially enhances DNAbreakage at sites with a guanine base at the1 position on the scissile strand, immedi-ately downstream of the cleavage site (44).Moreover, studies by Pommier and co-workers have shown that chemically reac-tive analogs of CPT that contain a chlo-

    romethyl addition to the C-7 position canalkylate the N-3 nitrogen of the 1 gua-nine base after cleavage (45). It is inferredfrom these and other studies (32) that uponcleavage and covalent attachment, the 1guanine can assume a conformation inwhich it is stacked against the five-mem-bered CPT ring system such that the gua-nine N-3 is in close proximity to the C-7 ofCPT (45).

    A small number of CPT resistance mu-tants (CPTr) have been reported for thetopo I enzymes from human, yeast, andhamster (31, 32) (Figs. 2A and 4, B, D,and E). Projecting all known CPT escapemutants from the various species onto thethree-dimensional structure of humantopo I suggests that there are four regionsof the protein that can be mutated to

    produce a CPTr enzyme: region 1: residuesGly717 to Asn722, which lie in close prox-imity to the active-site Tyr723 (Fig. 4E);region 2: the interface between helix 13(residues Lys532 to Ser534) in core subdo-main III, which contains the human CPTrmutant Asp5333Gly, and a loop segment(residues Phe361 to Met370) between strands 6 and 7 of core subdomain I, whichcontains the human CPTr mutations at po-sitions 361, 363, and 364 (Fig. 4D); region3: Thr729, which lies deep within the hy-drophobic core of the COOH-terminal do-main (Fig. 4B); and region 4: a conserved

    hydrophobic segment of core subdomain III,near helix 13, involving residue Gly503(Fig. 2A). The amino acid residues at posi-tions 503 and 729, which lie in regions 3and 4, are far removed from the active siteand from the DNA oligonucleotide andhence are not directly taken into account inour model for CPT binding. These residuesmay play a structural role in the properpacking of the COOH-terminal and coredomains and may affect CPT efficacy byinterfering with the positioning of catalyticor CPT-binding residues.

    Combining our crystallographic infor-mation with these chemical and biochem-

    ical observations, we propose a hypothet-ical CPT binding mode (Fig. 6A). Wechose to model CPT into the structure ofthe covalent complex because it is therelevant target of CPT binding. The loca-tions of CPTr side chains suggest that theCPT binding site spans the DNA duplexfrom region 1 of the protein to region 2.An attractive feature of this binding modeis that carbon positions 7 and 9 of CPT,which are amenable to chemical modifi-cation, are facing out into open space.Thus, modifications to the C-7 and C-9positions of CPT are allowed and could

    form favorable interactions with distantprotein or DNA atoms that would explainthe increased potency such derivativeshave relative to unmodified CPT. Inser-tion of CPT between regions 1 and 2requires the movement or displacement ofthe 1 bp immediately downstream of thecleavage site. This movement could beachieved by repositioning the guanine nu-cleotide at the 1 position of the scissilestrand outside of the DNA duplex andallowing CPT to occupy the space vacatedby the base, such that a reasonable hydro-



    Fig. 6. Proposed CPT binding mode. (A) A schematic representation of the key hydrogen bond andring-stacking interactions made between the human topo IDNA covalent complex and CPT in theproposed CPT binding mode. The atomic nomenclature for CPT is also indicated. (B) Stereoview of the

    proposed binding mode of CPT to the covalent human topo I DNA complex. The active lactone form ofCPT (20-S-camptothecin, in green) is shown stacked between the terminal 1 guanine nucleotide fromthecleaved strand(1 Gua, in yellow,which is reorientedfrom theobserved position as describedbelow),and the side chain of Asn722, which provides interactions with the A-ring of CPT (the cleaved strand isrendered in light and dark magenta upstream and downstream of the cleavage site, respectively). Thecarbonyl oxygen at the 17 position in CPT makes a hydrogen bond with the NH2 group on the pyrimidinering of the 1 cytosine. The side chains of active-site residues Tyr723, Arg488, and Arg590 are shown incyan. The side chain residues that, if singly mutated, result in a CPT-resistant phenotype [Phe 361, Gly363,and Arg364 of region 1 (see text); Asp533 and Asn722 of region 2] are shown in tan. The side chainconformations of Arg364 and Asp533 have been altered slightly from the final structure of the covalentcomplex to allow for optimal hydrogen bondingto the double-bonded lactone oxygen and the hydroxyl atthe 20-S chiral center of CPT, respectively. Modifications to the 10 and 11 positions of CPT may requiresome minor shifts in the positions of residues Lys720 and Leu721 of topo I, which exhibit relatively hightemperature factors (for exam-ple, 55 to 65 2) in the struc-ture of the covalent complex.

    The proposed conformation ofthe 1 Gua nucleotide was in-spiredbyflipped-outbasesob-servedexperimentallybySuss-man and co-workers (62), butwas further optimized by rota-tions about bonds in the intactphosphate between the 1and 2 nucleotides. Becausethis base is now a terminal nu-cleotide in the cleaved strand,it is less contrained by the ri-bose-phosphatebackbone and

    is more free to rotate to posi-

    tions outside the DNA duplex.

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    gen bonding network can be establishedbetween the Asp533 and Arg364 side chainsand the immutable 20(S)-hydroxyl andlactone moieties of CPT (Fig. 6, A and B).Mutations of the Phe361 and Gly363 resi-dues are likely to mediate CPT resistanceby disrupting the conformation of the loopthat holds Arg364.

    In this binding mode, the terminal car-

    bon (C-18) of the CPT ethyl group hasbeen rotated slightly relative to its positionin the CPT crystal structure (46) to removesteric clashes with the side chain of Asp533and the 1 nucleotide base. A CPT mole-cule docked in this way would explain thenecessity for an S configuration at the C-20position. The inactive R-diastereoisomer ofCPT would fail to bind to right-handedDNA in this manner because of major stericclashes with the 2 bp.

    Support for the displacement of the 1guanine base from its normal base-pairedposition comes from the alkylation studies,

    which indicate that the N-

    3 position of thisguanine is in close proximity to the C-7position of CPT in the covalent complex(45). This proximity has been achieved bythe aforementioned repositioning of theterminal guanine of the broken strand,which allows the base to stack on top of theplanar CPT (Fig. 6B). In this configuration,the A-ring of CPT forms an additionalstacking interaction with the planar conju-gated side chain of Asn722. The intact cy-tosine nucleotide at the 1 position in thenoncleaved strand further stabilizes thisbinding mode by forming a hydrogen bondbetween its N-3 amino group and the pyri-

    done oxygen of the D-ring of CPT. In theproposed topo I-DNA:CPT complex, thefree 5 hydroxyl group is over 4.5 re-moved from the phosphate group to beattacked for religation. Hence, the enzymeis trapped in its covalent complex withDNA.

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    A. varsson, D. Chudzik, J. Yeh, F. Athappilly, Fvan den Akker, C. Verlinde, and many other mem-bers of theBiomolecular StructureCenter at theUni-versity of Washington for technical assistance andintellectual support. We also thank the staffs of theStanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, theBrookhaven National Laboratory, the Cornell HighEnergy Synchrotron Source, and the European Syn-chrotron Radiation Laboratory for their extensivesupport with data collection. Thanks are also due toA. Burgin for advice on the synthesis of oligonucleo-tides containing a 5-bridging phosphorothioate,andto DNAExpress(Fort Collins,CO) forconductingthe syntheses. Supported by American Cancer So-ciety grant PF-3905 (L.S.), grant GM49156 from theNational Institutes of Health (J.J.C.), by a majoequipment grant from the Murdock Charitable Trustto the Biomolecular Structure Center, and grant NCCA65656 from the National Institutes of Health(W.G.J.H.). The Stanford Synchrotron RadiationLaboratory is founded by the Department of Energy(BES, OBER) and the NIH (NCRR).

    1 December 1997; accepted 28 January 1998


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