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Cumberland University A Whole New Ballgame

Date post: 04-Apr-2018
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  • 7/31/2019 Cumberland University A Whole New Ballgame


    H Wtbgnhi Wbg|nfe fo \ab Ibkhefe Lbmfg{h|) \ab Ah{|wvniib _nlb||b) M|% @rinb| Ebsw) \ab Gfmmren|~ Iblcb{ fo Cfflib||wvniib) \ab Lfebiwfe-Ab{mn|hcb Iblcb{) Lbjhik Gfre|~ \nmbw

  • 7/31/2019 Cumberland University A Whole New Ballgame


    ; Grmkb{ihel Renvb{wn|~ Kriilfcw H Safib Ebs Khiichmb

    H c{fsnec Grmkb{ihel Renvb{wn|~bmtahwnpbw gh{bb{-l{nvbe blrgh|nfe

    Grmkb{ihel Renvb{wn|~ nw bvfivnec%Hllnec ebs t{fc{hmw hel ohgnin|nbw) |ab

    834-~bh{-fil inkb{hi h{|w new|n|r|nfe nw bq-thelnec n|w off|t{ne| kf|a fe-c{frel helfeineb sn|a h {bebsbl ofgrw fe t{bth{necw|rlbe|w |f mbb| |ab lbmhelw fo he bvfivnecsf{jof{gb%

    Wffe |f revbni ebs f{ {bvhmtbl ohgnin|nbwne Ibkhefe) M|% @rinb|) hel Mhgfe Gfre|~)Grmkb{ihel nw {htnli~ bqthelnec n|w hgh-lbmng foob{necw sn|a ebs lbc{bb t{fc{hmw)feineb nen|nh|nvbw) hel w|rlbe| gh{bb{ wb{vngbw{bwfr{gbw%

    \abwb lbvbiftmbe|w h{b {bt{bwbe|h|nvb foh tb{nfl fo ret{bgblbe|bl c{fs|a ne Grm-kb{ihelw anw|f{~) hggf{lnec |f L{% Ah{vniiBh|fe) t{bwnlbe| fo |ab renvb{wn|~%

    Grmkb{ihel nw ef ifecb{ `rw| |ah| in||ibwgaffi ne Ibkhefe) Bh|fe whnl% N| wb{vbwne h c{bh|i~ bqthelbl sh~ hel sn|a neg{bhw-neci~ gibh{ lnw|neg|nfe% Grmkb{ihel wb{vbw n|w|{hln|nfehi) {bwnlbe|nhi tftrih|nfe o{fm wbv-b{hi ifgh|nfew sn|ane Ibkhefe) hel fr{ feinebt{fc{hmw snii wb{vb w|rlbe|w he~sab{b hel h|he~ w|hcb ne |abn{ inob%

    Hggf{lnec |f Bh|fe) |ab renvb{wn|~w

    c{fs|a ne ohgnin|nbw hel feineb {bwfr{gbw nw

    kbnec l{nvbe k~ h ebs) renbl new|n|r|nfehivnwnfe fo h gh{bb{-l{nvbe inkb{hi h{|w blrgh-|nfe lbwncebl |f t{bth{b w|rlbe|w of{ inobifecwrggbww%

    Fr{ ebs t{fc{hmw) bwtbgnhii~) h{b lb-wncebl |f abit |abm gfmtb|b ne |flh~w sf{ilhel ne |ab sf{il fo |abn{ |fmf{{fs) Bh|fewhnl% Fr{ w|rlbe|w be|b{ |abn{ sf{il |flh~ |fel |abn{ sh~ of{sh{l hel rtsh{l) hw t{fobw-wnfehiw hel ibhlb{w) ne fkw hel nelrw|{nbw |ah|lnl ef| bqnw|) f{ sb{b bvbe nmhcnebl) sabemhe~ fo rw sb{b ne gfiibcb% Sb mhlb |abgfmmn|mbe| |f gahecb wf fr{ w|rlbe|w ghe

    ahvb h kb||b{ gahegb fo wrggbww%\f |ah| bel) Grmkb{ihel nw {bhganec fr|

    |f w|rlbe|w sn|a h ermkb{ fo ebs t{fc{hmwhel ohgnin|nbw) negirlnec |ab Grmkb{ihelGbe|b{ of{ Feineb hel T{fobwwnfehi W|rlnbwne M|% @rinb|% Wb| |f ftbe ne ih|b Wbt|bmkb{)|ab 3)244-wxrh{b-off| ohgnin|~ snii wb{vb hw|ab abhlxrh{|b{w of{ |ab renvb{wn|~w c{fsnecfeineb t{fc{hmw%

    Relb{ |ab ibhlb{want fo W|hgb~ Ch{-{b||) |ab renvb{wn|~w {bgbe|i~ httfne|bl vngbt{bwnlbe| of{ feineb hel t{fobwwnfehi w|rlnbw)|ab ohgnin|~ snii hnl Grmkb{ihel ne foob{nec

    t{fc{hmw lbwncebl |f gh|b{ |f |ab c{fsnec

    efe|{hln|nfehi w|rlbe| mh{jb|%Obh|r{nec gihww{ffmw) hlmnenw|{h|nvb

    hel ohgri|~ fogbw) hel h {bgbt|nfe h{bh) |abgbe|b{ snii hiwf t{fvnlb wrttf{| ohgnin|nbw of{mri|ntib t{fc{hmw h| |ab renvb{wn|~%

    \ab Gbe|b{ of{ Feineb hel T{fobwwnfehiW|rlnbw {bt{bwbe|w |ab mfw| nmtf{|he| bqthe-wnfe fo Grmkb{ihelw {bhga hel t{fc{hm-mnec ne |ab anw|f{~ fo |ab new|n|r|nfe) Bh|fewhnl% \a{frca n|) sb h{b |hjnec Grmkb{ihelbvb{~sab{b |f bvb{~feb%

    \ab gbe|b{ snii t{fvnlb h ofrelh|nfeof{ |ab renvb{wn|~w c{fsnec feineb lbc{bb

    t{fc{hmw% H| |ab t{bwbe| |nmb) |ab renvb{-wn|~ foob{w ofr{ feineb lbc{bb t{fc{hmw0 he[E-KWE t{fc{hm lbwncebl of{ sf{jnecer{wbw) h Mhw|b{ fo H{|w ne Blrgh|nfe t{f-c{hm lbwncebl t{nmh{ni~ of{ ingbewbl |bhga-b{w) h Khgabif{ fo Krwnebww Hlmnenw|{h|nfet{fc{hm) hel h Of{bewng hel G{nmnehi @rw|ngbWgnbegbw t{fc{hm%

    Hlln|nfehi t{fc{hmw snii kbcne ih|b{ ne;48;% Hggf{lnec |f Bh|fe) hii snii kb lnw|neg|-i~ lnoob{be|nh|bl o{fm f|ab{ feineb t{fc{hmwk~ xrhin|~ hel gfeebg|nfe |f `fkw hel gh{bb{w%

    Ne |ab rtgfmnec wbmbw|b{) |ab renvb{wn-

    |~ snii hiwf revbni n|w ebs Mhw|b{ fo H{|w neBlrgh|nfe sn|a he bmtahwnw ne Blrgh|nfehiIbhlb{want t{fc{hm) h ebsi~ lbwncebl) gf-af{|-khwbl gfr{wb fo w|rl~ foob{nec gfegbe-|{h|nfew ne new|{rg|nfehi gfhganec hel new|{rg-|nfehi ibhlb{want% \ab t{fc{hmw {w| gfaf{|snii kbcne ne |ab ohii fo ;48;%

    Hlln|nfehii~) Grmkb{ihel snii wffe hllebs c{hlrh|b lbc{bb foob{necw fe-c{frel helfeineb% \ab~ negirlb ebs Mhw|b{ fo H{|w helMhw|b{ fo Wgnbegb lbc{bbw) hw sbii hw hlln-|nfehi t{fobwwnfehi lbc{bbw ne blrgh|nfe heltrking wb{vngb mhehcbmbe|%

    Ne |ab ohii fo ;48;) |ab renvb{wn|~ sniirevbni n|w ebs Grmkb{ihel Renvb{wn|~ LrhiBe{fiimbe| Gbe|b{ ne Mhgfe Gfre|~) sangasnii c{bh|i~ bqthel |ab new|n|r|nfew off|t{ne|

    hifec |ab \beebwwbb-Jbe|rgj~ kf{lb{% \abebs ohgnin|~ snii wb{vb lrhi-be{fiimbe| ancawgaffi w|rlbe|w ne Mhgfe) \{frwlhib) hel@hgjwfe gfre|nbw) hw sbii hw wfr|ab{e Jbe-|rgj~%

    Nmt{fvbmbe|w h{b hiwf kbnec mhlb feghmtrw |f wrga ohgnin|nbw hw |ab MgOh{ihelNew|{rg|nfehi Gbe|b{) sanga nw afmb |f |abrenvb{wn|~w [rl~ Wgaffi fo Er{wnec% Ne hl-ln|nfe) h mh`f{ ebs ohgnin|~|ab Grmkb{ihelIbh{enec hel Gh{bb{ Gfmmfewsnii ftbene @herh{~%

    \ab Grmkb{ihel Ibh{enec hel Gh{bb{

    Gfmmfew nw sab{b sb{b cfnec ne h ifecb{-|b{m hel k{fhlb{ wbewb) Bh|fe whnl% Gfi-ibcb wafril ebvb{ kb wbbe hw h ofr{-~bh{ wingbfo ~fr{ inob kb|sbbe |ab hcbw fo 81 hel ;;:n| wafril kb he bqtb{nbegb |ah| ebvb{ ibhvbw~fr% \ah|w sa~ sb she| |f t{bth{b w|rlbe|wne hii sh~w) wf |ab~ jefs ef| fei~ afs |frelb{w|hel jefsiblcb) kr| afs |f tr| n| |fhe bel%

    \ab Ibh{enec hel Gh{bb{ Gfmmfew sniit{fvnlb w|rlbe|w sn|a h snlb h{{h~ fo gh{bb{|{hnenec hg|nvn|nbw) negirlnec mfgj `fk ne|b{-vnbsw) {bwrmb s{n|nec hwwnw|hegb) hel l{bww

    hel kbahvnf{hi new|{rg|nfe% Hlln|nfehii~) w|r-lbe|w snii kb hkib |f ne|b{vnbs t{fobwwnfehiwne |abn{ bil h| |ab krnilnec) chnenec sf{jnecjefsiblcb hkfr| |abn{ gafwbe mh`f{w kbof{bibhvnec |ab renvb{wn|~%

    W|rlbe|w ghe hiwf bqtif{b gh{bb{ tfwwn-knin|nbw ln{bg|i~ |a{frca Grmkb{ihelw c{fs-nec ermkb{ fo ne|b{ewant t{fc{hmw) sangaihw| ~bh{ t{fvnlbl htt{fqnmh|bi~ ?4 w|rlbe|wsn|a ne|b{ewantw ne h vh{nb|~ fo bilw%

    Grmkb{ihel nw {bhganec kfili~ ne|f hebs sf{il) Bh|fe whnl% Fr{ {bwtfewnknin|~efs nw |f t{bth{b fr{ w|rlbe|w of{ wrggbww ne

    |ah| sf{il% Sb mrw| |bhga |abm) crnlb |abm)hel bxrnt |abm sn|a |ab |ffiw |ab~ ebbl |fwrggbbl ne |ab `fkw hel gh{bb{w fo |ab ;8w|gbe|r{~%

    88> Ibkhefe [fhl

    Fil Angjf{~) \E 73871



    8478-H Sbw| Mhne W|%!?82.

  • 7/31/2019 Cumberland University A Whole New Ballgame


    Grmkb{ihel Renvb{wn|~ Kriilfcw H Safib Ebs Khiichmb 7

    Grmkb{ihel nw wtf{|w hr|af{n|~

    Ef obbw) ef anllbe gah{cbw) wnmti~ O[BB(

    Onel fr| mf{b k~ ghiinec f{ ifc fe |fsss%gblh{w|febkhej%gfm

    Wnmtib O{bb Gabgjnec%%%

    Ibkhefe) >44 Sbw| Mhne W|{bb| -

  • 7/31/2019 Cumberland University A Whole New Ballgame


    < Grmkb{ihel Renvb{wn|~ Kriilfcw H Safib Ebs Khiichmb

    272 Khllfr{ Th{jsh~

    !Ebq| |f Ibkhefe Gabmnghiw.

  • 7/31/2019 Cumberland University A Whole New Ballgame


    Grmkb{ihel Renvb{wn|~ Kriilfcw H Safib Ebs Khiichmb 2


    \{hog snii kb {fr|bl |f |ab th{jnec h{bhw rwnec\beebwwbb Kfribvh{l hel Th{j Hvberb hw sbii hwBhw| Wt{nec W|{bb|% Ohew snii EF\ kb hiifsbl |f triilfse Crio Hvberb f{ Jefqvniib Hvberb |f hggbwwhe~ fo |ab th{jnec h{bhw% Kh{{nb{w snii kb ne tihgbsn|a chmblh~ sf{jb{w w|hoec |afwb h{bhw h| |ab`reg|nfe fo \beebwwbb Kfribvh{l hel Crio Hvberbhel h| Jefqvniib Hvberb hel Crio Hvberb% Grmkb{-ihel ChmbLh~ w|hoo sn|a th{jnec thwwbw snii kb

    |ab fei~ febw hiifsbl |f thww |a{frca |ab kh{{nb{w%

    Th|{few mh~ l{nvb bhw| fe \beebwwbb Kfribvh{lthw| |ab w|hlnrm) |r{e ibo| fe|f Th{j Hvberb hel|abe ibo| fe|f Ah{lnec L{nvb% Hggbww mh~ hiwf kbchnebl cfnec ef{|a fe Wfr|a Gfiibcb W|{bb|) |abebhw| fe Bhw| Wt{nec W|{bb|) |abe wfr|a fe @fb K{h-eahm L{nvb%


    \ab mhne th{jnec if| of{ Efjbw-Ihwh|b{ Onbil nw if-gh|bl fe |ab bhw| wnlb fo |ab w|hlnrm kbanel |abvnwn|nec kibhgab{w% Th{jnec hel |hnich|nec hg|nvn-

    |nbw snii |hjb tihgb ne |ah| if| hel |ab FEI^ hggbww|f |ab th{jnec if| snii kb o{fm Ah{lnec L{nvb) |f |abef{|a fo |ab th{jnec h{bh% Ohew snii EF\ kb hiifsbl|f trii lfse W|hlnrm L{nvb `rw| wfr|a fo Efjbw-Ihwh|b{ Onbil%

    Th{jnec nw hiwf hvhnihkib ne o{fe| fo hel kbanel |abRMG MgOh{ihel Ghmtrw afwtn|hi) sanga wn|w `rw|hg{fww Ah{lnec L{nvb o{fm |ab w|hlnrm hel |abmhne th{jnec h{bh% H wmhiib{ if| nw hvhnihkib feAh{lnec L{nvb ne o{fe| fo |ab fil anca wgaffi hel|ab{b h{b hiwf mh{jbl th{jnec wtf|w hifec @fb K{h-eahm L{nvb |ah| {rew kb|sbbe Ah{lnec hel Bhw|Wt{nec W|{bb|%


    Afmb ohew snii be|b{ hel bqn| h| |ab ef{|a bel fo|ab w|hlnrm fe |ab bhw| !vnwn|f{w. wnlb hel chnehggbww |f |ab afmb w|helw k~ shijnec h{frel |abef{|a bel fo |ab w|hlnrm kb|sbbe |ab obegb |ah|wr{{frelw |ab bil hel |ab fil anca wgaffi% \ngjb|wmh~ kb tr{gahwbl h| |ab ch|b kbof{b be|b{nec |abw|hlnrm% EF OHEW snii kb hiifsbl hggbww |f |abbil f{ |{hgj h{bh%

    _nwn|nec ohew snii be|b{ hel bqn| |ab w|hlnrm h||ab wfr|a bel fe |ab bhw| !vnwn|f{w. wnlb% \ngjb|w

    mh~ kb tr{gahwbl h| |ab ch|b kbof{b be|b{nec |abw|hlnrm%

    Ne ghwb fo bmb{cbeg~) ch|bw snii kb ftbebl fe kf|awnlbw fo |ab w|hlnrm fe kf|a |ab ef{|a hel wfr|abelw) kr| |anw nw fei~ ne ghwb fo he bmb{cbeg~%


    Hii ahelnght th{jnec nw gibh{i~ mh{jbl fe |ab bhw|!vnwn|f{w. wnlb fo |ab w|hlnrm ne |ab mhne th{jnech{bh foo Ah{lnec L{nvb% FEI^ tbftib sn|a ahelnghtth{jnec ingbewb tih|bw f{ ahecnec wncew o{fm |abn{{bh{vnbs mn{{f{w snii kb hiifsbl |f th{j ne |afwbwtf|w%


    Hii kr| h ahelori fo wbh|w ne |ab w|hlnrm h{b cbe-b{hi hlmnwwnfe kibhgab{ wbh|w% [bwb{vbl wbh| wbh-wfe |ngjb|w mh~ kb tr{gahwbl o{fm |ab Grmkb{-ihel H|aib|ng Lbth{|mbe| of{ ,844 tb{ wbh| of{ |abwbhwfe% \abwb |ngjb|w chne hggbww |f |ab gahn{khgjwbh|w `rw| kbifs |ab t{bww kfq fe |ab afmb wnlb%

    Fei~ w|hlnrm wbh|w snii kb hiifsbl ne |ab w|hlnrm%Ef ofilnec f{ ofil-fr| ihse gahn{w snii kb hiifsbl ne|ab w|hlnrm hel hii ohew mrw| wn| ne |ab kibhgab{wbg|nfew fe bn|ab{ wnlb fo |ab w|hlnrm%

    W|hlnrm Mht

  • 7/31/2019 Cumberland University A Whole New Ballgame


    ? Grmkb{ihel Renvb{wn|~ Kriilfcw H Safib Ebs Khiichmb

    Wbt|bmkb{ 1 vw% Renvb{wn|~ fo |ab Grmkb{ihelw8074 t%m% JngjfooSan|b-Fr| chmb Wafs ~fr{ t{nlb k~ sbh{ nec SAN\B |f |ab chmb%Kbof{b |ab chmb afef{ Kf~ Wgfr|w hel Sniwfe Gfre|~ mnllib wgaffiwAhio|nmb afef{ sfmbew cfio hel mbew |beenw |bhmw\hnich|nec !88 HM-8TM.0 Be`f~ offl t{fvnlbl k~ ifghi gar{gabw) chmbw)

    t{npbw hel invb mrwng o{fm |ab khel JngjO{bb |-wan{|w of{ |ab {w| 244 GR W|rlbe|wJnlw Pfeb neh|hkibw) ohgb thne|nec hel |h| |ffwAhio|nmb bil cfhi gahiibecb0 2 mner|bw-2 GR W|rlbe|w-mfw| mhlb

    bil cfhiw snewSneeb{ {bgbnvbw0 ,;44 vfrgab{ |f GR Kffjw|f{bTh{be|w \be| [feenb MgTbhjWhob|~-On{w| Hnl \be|W|rlbe| Inob \be| GR w|rlbe| {hob) gf{eafib

    Wbt|bmkb{ 82 vw% Kbiahvbe Renvb{wn|~8074 t%m% JngjfooGrmkb{ihel Renvb{wn|~ T{bvnbs Lh~RW Gfmmren|~ G{bln| Renfe Lh~ cnvnec hsh~ o{bb af| lfcwKbof{b |ab chmb afef{ RW Gfmmren|~ G{bln| RenfeJnl Pfeb He|afe~ Khiiffe Jnl) neh|hkibw) ohgb thne|nec hel |h||ffwMfvb Hg{fww Sniwfe ohmni~ chmbw !? mner|bw.W|rlbe| Inob \be| GR w|rlbe| {hob) gf{eafibGR Er{wnec \be| Abhi|a Hsh{bebww) O{rn| Whib) Whob|~-On{w| Hnl \be|

    Fg|fkb{ ? vw% Renfe Gfiibcb !Afmbgfmnec.8074 t%m% Jngjfoo

    Grmkb{ihel Renvb{wn|~ T{bvnbs Lh~

    Gh{lnehi-Fr| chmb0 Wafs ~fr{ t{nlb k~ sbh{nec GH[LNEHI |f |ab chmb\hnich|nec !88 HM-8TM.0 Be`f~ offl t{fvnlbl k~ ifghi gar{gabw) chmbw) t{npbw) invb mrwng

    hel Hirmen Sbbjbel Hg|nvn|nbwJnlw Pfeb He|afe~ Khiiffe jnl) neh|hkibw) ohgb thne|nec hel |h||ffwAhio|nmb Afmbgfmnec Gfr{|) Jnec hel XrbbeWtf{|w Ahii fo Ohmb nelrg|bbw Kb|sbbe 8w| hel ;el xrh{|b{wHirmen Hsh{l sneeb{w Kb|sbbe 7{l hel

  • 7/31/2019 Cumberland University A Whole New Ballgame


    Grmkb{ihel Renvb{wn|~ Kriilfcw H Safib Ebs Khiichmb 3

    8>;1 Ibbvniib Tnjb Ibkhefe) \E 734>4


  • 7/31/2019 Cumberland University A Whole New Ballgame


    Wbt|% 8 EFFE

    Jhewhw Sbwib~he !h| L~b{wkr{c.

    Wbt|% 1 8074

    Renvb{wn|~ fo |ab Grmkb{ihelw

    Wbt|% 82 8074




    Sbw| Lnvnwnfe


    Wbt|% ;; 2044

    h| _n{cnenh-Snwb

    Wbt|% ;> 8;074

    h| Tnjbvniib

    Fg|% ? 8074

    Renfe Gfiibcb

    Fg|% 87 8074h| Ohrijeb{*

    Fg|% ;4 ?044


    Fg|% ;3 8074

    h| Kb|abi*

    Efv% 7 8074


    Efv% 84 8074h| Inelwb~ Sniwfe*


    Efjbw-Ihwh|b{ Onbil

    taf|f Lhiirw San|obil
