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Hidden Agenda^Face the challenge of leadership in Central America.

mReference Manual

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Credits ContentsThis product was conceived, designed, and coded byTRANS Fiction Systems. The following people wereresponsible for its development.

TRANS Fiction Systems

Hidden Agendaby Jim GasperiniSystems DesignGreg GuerinJim GasperiniRon MartinezProgrammingRon MartinezWilliam HerdleGraphicsAngela GreeneTitle VideoSteven KolpanSpringboard Software Inc.

Software ManagerDan PattenDocumentationGerri Johnson, ManagerChristine Brunkhorst, LayoutLisa Stein, WriterAnthony Signorelli, WriterSoftware TechniciansMark Schneider, ManagerSpecial ThanksJody Wilson

1 About This Manual

2 Reference2 History of Chimerica2 Economic history4 Political history8 Political parties8 The Insurrection

11 The situation now

12 Progress Charts12 Reading the charts15 Military Expenses17 Social Spending19 Infant Mortality20 Land Distribution22 Food Crops24 Export Crops25 Hard Currency Earnings27 Currency Reserves, etc.28 Loans and Aid

30 Glossary

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About This ManualThis is the Reference Manual for Hidden Agenda. Itcontains historical information on Chimerica,descriptions of political parties, charts, and a glossary.

For information on how to play a game, refer to theHidden Agenda User Manual.

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ReferenceHistory of ChimericaA small country on the Pacific coast of Central America,Chimerica officially won its independence from Spain in1821. Its population is largely mestizo, a mixtureresulting from the intermarriage between natives andthe Spanish conquistadors who colonized Latin Americabeginning in the 1500s. Over the centuries a hybridculture developed, evidenced today in the food, musicand customs of the country.

However, tortillas and mariachis are not the only legacyof Spanish colonialism. Primarily seeking riches tofunnel back to the motherland, the conquistadors didlittle to assist the people they found already living inwhat is today Chimerica. On the contrary, they enslavedthe native population and built a feudal colonialstructure where a small, landed elite class dominated themajority of the population. This social structure hasessentially persisted to this day.

Economic historyThe gap between the rich and poor widened during the19th century due to the growth of agricultural exportssuch as sugar, bananas, coffee, and cotton. Nineteenpowerful families controlled most of the fertile land onthe Pacific plain. Through collaboration with foreignbusinesses, first in Spain, then Britain and finally theUnited States, these families eventually gained control ofprocessing facilities as well. Each new cash cropintroduced into the country resulted in greatercentralized control. The powerful families became an

oligarchy. With the help of the Army, they pushed"campesinos" off their lands and forced them into thebarren hills where the campesinos continued to growcorn and beans, the steady diet of the majority.

Currently, the wealthy elite also control a large share ofcoffee production. However, because coffee grows bestin hilly terrain not always suitable to large-scale farmingmethods, much of the coffee crop is also grown on smalland medium-sized farms. In recent years, as much as 75percent of Chimerican exports have gone to one country,the United States. Chimerican economists criticize thisexcessive dependence on one market, saying it leads topolitical as well as economic dependence.

In recent years light manufacturing has also begun toappear, especially near the capital city of Poyais. Muchof this industry is owned or controlled by foreigninterests such as large transnational corporations. Alarge percentage are what is known as "screwdriverindustries." Items manufactured in the United States areshipped in pieces to Chimerica where labor-intensiveassembly processes may be handled. The addedshipping costs are more than outweighed, from thecompanies' point of view, by the fact that workers incountries like Chimerica will accept wages of less than$2 a day. Because of this economic activity, thecompanies' agents, independent businessmen, tradeunions and the urban workers they represent areimportant politically. However, agribusiness stilldominates the economy.

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Political historyThe early 20th century saw increased political instabilitydue to rivalry between the wealthy cotton growers andother business interests, including coffee. Periodicallyone side or the other summoned outside forces to helpthem gain or maintain power. This resulted in periodiclandings of US Marines to "restore order." The marinesoccupied the country three times in a period of twentyyears during which Chimericans adopted such NorthAmerican cultural offerings as Coca-Cola and baseball.They also began to resent the dominant role the UnitedStates played in Chimerican affairs. A nationalist hero ofthe time, General Francisco Dinando, became famous forrefusing to accept the presence of American troops. Forthe better part of the decade he fought a guerrilla waragainst what he regarded as an army of occupation.

In 1932, Emilio Rosario, a member of Chimerica's largestcotton growing family, came to power after negotiating apact between the two major political parties (theConservatives and the Liberals). As soon as the marinesleft for what turned out to be the last time, Rosarioquickly strengthened his grip of power and ruledChimerica as dictator for the better part of a decade. Heassassinated rivals such as Dinando and in 1934 brutallysuppressed a rebellion of impoverished peasants in whatbecame known as The Great Death.

In 1948, Rosario was overthrown in a coup led by agroup of young Army officers who charged Rosario withblocking development and rejecting demands forelections. He was sent into exile. Two leaders soon

emerged: Colonel Leonard Flores and Edgardo Farsante.The freest election in Chimerican history was held in1950. Due to the backing of various groups, includingthe newly-formed Christian Reform party, Flores wonthe election, gaining 65 percent of the popular vote.Farsante became Minister of War.

During the next four years, Flores passed an ambitiousAgrarian Reform Law, promoted the development ofunions, strengthened the hand of political parties ingeneral, and took steps to reduce foreign control of theChimerican economy. Vast estates owned by foreigncorporations, much of which deliberately had been leftfallow for years in order to prevent competitors fromusing the land, were expropriated by the Chimericangovernment and given to thousands of landlessChimericans.

These moves provoked angry reactions in the UnitedStates. Representatives of the companies affected begana concerted public relations campaign to convince USleaders that the new Chimerican government was led bycommunists in disguise. Though the Chimerican reformswere quite mild by later standards, the fact that theycame at the height of the McCarthy era meant thesecharges were taken very seriously. In 1954 the CIAengineered a coup. Flores was killed, and EdgardoFarsante assumed the presidency.

Saying it was "time to steady the course of this greatcountry," Farsante quickly dismantled the Floresreforms and moved to consolidate power. Critical to his

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efforts was the formation of the Farsante Guardia. Itbegan as the dictator's personal bodyguard butgradually grew into a full-fledged military organizationthat initially paralleled and then eclipsed the regularArmy. The Guardia was responsible for maintaining"internal order," while the Army handled nationaldefense. As time passed, the Guardia's well-trainedtroops gained international notoriety for their completelack of restraint in enforcing "order."

Over time, through skillful distribution of favors and theliberal use of Guardia repression, Farsante and hisfamily gained control over a quarter of the nationaleconomy. Elections were held every six years, but theywere widely regarded as fraudulent. Farsante deflectedcriticism that he and his family were running Chimericaas one vast family empire by saying stability had finallycome and that the people were better off than ever.While this was perhaps true for a small urban merchantclass, the living conditions for the majority were abysmaland continued to worsen. Malnutrition among childrenwas endemic, health care almost nonexistent (especiallyin rural areas), while unemployment andunderemployment grew. Landholding became moreconcentrated, and corruption was the rule. Newbusinesses needed the dictator's personal approval tooperate.

Opposition to the regime came from many quarters. Inthe mid-60s, radical Catholics such as the Jesuit FatherJulio Picado Olivares began to preach what becameknown as "Liberation Theology," calling for the Church

to take a "preferential option for the poor." Theyorganized groups of campesinos into Bible study groupsknown as "base communities," which led many peopleto see a Christian basis for questioning the extremedisparity between rich and poor in Chimerica. TheFarsante Guard repressed these groups by jailing and insome cases killing priests. On the other hand, most of theChurch hierarchy remained quite conservative and alliedwith the elite.

In 1970 after the death of his father, Julio Farsante wonan election. Although he promised reforms, it soonbecame apparent that he was more interested in thegood life. He became a notorious womanizer and spentlong holidays abroad.

Through the years the US government periodicallycalled for a "democratic opening," quietly encouragingEdgar and then Julio Farsante to allow opposition partiesto function effectively and call elections. Both hadextremely close relations with Washington, and pointedto their own " electoral successes" as proof thatChimerica was already democratic. The US suppliedChimerica's military needs, as well as substantialeconomic aid. In the words of one US president,"Chimerica may not be perfect, but at least it's stable."

Washington's continued refusal to put any real pressureon the Farsantes, together with the country's near-totaleconomic dependence on the US, gradually built a spiritof resentment and anti-Americanism in Chimerica.These feelings occasionally flared in demonstrations,

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which were invariably broken up by the Guardia withtear gas and clubs. At the same time, Chimericansadmired and adopted certain aspects of Americanculture, especially its music.

Political partiesDuring the rule of the Farsantes, politics was dominatedby the Liberals, a party with 19th century roots. WhileJulio's popularity decreased even among the wealthy,the Popular Stability party gained strength. This partyhad its roots in the old Conservative party of EmilioRosario. The Christian Reform party, formed in the 1940sas a "popular alternative," went into near-dormancyafter the death of Flores, but became active again in thelast few years of Farsante rule. Forced underground byGuardia repression, the more radical opposition formeda guerrilla group known as the National LiberationFront, whose banned political arm became known as theNational Liberation party.

The InsurrectionAs opposition to his rule grew, Farsante struck back,imprisoning thousands of suspected opponents.Hundreds more "disappeared" and were neveraccounted for. The regime banned opposition rallies andplaced severe restrictions on the press. The economysuffered, as the increasingly unstable situation scaredaway foreign investors. This fueled the chorus of criesfor change from moderate sectors. For years, members of

the leading families either supported the dictator or atleast did not oppose him. But when Farsante undercuttheir power and enriched himself through shadybusiness deals, often through economic aid funds fromabroad, they also became disillusioned.

Even before Julio's rise to power, the National LiberationFront began building a guerrilla army in the hills andengaged the Guardia in occasional clashes. Written offfor years as hopeless romantics, even by sympatheticobservers, the guerrillas surprised everyone with severalspectacular raids on Guardia installations, including oneled by Manuel Calderon on a key barracks and arsenal inTrinidad province. The romantic image of fighters in thehills giving their lives to the struggle inspired theregime's city-dwelling opponents. Strikes,demonstrations and rallies occurred with increasingfrequency. The government responded with tear gas,bullets and torture.

The Catholic Church increasingly criticized thegovernment. Bishop Placido Dimas Hernandez foundedthe Human Rights Commission of Chimerica toinvestigate and protest Guardia activities and bring thesituation to the attention of the international press.

When it became clear the Guardia was losing control ofthe situation, all eyes turned to the Army. Thisinstitution found itself divided into factions: those whosupported the dictator, and those who called for aplebiscite or some other means to gauge popular support

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for the system, now labelled "Farsantismo." Two events,however, hastened the end of the Farsante era.

The first was the Guardia's occupation of the SupremeCourt. Declaring the need to restore "true law andorder," Farsante ordered the takeover of the court andarrested justices he considered "subversive."

The second and more significant event was theassassination of Armando Ortiz, a university professorand Christian Reform leader who had long criticized theregime and its claims of implementing a " stabledemocracy" in Chimerica. Ortiz and Julio Farsante hadattended school together, where they developed amutual animosity which continued in their adult lives.The professor published numerous books and articles onChimerican history and politics. He never hesitated tocriticize a regime he saw as despotic and corrupt. As heworked late one night, "desconocidos" (unknowns)riddled his office with machine-gun bullets. WhileFarsante disclaimed all responsibility for the death of hisold antagonist, calling the act "barbarous and inhuman,"critics used the same adjectives to describe Julio.

Two days after the assassination, the campus of theNational University erupted in protest. Farsanteresponded by sending the Guardia to occupy theuniversity in a hail of gunfire. One hundred and fourstudents, professors and bystanders lost their lives.When businessmen led by Bernardo Whitmyre Vacarrosorganized protests in the form of refusal to pay taxes,everyone knew Farsante's days were numbered.


The guerrillas stepped up their attacks, and protestsbegan in other cities. The turning point came whenGeneral Antonio Alejos and other top Army officersbroke in rebellion, demanding the dictator's immediateremoval. For two days Chimerica lived in tense limbo.Finally, the last of the Farsantes boarded a plane forMiami.

Both the guerrillas and the Army progressives claimedcredit for Farsante's removal. After tense negotiations,the two very different forces agreed to merge into a newinstitution known as the "Reconciliation Army." TheGuardia, meanwhile, had disintegrated.

The situation nowIn the confusing days following the dictator's fall, aJunta of the Insurrection has been formed byrepresentatives of the three major political parties.Someone must lead the country in its hour of need. Bypopular mandate, that someone is you.

You inherit a true crisis. While the people are exhaustedfrom the tumultuous insurrectionary period, the countryis not devastated physically. Yet it will take at least threeyears, the Junta has declared, to bring the country backto some degree of normalcy. They have granted you thepower to rule largely by decree, though it is understoodthat the other members of the Junta are your peers andwill serve as spokesmen for the National Assembly. You


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will select from among them to form your cabinet andlargely follow their advice.

For the time being, you have the support of the Junta ofthe Insurrection, the Reconciliation Army, and thepeople. But as an old Spanish proverb says, "throw abone to two friendly dogs and you have two enemies."The country waits to see what you will do with theirsupport—while it lasts.

Buena fortuna!

Progress ChartsProgress charts measure the progress of Chimerica as anation based on several different indexes. These chartsfocus on problems faced by your country.

Select the Reports option in the Presidente's office tobring up the progress charts.

Reading the chartsTo learn how to read the progress charts, let's look at anexample. Below is the Export Crops progress chart.



— Coffee productionCotton production[offee price(International Market)Cotton price(International Market)

ft VOUfi FF.E: i t 'ENCY tEGINf

Hihtaru Expenses

P R I C E | Social Spendingr Lri


$158 US ' a

Land Distribution

Food Crops

Hard Currencsj EarningsCuwency Reserves, etc,

Loans and Aid

12 13

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The full title of the chart appears at the top of the screen.Along the right and left sides of the chart, the units ofmeasure are listed for the chart subject. In this case,quintals is the measure to report the volume of cropproduction on the left. The price per quintal appears onthe right. In this way, one chart measures productionand price of export crops. Several charts have units onone side only.

Notice that the timeline represents a total of four years.The first year appears as soon as you begin the game. Inthe example, it shows the level of crop production andprices for the year before you were appointedPresidente. Thus, you can measure your progress againstthe situation during Farsante's last year in power.

The key to the chart is in the box at the bottom of yourscreen. There are up to four lines in any one chart, each adifferent thickness. The lines on the chart correspond tothe lines in the key. For example, in this chart thethinnest line measures coffee production, the nextthinnest measures cotton production.

So, in the year before you became Presidente, coffee andcotton production remained relatively stable, coffeeprices peaked at just over $150 per quintal, and cottonprices fluctuated in the $60 to $90 range.


Military ExpensesHUttRY EXPENSES

(in M i l l i o n s of US dollars) Social Spending

Infant Mortality

Land Distribution

Food Crops

Export Crops

B* 1 2 3TEMB

—Econonic losses due to warfare,plus Military expenditures

— M i l i t a r y purchases $ aid fron USA••Military purchases & aid fron

USSR S Cuba* voufi fKE jit'ENtv BEGIN;

Hard Currency Earnings

Currency Reserves, etc,

Loans and Aid

The Military Expenses chart displays three importantmeasures of military expenditures:

• value of losses due to warfare plus militaryexpenditures

• value of military purchases & aid from the US

• value of military purchases & aid from the USSR &Cuba

Economic losses due to warfare, plus military expenditures isa measure of the total economic impact of war anddefense on the Chimerican economy. Economic lossesdue to warfare include damage to bombed power


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stations and bridges, burned cotton and coffee fields,extra health care expenditures for the injured, and soforth. Military expenditures includes the purchase ofweapons, ammunition and supplies, salaries paid tosoldiers, and all other costs of defending the nation.

Economic losses and expenditures on warfare shows thetotal costs of a war or insurgency in the country. Higheconomic losses are a probable indication that resourcesare being diverted from other needs of the country. Onthe other hand, if military expenses are too low,Chimerica may be vulnerable to attack from either insideor outside the country.

Military purchases and aid (from either the US or from theUSSR and Cuba) is the total dollar value received inmilitary purchases and aid, including weapons,ammunition, transport and other equipment. Theamount of aid and purchases from a particular country isa measure of the strength of the relationship between thetwo countries. Hence, the acceptance of aid either fromthe US or the USSR or Cuba is seen as a step towardstronger political and military ties with the givingcountry. It is your job to decide how much aid to acceptand from whom you should accept it.


Social SpendingNON-HUTMTEXPENDITUKS(in billions of chitieras)

Military Expenses

Social Spending

Infant (totalityLand Distribution

Food CropsExport Crops

Expenditures for health care £educationLosses froH food price subsidies

Expenditures for infrastructureft YOUR PRESIDENCY tEOIHS

Hard Currency Earnings

Currency Reserves, etc,Loans and Aid

The Social Spending chart shows the amount of moneyspent by the Chimerican government in three mainnonmilitary areas. They are as follows:

• expenditures for health care and education

• losses from food price subsidies

• expenditures for infrastructure

Expenditures for health care and education shows theamount of money your government is spending to buildhospitals and schools, pay doctors, nurses, and teachers,


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and so on. High levels of spending are indicative of aserious commitment to health and education, whilelower spending suggests a decreasing commitment.Social spending often fluctuates according to whetherChimerica is at peace or at war. War customarily divertsresources from important social concerns.

You can make direct decisions about health care andeducational spending. Increases in spending are likely toresult in improved health and educational levels of yourpeople.

Losses from food price subsidies measures the amount ofmoney your government spends on food price subsidies.Some characters in the game will demand price controlson certain basic foods. As a result, others may requestthat you guarantee farmers a fair price for their crops. Ifyou agree, the government will have to absorb a certainamount of loss because it will be paying more money forthe food than it sells it for. You will have to listen to thevarious characters concerned with the food shortagesissue and decide if this loss is worthwhile.

Expenditures for infrastructure measures the amount ofmoney spent to build highways, government powerplants, sewer and water, phone and othercommunications lines, and other infrastructure projects.These projects are important for the support ofdevelopment projects in Chimerica and for themodernization of the Chimerican economy.


Infant mortality measures the number of infants per 1000births that die within the first year of life. The infantmortality chart provides three different records:

• IMR for Chimerica

• IMR for US

• average IMR for Latin America and Caribbean

The Infant Mortality Rate is frequently used as anindicator to represent the persistence of hunger as abasic social problem. In a country with an IMR of over

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50 percent, a significant portion of the population ismalnourished. IMR is also a good indicator of theavailability of health care.

The Infant Mortality Rate can be reduced throughincreased and improved health care, and by ensuringadequate nutrition to the people. Infant mortality isusually highest among the poorer people of the country.

Land DistributionH i h t a r n Expenses

The land distribution chart shows the percentage of landowned by four different groups. They are as follows:

• wealthiest 5 percent of the population


• other private producers

• state-owned land formerly held by Farsante

• cooperatives

The wealthy landowners normally use the land toproduce cash crops, or they hold it so that competitorscannot use it. Land concentrated in the hands of thesepeople usually means that the overall wealth of thecountry is controlled by the same people.

Other private producers include the small andmedium-sized coffee growers in Chimerica, and otherland owned and controlled by the producers of cashcrops in the country.

The state-owned land was seized from Farsante at thefinal victory of the Insurrection. The use of this land ispresently unclear.

Cooperatives are farms jointly owned by the people whowork them. They may grow export crops, food crops, orboth. When you begin a game, there are fewcooperatives in Chimerica.

The distribution of land among these groups can bechanged through land reforms, the establishment ofcooperatives, and decisions about use of governmentlands taken from Farsante.


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Food CropsH i l i tars Expenses

The Food Crops chart shows production levels for thetwo basic food crops. It also provides data on nutritionin Chimerica. The two measures are as follows:

• production of corn and beans

• percentage of population eating less than UnitedNations standard nutritional requirements

Corn and beans are the primary food crops for thepeople of Chimerica. Chimerica imports these becausecrop production is very low. Food crops are mostly


grown by campesinos who generally till some of theworst land in Chimerica.

UN standard nutritional requirements represent thestandards required for adequate nutrition. There is somecontroversy over whether or not these standards aresufficient measures for revealing the true level of hungerand malnutrition in a country. There is, however,general agreement that persons falling below theseminimum standards are not receiving the nourishmentrequired to maintain good health.

Nutritional requirements can be met by distributingmore food to the poor people in Chimerica. More foodcan be obtained either by increasing imports or byproducing more food crops. Increasing production offood crops results in less dependency on food importsand may lead to less hunger and better nutrition. On theother hand, more food production may divert valuableresources and capital away from the essential cotton andcoffee cash crops on which the country depends forforeign currency.


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Export CropsEXPORI CROP PRODUCTION/PHCES mlitaru Expenses



Social Spending

Infant MommyLand Distribution

Food Crops

Hard Currency Earnings

Currency Reserves, etc.Loans and Aid

—Coffee producnonCotton productionCoffee price(International Market)Cotton price(International Market)

* YOUR tttsnaa SEIJIKJ

The Export Crops chart shows production and price datafor two crops. The measures on the chart are as follows:

• coffee production

• cotton production

• international market price for coffee

• international market price for cotton

Crops are the country's principal exports. Chimerica'sforeign trade balance must be maintained in order to


acquire the hard currency needed to make payments onthe nation's debt. If these cash crops do not generate therequired foreign trade, severe economic hardships couldensue, including the end of loans from the IMF and otherfinancial support.

As long as crop production and prices remain steady orincrease, a rise in foreign currency earnings can beexpected. If one or the other falls too dramatically,currency earnings will drop. Steps may need to be takenby your government to increase production or tomaintain the country's currency earnings.



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The Hard Currency Earnings chart displays the currencyearnings from Chimerica's two principal exports—cottonand coffee. The measures are as follows:

• gain or loss from production of cotton

• gain or loss from production of coffee

Hard currency is money that can be used to makepayments on international debt. Chimerica's owncurrency cannot be used for this purpose because of thecountry's instability. One way hard currency can beacquired is through foreign trade; therefore, it is criticalto the financial health of the nation. If the governmentcannot make payments on its foreign debt,much-needed foreign aid and development dollars willstop flowing into the country. These charts show theamount of hard currency earned by each of Chimerica'sexport crops.

The measures shown here result from two factors—thelevel of crop production and the level of theinternational market price for the commodity.



— Hard currency reserves inNational Bank

— Aflount owed to other governHentsand international banks


Military Expenses

Social Spending

Infant Mortality

Land Distribution

Food Crops

Export Crops

Hard Currency Earnings

Currency Reserves, ttc7

Loans and Aid

Hard currency reserves are the cash reserves available inthe National Treasury. This chart shows two opposingmeasures.

• hard currency reserves in Chimerican National Bank

• amount owed to other governments andinternational banks

The Currency Reserves chart provides an importantcontrast between the amount of cash available to thegovernment in the National Bank and the amount ofmoney owed to other governments and banks. Thisinformation is important to consider in accepting any


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new loans or aid from outside sources. Be sure to noticethat reserves are measured in millions while debt ismeasured in billions of United States dollars.

Loans and AidMili tary Expenses

This chart shows the overall support and aid Chimericareceives from various sources:

• multilateral aid and loans, including InternationalMonetary Fund

• bilateral aid from US


• bilateral aid from USSR and Cuba

• bilateral aid from other sources

The amount of aid provided and accepted is a goodindicator of the strength of the relationship between thegiving country and the receiving country. If the amountof aid decreases, the relationship is probably weakening.If it is increasing, the giving country is probably insupport of your government and its direction.


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Glossaryagenda when you begin a Consultation with a minister,the minister presents you with an agenda of issues. Youmay pick whichever issue you wish to discuss.

agribusiness farming on a large, industrial scale. InChimerica the term applies to export crop producers andexporters allied with or owned by transnationalcorporations.

Agriculture Minister cabinet member concernedprimarily with import and export crops, food suppliesand land distribution.

AID (Agency for International Development) adivision of the US Department of State that coordinatesand manages programs that provide aid to othercountries.

amnesty pardon granted by a government.

Amnesty International an international human rightsorganization based in London. It prepares regularstudies of human rights conditions in countriesthroughout the world, and lobbies governments onbehalf of political prisoners and others whose rights maybe abused.

appointment the selection of a member of the Junta ofthe Insurrection to be a minister in your government.


ATCAF a union of Chimerican coffee workers,organized and led by members of the NationalLiberation party. In Spanish, "Associacion deTrabajadores Cafetero."

austerity a policy designed to strengthen a country'seconomy. Frequently advocated by multinationalorganizations like the IMF as a precondition forcontinued loans. It includes measures such as decreasinggovernment spending on social welfare programs,freezing workers' wages, and restricting imports.

barrio defense committees (BDC's) local neighborhoodassociations that organize civil defense patrols andmonitor neighborhood affairs.

base community a small group of Christians whogather together to read the Bible. They discuss the socialand political implications of the teachings of the Gospelsfor the poor. See also Liberation Theology.

basic foods the staple crops on which a populationdepends for survival. In Chimerica they are beans andcorn, sometimes supplemented with rice, milk andsugar.

beneficio a processing plant. Relatively prosperousChimerican coffee producers often construct beneficiosto process their own coffee and that produced by theirneighbors.


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bias prejudice or a tendency to lean in a particularpolitical direction.

bilateral (aid or relations) directly affecting two sides.

Bokuta (African Republic) a simulated country inSouthern Africa.

cabinet a small group of your closest advisors. Itconsists of you and four ministers selected from themembers of the Junta of the Insurrection.

campesino a country person, peasant. In HiddenAgenda the term describes the owners of small plots ofland who grow food crops. Most campesinos also workon cotton or coffee farms owned by wealthy families.

capital wealth, whether in the form of money, property,or skills that may be used to produce more wealth.

capitalism an economic system in which resources suchas industry and land are largely owned and controlledby private individuals or corporations rather than by thestate. The form it takes in small, underdevelopedcountries often differs from the form it takes in larger,developed countries. This is partly due to the weaknessof the internal market. See also internal market,communism, socialism.

cash crops crops grown primarily for their cash value.These crops are normally sold on the internationalmarket. Cotton and coffee are Chimerica's cash crops.


Castro Ruz, Fidel (1927-) Leader of Cuban Revolutionof 1959, and Prime Minister thereafter.

censorship the examination of publications forobjectionable content.

Cervantes, Miguel de (1547-1616) Spanish novelist,author of Don Quixote.

chimera the unit of currency of Chimerica. Originally, amythological creature composed of disparate parts suchas a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail.

Chimerica a simulated country located on the Pacificcoast of Central America. Its history, economy, andpolitical dynamics are modeled after many differentcountries, including the Central American nations ElSalvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, andothers such as Cuba, Haiti, the Dominican Republic,Panama, and the Philippines.

Christian Reform the leading party of opposition toFarsante, and now, one of the three main parties inChimerica. Strongly supported by the urban middleclass, coffee producers, and leaders of the CatholicChurch.

coalition government a government formed fromseveral distinct factions. Coalitions are often unstable.

communism technically, an ideal system where theprevailing rule is 'from each according to his ability, toeach according to his needs.' Socialism, by contrast, tries


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to operate by the rule 'from each according to his ability,to each according to his work.'

In practice, communism most often refers to the socialistcountries of Eastern Europe and elsewhere that derivetheir political systems from the works of the Germanphilosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels and theRussian revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin. Todaythere are as many forms of communism as there arecountries that support communism as an ideal system.

companero Spanish word for companion, friend. Alsoused by the National Liberation fighters during theInsurrection to describe their fellow guerrillas.

Consultation a meeting with one or more of theministers of your cabinet.

constitution the system of fundamental principles onwhich a nation bases its laws. The Electoral Commissionprepares a written constitution for Chimerica. Yourministers may ask you to lend your support to differentprovisions of the constitution as it develops.

Contacts game activities in which you review thebiographical dossiers of ministers and Junta members,appoint ministers and/or demand their resignations.

cooperative an agricultural enterprise or service jointlyowned by a number of individuals or families. In aproduction cooperative, the land and tools are all ownedin common, and profits are shared among the membersaccording to varying formulas. In a service cooperative


individuals farm their own plots of land, but certainmachinery and services are owned and managed incooperation with other farmers.

coup d'etat (coup) in Hidden Agenda it specificallyrefers to a violent overthrow of the Presidente by a smallgroup of conspirators.

death squad a secret organization of killers paid toassassinate political opponents of powerful interests.Sometimes they are composed of moonlighting armedforces members. Victims typically include labororganizers, human rights activists, leaders of agriculturalcooperatives, and radical priests.

decapitalization the process of selling assets, makingcapital liquid or easily transportable. Chimericaneconomists use the term to describe the actions ofwealthy growers losing confidence in the newgovernment, who choose not to invest their capitalwithin Chimerica and attempt to move as much wealthas possible to other countries. Also known as capitalflight.

decree an order having the force of law.

Defense Minister a cabinet member most concernedwith internal security and national defense.

democracy a government in which the ultimate poweris held by the people.


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dictatorship a form of government in which one person,the dictator, has absolute power.

Dinando, Francisco (1896-1934) a Chimericannationalist and military leader, revered by the NationalLiberation party for his determined resistance to theoccupation of Chimerica by US Marines in the 1920s and30s. He was assassinated in 1934 by order of dictatorEmilio Rosario.

disappeared (desaparecido) someone taken away bysecurity forces or death squads and either hidden in asecret prison or killed.

Diwaniya a simulated country in the Middle East.

dossier detailed files containing biographicalinformation about the members of the Junta of theInsurrection. Two types of dossiers are available underthe Contacts option: the list of Junta members withineach political party (Party Dossiers), and the Juntamembers currently appointed to ministerial positions(Minister Dossiers).

East global political interests are sometimes broadlydivided by hemisphere. The capitalist West is contrastedwith the socialist East. East and West together comprisethe developed North as contrasted with theunderdeveloped South. See also South, Third World.

Electoral Commission the Junta of the Insurrectionestablished a tripartisan Electoral Commission to write a


new constitution for Chimerica and prepare forelections.

elite in Chimerica, the small number of extendedfamilies who control the majority of the country'swealth. For a long time the elite also controlledChimerica's political power. Though the Farsantes didnot come from the elite, for a long time they were treatedas members in good standing.

embargo a government order prohibiting all commercewith another country.

Encounter a meeting with an Influential. In anEncounter the Influential decides what issue to discuss.You receive advice from a minister.

ESF (Economic Support Funds) US foreign aid used tohelp stabilize governments that the US judges politicallystrategic to its own welfare. Support may consist ofdirect deposits of hard currency into the recipientcountry's national treasury or training and weapons forpolice forces.

export crops crops grown primarily for export to othercountries. Chimerica's primary export crops are coffeeand cotton, though it also produces some sugar, cattleand bananas.

External Affairs Minister a cabinet member mostconcerned with foreign policy.


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extradition the process by which one country obtainscustody of a criminal or alleged criminal from anothercountry.

Farsante, Edgardo (1911-1970) longtime dictator ofChimerica. Came to power in a 1954 coup byoverthrowing the short-lived, democratically electedgovernment of Leonard Flores.

Farsante Guard shortly after taking power, EdgardoFarsante expanded his private guard into a military forcecalled the Farsante Guard. The Guard soon resembled aseparate army. During the Insurrection that eventuallysucceeded in overthrowing Edgardo's son Julio, theGuard bore the brunt of the fighting.

Farsante, Julio (1943-) son of Edgardo Farsante andlongtime dictator of Chimerica. Succeeded to power onthe death of his father. Was overthrown in theInsurrection. Now living in Paraguay.

finca a Spanish word for a type of farm.

First World refers to the industrialized nations ofWestern Europe, the US, Japan and Oceania. Also seeThird World.

food crops crops grown specifically for their food value.Food crops are normally eaten by the people of thecountry or sold at local markets. Corn and beans areChimerica's primary food crops.


foreign aid assistance given by one country to another.Foreign aid may take many forms: technical andfinancial assistance for development projects, directallocations of funds to a national treasury, equipmentand training for the recipient country's military, oremergency relief in the case of famine or other naturaldisasters.

foreign exchange see hard currency.

free market an ideal state of commerce in which little orno governmental controls inhibit the free sale andpurchase of goods and services. The term is alsofrequently used to describe economic systems that relyon very elaborate regulatory mechanisms but are judgedto be relatively free of controls when compared withother systems.

futures market a place where commodities such ascoffee or cotton may be sold in advance of the actualharvest. If the price goes down in the interim, selling theharvest as futures was a good idea. If the price goes up,it may not have been such a good idea.

Geneva Convention an international agreement, firstmade in Switzerland in 1864 and later accepted by manyother nations. It establishes rules for the treatment ofprisoners, civilians, and wounded soldiers during a war.Among other things it declares that medical facilities andpersonnel are not proper targets for military attacks.


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grassroots political movements in which decisions aremade by the common people, the 'grassroots.'

gringo an uncomplimentary Latin American term forforeigner, especially one from the United States.

Guard, Guardia see Farsante Guard.

guerrilla a member of a small band of soldiers thatharasses its enemies by attacking communications orelectrical systems, conducting surprises raids on regulararmy forces, etc. Also see insurgency.

habeas corpus a law requiring that a person accused ofa crime be brought before a judge and formally accusedbefore being imprisoned. A Latin word literally meaning"have the body."

hectare a metric land measure equivalent to 2.47 acres.

hard currency money from certain stable industrializedeconomies used for international trade. A US dollar,French franc or Japanese yen is accepted by banksanywhere and can be exchanged for the local currency.This is not true of currencies from countries where theofficial price is artificially set (such as the Soviet Union'sruble) or for currencies from unstable, inflationaryeconomies (such as many Latin American currenciesincluding Chimerica's). In countries like Chimerica, hardcurrency is the same thing as foreign exchange.

hidden agenda in Hidden Agenda, everyone you meetand sources of information such as newspapers all have


their own agendas. These agendas may be clearlydefined or hidden in dialogue.

human rights the Universal Declaration of HumanRights adopted by the United Nations in 1948 includesin its definition: the right to life, liberty and security ofperson; the right to equal protection under the law; aprohibition of slavery; a prohibition of the use of torture;a prohibition of arbitrary arrest, detention or exile; thepresumption of innocence until proven guilty; the rightto privacy, freedom of expression and assembly; theright to freedom of movement; the right to freedom ofthought, conscience, and religion; the right to anationality; the right to marry and found a family; theright to own property, and to not be arbitrarily deprivedthereof; the right to participate in government, directlyor through the election of representatives; the right towork, to have equal pay, to join trade unions, to haveperiods of rest and leisure; the right to a standard ofliving adequate for health and well-being, includingfood, clothing, housing and medical care; the right toeducation.

Human Rights Commission of Chimerica anorganization, funded and led by the Catholic Church,that seeks to protect the human rights of Chimericancitizens. Under Farsante, violence and threats against thehuman rights of the Commission's own staff forced it tokeep a low profile.

imperialism the domination of colonies or othercountries by powerful nations or empires. The days of


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direct imperialist control of colonies by empires arelargely over. Some people in countries like Chimerica,however, see the continued economic and militarydomination of smaller countries by larger ones as newforms of imperialism.

Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) the number of infants perthousand live births that die before their first birthday. Acommonly used indicator to show how hungercontinues to be a basic social problem. Also is anindicator of the availability of health care.

Influential most Influentials represent either animportant economic class or a professional group withinChimerica. Some represent international interests, suchas ambassadors, consuls, and representatives frommultilateral organizations and transnationalcorporations.

insurgency rebellion of an armed group against theauthority of an established government. In HiddenAgenda, it describes the efforts of the NationalLiberation Front to overthrow Farsante. It also refers tothe efforts of other groups, such as the reactos, who mayrebel against Farsante's successor.

Insurrection an open popular rebellion against anestablished government. In Hidden Agenda, it refers tothe final, successful phase of the effort to overthrow thedictator Farsante.


Internal Affairs Minister a cabinet member responsiblefor internal economic and social policies not related toagriculture.

internal market when a country's products are sold tothe citizens of that same country. An external market isanother country to which the same products may besold.

When the internal market is large, as it is in the US,consumers have a certain amount of power to decidewhat is produced. In Chimerica, the internal market isso small that most industries cannot exist unless theyfocus on exporting to external markets. The needs of thepoor tend to be neglected because the poor don't havethe money to buy anything, and, in any case, could notuse the large quantities of coffee and cotton the economyproduces.

International Court of Justice commonly known as theWorld Court. Based in the Netherlands. It is the chiefjudicial agency of the United Nations responsible fordeciding disputes that may arise between nations.

International Monetary Fund (IMF) a financialorganization supported by over 140 member countries.The Fund is made up of money paid in by its members,depending on the relative size of each country'seconomy. In exchange for contributions, members mayborrow from the Fund. The IMF often serves as thelender of last resort for countries unable to find lenderselsewhere.


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Interrupt occasionally an Influential or minister willinterrupt your game and demand your decision on anissue that he or she thinks you have been neglecting.

issue a topic for discussion and policy choices. Whenyou Encounter an Influential, he or she will decide whatissue to discuss. When you have a Consultation with oneof your ministers, the minister offers you an agendafrom which you choose the issue to discuss.

issue cards a system for rationing certain key items,which may be proposed by some of your ministers. Thegovernment uses the card system to assure each familyof a certain amount of the staple foods that comprise thediet of the majority.

Jeremiah Biblical prophet who lived in the 6th and 7thcenturies B.C. As recorded in the Book of Jeremiah, hisprophecy consists largely of mournful complaints,lamentations, and predictions of doom.

Jesuit a member of the Society of Jesus, a Catholicreligious order founded in 1534. Through much of theirhistory, the Jesuits have been known for theircommitment to education and their involvement in thesocial and political issues of the day.

Junta of the Insurrection a ten-member interimexecutive group formed after the overthrow of Farsante.It consists of three representatives from each of the mainpolitical parties and the Presidente.


latifundia large estates owned by the wealthy elite ofChimerica.

League of (Chimerican) Women a popular democraticorganization organized by the National Liberation party.League chapters hold regular meetings to discuss issuesof concern to women. They also organize programs suchas a national system of day-care centers for workingwomen.

left wing a term describing a relative position in apolitical spectrum. Chimerica's left wing advocatesrapid social change, specifically programs designed toincrease the power and wealth of the poor.

Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich (1870-1924) Russianrevolutionary leader and first Premier of the SovietUnion.

Leninism a political system derived from the actionsand writings of Vladimir Lenin. Lenin sought totranslate the ideals of Marxist economic theory into thelanguage of practical politics. A key concept of Leninismis the dictatorship of the proletariat, the idea that avanguard working class should lead and direct thedevelopment of a society toward the ideal ofcommunism.

Liberation Theology an important movement withinthe Catholic Church in Latin America. Essentially itmeans reading the Biblical story of Jesus Christ "with theeyes of the poor." Liberation theologians see in Christ's


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teachings the suggestion that the poor may strive tomake their lives better in this life, in addition topromises of an afterlife in His Kingdom.

LIMPIA a paramilitary force formed by Major RobertoPadilla as a means to protect the population fromsubversive elements. The name means clean in Spanish.

literacy rate percentage of people who can read in agiven population.

lobby a special interest group which works to influencepublic policy officials.

Logbook the record of your meetings with Influentialsor ministers during a season.

machete a large knife used as a tool for cutting cropsand underbrush. Also used as a weapon.

marketing the act of buying or selling something. Also,various strategies for controlling or effecting the transferof goods from seller to buyer, including shipping, retail,wholesale, storage, and advertising.

Marxism a political philosophy derived from the worksof the 19th century German writer Karl Marx, author ofThe Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital. There arealmost as many forms of Marxism as there are Marxists.In general, Marxists see much of recent history as astruggle between economic classes (for exampleindustrial workers and owners of factories). In countrieslike Chimerica, Marxists usually advocate rapid change


of what they see as feudal class structure, with thegovernment maintaining very strong control overeconomic and political development.

memos occasional messages sent to the Presidente byother characters such as the coroner's office,ambassadors, etc.

mercenaries soldiers who join an armed force strictlyfor pay rather than because of patriotic sentiment,political conviction or conscription.

mestizo a person of mixed Spanish and AmericanIndian ancestry. Most Chimericans are mestizo.

ministers members of the Junta you appoint to yourcabinet. They advise you and are supposed to carry outyour policy decisions, though sometimes they decide toact on their own (see hidden agendas).

minimum wage the minimum amount, fixed bynational law, that an employer can pay an employee.The wage may be established on an hourly or daily basis.

monopsony a market where there is only one buyer. Ifthe government declares that all coffee and cotton mustbe sold to the National Marketing Board, the Boardbecomes a monopsony.

move the central unit of time in Hidden Agenda. Everytime you make a decision (even if the decision is to put aproposal on an agenda), a move occurs. No moves occurin the Contacts, Logbook or Reports areas.


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Movement of Nonaligned Nations an internationalorganization formed in the 1950s. It claims to representthe interests of countries who choose not to allythemselves with the USA or the USSR.

MTT an association that may arise if a land reformprogram is begun. The MTT will strive to protect theinterests of those who have received land through thereform. MTT stands for "Movimiento de Trabajadoresde la Tierra."

National Assembly a weak legislature begun underFarsante. The Assembly continues to function in thepost-Insurrectionary period. Most of the power,however, is in the hands of the Junta of the Insurrection.

National Bank of Chimerica the chief financialinstitution of Chimerica. Controlled by the Farsantefamily before the Insurrection. It has now beennationalized.

national debt the amount a government owes. In thecase of countries like Chimerica, the debt is usuallyowed to international banks and other governments.

National Liberation a party persecuted and outlawedby Farsante. This party receives inspiration fromMarxism and Liberation Theology and attempts to speakfor the rural poor.

National Marketing Board a governmental agency thatoversees Chimerica's international trade. Depending onadvisors' recommendations, the Board can function as:


an agency in competition with private exporters, the soleauthorized purchaser and exporter of coffee and cotton(monopsony), or the sole authorized exporter andimporter of all important trade items.

National Palace the late nineteenth century building inthe center of Poyais that houses the offices of thePresidente of Chimerica.

National Salary Scale this scale sets a fixed salary levelfor a particular job based on the skill necessary to do thejob. The scale is designed to partially equalize incomesyet reward skill and competence.

national sovereignty the concept, supported by allnations in principle, that the various nations of the earthare sovereign and independent and should be left inpeace to control their own affairs.

National Treasury the place where government fundsare kept.

New World Information Order an internationalmovement advocating the establishment of internationalstandards of journalistic conduct. Its supporters believethat because the dominant world news media are basedin First World countries, they are biased against ThirdWorld countries.

nonaligned not aligned with or favoring either of thetwo global superpowers (the USA and the USSR).


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North Americans (Norteamericanos) a term LatinAmericans sometimes use for the people of the UnitedStates.

OAS (Organization of American States) aninternational organization composed of the US, Mexico,the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and most of the countriesof Central and South America. Dominated for manyyears by the US, the Latin American member nationssometimes use the OAS as a forum to collectively reactto decisions made in Washington.

office the office of the Presidente in the National Palace.

oral rehydration see rehydration.

Panslavia (People's Republic of) a simulated countryin Eastern Europe.

patriotic producers when other growers have lostconfidence in the new government and try todecapitalize, those who choose to remain in Chimericaand invest in their farms may be called patriotic orprogressive producers.

paramilitary force a group operating in place of or inaddition to a regular military force. The Farsante Guardbegan as a paramilitary force. Major Roberto Padilla'sgroup LIMPIA is another example.


peasants persons who till the soil either as very smalllandowners or as laborers. Peasants are typically verypoor.

pinata a brightly colored pot or papier-mache figurefilled with fruit and candy. At Christmas and birthdayparties, a pinata is hung from a rope and sent spinning.Blindfolded children try to knock it down with sticksand then scramble to collect the scattered contents.

polarization when two political sides develop stronglycontrasting interests and goals with very little room forcompromise, the situation is said to be polarized. Thewide gulf between the rich and poor in Chimericacreates polarization.

popular democratic association an organization, oftenestablished by a political party, of people of similarbackgrounds or interests. Examples are the League ofChimerican Women and the Liberation Youth(associated with the National Liberation party).Supporters believe that in a country with few democratictraditions these organizations provide a means toinvolve people in the political process. Critics say that inreality these organizations organize people so they canbetter control them.

Popular Stability formed in the later years of theInsurrection by landowners and industrialists. The partyis also supported by military leaders who did not fleewith Farsante, the wealthy elite, and those whosefortunes depend on these people.


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Poyais the capital and largest city of Chimerica.

Presidente the leader of Chimerica appointed by theChimerican Revolutionary Junta. You, the player, are thePresidente of Chimerica. All your decisions are made bydecree.

privatization the process by which a governmenttransfers ownership of certain enterprises or services toprivate enterprise, and thereby gains much-needed hardcurrency. The opposite of nationalization.

procurator in the Roman Empire, the title of certainprovincial officials. The Biblical character Pontius Pilatewas a procurator.

proposal a policy option suggested to the Presidenteeither by an Influential or a minister.

quintal a metric unit of dry measure equal to 100kilograms or approximately 220 pounds.

rationing a method a government may use fordistributing scarce commodities among its citizens,usually used during a war or some other emergency. Seeissue cards.

reacto short for reactionary. A derogatory term formembers of an armed force that may attempt tooverthrow the government of Chimerica.

reactionary a disparaging term used to describe thoseacting in an extremely right-wing political direction.


Certain characters in Hidden Agenda use the term todescribe those reacting to the revolutionary upheaval.

rehydration a variety of diseases, many caused byparasites, can cause the body to rapidly lose waterthrough diarrhea. This can lead to prolonged sicknessand, if untreated, death. Simple treatment techniquesexist, including oral rehydration salts. In the absence ofadequate health care systems, however, millions ofchildren and adults continue to die in countries likeChimerica from the effects of these easily treateddiseases.

Reports the area of the game where you may reviewpress digests and progress charts on Chimerica.

resistance an underground organization attempting toresist the forces of an army of occupation.

revolution the overthrow of an established governmentby the people. In Hidden Agenda, some characters thinkof revolution as a process of radically transforming thepolitical system as opposed to a mere change of leaders.See coup d'etat.

Revolutionary Tribunal a special court created underthe State of Emergency, designed to prosecute peoplesuspected of aiding antigovernment rebels.

right wing in Chimerica, the right wing supports theinterests of the wealthy and powerful elite.


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rubber stamp a legislature that gives its approvalautomatically without debate or the potential forrejection.

season each season lasts for nine moves. There are threeseasons in a Chimerican year: Dry, Rainy, and Harvest.

socialism an economic system in which resources suchas industrial machinery and land are largely owned andcontrolled by the government rather than by privateindividuals or corporations.

Every country tries to determine its own optimal mix ofpublic sector and private sector. Precisely what divisionof the two makes one country socialist and anothercapitalist is a matter of considerable dispute. Manycountries today aim for a middle ground known as amixed economy. See also capitalist and communist.

South most industrialized countries are situated in thenorthern hemisphere. Many poor continents such asAfrica, South America and Asia are situated in thesouthern hemisphere. The terms North and Southdescribe these broad global categories. Chimerica is anation of the South. See also East, Third World.

state farm an agricultural enterprise owned andmanaged by the government.

state of emergency a system of extraordinary measuresyour ministers or Army leaders may recommend inresponse to an insurgency.


state of siege a system of extraordinary measures yourministers and Army leaders may recommend inresponse to an insurgency.

subsidy direct aid from a government to a social groupor organization. In Hidden Agenda, the Presidente cansubsidize food prices. This means that the governmentbuys food from farmers for a fixed price and sells it tothe poor for a lower price so that everyone has enoughto eat.

subversive someone who actively advocates theoverthrow of an established government.

superpower a powerful nation whose decisionsinfluence the policies and actions of other nations.Commonly used to describe the USA and the USSR.

terrorism the deliberate use of violence against civiliansin order to publicize a cause, intimidate a population, orput pressure on a government or governments.

Third World a broad term for the developing nations ofAfrica, Latin America and Asia. Chimerica is a ThirdWorld nation. Less frequently used are the terms FirstWorld (the industrialized nations of Western Europe, theUS, Japan and Oceania) and Second World (the SovietUnion and its allies).

TNC abbreviation for transnational corporation.

TNC Rep representative of one of several transnationalcorporations based in the US.


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transnational corporation an enterprise that operates inmany different nations and, therefore, is not entirelysubject to the laws of any one of them. The term"multinational" refers to the same thing, but it is beingreplaced by TNC because TNC is more accurate.Multinational implies that these enterprises are stillnational, while transnational stresses the idea that theyexist entirely outside the realm of nationalism.

bipartisan the joint effort of three strong competingpolitical traditions.

UNESCO the United Nations Educational, Social andCultural Organization, headquartered in Paris, France.

vanguard people in the forefront of a politicalmovement. A favorite term of Marxists who often regardthemselves as being the vanguard of important socialand political change.

Verdict of History an excerpt from the Chimerica entryin the US Tricentennial (2076) edition of the EncyclopediaPaxamericana. It provides a summary of your term asPresidente. It is up to you to judge whether your Verdictmeans that you won or lost the game.

Yanqui a Latin American word for 'Yankee', someonefrom the United States.

year in Hidden Agenda, a year consists of three seasons:Dry, Rainy, and Harvest. See season.


MottosAsuntos Externos in Spanish means External Affairs.

Asuntos Internes in Spanish means Internal Affairs.

De Muchos Al Uno the Spanish motto of the InternalAffairs Ministry. In English means "From the many,one." (In Latin means "E pluribus unum.")

En Granos Confiamos - the Spanish motto of theAgricultural Ministry. Literally means "In beans wetrust."

Fuerza y Seguridad - the Spanish motto of the DefenseMinistry. Literally means "Force and security."

Jamas Dice "Tio" - the Spanish motto of the ExternalAffairs Ministry. Literally means "Never say 'uncle.'"

Politico Ex Machina - the Latin motto of Chimerica.Literally means "The politician in the machine."


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Springboard LicenseAgreementCAREFULLY READ ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITIONSOF THIS LICENSE BEFORE USING THIS SOFTWARE.USING THIS SOFTWARE INDICATES YOUR AGREEMENTTO THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS. IF YOUDO NOT AGREE TO BE BOUND BY SUCH TERMS ANDCONDITIONS, DO NOT USE THIS SOFTWARE. PROMPTLYRETURN THIS PACKAGE AND OTHER ITEMS THAT AREA PART OF THIS PRODUCT TO YOUR PLACE OFPURCHASE AND YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED.1. License Grant. In consideration of payment of the licensefee, which is a part of the price you paid for this product,Springboard Software, Inc. as Licensor, grants to you, theLicensee, a non-exclusive license to use and display this copyof a Springboard software program (the "Software") on asingle computer at a single location. Springboard reserves allrights not expressly granted to Licensee under this License.2. Software Ownership and Title. As the Licensee, you ownthe physical media on which the Software is originally orsubsequently recorded or fixed, but Springboard retains titleand ownership of the Software recorded on the original diskcopy and all subsequent copies of the Software, regardless ofthe form or media in or on which the original and other copiesmay exist. This License is not a sale of the original Software orany copy thereof.3. Copy Restriction. This Software and the accompanyingwritten materials are copyrighted. Unauthorized copying ofthe Software, including Software that has been modified,merged, or included with other software, or of the writtenmaterials is expressly forbidden. You may be held legallyresponsible for any copyright infringement that is caused orencouraged by your failure to abide by the terms of thisLicense. Subject to these restrictions, you may make one copyof the Software solely for backup purposes. You must

reproduce and include the copyright notice on the backupcopy.4. Restrictions on Use. As the Licensee, you may physicallytransfer the Software from one computer to another providedthat the Software is used on only one computer at a time. Youmay not electronically transfer the Software from onecomputer to another over a network. You may not distributecopies of the Software or accompanying written materials toothers. You may not modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer,decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works based onthe Software. You may not modify, adapt, translate, or createderivative works based on the written materials without theprior written consent of Springboard.5. Transfer Restrictions. The Software is licensed only to you,the Licensee, and may not be transferred to anyone without theprior written consent of Springboard. Any authorizedtransferee of the Software shall be bound by the terms andconditions of this License. In no event may you transfer,assign, rent, lease, sell, sublicense, or grant other rights in all orany portion of the Software or any copy except as expresslyprovided for in this License. Any attempt to grant such rightsin violation of this License is void.6. Termination. This license is effective until terminated. Youmay terminate it at any time by destroying the Softwaretogether with all copies and all documentation in any form.This License will terminate automatically without notice fromSpringboard if you fail to comply with any term or condition ofthis License. Upon termination you shall destroy the writtenmaterials and all copies of the Software, including modifiedcopies, if any.7. Limited Warranty, Lifetime Replacement and Disclaimer.Springboard warrants to you, the original Licensee, that thediskette on which the Software is recorded is free from defectsin material and workmanship for as long as you own thediskette. If during that period you cannot properly load the

Page 34: Customer Support Hotline - Abandonia › files › extras › 27602_HiddenAgenda... · 2010-06-28 · Chimerica officially won its independence from Spain in 1821. Its population

program, you may return it together with proof-of-purchasedate and $5.00 to cover shipping and handling to Springboardfor replacement, provided that the Software is then currentlybeing manufactured by Springboard. This LifetimeReplacement is the sole remedy available to you in the eventthe diskette contains any defects.Returns should be sent to:Springboard Software, Inc.7808 Creekridge CircleMinneapolis, MN 55435.


Some states do not allow limitations on how long an impliedwarranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you.Some states do not allow exclusion or limitation of incidentalor consequential damages, so the above exclusion may notapply to you. This warranty gives you specific rights, and youmay also have other rights which vary from state to state.

8. General. The internal laws of the State of Minnesota shallgovern this License. The invalidity or unenforceability of anyprovision of this License shall not affect the other provisionshereof. This License constitutes the entire and exclusiveagreement, and supersedes any and all prior agreements andproposals between Springboard Software, Inc. and you withregard to the Software and any other items contained in thispackage.

Page 35: Customer Support Hotline - Abandonia › files › extras › 27602_HiddenAgenda... · 2010-06-28 · Chimerica officially won its independence from Spain in 1821. Its population

Springboard Software, Inc.7808 Creekridge CircleMinneapolis, MN 55435

