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CS2210: SW Development Methods

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CS2210: SW Development Methods. Topics: Comparable and Comparator interfaces in JCF Function objects Textbook readings: More from MSD, Chapter 9 Pages 641-647 Pages 650-651 up to 9.4.1; Pages 666-671. . Comparators. Back to Java: Comparable and Comparator . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
CS2210: SW Development Methods Topics: Comparable and Comparator interfaces in JCF Function objects Textbook readings: More from MSD, Chapter 9 Pages 641-647 Pages 650-651 up to 9.4.1; Pages 666-671. Comparators
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CS2210: SW Development Methods

• Topics:• Comparable and Comparator interfaces in JCF• Function objects

• Textbook readings:• More from MSD, Chapter 9

• Pages 641-647• Pages 650-651 up to 9.4.1;

Pages 666-671.


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Back to Java: Comparable and Comparator

• In computing, we often want to order a set of items• Find the max/best or min/worst• Sort them in order• Note how this is different than what is needed

for search (where we just need equals)• Need a way to compare two items

• Want to flexible way to “compare” using different criteria

• In Java, let’s us use Collection(s) methods to meet our own special needs. (Powerful!)

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Check out the Collections class

• Class Collections• utility methods for doing operations on

Collections, Lists (that almost always contain homogenous elements)

• Note very similar Arrays class• See MSD textbook, Section 9.5, pp. 666f

• Methods (static, mostly for Lists)• search a list for an item: binarySearch()• sort(), max(), min() -- uses compareTo() or

Comparator object• reverse(), fill(), shuffle(), copy(), replaceAll()• List list2 = Collections.unmodifiableList(list1); //

p. 668

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Comparable Interface

• First solution: Can we ask an object how it compares to a second object?• Sure: string1.compareTo(string2)• Programming convention: Return value as

follows:• zero if the same• negative value if first item strictly less than second• positive value if first item strictly greater than second

• Java provides a Comparable interfaceint compareTo(YourClass o)

• Note the parameter is an object of the same type as the class in which you’re defining compareTo()

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Hang on: What’s an Interface?

• When defining a class, state that it “implements” an interface. E.g.

public class Watch implements TimeKeeper {

• What does defines the interface TimeKeeper?• A set of methods that any implementing class

must include• TimeKeeper interface doesn’t define how these

methods are coded• Watch (the implementing class) is promising to

include those in its definition

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Interface gives an Object another Type

• With this definition:public class Watch implements

TimeKeeper {You can think of Watch in these ways:

• You can treat a Watch object as a TimeKeeper• A Watch object can do “TimeKeeper things”• A Watch object can be used anywhere a

TimeKeeper is legal to use• A Watch object has more than one type

• It’s a Watch (defined by the class Watch)• It’s a TimeKeeper (defined by the interface)

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Writing compareTo for Your Classes

• If you ever want to put your own objects in Collections, and use sort(), max(), min(),…• Make your class implement Comparable• Implement the compareTo() method in your

class• How to write compareTo()?

• Think about state-variables that determine natural order

• Compare them and return proper-value• Note: For number values, you can subtract.

For object values, call compareTo() on them.

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See Example done in class

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Example: Writing compareTo()• Imagine something like an entry in a

phonebook• Order by last name, first name, then number

int compareTo(PhoneBookEntry item2 ) {int retVal= last.compareTo(item2.last);if ( retVal != 0 ) return retVal;retVal = first.compareTo(item2.first);if ( retVal != 0 ) return retVal;retVal = phNum - item2.phNum;return retVal;


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Under the Hood for Sorting

• How might a sort() or any other method use this? Imagine:• Perhaps items stored as a list of Objects:

List theList …;• Inside a loop, code might look like this:

Comparable item1 = (Comparable) theList.get(i); Comparable item2 = (Comparable) theList.get(j); int cmpResult = item1.compareTo(item2);

• Such code will work when the list stores any class that implements Comparable!

• But, what happens if list-elements are of different classes (still Comparable, but different)? compareTo() fails!

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Flexible Design using Comparators

• Solution #1: Make classes Comparable• Disadvantage: just one way to compare is

possible, because there’s just one compareTo method per class

• Possible solutions:• Separate functions: sortByName(),

sortByNum(),…• We can’t predict in advance how you’ll want to sort!

• Pass a parameter to indicate control: sort(theList, “byName”) or sort(theList, “byNum”);• Ugh. Same problem as before• And the internals of sort() will grow to become very


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Function Objects

• We need to somehow pass “how to execute” information as a parameter to sort()• We pass objects as parameters• Can we pass a method/operation as an object?

• Many languages support this, but in different ways:• C and C++ – pointers to functions• C# – delegates • Java – “function objects” that

• implement a specified interface, and• the one method in that interface does the needed


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Function Objects in Java

• Idea: encapsulate a function inside a class• Note: not our usual idea of a class

• State? (None.)• Identity? (Just need one instance.)• Represents an entity? (Nope! Just a place to

stash a function so it can be passed as a parameter.)

• Warning / caveat!• This idea is contrary to many OO principles,

but…• Useful if done in limited circumstances• Use it when the libraries make it available• Not often part of your own class-design

• But use it in libraries when it’s part of the framework

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Example: Comparator objects

• We want to pass a function-object to a method:• Collections.sort(someList, function-object-goes-here);• But what type should this object be?• Use an Interface:

• Interface name can be used as a type in the parameter list• Interface defines the method name itself!

• Java’s Comparator interface: int compare( Object o1, Object o2);• Notes: not compareTo()! Takes two parameters!

• Define a class for each kind of comparison you want. E.g. Classes: CmpStudentByGpa, CmpStudentByGpaDesc Classes: CmpDogByName, CmpDogByBreed

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Writing a Comparator Class

• Example on following slides like one from MSD text, p. 646-647• We have a Dog class with name, breed and

gender• But see simpler example in Java on

website• list of Student objects• sort by name, gpa

• Also sort in descending order too• Look at testSorting1() in TestDriver class• Look at compareTo() in Student• Look at use of comparator classes

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Writing a Comparator Class

• Example like one from MSD text, p. 647• We have a Dog class with name, breed and

gender• Compare two doggies by breed and then

namepublic class CmpDogByBreedAndName implementsComparator<Dog> { public int compare(Dog d1, Dog d2) { int retVal =

d1.getBreed().compareTo(d2.getBreed()); if ( retVal != 0 ) return retVal; return

d1.getName().compareTo( d2.getName() );}


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Use of Comparator methods

• How to use with Collections.sort()ArrayList dogList = …;

Collections.sort( dogList, new CmpDogByName() );Collections.sort( dogList, new CmpDogByBreed() );

• (Do you understand what new does here?)• Inside sort(), code looks something like

this:sort ( List theList, Comparator cmpObj ) {

// in some loop Object item1 = list.get(i); Object item2 = list.get(j); cmpResult = cmpObj.compare(item1,item2);

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End of Comparable/Comparator topics

• Make sure you see slides on Abstraction• They relate to this material and what follows

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Java Aside: Anonymous Classes

• There’s a Java technique called anonymous classes• One of several types of nested class definition• You’ll very often see it in GUI programming

(Swing) and with threads• Situation:

• Sometimes Java’s design encourages us to create some thing that might be used just once

• That thing needs to be wrapped up in a class, say because we need a function object

• What couldn’t we just declare it at the same place we use it? Why create a separate file?

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Creating and Using an Anonymous Class

• Example: sort a list of Strings by their lengthCollections.sort ( stringList, new Comparator() {

public int compare( Object o1, Object o2 ) { return ((String) o1).length() - ((String) o2).length(); }

} ) ; • We’ve created a new Comparator “on the

fly”• new creates a new instance, but what kind?

• Some object that implements Comparator• Object not named, and its “true” class not named!

• What must a Comparator have? compare()• We defined it right here, where it’s used!

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Anonymous Classes: Comments

• Anonymous classes are unlike other classes• They have no name• Typically only implement methods in their interface or

superclass. No new methods!• Since they have no name, can only define and use them

at one point in your code!• Hard to understand at first? Sure!

• Naming an abstraction is important for human understanding!

• Sorting, a Collection, Comparing• Advice

• Keep them very short (and simple)!• Be ready to understand them when you see them in

Swing and with threads
