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CSTRA 22042014 AGN AT - armadale.wa.gov.au · city of armadale agenda of city strategy committee to...

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CITY OF ARMADALE AGENDA OF CITY STRATEGY COMMITTEE TO BE HELD IN THE COMMITTEE ROOM, ADMINISTRATION CENTRE, 7 ORCHARD AVENUE, ARMADALE ON TUESDAY, 22 APRIL 2014 AT 7:00 PM. A meal will be served at 6:15 p.m. PRESENT: APOLOGIES: Cr D M Shaw (Leave of Absence) Cr G Nixon (Leave of Absence) Cr M H Norman (Leave of Absence) OBSERVERS: IN ATTENDANCE: PUBLIC: “For details of Councillor Membership on this Committee, please refer to the City’s website www.armadale.wa.gov.au/your council/councillors.”
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PRESENT: APOLOGIES: Cr D M Shaw (Leave of Absence)

Cr G Nixon (Leave of Absence) Cr M H Norman (Leave of Absence)

OBSERVERS: IN ATTENDANCE: PUBLIC: “For details of Councillor Membership on this Committee, please refer to the City’s website – www.armadale.wa.gov.au/your council/councillors.”

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DISCLAIMER The Disclaimer for protecting Councillors and staff from liability of information and advice given at Committee meetings to be read. DECLARATION OF MEMBERS’ INTERESTS QUESTION TIME DEPUTATION CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES

RECOMMEND Minutes of the City Strategy Committee Meeting held on 17 March 2014 be confirmed.


The following items were referred via Issue No. 6/2014: Progress Report

Progress Report on Contingency, Operational & Strategic Projects Outstanding Matters & Information Items

Report on Outstanding Matters – City Strategy Committee Conference Reports

UDIA National Congress 2014 - 26th – 28th March 2014 – Brisbane (Cr Wielinga) Donations/Grants/Contributions Accounting Reports Common Seal Report If any of the items listed above require clarification or a report for a decision of Council, this item to be raised for discussion at this juncture.

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22 APRIL 2014


1.1 LIST OF ACCOUNTS PAID - MARCH 2014 ................................................................................. 4

1.2 MONTHLY STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITY - MARCH 2014 ................................... 6

1.3 **WESTERN AUSTRALIAN TREASURY CORPORATION MASTER LENDING AGREEMENT .................................................................................................................................. 8




3.1 MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS PLAN ...................................................................... 17

3.2 SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY ............................................................................................................. 20


NIL ............................................................................................................................................................ 23 


NIL ............................................................................................................................................................ 23  SUMMARY OF “A” ATTACHMENTS ...................................................................................................... 24

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CITY STRATEGY 4 22 APRIL 2014 COMMITTEE - Financial Management & Planning



: ALL In Brief:

The Report presents, pursuant to Regulation 13(1), (3) & (4) of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996, the List of Accounts paid for the 01.03.14 to 31.03.14.


: M/287/14


: 9 April 2014


: AB


: Executive Director Corporate Services

Tabled Items

Nil Officer Interest Declaration

Nil Strategic Implications

Corporate Services Make maximum use of available technology to improve administration, governance and service delivery. Legislation Implications

Section 6.10 (d) of the Local Government Act 1995 refers, ie. 6.10. Financial management regulations

Regulations may provide for — (d) the general management of, and the authorization of payments out of —

(i) the municipal fund; and (ii) the trust fund,

of a local government.

Regulation 13(1), (3) & (4) of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 refers, ie.

13. Lists of Accounts (1) If the local government has delegated to the CEO the exercise of its power

to make payments from the municipal fund or the trust fund, a list of accounts paid by the CEO is to be prepared each month showing for each account paid since the last such list was prepared —

(a) the payee’s name; (b) the amount of the payment; (c) the date of the payment; and (d) sufficient information to identify the transaction.

(3) A list prepared under subregulation (1) is to be — (a) presented to the council at the next ordinary meeting of the council

after the list is prepared; and (b) recorded in the minutes of that meeting.

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CITY STRATEGY 5 22 APRIL 2014 COMMITTEE - Financial Management & Planning

(4) After the list referred to in subregulation (1) has been prepared for a

month the total of all other outstanding accounts is to be calculated and a statement of that amount is to be presented to the council at the meeting referred to in subregulation (3)(a).

Council Policy/Local Law Implications

Nil Budget/Financial Implications

All accounts paid have been duly incurred and authorised for payment as per approved purchasing and payment procedures. Consultation


Pursuant to Section 5.42 of the Local Government Act 1995 (Delegation of some powers and duties to CEO), Council has resolved to delegate to the CEO (Primary Delegation No: 150 refers) the exercise of its powers to make payments from the municipal and trust funds. COMMENT

The List of Accounts paid for the period 01.03.14 to 31.03.14 is presented as an attachment to this report.


That Council note the List of Accounts paid as presented in the attachment to this report and summarised as follows: Municipal Fund Accounts paid totalling $26,502,453.76 on Vouchers 22122–22295, Batch 1552-1561, 1563, 102505-102543, 300283-300284, PY01.18-PY01.19 & PY99.05 Trust Fund Accounts paid totalling $867,547.31 on Vouchers 3338-3385, 400217 & Batch 1562.

ATTACHMENTS 1. Monthly Cheque Listing Report - March 2014

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CITY STRATEGY 6 22 APRIL 2014 COMMITTEE - Financial Management & Planning



: ALL In Brief:

This Report presents the City’s Monthly Financial Report for the 9 month period ended 31 March 2014.

The Report recommendation is to receive the Financial Report.


: M/288/14


: 9 April 2014


: AB


: Executive Director Corporate Services

Tabled Items

Nil Officer Interest Declaration

Nil Strategic Implications

Developing our Organisation: Improve the environment for effective governance; Improve the overall financial viability of Council.

Legislation Implications

Local Government Act 1995 – Part 6 – Division 3 – Reporting on Activities and Finance Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations – Part 4 – Financial Reports. Council Policy/Local Law Implications

Nil Budget/Financial Implications

The Statement of Financial Activity, as presented, refers and explains. Consultation


Each month officers are required to prepare monthly financial reports, covering the prescribed information, and present these to Council for receipt. COMMENT

Presented as an attachment is the Monthly Statement of Financial Activity for the period ended 31 March 2014. For the purposes of reporting material variances from the Statement of Financial Activity, indicators, as resolved by Council, have been applied.

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CITY STRATEGY 7 22 APRIL 2014 COMMITTEE - Financial Management & Planning

These indicators are: Revenue

Material variances are identified where, for the period being reported, the actual varies to the budget by an amount of (+) or (-) $50,000 and in these instances an explanatory comment has been provided.


Material variances are identified where, for the period being reported, the actual varies to the budget by an amount of (+) or (-) $100,000 and in these instances an explanatory comment has been provided.

For the purposes of explaining each Material Variance, a three part approach has been taken. The parts are: 1. Period Variation

Relates specifically to the value of the Variance between the Budget and Actual figures for the period of the report.

2. Primary Reason Explains the primary reasons for the period Variance. As the report is aimed at a higher level analysis, minor contributing factors are not reported.

3. Budget Impact Forecasts the likely $ impact on the Annual Budget position. It is important to note that figures in this part are ‘indicative only’ at the time of reporting, for circumstances may subsequently change.


That Council:

pursuant to Regulation 34 of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 (Financial Activity Statement Report) accept the Statement of Financial Activity for the 9 month period ended 31 March 2014.

ATTACHMENTS 1. Monthly Financial Report - March 2014

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CITY STRATEGY 8 22 APRIL 2014 COMMITTEE - Financial Management & Planning



: ALL In Brief:

WATC has developed the Local Government Master Lending Agreement in order to improve lending processes. The LGMLA incorporates all future and existing loans under one agreement removing the need for individual loan agreements to be executed under seal each time a loan is raised through the WATC.

Recommend that the City of Armadale enters into a Local Government Master Lending Agreement with the Western Australian Treasury Corporation.


: M/202/14


: 3 April 2014


: AB


: Executive Director Corporate Services

Tabled Items

1. Nil Officer Interest Declaration

Nil Strategic Implications

4.6 Financial Sustainability & Accountability For Performance 4.6.2 Actively pursue alternative sources of revenue for Council's assets and operations. Legislation Implications

Section 6.20 of the Local Government Act refers, i.e.- Borrowings – Power to Borrow

6.20.1Subject to this Act, a local government may – (a) Borrow or re-borrow money: or (b) Obtain credit: or (c) Arrange for financial accommodation to be extended to the local government

in ways additional to or than borrowing money or 6.21. to enable the local government to perform functions and exercise the powers conferred on it under this Act or any other written law.

Section 6.21 of the Local Government Act refers, i.e.

Restrictions on Borrowing. 6.21.2 Where, under section 6.20(1), a local government borrows money, obtains credit or arranges for financial accommodation to be extended to the local government that money, credit or obtaining credit, financial accommodation is only secured by giving security over the general funds of the local government.

Section 6.24 of the Local Government Act refers: i.e.

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CITY STRATEGY 9 22 APRIL 2014 COMMITTEE - Financial Management & Planning

Application of Money. A receiver holds all the money received by the receiver after payment of costs and expenses and his and her remuneration for the benefit of the security holders according to their respective priorities and the balance for the local government.

Council Policy/Local Law Implications

Council’s Policy and Management Practice ADM 18 – Common Seal is relevant. Budget/Financial Implications

Nil Consultation

1. Western Australian Treasury Corporation (WATC) 2. Officers of the Corporate Directorate


The WATC has in the past provided lending facilities to the City of Armadale by way of individual loan debenture agreements requiring signature under the City’s Common Seal. Prompted by legislative changes (under the Personal Property security Act 2009) applying to the activities of the WATC, and with a view to streamlining future loan borrowing practices with local government, the WATC has developed a Local Government Master Lending Agreement (LGMLA) that will govern all future loans made by the WATC to local government. DETAILS OF PROPOSAL

The LGMLA incorporates all future and existing loans together under one agreement removing the need in the past for individual loan agreements to be executed under the City’s common seal. The LGMLA once executed under seal will stand as an open ended loan agreement. The terms and conditions of the LGMLA, which are essentially the same as those contained in current individual loan debenture agreements, will equally apply to all current loans with WATC and all future loans from WATC. Without a LGMLA in place, the City will not be able to apply for future loans from the WATC which would be to the City’s disadvantage given loans from WATC generally offer more competitive interest rates than that available from the general financial market.. COMMENT

Whilst the LGMLA provides for an ongoing open lending facility, loan applications by the City will still be subject to the WATC’s credit approval policy at the time of the application. In accordance with the LGMLA, the process for future loan borrowings from WATC will be:-

City makes written loan application to the WATC (in accordance with the proposed loan borrowings resolved by Council in the Annual Budget);

WATC provides the City with a written loan quote; and

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CITY STRATEGY 10 22 APRIL 2014 COMMITTEE - Financial Management & Planning

City accepts the loan quote in writing signed by an authorized signatory of the City as denoted in the LGMLA, ie. the Chief Executive Officer.


It is recommended that the City enter into a Local Government Master Lending Agreement with the WATC thereby allowing the City to take advantage of the more competitive (as compared to the general financial market) interest rates and terms offered by the WATC.


That Council authorises the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer to sign and seal the Local Government Master Lending Agreement with the Western Australian Treasury Corporation (WATC) which will govern all current and future loan borrowings between the City and the WATC.

ATTACHMENTS There are no attachments for this report.

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CITY STRATEGY 11 22 APRIL 2014 COMMITTEE - Governance & Administration

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CITY STRATEGY 12 22 APRIL 2014 COMMITTEE - Governance & Administration




This report seeks Council approval to enter into a new lease with Polytechnic West for the ground floor of 145 Jull St Armadale (former council offices).

Recommend that Council agree to enter into a new lease with Polytechnic West for the premises on the ground floor of 145 Jull St Armadale for a three (3) year term commencing 1 July 2014 and expiring 30 June 2017.


: M/172/14


: 20 March 2014


: NP


: Executive Director Corporate Services

Tabled Items

Nil Officer Interest Declaration

Nil Strategic Implications Outcome and Strategy 2.6 – Council buildings and facilities that meet community needs

2.6.1 Provide and maintain Council buildings, facilities and public amenities

Outcome and Strategy 3.3 – A skilled, mobile and diverse workforce 3.3.1 Facilitate provision of a full range of education and training opportunities

Outcome and Strategy 3.5 – A well developed relationship with industry, commerce and government

3.5.2 Develop and maintain intergovernmental economic development relationships

Legislation Implications Local Government Act 1995 Section 3.58 – Disposing of Property. Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996 Reg 30 – Dispositions of property to which s3.58 does not apply. Council Policy/Local Law Implications Council Policy ADM 2 – Property Lease Rentals. Budget/Financial Implications

The City would continue to receive income of approximately $90,000 per annum exc of GST for the 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17 financial years. Consultation

1. Chief Executive Officer 2. Executive Director Corporate Services 3. Director City Projects 4. Manager Economic Development

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CITY STRATEGY 13 22 APRIL 2014 COMMITTEE - Governance & Administration

5. Polytechnic West BACKGROUND

At its meeting of 20 August 2007 Council resolved (CS71/8/07): “That Council 1. Offers a new lease to the Minister For Training for the premises on the ground floor of

145 Jull St, Armadale, being a portion of Canning Location 31 and being the whole of the land comprised in Certificate of Title Volume 1218 Folio 692, subject to the following essential terms and conditions: The lease commencing 1 January 2008 An initial term of twelve (12) months with an option for a further term of twelve (12)

months A rent commensurate with current market value Exclusive use of six (6) car parking bays at the front of the premises The lessee being responsible for:

Building and Public Liability insurance All normal outgoings Security Internal maintenance of the building including the air conditioning

The City being responsible for: Maintaining the structure of the building (including the cleanliness of

the exterior) and air conditioning other than to the extent that the Lessee is responsible

Maintaining the grounds 2. In the event that the Minister For Training does not accept the offer, officers commence

negotiations to source an alternative tenant/lessee under the same conditions as in (1) above.”

Although Polytechnic West’s lease expired 31 December 2009 they continued to occupy the premises on a month by month tenancy in accordance with the terms and conditions of the lease for the period January 2010 to December 2010. At its meeting of 26 July 2010 Council resolved (CS69/7/10): “That Council agrees to enter into a new lease with the Minister for Training and Workforce Development for the premises on the ground floor of 145 Jull St, Armadale, being a portion of Canning Location 31 and being the whole of the land comprised in Certificate of Title Volume 1218 Folio 692, subject to the following essential terms and conditions: Lessee: Minister for Training and Workforce Development Leased premises: That portion of 145 Jull St, Armadale of approximately 468.2

m2 as indicated on the plan attached to this report Term: One (1) year with two (2) one (1) year renewal options Commencement Date: 1 January 2011 Rent: Current market valuation and increased by the Consumer Price

Index (All Groups) Perth for any renewal periods Lessee’s Responsibilities: Lessee to be responsible for:

• building insurance and public liability insurance • All normal outgoings • Security

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CITY STRATEGY 14 22 APRIL 2014 COMMITTEE - Governance & Administration

• Internal maintenance of the building including the air conditioning

City’s Responsibilities: The City to be responsible for: • Maintaining the structure of the building (including the

cleanliness of the exterior) and air conditioning other than to the extent that the Lessee is responsible

• Maintaining the grounds” At its meeting of 24 January 2011 Council resolved (CS3/1/11): “That Council agrees to amend the term of the lease with the Minister for Training and Workforce Development for the premises at 145 Jull St Armadale to three (3) years.” At its meeting on 24 June 2013 Council resolved (CS57/6/13): “That Council, in accordance with clause 4.4 of the lease, grants approval for Polytechnic West to continue to occupy the premises at 145 Jull St, Armadale on a month by month basis until 30 June 2014 under the same terms and conditions of the existing lease subject to the rent payable being increased by CPI.” DETAILS OF PROPOSAL

Polytechnic West is seeking to enter into a new lease for the ground floor of 145 Jull St, Armadale (former Council offices). It is proposed that the basic terms and conditions are set as follows, which are consistent with their existing lease: Lessee: VET (WA) Ministerial Corporation (Polytechnic West) Leased premises: That portion of 145 Jull St, Armadale of approximately 468.2

m2 as indicated on the plan attached to this report Term: Three (3) years Commencement Date: 1 July 2014 Rent: Current market valuation and increased by the Consumer Price

Index (All Groups) Perth annually Lessee’s Responsibilities: Lessee to be responsible for:

• building insurance and public liability insurance • All normal outgoings • Security • Internal maintenance of the building including the air

conditioning City’s Responsibilities: The City to be responsible for:

• Maintaining the structure of the building (including the cleanliness of the exterior) and air conditioning other than to the extent that the Lessee is responsible

• Maintaining the grounds” COMMENT


Council currently leases the ground floor of 145 Jull St Armadale to Polytechnic West, who have been delivering, training through a Commonwealth funded Adult Migrant Education Program (AMEP) Contract for well over the past decade. This lease is due to expire 30 June 2014.

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In June 2013 it was reported to Council that Polytechnic West were seeking a six (6) month extension to 30 June 2014 to their lease to enable them to acquit their grant for the program. It was advised that once this had been done that they would no longer require the premises as funding would no longer be available. However they have now confirmed they have secured funding to continue to deliver the AMEP contract for further three years and are therefore seeking a new lease of the Jull Street premises. A valuation was obtained in November 2013 for the premises to provide some guidance as to market value for rental purposes. This provided a figure of between $175 and $200 per square metre based on leasing the building as a whole. In March 2014 advice was sought from the valuer to ascertain whether there had been any changes in the market to assist in determining an appropriate rent, with confirmation received that the market rent has experienced minimal to no growth. The valuer also advised that in regards to the area occupied by Polytechnic it would be fair to assume that the current rental achieved would be in the area of $190 to $200 per square metre. Polytechnic occupy an area of 468.2 m2 for which they are currently paying $91,108 per annum exclusive of GST (incorporates a CPI increase from 1 January 2014). This equates to $194.60 per square metre, which is in the range identified by the valuer. On this basis it would be considered appropriate that the commencing rent for the new lease would remain at this figure. However further increases should be applied in line with CPI for the second and third years of the lease. In regards to the process required under the Local Government Act to lease to Polytechnic West, Regulation 30(2)(b) states: A disposition of land is an exempt disposition if – …the land is disposed of to -

(i) A department, agency, or instrumentality of the Crown in right of the State or the Commonwealth.

As Polytechnic West falls within this definition, the lease is exempt from the provisions of s3.58 of the Local Government Act 1995 and negotiations can be held direct with them. OPTIONS

There are two options available, either agree to enter into a new lease or not agree. Option 1 – Enter into a lease with Polytechnic West This is the preferred and recommended option for the following reasons:

The valuable service the Department provides the community; The current tenant has occupied the premises for the past sixteen (16) years without any

problems; Continued revenue of approximately $91,000 per annum over the next three (3) years; It is consistent with the strategies and outcomes contained within the City’s current

Strategic Plan; Option 2 – Not enter into a lease with Polytechnic West The disadvantages of this option are that:

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CITY STRATEGY 16 22 APRIL 2014 COMMITTEE - Governance & Administration

It is not in keeping with the City’s outcomes and strategies as outlined in the Strategic Plan;

It is not known how long it will take to source an alternative tenant and thus the City could be foregoing a guaranteed tenant for a possible period of three (3) years at a cost of approximately $91,000 exc GST per annum.


In consideration that no commitment has been made by any other interested parties to lease the entire building and knowing Council can guarantee a paying tenant for a portion of the facility, it is recommended that Council agrees to enter into a new lease with Polytechnic West for the premises at 145 Jull St, Armadale commencing 1 July 2014 based on the following considerations: The important service the Department provides to the community; The current tenant has occupied the premises for the past sixteen (16) years without any

problems; Continued revenue of approximately $91,000 per annum over the next three (3) years. It is consistent with the strategies and outcomes contained within the City’s current

Strategic Plan.


That Council agrees to enter into a new lease with VET (WA) Ministerial Corporation (Polytechnic West) for the premises on the ground floor of 145 Jull St, Armadale, being a portion of Canning Location 31 and being the whole of the land comprised in Certificate of Title Volume 1218 Folio 692, subject to the following essential terms and conditions:

Leased premises: The ground floor of 145 Jull St, Armadale consisting of approximately 468.2 m2

Term: Three (3) years with no option for renewal Commencement Date: 1 July 2014 Rent: Commencing rent to be $91,108 per annum exc GST and

increased by the Consumer Price Index (All Groups) Perth for the second and third years of the lease

Lessee’s Responsibilities: Lessee to be responsible for: • building insurance and public liability insurance • All normal outgoings • Security • Internal maintenance of the building including the air

conditioning City’s Responsibilities: The City to be responsible for:

• Maintaining the structure of the building (including the cleanliness of the exterior) and air conditioning other than to the extent that the Lessee is responsible

• Maintaining the grounds

ATTACHMENTS There are no attachments for this report.

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CITY STRATEGY 17 22 APRIL 2014 COMMITTEE - Miscellaneous



: ALL In Brief:

To ensure the City is maintaining a high level of marketing and communications, and achieving quality and value for its efforts, a review of current activities was undertaken and a new Marketing and Communications Plan has been developed to guide future actions.

Consultants, Marketforce, were engaged to conduct consultation with staff, carry out a Communications Audit and draft a Plan.

Recommend that Council: 1. Adopt the 5 Strategies outlined in the

City’s Marketing and Communications Plan; and

2. Note the Actions proposed to implement these Strategies and their status and priority under the City’s current Financial Plan and various adopted Strategies.


: M/145/14


: 10 March 2014


: SD


: Chief Executive Officer

Tabled Items

Nil Officer Interest Declaration

Nil Strategic Implications

The Marketing and Communications Plan provides a framework to guide the City’s Communications and Marketing activities across all of the City’s Directorates for the next four years. It includes details of how Marketing and Communications activities will contribute to achieving many Strategic Community Plan Strategies (detailed on pages 34-35 of the Plan). Legislation Implications

Nil Council Policy/Local Law Implications

Nil Budget/Financial Implications

Most tasks will be funded from existing budgets and planned costings. Items that fall outside of planned budgets are identified in the Tasks List and will be submitted as part of budget processes.

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CITY STRATEGY 18 22 APRIL 2014 COMMITTEE - Miscellaneous


1. Consultation with staff from across the organisation who are involved in communications was carried out by the consultants. An audit of a wide array of the publications and communications produced by the City was also conducted.


The City’s current Marketing and Communications Strategy was prepared in 2005, with an expected life span of five years. In 2012 the Strategy was updated, acknowledging that local government reform was ‘on the horizon’, and any significant review could quickly become redundant. While LG Reform is now imminent, the rapidly changing environment of modern communications and media make it imperative that the City plan all marketing and communications actions strategically, to ensure success and value. DETAILS OF PROPOSAL

The proposed Marketing and Communications Plan document develops five marketing strategies and recommends actions to achieve desired outcomes across all of the City’s Directorates. Those Strategies and Actions are then used by the organization to develop a Tasks List and timeframe for the coming two years. COMMENT


The consultants conducted a detailed Communications Audit of City publications and communications and held interviews and workshops with City staff. They also considered the previous Marketing Strategies and the current relevant City Strategies and Plans, including the Strategic Community Plan, Economic Development Strategy, and the Tourism Destination Marketing Strategy. Their findings and proposal were then workshopped with Elected Members of the Council. The City’s Consultants were selected for their awareness of the opportunities for promotion and communication currently available, and those effectively utilised by local governments in WA. Based on this research the consultants developed a framework for the City’s Marketing and Communications Plan which was presented to MANEX. Support was received for the proposed format and the consultants proceeded accordingly. The five Marketing Strategies proposed in the Plan draw together the goals of 20 Strategies developed by the Council in its Strategic Community Plan. Each of those five Marketing Strategies is then expressed in terms of prioritised Marketing Actions, to guide delivery. A Tasks List was then prepared, based on the Marketing Strategies and Actions of the Marketing and Communications Plan, to map the marketing and communications activities of the City for the next two years. This Task List will vary but is attached as a guide to how the Plan is being implemented. In a final step, the Plan was presented and compared to the City’s Strategic Community Plan and Corporate Business Plan at a Workshop with Elected Members.

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CITY STRATEGY 19 22 APRIL 2014 COMMITTEE - Miscellaneous

The Plan provides an agenda for Communications and Marketing actions across the City and focuses on promoting the community of Armadale and the activities of the City effectively and consistently. OPTIONS

Option 1 Approve the Five Marketing Strategies outlined in the Marketing and Communications Plan. Note the actions proposed to implement these Strategies – Recommended.

Option 2 Not approve the Five Marketing Strategies proposed – Not recommended. CONCLUSION

The Plan provides an adaptable framework for ensuring communications created by the City maximise the potential to reach audiences and successfully impart the desired messages. Proposed changes seek to provide a broader reach of audiences and to ensure publications and communications cross-promote the City’s message while providing best value per dollar.


That Council:

1. Adopt the Five Strategies outlined in the City’s Marketing and Communications Plan; and

2. Note the Actions proposed to implement these Strategies and their status and priority under the City’s current Financial Plan and various adopted Strategies.

ATTACHMENTS 1. Marketing and Communications Plan 2. Marketing & Communications Plan - Tasks List

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CITY STRATEGY 20 22 APRIL 2014 COMMITTEE - Miscellaneous



: ALL In Brief:

This report proposes a new Policy in regards to City Social Media use.

Recommend that Council approve Policy ADM22 - Social Media Policy and note the associated Management Practice.


: M/148/14


: 11 March 2014


: KL


: Chief Executive Officer

Tabled Items

Nil Officer Interest Declaration

Nil Strategic Implications

The Social Media Policy sets the backdrop for the City’s approach to Social Media and will assist in achieving a range of Strategic Community Plan Strategies (outlined in main report). Legislation Implications

Nil Council Policy/Local Law Implications

This new Policy will be incorporated in the City’s Policy Manual. Budget/Financial Implications

The proposed requirements of the Social Media Proposal are provided for in the existing Marketing and Communications budget. Consultation

1. Elected Members, Executive Management team (MANEX) and staff.


With the rapid rate of change in the electronic media environment, both Councillors and staff have expressed the need for the City to adopt a strategic approach to Social Media. Consultants were employed to engage with staff and Councillors and provide recommendations for best practice use of Social Media by the City. It now remains for Council to adopt an appropriate Social Media Policy to underpin ongoing Management Practices.

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CITY STRATEGY 21 22 APRIL 2014 COMMITTEE - Miscellaneous




The City has been involved in the Social Media space in an informal manner for several years. It is recognized there are inherent pitfalls and corporate risks in this environment and local governments have been advised to tread warily in this field. However social media has rapidly become a valid means of immediate communication and response. It is felt that it is time for the City to be involved in the social media space in a higher profile way. Many WA local governments have already engaged in this area, with mixed results. Consultants OMD, a subsidiary of Marketforce, were engaged to consult with staff and Councillors on their expectations of City use of Social Media and identify champions and opportunities for potential campaigns and topics. The many varied Social Media approaches employed by other local governments were also investigated to prepare a proposal on how the City of Armadale might become involved. Following MANEX’ consideration of the resulting proposal a draft Policy, Management Practice and Guidelines have been developed for the City’s approach to Social Media. The Executive Summary of the Proposal explains as follows:

“Social media has reached a prevalence where it can be seen as a necessary extension of current offline communications activity and customer service. Social media provides an opportunity for the City to communicate with residents and stakeholders in a forum where they already spend a lot of time. These stakeholders are also often the residents who can no longer be reached through more traditional forms of communication. Social media is about short, sharp messages and timely responses. Social media does not replace existing communication channels, such as the City’s website or newsletter, but rather can be an effective channel to draw users to the City’s website and to supplement existing communication channels. It is recommended that the City of Armadale get holistically, cohesively and strategically active in social media, through the initial platforms of Facebook and Twitter. To be successful, and to ensure the City maintains its reputation as an open and accountable local government, it is vital that social media be used to facilitate and encourage interaction and engagement as well as promoting corporate messages in an appropriately informal manner. The City’s social media use will promote the City as a place to live, do business, visit and invest. The City presence will also give the City the ability to participate in the online conversations already taking place about subjects of interest to the City, Council and the community.”


Option 1 – Not approve the Policy.

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CITY STRATEGY 22 22 APRIL 2014 COMMITTEE - Miscellaneous

Due to previous requests in regard to Social Media – this is not recommended. Option 2 – Adopt draft Policy ADM22.

Note content of Social Media Proposal - this is the preferred option.


Draft Policy ADM22 – Social Media Policy defines the City’s approach to Social Media use and supports the implementation of associated Management Practices, Councillor and Staff Usage Guidelines.


That Council:

1. That Council adopt draft Policy ADM22 – Social Media Policy to define the City’s proposed future strategic approach to Social Media use as follows:

“The City of Armadale will develop, monitor and maintain a corporate, strategic social media presence to enhance and promote City activities, services and facilities and to facilitate City participation in online conversations with the community, stakeholders and potential residents, business owners and visitors”.

2. Note the attached Social Media Proposal, incorporating the Policy, Management Practice, Councillor Guidelines and Staff Usage Guidelines.

ATTACHMENTS 1. Social Media Proposal 2. Management Practice - Social Media 3. Councillor Guideline - Use of Social Media 4. Staff Usage Guidelines - Social Media

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1.1.1 Monthly Cheque Listing Report - March 2014 25


1.2.1 Monthly Financial Report - March 2014 52


3.1.1 Marketing and Communications Plan 73

3.1.2 Marketing & Communications Plan - Tasks List 121


3.2.1 Social Media Proposal 124

3.2.2 Management Practice - Social Media 133

3.2.3 Councillor Guideline - Use of Social Media 138

3.2.4 Staff Usage Guidelines - Social Media 140

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Social Media Proposal  In Brief: It  is  proposed  that  the  City  of  Armadale  develop  centralised  social  media  profiles,  initially  on Facebook and Twitter, which: promote the attributes, services, facilities, events and programs of the City;  provide  information  to  the  community  on  consultation  and  updates  on  other  useful  topics; provide a forum for discussion with the City and the answering of questions by the City.  These profiles would be managed by  the Marketing and Communications team through the newly hired Marketing and Communications Officer, with  cooperation of Champions  from each business unit who will  participate  in  developing  content  for  posts  and  seek  information  for  responses  to queries.   Executive Summary: Social media has  reached a prevalence where  it  can be  seen as a necessary extension of  current offline communications activity and customer service. Social media provides an opportunity for the City to communicate with residents and stakeholders  in a forum where they already spend a  lot of time. These stakeholders are also often the residents who can no  longer be reached through more traditional forms of communication.  Social media  is about  short,  sharp messages and  timely  responses. Social media does not  replace existing  communication  channels,  such  as  the City’s website or newsletter,  but  rather  can be  an effective  channel  to draw users  to  the City’s website  and  to  supplement  existing  communication channels.  It  is  recommended  that  the City of Armadale get holistically, cohesively and  strategically active  in social media, through the initial platforms of Facebook and Twitter.   To be successful, and to ensure the City maintains  its reputation as an open and accountable  local government,  it  is  vital  that  social  media  be  used  to  facilitate  and  encourage  interaction  and engagement as well as promoting corporate messages in an appropriately informal manner.   The City’s social media use will promote the City as a place to live, do business, visit and invest. The City  presence will  also  give  the  City  the  ability  to  participate  in  the  online  conversations  already taking place about subjects of interest to the City, Council and the community.  

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1.  The recommendation is that the City has one presence or profile per social media platform. This will allow the city to maximise  its ability to build the  largest online community and to maintain that community effectively, efficiently, with consistency and to a high quality. 

 2.  It  is  recommended  that Marketing and Communications  lead  the social media project and 

hold responsibility for posting to centralised pages  initially (with potential for development of additional profiles at a later stage, based on monitoring and interaction).  

a.  The  process  can  only  work  with  'Champions'  from  each  business  unit  taking responsibility  for  seeking  and  providing  accurate,  approved  and  fast  responses  to enquiries or comments. Marketing will monitor and advise champions of enquiries which require responses. 

b.  While Marketing and Communications will take the lead on the project and be at the front  line of direct  interaction with  the platforms,  it will be  crucial  for  the  entire organisation to be invested and involved in the project. 

c.  IT assistance will be required for setting up profiles and finessing use of monitoring tools. All areas will need to be prepared to provide prompt responses,  in order for the organisation to see the positive outcomes that social media has the potential to provide. 

 3.  Monitoring  could  be  undertaken  by marketing  during  business  hours,  with  a  disclaimer 

posted on profiles stating that only monitored between 8am and 6pm. This has worked for other  LGs  in WA,  and  is  currently  the  only  possible  outcome,  given  that  it  has  not  been confirmed whether the new Marketing Officer will be able to be paid overtime. If an on‐call allowance or  similar  can be paid,  then monitoring  could  take  place  for more hours, with simple matters responded to quickly, and more detailed matters being responded to with a holding  statement  (e.g.  “Thank  you  for  your  comment/question, we  are  looking  into  the details  and  will  get  in  contact  with  you  ASAP.")  or  further  responses,  sourced  through contact with relevant staff advising of correct  info. Obviously this would also have flow on effects on other  staff  if  they were  required  to be available  to provide  information  to  the Marketing Officer.  

 4.  Record keeping will be managed through various methods,  including using online  tools  for 

downloading posts for registering in TRIM. An online tool such as SocialSafe is recommended for downloading, and formatting to PDF of posts, messages,  images etc. on a profile, ready for records processing.   

5.  Exit Strategies to be developed for the gradual migration of existing communities on other City social media platforms, leading to eventual shutdown. 


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City Strategy 126 ATTACHMENT 3.2.1COMMITTEE - 22 April 2014

Facebook Approach: 

 Purpose:  Develop a new forum to focus on development of an online community, by highlighting what COA provides  consumers  –  e.g.  news,  events,  activities,  facilities,  a  forum  for  feedback,  broadcast information and market research.   The tangible goals: 

Increase ‘likes’ through engaging content and Facebook advertising – set X number of ‘likes’ to be achieved by the 6 month mark.  

Increase interactions ‐ aim to set X number of responses, likes and shares for each post  

Increase traffic to the website – set X amount each month  

Increase attendance at events and programs (with capacity for growth) run by departments and facilities such as the library, the Arena, Ignite basketball, etc.  

Draw data on ratepayers and residents that can be utilised moving forwards.   Details: 

Development of a central City of Armadale Facebook profile would be the first social media project. This will present  an official, branded page  for  consumers  to engage with beyond traditional means, and allow for the gradual migration and eventual shutdown of the current active pages. 

A  single  central  page will  showcase  the wide  variety  of  services  the  City  offers  and will ensure  that  the  online  community  of  interest  is  built  and  maintained  rather  than fragmented.  This  provides  opportunities  for  cross  promotion  and  maximum  contact potential. 

Content  posted  should  be  interesting  and  provide  users  with  opportunities  to  engage further.  

Posts would cover topics including: News, events, services, engagement, facilities. 

Information  would  be  drawn  from  the website,  newsletters, media  and media  releases, council items and other existing collateral, plus specifically generated social content. 

To  facilitate  an  interesting  and  engaging  profile  for  followers  the  Marketing  and Communications Officer and the social media Champions would develop a posting schedule to  plan  balanced  content.  Champions would  then  be  aware  of  the  content  they  need  to provide to the Marketing and Communications Officer and the timeframes.  

Questions  and  enquiries  cannot  be  planned  so  will  require  a  responsive  and  flexible approach as topics arise. 

Facebook advertising  should be utilised  to promote  the profile  to  relevant and  interested users. This advertising can be highly targeted to appropriate audiences. 


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Twitter Approach: 

 Purpose: Overhaul the existing City of Armadale Twitter profile to create a new forum to focus on customer service and support, technical support and  information services and to allow for wide broadcast of information, as well as extending the reach of other COA branded social media sites.  The tangible goals:

Set X number of followers to achieve by 6 months.  

Measuring  customer  satisfaction  and  resolution  success.  Set  KPI’s  for  those  involved  to resolve  issues  in  X  set  amount  of  time,  and/or  resolve  X  amount  of  issues  a day/week/month. 

Ensure every  tweet  is  responded  to  in a  timely manner  ‐  set X amount of  time  to  issue a reply. 

Set X  amount of  times  a day/week/month other online COA  site  links  and  information  is tweeted to followers.  


Twitter  allows users  to  receive brief  (140  characters or  less), precise  responses making  it ideal  for Customer  Service and  support  type matters.  It  can be  very effective at  reducing phone enquiries, and  is essentially the newest avenue for residents and ratepayers to seek information or assistance from the City. 

Similar  to  the Facebook method of management,  the Champions  from each business unit would  play  an  essential  role  in  providing  responses  from  their  area  of  expertise.  It  is proposed  that over  time  the various Champions could be mobilised  to  respond directly  to queries,  but  as  a  starting  point  the  centralised  model  would  see  Marketing  and Communications being solely responsible for posting responses. 

Twitter  is valuable as a  signpost  to point users  to other  locations,  I.e. website, Facebook, other  social media  sites  as  developed.  Providing  the  City  an  opportunity  to  reach more people with information that is disseminated. 

Twitter  is also  ideal as a short broadcast medium, which can be helpful  for  the city  to get information out quickly and invaluable for followers who receive the information. E.g. Notice of  road  closures,  traffic accidents,  facility  closures,  in emergency  situations,  total  fire ban periods. 


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City Strategy 128 ATTACHMENT 3.2.1COMMITTEE - 22 April 2014

Other Social Media Platforms: 

There are many other social media platforms,  (e.g. YouTube,  Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, blogs) with new ones being developed and becoming popular all of  the  time. The nature of social media dictates  that  the  City  should monitor  the  online  situation  and  be  ready  to  be  adaptable  to  new platforms. Facebook and Twitter, as two of the most prevalent platforms with proven longevity, are a  good  place  to  start.  Other  platforms  can  be  used  to  add  value  to  existing  platforms,  and  as interaction  and  success  of  the  City's  social media  platforms  grows,  adding  extra  platforms  can enhance the quality and interactivity of posted content.  

  Other Considerations:  Policy: A policy regarding social media use should be approved and usage guidelines should be provided for staff and councillors. 

Proposed policy text: The City of Armadale will develop, monitor and maintain a corporate, strategic social media presence to enhance and promote City activities, services and facilities and to facilitate City participation  in  online  conversations  with  the  community,  stakeholders  and  potential residents, business owners and visitors.  

 Management Practice: A Management practice (which takes  into account the Code of Conduct, the Record Keeping Policy and Management Practice, the  IT Policy and Guidelines, and established media response approvals process) will need to be developed to guide staff on expectations and requirements.  Usage Guidelines: Guidelines for the use of Social Media by both staff and Councillors should be developed once the approach to Social Media has been supported by MANEX. These will be based on the best practice principles, provided by the Consultants, and the experiences of other Australian Local Governments.  Budget/Financial Implications: The  staff allocation and additional budget  requirements were approved  in  the 2013‐2014 budget. Any  additional  future  budget  requirements  will  be  dependent  on  what  new  and  additional approaches  the City decides  to employ as Social Media activities develop, and will be applied  for through the normal budget process.    

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Attachments – Supplementary Information  

 Strategic Implications: 

The Social Media Actions will assist the City to achieve all five Marketing Strategies from the draft 

Marketing and Communications Strategy: 

1. Market & communicate initiatives that improve community wellbeing.  2. Promote the role the city’s natural environment plays in quality of life.  3. Market and promote Armadale and its potential to the business and investment communities.  4. Build the city’s destination marketing capability to drive consideration as a tourism destination.  5. Improve integration & coordination of communications.  These  Marketing  Strategies  have  been  developed  to  achieve  the  outcomes  of  20  Strategic 

Community Plan Strategies: 

1.2.2 Advocate and promote programs and services that enhance the wellbeing of seniors.  1.2.3 Increase engagement and participation of youth in the community.  1.3.2 Promote and support community arts and events.  1.3.4  Promote  and  support  initiatives  that  enables  the  community  to  enjoy  a  variety  of  cultural experiences.  1.5.1 Provide and promote Council sport, recreation and leisure facilities.  1.5.2 Provide and promote a range of leisure, sport and recreational programs.  1.5.3 Promote walking and cycling trails for recreation and commuter use.  1.6.3  Promote  and  support  planning  and  activities  that  encourage  a  safe  and  responsible community.  2.11.3 Promote and assess initiatives for water conservation and re‐use.  3.1.1 Market and promote Armadale and its potential to the business and investment communities.  3.1.2 Facilitate targeted economic development opportunities.  3.4.1 Promote and support the Champion Lakes Complex and events.  3.4.2  Promote  Armadale,  nationally  and  internationally,  in  partnership  with  State  and  Regional tourism initiatives.  3.4.3 Market and promote  the  locality of  the City of Armadale  to  residents,  stakeholders and  the wider West Australian community.  3.5.2 Develop and maintain intergovernmental economic development relationships.  4.3.1 Ensure there is effective two way communications with the local community.  4.3.2 Promote and celebrate the organisation, its services and achievements.  4.4.2 Create a culture of teamwork, creativity and self‐empowerment.  4.7.1 Provide and promote responsive customer services.  4.7.2 Implement a programme of continuous improvement in service delivery.   Business Goals: These broader goals (which stem from the consultation with those staff active  in marketing and/or communications  actions  undertaken  by  the Marketing  and Communications  Strategy  consultants, and attended by the Social Media Consultants) will sit within the marketing department and are the backbone of why the City of Armadale would be opening communications within the social sphere:  

Reach different sectors of target markets that are not being reached by current traditional media. 

Reach those who have become disengaged with CoA (e.g. Youth and young adults). 

Participate in open, transparent and two‐way communication with stakeholders and specific targets. 

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Educate  consumers  on  the  news,  opportunities,  activities,  etc.  that  COA  offers  to  its ratepayers, as well as promoting events, services and programs  ‐ to  increase awareness of CoA and how it supports the City as a whole. 

Create an online CoA community to promote participation in City decision making (through consultation processes) and facilitate a controlled environment to stimulate discussion. 

Become a valuable resource for CoA consumers by developing an avenue for the speedy (or immediate) dissemination of  information  to  the  community, especially valuable  for use  in emergency or disaster situations. 

Provide another avenue for customer services, which additionally provides the potential to multiply in value through reaching many more consumers than just the original poster. 

Extract market research data direct from residents, ratepayers and other target audiences. 

Increase traffic to the website, mobile app and other COA branded offline channels.  Business Unit specific objectives: Additional  suggestions  relate  to  specific  social media  objectives  the  consultants  explored  when talking  directly  to  different  departments  through  this  process.  They  suggest  these  be  further formulised  in  conjunction  with  offline  KPIs  and  needs  of  the  department,  but  have  included discussed points below:  

Arena/Recreation & Leisure Services  o Promotion of events and activities  

o Increase in attendance  

o Increase in members  

o Increase in new sports teams applications   

Governance and Administration  

o Assist customer service  

o Reduction in phone and in‐person queries   

Community Development  o Increase in attendance at events  

o Engagement and post‐events activity (sharing, feedback etc)  

o Generation  of  a  database  of  consumers  from  different  demographics  to  later  use  to target specifically for feedback  


Youth  o Focus on Youth as a whole,  looking for an  increase of fans and  interactions  in order to 

improve awareness within this age group  

o Attendance at events, programmes and meetings  

o Likes, responses and engagement   

Planning/Development Services  o Communicate with the public more effectively regarding developments  

o Utilise as an alternative communication method beyond the website  

o Educate the community on rules and regulations   

Information Technology  o Announce new services e.g. online payment of rates  

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Library & Heritage Services  o Engagement  

o Promote particular services in the library, like events  

o Retain independence and “social” aspect of the library   


o Communicate more effectively with the public regarding maintenance etc.  

o Decrease amount of routine enquiries   

Technical and Waste Services  o Communicate relevant information  

o Improve perception of waste collection  

o Educate re waste management   

Tourism, Arts and Events  o Increase likes  

o Increase and drive potential visitors of the region  

o Increase visitors to visitarmadale.com.au   Target Audience:  By understanding the target audiences we can establish what they talk about, where they talk about it and what collateral and content exists already or what the City could create for them to activate and ensure engagement.  A  broad  audience  has  been  defined  as  relevant  to  the  City,  due  to  the  responsibility  of  local government  to  provide  public  service  for  those  in  the  community.  In  terms  of  social media,  the following key segments have been defined directly by the city as below:  

Residents who already discuss the City on Social Media.  

Residents who are interested in asking the City questions or hearing about what’s happening in their City.  

The large proportion of the community (figures get worse the younger the resident) who the City struggles to reach with the traditional communications tools currently being used. E.g. City newsletter, local newspapers . 

 We have also outlined further segments below that activity should also be relevant to:  

Business owners  

Builders and developers  

Suppliers or contractors  

Library and recreational facilities users  

Community and sports groups  

Employment seekers  

Media and researchers   

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Draft Champions List: 

The Draft Champions List is made up of people who either: 

Responded to the Social Media survey the consultants distributed to staff, demonstrating an interest in social media. 

Have asked the Marketing and Communications team about social media. 

Display  enthusiasm  for  communicating  to  stakeholders  in  meaningful  ways,  or  are responsive to requests for information for traditional communications activities. 


Directorate  Business Unit  Proposed Champion 

Community Development  Leisure Facilities   

  Community Development    


  Library & Heritage Services   


  Champion Centre   




Corporate Services  Customer Service   








Development Services  Planning   


  Statutory Planning   




  Switch your Thinking!   


Technical Services  Waste Services   





  Civil Works   


Chief Executive’s Office  Human Resources   

  Economic Development   

  Marketing & Communications   

  Marketing & Communications   

  Marketing & Communications   

  City Projects   

  Mayor’s Office   


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Management Practice ‐ Social Media  

 Objective This Management Practice has been developed: 

To provide guidance to City employees on the use of social media for City business and sets out the  City’s  expectations  for  employees  as  representatives  of  the  City  either  at  work  or  in  a personal capacity. 

To ensure the City’s social media channels are used  in an appropriate manner, consistent with business needs and best practice. 

To  ensure  the  City  maximises  the  use  of  social  media  tools  to  inform  and  engage  with stakeholders and the community. 

To protect the City’s reputation.  Scope This Management Practice applies to all employees using social media sites.  Definitions Social media tools are online platforms or sites which facilitate the building of social networks for the purpose of  communicating  and  sharing news,  comments  and opinions.  The  business objective of social media tools is to converse and engage with stakeholders, customers and the community. The social media tools currently used by the City are:  

Facebook  –  a  social  networking  website  which  allows  online  users  to  connect  and  share information with online users.    


Twitter – a micro‐blogging site where users can provide and publish brief updates or tweets on a subject.  


YouTube – a video sharing website on which users can upload, share, and view videos.  

Management of Social Media Tools and Content  Marketing and Communications team Social media content  is managed and monitored by the Marketing and Communications team with the assistance of Social Media Champions from each Business Unit of the City.   Only  the  City’s Marketing  and  Communications  team may  post  on  City  profiles  unless  another employee is authorised by the Chief Executive Officer.  It is the responsibility of the Manager Marketing and Communications through consultation with the Chief  Executive  Officer  and  relevant  Executive  Directors  to  determine  whether  any  additional officers have  the ability  to post  information and  respond  to  comments made by members of  the community.   Information Communications Technology It  is  the  responsibility of  Information Technology  to ensure  that staff have an appropriate  level of access to the internet.  Information  Technology  will  be  responsible  for  management  of  software  and  systems  for  the purposes of monitoring Social Media and meeting Record Keeping requirements.  

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Business Use of Social Media 

 When preparing information to post on the City’s social media sites, employees are to:  

Ensure  appropriate  approvals  are  obtained  before  providing  any  information  for  posting,  or making posts, on social media sites. 

Ensure that any  information posted online serves to enhance the services of the City,  is  in  line with the City’s mission and values, and will not bring the City into disrepute. 

Comply with City policies and management practices, in particular: 

the City’s Code of Conduct. 

the City’s IT Policy and Guidelines. 

the Record Keeping Policy and Plan. 

Comply with all laws relating to copyright, recordkeeping, privacy and defamation, including the need  for  accurate  information,  maintaining  reliable  records  of  official  use,  and  ensuring comments are free from discrimination, harassment and offensive material. 

Cite all sources quoted within information posted. 

Ensure  that appropriate approvals are obtained before publishing, or providing  information  to be posted. 

Ensure all communication is objective and courteous. 

Ensure  that  the privacy and confidentiality of  information acquired at work  is protected at all times. 

Avoid making statements or engaging in activities of a party political nature. 

Seek advice if unsure what is required.   

Ensure that all content published is accurate not misleading, and complies with City policies and protocols. 

 Noncompliance with City policies and protocols may result in disciplinary action, and will be subject to  the provisions of  the City’s Code of Conduct Policy and/or provisions of other relevant State or Commonwealth legislation.  Directors and Managers are responsible for staff compliance with this Management Practice.    Personal Use of Social Media  The Code of Conduct provides City of Armadale  staff with consistent guidelines  for an acceptable standard of professional conduct and should be considered in all use of social media.   Employees  should be aware of potential  implications of Social Media use and ensure  they do not bring themselves, their colleagues, or the City  into disrepute  in  their personal use of social media, regardless of whether  they are using a personal  computer or mobile device  at home or  at work. Guidelines City of Armadale employees are expected to consider are:  

Avoid derogatory comments about the City of Armadale. 

Ensure  that  any  personal  comments  that  relate  to  the  City  or  its  activities,  are  declared  as personal comments and not official City statements. 

Ensure that all content published is accurate, not misleading or inappropriate. 

Ensure  that  comments  about  fellow  City  employees  cannot  be  regarded  as  harassing  or discriminatory, or impact on workplace relationships. 

Disclose and discuss only publicly available information relating to the City. 

Be polite and respectful to people. 

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Community Use of the City’s Social Media Sites 

 Guidelines which determine appropriate conduct for public users of the City’s social media tools are to be made available on each profile. Guidelines include the following:  

The  City  of  Armadale  does  not  accept  responsibility  for  external  comments  on  this  page.  They are not representative of the opinions or views of the City of Armadale.  Posts  may  be  deleted  as  determined,  at  the  City  of  Armadale’s  absolute  discretion,  if comments contain:  

violent, obscene, profane, hateful, derogatory, racist or sexist language links or images,  

information that may compromise the safety or security of the public, 

any discussion or promotion of behaviour that is unlawful, 

comments that threaten or defame any person or organisation, 

solicitations, advertisements, endorsements or spam, 

encouragement or glamorisation of the use of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs, 

multiple successive irrelevant posts by a single user, 

repetitive posts copied and pasted or duplicated by single or multiple users, 

any other inappropriate content or comments as determined by the City of Armadale.  When interacting with this page, the City of Armadale requests that you:  

exercise courtesy, 

do not post your personal address or phone number, 

acknowledge that the City cannot check the accuracy of every public post and does not take any responsibility for reliance on posts on this page, 

adhere  to  Facebook  Guidelines  (or  other  social media  guidelines  appropriate  to  each profile). 

 By ‘liking’ this page you acknowledge the terms outlined in these Guidelines for Visitors and Users. Users who do not comply with these guidelines will be blocked from the page at the discretion of the City of Armadale. 


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Promotion of City Programs, Services, Events and Information Updates   1.  The Marketing and Communications Officer and Social Media Champions from each Business 

Unit will  identify  relevant  City  programs,  services  and  events  to  be  promoted  via  social media  tools,  i.e. Facebook and Twitter and how  these will be cross promoted  through  the website, eNewsletters and traditional print mediums, and develop an annual program. The Marketing  and  Communications Officer will  also  be  reactive  to  timely  events  and  topical information and make posts where appropriate. 

 2.  Champions will liaise with staff from their Business Unit to provide content for Social Media 

(e.g.  information,  links,  images,  videos)  and  if  required  initiating  staff  will  work  with Marketing to develop materials, content, videos as required. 

 3.  Where proposed Social Media posts are not direct repeats of existing approved promotional 

materials, or are more  than simple  links  to website content, Champions will seek  relevant approval of content from Managers or Directors. 

 4.  Social Media  Champions  refer  content  to Marketing  and  Communications  for  review  and 

uploading to the relevant sites if the content is acceptable. If content is not acceptable it will be referred back to Business Units for redrafting.   

 5.  Marketing and Communications upload content to the respective social media sites.  6.  Marketing and Communications monitor social media platforms on a regular basis each day 

during business hours.  Responding to Comments from the Public  1.  The Marketing  and  Communications  Officer  assesses  whether  a  response  is  required  to 

social media posts made on the City’s Social Media profiles or about City matters on other profiles.   

 2.  If a comment posted on a City social media site, or regarding the City on a public profile,   is 

deemed to require a response:  

If the response  is a basic direction to content on the City’s website or an FAQ, the  Marketing  and  Communications  Officer,  in  consultation  with  Customer Service, drafts a response and publishes the comment. This will endeavour to be achieved within two business hours.   

If  the  content  is  of  a  specific  nature  or  considered  to  be  contentious,  the Marketing and Communications Officer will endeavour to acknowledge the post within  two  business  hours,  and  will  refer  the  response  to  the  relevant Champion.  (The  Marketing  and  Communications  Officer  will  also  alert  the Manager Marketing and Communications for evaluation of who to alert to the matter.)  The  relevant  Champion  will  provide  approved  information  to  the Marketing  and  Communications Officer within  four  business  hours,  to  post  a follow up response. 

Requests for information or services made via social media sites, that cannot be answered by the Marketing and Communications Officer or Customer Services, 

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will be forwarded to the Records Inbox for processing to the relevant Business Unit for actioning to the relevant Business Unit.     

 3.  If  community  posts  are  deemed  to  be  inappropriate  or  derogatory,  the Marketing  and 

Communications Officer will  respond  to  the  comments,  advising  that  the  item  has  been removed as it does not meet the City’s Social Media Guidelines for Visitors and Users. 

 4.  If community posts are inaccurate, the Marketing and Communications Officer will respond 

with accurate and relevant information to clarify the issue. If the content is considered to be contentious, the Marketing and Communications Officer refers the response to the relevant Managers, Directors or the Chief Executive Officer for approval before publishing.   

 5.  If  City  officers  other  than  the Marketing  and  Communications  Officer  are  permitted  to 

provide standard responses directly to community posts, content is to be drafted and agreed by  the  Business  Unit  Manager  and  the  Marketing  and  Communications  Officer  before publishing.   

 6.  If complaints are received via social media posts, the Marketing and Communications Officer 

will  acknowledge  and  attempt  to  redirect  offline.  The  complaint will  then  be  handled  in accordance with  City’s  existing  complaint  handling  process,  as  detailed  Customer  Service Charter. 

  Record Keeping Requirements  1.  City officers must store a copy of any information, videos, photos etc. to be published on 

social media platforms in accordance with the City’s record keeping requirements.   

2.  Periodic snap shots of Social Media profiles will be undertaken periodically and stored within the City’s corporate recordkeeping system (TRIM).   


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Councillor Guideline – Use of Social Media 


The City of Armadale recognises that City Councillors may wish to use social media to promote their 

activities  online  to  their  local  community.  These  guidelines  are  intended  to  identify  certain 

obligations and requirements that apply as a result of a Councillor’s position. 

What is Social Media 

Social media tools are online platforms or sites which facilitate the building of social networks for the 

purpose  of  communicating  and  sharing  news,  comments  and  opinions.  Social media  provides  an 

online  space  for  conversation  between  two  people  or  the  community  at  large.  Councillors may 

choose to use social media to connect with members of the community or their ‘followers’. Some of 

the most common social media platforms used are: 

Facebook  –  a  social  networking  website  which  allows  online  users  to  connect  and  share 

information with online users.    

Twitter – a micro‐blogging site where users can provide and publish brief updates or tweets on a 


YouTube – a video sharing website on which users can upload, share, and view videos. 

LinkedIn – a business networking website for people in professional occupations. 

Councillor Responsibilities 

Councillors are personally responsible for the content they publish on any form of social media, and 

should understand their  legal obligations. Unlike some other communication channels, what  is said 

on social media platforms is in writing, public and permanent.  

If using social media  for Council activities, Councillors should  recognise  the potential damage  that 

may be caused to the City or Council via personal use of social media when they can be identified as 

a Councillor of the City of Armadale.  

Councillors must  comply with  the  requirements of  the  Local Government Act 1995  and  the  Local 

Government  (Rules of Conduct) Regulations 2007 and such obligations extend  to Councillor use of 

Social Media to communicate with the community.   

These  Guidelines  are  provided  to  assist  Councillors  to minimise  risk  of  such  damage,  including 

minimising  action  against  an  Elected  Member  under  the  Local  Government  (Rules  of  Conduct) 

Regulations 2007. 

In particular,  the  Local Government  (Rules of Conduct) Regulations 2007  requires  that Councillors 

must not: 

Cause detriment to the City, other Councillors, City officers or any other person; 

Disclose  information that a Councillor has derived from a confidential document or acquired 

from a closed meeting, or is otherwise considered confidential in nature. 

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In view of this, Councillors when using social media should: 

Expressly state on all postings that the stated views are their own and are not those of the 

City or the Council (e.g. “In my opinion as a Councillor…”). 

Only disclose and discuss publicly available information. 

Ensure  that  all  content published  is  accurate  and  not misleading  and  complies with  all 

relevant City policies and legislative requirements. 

Endeavour to be polite and respectful to all people they interact with. 

Adhere  to  the  guidelines  of  the  relevant  social  media  platform/website,  as  well  as 

copyright, privacy, defamation, contempt of court, discrimination, harassment and other 

applicable laws. 


To protect Councillors it is recommended that Councillors do not: 

Imply that they are authorised to speak as a representative of the City or the Council, or 

give the impression that the views expressed are those of the City or the Council. 

Post material  that  is  offensive,  obscene,  defamatory,  threatening,  harassing,  bullying, 

discriminatory, hateful, racist, sexist, infringes copyright, constitutes a contempt of court, 

breaches a Court suppression order, or is otherwise unlawful. 

Use the City logos. 

Use photos of another Councillor, City employee, contractor or other member of the City 

without permission. 

Use or disclose any confidential  information obtained  in their capacity as a Councillor of 

the City. 

Make  any  comment or post  any material  that might otherwise  cause damage  to other 

persons, or the City’s reputation or bring it into disrepute.  



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City of Armadale Social Media Usage Guidelines 

 These guidelines are designed to assist with the management of social media use at the City of Armadale. They will provide a safe framework for online participation by City of Armadale employees. They apply to all employees who use social media  for official purposes and on behalf of the City of Armadale.   The  City  of  Armadale  is  committed  to  engaging  effectively with  its  local  community  in  a meaningful, accountable, responsive and equitable way. Everything that is published on the City of Armadale’s social media platforms has the potential to impact on the City’s name and brand.  These guidelines apply  to all employees using City of Armadale  social media  sites and are designed to provide guidance on the use of social media for City business. 

 Creating and Managing Content on Social Media  When  authorised  to  prepare  information  for  posting  on  social media  sites,  the  following points must be considered:  

Before posting any online material, ensure that the material is accurate, truthful and without factual error.  

Ensure  appropriate  approvals  are  obtained  before  providing  any  information  for posting on social media sites.  

Be direct, informative and brief.  

Spell  and  grammar  check  everything.  Content  never  disappears  entirely  once  it’s been posted.  

Respond  to  comments,  negative  or  positive,  as  quickly  as  possible.  If  unsure  of whether to respond at all, refer to the Response Matrix in this document.  

Ensure  that  any  information  posted  online  serves  to  enhance  the  services  of  the City,  is  in  line with  the City’s mission  and  values,  and will not bring  the City  into disrepute.  

Ensure all posts comply with  laws relating to copyright, recordkeeping, privacy and defamation,  including  the  need  for  accurate  information,  maintaining  reliable records  of  official  use,  and  ensuring  comments  are  free  from  discrimination  and harassment.  

Resolved issues look positive on social media sites. Utilise any negative comments as an opportunity  to  emphasise our  customer  service  and  ability  to  effectively  solve any queries   

Personalise  your  response:  People  want  to  feel  like  they’re  being  heard  and interacted directly with, especially when upset or disgruntled.  

Never use someone’s name in a post unless you have permission to do so. 

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Credit  appropriately.  Identify  all  copyrighted  or  borrowed material with  citations and links. When publishing any material online that includes another person’s direct or paraphrased quotes, thoughts,  ideas, photos or videos, always give credit to the original material or author, where applicable.  

Correct  errors  promptly.  If  you  find  that  your  post  contains  an  error  or mistake, correct  it  immediately. Since  transparency  is key, admit your mistake, apologise  if necessary, correct it and move on.  

 Responding to Social Media Posts  Social media channels  require a more personable and conversational  tone of voice, whilst always maintaining professional decorum. The City of Armadale must ensure  that  there  is consistency  in messaging  and  tone  across  all  social media platforms,  and  avoid providing information that may be misleading or upset an individual.  When authorised to respond to posts and comments on social media channels the following points must be taken into consideration:  

The City of Armadale must  remain professional at all  times without being  seen as unapproachable.  

There must be an ability to speak to community members of all ages, adjusting the language to suit. 


 Maintain an appropriate level of grammar and spelling.   

Avoid abbreviating, be clear and say what you mean, always be polite.  

Always  state  the Department or Business Unit who  the matter has  (or  should) be referred to, in the initial acknowledgement comment. 


In Private Messages following up on public comments, sign off with your first name (and Department if it is a specific response). This personalises the message and lets the person know they are speaking with a 'real' human who they can then refer to at a later date if required.  

 Response Matrix  The Response Matrix outlines how best to answer queries or complaints, but also distinguish what  can  be  suitably  disregarded  or  ignored  by  the  City  of  Armadale.  By  following  the Response Matrix  the moderator of  the page can  react  in an acceptable way,  representing the City of Armadale whilst responding in a timely manner.   


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City Strategy 142 ATTACHMENT 3.2.4COMMITTEE - 22 April 2014


Posting & Response Examples  

 Facebook  Comment: Hello. Can you please confirm the telephone number for noise complaints? There is  a  construction  site  next  to  our  office  building  and  we  are  constantly  interrupted throughout the day. Thanks Tracy.  Response: Hi Tracy,  you  can  contact us by  calling 9399 0111 weekdays between 8.15am‐4.45pm, and ask to speak to the Environmental Health team. Let us know if there is anything else we can do.   Comment: Hi there, will the water aerobics classes be running on Good Friday and over the Easter long weekend? Thanks!  Response: Hi, thanks for your enquiry. All classes on Good Friday will not be running as the centre will be closed  for  the day. However classes on Saturday and Sunday will resume as normal. You can see the full opening hours by following the link below.  http://www.armadale.wa.gov.au/Home/Services_and_Facilities/Recreation/Armadale_Arena   Comment: Hello,  I’m  currently  looking  for work and wanted  to know whether  the City of Armadale had any job vacancies?  Response: Hi  there,  thanks  for  considering  the City of Armadale as a potential employer. Unfortunately at the moment we don’t have any job vacancies, however you can access all information  regarding  employment  on  our  website  here:

Page 143: CSTRA 22042014 AGN AT - armadale.wa.gov.au · city of armadale agenda of city strategy committee to be held in the committee room, administration centre, 7 orchard avenue, armadale

City Strategy 143 ATTACHMENT 3.2.4COMMITTEE - 22 April 2014

http://www.armadale.wa.gov.au/Home/Your_Council/Employment . Or you can contact the Human Resources team by calling 9399 0111. Thanks, and good luck in your job hunt.  Twitter Comment:  @CityofArmadale  Thinking  about  visiting  for  a  day  trip‐  what  do  you recommend?  Response:  @SallyJones  Hi  Sally,  make  sure  to  check  out  our  Visitor  Centre  online: http://www.visitarmadale.com.au/Home  or  on  Orchard  Avenue,  Armadale  for  heaps  of suggestions!  @SallyJones  Hi  Sally,  I’d  recommend  visiting  one  of  the  twilight  concerts  in Minnawarra Park!  Comment: @CityofArmadale The annual charge for waste is massive‐ why is it so expensive?  Response:  Hi  @EnviroGuy  this  covers  a  number  of  services  as  outlined  here: http://www.armadale.wa.gov.au/Home/Services_and_Facilities/Waste_and_Recycling  @EnviroGuy we appreciate your feedback and please give us a ring on 9399 0111 to discuss this further. Thanks 


