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Curs Suport Adonis Pentru Lab Pe Scurt

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8/9/2019 Curs Suport Adonis Pentru Lab Pe Scurt http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/curs-suport-adonis-pentru-lab-pe-scurt 1/48 Business Process Management with ADONIS Adapted after ADONIS Method Manual
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Business Process Management


Adapted after ADONIS Method


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Generalities• By using the ADONIS BPM toolkit users

can model their !usiness processes as wellas their working en"ironment

#organi$ational structures%&

• 'he toolkit o(ers e)tensi"e functionalitywhich allows to ac*uire analyse simulateand e"aluate !usiness processes andworking en"ironments in a cost+e(ecti"eway&

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Installation Instructions• Step ,- http-..www&!oc+group&com.ro.products.

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• Step /- 0ree registration on Adonis we! site

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• Step 1- Download Adonis 2ommunity 3ditionstandard edition

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• Step 4- – 3)tract ADONIS52ommunity53dition5/5#Standard%&$ip 6le – 7un setup&e)e

• 'he installation process will also install MS S89 Ser"er/::;& Adonis 2ommunity 3dition does not work with MSS89 Ser"er /:,/&

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• If correct<&

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2omponents #,%

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2omponents #/%

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'erms and conte)t in ADONIS

• A model type is a grouping of classes i&e& 2ompany map Businessprocess model =orking en"ironment model Document model etc&

• 2lasses represent the pattern for the o!>ects created !y users& 2lassesha"e class attri!utes which control the graphical display of an o!>ect etc&

• Models !ased on a model type will !e created in the ADONIS BPM toolkitha"ing model attri!utes that pro"ide general information a!out themodel #e&g& date of creation status%

• A model is made up of o!>ects which are instances of classes& O!>ects

ha"e o!>ect attri!utes which descri!e the model and its contents&

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3)ample• Model classes and o!>ects in ADONIS- the

6gure shows the model ?BP model ,@ of themodel type ?Business Process Model@

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• 'he modeling of !usiness processes andworking en"ironments plays a central rolewithin ADONIS& Modeling is the !asis for furtherwork&

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Modeling 2lass Panel

• 'he classes #left% and relations #right%a"aila!le for modeling on the 2lasspanel depending on the model type&

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Modeling Note!ook• Dou!le+clicking on

an o!>ect orconnector causesits ADONISnote!ook to !eopened&

• =ithin an ADONIS

note!ook you canedit the attri!utesof an o!>ect or of aconnector&

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Modeling Practical 0unctionalities

• Graphic generation- you can sa"e models or modelparts as graphic 6les #!mp >pg s"g png pc)emf%&

• Automatic O!>ect Arrangement- ou can select aprede6ned function to run on the current model toarrange o!>ects and connectors automatically&

• 'he drawing area will !e automatically e)pandedas soon as one o!>ect or connector is placed on theright or !elow the !oarder of the drawing area&

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Modeling 'ransition 2onditions #,%

• 2onnectors lea"ing decision o!>ects must !e assignedwith transition conditions or transition pro!a!ilities&

'hese will !e used !y the simulation algorithms andAnalytical 3"aluation to determine under whichconditions or pro!a!ilities a path will !e chosen&

• 'ransition conditions will !e e"aluated during thesimulation the "aluation the process cost analysisand the human resource planning& 'hey consist of an

e)pression a pro!a!ility or a macro and are assignedin the ADONIS note!ook of the su!se*uent connector&

• 'ransition pro!a!ilities will !e raised during theAnalytical 3"aluation to determine paths&

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Modeling 'ransition 2onditions #/%• 3)ample- macros of "aria!les• ?Macro,@ replaces the transition condition ?C es@ and

?Macro/@ the transition condition ?C No@&• Macros are glo!ally "alid&

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Modeling 'ransition 2onditions #1%

• If macros for pro!a!ilities are de6ned they will always !e usedafter !ranching& 'his way they show depending pro!a!ilities&

• In this e)ample the pro!a!ilities will !e e"aluated after ?Decision+,@ for each process run& After ?Decision+/@ the path which macroshas !een pre"iously de6ned will always !e taken& So there areonly / possi!le paths through the process-

– Process start +E Decision+, +E Acti"ity #,% +E Decision+/ +E Acti"ity #1% +E3nd

– Process start +E Decision+, +E Acti"ity #/% +E Decision+/ +E Acti"ity #4% +E3nd

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Modeling Assigning and De6ning Su! Processes

• Su! processes ena!le you to keep your !usinessprocess models clearly structured or to reuse models&

• ADONIS supports the following proceeding to modelprocess models through the assignment andde6nition of su! processes in reference su!processes-

– Bottom+up Modeling- you start the model !y modeling the

su! processes #lowest le"el while modeling the higherprocesses later on& – 'op+down Modeling- you !egin modeling at the highest

le"el #the main process%&

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Modeling Assigning Performers

• Business process models and working en"ironment models are linkedon the one hand !y de6ning application models and on the other hand!y assigning performers to acti"ities&

• Such links ena!le the capacity and workload simulations as well asProcess 2ost Analysis&

• Assigning performers means that one or a group of performers are

entered into the attri!ute ?Performer@ of each o!>ect of the class?Acti"ity@& 'hese performers can e)ecute the particular acti"ity withinthe simulation&

• In order to de6ne the performers who can e)ecute a particular acti"ityyou must 6rst select the working en"ironment model in which the

performers to !e assigned their roles and their organi$ational unitsha"e !een modeled&

• ou can also de6ne assignments with pro!a!ilities& 0or instance anacti"ity should !e assigned with a pro!a!ility of /:F to a performer ofthe role ?2lerk@ with 1:F to a performer of the role ?Secretary@ and

with :F to a performer of the role ?'emporary help@&

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Modeling Assigning 7esources

• Allocating resources means that one or more actual

resources are assigned to each o!>ect of the class?7esource@ "ia the ?Selection@ attri!ute& 'heserecourses are re*uired when e)ecuting an acti"ity&

• Allocated resources are e"aluated in the simulationcomponent during capacity analysis and workloadanalysis&

• Before resources can !e allocated you must 6rst select

the working en"ironment model in which the resourcesto !e allocated are modeled&

• 3)actly one resource is allocated to an acti"ity&

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Modeling Performer and Process2alendar

• 'he performer calendar allows you to de6ne working timepro6les for o!>ects of class ?Performer@& 'his calendar ise"aluated !y the workload analysis and speci6es for a oneyear period the presence of a performer&

– 'he default setting is that Monday to 0riday are working daysSaturday and Sundays are days o( #"acation are not taken intoaccount%&

• 'he process calendar o(ers you the possi!ility to de6neoccurrence pro6les for e"ery !usiness process& 'he calendar ise"aluated !y the simulation algorithm workload analysis and

states the period of occurrence and the pro!a!ility ofoccurrence of a gi"en !usiness process referring to one year& – 3)ample- if you enter the fre*uency ?Hniform #::-1:-:: :/-::-::%@

the !usiness processes will !e triggered from e"ery 1: minutes #min%to e"ery two hours #ma)%&

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Modeling Modeling Guidelines

• 2ompleteness – 3ach model must ha"e e)actly one start o!>ect and at least

one end o!>ect that must !e completely and logically linked!y other modeling o!>ects and.or connectors #e&g& acti"itiesdecisions etc%

– 'he transition conditions or pro!a!ilities after a decision must!e de6ned correctly&

– A performer assignment must !e de6ned in e"ery acti"ity& – An application model of at least one !usiness process model

and e)actly one working en"ironment model must !e de6ned&• Modeling and nesting parallel paths• Performer assignment and resource allocation• Performer and process calendar• Su! processes

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Modeling Application ModelsDe6ning application models isnecessary if you wish to e)ecutethe Simulation algorithms?2apacity Analysis@ and ?=orkloadAnalysis@ in the Simulationcomponent& An application modelcom!ines e)actly one workingen"ironment model with one ormore !usiness process models&

'o de6ne an application modelselect the ?Application models<@from the ?Model@ menu and click inthe ?application models@ windowon the ?Add@ Button& 'heApplication Model de6nition

window will !e displayed&

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Modeling 2alculating times andcosts

• 'he assessment of !usiness process models ena!les youto calculate a"erage "alues for the following criteria- – 3)ecution time – =aiting time – 7esting time

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Modeling 'ime concepts• 2ompany time and

7eal time- 2ompanytime means the timeduring which your!usiness process

models aree)ecuted&

• Acti"ity times#attri!utes ofacti"ities%-

– 3)ecution time – 7esting time – 'ransport time – =aiting time

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Analysis• 'he Analysis component allows you to carry out static e"aluation onyour ADONIS models #the Simulation component allows the possi!ility

of dynamic e"aluation%&

• In ?8ueries.7eports@ you can analy$e the contents of your models#o!>ects connectors their attri!utes% which contain speci6c de6ned

criteria& 'he results can !e displayed either in graphical or ta!ular formand sa"ed in di(erent formats&

• Additionally it is possi!le to e)ecute ?prede6ned *ueries@&

• =hen carrying out a standardi$ed *uery you only need to supply themissing parameters without ha"ing to enter an A89 e)pression& Auser+de6ned *uery is carried out !y com!ining standardi$ed *ueries orusing A89 e)pressions which can !e formulated directly&

• ou may also e)ecute certain prede6ned *ueries or generate

prede6ned plans&

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Analysis 2arrying out 8ueries

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Analysis Analytic 3"aluation

• Analytic 3"aluation ena!les you to carry out a static e"aluationof your !usiness process models& 'he working en"ironment isnot taken into account&

• Analytic 3"aluation calculates the a"erage times and costs ofthe !usiness processes in *uestion& In particular the analytice"aluation pro"ides the following results-

– 0re*uency – 3)ecution time – =aiting time – 7esting time – 'ransport time – 2osts – 3)ecution time #working days% – 2ycle time

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Simulation• By simulating your Business Process Models you can try

out potential restructuring measures and e)amine thee(ects of such measures from di(erent "iews&

• ADONIS pro"ides you with the following simulationalgorithms-

–Path analysis – 2apacity analysis

– =orkload analysis #steady state% #with animation% – =orkload analysis #6)ed time period% #with animation%

• In addition there are e"aluation mechanisms that ena!le

you to carry out further e"aluation on the simulationresults !y using AD9 *ueries #i&e& determine all processeswhich ha"e an aggregated e)ecution time of more than

: days per year%& 3"aluation *ueries are carried out inan identical manner for all simulation algorithms&

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Simulation O"er"iew of thesimulation algorithms

• Path analysis allows you to e"aluate your Business ProcessModels without taking the =orking 3n"ironment into accountwhereas in capacity analysis and workload analysis there areassignments of performers to the acti"ities&

• 2apacity analysis "s =orkload analysis

– 2apacity analysis determines how many resources #performers andmachines% are necessary for the e)ecution of certain !usiness processmodels !ased on how often these models are e)ecuted in a gi"enperiod of time&

– =orkload analysis determines the waiting and cycle times of !usinessprocess models and acti"ities !ased on a gi"en *uantity of resources

and their a"aila!ility• Steady state "s 6)ed time period workload analysis – Steady state- a speci6c num!er of process runs are simulated

independent of the time period co"ered !y the e)ecution of the models& 'he results are calculated once a steady state has !een reached&

– 0i)ed time period- a pre"iously determined time period is simulated

independent of how many models are e)ecuted within this period&

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Simulation Parallelisms• One of the most important results which ADONIS produces is the

a"erage cycle time of a !usiness process which speci6es howmuch time is needed on a"erage from the start of a !usinessprocess to its end&

• 'he e)ecution time of !usiness process model shown !elow is /minutes while the cycle time is , minutes since !oth acti"itiesare e)ecuted in parallel and so can start at the same time&

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Simulation Path analysis• 'he path analysis algorithm ena!les you to e"aluateyour !usiness process models without regard to the

working en"ironment& ou o!tain process and pathrelated results which can !e displayed !oth graphicallyand in te)t format&

Path results Business Process 7esults

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Simulation 2apacity Analysis

• 2apacity analysis is !ased on an application modelconsisting of e)actly one working en"ironment model and atleast one !usiness process model& It calculates !usinessprocess costs&

• A capacity analysis simulates each !usiness process modelcontained in the application model as many times asspeci6ed in the num!er of simulations& 'he results can !ee)amined either as process or period related& As theacti"ities are assigned to performers the capacity of eachcan !e identi6ed&

• In addition the personnel and resource costs of theacti"ities and the !usiness process models are calculated&

• In order to run a capacity analysis the performers of the"arious acti"ities must !e de6ned& 2apacities with a "aluegreater that , mean that the performer is o"erloaded&

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Simulation =orkload Analysis

• 'he workload analysis in"estigates the dynamic !eha"ior of theorgani$ation& It !ases calculations on the #process or performer%calendars and the waiting *ueues at simulation time&

• 'he input is an application model& It calculates the waitingtimes of the acti"ities and thus also cycle times of theprocesses using the workloads of the performers and resources&If an acti"ity is assigned to a performer or to a resource whilehe is still !usy e)ecuting a di(erent task waiting time iscaused&

• 'he workload analysis simulates on the time a)is in contrast tothe path and capacity analysis algorithms& Simulation on thetime a)is allows the num!er of acti"ities a performer has toe)ecute to "ary as the processes are started at random&

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Simulation Agents• 'he task of agents is to support you if you wish to calculate

additional non+standard simulation results& During the simulationthe agents collect information a!out the !eha"ior of the !usinessprocess models and thus produce additional simulation results&

• =hile the simulation calculates general process measures suchas cycle and e)ecution times you can employ agents to calculateprocess+speci6c measures such as the cycle time up to a speci6cacti"ity the e)ecution times of all manual acti"ities etc&

• Agent can also determine e"aluation results for selected periods

of time for instance e)pected costs in the 6rst *uarter of a year&

• 'here is a num!er of pre+de6ned agent types !ased ontemplates that de6ne their characteristics and tasks& Suchagents are Animation.simulation progress =3 Agent-PersonnelBP Agent-Personel BP 7esource Agent Standard&

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Simulation OJine Animation

• OJine animation ena!les you to re+run a protocolcreated during a simulation&

• It o(ers the following ad"antages- – ou can e)amine certain parts of the period simulated

fast forward or rewind the simulation protocol and replaythe animation in single steps&

– OJine animation is usually faster than the simulation – It is possi!le to in"estigate speci6c aspects of your

models more closely& ou may still de6ne appropriateagents and repeat the pre"ious simulation run e)actlyusing the oJine animation& 'he agentsK results are thus!ased on the same simulation e"ents as the simulationresults&

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3"aluation• 'he 3"aluation component o(ers a num!er ofmodules such as- – 2omparison of results you may compare the results of

"arious ADONIS simulations or analysis to each other thatha"e pre"iously !een sa"ed in the ?2omparing

7epresentation@ format& 'here can !e either ta!ular orgraphical representation&

– 3"aluation *ueries "arious e"aluation *ueries can !e runeither default or user+de6ned&

– 0lowmark Audit 'rail e"aluation this module ena!les you

to e"aluate processes and acti"ities in a way similar tothat of the simulation component recogni$ing !ottlenecksand other pro!lem areas in a !usiness process which has!een transformed into 0lowmark #IBM% or M8Series=orkLow #the most recent "ersion of 0lowmark%&

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Import.3)port• 'he Import.3)port component ena!les you to

e)port to AD9 or CM9 6les the models modelgroups attri!ute pro6les and applicationmodels that are sa"ed in the ADONIS data!ase&

• Hsing the documentation component you cantransform ADONIS models to 6les #e&g& 'M97'0 CM9%& 'his way it is possi!le to integratethe model contents including graphicalrepresentation into documents&

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3)amples Application for acation

Company map

Applying for vacation Business Process Models

BP Application for vacation SP Decline Application

Working Environment Models Application Department

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3)amples Application for acation• =orking 3n"ironment- Application


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3)amples Application for acation #with resources%

• BP Application for "acation Process Model

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3)amples Application for acation#with resources%

• Application Department =orking 3n"ironment Model

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Pro>ect # %

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Pro>ect #,%• Indi"idually or in teams of / #/ su!+

processes.per student%

• description of process scenario #e&g&- licenseissuing procedure%

• “as-is” business process model: – Design in ADONIS the complete !usiness process that

is descri!ed in the scenario in your process all theappropriate model types must !e included- 2ompanymap !usiness processes and su!+processes workingcorrectly connected and customi$ed #times costsetc% it is not necessary to use all the a"aila!leclasses only those that are necessary&

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Pro>ect #/%• evaluation:

– consistency check-• At the Analysis component e)ecute 2onsistency checks on Business Process Models& – analytical e"aluation

• 3)ecute analytical e"aluation #Analysis component% in the main !usiness process usinginitially one e)ecution and then the process e)ecution fre*uency you ha"e declared&2omment on the results #for e)ample if you detect any pro!lem&%

– simulation• 3)ecute Path Analysis in your model and comment on the time of each !ranch& 'hen

e)ecute 2apacity Analysis for your model select ?Person related@ simulation results andinterpret each performerKs capacity "alue in comparison to the personnel cost& #=hichare the system re*uirements which performers mostly o"erload the system and whyetc&%&

• “to-be” business process model – 9ocate the points at which your model malfunctions.points for impro"ement

and >ustify them with the corresponding *uery results and the measurementsyou ha"e until now& Propose an alternati"e model where the operations aree)ecuted in parallel or automated or with di(erent order& Present how thesechanges can inLuence the modelKs e)ecution time and the charactersKworkloads& 'his ?to+!e@ process model has to !e descri!ed inwords.drawings not in ADONIS& Of course if you want you can make it in


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Pro>ect Deli"era!les #1%• the adl 6les of your model• a report #in edita!le format% no more than ;


– the authorsK names – the process scenario – a short description of your modelKs workLows the

choices you ha"e taken the in"ol"ed roles the"alues of your parameters some images of yoursu!+process and any other information youconsider necessary to understand the model

• O!s&- use 'N7 of ,, as a font line spacing ,&

Scenario for license issuing procedure

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Scenario for license issuing procedure
