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  • 7/31/2019 Cse09 Project Document





    Submitted by


    Regd. No:-0801301043

    In the partial fulfillment for the award of the degree








    May 2012

  • 7/31/2019 Cse09 Project Document





    This is to certify that the project report ONLINE TICKET RESERVATION

    SYSTEMFOR CINEMA HALLSbeing submitted by P.L.SRAVANTI , in

    the partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of degree of BACHELOR

    OF TECHNOLOGY in CSE is a bonafide work carried out under my/our


    External Examiner



    Department of CSE & IT LecturerVignan Institute of Technology and Management Department of CSE & IT

    Near Bhairabi,Brahmapur

  • 7/31/2019 Cse09 Project Document





    This is to certify that P.L.SRAVANTI has successfully developed a project on


    our guidance.Her skill set, knowledge on software and sincere effort has

    contributed towards successful completion of the project.


    HODDepartment of CSE & IT

    Vignan Institute of Technology and ManagementNear Bhairabi,Brahmapur

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    I hereby declare that the matter embodied in this report is originaland has not

    been submitted for the award of any other degree.


    Department of CSE

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    I take this opportunity with much pleasure to thank all the people who have

    helped me through the course of my journey towards producing this thesis. Isincerely thank my thesis guide, Mr. Ajay Kumar Sahu, for his guidance, help

    and motivation. Apart from the subjects of my research, I learnt a lot from him,

    which I am sure will be helpful in different stages of my life. I would like to

    express my gratitude to my Project Coordinator Mr. Kailash Chandra Mishra for

    his review and many helpful comments.

    I am especially grateful to my collegues for their assistance, criticisms and

    useful insights. I am thankful to all the other students of VIGNAN INSTITUTE

    OF TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT with whom I share tons of fun-

    filled memories. I would like to acknowledge the support and encouragement of

    my friends. My sincere gratitude also goes to all those whoinstructed and taught

    me through the years.

    Finally, this thesis would not have been possible without the confidence,

    endurance and supportof my family. My family has always been a source of

    inspiration and encouragement. I wish to thank my parents, whose love,

    teachings and support have brought me this far.

    Name of the Student

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    List of Figures

    Serialno. Figures Page No.

    1. Data Dictionary

    (i) Booking_info 48

    (ii) Movies 48

    (iii) States 48

    (iv) States_city 49

    (v) Theatres 49

    (vi) Users 49

    2. Usecase Diagrams

    (i) Level 1 50

    (ii) Level 2 50

    (iii) Level 3 51

    3. Data Flow Diagrams

    (i) Context Level Diagram 55

    (ii) Level 1 DFD 56

    (iii) Level 2 DFD 57

    4. ER Diagram 58

    5. Output Screens 61-63

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    Table of Contents



    Topics Page No.

    1 Introduction to the project 1-2

    2 Software Development Life Cycle 3-4

    3 System Analysis Introduction 5-7

    4 Initial Study 8

    5 Requirement and Feasibility analysis 9-12

    6 Software requirement specification 13-14

    7 PHP Language 15-16

    8 Session management using PHP 17-18

    9 Session management over web 19

    10 PHP session management 20-21

    11 Ajax Framework 22-25

    12 jQuery 26-29

    13 Database connectivity using PHP & PDO 30-45

    14 Structured Query Language 46-47

    15 Database Tables 48-49

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    16 UsecaseDiagrams 50-51

    17 Data Flow Diagrams 52-57

    18 ER Diagram 58

    19 Online Cinema Ticket Booking Description 59-60

    20 Screenshots 61-63

    21 Coding 64-76

    22 Testing 77-79

    23 Conclusion 80

    References 81

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    1.Introduction to the ProjectThis project is aimed at developing an online ticket reservation system for Cinema Halls. The

    Ticket Reservation System is an Internet based application that can be accesses throughout the

    Net and can be accessed by anyone who has a net connection. This application will automate thereservation of tickets and Enquiries about availability of the tickets. This application includes

    email confirmation for the tickets.

    The users interested for booking tickets can perform following operations:

    Register with the web site. Request for ticket Book Ticket Check status of the ticket.

    The administrator can perform following operations:

    Login to the web site. Create movies database. Update movies database. View request of the user then approve them.



    User Admin

    User Options

    RegisterThis option allows candidates to register with the web.


    Using request option users can send a request to the system to book for ticket.

    BookThe user can book the requested ticket

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    Administrative Options

    LoginThe admin can login to the website.

    Add moviesIt can add movies to the movies database

    View requestUsing this option administrator can view the request posed by the user and grant them.

    UpdateUsing this option administrator can add/edit/delete options in the movies database.

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    Feasibility study is done so that an ill-conceived system is recognized early indefinition phase.

    During system engineering, however, we concentrate ourattention on four primary areas of

    interest. This phase is really important asbefore starting with the real work of building the system

    it was very importantto find out whether the idea thought is possible or not.

    Economic Feasibility: An evaluation of development cost weighted againstthe ultimate income

    or benefit derived from the developed system.

    Technical Feasibility: A study of function, performance and constraints thatmay affect the

    ability to achieve an acceptable system.

    Operational Feasibility: A study about the operational aspects of the system.


    Among the most important information contained in feasibility study is CostBenefit Analysis and

    assessment of the economic justification for a computerbased system project. Cost Benefit

    Analysis delineates costs for the projectdevelopment and weighs them against tangible and

    intangible benefits of asystem. Cost Benefits Analysis is complicated by the criteria that vary

    withthe characteristics of the system to be developed, the relative size of theproject and the

    expected return on investment desired as part of companys strategic plan. In addition, many

    benefits derived from a computer-basedsystem are intangible (e.g. better design quality through

    iterativeoptimization, increased customer satisfaction through programmable controletc.)As this

    is an in-house project for the company, to be used for its ownconvenience and also it is not that

    big a project. So neither it requires a hugeamount of money nor any costly tools or infrastructure

    need to be set up forit.

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    During technical analysis, the technical merits of the system are studied andat the same time

    collecting additional information about performance,reliability, maintainability and

    predictability.Technical analysis begins with an assessment of the technical viability of

    theproposed system.

    What technologies are required to accomplished system function andperformance?

    What new materials, methods, algorithms or processes are required andwhat is their development


    How will these obtained from technical analysis form the basis for anothergo/no-go decision on

    the test system? If the technical risk is severe, if models indicate that the desired function can not

    be achieved, if thepieces just wont fit together smoothly-its back to the drawing board.

    As the software is vary much economically feasible, then it is really importantfor it to be

    technically sound. The software will be build among:

    MS SQL SERVER as Back End

    ASP.NET as Front End


    The project is operationally feasible. This project is being made for theconvenience of the

    patients and doctors only. This system will greatly reduce a huge burden of doctors. So because

    of the above stated advantages theusers of the system will not be reluctant at all.

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    3. SYSTEM ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION:System analysis is the process of studying the business processors andprocedures, generally

    referred to as business systems, to see how they canoperate and whether improvement is

    needed.This may involve examining data movement and storage, machines andtechnology used

    in the system, programs that control the machines, peopleproviding inputs, doing the processing

    and receiving the outputs.


    The investigation phase is also known as the fact-finding stage or the analysis of the current

    system. This is a detailed study conducted with the purpose of wanting to fully understand the

    existing system and to identify the basicinformation requirements. Various techniques may beused in fact-finding and allfact obtained must be recorded.A thorough investigation was done in

    every effected aspect when determiningwhether the purposed system is feasible enough to be



    As it was essential for us to find out more about the present system, weused the following

    methods to gather the information: -

    1. Observation: - Necessary to see the way the system works first hand.2. Document sampling: - These are all the documents that are used in thesystem. They are

    necessary to check all the datathat enters and leaves the system.

    Questionnaires: - These were conducted to get views of the otheremployees who are

    currently employed in the system.

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    1. No complex equipment: - The equipment that is used is very simple and nospecial

    skills have to be mastered to be able to operatethe system. Therefore no training is

    required for theemployees.

    2. Low cost: - There is little money spent in maintaining the presentsystem other than

    buying the necessary officeequipment and the ledgers.


    The constraints and limitation within a system are the drawbacks that occurduring the

    implementation of the system. These limitations and constraints cancrop up in almost

    every system; the most important fact is to find a way toovercome these

    problems.Software design is the first of three technical activities design,

    codegeneration, and test that are required to build and verify the software.

    Each activity transforms information in manner that ultimately results invalidated

    computer software.The design task produces a data design, an architectural design,

    aninterface design and component design.The design of an information system produces

    the details that clearlydescribe how a system will meet the requirements identified

    duringsystem analysis. The system design process is not a step by stepadherence of clear

    procedures and guidelines. When I started working onsystem design, I face different

    types of problems; many of these are due to constraints imposed by the user or limitations

    of hardware and software available. Some times it was quite difficult to enumerate that

    complexityof the problems and solutions thereof since the variety of likely problemsis so

    great and no solutions are exactly similar however the followingconsideration I kept in

    mind during design phased.

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    The primary objective of the design is to deliver the requirements asspecified in the

    feasibility report. These are the some of the objectives, which I kept in mind.

    Practicality: The system is quite stable and can be operatedby the people with average


    Efficiency: I tried to involve accuracy, timeliness andcomprehensiveness of the system


    Cost: It is desirable to aim for the system with a minimum cost subject to the condition

    that it must satisfy the entire requirement.

    Flexibility: I have tried that the system should be modifiabledepending on the changing

    needs of the user. Such modifications shouldentail extensive reconstructing or recreation

    of software. It should also beportable to different computer systems.

    Security: This is very important aspect which I followed in thisdesigning phase and tried

    to covers the areas of hardware reliability,fallback procedures, and physical security of


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    The first step in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is thepreliminary

    investigation to determine the feasibility of the system. Thepurpose of the preliminary

    investigation is to evaluate project requests. Itis not a design study nor does it include the

    collection of details todescribe the business system in all aspect. Rather it is the collection

    of theinformation that helps committee members to evaluate the merits of theproject

    request and make an informed judgment about the feasibility of the proposed project.The

    preliminary investigation should accomplish the following objectives.

    Clarify and understand the project request. Determine the size of the project. Assess costs and benefits of alternative approaches. Determine the technical and operational feasibility of alternative approaches. Report the findings to management; with recommendations outlining the

    acceptance or rejection of the proposal.

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    What Is A Feasibility Study?Prior to stating whether the system we have to develop is

    feasible or not webelieve that we should emphasize on what is implied by the word

    Feasibility.Feasibility is the measure of how beneficial or practical the development of

    thesystem will be to the organization. It is a preliminary survey for the

    systemsinvestigation. It aims to provide information to facilitate a later in-

    depthinvestigation.The report produced at the end of the feasibility study contains

    suggestions andreasoned arguments to help management decide whether to commit

    furtherresources to the proposed project.Within the scheduled duration we were assigned

    to study both the positive andnegative aspects of the current manual system, in which we

    have come up witha number of drawbacks that prevent the progress of the clinic if it is

    continued tofunction manually.Having gone through all measures of feasibility we report

    to the management tofigure out if the objectives of the new system are met.

    For e.g. - Is the system within the budget allowed for it?

    -Will the organizations needs, be met by the new proposed system asOriginally


    If and when the objectives of the system are met and the new system isapproved, then the

    more specific details in the proposal should be consideredand approved.


    There are various measures of feasibility that helps to decide whether aparticular project

    is feasible or not. These measures include-

    Operational Feasibility

    Technical Feasibility

    Economical and Financial Feasibility

    Each of these types will be explained in detail throughout the project report.

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    A proposed system is beneficial only if it can be turned into an informationsystem that

    will meet the operational requirements of an organization. A systemoften fails if it does

    not fit within existing operations and if users resist thechange.Important issues a systemsdeveloper must look into are:

    Will the new system be used if implemented in anorganization?

    Are there major barriers to implementation or is proposedsystem accepted without

    destructive resistance?

    The whole purpose of computerizing the Placement System is to handle the work much

    more accurately and efficiently with less time consumption. There will be additional

    work to be completed, because now the students and the companiescan update their

    resumes and profiles online. Their database is maintained separately.

    Compared to the semi-computerized system the chances of avoiding errors in

    acomputerized system is much higher because the user need not stress himself

    unnecessarily resulting in recklessness. Unlike the semi-computerized systemthere would

    be backup data for all the information concerning the dailytransactions occurred within

    the organization


    If we are considering the performance and response time for each task, it is verymuch

    faster since there is less paper work to be completed. When entering datainto the system

    to relieve the user from additional work and typing incorrectdata, the system provides

    options such as combo boxes, check boxes, optionbuttons and etc. if the users type in

    incorrect data they would be informedimmediately about the error by the error detection


    Another important fact to be regarded is the security control, which is handled bythe

    system. Since data regarding each student and the company is confidential,security is a

    key issue. Information falling into the wrong hands could jeopardizethe entire

    organization. Unlike in semi-computerized systems the proposedsystem offers adequate

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    System security is a vital aspect when it comes to developing a system.The system

    should ensure the facility of preventing unauthorized personnel from accessing the

    information and the data within the system.The system should provide total protection foreach users information sothat the integrity of data is sustained and also prevent hackers

    fromhacking the system.

    The proposed system ensures the security and the integrity of data. This is doneby

    providing a password login system for each authorized users. And for examplethe System

    Administrator has access to all kinds of information. By providing this facility

    information is properly managed and information isprotected. For example the system

    administrators day to day tasks are lessenedand easier because he doesnt have to have a

    constant eye on the system andworry about hackers hacking the system.


    In making recommendations a study of the economics of the proposedsystem should be

    made. The proposed system must be justifiable in termsof cost and benefit, to ensure that

    the investment in a new/changedsystem provide a reasonable return.

    Cost-benefit analysis of information is complicated by the fact that many of thesystems

    cost elements are poorly defined and that benefit can often be highlyqualitative and

    subjective in nature.In our proposed system various costs are evaluated. Even though

    finding out thecosts of the proposed project is difficult we and assume and estimate the

    costsand benefits as follows:

    According to the computerized system we propose, the costs can be brokendown to two


    1. Costs associated with the development of the system2. .2. Costs associated with operating the system.

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    6. Software Requirement SpecificationThe software requirement specification is produced at the culmination of the analysis

    task. The function and performance allocated to software aspart of system engineering

    are refined by establishing a completeinformation description, a detailed functional

    description, a representationof system behavior, an indication of performance

    requirement and designconstraints appropriate validation criteria, and other information

    pertinentto requirement.The introduction to software requirements specification states the

    goalsand objectives of the software, describing it in the context of the computerbased

    system.The Information Description provides a detailed description of the problemthat

    the software must solve. Information content, flow and structure aredocumented.A

    description of each function required to solve the problem is presentedin the Functional


    Validation Criteria is probably the most important and ironically the mostoften neglected

    section of the software requirement specification.Software requirement specification can

    be used for different purpose. Hereare the major uses.not clearly understood by the

    developer. If this is the case, a carefulanalysisinvolving much interaction with the user

    should be devoted toreaching a clear statement of requirements, in order to avoid

    possiblemisunderstandings.Sometimes, at the beginning of a project, even the user has no

    clear ideaof what exactly the desired product is. Think for instance of userinterface , a

    user with no previous experience with computer productsmay not appreciate the

    difference between , say menu driven interactionand a command line interface. Even an

    exact formation of system functions and performance may be missing an initial

    description produced by an inexperienced user.

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    A statement of the requirements for the implementation:

    Specifications are also used as a reference point during productimplementation. In fact, theultimate goal of the implementation is to builda product that needs specification. Thus the

    implementers usespecifications during design to make design decisions and during

    theverification activity to check that the implementation compiles with specifications.

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    7. PHP LANGUAGE:PHP is a programming language for building dynamic, interactive Web sites. As a general rule,

    PHP programs run on a Web server, and serve Web pages to visitors on request. One of the key

    features of PHP is that you can embed PHP code within HTML Web pages, making it very easyfor you to create dynamic content quickly. What exactly does the phrase dynamic, interactive

    Web sites mean? A dynamic Web page is a page whose contents can change automatically each

    time the page is viewed. Contrast this with a static Web page, such as a simple HTML file,

    which looks the same each time its displayed (at least until the page is next edited). Meanwhile,

    an interactive Web site is a site that responds to input from its visitors. A Web forum is a good

    exampleusers can post new messages to the forum, which are then displayed on the site for

    all to see. Another simple example is a contact us form.where visitors interact with the page by

    filling out and sending a form, which is then emailed to the Webmaster.

    PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, which gives you a good idea of its core purpose: to

    process information and produce hypertext (HTML) as a result. (Developers love recursive

    acronyms, and PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor is a good example of one.)

    PHP is a server - side scripting language , which means that PHP scripts, or programs, usually

    run on a Webserver. (A good example of a client - side scripting language is JavaScript, which

    commonly runs within a Web browser.) Furthermore, PHP is an interpreted language a PHP

    script is processed by the PHP engine each time its run.

    The process of running a PHP script on a Web server looks like this:

    1. A visitor requests a Web page by clicking a link, or typing the page s URL into the browser

    s address bar. The visitor might also send data to the Web server at the same time, either using a

    form embedded in a Web page, or via AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML).

    2. The Web server recognizes that the requested URL is a PHP script, and instructs the PHP

    engine to process and run the script.

    3. The script runs, and when its finished it usually sends an HTML page to the Web browser,

    which the visitor then sees on their screen.The interesting stuff happens when a PHP script runs.

    Because PHP is so flexible, a PHP script can carry out any number of interesting tasks, such as:

    Reading and processing the contents of a Web form sent by the visitor Reading, writing, and creating files on the Web server

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    Working with data in a database stored on the Web server Grabbing and processing data from other Web sites and feeds Generating dynamic graphics, such as charts and manipulated photos And finally, once its finished processing, it can send a customized HTML Web page

    back to the visitor.

    Why Use PHP ?

    One of the best things about PHP is the large number of Internet service providers (ISPs) and

    Web hosting companies that support it. Today hundreds of thousands of developers are using

    PHP, and its not surprising that there are so many, considering that several million sites are

    reported to have PHPinstalled.

    Another great feature of PHP is that it s cross - platform you can run PHP programs on

    Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, and Solaris, among others. What s more, the PHP

    engine can integrate with all common Web servers, including Apache, Internet Information

    Server (IIS), Zeus, and lighttpd. This means that you can develop and test your PHP Web site on

    one setup, then deploy it on a different type of system without having to change much of your

    code. Furthermore, its easy to move your PHP Website onto another server platform, if you ever

    need to.

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    Cookies are often used to store application state in a web browser. As with data sent with the

    GET or POST methods, cookies are sent with HTTP requests made by a browser. A cookie is anamed piece of information that is stored in a web browser. A browser can create a cookie using

    JavaScript, but a cookie is usually sent from the web server to the client in the Set-Cookie header

    field as part of an HTTP response.

    A cookie can have a date and time at which it expires. The browser includes the cookie in

    requests up until that date and time. If no expiry date is given, the cookie is remembered only

    while the browser is running. Cookies that are kept only while the browser is running are known

    as session cookies.

    A domain limits the sites to which a browser can send the cookie. If no domain is set, the

    browser includes the cookie only in requests sent to the server that set the cookie.

    Browsers don't include the cookie in requests for resources that aren't in the specified path. This

    is useful if only part of a web site requires that a cookie be sent. For example, if the path is set to

    /admin, requests for resources in that path, such as http://localhost/admin/home.php include the

    cookie, while requests for resources in other paths, such as http://localhost/winestore/home.php,

    do not.

    A cookie can also be marked as secure, instructing the browser to send the cookie only when

    using a secure connection through the Secure Sockets Layer protocol. This prevents sensitive

    data stored in a cookie from being transmitted in an insecure form.

    Cookies can be included in an HTTP response using the header( ) function; however, the

    developer needs to know how to encode the cookie name, value, and the other parameters

    described earlier in the Set-Cookie header field. To simplify cookie creation, PHP provides the

    setcookie( ) function that generates a correct header field.

    When an HTTP request that contains cookies is processed, PHP makes the values of the cookies

    available to the script in the global associative array $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS. If

    register_globals is enabled, a variable with the name of the cookie is also initialized by PHP; the

    register_globals feature in the php.ini file is discussed in Chapter 5.Example 8-1 tests to see if

    the variable $count has been set from a cookie, and either sets the value to 0 or increments

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    $count accordingly. The script also creates a cookie named start, with the value set to the current

    time, when the $count is set to 0. The cookie start is set only at the beginning of this stateful


    Cookies can be used for simple applications that don't require complex data to be kept between

    requests. However, there is a limit on the number and size of cookies that can be set: a browser

    can keep only the last 20 cookies sent from a particular domain, and the values that a cookie can

    hold are limited to 4 KB in size. Also, there are arguments about both the privacy and the

    security of applications that use cookies, and users often disable cookie support in their browsers.

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    9. SESSION MANAGEMENT OVER WEBStoring the state in the web server--the middle tier--can solve the problem of increased request

    size and protect the state of an application from accidental or intentional changes a user might


    A session is a way to identify and manage the state--the session variables--for a particular user.

    When a user sends an HTTP request, the middle tier must process the current request in the

    context of the user's session. When a session is started, the client is given a session identifier--

    often a cookie--that is included with subsequent requests to the server. The server uses the

    session identifier to locate the corresponding session before processing the request.

    Rather than storing all the variables needed to maintain state and include them with each request,

    the browser stores a single session identifier that finds and initializes the variables stored on the

    server. The session identifier is like the ticket given at a cloak room. The ticket is much easier to

    carry around and ensures that the holder gets her own hat and coat.

    One implication of storing session variables in the middle tier is that data needs to be stored for

    each session. The question is, for how long? Because HTTP is stateless, there is no way to know

    when a user has finished with a session. Ideally, the user logs out of an application, and thelogout script ends the session. However, because a server can never be sure if a user is still there,

    the server needs to clean up old sessions that have not been used for a period of time. This last

    point is important, because sessions consume resources on the server, and dormant sessions may

    present a security risk.

    In summary, there are three characteristics session management over the Web must exhibit:

    1. Information or state must be stored. For example, a selected bottle of wine in a shopping cart,

    a customer name, or a credit card number must be maintained across multiple HTTP requests.

    2. Each HTTP request must carry an identifier that allows the server to process the request in the

    context of the stored state. For example, when an order is submitted, it must be processed with

    the correct items and customer details.

    3. Sessions need to have a timeout. Otherwise, if a user leaves the web site, there is no way the

    server can tell when the session should end.

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    10. PHP Session Management

    With the release of PHP4, session management was introduced as an extension to the PHP

    language. PHP provides several session-related functions, and developing applications that use

    PHP sessions is straightforward. The three important features of session management are mostly

    taken care of by the PHP scripting engine.

    Starting a Session

    PHP provides a session_start( ) function that creates a new session and subsequently identifies

    and establishes an existing one. Either way, a call to the session_start( ) function initializes a


    The first time a PHP script calls session_start( ), a session identifier is generated, and, by default,

    a Set-Cookie header field is included in the response. The response sets up a session cookie in

    the browser with the name PHPSESSID and the value of the session identifier. The PHP session

    management automatically includes the cookie without the need to call to the setcookie( ) or

    header( ) functions.

    The session identifier (ID) is a random string of 32 hexadecimal digits, such as

    fcc17f071bca9bf7f85ca281094390b4. As with other cookies, the value of the session ID is madeavailable to PHP scripts in the $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS associative array and in the

    $PHPSESSID variable.

    When a new session is started, PHP creates a session file. With the default configuration, session

    files are written in the /tmp directory using the session identifier, prefixed with sess_, for the


    If a call is made to session_start( ), and the request contains the PHPSESSID cookie, PHP

    attempts to find the session file and initialize the associated session variables as discussed in the

    next section. However, if the identified session file can't be found, session_start( ) creates an

    empty session file.

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    Using Session Variables

    Variables need to be registered with the session_register( ) function that's used in a session. If a

    session has not been initialized, the session_register( ) function calls session_start( ) to open the

    session file. Variables can be registered--added to the session file--with the session_register( ) .

    Once registered, session variables are made persistent and are available to scripts that initialize

    the session. PHP tracks the values of session variables and saves their values to the session file;

    there is no need to explicitly save a session variable before a script ends.

    Variables can be removed from a session with the session_unregister( ) function call; again, the

    name of the variable is passed as the argument, not the variable itself. A variable that is

    unregistered is no longer available to other scripts that initialize the session. However, the

    variable is still available to the rest of the script immediately after the session_unregister( )

    function call.

    Scripts that initialize a session have access to the session variables through the associative array

    $HTTP_SESSION_VARS, and PHP automatically initializes the named session variables if

    register_globals is enabled.

    Session variables can be of the type Boolean, integer, double, string, object, or arrays of those

    variable types. Care must be taken when using object session variables, because PHP needs

    access to the class definitions of registered objects when initializing an existing session. If

    objects are to be stored as session variables, you should include class definitions for those objects

    in all scripts that initialize sessions, whether the scripts use the class or not.

    PHP stores session variables in the session file by serializing the values. The serialized

    representation of a variable includes the name, the type, and the value as a stream of characters

    suitable for writing to a file.

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    11.Ajax FrameworkAn Ajax framework is a framework that helps to develop web applications that use Ajax, a

    collection of technologies used to build dynamic web pages on the client side. Data is read from

    the server or sent to the server by JavaScript requests. However, some processing at the server

    side may be required to handle requests, such as finding and storing the data. This is

    accomplished more easily with the use of a framework dedicated to process Ajax requests. The

    goal of the framework is to provide the Ajax engine and associated server and client-side


    This Ajax engine is intended to suppress the delays perceived by the user when a page attempts

    to access the server. A framework eases the work of the Ajax programmer at two levels: on theclient side, it offers JavaScript functions to send requests to the server. On the server side, it

    processes the requests, searches for the data, and transmits them to the browser. Some

    frameworks are very elaborate and provide a complete library to build web applications.

    Types of frameworks

    Ajax frameworks can be loosely grouped into categories according to the features they offer and

    the skills required of the user:

    Direct Ajax frameworks

    These frameworks require HTML, CSS and Ajax expertise: a developer is expected to author

    pages directly in HTML, and framework APIs deal directly with HTML elements. Cross-browser

    APIs are provided for a variety of purposes, commonly including communications, DOM

    manipulation, event handling, and sizing/moving/animating HTML elements.

    These frameworks are generally smaller. They are commonly used for a web site such as a

    shopping experience, but not for a web application such as web-based email, at least not without

    further frameworks layered on top.

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    Indirect Ajax frameworks

    These frameworks are based on compiler technology, where, instead of writing direct Ajax and

    Javascript, a high-level language is used instead, along with a compiler that turns the high-level

    language into Javascript. Indirect frameworks therefore require knowledge of the high-level

    language, CSS and HTML, and do not necessarily require a great deal of Ajax or Javascript

    expertise. The Indirect frameworks are typically accompanied by convenient libraries, modules

    and classes (written in the high-level language) that take care of communications, DOM

    manipulation including HTML element manipulation, and event handling.

    The advantages of Indirect Ajax frameworks - compilation to Javascript - are:

    The developer can effectively create their own Ajax framework using programmingconcepts and techniques appropriate to the high-level language (e.g. modules and classes)

    which are simply not present in the Javascript language.

    the to-javascript compiler can enforce strong type-checking and definition rules thatstandalone javascript does not

    A developer can program the web front-end in the same programming language as thatwhich the server-side code is written in.

    The high-level web widget sets of the Indirect Ajax frameworks have far more incommon with Desktop widgets than they do with "traditional" web development.

    The framework, through the compiler, can create code that takes care of browserincompatibilities at run-time, and thus can present a common browser-independent API

    to the developer.

    Indirect Ajax frameworks have distinct and significant advantages:

    Compared to Ajax component frameworks, the developer can use the available base classwidgets to create their own widgets, in the high-level language with which they are

    familiar, instead of trying to get to grips with javascript.

    The developer is therefore neither burdened by the bloat of Ajax component frameworksnor bound by their rigidity.

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    The developer has both the advantages of the Ajax component frameworks, and theirassociated widgets, as well as the advantages of the freedom of Direct Ajax frameworks.

    Indirect Ajax frameworks can be used to even greater effect in combination with aServer-driven framework (typically using JSONRPC or XMLRPC).

    Interestingly, Python and Ruby are a good match for compilation to Javascript, and a far better

    match than Java, because Java (and Java Virtual Machines) lack some of the run-time dynamic

    capabilities of Javascript, Python and Ruby. Fortunately for Java (and for GWT), it's Java that is

    less dynamically capable than Javascript. The "class" capability of these high-level languages

    can be emulated using Javascript "prototype".

    Ajax component frameworks

    These frameworks offer pre-built components, such as tabbed panes, which automatically create

    and manage their own HTML. Components are generally created via JavaScript or XML tags, or

    by adding special attributes to normal HTML elements. These frameworks are generally larger,

    and intended for web applications rather than web sites.

    Some component frameworks require the developer to have extensive HTML/CSS/Ajax

    experience and to do cross-browser testing. For example, grids, tabs, and buttons may be

    provided, but user input forms are expected to be authored directly in HTML/CSS and

    manipulated via Ajax techniques. Other frameworks provide a complete component suite such

    that only general XML and/or JavaScript abilities are required.

    Ajax component frameworks can enable more rapid development than direct Ajax frameworks,

    but with less control, hence it is key that an Ajax component framework provides the following:

    customization APIs, e.g., an event that fires when the user stops editing within a grid skinning facilities, where appearance can be changed without affecting behavior or layout programmatic control, e.g., dynamically adding tabs or dynamically creating components

    based on user data

    extensibilitycreation of new components based on other components, so that thebenefits of a component-based framework are not lost

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    Server-driven Ajax frameworks

    Several frameworks offer a server-side component-based development model with some degree

    of Ajax support.

    Components are created and manipulated on the server using a server-side programming

    language. Pages are then rendered by a combination of server-side and client-side HTML

    generation and manipulation. User actions are communicated to the server via Ajax techniques,

    server-side code manipulates a server-side component model, and changes to the server

    component model are reflected on the client automatically.

    These frameworks offer familiarity and efficiency for server-side developers at the possible

    expense of power and performance. Ajax frameworks that handle presentation completely within

    the browser may offer greater responsiveness if they handle more user interactions without

    server involvement. In a server-driven model, some UI interactions can react slowly, for example

    when an input field is dynamically enabled based on server-requests. Furthermore, server-

    dependent Ajax frameworks cannot offer offline support. The approach is still popular for

    situations where the benefits of a full Ajax architecture can't be captured or where server

    interaction is needed anyway.

    Extending a framework may require the developer to understand which parts of the presentation

    are handled on the client vs on the server, and to code in JavaScript/Ajax as well as server-side

    code (an issue which can be overcome through the use of an Indirect Ajax framework, by

    choosing an Indirect Ajax framework with a compiler that accepts the same language as the

    server-side code).

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    12.jQueryjQuery is great library for developing ajax based application. jQuery is great library for the

    JavaScript programmers, which simplifies the development of web 2.0 applications. You can use

    jQuery to develop cool web 2.0 applications. jQuery helps the programmers to keep code simple

    and concise. The jQuery library is designed to keep the things very simple and reusable.

    jQuery library simplifies the process of traversal of HTML DOM tree. You can use jQuery to

    handle events, perform animation, and add the ajax support into your web applications with ease.

    Why jQuery?

    You can use simple JavaScript to perform all the functions that jQuery provides. Then whyjQuery? The jQuery library is providing many easy to use functions and methods to make rich

    applications. These functions are very easy to learn and even a designer can learn it fast. Due to

    these features jQuery is very popular and in high demand among the developers. You can use

    jQuery in all the web based applications irrespective of the technology.

    jQuery is java script and can be used with JSP, Servlets, ASP, PHP, CGI and almost all the web

    programming languages.

    The jQuery code is very simple and easy to learn.

    Features of jQuery

    Query have lot of functionalities but some of the key features are given below :

    Selection of DOM elements :

    The jQuery selector provide us capability to select DOM elements so that we can add

    functionality to them using methods of jQuery. It is using CSS 3.0 syntax which provide us

    freedom to select one or more elements. Using CSS , you can select element by id, class and

    collaborate with events to increase it's functionality.

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    The wrapped set

    The selected elements reside inside a object known as wrapped set. It contain all the selected

    DOM elements, it has array like structure. You can traverse through this like an array and can

    select elements using index.


    jQuery provide simplified event handling, You can easily bind and unbind events and for

    supported browsers it also provide a normalized event model due to this it is very easy to handle

    events.When any event occurs , it is called under the context of the event that triggered it.

    Extensibility through plug-ins

    The jQuery architecture provide us freedom to extend functionality using plug-ins . The plug-ins

    are easy to use and easy to clip with your page. You just need to set parameters to use these

    jQuery plug-ins and also need to include plug-in file. Some the main jQuery plug-ins are :

    1. XML and XSLT tools

    2. Cookie handling

    3. Datagrids

    4. Drag and drop events.

    5. odal windows

    6. Dynamic lists

    7. Webservices

    8. Ajax helpers

    9. Even a jQuery-based Commodore 64 emulator.

    Cross-browser support

    In JavaScript, the DOM implementations for event handling vary considerably between

    browsers. Where as jQuery providing a normalized event model for all supported browsers that

    makes it very easy to handle events.

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    Ajax support

    AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML . Using AJAX we can connect to database

    and also can fetch the data from the server's database without refreshing the page. JQuery have

    very effective AJAX methods library to extend the functionality of AJAX.

    Compatibility with languages

    The jQuery script can be used with nearly all the web languages. Some of Frequently used

    languages with jQuery are given below:

    1. PHP

    2. JSP

    3. ASP

    4. Servlet

    5. CGI

    HOW TO USE jQuery

    The jQuery library helps the developer to develop rich internet applications. This is one of the

    most used framework on the web. Its easy to learn and use language. Here is the highlights of


    jQuery is a JavaScript based Library that runs in browser. Its is client side ajaxframework.

    jQuery simplifies the development of ajax based application using JavaScriptprogramming language.

    jQuery is easy to learn and use language. Programmer's can learn it easily. Lot's of support. There are many examples and tutorials available on internt.

    The jQuery is designed to do more work in less coding. It's very easy to work with jQuery. It

    support all the serverside web application development technologies. You can use JSP,Servlets,

    Struts, Spring MVC, ASP, .NET, CGI, PHP, Perl etc. as server-side language and user jQuery to

    dynamically fetch data from the server.

    So, jQuey is very useful tool. Let's see how it works and we can use it in programming.

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    Traditionally developer's are using Window.onload() function to initiate some action on page

    load. There is one drawback with this function. It does not fires until all the images including the

    advertisement banner are loaded. So, window.onload() can be painfully slow. The jQuery

    provides the solution for this problem. The $(document).ready(function(){}) solves the issue. It

    is fired once the Document Object Model is ready. So, you can use this to run any type of

    JavaScript to suite your business needs.

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    13.Database Connectivity Using PHP and PDO

    PHP makes it easy to write scripts that access databases, enabling you to create dynamic web

    pages that incorporate database content. PHP includes several specialized database-accessinterfaces that take the form of separate sets of functions for each database system. There is one

    set for MySQL, another for Inter-Base, another for PostgreSQL, and so forth. However, having a

    different set of functions for each database makes PHP scripts non-portable at the lexical (source

    code) level. For example, the function for issuing an SQL statement is named mysql_query(),

    ibase_query(), or pg_exec(), depending on whether you are using MySQL, InterBase, or


    In PHP 5 and up, we can avoid this problem by using the PHP Data Objects (PDO) extension.

    PDO supports database access in an engine-independent manner based on a two-level


    The top level provides an interface that consists of a set of classes and methods that is the same

    for all database engines supported by PDO. The interface hides engine-specific details so that

    script writers need not think about which set of functions to use.

    The lower level consists of individual drivers. Each driver supports a particular database engine

    and translates between the top-level interface seen by script writers and the database-specific

    interface required by the engine. This provides you the flexibility of using any database for

    which a driver exists, without having to consider driver-specific details.

    Writing PDO Scripts:

    Scripts that use the PDO interface to access MySQL generally perform the following operations:

    1. Connect to the MySQL server by calling new PDO() to obtain a database handle object.

    2. Use the database handle to issue SQL statements or obtain statement handle objects.

    3. Use the database and statement handles to retrieve information returned by the statements.4. Disconnect from the server when the database handle is no longer needed.

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    Connecting to and Disconnecting from the MySQL Server:

    To establish a connection to a MySQL server, specify a data source name (DSN) containing

    connection parameters, and optionally the username and password of the MySQL account that

    you want to use. To connect to the MySQL server on the local host to access the test database

    with a username and password of test user and testpass, the connection sequence looks like this:

    $dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test", "testuser", "testpass");

    For MySQL, the DSN is a string that indicates the database driver (mysql), and optionally the

    hostname where the server is running and the name of the database you want to use. Typical

    syntax for the DSN looks like this:


    The default host is localhost. No default database is selected if dbname is omitted.

    The MySQL driver also recognizes port and unix_socket parameters, which specify the TCP/IP

    port number and Unix socket file pathname, respectively. If you use unix_socket, do not specify

    host or port.

    For other database engines, the driver name is different (for example, pgsql for PostgreSQL) andthe parameters following the colon might be different as well.

    When you invoke the new PDO() constructor method to connect to your database server, PDO

    determines from the DSN which type of database engine you want to use and acesses the low-

    level driver appropriate for that engine. This is similar to the way that Perl or Ruby DBI scripts

    reference only the top-level DBI module; the connect() method provided by the top-level module

    looks at the DSN and determines which particular lower-level driver to use.

    If new PDO() fails, PHP throws an exception. Otherwise, the constructor method returns an

    object of the PDO class. This object is a database handle that you use for interacting with the

    database server until you close the connection.

    An alternative to putting the connection code directly in your script is to move it into a separate

    file that you reference from your main script. For example, you could create a file

    pdo_testdb_connect.php that looks

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    like this:

    Then include the file into your main script and call testdb_connect() to connect and obtain the

    database handle:

    require_once "pdo_testdb_connect.php";

    $dbh = testdb_connect ();

    This approach makes it easier to use the same connection parameters in several different scripts

    without writing the values literally into every script; if you need to change a parameter

    sometime, just change pdo_testdb_connect.php. Use of a separate file also enables you to move

    the code that contains the connectionparameters outside of the web servers document tree. That

    has the benefit of preventing it from being displayed literally if the server becomes

    misconfigured and starts serving PHP scripts as plain text.

    Any of the PHP file-inclusion statements can be used, such as include or require, but

    require_once prevents errors from occurring if any other files that your script uses also reference


    When youre done using the connection, close it by setting the database handle to NULL:

    $dbh = NULL;

    After that, $dbh becomes invalid as a database handle and can no longer be used as such.

    If you do not close the connection explicitly, PHP does so when the script terminates.

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    While the database handle is open and you are using it to issue other PDO calls, you should

    arrange to handle errors if they occur. You can check for an error after each PDO call, or you can

    cause exceptions to be thrown. The latter approach is simpler because you need not check for

    errors explicitly; any error raises an exception that terminates your script. If you enable

    exceptions, you also have the option of catching them yourself instead of allowing them to

    terminate your script. By doing this, you can substitute your own error messages for the defaults,

    perform cleanup operations, and so on.

    To enable exceptions, set the PDO error mode as follows after connecting:


    That statement is something you could add to the testdb_connect() function if you want the error

    mode to be set automatically whenever you connect.

    Issuing Statements

    After obtaining a database handle by calling new PDO(), you can use it to execute SQL


    For statements that modify rows and produce no result set, pass the statemen t string to the

    database handle exec() method, which executes the statement and returns an affected-rows count:$count = $dbh->exec ("some SQL statement");

    For statements that select rows and produce a result set, invoke the database handle query()

    method, which executes the statement and returns an object of the PDOStatement class:

    $sth = $dbh->query ("some SQL statement");

    This object is a statement handle that provides access to the result set. It enables you to fetch the

    result set rows and obtain metadata about them, such as the number of columns.

    To illustrate how to handle various types of statements, the following discussion shows how to

    create and populate a table using CREATE TABLE and INSERT (statements that return no

    result set). Then it uses SELECT to generate a result set.

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    Issuing Statements That Return No Result Set

    The following code uses the database handle exec() method to issue a statement that creates a

    simple table animal with two columns, name and category:

    $dbh->exec ("CREATE TABLE animal (name CHAR(40), category CHAR(40))");

    After the table has been created, it can be populated. The following example invokes the exec()

    method to issue an INSERT statement that loads a small data set into the animal table:

    $count = $dbh->exec ("INSERT INTO animal (name, category)


    (snake, reptile),

    (frog, amphibian),

    (tuna, fish),

    (racoon, mammal)");

    exec() returns a count to indicate how many rows were affected by the statement. For the

    preceding INSERT statement, the affected-rows count is 4.

    Issuing Statements That Return a Result Set

    Now that the table exists and contains a few records, SELECT can be used to retrieve rows from

    it. To issue statements that return a result set, use the database handle query() method:

    $sth = $dbh->query ("SELECT name, category FROM animal");

    printf ("Number of columns in result set: %d\n", $sth->columnCount ());

    $count = 0;while ($row = $sth->fetch ())


    printf ("Name: %s, Category: %s\n", $row[0], $row[1]);



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    printf ("Number of rows in result set: %d\n", $count);

    A successful query() call returns a PDOStatement statement-handle object that is used for all

    operations on the result set. Some of the information available from a PDOStatement object

    includes the row contents and the number of columns in the result set:

    The fetch() method returns each row in succession, or FALSE when there are no more rows.

    The columnCount() methods returns the number of columns in the result set.

    Note: A statement handle also has a rowCount() method, but it cannot be assumed to reliably

    return the number of rows in the result set. Instead, fetch the rows and count them, as shown in

    the preceding example.

    Other Ways To Fetch Result Set Rows

    fetch() accepts an optional fetch-mode argument indicating what type of value to return. This

    section describes some common mode values. Assume in each case that the following query has

    just been issued to produce a result set:

    $sth = $dbh->query ("SELECT name, category FROM animal");

    PDO::FETCH_NUMReturn each row of the result set as an array containing elements that correspond to the columns


    in the SELECT statement and that are accessed by numeric indices beginning at 0:

    while ($row = $sth->fetch (PDO::FETCH_NUM))

    printf ("Name: %s, Category: %s\n", $row[0], $row[1]);


    Return each row as an array containing elements that are accessed by column name:

    while ($row = $sth->fetch (PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))

    printf ("Name: %s, Category: %s\n", $row["name"], $row["category"]);

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    Return each row as an array containing elements that can be accessed either by numeric index or

    by column name:

    while ($row = $sth->fetch (PDO::FETCH_BOTH))


    printf ("Name: %s, Category: %s\n", $row[0], $row[1]);

    printf ("Name: %s, Category: %s\n", $row["name"], $row["category"]);



    Return each row as an object. In this case, you access column values as object properties that

    have the same names as columns in the result set:

    while ($row = $sth->fetch (PDO::FETCH_OBJ))

    printf ("Name: %s, Category: %s\n", $row->name, $row->category);

    If you invoke fetch() with no argument, the default fetch mode is PDO::FETCH_BOTH unless

    you change the default before fetching the rows:

    The query() method accepts an optional fetch-mode argument following the statement string:

    $sth = $dbh->query ("SELECT name, category FROM animal", PDO::FETCH_OBJ);

    while ($row = $sth->fetch ())

    printf ("Name: %s, Category: %s\n", $row->name, $row->category);

    Statement handles have a setFetchMode() method to set the mode for subsequent fetch() calls:

    $sth->setFetchMode (PDO::FETCH_OBJ);

    while ($row = $sth->fetch ())

    printf ("Name: %s, Category: %s\n", $row->name, $row->category);

    Another way to fetch results is to bind variables to the result set columns with bindColumn().

    Then you fetch each row using the PDO::FETCH_BOUND fetch mode. PDO stores the column

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    values in the variables, and fetch() returns TRUE instead of a row value while rows remain in the

    result set:

    $sth = $dbh->query ("SELECT name, category FROM animal");

    $sth->bindColumn (1, $name);

    $sth->bindColumn (2, $category);

    while ($sth->fetch (PDO::FETCH_BOUND))

    printf ("Name: %s, Category: %s\n", $name, $category);

    Using Prepared Statements

    exec() and query() are PDO object methods: You use them with a database handle and they

    execute a statement immediately and return its result. It is also possible to prepare a statement for

    execution without executing it immediately. The prepare() method takes an SQL statement as its

    argument and returns a PDOStatement statement-handle object. The statement handle has an

    execute() method that executes the statement:

    $sth = $dbh->prepare ($stmt);

    $sth->execute ();

    Following execution, other statement-handle methods provide information about the statementresult:

    For a statement that modifies rows, invoke rowCount() to get the rows-affected count:

    $sth = $dbh->prepare ("DELETE FROM animal WHERE category = mammal");

    $sth->execute ();

    printf ("Number of rows affected: %d\n", $sth->rowCount ());

    For a statement that produces a result set, the fetch() method retrieves them and the column -

    Count() method indicates how many columns there are. To determine how many rows there are,

    count them as you fetch them. (As mentioned previously, rowCount() returns a row count, but

    should be used only for statements that modify rows.)

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    $sth = $dbh->prepare ("SELECT name, category FROM animal");

    $sth->execute ();

    printf ("Number of columns in result set: %d\n", $sth->columnCount ());

    $count = 0;

    while ($row = $sth->fetch ())


    printf ("Name: %s, Category: %s\n", $row[0], $row[1]);



    printf ("Number of rows in result set: %d\n", $count);

    If you are not sure whether a given SQL statement modifies or returns nows, the statement

    handle itself enables you to determine the proper mode of processing. See Determining the

    Type of a Statement.

    As just shown, prepared statements appear to offer no advantage over exec() and query() because

    using them introduces an extra step into statement processing. But there are indeed some benefits

    to them:

    Prepared statements can be parameterized with placeholders that indicate where data values

    should appear. You can bind specific values to these placeholders and PDO takes care of any

    quoting or escaping issues for values that contain special characters. Placeholders and

    Quoting discusses these topics further.

    Separating statement preparation from execution can be more efficient for statements to be

    executed multiple times because the preparation phase need be done only once. For example, if

    you need to insert a bunch of rows, you can prepare an INSERT statement once and then execute

    it repeatedly, binding successive row values to it for each execution.

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    Placeholders and Quoting

    A prepared statement can contain placeholders to indicate where data values should appear. After

    you prepare the statement, bind specific values to the placeholders (either before or at statement-

    execution time), and PDO substitutes the values into the statement before sending it to the

    database server.

    PDO supports named and positional placeholders:

    Anamed placeholder consists of a name preceded by a colon. After you prepare the statement,

    use bindValue() to provide a value for each placeholder, and then execute the statement. To

    insert another row, bind new values to the placeholders and invoke execute() again:

    $sth = $dbh->prepare ("INSERT INTO animal (name, category)

    VALUES (:name, :cat)");

    $sth->bindValue (":name", "ant");

    $sth->bindValue (":cat", "insect");

    $sth->execute ();

    $sth->bindValue (":name", "snail");

    $sth->bindValue (":cat", "gastropod");

    $sth->execute ();

    As an alternative to binding the data values before calling execute(), you can pass the values

    directly to execute() using an array that associates placeholder names with the values:

    $sth->execute (array (":name" => "black widow", ":cat" => "spider"));

    Positional placeholders are characters within the statement string. You can bind the values prior

    to calling execute(), similar to the previous example, or pass an array of values directly to


    $sth = $dbh->prepare ("INSERT INTO animal (name, category)

    VALUES (?, ?)");

    # use bindValue() to bind data values

    $sth->bindValue (1, "ant");

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    $sth->bindValue (2, "insect");

    $sth->execute ();

    # pass values directly to execute() as an array

    $sth->execute (array ("snail", "gastropod"));

    Positional placeholder numbers begin with 1.

    An alternative to bindValue() is bindParam(), which adds a level of indirection to value-binding.

    Instead of passing a data value as the second argument to bindParam(), pass a variable to

    associate the variable with the placeholder. To supply a value for the placeholder, assign a value

    to the variable:

    $sth = $dbh->prepare ("INSERT INTO animal (name, category)

    VALUES (?, ?)");

    $sth->bindParam (1, $name);

    $sth->bindParam (2, $category);

    $name = "ant";

    $category = "insect";

    $sth->execute ();

    $name = "snail";

    $category = "gastropod";

    $sth->execute ();

    The preceding examples use INSERT statements, but placeholder techniques are applicable to

    any type of statement, such as UPDATE or SELECT.

    One of the benefits of using placeholders is that PDO handles any quoting or escaping of special

    characters or NULL values. For example, if you bind the string "abc" to a placeholder, PDO

    inserts "a\b\c" into the statement. To bind the SQL NULL value to a placeholder, bind the

    PHP NULL value. In this case, PDO inserts the word NULL into the statem ent without

    surrounding quotes. (Were quotes to be added, the value inserted into the statement would be the

    string "NULL", which is incorrect.)

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    PDO also provides a database handle quote() method to which you can pass a string and receive

    back a quoted string with special characters escaped. However, I find this method deficient. For

    example, if you pass it NULL, it returns an empty string, which if inserted into a statement string

    does not correspond to the SQL NULL value. Use quote() with care if you use it.

    Determining the Type of a Statement

    When you issue a statement using a database handle, you must know whether the statement

    modifies rows or produces a result set, so that you can invoke whichever of exec() or query() is

    appropriate. However, under certain circumstances, you might not know the statement type, such

    as when you write a script to execute arbitrary statements that it reads from a file. To handle such

    cases, use prepare() with the database handle to get a statement handle and execute() to execute

    the statement. Then check the statements column count:

    If columnCount() is zero, the statement did not produce a result set . Instead, it modified rows

    and you can invoke rowCount() to determine the number of affected rows.

    If columnCount() is greater than zero, the statement produced a result set and you can fetch the

    rows. To determine how many rows there are, count them as you fetch them.

    The following example determines whether a statement modifies rows or produces a result set,

    and then processes it accordingly:

    $sth = $dbh->prepare ($stmt);

    $sth->execute ();

    if ($sth->columnCount () == 0)


    # there is no result set, so the statement modifies rows

    printf ("Number of rows affected: %d\n", $sth->rowCount ());




    # there is a result set

    printf ("Number of columns in result set: %d\n", $sth->columnCount ());

    $count = 0;

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    while ($row = $sth->fetch (PDO::FETCH_NUM))


    # display column values separated by commas

    print (join (", ", $row) . "\n");



    printf ("Number of rows in result set: %d\n", $count);


    Handling Errors

    When you invoke new PDO() to create a database handle, occurrance of an error causes a

    PDOException to be thrown. If you dont catch the exception, PHP terminates your script. To

    handle the exception yourself, use a try block to perform the connection attempt and a catch

    block to catch any error that occurs:



    $dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test", "testuser", "testpass");

    }catch (PDOException $e)


    print ("Could not connect to server.\n");

    print ("getMessage(): " . $e->getMessage () . "\n");


    A PDOException is an extension of the PHP Exception class, so it has getCode() and

    getMessage() methods that return an error code and descriptive message, respectively. (However,

    I find that getCode() always returns 0 for connection errors and is meaningful only for PDO

    exceptions that occur after the connection has been established.)

    After you successfully obtain a database handle, further PDO calls that use it are handled

    according to the PDO error mode. There are three modes:

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    When an error occurs in silent or warning mode for a given object method, PDO sets up error

    information that you can access when the method returns. This is the default error mode.


    This is like silent mode but PDO also displays a warning message in addition to setting up error

    information when an error occurs.


    PDO sets up error information when an error occurs and throws a PDOException.

    PDO sets error information for the object to which the error applies, regardless of the error mode.

    This information is available via the objects errorCode() and errorInfo() methods. errorCode()

    returns an SQLSTATE value (a five-character string). errorInfo() returns a three-element array

    containing the SQLSTATE value, and a driver-specific error code and error message. For

    MySQL, the driverspecific values are a numeric error code and a descriptive error message.

    To handle errors in silent mode, you must check the result of each PDO call. The following

    example shows how to test for errors during an operation that uses a database handle, $dbh, and

    a statement handle, $sth (you would not necessarily print all the available information as the

    example does):

    if (!($sth = $dbh->prepare ("INSERT INTO no_such_table")))


    print ("Could not prepare statement.\n");

    print ("errorCode: " . $dbh->errorCode () . "\n");

    print ("errorInfo: " . join (", ", $dbh->errorInfo ()) . "\n");


    else if (!$sth->execute ())


    print ("Could not execute statement.\n");

    print ("errorCode: " . $sth->errorCode () . "\n");

    print ("errorInfo: " . join (", ", $sth->errorInfo ()) . "\n");


    Testing the result of every call can become messy quickly. Another way to deal with failures is

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  • 7/31/2019 Cse09 Project Document



    Using Transactions

    In MySQL, some storage engines are transactional, which enables you to perform an operation

    and then commit it permanently if it succeeded or roll it back to cancel its effects if an erroroccurred. PDO provides a mechanism for performing transactions that is based on the following

    database-handle methods:

    To start a transaction, invoke beginTransaction() to disable autocommit mode so that database

    changes do not take effect immediately.

    To commit a successful transaction or roll back an unsuccessful one, invoke commit() or

    rollback(), respectively.

    The easiest way to use these methods is to enable PDO exceptions and use try and catch to

    handle errors:




    $dbh->beginTransaction (); # start the transaction

    # ... perform database operation ...

    $dbh->commit (); # success


    catch (PDOException $e)


    print ("Transaction failed: " . $e->getMessage () . "\n");

    $dbh->rollback (); # failure


    For additional paranoia, you can place the rollback() call within a nested try/catch construct so

    that if rollback() itself fails and raises another exception, the script doesnt get terminated.


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    14.STRUCTURED QUERY LANGUAGESQL is a set of commands that all programmers and users must use to access data with

    inORACLE database. The Oracle 8i server provides full SQL commands to level 2 and

    fullimplementation of the integrity enhancement features. The SQL consists of facilities for

    defining accessing and managing relational database.

    Advantages of SQL:

    1. SQL has become a database language of choice because it is flexible, powerfuland easyto learn.

    2. SQL is non procedural language ito Process sets of records rather than just one at a time.o Provides automatic navigation to the data.

    3. SQL Provides commands for a variety of tasks including querying data, creating,updatingand replacing objects and inserting, updating and deleting rows.

    4. All major RDBMS supports SQL. Thus one can transfer all the skills gained withSQLfrom one RDBMS to another.

    5. Programs written in SQL are portable; they can often be moved from onedatabase systemto another with little modification.

    SQL Commands

    The SQL Commands are divided into three categories:

    Data Definition Language Commands (DDL) Data Manipulation Language Commands (DML) Transaction Control Commands.

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    Query data.


    Inserting and Deleting database Objects.

    Controlling access to the database.

    Providing for data integrity and consistency.

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    15.Database Tables:1. Booking_info

    2. Movies





    Tagline Dateofrel




    Posterid Running_ti


    Language cbfcrati

















    Date NOT


















    LT U






    3. StatesStateid State

    Int(3) unsigned NOT NULL Varchar(40) NOT NULL

    Bookingid Userid Showid Bookeddate bookedseat














  • 7/31/2019 Cse09 Project Document



    4. State_city

    Cityid Stateid State

    Int(10) unsigned NOT NULL Int(3) unsigned NOT


    Varchar(40) DEFAULT


    5. Theaters









    Area City State Country Screens Adde



    d NOT
































    ED NOT



    T 1








    6. Usersseri Emailid Passwo











    State City Doj Activate






    nt(5) Varchar(50)












    Binary(1) NOT



    LT 0




  • 7/31/2019 Cse09 Project Document



    16.Usecase Diagrams:

    Usecase Diagram 1


    Usecase Diagram 2

    Check bymovie

    Chek by

    cinema hallCheck moviedata


    Check by time


    Request ticket

    Book ticket

    Check status ofticket

    Registered user

    Unregistered user

  • 7/31/2019 Cse09 Project Document



    Usecase Diagram 3



    Register newadministrator

    Create movie


    Update moviedatabase

    Approve userre uest


  • 7/31/2019 Cse09 Project Document



    17. DATA FLOW DIAGRAM:A data flow diagram is graphical tool used to describe and analyze movement of data through a

    system. These are the central tool and the basis from which the other components are developed.

    The transformation of data from input to output, through processed, may be described logically

    and independently of physical components associated with the system. These are known as the

    logical data flow diagrams. The physical data flow diagrams show the actual implements and

    movement of data between people, departments and workstations. A full description of a system

    actually consists of a set of data flow diagrams. Using two familiar notations Yourdon, Gane

    and Sarson notation develops the data flow diagrams. Each component in a DFD is labeled with

    a descriptive name. Process is further identified with a number that will be used for

    identification purpose. The development of DFDs is done in several levels. Each process in

    lower level diagrams can be broken down into a more detailed DFD in the next level. The top-

    level diagram is often called context diagram. It consists a single process bit, which plays vital

    role in studying the current system. The process in the context level diagram is exploded into

    other process at the first level DFD.

    The idea behind the explosion of a process into more process is that understanding at one level of

    detail is exploded into greater detail at the next level. This is done until further explosion is

    necessary and an adequate amount of detail is described for analyst to understand the process.

    Larry Constantine first developed the DFD as a way of expressing system requirements in a

    graphical from, this lead to the modular design.

    A DFD is also known as a bubble Chart has the purpose of clarifying system requirements and

    identifying major transformations that will become programs in system design. So it is the

    starting point of the design to the lowest level of detail. A DFD consists of a series of bubblesjoined by data flows in the system.

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    In the DFD, there are four symbols

    1. A square defines a source(originator) or destination of system data2. An arrow identifies data flow. It is the pipeline through which the information flows3. A circle or a bubble represents a process that transforms incoming data flow into outgoing

    data flows.

    4. An open rectangle is a data store, data at rest or a temporary repository of data

    Process that transforms data flow

    External entity

    External Entity

    Data flow

    Data Store


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    Salient Features of DFDs

    1. The DFD shows flow of data, not of control loops and decision are controlledconsiderations do not appear on a DFD.


    The DFD does not indicate the time factor involved in any process whether the dataflowtake place daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.

    3. The sequence of events is not brought out on the DFD.Types of Data Flow Diagrams

    1. Current Physical2. Current Logical3. New Logical4. New Physical


    1) A Data Flow has only one direction of flow between symbols. It may flow in bothdirections between a process and a data store to show a read before an update. The

    later is usually indicated however by two separate arrows since these happen at

    different type.

    2) A join in DFD means that exactly the same data comes from any of two or moredifferent processes data store or sink to a common location.

    3) A data flow cannot go directly back to the same process it leads. There must be atleast one other process that handles the data flow produce some other data flow

    returns the original data into the beginning process.

    4) A Data flow to a data store means update (delete or change).5) A data Flow from a data store means retrieve or use.6)

    A data flow has a noun phrase label more than one data flow noun phrase can appearon a single arrow as long as all of the flows on the same arrow move together as one


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    Context Diagram

    Send Output

    Admin id andPassword

    No IdentityRequired

    Send Output

    User id andPassword

    Send Output




    Admin views userdetails,movie/cinemahall

    Get cinematicket(s


    hall details


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    Level 1 Dataflow Diagram









    Cinema hall


    1 .3


    show details






    Cinema hall details

    Cinema hall details

  • 7/31/2019 Cse09 Project Document



    Level 2 Dataflow Diagram

    Booked details

    User details

    Movie details

    User Login2.1

    Selectmovieselect status2.1.1

    Select dateselect show


    Cinema show timedetails

    Cinemashow time




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    18.Entity Relationship Diagram

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    19.Online Cinema Ticket Booking Description

    Welcome to newly designed website cinema ticket booking is a faster, cleanerand a tad more

    personal website, specially designed to make your bookingexperience better. Log on, navigate

    and find out for yourselves and if time permits leave your valuable feedback.Customers may

    view the contents of any movie show at any time and may bookany movie ticket as needed. The

    program automatically calculates the subtotal and grand total. When a visitor decides to finally

    book the ticket, the
