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Curing Nail Fungus The 7 Step Revolution

Date post: 17-Oct-2014
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Do you suffer from nail fungus? If so, do you want to learn a revolutionary seven step process to completely eliminating it for good and making sure it never comes back again?Curing Nail Fungus The 7 Step Revolution, will guide you through this easy process. All you need to do is take action on what you learn and beatiful, healthy nails are all yours!
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Curing Nail Fungus The 7 Step Revolution Cutting Edge Methods To Eliminate Nail Fungus Quickly And Easily! Alexis Jonas www.CuringNailFungus.Net www.CuringNailFungus.Net
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Curing Nail FungusThe 7 Step RevolutionCutting Edge Methods To Eliminate Nail

Fungus Quickly And Easily!

Alexis Jonaswww.CuringNailFungus.Net


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Table Of Contents

A Quick Word From The Author

Introduction To The Revolution

Step One - Experience The Revelation

Step Two - Protect Your Neighbors

Step Three - Mind Over Fungus

Step Four - Assemble Your Anti-Fungal Army

Step Five - Tip The Balance

Step Six - The Chill Factor

Step Seven - Trust Father Time

Putting It All Together - The Magic Of Consistency

Final Words



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The information provided within this information product should not be construed as personal medical advice, consultation or instruction. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this product.

The publisher of this book has made every attempt to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein. We make no warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the book.

We cannot be held liable for any injury, loss, or other damages due to your use of the information contained in this product.

It is the responsibility of the reader to use the information in this book responsibly and to verify any information before use.

Readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well being prior to following the information contained within this information product.

“Curing Nail Fungus – The 7 Step Revolution” was created for informational and educational purposes only, not to replace any advice from a health care professional.

The information and opinions provided here are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment available to the authors, but readers who fail to consult appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. This information product and the author is not responsible for errors or omissions.


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A Quick Word From The Author:I would like to thank you for downloading this free guide “Curing Nail Fungus - The 7 Step Revolution”. You now have at your virtual fingertips a powerful step-by-step method to overpower nail fungus and experience the joy of healthy and beautiful nails once again.

I hope you enjoy reading this guide and more importantly, that you experience long lasting relief from nail fungus. Put each step into action and you will be amazed at the results that you will witness occurring right before your very eyes.

Remember, stick to the plan and you will be rewarded with nails that you no longer have to be embarrassed about or try to hide away from the judging eye of family, friends, and the public.

Learn, take action, and enjoy the process of transforming your nails into something that you are proud about and feel excited to show off.

All the best,

Alexis JonasP.S. If you didn't receive “Curing Nail Fungus – The Seven Step Revolution” as a free gift for signing up to the Curing Nail Fungus Newsletter, I urge you to do so now.

In the free newsletter I pack a lot of additional tips, tricks and methods to help make the process of eliminating nail fungus even faster!

So if you haven't done so already, Click Here to sign up for the free newsletter.

You will be glad you did :)


Page 5: Curing Nail Fungus The 7 Step Revolution

Introduction To The RevolutionWith over 35 million people in the United States alone, suffering from nail fungus, people are screaming (often silently) for help to cure this embarrassing problem. Nail fungus is a notoriously challenging condition to eradicate and stop from coming back. But don’t worry help is at hand!

You may be doubtful that you can eliminate nail fungus if you have tried (and failed) in the past to fix this problem. Most sufferers attempt to treat nail fungus using only one method alone in complete isolation but this is largely ineffective against this elusive and highly destructive enemy. A smarter approach is needed to outwit this formidable opponent.

If you have tried various potions, creams, lotions, medicine, and just about everything under the sun, you may be wondering what you will learn in this guide that will be the missing piece of the puzzle.

It’s not so much what you will learn but how you will combine all the techniques and methods that you are about to learn into a smart an effective system that is results driven.

Just like a wild dog is much more powerful when it’s in a pack or a sporting team is much more effective when all members actually work together rather than in isolation, so too is this revolutionary treatment plan for curing nail fungus.

So if you are ready to learn a system that will help you gain the advantage over nail fungus and quickly eliminate it by overwhelming the infection from multiple angles all at once, then today is the day you can make your dream of being free of nail fungus a reality.

Remember, as effective as this step-by-step system is, you will still need to take action on what you learn. If all you do is read this guide, have a few “aha” moments but then do


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nothing with the valuable information you learn, then you are just wasting your time!

So make sure you read and also take action.

In this exciting guide, you will be learning the following:

Revolutionary Dietary Techniques - These will address the cause of nail fungus and create an inner environment where fungus cannot survive, let alone thrive.

Powerful Mental Imagery Techniques - Your mind is a powerful weapon that is capable of wiping out deadly disease. Don’t you think it would be a good idea to turn on this powerful weapon and use it to cure nail fungus? Learn a power mental technique to help you do this.

Effective Lifestyle Changes - Learn about proper nail hygiene and other simple things you can do to help speed your way to transforming ugly nails into ones that are healthy and beautiful.

Topical Applications 101 - Killing bacteria and infection directly on the site of the nail can be difficult. I will show you the right topical application to get the job done and how to use it in the most effective way possible.

Plus many more tips and tricks along the way!

Right now I would suggest that you make a commitment to yourself to read through this guide, numerous times if you have to, and then take massive and consistent action each day on what you learn. If you do this, you will finally be free of the nail fungus curse once and for all.

Are you ready to get started on your adventure towards beautiful and healthy nails? If you are, then take a minute to go grab a cup of coffee, water, or a tea, come back and then get stuck into this life-changing guide.

I wish you all the best on your adventure!


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Step One - Experience The RevelationYour mind and the information it contains or doesn’t contain can either be your greatest asset or your biggest liability. Knowledge is indeed power but you must have the right knowledge, combined with massive action if you want to experience “true power”.

The first part of this step towards curing nail fungus is to experience a revelation on a mental level. Once you “get” why this seven-step process is done in the manner that it is, you will realize why you have been unsuccessful in your past attempts to eliminate nail fungus. And you will also realize what you have to do in order to achieve the dream of being free of nail fungus.

The revelation I am talking about is to realize that the truth behind curing nail fungus and making sure it never returns is to focus on overwhelming nail fungus through as many different “effective” avenues or actions as possible, all at the same time.

The approach to curing nail fungus that I recommend (and what is taught in this guide) relies on hitting the root causes of nail fungus from all different angles. One approach by itself rarely works. In isolation, both power and effectiveness are weakened. But when you combine multiple elements all designed to eliminate nail fungus at the root cause, you will have a powerful weapon at your disposal.

You will shortly be learning how to destroy nail fungus using your mind, body, and emotions. When you combine all these elements together into one cohesive synergistic unit, the results are spectacular!

Once you understand the value of treating nail fungus with a multi-level approach, this is what I am referring to as “experiencing the revelation”. So trust in the process that follows and you will find that your current state of nail fungus doesn’t stand a chance and it will never again make


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an encore appearance in the future.

Make the commitment right now to follow through and take action on each of the steps that you are about to learn. Freedom from nail fungus can be a reality when you understand the revelation and you assault nail fungus from all different angles at the same time.

Do this and you will win the battle and far quicker than you may have ever though possible? If you continue to try things in isolation, unfortunately your results may continue to elude you and slip through your fingers.

Make the choice now to open yourself to the revelation or turn you back on it. One choice will lead you down the path to a nail fungus free life, while the other will lead you down a path where your nail fungus problem only becomes worse as it continues to spread to other nails and causes more pain and embarrassment.


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Step Two - Protect Your NeighborsJust like any type of infection, if left unchecked for too long, it can spread and cause damage to other parts of the body. In the case of nail fungus infection, you need to do all you can to stop it from spreading to neighboring nails.

Personal nail hygiene is an important part of any nail fungus treatment plan. The following tips are easy to implement and are something that must become a daily habit if you are serious about curing nail fungus in the quickest period of time possible.

You may have heard about some of these recommendations before and if you have, ask yourself the question: “have I really applied what I know?” If your answer is “no” then you need to get serious with yourself. You must do everything in this guide, even if you think it’s a waste of time or it’s something you don’t believe in.

Keep Your Feet Dry

Fungus and bacteria grow and thrive in wet, moist conditions, so you must stop creating the conditions that they love. This means keeping your feet as dry as possible throughout the day.

After bathing dry them thoroughly. Carry 2 - 3 pairs of absorbent cotton socks with you and change them throughout the day at regular intervals (before moisture builds up).

Shield Your Feet

When you are in a common shower area or at a public swimming pool, always where footwear (sandals or flip flops) so you shield your nails from picking up any additional infections.


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Protect Your Hands

Keep your hands dry at all times. If your hands are prone to sweat, carry around disposable tissues and get into a habit of keeping them dry. when you wash dishes, wear cotton gloves under the rubber gloves for additional protection.

Keep Your Nails Trim

The infected nails should be trimmed regularly, this is important for when you reach step four but also something that will help minimize the risk of further infection.

If it’s impossible to cut your nails due to them being extra thick (common with many types of nail fungus) you may need to visit your doctor of podiatrist to do this as they have special equipment and instruments for cutting thick nails.


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Step Three - Mind Over Fungus

The mind is a potent tool and it has been medically proven time and time again that by utilizing the power of the mind, you will dramatically increase the “healing effect” that your body is capable of.

Using mind techniques to help in curing nail fungus will boost your overall results and allow them to come much quicker than if you chose not to use them.

The following mind technique is very simple but don’t let its simplicity fool you as its very potent and powerful. The more times you do this technique, the quicker your results will be. Ideally you should run this mental exercise three times per day. Each session should last anywhere from 5 - 10 minutes.

Mind Over Fungus Mental Technique

1. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths from the lower stomach region (not your chest). Deep breathing from the lower belly is very relaxing and will help your mind calm down and focus. Continue breathing in and out through your nose until you feel sufficiently relaxed and calm.

2. Next, using your mind, picture a close up image of your body part that has the infection. Make sure it’s a dissociated image, so you will be looking at yourself from another persons view. See it completely healed in every way. Spend a minute or so looking at your foot or hand being completely healed.

3. Next step into your body, view your body part from an associated point of view, looking through your own eyes, seeing what you would see, hearing what you would hear, and feeling what you would feel if you were experiencing your foot or hand without any nail fungus.

4. Make the image bright, colorful, and close. See your


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nails as perfect, strong, and healthy. Say the things you would say to yourself if you were excited about having perfect nails. Feel a deep sense of gratitude for having these perfect nails and feel certain that they will stay this way.

5. Once you have spent a few minutes doing this exercise, say to yourself either mentally or out loud “my nails are healthy and strong” and feel a sense of certainty as you say this. Then open your eyes.

This exercise is quick and easy but helps program your mind and body to create what you are imagining. Practice this quick Mind Over Fungus mental technique as much as possible. The more you do it, the better your results will be!

Note: Many people concern themselves with the mental images. Don’t worry if they are not crystal clear. Mental imagery and visualization is still powerful even if your mental images are fuzzy. Just keep applying this exercise and you will get the results!


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Step Four - Assemble Your Anti-Fungal TroopsOkay, it’s time to assemble and send in your anti-fungal troops to ambush the nail fungus right at the site of the infection. This is an important step to this revolutionary approach.

Unfortunately, most people either don’t know how to command their army to do the most damage or they sent in their troops without any back up (the complete seven step process).

This army I am talking about is an all-natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal topical solution. It does not contain any harsh chemicals and can easily be applied to your nail and nail bed.

The best natural solution I have found is one that combines the following ingredients: tea tree oil, undecylenic acid, jojoba oil, almond oil, and clove oil.

Together these ingredients make for a perfect combination to directly kill the infection. But be warned this preparation does not work for everyone and not all the time. No medication does, whether it’s natural or over the counter. Also natural medication takes time so you will need to delay gratification and just get into a habit of applying the solution multiple times each day.

Hot Tips

If you want to get the full benefits of assembling your antibacterial troops you will need to give them a helping hand. Time and time again, I find people not applying the topical solution properly or doing things that will inevitably sabotage the results they should be getting.

The following tips will allow you to get the full benefit from the topical solution and significantly boost the effects of it.


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Tip One - Make sure you cut back and trim your infected nail so that you can apply the topical solution directly to the infected area. If you do this you will find that results will be far superior than if you were to just paint the solution onto the nail, like many people do.

Remember, if you have very thick nails you will need to get them regularly trimmed by your doctor of podiatrist.

Tip Two – Allow the solution to dry for 5 – 10 minutes after you apply it. This means no socks or shoes. If you ignore this advice, your socks will absorb the solution and the concentration of the liquid will be affected. So basically you will be sabotaging your results.

Tip Three – Get into a habit of applying the solution to your nails. It takes roughly 21 days before something done repetitively each day becomes a habit. So stick to applying the solution twice per day, every day, and after three weeks it will become something you do automatically.

If you are only sporadically applying the solution, you will not see results at all and you’re just wasting your time and money.

There are a variety of natural products that contain the antibacterial ingredients I recommend. But be warned many different brands, makers, and companies will vary their ingredients. Many don’t use therapeutic doses, which will result in you getting limited results if any at all.

The brand I recommend and have found to offer the right amount of ingredients (plus many more) at the right dosage to kill nail fungus infection quickly can be found by Clicking Here.

This powerful formula also contains an internal homeopathic remedy that you spray under the tongue. Using both the topical application and the internal spray together are a powerful infection and bacterial fighting dynamic duo!

But remember, I recommend using a topical solution as part


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of this Curing Nail Fungus 7 Step Revolution. If you use it alone, you may experience great improvement but combined with all the steps, the power of this solution will be greatly boosted and magnified.


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Step Five - Tip The BalanceBodily fungus lives and thrives in acidic conditions. Each of our bodies has a fine balance between acid and alkalinity. An acid body is one that is unhealthy and breeds fungus, harmful bacteria and micro forms. While a body that is more alkaline, will be full of health and stop any fungus from taking hold in the body.

Since you are suffering from nail fungus, it’s highly likely that your body is more acidic than alkaline. This needs to be addressed if you want long-term freedom from the curse of nail fungus.

So how exactly do you tip the balance towards being more alkaline that acid?

Here are a few tips:

1. Introduce More Raw Vegetables To Your Diet - Raw vegetables are highly alkalizing and will help to dramatically swing the balance in your favor. Eat raw vegetables at every meal. The easiest way to do this is to eat plenty of salads and lightly steamed vegetables.

2. Drink A Green Drink - There are some amazing “green drinks” that are highly alkalizing in nature and work wonders in curing nail fungus. These drinks can be taken up to five times a day. Look for preparations with wheat-grass, barley grass and cholera. Also make sure they are organic and haven’t been treated with any chemicals.

3. Feel Your Taste buds Come Alive - This is another drink I recommend you take. It’s one that I continue to drink and have been taking for the past three years every day. It’s cheap to make but very powerful.

Twice a day drink this preparation of one half squeezed lemon juice (surprisingly lemon changes to alkaline base when ingested) and half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper (extremely alkalizing spice). Be warned you will feel your


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taste buds jump around when you drink this one!

4. Drink Another Drink! - I know I have suggested plenty of drinks but they are a wonderful way to get your body into an alkaline state fast and are great at helping to dramatically cure nail fungus. The last drink is one make with one teaspoon of baking powder (bicarbonate powder) in water. Take this twice a day.

Bicarbonate powder is extremely alkaline but make sure that you choose a brand that is aluminum free!

If you eat more raw veggies each day and drink these three suggested drinks, you will find that your body will become highly alkaline and nail fungus will start to quickly disappear.


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Step Six - The Chill FactorIf you are a highly stressed person, not only are you weakening your immune systems fighting response but you will also be contributing to a higher production of acid in your body (which fungus loves). So if you want to beat fungus for good, you’re going to need to chill out!

This means learning to consciously relax throughout the day at various intervals so that you keep your stress levels low. To do this use the following tips:

1. Practice consciously slowing your breath down during the day, breathing from the lower belly and taking deeper breaths. The mind and body influence each other. If you breath deeply, you will relax your body, which will in turn relax your mind.

2. Get 8 hours sleep each night. I know you have heard this one before but it’s essential to managing stress and feeling the best you can each day!

3. Listen to a relaxation recording once or twice each day. There are some very good hypnosis and relaxation audio sessions that you can load up on your iPod or phone as you kick back and listen to it each day. This daily practice will help you keep your stress levels in check.

Click Here for my recommended relaxation audio mp3.


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Step Seven - Trust Father TimeTime is the greatest healer of all! We have all heard this phrase when it’s told to someone with a broken heart but it applies equally to you if you follow this Curing Nail Fungus 7 Step Revolution plan.

Most nail fungus “cures” can be expected to work within anywhere from 6 - 12 months. This is too long to wait! If you follow each step in this outlined plan, you can minimize the time it will take to see results and dramatically!

Depending on how much effort you put into this plan, it’s possible to be totally free of nail fungus within 2 - 3 months, sometimes even less. Of course, everybody is different but following this step-by-step process will help you get far better results than you could expect to receive from any other treatment plan used alone.

So take massive action on each step and then trust father time to work his magic! If you do this you will be amazed at the results that you will achieve.


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Putting It All Together - The Magic Of ConsistencyNow you know the method and the madness behind it! Curing Nail Fungus – The 7 Step Revolution guide is a powerful resource. But again, I must stress the importance of acting on what you have learned. This section of this guide will help you organize and put all the steps together.

But before I get into that, I want to address the importance of staying consistent. Many times, someone will come across something, whether it’s a piece of life changing information, a brand new diet, or a fancy gadget, and get excited about it. But after a few days the life-changing piece of information is forgotten about, the brand new diet is old history, and the fancy gadget is gathering dust.

You must apply what you’ve just learned and stay consistent with each of the seven steps. This system, when followed simply works. But “you” must work it if you want to experience the results. And you will need to stick with it long enough to experience the magical transformation that happens when you discover powerful knowledge and stay consistent as you apply it.

So please follow each of these steps and stay consistent. If you do this you will reap the rewards and totally transform you nails from “ewwww” to “wow”.

Plan Of Attack1. Understand the importance of attacking nail fungus from multiple angles and make the choice to follow and implement each of the steps. See step one for more information about the “revelation”.

2. From day one, make nail hygiene and protection, priority number one. Re-read step two to learn about how to do this.

3. Do the “Mind Over Fungus” mental technique three times per day. The best times are first thing in the morning when www.CuringNailFungus.Net

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you wake up, last thing at night before sleep and when you have a quick break sometime during the day. For instance, when you’re on a lunch break you could go the restroom and do this technique.

See step three for the specifics of how to do this powerful exercise.

4. Purchase a topical solution. Apply it to the site of the nail both morning and night. Make sure the area is completely dry before applying the solution and allow 5 – 10 minutes for it to dry before putting on shoes and socks.

Click Here to check out the recommended formula. For more information and tips to assemble your anti-fungal army go to step four of the seven-step process.

5. Start tipping your body’s balance towards alkaline rather than acidic. At every meal make sure you are getting a good serving of raw or lightly steamed vegetables. Also start taking the recommended drinks every day as outlined in step five.

6. Learn to chill using the steps outlined in part six. If you want a boost, download the recommended relaxation mp3 by Clicking Here and using it once or twice per day.

7. Do each of these steps, stay consistent in your application and trust father time to work his magic!


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Final WordsI hope you have enjoyed Curing Nail Fungus - The 7 Step Revolution guide. Even more important, I hope you diligently apply what you have just learned so that you can experience the magic that is contained within this guide.

Opportunity has knocked on the door; you chose to open it, now it’s time to act on the opportunity that has presented itself to you. So take action and reap the rewards of having beautiful and healthy nails that put a smile on your face each time you see them!

Wishing you the best,

Alexis Jonas


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The following is links to resources mentioned within this guide:

Recommended Antibacterial Topical Application – Click HereRecommended Relaxation Audio mp3 – Click HereCuring Nail Fungus Newsletter (For even faster results) – Click Here To Sign Up For Free

