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CSE881 project Diabetes Risk Classification qingpeng/Project/map.html Jingshu Chen Qingpeng Zhang...

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CSE881 project Diabetes Risk Classification http://www.cse.msu.edu/~qingpeng/Project/map.html Jingshu Chen Qingpeng Zhang Ming Wu CSE@MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Don’t let Diabetes get you!

CSE881 project

Diabetes Risk Classification


Jingshu Chen Qingpeng Zhang Ming Wu


Don’t let Diabetes get you!

Diabetes• 23.6 million/7.8% of the population in the United States

• estimated 17.9 million have been diagnosed

unfortunately, 5.7 million people (or nearly one quarter) are unaware that they have the disease.




Experimental Setup

Experimental Evaluation

Visualization Demo

Conclusions & Questions?


Data Set

Data Mining MethodsGenetic+CFSEval+ J48|JRip|NaiveByesGenetic+consistency+ J48|JRip|NaiveByesRanker+infoGain+ J48|JRip|NaiveByesRanksearch+CFSEval+ J48|JRip|NaiveByesGenetic+classfier+ J48|JRip|NaiveByes

Motivationan effective classification methodimportant featuresBehavior/ indicator --- Diabetes

Related workPima Indian diabetic database (PIDD) at the UCIrvine Machine Learning Lab

The database has n=768 patients each with 8 medical examinations, for an incidence rate of 34.9%.

many studies applying data mining techniques to the PIDD(70%-81%)

C4.5 and it was 71.1%(Quinlan 1993)k-NN for k=9 75.3%(Ripley 1996)neural network (Smith, Everhart et al. 1988)


Method: data and preprocessing

Select consistent Questions from survey(96-07) (Ming)

Extract records from original data files (Ming) files in ASCII format. fixed record length of about 1000

positions. Extract attributes according to the code book.

Demographic: state, age, gender, height/weight, education income,


Facts: health state, insurance, behavior: diet, exercise, tobacco/alcohol use

medical examination: blood pressure, heart-disorder, drug

Opinions: opinion about AIDS, safety, medical policy…

Challenges for our dataset:• large amount of records:

430,912 records for 2007• Missing value: more than 30% • Not all the attributes are relevant• Most attributes are nominal• One-class classification problem

Method: data mining

Split records according to their states (Jingshu)

before split, each data file have at least 190000 instances.

after split, not only fix out record reduction, but also can get information by areas.

Divide records into training data and test data by random(Jingshu)

Method: data mining

Data mining(Jingshu)

Classifiers: Decision Tree J48, Rule Based JripNaiveBayes

Attribute Selection:


Information Gain ranking

Correlation-based Feature Selection(CFS)

Consistency-based Subset Evaluation

Method: Visualization

Visualizationmethod accuracy diagram(Jingshu)Display selected feature by states(Qingpeng)

Google Map APIDiabete Risk Calculate(Qingpeng)Design container to hold all visual results(Qingpeng)

Experimental Setup

Experiments were conducted on Intel(R) core(TM)2 Duo CPU [email protected], running Windows Vista,4GB RAM

Tools:Weka 3.4.13/Python/Gnuplot

After processing, we have 12year*50states data files, each with 5000more*50attributes

Experimental Evaluation

Classification accuracy with classifier J48

Experimental Evaluation

Classification accuracy with classifier JRip

Experimental Evaluation

Classficiation accuracy with classifier Naïve Bayes

Experimental Evaluation

Average Accuracy(take california for example)

Visualization Demo

Web page: http://www.cse.msu.edu/~qingpeng/Project/index.html


Classification on Diabetes:Consistency+Genetic+ JRip, with average accuracy >97%.

Insights: top features:

Future work:To use selected feature result to do some diabete risk calculator

Demographic: Age, Employ, Sex

Facts: GeneralHealthy, BodyMassIndex, FluShot Exercise, Alcohol, Fruit,

BloodPressure, Heart-disorder

