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CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)

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  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)




    INTRODUCTIONFormation of the organisation

    The Central Statistical Office (CSO) came into existence in 1894 when the British

    South African Company (BSAC) first esta lishe! a "ecor! an! Statistical #epartment

    un!er the control of $u ert $ar%ey& $ur%ey was 'ille! in the atopos an! the ci%il

    commissioner at $arare (the then Salis ury) too' o%er his functions& The Office

    con!ucte! its first census in Bulawayo in 189 for which the inin* an! Ci%il

    Commissioners supplie! estimates of the minin* an! ur an population respecti%ely& +n189, another census was con!ucte! in Salis ury an! information was collecte!

    throu*h the Office of the actin* a*istrate&

    A %ariety of in!epen!ent sections were set up y 19-4 to en*a*e in the collection of

    statistics& A recommen!ation was ma!e that *reater efficiency woul! e achie%e! if

    these !uties were centrali.e! in a !epartment un!er a /ualifie! statistician& A

    monetary pro%ision was ma!e upon recommen!ations for the esta lishment of a

    Statistical Bureau un!er the inistry of $ome Affairs& The Bureau was tas'e! for0

    Carryin* out any census collectin* compilin* an! analysin* statistical

    information for the commercial in!ustrial a*ricultural an! minin* an! social

    spheres of the economy&

    +t was also to colla orate with the *o%ernment in the collection compilin*

    co2coor!inatin* analysis an! pu lication of statistical recor!s of

    a!ministration&+n 193 the Office was transforme! into a !epartment un!er the inistry of 5conomic

    Affairs an! su se/uently chan*e! its name to the Central Statistical Office (CSO)& +n

    1981 it was transferre! to the inistry of 6inance an! 5conomic #e%elopment un!er

    which it operate! until in April - & Currently as from the year - , the

    #epartment of Census an! Statistics is operatin* un!er the inistry of 6inance&


  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    Stat tor! information

    The !epartment is a pu lic office as it is wholly controlle! y the *o%ernment of

    7im a we an! its operations are *o%erne! y the pro%isions of the Census an!

    Statistics Act (Chapter 1 0 ) as amen!e! y Act -- of - 1 effecte! on --

    Septem er - -& The Act pro%i!es for the office of the #irector of Census an!

    Statistics appointe! y the inister of 6inance or any inister that the resi!ent may

    assi*n to a!minister the Act from time to time& The #irector is responsi le for

    appointments of other staff mem ers an! the !aily a!ministration of the #epartment&

    $e su mits a report to the inister after the th of :une each year !etailin* the

    operations un!erta'en in the prece!in* year&


  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)




    Organisationa$ C $t re of CSO

    The CSO is responsi le for the pro!uction of all official statistics relatin* to

    7im a we& This is !one specifically an! in terms of the Census an! Statistics Act&

    Broa!in* !escri in* the or*ani.ation its role is to pro!uce all official statistics y

    collectin* compilin* pu lishin* an! !isseminatin* relia le statistics for use y

    *o%ernment in!ustry an! commerce researchers international o!ies& +t

    encompasses the or*ani.ation;s *oals eha%ioural norms an! !ominant i!eolo*ies& +t

    can e influence! y such attitu!es towar!s customers corporate ima*e the !ecision

    ma'in* process or the !e*ree of status consciousness that is hel! y mana*ement an!




    To e the lea!in* worl! class pro!ucer of

  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    Core (a$ es

    +n pursuit of the mission the office hol!ers shall e respectful courteous open

    transparent an! responsi%e to oth users an! suppliers of !ata& This will ensure hi*h

    le%el of confi!entiality of information in pro!ucin* a hi*h /uality statistical ser%ice

    with professionalism an! inte*rity&

    Centra$ Statisti)a$ Offi)e Organogram

    The or*ani.ation chart shows that the or*ani.ation wor's un!er a #irector who has a

    pri%ate secretary to ai! him& The or*ani.ation is !i%i!e! into Social an! opulation

    Statistics #i%ision an! 5conomic Statistics #i%ision& 5ach !i%ision wor's un!er a

    #eputy #irector an! hence the or*ani.ation has two !eputy !irectors& The Social an!

    opulation Statistics #i%ision is further !i%i!e! into Census an! Sur%eys Branch an!

    Social Statistics Branch an! each ranch wor's un!er its own Assistant #irector&

    =i'ewise the 5conomic Statistics #i%ision is !i%i!e! into ro!uction Statistics Branch

    an! +ncome Analysis Branch with two Assistant #irectors hea!in* each ranch& 5ach

    ranch is further split into !ifferent !epartments an! these !epartments wor' un!er a

    Statistician with the ai! of officers who super%ises the clerical staff& The current

    structure of the CSO is howe%er expecte! to chan*e as the or*anisation transforms to

    The 7im a we Bureau of Statistics (7+ stat) as soon as the new Act is passe! y

    arliament& This transformation will see the esta lishment of a Boar! of #irectors that

    will e responsi le for *o%ernin* the operations of 7+ stat& A #irector >eneral shall

    e the Chief 5xecuti%e Officer an! will e responsi le for the co2or!ination of the

    eneral shall e

    responsi le for co2or!inatin* the technical wor' of the Bureau&


  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    CSO or*anisational chart


    5conomic Statistics

    (#eputy #irector)

    opulation an! Social


    *De+ t! Dire)tor,

    +ncome Analysis

    (Assistant #irector )

    ro!uction Statistics

    (Assistant #irector )

    +n!ustrial Statistics

    A*riculture Statistics

    6orei*n Tra!e Statistics

    (Statisticians an! Cler's)




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    +t is an essential element for the success of an or*anisation culture& em ers nee! to

    ha%e a spirit of to*etherness which is teamwor'& +n terms we realise that @to*ether

    e%eryone accomplishes more teamwor' is encoura*e! at CSO for it is an essential

    component of any or*anisation which coul! *reatly influence the total le%el of

    accomplishment an! to some exten! can fulfil the social !esires of their mem ers&


    There is an open communication an! amon* employees& This promotes a peaceful an!

    con!uci%e wor'in* en%ironment that fosters creati%ity an! expan!s pro!ucti%ity&

    Transparency or clear communication !e%elops a clear learnin* company an! its

    people are prepare! to spea'& They can express fran' opinions without fear or fa%our

    *i%in* chances to each other s opinion an! in the en! *row an! pro*ress in harmony&


    A company must run to!ay if it wants to wal' tomorrow alon*si!e its competitors&

    This fast2pace! corporate life is compoun!e! y the e%er2loomin* threat of chan*e so

    much that an or*anisation must e flexi le to chan*es an! mana*e a!e/uately the

    ris's that the chan*es rin*s&



  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)



    + expecte! to ha%e a !eeper un!erstan!in* an! 'nowle!*e of all the thin*s that + learnt

    at colle*e throu*h practice an! also to learn more a out mathematics in the

    compilation of national fi*ures&

    a) Be in%ol%e! in the calculation of inflation fi*ures an! the consumer price in!ex

    ) Be expose! to situations that woul! help me appreciate the existin* mathematicalmo!els an! e a le to formulate new ones&

    c) 6ully comprehen! how *o%ernment non2*o%ernmental or*anisations an! in!ustryuse! the !ata statistics pro!uce! y the CSO to plan for present an! future


    !) Con!uct fiel! sur%eys an! collect information from househol!s&

    e) Be the am assa!or in mar'etin* the Central Statistical Office to those who are notaware of this or*anisation tellin* them its function an! its enefits economically

    althou*h + will e a stu!ent + am *oin* to try to use e%erythin* + ha%e learnt at

    school to ma'e sure that at the en! of the year the or*anisation will e a le to attain

    its o ecti%es&

    + ha! set expectations a out wor'in* in this fiel! as a worl! of !isco%erin* analysin*

    an! comin* up with conclusions or %erifyin* the alrea!y existin* laws& athematical

    mo!els an! sur%eys in%ol%e !esi*nin* for them to e appropriate for in%esti*ations to

    e carrie! out& #esi*nin* in the form of computer pro*rammin* was also a prior

    expectation ein* expose! to C2 ro*rammin* + mana*e! to wor' with the

    pro*rammers at C&S&O in writin* pro*rams for CS ro which is use! for !ata entry an!

    SAS which is use! for !ata manipulation an! ta ulation&

    " 4 441-


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    $ow my expectations suits in!ustrial realityThe application of #esi*n an! analysis of experiments

  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    su plot

  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)




    The official statistics pro!uce! y the CSO as the only or*ani.ation man!ate! y the

    *o%ernment to pro!uce such statistical information forms the foun!ation of all

  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    an! sai! @Aren t we ma'in* a *oo! contri ution to the economyIH The pi* answere!

    @?hen you pro!uce e**s you are ma'in* a contri ution ut when + contri ute acon

    that is total commitmentH& This commitment shoul! translate into mainstreamin*

    statistics in the national !e%elopment plans an! in usin* statistics for policy !esi*n

    an! e%i!ence2 ase! plannin* an! !ecision ma'in*& Autonomous will lea! to

    coor!ination an! colla oration that will ensure inter alia that the enerally pro!uces etter statistical information an!

    +ncrease use of information especially for e%i!ence2 ase! policy an! !ecision


    Pro+ose7 Organisationa$ Str )t re of 8I'stat

    A tripartite type of Boar! was su**este! an! will e represente! y >o%ernment

    Business an! Ci%il Society& The propose! structure of 7+ stat will ha%e a Boar! of

    #irectors on top followe! y the #irector >eneral an! lastly the #eputy #irector

    >eneral& After the !irectors there is *oin* to e some !irectorates& The !irectorates

    will e respecti%ely for the sections of 5conomic an! 6inancial Statistics opulation

    an! Social Statistics Statistical Ser%ices +nformation an! Telecommunication

    Technolo*y an! Operations Sur%eys an! 6iel! Operations an! finally of Corporate

    Ser%ices& There will e two statistical ranches which are Common Statistics Ser%ice

    an! ro%incial Statistical offices& 6inally there will e sections for special unit which

    will comprise of +nternal Au!it Strate*y an! lannin* an! lastly u lic an!

    +nternational relations&

    The autonomous or*ani.ation en%isa*e! woul! operate in!epen!ently an! outsi!e the

    pu lic ser%ice& A new statistics authority outsi!e the ci%il ser%ice woul! e create!

    within the pro%ision of plannin* !ata for 'ey sta'ehol!ers in *o%ernment the pu lic

    an! pri%ate sectors remainin* the centrepiece of the ser%ice&


  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    8imstat a-areness )am+aigns are there to9

    Offer an open forum an! !ialo*ue etween pro!ucers an! users of statisticsJ

    "e%iew an! appraise the status of current official statisticsJ

    Assess the impact an! rele%ance to users of pu lishe! statisticsJ

    #raw a lue print an! *ui!elines for the !issemination of *o%ernment statistics

    for the next fi%e yearsJ

    Stu!y an! if possi le ma'e *oo! the shortfalls ottlenec's an! constraints

    face! y the CSO as the main pro!ucer of official statistics&

    To-ar7s transformation

    To etter the nee!s of the nation y pro%i!in* *oo! !ata for0

    a'in* hu*e sa%in*s throu*h use of e%i!ence ase! policy an! !ecision2

    ma'in*&6ormulation of

  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    The or*ani.ation is !i%i!e! into two main !i%isions an! these are0


    This !i%ision is !i%i!e! into two main ranches that are hea!e! y Assistant

    #irectors& These ranches are namely0

    Census an! Sur%eys Branch

    Social Statistics Branch

    5ach of the two ranches is further su !i%i!e! into sections that are hea!e! y



    This is the only ranch that is !ecentralise! !own to pro%incial an! !istrict le%els& The

    ranch consists of the followin* sections0

    Ho seho$7 S r(e!s Se)tion

    +ts ma or role is to carry out a continuous an! coor!inate! series of national househol!

    sur%eys on a wi!e ran*e of su ects such as health e!ucation a*riculture etc&

    Po+ $ation Cens s an7 Cartogra+h! Se)tion

    The main aim is to pro%i!e the num er of persons per sin*le !efine! unit num er of

    persons in particular cate*ories such as a*e an! sex &The carto*raphy section pro%i!es

    a map !ata ase that is lin'e! to census !ata&


    The Social Statistics Branch on the other han! consists of a num er of sections which


    Em+$o!ment an7 E7 )ation Statisti)s Se)tion

    +ts function is to pro!uce an! pro%i!e current formal employment statistics pro!uce

    an! !isseminate the +n!icator onitorin*2 =a our 6orce Sur%ey results collect an!

    input e!ucation statistics such as enrolment fi*ures in !ifferent e!ucational

    institutions the num er of e!ucation institutions in the country literacy le%els in the

    country into core pu lications&

    En(ironment Statisti)s Se)tion


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    +ts function is to pro!uce current en%ironment statistics such !eforestation le%els in

    7im a we pollution le%els climatic con!itions wil!life an! tourism&

    Hea$th an7 %ita$ Statisti)s Se)tion

    +ts function is to pro!uce an! pro%i!e up to !ate health an! %ital statistics such as

    mortality rates etc

    Gen7er Statisti)s Se)tion

    +ts function is to pro!uce statistics on *en!er ine/ualities etween males an! females&

    Internationa$ 'igration an7 To rism Statisti)s Se)tion

    +ts function is to pro!uce !ata on immi*rants emi*rants !epartin* %isitors an!

    resi!ents pu lishin* tra%el receipts fi*ures an! hotel occupancy !ata&

    : 7i)ia$ an7 So)ia$ ;e$fare Statisti)s Se)tion

    +ts function is to pro!uce statistics on prisons crime rates asin* on information

    recei%e! from the 7im a we "epu lic olice social welfare statistics an! community

    ser%ice statistics&

    So)ia$ In7i)ators 6 #i(ing Con7itions Statisti)s Se)tion

    +ts function is to pro!uce an! !isseminate !ata on the li%in* con!itions of the

    population& +t also houses the 7im a we Statistics #ata ase (7+ #AT)&


    This !i%ision consists two ranches namely0


    This ranch consists of three sections0

    Agri) $t re Statisti)s Se)tion

    +t collects socio2 economic !ata pertainin* to the a*ricultural sector inclu!in*

    structures of farms an! hol!in*s&

    Foreign Tra7e Statisti)s Se)tion

    +ts function is to pro!uce external tra!e statistics0 which show le%els an! chan*es in

    statistics y perio! commo!ity countryJ international an! re*ional *roupin*s an!

    statistics y !irection of flow&

    Pro7 )tion Statisti)s Se)tion


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    +ts function is to pro!uce in!ustrial statistics0 which !escri e the structural

    characteristics an! contri ution of the !istri uti%e pro!ucti%e (exclu!in* a*riculture)

    transport an! communication sectors of the economy& This section also inclu!es the

    Dis+at)h an7 Re)o(er! Unit

    +t is responsi le for !ispatchin* /uestionnaires on ehalf of some of the or*ani.ation s

    sections which inclu!e A*riculture Statistics 5mployment Statistics an! ro!uction

    Statistics Sections respecti%ely& +t is also responsi le for ma'in* follow2 ups on non2

    "espon!ents to these /uestionnaires&

    These sections are supporte! y the Training Se)tion that is responsi le for

    facilitatin* an in2house trainin* pro*ramme for not only !epartmental personnel ut

    for fellow ministries an! other *o%ernment !epartments& This is !one to ensure that

    the /uality of the !ata collecte! y the CSO is not compromise! in any way&


    This ranch consists of the followin* sections0

    Nationa$ A))o nts Statisti)s Se)tion

    ?hose ma or function is that of compilin* national accounts reports&

    Finan)e Statisti)s Se)tion

    ?hich analyses Central *o%ernment re%enue expen!iture an! consumption y

    preparin* pro!uction accounts income an! expen!iture accounts etc&

    Pri)es Statisti)s Se)tion

    ?hose functions inclu!e processin* an! pu lishin* the monthly Consumer rice

    +n!ex Muarterly rices Bulletin up!ate foo! po%erty lines an! !isseminate

    information on monthly inflation rates&

    Informa$ Se)tor Statisti)s Se)tion

    ?hich pro!uces current informal sector fi*ures& The two !i%isions of the Central

    Statistical Office are supporte! y other non2statistical sections which inclu!e0

    #es'top u lishin* an! rintin*

    5lectronic #ata rocessin*

    A!ministration an! 6inance


  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    CHAPTER Go(ernmenta$ Organi=ations *NGOs, 0

    The CSO has a trac' recor! of its han!2to2han! relationship with the Os& O%er the

    past years CSO ha%e een wor'in* closely with the Os con!uctin* sponsore!

    researches on ehalf these or*ani.ations an! supplyin* %ital information to them free

    of char*e& These Os inclu!es

  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    #e%elopment OAL + 6 ?orl! Ban' etc& also !ominate the list of CSO


    Karious pu lications are pro!uce! to the pu lic an! usiness sectors an! these are

    summarise! elow0

    SECTION PUB#ICATIONSA*riculture A*riculture an! =i%estoc' Sur%ey

    "eports inclu!es ost $ar%est "esults

    Crop 6orecast report Butcheries an!

    Tanneries report

  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)




    Statisti)s In>ser(i)e Training

    The Central Statistical Office plays a crucial role y pro%in* an in2ser%ice trainin*

    pro*ramme to its employees an! outsi!ers from *o%ernment !epartments at no

    char*e& This helps most ci%il ser%ants to appreciate how !ifferent mathematical

    formulae can e implemente! in turnin* aroun! our economy&

    B siness Comm nit!

    CSO has also esta lishe! concrete relationship with the usiness sector& +t hosts

    special meetin*s an! wor'shops with concerne! parties to officially announce fi*ures

    clearly explainin* how these fi*ures were compile!& This re!uces if not eliminates

    confusion an! misinterpretations on statistical pu lications& +t also wor's alon*si!e

    other !e%elopment partners such as Lnite!

  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    of *o%ernment policies an! there y notin* areas nee!in* impro%ement for etter

    li%in* of 7im a weans&

    C$A &,



    Forma$ #earning Co rses

    #urin* my first wee' + un!erwent on the o trainin* where my super%isor explaine!

    the system + wor'e! on& Ai!e! y a trainin* manual for the system + familiari.e!

    myself with the system an! 'ey terms that re/uire! clarification an! !efinitions& This

    was of enefit to the !e*ree pro*ram since it *a%e me 'nowle!*e on popular

    economics terms use! y the a*riculture in!ustry&

    Ke! S.i$$s De(e$o+ment

    Professiona$ S.i$$s

    a3 Te)hni)a$ s.i$$s+ ac/uire! !ata sur%ey techni/ues that encompasses

    1& #ata collection

    -& #ata co!in* an! e!itin*

    & #ata capturin*

    4& #ata cleanin* an! ta ulation

    & #ata analysis

    03 Effe)ti(e Comm ni)ation S.i$$s 0+nitially this pro%e! to e !ifficult as + foun! myself ha%in* to !eal with the

    *eneral pu lic as well as senior personnel& Su se/uently the interaction with

    clients suppliers an! usiness partners meant that + nee! to impro%e on how +

    articulate! myself&& Also !e%elope! *oo! formal an! informal communication

    s'ills within the or*ani.ation since almost all communication was !one either

    y telephone e2mail or letters& This s'ill in%ol%es %isual oral an! written

    communication& + also inter%iewe! househol!s in the u'uni Small Scale


  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    Commercial 6arms in utare !urin* the - 3 A*riculture an! li%estoc' Sur%ey

    ost har%est !ata collection exercise


    Initiati(e an7 organising a0i$it!

    + was a le to use own initiati%e in pro lem situations an! wor' without close

    super%ision measure! y my completion of wor' in time an! pro!ucin*

    satisfactory results

    )3 Ana$!ti)a$ S.i$$s 0

    Carryin* out inferences on the causes of %ariations in crop yiel!s in the

    !ifferent sectors A1 A- Ol! "esettlement Schemes o!els (A B1 B- 5)

    Communal =ar*e Scale an! Small Scale Commercial 6arms cause! y

    %aria les li'e soil type rainfall an! !ifferent types of fertili.ers applie!&

    73 'anageria$ S.i$$s 0

    These inclu!e confi!ence an! teamwor' spirit& These helpe! me !urin* the

    - 3 ost $ar%est !ata collection e!itin* an! processin* + am now thorou*h

    an! metho!ical in *atherin* !ata&

    e3 Ris. 'anagement S.i$$s 0

  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    h3 a$it! stan7ar7s of -or. o t+ t 9

    + achie%e! the re/uire! stan!ar!s of /uality an! completeness of wor'& + was

    a le to complete my analysis of area measurement an! yiel! estimates an!

    attaine! the !ea! line for the crop forecastin* committee&

    Persona$ De(e$o+ment


    a) + was to i!entify !ifferent aspects of mathematics li'e pro a ility proportional to

    si.e use! in sample !esi*nin* y the Central Statistical Office&

    ) + coul! ta'e the initiati%e when re/uire!& + was often assi*ne! to perform tas's

    within the section some of which + coor!inate! with minimal or no super%ision at

    all& This roa!ene! my mental stren*th an! tau*ht me to e in!epen!ent in

    performin* my !uties&

    c) + woul! ta'e or!ers an! perform re/uire! !uties in time e%en those !uties that

    in%ol%e! thin*s that + ha! not learnt at colle*e&

    !) A ility to wor' un!er pressure& $a%in* een attache! in one of the usy sections in

    the CSO + mana*e! to a! ust to the en%ironment e%en as the wor'loa! 'ept

    increasin*& ?e use! to *o to wor' e%en at pu lic holi!ays&

    e) + was a le to *rasp new concepts& The CSO li'e any other hi*hly acti%e

    or*ani.ation uses state of the art machinery an! software& + was a le to ac/uire

    some 'nowle!*e on the use of statistical software pac'a*es such as CS ro !ata

    entry S SS 5%iews +

  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    within& This has *reatly impro%e! my communication an! ne*otiatin* s'ills an! +

    can safely interact with anyone professionally at any le%el&


    a) Bein* a stu!ent + was not in%ol%e! in a lot of core acti%ities within the or*anisation

    ecause of the confi!entiality clause of the or*anisation&

    ) + was not e%en in%ol%e! in some ma or meetin*s that were hel! in the !epartment& +

    was restricte! in some wor' to !o&

    c) Bein* seen as ust a stu!ent also presente! a pro lem to me this was !ue to the

    fact that some of the employees elie%e! that stu!ents lac'e! the experience as well

    as the exposure to !o anythin* that was fruitful to their cause&


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    Han7$ing Conf$i)t 0et-een +ersona$ an7 organi=ationa$ o0 e)ti(es

    Conflict can e !efine! as a clash of opinions *oals %alues perceptions or

    personalities an! this usually arises from communication of our wants nee!s an!

    %alues to others or ori*inates from past ri%alries& Conflict etween personal an!or*ani.ational o ecti%es at wor' is ine%ita le an! one has to fin! means an! ways to

    !eal with the conflict so that the !esire! results are achie%e! oth at in!i%i!ual le%el

    an! at or*ani.ational le%el& ersonally + ha! to fulfil my personal o ecti%es o%er

    lunch time after normal wor'in* hours an! when usiness was low&

    This helpe! me to pre%ent the clashes etween my learnin* o ecti%es an! the nee! to

    carry out my specific !uties& + ha! a timeta le to satisfy my learnin* o ecti%esoutsi!e wor'in* hours& This was a perio! when + woul! %isit the CSO li rary to rea!

    some clerical trainin* manuals an! some information pertainin* to a*ricultural !ata

    so that + coul! e fully e/uippe! to carry out my !uties efficiently y usin* the

    'nowle!*e + woul! ha%e ac/uire! from the trainin* manual an! other sources&

    #urin* my normal wor'in* hours + was allocate! time to rea! the trainin* manual so

    that + ecome familiar with the

  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    sta'ehol!ers in%ol%e!& Thus meetin*s with these sta'ehol!ers were hi*hly

    confi!ential an! + was not allowe! to atten! re*ar!less of my nee! to 'now what

    actually too' place in these 'in!s of meetin*s& 6or example + coul! not atten! the

    crop2forecastin* meetin* that was atten!e! y the Crop 6orecastin* Committee that

    inclu!es inister of =an!s an! A*riculture inister of +nformation an! u licity an!

    the inister of 6inance

  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    6ertili.er an! lime usa*e&

    Em+$o!mentThe a**re*ate wor'force split into owners an! employees&

    lot2hol!ers an! househol!s mem ers wor'in* on the hol!in* farm y sex&

    ermanent an! casual wor'ers y sex an! earnin*s&

    Cre!it an! loan facilities *i%en to farmers

    O0 e)ti(es of the Agri) $t re an7 #i(esto). S r(e! *A#S,

    The main o ecti%e of the A*riculture an! =i%estoc' Sur%ey is to pro%i!e planners

    with necessary !ata for oth short an! lon* term strate*ies for !ealin* with foo!supply situations& The sur%ey is !esi*ne! to pro%i!e enchmar' !ata on0

    +n%entory of farm implements an! machinery&

    Cost of new uil!in*s wor's an! farm impro%ements&

    +n%entory of cattle an! other li%estoc'&

    Culti%ate! areas an! croppin* patterns&

    6ertili.er an! lime usa*e&

    Diel! estimate&

    ersons li%in* an! wor'in* on hol!in*s&

    Cre!its an! loan facilities&

    Transport costs an! fuel use on farms&

    Uses of Agri) $t re an7 #i(esto). S r(e!

    5conomic analysis of the a*riculture in!ustry&

    6ormulation of *o%ernment s a*ricultural policy on su si!ies prices

    mar'etin* etc&

    a'in* forecasts of forei*n currency earnin*s from a*ricultural exports an!

    forei*n exchan*e re/uirements to meet the cost of importe! inputs for


    +nta'e plannin* of crops an! li%estoc' y the mar'etin* oar!s an!


    Assessin* the foo! position of the country&

    6orecastin* of a*ricultural inputs y farmers&


  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    Compilation of the >ross #omestic pro!uct (># ) fi*ures&

    ro%ision of aseline !ata for research&

    ;or. Done an7 Re$e(an)e to Degree Progamme

    + was in%ol%e! in a lot of wor' at CSO& Since + was wor'in* at the A*riculture

    Section most of my tas's were ase! on the pro!uction of A*riculture Statistics& y

    main !uties were

    #ata collection

    #ata co!in* an! e!itin*#ata capturin*

    #ata cleanin*

    #ata analysis an! ta ulation

    This in%ol%e! a num er of mo!ules which are0

    Re)or7 T!+e 9 Catt$e +o+ $ation an7 )hanges in her7 an7 Re)or7 t!+e 49 Other

    $i(esto). +o+ $ation an7 )hanges3

    "ecor! type pro%i!es !ata on cattle in the a*riculture sectors an! chan*es in cattle'ept& Muestionnaires are complete! twice a year co%erin* the perio!s0 1 April to

    Septem er an! 1 Octo er to 1 arch& The total num er of cattle or other li%estoc'

    her! as at 1 arch or Septem er - 4 from the pre%ious roun!s ecome our

    openin* stoc's for the secon! roun!& The total cattle or other li%estoc' as at

    Septem er - 4 or 1 arch - ecomes our closin* stoc'& The emphasis was on

    the alance of the e/uality of the linear e/uation 0

    C$osing sto). *D, O+ening sto). *A, In)reases *B,> De)reases *C,3y tas' was therefore to chec' an! ma'e sure this e/uality hol!s in all cases efore

    forwar!in* the /uestionnaires to the #ata rocessin* !epartment&


    The reference perio! is the past six months

    +nclu!es irths purchases other *ains in the form of *ifts lo ola transfers etc&


    +nclu!es !eaths an! loses sales slau*hterin* an! other transfers out e&*& *ifts an!

    lo ola&


  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    Re)or7 T!+e @9 Post Har(est

    This sur%ey is carrie! out annually in or!er to account for the actual crop pro!uction

    for a particular farmin* season& This helps in assessin* the foo! position of the

    country as a whole& +t also helps the *o%ernment to u!*et an! e%aluate if there is

    nee! to import or export&

    Data )o$$e)tion

    + was traine! on inter%iew s'ills an! sur%ey techni/ues for effecti%e communication

    an! intellectual s'ills& + was then !eploye! to u'uni Small Scale 6arms in

    anicalan! for !ata collection& + spen! two wee's %isitin* an! con!uctin* inter%iews

    on selecte! househol!s liste! in the master sample& + collecte! the !ata asin* on the

    e/uality of the linear e/uation Pro7 )tion Tota$ Sa$es Retentions &

    Data )o7ing an7 e7iting

    The co!in* an! e!itin* in%ol%es chec'in* for the completeness of geo )o7e that

    inclu!es +ro(in)e& 7istri)t& -ar7& se)tor& farm n m0er& +$ot ho$7er n m0er& !ear&

    nat ra$ region an7 re)or7 t!+e3 ?e also chec'e! for the correctness of crop co!es

    an! also %erifyin* on the e/uality of the linear e/uation Pro7 )tion Tota$ Sa$es

    Retentions & ro!uction in this context refers to the total output pro!uce! which is the

    total /uantity har%este! y a farmer !urin* a particular farmin* season& Total sales are

    the summation of sales to mar'etin* oar!s li'e the >rain ar'etin* Boar! Cotton

    Company of 7im a we an! To acco +n!ustries ar'etin* Boar! an! other sales that

    inclu!e arter tra!e sales within the community an! !onations& This was !one to

    ma'e the !ata complete an! consistent so that there woul! e minimum /ueries when

    capturin* the !ata&

    Data )a+t ring

    + was also in%ol%e! in !ata capturin* for the ost $ar%est Sur%ey usin* CSpro !ata

    entry an! this *reatly impro%e! my 'ey oar! s'ills&

  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    Data )$eaning an7 7ata +ro)essing

    Capture! !ata is then cleane! for resi!ual errors usin* Statistical Application Software

    (SAS) for each sector for example communal ol! resettlement schemes A1 A-

    small scale commercial farms an! lar*e scale commercial farms separately& #ata

    cleanin* process in%ol%es chec'in* for hi*h or low yiel!s an! also area plante! an!

    pro!uction reape! shoul! e positi%ely correlate!& The !ata processin* is normally

    !one y pro*rammers fortunately + ha! to wor' with them an! this ena le! me to

    ha%e a si*ht on how the ta les are pro!uce!& After compilin* of each sector s ta le we

    then sum the total mai.e pro!uction in 7im a we for - 3 farmin* season that was

    1484 metric tonnes&

    S!stemati) se$e)tion of the EAs

    The 5As were selecte! from the 7 S9- in a systematic manner with e/ual

    pro a ility an! in!epen!ently in each stratum after the 5As were or!ere! accor!in*

    to the or!er of selection of the 7 S9-&

    The selection inter%al is calculate! as follows0

    +h E h A h


    where Ah is the num er of 5As that existe! in the 7 S9- for the h th stratum an! a h is

    the num er of 5As selecte! y the 7#$S&

    The samplin* pro a ilities were calculate! separately for each samplin* sta*e an! for

    each stratum& The followin* notations were use!0

    1hi is the samplin* pro a ility for the i th 5A in the h th stratum accor!in* to the 7 S9-

    -hi is the samplin* pro a ility for the i th 5A in the h th stratum for 7#$S

    hi is the samplin* pro a ility for the househol! in the i th 5A of the h th stratum&

    1hi is calculate! as follows0

    hi P

    1 E hih A 1& hi 1


  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    where A h is the num er of 5As selecte! in the 7 S9- h th stratum 1hi is the num er

    of househol!s in the i th 5A accor!in* to the 199- opulation Census an! N 1hi is the

    num er of househol!s in the h th stratum accor!in* to the 199- opulation Census&

    -hi is the in%erse of the 5A selecte! inter%alJ hi P - E ha

    h A

    +n or!er for the sample to e self2wei*hte! within each stratum the stratum o%erall

    pro a ility f h E 1hi & -hi & hi must e the same for each househol! in the sample that


    hi P

    9 E h f with f h E hn

    hihi P P -1 & h N

    ?here hn is the num er of househol!s selecte! in the h th stratum an! < h is the

    pro ecte! num er of househol!s in 1994 for the h th stratum&

    The selection of househol!s was systematic with e/ual pro a ilities an! the

    househol! samplin* inter%al + hi in the i th 5a of the h th stratum was calculate! as

    hi I E I hih P ! 9&

    ?here h is the correction factor in the h th stratum to correct for the fact that the

    7 S9- o%er sample! the ur an areas& 6or each 5a a list of househol!s was o taine!

    from the 7#$S prior to the main sur%ey fiel!wor'&&

    Sam+$ing Errors

    ?hether or not a sample will *i%e results which are sufficiently representati%e of the

    whole a**re*ate !epen!s primarily on whether the errors intro!uce! y the samplin*

    process are sufficiently small not to in%ali!ate the results for the purposes for which

    they are re/uire!& 5%en if a proper process of selection is employe! the sample can

    not e exactly representati%e of the whole a**re*ate& The ine%ita le errors which thenoccur in the results are terme! the ran!om samplin* errors of the results& The a%era*e

    ma*nitu!e of these ran!om samplin* errors will !epen! on the si.e of the sample on

    the %aria ility of the material on the samplin* proce!ure a!opte! an! on the way in

    which the results are calculate!&


  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    +f a proper process of selection is a!opte! the a%era*e ma*nitu!e of the ran!om

    samplin* errors an! in !ee! the expecte! fre/uency of occurrence of errors of any

    ma*nitu!e can e calculate! from the !etaile! results o taine! from the actual

    sample& An extension of the analysis in%ol%e! in the calculation of these errors

    ena les the relati%e occurrence of !ifferent samplin* metho!s which can e employe!

    on the same material to e assesse! an! thus ena les further sur%eys to e more

    efficiently planne!&

    Samplin* errors inclu!e non2response call2 ac's an! the !esi*n effect& The

    ma*nitu!e of samplin* error is !etermine! y sample si.e samplin* !esi*n estimator

    an! nature of the population&

    The ma*nitu!e of samplin* error is in%ersely proportional to si.e of sample


    6i* +

    Sample si.e

    The samplin* error will e estimate! y the stan!ar! error

    ) Non>sam+$ing errors

    These are systematic errors much arises in sur%eys at !ata collection phase causes are0

    2 #efects in the samplin* frame sue to improper !efinition of samplin* units

    listin* or mappin*&

    2 5numerator an! super%isors lapses&

    2 "esponse errors respon!ents lapse an! faulty metho!s of measurement

    2 5rrors !ue to non2response&

    2 Conceptual an! !efinitional pro lems


  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    A++$i)ation of $earnt s.i$$s

    Short Resear)h Pro e)t

    A< A

  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    a) To in%esti*ate if there is lon* run relationship etween three %aria les to acco

    sales area plante! an! yiel! ha&

    ) To ma'e forecast of expecte! sales from 199,2- 8&

    c) To fin! out if chan*es in a%era*e price are plante! an! yiel! are of any si*nificant

    to %olume of to acco sales&

    !) To !etermine a mo!el on the mass sol! ('*) area (ha) yiel! ('* ha) an! a%era*e

    price an! carry out hypothesis testin*&

    #iterat re Re(ie-

    "esearches of this nature ha%e een carrie! out y research oar!s li'e To0a))o

    In7 str! an7 'ar.eting Boar7 *TI'B,3 They were mostly experiments an!

    analysis of the correspon!in* results& ost of these experiments were !one to

    !etermine the amount or type of fertili.er an! amount of water re/uire! y the crop in

    a particular area& Accor!in* to their fin!in*s !ifferent le%els of fertilisers applie! to

    to acco with the help of *oo! rains soil types time of transplantin* the see!lin*s to

    the fiel! an! pestici!es applie! can oost to acco yiel!s& This analysis will allow me

    to fin! the main !eterminants of flue cure! to acco pro!uction in lar*e commercial

    farms& A similar research was !oneJ @Statistical Analysis of the ro!uction of mai.e in

    7im a we 3*8im0a0-e Farmers De(e$o+ment Organisation& 8FDO&" Ann a$

    Re+ort,3 $owe%er this stu!y was focusin* on the causes of %ariations in pro!uction

    for mai.e in the commercial farms of 7im a we (A- SSC6 an! =SC6)& The research

    went on to show that the type of see! plante! contri utes to /uantity har%este!& +n my

    analysis + assume! that pro!uction is e/ui%alent to sales an! there are no retentions on

    to acco unli'e in the case of mai.e where there are retentions for family consumption&

    Accor!in* to TI'B Ann a$ Re+ort " < 7im a we is one of the ma or pro!ucer

    an! exporter of to acco in the worl!& +n 199321998 a%era*e annual exports of to acco

    were 1-, tonnes of which flue2cure! accounts for more than 9 P& Total exports of

    to acco increase! y 4 P etween 19812198 an! 199321998& +ncrease in oth area

    plante! yiel!s an! a%era*e price has contri ute! a si*nificant increase in %olume of

    sales of to acco o%er the past !eca!e&

    +< "O:5CT

    So r)es of 7ata an7 its $imitations9

  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    The !ata use! in this pro ect is from the Muarterly Ta les (19,12- ) that are

    pro!uce! y the To acco +n!ustries ar'etin* Boar! (T+ B) in con unction with

    Central Statistical Office A*riculture Statistics Section& The !ata is of hi*h /uality

    since the staff responsi le for its collection an! processin* is hi*hly professional&


    +n my analysis + am *oin* to use secon!ary !ata from T+ B Annual "eport -

    to acco pro!uction 19,12-

    a) Time Series Analysis

    + am *oin* to capture the a%aila le !ata set for flue cure! to acco

    19,12- usin* excel an! then plot the series tren! in excel to

    !etermine the *eneral tren! of flue cure! to acco sales o%er the years&

    #ifference !ata on %olume of sales to ma'e it stationary& ( inta )

    lottin* the AC6 an! AC6&

    a'in* forecast usin* the fitte! mo!el&

    ) "e*ression Analysis

    lot scatter plots for area yiel! an! price an! their contri ution to

    %olume of to acco sales&

    ost my !ata to S SS an! o tain the *eneral linear e/uation usin*

    re*ression analysis0 D t E Q R Q1G1 R Q- G - R QG R i

    where D t E %olume of mass sol! in 1 '*s G1 E area 1 ha

    G - E yiel!('* ha) G Ea%era*e price(.wc '*) an! i is the ran!om error term

    o!el !ia*nostics test on mo!el specification usin* the #ur in ?atson

    an! r -

    $ypothesis testin*J

    $ 0 Q1 E Q- E UE Q ' E


    $10 Q V for at least one

    O tain resi!ual plots an! test for mo!el fitness&

    Come up with conclusions an! recommen!ations&

    +< "O:5CT


  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    Ass m+tions

  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    Year Mass sold in Area ,10ha yied (kg/ha) average price

    1 '*s

    1971 5,987 41 41 !"!4187# !,089 4455 4455 49"19197 !,798 45#0 45#0 54"!#1974 7,1!0 5!5! 5!5! 78"#91975 8, 9# !58 !58 !8"8197! 11,05 !!#9 !!#9 !8"81977 8, 7 5!99 5!99 7 "#71978 8,#97 5494 5494 98"81979 11,1!9 59! 59! 8#" 91980 1#,#57 !4 1 !4 1 79"491981 !,7 ! 810 810 18 "7!198# 8,9 9 4!4 4!4 1!7" #198 9,4 0 4!!# 4!!# 188"551984 11,9!4 5049 5049 #0!"5!1985 10,55! 5#4! 5#4! #!8"48

    198! 11,4 0 57 5 57 5 1 " 81987 1#,800 ! 54 ! 54 #17"91988 11,991 5918 5918 9 "481989 1#,99! 57!! 57!! 4#9"7#1990 1 , 87 594 594 !48"541991 17,015 !!9 !!9 1157"#9199# #0,11! 8007 8007 810" 9199 #1,8 7 8#90 8#90 80#"!#1994 1!,9## !74# !74# 1 80" 91995 19,875 7455 7455 180 "!1199! #0,155 81# 81# #901"911997 18,154 90! 90! #900"7!

    1998 #1,591 9191 9191 474"#51999 19,#15 847! 847! !!# "#7#000 # ,!95 848! 848! 81 1"#!#001 #0,#54 7!0# 7!0# 174!4"4!#00# 17,584 74 0 74 0 59#5"11#00 8,181 4957 4957 180 14#004 !,890 440 440 8!14#005 7, 8 5797 5797 ##710"#!

    +< "O:5CT


  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    O0 e)ti(e *a, To in(estigate if there is $ong r n re$ationshi+ 0et-een three

    (aria0$es& to0a))o sa$es& area +$ante7 an7 a(erage +ri)e3

    Fig re 131 Time Series +$ot for to0a))o sa$es& area +$ante7 an7 !ie$76ha

    There is a stron* an! lon* run relationship etween to acco sales area plante! an!

    a%era*e yiel! per hectare as shown y Fig re 1 &13 The years 19,121999 saw to acco

    pro!uction pro*ressin* positi%ely with some !ecreases in198- an! 199- pro a ly !ue

    to the pre%alence of !rau*ht& #urin* the same perio!19,121999 there was a positi%eincrease in area that resulte! in low yiel! increase rate causin* low yiel!s& +t can e

    clearly shown that in - 1 to acco sales an! area plante! ha! een si*nificantly *oin*

    !own& This coul! e a result of the accelerate! lan! reform which has ta'en lan!

    from the lar*e2scale commercial farms to other sectors i&e& the A1 an! A- farms& 6rom

    - - 2- the lan! was now owne! y new farmers who are not technolo*ically

    a!%ance! in the farmin* in!ustry& The occurrence of cyclones li'e 5line :aphet an!

    $ama!a in - 4 an! onwar!s also cause! the pro!uction of the *ol!en leaf to remainrelati%ely low e%en thou*h there was a si*nificant increase in area plante! the

    cyclones !istur e! the yiel!s&

    Fig re 13" P$ot of to0a))o sa$es first 7ifferen)e


  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    The tren! shown y 6i*ure 1&1 implies that the first !ifferencin* of to acco

    pro!uction is nearly stationaryJ resultin* in the conclusion that pro!uction is

    inte*rate! of or!er one ut - ha! the hi*hest outlier since lan! was re!istri ute!

    an! the newly resettle! people ha! no a!%ance! farmin* machinery an! forex to uy

    pestici!es for to acco treatment& This was then use! to initially specify the possi le

    mo!el y loo'in* at the AC6 an! the AC6 plots&

    +< "O:5CT


  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)





    $1"0 A %

    & o c o r r e

    l a & i o n

    '()*+orr 'ag'()*+orr 'ag




    0"440"#0 $0"08


    $0"17 0"!#$0"80

    0"4!$0"4 $0"0#


    $0"0 0"11$0"14

    0"08$0"07 8




    A+, -or di--erenced sales





    . a r &

    i a l A %

    & o c o r r e

    l a & i o n




    $0"00 0"5#$0"7!

    0"4$0"4 $0"01


    $0"00 0"09$0"1

    0"07$0"07 8




    .A+, -or /di-erenced sales

    The mo!el i!entifie! is an A"+ A mo!el ecause it has een !ifference! once an! itcontains a A(1) an! A"(-) process& This mo!el is an A"+ A (-11) !efine! y 7 t E

    & 7t21 &447t2- R at R & at2

    +< "O:5CT

    O0 e)ti(e *B,9 To ma.e fore)ast of e/+e)te7 sa$es from 1 @>"


  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    Single Exponential Smoothing of Tobacco Sales




    0 5 10 15 #0 #5 0 5





    M a s s s o

    l d i n

    *i e

    oo&hing +ons&an&




    M /2

    0"9 5


    #"1 ##


    ingle 3 ponen&ial oo&hing

    Fig re 13 shows that all points !o not !e%iate much from the line of perfect forecast&

    Since the points of pre!icte! %alues !o not fall away from actual %alues therefore we

    can conclu!e that the mo!el suits the !ata well i&e& it has een correctly specifie! an!

    can e use! for forecastin* purposes&

    Fig 134 Tren7 Ana$!sis of To0a))o Sa$es




    0 5 10 15 #0 #5 0 5




    M a s s s o

    l d i n

    *i e

    Y& 7"#1507 6 0" #07 4 &

    MA.32MA/2M /2

    #8"0115 "0 1#

    18"07 #

    *rend analysis o- &o acco sales'inear *rend Model

    +< "O:5CT

    Trend AnalysisFitted Trend Equation

    Yt = 7.21507 + 0.320734*t

    Row Period Forecast actua


  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    1 1!!2 15."53! 20.11# 2 1!!3 1#.311! 21."37 3 1!!4 1#.7700 1#.!22 4 1!!5 17.22"0 1!."75 5 1!!# 17.#"#1 20.155

    # 1!!7 1".1441 1".154 7 1!!" 1".#022 21.5!1 " 1!!! 1!.0#02 1!.215 ! 200 1!.51"3 23.#!5 10 2001 1!.!7#3 20.254 11 2002 20.4344 17.5"4 12 2003 20."!24 ".1"1 13 2004 21.3505 #."!0 14 2005 21."0"5 7.33" 15 200# 22.2###

    >enerally the a o%e tren! seeme! to e a *oo! pre!ictor of the response %aria le y

    (to acco sales) as shown y the estimate! %alues which are within the 9 P

    confi!ence inter%al thou*h we ha%e a few estimates which are much *reater than or

    less than the actual %alues an! the estimates&


  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    1 6i* -&1

    The chart shows thatthere is a stron* linear

    relationship etween area plante! an! %olume ofto acco sales& Anincrease in area plante!will result in an increasein pro!uction&

    6i* -&-

    The chart showsthat yiel!contri utessi*nificantly to%olume of sales&

    6i* -&

    This fi* shows that chan*es in a%era*e to acco price !oes not affect the %olume ofsales since to acco is a cash crop there are no retantions all that is pro!uce! is sol!&

    +< "O:5CT " 4 441-

    O0 e)ti(e *D,9 To 7etermine a mo7e$ on the mass so$7 *.g,& area *ha,& !ie$7

    *.g6ha, an7 a(erage +ri)e an7 )arr! o t h!+othesis testing3


  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    o!el Lnstan!ar!i.e! Coefficients


    Coefficients t Si*&

    B St!& 5rror Beta1 (Constant) 21 & 9 & 88 2--&,13 &

    Area 1 ha & - & & 3 - &819 & yiel! in

    '* ha& , & & 43 - & - &



    7wc '*

    & & & -3 1&19, &-41

    a #epen!ent Karia le0 mass sol! in 1 '*s

    !el Specification

    D t E Q R Q1G1 R Q- G - R Q G R i

    ass sol! in 1 '*sE 21 & 9 R & 3 area 1 ha R & 43yiel!('* ha) R & -3

    a%era*e price(.wc '*)

    'o7e$ S mmar!

    o!el " " S/uare

    A! uste!


    St!& 5rror of

    the 5stimate #ur in2?atson1 &99 &983 &98 &3,--1 1&933

    a re!ictors0 (Constant) a%era*e price 7?C '* yiel! in '* ha area 1 ha

    #epen!ent Karia le0 mass sol! in 1 '*s

    +< "O:5CT

    o!el !ia*onistics

    #ur in ?atson statistic is 1&933 (closer to -) meanin* the mo!el is correctly

    specifie!& The mo!el summary in!icates that 98& P of the !epen!ent %aria le (mass

    sol!) is affecte! y chan*es in the explanatory %aria les& +t implies that the pre!ictors

    of mas sol! accounts for most of the o ser%e! %ariations in y&


  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    $ypothesis Testin*

    $ 0 Q1 E Q- E UE Q ' E


    $10 Q V for at least one


  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


    6i* -&4

    6i* -&4 shows that the resi!uals are approximately normally !istri ute! almost

    resem les the ell shape of the normal !istri ution

    +n 6i* -& elow a plot of normal scores a*ainst the resi!uals was pro!uce!J the

    pro a ility plot is !oes not !e%iate much from the line of est fit implyin* that the

    normality assumption hol!s&


  • 8/11/2019 CSO Attachment Report (2003 Format)


