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Cubert Parish JULY 2019 News Nowodhow an · PA18/08384 Outline application for residential...

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Cubert Parish News Nowodhow an Bluw JULY 2019 Printed by Unit 6C, Treloggan Industrial Estate, Newquay TR7 2SX 01637 874012
Page 1: Cubert Parish JULY 2019 News Nowodhow an · PA18/08384 Outline application for residential development of up to 30 dwellings with all matters reserved Land East Off Wesley Road, Cubert,

Cubert Parish


Nowodhow an


JULY 2019

Printed by Unit 6C, Treloggan Industrial Estate, Newquay TR7 2SX 01637 874012

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PRESENT: Cllrs. A. Percy, W.C.Longden, N. Bradder, R.L.B. Spencer and. Cllr. G. Rowe, T. Hulbert & P. Wallis, the Clerk: D. Hawken, and 6 members of the public. APOLOGIES: Cllr. D. Hopkinson and Cornwall Councillor Adrian Dennis Harvey Police Report – None Before the meeting opened – Mrs. T. Herman asked for confirmation of the date of the planning meeting to discuss the Kingsley - Wesley Road application. Cllr. A. Percy confirmed that a meeting would be held on the 10th July. Mr. Jack Hutton spoke in favour of his application PA19/00869 - Demolition of multiple outbuildings within the extended curtilage of Bramble Cottage 3 Park Allen, and construction of a single detached 4 bedroom dwelling with private garden and parking area. CO-OPTION OF COUNCILLOR AND ACCEPTANCE OF OFFICE DECLARATIONS: The candidates were given the opportunity to speak to the Council stating why they wished to be considered. A secret ballot followed. Each Councillor had one vote for a candidate. The vote was counted by the Clerk and checked by Cllr.A. Percy, as chair of the meeting. Mrs. Rebecca Martin was appointed as the new Parish Councillor. The new Councillor was invited to join the meeting. The Acceptance of Office form was signed and a copy of the minutes of the previous meeting was supplied to the new councillor along with Code of Conduct Guidance. PLANNING: Decisions made by Cornwall Council: PA19/04075 New residential dwelling without compliance with condition 2 in respect of decision PA18/08236 – Land South Of Porth Rayland Holywell Bay Cornwall TR8 5PT for Mr Benney - Approved PA19/03860 Extension to existing unit to create 70sqm of additional commercial floor space. Unit 2 Trenissick Rural Park Trenissick Cubert Cornwall TR8 5PN for Mr Anthony Harrison - Approved PA19/03355 Proposed work to build a detached garage. Treworgans Farm Treworgans Cubert Newquay Cornwall TR8 5HH for Mr Luke Terry - Approved Applications: PA19/04578 Demolition of existing sub standard storage/workshop building and replacement of new workshop - Unit 1, Trenissick Rural Park, Trenissick Cubert for Mr Anthony Harrison - Resolved to Support the application PA19/00869 Demolition of multiple outbuildings within the extended curtilage of Bramble Cottage 3 Park Allen, and construction of a single detached 4 bedroom dwelling with private garden and parking area. Land East Of Park Allen Lewannick Road Cubert Cornwall TR8 5HL for Mr And Mrs Jack Hutton - Resolved to Support the application PA19/04954 Proposal Non material amendment (NMA1) for removal of kitchen window and addition of a single low level window directly above where kitchen window was located, removal of roof lights in single storey extension and internal alterations to decision PA16/11327 dated 10.05.2017 - Mollys Retreat Road From Well Close Cottage To Junction At Belinda Cottage Tresean Cubert TR8 5HN for Mr And Mrs Carrivick - Resolved to Support the application FOOTPATHS REPRESENTATIVE Cllr. N. Bradder agreed to stand as Footpaths representative. agreed unanimously. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN Cllr. A. Percy updated the Parish Council on the meeting attended by himself and Cllr. Rowe. It was decided to hold a meeting with a view to appointing the Steering Committee and informing the committee members of the next steps. It was decided to arrange a meeting for the 17th July at 6.00pm at the Village Hall. ANY OTHER RELEVANT BUSINESS NOT REQUIRING DECISIONS AT THIS MEETING: Cllr. W.C. Longden mentioned he had received a complaint from a parishioner about flapping roof felt on one of the buildings under construction in Parc-en-Rose. Cllr. G. Rowe circulated a copy of the Chief Planning Officers advice note. Cllr. Rowe reported on his work on the allotment rent review. He will draft a reply to Savills. Cllr. Rowe asked if we could include a page on our website for Neighbourhood Plan and include contact details of Councillors. Cllr. A. Percy updated the Parish Council on the correspondence with regard to the 11 Houses on Holywell Road. The reply to Louise Wood has been sent by mail. Cllr. A. Percy also mentioned the reply from Adrian Harvey. It was decided to place an article in the Village Newsletter explaining the Parish Councils concerns. The meeting was closed at 20.44 pm. The next regular meeting to be held on Wednesday 17th July 2019 at 7 p.m. in the Village Hall.

Report of the Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 19th June 2019

Email : [email protected] Web Site : www.spanglefish.com/cubertnews

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Email : [email protected] Web Site : www.spanglefish.com/cubertnews

JULY 2019 4

Eleven House Development at the Youth Park Holywell Road (PA18/03744)

Cornwall Local Plan 2016 Rural Exception Site An 11 house development was approved under delegated powers by Cornwall Council as a Cornwall Local Plan Policy 9 Rural Exception Site in April 2019. Cornwall Council policy states that Rural Exception Sites are developments outside of the existing built up areas of a village, whose primary purpose is to provide affordable housing to meet local needs, that are affordable led, on sites that would not normally be supported/developed, must include a minimum of 50% affordable housing, and should not exceed 50% land take for open market housing. The Cornwall Local Plan states that normally, Rural Exception Sites would be expected to comprise dwellings that are all restricted to local housing needs in perpetuity, however, an element of normal market housing can be included to support viable delivery of the scheme, working from a base position of 100% affordable housing. In reality, of the eleven houses, only six (54.5%) are affordable dwellings, comprising of 42% of living floor space (474 sq mtrs) compared to the open market floor space (650 sq mtrs), and there are only 14 bed spaces (45%) compared with 17 bed spaces (55%) for the open market housing. Based on the approved master plan, the Parish Council believes that the land take for the open market housing is approx. 66% (1604 sq mtrs excluding infrastructure and services), compared with 34% affordable housing (820 sq mtrs), with the six affordable dwellings squeezed into one end of the site, abutting the youth park. The current Cubert Parish (rental) housing need is for 20 families banded into five priorities and bed requirement order, and all housing reports from early 2017 onwards show the need of two families each requiring a four bedroom property in the highest two priority bandings. The allocation of affordable housing within this development only allows for one family from the third highest in need banding, one from the fourth, and four from the fifth banding. No four bedroom family has been accommodated, and no family from the top two banding priority has been allocated a dwelling. Within the 133 houses of the approved Penhale Camp development at Holywell, there are 20 affordable dwellings available to Cubert Parish as the primary parish. No four bedroom house was included in the 20 approved affordable dwellings at Penhale Camp, despite housing reports showing the highest priority need. The 20 affordable dwellings at Holywell already provide all Cubert third and fourth priority bandings and bring an excess of nine two/three bed dwellings. Cornwall Council guidance for a minimum 30 mtr distance between dwellings and youth play areas is found in the Fields in Trust National Guidance and in the Cornwall Council Open Space Strategy for Larger Towns in Cornwall (July 2014). The distance between the three sets of semi-detached affordable dwellings and the inside of the youth park is 22.9 mtrs, 22.2 mtrs, and 25.0 mtrs. With the nearest Type 5 play equipment being sited some 1.5 mtrs further in from the internal wall edge. Therefore between 23.7 mtrs and 26.5 mtrs in distance. In all cases, the masterplan and other plans/photos used by Cornwall Council are totally outdated and do not show the full extent of the Type 5 play equipment within the youth park. In May 2018, Cornwall Council issued a statutory noise notice against the Parish Council at the youth park, for a residential dwelling over 40 mtrs away from the play equipment. In May 2018 Cornwall Council refused an application for residential development at the other end of the youth park, where the housing would be at least 50 mtrs distant from the skate board equipment. This application was dismissed at Appeal in April 2019, where the Planning Inspector judged that the noise nuisance would be too great for the residential occupants. Unlike the refused development, no acoustic noise report was requested by Cornwall Council for the much closer eleven house development.

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Email : [email protected] Web Site : www.spanglefish.com/cubertnews

JULY 2019 5

On numerous occasions throughout the consultation procedure, the Parish Council brought to the attention of Cornwall Council, the discrepancy between Rural Exception Site policies regarding affordable housing numbers, land take, and the application. The discrepancy between the housing allocation and the actual housing need (especially the need for a four bedroom dwelling) The actual distance between the residential dwellings and the youth park and play equipment, including notification that the approved masterplan used throughout the application was incorrect in scaling, the lack of any acoustic report, its own noise notice, and the refusal of the other application lying much further away. No compromise or change was made by Cornwall Council to accommodate the Parish Council concerns, either at outline application stage, or later at reserved matter consultation. The conclusion for the eventual decision was that “Weight has been given to the support received from the identified Registered Provider and the developer’s stated intention to begin work on the scheme swiftly once reserved matters permission is issued meaning it is likely that the scheme would be delivered quickly, ensuring the delivery of much-needed affordable homes”. The Parish Council failed to see how unenforceable promises made by developers or registered providers can be classed as material planning reasons to grant permission when weighed against the previous discrepancies highlighted by the Parish Council, and also failed to see why reasonable amendment or compromise could not have been made to make the application more relevant to policies and actual situation. We therefore requested our local Cornwall Councillor, Adrian Harvey, to take the application to Planning Committee rather than delegated officer decision. The development was decided under delegated officer powers on 9th April 2019. The official report shows that Cornwall Councillor Adrian Harvey stated: “I have no objection to the above application as submitted, I am content for the approval to be issued under delegated powers”.

Alan Percy Chairman Cubert Parish Council

MID MONTH PLANNING MEETING A mid month planning meeting will be held on: 10th July 2019 7.00pm at the Village Hall To discuss and resolve on the following application: PA18/08384 Outline application for residential development of up to 30 dwellings with all matters reserved Land East Off Wesley Road, Cubert, Cornwall for Kingsley Homes Ltd Kingsley Homes Limited

Neighbourhood Plan - Steering Group Meeting A meeting of the neighbourhood plan Steering Group will be held on: 17th July 2019 – 6.00pm at the Village Hall. Any Parishioners wishing to help with the process of producing the Plan are invited to attend.

The views and opinions expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect those of the editor. The editor reserves the right to refuse material for any reason whatsoever and cannot be held

responsible for any errors or omissions which may occur in this publication.

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Email : [email protected] Web Site : www.spanglefish.com/cubertnews

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BIRD NOTES JULY 2019 16 Albatrosses have become the most threatened group of seabirds in the world. Longline fishing vessels bait thousands of hooks to catch fish. Trawl vessels often discard unwanted catch and fish offal, which attract the Albatross with its incredible sense of smell. A feeding frenzy develops and birds can be caught, dragged under and drowned, when stealing bait from longline hooks. The Albatross Task Force advocates simple measures such as brightly coloured streamers to scare seabirds away from the deadly hooks and trawl cables. One quote from Nahuel Chavez was “On average I saw 40 Albatrosses an hour being killed – it was dreadful to see.” A Puffin found dying on a beach was taken to a nearby wildlife centre in Brighton. Roger Musselle of the centre said they are usually found on the South Coast dead, so it was rare to find a live one. It’s hoped it will soon be sent back to sea. Photographs appeared in the papers of a pair of Canada Geese on the water with over 50 goslings, at Rickmansworth, Herts. Canada Geese have the strongest bond as parents of any bird. Personally, I think some of the goslings could have been from another brood. Jays are being seen more now. The young are fed by both adults and leave the nest after 21/22 days. They are still fed by the parents until 6 to 8 weeks old. Jays have a habit of stealing eggs and taking young birds, similar to fellow “Corvids” – Magpies, so there is a history of persecution by game-keepers and managers of shooting estates. Many Jays have now moved into towns where they are safer, hence the population rise in urban areas. Walking around the Kelseys on the 15th May, I saw only about 6 Skylarks. Years ago there would have been many more. Still, they proved fascinating to watch, some on the ground trying to draw me away from their nest site. Another species greatly depleted is the Song Thrush. Whereas every garden had one, seeing one now is rare. I saw one on the 26th May at Newquay Zoo. Ben Hocking and Geraldine Farrow have seen a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker in their respective gardens. Ben also saw a Greater Spotted Woodpecker. In early June, month old Peregrine chicks, 3 females and 1 male have been ringed in blue at Salisbury Cathedral, Wilts. A rare Gentoo Penguin chick usually found in the Antarctic, has hatched at the National Sea-life Centre in Birmingham. A Pelican with an 8ft wingspan has escaped after staff left it too late to re-clip its wings at Exmoor Zoo, Devon. We now have a pair of magnificent Pelicans at Newquay Zoo. As well as the “Roul Roul” that were deliberately introduced in the tropical biome at the Eden Project, on a recent visit we saw Robins and Dunnocks that have found their way inside. Excitement in Lydford Gorge, Devon where a Pied Flycatcher has hatched out a brood of chicks. This species is a Spring migrant and winters in tropical Africa. Rodney Phillips CHOUGH UPDATE The nest on the North Coast, that I help to watch, has been successful, producing at least 3 Choughlets. Fantastic to watch flying with the adult birds. Rodney Phillips On early Sunday morning of 23rd June, I saw 6 choughs in low flight over Holywell dunes, They were in no hurry and chatting away to each other as they passed over me. Their typical fingered wing tips and chatter confirmed they were not the common jackdaw..... Ken Barber

NEWQUAY ZOO I was present when a time capsule was buried on 31st May 2004 to celebrate the Zoo’s 35th Anniversary, and was really pleased to be asked to contribute an item for the 50th Anniversary on the 26th May. The additional capsule was actually buried with the help of some schoolchildren on the 23rd. On the 26th various talks were given by Mike Thomas (former owner of the Zoo) John Meek (Curator of Animals) and Mark Norris (Education Officer). Animals enjoyed special feeds and a fun day was enjoyed by everyone. I spoke to younger members of Zoo staff who hope to be present when the capsules are dug up in 50 years’ time on the 100th Anniversary. Rodney Phillips.

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WE ALL NEED ENCOURAGEMENT Dolly Rebecca Parton was born on Jan 19, 1946 in Locust Ridge, Tennessee. She grew up with 11 siblings and started out singing in her local church. Her parents, Robert (a tobacco farmer) and Avie, brought their 12 children up on a run-down farm but Dolly pursued her dream and is well-known for her country music, also becoming a singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, record producer, actress, author, business woman and humanitarian. 'In her autobiography, singer Dolly Parton says: 'My high school was small, so during graduation each of us got a chance to stand up and announce our plans for the future. "I'm going to junior college," one boy would say. "I'm getting married and moving to Maryville," a girl would follow. When my turn came I said, "I'm going to Nashville to become a star." The entire place erupted in laughter. I was stunned. Somehow, though, that laughter instilled in me an even greater determination to realize my dream.' This quote is taken from 'The UCB Word for Today'. Address; UCB. Westport Rd, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 4 JF. Sign up for your own free copy of the UCB Word for Today at UCB.CO.UK/signup and receive encouragement for every day.

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By Sandra Percy

Joan Prout a long standing member, and refreshment provider for many years, has passed away. Condolences from

all Club members go to her family.

The AGM was held on Tuesday 4 June at 7.00 pm in the Village Hall, when all existing Committee Members were re-

elected, with the addition of Geraldine Farrow.

The Club meets in the Village Hall on Tuesday evenings from 7.00.pm until 9.00pm and also Thursday afternoons from

2.00 pm until 4.30 pm (which includes a refreshment break).

Anyone who would like to come along for a free trial, and experience a friendly game of bowls (no previous

experience is necessary) is most welcome. All equipment can be provided. Our normal charges are £2.00 per session

for members with an annual subscription of £5, and £2.50 per session for non-members.

Bowling dates for July: 7.00 pm Tuesday 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th 2.00 pm Thursday 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th

Email : [email protected] Web Site : www.spanglefish.com/cubertnews

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For Information Contact Di 01637 830544 Joan 01637 831347 WEBSITE crantockmemorycafe.org.uk

At Crantock Village Hall Next Meetings……..

14:00 to 16:00 Monday July 1st

Monday July 15th

Last month’s cafe based around our memories of radio programmes from the past was so well received that it was decided to follow on this month with a theme of ‘The World of Television’. As visitors arrived they were able to take a first look at an extensive display of television programmes from across the decades or to tackle an appropriately themed word-search. However, before we settled down to thinking about our own favourite programmes, David welcomed our friends ‘Cameo’ from St Columb Minor who had come along to amuse and entertain us with their latest selections of words and music. Dressed in cheery matching sunshine yellow outfits, the girls quickly had everyone smiling with their selection of well-known songs from earlier decades. Soon we were all clapping and singing along and some even joined in with the dancing! As usual there were some amusing poems to listen to and a couple of beautiful solo pieces. Tea-time gave everyone time for a chat as we enjoyed our usual ‘cuppa and cakes’. There was also time for a closer look at our display, which was full of photos and books illustrating a wide range of television programmes past and present, along with thought-provoking questions about comedies, dramas, documentaries, ‘soaps’ and much more. Some fascinating ‘behind the scenes’ photos gave us an insight into the technical side of TV, thanks to our friend Jean, whose late husband John was for many years a BBC cameraman, working on numerous outside broadcasts of sporting events and state occasions. Jean told us a little of her husband’s career and gave us a taste of some of the well-known productions on which he had worked from dramas such as ‘The Pallisers’ to documentaries about Concorde and filming Winston Churchill’s funeral. Following tea everyone settled down to a ‘Television Quiz’, after which answers were revealed – with the aid of a little teamwork – it was amazing what we were able to recall and gave us all food for thought about the role TV programmes have played in our lives over the years. A new idea at the cafe has been to ask our guests if they have any favourite songs or pieces of music which we can play at some time during the afternoon. Today we were able to squeeze in a couple of items – ‘Three Little Maids from School’ was the choice of one of our visitors, whilst for another two we played ‘Baby Love’ by the Supremes! Thanks were given to ‘Cameo’ before it was time to head for home once again with plenty to think and talk about.

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You gave me a Victoria Sandwich. It was really so very, very kind, But now I’m confused and puzzled ‘Cos Victoria I just could not find! Until I heard a right Royal voice Calling “Here one is,” “Here I am” “And now I demand to be informed Why I’ve been replaced by strawberry jam?”


Email : [email protected] Web Site : www.spanglefish.com/cubertnews

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Email : [email protected] Web Site : www.spanglefish.com/cubertnews

JULY 2019 26

Regular activities: Mondays: Toddler group 10am – 12pm Craft and Chat 1pm – 3pm Bible Study 3rd Monday – 7.30pm Wednesday: Youth Alpha 5pm – 6pm Time to ask questions and delve into some of the answers to life’s bigger questions Youth Club (ages 9+) 6 – 7:30 Games, craft, activities and a tuck shop Thursday : Coffee Club 10:30 – 12:00 Friday: Table Tennis – 7:30 – 9:30 – SEE PAGE 9 Saturday : Film Club – see separate advert. SEE PAGE 13 Sunday: Sunday Club 10:30 – 11:30 Bible stories, craft, games refreshment and lots of fun!

Happy are those who are merciful to others; God will be merciful to them! Happy are the pure in heart; they will see God! Happy are those who work for peace; God will call them his children! Matthew 5 vs 78&9

Preachers Appointed for July 7th - Mrs. Miranda Knight 14th - Mr. Gareth Jones 21st - Rev. Simon Clarke 28th - Rev. Clare Anderson H.C Encounter at 7pm

FOOD BANK – Donations for the Food Bank may be put into the box in the foyer any time the Chapel is open.

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Contacts :- Safeguarding Officer Kath Harrison 01637 830380 Priest in Charge Revd Canon Anne Brown 01872 572654 [email protected] Church Wardens Wendy Barritt 01637 830380 Kath Harrison 01637 831083

Services for July: Sunday July 7th All-Age Service 9.30am Tuesday July 9th Holy Communion 6pm Sunday July 14th Holy Communion 9.30am Sunday July 21st Service of the Word 9.30am Sunday July 28th Holy Communion 9.30am Morning Prayer every Tuesday at 9am Mid-week Communion at St Michael’s Perranporth at 10.00am every Wednesday Choral Evensong at St Piran’s Church on the fourth Sunday of the month at 6pm

The church is open every day from 10am – 4pm offering a quiet space for prayer and meditation Memory Café at St Michael’s Hall Perranporth on second and fourth Mondays of each month, 2-4pm. All are welcome who are living with memory loss. This is a very informal, welcoming place to come and have some tea, cake and chat plus entertainment and information. Anyone needing more information or interested in volunteering to help, please contact Wendy 01637 830380 or Dilys 01637 830681 There is also a Memory Café at Crantock Village Hall on the first and third Mondays of each month, 2-4pm Please note that Whist has finished for the summer.

We are sorry to announce that there will be no Church Fete this year, however, there will be other fund-raising events in July, August, September and October, and we would very much appreciate your continued support.

The first of these is on Wednesday July 10th, a CREAM TEA at Josie Grant’s on the Holywell

Road, 2-4pm. Many thanks to Josie for offering her garden for this. Hope to see you there.

Email : [email protected] Web Site : www.spanglefish.com/cubertnews

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Email : [email protected] Web Site : www.spanglefish.com/cubertnews

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Email : [email protected] Web Site : www.spanglefish.com/cubertnews

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Email : [email protected] Web Site : www.spanglefish.com/cubertnews

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DIARY JULY 2019 34



4 Thur Morris Dancing @ Bowgie 20:00 15

4 Thur Morris Dancing @ Pheasant, Newlyn East 21:00 15

9 Tues Crantock WI @ Crantock Hall 14:00 33

10 Wed Cream Tea @ Josie Grant's Garden Cubert 14:00 27

10 Wed Parish Council Planning Meeting @ 19:00 5

12 Fri Cubert School Summer Festival @ 15:00 to 16:30 7

13 Sat Film Club @ Cubert Chapel 18:30 - with supper 13

17 Wed Neighbourhood Plan Meeting @ V Hall 18:00 5

17 Wed Parish Council Meeting @ V Hall 19:00 3

20 Wed Morris Dancing @ Treguth 20:00 15

20 Wed Morris Dancing @ Cubert Square, Anvil 21:00 15

27 Sat Crantock Bale Push Quiz @ Cornishman 21:00 22

28 Sun Duck Race @ Holywell Bay 15:30 11


3 Sat Summer Fete @ Quintrell Inn 11:00 to 16:00 7

24 Sat Table Top Sale @ Cubert V Hall 10:45 to 14:00 36


13 Fri Crantock Bale Push 27


Sat,Sun,Mon Old Albion Music & Cider Festival 27

29 Sun Cubert Running Event - Starts AM 11


2 Sat Cubert Fireworks Display @ V Hall 17

REGULAR EVENTS Day / Event Time Page


Folk Jam Night@ Old Albion - Last Sun 20:00 27

Junior Church Sunday Club 10:30 to

11:30 26


Toddler Group 10:30 to

12:00 26

Craft & Chat Club 13:00 to

15:00 26

Bible Study - 3rd Mon Only 19:30 26

Crantock Memory Café (1st & 3rd Mon)

14:00 to 16:00 23

Perranporth Memory Café (2nd & 4th Mon)

13:45 to 16:00 27


"Allo Allo" Play @ Perranporth 19:30 12

Short Mat Bowls 19:00 to

21:00 21


Yoga 18:00 to

19:30 23, 29

Youth Alpha Course 17:00 to

18:00 26

Youth Club (ages 9+) 18:00 to

19:30 26

Capoeira Class 20:00 to

21:30 29, 35

Quiz At The Treguth 21:00 28


Mobile Library 11:55 25

Pop In Café - Chapel 10:30 to

12:00 26

Short Mat Bowls 14:00 to

16:30 21

"Allo Allo" Play @ Perranporth 19:30 12


Table Tennis 19:30 9, 26

Charity Quiz @ Anvil 21:00 7, 10


Yoga 09:00 to

10:00 23, 29

Page 35: Cubert Parish JULY 2019 News Nowodhow an · PA18/08384 Outline application for residential development of up to 30 dwellings with all matters reserved Land East Off Wesley Road, Cubert,


Page 36: Cubert Parish JULY 2019 News Nowodhow an · PA18/08384 Outline application for residential development of up to 30 dwellings with all matters reserved Land East Off Wesley Road, Cubert,

