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Curriculum Leadership Council

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Curriculum Leadership Council. Melissa Christie March 30, 2012. Curriculum Leadership Council Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Year 1 (2011-2012) Awareness Year 2 (2012-2013) Transition Year 3 (2013-2014) Implementation. CLC Model for C lassroom Impact . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Curriculum Leadership Council

Melissa ChristieMarch 30, 2012Curriculum Leadership Council

Curriculum Leadership CouncilCommon Core State Standards (CCSS)Year 1 (2011-2012) AwarenessYear 2 (2012-2013) TransitionYear 3 (2013-2014) Implementation

2CLC Model for Classroom Impact

3Overview of General Sessions in Year 1Building Background KnowledgeCCSS through the English Learner LensCareer Technical Education (CTE) Assessment Updates

4English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies & Science/Technical Subjects Organization & Progression of StandardsK-12 Literacy Development across content areasInformational Texts/ Text Complexity21st Century LiteraciesPerformance Assessments

521st Century LearningCritical Thinking and Problem Solving, Communication, Collaboration, and Creativity and Innovation

Introduction of use of the following:e-PortfoliosFlipped-LearningBlended LearningOnline Learning Environments (Moodle)iPods

6Content Specifications CCSS ELA

7Content Specifications - CCSSM

82012 Summer Institute: Curriculum 21 Keynote Speaker: Dr. Heidi Hayes JacobsEssential Education for the 21st Century Student; What to keep? What to cut? What to create?Introduction to Mapping to the CoreCore Maps will be created for Writing MathematicsDevelop an Implementation Plan

92012-2013: TransitionTeachers will:Collaboratively design units which will integrate literacy skills and strategies into all curricular units.integrate 21st century learning tools.incorporate performance assessments.

Design collaborative writing projects with Web 2.0 writing tools.Use imaging tools to create writing prompts in all content areas.Create quality audio and video podcasts as performance assessment tools in all content areas. ePortfolio Development


Multiple Paragraph EssaysMultiple Paragraph Essays

Big IdeaEssential QuestionsContentSkillsBenchmark AssessmentsEssays allow a writer to develop a topic through relevant details and support.Writers use a variety of strategies to enhance their message and engage the reader.What strategies can I use to help me be a more effective writer?How can I effectively support my point of view?Why do writers pick a particular structure for writing?Thesis statementFocused introductory paragraph 3-5 paragraph essayRelevant details and supporting evidenceLogical organization of ideas (e.g., order by chronology, importance)Unity/CohesionTransitionsSupportive and illustrative materialsSentence varietyStyle

Vocabulary: organizational structures, compound-complex, personal style, controlled organization, unityWrites a 3-5 paragraph essay with a clear thesis statement and a focused introductory paragraph, Supports the development of the thesis with relevant details, facts, examples, and other informationSubstitutes general terms with precise language to explain a topicUses a variety of transitional words and phrases to create cohesions within and between paragraphsUses a variety of sentence structures to enhance meaning (e.g., short, simple, compound, complex, compound-complex)Uses a variety of sentences to create a certain effect in make your writing more interestingIncludes a closing statement that summarizes the information presentedUses the criteria and levels of performance on the writing rubric to assess your writing5 paragraph essay on focused topicMultiple paragraph essay using two different structures-sequence of ideas and comparison/contrastGraphic organizer possible supporting details and informationEssay revision task focusing on improving transitions and precise language.Self-assessment using essay rubric11Save the Dates2012 Summer InstituteJune 25-28

2012/13 Follow-Up DatesSeptember 18November 27March 12May 21*

2013 Summer InstituteJune 18-21

*Optional - Curriculum Mapping

12At this time, Melissa will share information for new partner districts.12
