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CSE3180 Summer 2005 Lect 3 / 1 Lecture 3 This lecture will introduce More aspects of database design...

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CSE3180 Summer 2005 Lect 3 / 1 Lecture 3 This lecture will introduce More aspects of database design Modelling and transformations • Normalisation Some examples of modelling And an excursion into the land of Non Structured Data
Page 1: CSE3180 Summer 2005 Lect 3 / 1 Lecture 3 This lecture will introduce More aspects of database design Modelling and transformations Normalisation Some examples.

CSE3180 Summer 2005 Lect 3 / 1

Lecture 3Lecture 3

This lecture will introduce

• More aspects of database design

• Modelling and transformations

• Normalisation

• Some examples of modelling

• And an excursion into the land of Non Structured Data

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Data Structure DiagramsData Structure Diagrams

Requirements Analysis

Conceptual Design

Implementation Design

Physical Design

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Conceptual DesignConceptual Design

- Create an enterprise (total) model

- Normalise user views

- Integrate user views

- Create a database

- Review

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Modelling User RequirementsModelling User Requirements


Entity Relationship Modelling (Semantic)

Normalisation (Minimality) - meaning the minimum number of attributes to define the Primary Key


Data Flow Analysis

Procedure Formation

Functional Analysis

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Well Structured DataWell Structured Data


• Better integration of applications through shared access to common data.

· More adaptable systems because files and databases will follow the natural structures inherent in data rather than application oriented relationships.

· Processing should be simpler if data is held in its simplest least redundant form.

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Data Focussed DevelopmentData Focussed Development

1. Develop broad data model and broad function model.

2. Partition data model by function.

3. Develop detailed data model by each functional partition.

4. Develop the detailed procedure models by functional partition.

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Primary Key SelectionPrimary Key Selection

A data item or element that describes one entity type.


StudentNo Unit Code Year Semester Grade

S1 CSE4230 2003 1 N

S1 CSE4230 2003 2 HD


· Some or all of the attributes describing an entity type serve to uniquely identify each entity instance.

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Value Sets or DomainsValue Sets or Domains

Each attribute type supports one entity type and is often based on an underlying domain or value set.


EmpNo Emp_Gender Emp_Name Emp_Hire_Date

E1 Female Jones 20/6/1989


Empno Family_Name First_Name Gender Birthdate

E1 Jones Amelia Female 23/6/1986

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Synonyms or AliasesSynonyms or Aliases

· Be careful to differentiate between things and their names.



The same object called different names by different people.

· This problem concerns entity types, relationship types and attribute types.

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Different things called the same name by different people ??


· In the Personnel area this may mean the date an employee started with the company.

· In a given department this may mean the date an employee started with the department.

· This problem also concerns entity types, relationship types and attribute types.

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Design and Data StructuresDesign and Data Structures

Data structures are the bricks and mortar that hold databases together.

Data structures (for the ANSI/SPARC standard) are defined in the internal model level and implemented in the physical data organisation.

Data structures are often hidden from the application programmer, since they are primarily used by the DBMS and Operating System.

Understanding data structures is important for performance reasons, to improve program design and allow easier communication with DBMS specialists.

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Goals of Relational DesignGoals of Relational Design

What Relations should exist and what Attributes shouldthey contain?

Avoid Redundancy if possible- minimise storage space

Avoid Anomalies

Avoid Nulls (but be careful)

Avoid Joins which produce spurious rows

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Some AssumptionsSome Assumptions

A group of attributes has a natural “inherent” structure

This structure is independent of the way the data is used

Normalisation (meaning : to be able to access complete, clear and correct data - to and from tables)

• introduced by E.F. Codd together with relational database theory

• originally Codd defined three normal forms

• later expanded to Boyce-Codd and fourth and fifth normal forms

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A Sample Data StructureA Sample Data Structure







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Formal measure of why one grouping of attributesmay be better than another

Each Normal Form requires that a Relation satisfiescriteria for that form and this eliminates a different kind of redundancy

Normalised Relations will remain consistent followingdatabase operations and will store each fact only once

Database operations applied to unnormalised relations may lead to anomalies


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Some AnomaliesSome Anomalies

Person-Id Project_budget Project Time Spent on Project

S75 32 P1 7

S75 40 P2 8

S79 32 P1 4

S79 27 P3 1

S80 40 P2 5

- 17 P4 -

Null Values are considered to be anomalies

Relation : ASSIGN

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Insertion Anomalyadd row ASSIGN values( ‘S85’,35,’P1’,9)- two conflicting budgets for P1 S75 32 P1 7

Deletion Anomaly S79 32 P1 4

delete row ASSIGN (‘S79’,27,’P3’,11)- removes project budget for P3 S79 27 P3 1

Person-Id Project_budget Project Time Spent on Project

S75 32 P1 7

S75 40 P2 8

S79 32 P1 4

S79 27 P3 1

S80 40 P2 5

- 17 P4 -

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Functional DependenciesFunctional Dependencies

- the values of one set of attributes affect the valuesof another attributes


The value of X determines the value of Y

The value of Y depends on the value of X

The simplest case is 1 attribute determines another singleattribute

AND the Primary Key value determines the values of the non key attributes in each row.

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Functional DependenciesFunctional Dependencies

Project Project Budget


Time Spent on Project

Functional Dependency Diagram

Project Project Budget

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Functional DependenciesFunctional Dependencies

• Two attributes are FUNCTIONALLY DEPENDENT if a value for ONE attribute specifies a SINGLE value for the other attribute

Grade Rate of Pay

Driver 265.00

Crane Driver 310.95

Keyboard Operator 215.55

Systems Analyst 450.00

The Rate of Pay is functionally dependent on Grade

or, Grade determines Rate of Pay

or, grade----> Rate of Pay. Grade is a DETERMINANT

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Functional DependenciesFunctional Dependencies

Some Terms: Primary Key Candidate Key

Foreign Key Concatenated Key

Non-Ambiguous Keys: An attribute (or attributes) of a table is the Primary Key for that table if

1. All attributes in the table are functionally dependent on the Primary Key


2. Where the Primary Key is a collection of attributes (concatenated key), no subcollection of the attributes used also exhibits the functional dependence property

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Functional DependenciesFunctional Dependencies


1. The primary key will identify a given row (unique)

2. No portion of the primary key can be an independent primary key


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Minimal Numbers of FD’sMinimal Numbers of FD’s

Employee Department

Department Location

Employee Location

Employee determines Department

Department determines Location

Employee determines Location This FD is redundant.It is known as a ‘Transitive Dependency’ and would be excluded from the design model. (E-R diagram)

Or, rationalise (minimise) the number of tables in the physical database

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1st Normal Form

Repeating groups must not occur

Unit Student No. Result Name

CSE3180 9142717 C Wilson

9131618 D Renoir

9077184 P Gilbey

CSE2138 8967384 N Breton

8737980 P Balzac

CSE9020 9142717 P Wilson

6932475 HD Gilbey

1st Normal Form

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Unit StudentNo Result Name

CSE3180 9142717 C Wilson

CSE3180 9131618 D Renoir

CSE3180 9077184 P Gilbey

CSE2138 8967384 N Breton

CSE2138 8737980 P Balzac

CSE9020 9142717 P Wilson

CSE9020 6932475 HD Gilbey

Corrected Table

Formally expressed as:Results(unit code, studentno,result,name

The stored data mustbe complete

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2nd Normal Form

Designed to eliminate Update Anomalies (4 categories)


1. Update Where a Description alteration requires

total file scan and alterations made

2. Inconsistent Data Possibility of a code having more than

one description

3. Additions Condition where a row cannot be fully identified e.g. subject code only

4. Deletions If subject Code CSE9020 is deleted, location of associated data is not possible

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3rd Normal Form

Final Stage ---> 3rd Normal Form

Watch for Determinants

Primary Keys are Determinants

Candidate Keys are Determinants

A table is in 3rd Normal Form (3NF) if

(i) It is in 2nd Normal Form and

(ii) Determinants are Candidate Keys

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As a check, review

1. Update

2. Inconsistent Data

3. Additions

4. Deletions

for Conditions and Difficulties of access (and retrieval)

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Normalisation ReviewNormalisation Review

A relation is in 3NF if, and only if, the NONKEY ATTRIBUTES are

(1) Mutually Independent

(2) Fully Dependent on the Total Primary Key

Or: A relation is in 3NF if, and only if, for the life of the database, each row consists of a Primary Key Value which identifies some Entity instance, together with a set of Zero or more mutually independent attribute values which describe the Entity in some way. (Date, C.J)

Or: Each field must represent a fact about the key, the Whole Key and Nothing but the Key. (Kent, W)

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Normalisation - ExamplesNormalisation - Examples

1. 1NF or First Normal Form Rule: Each Row MUST CONTAIN the same number of columns

Example: Course Instructor table

class code lecturer tutor tutor tutor

C3576 Doe,J Jones,R Smith,V Ng,K K567 Nguyen,L B6745 Fabbri,M Ong,W R3289 Pratt,W Archer,V Barrat,N

The number of columns (attributes) is not consistentCreate a table of TUTORS with Class Codes

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Normalisation - ExamplesNormalisation - Examples

2NF: 2 criteria (1) The table must be in 1NF

(2) every attribute which is NOT part of the Primary key must be functionally dependent on the Primary Key

Building Room Seats No. of Levels

A 214 85 4

A 242A 25 4

B 213 135 6

The number of levels is dependent on Building, not Building + Room.

Create another table - ‘building table’

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1 table : Accommodation(building, room, seats)

Another table : Building(building, levels)

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Normalisation - ExamplesNormalisation - Examples

3NF : A table is in 3rd Normal Form

if (1) the table is in 2NF

and (2) every attribute which is NOT part of the Primary Key is functionally dependent ONLY on the key - meaning it is not dependent on any other non-key attribute

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Normalisation - ExamplesNormalisation - Examples

This table is NOT in 3NF:

ClassCodeLecturer Lecturer’s Office Phone

C3567 Doe,J 101 Bldg A 32412

K4567 Fabbri,M 312 Bldg B 31523

B7645 Nguyen,L 209 Bldg F 31518

R3289 Pratt,W 406 Bldg E 32581

ClassCode Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer’s Office Phone

C3567 Doe,J Doe,J 101 Bldg A 32412

K4567 Fabbri,M Fabbri,M 312 Bldg B 31523

B7645 Nguyen,L Nguyen,L 209 Bldg F 31518

R3289 Pratt,W Pratt,W 406 Bldg E 32581

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Normalisation Normalisation

Some Thoughts:• Databases should be constructed so that data occurs

only ONCE.• Redundant or repetitive data may produce

inconsistencies in the database during update

e.g. a person’s address is in 1 table and row only, and other rows in other tables have keys referring to it.

(known as referenced and referencing keys/tables)

• A quick design test - ‘If a row is deleted, will valuable data

be lost ?’

If YES, remove the valuable information and place it in another table

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NormalisationDiagrammatic Functional Dependencies

NormalisationDiagrammatic Functional Dependencies










city assets



Notice that theseattributes are dependencies of theprimary key

This attributeIS NOT

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Other Normalisation FormsOther Normalisation Forms

Other forms of Normalisation: 4th Normal Form 4NF

A row should NOT contain two or more independent multivalued facts about an entity.

Facts are independent of each other when there is no direct connection between them. Generally occurs in a many to many relationship

Example: A book publishing company can have many authors producing many books

The books would (normally) be sold from many booksellers stores

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Other Normalisation FormsOther Normalisation Forms

5th Normal Form

A table is in 5th Normal Form when its data can no longer be decomposed into smaller tables without each row having the same Primary Key

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MultiValued Dependencies MVD’sMultiValued Dependencies MVD’s

Functional Dependencies cannot express all cases of associations between attributes

Consider PERSON and SKILL(s)

A PERSON may have one or many SKILLS

A SKILL may be owned by many PERSONS


Neither of these expressions cover the above statements

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MultiValued Dependencies MVD’sMultiValued Dependencies MVD’s

An MVD defines that an ATTRIBUTE is always associated with a given set of values of another ATTRIBUTE



a single value of a set of attributes determines a set of values of other attributes

AND this set of values is the same, independent of any other dependencies of the first named


PERSON ---->> skill_id, date_acquired

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Advanced Examples 4NF, 5NFAdvanced Examples 4NF, 5NF


Sales_Rep Customer Product_Class

Joe BH Store Cosmetics

Joe BH Store Haberdashery

Helen MaxiStoresCosmetics

Helen MaxiStoresClothing

Helen MaxiStoresShoes

Joe 8-Up Cosmetics

Joe 8-Up Haberdashery

Helen BH Store Cosmetics

Helen BH Store Clothing

Helen BH Store Shoes

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Advanced Examples 4NF, 5NFAdvanced Examples 4NF, 5NF

In this table, there are MVD’s

Sales_Rep --->> Customer

Sales_Rep --->> Product_Class


A relation is in 4NF if, for any multi-values dependency

X --->> Y, there are no attributes other than those in X and Y

In the table , Sales_Rep --->> Customer, BUT

also --->> Product_Class

Solution: Decompose SALES_AREAS into:Sales_Rep(Sales_rep, Product_Class)

Areas(Sales_Rep, Customer)

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Advanced Examples 4NF, 5NFAdvanced Examples 4NF, 5NF


Restrictions on Dependencies (also illustrates a Business Rule)

BH Store does not sell Haberdashery

MaxiStores do not sell Cosmetics

Thus the SALES_AREA cannot be decomposed as shown. It can be decomposed into

Sales_Rep(Sales_Rep, Product_Class)

Areas( Sales_Rep, Customer)


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Advanced Examples 4NF, 5NFAdvanced Examples 4NF, 5NF

IF not all Sales_Reps of a given Product_Class can sell that Product_Class to a store, then the resultant table, based on the original table, is

Sales_Rep Customer Product_Class

Joe BH Store Cosmetics

Helen MaxiStoresClothing

Helen MaxiStoresShoes

Joe 8-Up Cosmetics

Joe 8-Up Haberdashery

Helen BH Store Clothing

Helen BH Store Shoes

This relation cannot be decomposed and is in 5NF

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In Practice ---In Practice ---

1.Oracle insists that modelling to 3rd normal form is adequate for all commercial databases

2. Since the emergence of the 4th and 5th forms, database software (in the case of Oracle this is PL/SQL) is able to provide the processing necessary to accommodate special or extended control over data in database tables

3. Part of the development of a database is focussed on the presence and understanding of ‘Business Rules’

4. There will be some examples of Business Rules in a later lecture

5. You will need to develop Rules for your database as part of its development and control

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Stages in Data Modelling - 1Stages in Data Modelling - 1

1. Analyse User Requirements - User Views

2. Aggregate Functions - Highlight Synonyms

3. Prepare first cut of Entities

4. Determine Cardinality of Entities– Develop E-R Diagrams

5. Determine Relationships 1:1, 1:M, M:N

6. Introduce Attributes - Data Structures (use Natural Mapping)

7. Analyse Candidate Keys for Primary, Foreign and Access key functions

8. Determine success of relationships

9. Review (if necessary) the E-R Diagram

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Stages in Data Modelling - 2Stages in Data Modelling - 2

• Select and Test the Primary and Foreign Keys for each table

• Select Candidate keys for access

• Normalise

• Test Normalisation

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Stages in Data Modelling - 3Stages in Data Modelling - 3

• Review E-R Diagram and Data Structure Diagrams if necessary

• Examine Data Structures/E-R Diagrams against original views, requirements e.g. report contents

• Obtain confirmation and acceptance from User(s)

• Move to Physical Design Considerations

and, don’t forget the documentation !

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Data Modelling - Some GuidelinesData Modelling - Some Guidelines

• Do not prematurely combine entities into tables

• Concentrate on Access Mechanisms which can be shared among requests

• Deviate from the model in a responsible manner (i.e. get user acceptance, enthusiasm)

• Use table/view and attribute names which closely reflect the data model names (Natural Mapping)

• Do not define multiple attributes as one composite attribute in a table

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Database Design GuidelinesDatabase Design Guidelines

• Watch data types for each attribute, especially complex keys

• Develop an ‘architecture’ to support ‘Business Rules’ for procedures, integrity and access

• Look for developing technology trends

• Determine the reason/purpose of the proposed database

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Database Design GuidelinesDatabase Design Guidelines

• Determine the entities supported by the database - what are the ‘main’ collections of data --> entities

• Determine the attributes of each entity

• Determine the Entity relationships

• Determine the Entity-Relationship types 1:1, 1:M, M:N

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Database Design GuidelinesDatabase Design Guidelines

Carefully assess the Constraints :– Domain value sets– Data types– Calculations– Unique keys– Primary Keys– Nulls (or even better, Not Nulls)– ‘Special Processing’ requirements– In a distributed environment, are the constraints ‘local’

or ‘global’

These are examples of the existence of Business Rules

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Database Design GuidelinesDatabase Design Guidelines

• Determine how the relationships can be related - Primary Key/Foreign Key. Are additional attributes needed ?

• Re-assess your design - Logical, Can the objectives of (1) be achieved ?

If no, what addition/reduction of Entities or Attributes is necessary ?

• Modify your design as required, and re-evaluate

(it is an ITERATIVE Process)

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Some Common Design ProblemsSome Common Design Problems

• Not all attributes in a table relate to the same entity or subject. e.g. mixing passengers and aircraft details in the same table

Hint: Re-examine the Primary Key and determinant aspects

• Blank attributes in tables (no values)

Generally means they belong in another table

• Tables contains the same data-items

Can indicate that aggregation or consolidation might be necessary

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Some Common Design ProblemsSome Common Design Problems

• Continuous Design alterations

01. Normal during the logical design stage

Some suggestions:

Make prototypes, use sample data, determine weaknesses, oversights

Consult with the user. Get approval / acceptance

Modify, re-design

02. Unworkable at physical design stage

A clear indication of a rushed or poorly developed logical design. May be more appropriate to start again (and may also be more cost effective)

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And those Key Terms ?And those Key Terms ?

• A candidate key is an attribute or set of attributes whose values uniquely identify individual rows of the entity set

• One candidate key is selected to act as the unique identifier for instances of the entity. This candidate key is called the primary key. The remaining candidate keys are known as alternate keys

• A composite key is a candidate key which consists of more than one attribute

• A foreign key is a column, or set of columns, which links each referencing row in the table containing the foreign key to the row in the referenced table containing the matching candidate key value

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So far , we have dealt with ‘structured data’ -

All data in each table has the same form andformat

We are now going to look at some aspects ofNon Structured Data

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Data ManagementData Management

Now we will look at:-

the imbalance between Information sourced from structured data storage systems, mainly databases

and Information which is necessary for informed management decision making processes based on non structured data

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Non Structured DataNon Structured Data

Up to date, we have studied some of the methods of file organisation associated with efficient data management and retrieval as embodied in the relational data base model.

However, although industry has invested large amounts of money in relational database applications, the greater percentage of data access requirements are made of non-structured data sources (a classic one being the World Wide Web).

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Non-Structured InformationNon-Structured Information

• Much effort and expense has been directed at the design, capture, processing, storage and retrieval of data in a structured form.

• There are a number of database management systems (DBMS) which can store many trillions of bytes in centralised, distributed and client/server based systems

• There are extensive backup, recovery and restart procedures in place to ensure persistence and continuity of data

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Non-Structured InformationNon-Structured Information

The ratio of unstructured to structured information in many organisations is approximately 8 to 1

It is easy to conclude that the the most important component which drives much of the decision making in key business processes is badly neglected.

Familiar examples are the World Wide Web,

Corporate intranets


on line discussion groups

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Non-Structured InformationNon-Structured Information

Why is there this bias ?

Perhaps because structured information management has been synonymous with information systems design ?

The technology for unstructured data management is powerful, pervasive and well understood

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Non-Structured InformationNon-Structured Information

Businesses are becoming more interconnected

Each new connection is made by, and relies on, exchange of Information

One aspect of these ‘connections’ is the unpredictability of the nodes and the nodal content

This impacts on the structured information model

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Non-Structured InformationNon-Structured Information

The term ‘unstructured’ was invariably associated with ‘documents’.

They are a medium which we understand and use

There are other forms of unstructured data




graphical objects

These are forms of electronic documents

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Non-Structured InformationNon-Structured Information

These forms are ‘unstructured’ because their exact content and organisation are unpredictable

Unstructured information is any information type made up of content which does not fit a predefined, descriptive model or arrangement

It would be possible to impose (or superimpose) a structure on a document to make document selection possible, but there would be a cost

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Non-Structured InformationNon-Structured Information

A document may need to be tracked using

author name


filing date

a short abstract of the content (sound familiar ?)

The effect of this is that the ‘content’ of the document can now be accessed only through these 4 ‘keys’

Question : How could a lengthy research task be categorised by value or content using this technique ?

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Non-Structured InformationNon-Structured Information

That is another way of saying

the who

the when

the where

the why

and the how - realistic in today’s environment ?

So what is different with today’s decisions ?

The difference is the nature and kind of decisions made

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Non-Structured InformationNon-Structured Information

Today’s business is driven by increasing rates of change

We have shifted from an industrial economy to a knowledge driven economy

The need more information to support the decision-making processes, and the dynamic nature of the business environment means that the support from structured information systems is starting to be inadequate

However there is a possibility of ‘information overload’ - one of the accepted criteria of ‘knowledge work’ is a competency to manage the increasing amounts of information

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Non-Structured InformationNon-Structured Information

In the current environment, the ‘products’ are now our ideas

Ideas are driven by information

The term ‘Globalisation’ is appropriate

We think and we change or modify our plans - and this has led to the loss of predictability

The the ‘knowledge environment’ business success depends on the ability of knowledge workers to sift through all of the available unstructured resources and to make decisions - and faster than the competitors

The measurement of success is in degrees of innovation

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Non-Structured InformationNon-Structured Information

So, what are the ‘sources of information’ ?

Corporate document bases

The Internet

The Extranets

Information subscription services

Dialog with Customers, suppliers, competitors

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Non-Structured InformationNon-Structured Information

Are there any problems with this ?

In practice there are 2, and they are -

The 2 major problems of decision making are

1. Volume of information

2. The speed at which decisions need to be made

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Non-Structured InformationNon-Structured Information

Information retrievals have moved away from the filtering of unstructured data into a structured environment.

The emerging models accommodate the capture of resources (and access) which leads to a dynamic and unfiltered information repository which consists of joined but separated sources.

Web sites are sought and searched via the Internet, and possibly a corporate document repository is included in the search.

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Non-Structured InformationNon-Structured Information

Some of the information found will be transferred to a more structured repository - possibly a competitive analysis database.

A search in this way provides a set of search results but does not change the information sources.

The Importance of Tools:

Users don’t normally have the time nor the skills to ‘get on top of a variety and changing set of tools’ (what is your experience with the various search engines you have used on the Internet ?)

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Non-Structured InformationNon-Structured Information

What is needed is a retrieval tool (hardware and software) which understands how to work with different repositories

This leads to the ‘repository management system’ being able to recognise the form and requirements of different search tools or, if you like, software which recognises and communicates exactly and completely with other software

- this is ‘intelligent’ software

Another aspect is the nature of a search - this has changed from simple words or phrase retrievals to ‘context’ and dynamic analysis and categorisation

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A Non Structured Data QueryA Non Structured Data Query

Which of these 2 queries is likely to reveal real and intelligent in-depth information ?

1. What did our customers order last month


2. What is the correlation between discounts we’ve offered our best customers and predict how they will buy if we double their discounts (or perhaps restrict or cancel their customer discount cards)

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Non-Structured InformationNon-Structured Information

Fortunately, existing systems support many different file types in the base application - images, word-processing systems, desktop publishing systems, spreadsheets, CAD files ….

And just as fortunately, there are languages such as XML which can handle this variety of data forms and content

2 methods of access

- user defined indexes in a full functioned database (3rd party relational databases)

- a fully integrated full-text query engine

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What about ???What about ???

• Security

There are highly sophisticated security schemes (also mentioned in Portals)

• Revision Tracking and Control

Essential for accurate and up to date information (what revision number of MS-Word are you using ?)

• Document Check-in/Check-out

Recognition and tagging of all documents - none can be ignored or ‘go missing’

• Usage audit trails

These features are standard features

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Non-Structured InformationNon-Structured Information

Compound document managers

These are products which provide the facilities mentioned in the previous overheads, but they have an interesting extension

They treat documents as a collection of ‘pointers’ to various and different collections of information - this ensures that ‘new’ data or information will always be part of a search. (you recall the hypertext links - and have you used the links which are attached to my Web page ?)

Other features which ensure document integrity include roll-back, recovery, and audit trails

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Non-Structured InformationNon-Structured Information

There is a single focal point around which unstructured information management practice and technology have converged

No surprise - it is the Internet

This facility has enabled the widespread distribution of unstructured information from a very large base of resources

The World Wide Web is a hyper-linked, unstructured information repository with millions (?) of documents

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Non-Structured InformationNon-Structured Information

The Web has made it possible for specialised content to be published, as well as to advertise products

Specialised on-line information subscription services exist which provide industry-specific information (for a fee)

Stock market information services and sites

Monash University has on-line examination results services (and enrolments ?)

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Non-Structured InformationNon-Structured Information

Internet technology is said to be ubiquitous - that is, it can reach anywhere - if there are suitable devices of course

All current document management systems support some degree of support for Web technology

Capabilities range


basic document viewing using dynamic HTML to make the document ‘visible’ regardless of its source format


advanced document access and distribution

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Non-Structured InformationNon-Structured Information

For instance a Computer Aided Design drawing (perhaps the Burnley tunnel?) in a user’s browser without requiring that the remote users have CAD software installed on their machines

Or perhaps the Mitcham - Frankston ByPass construction plans and estimates

Was the construction of the Monash tennis courts on Sir John Monash Drive in this category ?

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Non-Structured InformationNon-Structured Information

Some advanced search engines: (form flexibility)

Verity Inc Information Server

PC Docs/Fulcrum SearchServer

Inktomi Corp Search Engine

Externalisation - knowledge management

Autonomy Inc

Semio Corp

These use a semantic or lexical analysis engine to extract meaning from the information repository

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Non-Structured InformationNon-Structured Information

A traditional query would look like

‘interest rates AND stock prices’ and you would receive documents which included the 2 search words

A query expressed as ‘I am interested in the effects of interest rate changes on stock prices’ does not have specific key words nor phrases.

Such an expression would be have its content meaning derived from the information base. The result would be a categorisation of topics contained in the information base.

These would then be further analysed by the user over a varying number of criteria

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A few thoughts on ‘Detail’A few thoughts on ‘Detail’

Retailers :

Retailing is a competitive business. Success depends on the Retailer knowing the customers.

There are 3 factors at play

1. The changing likes and dislikes of consumers.

New product preferences are the result of an aging population, changes in family structure, flexible


and to no small degree, enterprise bargaining and working conditions.

A successful retailer must be aware and adapt to these factors

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A few thoughts on ‘Detail’A few thoughts on ‘Detail’

2. The uniqueness of each customer.

Individual needs can only be accommodated by knowing individual requirements.

‘Loyalty’ programmes are based on this premise

3. The importance of managing inventory levels, controlling markdowns, maintaining margins.

Static inventory results in greater interest expense. This acts as a barrier to reinvestment of stock which is moving. Non-moving stock will (in many cases) require markdowns to liquidate the stock, which negatively impacts margins

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A few thoughts on ‘Detail’A few thoughts on ‘Detail’

This latter point depends on the level of success with the first 2 factors (changes, uniqueness).

Challenges to retail businesses are:

Knowing who the customer is.

Track and capture purchase history. Identify future needs by storing data at a meaningful level of detail

As an example, a back to school marketing programfor customers who purchased school materials last


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A few thoughts on ‘Detail’A few thoughts on ‘Detail’

Understand how the customer wishes to interact.

How will information be sought about a possible purchase ? Personal visit, phone, Internet, email ..?

How will the sale be finalised - personal, phone, Internet, credit card, cash , account entry ?

What is the customer’s preferred method of interaction ?

Perhaps a ‘personal’ profile should be developed

Be able to track and evaluate the strength of the relationship with each customer

Purchase history plus other contacts - e.g. warranty service, new or updated products

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A few thoughts on ‘Detail’A few thoughts on ‘Detail’

Know what is ‘enough’ detail.

Costs are associated with keeping details. Summary information may however result in incorrect

projections and decisions.

Historical data (such as for air conditioners as opposed to toothpaste)

Analysis of cyclical data for air conditioners should assist in reducing risks of commitments and

distribution of such items

The revenue possibilities should outweigh the expense of maintaining air conditioner data

The question is - how to decide what data to store

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A few thoughts on ‘Detail’A few thoughts on ‘Detail’

Incorporate the knowledge gained of customer needs into ‘business intelligence’

This knowledge should be used to

– analyse past performance– get insight into current trends– blend this information into the business plan– develop systems which accurately reflect the customers’

needs– develop systems which interact and support the profit


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Information RetrievalInformation Retrieval

Consider the following :

When I do count the clock that tells the time,

And see the brave day sunk in hideous night,

When I behold the violet past prime,

And sable curls all silvered o'er with white:

When lofty trees I see barren of leaves,

Which erst from heat did canopy the herd

And summer's green all girded up in sheaves

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Information RetrievalInformation Retrieval

Borne on the bier with white and bristly beard:

Then of thy beauty do I question make

That thou amongst the wastes of time must go,

Since sweets and beauties do themselves forsake,

And die as fast as they see others grow,

And nothing against time's scythe can make defence

Save breed to brave him when he takes thee hence

Shakespeare, Sonnet No.12

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Information RetrievalInformation Retrieval

Or , consider this:

Now is the winter of our discontent

Made glorious summer by this sun of York

And all the clouds that loured upon our house

In the deep bosom of the ocean buried

Now are our brows bound with victorious wreaths;

Our bruised arms hung up for monuments

Our stern alarums changed to merry greetings

Our dreadful marches to delightful measuresShakespeare: Soliloquy ? ? ?

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Information RetrievalInformation Retrieval

Finally, another extract:

The peasants who survived the plague found themselves in many cases afflicted by fresh burdens, for with fewer people to work the land, overlords demanded a standstill in wages and a return to feudal duties in full.

But, with the shortage of labour, workers naturally expected to be valued more highly and to be given better pay and more freedom.

Europe 14/15th Century

A history of the world - Rjunstead ( perhaps Enterprise Bargaining ?)

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Well, that’s enough for this weekEnjoy your weekend, and I’ll see you next Monday(which should be the 29th of November,2004)
