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Current EU-trends in the area of R&D&I 18. International Symposion INOVACE 2011 Prague, 06. December...

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Current EU-trends in the area of R&D&I 18. International Symposion INOVACE 2011 Prague, 06. December 2011 Dr.-Ing. Vladimir Maly, Jülich [email protected]
Page 1: Current EU-trends in the area of R&D&I 18. International Symposion INOVACE 2011 Prague, 06. December 2011 Dr.-Ing. Vladimir Maly, Jülich v.maly@gmx.de.

Current EU-trends in the area of R&D&I

18. International Symposion INOVACE 2011Prague, 06. December 2011

Dr.-Ing. Vladimir Maly, Jü[email protected]

Page 2: Current EU-trends in the area of R&D&I 18. International Symposion INOVACE 2011 Prague, 06. December 2011 Dr.-Ing. Vladimir Maly, Jülich v.maly@gmx.de.

Strategy Europe 2020:Vision of an European

Social Market Economy of the21. century

Three Priorities:

Smart Growth:

Development of knowledge and innovation based economy

Sustainable Growth:

Resource efficient, greener and more competitive economy

Inclusive Growth: High-employment delivering economic, social and territorial cohesion

The priorities define five tergets:

75% popu-lation 20-64 y. employed

3% GDP in the EU for R&D&I

Achieving of the 20-20-20 climate protection goal

Better education Combatting poverty

Realization by seven Lead Initiatives:

Innovation Union Youth on the move Digital Agenda Europe Resource efficient Europe

An industrial policy for the globalization era

New skils and jobs European Platform against poverty

Thematic Approach with defined priorities, indicators and Lead Initiatives

System of reports of the Member States with own strategies

Strategy Europe-2020(Source BMBF; see also http://ec.europa.eu/europe2020/index_en.htm )

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Page 3: Current EU-trends in the area of R&D&I 18. International Symposion INOVACE 2011 Prague, 06. December 2011 Dr.-Ing. Vladimir Maly, Jülich v.maly@gmx.de.

Four most important elements for R&D&I in Strategy Europa 2020 (Lead Initiatives)

• Innovation Union

• Digital Agenda Europe

• Resource efficient Europe

• An Industrial Policy for the globalization era

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Page 4: Current EU-trends in the area of R&D&I 18. International Symposion INOVACE 2011 Prague, 06. December 2011 Dr.-Ing. Vladimir Maly, Jülich v.maly@gmx.de.

Major fields of the strategy EU 2020 in the area of R&D&I

• Innovation partnerships (elements of Innovation Union)

• Horizon 2020• Structural funds• Agricultural funds

• An increased cooperation between these elements is one of the targets of Europa 2020 in the area R&D&I

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Page 5: Current EU-trends in the area of R&D&I 18. International Symposion INOVACE 2011 Prague, 06. December 2011 Dr.-Ing. Vladimir Maly, Jülich v.maly@gmx.de.

European Innovation PartnershipsConcept in the Communication of the der COM „Innovation Union of 06. Oktober 2010

No new Instrument, but a Concept to coordinate expertise,resources and Actions on EU- and MS-Level

Covering of the Supply side (eg. R&D-Funding) and the Demand side (eg. Procurement, norms and standards)

Schedule: Proposals for selection criteria and processes of the EIP were presented in 2010; proposals for themes from February 2011 on; Communication of the COM in June 2011 with details about governance and performance; first evaluation of the proces End 2011

EIP is an integral part of the Sectoral policies

Integration of the relevant, already existing activities like JP, JTI or LMI06.12.2011 Dr. Maly Jülich 5

Page 6: Current EU-trends in the area of R&D&I 18. International Symposion INOVACE 2011 Prague, 06. December 2011 Dr.-Ing. Vladimir Maly, Jülich v.maly@gmx.de.

Present state of the EIP

Pilot action „Active and Healthy Aging“ AHA is running, Steering High Level Group is active, Strategic Plan published

• In preparation are

EIP „Raw Materials“ (neenergeticke suroviny)

EIP „Water Efficient Europe“ (hospodarne vyuzivani vody v Evrope)

EIP „Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability” (produktivita a udrzitelnost zemedelstvi)

In case of positive evaluation of the pilot EIP EU COM will launch the second wave of EIP in 2012

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Page 7: Current EU-trends in the area of R&D&I 18. International Symposion INOVACE 2011 Prague, 06. December 2011 Dr.-Ing. Vladimir Maly, Jülich v.maly@gmx.de.

HORIZON 2020 – main European source for support of R&D&I

Horizon 2020 will be from 2014 on the most important element of the support of research and innovation in the EU

Official proposal was presented by EU COM 30.11.2011

A political process has been launched which prepares a decision of the European Parliament and European Council expected for Summer 2013

In parallel the process has been initiated also for the Rules for participation and dissemination of the results COM(2011) 810 final

And Specific Programmes which describe in more detail the content of the programme

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• Societal challenges• Health, demographic change and

wellbeing• Food security, marine research,

bio-economy• Secure, clean and efficient energy• Smart, green and integrated

transport• Climate action and resource

efficiency• Inclusive, innovative and secure


• Industrial leadership• ICT, nanotechnologies, advanced

materials, biotechnology, advanced manufacturing and processing, and space;

• Access to risk finance• Support innovation in for SMEs

Priorities of EU 2020

HORIZON 2020 – Framework Programme

for Research and Innovation (2014-2020)

• Excellent science• European Research Council• Marie Curie actions• Future and Emerging Technologies (FET)• Research infrastructures (including e-


ERAInt. Coop

Coherent approach with other EU and MS actions

Simplified approach, common rules 06.12.2011 Dr. Maly Jülich 8

Page 9: Current EU-trends in the area of R&D&I 18. International Symposion INOVACE 2011 Prague, 06. December 2011 Dr.-Ing. Vladimir Maly, Jülich v.maly@gmx.de.

New aspects of Horizon 2020

• New structure with 1 Spec. Progr. (+ EIT+JRC) • Proposed budget 87 bn €, higher than 7. FWP• Stronger orientation towards applications• Some funding schemes go much closer to the market• Providing a wider spectrum of support for innovation:

Financing instruments both debt and equity oriented• Closer connection to to other EU-policies• More PPP with different targets• More frequent use of P2P

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Page 10: Current EU-trends in the area of R&D&I 18. International Symposion INOVACE 2011 Prague, 06. December 2011 Dr.-Ing. Vladimir Maly, Jülich v.maly@gmx.de.

Priority 1: Excellent science

• a) The European Research Council;• b) Future and Emerging Technologies; • c) Marie Curie actions

• d) European research infrastructures (including e-Infrastructures)

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Priority 2: Industrial Leadership

• a) Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies:• Information and Communication Technologies, • Nanotechnologies, • Advanced materials, • Biotechnology,• Advanced manufacturing and processing, • Space;• b) Access to risk finance; • c) Innovation in SMEs .

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Page 12: Current EU-trends in the area of R&D&I 18. International Symposion INOVACE 2011 Prague, 06. December 2011 Dr.-Ing. Vladimir Maly, Jülich v.maly@gmx.de.

Priority 3: Societal challenges

• a) Health, demographic change and wellbeing;• b) Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine

and maritime research and the bio-economy; • c) Secure, clean and efficient energy; • d) Smart, green and integrated transport;• e) Climate action, resource efficiency and raw

materials ; • f) Inclusive, innovative and secure societies.

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• European Institute for Innovation and Technology via its KICs

• Second wave of KIC follows from 2013 on, third in 2018/19

• Joint Research Center: support of EU policies

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Page 14: Current EU-trends in the area of R&D&I 18. International Symposion INOVACE 2011 Prague, 06. December 2011 Dr.-Ing. Vladimir Maly, Jülich v.maly@gmx.de.

Comparison of budgets FP7 - Horizon 2020(Status: 30.11.11,) Source Helmholtz AssociationBudget b€ FP7 % H2020 %Excellent science 14.0 28% 27.8 32%ERC 7.5 15% 15.0 17%FET 0 0% 3.5 4%Marie Curie 4.8 10% 6.5 7%Research infrastructures 1.7 3% 2.8 3%Industrial leadership 15.3 31% 20.3 23%ICT 9.1 18% 9.0 10%Nano 3.5 7% 4.3 5%Biotechnology 0 0% 0.6 0,6%Space 1.4 2,9% 1.7 1,9%Financial instruments 0.0 0% 4,0 5%SMEs 1.3 2,7% 0.7 0,8%Societal challenges 18.5 37% 35.9 41%Health 6.1 12% 9.1 10%Food 1,935 4% 4.7 5%Energy 2.35 5% 6.5 7%Transport 4.16 8% 7.7 9%Envi 1.89 4% 3.6 4%SSH/Security 2.1 4% 4.3 5%EIT 0.38 0,8% 1.5 1,8%JRC 1.75 4% 2.2 3%Total 50.0 100% 87.7 100%

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General goals of HORIZON 2020

• Achieving of European Research Area and increasing its efficiency

• Coordination of national support for research and innovation across Europe.

• Leverage effect on other public and private sources of financing

• Strengthening of the cooperation between EU and third countries in the areas of common interest

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Changes in the Rules for Participation and dissemination

• The same level of support for all participants• Level of support: 100% of eligible costs for research• 70% for prototyping, testing, demonstrating, … • And for co-funding of some international programmes • Overheads: 20% of the direct costs as a fixed rate; flat rate or

lump sum possible if indicated in the work plan• Dissemination and exploitation obligations can be laid down in

the grant agreement

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Elements of HORIZON in the 7. FWP

• PPP (JTI, Recovery Plan PPP, EII)

• P2P (Era-NET, ERA-NET+, Art. 185, JPI, SET)

• FET-Flagships• Projects with high leverage

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Innovation acitivites in other fields of EU-Policies

• Via European Innovation Partnerships• Directly earmarked budgets for innovation

activities in structural or agricultural funds• PPP and P2P ca also contribute to achieving of

effective use of the resources• In the area of energy it is the Strategic Energy

Technology Plan• Lead Market Initiatives, …

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• Innovation takes a prominent role in European Policies

• European Technology Platforms take further an important position regarding the determination of themes and tasks of research programmes

• European Institute of Innovation and Technology: new themes are widely spread, the present KIC remain of high importance for technology

• Use of new possibilities closer to market provides chances (and risks) for first users

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Thank you for your attention!

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