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Florentina Daniela Fatt Reflective Essay based on the Practical Visiting Fellows Event 2014


(Dinsdale 2014)

The ‘distinction between a first chemical approximation and the first flavor

approximation is essential, because we eat foods, not chemistry. The flavor of coffee

is not the same as that of tea; chocolate-fat and sugar from the point of flavor. These

sorts of distinctions, between chemistry and flavor, art and craft, innovation and

invention, and so on, illustrate kinds of methods that will accompany us on our

voyage towards the construction of a meal’ (This 2009, p3). Fig.1 illustrates different

flavours which should to be balanced and the relationships between the two

approximations meantioned earlier

(Mouritsen and Risbo 2013) are

understood only when we are allowed

to play with our food, a point

underlined by Dinsdale (2014) from our

first encounter, one of many –

seminars, Master Classes, practicaly-

based sessions, team meetings,

tasting sessions and practical


The whole context of this exercise was

the organisation of the ‘Visiting Fellows

Event 2014’, a ‘fine-dining’ (Sutton

1998) experience as the result of the collaboration between the final year students -

International Hospitality Events Management (Front of House) and Hospitality

Business Management with Culinary Art (Back of House)(Appendix I).

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Figure 1- Wheel of flavours

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At the beginning, after the first meeting on the 23 January 2014, we were given the

impression that we were the ones deciding on the theme and the fusion of the food,

but very shortly we were told the cuisines on which we should base the whole meniu

were French (Hagloch 2003), British (Learn English Network 2014) and Korean –

‘Hansik’ (This 2009, p119) (KOREA Tourism Organisation 2014). The meaning of

cuisine is a complex concept involving the practice or manner of preparing food,

characteristic styles associated with a place of origin including their specific

beverages or drinks (Bissell 1989) (Learn English Network 2014). We were given an

explanation of why those particular cuisines we were chosen, but to be honest I

could not tell you what that was. After I researched each and every cuisine, my

reasoning would be that French was choosen due to it status/prestige of haute

cuisine with its innovative chefs such as Antonin Careme (Kelly 2003) and Auguste

Escoffier (Hagloch 2003) (The Guardian 2003); the English cuisine has been

choosen due to upcoming focus on innovatitve British chefs: Heston Blumenthal

(Wilson 2013), Michel Roux Jr. (BBC 2014), Robert Thompson (Great British Chefs

2013) meanwhile the Korean cuisine represents one of the impending trends

(Korean Tourism Organisation 2014) (Korea.net 2014). The general feeling had been

one of confusion but personal I felt more overwhelmed as we had only 41 days from

getting the brief to the execution of it (only 21 hours of practice - Appendix II). Later

on I been made aware of the fact that in real situations, the time in which a menu

should be delivered could be much shorter and with an even more complexity.

The reality was that a quarter of our team did not have any experience in a

professional kitchen on top of the fact all of us were not familiarised with the £3,5 mil

refurbishment restaurant and kitchen on 12th floor (SHU 2014). Truth be told I did

not believe that we would deliver, especially due to a few things that went wrong

such as food orders misshandelled which caused the Scotch eggs (Cloarke 2013) to

be smaller and the edible cones for the canapes to be replaced with shop bought

mini blinis (Appendix III). The cause has been the poor communication among the

two teams, us – Back of House (BoH) and Front of House (FoH) and the technicians

which started from the beginning when we were told about 22 covers whilst FoH

knew about 25, however there were actually 27 on service (Appenix IV). The

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labelling of the tables and unwilliness by FOH to change regarding table layout, as

well as the fact that we were told about dietary restrictions (veggies/allergies/meat)

(CCFRA 2007) only two-three hours before the event created a delay in service.

The poor communication had been reached its peak the day before the event, in

which we should have had access to prepare dishes such as the terreins, pies,and

eggs for the Scotch eggs and parts of dessert but in reality it did not happened and

not only did we have to fight over space in the kitchen, but also over ingredients with

other classes. The situation in the preparation stage was a big confusion due to the

lack of clarity in recipes, recipes that did not comply with the brief, in my opinion,

e.g. the Steak Tartare (Gilt Club 2012) canape recipe which I worked on had to be

changed too many times, time which could have been spent in perfecting the flavour

and the presentation or even making our own blinis. Kitchens perform due to their

hierarchy structure (better-dining.com 2012), in this case I had to comply with the

instructions that were being given to me even if I did not agree or I questioned my

superiors decision. As a group, we made heavy use of jellification (Barham 2001).

The process worked due to the usage of different hydrocolloids (Lerch 2008) which

have been chosen instead of gelatine due to the problems that we incountered in

early preperation e.g. Pineapple and Soju Jelly componet in the dessert (Appendix

III) which did not solidify. Another reason in chosing hydrocolloids was the fact that

are suitable for vegetarians. Even then, my colleagues had to adjust the quantity of

‘agar-agar’ (Bissell 1989, p50) for the Dashi Seaweed Sauce for the Intermmediate

dish (Appendix III).The poor attendence at the master classes did not allow the team

members to have enough time to work with each other, a situation which has been

made more difficult after the confusion with the recipies. Unfortunately from my

personal point of view distribution of the team members based on their skills and

aptitudes did not happen, instead it was based on the personal preferences which

came from the three years in which the group have worked together on different

tasks, which affected the planning of the menu. These personal preferences and

personal tastes continued all through the execution of the event to the detriment of

the theme and purpose of the exercise.

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According to The Culinary

Institute of America (2011) the

product development process

(Fig. 2) (Winger 2009), as for

example a new menu, is

challenging as well as

regimented practice.

New product development has

dramatically increased from

1964 to 2008 (Fig.3) (Fuller

2011). The whole event as

been successful in my opinion

as it had started from nothing

and evolved, and with it, us as

well. From a development point

of view as a “new stage or

event during growth or

evolution” (Heinemann English

Dictionary 2010, p278),

unfortunately, from an

innovation point of view it

delivered more from “the

introduction of new things or

methods” (Heinemann English

Dictionary 2010, p533) than

from “something new or different

which is introduced”

(Heinemann English Dictionary 2010, p533) concurring with the introduction which

stated that we were exposed to new things and methods. For myself in particular the

Maillard reaction – searing the duck –allowing for the sugars to be released and with

it the flavour, not being bland (Barham 2001) (Exploratorium 2014), learning how to

use the Whipping Siphon (Fig.4) for the Salmon mousse, (Logsdon 2013) utilising

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Figure 3 - New food product introductions over a 45-year period (Fuller 2011)

Figure 2 - Product Development Process - adapted from The Culinary Institute of America (Winger 2009)

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the induction hub and the convection oven, replacing salt with crème de tartar

(Arumugam 2013) to act as stabiliser in cheese soufflé (BBC a 2014).

It is highly likely that from a pure innovation standpoint, the delivery of a gastronomic

experience has been low compared with others shown e.g. Final Dessert of 20

Course Meal at Alinea (Youtube 2010). What little innovation there was came from

the dessert, which took a lot of re-does –

brownies due to the recipe in the early

stages and too many chillies on the day

and macaroons (five attempts in total,

three on the day of the event), where the

plates looked innovative (Appendix III)

only to be bettered by the taste.

Due to the extent of experience working

in professional kitchens and the fact that

for a decade I studied as a mature

student (Appenix IV), I can confirm that

‘the best thing any education can

bequeath is the habit of reflection and

questioning (Grayling 2000).

Reflection is concerned with consciously looking at and thinking about our

experiences, actions, feelings and responses and then interpreting or analysing them

in order to learn from them (Boud, Keogh and Walker 1994) (Atkins and Murphy

1994). The are a lot of reflective models out there (Kolb 1984) (Gibbs 1988) (Schon

1991) as well as platforms for implementetion such as the Learning and

Development Deparment within Sheffield Business School (SHU 2014) or Learning

Development at Plymouth University (2014). Ultimately it is down to each individual

and how much he or she wants to achieve in their career and for that matter in life.

Reflection is a transferable skill (Atlay and Harris 2000) which provides a framework

for ones' Personal and Professional Development (Raelin 2002). As evidence to my

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Figure 4 - How the Whipping Siphon works(Logsdon 2013)

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drive, out of the total posts on the groups’ Facebook account, half of them were

mine, posts such as thre numeorus recipes and research/information I posted

(Fleming 2014) (Catering & Leisure Supplies Ltd 2014) (Wenger 2011)

(jenishungry.blogspot.co.uk 2013) (Bloor 2013) (Rice 2010) (bxlblog.com 2013). Out

of these recipes two were chosen for the canapés: one was the inspiration for steak-

tartar canapé (The Chronicles of Ms I-Hua & The Boy 2014) (Wikipedia 2014) and

the other one for fish’n’chips canapé (goodfood.com.au 2014). Websites like

Molecular Gastronomy Network (2014), Foodpairing (2014)(Fig.5) as well as

Modernist Cuisine (2014), have been a real source of inspiration and a visual aid to

understand the practical, but in the same time the theatrical side of the fine-dining

experience (This 2009). It seems to me that the theatrical part of the delivery of this

fine dining experience as been neglected, more likely do to the lact of time and

experience, although I suspect that even if the time were given again, we would not

attempt anything as drastic due to people not wanting to leave their comfort zone.

Unfortuanetely, I do not only believe that we under performed from the theatical point

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of view, but also exploring what the Korean cuisine (jenishungry.blogspot.co.uk

2013) has to offer, with its unusual ingriedients (Korean Tourism Organisation

2014), ‘Chongju – Korean cereal alcoholic bevereage’ (Campbell-Platt 2009,

p91),‘Kichudok – Steamed rice cakes’ (Campbell-Platt 2009, p94), ‘Korean chongkukjang – fermentated soybean paste’ (Campbell-Platt 2009, p100) and

processes such as ‘Nuruk – the name of Korean fermatention startars’ (Campbell-

Platt 2009, p88); ‘Kimchi – fermented vegetables’ (Campbell-Platt 2009,

p95),’Sikhae – fermented seafood and meat product’ (Campbell-Platt 2009, p96).

Reflecting on the allocated time on the day, there was plenty of time between

preparation and service as everyone was on top of their dishes. Even I had extra

time to help one of my colleagues on mains with the glaze sauce for the duck. I

ended up making it from scratch, by following his recipe.

As mentioned earlier, panic and confusion started when it was announced the fact

that there were more diners than exepected and there were more vegetarian

customers than anticipated. As the starters were plated and ready by 6pm, I had

asked the Head Chef a couple of times about the Steak Tartare canapes, whether I

should start at least chopping the components. I was told that the canapes should be

as fresh as possible and to hold on. The evidence suggests that was a miscall as the

canapes were late which made the guests waiting, who did not take their places until

6.45pm. The technicians were not happy about the situation which put a bit of

pressure to deliver the next course. It most definitely made the practical session

more close to the real work environment which in my opinion was handled with

professionalism and was a privilige to work with my team members. The review from

some of our guests (Appendix VI) stands testimony of the performance of that night.

Looking back, unfortunately because it had been such a long day by the time that the

dessert was serverd, we did not even think to take a group photo.

This year has been particular challenging for me due to personal difficulties

ecounterd along the way but the fact that I learned on my feet, not only having to

adapt to those challenges, finding the determination to rise above those obstacles,

learn how to time manage, to work with new people in a completety new

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environment as well as in all this mess of issuses finding time to make new friends

and networking are a few of the accomplishments that I can think of. I would have

been able to accomplish these things if I did not have the support of my family,

friends and the faculty members and services.

The experience has been unique and probably one in a life time. Meanwhile this

module has been by far the highlight of the entire course. It confirmed the fact that it

was the best decision to choose this direction and this was what gave me strength to

not give up throughout the whole year. It also made me realise that my career should

be related with food. That is why I am pursuing a Graduate Scheme with Compass

Group which I see as a platform into my career as a Food & Beverage Manager and

one step closer to owning my own business one day.


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Appendix I – The Menu

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Appendix II – Time to prepare

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Appendix III – Pictures from the day of the event

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First session –

Thursday 23rd of

January 2014

Delivery of the Event –Tuesday 4th of

March 2014

Duration: 6 weeks –

41 days of which

only 21 hours of



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Appendix IV – The bref & nr. of covers

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Appendix V – My Curriculum Vitae

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Appendix VI – Reviews from the guests

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