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CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private...

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This document is copyright (C) Stanford Computer Science and Marty Stepp, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. All rights reserved. Based on slides created by Keith Schwarz, Mehran Sahami, Eric Roberts, Stuart Reges, and others. CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables Reading: Art & Science of Java, Ch. 10.1-10.4
Page 1: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that




Page 2: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that






Page 3: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that


Learning Goals• LearntorespondtomouseeventsinGraphicsPrograms• Learntouseinstancevariablestostoreinformationoutsideofmethods

Page 4: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that


Plan for Today•Announcements•Review:Animation•Null•Event-drivenprogramming(withDaisy!)•InstanceVariables•Whack-A-Mole

Page 5: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that


Plan for Today•Announcements•Review:Animation•Null•Event-drivenprogramming(withDaisy!)•InstanceVariables•Whack-A-Mole

Page 6: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that


Animation• AGraphicsprogramcanbemadetoanimatewithaloopsuchas:

public void run() {...while (test) {

update the position of shapes;pause(milliseconds);



• Thebestnumberofmstopausedependsontheprogram.– mostvideogames~=50frames/sec=25mspause

Page 7: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that


Plan for Today•Announcements•Review:Animation•Null•Event-drivenprogramming(withDaisy!)•InstanceVariables•Whack-A-Mole

Page 8: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that


NullNullisaspecialvariablevaluethatobjects canhavethatmeans“nothing”.Primitives cannotbenull.

Ifamethodreturnsanobject,itcanreturnnull tosignify“nothing”.(justsayreturn null;)

// may be a GObject, or null if nothing at (x, y)GObject maybeAnObject = getElementAt(x, y);

Objectshavethevaluenull beforebeinginitialized.

Scanner myScanner; // initially null

Page 9: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that



// may be a GObject, or null if nothing at (x, y)GObject maybeAnObject = getElementAt(x, y);if (maybeAnObject != null) {

// do something with maybeAnObject} else {

// null – nothing at that location}

Page 10: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that


NullCallingmethodsonanobjectthatisnull willcrashyourprogram!

// may be a GObject, or null if nothing at (x, y)GObject maybeAnObject = getElementAt(x, y);if (maybeAnObject != null) {

int x = maybeAnObject.getX(); // OK} else {

int x = maybeAnObject.getX(); // CRASH!}

Page 11: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that


NullCallingmethodsonanobjectthatisnull willcrashyourprogram!(throwsaNullPointerException)

Page 12: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that


Plan for Today•Announcements•Review:Animation•Null•Event-drivenprogramming(withDaisy!)•InstanceVariables•Whack-A-Mole

Page 13: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that




Page 14: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that



Page 15: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that



Page 16: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that



Page 17: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that



public void run() {// Java runs this when program launches


Page 18: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that



public void run() {// Java runs this when program launches


public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event) {// Java runs this when mouse is clicked


Page 19: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that



public void run() {// Java runs this when program launches


public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event) {// Java runs this when mouse is clicked


public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent event) {// Java runs this when mouse is moved


Page 20: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that


Example: ClickForDaisyimport acm.program.*;import acm.graphics.*;import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*; // NEW

public class ClickForDaisy extends GraphicsProgram {

// Add a Daisy image at 50, 50 on mouse clickpublic void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event) {

GImage daisy = new GImage("res/daisy.png", 50, 50);add(daisy);


Page 21: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that


MouseEvent Objects

•AMouseEvent containsinformationabouttheeventthatjustoccurred:

Method Descriptione.getX() thex-coordinateofmousecursorinthewindowe.getY() they-coordinateofmousecursorinthewindow

Page 22: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that


Example: ClickForDaisies

Page 23: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that


Example: ClickForDaisiespublic class ClickForDaisies extends GraphicsProgram {

// Add a Daisy image where the user clickspublic void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event) {// Get information about the eventdouble mouseX = event.getX();double mouseY = event.getY();

// Add Daisy at the mouse locationGImage daisy = new GImage("res/daisy.png", mouseX, mouseY);add(daisy);


Page 24: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that


Example: ClickForDaisiespublic class ClickForDaisies extends GraphicsProgram {

// Add a Daisy image where the user clickspublic void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event) {// Get information about the eventdouble mouseX = event.getX();double mouseY = event.getY();

// Add Daisy at the mouse locationGImage daisy = new GImage("res/daisy.png", mouseX, mouseY);add(daisy);


Page 25: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that


Types of Mouse Events• Therearemanydifferenttypesofmouseevents.

– Eachtakestheform:public void eventMethodName(MouseEvent event) { ...

Method DescriptionmouseMoved mousecursormovesmouseDragged mousecursormoveswhilebuttonishelddownmousePressed mousebuttonispresseddownmouseReleased mousebuttonisliftedupmouseClicked mousebuttonispressedandthenreleasedmouseEntered mousecursorentersyourprogram'swindowmouseExited mousecursorleavesyourprogram'swindow

Page 26: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that


Example: Doodler

Page 27: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that


Doodlerprivate static final int SIZE = 10;...

public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent event) {double mouseX = event.getX();double mouseY = event.getY();double rectX = mouseX – SIZE / 2.0;double rectY = mouseY – SIZE / 2.0;GRect rect = new GRect(rectX, rectY, SIZE, SIZE);rect.setFilled(true);add(rect);


Page 28: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that


Doodlerpublic void mouseDragged(MouseEvent event) {

double mouseX = event.getX();double mouseY = event.getY();double rectX = mouseX – SIZE / 2.0;double rectY = mouseY – SIZE / 2.0;GRect rect = new GRect(rectX, rectY, SIZE, SIZE);rect.setFilled(true);add(rect);


Page 29: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that


Doodlerpublic void mouseDragged(MouseEvent event) {

double mouseX = event.getX();double mouseY = event.getY();double rectX = mouseX – SIZE / 2.0;double rectY = mouseY – SIZE / 2.0;GRect rect = new GRect(rectX, rectY, SIZE, SIZE);rect.setFilled(true);add(rect);


Page 30: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that


Doodlerpublic void mouseDragged(MouseEvent event) {

double mouseX = event.getX();double mouseY = event.getY();double rectX = mouseX – SIZE / 2.0;double rectY = mouseY – SIZE / 2.0;GRect rect = new GRect(rectX, rectY, SIZE, SIZE);rect.setFilled(true);add(rect);


Page 31: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that


Doodlerpublic void mouseDragged(MouseEvent event) {

double mouseX = event.getX();double mouseY = event.getY();double rectX = mouseX – SIZE / 2.0;double rectY = mouseY – SIZE / 2.0;GRect rect = new GRect(rectX, rectY, SIZE, SIZE);rect.setFilled(true);add(rect);


Page 32: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that


Recap: Events1)Userperformssomeaction,likemoving/clickingthemouse.2)Thiscausesaneventtooccur.3)Javaexecutesaparticularmethodtohandlethatevent.4)Themethod'scodeupdatesthescreenappearanceinsomeway.

Page 33: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that


Revisiting Doodlerpublic void mouseDragged(MouseEvent event) {

double mouseX = event.getX();double mouseY = event.getY();double rectX = mouseX – SIZE / 2.0;double rectY = mouseY – SIZE / 2.0;GRect rect = new GRect(rectX, rectY, SIZE, SIZE);rect.setFilled(true);add(rect);


Whatifwewantedthesame GRect totrackthemouse,insteadofmakinganewoneeachtime?

Page 34: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that


Plan for Today•Announcements•Review:Animation•Null•Event-drivenprogramming(withDaisy!)•InstanceVariables•Whack-A-Mole

Page 35: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that


Instance Variablesprivate type name; // declared outside of any method

• Instancevariable:Avariablethatlivesoutsideofanymethod.– Thescope ofaninstancevariableisthroughoutanentirefile(class).

– Usefulfordatathatmustpersistthroughouttheprogram,orthatcannotbestoredaslocalvariablesorparameters(eventhandlers).

– Itisbadstyletooveruseinstancevariables


Page 36: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that


Example: MouseTracker

Page 37: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that


Plan for Today•Announcements•Review:Animation•Null•Event-drivenprogramming(withDaisy!)•InstanceVariables•Whack-A-Mole

Page 38: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that


Putting it all together

Page 39: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that


Whack-A-MoleLet’suseinstancevariablesandeventstomakeWhack-A-Mole!• Amoleshouldappeareverysecondatarandomlocation,andstoponcetheuserhasgottenatleast10points.

• Iftheuserclicksamole,removeitandincreasetheirscoreby1• ThereshouldbeaGLabel intheleftcornershowingtheirscore

Page 40: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that


Exception• Iftheuserclicksanareawithnomole,theprogramcrashes.

– AprogramcrashinJavaiscalledanexception.– Whenyougetanexception,Eclipseshowsrederrortext.– Theerrortextshowsthelinenumberwheretheerroroccurred.– Whydidthiserrorhappen?– Howcanweavoidthis?

Page 41: CS 106A, Lecture 14 Events and Instance Variables · 2017. 7. 19. · 35 Instance Variables private type name; // declared outside of any method •Instance variable: A variable that



