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CST 368-Final Project-Internet Security and Cryptography-Shraddha Dave

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Internet Security and Cryptography Due: Friday, April 6 th 2015 by 6:00 p.m. Shraddha Dave Page 1 Class: Internet Security Professor: Jim/James Kenevan Class Time: TR: 6:30p.m.--9:00p.m. INTERNET SECURITY AND CRYPTOGRAPHY ABSTRACT: This paper incorporates much closer detailed information for cryptography on the accompanying themes: Cryptography, OSI Security Architecture, and Network Security Model, Symmetric Cipher model, Cryptographic three dimensions, Cryptanalysis and Brute-force attack, Caesar cipher, Vigenere Cipher, Vernam Cipher, One-Time pad, and Transposition Techniques, Stream cipher, Block cipher, Feistel cipher, Feistel Decryption Algorithm, DES Encryption Standard, DES Encryption, and DES Decryption, Finite Fields, Groups, Rings and Fields, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Finite Field Arithmetic, AES Encryption and Decryption, AES Structure, and AES Example, Public-Key Cryptography and Rivest-Shamir Adelman (RSA), Conventional and Public-Key Encryption, RSA Algorithm, and The Security of RSA of the Internet Security and Cryptography paper.
Page 1: CST 368-Final Project-Internet Security and Cryptography-Shraddha Dave

Internet Security and Cryptography Due: Friday, April 6th 2015 by 6:00 p.m. Shraddha Dave

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Class: Internet Security Professor: Jim/James Kenevan Class Time: TR: 6:30p.m.--9:00p.m.



This paper incorporates much closer detailed information for cryptography on the

accompanying themes: Cryptography, OSI Security Architecture, and Network Security Model,

Symmetric Cipher model, Cryptographic three dimensions, Cryptanalysis and Brute-force attack,

Caesar cipher, Vigenere Cipher, Vernam Cipher, One-Time pad, and Transposition Techniques,

Stream cipher, Block cipher, Feistel cipher, Feistel Decryption Algorithm, DES Encryption

Standard, DES Encryption, and DES Decryption, Finite Fields, Groups, Rings and Fields,

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Finite Field Arithmetic, AES Encryption and Decryption,

AES Structure, and AES Example, Public-Key Cryptography and Rivest-Shamir Adelman

(RSA), Conventional and Public-Key Encryption, RSA Algorithm, and The Security of RSA of

the Internet Security and Cryptography paper.

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Internet Security and Cryptography Due: Friday, April 6th 2015 by 6:00 p.m. Shraddha Dave

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Class: Internet Security Professor: Jim/James Kenevan Class Time: TR: 6:30p.m.--9:00p.m.

“Whoever thinks his problem can be solved using cryptography doesn’t understand his

problem and doesn’t understand cryptography.” –Roger Needham/Butler Lampson.

Network security has ended up critical to personal computer (PC) clients, associations,

and the military. The Internet itself is structured in a way that leaves it open to numerous security

threats. Due to inherent vulnerabilities in the Internet based on its own structure, many

businesses make an "Intranet" to allow themselves secured access to the web. Lately security

threats have become much more sophisticated and have brought the whole field of system

security to a transformative stage. There are right now two fundamentally distinctive systems:

information systems and synchronous systems. This includes switches. Synchronous system

comprises of switches that do not cradle information and; in this way, are not undermined by

attackers. Information systems comprises of PC based switches, data is prone to security threats

such as "Trojan horses," planted within the switches. For this reason, security is highlighted in

information systems such as the Internet and within different systems that connect to the Internet.

Security is critical to systems and applications, yet here is a huge absence of security

strategies that can be effectively executed. System security does not just concern the security in

the PCs but every point at which information is transmitted across a communication channel

should not be powerless against attack. In an unsecured system, a programmer could focus on the

communication channel, acquire the information, decode it and re-embed a false message.

Securing the system is generally as critical as securing the PCs and encoding the message. Once

technique for preventing such a scenario is encrypting the information prior to transmittal and

decrypting it on reception. For this reason, the field of cryptography has grown in importance

relative to securing information.

Cryptography: (Stallings, 9-10)

The fields of system and Internet security comprise of measures to deter, prevent, detect,

and correct security infringement that include the transmission of data. PC security is the defined

as safeguarding the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of data system assets (including

hardware, programming, firmware, data/information, and telecommunications). This definition

presents three key aspects that are the heart of security: confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

First, data confidentiality is defined as saving approved limitations on data access and

revelation, including a means for ensuring individual protection and restrictive data. The loss of

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Class: Internet Security Professor: Jim/James Kenevan Class Time: TR: 6:30p.m.--9:00p.m.

confidentiality is concerned with the unapproved revelation of data. This is commonly

misunderstood to be privacy. Data confidentiality guarantees that private or secret data is not

made accessible or revealed to unapproved people; whereas, privacy guarantees that people

control or impact what data identified with them may be gathered and put away and by whom

and to whom that data may be revealed.

The second aspect to security, data integrity, is characterized as guarding against

disgraceful data change or annihilation, including guaranteeing data non-repudiation and

credibility. Integrity prevents a loss of honesty which would be defined as the unapproved

alteration or devastation of data. It covers two related ideas: Data integrity and System integrity.

Data integrity guarantees that data and projects are changed just in a particular and approved

way. System integrity guarantees that a framework performs its expected capacity in a whole

way, free from intentional or accidental unapproved controls of the framework.

Lastly, security deals with availability, which is characterized as guaranteeing favorable

and dependable access to data and for the utilization of data. A loss of accessibility is the

interruption of access to data or the utilization of data or a data framework. Availability

guarantees that frameworks work instantly and administration is not denied to approve clients.

OSI Security Architecture: (Stallings, 14-15)

Open System Interconnection (OSI) is an architecture created to fulfill the security

prerequisites as defined thus far; it is helpful to managers as a method for arranging the task of

giving security and it concentrates on security attacks, authentication, and security mechanisms.;

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Class: Internet Security Professor: Jim/James Kenevan Class Time: TR: 6:30p.m.--9:00p.m.

First, security attacks are any activity that bargains (???) the security of data possessed by an

association. There are two types, passive and active. A passive attack attempts to challenge

and/or learn/utilize data from the system; however, it does not influence system resources. An

active attack endeavors to change the system and/or influence their operation. Security

administration is improves the security of the information preparing systems and the data

exchanges of an association. The administrations are proposed to counter security attacks, and

they make use of one or more security components to give the administration.

Next, authentication is the confirmation that the conveying element is the particular case

that it claims to be. Authentication deals with access control, confidentiality, data integrity and

non-repudiation. Access control is the avoidance of an unapproved utilization of an asset.

Information confidentially is the security of information from unapproved confession. Data

integrity is the affirmation that information received is precisely as sent by an approved element

(i.e. contains no adjustment, insertion, cancellation or replay). Nonrepudiation gives insurance

against disagreement by one of the elements included in a correspondence of having taken part in

all or some piece of the correspondence.

The third security mechanism in OSI architecture is a procedure (or a gadget

consolidating such a process) that is intended to identify, keep, or recover from a security attack.

Security components commonly assure that members be in ownership of some secret data (e.g.

an encryption key), which brings up issues about the creation, appropriation, and assurance of

that secret data. There also is a dependence on interchanges protocols whose performance may

entangle the task of emerging to the security system.

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Class: Internet Security Professor: Jim/James Kenevan Class Time: TR: 6:30p.m.--9:00p.m.

Network Security Model: (Stalling, 25)

There are two principle security models that are utilized when managing system security:

Secure communication and Secure systems.

In this model, there are two vital specialists i.e. Alice and Bob, who wish to communicate

a message specifically through an information channel to one another that contains some secret

information. To secure the mystery data the gatherings included will perform some manifestation

of security related change on the data to be sent, utilizing some type of imparted mystery that is

known just by the gatherings included. Such exercises may include the utilization of a trusted

outsider to whom a few obligations, for example, appropriation of mystery data or

approval/validation are depended to. This is compressed in the figure above. This model is

utilized for most ranges of network security when the transmission of information is concerned.

[Stallings 2008] notice that there are four essential tasks included in outlining a security

administration utilizing this model:

Design an algorithm for performing the security related change.

Generate the secret data that is to be utilized.

Develop system for circulation and offering of the secret data.

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Class: Internet Security Professor: Jim/James Kenevan Class Time: TR: 6:30p.m.--9:00p.m.

Specify a convention to be utilized by the two principals that uses the security algorithm

and secret data to attain to a specific security administration.

The other model reflects the rest of the security issues that are connected with the

insurance of a data system i.e. a network, from malicious elements. Such substances can

be a hacker that expects to get entrance to a system for no particular reason and benefit, a

displeased worker who wishes to bring about harm or a criminal who wishes to endeavor

the assets for monetary profit. Furthermore, this model incorporates the idea of extra

programming that intends to endeavor vulnerabilities in the system and targets

applications and utility programs. They can be classed as: information access threats--

interception/modification of information; and service threats--abuse of administration

defects. In addition, so as to ensure the data system a Gatekeeper function is utilized to

perform access control and limit the accessibility of the system. If this fails, then some

manifestation of internal security controls are expected to recognize any, stop the

activities of and repair any harm as caused about by, intruders.

Cryptography is well-defined as the investigation of secret (crypto-) writing (-

graphy). It is the craft of science enveloping the standards and routines for changing a

coherent message into one that is indiscernible and afterward retransforming that

message back to its unique structure. Next, the plaintext is the first comprehensible

message while cipher text is the changed message. The cipher is distinct as an algorithm

for changing a comprehensible message into indiscernible by transposition and/or

substitution. Then, key is some basic data utilized by the figure, known just to the sender

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Class: Internet Security Professor: Jim/James Kenevan Class Time: TR: 6:30p.m.--9:00p.m.

and recipient. Encipher (encode or encryption) is defined the methodology of changing

over plaintext to figure content while Disentangle (decipher or unscrambling) is the

procedure of covering figure content once again into plaintext. Lastly, the cryptanalysis is

the investigation of standards and systems for changing an indiscernible message over

into an understandable message without learning of the key. It is likewise called code

breaking. Individually, cryptography and cryptanalysis is known as cryptology and the

code is an algorithm for changing a comprehensible message into an incomprehensible

one utilizing a code-book.

Symmetric Figure Model: (Stallings, 33)

A symmetric encryption is defined as the most seasoned and best-known strategy. A secret key,

which can be a number, a word, or simply a string of arbitrary letters, is connected to the content

of a message to change the substance in a specific manner. This may be as basic as moving every

letter by various places in order plan having five ingredients.

These five ingredients are plaintext, encryption algorithm, secret key, cipher text and

decryption algorithm. Each are defined in its own specific method. First, the plaintext is the first

clear message or information that is bolstered into the calculation as data. Second, the encryption

algorithm performs different substitutions and changes on the plaintext. Third, the secret key is

likewise data to the encryption algorithm. The key is a quality free of the plaintext and of the

calculation. The algorithm will create an alternate yield relying upon the particular key being

utilized at the time. The definite substitutions and changes performed by the calculation rely on

upon the key. Forth, the cipher text is the mixed message delivered as yield; which relies on

upon the plaintext and mystery key. For a given message, two distinct keys will create two

distinctive cipher writings. The cipher content is an evidently irregular stream of information and

the way things are, is illogical. Lastly, the decryption algorithm is basically the encryption

calculation run backward. It takes the cipher content and the secret key and produces the first


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Internet Security and Cryptography Due: Friday, April 6th 2015 by 6:00 p.m. Shraddha Dave

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Class: Internet Security Professor: Jim/James Kenevan Class Time: TR: 6:30p.m.--9:00p.m.

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Class: Internet Security Professor: Jim/James Kenevan Class Time: TR: 6:30p.m.--9:00p.m.

Cryptographic systems are characterized along three independent dimensions:

(Stalling, 35)

First, the type of operations utilized for changing plaintext to cipher text. All encryption

algorithms are in light of two general standards: Substitution, in which every component in the

plaintext (bit, letter, group of bits or letters) is mapped into another element. The transposition in

which elements in the plaintext are revised; the central prerequisite is that no data be lost (that

will be, that all operations are reversible). Most systems referred to as product systems, include

different phases of substitutions and transpositions. Second, the number of keys utilized; if both

sender and recipient use the same key, then the system is referred to as symmetric, single key,

secret key, or conventional encryption. If the sender and beneficiary utilization distinctive keys,

then the system is referred to as asymmetric, two key, or open key encryption. Third, the way in

which plaintext is processed a block cipher forms the data one block of elements at a time,

delivering an output block of every information block. A system cipher processes the input

components consistently, delivering output one element at a time, as it comes.

Cryptanalysis and Brute-Force Attack: (Stallings, 35-39)

Ordinarily, the target of attacking an encryption system is to recover the key being used

instead of simply to recover the plaintext of a single cipher text. There are two general ways to

deal with assaulting a customary encryption plan: cryptanalysis and brute-force attack. The

cryptanalysis is cryptanalytic attacks depend on the way of the algorithm in addition to maybe

some information of the general qualities of the plaintext or even some sample plaintext—cipher

text pairs. This kind of attack exploits the characteristics of the algorithm to endeavor to find a

particular plaintext or to derive the key being utilized. Next, according to the brute-force attack

the attacker tries each conceivable key on a bit of cipher text until an understandable

interpretation into plaintext is acquired. On average, 50% of all single conceivable key must be

attempted to make progress.

The two fundamental building blocks of all encryption procedures are: Substitution and

Transposition. A substitution method is one in which the letters of plaintext are replaced by

different letters or by numbers or symbols. The plaintext is seen as a succession of bits, and then

substitution includes replacing plaintext bit designs with cipher text bit design.

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Class: Internet Security Professor: Jim/James Kenevan Class Time: TR: 6:30p.m.--9:00p.m.

Caesar Cipher: (Stallings, 39)

The earliest known, and the least complex, utilization of a substitution cipher was by

Julius Caesar. The Caesar cipher includes supplanting every letter of the letters in order with the

letter standing three spots further down the letters in order. For instance,

Plain: This is an example


The letters in order is wrapped around, so that the letter after Z is A. We can characterize that the

change by posting all potential outcomes, as takes after:

Plain: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz


Mathematical Model: (Stallings, 49-59)

Encryption E(k): I = I + k mod 26

Decoding D(k): I = I - k mod 26

K ranges from 1 to 25

The Ciphers may be: Mono-alphabetic characterized as one and only substitution/transposition is

utilized, or Polyalphabetic characterized as where a few substitutions/transposition is utilized.

First, the vignere cipher is introduced which is one of the least complex, polyalphabetic ciphers

is the Vigenere cipher. The arrangement of related mono-alphabetic substitution principles

comprises of the 26 Caesar figures with movements of 0 through 25. Fundamentally different

Caesar figures; where key is various letters long for instance,

K = k1, k2, … , kd

ith letter indicates ith letters in order to utilize

Utilize every letters in order thusly, rehashing from begin after d letters in message




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Class: Internet Security Professor: Jim/James Kenevan Class Time: TR: 6:30p.m.--9:00p.m.

Secondly, the vernam cipher is introduced which is defined as the definitive resistance

against such a cryptanalysis is to pick a keyword word that is the length of the plaintext and has

no factual relationship to it. Such a system was presented by an AT&T architect named Gilbert

Vernam in 1918. His system works on the binary information (bits) instead of letters. The system

can be expressed briefly as follows:

ci =pi + ki


pi = ith double digit of plaintext

ki =ith double digit of key

ci = ith double digit of figure content

⊕ = selective or (XOR) operation

Accordingly, the cipher text is generated by performing the bitwise XOR of the plaintext

and the key. In light of the properties of the XOR, decryption simply includes the same bitwise


pi = ci ⊕ ki

The embodiment of this method is the method for development of the key. Vernam

cipher proposed the utilization of a running look of tape that inevitably repeated the key, so that

truth be told the system worked with a long; however, repeating keyword. Although such a plan,

with a long key, presents imposing cryptanalytic challenges, it can be broken with sufficient

figure message, the utilization of known or plausible plaintext arrangements, or both.

At last, the one-time pad is introduced by an armed force Signal Corp officer, Joseph

Mauborgue, proposed a change to the Vernam cipher that yields a definitive in security.

Mauborgue proposed utilizing an arbitrary key that is the length of the message, so that the key

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need not be rehashed. Also, the key is to be utilized to encode and decode a solitary message,

and after that it is discarded. Every new message requires another key of the same length as the

new message. Such a plan, known as the one-time pad, is unbreakable. It creates irregular yield

that bears no statistical relationship to the plaintext. Since the cipher text contains no data at

about the plaintext, there is just no real way to break the code. An example ought to represent our

point. Assume that we are utilizing a Vigenere plan with 27 characters in which the twenty-seven

character is the space character; however with the one-time key that is a long as the message.

Consider the Cipher text:


We now demonstrate two unique decryptions utilizing two distinct keys:

Cipher text:


Key: pxlmvmsydofuyrvzwc tnlebnecvgdupahfzzlmnyih

Plaintext: Mr Mustard with the candlestick in the hall

Cipher text:


Key: mfugpmiydgaxgoufhklllmhsqdqogtewbqfgyovuhwt

Plaintext: miss scarlet with the knife in the library

Assume that a cryptanalyst had figured out how to locate these two keys. Two

conceivable plaintexts are delivered. How is the cryptanalyst to choose which is the right

decryption (i.e. which is the correct key)? In the event that the genuine keys were created in a

really random style, then the cryptanalyst cannot say that one of these two keys is more likely

than the other. Subsequently, there is no real way to choose which key is right and along these

lines which plaintext is right. Actually, given any plaintext of equivalent length to the cipher text,

there is a key that delivers that plaintext. Therefore, if you did an exhaustive hunt of every single

conceivable key, you would wind up with numerous clear plaintexts, with no chance to get of

knowing which the proposed plaintext was; in this way, the code is unbreakable. The security of

the one-time pad is altogether due to the randomness of the key. If the stream of characters that

constitute the key is really arbitrary, then the overflow of characters that constitute the cipher text

will be genuinely irregular. Consequently, there are no examples or regularities that a

cryptanalyst can use to attack the cipher text.

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Internet Security and Cryptography Due: Friday, April 6th 2015 by 6:00 p.m. Shraddha Dave

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Class: Internet Security Professor: Jim/James Kenevan Class Time: TR: 6:30p.m.--9:00p.m.

In theory, we need search no further for a cipher. The one-time pad offers complete

security in any case, practically speaking, has two basic challenges. First, there is the down to

earth issue of making vast amounts of random keys. Any intensely utilized system may require a

large number of irregular characters all the time. Next, considerably more overwhelming is the

issue of key dispersion and security. For each message to be sent, a key of equivalent length is

required by both sender and recipient. In this way, a mammoth key appropriation issue exists.

As of these challenges, the one-time pad is of constrained utility and is helpful

fundamentally for low-data transfer capacity channels requiring high security. The one-time pad

is the main cryptosystem that displays what is alluded to as perfect secrecy: Transposition

techniques are very different sort of mapping achieved by performing a change on the plaintext

letters. This system is alluded to as a transposition cipher. The least difficult such cipher is the

rail wall procedure, in which the plaintext is composed down as a grouping of diagonals and

afterward read off as an arrangement of columns. Cases in point, to encipher the message “meet

me after the toga party" with a rail wall of profundity, we compose the following:

Plaintext: meet me after the toga party


m e m a t r h t g p r y

e t e f e t e o a a t

This encoded message is read as: MEMATRHTGPRYETEFETEOAAT

The stream cipher is one that encrypts an advanced information stream one bit or one

byte at a time. Illustrations of established stream ciphers are the auto keyed Vigenere cipher and

the Vernam cipher. A block cipher is one in which a block of plaintext is dealt as whole and used

to create a cipher text block of equivalent length. Normally, a square size of 64 or 128 bits is

utilized. (Stallings 67-69)

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Class: Internet Security Professor: Jim/James Kenevan Class Time: TR: 6:30p.m.--9:00p.m.

In a Feistel cipher, (Stalling, 71-74) the block of plaintext to be encrypted is divided into

two equivalent measured parts. The round capacity is connected to one half, utilizing a sub-key,

and afterward the yield is XORed with the other half. The two parts are then swapped; following

is the illustration:

Let F be the function and let K0, K1… Kn be the sub-keys for the rounds 0, 1… n

separately. At that point, the fundamental operation is as per the following: Split the plaintext

block into two equivalent pieces, (L0, R0); for each round register i = 0, 1… n:

Li+1 = Ri

Ri+1 = Li ⊕ F (Ri, Ki)

Then, the cipher text is as follows (Rn+1, Ln+1). Decryption of a cipher text (Rn+1, Ln+1) is

accomplished by calculating for process i = n, n-1… 0,:

Ri = Li+1

Li=Ri+1 ⊕ F (Li+1, Ki)

Then, (L0, R0) is the plaintext once more. One focal point of the Feistel model contrasted

with a substitution permutation system is that the round function F does not need to be invertible.

The diagram demonstrates both encryption and decryption. Note that the inversion of the sub-key

is the request for decryption; this is the main distinction in the middle of encryption and


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Class: Internet Security Professor: Jim/James Kenevan Class Time: TR: 6:30p.m.--9:00p.m.

Feistel Decryption Algorithm: (Stalling, 75-77)

The procedure of decryption with a Feistel cipher is basically the same as the encryption

process. The instructions are as per the following: First, utilize the cipher message as data to the

algorithm; next, utilize the sub-keys Ki in converse request. To be precise, utilization Kn in the

first round, Kn-1 in the second round, and so on, until K1 is utilized as a part of the last round.

This is a decent highlight, because it implies that we need not represent two distinct algorithms;

one for encryption and one for decryption.

Data Encryption Standard (DES): (Stalling, 77-78)

The Data Encryption Standard (DES) characterized as transcendent symmetric key

algorithm for the encryption of electronic information. It was profoundly influential in the

progression of advanced cryptography in the scholarly world. In the expressions of

cryptographer Bruce Schneier, "DES accomplished more to electrify the field of cryptanalysis

than whatever else. Presently there was an algorithm to study." An astonishing offer of the open

writing in cryptography in the 1970s and 1980s managed the DES, and the DES is the standard

against which each symmetric key algorithm since it has been compared. It has remained the

most generally utilized encryption algorithm until recently. It displays the fantastic Feistel the

classic Feistel structure. DES utilizes a 64 bit square and a 56 bit key. The algorithm changes 64

bit includes in a series of stages into 64 bit yield. The same stages, with the same key, are

utilized to switch the encryption.

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Class: Internet Security Professor: Jim/James Kenevan Class Time: TR: 6:30p.m.--9:00p.m.

Data Encryption Standard (DES) Encryption: (Stalling, 79-83)

In DES Encryption the plaintext must be 64 bits long and the key must be 56 bits long.

Looking at the left-hand side of the above figure, we can see that the transforming of the

plaintext continues in three stages. Initially, the 64 bit plaintext goes through an initial

permutation (IP) which modifies the bits to produce the permuted input. This is trailed by a stage

comprising of sixteen rounds of the same capacity, that includes both permutation and

substitution functions. The yield of the last (sixteen) round comprises of 64 bits that are a

component of the data plaintext and the key. The left and right parts of the yield are swapped to

deliver the preoutput. Finally, the preoutput is gone through a stage [IP -1] that is the opposite of

the introductory change capacity, to create the 64 bit figure content. Except for the starting and

last stages, DES has the careful structure of Feistel cipher, as demonstrated above in figure 3.3

[Feistel Encryption and Unscrambling (16 rounds)]. Now, looking at the right-hand side of the

above figure (General Delineation of DES Encryption Calculation); demonstrates the route in

which the 56 bit key is utilized. At first, the key is gone through a permutation function. At that

point, for each of the sixteen sequences, a sub-key (Ki) is delivered by the mix of a left circular

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movement and a permutation. The permutation function is same for each round, yet an alternate

sub-key is created due to the constant movements of the key bits.

Data Encryption System (DES) Decryption: (Stallings, 83-86)

Similarly as with any Feistel cipher, decryption uses the same algorithm methods as

encryption, aside from that the use of the sub-keys is switched.

Let F be the round capacity and let K0, K1, … , Kn be the sub-keys for the rounds 0, 1, … , n

separately. At that point the fundamental operation is as per the following:

Part the plaintext hinder into two equivalent pieces, (L0, R0)

For each round i=0, 1, …, n compute

Li+1 = Ri

Ri+1 = Li ⊕ F (Ri, Ki)

At that point the figure content is (Rn+1, Ln+1)

Unscrambling of a figure content (Rn+1, Ln+1) is proficient by processing for i = n, n – 1, … , 0

Ri = Li+1

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Li = Ri+1 ⊕ F (Li+1, Ki)

At that point (L0, R0) is the plaintext once more. One preference of the Feistel model

contrasted with a substitution-permutation system is that the round capacity F does not need to

be invertible. The diagram delineates both encryption and decryption. Note that the inversion of

the sub-key request for decryption; this is the main distinction in the middle of encryption and


Finite Fields: (Stallings, 102)

A field is a situated of components on which two math operations (addition and

multiplication) have been characterized and which has the properties of conventional number

juggling, for example, closure, associativity, commutatively, distributive, and having both

additive substance and multiplicative inverses. A finite field is basically a field with a limited

number of components. It can be demonstrated that the request of a limited field (number of

components in the field) must be a force of a prime pn, where n is a positive number. Limited

fields of request p can be characterized utilizing math mod p. Finite fields of request pn, for n > 1

can be characterized utilizing arithmetic over polynomials.

Groups, Rings, and Fields: (Stallings, 116)

Groups, rings, and fields are the three basic components of a branch of science known as

unique polynomial algebra, or advanced algebra. In an abstract polynomial math, we are

concerned with sets on whose components we can work logarithmically; that is, we can join two

components of the set, maybe in a few courses, to acquire a third component of the set.

A group G in some cases meant by {G, •}, is a situated of components with a binary

operation indicated by • that associates to every ordered pair (a, b) of components in G a

component (a • b) in G, such that following axioms are compiled:

(A1) Closure: If a and b belong to G, then a • b is also in G.

(A2) Associative: a • (b • c) = (a • b) • c for all a, b, c in G

(A3) Identity element: There is an element e in G such that a • e = e • a = a for all

a in G.

(A4) Inverse element: For each a in G, there is an element a’ in G such that a • a’

= a’ • a = e.

Rings: (Stallings, 117-118)

A ring R here and there meant by {R, +, x} (by and large we don't utilize the increase

image, x, yet mean multiplication by the concentration of two components) is a situated of

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elements with two binary operations, called addition and multiplication; such that for all a, b, c

in R the accompanying axioms are complied.

(A1-A5): R is an abelian group with respect to addition; that is, R satisfies axioms A1

through A5. For the case of an additive group, we denote the identity element as 0 and

the inverse of an a as –a.

(M1) Closure under multiplication: If a and b belong to R, then ab is also in R.

(M2) Associativity of multiplication: a (bc) = (ab) c for all a, b, c in R.

(M3) Distributive laws: a (b + c) = ab + ac for all a, b, c in R.

(a + b) c = ac + bc for all a, b, c in R.

Generally, a ring is a set in which we can do addition, subtraction [a – b = a + (-b)], and

multiplication without leaving the set. The (R, +) is of the Abelian group and the multiplicative

(•) if 0 contaminates field with multiplication. Commutative rings are vastly improved

comprehended than non-commutative ones. Mathematical geometry and arithmetical number

hypothesis, which given numerous common cases of commutative rings, have driven a

significance part of the advancement of commutative ring hypothesis, which is presently, under

the name of commutative polynomial math, a real region of advanced arithmetic. Since these

three fields (mathematical geometry, logarithmic number hypothesis and commutative variable

based math) are so personally associated it is normally troublesome and aimless to choose which

field a specific result has a place with. Case in point, Hilbert’s Nullstellensatz is a hypothesis

which is central for mathematical geometry, and is expressed and demonstrated as far as

commutative variable based math. Correspondingly, Fermat’s last hypothesis is expressed

regarding basic number juggling, which is a piece of commutative variable based math, yet its

confirmation includes profound after effects of both arithmetical number hypothesis and

logarithmic geometry.

Non-communicative rings are very distinctive in flavor, following more unordinary

conduct can emerge. While the hypothesis has grown in its own right, a genuinely late pattern

has tried to parallel the commutative improvement by building the hypothesis of specific classes

of non-commutative rings in a geometric manner as though they were rings of capacities on

(non-existent) non-communicative spaces. This pattern began in the 1980s with the advancement

of non-communicative geometry and with the disclosure of quantum gatherings. It has prompted

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a superior comprehension of non-commutative rings, particularly non-commutative Noetherian

rings (Goodearl 1989). The meanings of terms utilized all through ring hypothesis may be found

in the glossary of ring hypothesis.

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Fields: (Stallings, 118-119)

A field F some of the time indicated as {F, +, x} is a situated of components with two

binary operations, called addition and multiplication; such that for all a, b, c in F the

accompanying adages are complied.

(A1-M6): F is an integral domain; that is, F satisfies axioms A1 through A5 and M1

though M6.

(M7) Multiplicative inverse: For each a in F, except 0, there is an element a-1 in F such

that a(a-1)= (a-1)a = 1.

In essence, a field is a set in which we can do addition, subtraction, multiplication, and

division without leaving the set. Division is defined with the following rule:

a|b = a (b-1).

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Advanced Encryption Standard (AES): (Stallings, 148)

The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a symmetric block cipher proposed to

substitute DES for commercial applications. It utilizes a 128 bit square size and a key size of

128, 192, or 256 bits. AES does not utilize a Feistel structure; rather, each full round comprises

of four different functions: byte substitution, permutation, arithmetic operations over a finite

field, and XOR with a key.

Finite Field Arithmetic: (Stallings, 148-150)

In AES, all operations are performed on 8 bit bytes. Specifically, the arithmetic

operations of addition, multiplication, and division are performed over the limited field GF (28).

A recorded is situated in which we can do addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division

without leaving the set. Division is characterized with the accompanying control: a/b = a (b-1).

A sample of a finite field (one with a limited number of components) is the situated Zp

comprising of every last one of numbers {0, 1, A, p-1}, where p is a prime number and in which

math is completed modulo p.

Essentially all encryption calculations, both conventional and public key, include

arithmetic operations on numbers. If one of the operations utilized as a part of the calculation is

division, then we have to work in arithmetic characterized over a field; this is on account of

division obliges that every nonzero component have a multiplicative backwards. For

convenience and for implementation effectiveness, we might likewise want to work with

numbers that settle precisely into a given number of bits, with no worthless bit designs. That is,

we wish to work with numbers in the reach 0 through 2n-1, which fit into an n-bit word.

Unfortunately, the arrangement of such numbers, Z2n, utilizing modular arithmetic, is not a field.

For instance, the whole number 2 has no multiplicative reverse in Z2n, that is, there is no number

b, such that 2b mod 2n =1.

There is a method for characterizing a limited field containing 2n components; such a

field is alluded to as GF (2n). Consider the set, S, of all polynomials of degree n – 1 or less with

paired coefficients. Along these lines, every polynomial has the structure:


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f(x) = an-1 xn-1 + an-2 x

n-2 + … + a1x + a0 = ∑ aixi


where every ai takes the value 0 or 1. There are a total of 2n unique polynomials in S. For

n=3, the 23=8 polynomials in the set are

0 x x2 x2 + x

1 x + 1 x2 + 1 x2 + x + 1

with the proper meaning of math operations, every such set S is a limited field. The definition

comprises of the accompanying components.

The arithmetic follows the ordinary rules of polynomial arithmetic using the basic

principles of polynomial math with the accompanying two refinements. Arithmetic on the

coefficients is performed modulo 2; this is the same as the XOR operation. On the off chance

that duplication brings about a polynomial of degree more noteworthy than n – 1, then the

polynomial is diminished modulo some irreducible polynomial m(x) of degree n. That is, we

partition by m(x) and keep the rest of. For a polynomial f(x), the rest of communicated as r(x) =

f(x) mod m(x). A polynomial m(x) is called irreducible if and if m(x) can't be communicated as a

result of two polynomials, both of degree lower than that of m(x). For instance, to develop the

limited field GF (23), we have to pick an irreducible polynomial of degree 3. There are just two

such polynomials: (x3 + x2 + 1) and (x3 + x + 1). Expansion is identical to taking the XOR of like

terms. Hence, (x + 1) + x = 1.

A polynomial in GF (2n) can be particularly spoken to by its n binary coefficients as (an-1,

an-2 … a0). Consequently, every polynomial in GF (2n) can be spoken to by an n-bit number.

Expansion is performed by taking the bitwise XOR of the two n-bit components. There is no

basic XOR operation that will achieve increase in GF (2n). Then again, a reasonably

straightforward, effectively executed, method is accessible. Basically, it can be demonstrated that

increase of a number in GF (2n) by 2 comprises of a left move took after by a restrictive XOR

with a consistent. Multiplication by bigger numbers can be attained to by rehashed utilization of

this standard. For instance, AES utilizes math as a part of the limited field GF (28) with the

irreducible polynomial m(x) = x8 +x4 + x3 + x +1. Consider two components A = (a7a6…a1a0) and

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B = (b7b6…b1b0). The entirety A + B = (c7c6…c1c0), where ci = ai ⊕ bi. The multiplication as

{02} • A equals (a6…a1a00) if a7=0 and equals (a6…a1a00) ⊕ (00011011) if a7 = 1.

To summarize, AES works on 8-bit bytes; the expansion of two bytes is characterized as

the binary XOR operation. The duplication of two bytes is characterized as multiplication in the

finite field GF (28), with the irreducible polynomial m(x) = x8 + x4 + x3 + x + 1. The designers of

Rijndael give as their inspiration for determination this one of the 30 conceivable irreducible

polynomials of degree 8 that it is the first one on the list given.

AES Encryption and Decryption: (Stallings, 150-154)

The cipher takes a plaintext piece size of 128 bits or 16 bytes. The key length can be 16,

24, or 32 bytes (128, 192, or 256 bits). The algorithm is alluded to as AES-128, AES-192, or

AES-256, contingent upon the key length. The information to the encryption and decryption

calculation is a single 128-bit piece. This block is adapted into the State array, which is adjusted

at every phase of encryption or decryption. After the last stage, the stage is duplicated to a yield

grid; comparably, the key is delineated as a square network of bytes. This key is then stretched

into a show of key timetable work. Every word is four byes, and the nearby key is timetable is 44

words for the 128-bit key. State is the same for both encryption and decryption.

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Figure 5.3 shows the AES cipher in more detail, indicating the sequence of transformations in

each round and showing the corresponding decryption function. As shown earlier, we created

encryption process proceeding downward towards the page and decryption process preceding

upward the page.

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AES Structure:

Before diving into subtle elements, we can make a few remarks about the general AES

structure. One vital highlight of this structure is that, it is not a Feistel structure. Recall that, in

the exemplary Feistel structure, 50% of the information square is utilized to alter the other a

large portion of the information lock and afterward the parts are swapped. AES rather forms the

whole information hinder as a solitary network amid each round utilizing substitutions and

change. The key is that is given as data is ventured into a cluster of forty-four 32-bit words w[i].

Four particular words (128 bits) serve as round key for each round demonstrated in figure 5.3.

Four distinct stages are utilized, one of permutation and three of substitution. The substitution

byte uses a S-box to perform a byte by byte substitution of the block. Next, the shift rows is

described as a simple permutation. Then, the mix column is described as a substitution that

makes us of arithmetic over GF (28). Lastly, an add round key is described as a simple binary

XOR of the current block with a portion of the expanded key.

The structure is very basic. For both encryption and decryption, the cipher starts with an

Add Round Key stage, trailed by nine adjusts that each incorporates all of the four stages, trailed

by a tenth round of three stages.

Just the Add Round Key stage makes utilization of the key. Hence, the cipher starts and

closures with an Add Round Key stage. Some other stage, connected toward the starting or end,

is reversible without learning of the key thus would include no security. They include Round

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Key stage is, basically, a type of Vernam cipher and without anyone else would not be

considerable. The other three stages together give confusion, diffusion, and nonlinearity;

however, without anyone else's input would give no security on the grounds that they don't

utilize the key. We can see the figure as substituting operations of XOR encryption (Add Round

Key) of a piece, trailed by decryption of the square (the other three stages) trailed by XOR

encryption et cetera. This plan is both effective and profoundly secure. Next, every stage is

effortlessly reversible. For the substitute byte, movement columns, and blend segments organize,

a reverse capacity is utilized as a part of the decoding calculation. For the Add Round Key stage,

the opposite is attained to by XORing the same key to the square, utilizing the outcome that as

the A ⊕ B ⊕ B = A. Likewise, with most block ciphers, the decrypting calculation makes

utilization of the extended key backward request. In any case, the decrypting calculation is not

indistinguishable to the encryption algorithm. This is an outcome of the specific structure of


When it is made that each of the four stages are reversible, it is anything but difficult to

confirm that decoding does recover the plaintext. The figure 5.3 (AES Encryption and

Decryption); lays encryption and decryption on-going into inverse vertical directions. At every

level point (e.g. the dashed line in the figure), state is the same for both encryption and decoding.

The last round of both encryption and decoding comprises of just three stages. Once again, this is

result of the specific structure of AES and is obliged to make the cipher reversible.

AES Example: (Stalling, 169)

For this example, the plaintext is a hexadecimal palindrome. The plaintext key and

resulting cipher text are:

Plaintext: 0123456789abcdeffedcba9876543210

Key: 0f1571c947d9e8590cb7add6af7f6798

Cipher text: ff0b844a0853bf7c6934ab4363148fb9

Public-Key Cryptography and Rivest-Shamir-Adelman (RSA): (Stallings, 267)

Asymmetric encryption is a type of cryptosystem in which encryption and decryption are

performed utilizing the public keys—one public key and another private key. It is otherwise

called public key encryption. Asymmetric encryption changes plaintext into cipher text utilizing

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one of the two keys, and an encryption calculation. Utilizing the combined key and a decoding

calculation, the plaintext is recovered from the cipher text. It can be utilized for confidentiality,

authentication, or both. The most generally utilized open key cryptography is Rivest-Shamir-

Adelman (RSA). The concern of attacking RSA is based on the difficulty of discovering the

prime elements of a composite number.

Here, a public key encryption has six ingredients; such as, plaintext, encryption

algorithm, public and private keys, cipher text, and decryption algorithm. They are described as

the following. First, the plaintext is the coherent message or information that is sustained into the

algorithm as input. Next, the encryption algorithm described as the encryption algorithm

performs different changes on the plaintext. Then, the public and private keys are described as

couple of keys that have been chosen so that if one is utilized for encryption, the other is utilized

for unscrambling. The careful changes performed by the calculation rely on upon general society

or private key that is given as data. Moreover, the cipher text is the mixed message delivered as

yield. It relies on upon the plaintext and the key. For a given message, two distinct keys will

create two diverse figure writings. Lastly, the decryption algorithm is defined as an algorithm

acknowledges the cipher text and the coordinate key to produce the first plaintext.

The following are the crucial steps: Every client creates a couple of keys to be utilized for the

encryption and decoding of the messages; Every client puts one of the two keys in an open

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register or other available record. This is the general population key. The sidekick key is kept

private. As figure 9.1 recommends, every client keeps up a gathering of open keys acquired from

others; On the off chance that Sway wishes to send a secret message to Alice, Bounce encodes

the message utilizing Alice's open key; At the point when Alice gets the message, she decodes it

utilizing her private key. No other beneficiary can decode the message on the grounds that just

Alice knows Alice's private key.

Furthermore, with this approach, all members have entry to open keys, and private keys

are produced mainly by every member and accordingly require never be dispersed. The length of

a client's private key stays secured and mysterious, approaching correspondence is secure.

Whenever, a system can change its private key and distribute the friend public key to replace its

old public key. To segregate in the middle of symmetric and public key encryption, we allude to

the key utilized as a part of symmetric encryption as a private key. The two keys utilized for

deviated encryption are alluded to as the general public key and the private key. Constantly, the

private key is kept mystery; however, it is alluded to as a private key instead of a master key to

maintain a strategic distance from perplexity with symmetric encryption.

Conventional and Public-Key Encryption: (Stallings, 272)

Conventional Encryption Public-Key Encryption

Needed to work:

The same algorithm with the same key is used

for encryption and decryption.

The sender and receiver must share the

algorithm and the key.

Needed to work:

One algorithm is used for encryption and

decryption with a pair of keys, one for

encryption and one for decryption.

The sender and receiver must each have one of

the matched pair of keys (not the same one).

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Needed for security:

The key must be kept secret.

It must be impossible or at least impractical to

decipher a message if no other information is


Knowledge of the algorithm plus samples of

cipher text must be insufficient to determine the


Needed for security:

One of the two keys must be kept secret.

It must be impossible or at least impractical to

decipher a message if no other information is


Knowledge of the algorithm plus one of the

keys plus samples of cipher text must be

insufficient to determine the other key.

According to (Stallings, 275) we can classify the use of public-key cryptosystem in the following

three categories: Encryption/decryption; Digital signature, and Key exchange. The first point,

encryption/decryption is described as the sender encrypts a message with the recipient’s public

key. Next, the digital signature is described as the sender “signs” a message with its private key.

Signing is achieved by a cryptographic algorithm applied to the message or to a small block of

data that is a function of the message. At last, the key exchange is described as the two sides

cooperate to exchange a session key. Several different approaches are possible, involving the

private key(s) of one or both parties.

RSA Algorithm: (Stallings, 278-280)

The RSA scheme is a block cipher in which the plaintext and cipher text are integers

between 0 and n – 1 for some n. A typical size for n is 1024 bits, or 309 decimal digits. That is, n

are less than 21024. We examine RSA in this section in some detail, beginning with an

explanation of the algorithm. Then we examine some of the computational and crypt analytical

implications of RSA. The RSA makes use of an expression with exponentials. Plaintext is

encrypted in blocks, with each block having a binary value less than some number n. That is, the

block size must be less than or equal to log2 (n) + 1; in practice, the block size is i bits, where 2i

< n ≤ 2i + 1. Encryption and decryption are of the following form, for some plaintext block M and

cipher text block C. This is described as the following:

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C = Me mod n

M = Cd mod n = (Me) d mod n = M ed mod n

Both sender and receiver must know the value of n. The sender knows the value of e, and

only the receiver knows the value of d. Thus, this is a public-key encryption algorithm with a

public key of PU = {e, n} and a private key of PR = {d, n}. For this algorithm to be satisfactory

for public-key encryption, the following requirements must be met: It is possible to find values

of e, d, n such that Med mod n = M for all M < n.; It is relatively easy to calculate Me mod n and

Cd mod n for all values of M < n.; It is infeasible to determine d given e and n. For now, we

focus on the first requirement and consider the other questions later. We need to find a

relationship of the form:

Med mod n = M

The preceding relationship holds if e and d are multiplicative inverses modulo φ (n),

where φ (n) is the Euler toting function. It is shown that for p, q prime, φ (pq) = (p – 1) (q – 1).

The relationship between e and d can be expressed as the following: ed mod φ (n) =1. This is

equivalent to saying: ed = 1 mod φ(n)and d = e-1 mod φ(n). This is, e and d are multiplicative

inverse mod φ (n). Note that, according to the rules of modular arithmetic, this is true only if d

(and therefore e) is relatively prime to φ (n). Equivalently, gcd (φ (n), d) = 1.

Therefore, we are now ready to state the RSA scheme. The ingredients are stated as the


p, q, two prime numbers Private, chosen

n = pq Public, calculated

e, with gcd (φ(n), e) = 1;1 <e< φ(n). Public, chosen

d = e-1 (mod φ(n)) Private, calculated

The private key consists of {d, n} and the public key consists of {e, n}. Suppose that user

A has published its public key and user B wishes to send the message M to A. Then B calculates

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C = Me mod n and transmits C. On receipt of this cipher text, user A decrypts by calculating the

M = Cd mod n.

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The System of RSA:

There are four conceivable ways to deal with assaulting the RSA calculation and they are:

Brute-force, Mathematical attacks, Timing attacks, and chosen cipher text attacks. The brute-

force includes attempting all conceivable private keys. The mathematical attacks are a few

methodologies, all proportional in push to figuring the result of two primes. Next, the timing

attacks rely on upon the running time of the decoding calculation; and, lastly, the chosen cipher

text attacks are kind of attack which manipulate properties of the RSA calculation. The barrier

against the brute-force methodology is the same for RSA with respect to different cryptosystems,

in particular, to utilize a huge key space. In this way, the superior the quantity of bits in d, it is

the improved version; on the other hand, because the algorithm included, both in key generation

and in encryption/decryption, are complex, the bigger the extent of the key, the slower the

system will run.

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Chapter 1/Overview covers Cryptography, OSI Security Architecture, and Network

Security Model section. Pages: 1-5 of Internet Security and Cryptography paper.

Stallings, William. “Chapter1/Overview” Data and Computer Communications. Upper

Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2007. 7-30. Print.

Chapter 2/Classical Encryption Techniques covers Symmetric Cipher model,

Cryptographic three dimensions, Cryptanalysis and Brute-force attack, Caesar cipher,

Vigenere Cipher, Vernam Cipher, One-Time pad, and Transposition Techniques section.

Pages: 6-11 of Internet Security and Cryptography paper.

Stallings, William. “Chapter2/Classical Encryption Techniques.” Data and Computer

Communications. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2007. 31-65. Print.

Chapter 3/Block Ciphers and the Data Encryption Standard covers Stream cipher, Block

cipher, Feistel cipher, Feistel Decryption Algorithm, DES Encryption Standard, DES

Encryption, and DES Decryption section. Pages: 12-16 of Internet Security and

Cryptography paper.

Stallings, William. “Chapter 3/Block Ciphers and the Data Encryption Standard.” Data

and Computer Communications. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2007. 66-

100. Print.

Chapter 4/Basic Concepts in Number Theory and Finite Fields covers Finite Fields,

Groups, Rings and Fields section. Pages: 16-18 of Internet Security and Cryptography


Stallings, William. “Chapter 4/Basic Concepts in Number Theory and Finite Fields.” Data

and Computer Communications. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2007. 101-

146. Print.

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Internet Security and Cryptography Due: Friday, April 6th 2015 by 6:00 p.m. Shraddha Dave

Page 35

Class: Internet Security Professor: Jim/James Kenevan Class Time: TR: 6:30p.m.--9:00p.m.

Chapter 5/Advanced Encryption Standard covers Advanced Encryption Standard (AES),

Finite Field Arithmetic, AES Encryption and Decryption, AES Structure, and AES

Example section. Pages: 19-24 of Internet Security and Cryptography paper.

Stallings, William. “Chapter 5/Advanced Encryption Standard.” Data and Computer

Communications. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2007. 147-191. Print.

Chapter 9/Public-Key Cryptography and RSA covers Public-Key Cryptography and

Rivest-Shamir Adelman (RSA), Conventional and Public-Key Encryption, RSA

Algorithm, and The Security of RSA section. Pages: 19-29 of Internet Security and

Cryptography paper.

Stallings, William. “Chapter 9/Public-Key Cryptography and RSA.” Data and Computer

Communications. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2007. 266-299. Print.
