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Customer development approach

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Custom development approach for Start Up
Customer Development Approach Manik Choudhary, PMI-ACP, CSPO, PSM-1 [email protected]
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Customer Development Approach

Manik Choudhary, PMI-ACP, CSPO, PSM-1 [email protected]

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These are my personal opinions on the subject and in no way represent that of my employer.

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64 % of Software is unused !

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Start-Up Facts

9/10 Products Fail

75 % of all Startups fail

“In a Startup , the chance on anything good is always under 50 %” - Mike Cassidy (Ruba)

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Customer Requirements

It's not the customer's job to know what they want.

If I had asked my customers what they wanted they would have said a faster horse.

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Product Development to Customer Development


Associate Professor at Stanford University

Has participated in 8 high tech Startup as either a cofounder or an early employee

HBR Review – Why the Lean Start-up changes Everything – May 2013

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Business Model Generation


Business Model Canvas - Alex Osterwalder

Standard Framework for Business Model Canvas in BGM


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Business Model Canvas Explained (Video)

Business Model Canvas - Alex Osterwalder


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Lean Startup


Customer Development

Agile Software

Lean (Toyota Production System)

Five principles of Lean Startup

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= Experiment

Searching for a Profitable, Scalable and Reliable Business Model

A startup is a human institution designed to deliver a new product or service under conditions of extreme uncertainty“.

by Eric Ries from the book ”The Lean Startup”

Nothing to do with size of company, sector of the economy, or industry

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Lean Startup

Lean Startup principle

Entrepreneurs are everywhere

Entrepreneurship is management

Validate Learning


Innovation Accounting

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Customer-Problem-Solution(C-P-S) Hypothesis

Do consumers recognize that they have the problem you are trying to solve? If there was a solution, would they buy it? Would they buy it from you? Can we build a solution for that problem?”

* C– P– S Hypothesis : The Entrepreneurs Guide to Customer Development by Brant Cooper & Patrick Vlaskovits

Picture Source - http://practicetrumpstheory.com/2010/08/businessmodelcanvas/

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Running Lean

2012 Document your Plan A

Identify the riskiest part for your plan

Systematically test your plan

Lean Canvas – Ash Maurya


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The Startup Owner's Manual


“There Are No Facts Inside Your Building, So Get Outside.” – Steve Blank


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The Customer Development


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HBR Review – Why the Lean Start-up changes Everything – May 2013 http://practicetrumpstheory.com/2012/02/why-lean-canvas/ http://practicetrumpstheory.com/2010/08/businessmodelcanvas/ http://www.slideshare.net/startuplessonslearned/aardvark-case-study-

from-sllconf-by-max-ventilla-and-damon-horowitz http://www.bizjournals.com/sanjose/blog/2012/09/most-startups-fail-

says-harvard.html?page=all http://www.slideshare.net/ashmaurya/10-steps-to-productmarket-fit http://theleanstartup.com/ http://www.startuplessonslearned.com/ http://www.businessmodelgeneration.com/canvas http://practicetrumpstheory.com/2010/08/businessmodelcanvas http://leancanvas.com/LeanCanvas.pdf http://www.amazon.com/The-Startup-Owners-Manual-Step-By-

Step/dp/0984999302 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Blank http://steveblank.com/category/customer-development-manifesto/
