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Ctg aasp 2010

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This presentation discusses some of the new technologies for fundraising and how they can or cannot help organizations fulfill their needs.
Beware of the Hype Beware of the Hype 1 Beware of the Hype... ...when evaluating new ...when evaluating new technology technology
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Beware of the HypeBeware of the Hype1

Beware of the Hype...Beware of

the Hype...

...when evaluating new ...when evaluating new technologytechnology

...when evaluating new ...when evaluating new technologytechnology

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Christopher Merry is a founding partner and Principal Consultant at Clearwater Technical Group. Chris has been working as an IT professional since 1996 when he enlisted in the United States Air Force as a database application developer. Since that time, he has been employed as both a full-time employee and consultant for a number of organizations, including Oracle Corporation and eight nonprofit groups. He has assisted with six SunGard Advance migrations, and he is currently working on a Visual Studio extensibility project to help with the customization, development, and administration of SunGard Advance Web Access.

About the Presenter

Chris is an Oracle Certified Professional and Certified Professional in Learning Performance, which is the perfect compliment to his years of experience as a consultant and technical trainer.

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Objectives of this PresentationDiscuss the feasibility and potential of mobile giving

Investigate mobile giving options and alternatives

Examine the possibility of social media integration in today’s fundraising campaigns

Review business intelligence trends and direction

Explore alternatives to expensive commercial business intelligence products

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Principles of Fundraising...

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Content and Delivery Trumps Technology

Technology alone does not ensure a successful campaign

Technology cannot compensate for neglecting tried and true fundraising techniques

According to Miriam Kagan1:

Make the ask relevant and compelling

Provide updates and feedback of donor’s money at work

Engage donors as part of your cause and mission—turn them into constituents, not just wallets

Create a  two-way discussion (make donors feel a part of your mission every day)


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Tell A StoryCompelling individual stories are much more powerful than either:

Statistical values and analytics

Generalized calls to support a cause

Tell a story of how a student, professor, donor, or other individual has been, or will be, impacted by a specific campaign

Philanthropy is an emotional experience

Appeal to the emotions of prospects

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The principles of fundraising have not changed...


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Witness the power of emotionWitness the power of emotion

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What came to mind as you watched?

Thoughts of children close to you; perhaps your own?

What it would be like to endure such tragedy?

What can I do to help?

Stirring Emotion

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HaitiMobile giving earned immediate recognition as a viable donation vehicle with the success of the Haiti relief effort

As of May 11, 2010, over $1.1 billion had been raised for Haiti earthquake relief efforts

A total of $43 million was collected via text messaging

Over $32 million has been raised by the American Red Cross alone through the use of text messaging



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It WAS the power of emotion that inspired so many to give

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Without technology it would not have been possible

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How did the Haiti mobile giving campaign take shape?

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Mobile Giving...

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Mobile Giving FoundationSuccessfully orchestrated much of the mobile giving coordination

From their website:

‘The Mobile Giving Foundation (MGF), headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, was founded in 2007 by veterans of the wireless industry who wanted to harness the immense power of wireless communications to empower non-profit organizations. The concept was simple: give the 250 million American wireless users a single “Mobile Giving Channel” over which they could receive and respond to appeals from worthy causes.’


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Overcoming the ObstaclesDuring the Haiti relief effort

Mobile Giving Foundation was able to convince AT&T, Verizon Wireless, Sprint, and T-Mobile to waive their processing fee.  Smaller carriers joined in.

Mobile phone service providers often charge as much as 30% of the transaction amount to process gifts charged to the donors’ phone bills

Visa, MasterCard, and American Express also waived their usual transaction fee for donations to Haiti relief, facilitating online giving

Short codes were created to aid in the effort

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Obtaining a Short CodeShort codes are 5 or 6 digit mobile messaging numbers

Available through Common Short Code Administration (CSCA)

Monthly charge

$500 for random numbers

$1,000 for “select” words

Lengthy process

Nonprofit organizations must submit an application identifying campaign details

Submitted application must be approved by wireless carriers and CTIA* monitoring*CTIA is the International Association for the Wireless Telecommunications Industry


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Causecast Mobile FundraisingApproved mobile agency for Mobile Giving Foundation

Donors limited to $5 and $10 donations

Monthly fee plus $0.50 per donation

$99 per month for one keyword

$250 per month for four keywords


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mGiveAn alternative to Mobile Giving Foundation

A popular service provider for many nonprofit organizations, including several universities

Similar service to other providers


One time $500 setup fee

Monthly fees range from $399 to $1,499

Transaction fee of $0.30 to $0.35 + 3.5% of the donation amount


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Is the Investment Worth ItMay be too early to tell

The cost per donation is high

Often well over 10% in transaction fees, plus setup and monthly subscriptions

Typically not going to produce a steady stream of donations without a coordinated event to generate interest

Where’s the emotion?

Contact an early adopter for more information

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University ExamplesThe following universities have implemented mobile giving campaigns

Colorado State UniversityNorth Carolina Central


Central State University Northeastern University

Duke University Northwood University

Fairfield University UC Los Angeles

Florida A&M University UC San Diego

Harvard University of Florida

Lincoln Memorial University Wake Forest

Loyola Marymount University Wellesley College

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The NFTE AlternativeExample of a low cost, limited setup alternative to existing mobile giving options

During the annual NFTE “Dare to Dream” gala pledges were sought via a “regular” 10 digit mobile number presented on a large display

Text messages were transcribed on the big screen in real time

Campaign workers later followed up with a call to the donor to gather payment information by calling the donor’s mobile number

NFTE - Network For Teaching EntrepreneurshipNFTE - Network For Teaching Entrepreneurship


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The NFTE DifferenceThe Pros

No setup fee

No monthly fees or contractual obligations, beyond normal cell phone requirements

No per transaction cost, beyond normal credit card processing fees

Donations could be made in any dollar amount

Easy to integrate into existing fundraising software

The Cons

Not processed immediately

Staff or volunteers are needed to follow up

Follow up is handled via the donor’s mobile phone

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Social Media...

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Is the Investment Worth It2009 study conducted by Charity Dynamics and Blackbaud discovered the adoption of social media tools increased the number of:


Donor conversions

Electronic solicitation

Including e-mail


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YouTubeAdd content to campaigns and events by uploading supporting video

Engage the audience by sharing experiences

The Haiti disaster and resulting fundraising effort used video to:

Increase awareness

Provide a means of accepting donations

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FacebookProvide feedback and updates to campaigns

Use peer pressure to influence donors

Share significant and/or sizable gifts when appropriate

Identify average and total gifts given by “friends”

Facebook APIs provide information to friends and friends of friends

Track donations and integrate into existing fundraising software

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Facebook Page ExampleUC Davis Cancer Center

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TwitterProvides the means to quickly update followers

When campaigns begin

As milestones are reached

Updates to how funding is being used

Alternative method of solicitation

Using Twitpay

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RT2GiveUses Twitpay to solicit donations via Twitter

Tweet a message to followers

Message must be 140 characters or less

For example, “Support the <campaign> cause. RT2Give $10 http://rt2give.com/r/t”

Followers can donate by retweeting

A confirmation is sent to those that retweet the message

Fees are associated with each gift

No specific details were available on the Twitpay website

For more information, visit http://www.rt2give.com

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ChipInWidget placed on website or blog

Service is free; however, payment is made through PayPal, which will incur processing fees

For more information, visit http://www.chipin.com

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Business Intelligence...Business Intelligence...

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The Purpose of BIThe Purpose of BIBI results should provide specific direction for BI results should provide specific direction for business decisionsbusiness decisions

There must be There must be clearly definedclearly defined need for BI output need for BI output

BI Implementations, like anything else, will BI Implementations, like anything else, will failfail without without established goals and objectivesestablished goals and objectives

Do Do notnot implement a data warehouse or business intelligence implement a data warehouse or business intelligence product without knowing what is needed in the endproduct without knowing what is needed in the end

Generalized goals will produce generalized implementationsGeneralized goals will produce generalized implementations

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The BI EvolutionEarly Business Intelligence

Denormalized data using Data Warehousing strategies

Requires upfront administration and creation of BI structures

Client tools allow users to view details, summaries, and drilldowns

Business Intelligence 2.0

Emphasis on web access

Dynamic querying of real-time corporate data

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The BI Evolution ContinuesSupport as a Service (SaaS)

Promised a reduction of in-house staffing and support

100% Web based

Open Source BI

Similar features to commercial products

Zero or low cost entry

Popular alternatives have been developing over several years


Actuate BIRT


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Business Intelligence IssuesImplementation is not a project

Ongoing process without a defined end

Commercial BI software is expensive

Many vendors

Too much software

Not enough integration

Requires dedicated resources to manage software, database objects, data, and reports

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Reporting IssuesBI through Excel

Without strict control, difficult to:

Determine version

Enforce business rules

Too many requests, not enough report writers

Real time data access is critical to the mission of fundraising

Requirements for report output change

Frustrating for end users

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BI Challenges for AdvancementComplex reporting rules

Soft credit versus hard credit

Matched and unmatched

Credit for individuals, couples, groups

Calculations involving gifts, pledges, endowments, etc

Unique business rules

Periodic changes to IRS regulations


Reduced funding

Reduced staffing and furloughs

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Intelligent SuggestionsBegin with open source BI tools to identify desired features

Plan without paralysis

Do not get bogged down by the details; keep moving

Evaluate BI tools for needed features; avoid the desire to plan around “potential” features

If your organization does not have time implement features now, there is a good chance there will not be time in the future

Avoid the buzz words

Client says: “We want dashboards.”

Consultant replies: “What type of dashboards, with what data?”

Client says: “I don’t know; management just wants dashboards.”

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Is the Investment Worth ItDifficult to determine Return on Investment2

The initial and sustained cost of implementation can be quite high

The return on BI is difficult to measure

Benefit audits may help determine ROI

Lengthy process

May not have resources necessary to dedicate to the process


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When the next “IT” technology seems too good to be true,

there is always the chance that it is:





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The only way to know for sure is investigate the facts

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To learn more about Clearwater Technical Group and its products and services, visit http://www.clearwatertg.com
