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mm ctor _ _Book Store Has on hand a full supply of I THE STANDARD BOTTLES FOR : : m What Worried Him Mo»t. Why we ore Poor. fclHWlHPOWWNlMMM'i Maid a middle aged man on his death-bed, "The one Ihlng. «h«« worries uiemost.and eaaaca DM lo dreadtodie, is thai mj grown up '.Mm ami daughter have not been j brought np to work—have not been , luughl an) occupation, ami know nothing ibout earning a living. I am mil able to «»rk for them an) kiuger, aud have not accumulated enough t>> last them long, l nowi tee that this baa been my greatest mistake, and heaven onl> knows what «ill become of niy doubly- poor ebildren!" How many pa rents there are » ho have maile and are making the aame mistake day. The poorest persons are those who have been comfortably supported In their youth in Idleness nnd then suddeulj bereavedoftheir supporters, with no one to care for ih. in when their pareutaare gone. The} have uo oeeupation. beenl taught to despise labor, awl when| nn out iiiin tin 1 cold world ire li mded are really good-for- thing, ami not able to support lemsclves even poorly. Thej 1 i ^«" ••hand i.i mouth" existence, too 111!. Tin' araj .-.li load* of com and Hour an being brought into War reu count) this Mimmer shows every mau of an) Intelligence why are are ait poor. Thaw la no need of mineiag words abool this mat- ter, and no need of an) man at- tempting toargae the facia awajr. Warren eonnty «i'.l never, no never, i>c nroapcrona until wemakc corn, flour, meat and home food enoufh and some for sale. There lauouse an\ man saying theae things caunol be made in ample i|uantit) here. They <ii" be. There are farmers In this eonnty whodo make enough of theae things .111.1 If one man .an doit every one ran •). it it he will put forth the proper efforts. Look around yon, and the most prosperous man o. - men in your community are those who make a pleat) of eon, wheat, at and horse food. Make home suppliea Brat is the way t>> kappi UCM ami prosperity.—Warreaton Record. TYPE AID PRESS. WHO WANTS IT? SPEAK QUICK. Tiih Itmanoa recently pur- chased two printing office outfits mil lias a quantity of surplus ma- terial that will be sold cheap. There is a cylinder press large enough to print n nine column paper, in splendid coudition, and I a quantity of Small I'ica, Long | Primer, Brevier and Noopariel body type. We can famish a complete outfit large enough for a six or wren column paper, NOTICE. DATKll June4. I-M Siiii,- of North Carolina, I Pi.t County. i i Superior Court. I Special rVoeeedlna; I*. A. Wayue. Ailm'r of Sylvester Cos, is. Petition to Utvel) I.. Wayne. sell laud to Clias. B. CbX, j makcassets Kiiiina .1, Cox.and Samuel Cox. It apnearlnji hi tliis i»roccisiin|F|kri Ity affidavit to the satisfaction of i, rarsttarOla Ar n.i .tu . WILMINGTON A WELDONB.R AXD BRAN'CHEB A.XI1 ATLANTIC 00A8T LINE It AI LR( )A 1) COMPANY OF tMX'TU CAROLINA. CONDKNSKD SCHEDULE. Never spill \vlien turned over. the Court, that Chat. It. Oox, Km- ma .I. Cox aud Samuel Cox. three of (he nliovc natned defendants, are nun residents of the Stale of North Caroline, and after due diligence Cannot lie found Within tile State; and it further, in like manner ap- pearing that it cause of action ex- ists in favor of the plaintilT aud Bpecimeui of the body type are |againat the defendants herein.with !]'. nfjajjiiiiis shown in this advertisement, theIrespect to property situated iu this j^ *;!;^ type being taken from the MM just State and county and that the said m UN- OOUM HOI-TII. 16 a u fli si >l AM r a m AM : » n so t a !.' .VI 10 IK If ti too I on 10 SB C 45 J « u 1 OS II 14 7 10 I » t 40 t V. 11 57 4 » 1 10 tat in ra AM arli.vWls.ln 7 50 Lv ..:.i.'. 7 i.i l a LT M ...- ... . «M IS Ar tvllmlutuD I » » TRAINS GOING SOUTH. ...'<• Wefclon Ar Bfakf Mount Lea»rTarb»ro . Lf llts-ay Mount 1 u-,o .- WlUm fiS St£ »i «S U r.lt M «s rs AM PM 0 40 IS SO 1 5. * U : 4S Dl ECTORY. as it run*, so it shows tor itself how well it prints. This is the Small I'ica size of which there is 1 pair of cases. Then here if a paragraph set the Lous Printer sin, pain of t li<*.-*e cases. In "' ,. ^ "\ 0 ets. per bo 1 '. '. . , v •• a. often Itecome paupers or criminals, CIIITRCHHS ami dt^piseil b) the community Mi~rii.>i>i>r. —Serviceseven Bun- generally. All young pewona. day, morning and evening;. Prayer nuii female, whose parents nre meeting Wednesdaj evening. Uev. ,, , i, , N. M. V.'it.son. pastor. Sunday well-totlo, espeeially, » ouM «* Lhool 3 p. m. W V. Hanliug. im- tnught soneari, iratlc, Pro«CBS' 0U I,ojlnteudeut roccupntion wherebythe) may be | ble to earn a decent L 10 c Wire sHncl 5c . ""\ 5 & 10 cents. Ikassa: &*M •..«i - " - . n - , cat'fy a fail ine ot tii ('has. II. Cox, Kninia J. Cox and Samuel Cox are nccegsary parties thereto: II is therefore ordered that pub- lication l«c made iu THK EASTKRN iroai i Ri;ri.f.ci'iii(, a newspaper publish- Ws hare 4led at GreenvlUe, N. c., for six baying t>>!",Hnccessiveweeks, eomniandiiiK the typo you do not get Mmetliing thai is «,,(,! defendants to appear in the of I n worn oat .md cast aside, but a K oo.I flee of the Clerk of the Superior '" serviceable type, capable of much wear. Ictmt of Pitt comity, in the town Hera i- •omethinia IHtle •msller,II,,.in!oftim-iivillc. N C.,on Wclnesthiy. size. TkWrcaieSBainat those sad It is the nth day of July. 18M, and an tiariiniii f«r I-HH.-IKKIV inlrr«»t<-lin pttallaig swer or demur to the petition and li in.yiMc.iu-bni ...i.-. in » !H.ii.i..tl...i 1 .„| 11 ,,| ; ,i, 1 | „r iildKliicnt will Win LT Wllmlnirl-'n I.V M ,.-«..II. I.T .HiLUburo l.-^ Wll^>n Ar K.. '. ) M..11111 ArrlTf Tarlxin. U*.» TBrh.«r.i l.T R<vkr Mount Ar Weldon IU KM II SI AM ra AM I on a B a at II is I 15 S 45 IS ai r M A M r M CM 13* JUUIII,. I tS I 10 S 15 1107 II S5 I 58 7S4 1««1 1 SO 13 00 t IS I m Tmln en Inp scitlind N*.-k Bmn^fci !{ >•<! Irave* '. . ; \ .i. I 1% |< m, lUllfac 111 ps. sr- .. .M.II! ">.-. i. .i '. "• ; m DrwnvllleS 57 in-i..i. : v. i.ni Kelurnlns I'ATM Kina.nn i." ,-'..i!:,. - vj am. sirlrliiK ll.I.r,, St II is am. \..-1.1. TI II SI air. II.IIIT , HI ; < Sundar. '!>.' - on Waithlnrlnn luaill IfStS Wn«h' Infflon K in a m «n 1 s 10n m. arrlv.* I-IUMI.;.. o 10 a msnit 4.X1 |i m. rrlnrnlna Irarr I'unn.'lr BSa a m ainl h St. I> m. nrrlv^ w...hlneion II.» am anil 7 lop ni .1.. . > v.. ,.i Sumlar i.-ltiUiUV I- heap ns ni' will sril these lot ..,, f.r kntaaMMii .-...|-..,.... v. .,....».....«. -... .~^... Train l?av.-« Tarhoro .1, y mtrri* SunitaT A '.' ">'"•' against them for the relief demand « P.tiaa. sjsSsjr SBI.SBJ, nrrivr. rjr- thi-ii parents have IMM-II depriveil of their property or are in Iheir graves, hirents «hu fail to in- struct their children iu the way of earningn liviugeaunol lay claim to Mng respectable members of *.. ciety. no mutter how much iheir present piMscssioiiB lunj I"-, for in Ihiscou.itiy riches too often take wing* aud lly away wiiboul much warning.— Kx. I'IM'.SIIYTI.UHN. Services third liviug alter IgniHinv.niorningandevenlng. Kcv. \L" nn ». <• li.lVf I pill of ,':...- | , . > ...i.n II..I11I l>|«. Ill mil,-,.. CM. » ill 1,. ...II HIII, 11 autra In. prlnlel whonin .. «' iin.lv I-- •nn in .!.•• 11.1. .|-'i mal wo |>l.l,r ii.-ii.l r lor 11 wlo.l,' ..Hint, prow 1,11,1 l>|. . "I l-oof l>|H- Hill l.o .ol.l II IIO UMire 1- Hnnio.1. |V power 111 ine ner. appointeal - & )0 S, Farker Convicts Tracked bv a Mule. A letter from Vabbisto, (la., says: •A i-athei Interesting story lies from don n altotit (icnoa, Fla„ of an old mule which tracked a ganj! ol 1., iped convicts for two .lays and led In their capture The coin ids were at Savage tK: Co.'s stockade and made their escape a few days ago. There »"ere uo track dogs at ,1. I'.. Minion, piuttor. Sunday- school :! p. HI. •'. I!. M.sire su- perintendent. CATHOLIC - .—No regular services. Ki'isotr.u..—Sunday-school th.'to a. iu. W.B.Browu,superintendent.I Pivine service ami sermon every Snn.lav moruing ami evening. Bv-1 eningprayerWettoesttaj-aatTsaiP.f.,,^ Thomas II. Monie, Kx. M.. and Lilany lri,la\s:U HI A-! |.., r ,,,, | tt ji| s) .|| al public sale lie- M.. Rev. I. A. Canliel.l. Minister j ,•„,,, ||u . ,.,„„., |,„ 11S( , ,| 1Hir j,, In Charge. [Greenville, on Monday the IUh day BAPTBTT.—-Services eery Sun- of. I line 1899, at 12 o'clock noon, day. morning and evening. Pray-jail the pine, cypress an.', popular er meeting Thursday eCeniti";. Rev., limber ni in the complaint. fy'i'rii.Mii, Honeai mv oftiec in Greenville, 1,i....inn yr.t' this22nd day of May, 1999. I. o| ;,|| of. llt.T. Wlllll'l l>. « . MiKIKK. Skinner ft W1IC.UK*. C. S. C. Plaintiffs Att'y*. NOTICE. I!y till lie of the Btejd, iiscolllllllssi 111 case No. 1040, Special Proceed lug liisket No.3, entitled M. l»ix- on and David Dlxon by his next KI.KtTION NDTICK. li.i"1th ; 'ID,, m r. in i. m. rr-iiirnltur, li*\i>- V\j- .' ! .! i It s>i;rt>|<l •• .ii.l.iv. tmm m and Mm t" inam. AITIVP* Tarboro i-«n-, ,,m, 11 mi am. Tniln on MMUnd N C Brmnrli Inm <Mtf»- t»-iri« fliil.T. etcrpt Sunday. T A m. arrlvln* Smlthnt'tilH 10 » m. r.'hirriliicl.'nv* Smlthflclt. U tk) a m. utrlTeii at CMMWON P » a m. Train on Na^hrtlle Rranrli leave H.- Mount al »*» a ni I i.' i' ' '. a.rrive Na-lnlll- Iftl0am.4nii>tn, S|iimr H"i- L I' ^ an, t-r> Im Mi'tiimlng wri SotlniT HOM II 00 am BB n m. Naal.ril.s- II « a m. arrir-> at Ifcirfcy Mount II l" « m, « DO v m. dallr vir«?nt Sunday. Train on (Union Hr.ni.-h lrav»a War-mw for (lint on dailjr. oieonl Sundar. H I.i a m and 4 IB in, r**turntnitlra v r9 Clinton at ? oo a m and rm. r»*i i Si a I I . - - I'mirr and by virtut* nf an act of tin* I-nrislatui*' ofKortli Caro- lina, entitled "an act In provi '.< a Dispt'iisary fortbetown and town- ship of Be(h6l. IHtt county, North _ ,,,-,,. , ., Carolina," ratiti.il the s.h day of i £ WtLSfEItXl March, 1800, and in pursuance of I hi'laws governing elections, the Board of Oonuntnloneri of Pitt A. \V. Setzer, pastor. Bunday- MIIOIII \>:M a. iu. C. 1>. lfoiintree, auperiutendant. LODGES A. 1'. .v A. M. Lodge, N... 284, meets (bird Monday evening county do hereby give notice tbat .1 and above the si/.e of ,,„.„ W . M , , K , hel( , „„ 1( , ,,„, twelve inches in diameter at the Thuwdav in August, 1800, at the base alien the same may be cut, polling place in Bethel township. itogether »ith the prn ilegc ol seven j,,,, 1 ,, ulllv . .,„ ejection upon the yean within which I.. cut and re- llllt ., ti , m „f establishing a Dispcn- j move said timber, and also the „_ inmMi , owllsh ip. n, mks of [usual rights of way appertainlDg to UgigtrBtlon will be opened and Greenville anme for the removal ol said iin.-' t .j, we4li ,.|,alleiiges will be beard Ural and bernoa standiiig an I growing up- ilm | mM v \„. tiou „, m | m .|o.l in . R. Wll- on two tracts of_land sHuated In accrdancc wiih ihc laws of North! Mondnys TT*ln No THmnile" I-I«H> rnnntN'tlon at Vol don tor all polnta North dallr. aM rail rla Hirh round. II. M. KMKK.SON, (len'l Pass. Agent T. It. BMBB80K, Traillc Mauagei OLD DOMINION HNS UIVBB BXRVZCZ Steattven leave Washington on hums. W. M. .1. M. IteuM, Sec i Chic ml Township. Pill Cuiiiity. jsjaroHna I North Carolina, "one tract adjoin I.O.O. 1'. Covenant Lodge. No.|| n g ,)„, i. lm | s „|-,l uo . Klks. j. .1. All th.Mc who arc in favor of a Wednesday! and Kri- laysutliA. M. for Greenville, J water permit linn. toTarlxiro. Itctnrning leave Tarlairo at 5 A. fingers , ot enly does it feed the ink j |o |he H11(1 |ug( m Ira(k ,,,„, but prevents aoiled wonU , nm , 8Ur(edoff M „„ trail. The mule was allowed to go almost as it pleased, and the li w-eroflunU) convinced thai the mule wus right. The chase was kepi up forlwo days, and I be convicts wore iapliii.il liclmv Lake City, a ills lamciil BflJ miles. The men are now-convinced that lite capture of Ihc fugitives was due to the good Kccuiiujt powers of the mule. The story, though it soiiuibt a little lishy, mines through entirely trust- n'ortbj "oiirees."—Balllwore Sun. I ciiiimnc l-'anclcs. V.'ii •:; you want -- STATIONERY 0 Giveui a call. •Vl.* Yen inay never but Slioul i you ever want =i>- 1608, meets every Thursday even- comer on Tar Kiln ltt.il, then run lug, w. B. Wilson, R. M. R.inlng nearly a west course 668 yds Lang Sec. toa box pint ner, then a north JR.'O. U. A. ML—Meets every'course Tim yds to Sweet Gun cor- Weilnesdav nigh: al 7:'M. in I. I>. »er i" the Long branch, then down O. K. hall. O. J, Woodward,Conn- the Long branch TlMl yds to the be ptj||OI>, ginning, a lighlwood .slake." See A. O, A.—Kgvplian Council, deed from .1. W. Uixoiian.l wife to Nn. li. moots every lir-1 and third B.M. Dlxon book B-4 page600, b) Thursday nights in Odd Fellows' which reference Is made. Hall. M. It. Tiirnage, Worthy Chief; 1>. S. Smith. 8cc. I.O, II.—Greenville Conclave So, 840, meets every second and Also one oilier tract, ••adjoining the lands of W, c. Dixon, John Klks and others bounded as follows vlxi Beginning al pine in John fourth Monday nights In Odd lei- ! Klks Hue a corner between E. M. lows Hall. \V. II. Wilson Aiebou^Oixoiiand W. C. Dixon and run- D.s. Smith Sec. uing Iu a westerly dlrectkm paral' |el with a Branch, about 575yards thence with the blanch Give us a call. a— i—i liskr Jil ANY I'llINi; 11,'i'M A Visitins; Card •:• TO A full Sheet Poster, The minute you tell a secret it is in. louger one To confess a fault is to more I baa bulfatoue I'nrit. A telephone boil possesses no music If ii is nut you. To look prosnaroni is one thing, in fed so i|Uite another. A poor girl who is called pretty is really handsome, A captured ostrich always means a leather in somebody's cap. The Chinese act or never goes on Ibc stage w it in nit his . lie. Kansas housta of s lady boras lamer. Bhelt probably a grass w Idol. Doctors Say; Bilious and Intermittent Fevers which prevail in miasmatic dis- tricts arc invariably accompan- ied by derangements of the Stomach Liver and Bowels. The Secret of Health. The liver is the great " driving wheel" in the mechanism of man, and when it is out of order, the whole system becomes de- ranged and disease is the result. Tutt's Liver Pills Cure all Liver Troubles. y. —DK.tl.KH IS— Heavy and f auc rmir-niiY toK. II. | Dlxon and \V. C. Dixon line thence jio the beginning containing about Kl acres more or less." Terms of sale cash. Win. 11. LoNO, Commissioner. IJrecnvillc, H. 0., May 2nd MM. T. R. MOHKK, Clerk. NOTICE ! with railroads at Norfolk. Shippers should order freight by the Old Dominion 8. 8. Co. from New York; Clyde Line from Phlln delphia; Way Line from Baltimore; Wy virtue of the power of sale, Merchants' and Miners' Line from Boston. JNO. H. OTTERS' BOH, Agt. Washington, N. C. J. J. CHUBBY, Agt., Greenville, N. C. s (iUKICXVlLI.K, N. 0. ^ a.-© ^ Coll..ii liagging uud ries always —on hau i Fresh goods kept .•siislanlly on hand. Connlry produce hoiigt and sold. A trial will convince you. T\ .HrVK.-BE. »i..'»_..*4|.<^« *.;,S|iM***^*!ljl Al.l. KlSim Off I SECOND HAND 6OODS Bought and 5ul J _-»»."" Commission. I'.i.t 1 ( .- I.inu'. s>i.- - tft ll.Ul^ifi '. '. W r. ,iiiill-;-.«' .'f ll.'-s--.. !- « rtii'1 rrtum llw initne>T In .1 .«• !^ tint-. HNMNM mmmWi WE CLEAN AID MESS SUITS FM MCTS. rillnl lllia.1 Hrr.1 ami ITi—il f"i 4' f I :'. «'r K,iaranl,H< Ihmn In !•• |a-r «f,'.-t!v u.'w LaSli-- In Iv«m-I 11, .in.-i ss4 l>n-S li. i HiSa'.V STE.S2 111 WsZ\ * HAI Kllill, N. f. NOTICE, tin Monday, the 7th day of Au- gust, A. I).. 1809, I will sell al the Court Ilousedoor in tireeuville to the highest bidder for cash, one trail ol land in I'ill county contain- ing one hundred and liftyacrckiind Unwilled as follows: Situated iu l'itt county in Contentneatownship on the North But side of Content- nea creek, adjoining the lands of Sharp lllounl and Jacob Mi-Cotter ami Ciiiitentnea creek, containing one hundred and lifty acres, more or less, -.ml lands being the same devised to said It. II. Ives by the last will and testament of Horace Ives subject to the life catnip of Mary II. Ives to satisfy an cxeeii tiou iu my bauds tor collection against It II. Ives and which has l>eeii levied on said laud as the property of said II. II. Ives. This 7th day of June, UN, 0, M. Mismiso, Sheriff. contained in a certain Mortgage Deed executed and delivered by K.T. Lewis and wife, Wettie Lewis to W. ti. Webb on thc'J.Ird day of February I ••MI. and duly recorded in the Register of Deeds ofliee of l'itt countv, Xortb Caiolinu, in lt.H.k S 4," pages 48, II and IS, the undersigned will expose to public sale, before the Court House door in lirceneille, for cash, to the highest bidder, Monday tbe 18th day of July, 18IW, the following real property, to wit: Lying and licing in the County of l'itt and in Fariiivillc township, adjoining the lauds of .la.Mii] .In) HIT. Cornelius Joy ner and others, and known as the lot Hcttie Lewis drew in the division of the lands of Luther Joyner, containing C.W) thirty- nine acres more or less, to satisfy Slid Mortgage Deed. This Tth day of June 1SIMI. W. <i. WEIIII, Mortgagee. W. F. TVHON, Att'y. PATENT •. Ttklw TO« Invf at or Improve; Blan jret C«¥Uf,lUDC-ll»m(. COfTllr«HI<iri«ftll i»MTtCTK)N. IVad modtl. aketrb.orplwto. foe fYasi eiamlDatiim aad arivlrs*. BOOIflUPlTEUTSr^X 1 ;; ' O.A.MMOWMOO. I'ai-nl iJiwran, WASHINGTON,D.C. »*»*»»»»***»»%»W*»»%»»%»***%%«SI LAND BALE. Wy virtue of au order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of l'itt •ounty made in the ease of Jacob MeCotter, Administrator of John D. MeCotter, against B. 0. MeCot- ter, Annie Hasberry and others, heirs at law. the undcrsiguetl Ad- ministrator will sell for cash be- fore Ibc Court II.Miscd.Kii in tirecn ville on Monday, the 7th day of August, lMm. the following de scriUsl pice* or parcel of land sit tutted iu the county of l'itt aad iu Content nea township and known in the division of the lands of Mary K. MeCotter as Lot No. 8: Begin ning at a stake on theOrilton Bond Ith corner of Ixit No. 7 and runs 82 W. 175 poles I > a corner on the Crock, thence down said Creek to a point from whi.'li running a liue N. 7'.', E. IM polcslto a Sassafras on the old * 11IIiII hedgerow, thence w ith said hedgerow and (iriflius Road M poles tothclicgiuuiug.suh ject to an nsscHBiiicut of S'JA.OO due Lai Bo, :l. containing 12 acres, Nioicoi ItMI. ,I»11>II Mit'oTTOK, K. 0, James, Adm'r. Attorney, J. B. COREY, -DKALUB IN- —A GENERAL LINE OF— ^^ <.ILLINEBY. Also a nice Line of Hardware. 1 can now he found In the brick store formerly occupied by J. W. Bro» : n. COME TO SEE ME. J. B. COREY. H.W.V.KICHA D (Sur.-aaa.ir to W, I. WhK-haH.l -UKALrUtIS— Whichard, N. C. The Sl.s-k complete In eveiy le- purtment ami prices as low as the lowest. Highest market prices paid for country prodttce. ,5^11 tii*Tvv'icc W'ticl-, —FOB— THE EASTERN F LECTOR D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. TERMS: $1.00 per Year in Advance. 'VOL- XVIII. GREENVILLE, PITT COUNTY, N. C. FRIDAY. JULY 7, I3 99 . NO 55 Tuesday "^and *\r Friday -VT— WASIIINOTOiN LETTER. Iionoiii Rrsmar . .>rr«--i> ,:nl, nt. Washington. i». C., June ;o. in One of the first acts of Mr. Me- Uinley alter liis reliiiu to Wash- iu^tonwasto order the parseen' lion of Admiral Bcfaley, by lbs Kanipson clique In the Navy De* pnrtinent, stopped. He did not do so because of auy love be bad for Schley. lint licause of slalcinenls publicly made by Maryland repub. licans ilmt ihey Intended to hold Hie adiuinisiiiiiion responsible for 1 lie Kavy DeparUnent's treatment ..f Bcaley. That frightened Mr. McKinlcy. Who is by no means as eoiilidenl of lii> re cU-clion as some other repnbllesns profess to be. And. in addition to ordering Q let upon Seliley, Mr. McKinlcy sent for ex-I'ostmaMcr t.cner.il darj and asked him to help keep Man laud in line, t'ulcss Ma ry hinder- who on-lit to know are oil'in iheir judgment, nothing «di prevent Maryland returning lo ilsold place in the democratic column. In liisaxiely lo remain iu Hie Cabinet, notwithstanding his deal with llov, Pingree, whoeverybodj knows is not an admirer cither of Mr. McKinlcy or of bis adminis- tration, Secretary Aiger is getting foxey. Iu order to jolly Mr. Mc- Kinlcy. he publicly said thai his deal with Pingree was solely for the purpose of obtaining the Sena- loi-shipand was not binding on either for any other purpose; that he was a McKinlcy man from start to iini-.li and was prepared to prove it at any time thai it might be- come necessary, liy breaking »ith Pingree, if he should »how any dis- position to antagonise Mr McKin- lcy in Miehipin. Ilow much of this Mr McKinlcy swallows no- body knows, Imt it is certain that Algol lias uudciiak i dilliciill role. It is known that Senators McMillan and Burrows are hard lighters and thai they will demand that Algerbepnl out of the Cabi- net, and their demand will lie backed l>y many republicans whom Mr. McKinlcy will not care to of- fend. Besides, It is believed thai Pingree is only rising Alger to try to got even With Senator McMillan and considered by no means certain that he would allow Alger to go to the Senate even il'hcsucceeded in controlling the Michigan [legisla- ture. Bottling could more surely prove the deception practiced I'.v the ad- ministration concerning the situa- tion in the Philippines than the or- der Issued this week to all the reg- ular recruiting oftUsers to enlist as many volunteers as may present thciuseh nibr service in the Philip- pines, and the official announce ment that (ten. tliis is to have an army of 10,000 men lit the end of the rainy season. Iu order to keep the uppoi'ii incut of all the officers in the hands of the administration, no organizations are to be enlisted. The men are to enlist as individuals and the regiments to lie formed will be I'niled Slates Volunteers. Although the announcement was made at the same time that all the ofticors for these regiments would 1* chosen from the volunteers who have seen service in the Philip- pines, it is a safe bet that they will not lie. V.\Congressman Camp- Ml, of IB., who is now in Wash- ington, tells his friends that he has been promised the colonelcy of one regiment, and he hasn't seen any service in the Philippines; and there will lie others, "Making a virtue of necessity,'' said a Senator, "is what I call the announcement ol "I'hurston, of Be brsaka, that he Mould retire from 'In-Semite nl the cud of his leilu. Knowing that neither he nor any other republican has any show to lie elected to the Senate b] the .\e Imtska legislature, Tburston con eluded to save sonic of the l.ig and of corporal ion money he has b] not niter i the Held as a candi- date. His talk about being tired North Carolina an I Snilh of holding office was increlj a lit- tle grandstand play." Tbe adage, "Make hay while the Mm shines." appears lo have becu changed by the inventors of the country Into "Make money while Ihe mercury rises." The weekly receipts of the Patent Office are now averaging K'I.IIIIO more than they did in the summer of last tear, and this weeks lie of pal tents, trade-marks and labels was I he largest since April ISIH), the to- la! licing 033. The Tobacco Combine. Ihiuville. Va.i -lune 20,—The loimillion ol a trust with a million dollars capital, three-fourths of which comes from unknown Noiih eriiiind English capitalists to con- trol the leaf tobacco warehouses of Danville I the sale of all leaf to- bacco raised iu the great bright to- bacco i "it ol Virginia and ibeOiro- lllias, continue lo lie Ihe principal topic for discussion and conltuoul in Hi is enli resect ion of the coun'ry . This is but natural, Inasmuch as iiriglit loiiiui-o is the one over- shadowing money crop iu this region. Tobacco is the principal industry uf Danville and it> neigh- boring towus. All the iirigli; to- bacco grown, one linn.lied lo Iwo Carolina, simp!;. II'lltiitart to the one great central market. Such a policy. If successful. would redound lo Danville's Inter- est in general, and no, while Dan- ville Ispoliticall) and ibeoreticall) opposed to trusts, ii Is very much inclined to give this particular trust a very fair showing. How ever, there are men of large means here who think if Ihe trust can make ney by selling leaf tobacco Ion coin mission, they can al -o do it, land ihey are al present much dis- posed to take advantage of the strong anti-trust sentiment among the farmers and representatives of the smaller markets, audjein with them aud build two or more inde pendent warehouses. Lengthy consultations arc licing held daily I>ebiml closed doors, mid a second lelmcco warehouse cum blue may lie announced al any moment. In Ihe meaiiliiiic Ihe trust people nre mil Idle and are making the most of Ihclr dcelara tiou thai I In- trust «ill do great things for Ihinvitle and Increase her le.il lil-.i -e i ..ile- lo n hundred million*or more annually.—Hull) more Sun, TIE FRIENDLY PROORAMME eOTTON is and will con-' tinuo to l>c ilic money crop of the Smith. The Stale of OHIO, lily of Tnl i:im > I.i CAS I'm MY. i "' Pn V\K .1. I'll KX in makes mil. buodreil million pounds annually, | that be is senior partner of th- is sold al auction in I he warehouses linn of Prank J. Cheney ,\ Co.,<lu lvi.nl friends! we greet you once aviiu. \. M lake iinolher look \\ iihin Ihe >••! tli d j on see li i t Inirgaiii I -,. \'v c'\ e ji-o»-ii iis piigcs o'eruud o'er. To MI- il \; e COIlId clip \ rhcerli . nrtl fm . iislomcrs, \\ ho uuiil a friend li ti;.: I't .1,1 lie-.-.,. II.- o| till' le.li . This i- : Iu i- lil i-i In il.;-. - nil ihe many iilhs, tiiv.il Ung-.iin.- \ i i .in -ii ike. Dou'l |-.--- ;;i- -lore. ..I you'll I, let, Asdoti.. ihe -tMI \nn irip. We're wailing for yini, one ami all. To give a friend I \ i ip! l inr con ni ei sure piled hi-h \. iihg.s.d.-, Krewh. l«-autifnl and lii.e: inr shell.-, nreslockisl »iih notcllies In each and e\.i;, iuu-. Come one and all, and e me nl once, Don'l let your clnmces slip, And as u pr.scnl we »ill give You nil a friemllt lip! I -'or iiue and all, for old mid \oung. I'm- every choii-e and li-i.-. We iuive Ihe g I- i" nil mid please Si come, and mine in haste We'll tiling delighl to cvi rj lieiul. A smile In every lip, Hi li ~l... K IS KINK, "I ;' ll.li l> Inn, 'I his is our friendly Up! taining at least 3 "„ actual Potash will insure tin: largest yield. We will Bend Tree, upon application pamphlets that edit Interest every cottflS planter is the South. UCR.'UN KALI WORKS. 0.1 Nassau St.. New York, ing liusiness in ihe < il\ of Toksl In Danville and about 23 smaller ( ^ nilJ . „,„, s „„ c afi.rcsal.l. towns in \ irginia and North far..- t i, :() N ,j,| ,;,•„. will pay the sum of Una, Danville belnglhecenlral and ONE IIVXDHED IHH.LA11S ( largest market, the sales here an-[each and every case of Catarrh that j Dlially reaching50,00 1,000 pounds. -'':"nt lie cined l ;> Ihc.iseol lull's , , " ,. .Catarrh Cure. I-IJANK J. J IIKXK.Y.I lor nearly hall a 1 ,.y llns wale- s |in| ,„ ,„.,-„,.,.„„. .„„, „„|, s .. 1 -il, house sysiein ha- iien operated ed in my presence, this0th day of with success, aud the relations to IJeceniber, A. I>.. issii. I ween the fanner and the ware- ' .~ v ..~i ' A ' V ' ' l ''"BAr!t>X, , . . 1 "**J: 1 Botnrj Pnlilic. housemen have become very lull- ii : ,iis<':.ii.i-ili tm.- i- t'ak.-i. in- mate, the latter being, 111 fact, tbe jernally, and acts directly on the farmer's agent to sell his product I lilood and mucous surfaces of the in the manufacturer, Ihe foreign system, PBAXK J. cilKM'.V. Toledo, o. Inner, the speculator, etc. The warehouseman has ever posed as Ihe farmer's friend, standing he- twccii him and alloulside foes, and especially protecting him against trusts, monopolies and combines, Sold by druggists, 7.V. Hull's I'ainilv I'ills ale the lie- How to Advertise. What to put in 1111 advertisement Xow that the warehouseman has UU(||ler) . oftcn . l>kr ,\ UJ buslncsi gone Into a trust, become a purl of a combine, and seeks to monopolize the whole tobacco liusiness, Ihe farmer is start led, frightened and Indignant. He thinks he sees the last plank to which he clung sint- ered before his eyes. Since the news went out that the (rust had ln-en formed and thai Ihe combine had 1 .might up all the Danville warehouses, fanners have men. No one can bettor answer this important ipiestlon I hall the iiierchant who has had sonic c\pci ienceiii advertising, Il would be, of course, Impossible to tell nil about a large or even a small store in one or two amioiineenicnls; Ihe best resnloi arc lo lie obtnlncd by eoiiliningthe details of Ihe daily advertisement Ion statoinenl of the Itinalitiaa and prices of those aril- ban poaring Into town to iii.iiiirc eles which are especially season into the matter. able. Bj Ihi* method Ihe nier The warehousemen have liecn ,.| t mil only kee|is his name and kepi busy since Iheir return from establishment before the public. New York, where the combine was' 1 >(1 | laanabled to concentrate the at- fiirniiil. explaining to the many ienli.ni of Intending purchasers up fanners who have rushed to town j „„ n, ( . gpeolaJ line of goods offered that the trust ww formed In their |r lir their Inspection.—Philadelphia interest uud that they are not go- - Record, ing to be hurt, bill the farmers arc Everything in ....«* AT REDUCED PRICES. J. B. CHERRY & CO. D\ ECTORY ITYPK AND PRESS. ClUKt'lllS MlTlloiusr.-Services evervSun- Wrlfl WANT\ IT? day, morning and evening. I'ray.i " nu TTrtm ° " ' meeting Wednesday evening. Ilev. CDCAI/ 1111101/ N. M. Watson, pastor. Sunday orLArv yUILi^i schiHii:; p. in. \V P. Hurtling, an-j I crintciiilcnl •-•:-".o A -I. Song Sen i.e. Ul:0U A M "The V post le John" Hot. II. W. Spiluian, I till eigli. IO:»l \ )|, I.,—.HI for .Iiilj :i(l—I.I W . Itrynn. lireciit illc. 11:13 A M. --S lay Scb.sd St |i-."- l.'et . T. .1. Tay Tin: ItsrhKCTolt recontlv pur-1 lor. Warrenion. I' SBBVTEtti.vs. Services Ihlrd ehasad two printing office outfits <»> 'M. rtong Service. Of tbe li.'iNlvrn >orth C.'irolina Baptist Stindat School Clia- t.iiKiiia, Scotland Nocks N. c..j..it ,H. a .. is.,.,. planter who gets live most cot- , tun from a given area at the " w "-»v. iwii. I least cost, is the one who makes Mi:. K. M Son: Sri ,.,-. I.e.] by ^ mos, ,„„„ . G(w, |,j. 1 I'.S. W. Itcaxlfv, Musi . . , . .nil.,,,,,,. Hay...,,, v.,. | \ Mum - sulta,,1,: "-otation, and s.:;o K. M. Killing 0in Suudii] liberal use ol fertilizers con- Schools"—! tcv. 1. ,1. p. Anderson. Ilenfonl. I»:IMI P. M, Vildressol Welcome.— t'lailtlc Kilebiii, Si O":,nd Seek. 11:13 P. II. l;c-|„„,-e. Ilev. W. II .. i,. Wei.!.HI. .1 I.I'-! SOW, I'll II. '.'::;n A 'I Song s ice. IO:iiii A M --A 1,1.1.led Siili.hlt Sl-lllMll" 1,'lt ..I. \. II Kith. Wasbiiiglitii, |0 : :iil .\ ^I ••The Supeiinlendeiil." I The Mini llim-eli. C.W. Mitch.-II. .Viilander. •• III- Week H.l\ \Vo,k I'.il-.i by Mrs. I.. W. Ilagley, l.illleton. 0 t'ouductiii: ihe School. - /. T. lir. Ilghlon. I.'o.-ky Mount. I 1:13 \ >l. -SIII,,- I n-oliel Piol, Icins iii Sunday Sehisil Work" Ilev. M. L. K.-.-l.-r. Il.skj Mo,mi. 1 I :I3 \ \\. 1., n fm July '.':!.— I'n-. P. P. llobg.HM-l, ll\. ford. ;l:0ll P M. Son- Scrt Ice. 1:13 I'M. •Siiinl.it Sehoii Mnins pbcre" «ev.K.ii.(!iiiH-ri.iK v *ri; M ^v ,wh r ,,, n ,f . , „, -he is weal., sickly and nil 1 m, 1 lymouth. Prof. I « . W II- down she willbencrvoiiMiinl irrilu- soii. \\ Illininsion. Lie. If she has constipation or :i:l3P)f. I iil.li- \iiili.,!,i\ i„|'k id net 1 rouble, her impure blond Sondnv-Hi-i I-' -lle'i. ,\ Jwlll oiuse pimples, blothcs, skin ., 1.... ' eruptiouHiind a wretched complex- ' ' ion. lOlectric Bitters is the IM-SI S;IMII M. .S.111K Scrt lee. iiiedieine in I lie world lo regulate K:.'lo P M. --Sunda.t School l..-nk atomnclt, liver and kidneys and to age: llsraiisennd Cure." P«rifj I lie blood. It gives strong Pre- .1. f. saiii.,10. Mm.; "••'•»'"• - bnghi eyes, sniooth, vcl- v.-iy skin, rich complexion. Il will make a good looking, charm- ing, woman of a run-down invalid. " 11Inly 30 cenls al .In... L. Woolen's 1 bug store. It.-ipti/i.l in 1 "... At Oxnnna, Ala., Mrs. Maggie Pendergrass, aged Hi... has just beiMi bapli/ed. She has been a lifelong Methodist, bin recently she became :i Baptist. She is so feeble thai she had lo be baptised while sinirg inu chair. With a minis I er on either side she was lifted ill the chulr and carried into Ihe bap- tist rj and gcutly immersed, she si.,0,1 ihe mdenl well.—t'hattauoo- ga. Tel,,,.. Dispatch. NO itiiiiiT TO ri;i.iM-;ss. The woman win. is lovely in face. form and temper will always have friends, bin one who would be at- frccslioro. OLD DOMINION LING Sunday. momiujjCftnd6V0ii!iitf. Rov. HIVEH SERVICE Mciinii'is Imvo Washiiifrt011 on perinteodeut. There is a cylinder press la-ge '; |) , " 1 ; ««•'''"» !• IteiiiniingleaveTarlmroat 5 A. OATHOMO.—No regularscrvlcos.'cnougli to print 0 nine minimi I Porest Siniih. I^iiiisburg. 9,1., tireeuville 0 A. M. on Tin* &IB0OPAL.—Siinday-school 0:fl0:paper, iu splendid condition, and !00|,5 '"Thel>iviiieTexl Ikstk." days, Thursdays and Saiimlays. a. in. W.|[.lii..wn,supcrinieiiilcut. u quantity of Small i'ica, Long —lltper lij MlssSadie Per | Hailing hniiraisnbject to change de- Divine service and sermon even > - "., , .- •"* r\ Scoiiau.i \.s-k ,,-• Punier, Brevier ntnl N.mpaiicl g. I'.V-I ' 1 pen.ling on siage of water. Sunday morning and evening cuing prayer \\'ednesibiysiil 7:-iul , .; , " H '. v '.vpe. Wo can furnish a, M.. and Lilany I'ridays at IU A. oomplole outfit largo enough for a ' H.,Rw. I. A. <aiiiield. Mmisicr ix 0 r seven column (taper, bv John K. Ih»,L Addle l.'nieigh. j s : uo P II. Song Sen ice. 8::«l I'M. "I'lic Sunday School Its Itelnlinn In Proseiil I hit I'ounectingat Washington with THE BAVAOEH t>P QUIP. Thai modem scourge, the tirip, poisons the Sir with its fatal genus, so that no home is sale from ils ravages, but multitudes have found a sure protection against this dan genius malady in I'r. King's New Discovery. When you feel a sore independent I ncss iu your IMUIOS aud muscles. : have chills and fever, with sore taking these cxplitnalions with niaiiN grains of allowance. Some of these farmers arc men of means. and quite a number nf II1I11 iilniif] have been and an now consulting with cily capitalists with a view to organising a stock company lo build and conduct warehouses. i throat,pain in the back of the head. The smaller markets, too. arc up ,..„.„.,. na | symptoms and a si ubboru iu arms against the new million j cough you may know yon have the dollar trust, for the vary lirst an- tiiip, and that yon need Dr. King's l.o.uieetnent of the trust's policy- : * Discovery . It will promptly . , , ., , cure I lie worst cough, heal Ihe 111 Indeed, the only ..nnoucen.enl so ^^ „„„„,„.,„„., , iM „„. (|is ,, as far made as in its policy—is an sg-1 germs and prevent the dreaded al" grcssive movement to be Bade I ler effect* of the malady. I'liceoO against Ihe smaller markets, such | eels and *l ; 00. M \ back If not as South Boston, Keysville, (hat iSieamcrs for Norfolk, Baltimore, ' I'liilnlielphia. Ne« York and lias- 11.,,,, DIKI f,,r all points for theWest In Charge. .-.-.— 8 : :W I'M. "The Jttindny School iu with railroatbi at Norfolk. K.M-TlsT.-Services e.eit SIIII-' . ,. . , , . Its Bellllloll lo Preselll lliv "lllpprrs should order Ircighl by dny, morning and evening: Pray! 'N"-tuiciis o. the body type ate .'.' ' '" "• > - „„.,„,, |, | llmn g. s. Co. from er meeting Thursihn evening. l!.-'v. B1 "' W !' !" »••', ndvertisyineiit, the 1 r »»" "'" , . , v ' ' , ' 1 '" '" i Nea York; Hyde Line from Phila- A. W. Setzer. pastor. Bummy-i'}'!* """a" taken from the casejnstl »> Ullc, Kalelgh. jilulplilii; liny Line from Baltimore; Merchants' and Miners' Line from Boston, school 8:30 a. in. C. I>. Rouutree, •* " rBn, » ll sl '""" '"' ilMl1 siiperiiileiidcni. I5 0W . W ?]! it .prints. This thc| While. Italelgh. rniiitt. Jlsi. Small Pica si/..- ofwhlcli llioro is 0:30 A M. Hong Hcrviec. LOIKIE8 11 pair "lea- .- 110:011 \ M.-lh.- VnoslleJohn." ... . . lo-v. II, \\ . Spilnniii, Bid A. P. .N: A. M. Greenville Then here is a paraRranh set n , Lodge, Ho. -'si. meets "rat and lb ? bon^Prinwr -:/..-. We lta«e I third Monday evening, It. Wil->' :l " ' ", •" b ,°>' ln « " "ii.'.o \ II ••Hos I Prepare in. 1X0, N. MYBIH' MOS, Agt. W'asliinglon, X. ('. .1. J.I'III'.KI.'V, Agt., tlreent illn, \. ('. ham. Marlin-t illc, Clarksville. Boydloii. and I'hiise Cily. in Vir- ginia, and l.'ciiI-. illc, tirceiisboio. Winston, Oxford, I'lithain. lieu demon, Boxboro, Milton, etc.. in tired. A trial bottle free at .1. L. Woolen's I ling Store. Iln. klco '-. Arnlin Salve. The besl salte ill the woild I'm I'nis. Brukwa, Bores, Pleers, Sail ] Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter, limp North Carolina. The effort will Iped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and be made to force the leaf tobacco, all Skin lauplioiis. and positlvel] to this market direct Iron, farmers' , '«""' t * f. m JS , ", 1 " 1 ,"' 1 ' " , is iruaraiHttM. I«i ifivr IMTICCI S.IIIS hands, thus drytagapall the near fm . ti „„ „,. „„„„., „,, ,,,. Pri( . 0 by sinnllcr nnirkels and BMhittg|<JB eentS per box, P»r -alebt Jn... those farlher away, iu liisterii L. Wooleu. lianis, W. M. .1. M. Eteuss, Sec l«v|0you do not got son.etl.ina lltul is I.t >.t). P. Covenanl Lodge. No. I"'"""";,"" 11 ' "' •« "'• ll " » I 17. Meets every Tuesday evening, ''' "•' """ ''i' 1 -" ""•> *•••' K. B. tirifiin. N. ti. ti. ft. Ponder, n .. ,u. .n : .,.. Bac, - - 1 Is 11 si* -, iin 1 it, ,.l ii ,- 1 K. of P. Tar L'ivcr Lodge, No. ' iriiiinl'oi - IMI.Voiler. Inlliiprinlinii W.mee la every Friday evening. Dr. ' «j.' " - ' ' ' .; ^~^ W.ll. Bagwell, Jr.. C C.: B I.. , ,' .. Carr. K. of li. and S. B. A.-Zcl, Yimee Council. No. -J ' , ',, y ; ' Kiiiti. iiiccis even llmisdav even ' ,.- ,,. n,, . , 1,- i, ,i-'-i ,, ,, ,, - - - \ n. 1 1 ..,. 1.1111 na. 11, , ! .,1 ni lug. \\. B. Wilson. It, M. I! king. Bee. Ju. O. U. A. M.—Moots every I'•"«•'« Wednesday night at T:.'H). iu I. II. t». P. hall.li. J. W luard.C oellor, illl, 1 l„| ., Kl|,it, ..il,,,,. |H1 -v -1 -il I, I-- ,. ,11 ,-,- «..,.I II ||,| ft. O, A. Ifg)pilau Conn. il. No. ii, moets ever) lii--l and Ihird Thnrsdas nigbl In lldd Fellows Hall. >l. R. Turn.ige, Worthy Chief; D.S. Sniilli, See. [.O, II. —Greenville Conclave Xo. fi III. Iius'ls every sti-otid a'ld fourth Montis) nights In D.I.I Fel- lows Hall. W. B. Wilson Aichon; I). 8. Smith Sec. PATENT .; •: : ; . Lesson"- -'/.. T. Bmiighttiu,' i;,.ei.i 11 t. Prof. 1.. u. "" » v ,::.'", k ,;..„'.'' K '"'""" ! ' '"•"*" Baglc). I.iii.ton. VYfOCK, ll.l-'.MIN'ti .S: MOOBK, 11:00 \ M "S'llie DilllellUic. I'e A ITi.l.'M.Vs At IJAW, rullar I ir Heel inn" Ilev. tireeuville, N. c. \. \\ . Set.el. tlrCCIItille '' nUlwAllt«nlMlor8l»t«,lia*»lsU»Sl4 Belli KM..-,.,,. Will,;,,,, si.Ml. loo. I. I'.llkcl. 1,'ocl, lloiinl. llliW A M •»' try Siiinlat 1 ,,„-.,,..,,,,, ,,„, .„„i .„,,,,.1.. Hcbools" -Bet.C. W. Ulan SunVtVS FOR OHSINSCE, HWISSOS »N0 . . .. . Wiltll POWER. chard. Kin-don ; "" '' V| S ""- s """ '(lllliuiil .1 liilliam. Mills It. l-.ure, oil". I' M I'll,- I -0 ol l.e-.oi, l.,il Ni. Ori-.-ii.llli-. S C 1 '''' i.| F. mm, M." Civil Engine Engineer and Surreyor. Hell Hi G „.l. t'.ivihiuq v'i Invent orlmprftn*! ni«'» R'II I'AVFsM IRADLMAHH. COPYhltiHI nr DFSItiK j HK0IECII0N. Mend model, »keK b.orpbt t.«. Bobs'oNPaTEiitsr"":'::^:;" c. a.SNOW & co., I'.i.-ii Lswyrn WASHINGTON, DC J ill 1,1 P i| '•llus I Seen re Allen lion Open 1'oufcreuce. sun p, \| Song Hcrvicc , "' '• n ' p-J***! •"«"'»' "ThcKdlK. I Woman j$g$ t c t Iii Humbt) SehiMii" -Bev. ofllceovarJ. O. U. L. stringiiehl. Boieigh.'Oobb AtBoHOtort A I H'llNKVS AT LAW, flreenvllle, N. c. ^<LVt.l\ I
  • mm

    ctor _ _Book Store

    Has on hand a full supply of


    : : m

    What Worried Him Mo»t. Why we ore Poor.


    Maid a middle aged man on his

    death-bed, "The one Ihlng. «h«« worries uiemost.and eaaaca DM lo dreadtodie, is thai mj grown up

    '.Mm ami daughter have not been j brought np to work—have not been , luughl an) occupation, ami know nothing ibout earning a living. I am mil able to «»rk for them an) kiuger, aud have not accumulated enough t>> last them long, l nowi

    tee that this baa been my greatest mistake, and heaven onl> knows what «ill become of niy doubly- poor ebildren!" How many pa rents there are » ho have maile and are making the aame mistake t» day. The poorest persons are those who have been comfortably supported In their youth in Idleness nnd then suddeulj bereavedoftheir supporters, with no one to care for ih. in when their pareutaare gone.

    The} have uo oeeupation. beenl taught to despise labor, awl when|

    nn out iiiin tin1 cold world ire li mded are really good-for- ■thing, ami not able to support lemsclves even poorly. Thej 1 i ^«" ••hand i.i mouth" existence, too


    Tin' araj .-.li load* of com and Hour an being brought into War reu count) this Mimmer shows every mau of an) Intelligence why

    are are ait poor. Thaw la no need of mineiag words abool this mat-

    ter, and no need of an) man at- tempting toargae the facia awajr. Warren eonnty «i'.l never, no never, i>c nroapcrona until wemakc corn, flour, meat and home food enoufh and some for sale. There lauouse an\ man saying theae things caunol be made in ample i|uantit) here. They >!",Hnccessiveweeks, eomniandiiiK the

    typo you do not get Mmetliing thai is «,,(,! defendants to appear in the of I n worn oat .md cast aside, but a Koo.I flee of the Clerk of the Superior '" serviceable type, capable of much wear. Ictmt of Pitt comity, in the town

    Hera i- •omethinia IHtle •msller,II,,.in!oftim-iivillc. N C.,on Wclnesthiy. size. TkWrcaieSBainat those sad It is ■ the nth day of July. 18M, and an tiariiniii f«r I-HH.-IKKIV inlrr«»t.'■- on Waithlnrlnn luaill IfStS Wn«h' Infflon K in a m «n 1 s 10n m. arrlv.* I-IUMI.;.. o 10 a msnit 4.X1 |i m. rrlnrnlna Irarr I'unn.'lr BSa a m ainl h St. I> m. nrrlv^ w...hlneion II.» am anil 7 lop ni .1.. . >■ v.. ,.i Sumlar

    i.-ltiUiUV I- heap ns ni' will sril these lot

    ..,, f.r kntaaMMii .-...|-..,.... v. .,....».....«. -... .~^... Train l?av.-« Tarhoro .1, y mtrri* SunitaT A ■    '.' ">'"•' against them for the relief demand « P.tiaa. sjsSsjr SBI.SBJ, nrrivr. rjr-

    thi-ii parents have IMM-II depriveil of their property or are in Iheir

    graves, hirents «hu fail to in- struct their children iu the way of earningn liviugeaunol lay claim to Mng respectable members of *..

    ciety. no mutter how much iheir present piMscssioiiB lunj I"-, for in Ihiscou.itiy riches too often take wing* aud lly away wiiboul much

    warning.— Kx.

    I'IM'.SIIYTI.UHN. Services third liviug alter IgniHinv.niorningandevenlng. Kcv.

    \L" nn ».■|. . "I l-oof l>|H- Hill l.o .ol.l II IIO UMire 1- Hnnio.1.


    power 111 ine ner. appointeal

    - & )0 S, Farker

    Convicts Tracked bv a Mule.

    A letter from Vabbisto, (la., says:

    ■•A i-athei Interesting story lies from don n altotit (icnoa, Fla„ of an old mule which tracked a ganj! ol 1., iped convicts for two .lays and

    led In their capture The coin ids were at Savage tK: Co.'s stockade and made their escape a few days

    ago. There »"ere uo track dogs at

    ,1. I'.. Minion, piuttor. Sunday- school :! p. HI. •'. I!. M.sire su- perintendent.

    CATHOLIC-.—No regular services.

    Ki'isotr.u..—Sunday-school th.'to a. iu. W.B.Browu,superintendent.I Pivine service ami sermon every Snn.lav moruing ami evening. Bv-1 eningprayerWettoesttaj-aatTsaiP.f.,,^ Thomas II. Monie, Kx. M.. and Lilany lri,la\s:U HI A-! |..,r,,,, | ttji| s).|| al public sale lie- M.. Rev. I. A. Canliel.l. Minister j ,•„,,, ||u. ,.,„„., |,„11S(, ,|1Hir j,, In Charge. [Greenville, on Monday the IUh day

    BAPTBTT.—-Services eery Sun- of. I line 1899, at 12 o'clock noon, day. morning and evening. Pray-jail the pine, cypress an.', popular er meeting Thursday eCeniti";. Rev., limber

    ni in the complaint.

    fy'i'rii.Mii, Honeai mv oftiec in Greenville, 1,i....inn yr.t' this22nd day of May, 1999. I. o| ;,|| of. • •

    llt.T. Wlllll'l l>. « . MiKIKK.

    Skinner ft W1IC.UK*. C. S. C. Plaintiffs Att'y*.

    NOTICE. I!y till lie of the Btejd, iiscolllllllssi

    111 case No. 1040, Special Proceed lug liisket No.3, entitled M. l»ix- on and David Dlxon by his next


    li.i"1th ; 'ID,, m r. in i. m. rr-iiirnltur, li*\i>- V\j- ■■■.'■!■.! i It s>i;rt>| at Ifcirfcy Mount II l" « m, « DO v m. dallr vir«?nt Sunday.

    Train on (Union Hr.ni.-h lrav»a War-mw for (lint on dailjr. oieonl Sundar. H I.i a m and 4 IB

    in, r**turntnitlravr9 Clinton at ? oo a m and rm. r»*i i Si a I



    . ■ - • -

    I'mirr and by virtut* nf an act of tin* I-nrislatui*' ofKortli Caro- lina, entitled "an act In provi '.:M a. iu. C. 1>. lfoiintree, auperiutendant.


    A. 1'. .v A. M. Lodge, N... 284, meets (bird Monday evening

    county do hereby give notice tbat .1 and above the si/.e of ,,„.„ W.M, ,K, hel(, „„ „1(, ,,„,

    twelve inches in diameter at the Thuwdav in August, 1800, at the base alien the same may be cut, polling place in Bethel township.

    itogether »ith the prn ilegc ol seven j,,,, 1,,ulllv. .,„ ejection upon the yean within which I.. cut and re- llllt.,ti,m „f establishing a Dispcn-

    j move said timber, and also the „_ inmMi ,owllship. n,mks of [usual rights of way appertainlDg to UgigtrBtlon will be opened and

    Greenville anme for the removal ol said iin.-'t.j,we4li ,.|,alleiiges will be beard Ural and bernoa standiiig an I growing up- ilm| mM v\„.tiou „,m|m.|o.l in . R. Wll- on two tracts of_land sHuated In accrdancc wiih ihc laws of North! Mondnys

    TT*ln No THmnile" I-I«H> rnnntN'tlon at Vol don tor all polnta North dallr. aM rail rla Hirh round.

    II. M. KMKK.SON, (len'l Pass. Agent

    T. It. BMBB80K, Traillc Mauagei



    Steattven leave Washington on

    hums. W. M. .1. M. IteuM, Sec i Chic ml Township. Pill Cuiiiity. jsjaroHna I North Carolina, "one tract adjoin

    I.O.O. 1'. Covenant Lodge. No.||ng ,)„, i.lm|s „|-,luo. Klks. j. .1. All th.Mc who arc in favor of a

    Wednesday! and Kri- laysutliA. M. for Greenville,

    J water permit linn. toTarlxiro. Itctnrning leave Tarlairo at 5 A.


    , ot enly does it feed the ink j |o |he H11(1 |ug( m „ Ira(k ,,,„, but prevents aoiled wonU,nm,8Ur(edoff M „■ „„ „

    trail. The mule was allowed to go almost as it pleased, and the li w-eroflunU) convinced thai the mule wus right. The chase was kepi up forlwo days, and I be convicts wore

    iapliii.il liclmv Lake City, a ills lamciil BflJ miles. The men are now-convinced that lite capture of

    Ihc fugitives was due to the good

    Kccuiiujt powers of the mule. The story, though it soiiuibt a little lishy, mines through entirely trust- n'ortbj "oiirees."—Balllwore Sun.

    I ciiiimnc l-'anclcs.

    V.'ii■•:; you want --

    STATIONERY 0 Giveui a call.


    Yen inay never but Slioul i you ever want =i>-

    1608, meets every Thursday even- comer on Tar Kiln ltt.il, then run lug, w. B. Wilson, R. M. R.inlng nearly a west course 668 yds Lang Sec. toa box pint ner, then a north

    JR.'O. U. A. ML—Meets every'course Tim yds to Sweet Gun cor- Weilnesdav nigh: al 7:'M. in I. I>. »er i" the Long branch, then down O. K. hall. O. J, Woodward,Conn- the Long branch TlMl yds to the be ptj||OI>, ginning, a lighlwood .slake." See

    A. O, A.—Kgvplian Council, deed from .1. W. Uixoiian.l wife to Nn. li. moots every lir-1 and third B.M. Dlxon book B-4 page600, b) Thursday nights in Odd Fellows' which reference Is made. Hall. M. It. Tiirnage, Worthy Chief; 1>. S. Smith. 8cc.

    I.O, II.—Greenville Conclave So, 840, meets every second and

    Also one oilier tract, ••adjoining the lands of W, c. Dixon, John Klks and others bounded as follows vlxi Beginning al ■  pine in John

    fourth Monday nights In Odd lei-! Klks Hue a corner between E. M. lows Hall. \V. II. Wilson Aiebou^Oixoiiand W. C. Dixon and run- D.s. Smith Sec. uing Iu a westerly dlrectkm paral'

    |el with a Branch, about 575yards thence with the blanch

    Give us a call. a— i—i

    liskr Jil ANY I'llINi; 11,'i'M A

    Visitins; Card •:•■ 

    TO A

    full Sheet Poster,

    The minute you tell a secret it is in. louger one

    To confess a fault is to more I baa bulfatoue I'nrit.

    A telephone boil possesses no music If ii is nut you.

    To look prosnaroni is one thing, in fed so i|Uite another.

    A poor girl who is called pretty

    is really handsome, A captured ostrich always means

    a leather in somebody's cap.

    The Chinese act or never goes on Ibc stage w it in nit his . lie.

    Kansas housta of s lady boras lamer. Bhelt probably a grass w Idol.

    Doctors Say; Bilious and Intermittent Fevers

    which prevail in miasmatic dis-

    tricts arc invariably accompan-

    ied by derangements of the

    Stomach Liver and Bowels.

    The Secret of Health. The liver is the great " driving

    wheel" in the mechanism of

    man, and when it is out of order,

    the whole system becomes de-

    ranged and disease is the result.

    Tutt's Liver Pills Cure all Liver Troubles.

    y. —DK.tl.KH IS—

    Heavy and f auc


    toK. II. | Dlxon and \V. C. Dixon line thence jio the beginning containing about Kl acres more or less."

    Terms of sale cash. Win. 11. LoNO,

    Commissioner. IJrecnvillc, H. 0., May 2nd MM.

    T. R. MOHKK, Clerk.

    NOTICE !

    with railroads at Norfolk. Shippers should order freight by

    the Old Dominion 8. 8. Co. from New York; Clyde Line from Phlln delphia; Way Line from Baltimore;

    Wy virtue of the power of sale, Merchants' and Miners' Line from Boston.

    JNO. H. OTTERS' BOH, Agt. Washington, N. C.

    J. J. CHUBBY, Agt., Greenville, N. C.

    s (iUKICXVlLI.K, N. 0.

    ^ a—.-© ^

    Coll..ii liagging uud ries always —on hau i —

    Fresh goods kept .•siislanlly on hand. Connlry produce hoiigt and sold. A trial will convince you.

    T\ .HrVK.-BE.

    »i..'»_..*4|.i.- - tft ll.Ul^ifi '. '. W r. ,iiiill-;-.«' .'f ll.'-s--.. ■!- «

    rtii'1 rrtum llw initne>T In .1 .«• !^ tint-. HNMNM



    rillnl lllia.1 Hrr.1 ami ITi—il f"i 4' f I :'. «'r K,iaranl,H< Ihmn In !••■•■ |a-r «f,'.-t!v u.'w LaSli-- In Iv«m-I >»■ 

    11, .in.-i ss4 l>n-S li.

    i HiSa'.V STE.S2 111 WsZ\ * HAI Kllill, N. f.

    NOTICE, tin Monday, the 7th day of Au-

    gust, A. I).. 1809, I will sell al the Court Ilousedoor in tireeuville to the highest bidder for cash, one trail ol land in I'ill county contain- ing one hundred and liftyacrckiind Unwilled as follows: Situated iu l'itt county in Contentneatownship on the North But side of Content- nea creek, adjoining the lands of Sharp lllounl and Jacob Mi-Cotter ami Ciiiitentnea creek, containing one hundred and lifty acres, more or less, -.ml lands being the same devised to said It. II. Ives by the last will and testament of Horace Ives subject to the life catnip of Mary II. Ives to satisfy an cxeeii tiou iu my bauds tor collection against It II. Ives and which has l>eeii levied on said laud as the property of said II. II. Ives.

    This 7th day of June, UN, 0, M. Mismiso,


    contained in a certain Mortgage Deed executed and delivered by K.T. Lewis and wife, Wettie Lewis to W. ti. Webb on thc'J.Ird day of February I ••MI. and duly recorded in the Register of Deeds ofliee of l'itt countv, Xortb Caiolinu, in lt.H.k S 4," pages 48, II and IS, the undersigned will expose to public sale, before the Court House door in lirceneille, for cash, to the highest bidder, Monday tbe 18th day of July, 18IW, the following real property, to wit: Lying and licing in the County of l'itt and in Fariiivillc township, adjoining the lauds of .la.Mii] .In) HIT. Cornelius Joy ner and others, and known as the lot Hcttie Lewis drew in the division of the lands of Luther Joyner, containing C.W) thirty- nine acres more or less, to satisfy Slid Mortgage Deed.

    This Tth day of June 1SIMI. W. c ilic money

    crop of the Smith. The

    Stale of OHIO, lily of Tnl i:im > I.i CAS I'm MY. i "'

    Pn V\K .1. I'll KX in makes mil. buodreil million pounds annually, | that be is senior partner of th-

    is sold al auction in I he warehouses linn of Prank J. Cheney ,\ Co.,••! ■ tli d j on see li i t Inirgaiii I -,.

    \'v c'\ e ji-o»-ii iis piigcs o'eruud o'er. To MI- il \; e COIlId clip

    \ rhcerli . nrtl fm . iislomcrs, \\ ho uuiil a friend li ti;.:

    I't .1,1 lie-.-.,. II.- o| till' le.li . This i- : Iu i- lil i-i

    In il.;-. - nil ihe many iilhs, tiiv.il Ung-.iin.- \ i ■ i .in -ii ike.

    Dou'l |-.--- ;;i- -lore. ..I you'll I, let, Asdoti.. ihe -tMI ■ \nn irip.

    We're wailing for yini, one ami all. To give a friend I \ i ip!

    l inr con ni ei sure piled hi-h \. iihg.s.d.-, Krewh. l«-autifnl and lii.e:

    • inr shell.-, nreslockisl »iih notcllies In each and e\.i;, iuu-.

    Come one and all, and e me nl once, Don'l let your clnmces slip,

    And as u pr.scnl we »ill give You nil a friemllt lip!

    I -'or iiue and all, for old mid \oung. I'm- every choii-e and li-i.-.

    We iuive Ihe g I- i" nil mid please Si come, and mine in haste

    We'll tiling delighl to cvi rj lieiul. A smile In every lip,

    Hi li ~l... K IS KINK, "I ;' ll.li l> Inn, 'I his is our friendly Up!

    taining at least 3 "„ actual

    Potash will insure tin: largest yield.

    We will Bend Tree, upon application pamphlets that edit Interest every cottflS planter is the South.

    UCR.'UN KALI WORKS. 0.1 Nassau St.. New York,

    ing liusiness in ihe < il\ of Toksl In Danville and about 23 smaller (^nilJ. „,„, s„„c afi.rcsal.l. towns in \ irginia and North far..- ti,:() N,j,| ,;,•„. will pay the sum of Una, Danville belnglhecenlral and ONE IIVXDHED IHH.LA11S (■■ largest market, the sales here an-[each and every case of Catarrh that j Dlially reaching50,00 1,000 pounds. ■-'':"nt lie cined l;> Ihc.iseol lull's

    , , " ,. .Catarrh Cure. I-IJANK J. J IIKXK.Y.I lor nearly hall a 1 ,.y llns wale- s„|in| ,„ ,„.,-„,.,.„„. .„„, „„|,s..1-il, house sysiein ha- iien operated ed in my presence, this0th day of with success, aud the relations to IJeceniber, A. I>.. issii. I ween the fanner and the ware- ' .~v..~i '

    A' V' ' l''"BAr!t>X, , . . 1 "**J: 1 Botnrj Pnlilic. housemen have become very lull- ii:,iiskr,\ UJ buslncsi

    gone Into a trust, become a purl of a combine, and seeks to monopolize the whole tobacco liusiness, Ihe farmer is start led, frightened and Indignant. He thinks he sees the

    last plank to which he clung sint- ered before his eyes.

    Since the news went out that the (rust had ln-en formed and thai Ihe combine had 1 .might up all the Danville warehouses, fanners have

    men. No one can bettor answer this important ipiestlon I hall the iiierchant who has had sonic c\pci ienceiii advertising, Il would be, of course, Impossible to tell nil about a large or even a small store in one or two amioiineenicnls; Ihe

    best resnloi arc lo lie obtnlncd by eoiiliningthe details of Ihe daily

    advertisement Ion statoinenl of the Itinalitiaa and prices of those aril-

    ban poaring Into town to iii.iiiirc eles which are especially season into the matter. able. Bj Ihi* method Ihe nier

    The warehousemen have liecn ,.| t mil only kee|is his name and

    kepi busy since Iheir return from establishment before the public. New York, where the combine was' 1 >(1| laanabled to concentrate the at- fiirniiil. explaining to the many ienli.ni of Intending purchasers up fanners who have rushed to town j „„ n,(. gpeolaJ line of goods offered

    that the trust ww formed In their |rlir their Inspection.—Philadelphia interest uud that they are not go- - Record, ing to be hurt, bill the farmers arc

    Everything in ....«*




    MlTlloiusr.-Services evervSun- Wrlfl WANT\ IT? day, morning and evening. I'ray.i "nu TTrtm ° " ' meeting Wednesday evening. Ilev. CDCAI/ 1111101/ N. M. Watson, pastor. Sunday orLArv yUILi^i schiHii:; p. in. \V P. Hurtling, an-j I crintciiilcnl

    •-•:-".o A -I. Song Sen i.e. Ul:0U A M "The V post le John"

    Hot. II. W. Spiluian, I till eigli.

    IO:»l \ )|, I.,—.HI for .Iiilj :i(l—I.I

    W . Itrynn. lireciit illc. 11:13 A M. --S lay Scb.sd

    St |i-."- l.'et . T. .1. Tay Tin: ItsrhKCTolt recontlv pur-1 lor. Warrenion.

    I' SBBVTEtti.vs. Services Ihlrd ehasad two printing office outfits 'M. rtong Service.

    Of tbe li.'iNlvrn >orth C.'irolina Baptist Stindat School Clia-

    t.iiKiiia, Scotland Nocks N. c..j..it ,H.a.. is.,.,. planter who gets live most cot-

    , tun from a given area at the

    " w"-»v. iwii. I least cost, is the one who makes Mi:. K. M Son: Sri ,.,-. I.e.] by ^ mos, ,„„„ . G(w, |,j.

    1 I'.S. W. Itcaxlfv, Musi . . , . .nil.,,,,,,. Hay...,,, v.,. | \Mum- sulta,,1,: "-otation, and

    s.:;o K. M. Killing 0in Suudii] liberal use ol fertilizers con-

    Schools"—! tcv. 1. ,1. p.

    Anderson. Ilenfonl. I»:IMI P. M, Vildressol Welcome.—

    t'lailtlc Kilebiii, Si O":,nd Seek.

    11:13 P. II. l;c-|„„,-e. Ilev. W. II .. i,. Wei.!.HI.

    .1 I.I'-! SOW, I'll II.

    '.'::;n A 'I Song s"» ice. IO:iiii A M --A 1,1.1.led Siili.hlt

    Sl-lllMll" 1,'lt ..I. \. II Kith. Wasbiiiglitii,

    |0::iil .\ ^I ••The Supeiinlendeiil." I The Mini llim-eli. C.W.

    Mitch.-II. .Viilander. •• III- Week H.l\ \Vo,k

    I'.il-.i by Mrs. I.. W. Ilagley, l.illleton.

    0 t'ouductiii: ihe School. - /. T. lir. Ilghlon. I.'o.-ky Mount.

    I 1:13 \ >l. -SIII,,- I n-oliel Piol,

    Icins iii Sunday Sehisil Work" Ilev. M. L. K.-.-l.-r. Il.skj Mo,mi.

    1 I :I3 \ \\. 1., n fm July '.':!.— I'n-. P. P. llobg.HM-l, ll\. ford.

    ;l:0ll P M. Son- Scrt Ice. 1:13 I'M. ■•Siiinl.it Sehoii Mnins

    pbcre" «ev.K.ii.(!iiiH-ri.iKv*ri;M^v,whr,,,n ,f . „ , „, -he is weal., sickly and nil 1 m, 1 lymouth. Prof. I « . W II- down she willbencrvoiiMiinl irrilu- soii. \\ Illininsion. Lie. If she has constipation or

    :i:l3P)f. • ■ I iil.li- \iiili.,!,i\ i„|'k id net 1 rouble, her impure blond Sondnv-Hi-i I-' -lle'i. ,\ Jwlll oiuse pimples, blothcs, skin ., 1.... ' eruptiouHiind a wretched complex-

    ' ' ion. lOlectric Bitters is the IM-SI S;IMII M. .S.111K Scrt lee. iiiedieine in I lie world lo regulate K:.'lo P M. --Sunda.t School l..-nk atomnclt, liver and kidneys and to

    age: llsraiisennd Cure." P«rifj I lie blood. It gives strong Pre- .1. f. saiii.,10. Mm.; "••'•»'"• - bnghi eyes, sniooth, vcl-

    v.-iy skin, rich complexion. Il will make a good looking, charm- ing, woman of a run-down invalid.

    " • 11Inly 30 cenls al .In... L. Woolen's 1 bug store.

    It.-ipti/i.l in 1 "...

    At Oxnnna, Ala., Mrs. Maggie Pendergrass, aged Hi... has just beiMi bapli/ed. She has been a lifelong Methodist, bin recently she became :i Baptist. She is so feeble thai she had lo be baptised while sinirg inu chair. With a minis I er on either side she was lifted ill the chulr and carried into Ihe bap- tist rj and gcutly immersed, she si.,0,1 ihe mdenl well.—t'hattauoo- ga. Tel,,,.. Dispatch.

    NO itiiiiiT TO ri;i.iM-;ss.

    The woman win. is lovely in face. form and temper will always have friends, bin one who would be at-



    Sunday. momiujjCftnd6V0ii!iitf. Rov.


    Mciinii'is Imvo Washiiifrt011 on

    perinteodeut. There is a cylinder press la-ge '; |)'»,"1; ««•'''"»■   !•■'» • IteiiiniingleaveTarlmroat 5 A. OATHOMO.—No regularscrvlcos.'cnougli to print 0 nine minimi I Porest Siniih. I^iiiisburg. 9,1., tireeuville 0 A. M. on Tin* &IB0OPAL.—Siinday-school 0:fl0:paper, iu splendid condition, and •!00|,5'"Thel>iviiieTexl Ikstk." days, Thursdays and Saiimlays.

    a. in. W.|[.lii..wn,supcrinieiiilcut. u quantity of Small i'ica, Long —lltper lij MlssSadie Per | Hailing hniiraisnbject to change de- Divine service and sermon even ■> - "., , .- •"* ■ r\ Scoiiau.i \.s-k ,,-• Punier, Brevier ntnl N.mpaiicl

    g. I'.V-I ' 1

    pen.ling on siage of water. Sunday morning and evening cuing prayer \\'ednesibiysiil 7:-iul,.;,"H'.v '.vpe. Wo can furnish a, M.. and Lilany I'ridays at IU A. oomplole outfit largo enough for a ' H.,Rw. I. A.

  • wm rwm

    i mm nitm; GREKXVIi.I.K. X. C.

    D. J. WHTCHAKH. Bd. A Owner.

    Entered at the Poet ili.-.' at Oreenvllle, X. C, M Beeoud-Olaa. Mail Matter.

    FKIHAV.JU.Y 7. 1800.


    The Trust mania is spreading.

    It struck lireenvilleSaturdav ami all 'lay its subtle poisonous in- IwanaoaMbeMl in the air. A

    bright young man. who had beeua buyer on the tireenville tobacco

    market, arrived from Danville on Friday. Saturday morning n

    shrewd retieent lawyer arrived from Wilson by way of Kiuston. and he and the young man from Danville were won closeted togeth- er. In a short while the owners and lessees of the tobacco ware houses were sen! for and all day the mysterious conference* »'ere going on at the Hotel Maeon. Wejiey> suspicion oi Alger will I* haveuoi bean able to gel al theex thai Ibe latter will not be allowed act status of a«air»,botenough i> toissuenn iniportaul order or 10

    .„„, I make uu appointment, until (heap known to jdBtify in. in saying that ^ » ^ ^^ ^ ^

    '" secured. Of course, this approxal I

    « \MiiMi ION LBTTB-t.

    rima nir SamiM mrrr 1

    Washington. I». C. July », "'•"■' The break between Mr. McKIn

    ley and Si-.-ieian Alger, which seemed aliuo«l at hand 11 daj or two ago, has been poetponed for 11 lime In I'iugree'adenial, doubtlciw 1111 der instruction* from Alger, of the correctness of the anti McKinlej iutcn lews reventi) attributed M him In reputable newspaper*. In Michigan and elsewhere. But puetpouiug l! does mil menu thai il will lie avoided permanently, Votwlthstu-idiug his public pro- Imtationsof l,.jali> 10Mr. Melvin- ley, Alger is under suspicion, and If he 1.111 prevent 11 break thai will result iu bis being kicked out of the Cabinet, he will have I" dlaplu) morediploiimcj than he has ever been credited w ilh ha* ing In bis make up. Hi- retention in Ihe Cabinet wasalso probablj us* -;.■' by what Senator llnrmws lold Mr, McKinle) thai Senator McMillau and himself would nol ask for Al ger's disiiiissul, ill (his time, lie cause the) believed hi* remaining in the Cabinet would be more "i n benefit than an injury to Ihe for

    liner's eaiidiiluc) for re-election. I One of the rer-uUa of Mr. McKiu

    I!. arata gather lo discuss poUtica.IWnPRlIDVIT 1fi There are a number of meu put 11 111 1 Dili lULu. for» :inl as favoi iles. I winding Kil Iwnrne, Rice, ami Hnskell, but the mail whose name has been ofteneal meuiioiic-1 In eonnectlon «iili the nomination, during thelasl two or ihreedays, isJonnli. MeKcaii. ihe owner of the Cincinnati Inquirer. One Ohio democnil said of Ihe probable platform: "Ohio demo- cmtsnre unitedly oppoaed to Ihe policy oftheKederaladmlnistrallon in the Philippines! they are op pored (o certain peculiar features 111 Ihe conduct of the Spanish wan the) cmphatieall) condemn Alger- ism ami all the dishonor and dls grace implied b) Ihe Icrm. and (he) are opposed i" trusts and similar fornisoforganized corporate wealth. The) "ill shape their platform along Ihose lines, ami (aB( better.

    The seals have been put In Ihe

    The Win-ton .1 nal says:I f%■ I gi IX^\^\C|


    Wivt Kiivn LB, Julj •"•. ''■>'■' .1. 1'. Stokes i- knocking around

    here a little. About fifty negroes went lo

    (Ireenvllle from here 011 Ihe train and returned yesterda).

    Mrs. I'r. 1-. T. l'«x. who has been visiting al Seven Springs, re turned home yesterday morning.

    A. IM'o\ is improving his corn- er very nun h by building a nice walling around his yard.

    Miss Kittle Morgan i>»>k Ihe train for her home yesterday moruing, aahei falhcrseem* to lie

    b NK\ KK

    HATCI There are many men whohavebeeal elevated lo a high political ami nodal p..-it i,»n in life and their ma- terial condition very much bet- lercd through the influence and aid of newspapers, lu met they were made, so in speak, when this work of love is doue for a man. a '"•"'.fpi.JP ^VA/EITPINf that doea not shame the image of 1 r[ll Q V¥ ULl 1IX\J hi- Ood, the newapaper always afterward feels proud of its work. RLAIIClHTFR But if. be object upon which II haal QUI lU U1 I ■ UI\ labored pros en nn Ingrate. ;i rliisli. j Miullos thinj:. ilif newn|wpi*r rum- III 11

    I After two )catH ' Prtftnluma have been paid

    — IN TI1K—

    118.1" of Newark. N. J.

    ant help feeling that mistake.

    il made a '

    ihe\ have reasonable hopea of wlu uing n| ■•■:: ihcn> alone, nlthongh other planks ma) la? added to the platform." that Ihe republicans nf ihe state il feel the confi- dence the) express was shown h) the te,|iiesl maile of Mr. MeKinley 1,.1,11111- to the state and makeaoiue speeches for llanna's ticket.


    inms of ihe ilep.it. and all now is a \isit bv t'e

    nude nor semi mule, inn character- i i-ti.-all.\ dressed.

    Special . n, 1 in-/. On M lay. July 10th, I8»». the BLAI'OHTEB OF

    '.- Board >»f t'onnty Commissioner

    a movement is on foot to put warehouses of Greenville and other eastern towns in the Danville 1" baooo Warehouse Triwt. When this is accomplished then w-e pre

    diet lhal man) of Ihe markets will lie closed and the tobacco growers forced to ship their tolmceo :.■ certain markets to be handled bj the Trust npon its own terms, n

    has alwn)s '■ n 1,.-.-■ —.t■ >. hill has as a mattei »fi nurse ISH-II frvel) given heretofore i 1 all mailers pel lain :■- lo Ihe Wai IH'iKirti Hereafter, everything is to Is' scrutinized earefnll) ami ever) ad of the War I »cpartmeiil "ill lie Mr. McKinle) '• personal act.

    The Inventions of Am ■: i< ana have doue u to make this iimu-

    s than repulilii in . . lotwilhs mil - I'laims, and Ihe

    waiting 1 it nee. Is

    ]painters. w. I.. Hurst n"» has coca coin

    1 and la prepared to furnish almost Ian) cold drluk a body wants, lee I for side all lime. j In a short while B. 1". Maiming 1 .S; ('...will have in a nice stock . ,(wi" iioi'i a special meeting 101- me [read) made clothing, wall and pUrpiBic„r bearing con-pUiints ..1

    SIH* them befinbnyiug. lanvnud all persons who an- uul At regular meetiug of Town|eatisllcd with the viilnntiou placed

    jt'iimmissioners yesterday II. i". Smith hariug resigned as Police

    I man, A. I). Cox was appointed to nil 11 i — place. .Ine Manning i-* lamp lighter.

    Y01 H X (Mi; We want youi name signed 1

    A life-size figure of Ihe typical Aineiicaii girl will be e.isl in Vir gin Colorado gold !•> represent the State's yellow metal al I'aiis. The Colorado commissioners and Culled States Commissioner I". W. Peck are agreed ou the statue, ami Ihe contract for the casting has been STOKK BEATS TILE BLIZZABD let. 'I'lu' Reurc will l«- neither





    . vou can give us

    may Is- that lireenville will I ne try prospero ofthe closed towns and its iinoCCll leglslatioi Died warehouses will stand as sad '"" '' 1 in\ cnl n e genius ol Atnerie-ins >• a- monuments of the desolation and|neTW ,..,. .,;:..,.]>,„.pi,,,,-,1 u. ,;i ruin wrought b) theTruata. .,, iiiisiime. Iiiisi> pi ven l>)

    There are some things so clean the heavy increase In Hi cipis

    cot and simple that n 1 can fail »f the C..it.il

    to understand nnlena he be bliudeil by partisan ncal. Among these we mention these facts. Siucc M. and labels was greater than an) Kiule) and the Kepublicstn party since April, lsflo. also b) ihe live rameinto power the4th of Mawh. thousand applications

    iictinli li) the Patenl Oflli Keiiluekians who have liecn I"

    coin t-;i

    ml dc ■   stale as

    K01 iiisliiii.-e, Mr, II. M. I.a:.ham said: "\\ illiaill '..-cl.el

    ' w ill lie elected 1 iovci :»'i ol Ken : luck) w Itholil 11 doubt. He is a man .-i the people iiud stands fol

    I In--, iiolieeil that suitable mar 1 iagi - pices everylmdj bill il"-

    isinlrai tin pai lii.-i .1 pai-son's pants ginerall)

    we.11 out a- the seal afore they du : Ihe knees.

    tin-! la/) men idlers he\ smart wivCS,

    I'h.-i in.H fie 1. hers Ihiuk Lird is dee!.

    filet wisi mi . soiiietuues learn''longyoll have beeu using your ov fools, but then f.sds ihrn't learn „I„.,.K. Thi*nieaiisanybody, and DV wise men. I we will gladl) publish whnl you

    Thct you can't tell the size ov 1 Ly j,, ,,„, cirular with name man by Ihe uoise he makes. isigneil. A. i;- r"X Ml-"'ci ;'■>.

    Tbet a pound ol pcrswashiiu 1- yra_ iieecham's mother, sister. Iietlertuan 1 tin ov cimpulalon. |ul„| ,istcr'„ husIiaudiMr. Hookeri

    up.-il iheir lands b) the appraisers

    Illsolution Natlce,

    now W.IKMI a week more ihan a -..ai ag... and bj the fad lhal Ihe week'- issueof patents, irademarks

    multipli.il. grown and pi-nsp.-,-,-,! ■ Wj ,„„„,„„ .i;„,. ,|„..,.,., and they are still multiply iug and ijon wirs held, MH-III •- ahaorblng 'till UO one can t'-ll m.-.-iaiu- -n...'— ill the where they will stop. Kepublini rtaii

    policies ami practices foster and protect Tnists and the people need not expect to overthrow the Trusts

    favor of 1 h« lightWIKXI hill, ami rim carl "'.

    I wagon wheel, or jusl tell ns how

    The firm of Brown *v Hooker w-is dissolvedbv mill nal consent ou Ihe 1-1 da) of July, ISWt. Those iudebteil [to the linn .an settle

    ' with either member. The Imsiuess will bc« liiim-.l i.\ W. B. Brown.

    W. II. BKOWX, S. T. llnoKKU.

    (^Ictbiug, - S1!00^ ©rV (>H'1S.

    ►:- and pjotions -^ in iN' f FORGET THE PLACE.

    • Your Policy is: 1 I. Nonforfeitable,

    S. Has I'ash Value. .".. Loan Value. I, Paul up Insurance, 5, Extended Insurance that

    works aiiloiuatieiilly. il. Will be re inslaleil within

    three years after lapse if you are in good health.

    Afttt Second Year 7. No Restrictions, 8, liiionlestablc. Iiiviilends arc payable at Ihe be-

    ginning of the second and Ol each succeeding year, provided ibe pre- mium for the current year Is-paid. They may In- used

    I. To red lice Prein in ms, or 'J. To IncreaM the Insurance, or 3, To Make Policy Payable as

    an Endowment daring the Lifetime of Insured,

    J. L. SUG-G-, Agt, i;i:i:r.\\ II.I.K, N. ■'.

    H.w.\Hriic:'A .0 rloW, II win. Imnl.i

    — nr.v 1.1:11 IN—

    That lelils.

    ■I bank ye" pa; s 11 pile of


    Made hy The Orange Vu. Obser. vcr.

    XOTH'i: l-M\ g»-i cur rents from electric a ires,

    TllC -Heels will be kepi clean

    the ladies have commenced wiiiriug sweeping dresses.

    from Aurora, have been visiting her since Mondav evening. They came through the country from

    ' Aurora on a carruige. Mr, aud Mrs. Hooker will return llii.-

    [inoruiug, but mother will spend w ith her.

    Whichard. N. C. m -^. '"«■»' u • iiiuiiain, n. V.

    ;§jt*6l2ht0l1 | TheBUmkl iplele in every le- m &** €J „, I nartment and prices as low as the

    Shoe' WARRAN'fED.



    Happening* In North Carolina.

    Rev. R. P. Troy, of Urceesl ili.-.l Saturday afternoon.

    When Ibe liar Association gets I., the Atlantic at Morehcad the) i.-d as foil.

    Ity order of the Hoard of C mi inissioui-i- of Pill count) .

    T. R. Mount:, Clerk.

    NOTICE. OnMoudayal 7thda) of August.

    A. !•.. I8M>, 1 will sell al IhcConrt House door in the tow n of Green- villctotbc higliesl bidder for rash one li-act of land in Pill coiinl) eoli- lainting about 15" acres a 1 d IHIIIIUI

    Situated in < ii-.-i-a


    bar 1.1 right ring whcii he pro| 1 to will not have to cross the ! Iiud Ihe bar. There 1- on.- already n. tin- house.

    Weak?) Booth, a while mau s:> wars old who lived near I'ary. was killed b) a train Saturdaj itfternoon, He was drunk and drove ..11 the railroad track ahcil of a I rain

    The people we beli.-vc are liecom

    log more imd more alarmed at the rapid growth of these Trusts and unless we mistake the signs of llie limes wc predict they »ill force

    men ami Dartles to inakc the an nihilatioii of these Trusts tIn- great

    lewe in the great battle of WOO. The proinotei-s of these Truata ma\

    feel that MeKinley and the iiepuli- lican party is sure lo win iu 1900 and that therefore I he Trusts are sail and thai tlieretorelhe I rusts are sal. i *.-V/fl . "

    »-fA"y., M ■ It would seem from the in.iniiei iSf^jk^J 1_





    iu whk'b they an multiply iDgtheiu —dipwdlng Ihcni tint that tln'>

    have this oonAdcDCQ in the sooecn of McKiuley ami his party. Tln*> seem uot to r*msi(lcr thai then l»

    m point bflyond wliirh th.'\ COODol nufely ffo. That point, loonrbaai' Mi judgment, has bean ranchwl.

    Will they stop lliercf It -CIIM-

    not. Ulaahad with iiiecen and blimleri hy ^reetl tlicy rush madly on. If Iremoer.itH will reasr HUM

    liicKiTin-'f. get toftthar,selectoan ilnlates ami U-ailers in wliom Un-

    people have oonftdenoe and ataet

    the Kepuhliran party fairly ami wiuiirely on its Tru*»t pdlciei ami

    pr.HluetiouH they ran win in LDOOlf it bun thceouruge ami Ihe viailom lo M-i/e upon 11. Will it do it'

    We have faith that it will.

    r* t.

    An ExeeiU'iit Combination* The |il«'u-nnt mf-thod :nui beneficial

    ertVrta >U-in cffeetaallr, dispflliiii.' «' ill DratfiiU.-rrka sue. v< boiiM

    Porterilcldi Crtdlton Qct Notb inR'.

    The iippliratiiin ..1 Ibe Xortli Carolina eriHlitorn of I'orterllelil awl l'olupuU\, lllc- sl.H-k l.r.ikei-s ol tbWeit) who lei-entlj made an a« si^illuellt. for the appollltUMIll "t receiver*, ho* been ileuled l>\ Ihe court, upon Ibegrounil, it iaatateil, ih.11 the oounael for il nupaii} uilmitleil that the IIIIMIIOS waa oue ..I gaiublinit, -iiul tbal inimbling ilebia cannot be collected bj law, If thin i- line, it i- bold that il in ike* ihe linn guilty of crltue, ami an al tempt «ill li- made to lei'lirc Ihe in*lie!men! of .he firm in V.'ith Carolina, ami application inaj lie Uiailc for the re.|ilisilioii of the purluem to thai Htale. There -,1-i-iiis now iii view oi the declaiou f the court, no prospect of Ibe

    -Teiiiiorv.il the ilefuncl brokerage lirm ever getting iheir money.— I'liarlottc Ni'ws.

    Convlttcd of Lyochlnir.

    I'lclllllnll'l. Jill] 1.— III tllC County V i.if Patrick, today, C. .1. II ipaon, 1.. I'. McMillan, Mn.lixui Montgonieryi Jr., II. I. Montgomery, Robert Montgomery, an.I \v. M. liranch.ail white, were coilvicteil of iniii-il,-i- in the aecoml degree In lynching Lee I'uckett, while, for attempted criminal as siiuli on a young holy.

    I'lickcii wa*a dlaoharged lima tie. Tbompaon was given all an.I ih,- other the yean each in Ihe penitentiary. Thojur) were out onlj Ihirl.v miniiles. |'hi« i.-, -.ml to be the And 8MB of M- kiml in Virgiuia.

    There ia a preueher in Durham whoauyahe ban tramped 20,000 mileaaud preached Ihe goapel In every section of the country. He travel* without purae or scrip, and doe* not carry an extra coat, Ula only baggageconalata ofanoldpair of saddle bags in which be carries hi- food from one place lo another.

    The Kissing lluK-

    Waihington u annoyed bj a bug that Isanldtobe devastating the fair beaut) of the Washington face. This bug Idles on the lips, ami the affected parts soon swell to anenor- mom si/e. the skin becoming MV- lel ami I'cM-iish. and throbbing like a toothache at one oYlock. The Identity of this kissing bng was a mystery until this week when the entomologist who superintends the Department ofBogology in the American Maseum ofKatnraJ His ton examined the Rpecinien and said il was'-Mehinolcslcs I'ieirH-s." 'I'his sniinils had enough for any thing, and when we learn thai Ihe bug lives Iher ioaciis and is 11 lii-sl cousin to the Melanolesles Hi guttatus it simply horriflea us to think what fearful coiisc.|iieiiccs may ensue from its bite. The t'barlotle anthorltles shonld take steps In i|iiaiaiiliiie BgaJnal the ktaalng bng of Washington,—I'har lotte S«WS.

    villc township beginning at the mouth of a slough on Tar river Alfred Forbes corner and runs his linesiiuih ::o west PW pole- lo a sweetgum on I'ollnrds mill pond another of Alfenl Forbes corners, thence up said mill pond ton stake centered b> twosweetgnius, Ihcuce norib .'I0i cast .100 poles lo two hickory* on the river bank, theme down-aid river M poles to begin- ning containing 130 acres more or less said uudbeioglol uolallotteil 1.1 \. A. Forbes. Jr., in the illvis i f the lands of Arthur Forbes to satisfy an execution in my bands for collection agnlnsl T..1. Btancll and which has been levied on said land as the property of said T. J, Staticil.

    This 3rd das of July, IMM». il. M. MOORISH,


    W. II. WIIITI:. W. T. l'l.DMIM..

    $2.00 $2,50

    $3.00 3 l'RR

    1 i

    PAIR.9 m Perfect Fating. Bet We/.rinq 3-d J.

    MM ^tOtHe Shot sold. * 1 ■ 1 ■ ■ I.I - 1 1 , J

    ' ■' ' "'" ' ' I,

    s ■ 

    lowest. IliKhest market prices paid for country produce.

    0. w. —in.At.r.i; IN—

    Heavy and Fa-.c

    J. C. COBB ft SON. ■ 

    :. ■ 

    vy2jg£ V^0B«Np>C.

    ;e-llli »»»s>tttt(irtnMli


    CottOU ll.i^-^ii.:; and I'iil, always —on 11.in ,—

    Fresh goods kept constantly on 1 hand. Country producebougt and [sold. A trial will convince you.

    F, «*, HARt'KE.


    The Monarch of Strength is

    LOST. Many golden oppoitu nities have Man lost by Ihose who sutler from rheumatism. Ity taking Kheumaoide now they will IH- permanently and pontivel)


    We have just opened inlhel'hie nix bulklblg with an entirely new ami coinplclc stock of


    Jfferchandise We Carry

    Dry Goods, Notions. Iloots, Shoes, Hats, Hardware, Crockery, Farm ImplemenU, Meai. Flour, Sugar, Coffee, l.nrd, Toliacco, etc.. iu fact every STAPLE ARTICLE carried in a general stock.


    Our prices on every thing will bo found as low a-a good article can lie sold at. Vou are ior.|iall\ in \ iie.t to \ Isltourstore.

    Iliflhesl prices |>iiid for all kind of coiinlry produce.



    Its rtrongtli oon'-- from i! -. purity, 'c Is nil pure coffee, iresrily roastod, ,".i ci ! nolil only In ono-oound sealed packages. Each par lens 1 v.■ ' r-ik© .-O cups. The pack- PRO Is eealud at t!»o i>. is 1 o th.it iho aroma la never v/eakomd. It h.ia 1 dfcieio.ia flavor. Incompariblo atrongth. It la a luxury .'/I'.h.n tho roach of ail.

    Promt - I ;- in »vory varMago. Cut 1 •:'. your Lion's Hoad ..nrl got valuable ;-i amlurrs fr-10.

    rt^, no, li^-. T.lnn flftlT^* In M. ifor«. I.n4 ml r,.,-. tn.1 .,M.. . Oil, w» n..j Ihiw II i.n ..I. 1 tu rr Is. pot impt

    V.IIOI.VIN IPI0B CO.. T«.|..rt. 04l«. ■HPW5*9fHSJS3

    If your Grocer

    7 -rIvhc finest of all mineral waters. A positive cure for Indigestion,

    I Dyspepsia, Insomnia, Nervous Prostration and nil Kidney and l.iver Troubles. Its general restorative properties are wonderful. Rich Spring baa its peculiarities. All seven an marvelous.

    Reduced Rates on Rail Roads. Hacks to meet every Train. TELEPHONE LINK PROM LAOBAHOB TO SEVEN SHlO'liS

    Waterworks In hotel. Hot or cold water bathl free lo guests. Tor terms address

    G. F. SMITH

    The Four Greatest. Jl I.V .llllKMHkV COUNTY AFFAIRS.

    Some II purtini;. Some Return In*.


    no Thin Road.

    sV'-i- :::::::::: :|?5»3-»:*?«t€i: :::::::::;;-

    I Do:'t Forqef

    Boys Knee Pants.

    10 Cts Pair.

    Silk Bosom Shirts.

    50 cts Piece.

    Mens all-wool Suits.

    $2.50 up.

    Boys 2-piece Suits.

    65c Suit

    M'l-.in \. .11 1 -. .:, Isirw.

    II. IS. liughes v cut li, \\ ils.,11 II day,

    \V. II. firiinesIcll Ibis moruing foi uulviah.

    FRANK WILSON Tr^e Kjijg Glotl^iep

    I'roccedlni; . of ihi- lioaiu .., -^ Nice Commissioner -.

    Kor MI 1 Tin: K1.11.1 Al their rcgulai .liilt\ mi ■   . 11; ha

    Ih.- I....11.1 ..II' ..ml , 1 .,,11111, . ! lie 1 nil 11 in Inn ers issued orders auiouiil iug a» fol .-:..:.;■ ofthe Iii 1 e . | .--■ 

    ., .... , I lows: .- ■ 1 ■     li 011 this I, and ankiiii! \\ . o. Hhelburu, ..I Itleliiuond, „ ,, , ., „

    i- in (own. ''"' '"'"' ' ~ ""' ''•*-' ' " ' '"*■     !: Home s|i:,.7ii: Su|H-riiilciule:il "■   •'>• tt'liilc. Vice l'r,s,ii|eul .1! Health tin; t* .1 M. 15.!)i 1; Ta.\ l,:i' ' ' ;:' ' h "' ' ■■ a-c-s.11-S7:M .-j:.: Atliiriic\s*l."iO; 11.■ -1 --• ■. nli 1. mh -|«.|il - ■ 

    Mi-si.u.-v N'oblCBisvisitingMiiajjaJi ..;:•,.-.•;,; i„i.|.,-. r,.,-',., „,„| .! --. . .u \\ .:■ ii .!.-:, -,,,.; tt'i Ldit- , °l:vr"'"'"'1- lumber aTl.M; win., . ti.-keis villc .-allid | ■        .... Mr. .1. j

    Walter aaiM'arl M'ilso.i left lhislai-l..12; Su|,.-n..i r.eirl Clerk l:- Kcnlj. one .-, tin III :

    iiHiniing forl'lvnioulhtovisil ichi *3i.;«. Kegisterol \> i-.-i.1-: t'oa*l Lb .. v ,- ■ ■ ' 'Sin-rill S.I.I;.", • ('oiiiuiissioners >.'. Ibe mailer dil -lij I. his alien .'.

    Mrs. \V". II. Renfrew returned I GO; lax hooksaiidsiiu.lrii-s x|o,:;-j: lion. M .-,-■..:. 1 •. .. ■ i — -• ■    him Batnrday from a weeks visit in Hie total *i ..V.S.MI. I hit ihe mailer should ■—t i MQNRY J

    In Hwifl t'reek, I'ouleuluea ami aliil and mieli iiuproM-iueiil mai t1

    IIrs.J. it. iioyc aud obild re .Heaver Ham -i,.-', !i. 1, .; due diil. tiirueilthis moruing from Seven claimsninountiiig i. -;.■.." i'his|

    MM I'iKiMi. \\|| SKI MK mi; V11III

    i ■: *• ,;'" :; TNI;W ''"'i'- L'i M.MI-;I; T\itv / rooiiK ::

    ill 'IMKIi I il.'l V»""|.sr*)l HMKIt C7KYV1001I8 NI,




    JAHES B. WHITE, f ^_~_iK : :BS2.*^*»36SIL:::- ::::::■ 


    w im HUthi LOCAL i:i:ii.i-:iTioNs.

    The police force is a trio of Mil- lies.

    .Inly gives us an occasional shower.

    Straw hats show which way the wind bloirs.

    To hope aud strive is the best way to) drive.

    Scandal is like a mat. H can be laid at any man's ilnor.


    .1. ''. Jordan, ..1 Dam ille. who ha> been hen- a few days, h-li this morning.

    Rev. A. W. Set/.or left this I morning forOnslow county to iiold

    1 tinir.


    pai.I. 1 ell in- ' .,-■ - . I. ■  ,. Hlurlin- Shelly, |Mii;-er, IH-II _ ""' :'i' ' -

    dead Iii- iiniin- wn i-';e.i .■ mi -''"' »' '" -" ' -I'1'" '■'■'• ' ■■ \\.,- 1 ■ 1 mi li at tu I10.I 1,. : 11 || 1- 11

    Marj \;i i--ir.li.er v.;.s .Iis -"; """"• ■;'"1 "" Ibe e.mdil - charged from c.iuiil- I ion.e and '•"■'" k«-piu uilh I In IIIIM-I on I'billis Knell .ii, adiuill d lui* ' '"1- ■l": '•' ' 1 '■■ "": '•

    11. W. King, ol Snifl 1 k, lb*""-lhal mil out} Ibe people..! ■!,._ (Srcc:i\ ill lull ii—> Ibe |H ojile nil

    > nONEY!! ■•!". itlisliiml 1 . wan i-

    nthiiig »..- • iiucdn ei lo - tip 11 lie il enlei ■    olllei . and II . pn I111 .son, I, i.| coll - .

    • -.-■. I Hie license I • - lel'i theiu .1 r cishh . no oi ■■ Itslll l-lil. _ i-ni.!,li-ii..--'. 1 , I , .

    !be) .-..nil I-.- I the JI ivell tu ! 1 ,-.. . :

    li.'- reins of .;.- - . ..I.I.-. ... ..-.-'' ' - >l - \. .1 I, e .

    K" .-I wi rking in ',■■■ 

    Tills Han Farms.

    Hall ■ lay Mr..lame II. I " -il. . live- 11U.11I i\ . I11-.VII, ! 'Ill ol 1,1

    1, n!> of. anil ry ii ii- -!i In 1 -■ AH ill I sold il I .1. C. C.il.li ,>

    is is not llie only liieal Mr. I or) • M II . eiilli. eiih.-r. I'..|-l:eii ■ 



    My trade last week * ivas very satisfactory i and I still haye a good $ ly number of those £

    .„ choice bargrins left. 9

    -i rii :'i,-, j.it-iit !\ lui:,. in;, s. uii< ,. ' ,. ' , lulling when I. llie- |o lowII. Inpior license wen- gianlc.l p.ol_.

    I In- man who lives thai «a) . v. |i|i

    V>,.,VIN M. xmHTt

    pUl*lii'* :.|>|>l\ III"; fol" HaUUO.

    1 !:«■ liiil'iwin:; jui'i»i> wnv tlr;tu n fol Sf|ilfiiilM-, fOUli :

    I u>l wick I', it. Ihmrcc, i'.

    pli'iilx i r meal foi Iii- lm no i - mill :i Jfmxl -II|«|I|\ 1M IIIIII hilu

    c;:-li. ijon'l ha\o I>I UiUior his l. lleevi*. colored Monday. .1. K. Clark. .1. L. Flanagan. K. A. ** ';"',"" "'"",'" K" "h"7.«, "».' ... ,. ,, ,, , ,,. l«bo died III the hnspilal wlille Ills iheriy.Mc.l.. Ilorton, Jr., \\ . regiment was in «impal Knox\illc. IS. Brown. .1. .1. Smith, JoshuaiTcnu. His remains were liroiiu

    '/N"l,„ |IAIi,aii^ •\V yi


    Nobles, I-'. M. Kllpatrick, .1. L. l-'ountaiii. I.. II, Render, li. II. Whiicliuisi. W. ii. Uurubill, W. I P. Buck. M. A. Mill-. J. ll.lj-1 Norvillc.

    Second Week W. A. I'.ul

    ,1. I. James, Henry Lewis, .1. I'.

    lo lirceni ille. His widow ic.-.-ii es a pen-ion of *r_' a mouth.

    Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Notions Furnishings, &c,

    uhicli I :II*I ili'lonuhio losoll al au> piioo. Come iiud s*^* iufi in UM >I »iv IM -.i '.'• Mb* Aim-1 ,ir-«'i." - Uilliuori More.


    slonary Baptist oburoh when a young woman, but after leaving hoi i .li I home she never moral her membership sa she lived for years ina neighborhood where ihere was no church of this denomination, bnt while taking no active part in any particular church work she was ever ready and willing lo do any kindness, especially for the sick and for li 11 lo i-liihlrcn. She said only a short while liel'ore her death "1 belong to Jeans, I love 11 im and know that He loves me." Mr. Ailolpbus Dudley is her only living brother and she leaves two lined sisters, Mis. Jeunellc Dudley and Miss Mch Ink) Huilh-v.to tarry hen- yet u llttlfl while UBtll the Death angel shall whisper to them, loo, to cross inn tin- liver ami rest tinder the shade of Ihe trees,

    is. II.

    The heathen bows down to wood and atone—the •nUghienarl people kneel to a god of gold.

    I > i il..-1,-s experienced Tobacco r, ,r -. fa,-i i\ fir.fi I ''"'' "

    l-'k',|-,,'"l'l"> such cheap work-

    - ** '-■   * :-'l '* • t lint they have lo put loops ou them so J: •.. n-II .an lie ihem together with wire

    Slack ledge came iu this mornlug. J)V)M,r w vrv Allen. W. \:J \ \\ :] . ; Iu the l*rn. We haxc Hft.H-a years Rj L f| JL j dam avenue. The l.loekwa- -.„ ,'.... , |, ^^ U, |, I I 11 U L If U. LUl r.iiiu.led and I in- negro i-apliir.-l. _____ A large crowd colloeteil and in-i-ied on lynching the murderer, but ..ne1

    hundred p.ilieeiiicu got tile negro

    safely to pii-m bj iligguiglng him as ii woman. Abonl I he mime hour a mob wasdoiug iis best lo fasteii u ihilhes line an.mid Ihe neck .o a

    white man who bad uswiullcil .• little girl, and in this case Ibe arrival of HuhTcieiil police power was all thai prcvenlidu lynching, \ ll.iiiN ni I Iu- I.IIHI mi in aliuo-l

    wceklj in an.l around the large

    lilies, and Ibe old) obstacle iu Ihe

    waj of the criminal liuliigswung lo a lamp post ..r elevated railroad is Hie arrival of the noHce. li is alioiil time Ihcse I'acls were ts-in^ considered bj the newspapers and speakers of tile North. Chiillolle Qbaerrer.



    1 ■;■>"

    - - -.iS-n&S-;iS;iS!«-:i®

    MI?MI?itF«lf!fMfl1»WMtfm«rW»W«»f_ ■   WWII rtlANXiH Kt'KTH.VI I HAM. PIRCIUBRU 1 I the entire [mewl of K. \. Moye in Ihe I'l.ANTKHS

    & f\(^\ q'^l/^lf'b I " WARRIIIU SlOuiid um now llie Hole Owner and Proprle- I V^V_'«V_/V^V> 3 im. .. -I ai,.a!-. in pn-iii handle the crop of Tobaoeo

    S ..I I'm and adjoining counties for inorcmoue) Ihan any oilier ■ . —„ ||/»,» 3 warclioiiscman in Norlli Cnolina. ^ "rJHO IIUTV a INSTKAD of tilling omit ry with drummers this an- » 3 -.HI I -hall make a diiiliiinei mil of ever) customer II) ilivid r 1^1 I SI NPSS ON ? '" '"> '-0111110 — 11.11- in lln- wa.\ oflligll price.. Hfl when vou E, L,»-'*- ' }; *-•= J Vf.V.i.J gil )«ur Tl'f.AC.o ,,.,ie,| C..MK to 111 i: I'l.ANTKHS s'iiummnwiuit.nnuauDMi.tuuiux. w vitKiiorm-;. v„„, .,,. ,,,i.

    OLR FORBES, Sole Owner & Proprietor PLANTERS WAREHOUSE.


    \ e-s.

  • -7-— •^ IW ^1

    i mm mm GREKNVII.l.K. X. 1'.


    D. J. WHICH \KD. Bd.* Owner.

    Entered at the Peel Office M Greenville. X. C. M BeMOd Pleas Mail Matter.

    FRIDAY, JI n T. 18W.


    I rein 0 .T Rag . ii i

    w.i-'iuuinn. l>. c . July :«, '.''.'

    The break betweeu Mr. M. ■Km lej end Hecretarj Alger, which seemed almost Ml hand a day or I wo ago, ban been postponed for a time bj Pingree's denial, doubtless uu der instructions froni Ahjer, of the eormetDeaeof the ami Me Km ley Interviews reoentlj attributed to him bj repulalde ucwHpapers, in Michigan and elsewhere. But postpouiui! it does not mean that ii will he avoided penuauontly. Suta Itbstn idiuc In- publii' pro testatiou* of loyalty, to Mr. McKiu-

    Icy, Alger in uudcr suspicion, and if he can prevent n break thai will | result in bbilwiut! kicked out of the I'abiuet, he "ill have t" display more diplonutcy thau he ha* rvei

    been credited with ba\ I -

    The Tru>t mania i> spreading.

    It struck lirccnville Saturday and

    all day it* Kiihtic poison.ui.- in

    IwuTii—MhciMl bath* air. A

    bright JMMMkg man. who had been I

    buyeron the lii-oem illi- tobacco

    market, arrived from Danville ou

    Friday. Saturday ■mruiug a

    ahrewd reticeut Lawyer arrived

    from Wilson by way of KinMon.

    mid he and the JOIIII;' man from aud himself would uol ask for UaaviUevweaooncloaetadtogetb I avrV dismissal, al thii<

    er. In a short while the owners

    and land of the tobaoro ware

    houses were sent for and all day

    the mysterious conferences www

    Koint; on at the Hold Macou. We

    have not lioen able to gel al theex

    act status of affairs, buteuough is

    know to.insiify us iii Raying thai

    a movement is on foot to pal ■'"'"'- '" "»c »"»' Department. ,., , , ... Hereafter. everything is to IH'

    diet that many of the markets a ill , ,- ,, I scrutinized carefull) and every ael

    be dosed aud the tobacco PW*"L,ta w„ ih-partineni sill he Mr.

    forced to ship their tobacco lo-M,.Kiuley'* personal act.

    certain markets to be bandied bj •.■ll(. invention* of Am ricam the Trust upon its own terms. It nave done more to make this cnuu

    ■ay be that Greenville will I ae trj prosperous than republican legislation ha* done, nota lib* • ■■ 

    istvrous clainis. ami Ihc

    erats gather to discuss politics There are a uuMber of men pal i..i .- aid as fuvoi ii4V*



    i ii

    Special ,.*U-ili.ii;.

    In a short while B. 1". Manning; On Monday, July 10th. I«W. (hi Hoard ol lountv t'ommis»ioucr



    I |ie\ imticeil that suitable mar i up.. | ..,-- ii erylw ly but Ih*

    lrai-1 : ■ Tliei a parson*- pants ginerally

    «eii ..-.II a" Ihe seal afore Ihey ■ he knees.

    I .,■■■ 11, \ in.-:i allei - Ic* -i w i\ e-.

    In,-: luosl pieai hers lliiuk

    1. .1 1 I- dee'.

    |& Co. will have In a nice stock of read) made clothing. Wail and i ,„„.,„,.,. „, ■„,„.•„;, ,,,„.,,i;1j.,, --•iiiiein bef« re buying. auvand all person- who arc uol

    AI regular meeting oi Town [saii.-iicl with the valuation placed

    Coiumissiouers yesterday II. r. Smith having rcsigueil as Police

    'man. A. I). Cox Was appointed lo ! nil hi- place. Joe Manning is lamp

    lighter. Voi K XAM r. We wain ) iui

    | upon Ibeir lands by Ihe appraisers,

    IHsolulion Notice.

    ol Newark. N. J.

    . Your PoUe) is:

    | 1. Xou -forfeitublc. -'. lias I ash Value.

    ... Laan Value, I. Paid u]i lusuraiue. ."). Kvtcmleil liiMiraini- il-.-t

    ' works aiiloinaliially. S. Mill IK- re instated MIIIHII

    three yeai-s after lapse if you uie iu good hcallli.

    After Hoaoatd Year T. Xo I!«-sl rid ions. S. liiconleslulilc. IMviileuds arc pay aide al Ihe Is-

    i-.uh nueeeedingyear, proviilisl the pre- luiiini for the curreul year Is-paid. i'hev may IK- UMSI

    IIIIS K\ KMXIi THK liKKAT I. To reduce Premium*, or I'l.'ui: i rni-:i[ ni'sr MICS TIII-. -. To IIICWM Hw Iwrnmnn, m SI.AI lill'l'l.i: HI-" '•'•■    To Make Policy Payable as

    . an laulow incnl during !he I.ifcliiiie

    (• I'lPlIlO. - ^POC^.Ioflmmred. ^ , rt M J. L. STJG-G, Agt,

    A life siw figure ol Ihe lypical American girl will be cast iu Vir gin Colorado gold lorcpreeeul the State'*yellow metal al Paris. The t'olorado coin in i.—ioiici'sand 1'nil ml Slates Coiniiiissioi.er 1". W. Peek are agreed ou the statue, and ihc

    ...al rail for tile canting lias been SKlIM". IIICATS Till: I'l.l/ZAUI) I ginning of Ihcsci-oud and ol lei. The figure will be neither

    nude nor semi nude, hut character- «jfc|f »1 rr)fi isiiealU dressed. •■■ 

    ■j:> PI:I.M I:\T. I.I:SS rilAXBBO



    OKI KM II.1.1:. N, c-

    I .he

    name signed I" vou ran git e us

    ■ :i\ lesliui iai:il a tax or of ihe

    lightwood hul» aud rim car; or I wagon wheel, or jual tell us how


    of the closed towns and i:s nnoccu-

    Died warehouses will stand as sail •"-■   .' . Thai e ' inveiil i\c itcuius "i Viueru in* ' - monumeuta of the deeomtiou and I ....,:. ,.i. i ■ ,i .. den-.

    Tnei wist-men sometiines learn i,,;i.^v,,n ,.\ i-.-il-. hill then i HI ** i-e men.

    file; you eau'i tell the si*

    mau by the noise he makes. 'signed. A. II. Cox Mr" i:,,- i pound ol perswasbuu is Wn veil by

    There are some ttiiugs so clean .the heavy increase iu Ihe mreiptu

    eul and simple Ihal no man can fail''' "'•;.1'"

    to understand niiless he is- hiimled now #."I.IHMI a week more than a \ ear ago. aud by Ike fact Ibal the week's iNUieofpaleuts. trademark* and labels w.i- greater than an) since April. 1-!'". also bj Ihe ii*e thousand application* awaitii

    by ihe Puleul < illi..-. Keiiluckiaiis ubohave lawn to

    multiplied, grown and l""-i'-" "'' W:,.|,„„lon siu.-e thestate.-ouveu andlheyai-c still multiplying and ,.,,„ „a. 1H.,,| „.,.,,, ,„ ,,.^.,,.I ,h-

    abaorbing 'till no oue can tell mocrutic su»-css iu ihc »iaie as

    where lhe\ will-lop. Itepubliean|ccrlain. I'or in-lame. Mr. II. M.

    poUcies and practices fostci and '•««•"•«" NIW: -Willian Iwl _ , . i will lie elected lioveruoi •■: Ken prolcct Iriisls ami Ihe pciipie i.i-.-ii v ii, |,„.i[, nitboul a doubl He ;- a

    ■lei| |to Ihe liiai can -i-llli with either member. The business will be continued bt II". Ii. Brown.

    W. Ii. IlKOUN, S. T. HlMIKIilt.

    M'iiri: ii>T.\x I'AVI:I:S.

    Xoiiie is hereby giteu Ibal ih- Board of t'ouiinis-iouers nf I'ill eiiiniy will lueel al Ibeir ollice in thel'oiirl House, in llittMivillc, Monday Ihc Huh of .Inly. I-:''.' for

    -)- and HUNT I- (BiE:*H.W.*f«C«fA10

    I 5 Points.

    MK\ Al.'i: BIGG KB iMAN \\OMI:N.

    I '• I > i j . - j r ; I.-1 a i< I I ■ 

    Mi-. Beeehain's mother, suiter, Mondavtbc iotb of July, ISIMI for • A*K ,l*™''1 '• Y"hiohQ».rt W fl and sister's bualuud Mr. Hooker I I the purpose of ret islug Ihe tax liad 8 gj • { J. - nicnartl. a. K,.

    fa., Aurora, jutvc been visitingH^™^ 1^612111011 i '-•„ Si.H-k p.,,,-in every le In-, -nice Monday evening. '»••>'„„.',,,,,„, |T„wirpro,K-rlv will \ **?n „ ° _ I purtim-nt nod prices as low a* Ihe

    Bepublicau politicians may declare

    against Trusts but as long as the

    Trusisgoon multiplying aud pro*

    Paring under Itepuldicau policies

    I hi- people ■ ill uol IM- he deceived

    by these nieaninglc-s declarations.

    I'he ptsiplr W» believe are beeoin

    ingmure '.ml morealarmed al Ihe

    rapid growth of these Tiusls and

    unless we mistake Ihe -i-.-n- of Ihe

    limi-s we preilicl they will fores

    men and parties lo make the an

    mliilaiioii of these Trusts the gran)

    issue in the great battle of lliiio.

    The promoters of these Ii usls may

    feel lhal McKiuley and the Ifcpiib-

    licau parly i* sure lo win iu IBOO

    and that Ihereforelhe'l'rusl-are-afe

    It would seem from th annei

    in which Ihey arc multiply inglhcni

    and spreading them mil lhal Ihey

    have this coutidciiceiu ihc •necess

    of McKiuley ami his parly . The)

    seem not to consider lhal there Is

    a point bayoud which Ihey caiiuol

    safely go. That point, iu OIII hiiui

    DM judgment, has lieeu reached.

    Will Ihey slop I here t II seems

    not. I'!n-li..I uiih sin-cess mill

    blinded by greed Ihey rush Hindi)

    on. If Democrats will cease their

    bickering*, gel together, select can

    didalcs and leaders in whom Un-

    people have coiilidenee mid nieel

    Ihe Bepublicau parly fairly ami

    squarely on il* Trust polioiea and

    productions Ihey can sin in Hum if

    it has the courage and Ihc wisdom

    lo seize upon il. Will il do ii |

    We have faith that il will.

    lia ies and demon •Irutcd his abilities as one of ihc creates) mguni/ers iu Ihe eolin lr)."

    A- theileuiocralic -laie conven- I ion nf Ohio will uol ivcnc for some weeks, there i- plenty ■•; lime io i.ilk uboul probable candidate* for Governor, and il i- (reel) laken

    advantage of wherever a tew demo-

    Aii Bxoellenl Combliuitlon* Tin- |>1MMBI Birthnd nuii beneficial

    ilf-ctb oi Uu) well known remedy, Krni'P r I'II.*. manufactured by the CAMFOMHA PIO Svaup Co., Ulnatratc tha v iluc "f obtaining ti e Ikiuld laxa- tive prim ipics of plants known to '»!■ medicinally lazatfre end pteaentinf then in the form mo»l refreahlns t-. the taste and acceptable t1' the kystcm. It lithe one perfect st r> niM Inning l»x»- tive. clean •iiiif the --v-t» in effectually, dUpelllng cold*, hcadaeliee ami feven eently yet promptly and ennbllnn;one tooveroome habitual conatlpatwn per* manently. Its perfect freenom fr»'m every objectionable n,uallty MIHI *ub- Mance,and Ita aetlns on tin kldneya, liver and bowela, withoui weakenina ..r Irritating them, make it the Ideal laxative.

    in the proceM of manufacturing tii.'« are Modi as they are pleasant t«» the taste, hut Hie Riedlt'liial(|uallttefiof the remedj ere obtained from net*m ami other aromatic planU, by ■ method known to the « AIU'-HMA Fin HTBCP Co, only. In order to gel its beneficial effects i iii lo avuiii linltatHNii, pleaM rcmemU r tlic fall nam^of thefumpan.i printed on the fi< ui ol every ,■>■ •» i.-1


    I- I'l.vll t I KV NIW YORK. ■   T. roc»«l«l>> all Dni«iim«.-rilM Sik.pciboUl*

    ORIGIN ti. oi*si-:«v.vrn)>s.

    Made by The Oranfe *'a. Oliser. •IT.

    Mo-I pc.pl.• believe ill a plll'-i-

    ouel religion. Manx a good man become- a hel-

    ler al a horseraeeoi a prize light.

    The -•! iug i- apt i" break If a girl ha- too man) young men on il.

    Some 11uu who a-Minic Iu be

    dogmatic oul) -how ibeir pupp)'- i.-in.

    Ihe young man's word- bilVe

    the righi ring when he prop - to hi- Hwectbeui i.

    \ man caniiol gatllPr ^i ipw fr thistles, but he can gel cur r.-ni- from electric wires.

    The -Heels will be kepi clean

    now—(he ladies have commenced Hearing mveeplug dresses.

    Porlerttelds Creditors Oet Noth.; lav,

    iiu- application ol Ihe N'orlli Carolina creditors of I'orterfield and Coiupnn). Ihe stockbrokers of Ihiscit) who lecentl) made an us sigmneiil, for the uppointmenl ol receivers, has been denied b) Ihe oourl, upon ihe ground, ii instated, tli.it ihe counsel for ihe rompuii) admilled lhal the bu.-ine-- wa.- one of gambling, and lhal gambling debls cannot be collected by law. If this i- true, it i- held thai it

    makes ihe Hrm guilty of crime, and an alleiupt will In. made to

    secure the indictment nf the Arm in N'orih Carolina, and application ma) he made for the mnuiaitlou nf the partners to lhal stale. There seems now in view oi I be decision

    of the court, no prospect of the creditors of the defunct brokerage Iii in ever gelling llieir iiuincy.— Charlotte Hews,

    came through Ihc country from | |K.||„.n ii,..n,i Aurora on a carriage, Mr. Bird I 4ny person who hi- failed i- Mrs. Hooker will return this | list property for laxaljiMi upon a| iiiorniiig. Inn Mrs. lieecbaui's

    Cy lmj*j* For .. ,', [lowest. IligLwl iniiikel prices

    mother will spend Ihe w ilh her.


    ComUtcd ol 1 i ni. Ii l nK-

    Richmond, Julj I.—In the Count) Court of Patrick, today, C. .1. Thompson, I.. 11, McMillan. .Madison Montgomery, Jr., II. I.

    Montgomery, Roberl Uontgomery, and IV. M. liianeh.all white, were e-iii\ iih d of niurilcr in die second degree iu lyucbing l.ce Puckett,

    while, for attempted criminal na- saull on a lining lady.

    I'ucketl wa-a discharged luna lie. Tbompaoo was given ali ami Ihc olhcr live ve.u-s eai-h in I he

    peuiteutiary. Thejur) were oul oul) thirty minutes. Thisli said In IH-IIIC lirsl COM' of il- kind in

    \ irgiuiu.


    Iluppc-nlngs in North Carolina.

    Rer. !>. P. Troy, of Urecesboro, died Sal unlay afternoon.

    Wlicii the Bar Association gels

    lo the Atlantic al Morebead Ihej will not hue lo cross the bar lo Ibid the bar. There i- one already in the house.

    \\ i-ley llootb, II while man Kl ii-ar- old who lived near Car)', was killed by a I rain Salc.nl.iy afternoon, He was drunk mid drove on Ihe railroad track ahet I • >f a train

    There is a preacher iu llurhuiu whosus be has tramped 20,000 miles am) preached Ihc gospel iu

    every section of the country, lie travels wilhoul parse or scrip, and

    does not carry an extra coat. Hi** onl) baggage consist.- ol an old pair

    of saddle-bags in which be carries hi- food from one place to another.

    the Ki--ing BUR.

    Washington i- annoyed b) a bug thai issaid lo IH- devastating Un- fair beauty of ihe Washington face. This bug bili-s on Ihc lips, and Ihc alTected parts soon swell lo an enor- mous size, the skin heoomlDg tear Id and hveriah, and throbbing like a loothacbe al o'clock. The Identity of this klasiug bug was a inystery until Ibis week » lien ihe entomologist who superintends the |ii|i.il lluelll of Ongoing) in the American Mnsaum of Natural Hi- ton I'vaiiiined the specimen and

    said it was"Mtlanoleatm Piolpai." Tliis sounds bad enough for any thing, and when «e li-arn lhal Ihe bug lives on other InaoDts and is a lirsl cousin to the Melaiiolcste.- Ill giiltalus it simply borrilies us to think whal fearful coiisei|iicincs may ensue from its bile. The

    Charlotte authorities should lake steps lo .|ii.iialilllle again-l tile

    kissing bug of Washington. —Char- lotte New.-.

    I.- — Cotton liagging mid i'n»- always

    —ou hau i — I'li-ib gmids kept r*iislantly 00

    hand. r«Min1ry produce iMiugl aud sold. A trial will convince yon.

    T. ' . HARi'KE.


    I W'r Inn c jlis1 o|M'in'i| in tin- 1'ln r

    ni\ building «iihan entirely new ami ootnptoto stook of


    JffQrchandhe We Carry

    The Monarch of Strength is


    Dry Goods, Notions. Roots, Shoes, llais. Hardware, ('rookery, Kami Implements, Meai. r'lour, Sugar, Coffee, Lard, Tobacco, etc.. in fuel every STAPLE ABT1CLB carried in a general slock.

    We Also Sell

    (»II*.H ITFI.1 Its rtrengtri com freshly roosted

    Hit) irvn i'-. purity,

    only ,1 It Is.i'l im n coffee,

    id aealed freshly roofltcJ. ..i ii ; rob' only In ono-nound ttoaleo packages. Each paf-lcnsr i w.1 nuke lOoups. Tho pack ego la ecaioil at •' ,•• M le :n that tho aroma la never v/eakenod. !t haa a d r, .... llsvor. Incomparible atrongth. It Is a I ■!■■  .-. Voh.ntharoaenofsuC

    Pram n List In svoi • paekafs. Cut i ul your Lion's Hoad -..-1 e:t vilusl ! i ,-; imlurrs fr is,

    If your Grocer AMI CHI ban l.ioo (Vffe* in ht§ tt«rw. i.rd na I nil.- ... i ..lir■ ■ that •• n,*F plnf il ^ii «»!e tbrrc. l>o i» any 'nlsnHH'l

    TtHkUnN .-,..;. CO., T. I--lo. Oblg.

    I pol ar««fC

    MAY. OATS. I i:\. CUT. TUN si:i:u in i.i.s AMI UBAL AMI IIIANO.

    Our prices on i-\ cry lliiug will be found as low a.- a good arliih- ran be sold at. Vou are cordially m \ hiil to i isiiiuii store,

    lliglie-l priii-s paid I'm all kind of coiiutiy produce,


    7 —-5f*-r$"— ■'I'-he lincsl of all mineral walors. A positive cure for (iidigwilioii, I Dyspepsia, Insomnia, Nervous Prostration and all Kidney and

    IJver Troubles. Itsgeneral rcalonitive prnpcrlim urr wonderful. K.irh Spring has its paonllantml, All m-veii are marveloilH.

    Reduced Rates on Rail Roads. Hacks to meet every Train. TKI-KI'IIOM: I.IM: PROM LAOBANOH TO BBVBM Hi'iii>-i;si

    Waterworks In holsl, llm at cold sraler bathi flea io guests. I'or lei in- addli m

    G. F. SMITH

    The Four Greatest. JII.V JUIH1MEVERS.

    (Some II parlinx. Some Hrlura in*.

    COfMl All AIKS. ■ IACII. -::::::::::::(? 5i5-t ♦?♦»§:::::::::::: — ■roLctrSln


    MIIMI \ s. .ii i \ .;. itt'ju.

    ii. 1!. Hughes acul io \\ i! da\ .

    Boys Knee Pants.

    10 Cts Pair.

    Silk Bosom Shirts.

    50 cts Piece.

    Mens all-wool Suits.

    $2.50 up.

    Boys 2-piece Suits.

    65c Suit

    II I.

    i Kb liiuiiud »'. O. Shell.11 I- Ih tllU ||.

    H". II. Ifriines lefl Ihl* luorniii (bi : -iab.

    (Hive I'aim I.

    R'«'thiu.i ,o .. »Mi MTM. Beaut. I [)* "IMI-J: I )\:\ V)""i-r>i MMKli r;i:vi.-HMii>s -j;


    ; vl ilieir regulai July :.

    Ihc II i.ild ul ' in: . I .. Ul i. .

    em issued orders ai nlinga-ful . » I the lir>4 < - |KIHM-U ' 1"" - ........ ; ..I,,,,-

    l-'.il p HI; ■■-:... i I l-lll N Home tll-ViO; .— ■, j. -1 , -... 1. . ■   II. V. IV .. \ ,..- I i .--,• l.-m ..i Health *IO; Ciromi ►;'.'.•■ : i ., Ihc I . ■   I'ba r ol < ,, '.'. .i i -- n- -r'.'I.L'.'i : All..i ,.i-\ . *l.".": ■ ■ l : some '•'•

    Mi«- i.iuy Snblesi-ii-hiuj JI.. ja,| »;:i.-;, : 1.,,.;_,... ,,.., V .. i\ . . m

    Isuaber Hi.a I -. ■ itm r. •.;. ■ Mr. J. J


    Waller and Carl W il-... I.il this morning (or PI) mouth lo viral ids lives.

    FRANK WILSON T^e Kjr>g Clothier

    IK bM ttflKM i-iKAi. I:I:IT.I;IITONS.

    f ltd


    The police Ion e i- alii IM*.

    .Inly giies us an shower.

    Straw bats show which vav the wind blovs.

    To hope and strivi way lot Drive.

    Ihc U'.-l

    VOWH HA1 • :^s.

    Mi-I.ilg el (ha Hoard of Vide", men.

    a-fao has lni'ii \i«:in iiu- iiuanl mei y\ h,y uigbi here, left this morning.

    and had a long -'•" vMt Whllvas ,..r.n,.I.-l |H,II b. ' ■ lnU.lli.1 i. . in M'uoir I'OIIIIII . i .... •

    A. I.. I. nlid I. II. lb -■..' " kluMoii |.i nfoid I in-i-linau. ..I' Wilnoll, , ,.,, ,,,!„,, ....; . ... ,. ju ,




    JAflES B. WHITE. I 'Ii

    ■■MM IIH III IIWIIII I 111 ■ 

    I II BY lil.'IM. htomiug I": On-!.,.i i-.mnty in bold a meeting.

    \\. M. Lung lefi Ibis u ruing f..r \\'asbillgb u fit) |,i lake Iii- lilllc

    -I '

    license Iu retail lM|Uor. K. M.' 'heck waslgrnnled Ik-eUH

    to run a pool table iu uispluue. jaugbicr for treatment b) B. M. siiiikey vas given ibe clallat,

    privilageofoonliuuiiighU luarket TIKHIIAV JII.V I Isflfl, .S-andal is like a mat. I" ran be l»«d»"snl bbpreaeul stand.

    laid al any man'.- door. A pel i I ion of II. S. Sinhh and l». iJu'evil'lcVbl - III It. Heath to establish

    M-I.-I- .. Ha ill i reck.

    II. L. IMvii. waw 4pp ;- ro ■ : ill It. I'. Vj iii ' n In pi i. It..-.-..i h|„ .,1 in.an.!-.

    Win. W'liitclicud «.i . '•■!-. il l'i..ni |ni mint uf laves for I •■■ on

    In I' ii ■     Ii,,

    i ■       . ii|


    j -I'm kind listed li\ lee.

    l.'-|'-.ll of « . (VII. I.. ,::.... ■ llon-i-. Supi-rillle.ideiil ul Hl-.lll il,

    II. I". ItiMiiird leiuiu.'l from nusprevulcil aud Hied

    IIink of lirceiKillc llhil slab The lax listers will have a long

    lis' of delinquents t ■ report, grocer) on I'tfth street wa- denied. ,. , „ . ,_ W. II.Moycv.a„le,l...e-labl,-h ''•'> ••icnin-; ..'..:.. OvMrd. IIW Itutler. I bees,' and Shred

    ul Coooanul ai s. M. Bchullx's. I b.il hi- ap|ilicaliou was deferred.

    The Xorlh larolina Bar Aasocm- 1 ion mii-t.s al Morebead this wi-ek.i

    reeu II. A.Tin.berlak.'.aiue in Moil- '"■' f share* bcld in -aid Ir.iuk.

    .1. II. Cherry, Treuiturer, made

    Rev. I. A. Caulleld lei I ibis' """"l,b "'I'"" "' -''" •|-,i;l!:'1 ':

    moriilng for Washingbiii City. |lawftind< which am • -i i...-1 i

    CD. Ronulree, Ta\ ColbjolOI Ashley liryaii. o'Seollaml NY. k. elect, and J. Ii. While. Treasurer came down Monday evening lo vi»

    .Inly is giviufj us some w'..allier ; cln-l, pre-cal.il their ..iii-i il bauds , *■ Bailey 51

    ■"''"'""' '' *| which were approved and accept ol. I Mr.. J. II. Cherr) and Mrs. Tiic silarics of the p.diccuieu J Alice Harper lefl ,: -mlay evening

    ihai is rather year.

    Than would uol be so many open iiioiitlisiflliereHeien.il so many open cars.

    were Used al fK> per ui .nth each, ''"' Mon-bcul I'll) .

    ■ ifl'lcrk *;.. per y.a:-. ..I .Mayor; |;,.x. s. I'. Hrwlll, of liiell « iilil per year, of I. n.i,.lighter *I5 iS|iiaie, arriu-d Monday evening

    Allenlion is called In ihe noliceiper uiouili. of Team 'er •34.SB per I'" vw" hispareuls ill Ibis county.

    month. Miss Nina .Tainea and brother, The lieea-e ii\ oi| lenders of 11 'li'iriie. let lira;' I Honda) evening

    H lllH.kl'l.

    The Washington libdricl Coti- feicnccoi tiic)(. i:. church i- in se.—ionai Bethel.

    The lib ol .Inly passed by ipiici ly beic. The only lliiugout of Ihe ordinary was a join) parade b) ihe two colored lire companies.

    The Public School Directors of Ibe count) will nieel next Monday. I .,„

    cold drinks, fruits, eic. on i|„.: Irmu tioldslmr,, where Ibey had

    streets was made« per yoai. The following oiiiuiiitiv- were

    appointed : SI reels— \Y. It. Parker and .1. L,

    U'ootan, I'ciiiclciies- While i N. II.

    Whitlicld. -ii.l.iled I-:. M. Mellow

    null, tower! a Huperinteudenl ol -ih.K.IS ami al-o lo appoint llu- dislricl direclorsiiicoiiiinhleeiiieu.

    Jr. i). I'. A. n., ol Favi'tUville.

    Ilev. ('. A. Ii. Thomas was elec

    cd Siipreiue I 'hnplain ol (he Junior Order of Iniied American Ma chaiiic- al .Minneapolis last week.

    This isa worthy selection of a lo)' al Junior. This order which has 180,000 Members has changed >'» name to United American-, which is more expressive of Ibeir princi- ple!..

    "DmahBy is

    Better Tiuvi Show." Tlie Wtltth of the multi-

    millionaires is not equal to good health. Riches -without health are a curse, and yet the rich, th. • \l4dk classes and the poor alike i,.\, c, in Hood's Sarsaparilla, a valuable as- sistant in getting and main- taining perfect health. It never disappoints.

    Scrofula ■■ Three yi-.-ir. apt our win. ni.W lirM-.i, llllll * nrtSVI >-IHH' Of -. r. .fill:, »li.l.-i.\ -U •' i* .\Uh.ln-.i.|f.ils'.rr..illR,.harK. Inn to. I I. hull eonilSMIf. Ill-ri...Ill not ••Ik. s.o.ai |,ti).i,-inui did nut i..'i|. tor •Iili-i-n ii.n.iili.. Tl.n-i- iniinlli.' IriHliiii-i.t « ..I. llnad1! -.ii -..|. iTii.,1 nui.:. l.lm p.r- liTiiy mi, Wi tmslad in nil iiibrriulII." MU. DAVIS i.inin..-M ,-... i, , ...

    Nausea "VomMlns qwlls, illiilims ft.ul |iiu.lri.i|iit. iro.il.l.-.l ni.- for yrari. II...I .ii-uralnla. iiti-w wtak anil i-nulil not •I,-.-,.. My ■„.- w.g SSSlnsI mi', but II-..I, hatMli.irilla ii.n.l Il.i.rnuuh.y. My WflKtil HI. -.I ■ I troiil l.'ilu 11.1 | l. | am HM' i.i..lli.-r nf rlnr «t.llilrci. Nevi-r frit ►> tr.ll and itroni -...-.-1 was Harried ai I dii now." MR- VI A \l I.IKI. I i.-.l i'til si., wssShsjtsa, D. t'.

    Eczema - w.-1-, i ... iir •>,.- IHIHU ui »ur Iwu year olil i ml nf BCSMSS 'Hi fmv ana Innhl Kn luiili. 1 \.li ... Ii. I i.nhl ,-... ,.. i llwid'i Sar>..|...illla, .1.1.1, ««... i-uri-.l ' Mu. A VwSiu.ia M.mlii'ini.ry sirrn. PSUnna, N J.

    Lights and Wells—.I. Ii. White and IO. M. Mi I low an.

    tlrdinances—.1. X. Bart, B. B. I'ailiaia ami II A. While Tile .Mayor wa-added lo (bis coiuiuit lee.

    II. A. While..I. I.. Wo .ten and W. It. Career were appointoil a coiiiiiihice losctile with former Tux Colleclor.

    Several accounts were allowed and the Ikiaril adjourned lo iiieet

    again Thuraday night.


    Ai Ihe residence of Mr. John Murphy at half past one o'clock mi ihe morning of r*ridny, June the IMHh, Miss I'enelopc Hiidle) iu Ibe f 0th year of bet ige. Her remains were liilerrcd in the old family burying ground about four miles from lown |-'riilay afternoon, I'-! .:.-.. . .,.,..- ... . ,

    Ii . - - «or» nilb cvcl)till i ju KI nnrkiii i iinli i

    MONEY! -« HONEY!! m »m&&-m*m$

    In. - .id ic cull) . either for be !i .- been iVcipiently bringii, . . .

    jaloiig when he IIIIUIII In loviii, The III.III wlio lives that uav, with pleul) cf meat I'm hi- Im ue - and il good -apply to tun. Into cash, don't have lo Isilbci Iii bei .

    l-'il'sl week I", ti. Ii.ipree. V. „,,.-. ,!,„„ Bjw) ,i„. l|lM. „,„)

    It. Brewinglon. J.JJfollerlhv.iil.-. ,..„,., , .,,„.. Thai isi«,||j 1!- vv- ,;;"' '■   •'•"• l'»" -.inn. raiseplenty ,„,,,'.

    '"• Iiiini have xoine In -|...i.-.

    Thirl) two relail spiiiluous li.pior license* and unu relail mall Ibpior lieeu-i were giauted |(o pnrtio tipplybi^ li.r same.

    The foll-.w Ingjurors acre drawn I'm Sepiemb. i .-unit;




    "^ »«»(• i,.M> imi'tt^

    Sainnel Krwin, L. Ii. M (I, H, Iiini-. .1. T, lorbhl. W. W. Andrews, Ii. M. Lewis, J. M. ('. Nel-oii, J. C. Sinilii, Silas Hani-, ,1. W. liurdncr, .l.i. Dunn, J. I'. Allen, w. I. Joyner, B. i:. A brains, S. M.Smjih.J. S. Hester,

    lirsi War Pension.

    The lirsl pension i>, l«- iciviM i ill I'ill ■ y a- Ihe olllgi-ovvlh ... ihe war « iiIi Spain, eaine In l-'i iu

    l.'eevi-. i-oliileil. ou MillllhlV,

    Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Notions Furnishings, cu»loiiiirHianiiioulh. Wbhebui-st. W. ti. uaruhill, W. - P. Buck, M. A. Mill-. ,|. ||. >\ y

    "2Sw- ».,.,,.,....:; BLOOD TELLS, j J. I Jain-.. Ilcniy I, w i-, .1. I'.

    ll s I IIOKER. IC lin I

    Sum-ol Ihe le— c\periciieed Toliaico Pine maker- employ stleb cheap work- men llllll make their Pities so ill lilting ibal ibe) have to put loops on them to

    j HI ran i n-1 lii-iu together with wire

    young woman, bill alter leaving her old home she never moved her incinbcr-hipas she liuil lor years

    inn neighborhood where ihere viu- no church of ibis deuomtna weeks with ralailvesal Hotel Mo

    con. It'll Ibis morning for their

    eklcdgc can,.'in this inorninv. j ,,,„.,, VV .Harvey Allen. W. K.'J \ , J I III' " We hu\c llflwa )«!.-.' eN|*rieilcc in TnlMcco Plueniaklng I. I.. Coward ha- in.v.,I Into I Ilnvce, H. It. Kvorelt, W. C. I'm •;'!.' . ■ '-I-'-.I--..:>.v.-I.. ..-ii.d lo.iii.ei in ibe burn; hiil.nf course, we residence in South lireenv ill.-. I,,.,, .,„,,, ,.-„,,„., ,-,'.,•. )| |,.j, ' J™' . I'"' h«|s.-n them if you Man) them. Volt will US al I'arlian.V

    ; I obacco - Factory * ( Wllilt \.f ;il«' IMIHV ii.llKll.- 1 l ll*-*- 1111(1 I Ml Uitnllll-,

    Mcyaian, uuijb tx ribioib stamonMHIstictt.

    * 5. E. KNEI & CO.

    Miss 11uia Cobb lefi Tuesday skinner. It. I!. Jackson, J. H, Wind. W. T. Mason, W.J.While bund, liichard I'orbit I, ' . M. Jones, Wvait Mocks.

    evening lo visit friends in Kiirloii.

    Mi-. M. II. iil.uiiil. and ill I It

    ami returned home this morning.

    Misses fan Skinner, of Hertford and I'va Tahiti, of Kli/aheth City, who have been spending some

    but wbileliikiug no active pail in any parli.iil.ir church work she was cver read) and willing lo do any kindness, especially for the sick and for little children. She laid only a short while before her death "I belong lo Jesu-, I h.ve lliiaaud know lhal Ile loves inc." Mr. Adolphus Dudley is her only living brother and she leaves two

    •vged slaters, Mrs, Jennetta Dudley ami .Miss Melviuic I'u'll.v.lo lurry here vel a little while until the


    Modest Women IffvloMy iu

    •A'OIUl'll I.. IIO ieu a charm lli.m hi-auty aud wit. ll K any wonder UuM ««>- nun afflicted wiih pin lioa] Aim n!t i i |t cu* li.ii to 1'iv if Ml ■hi ML. iii'iii i-.'i- M'n.il i , iiuma-

    Dfttthaomlihall vrhUpor(olhau, ll;M' b) ""!'' b ' , I.III.UI«III? ihe (IHI, to iniss oxer tin* mrr aiiil

    irl miiUl llu-H.i;ulr Of tlir tnivs. ll I!.

    Tin* ht'iiiiici bvwtduvnta «»MMI ami HIOIU'—tin* tollfalMMll people

    kueel to i\ god of gold.

    WMkiiti - "ii-l IrrtBitlarttloi o( irotntfl in.iv 1- re Dfiiilwl i'\ ii'i.iin unfailinej fVltlp.'Ml .. )•:■■    V. I h . | • vitip.'-Ni.. Backa... -.-

    •j,VtiM?iiimrtmi»nMmf»wnfWMiM"f^ I i'Si'3i ~i«T*>sBH^et«

    WWII I" VWlll \i I. Ill\l I IIAVK IMI.'CIIASKI) • ■I I . \. Move in the I'l.AN'I'I'HS

    ■ ^to * B^^lsO tf ^If^ilf ^ " " '" ' l;l:i"" S,;'H"I ""' '••'« I be .-'le Owner anil I'limrie- ir »P I V-/v/sV_/V..'vJ' — '''■ ilaiual iMwiiinii lo iiiudie the crop DITOISMWO S -S uf I'll! iiuil mli inv count lei for more inouc) than any other Jp . ^-,» |ll»,> 9 H-irelloii-e|ii.|n in \ollll C.ilnlin:!. g •OrIII IIU-iv- iNsri-:\i»..i hiil,,-. iu, miry t at ism l »hall tank* i ilriiiumc I of every cnslomer b) illvhl

    RIIAINftRAS () !\ * '" ' '"> '"' '" - in the viny ol IIII.II Or iocs, Ho when yot m .. ' . . . I '' M'U" I1HI.M11> M.i'od COMI: to nil-; IM.AKTKM

    ni 118

    sViiiniuiuuiiiiuiuiiWiuiiiiUiuiiats^ » VIIKIUHHI V ...,.1.

    OLR FORBES, Sole Owner & Proprietor PLANTERS WAREHOUSE

    -s- •■©'~. ■ a - • S. .'S-s-nSv'Si*!



  • tmmm ■*>■ 


    Audited aucl Allowed by the Boaid of Council- men of the Town of Greenville from

    May 6th. 1898 to Juue 30th. 1899. Inclusive.

    1 Not Issued. ;■ Kills ;..:.in.-. Iriiui - - .: M. H. yuiuerly, oi.li r ol J »'• IVrsiu*

    i U V. ijoiucrlv, oil •■   i I imp fixtures .'• \V .. I pown, , i itw 0 li A Sutti ii eh ctiou 7 .1 w lieul, election judge - Ileur; MM;.; ; i leah-Irai

    1 8 T White, elect os, , |w ice fot Maj

    HI. I i I 12 .Lie ib L - i. r i' m _ . ... iiniiw I I .1 I Move, IIIIU g all stlccts 13 Ueub.ii i IG Mows K ug. !'• loi May 17 riionia* v, i im». hauling luwbci is Mi -.- K - c : ue 19 •! I Jloye, bauhug ou stn

    . i Tall, woi k ou street' I , ieel«

    ■:- li Brown. night I 11 . '; I'ucckci Icctiou j idge

    21 W II ..• i . . . leg -tiar

    •_■.; .! - ., i ., - ,

    -; ■ .\ v.. . ■ ■ ■ - Js Zouu ;l1' * •_ .i 1' Son it. elect KM

    ■ ;.

    II -ii,-,:

    I Aloi iN • :'' ' I SHI I • l ~ •"■' . . : oik ou Km i

    . ix notices : r I'. I i I - OIK • - II I I ■ !i ,1 [vi us.ma;

    I (i, o. Si . I. wati li - II w isCht link ou ] iuip» IS WilhsChi ... mps , I Ma ' iii'S Hie 11 Willis Clark, wati lung lire 1.1 W lib r llodger, a atciiii g lire .'. I 1 -.. . -. . _:..-• |7 l' I) Km ree. wolk oil tax ..-; ;- 1 . Hull ice* elect 1

    Win. I - • ■>• ' D11 it. 11 gl - 1 . -

    ! . ■ : 11 .1 ...;

    I M King. 1 i : li

    .'..'• i! If. II II

    . 1 ■' II, li,


    '- • i ... ". [■  \



    , ;


    M li

    ■   .

    ■ - ■.. 1


    1 I!


    - : • 1 1 • , -.

    . :

    ; ■ w

    I \

    - V. II '■'. !lll U \\ ■•: \- . v.

    ■    1 . : in »

    l: id 1 n


    mi A is. 11 ■•• I'1 'II . ■ ., II igbo -.-. professional sei-vic !>* I) 1) II

    1 l.'eul ., ou strec! I"" "• ' .... sti-ecl ! I I 1 .1

    I"- I I'l'i.'.'ii illies-ei ."; |i .1 1 I. prim KM III ..!• 1 gbtci 10.1 i>. 11 (>L'l hauler !"■     I in! f.is 1 , ,.

    101 M11.-. 4 King, |M>hee

    I" * linn-1 : 1 l.umU'i Co., lumber in'.' iM.i 1..|i„...,„,,i,, 1 HO Alfreil m 111 Mose. I,

    - Blew 1 • K . . „ oik "ii atreul ll-'l lU-nj nun. 1 ,,ul 1,4 III J L Ki.uki... election judge II"; .1 I. Staikcy. ,\ BrO.,iii«ls*' II* s ' ' 'e - 101 1 hndges I IT Deni|we; Itiillln, atteel hauler U> ula KOIIK-K.IU.IVOM Docket" 110 D.I Whit-hill !. I.I.oik warrant* l-ii DJ nhicbniil. eeuieten .I,cl- '—I ''''"• Ulldicv.l imp |i,.-:- [£! Stephen li.,,;,, n-ork ou at reel 121 I re.I Cox, milice ISI Henry lluir.luiuii lightci

    ■ • Uenrj Dull,
