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CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b1 Principles of Remote Sensing Image from NASA – Goddard Space Flight...

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CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b 1 Principles of Remote Sensing Image from NASA – Goddard Space Flight Center, NOAA GOES-8 satellite, 2 Sep ’94, 1800 UT
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  • CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b1 Principles of Remote Sensing Image from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, NOAA GOES-8 satellite, 2 Sep 94, 1800 UT
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  • CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b2 Scanning planet Earth from space
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  • CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b3 A hierarchy of remote sensing Satellite sensing Aerial photography Ground-truthing Image from Avery. Interpretation of Aerial Photographs.
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  • CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b4 History of remote sensing Earliest vehicle was ? Tournachon (Nadar) took 1 st aerial photograph in 1858 (since lost) Earliest conserved aerial photograph: Boston, J. Black, 1860 Early applications were in military reconnaissance
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  • CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b5 WWII heavy use of aerial reconnaissance Images: Avery. 1977. Interpretation of Aerial Photographs. 3rd ed. Burgess Press, Minneapolis, MN.
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  • CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b6 Spy planes & the Cold War
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  • CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b7 Satellite sensing Russian Sputnik (1957) - radio transmitter only Rapid response by US: CORONA (1960) Early applications: military reconnaissance
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  • CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b8 Advantages of satellites Wide coverage Vertical (orthogonal) view at near-infinite height photos are planimetric Automated, 24/7 operation Rapid data collection http://www.kidsgeo.com/geography-for-kids/0035-remote-sensing.php
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  • CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b9 Spectral bands Three important spectral bands: visible light infrared radiation microwave radiation Image from NASA 1987. SAR: Synthetic Aperture Radar. Earth Observing System, Vol. IIf.
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  • Passive vs. active sensing http://visual.merriam-webster.com/earth/geography/remote- sensing/satellite-remote-sensing.php CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b10
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  • CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b11 Classes of sensors Photographic panchromatic color Infrared (IR) film (near IR) thermal IR sensors for longer wave- lengths Multi-spectral scanners image scanned across sensors sensors for many wavelengths Radar RAdio Detection And Ranging active imaging
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  • CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b12 Infrared sensors IR penetrates haze and light cloud cover can be used at night used by military for camouflage detection IR signature often distinct from visible image
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  • CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b13 Color IR film Used with yellow (blue- absorbing) filter 3 primary pigments, but not true (visible) color - green vegetation = red - clear water = dark blue - turbid water = bright blue - soil = green - urban areas = pale blue Top image: Committee on Earth Observation Satellites http://ceos.cnes.fr:8100/cdrom-98/ceos1/irsd/content.htm Bottom image: Avery. 1977. Interpretation of Aerial Photographs. 3 rd ed. Burgess Press, Minneapolis, MN.
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  • CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b14 Multispectral sensors Visible + IR spectra Multiple images, taken at difference wavelengths, in single pass Avery 1977. Interpretation of Aerial Photography. Burgess Publ., Ninneapolis
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  • CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b15 Landsat Images Landsat 1-4 launched 1972 82; expired Landsat 5 & 7 launched 1985 & 1999; both operational TM: thematic mapper. - 7 spectral bands - designed primarily for ES themes http://landsat.gsfc.nasa.gov/project/L7images.html
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  • CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b16 TM Applications BandSpectral range (m) ColorApplication 10.45 0.52Blue-greenSoil/vegetation separation 20.52 0.60GreenReflection from vegetation 30.63 0.69RedChlorophyll absorption 40.76 0.90Near IRDelineation of water bodies 51.55 1.75Mid IRVegetative moisture 610.4 12.5Far IRHydrothermal mapping 72.08 2.35Mid IRPlant heat stress
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  • CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b17 Hydrology example Images from Avery. Interpretation of Aerial Photographs.
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  • CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b18 Radar sensors active sensing day & night, all weather less affected by scattering (aerosols) vertical or oblique perspective Lo & Yeung, fig. 8.13
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  • CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b19 Uses of radar: altimetry satellite-nadir distance geoid & topographic measurements sea elevation, tides & currents wave/storm measurements Both images from NASA 1987. Altimetric System. Earth Observing System, Vol. IIh.
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  • CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b20 Uses of radar: SAR glaciology hydrology vegetation science geology Image from NASA 1987. SAR: Synthetic Aperture Radar. Earth Observing System, Vol. IIf.
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  • CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b21 Sensor resolution Spatial: size of smallest objects visible on ground. Ranges from 1 km. Inversely related to area covered by image Spectral: wavelengths recorded. Ex. panchromatic film (~0.2 0.7 m); Landsat Thematic Mapper bands (0.06 to 0.24 m wide) Radiometric: # bits/pixel. Ex. Landsat TM (8 bit); AVRIS (12 bit) Temporal: for satellite, time to repeat coverage. Ex. Landsats 5 & 7 (16 days)
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  • CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b22 Spatial resolution of satellite images A sampler of recent (civilian) satellites: SponsorSatellite (instrument)YearRes. (m) NASALandsat (Thematic Mapper)1980-90s30 (MSS) NASA & others EOS Terra (ASTER)200015 - 90 (MSS) FranceSPOT-3 to 51993- 2002 10 to 5 (pan) Space Imaging IKONOS-219991 (pan) 4 (MSS) EarthWatchQuickbird-220010.6 (pan) 2.5 (MSS)
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  • CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b23 Satellite image resolution Quickbird 2 Commercial venture 0.63 m resolution U.S. trying to discourage open access to finer resolution images Digitalglobe.com
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  • CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b24 Satellite orbits Geostationary 36,000 km above equator Polar varying heights often in Sun- synchronous orbits Both diagrams from European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites www.eumetsat.de/en/mtp/space/polar.html
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  • CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b25 Satellite coverage Geostationary no polar coverage coverage is 24/7 low ground reso- lution (~ 1 km) Polar global coverage coverage is dis- continuous Both diagrams from European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites www.eumetsat.de/en/mtp/space/polar.html
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  • CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b26 Geostationary orbits Ex. GOES satellites Meteorological satellites GOES-8 at 75 o W, GOES-9 at 135 o W 5 bands (1 visible, 4 thermal infrared) Image from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, NOAA GOES satellite, Hurricane Floyd, 15 Sep 99
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  • CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b27 Polar orbits Ex. Landsat & Terra satellites 705 km height, ~100 minute orbit 185 km swath 16 day repeat Sun-synchronous orbits (~0945 a.m. equator crossing) Orbit tracking data from NASA http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/realtime/JTrack/eos.html, 5 Mar 03
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  • CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b28 Terra (and EOS) Terra launched 1999. Part of NASAs Earth Observing System Carries 5 instruments, including an MSS imager 14 spectral bands Images from www.nasa.gov
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  • CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b29 NYC drought The ASTER image pair depicts a 215-square-kilometer (80- square-mile) area around Ashokan Reservoir in the Catskill Mountains, one of several Catskills reservoirs that supply water to the New York City metropolitan area. The images, taken September 18, 2000, and February 3, 2002, show a dramatic decrease in reservoir water level to the current 52 percent of capacity. Image courtesy NASA/GSFC/MITI/ERSDAC/JAROS, and U.S./Japan ASTER Science TeamASTER Science Team
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  • CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b30 Urban development study http://corp.mmp.kosnet.com/CORP_CD_2004/ archiv/papers/CORP2004_RADNAABAZAR_KUF FER_HOFSTEE.PDF Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Study used: -SPOT images -LANDSAT images -ASTER images - 1:5,000 maps - 1:10,000 aerial photos
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  • CS 128/ES 228 - Lecture 10b31 Ground truthing the fun part
