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CS216: Program and Data Representation University of Virginia Computer Science

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CS216: Program and Data Representation University of Virginia Computer Science Spring 2006 David Evans. Lecture 6: Ordered Data Abstractions. http://www.cs.virginia.edu/cs216. Why you should actually read course syllabi. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
CS216: Program and Data Representation University of Virginia Computer Science Spring 2006 David Evans Lecture 6: Ordered Data Abstractio ns http://www.cs.virginia.edu/cs216
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CS216: Program and Data RepresentationUniversity of Virginia Computer Science

Spring 2006 David Evans

Lecture 6:Ordered

Data Abstractions


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2UVa CS216 Spring 2006 - Lecture 6: Ordered Data Abstractions

Why you should actually read course syllabi

Expected Background: Either (CS101, CS201, and CS202) or (CS150 with a B+ or better) or (Instructor Permission). Students entering CS216 are expected to have background in:

• Programming: comfortable creating programs that fill more than one screen, and understanding and modifying programs that involve multiple files. Students should be familiar with control structures commonly found in popular languages including decision and looping structures, and be comfortable with procedures and recursive definitions.• Mathematics and Logic: ...

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3UVa CS216 Spring 2006 - Lecture 6: Ordered Data Abstractions

Schedule Update• PS3 will be posted before midnight

tomorrow– Review recursive definitions– Preparation for Exam 1– Read Chapter 6 (skip skip lists, we are

skipping Ch 5 for now)

• Exam 1: out Feb 22, due Feb 27– Covers PS1-PS3, Lectures 1-8 (next Weds),

book Ch 1-4, 6

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4UVa CS216 Spring 2006 - Lecture 6: Ordered Data Abstractions

Unordered Data Abstractions

• Our list and tree abstractions have structure (successor, children, etc.) but no notion that structure is associated with values

• What does this mean about the running time of a lookup operation?

Any operation that looks for an element based on element properties must have running time Ω(N) where N is # of elements

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5UVa CS216 Spring 2006 - Lecture 6: Ordered Data Abstractions

Ordered Data Abstractions

• To do better than Ω(N) we must be able to know something about where an element can be stored based on its value– Can find element without looking at all


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6UVa CS216 Spring 2006 - Lecture 6: Ordered Data Abstractions

Dictionary Data Abstraction

• Set of <key, value> pairs• Operations:

– MakeEmptyDictionary ()• Returns { }

– Insert (K, V, S)• Add <K, V> to S

– Lookup (K, S)• Return value associated with K in S

– If <K, I> S, return I

Is thisenough?

Is thisunambiguous?

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7UVa CS216 Spring 2006 - Lecture 6: Ordered Data Abstractions

Dictionary Operations• MakeEmptyDictionary ()

– Returns { }

• Insert (K, V, S)– If Lookup(K, S) Λ, Spost = Spre {<K, V>}

– Otherwise, error

• Lookup (K, S)– If <K, I> S, return I– Otherwise return Λ

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8UVa CS216 Spring 2006 - Lecture 6: Ordered Data Abstractions

Python’s Dictionary Type

We used it in PS2 code:

memo = MakeEmptyDictionary()memo = {}

memo[k] = [resU, resV]


res = memo[makeKey (U,V)]

Insert (k, [resU, resV], value, memo)

(Lookup (k, memo) = Λ)

res = Lookup (makeKey (U, V), memo)

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9UVa CS216 Spring 2006 - Lecture 6: Ordered Data Abstractions

Dictionary List Implementationclass Record: def __init__(self, k, v): self.key = k self.value = v def __str__(self): return "<" + str(self.key) + ", " + str(self.value) + ">" class DictionaryList: def __init__(self): self.__node = None def lookup (self, key): if self.__node == None: return None else: return self.__node.lookup (key)

def insert (self, key, value): if self.__node == None: self.__node = DictionaryNode (Record (key, value)) else: self.__node.insert (Record (key, value))

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10UVa CS216 Spring 2006 - Lecture 6: Ordered Data Abstractions

Dictionary Nodeclass DictionaryNode: def __init__(self,info): self.__info = info self.__next = None # pre: key must not be a key in self # post: self_post = {self[0], ...,self[|self| - 1], value} # modifies nothing def insert (self, value): current = self while not current.__next == None: current = current.__next current.__next = DictionaryNode (value)

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11UVa CS216 Spring 2006 - Lecture 6: Ordered Data Abstractions

Dictionary Lookupdef lookup (self, key): if self.__info.key == key: return self.__info.value else: if self.__next == None: return None else: return self.__next.lookup (key)What is the asymptotic running time?

(N) where N is the numberof dictionary records

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12UVa CS216 Spring 2006 - Lecture 6: Ordered Data Abstractions

Improving (?) Dictionary

• Order the entries by key• Stop looking once you get past a key

that must be after the lookup key

• Costs:

• Benefits:

More complex codeinsert is more expensive?

Faster lookup?

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13UVa CS216 Spring 2006 - Lecture 6: Ordered Data Abstractions

Lookup def lookup (self, key): if self.__info.key == key: return self.__info.value

else: if self.__next == None: return None else: res = self.__next.lookup (key) return res

elif self.__info.key > key: return None

How does this affect the running time?

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14UVa CS216 Spring 2006 - Lecture 6: Ordered Data Abstractions

Insertclass DictionaryOrderedList: def insert (self, key, value): rec = DictionaryOrderedNode \ (Record (key, value)) if self.__node == None: self.__node = rec else: if key < self.__node._info.key: rec._next = self.__node self.__node = rec else: self.__node.insert (Record (key, value))

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15UVa CS216 Spring 2006 - Lecture 6: Ordered Data Abstractions

Insert Node Code# pre: key must not be a key in self, key must not be before self's# post: self_post = {self[0], self[1], ...,self[|self| - 1], value}# modifies nothing def insert (self, record): current = self assert (record.key > current._info.key) while not current._next == None: if current._next._info.key > record.key: break current = current._next r = DictionaryOrderedNode (record) r._next = current._next current._next = r

How does this affect the running time?

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16UVa CS216 Spring 2006 - Lecture 6: Ordered Data Abstractions


• Costs: – Code size increased by 30%

• Benefits:– No growth difference:

• insert and lookup are still (N)

– Some absolute difference:• Average calls to lookup a non-existent key:

N N/2

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17UVa CS216 Spring 2006 - Lecture 6: Ordered Data Abstractions

More Structure

• Current implementation: each comparison eliminates one element

• Ideal comparison implementation: each comparison eliminates half the elements

If our comparison function hasBoolean output, can’t do better than eliminating half!

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18UVa CS216 Spring 2006 - Lecture 6: Ordered Data Abstractions

ContinuousTable# invariant: Records in items are sorted on key by <.def lookup(self, key): def lookuprange(items): if len(items) == 0: return None if len(items) == 1: if items[0].key == key: return items[0].value else: return None middle = len(items) / 2 if key < items[middle].key: return lookuprange (items[:middle]) else: return lookuprange (items[middle:]) return lookuprange(self.items)

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19UVa CS216 Spring 2006 - Lecture 6: Ordered Data Abstractions

Table ExampleLookup VA in: [<CT, 5>, <DE, 1>, <GA, 4>, <MA, 6>, <MD, 7>, <NH, 9>, <NJ, 3>, <PA, 2>, <SC, 8>, <VA, 10> ]Lookup VA in: [<NH, 9>, <NJ, 3>, <PA, 2>, <SC, 8>, <VA, 10> ]Lookup VA in: [<PA, 2>, <SC, 8>, <VA, 10> ]Lookup VA in: [<SC, 8>, <VA, 10> ]Lookup VA in: [<VA, 10> ]10

What is the maximum numberof calls to lookuprange?

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20UVa CS216 Spring 2006 - Lecture 6: Ordered Data Abstractions

Progress• Ends when

len(items) < 2• Max size of

recursive call:len(items)/2 + 1

def lookup(self, key): def lookuprange(items): if len(items) == 0: return None if len(items) == 1: if items[0].key == key: return items[0].value else: return None middle = len(items) / 2 if key < items[middle].key: return lookuprange (items[:middle]) else: return lookuprange (items[middle:]) return lookuprange(self.items)

Running time (log2 N)

If we double the size of the list, the running time increases by a constant.

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21UVa CS216 Spring 2006 - Lecture 6: Ordered Data Abstractions

Ordered Binary Tree













node.left.key < node.info.keynode.right.key > node.info.keyInvariant:

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22UVa CS216 Spring 2006 - Lecture 6: Ordered Data Abstractions

Tree Lookup













def lookup(self, k): if self.value == k: return self elif k < self.value: if self.left == None: return None else: return self.left.lookup(k) else: if self.right == None: return None else: return self.right.lookup(k)

key < currentlook left

key > currentlook right

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23UVa CS216 Spring 2006 - Lecture 6: Ordered Data Abstractions

Tree Lookup Analysis













def lookup(self, k): if self.value == k: return self elif k < self.value: if self.left == None: return None else: return self.left.lookup(k) else: if self.right == None: return None else: return self.right.lookup(k)

If tree is well-balanced: N = 2h+1-1h Θ(log N)

Max number of calls:height of tree

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24UVa CS216 Spring 2006 - Lecture 6: Ordered Data Abstractions

Tree Lookup Iterativedef lookup(self, k): if self.value == k: return self elif k < self.value: if self.left == None: return None else: return self.left.lookup(k) else: if self.right == None: return None else: return self.right.lookup(k)

def lookup(self, k): current = self while not current == None: if current.value == k: return current elif k < self.value: current = self.left else:

current = self.right return None

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25UVa CS216 Spring 2006 - Lecture 6: Ordered Data Abstractions

Comparisondef lookup(self, k): if self.value == k: return self elif k < self.value: if self.left == None: return None else: return self.left.lookup(k) else: if self.right == None: return None else: return self.right.lookup(k)

def lookup(self, k): current = self while not current == None: if current.value == k: return current elif k < self.value: current = self.left else:

current = self.right return None

Code sizeMax running timeMax space use

12 lines 9 linesΘ(h) Θ(h)

N = number of nodes in selfh = height of self

h stack frames O(1)

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26UVa CS216 Spring 2006 - Lecture 6: Ordered Data Abstractions

Worst Running Time























h = Nrunning time of lookup Θ(N)

Later in the course, we’ll learn some techniques for keeping trees balanced. Until then, let’s hope we are usually not unlucky (or being attacked1).

1. Scott Crosby and Dan S. Wallach, Denial of Service via Algorithmic Complexity Attacks, USENIX Security 2003.

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27UVa CS216 Spring 2006 - Lecture 6: Ordered Data Abstractions

Charge• Read Chapter 6

– You can skip the skip lists section

• PS3 will be posted tomorrow• Monday:

– Greedy Algorithms

• Later in the course:– More efficient dictionary implementations– Python’s provides lookup with running

time approximately in O(1)! (as PS2 #5 asks you to assume)
