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Table of Contents








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Background: Our Story

Our legacy workflow, using ArcMap

Transition to ArcGIS Pro

ArcGIS Pro Tasks

Custom Tool Development

Live Demo

Resources and Contact Info








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Background: Our Story

▪ Not a Roads and Highways shop

▪ De ve lope d our own cus tom solut ion – GRID (Ge ospat ia l Roadway Inve ntory Database )

▪ Digit ize roadway line work outs ide of GRID


– GRID UI prim arily use dfor m anaging as se ts

▪ Use ArcMap v10 .3


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Our Legacy Workflow, using ArcMap

▪ Digit ize a ll roadway line work in ArcMap and load to GRID

– De ve lope d cus tom tools /toolbars

• Quality Assurance

• ETL P acke t cre at ion

• Bulkloading as se ts


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Our Legacy Workflow, using ArcMap

▪ Cus tom toolbars

– MrGRIDBar – QA validat ion che cks (a t t ribute and ge om e try)

• Exam ple s :

– Match (i.e . corre ct re la t ionship be twe e n route nam e and route IDs )

– County nam e m atche s county ID in route ID

– All fie lds are populate d

– Corre ct s e gm e nt le ngth

– No duplicate ve rt ice s

– No ove rlapping m e asure s

– Etc., e tc .


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Our Legacy Workflow, using ArcMap

▪ Cus tom toolbars

– ETL Toolbar

• Addit ional che cks

• Asse m ble s e dit s into xm l and gm l file s for ETL to GRID


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Our Legacy Workflow, using ArcMap

▪ Cus tom toolbars

– BLT Toolbar (i.e . bulkload toolbar)

• Que rie s GRID database for as se ts

• Fills gaps and corre cts ove rlaps

• P re populate s de fault value s for m is s ing as se ts

• Asse m ble s e dit s into ETL packe t


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Switch to ArcPro

▪ Why?

– Ge t ahe ad of e ve ntual de pre cat ion of ArcMap

– Edit ing is s im ple r/s t re am line d

– Quality Assurance opportunity

• Use “tasks” to autom ate and guide use rs through prope r workflow

– Built in

– Cus tom izable


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Switch to ArcPro

▪ Is sue s

– Ne e d to conve rt /re write a ll cus tom tools /toolbars

• Ne w, unfam iliar coding language : C#

– No counte rpart for the Ide nt ify Route Locat ions tool in ArcMap for ide nt ifying m e asure s (i.e . M value s )

– No tool for e nte ring M-value s


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Switch to ArcPro

▪ Solut ion

– De ve lop our own m e asure tools

– Le arn C#

• C# t ra ining

• Esri De ve lope rs Sum m it


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Switch to ArcPro – Tasks for Quality Assurance

▪ Se t of pre configure d se que nt ia l s te ps that guide use rs through a re pe atable workflow to e nsure cons is te ncy and quality


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Switch to ArcPro – Tasks for Quality Assurance

▪ Use to guide and share knowle dge

– ne w pe rson or ne w software

▪ Inte ract ive

– se le ct or cre ate fe ature s

▪ Im prove e fficie ncy

– m inim ize m ouse clicks

▪ Im prove quality

– catch e rrors as the y happe n

– no addit ional QA ne e de d

▪ Tasks use your (bus ine s s ) language

▪ Tasks are configurable (no coding)


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Switch to ArcPro – Tasks for Quality Assurance

Tasks can be e as ily cre ate d in ArcGIS P ro

• Steps – guide s the use r through workflow

– Se que nt ia l

– Loads act ions /com m ands for use r to pe rform

– Re quire d or opt ional


Task Ite m


Ste p

Task de script ion

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Switch to ArcPro – Tasks for Quality Assurance


• P roce e d autom at ically or m anually

• Manual

• Auto Run

• Auto P roce e d

• Autom at ic

• hidde n

• Opt ional


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Demo: Tools, Code, and Resources

I. Resources to get started

II. M-Value Tool(Set From/To Measures)

III. Identify Route Location Tool

IV. Explore code for Launching a Python Script via ArcGIS Pro

V. Demo

VI. TxDOT Resources


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Getting Started

▪ Microsoft Visual Studio 20 17

▪ Esri’s ArcGIS P ro SDK for Microsoft .NET page


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Getting Started


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Getting Started


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Getting Started


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Getting Started


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M-Value Tool

John Phillips

GIS Analyst - TxDOT


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M-Value Tool

▪ Doe sn’t Exis t in ArcGIS P ro

▪ How to build it?

– Original de s ign

• Utilize d the Cre ate Route s ge oproce s s ing tool

• Downs ide , cre ate d a ne w fe ature in fe ature clas s ra the r than m odifying e xis t ing fe ature

– Update d de s ign

• Found the Es ri m e thod in the ArcGIS P ro SDK to s e t and inte rpolate M value s on a line

• How to wire it?


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M-Value Tool

▪ Add a Dock P ane

– Allow for inputs of Be gin and End m e asure s


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M-Value Tool

▪ Things to cons ide r whe n writ ing code

– Ne e d the te xt input boxe s to display the curre nt m e asure s of the line if pre se nt

– What to do whe n accide ntally s e le ct ing m ore than one fe ature


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M-Value Tool


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Identify Route Location

▪ Available in “Locat ion Re fe re ncing” lice nse aka Roads and Highways , but not available for ArcGIS P ro quite ye t

▪ How to build it?

– Curre nt De s ign

• Split tool

– Whe n clicking on a line :

»Split s the line a t the point whe re clicke d

»Com pare s the m in/m ax value s of both ne w line s and re turns the m atch

»Undoe s the split

– Downs ide , this is cons ide re d an Edit Ope rat ion and is in the Edit Stack


0 5 105

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Identify Route Location

– Potential updated design


– When clicking on a line:

» Reads the line to JSON

» Converts the JSON to a new line in memory

» Insert a new point where “clicked”

» Re-interpolate measures

» Convert new line to JSON

» Pull the M -value from newly added point by comparing list of M’s from new JSON and original JSON

» Delete memory

– Shouldn’t be considered an Edit Operation and therefore not in the Edit Stack


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Identify Route Location


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Launch Python Script

▪ Esri’s ArcGIS P ro SDK sam ple s page provide s an e xam ple of how to launch a s cript

– We ne e de d our s cript to inte ract with a s e le ct ion m ade in ArcGIS P ro

– Our scripts are m os t ly in P ython 2.7 while the ir e xam ple s are for 3 .x

▪ How to pas s the s e le cte d re cords to the s cript?

– Cursors e xis t in the P ro SDK but not as the y do in arcpy

– But…The re is a way to ge t the OID’s from the s e le ct ion


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Launch Python Script


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Launch Python Script

▪ Se t t ing up the s cript to inte ract with the laye rs in the m ap

– Se t t ing curre nt m ap vie w to variable

– Ste pping into that vie w and se t t ing a ll laye rs to a lis t as a variable

– De fining the firs t laye r in lis t as a variable


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Launch Python Script


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Launch Python Script

▪ Que ue d task

– Runs it in the background

• Won’t bog down/lock up the UI

▪ Use s the Ge tSe le ct ion() m e thod followe d by the Ge tObje ct IDs () m e thod to pull the OID’s from the s e le cte d laye r and se t the m to a Re ad Only Lis t

▪ Form ats the lis t of OID’s to a com m a se parate d s t ring and se ts it to a variable


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Launch Python Script


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Launch Python Script

▪ Cre at ing a ne w proce s s and s e t t ing it to a variable

▪ Se t t ing the path to the python.e xe

▪ Se t t ing the python s cript to a variable

▪ P ass ing the variable s for the s cript and the s t ring of OID’s as argum e nts

▪ Se t t ing a fe w addit ional prope rt ie s and s tart ing s cript


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Launch Python Script

▪ Im port sys library

▪ Use the sys .argv which looks for the argum e nts you pas se d from C#

– Se t to a variable

• Not ice the argv[1]

– Re call the two argum e nts from the C# code , the firs t was the python script path, the s e cond was the com m a se parate d s t ring

– P ass the variable into a Whe re Clause for the Se le ct By At t ribute


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Launch Python Script


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Launch Python Script

▪ This final pie ce is spe cific to our python script

▪ The python script cre ate s a fe ature table whe n an e rror is de te cte d

▪ The code above adds the fe ature table to the m ap vie w

– It has to wait for the python script to finish

• Start .WaitForExit ();


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TxDOT Resources

▪ TxDOT github page for P ro LRS Tools

ht tps ://github.com /TxDOT/P ro-LRS-Tools


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▪ Contact Info

– Chris Bardash – Chris .Bardash@txdot .gov

– John P hillips – John.N.P hillips@txdot .gov

– Je re m y Roge rs – Je re m y.Roge rs@txdot .gov

