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CS 110 Computer Architecture - ShanghaiTech · 2020. 6. 16. · –RISC-V seeks simplicity: since...

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CS 110 Computer Architecture RISC-V Instruction Formats Instructor: Sören Schwertfeger http://shtech.org/courses/ca/ School of Information Science and Technology SIST ShanghaiTech University 1 Slides based on UC Berkley's CS61C
Page 1: CS 110 Computer Architecture - ShanghaiTech · 2020. 6. 16. · –RISC-V seeks simplicity: since data is in words, make instructions be fixed-size 32-bit words, too •Same 32-bit





School of Information Science and Technology SIST

ShanghaiTech University

1Slides based on UC Berkley's CS61C

Page 2: CS 110 Computer Architecture - ShanghaiTech · 2020. 6. 16. · –RISC-V seeks simplicity: since data is in words, make instructions be fixed-size 32-bit words, too •Same 32-bit


• Stackframeincludes:• Return“instruction”address• Parameters• Spaceforotherlocalvariables

• Stackframescontiguousblocksofmemory;stackpointertellswherebottomofstackframeis

• Whenprocedureends,stackframeistossedoffthestack;freesmemoryforfuturestackframes







Page 3: CS 110 Computer Architecture - ShanghaiTech · 2020. 6. 16. · –RISC-V seeks simplicity: since data is in words, make instructions be fixed-size 32-bit words, too •Same 32-bit


entry_label: addi sp,sp, -framesizesw ra, framesize-4(sp) # save rasave other regs if need be


restore other regs if need belw ra, framesize-4(sp) # restore $raaddi sp, sp, framesizejr ra



Body (call other functions…)




Page 4: CS 110 Computer Architecture - ShanghaiTech · 2020. 6. 16. · –RISC-V seeks simplicity: since data is in words, make instructions be fixed-size 32-bit words, too •Same 32-bit

WhereistheStackinMemory?• RV32convention(RV64andRV128havedifferentmemorylayouts)• Stackstartsinhighmemoryandgrowsdown

– Hexadecimal:bfff_fff0hex

– Stackmustbealignedon16-byteboundary(nottrueinpreviousexamples)

• RV32programs(textsegment)inlowend– 0001_0000hex

• staticdatasegment(constantsandotherstaticvariables)abovetextforstaticvariables– RISC-Vconventionglobalpointer(gp)pointstostatic– RV32gp =1000_0000hex

• Heapabovestaticfordatastructuresthatgrowandshrink;growsuptohighaddresses

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Page 6: CS 110 Computer Architecture - ShanghaiTech · 2020. 6. 16. · –RISC-V seeks simplicity: since data is in words, make instructions be fixed-size 32-bit words, too •Same 32-bit

RISC-V ISA so far…• Registersweknowsofar(Allofthem!)

– a0-a7forfunctionarguments,a0-a1forreturnvalues– sp,stackpointer,ra returnaddress– s0-s11savedregisters– t0-t6temporaries– zero

• Instructionsweknow:– Arithmetic:add,addi,sub– Logical:sll,srl,sla,slli,srli,slai,and,or,xor,andi,ori,xori– Decision:beq,bne,blt,bge– Unconditionalbranches(jumps):j,jr– Functionscalledwithjal,returnwithjr ra.

• Thestackisyourfriend:Useittosaveanythingyouneed.Justleaveitthewayyoufoundit!

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lw xt0,0(x2)lw xt1,4(x2)sw xt1,0(x2)sw xt0,4(x2)









0000 1001 1100 0110 1010 1111 0101 10001010 1111 0101 1000 0000 1001 1100 0110 1100 0110 1010 1111 0101 1000 0000 1001 0101 1000 0000 1001 1100 0110 1010 1111






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– Instructionsarerepresentedasbitpatterns- canthinkoftheseasnumbers

– Therefore,entireprogramscanbestoredinmemorytobereadorwrittenjustlikedata

– Canreprogramquickly(seconds),don’thavetorewirecomputer(days)

– Knownasthe“vonNeumann”computersafterwidelydistributedtechreportonEDVACproject

• Wrote-updiscussionsofEckertandMauchly• AnticipatedearlierbyTuringandZuse






June 30,1945


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• Sinceallinstructionsanddataarestoredinmemory,everythinghasamemoryaddress:instructions,datawords– bothbranchesandjumpsusethese

• Cpointersarejustmemoryaddresses:theycanpointtoanythinginmemory– Unconstraineduseofaddressescanleadtonastybugs;upto

youinC;limitedinJavabylanguagedesign• Oneregisterkeepsaddressofinstructionbeingexecuted:

“ProgramCounter”(PC)– Basicallyapointertomemory:IntelcallsitInstructionPointer(a



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• Programsaredistributedinbinaryform– Programsboundtospecificinstructionset– DifferentversionforARM(phone)andPCs

• Newmachineswanttorunoldprograms(“binaries”)aswellasprogramscompiledtonewinstructions

• Leadsto“backward-compatible”instructionsetevolvingovertime

• SelectionofIntel8086in1981for1st IBMPCismajorreasonlatestPCsstilluse80x86instructionset;couldstillrunprogramfrom1981PCtoday


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• Currentlymostdataweworkwithisinwords(32-bitchunks):– Eachregisterisaword.– lw andsw bothaccessmemoryonewordatatime.

• Sohowdowerepresentinstructions?– Remember:Computeronlyunderstands1sand0s,so“add x10,x11,x0”ismeaningless.

– RISC-Vseekssimplicity:sincedataisinwords,makeinstructionsbefixed-size32-bitwords,too

• Same32-bitinstructionsusedforRV32,RV64,RV12811

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InstructionsasNumbers(2/2)• Onewordis32bits,sodivideinstructionwordinto“fields”.

• Eachfieldtellsprocessorsomethingaboutinstruction.• Wecoulddefinedifferentfieldsforeachinstruction,butRISC-Vseekssimplicity,sodefine6basictypesofinstructionformats:

– R-formatforregister-registerarithmeticoperations– I-formatforregister-immediatearithmeticoperationsandloads– S-formatforstores– B-formatforbranches(minorvariantofS-format,calledSBbefore)– U-formatfor20-bitupperimmediateinstructions– J-formatforjumps(minorvariantofU-format,calledUJbefore)


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• 32-bitinstructionworddividedintosixfieldsofvaryingnumbersofbitseach:7+5+5+3+5+7=32

• Examples– opcode isa7-bitfieldthatlivesinbits6-0oftheinstruction– rs2isa5-bitfieldthatlivesinbits24-20oftheinstruction



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R-FormatInstructionsopcode/funct fields

– opcode:partiallyspecifieswhatinstructionitis• Note:Thisfieldisequalto0110011two forallR-Formatregister-registerarithmeticinstructions

– funct7+funct3:combinedwithopcode,thesetwofieldsdescribewhatoperationtoperform

• Question:Youhavebeenprofessingsimplicity,sowhyaren’topcodeandfunct7 andfunct3 asingle17-bitfield?

– We’llanswerthislater

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31 25 20 15 71224 19 14 11 6 0funct7 rs2 rs1 funct3 rd opcode

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– rs1 (SourceRegister#1):specifiesregistercontainingfirstoperand

– rs2 : specifiessecondregisteroperand– rd (DestinationRegister):specifiesregisterwhichwillreceiveresultofcomputation

– Eachregisterfieldholdsa5-bitunsignedinteger(0-31)correspondingtoaregisternumber(x0-x31)

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31 25 20 15 71224 19 14 11 6 0funct7 rs2 rs1 funct3 rd opcode

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• RISC-VAssemblyInstruction:add x18,x19,x10

0000000 01010 10011 000 10010 0110011

Reg-Reg OPrd=18addadd rs2=10 rs1=19

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31 25 20 15 71224 19 14 11 6 0funct7 rs2 rs1 funct3 rd opcode

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0000000 rs2 rs1 000 rd 0110011

0100000 rs2 rs1 000 rd 0110011

0000000 rs2 rs1 001 rd 0110011


0000000 rs2 rs1 010 rd 0110011 slt0000000 rs2 rs1 011 rd 0110011 sltu0000000 rs2 rs1 100 rd 0110011 xor0000000 rs2 rs1 101 rd 0110011 srl0100000 rs2 rs1 101 rd 0110011 sra0000000 rs2 rs1 110 rd 01100110000000 rs2 rs1 111 rd 0110011


Page 18: CS 110 Computer Architecture - ShanghaiTech · 2020. 6. 16. · –RISC-V seeks simplicity: since data is in words, make instructions be fixed-size 32-bit words, too •Same 32-bit

PeerInstruction• Whatiscorrectencodingofaddx4,x3,x2?A:40218233hexB:002182b3hexC:402182b3hexD:00218233hexE:00218234hex

0000000 rs2 rs1 000 rd 0110011

0100000 rs2 rs1 000 rd 0110011


0000000 rs2 rs1 100 rd 0110011 xor0000000 rs2 rs1 110 rd 01100110000000 rs2 rs1 111 rd 0110011


31 25 20 15 71224 19 14 11 6 0

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• Whataboutinstructionswithimmediates?– 5-bitfieldonlyrepresentsnumbersuptothevalue31:immediates maybemuchlargerthanthis

– Ideally,RISC-Vwouldhaveonlyoneinstructionformat(forsimplicity):unfortunately,weneedtocompromise

• DefinenewinstructionformatthatismostlyconsistentwithR-format– Noticeifinstructionhasimmediate,thenusesatmost2registers(onesource,onedestination)

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• OnlyonefieldisdifferentfromR-format,rs2andfunct7replacedby12-bitsignedimmediate,imm[11:0]

• Remainingfields(rs1,funct3,rd,opcode)sameasbefore• imm[11:0]canholdvaluesinrange[-2048ten ,+2047ten]• Immediateisalwayssign-extendedto32-bitsbeforeuse

inanarithmeticoperation• We’lllaterseehowtohandleimmediates >12bits

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31 25 20 15 71224 19 14 11 6 0funct7 rs2 rs1 funct3 rd opcodeImm[11:0]


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• RISC-VAssemblyInstruction:addi x15,x1,-50

111111001110 00001 000 01111 0010011

OP-Immrd=15addimm=-50 rs1=1

5 3 75

31 20 15 71219 14 11 6 0rs1 funct3 rd opcodeimm[11:0]


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imm[11:0] rs1 000 rd 0010011

imm[11:0] rs1 010 rd 0010011

imm[11:0] rs1 011 rd 0010011


imm[11:0] rs1 100 rd 0010011 xoriimm[11:0] rs1 110 rd 0010011 oriimm[11:0] rs1 111 rd 0010011 andi

0000000 shamt rs1 001 rd 0010011 slli0000000 shamt rs1 101 rd 0010011 srli0100000 shamt rs1 101 rd 0010011 srai

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• The12-bitsignedimmediateisaddedtothebaseaddressinregisterrs1 toformthememoryaddress– Thisisverysimilartotheadd-immediateoperationbutusedtocreate


• Thevalueloadedfrommemoryisstoredinregisterrd

5 3 75

31 20 15 71219 14 11 6 0rs1 funct3 rd opcodeimm[11:0]

12offset[11:0] base width dest LOAD

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I-FormatLoadExample• RISC-VAssemblyInstruction:

lw x14, 8(x2)

000000001000 00010 010 01110 0000011

LOADrd=14lwimm=+8 rs1=2

(load word)

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31 20 15 71219 14 11 6 0rs1 funct3 rd opcodeimm[11:0]

12offset[11:0] base width dest LOAD

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• LBUis“loadunsignedbyte”• LHis“loadhalfword”,whichloads16bits(2bytes)andsign-extendstofilldestination32-

bitregister• LHUis“loadunsignedhalfword”,whichzero-extends16bitstofilldestination32-bit

register• ThereisnoLWUinRV32,becausethereisnosign/zeroextensionneededwhencopying



imm[11:0] rs1 000 rd 0000011

imm[11:0] rs1 010 rd 0000011

imm[11:0] rs1 011 rd 0000011


imm[11:0] rs1 100 rd 0000011 lbuimm[11:0] rs1 110 rd 0000011 lhu

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• Storeneedstoreadtworegisters,rs1forbasememoryaddress,andrs2fordatatobestored,aswellimmediateoffset!

• Can’thavebothrs2andimmediateinsameplaceasotherinstructions!

• Notethatstoresdon’twriteavaluetotheregisterfile,nord!• RISC-Vdesigndecisionismovelow5bitsofimmediatetowhererd

fieldwasinotherinstructions– keeprs1/rs2fieldsinsameplace• registernamesmorecriticalthanimmediatebitsinhardwaredesign

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31 25 20 15 71224 19 14 11 6 0Imm[11:5] rs2 rs1 funct3 imm[4:0] opcode

offset[11:5] base widthsrc STOREoffset[4:0]

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S-FormatExample• RISC-VAssemblyInstruction:

sw x14, 8(x2)

0000000 01110 00010 010 01000 0100011



rs2=14 rs1=2

combined12-bitoffset=80000000 01000

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31 25 20 15 71224 19 14 11 6 0Imm[11:5] rs2 rs1 funct3 imm[4:0] opcode

offset[11:5] base widthsrc STOREoffset[4:0]

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Imm[11:5] rs2 rs1 000 imm[4:0] 0100011 sbshsw

Imm[11:5] rs2 rs1 001 imm[4:0] 0100011Imm[11:5] rs2 rs1 010 imm[4:0] 0100011

• Storebyte,halfword,wordwidth

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• E.g.,BEQ x1, x2, Label• Branchesreadtworegistersbutdon’twritearegister(similartostores)

• Howtoencodelabel,i.e.,wheretobranchto?

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• Branchestypicallyusedforloops(if-else,while,for)– Loopsaregenerallysmall(<50instructions)– Functioncallsandunconditionaljumpshandledwithjumpinstructions(J-Format)

• Recall: Instructionsstoredinalocalizedareaofmemory(Code/Text)– Largestbranchdistancelimitedbysizeofcode– Addressofcurrentinstructionstoredintheprogramcounter(PC)

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• PC-RelativeAddressing: Usetheimmediatefieldasatwo’s-complementoffsettoPC– BranchesgenerallychangethePCbyasmallamount– Canspecify± 211 ‘unit’addressesfromthePC– (Wewillseeinabitthatwecanencode12-bitoffsetsasimmediates)

• WhynotusebyteasaunitofoffsetfromPC?– Becauseinstructionsare32-bits(4-bytes)– Wedon’tbranchintomiddleofinstruction

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• Oneidea:Toimprovethereachofasinglebranchinstruction,multiplytheoffsetbyfourbytesbeforeaddingtoPC

• Thiswouldallowonebranchinstructiontoreach± 211× 32-bitinstructionseithersideofPC– Fourtimesgreaterreachthanusingbyteoffset

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• Ifwedon’t takethebranch:PC = PC + 4 (i.e.,nextinstruction)

• Ifwedo takethebranch:PC = PC + immediate*4

• Observations:– immediate isnumberofinstructionstojump(remember,specifieswords)eitherforward(+)orbackwards(–)

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• ExtensionstoRISC-VbaseISAsupport16-bitcompressedinstructionsandalsovariable-lengthinstructionsthataremultiplesof16-bitsinlength

• Toenablethis,RISC-Vscalesthebranchoffsetby2bytesevenwhenthereareno16-bitinstructions

• Reducesbranchreachbyhalfandmeansthat½ofpossibletargetswillbeerrorsonRISC-Vprocessorsthatonlysupport32-bitinstructions(asusedinthisclass)

• RISC-Vconditionalbranchescanonlyreach± 210 ×32-bitinstructionsoneithersideofPC

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• B-formatismostlysameasS-Format,withtworegistersources(rs1/rs2)anda12-bitimmediateimm[12:1]

• Butnowimmediaterepresentsvalues-4096to+4094in2-byteincrements

• The12immediatebitsencodeeven 13-bitsignedbyteoffsets(lowestbitofoffsetisalwayszero,sononeedtostoreit)

1 6 5 3 74

31 30 24 15 71225 20 14 11 6 0imm[12] rs2 rs1 funct3 imm[4:1] opcodeimm[10:5] imm[11]

19 8

5 1

BRANCHoffset[12|10:5] rs1 funct3rs2 offset[4:1|11]

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• RISC-VCode:Loop: beq x19,x10,End

add x18,x18,x10addi x19,x19,-1j Loop

End: # target instruction

• Branchoffset=• (Branchwithoffsetof0,branchestoitself)




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• RISC-VCode:Loop: beq x19,x10,End

add x18,x18,x10addi x19,x19,-1j Loop

End: # target instruction



??????? 01010 10011 000 ????? 1100011

BRANCHimmBEQimm rs2=10 rs1=19

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• RISC-VCode:Loop: beq x19,x10,End

add x18,x18,x10addi x19,x19,-1j Loop

End: # target instruction

??????? 01010 10011 000 ????? 1100011

BRANCHimmBEQimm rs2=10 rs1=19


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32-bitimmediates produced,imm[31:0]

31 25 20 15 71224 19 14 11 6 0funct7 rs2 rs1 funct3 rd opcode

30 8

rs1 funct3 rd opcodeimm[11:0]

imm[11:5] rs2 rs1 funct3 imm[4:0] opcode


imm[12|10:5] rs2 rs1 funct3 imm[4:1|11] opcode B-type

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32-bitimmediates produced,imm[31:0]



31 25 20 15 71224 19 14 11 6 0funct7 rs2 rs1 funct3 rd opcode

31 25 12 1524 11 10 4 0

30 8

rs1 funct3 rd opcodeimm[11:0]

imm[11:5] rs2 rs1 funct3 imm[4:0] opcode


imm[12|10:5] rs2 rs1 funct3 imm[4:1|11] opcode B-type

inst[30:25]inst[24:21] inst[20] I-imm.-inst[31]-

inst[30:25] inst[11:8] inst[7] S-imm.-inst[31]-

inst[30:25] inst[11:8] 0 B-imm.-inst[31]- inst[7]

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0 01010 10011 000 1000 11000110000000

BRANCHBEQrs2=10 rs1=19

beq x19,x10, offset = 16 bytes







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imm[12|10:5] rs2 rs1 000 imm[4:1|11] 1100011 BEQimm[12|10:5] rs2 rs1 001 imm[4:1|11] 1100011 BNEimm[12|10:5] rs2 rs1 100 imm[4:1|11] 1100011 BLTimm[12|10:5] rs2 rs1 101 imm[4:1|11] 1100011 BGEimm[12|10:5] rs2 rs1 110 imm[4:1|11] 1100011 BLTUimm[12|10:5] rs2 rs1 111 imm[4:1|11] 1100011 BGEU

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• Doesthevalueinbranchimmediatefieldchangeifwemovethecode?– Ifmovingindividuallinesofcode,thenyes– Ifmovingallofcode,thenno(‘position-independentcode’)

• Whatdowedoifdestinationis>210 instructionsawayfrombranch?– Otherinstructionssaveus

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• Doesthevalueinbranchimmediatefieldchangeifwemovethecode?– Ifmovingindividuallinesofcode,thenyes– Ifmovingallofcode,thenno(becausePC-relativeoffsets)

• Whatdowedoifdestinationis>210 instructionsawayfrombranch?– Otherinstructionssaveus

beq x10,x0,far bne x10,x0,next# next instr à j far

next: # next instr

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• Has20-bitimmediateinupper20bitsof32-bitinstructionword

• Onedestinationregister,rd• Usedfortwoinstructions

– LUI– LoadUpperImmediate– AUIPC– AddUpperImmediatetoPC


31 712 6 0opcodeimm[31:12] rd


20 5U-immediate[31:12] dest LUIU-immediate[31:12] dest AUIPC

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• LUIwritestheupper20bitsofthedestinationwiththeimmediatevalue,andclearsthelower12bits.

• TogetherwithanADDItosetlow12bits,cancreateany32-bitvalueinaregisterusingtwoinstructions(LUI/ADDI).

LUI x10, 0x87654 # x10 = 0x87654000

ADDI x10, x10, 0x321# x10 = 0x87654321

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Howtoset0xDEADBEEF?LUI x10, 0xDEADB # x10 = 0xDEADB000

ADDI x10, x10, 0xEEF# x10 = 0xDEADAEEF


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Howtoset0xDEADBEEF?LUI x10, 0xDEADC # x10 = 0xDEADC000ADDI x10, x10, 0xEEF# x10 = 0xDEADBEEF

Pre-incrementvalueplacedinupper20bits,ifsignbitwillbesetonimmediateinlower12bits.Assemblerpseudo-ophandlesallofthis:li x10, 0xDEADBEEF # Creates two instructions

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• AddsupperimmediatevaluetoPCandplacesresultindestinationregister

• UsedforPC-relativeaddressing

Label: AUIPC x10, 0 # Puts address of label in x10

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• JALsavesPC+4inregisterrd (thereturnaddress)– Assembler“j”jumpispseudo-instruction,usesJALbutsetsrd=x0 todiscardreturnaddress

• SetPC=PC+offset(PC-relativejump)• Targetsomewherewithin±219 locations,2bytesapart

– ±218 32-bitinstructions• Immediateencodingoptimizedsimilarlytobranchinstruction



31 712 6 0opcodeimm[10:1] rd


10 5offset[20:1] dest JAL

imm[20] imm[11] imm[19:12]1 1 8


Page 51: CS 110 Computer Architecture - ShanghaiTech · 2020. 6. 16. · –RISC-V seeks simplicity: since data is in words, make instructions be fixed-size 32-bit words, too •Same 32-bit

UsesofJAL# j pseudo-instruction

j Label = jal x0, Label # Discard return address

# Call function within 218 instructions of PC

jal ra, FuncName

Page 52: CS 110 Computer Architecture - ShanghaiTech · 2020. 6. 16. · –RISC-V seeks simplicity: since data is in words, make instructions be fixed-size 32-bit words, too •Same 32-bit


• JALRrd,rs,immediate– WritesPC+4tord (returnaddress)– SetsPC=rs +immediate– Usessameimmediates asarithmeticandloads

• nomultiplicationby2bytes• IncontrasttobranchesandJAL


31 712 6 0opcodeimm[11:0] rd


12 5offset[11:0] dest JALR

rs1 func35 3

151920 14

base 0

Page 53: CS 110 Computer Architecture - ShanghaiTech · 2020. 6. 16. · –RISC-V seeks simplicity: since data is in words, make instructions be fixed-size 32-bit words, too •Same 32-bit

UsesofJALR# ret and jr psuedo-instructions

ret = jr ra = jalr x0, ra, 0

# Call function at any 32-bit absolute address

lui x1, <hi20bits>

jalr ra, x1, <lo12bits>

# Jump PC-relative with 32-bit offset

auipc x1, <hi20bits>

jalr x0, x1, <lo12bits>

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31 25 20 15 71224 19 14 11 6 0funct7 rs2 rs1 funct3 rd opcode

30 821

rs1 funct3 rd opcodeimm[11:0]

imm[11:5] rs2 rs1 funct3 imm[4:0] opcode


imm[12|10:5] rs2 rs1 funct3 imm[4:1|11] opcode B-typeopcodeimm[31:12] rd U-type


opcodeimm[20|10:1|11]] rdimm[19:12] J-type

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Page 56: CS 110 Computer Architecture - ShanghaiTech · 2020. 6. 16. · –RISC-V seeks simplicity: since data is in words, make instructions be fixed-size 32-bit words, too •Same 32-bit

“AndinConclusion…”• SimplificationworksforRISC-V:Instructionsaresamesizeasdataword(oneword)sothattheycanusethesamememory.

• Computeractuallystoresprogramsasaseriesofthese32-bitnumbers.

• WehavecoveredallRISC-Vinstructionsandregisters– R-type,I-type,S-type,B-type,U-typeandJ-typeinstructions– Practiceassemblinganddisassembling
