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Csc446: Pattren Recognition (LN2)

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CSC446 : Pattern Recognition Prof. Dr. Mostafa Gadal-Haqq Faculty of Computer & Information Sciences Computer Science Department AIN SHAMS UNIVERSITY Lecture Note 2: Chapter 1: Introduction to PRS ASU-CSC446 : Pattern Recognition. Prof. Dr. Mostafa Gadal-Haqq slide 1 Chapter 1: DHS, Pattern Classification
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CSC446 : Pattern Recognition

Prof. Dr. Mostafa Gadal-Haqq

Faculty of Computer & Information Sciences

Computer Science Department


Lecture Note 2:

Chapter 1: Introduction to PRS

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Chapter 1: DHS, Pattern Classification

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An intuitive Example:

A Fish Sorting Machine

How to Build a PR System?

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• To illustrate the complexity of

some of the types of problems

involved, let us consider the

following imaginary example:

“Sort incoming fish on a

conveyor belt according to

species (e.g. Sea bass and

Salmon) using optical sensing


PR Example: A Fish Sorting Machine

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Pattern Recognition System

Stages in Pattern Recognition Systems

sensing Preprocessing &

Feature extraction Classification


Decision (Salmon/

Sea bass)

raw data (images)



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• Sensing

– Use Physical sensing devices ( e.g. Camera, …) to get

data from the object.

• Preprocessing

– Use a segmentation operation to isolate fishes from one

another and from the background

• Feature Extraction:

– reduce the data by extracting certain features that are

intrinsic to certain type of fish.

• Classification:

– The features are passed to a classifier for categorization.

Stages in Pattern Recognition Systems

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• Sensing:

– Use intensity camera to acquire fish images.

• Preprocessing:

– Use image segmentation techniques to segment

fishes from each other and from the


The Fish Sorting Machine Example

J. Malcolm et al. A Graph Cut Approach to Image Segmentation in Tensor Space. Workshop on Component Analysis

Methods (in CVPR), 2007.

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• Features to extract from sample images :

• Length

• Lightness

• Width

• Number and shape of fins

• Position of the mouth, etc…

The Fish Sorting Machine Example

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•Feature Selection: length

– Using training (design or learning) samples we compute

the histogram (class conditional probability) for each class.

Feature Selection

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• The length is a poor feature!

– that is we can not make accurate decision using

the length alone.


• Select another possible feature;

– e.g. the lightness, to enhance the classification


Feature Selection

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Decision Boundary in Feature Space

• Fish distribution according to their lightning.

Overlap in the histograms is small compared to length feature

Decision boundary

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The decision theory task:

How to decide the threshold of the decision

boundary and cost relationship?

– How we minimize the cost (error )?

• That is, reduce the number of sea bass that are

classified salmon, or the converse.

• This is the central task of decision theory.

Decision Theory

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Feature Selection

• To increase the accuracy of the PR system, we use

the most discriminative features. This is the task of

the feature extractor:

– Suppose that, the lightness and the width were selected as

discriminative features, then we use their values to form

the feature vector X.




Fish image






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Decision Boundary in Feature Space

Decision boundary

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• We might add other features that are not

correlated with the ones we already have.

– A precaution should be taken not to reduce the

performance by adding such “noisy features”

• Ideally, the best decision boundary should be

the one which provides an optimal

performance such as in the following figure:

Decision Boundary in Feature Space

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Decision Boundary in Feature Space

Decision boundary

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• Previous decision boundary produce zero

training error. However, our satisfaction is

premature because the central aim of

designing a classifier is to correctly classify

novel inputs.

• Model generalization is to have an optimal

decision boundary. This is the task of

statistical pattern recognition.

Model Generalization

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Optimal Decision Boundary

Decision boundary

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Another Example: Sorting Fruits

“Castleman, Digital Image Processing, Prentice-Hall, 1979”

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Another Example: Sorting Fruits

Complexity of feature space









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Pattern Recognition Systems


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Pattern Recognition Systems Design

• Designing a pattern recognition system involves

two stages:

– Training: using training data to train the system to

learn decision boundaries

– Testing:using testing data to test the accuracy of the

system to recognize new data.

• Challenges:

– Representation: Selection of discriminative features

– Matching: Selecting a good classification model.

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Difficulties of Representation

• “A program that could distinguish

between male and female faces in a random

snapshot would probably earn its author a

Ph.D. in computer science.” (A. Penzias


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Good Representation

• Should have some invariant properties (e.g., w.r.t.

rotation, translation, scale…)

• Account for intra-class variations

• Ability to discriminate pattern classes of interest

• Robustness to noise/occlusion

• Lead to simple decision making (e.g., linear

decision boundary)

• Low cost (affordable)

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Good Representation

• Good representation leads to small intra-

class variation, large inter-class separation

& simple decision rule.

• A representation could consist of a vector

of real-valued numbers, ordered list of

attributes, parts and their relations….

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Feature Selection/Extraction

• Each pattern is represented as a point in the d-

dimensional feature space.

• Features and their desired invariance properties

are domain-specific.

• How many features and which ones to use in

constructing the decision boundary?

• Some features may be redundant!

• Curse of dimensionality problems with too many

features especially when we have a small number

of training samples

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• Template Matching

– Assumes very small intra-class variability

– Learning is difficult for deformable templates

• Syntactic

– Primitive extraction is sensitive to noise

– Describing a pattern in terms of primitives is difficult

• Statistical

– Assumption of density model for each class

• Neural Network

– Parameter tuning and local minima in learning

• In practice, statistical and neural network approaches work well.

Decision Models

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PRS Design Cycle

Collect Data

Choose Feature

Choose Model

Train Classifier

Evaluate Classifier


Prior knowledge

(e.g. invariances)


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• Data Collection

– Collect an adequately large and representative

set of examples and divide them into (70%)

training and (30%) testing the system.

• Feature Choice

– Depends on the characteristics of the problem

domain. Simple to extract, invariant to

irrelevant transformation insensitive to noise.

PRS Design Cycle

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• Model Choice

– Unsatisfied with the performance of one

classifier, jump to another class of models.

• Training

– Use sample data to train the classifier.

– Use Many different procedures for training:

• Random Sub-sampling

• Bootstrap

• Cross-Validation

PRS Design Cycle

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• Random Sub-sampling

– Repeat a simple holdout method k times.

• Bootstrap

– The training set of size is the size of the data D.

– Sampling with the replacement.

Different Training Methods

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• Cross-Validation: When data is particularly

scarce, Divide data into k disjoint groups, test on k-th

group/train on the rest

– Leave-one-out cross-validation.

Different Training Methods

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• Evaluation

– Measure the error rate (performance) using

different training methods.

– Switch from one set of features to another, or

from one model to another to improve accuracy,

i.e. to minimize error rate.

PRS Design Cycle

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Performance of PR Systems

• Error rate (Prob. of misclassification)

• Speed

• Cost

• Robustness

• Reject option

• Return on investment

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• What is the trade-off between computational

ease and performance?

• How an algorithm scales as a function of the

number of features, patterns or categories?

Computational Complexity

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• Human have the ability to switch rapidly and

seamlessly between different pattern

recognition tasks.

• It is very difficult to design a device that is

capable of performing a variety of different

classification tasks as human.

Limitation of PR Systems

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Summary • Pattern recognition is extremely useful and are now part of

many crucial computer applications:

• Pattern recognition is a very difficult problem and have

many complex sub-problems.

• Successful systems have been built in well constrained


• No single technique/model is suited for all pattern

recognition problems

• Use of object models, constraints, and context is necessary

for identifying complex patterns

• Careful sensor design and feature extraction can lead to

simple classifiers.

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Next Time

Mathematical Foundations

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