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Page 1: cv heart diab...P Boutouyrie describe new techniques for assessing arterial stiffness including measurements of aortic pulse wave velocity and central pressure. Circulating microparticles



Page 2: cv heart diab...P Boutouyrie describe new techniques for assessing arterial stiffness including measurements of aortic pulse wave velocity and central pressure. Circulating microparticles

Volume 34 / Suppl. 1 (2008)

Amsterdam • Boston • Jena • London • New York • Oxford •Paris • Philadelphia • San Diego • St Louis

Page 3: cv heart diab...P Boutouyrie describe new techniques for assessing arterial stiffness including measurements of aortic pulse wave velocity and central pressure. Circulating microparticles

FOUNDERS / FONDATEURSJean Canivet et Pierre Lefèbvre (1975)

HONORARY EDITORS-IN-CHIEF / RÉDACTEURS EN CHEF HONORAIRESGabriel Rosselin, PhilippeVague, Gérard Reach, Pierre Saï, Serge Halimi




ASSOCIATE EDITORS / RÉDACTEURS DÉLÉGUÉSJacqueline Capeau (Paris), Pascal Ferré (Paris), Étienne Larger (Paris), Pascale Massin (Paris), Louis Monnier (Montpellier),André Scheen (Liège), Dominique Simon (Paris), Paul Valensi (Paris)

CONSULTANTS FOR STATISTICS / CONSULTANTS EN STATISTIQUESBeverly Balkau (Paris), Annick Fontbonne (Montpellier)

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Page 4: cv heart diab...P Boutouyrie describe new techniques for assessing arterial stiffness including measurements of aortic pulse wave velocity and central pressure. Circulating microparticles

Diabetes and the Heart

A symposium organized by ALFEDIAM(Association de Langue Française pour l’Etude du Diabète et des Maladies Métaboliques)

and SFC (Société Française de Cardiologie). Paris, December 7th, 2007


J. Girard (President ALFEDIAM), N. Danchin (President SFC), B. Vergès (General Secretary ALFEDIAM) ............... S1

Diabetes-related metabolic perturbations in cardiac myocyte

D. Feuvray, A. Darmellah ................................................................................................................................................. S3

Plasma N-terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide (Nt-proBNP) levels and prognosis after myocardial infarction in diabetes

B. Vergès, M. Zeller, J.-C. Beer, Y. Cottin, on behalf of RICO survey working group ................................................... S10

Pathophysiology of vascular calcification: are osteoclast-like cells the missing link?

Z.-A. Massy, R. Mentaverri, A. Mozar, M. Brazier, S. Kamel ......................................................................................... S16

New techniques for assessing arterial stiffness

P. Boutouyrie ................................................................................................................................................................... S21

Microparticles and type 2 diabetes

A.-S. Leroyer, A. Tedgui, C.-M. Boulanger .................................................................................................................... S27

Vascular progenitor cells and diabetes: role in postischemic neovascularisation

J.-S. Silvestre .................................................................................................................................................................. S33

To what extent should we lower HbA1c

in diabetics?

S. Hadjadj, P.-J. Saulnié, F. Torremocha, L. Labbé, R. Maréchaud ............................................................................. S37

Vol. 34, Suppl. 1, February 2008


Indexed in: Biosis (Biological Abtract) - CABS - Chemical Abstracts - Current Contents: Life Sciences - EMBASE / Excerpta Medica - Medline (Index medicus) - Pascal (INIST/ CNRS) - Research Alert - Science Citation Index - SCI Search.

Page 5: cv heart diab...P Boutouyrie describe new techniques for assessing arterial stiffness including measurements of aortic pulse wave velocity and central pressure. Circulating microparticles

Coeur et DiabèteJournée thématique organisée par l’ALFEDIAM

(Association de Langue Française pour l’Etude du Diabète et des Maladies Métaboliques) et la SFC (Société Française de Cardiologie). Paris, 7 décembre 2007.


J. Girard (Président de l’ALFEDIAM), N. Danchin (Président de la SFC),

B. Vergès (Secrétaire Général de l’ALFEDIAM) ............................................................................................................... S1

Perturbations métaboliques des cardiomyocytes liées au diabète

D. Feuvray, A. Darmellah ................................................................................................................................................. S3

Concentrations plasmatiques de Nt-proBNP et pronostic après infarctus du myocarde au cours du diabète

B. Vergès, M. Zeller, J.-C. Beer, Y. Cottin, on behalf of RICO survey working group ................................................... S10

Physiopathologie des calcifications cardiovasculaires : les cellules osteoclast-like sont-elles le chaînon manquant ?

Z.-A. Massy, R. Mentaverri, A. Mozar, M. Brazier, S. Kamel ......................................................................................... S16

Nouvelles techniques de mesure de la rigidité artérielle

P. Boutouyrie .................................................................................................................................................................. S21

Microparticules dans le diabète de type 2

A.-S. Leroyer, A. Tedgui, C.-M. Boulanger .................................................................................................................... S27

Cellules progénitrices endothéliales et diabète : rôle dans la néovascularisation post-ischémique

J.-S. Silvestre .................................................................................................................................................................. S33

Jusqu’où faut-il baisser l’hémoglobine glyquée des diabétiques ?

S. Hadjadj, P.-J. Saulnié, F. Torremocha, L. Labbé, R. Maréchaud ............................................................................. S37

Vol. 34, Suppl. 1, Février 2008


Indexé dans : Biosis (Biological Abtract) - CABS - Chemical Abstracts - Current Contents: Life Sciences - EMBASE / ExcerptaMedica - Medline (Index medicus) - Pascal (INIST/ CNRS) - Research Alert - Science Citation Index - SCI Search.

Page 6: cv heart diab...P Boutouyrie describe new techniques for assessing arterial stiffness including measurements of aortic pulse wave velocity and central pressure. Circulating microparticles

Diabetes and the Heart

A symposium organized by ALFEDIAM (Association de Langue Française pour l’Etude du Diabète et des Maladies Métaboliques)

and SFC (Société Française de Cardiologie). Paris, December 7th, 2007

Steering committeeBruno VERGÈS (Dijon)

Nicolas DANCHIN (Paris)Jean GIRARD (Paris)Bernard LÉVY (Paris)

Philippe MOULIN (Lyon)

Page 7: cv heart diab...P Boutouyrie describe new techniques for assessing arterial stiffness including measurements of aortic pulse wave velocity and central pressure. Circulating microparticles

© 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Diabetes & Metabolism 34 (2008) S1


Diabetes and the Heart

J. Girard (Président de l’ALFEDIAM)a, N. Danchin (Président de la SFC)b, B. Vergès (Secrétaire Général de l’ALFEDIAM)c,*

a Institut Cochin, Faculté de médecine Cochin, 24, rue du Faubourg Saint-Jacques, 75014 Paris, Franceb Département de cardiologie, hôpital européen Georges-Pompidou, 20, rue Leblanc, 75015, Paris, France

c Service d’Endocrinologie-Diabétologie, CHU Bocage, boulevard de Lattre de Tassigny, 21034 Dijon cedex, France

The French Society of Cardiology (SFC) and the French-speaking Society of Diabetology (ALFEDIAM) co-organizethis year a scientific meeting dedicated to the heart in diabe-tes mellitus. Since myocardial ischaemia in patients withdiabetes is frequently discussed, the aim of this 2007 scien-tific meeting was to give information mainly on cardiomyo-cyte metabolism, myocardial dysfunction, arterial calcifica-tion and novel pathophysiological mechanisms ofmacrovascular disease in diabetes. In this special issue ofDiabetes & Metabolism are reported the main presentationsat this conference.

There is now a large body of evidence supporting theexistence of "diabetic cardiomyopathy". In their well docu-mented paper, D. Feuvray et al. explain the role of increasedfatty acids in disturbing cardiomyocyte metabolism leadingto cardiac dysfunction. The mechanisms involved includeopening of the cell membrane KATP channel, increased lipidperoxidation and apoptosis. B. Vergès et al report datashowing that Nt-ProBNP is, in patients with diabetes, a verystrong marker of the poor short-term prognosis after myo-cardial infarction in patients with diabetes. Nt-proBNPseems to reflect the integration of different risk markers foradverse outcomes (death, heart failure) following myocar-dial infarction with high informative value.

Recently more attention was given to vascular calcificationwhich is frequent in patients with diabetes. New data on thepathophysiology of vascular calcification are reported in thepaper from ZA Massy et al. The presence of vascular calcifica-tion could be explained by an imbalance between osteoblast-

like and osteoclast-like cell activities in the arterial wall. Manylongitudinal studies have demonstrated the predictive value ofarterial stiffness, beyond and above classical risk factors forcardiovascular disease. P Boutouyrie describe new techniquesfor assessing arterial stiffness including measurements of aorticpulse wave velocity and central pressure.

Circulating microparticles derived from apoptotic cellsare early markers of vascular dysfunction and may be invol-ved in vascular complications. In their paper, AS Leroyer etal indicate that microparticles levels are increased in patientwith diabetes. They present data showing that microparti-cles, due to their pro-inflammatory properties, could beinvolved in the development of vascular complications indiabetes by promoting thrombosis, endothelial dysfunctionand angiogenesis. During the past years, a lot of interest hasrisen on Endothelial Progenitor Cells (EPC), which areinvolved in re-endothelialisation of injured vessels and for-mation of new vessels in ischemic tissue. JB Silvestre, in hisarticle, shows data indicating that diabetes reduces theavailability and the functions of EPC, leading to diminishthe EPC-induced post-ischemic vessel growth.

The role of chronic hyperglycaemia in the developmentand progression of macrovascular disease is discussed by SHadjadj et al in the light of the intervention studies perfor-med in patients with diabetes. The available data indicatethat there is probably no specific HbA1c threshold for macro-vascular disease. The on-going trials, such as ADVANCEand ACCORD should give additional information to clarifythis point.

* Corresponding author.E-mail Address: [email protected] (B. Vergès)

Page 8: cv heart diab...P Boutouyrie describe new techniques for assessing arterial stiffness including measurements of aortic pulse wave velocity and central pressure. Circulating microparticles

© 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Diabetes & Metabolism 34 (2008) S3-S9

Diabetes-related metabolic perturbations in cardiac myocyte

D. Feuvray*, A. Darmellah

University of Paris-Sud 11 & CNRS UMR 8078, Marie Lannelongue Hospital, 133 avenue de la Résistance, 92350 Le Plessis Robinson, France

Received: September 6th 2007; accepted: October 30th 2007


Although the pathogenesis of diabetic cardiomyopathy is poorly understood, recent evidence implicates perturbations in cardiacenergy metabolism. Whereas mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation is the chief energy source for the normal postnatal mammalian heart,the relative contribution of glucose utilization pathways is significant, allowing the plasticity necessary for steady ATP production inthe context of diverse physiologic and dietary conditions. In the uncontrolled diabetic state, because of the combined effects of insulinresistance and high circulating fatty acids, cardiac myocytes use fatty acids almost exclusively to support ATP synthesis. Studies usingvarious diabetic rodent models have shown a direct relationship between the chronic drive on myocardial fatty acid metabolism andthe development of cardiomyopathy including ventricular hypertrophy and dysfunction. Fatty acids also play a critical role intriggering the development of cellular insulin resistance through derangements in insulin signalling cascade. There are similarities incardiac dysfunction in animal models and human type 2 diabetes and/or obesity. For instance, obese young women showed increasedcardiac fatty acid utilization measured by positron emission tomography and increased myocardial oxygen consumption with reducedcardiac efficiency. Furthermore, accumulation of triglycerides within cardiac myocytes was an early metabolic marker that wasassociated with increased left ventricular mass. Moreover, data indicate that alterations in cardiac energetics occur early in thepathophysiology of type 2 diabetes and are correlated negatively with the fasting plasma free fatty acid concentrations.

© 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


Perturbations métaboliques des cardiomyocytes liées au diabèteNombre de données récentes, obtenues chez l’animal et chez l’homme, indiquent que le diabète est associé à des altérations du

métabolisme énergétique des myocytes cardiaques. Bien que l’oxydation mitochondriale des acides gras à longue chaîne représentenormalement la source principale d’énergie pour le myocarde, la contribution des voies d’utilisation intracellulaire du glucose estsignificative et elle permet, notamment, l’adaptabilité nécessaire de la production d’ATP aux diverses conditions physiologiques etnutritionnelles. Au cours du diabète, l’entrée des acides gras dans les myocytes cardiaques est majorée, d’une part en raison de leurplus grande disponibilité, et, d’autre part, de la réduction de l’utilisation du glucose qui accompagne l’insulino-résistance.L’oxydation très largement prédominante des acides gras est associée à une augmentation de consommation d’oxygène du myocardeet à une accumulation cellulaire de dérivés lipidiques. Les altérations métaboliques des cardiomyocytes au cours du diabète peuventelles-mêmes être à l’origine d’anomalies de la structure (remodelage ventriculaire) et de la fonction ventriculaires cardiaques.

© 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Diabetes; Cardiac energy metabolism; Fatty acid utilization; Ventricular dysfunction; Review

Mots clés : Diabète ; Métabolisme du myocyte cardiaque ; Acides gras ; Dysfonction ventriculaire ; Revue

* Corresponding author.E-mail Address: [email protected] (D. Feuvray).

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S4 D. Feuvray, A. Darmellah / Diabetes & Metabolism 34 (2008)

1. Introduction

Cardiovascular complications are now the leadingcause of diabetes mellitus related morbidity and mortality[1�. It is generally appreciated that the major cardiaccomplications of diabetes mellitus include the large con-duit arteries, epicardial coronary arteries, and the micro-vasculature. What is less appreciated and still consideredsomewhat controversial is the concept that diabetesaffects cardiac structure and function independent ofblood pressure or coronary artery disease. There are nowconsiderable experimental, pathological, epidemiologi-cal, and clinical data to support the existence of “diabeticcardiomyopathy” [2�, a concept initially described35 years ago [3�. Since Rubler et al [3� first suggested theexistence of “diabetic cardiomyopathy” based on post-mortem findings in only four adult patients, the definitionof diabetic cardiomyopathy has been greatly redefinedand there is now general agreement on the type of heartdisease associated with diabetes. Diabetes is now wellrecognized as a risk factor for the development of heartfailure. Men with diabetes are more than twice as likelyto have heart failure than those without the disease, anddiabetic women have a five-fold increased risk [4�. Heartfailure can affect either systolic function or diastolicfunction, or both. Another, often unappreciated, butimportant feature of diabetic heart disease, particularly intype 2 diabetes, is a disproportionate increase in left ven-tricular mass [5,6�. Specifically, the Framingham HeartStudy first identified associations of diabetes with higherleft ventricular wall thickness and mass in women but notin men [7�. However a more recent report, the StrongHeart Study, confirmed and extended this observation bydemonstrating associations of left ventricular absoluteand relative wall thickness, as well as left ventricularmass in absolute terms and indexed for measures of bodysize with diabetes in both men and women [6�. Thus dia-betes is associated with an increased risk of left ventricu-lar hypertrophy and left ventricular dysfunction.

In this short review, we provide an update on ourcurrent understanding of the complexities of diabeticcardiomyopathy with a special emphasis on the rela-tionship between the metabolic perturbations thataccompany diabetes and lead to a cardiomyopathicphenotype. An understanding of the cellular effects ofthese metabolic disturbances on cardiomyocytesshould be useful in predicting the structural and func-tional cardiac consequences.

2. Cardiomyocyte metabolic disturbances in diabetes

Under normal conditions, myocardial energy substratepreference varies in a dynamic manner to fulfill the tre-mendous energy needs of the postnatal mammalian heart.Whereas the fetal heart relies primarily on glucose and

lactate, the capacity for mitochondrial fatty acid oxida-tion increases markedly after birth, providing the adultheart the option of using glucose or fatty acids to meetenergy demands depending on dietary and physiologicconditions [8� (Fig. 1). In diabetes, the capacity for car-diac energy substrate switches becomes constrained dueto the importance of insulin in the control of myocardialglucose uptake and utilization. Type 1 diabetes differsprincipally from type 2 diabetes in that it is unaccompa-nied by a period of hyperinsulinemia and is characterizedby early- as opposed to late-onset hyperglycemia. Ano-ther characteristic metabolic disturbance evident in dia-betic states is hyperlipidemia, usually in the form ofincreased triglycerides and nonesterified fatty acids. Inthe uncontrolled diabetic state, because of the combinedeffects of myocyte insulin resistance and high circulatingfatty acids [9�, cardiomyocytes use fatty acids almostexclusively to support ATP synthesis.

Cardiac fatty acid utilization pathways are controlled,in part, at the gene regulatory level. Nuclear receptortranscription factors are particularly well-suited for regu-lating the cardiac metabolic gene program [10�. In recent










Fatty acids (FA: C16, C18)

Excessive FA supply

FA uptake






- Acyl carnitine









ATP Electron transport/oxidativephosphorylation pathway


Fig. 1

Innermitochondrial membrane










Fatty acids (FA: C16, C18)

Excessive FA supply

FA uptake






- Acyl carnitine









ATP Electron transport/oxidativephosphorylation pathway


Innermitochondrial membrane

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram showing cardiac myocyte energy metabolism.FA and glucose oxidation are the main ATP producing pathways. In theuncontrolled diabetic state, because of the combined effects of insulin resis-tance and high circulating fatty acids, cardiomyocytes use fatty acids almostexclusively to support ATP synthesis. FA indicates fatty acid; TG, triglyce-rides; Acyl-CoA, long-chain acyl-CoA esters; Acyl carnitine, long-chainacyl carnitine; IR, insulin receptor; PI3-K, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase;Akt, also known as protein kinase B; AMPK, 5’-AMP-activated proteinkinase; ACC, acetyl-CoA carboxylase; CPT-1, carnitine palmitoyl transfe-rase-1; TCA, tricarboxylic acid.

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D. Feuvray, A. Darmellah / Diabetes & Metabolism 34 (2008) S5

years, a number of receptors identified without prior insi-ght to their ligands have been shown to respond to die-tary-derived lipid intermediates, including long-chainfatty acids [11,12�. Because the heart must adapt to con-tinuously changing energy demands but has limited capa-city for storing fatty acids or glucose, myocardial energysubstrate flux must be tightly matched with demand.Ligand-activated nuclear receptors are poised to rapidlyrespond to fluctuating energy substrate levels. Theperoxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), asfatty acid-activated nuclear receptors, are now recogni-zed as key regulators of cardiac fatty acid metabolism.PPAR� isoform is thought to be the primary transcriptio-nal regulator of fat metabolism in tissues with high fattyacid oxidation rates such as the heart. Evidence forPPAR� as a key regulator of cardiac energy metabolismhas been provided by the PPAR� “knockout” (PPAR� – /–)mouse studies [13,14�. Constitutive expression of genesinvolved in fatty acid uptake, mitochondrial transport andbeta-oxidation are decreased in hearts of PPAR� – /– mice[14,15�. Correspondingly, myocardial long-chain fattyacid uptake and oxidation rates are diminished in PPAR��– /–

hearts [15,16�. Conversely, cardiac-specific PPAR� ove-rexpression (MHC- PPAR� mice) activates expression offatty acid utilization genes [17�. Studies using variousdiabetic rodent models have shown diabetes-related car-diomyocyte metabolic dysregulation. Leptin-deficientobese (ob/ob) mice and Zucker fatty rats exhibit triglyce-ride accumulation and increased expression of genesinvolved in lipid uptake and triglyceride synthesis[18,19�. In both models, ventricular mass was increased.Functionally, decreased contractile function observed inZucker obese rats was attributed to lipotoxic effects ofthe accumulated species [20�. These studies implicatedefective PPAR� signalling in these models, causing amismatch between fatty acid uptake and metabolism [20�.The MHC-PPAR� mouse model has demonstrated adirect relationship between the chronic drive on myocar-dial fatty acid metabolism and the development of cardio-myopathy [17�. The expression of genes involved in car-diac fatty acid uptake and oxidation pathways wasincreased whereas those involved in glucose transportand utilization was repressed. In addition, MHC-PPAR�mouse hearts exhibit signature of diabetic cardiomyopa-thy including ventricular hypertrophy and dysfunctionthat is exacerbated with high fat feeding [21�.

Work from a number of sources [22,23,24,25� supportsthe notion that fatty acids play a critical role in triggeringthe development of cellular insulin resistance throughderangements in insulin signalling cascade. Insulinsignalling is mediated by complex multiple pathwayscharacterized by spatial and temporal aspects [26,27,28].Insulin binding to the insulin receptor (IR) stimulates thetyrosine kinase activity of IR leading to IR autophospho-rylation and to the subsequent phosphorylation of IRsubstrate (IRS-1/2). Recent studies have suggested that

local accumulation of fat metabolites inside skeletal mus-cle, such as accumulation of fatty acyl-CoA, induces theactivation of atypical protein kinase C (PKC) -theta, aserine/threonine kinase that phosphorylates and subse-quently activates I�B kinase [29�. I�B kinase phospho-rylates serine residues on IRS-1, inhibiting its ability tobind SH2 domains of the p85 regulatory subunit of thelipid kinase phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K),impairing insulin signal transduction. As a consequence,the recruitment of Glut4 transporters (Glut4 transloca-tion) to the plasma membrane, and therefore glucoseuptake, is compromised. Although this mechanism isactive in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue, it has beenless clear whether similar mechanisms are apparent incardiac muscle [9� although cellular accumulation oflong-chain fatty acyl derivatives has been shown to occur[30�.

Another role for increased fatty acid concentrations isthe attenuation of insulin regulation of 5’-AMP-activatedprotein kinase (AMPK) [31�. AMPK is a heterotrimericenzyme [32] that acts as a key “metabolic switch” in theheart in the control of glucose and fatty oxidation. AMPKalso phosphorylates and inactivates key enzymes invol-ved in ATP-consuming pathways. In the heart, AMPKstimulates fatty acid oxidation by inactivating acetyl-CoA carboxylase and so decreasing the concentration ofmalonyl-CoA which inhibits the entry and the subsequentoxidation of long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria[33,34]. Interestingly, it has been shown that AMPK acti-vation is antagonized by insulin [35]. The anti-AMPKeffect of insulin is wortmannin-sensitive, like most short-term effects of insulin, suggesting that it is mediated byPI3-kinase. Therefore, the metabolic consequences of theinteraction between insulin and AMPK is normally toincrease malonyl-CoA concentration and consequently tolimit fatty acid oxidation while facilitating glucose oxida-tion. This may be blunted by the presence of high plasmafatty acid levels in diabetes [36�.

3. Relationship between metabolic disturbances and the development of diabetic cardiomyopathy phenotype

An important question raised relates to the mechanisticlink(s) between altered myocardial energy metabolismand cardiac dysfunction in the diabetic heart. In the con-text of high-level fatty acid uptake [9�, lipid intermedia-tes accumulate within cardiac myocytes [30�. Recent evi-dence [37� suggests that increases in long-chain acylcoenzyme A (CoA) esters and fatty acids directly linkmetabolism to KATP channels in the heart. Studies on iso-lated guinea-pig ventricular myocytes have shown [37�that long-chain acyl-CoA esters facilitate opening of KATP

channels by reducing ATP sensitivity. The effects of

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S6 D. Feuvray, A. Darmellah / Diabetes & Metabolism 34 (2008)

acyl-CoA esters on KATP channels in cardiac myocytesmay be functionally important because long-chain fattyacids, particularly C16 and C18 fatty acids, serve as themain metabolic substrates of the heart, especially for thediabetic heart. The metabolizable form of these fattyacids is that of acyl-CoA esters, which are synthesized atthe outer mitochondrial membrane via acyl-CoA synthe-tase, imported into the mitochondria, and subsequentlymetabolized via beta-oxidation. However, since exces-sive long-chain acyl-CoA ester levels are present in thediabetic heart [30� it is tempting to speculate that this mayfavour opening of the cell membrane KATP channel. Theresulting shortening of the action potential would lead toa reduction in transsarcolemmal Ca2+ influx and subse-quently to a reduction in myocardial contractility [37�.

Alternatively or together, reliance on fatty acid oxida-tion for ATP production, which results in higher mito-chondrial oxygen consumption costs compared with glu-cose oxidation, could also contribute to ventriculardysfunction [38�. Theoretical calculations of the yield ofATP per oxygen atom consumed (P/O) show that fattyacids are a less efficient fuel when compared to glucose.In other words, more oxygen is required for ATP produc-tion when hearts are metabolizing fatty acids compared toglucose utilization. However, the theoretical differencein cardiac efficiency based on P/O ratios for fat and glu-cose metabolism is greater than expected when lipid uti-lization is increased [39]. This discrepancy feeds theargument that fatty acids can induce uncoupling of mito-chondria, perhaps by upregulation of the uncoupling pro-tein UCP3 expression and activity. Uncoupling proteins(UCPs) are mitochondrial transporters present in theinner membrane of mitochondria. They belong to thefamily of anion mitochondrial carriers including adeninenucleotide transporters. The term “uncoupling protein”was originally used for UCP1, which is uniquely presentin mitochondria of brown adipocytes [40]. UCP1 cataly-zes a highly regulated proton leak, converting energy sto-red within the mitochondrial proton electrochemicalpotential gradient to heat. This uncouples fuel oxidationfrom conversion of ADP to ATP [41]. The most likelyaction of cardiac UCP3 is to regulate fatty acid oxidation[41]. UCP3 expression was shown to be up-regulated intype 1 diabetic rat hearts [42,43] which have elevatedrates of fatty acid oxidation. Basal UCP3 expression wasalso elevated in Zucker hearts [44]. Interestingly, UCP3is also a PPAR� target [43]. Whether changes in UCP3gene expression in diabetic hearts result in changes inprotein expression or activity or ultimately lead to alteredcardiac function had to be determined [43]. A very recentstudy [45] of mitochondrial energetics in hearts of leptinreceptor-mutant (db/db) diabetic obese mice has demons-trated that mitochondrial uncoupling is indeed mediatedby activation of uncoupling proteins independently ofchanges in expression levels. This likely occurs on the

basis of increased delivery of the reducing equivalentsFADH2 and NADH from beta-oxidation to the electrontransport chain, thereby increasing reactive oxygen spe-cies production that activates uncoupling proteins.

Finally, the increased intracellular accumulation offatty acids may contribute to cardiomyocyte death undercircumstances in which fatty acid cell uptake overstepbeta-oxidation capacity. This has been shown in hearts ofZucker diabetic fatty rats in which endogenous triglyce-ride levels are high and their hydrolysis to fatty acyl (pal-mitoyl) -CoA provides increased substrate for ceramidesynthesis which, in turn, causes apoptosis [46]. In thisstudy, troglitazone therapy lowered myocardial triglyce-ride, prevented cardiomyocyte apoptosis and reducedcontractile function abnormalities such as reduction infractional shortening. Under these circumstances,increased fatty acids are said to cause lipotoxicity.Although lipotoxicity has been implicated in the reduc-tion in pancreatic beta-cell reserves, the relevance ofthese findings in the human diabetic myocardium remainsto be established [9]. However, lipotoxicity is not solelydependent on triglyceride stores and lipid deposition;increases in fatty acid oxidation can also contribute.Mitochondria can be a substantial source of reactive oxy-gen species [47]. Zucker hearts show increases in lipidperoxidation [48]; antioxidant defenses are up-regulated[49] but clearly this up-regulation is insufficient to pro-tect the heart from lipid peroxidation. Lipid peroxidationcould be occurring through several mechanisms [45,48],increased production of reactive oxygen species as aresult of excessive fatty acid oxidation and an elevatedmitochondrial membrane potential, or increased peroxi-dation due to the presence of a large quantity of lipidwhich is able to undergo peroxidation. Lipid peroxidationin the Zucker rat heart was proportional to the concentra-tion of myocardial lipid [48]. The role of mitochondria-derived reactive oxygen species in models with confir-med increases in cardiac fatty acid oxidation has yet to bedetermined [50].

Thus, metabolic abnormalities in the diabetic heartwith over-reliance on fatty acid utilization play a centralrole not only in inducing cardiomyocyte insulin resis-tance but also in affecting myocardial contractility.

As noted before, diabetes is a strong risk factor for thedevelopment of heart failure, and left ventricular hyper-trophy has been detected in a significant proportion oftype 2 diabetic patients [5,6]. Up to now, the metabolictrigger (s) and cellular signalling pathways associatedwith altered myocardial structure remain incompletelyunderstood. The role of insulin and of hyperinsulinemiahas been reviewed recently [9] and will not be developedhere. In short, can hyperinsulinemia cause cardiomyocytehypertrophy if the cellular actions of insulin are attenua-ted? Acutely, insulin stimulates growth through the samePI3K-Akt pathway by which it mediates glucose uptake.Then downstream effectors are activated that govern the

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hypertrophic process [51,52,53]. However, these effectsmay be mitigated when insulin signalling pathway (through thePI3K-Akt signalling) is impaired. Other possibilities includestimulation of both the MAP kinase signalling pathway andexcessive prenylation of Ras and Rho proteins, as it has beenproposed for the proatherogenic action of compensatory hype-rinsulinemia in the vascular wall [52].

Another actor that has emerged recently as playing a role inthe development of left ventricular myocyte hypertrophy undersome circumstances in diabetes is the sarcolemmal Na+ /H+

exchanger. The Na+ /H+ exchanger (NHE isoform 1) contribu-tes significantly to the integrated control of intracellular pH(pHi) in myocardial cells [54] and therefore directly links car-diomyocyte metabolic state to ionic (especially intracellularNa+ ) homeostasis. Several studies have indicated that chronicinhibition of NHE1 favourably interferes with the developmentof cardiac hypertrophy [55,56]. Most recent results [57] havedemonstrated an increase in NHE1 activity in cardiac left ven-tricular myocytes of the GK rat model of type 2 diabetes. Thisis accompanied by a phenotype of hypertrophy that can be pre-vented by chronic treatment with a selective pharmacologicalNHE1 inhibitor. The metabolic trigger for NHE1 activation,which is extremely sensitive to intracellular proton concentra-tion, is a small decrease in pHi. It was found there that elevatedNHE1 activity is able to stimulate the Akt pathway and ultima-tely lead to cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. These data may contri-bute to shedding light on the central role that NHE1 may playin favouring LV hypertrophy in type 2 diabetic patients withimpaired myocardial perfusion [58,59�, and therefore mildmyocardial ischaemia, in some circumstances.

4. Conclusion

Taken together these findings highlight the complexity ofalterations in myocardial cell metabolism that may be associa-ted with a multifactorial disease such as diabetes, especiallytype 2 diabetes. Target tissues become resistant to the effectsof insulin and fatty acids likely play a critical role in thedevelopment of cellular insulin resistance. Certainly, thereare similarities in cardiac dysfunction in animal models andhuman type 2 diabetes and/or obesity. For instance, obeseyoung women showed increased cardiac fatty acid utiliza-tion measured by positron emission tomography andincreased myocardial oxygen consumption with reducedcardiac efficiency [38]. Furthermore, accumulation of tri-glycerides within cardiomyocytes (Fig. 2) was an earlymetabolic marker that was associated with increased leftventricular mass [60]. Similar results have been obtainedwith heart tissue from heart failure patients undergoing car-diac transplantation [61]. The highest levels of lipid stainingwere observed in patients with diabetes and obesity. In thissituation, intramyocardial lipid deposition was associatedwith an up-regulation of PPAR� regulated genes, as well aswith an increase in myosin heavy chain (MHC) -betaexpression. Cardiac overexpression of MHC-beta results indecreased systolic function [62]. These changes are verysimilar to those observed in the Zucker diabetic fatty ratheart with contractile dysfunction. Finally, cardiac highenergy phosphate metabolites measured at rest in type 2 dia-betic patients using 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spec-troscopy, have revealed a decrease in phosphocreatine toATP ratios [63]. These data also indicate that alterations incardiac energetics occur early in the pathophysiology oftype 2 diabetes and are correlated negatively with the fastingplasma free fatty acid concentrations. All these findings sug-gest that chronic manipulation of myocardial metabolic

Fig. 2. Representative electron microscopy images obtained from ultra-thin sections of fixed ventricular tissue of a normal (left) and an age-matched (strep-tozotocin-induced) diabetic rat heart (right). Note the presence of numerous lipid droplets (*, i.e. TG accumulation) inside the cardiac myocyte of the diabeticrat heart (right). S, sarcomere; mito, mitochondria.

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S8 D. Feuvray, A. Darmellah / Diabetes & Metabolism 34 (2008)

substrate aimed at improving the coupling between fattyacid delivery and oxidation in cardiomyocytes, may preventor slow the progression of left ventricular dysfunction inhearts of diabetic patients.

No potential conflict of interest revelant to this article wasreported.


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© 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Diabetes & Metabolism 34 (2008) S10-S15

Plasma N-terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide (Nt-proBNP) level and prognosis after myocardial infarction in diabetes.

B. Vergèsa,*, M. Zellerb, J.-C. Beerb, Y. Cottinb, on behalf of RICO survey working group

a Service d’Endocrinologie-Diabétologie, CHU Bocage, boulevard de Lattre de Tassigny, 21034 Dijon cedex, Franceb Service de Cardiologie, CHU Bocage, boulevard de Lattre de Tassigny, 21034 Dijon cedex, France

Received: September 10th 2007; accepted: October 30th 2007


Plasma N-terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide (Nt-proBNP) level has been shown to provide valuable prognostic informationon short and long-term mortality in patients with acute Myocardial Infarction, in the general population. Increased plasma Nt-proBNPlevels have been found in Type 2 diabetic patients with vascular complications or with hypertension. In a large prospective studyperformed in 560 patients hospitalized for acute Myocardial Infarction (RICO), we found that median Nt-proBNP levels weresignificantly higher in the 199 diabetic patients compared to the 361 non-diabetic patients (245 (81-77) vs. 130 (49-199) pmol/L,P<0.0001). This difference remained highly significant after adjustment for confounding factors and we have been able to show thatdiabetes, per se, was a strong and independent factor for increased plasma Nt-proBNP levels, in this population. In the prospectiveRICO survey, we have found, in multivariable analysis, that diabetes was an independent factor for in-hospital mortality (OR: 1.79[1.45-2.20]; P =0.0064) and cardiogenic shock (OR: 1.45(1.22-1.72); P =0.0364) when the variable Nt-proBNP level was notintroduced into the model, but was less significantly associated with mortality (OR: 1.73 (1.39-2.16); P =0.0107) and no longerassociated with cardiogenic shock when Nt-proBNP was in the model. This data suggest that increased plasma Nt-proBNP may beone of the links between diabetes and poor short-term prognosis after Myocardial Infarction and provides highly valuable prognosticinformation on in-hospital outcome in diabetic patients.

© 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


Concentrations plasmatiques de Nt-proBNP et pronostic après infarctus du myocarde au cours du diabète

Dans la population générale, le taux plasmatique de N-terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide (Nt-proBNP) est un indice du pronostic àcourt et long terme après infarctus du myocarde. Des taux augmentés de Nt-proBNP ont été rapportés chez des patients diabétiques de type 2avec atteinte cardiovasculaire ou hypertension artérielle. Dans une étude prospective de grande taille réalisée cher 560 patients hospitaliséspour infarctus du myocarde (RICO), nous avons observé que le taux médian de Nt-proBNP était significativement plus élevé chez les 199patients diabétiques que chez les 361 patients non diabétiques (245 (81-77) vs. 130 (49-199) pmol/L, P <0,0001). Cette différence demeuraithautement significative après ajustement pour les facteurs confondants et nous avons pu montrer que le diabète, per se, était, dans cettepopulation, un puissant facteur indépendant de l’augmentation des taux plasmatiques de Nt-proBNP. Dans cette même étude RICO, nousavons montré qu’en analyse multivariée, le diabète était un facteur indépendant de mortalité hospitalière (OR: 1,79 [1,45-2,20]; P=0,0064)et de choc cardiogénique (OR: 1,45(1,22-1,72); P =0,0364), lorsque la variable Nt-proBNP n’était pas prise en compte. Mais, lorsque lavariable Nt-proBNP était introduite dans le modèle statistique, l’association indépendante entre le diabète et le choc cardiogénique n’étaitplus retrouvée et celle entre le diabète et la mortalité hospitalière était moins importante (OR: 1,73 (1,39-2,16); P=0,0107). Ces données

* Corresponding author.E-mail Address: [email protected] (B. Vergès).

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B. Vergès et al. / Diabetes & Metabolism 34 (2008) S11

montrent que le Nt-proBNP est un excellent indice du pronostic à court terme après infarctus du myocarde, chez les patients diabétiques etqu’il pourrait être un des liens entre le diabète et le mauvais pronostic après nécrose myocardique.

© 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Diabetes; Myocardial infarction; Nt-proBNP; BNP; Ischemia

Mots clés : Diabète ; Infarctus du myocarde ; Nt-proBNP ; BNP ; Ischémie

Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) and N-terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide (Nt-proBNP) are secreted fromcardiomyocytes in response to increased wall stress [1-4].BNP is produced as a 108 aminoacid prohormone, proBNP,which is enzymatically cleaved into the 32 amino-acid BNPand the N-terminal part of the prohormone, Nt-proBNP [4].Levels of BNP and Nt-proBNP correlate with left ventricu-lar dilatation, remodeling and dysfunction in patients afteracute Myocardial Infarction [5, 6]. In patients with acuteMyocardial Infarction, the increase in Nt-proBNP is greaterthan in BNP [7] and has a higher discriminative value forearly cardiac dysfunction than BNP, suggesting it may be amore sensitive marker of left ventricular dysfunction [8-9].Plasma Nt-proBNP level has been shown to provide valua-ble prognostic information on short and long-term mortalityin patients with acute Myocardial Infarction [5, 9]. It hasrecently been shown that Nt-proBNP was independentlyassociated with the risk of sudden death in patients withheart failure [10].

1. Nt-proBNP in Type 2 diabetes

levels have been found increased in Type 2 diabetic patientswith vascular complications [11]. In this study, coronaryheart disease and nephropathy (defined as an albumin/crea-tinine ratio above 2 mg/mmol) were each independentlyassociated with elevated values of Nt-proBNP. In a studyperformed in 60 Type 2 diabetic patients without albuminu-ria, mean Nt-proBNP level was significantly higher amongdiabetic hypertensive patients compared with both diabeticnormotensive patients and controls but no difference wasfound between the diabetic normotensive patients and thecontrols [12]. In this study, diabetic patients with concentricand eccentric hypertrophy or left atrial enlargement hadsignificantly higher Nt-proBNP levels compared with thecontrol group and the increased plasma level of Nt-proBNPobserved in hypertensive, normoalbuminuric patients withType 2 diabetes was related to left ventricular hypertrophyand increased left atrial and ventricular diameters [12]. Anechocardiographic study has shown that plasma Nt-proBNPlevel was elevated in type 2 diabetic patients with normalejection fraction but with diastolic dysfunction [13]. In across-sectional study, it has been shown that median plasmaNt-proBNP was increased in diabetic patients without overtcardiovascular disease suggesting a higher prevalence ofasymptomatic left ventricular dysfunction [14]. In a study

performed in 560 patients hospitalized for acute MyocardialInfarction, we found that median Nt-proBNP levels weresignificantly higher in the 199 diabetic patients compared tothe 361 non-diabetic patients (245 (81-77) vs. 130 (49-199)pmol/L, P<0.0001) [15]. This difference remained highlysignificant after adjustment for age, female gender, creati-nine clearance, left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF),plasma peak troponin, anterior wall necrosis and hyperten-sion [15]. We performed a multivariable linear regressionanalysis to analyze the association between plasma Nt-pro-BNP and several variables known to be associated with Nt-proBNP. The variables introduced into the model were thosewhich were associated with Nt-proBNP with a p value <0.20, in the univariate analysis: creatinine clearance, plasmapeak troponin, LVEF, age, gender, diabetes, hypertension,anterior wall necrosis and ST segment elevation MyocardialInfarction (STEMI). The multivariable analysis showed thatNt-proBNP was negatively associated with creatinine clea-rance (P<0.0001) and LVEF (P<0.0001) and positivelyassociated with plasma peak troponin level (P<0.0001), age(P=0.0016), diabetes (P=0.0045) and female gender(P=0.0104), but neither with hypertension, anterior wallnecrosis nor STEMI [16]. When multivariable regressionanalysis was performed in the subgroup of diabetic patientswith Myocardial Infarction, Nt-proBNP was negativelyassociated with creatinine clearance (P=0.0004) and LVEF(P=0.0003) and positively associated with peak plasma tro-ponin level (P=0.0002), mean fasting blood glucose(P=0.0281) and female gender (P=0.0375) [15].

Increased plasma levels of Nt-proBNP have been repor-ted in diabetic patients without overt cardiovascular disease[14, 16] and with acute coronary syndrome [17]. However,no adjustment for LVEF, an important determinant ofplasma Nt-proBNP have been performed in these studies. Inour study, we found a significant increase in plasma Nt-pro-BNP in diabetic patients compared to non-diabetic patientsindependently of possible cofounders such as age, sex,LVEF, creatinine clearance, BMI, hypertension, plasma tro-ponin level and anterior wall location. Our data suggest thatdiabetes, per se, is a strong and independent factor forplasma Nt-proBNP after Myocardial Infarction. Interestin-gly, we found a 88% increase in Nt-proBNP median valuein diabetic patients after Myocardial Infarction when only a20% increase was observed by Magnusson et al in diabeticpatients without overt cardiovascular disease [14], sugges-ting a strong influence of diabetes on plasma Nt-proBNPlevel in acute coronary events.

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Figure 2b Figure 2a







Death No-death



















P<0.0001 2. Nt-proBNP and short term prognosis after Myocardial Infarction, in Type 2 diabetes

RICO survey, a registry of patients hospitalized for acuteMyocardial Infarction in one eastern region of France,were studied prospectively. Among the 560 patients, 199(35%) were diabetic. During the hospital stay, mortalitywas significantly higher in diabetic patients than in non-diabetic patients (15.6% vs. 3.3%, P<0.0001). A signifi-cant 2.2 fold increase in cardiogenic shock was observedin the diabetic group compared to the non-diabetic group(17.6% vs. 7.7%, P=0.0004). No significant differenceswere noted between diabetic and non-diabetic patients forrecurrent Myocardial Infarction (12.1% vs. 8.3%,P=0.15) or ventricular arrhythmia (12.1% vs. 8.9%,P=0.23) (Fig. 1). Plasma Nt-proBNP levels were signifi-cantly higher in patients who died at hospital (800 (147-3915) vs. 143 (55-357) pmol/L P<0.0001) and in thosewho suffered a cardiogenic shock during in-hospital stay(680 (164-1577) vs. 137 (53-336) pmol/L, P<0.0001)(Fig. 2).

In multivariate analysis, cardiogenic shock was asso-ciated with systolic blood pressure (mm Hg)(OR:0.96(0.95-0.97); P<0.0001), creatinine clearance <60 ml/min (OR: 1.54 (1.30-1.82); P=0.0125) and diabetes (OR:1.45(1.22-1.72); P=0.0364), when Nt-proBNP was notintroduced into the model. When Nt-proBNP was intro-duced into the model, cardiogenic shock was associatedwith Nt-proBNP (OR: 2.22 (1.92-2.58); P<0.0001), sys-tolic blood pressure (OR: 0.96(0.95-0.97); P<0.0001) butno longer with diabetes (Table 1).

In multivariable analysis, diabetes was an independentfactor for mortality (p=0.0064) when the variable Nt-pro-

BNP level was not introduced into the model, but was lesssignificantly associated with mortality (P=0.0107), whenNt-proBNP was in the model (Table 2).

Our findings are consistent with the previous datashowing an increased incidence of cardiogenic shock andin-hospital mortality after Myocardial Infarction, in diabeticpatients [18, 19]. Moreover, we found a strong associationbetween plasma Nt-proBNP level and the level of risk fordeath or cardiogenic shock after Myocardial Infarction, inpatients with diabetes. This is a major finding of our study,as it suggests that increased plasma Nt-proBNP may be oneof the links between diabetes and the increased risk for car-diogenic shock after Myocardial Infarction. Indeed, in mul-tivariable analysis, diabetes is a significant independent fac-tor for cardiogenic shock when the variable Nt-proBNP isnot introduced into the model but is no more associated withincreased risk of cardiogenic shock when Nt-proBNP isintroduced into the model. This result supports the hypothe-sis that the increased risk of both cardiogenic shock and in-hospital mortality after Myocardial Infarction in diabeticpatients is linked to elevated Nt-proBNP levels.

Plasma Nt-proBNP reflects not only the size of the myo-cardial necrosis but also the extent of ischemic territory [9,20]. Indeed, plasma Nt-proBNP is increased in patients withacute coronary syndrome, even in the absence of necrosis [9,21]. Plasma Nt-proBNP elevation is also associated withrenal impairment, hypertension and systolic dysfunction [5,9, 16, 17] and seems to reflect the integral of different riskmarkers for adverse outcomes following Myocardial Infarc-tion with a high informative value.

Several pathophysiological mechanisms might explainthe increase in plasma Nt-proBNP after Myocardial Infarc-tion, in diabetic patients. Diabetic patients, even those whoare asymptomatic for cardiovascular disease, have frequentand early echographic abnormalities including increased

Fig. 2:Fig. Nt-proBNP plasma levels in patients who died during in-hospi-tal stay and in patients who did not. Data expressed as median (25th-75th).Fig. 2b: Nt-proBNP plasma levels in patients who suffered cardiogenicshock during in-hospital stay and in patients who did not. Data expressedas median (25th-75th).







In-hospital death Cardiogenic shock Reccurent MI VT/VF

Diabetic patientsNon-diabetic patientsP<0.0001


NS (p=0.15) NS 31/199 (15.6%)

12/361 (3.3%)

35/199 (7.6%)

28/361 (7.7%)

24/199 (12.1%)

30/361 (8.3%)

24/199 (12.1%)

32/361 (8.9%)

Fig. 1: Incidence of in-hospital events (death, cardiogenic shock, recurrentMI, VT/VF) in MI patients with or without diabetes.VT/VF: Ventricular Tachycardia/ Ventricular Fibrillation.

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Table 1Predictor of cardiogenic shock by multivariable logistic regression analysis.

Model 1 (without Nt-proBNP) Coef. SD Wald OR [95%] CI P

Systolic Blood Pressure (mm Hg) -0.04 0.007 31.70 0.96 [0.95-0.97] <0.0001

Creatinine clearance <60 ml/min(vs ≥ 60 ml/min)

0.43 0.17 6.24 1.54 [1.30-1.82] 0.0125

Diabetes(vs no diabetes)

0.37 0.17 4.38 1.45 [1.22-1.72 ] 0.0364

Non significant variables (removed from the model): age (p=0.50), Diastolic Blood pressure (P=0.96) and history of MI (vs no history of MI) (p=0.10).

Model 2 (with Nt-proBNP) Coef. SD Wald OR [95%] CI P

Nt-proBNP (log)(pMol/L)

0.80 0.15 26.94 2.22 [1.92-2.58] <0.0001

Systolic Blood Pressure (mm Hg) -0.037 0.007 25.38 0.96 [0.95-0.97] <0.0001

Non significant variables (removed from the model): age (p=0.10), Diastolic Blood pressure (p=0.86), history of MI (vs. no history of MI) (0.52), creatinine clearance <60 ml/min (vs. ≥ 60 ml/min) (0.40) and Diabetes (vs. no diabetes)(0.47).

MI: Myocardial infarction

Table 2Predictor of mortality by multivariable logistic regression analysis.

Model 1 (without Nt-proBNP) Coef. SD Wald OR [95%] CI P

Creatinine clearance <60 ml/min(vs ≥ 60 ml/min)

1.07 0.23 21.97 2.91 [2.31- 3.66) <0.0001

Systolic Blood Pressure (mm Hg) -0.02 0.007 9.18 0.98 [0.97-0.99] 0.0024

Diabetes(vs no diabetes)

0.58 0.21 7.44 1.79 [1.45-2.20] 0.0064

Heart rate at admission (log) (10 pulses/min) 0.360 0.18 3.98 1.43 (1.19-1.71) 0.0461

Non significant variables (removed from the model): age (0.96), Diastolic Blood pressure (P=0.56), history of MI (vs no history of MI) (0.64), anterior wall location (vs other location) (0.89), female gender (vs male) (0.30) and STEMI (vs non STEMI) (0.54).Model 2 (with Nt-proBNP) Coef. SD Wald OR [95%] CI p

Creatinine clearance <60 ml/min(vs ≥ 60 ml/min)

0.82 0.25 10.93 2.27 [1.77- 2.91) 0.0009

Nt-proBNP (log)(pMol/L)

0.42 0.15 7.18 1.52 [1.31- 1.77] 0.0073

Diabetes(vs no diabetes)

0.55 0.22 6.51 1.73 (1.39-2.16) 0.0107

Systolic Blood Pressure (mm Hg) -0.017 0.007 5.75 0.98 [0.97-0.99] 0.0165

Non significant variables (removed from the model): age (0.48), Diastolic Blood pressure (P=0.35), history of MI (vs no history of MI) (0.33), anterior wall location (vs other location) (0.96), female gender (vs male) (0.58), STEMI (vs non STEMI) (0.57) and heart rate at admission (log) (pulse/min) (0.10).

MI: Myocardial infarction; STEMI: ST segment Elevation MI

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myocardial stiffness, impaired left ventricular complianceand diastolic dysfunction [22, 23]. ATP deficiency may beresponsible for the early myocardial dysfunction observedin diabetes. Indeed, diabetic patients have an intracellularglucose deficiency leading to impaired production of ATP,which does not allow adequate Na+ /K+ -ATPase and Ca2+-ATPase functions. This modification of ion pumps leads toimpaired relaxation in the myocardium [24], which couldaccount for the increased Nt-proBNP secretion. Such meta-bolic features for increased Nt-proBNP in diabetes couldalso explain the independent association between fastingglycaemia and Nt-proBNP levels found in our study.Moreover, the increased collagen content observed in heartsfrom diabetic patients is responsible for increased myocar-dial stiffness and may participate to the elevation of plasmaNt-proBNP in diabetes [25]. In addition, the elevatedplasma Nt-proBNP levels, observed in diabetic patientsafter Myocardial Infarction, may also be explained by themore severe ischemia, compared to non-diabetic patients,even with a similar infarct size. Indeed, autopsic data haveshown a lower capillary density in the myocardium of dia-betic patients who died from Myocardial Infarction, whichcould partly explain the severity of ischemia [26]. Further-more, endothelium dysfunction, which has been reported indiabetic patients, could also be involved in the extent ofischemia [27].

Nt-proBNP and long term prognosis after MyocardialInfarction, in Type 2 diabetes

So far, no specific study analyzing the relationshipbetween plasma Nt-proBNP and long-term prognosis afterMyocardial Infarction has been performed. However, twostudies have examined the prognostic value of Nt-proBNPin patients with Type 2 diabetes [28, 29]. Gaede et al. haveinvestigated the association between plasma Nt-proBNPand cardiovascular disease in the 160 microalbuminurictype 2 diabetic patients enrolled in the Steno 2 study [28]. Inthis study, plasma Nt-proBNP being above the median wasassociated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease(primary endpoint including cardiovascular mortality, nonfatal myocardial infarction, non fatal stroke, PCI, CABG,vascular surgery and amputations) during the 7.8 year fol-low-up with an unadjusted hazard ratio of 4.4 (95% CI 2.3-8.4, P<0.0001) and hazard ratio of 3.6 (1.7-7.5, P=0.001)after adjustment for other cardiovascular risk factors [28]. Ina prospective 15.5 year follow-up study, Tarnow et al. exa-mined the relationship between baseline plasma Nt-proBNPlevel and cardiovascular mortality [29]. All-cause mortalitywas increased in patients with Nt-proBNP in the second andthird tertiles (hazard ratios [95% CI] compared with the firsttertile, 1.70 [1.08-2.67] and 5.19 [3.43-7.88], P<0.001). Thisassociation persisted after adjustment for urinary albuminexcretion rate, glomerular filtration rate and conventionalcardiovascular risk factors for the third tertile (covariateadjusted hazard ratios 2.54 [1.56-4.14], P<0.001). Thisincreased mortality was attributable to more cardiovascular

deaths. Thus, it seems that, in patients with Type 2 diabetes,Nt-proBNP is a strong predictor of cardiovascular diseaseand mortality, independently of urinary albumin secretionrate and conventional cardiovascular risk factors.

No potential conflict of interest revelant to this article wasreported.


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© 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Diabetes & Metabolism 34 (2008) S16-S20

The pathophysiology of vascular calcification: are osteoclast-like cells the missing link?

Z.A. Massya–c,*, R. Mentaverria,b, A. Mozara,b, M. Braziera,b, S. Kamela,b

a INSERM, ERI-12, 80054 Amiens, Franceb University of Picardie- Jules Verne, 80000 Amiens, France

c Amiens University Hospital, Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Nephrology, avenue Rene Laennec, 80054 Amiens, France

Received: October 13th 2007; accepted: October 30th 2007


There is increasing evidence to suggest that the initiation of vascular calcification is an active process involving vascular smooth musclecell (VSMC) apoptosis and trans-differentiation into calcifying cells. This active process results in the deposition of an osteogenicextracellular matrix and may be exacerbated by a reduction in the levels of one or more native calcification inhibitors (such as fetuin A andpyrophosphate). Here, we present data which strongly suggest that the regression of vascular calcification might also be an active cellularprocess involving osteoclast-like cells. However, the presence of osteoclast like cells in the vascular wall is rather limited. To explain thisrarity of osteoclast-like cells, we recently observed that the same factors, which promote the trans-differentiation of VSMCs into osteoblast-like cells are also capable of inhibiting the in vitro differentiation of monocytes/macrophages into osteoclast-like cells. An imbalancebetween osteoblast-like and osteoclast-like cell activities would therefore favour the occurrence of a pathological calcification process invessel walls. Our new data are strongly evocative of a vascular remodelling process similar to that observed in bone tissue. To confirm thishypothesis, strategies for activating osteoclasts in the vascular wall (with a view to preventing or reversing vascular calcifications) arerequired.

© 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


Physiopathologie des calcifications cardiovasculaires: les cellules osteoclast-like sont-elles le chaînon manquant ?

Il est désormais bien établi que le processus de calcification vasculaire est un processus actif impliquant l’apoptose des ostéoblastes ainsique leur transdifférentiation en cellules calcifiantes. Ce processus conduit au dépôt d’une matrice extracellulaire de type ostéogénique etpourrait être aggravé par la baisse de la quantité d’inhibiteurs de calcification tels la fétuine A et/ou le pyrophosphate. Dans cette revue, nousdiscutons du fait que la régression des calcifications vasculaires pourrait également être un processus cellulaire actif faisant intervenir lescellules ostéoclastiques. Néanmoins, la présence de cellules ostéoclase-like a été difficilement démontrée dans les parois vasculairesjusqu’ici. Récemment, nous avons mis en évidence que les mêmes facteurs qui induisent la minéralisation de cellules musculaires lisses

inhibent la différenciation des précurseurs monocytaires-macrophagiques en ostéoclast-like. Ainsi, ces données pourraient expliquerla faible présence d’ostéoclast-like dans les parois vasculaires. Un déséquilibre entre l’activité des cellules ostéoblastiques-like etostéoclastiques-like pourrait favoriser la survenue de calcifications dans les parois vasculaires pathologiques. Ces nouveaux élémentssuggèrent fortement la possibilité d’un remodelage au niveau vasculaire, semblable à celui observé dans le tissu osseux. Des stratégies visant

* Corresponding author.E-mail Address: [email protected] (Z.A. Massy).

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Z.A. Massy et al. / Diabetes & Metabolism 34 (2008)

Keywords: Osteoclast; Osteoblast; Monocyte/macrophage; Vascular smooth muscle cells; Inorganic phosphate; Vascular calcification; Review; Urémic toxins

Mots clés : Ostéoclaste ; Ostéoblaste ; Monocyte/macrophage ; Cellules musculaires lisses ; Phosphate inorganique ; Calcification vasculaire ; Revue générale ; Toxines urémiques

1. Introduction

Cardiovascular calcification is frequent in the generalpopulation, in diabetic patients, and in patients with chronickidney disease and is associated with an increased cardio-vascular risk.[1-11] Cardiovascular calcification in the vas-cular walls is accompanied by the deposition of a minerali-zed osteogenic protein matrix. These calcium deposits areessentially localized in the media of the vascular wall but arealso found in subintimal atherosclerotic plaques [12]. Bothtypes of deposit are often observed simultaneously inhumans and probably share common cellular and molecularmechanisms in their genesis [13].

2. The physiological development of bone calcification

ted cell-mediated process in bone tissue [14]. Bone derivesfrom intramembranous and/or endochondral cartilage ossi-fication. In the latter process longitudinal bars of cartilagematrix become calcified and thus form the growth plate ofcortical bones. Hypertrophic chondrocyte death in this zonemeans that the extracellular chondroid matrix becomesimpregnated with calcium salts. Moreover hypertrophicchondrocytes release matrix vesicles - small membrane-bound bodies equipped with sophisticated cellular tools forcreating a microenvironment that favours the nucleation ofhydroxyapatite crystals (initiation step). This initial calcifi-cation process is followed by (i) the invasion of cartilagecells from the blood vessels (ii) the metaphysis/destructionof cartilage and (iii) the formation of bone along the remai-ning walls of the precalcified cartilage. The bone matrix pro-duced by osteoblasts is subsequently mineralized by the co-ordinated interaction of several mineralizing-regulating pro-teins (i.e. the nucleation and crystal growth steps). Bonemineralization is determined partly by the osteoblasts'abilityto remove pyrophosphate (a physiological inhibitor of mine-ralization) from their surrounding bone matrix via tissuenon-specific alkaline phosphatase (Tnap) activity and thepresence of a fibrillar (type I) collagen-rich network in thebone matrix [15]. Although the genes coding for Tnap andfibrillar collagen are not osteoblast-specific osteoblasts inbone and odontoblasts in teeth are the only cell types inwhich they are co-expressed. In the final (regression) step

minerals are resorbed by osteoclasts - the only cell type res-ponsible for bone tissue degradation. Mature osteoclasts arelarge multinuclear cells with a characteristic tartrate-resis-tant acid phosphatase (TRAP) activity. The regulation ofbone resorption involves two major processes: recruitmentof new osteoclasts from haematopoietic precursors (mono-cyte/macrophage cell lineages) and the activation & survivalof mature osteoclasts. Hence bone degradation is a multis-tep process which includes cell adhesion to the bone surfacecell polarization and formation of a sub-osteoclastic bone-resorbing compartment where bone degradation occurs [16].The imbalance of bone remodelling in favour of osteoclasthyperactivity leads to the acceleration of bone demineraliza-tion which is not compensated by an increase in osteoblastactivity and thus causes osteoporosis [17].

3. The pathophysiological development of vascular calcification

There is increasing evidence to suggest that matrix depo-sition in the vascular walls results from an active cellularprocess leading to the accumulation of osteogenic extracel-lular material and which is initiated (at least in part) by thematerials activation of an apoptotic process and the releaseof apoptotic bodies and matrix vesicles [18]. This active pro-cess may be exacerbated by a reduction in the levels of oneor more native calcification inhibitors (such as fetuin Apyrophosphate matrix GLA protein osteopontin and osteo-protegerin) [19-22] and/or by a partial defect in phagocyto-sis [23].

This process also appears to be intimately related toVSMC trans-differentiation into vascular calcifying cells.To date several factors have been shown to promote in vitro

,ding inorganic phosphate, inflammation, and oxidation pro-ducts. These factors act through a common mechanisminvolving core binding factor a1 (Cbfa1) [24, 25], a trans-cription factor which is specific for the osteoblastic pheno-type. Similar changes in the VSMC phenotype have beenobserved in animal models [24, 26] and human biopsy spe-cimens [25]. However, the recent demonstration of the asso-ciation of chondrocyte-like cells with media calcification inboth rat and human arteries indicates that in addition toVSMC trans-differentiation, a process resembling endo-

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S18 Z.A. Massy et al. / Diabetes & Metabolism 34 (2008)

mature osteoclastsor osteoclast-like cells

Calcified matrix


inorganic phosphateinorganic phosphate




fusion / differentiation

monocyte/macrophage precursors


osteoblast-like/ calcifying vascular cells



Calcified matrix



chondral bone formation is a second mechanism by whichvascular calcification may occur [27]. It is still unclear towhat extent the formation of calcifying vascular cells is dueto trans-differentiation of VSMCs resident in the localmedia or cell recruitment from the adventitia after the trans-formation of pericytes by Wnt signalling [28].

Osteoclast differentiation is tightly coupled to the pre-sence of cell-cell contacts between the osteoclast precursorsand osteoblasts in the bone tissue (the receptor activator ofNF-κB (RANK)/RANK ligand (RANKL)/osteoprotegerinsystem). In the calcified vascular wall the presence of (i)monocyte/macrophage cell types that are able to differenti-ate directly into osteoclasts [29] and (ii) VSMCs that havean osteoblast-like phenotype and secrete factors involved inosteoclast differentiation (such as RANKL macrophagecolony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) or pro-inflammatorycytokines) strongly suggests that osteoclastogenesis mightoccur [13; 30; 31]. The coexistence of these two differenti-ated cell types led us to hypothesize a vascular remodellingprocess similar to that observed in bone tissue. Hence animbalance between the two processes in favour of the osteo-blast-like phenotype could promote calcification [32; 33].

Preliminary data support the presence of cells with anosteoclast-like phenotype in the calcified arterial wall [3134]. Moreover Bas et al. demonstrated that calcitriol-indu-ced vascular tissue calcification in rats was partially rever-ted shortly after withdrawal of calcitriol treatment and thatthis process was associated with the presence of activatedmacrophages in the media [35]. Furthermore in a recent

study bone-marrow-derived mature allogenic osteo-clasts have been seen to interact with calcified aortic elastinand reduce its mineral content in the absence of detectableelastin degradation [36]. Taken as a whole these data indi-cate that an active cellular process may be involved in the

regression of vascular calcification and that osteoclast-likecells may play a central role in this process.

4. The potential role of osteoclast-like cells in vascular calcification

to those observed in patients with CKD inorganic phos-phate (one of the most important uraemic toxins inducingcardiovascular calcifications) significantly and dose-depen-dently decreased in vitro osteoclast monocyte/macrophageprogenitor differentiation into osteoclast-like cells [37].Inorganic phosphate was shown to affect RANKL-inducedsignalling mainly via the down-regulation of the RANKL-induced JNK Akt and NF-κB activation pathways. We alsorecently obtained similar results with other uraemic toxinssuch as oxidized LDL (data not published). Other resear-chers have shown that calcifying vascular cells restrictosteoclast differentiation via modulation of the release ofmatrix proteins (such as osteopontin) and soluble factors(such as osteoprotegerin and interleukin 18) [38]. It there-fore appears reasonable to assume that a reduction in theactivity of osteoclast-like cells in the arterial wall could beinvolved in the emergence and persistence of vascular calci-

Fig. 1: Inorganic phosphate not only promotes the trans-differentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells into calcifying osteoblast-like cells but also inhibitsthe differentiation of monocytes/macrophages into mature osteoclast-like cells and thus blocks calcified matrix resorption.RANK: receptor activator of NF-kB, RANKL: receptor activator of NF-kB ligand; M-CSF: macrophage colony-stimulating factor.

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fication. Indeed this type of phenomenon could be compa-rable to that involved in the development of osteoporosiswhere an imbalance of bone remodelling in favour of hype-rosteoclastogenesis is not compensated by an increase inosteoblast activity and thus results in a severe decrease inbone mineral density and the loss of bone micro-architectureat the trabecular level. This imbalance between osteoblast-like and osteoclast-like cells activities could explain thepathological calcification process that can be observed invessel walls (Fig. 2).

No potential conflict of interest revelant to this article wasreported.


We are very grateful to the Picardy Regional Council forits unrestricted and precious assistance in supporting theINSERM, ERI-12 research unit.


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degradation(osteoclast-like cells)

formation(osteoblast-like cells)

vascular remodelling in the absence of mineral deposit vascular remodelling in the presence of

mineral deposit (e.g. cardiovascular calcification)

uraemic toxins (e.g. inorganic phosphate, and oxidized LDL)

decreased degradation (osteoclast-like cells)

increased formation (osteoblast-like cells)

( -( -

( -

( -

Fig. 2: A hypothetical model of vascular calcification as a consequence of an imbalance in vascular remodelling; an imbalance between osteoblast-like cellactivities and osteoclast-like cell activities in favour of the former could promote a pathological calcification process in the vessel walls.

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© 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Diabetes & Metabolism 34 (2008) S21-S26

New techniques for assessing arterial stiffness

P. Boutouyriea,b

a Université Paris-Descartes, Faculté de Médecine René Descartes, INSERM, UMR872, 12, rue Ecole de Médecine 75006 Paris, Franceb APHP, Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, Department of Pharmacology, 20, rue Leblanc, 75015 Paris, France

Received: October 28th 2007; Accepted: November3rd 2007


Arterial stiffness is now included in the guidelines of the European Society of Hypertension. In this paper, we review the evidence forthe predictive value of arterial stiffness. More than 11 longitudinal trials have proven the predictive value of aortic stiffness measuredthrough carotid to femoral pulse wave velocity, beyond and above classical risk factors. Such evidence is scarcer for central pressure andlocal arterial stiffness. If we add this evidence to the easiness of performing such measure, carotid to femoral pulse wave velocity is thereference technique for assessing arterial stiffness. Its place in the investigation of patients remains to be precised.

© 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


Nouvelles techniques de mesure de la rigidité artérielleLa rigidité artérielle est à présent incluse dans les recommandations de l’European Society of Hypertension. Dans cet article, nous passons

en revue les preuves de la valeur prédictive de la rigidité artérielle. Plus de 11 études longitudinales ont apporté la preuve de la valeurprédictive de la rigidité aortique par la mesure de la vélocité de l’onde de pouls carotido-fémorale, à côté et au-delà des facteurs de risquecardiovasculaire classiques. De telles preuves sont plus rares pour la pression centrale et la rigidité artérielle locale. Si nous ajoutons à cespreuves la facilité à réaliser une telle mesure, la vélocité de l’onde de pouls carotido-fémorale est la méthode de référence pour mesurer larigidité artérielle. Sa place dans l’exploration des patients reste à préciser.

© 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Artery stiffness; Aorta; Cardiovascular risk; Epidemiology; Mortality; Central pressure

Mots clés : Rigidité artérielle ; Aorte ; Risque cardiovasculaire ; Épidémiologie ; Mortalité ; Pression centrale.

Measurement of arterial stiffness is increasingly popularfor assessing target organ damage and cardiovascular risk.In the present paper, we will review the different techni-ques available and their relative interest.

1. Measurement of aortic pulse wave velocity

We published recently a expert consensus document onarterial stiffness [1]. In this document, over 11 longitudinal

studies were listed demonstrating that a simple measure ofaortic stiffness through carotid-femoral pulse wave velo-city (CF-PWV) (Fig. 1) yielded prognostic values beyondand above traditional risk factors. Other arterial measure-ments can be used as surrogates for arterial stiffness.Among them, central pulse pressure is interesting since itmay be a better estimate of the true pressure acting on tar-get organ damage [2]. The difference between central andperipheral blood pressure is related to arterial stiffness andpressure wave reflection. It may be interesting to substitute

Corresponding author.E-mail Address: [email protected] (P. Boutouyrie).

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central blood pressure to peripheral blood pressure, since ithas been demonstrated that drugs may have a differentialeffect on central blood pressure, but not on peripheral [3].Here again, the level of evidence for the predictive value islower than for aortic stiffness.

The added value of CF-PWV above and beyond traditio-nal risk factors was demonstrated by two separate studies.The first was performed in 1045 hypertensive patients,with longitudinal follow-up of 5.9 years for CV events(fatal or non-fatal) [4]. The increase in coronary heartdisease with tertiles of CF-PWV was steeper for patientsbelonging to the first and second tertiles of Framinghamrisk score (FRS). The area under the receiver-operatingcharacteristic curve (AUC) of CF-PWV decreased fromthe lowest to the highest tertile of FRS (area under thereceiver-operating characteristic curve: from 0.65±0.07 to0.53±0.04; P=0.01). In the group of low to medium riskpatients, FRS and CF-PWV had similar predictive value(AUC = 0.65±0.07 and 0.63±0.08, respectively), and whencombined, the predictive increased since the area under thereceiver operating curve rose to 0.76±0.09 (unpublisheddata).

More recently, Mattace-Raso et al. published the predic-tive value of aortic stiffness in the elderly from a generalpopulation [5]. In this study, aortic stiffness predicted CVoutcome after adjustment on classical risk factors, intimamedia thickness, wave reflection and pulse pressure. TheAUC of the fully adjusted model (including all classicalCV risk factors and intima media thickness was 0.70.Including PWV induced a further significant increase inAUC of 2%, p<0.01. Interestingly enough, for allpublished studies about the predictive value of aortic stif-fness, patients were subsequently treated for their treatablerisk factors. This means that the predictive value of arterialstiffness is independent of common CV drug therapy. Thismay also explain why once detected and treated, classical

risk factors cease to be strong risk factors for furtherevents.

Albeit not new, the techniques have now reached adevelopment allowing easy, reproducible measure byeither doctors, nurses or technicians. The device in use mayoffer simultaneous (Complior, Artech medical, Pantin,France) (Fig. 1), or successive measure (Sphygmocor,Atcor, Sydney, Australia) after synchronization on ECG.Both techniques offer the same quality of measure, howe-ver, only the Complior can be used if the patient hasarythmia.

2. Measurement of central pressure

From these results, it can be said that aortic stiffness isa strong independent predictor of CV outcome, providinga level of information equal to classical CV risk factors,and whose value is additive to it. Measurement of centralpressure is an important advance in the assessment of largeartery properties. Central pressure differs markedly fromperipheral blood pressure (i.e. the one measured at the siteof brachial artery), mostly because of wave reflection.Indeed, when blood is ejected by the left ventricle, thepressure wave is propagating toward the periphery at afinite speed (the pulse wave velocity), and reflects onreflecting points to return toward the heart. Depending onthe place of reflecting points and the pulse wave velocity,the reflected wave occurs at different time during the heartcycle. When BP is measured at the periphery of the vascu-lature, the reflecting sites are closer to the point of measu-rement of BP, and thus reflection occurs soon after the risein BP and adds to it. This is the case for the brachial artery.For sites close to the heart, the pressure wave has to travelto and from the reflecting sites and this takes time. If pulsewave velocity and the heart period are slow, the reflectedwave has a chance to reach the heart after the terminationof ejection. In this case, the reflected wave does not addwith the ejection wave, and blood pressure is not furtherincreased. With aging and high blood pressure, the pulsewave velocity is faster, and the reflected wave comes ear-lier within the ejection, and adds to the ejection pressurewave, causing amplification (Fig. 2). These phenomenonexplain why brachial systolic (and pulse) pressure are lar-ger than central systolic and pulse pressure, and why thisamplification of SBP and PP along the arterial tree isdecreased with aging and high blood pressure.

Central blood pressure is important in many ways. Thisis the blood pressure seen by the left ventricle, the kidneysand the brain. To that extent, this is the only blood pressurevalue which should be considered for target organ damage.Second, reflection patterns directly influence LV work andperfusion. Last, when studying local arterial stiffness, localblood pressure is mandatory to derive correct stiffnessvalues, and for central large arteries such as the aorta andcommon carotid artery, it has to be measured locally.



Common carotid artery

Common femoralartery

Figure 1: Measurement of carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity with the footto foot method

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TimeDiastolic pressure


Systolic pressure (P1)

Augmentation pressure(P2)Pulse


3. Methods to measure central blood pressure and wave reflection

3.1. Invasive methods

The most direct way to measure central blood pressure isinvasive during left catheterization. Blood pressure could bemeasured either from fluid filled catheter (albeit with reducedfrequency response) or from microtip catheter. The pionee-ring works of O’ROurke, Kelly, Belthram, Yin etc. were doneusing this technology [6,7]. This is still applicable for clinicalresearch in cath labs, where a simple additional pressuremeasurement can yield strong prognostic value. If central BPmeasurements are to be performed during catheterization,some cautions have to be taken to remove air bubbles from thefluid filled systems, and to avoid excessive motion of thecatheter tip, because dynamic overshoot of the pressure(because of blood flow or impact of the catheter on aorticwalls) may occur. Because of their cost, microtip catheters arenot used in routine. Pulse wave analysis is performed in aidentical way as described later in this chapter.

3.2. Non invasive assessment

All techniques are derived from applanation tonometry[8]. Just to set it easy first, applanation tonometry takesadvantage of a well established theorem saying that when asegment of a pipe is flattened, the transmural pressure isequal to the endovascular pressure. This technique was firstused for ophthalmology, to derive not invasively intraocularpressure. Applied to arteries, it necessitates to apply a pres-sure sensor through the skin and applanate a superficialartery by applying a downward pressure sufficient to flattenthe artery (not too large, because otherwise the blood pres-sure regimen is too disturbed), and to have a “hard” flooragainst which to perform applanation. This can be easy forthe radial and the femoral artery (the radius and pelvis bones

allow applanation). This is more difficult for the brachialartery, because of the interposition of tendons and for thecarotid artery because of the interposition of muscles and thepresence of body fat behind the artery, but measures are stillfeasible. Carotid artery pressure is the best direct estimate ofcentral pressure. However, some amplification occursbetween carotid and the aorta, which may need furthermathematics.

If the pressure sensor is correctly calibrated, the pressurerecorded through the applanation tonometry is equal to thepressure inside the vessel, at a constant. Indeed, the meanvalue of applanation pressure is determined by the pressureapplied by the hand of the investigator. This has to be cor-rected by rescaling the applanation pressure around themean pressure of the subject, which is constant in the largearteries (Fig. 2).

Although this technique was validated and used by someinvestigators [9,10], it was criticized because of its operatordependency. It was proposed more recently to rescale centralpressure using diastolic blood pressure in addition to meanblood pressure. Pauca showed that the mean to diastolic dif-ference was rather constant throughout the body [11]. There-fore, using a simple correction, this mean-diastolic pressurecould be used as scaling factor. For doing so, it is simply nee-ded to have reliable measures of brachial mean and DBP [12].This brings us to the tricky problem of MBP assessment.Most often, people use oscillatory methods to derive BPvalues. These validated device directly measure SBP andMBP, and derive DBP from on board, unpublished algo-rithms. Therefore, these values cannot be taken as granted.

Recently, Van Bortel and coworkers showed that themost correct way to measure central blood pressure is firstto measure as accurately as possible SBP and DBP at thebrachial artery level, then to perform brachial artery appla-nation using SBP and DBP as scaling values [13]. Then,MBP is measured from the integration of the brachial pres-sure wave, and this MBP value will be used to calibratecarotid pressure, together with the DBP after carotid appla-nation is performed. Although this technique is at evidencethe best, this is not always feasible. Therefore, most of theinvestigators do the same calibration procedure, but usingthe radial pressure instead of the brachial. In this case, somesystematic error occurs, by not taking into account the bra-chial-radial amplification.

4. Estimation of aortic pressure

As we said before, carotid pressure is the best directmeasurement of central pressure, although some amplifica-tion occurs between the aorta and the carotid. To overcomethis problem, M O’Rourke and coworkers proposed to use ageneralized transfer function to synthesize aortic pressurewave [14]. To put is simple, the transfer function is the keyfor translating a distorted signal into the original signal, byapplying the inverse of the cross-correlation function of the

Figure 2: Carotid pressure waveform is recorded by applanation tonometry.The height of the late systolic peak (P1) above the inflection (P2) defines theaugmentation pressure, and the ratio of augmentation pressure to PP definesthe augmentation index (AIx, in percent).

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Distensibility = ΔV / V. ΔP = ΔA/ A.PP= (Ds ²-Dd²)


D Distensibility = ΔV / V. ΔP = ΔA/ A.PP= (Ds ²-Dd²)






















Dd Wall cross-sectional area


Diastolic lumen area

Stroke change in lumen area (ΔA)




Dd Wall cross-sectional area


Diastolic lumen area

Stroke change in lumen area (ΔA)

0 1

Time (sec)



150 Pressure (mmHg)



7.3 Diameter (mm)


0 1

Time (sec)



150 Pressure (mmHg)



7.3 Diameter (mm)


original signal to the distorted one. This is widely used in theindustry, transmission, adaptive optics, Hi-Fi etc, when thefactors of distortion are predictable. In the present case,O’Rourke et al measured simultaneously in 14 patients andsubjects, both the radial pressure wave and the aortic pres-sure wave. They deduced the transfer function from thecross-correlation of the two waves. They showed that thistransfer function was rather constant across a wide range ofpersons, both in body size, age, sex and BP values. Thus this“generalised transfer function” is proposed to assess aorticpressure from radial pressure. It is to be noted that the sca-ling from mean and diastolic is performed, also for this tech-nique. The generalization of the transfer function has beenchallenged, but no reliable alternative exists up to now fornon invasive aortic pressure measurements.

4.1. Wave reflection quantification

From carotid and aortic pressure waves, it is possible tomeasure the amplification index, an estimate of wave reflec-tion. This index is the ratio between the amplitude of thereflected wave (determined between the shoulder and themaximum of the systolic arm of the pressure wave) andpulse pressure (Fig. 2).

5. Available devices

A recent consensus document, [15] makes a good synthe-sis on the validity of different devices. For the moment, the

Sphygmocor device® (Artech medical, Sydney Australia) isthe gold standard for central pressure measurement. It repre-sents more than 100 entries in Medline, for 2 publicationsfor its closest competitor. It has been used in very largepopulation samples [16] together with large clinical trials[17]. (The Sphygmocor device takes advantage of the trans-fer function to calculate central pressure from radial pres-sure waves. Under certain circumstances, it allows the eva-luation of endothelial function (pressure wave response tosalbutamol [18]). By successively measuring carotid andfemoral pulse waves, synchronized on the EKG R-wave,this device allows the measurement of pulse wave velocity,a measure of aortic stiffness [19].

6. Measurement of local arterial stiffness and intima media thickness

Local arterial stiffness of superficial arteries can be deter-mined using ultrasound devices. Carotid stiffness may be ofparticular interest, since in that artery atherosclerosis is fre-quent. All types of classical, bi-dimensional vascular ultra-sound systems can be used to determine diameter at diastoleand stroke changes in diameter, but most of them are limitedin the precision of measurements because they generally usea video-image analysis. At present some researchers alsomeasure local arterial stiffness of deep arteries like the aortausing cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However,most of pathophysiological and pharmacological studieshave used echo-tracking techniques (Fig. 3).

Figure 3: Local arterialdistensibility. A: highdefinition echotrackingdevice measuring diame-ter, stroke change in dia-meter and intima-mediathickness. B: Simulta-neous recording of strokechanges in BP and diame-ter. C: Pressure-diametercurve. D: Calculation ofdistensibility. E: Schema-tic representation of thestroke change (DA) inlumen cross-sectionalarea (LCSA).

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A major advantage is that local arterial stiffness isdirectly determined, from the change in pressure driving thechange in volume, i.e. without using any model of the circu-lation. However, because it requires a high degree of techni-cal expertise, and takes longer than measuring PWV, localmeasurement of arterial stiffness is only really indicated formechanistic analyses in pathophysiology, pharmacologyand therapeutics, rather than for epidemiological studies.

Echotracking devices were developed to measure diame-ter in end-diastole and stroke change in diameter with a veryhigh precision, 6 to 10 time higher than with video-imagesystems. Now, the latter development of echotrackingdevice (Artlab system, Esaote, Maastricht, NL) allow themeasurement along a segment of artery (4 cm, 128 lines)with high definition measurement of diameter and intima-media thickness (precision 35μm and 17 μm, respectively)in real time, with hand held probe. Moreover, it is possibleto measure distension at 14 different sites, with a resolutionof 1.7 μm. This device allowed us to discover new beha-viour of the arterial wall, with local heterogeneity in stif-fness [20], and complex patterns of distension profile (ben-ding stress) at the level of small plaques [21].

Local pressure is usually obtained by applanation tono-metry of the vessel in question and calibration of the wave-form to brachial mean and diastolic pressures obtained byintegration of the brachial or radial waveform [12], or auto-matic calculation using transfer function processing (Sphyg-mocor, AtCor, Sydney Australia) [22,12]. All the superficialarteries are suitable for the geometrical investigation, andparticularly the common carotid, common femoral and bra-chial arteries. Various indices used to describe the elasticproperties of blood vessels, non-invasively obtained withultrasound measurements may be obtained, expressing thecomplexity of the mechanical behaviour of these organs(Fig. 3).

Carotid stiffness was predictive of CV events in a smallnumber of patients with ESRD [23] or following renal trans-plantation [24], but had no independent predictive value in alarger number of patients with manifest arterial disease[25,26]. This may be due to methodological reasons: the useof local (carotid) PP in positive studies and brachial PP innegative studies. In addition, upper and lower limb territo-ries, due to their particular pathophysiology may not reflectaortic, cerebral and coronary artery damage[27].

7. Conclusion

Arterial stiffness measurement is now part of assessmentof hypertensive patients. It is likely that many other clinicalconditions will require such measures to be performed.Given the variety of techniques available, it is mandatory tostate which deserve recommendation or not. Now it is clearthat carotid to femoral pulse wave velocity is the most vali-dated technique, and should be used in preference to anyother. Local stiffness is to be used in specialized labs, for cli-

nical research, because it is too complex to use and inter-prete. Central pressure is a proxy for arterial stiffness.Although used in a large clinical trial, the CAFÉ study andin several outcome studies, it is difficult to see how centralpressure may improve the classification of patients becauseof the dependence on peripheral blood pressure.

Now what is awaited is evidence of a better prevention ofevents when arterial stiffness is used in treatment decision.The only available evidence is the paper from Guerin in endstage renal disease patients, showing that arterial stiffnessresponse to graded intervention is predictive of the outcome[28]. Such data need to be established in patients at lesserrisk.

No potential conflict of interest revelant to this article wasreported.


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© 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Diabetes & Metabolism 34 (2008) S27-S31

Microparticles and type 2 diabetes

A.S. Leroyer, A. Tedgui, C.M. Boulanger*Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, Inserm unit 689,

Cardiovascular Research Center Inserm Lariboisière, 41, bd de la Chapelle, 75475 Paris cedex 10, France

Received: September 28th 2007; accepted: October 30th 2007


Cell activation or apoptosis leads to plasma membrane blebbing and microparticles (MPs) release in the extracellular space. MPs aresubmicron membrane vesicles, which harbour a panel of oxidized phospholipids and proteins specific to the cells they derived from. MPsare found in the circulating blood of healthy volunteers. MPs levels are increased in many diseases, including cardiovascular diseases withhigh thrombotic risk. Exposure of negatively charged phospholipids and tissue factor confers a procoagulant potential to MPs. Elevation ofplasma MPs levels, particularly those of endothelial origin, reflects cellular injury and appears now as a surrogate marker of vasculardysfunction. Recent studies demonstrate an elevation of circulating levels of MPs in diabetes. MPs could also be involved in the developmentof vascular complications in diabetes for they stimulate pro-inflammatory responses in target cells and promote thrombosis, endothelialdysfunction and angiogenesis. Thus, these studies provide new insight in the pathogenesis and treatment of vascular complications ofdiabetes.

© 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


Microparticules dans le diabète de type 2L’activation cellulaire et l’apoptose conduisent au bourgeonnement de la membrane plasmique et à la libération de microparticules (MPs)

dans l’espace extracellulaire. Ces MPs sont de petites vésicules membranaires qui expriment toute une gamme de phospholipides oxydés etde protéines caractéristiques de la cellule d’origine. Les phospholipides chargés négativement et le facteur tissulaire portés par certaines MPsleur confèrent un pouvoir procoagulant. Une élévation du taux de MPs dans le sang circulant est donc le reflet d’une atteinte cellulaire ettémoigne bien souvent d’une pathologie vasculaire ou thrombotique. De plus, les MPs sont de véritables vecteurs biologiques capablesd’induire selon leur composition, une réponse de type pro-inflammatoire dans le compartiment vasculaire. Les études récentes menées surles MPs et le diabète ont apporté de nouvelles données sur la pathogenèse du diabète. Le diabète de type 2 est en effet associé à une élévationdes taux de MPs plasmatiques qui pourraient agir sur les étapes cruciales du diabète et de ses complications: les MPs induisent etentretiennent l’inflammation locale, la coagulation, la dysfonction endothéliale et l’angiogenèse dans le contexte du diabète et de sescomplications vasculaires. Les MPs apparaissent donc comme de nouveaux éléments à prendre en considération dans les stratégiesthérapeutiques employées contre le diabète.

© 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Key-words: Microparticles; Diabetes; Apoptosis; Vascular injury; Review

Mots clés : Microparticules ; Diabète ; Apoptose ; Complications vasculaires ; Revue générale

Cell activation or apoptosis leads to plasma membraneblebbing and the release of microparticles (MPs) in theextracellular space. MPs are submicron membrane vesicles,

which express a panel of phospholipides and proteins speci-fic to the cells they derived from. MPs are found in the cir-culating blood of healthy volunteers. MPs levels are

* Corresponding author.E-mail Address: [email protected] (CM. Boulanger).

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increased in many diseases, particularly cardiovasculardiseases with high thrombotic risk. Exposure of negativelycharged phospholipids and tissue factor confers a procoagu-lant potential to MPs. Elevation of plasma MPs levels, par-ticularly those of endothelial origin, reflects cellular injuryand appears now as a surrogate marker of vascular dysfunc-tion. MPs are also biologically active and stimulate pro-inflammatory responses in target cells. The development ofvasculopathies in diabetes involves multifactorial processesincluding pathological activation of vascular cells. Releaseof microparticles by activated cells has been reported for thefirst time in diabetes in 2002 [1]. Consequently, MPsappears as a new prognostic potential of type 2 diabetes, par-ticularly interesting in the early detection of vascular com-plications in this disease (Fig. 1).

1. Formation and characteristics of microparticles

The current knowledge on MPs formation derives mainlyfrom experiments on isolated or cultured cells. However, themediators and the mechanisms involved in in vivo MPs for-mation and shedding remain mostly unknown.

MPs formation is associated with the loss of membraneasymmetry, a characteristic of quiescent cells. This leads toexposure of phosphatidylserine on the outer leaflet as a con-sequence of the calcium-dependent activation of scramblaseand floppase and the inhibition of flippase activities [2-4].Phosphatidyserine exposure is not always followed by therelease of MPs, which may be regulated by the level of intra-cellular calcium. Moreover, MPs formation and sheddingnecessitate modifications in cell structural architectureinvolving disruption of cytoskeleton proteins organization.Cell activation or apoptosis could induce these modifica-tions. For example, platelets release MPs following activa-tion by either thrombin, ADP plus collagen, the complementcomplex C5b-9, the calcium ionophore A23187, and byhigh shear stress [5-8]. MPs released from apoptotic cellsmay be different in lipid and protein composition frommembrane vesicles shed following cell activation and couldpossibly have different patho-physiological effects [9].Blebbing of the cellular membrane occurs rapidly after cellsenter the apoptotic process. Blebs formation depends uponactin cytoskeleton and actin-myosin contraction, which isregulated by caspase3-induced Rho Kinase 1 activation[10,11]. Rho kinase activation is required for re-localizationof DNA fragments from the nuclear region to membraneblebs, suggesting that MPs from apoptotic cells may containnuclear material [11,12]. An important parameter that deter-mines the biological effects of MPs is their protein and lipidcomposition, and not only their circulating numbers. Theexperimental evidence so far available indicates that theprotein and lipid composition of MPs may vary dependingupon the cell they originate from and the type of stimulusinvolved in their formation. Proteomics analyses haverevealed thet the spectrum of proteins found in MPs released

in vitro from cultured cells is influenced in part by the typeof stimulus used to trigger cell vesiculation [13].

2. Detection and measurements of microparticles

Plasma MPs can be detected and their cellular origin cha-racterized using capture assays or flow cytometry. The flowcytometry analysis permit, in addition of characterization,the quantification of MPs by mean of using calibrator beadsof defined concentration. A crucial point in circulating MPsanalysis concerns the pre-analytical steps involved in bloodsampling and platelet-free plasma preparation [14]. Bothmethods of MPs analysis rely on antibody detection of spe-cific cellular markers and annexin V binding of phosphati-dylserine. Although the general understanding is that MPsexpress phosphatidylserine, which is detected by annexin Vlabeling, some plasma MPs analyzed by flow cytometryexpress specific markers of their cellular origin, but do notbind annexin V even in the presence of high calcium con-centrations. For instance, in patients with sickle cell disease,circulating endothelial MPs were either positive or negativefor annexin V [15]. In a similar way, we recently observedthat very few circulating platelet-derived CD41+ MP bindannexin V in some patients with end-stage renal failure [16].These observations suggest that phosphatidylserine, even ifexposed on MPs, could be already engaged in some othermolecular interactions and thus unable to bind annexin V, orthat other pathway(s) may be involved in their formationand release, but this remains to be demonstrated.

3. MPs: bystanders and effectors

It is now well established that, in addition to their biomar-ker potential in cardiovascular diseases, MPs may alsotransfer bioactive molecules to other cells or MPs acting astrue diffusible vectors in the transcellular exchange of bio-logical information [17]. For all these reasons, it has beensuggested that they can play an important role as a messen-ger linking thrombosis and inflammation through interac-tion with other cell types. However, it is still debatedwhether they play a causal role in the pathogenesis of car-diovascular disease or whether they are a consequence of thedisease [18].

4. MPs as markers in diabetes

Circulating levels of MPs are augmented in most cardio-vascular diseases when comparing a patient population witha matched group of healthy subjects. The general consensusis that plasma levels of MPs reflect an equilibrium betweentheir release and their removal from the circulation by pha-gocytes. The observation that circulating MPs are increasedfollowing acute myocardial infarction raises the question

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whether these MPs might come from the ruptured plaque[19]. This possibility is highly unlikely because of the diffe-rent pattern of cellular origin between plaque and plasmaMPs [20]. The major MPs populations present in the athero-sclerotic plaque originate from macrophages, erythrocytesand smooth muscle cells, but not from platelets while circu-lating MPs derived for a significant part from platelets andare not of smooth muscle cell origin. In addition, althoughMPs are much more abundant in atherosclerotic plaquesthan in plasma and account for the procoagulant activity ofthe lipid core, at least a dozen of large lesions (such as thosefound in human carotid arteries) would have to rupturesimultaneously to fully account for circulating levels of MPsin these patients [20]. Consequently, MPs found in plasmareflect local injury of either vascular or circulating cells.Elevated levels of MPs originating from platelets, monocyteor endothelial cells were found in type 2 diabetes [1, 21-25],as observed also in patients with other cardiovasculardiseases [26].

Several recent studies point out that circulating levels ofendothelial MPs associate with impaired endothelial func-tion in patients with cardiovascular diseases and in diabeticpatients with coronary artery diseases [16, 26-27]. Moreo-ver, endothelial MPs levels predict the presence of coronaryartery disease in diabetic patients, whereas other markers ofendothelial injury such as soluble ICAM have no pronosticvalue [27]. These data support the concept that measurementof endothelial MPs could be useful for identifying diabeticpatients with increased risk of cardiovascular disease (Fig.).However, the potential mechanisms involved in increasedcell vesiculation in diabetes remain unknown. No informa-tion is available regarding the effect of glucose, insulin orthat of AGE-proteins. Elevated levels of endothelial and pla-telet MPs found in type 2 diabetes correlated with increasedlevels of anti-oxidized LDL antibodies in plasma of type 2diabetic patients, suggesting that oxidized LDL could con-tribute to endothelial membrane vesiculation [28]. Oxida-tive stress in diabetes may not be the only trigger of MPsgeneration in diabetes. Indeed, elevated levels of remnantlipoproteins in type 2 diabetic patients are associated withplasma platelet MPs, suggesting that reducing elevated lipo-proteins with lipid-lowering therapy may be an effectivestrategy to prevent MPs associated-thrombogenic vascularcomplications in type 2 diabetes. All together, these datademonstrated the clinical significance of MPs detection andcharacterization in type 2 diabetes

5. MP: biological effectors in diabetes

Most of the experimental evidence available so far indi-cates that MPs can influence diverse biological functions.However, one should be cautious in interpreting data fromstudies with MPs generated in vitro or from cultured cells,as they may not be fully representative of those patients invivo. The pattern of proteins found on MPs , as well as the

level of oxidized phospholipids are likely to influence theireffects on target cells [29].

Circulating MPs bear tissue factor at their surface andaccount for « blood borne tissue factor » [30]. They areinvolved in the formation of tissue factor-platelet hybrids, acritical phenomenon in thrombus propagation, following tis-sue factor transfer from leukocytes MPs to platelet membra-nes [30]. This property may not be restricted to leukocyte-derived MPs as the presence of tissue factor on platelet-erythrocyte- and hematopoietic cell- derived MPs leads alsoto thrombus propagation in vivo [31,32]. Type 2 diabetes ischaracterized by the presence of an altered platelet metabo-lism that may contribute to the pathogenesis of atherothrom-botic complications of diabetes [33]. An increased level ofcirculating MPs has been suggested to be one of the procoa-gulant determinants in patients with type 2 diabetes [34].Hypercoagulable state of diabetes coud be initiated or main-tained by elevated levels of tissue factor positive plateletMPs. Moreover, increased levels of insulin and glucoseincrease tissue factor procoagulant activity [35], suggestingthat high concentrations of tissue factor exposed by MPspresent in diabetes are highly pro-thrombogenic (Fig.).These high levels of MPs observed in patients with type 2diabetes may be related to enhanced reactive oxygen speciesgeneration and lipid peroxydation [33, 36].

Circulating MPs also impair the release of nitric oxidefrom vascular endothelial cells. This was observed on isola-ted arteries exposed in vitro to circulating concentrations ofMPs from patients with acute coronary syndromes, endstage renal failure or preeclampsia, but not with MPs fromhealthy subjects [16, 37, 38] (Fig. 1). The endothelial dys-function caused by circulating human MPs appears to bemediated by MPs of endothelial origin and is associatedwith an impaired release of NO but no alteration in endothe-lial NO synthase expression. Endothelial MPs circulating indiabetic patients were also associated with vascular dys-function in vivo [39]. Indeed, type 2 diabetic patients exhibitimpaired postprandial flow-mediated dilatation, which iscorrelated to increases in circulating endothelial MPs.Taken together, these data suggest that consumption ofhigh-fat meals promotes endothelial injury [39,40]. Endo-thelial dysfunction is a crucial step in the pathogenesis ofatherosclerosis and could link diabetes, atherogenesis andhypercoagulability. This interpretation could explain in dia-betic patients, the further increase of endothelial MPs whencoronary artery disease is present [21,27].

It is now well established that MPs play a crucial role ininflammation. They are able to deliver arachidonic acid lea-ding to an increased expression of endothelial cyclooxyge-nase type 2 [41]. Platelet MPs also stimulate endothelialcells in vitro to release cytokines and express adhesionmolecules [42]. In addition, platelet MPs can directly inte-ract with activated vascular endothelial cells by increasingleukocytes/monocytes arrest following transcellular deli-very of the chemokine RANTES [43].

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Unknown triggersOx LDL

Remnants lipoproteins

Endothelial Activation & Injury






Endothelial dysfunction


Capillary Occlusion




Finally, endothelial, platelet and tumor cell-derived MPsappear to be able to stimulate angiogenesis, an effect media-ted by reactive oxygen species, metalloproteinases, growthfactors such as VEGF or sphingomyelin [44-48]. In addi-tion, Ogata and coll. showed in diabetic retinopathy thatplasma levels of monocyte-derived MPs are significantlyhigher in patients with areas of capillary occlusion than inpatients without areas of capillary occlusion, suggesting thatMPs could be involved in the progression of diabetes com-plications such as retinopathy. Furthermore, MPs are moreabundant in vitrous fluid from diabetic when compared tonon-diabetic patients and induce endothelial cell prolifera-tion, underlining the potential role of vitreous MPs in proli-ferative diabetic retinopathy [49] (Fig. 1).

6. Microparticles and prevention of diabetes

The recognition of a role of MPs may not only be impor-tant for our understanding of the pathogenesis of diabetesbut may also have implications for the prevention and treat-ment of this disease. Some currently used therapies areknown to affect MPs generation. For example, abciximab, aglycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor antagonist, almost completelyblocks platelet vesiculation in vitro [50,51], thus providingan alternate mechanism of MPs formation. Furthermore,MPs release from tumor necrosis factor-�-activated endo-thelial cells is suppressed by fluvastatin [52], whereas com-bination therapy with losartan and simvastatin [53], as wellas antioxidative therapy such as vitamin C [36], is capableof decreasing the number of circulating monocyte-derivedMPs. The major class of molecules used in diabetes, whichare angiotensin II receptor blockers such as losartan or val-sartan, have been shown to have beneficial effect on theangiopathy of hypertension and hyperglycemia and also onlevels of microparticles in type 2 diabetic patients. For ins-

tance, angiotensin II receptor antagonists inhibit monocyte-derived MPs generation and decrease monocyte MPs levelsin type 2 diabetic patients, suggesting that angiotensin II isintimely related to vascular changes that occur in type 2 dia-betes mellitus [53-54]. Calcium antagonists, known toimprove endothelial function in patients with hypercholeste-rolaemia by enhancing NO activity, and to increase endothe-lial NO bioavailability by antioxidant mechanisms, had alsobenecicial effets on MPs generation. For instance, type 2diabetic patients treated with nifepidine showed a reducedlevel of platelet-, monocyte- and endothelial-cell derivedMPs [55]. Benidipine administration also decreased concen-trations of monocyte and endothelial MPs in hypertensivepatients with type 2 diabetes [56]. Administration of probu-col and triclopidine to hyperlipidemic patients with type 2diabetes reduced monocyte and platelet- derived MPs [57].All together, these results demonstrated the potentiel effec-tiveness of calcium antagonist therapy in type 2 diabetes.Furthermore, treatment of type 2 diabetic patients with sta-tins reduced the exposure of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa on plate-let-derived MPs by inhibiting platelet activation withoutaffecting lipid levels [58]. These observations underliespleiotropic effects of statins in the regulation of MPs forma-tion in type 2 diabetes an dsuggest that combination of a sta-tin and an angiotensin II receptor blocker might be valuablein reducing MPs effects in patients with type 2 diabetes.

In conclusion, recent studies on microparticles and diabe-tes provided new insight in the pathogenesis of diabetes. Theincreased levels of MPs in diabetes may be involved in cru-cial events leading to disease development and its complica-tions as they promote inflammation, coagulation, endothe-lial dysfunction and angiogenesis.

Elevated levels of endothelial MPs were found in type 2diabetes, but mechanisms leading to their release in diabetesare unknown. Accumulation of remnant lipoproteins andoxLDL promote endothelial injury and are possible triggers

EMPs = Endothelial MPsTF = Tissue FactoroxLDL = oxidized LowDensity Lipoproteins

Fig. 1: Microparticles and diabetes

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tion in this setting. MPs could be involved in the progressionof microvascular complications of diabetes. CirculatingMPs could amplify endothelial dysfunction in diabetes byimpairing NO release (Fig.1). MPs express tissue factor, andtissue factor activity rises with increased levels of insulinand glucose observed in type 2 diabetes. Consequently, MPscould contribute to the hypercoagulable state of diabetes andpossibly to capillary occlusion as seen in the retina. Finally,MPs could promote also angiogenesis, such as observed indiabetic retinopathy.

No potential conflict of interest revelant to this article wasreported.


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© 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Diabetes & Metabolism 34 (2008) S33-S36

Vascular progenitor cells and diabetes: role in postischemic neovascularisation

J.-S. SilvestreCentre de Recherche Cardiovasculaire INSERM Lariboisière, INSERM U689, Hôpital Lariboisière, 41, bd de la Chapelle, 75475 Paris cedex 10, France

Received: October 23rd 2007; accepted: November 15th 2007


Advances in the field of vascular biology lead to the identification of endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) and to the development of EPC-based cell therapy to induce new vessel formation in ischemic tissues and to accelerate re-endothelialisation of injured vessels in human andvarious animals models. However, recent studies have shown that age and other risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, such as diabetes,reduce the availability of EPC and impair their function to varying degrees, leading to reduction in postischemic vessel growth. This reviewfocus on the cellular and molecular mechanisms governing EPC-related functions and analyzes the impact of diabetes in this setting.

© 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


Cellules progénitrices endothéliales et diabète : rôle dans la néovascularisation post-ischémiqueLes progrès dans le domaine de la biologie vasculaire ont conduit à l’identification des cellules progénitrices endothéliales (EPC), et au

développement de traitements fondés sur les EPC pour induire la formation de néo-vaisseaux dans les tissus ischémiques et accélérer la re-endothélialisation des tissus endommagés chez l’homme et dans différents modèles animaux. Cependant, des études récentes ont montré que levieillissement et les facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire, comme le diabète, réduisaient la disponibilité en EPC et altéraient la fonction de celles-cià des degrés variables, conduisant de ce fait à une diminution de la croissance vasculaire post-ischémique. Cette revue générale est centrée sur lesmécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires de régulation des fonctions liées aux EPC, et analyse l’impact du diabète dans ce contexte.

© 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Vasculogenesis; Stem cells; Ischemia; Diabetes

Mots-clés : Vasculogénèse ; Cellules souches ; Ischémie ; Diabète

Three principal processes, vasculogenesis, angiogenesisand arteriogenesis characterize tissue repair and remodelingoccuring in acute and chronic ischemic vascular diseases,and represent the final targets of therapeutic angiogenesisaimed at providing an alternative treatment strategy forpatients with lower limb ischemia and coronary arterydiseases. Advances in the field of vascular biology lead tothe identification of endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) [1]and to the development of EPC-based cell therapy to induce

new vessel formation in ischemic tissues and to acceleratere-endothelialisation of injured vessels in human andvarious animals models.

1. Postischemic vasculogenesis

In the past decade, stem or progenitor cells have beenidentified in various tissues, including bone marrow, peri-

Corresponding author.E-mail Address: [email protected]

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pheral blood, umbilical cord blood, brain, heart, liver andadipose tissue [1-3]. Among these stem cells, EPC havebeen isolated and characterized as progenitor cells with pro-liferation capacity and potential to differentiate into endo-thelial lineage cells. EPC are thought to originate fom acommon hemangioblast precursor in the bone marrow [2,4].However, myeloid/monocyte lineage cells (CD14+) can alsodifferentiate into cells with EPC characteristics [5,6]. Inaddition, some tissues harbor stem cells that may differenti-ate into various lineages including endothelial cells [3,7].Typically, these cells are defined on the basis of expressionof cell surface markers such as CD34, Flk-1 and CD-133[1,8]. Recently, CD34–/CD133+ EPC subpopulation hasbeen identified as a precursor of classical CD34+/CD133+

EPC with potent vasoregeneratrice capacities [9]. Both invitro and in vivo, EPC are able to differentiate into cellsexpressing endothelial lineage markers: VE-cadherin, endo-thelial nitric oxide synthase, von Willebrand factor,PECAM-1 (CD31), uptake of Dil acetylated LDL and bin-ding of lectin. Their high proliferation rate also distin-guishes EPC from mature endothelial cells shed from thevessel wall. EPC are then successfully ex vivo expandedwith the use of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells.

EPC appear to be a heterogenous group of cells origina-ting from multiple precursors and present in different stagesof endothelial differentiation in peripheral blood. In supportof this view, cultured total mononuclear cells from humanperipheral blood have been shown to differentiate into bothearly and late EPC. Early EPC express monocytic lineagemarkers, display spindle shape, show peak growth at 2 to 3weeks and die at 4 weeks. Late EPC with cobblestone shapeappear late at 2 to 3 weeks, show exponential growth at 4 to8 weeks, and live up to 12 weeks. Late EPC are differentfrom early EPC in their vasculogenic properties and theexpression of VE-cadherin, Flt-1, KDR, and CD45 [10]. Itis therefore likely that different cells share similar EPCcapacity or that appropriate marker(s) defining the effectivesubpopulation of cells are still missing.

Several lines of evidence suggest that local tissue injuryalters the vascular endothelium to arrest EPC in regionswhere regeneration of endothelium is needed [11]. Forexample, in the setting of ischemia, the recruitment ofCXCR4-positive EPC to regenerating tissues is mediated byhypoxic gradients via hypoxia-induced factor-1-inducedexpression of stroma-derived factor-1 (SDF-1) [12]. Bonemarrow mononuclear cells or EPC of heterozygous CXCR4(+/-) mice display reduced CXCR4 expression and discloseimpaired in vivo capacity to enhance recovery of ischemicblood flow in nude mice [13]. Local hypoxia also releases asoluble factor, or multiple soluble factors, that act as a che-moattractant for circulating EPC. One likely candidate isVEGF, which has previously been shown to be locally ele-vated in response to hypoxia, and to promote SDF-1 induc-tion in perivascular tissue [14]. Alternatively, chemokinesand platelets may also trigger EPC capture at sites of vascu-lar lesions [15-17]. The arrest of EPC in injuried microves-

sels is then mediated by cell-surface vascular adhesionmolecules and selectins, such as beta2 integrins or L-selec-tin [18-20]. After their recruitment within the target tissue,EPC may exert their beneficial effects.

However, a major critical point is the identification ofcellular mechanisms governing EPC vasoregeneratricecapacities. EPC have been shown to incoporate into bloodvessel and physically contribute to vascular endothelium.However, the relative contribution of circulating EPC toadult organ and tumor vasculature is highly variable andmay range from a minor [21-23] to a major contribution[24]. The experimental animal models and the method ofEPC isolation may have contributed to these different num-bers. Hence, whereas both types of EPC show comparablein vivo vasculogenic capacity, late EPC incorporate morereadily into human umbilical vein endothelial cells mono-layer, and forme capillary tube better than early EPC [10].In addition, the gradient of hypoxia directs EPC to coalesceinto independent vascular structures to restore tissue perfu-sion in the ischemic region. However, the extent of incorpo-ration is directly proportional to the degree of tissue ische-mia [25].

Alternatively, EPC may serve as building blocks for neo-vascularisation. The plasticity of EPC could be insufficientto ensure their differentiation into mature endothelial cellsbut may explain their ability to mimic the activities of endo-thelial cells and to participate in processes such as neovas-cularisation. This ability has been termed 'vasculogenicmimicry’in certain types of cancer cell and may also existfor EPC [26]. Finally, primary role of progenitor cells maybe to deliver angiogenic growth factors to pathological tis-sues and contribute to neovascularisation and tissue/vesselremodeling by paracrine effects. EPC secrete the angiogenicgrowth factors: vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF),hepatocyte growth factor, granulocyte colony-stimulatingfactor, and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulatingfactor [6,27]. In addition, EPC also release proteases, suchas cathepsin L, and promote a concomitant increase inmatrix degradation that enables endothelial cell migrationand vascular remodelling [28].

2. Diabetes and postischemic vasculogenesis

However, recent studies have shown that age and otherrisk factors for cardiovascular diseases reduce the availabi-lity of EPC and impair their function to varying degrees, lea-ding to reduction in postischemic vessel growth. For exam-ple, patients with coronary artery disease showed reducedlevels and functional impairment of EPC, which correlatedwith risk factors for coronary artery disease [29]. Patientswith peripheral obstructive arterial diseases (PAD) may alsohave lower angiogenic potential because of decreasedexpression of EPC specific molecules in their marrow andblood [30].

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Diabetes is a major risk factor for coronary and peripheralartery diseases. Diabetes has been shown to impair endoge-nous neovascularisation of ischemic tissues. This impair-ment in new blood vessel formation may result from redu-ced expression of VEGF and cytokine supplementationachieved by intramuscular adeno-VEGF gene transfer resto-res neovascularisation in a mouse model of diabetes[31,32,33]. The cellular response of monocytes to VEGF-Ais attenuated in diabetic patients because of a downstreamsignal transduction defect suggesting that abrogation inmonocytes migration may be involved in the problem ofimpaired collateral formation in diabetic patients [34].Hyperglycemia is also associated with a marked accumula-tion of advanced glycation end products (AGE). PlasmaAGE levels were strongly elevated in diabetic mice whencompared with control mice. Treatment with aminoguani-dine reduced AGE plasma levels and completely normalizedischemia-induced angiogenesis in diabetic mice. This effectis probably mediated by restoration of matrix degradationprocesses that are disturbed as a result of AGE accumulation[35].

Diabetes may also hamper EPC-related functions. Hence,EPC decrease is related to PAD severity and that EPC func-tion is altered in diabetic subjects with PAD, strengtheningthe pathogenetic role of EPC dysregulation in diabetic vas-culopathy [36].

Similarly, type I and II diabetes, are associated with redu-ced EPC numbers and angiogenicity [25,37,38]. Diabetesalso decreased the ability of adherent bone marrow-derivedmononuclear cells (BM-MNCs) to differentiate into endo-thelial progenitor cells. Treatment with NAC, apocynin, orp38MAPK inhibitor up-regulated the number of endothelialprogenitor cell colonies derived from diabetic BM-MNCs.In the ischemic hindlimb model, injection of diabetic BM-MNCs isolated from NAC-treated or gp91 (phox) -deficientdiabetic mice increased neovascularisation by approxima-tely 1.5-fold greater than untreated diabetic BM-MNCs.Thus, inhibition of NADPH oxidase-derived reactive oxy-gen species overproduction improves the angiogenic andvasculogenic processes and restores postischemic neovascu-larisation in type 1 diabetic mice [39]. Glucose-mediatedEPC dysfunction was protein kinase C dependent, associa-ted with reduced intracellular BH (4) (tetrahydrobiopterin)concentrations, and reversible after exogenous BH (4) treat-ment. Subsequently, eNOS was uncoupled resulting ineNOS-mediated O (2) (-) production and impairment ofEPC function in diabetic patients [40].

Alternatively additional factors may be involved in thediabetes-induced EPC dysfunction. Notably, thrombospon-din-1 mRNA expression is significantly up-regulated in dia-betic EPC, in relation with the decreased EPC adhesion acti-vity in vitro and in vivo [41]. Diabetic mice showedimpaired phosphorylation of BM eNOS, decreased circula-ting EPCs, and diminished SDF-1alpha expression in cuta-neous wounds leading to impaired EPC homing in diabetes[42]. Finally, activation of the Akt/p53/p21 signaling

pathway and accelerated onset of senescence are also detec-table in EPC from diabetic patients. Diabetic EPC depletedof endogenous p53 do not undergo to senescence-growtharrest and acquire the ability to form tube-like structures invitro, identifying the activation of the p53 signaling pathwayas a crucial event that can contribute to the impaired neovas-cularisation in diabetes [43].

Therefore, diabetes reduce the availability of EPC andimpair their function to varying degrees, leading to reduc-tion in postischemic vessel growth. In addition, the reduc-tion in EPC pro-angiogenic effect associated with diabetesmay limit their therapeutic usefulness in these patientspopulation. Furthermore, the relative scarcity of circulatingEPC and their finite proliferative potential limits the abilityto expand these cells in sufficient numbers for some thera-peutic applications. Strategies to improve homing, survivaland therapeutic potential of EPC need to be developed toimprove therapeutic effect and counteract EPC dysfunctionin diabetic patients.

No potential conflict of interest revelant to this article wasreported.


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© 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Diabetes & Metabolism 34 (2008) S37-S40

S. Hadjadj et al.

To what extent should we lower HbA1c in diabetic subjects?

S. Hadjadja,*, P.-J. Saulnierb, F. Torremochaa, L. Labbéa, R. Maréchauda

aCHU de Poitiers, Department of Endocrinology Diabetology, 2, rue de la Milètrie, BP 577, 86021 Poitiers cedex, FrancebCHU de Poitiers, Clinical Research Center, 2, rue de la Milètrie, BP 577, 86021 Poitiers cedex, France

Received: November 6th, 2007; Accepted November 15th, 2007


Current recommendations regarding glycemic control suggest that HbA1c should be lower than 6.5%. This is supported by data regardingmicrovascular disease, namely retinopathy rather than nephropathy. The question is not completely solved regarding cardiovasculardiseases, where a strategy of very low HbA1c (“the lower the better”) is expected to be effective. Some ongoing studies will help to answerthese unsolved questions.

© 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


Jusqu’où faut-il baisser l’hémoglobine glyquée des sujets diabétiques ? Les recommandations concernant le contrôle de la glycémie suggèrent que l’hémoglobine glyquée doit être inférieure à 6,5%. Ces

recommandations s’appuient sur les études sur la microangiopathie notamment la rétinopathie plutôt que sur la néphropathi.e. La question n’est pasentièrement résolue pour les maladies cardiovasculaires, où une stratégie visant un niveau très bas d’HbA1c (« plus c’est bas, meilleur c’est »)pourrait s’avérer efficace. Des études en cours permettront de répondre à ces questions non résolues.

© 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Diabetes; Metabolic control; HbA1c; glycemic goal; Complications; ADVANCE Study

Mots-clés : Diabète sucré ; Équilibre métabolique ; HbA1c ; Objectif glycémique ; Complications, ADVANCE Study

Type 2 diabetic patients are characterized by a chronicHyperglycemia that contributes to the development and pro-gression of micro- and macrovascular complications. In alarge population-based cohort of French type 2 diabeticpatients, there was a proportion of patients with cardiovas-cular diseases, such as myocardial infarction and peripheralarterial disease, in 10% and 19% respectively [1]. The pro-portion of diabetic patients with retinopathy or kidneydisease was 33% and 30% respectively, with a vast majorityof patients yielding complications such as non proliferativeretinal disease and microalbuminuria [1]. Many prospectivestudies suggest a link between glycemic control and chronic

complications in diabetes [2,3]. Interestingly the data ontype 1 diabetes are of great importance. Type 1 diabeticcomplications are more directly related to glycemic controlthan in type 2 diabetes, as hypertension, lipid abnormalities,obesity and insulin resistance could be involved in the deve-lopment and /or progression of diabetic complications. Thedata from the WESDR study support the use of conclusiondrawn from type 1 diabetic patients in type 2 diabetic sub-jects [4].

The question is currently asked to which extent we shouldlower HbA1c in diabetic patients, particularly in type 2 dia-betes. Two different strategies can be considered: - one

* Corresponding author.E-mail Address: [email protected] (S. Hadjadj).

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could be summarized as “the lower the better”- the other onecould be summarized as “a specific target, a specific thres-hold”.

Is a “threshold for HbA1c” recommendable? Manyrecommendations suggest to reach some specific thresholdfor HbA1c to lower the incidence of chronic complications.Some very recent American publications recommended toconsider a threshold for HbA1c as low as feasible, at least tar-geting a threshold at 7% [5]. French recommendationsreleased by the HAS consider several HbA1c thresholdsaccording to the time to diagnosis of type 2 diabetes and tothe use of medications, ranging from 6 to 7% [6]. However,the use of a threshold is particularly relevant if the rela-tionship between a disease and a variable is not linear. Thedata on the relationship between blood glucose and diabetes,focusing on retinopathy support such a non linear rela-tionship [7,8]. However, the relationship between cardio-vascular events and blood glucose seems roughly linear [9].In this case the use of a specific threshold is debatable as ithas less scientific relevance since no “real” threshold exists.Nonetheless it may be very useful for clinicians in a real-lifeapproach as it allows to avoid some glycemic control leewaykeeping in mind that a lower value than the targeted thres-hold is not deleterious if safely obtained.

1. Micro vascular complications

The epidemiological data linking background diabeticretinopathy according to glycemic threshold are availablefor several populations [8]. There is a general agreementshowing that the split in deciles according to the distributionof fasting plasma glucose or of post oral glucose challengeplasma glucose or HbA1c leads to rather homogenous resultsregarding the risk of microaneurysms. They show thatHbA1c threshold near 6.0% is associated with the develop-ment of diabetic retinopathy[8]. These data were furtherreplicated in a Japanese population also showing a glycemicthreshold at approximately 5.7% [7].

These data suggest that the strategy “a specific target, a spe-cific threshold” can be applied here with a threshold for HbA1c

below 6.0% to specifically target retinal complications.Regarding renal disease, the development of microalbu-

minuria in a cohort of type 1 diabetic patients showed a non-linear relationship between glycemia and the developmentof increased urinary albumin excretion [10]. Namely, thethreshold for microalbuminuria increased as soon as 8% ofHbA1c was reached [10]. These data were in disagreementwith the findings by Bojestig et al showing in a Swedishcohort that the intensive glycemic control in type 1 diabeticpatients, with HbA1c well below the 8% threshold, waseffective to lower microalbuminuria [11].

Orchard et al examined the question of HbA1c thresholdusing a different approach. These authors proposed to takeglycemic exposure into account i.e. time x excess in HbA1c.

Interestingly, some results suggest a linear relationshipbetween glycemic exposure and micro-vascular disease[12,13].

Considering more advanced renal involvement, the paperby Fiorretto et al showing that a long term (10 years) normalglycemia – obtained by pancreas graft - was associated witha correction of renal histological parameters, is very impor-tant. This paper indeed shows that some fibrous lesions inthe kidney are reversible at the price of a long-term strictnormal glucose value, obtained with pancreas graft [14].

Altogether these data suggest that a threshold of 6.0%might be adequate to prevent the development of diabeticmicro-vascular events. Interventional studies showed that animproved HbA1c leads to fewer micro-vascular events, inlarge-scale studies on type 1 diabetes, such as in the DCCT-EDIC [15], or in British [16], or Japanese [17] type 2 diabe-tic patients. However, the question is not solved for renalinvolvement, as conflicting results on microalbuminuria areavailable. Glycemic control at a threshold lower than 6.0%seems reasonable. Whether it is sufficient to reverse severekidney lesions is difficult to assess. However, some studiessuggest that a very low Hb1Ac should be targeted.

2. Macrovascular disease

Conversely to micro-vascular risk, many epidemiologicaldata from non-diabetic populations suggest that there is acontinuous relationship between glycemic control and car-diovascular risk. Coutinho et al have used a meta-regressionanalysis to assess the risk of macrovascular disease accor-ding to fasting or postprandial blood glucose. They foundthat the risk for coronary artery disease was present at verylow glucose concentration, probably beginning at 72 mg/dl,even after exclusion of diabetic people [9].

In the EPIC Norfolk study, using a non diabetic large-scale cohort, HbA1c at non diabetic levels, was associatedwith a regular increase in the risk for cardiovascular eventsor cardiovascular mortality [18].

Data are convergent in type 2 diabetic patients showing abeneficial effect of improving HbA1c without clearly identi-fied threshold, in observational studies: in a Danish cohortof type 2 diabetic patients, a change in 1% in HbA1c wasassociated with a 20% increased risk for all-cause mortality[19]. Accordingly, HbA1c was a strong risk factor for lowerlimb amputation (which is a composite of neuropathy,reflecting microvascular disease, and atherosclerosis) in aFinnish cohort [20]. Accordingly the use of the whole cohortof the UKPDS as an epidemiological study also supportedthe concept of a linear effect of HbA1c on cardiovascularrisk, beginning below HbA1c 6.5% [21].

The data from interventional studies also support theimprovement of HbA1c without any clear threshold. In theUKPDS, comparing two treatment strategies (intensive vsconventional blood glucose control), the 0.9% difference

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during the long-term period was not sufficient to be associa-ted with a decreased risk in cardiovascular events [16].There was no effect of “intensive glycemic control” compa-red to “standard care” regarding stroke and a borderline non-significant effect on myocardial infarction was noticed [16].

At variance, in the DCCT EDIC study, there was a signi-ficant reduction of approximately 40% in pre-specifiedmacrovascular endpoints in those patients submitted to anintensified glycemic control (reaching a HbA1c level atapproximately 7% for 6.5 years) versus those people in theconventional group (remaining at approximately 9% for6.5 years), even if both groups merged to a HbA1c concen-tration at 8% during the epidemiological follow-up period(approximately 13 years) [22].

These data suggest that there is probably no specificthreshold for macrovascular disease. Altogether these datasuggest that for macrovascular endpoints “the lower the bet-ter” strategy could be used.

3. Ongoing clinical trials

What is expected from clinical trials targeting blood glu-cose control? Mainly a strong evidence that improvingHbA1c decreases cardiovascular events, which is not suppor-ted by any clinical trial. Indeed improving HbA1c did notsignificantly impact the macrovascular endpoints during theDCCT trial [23], or the PROACTIVE study [24], and themultifactorial intervention in the STENO 2 trial was not spe-cific enough to draw conclusions on glycemic control [25].Several studies are currently examining this question andare going to deliver their results soon. The ongoingADVANCE study will thus probably have a chance to evi-dence a beneficial effect of intensive glycemic balance(HbA1c < 6.5%) only if a sufficient contrast in glycemic con-trol is obtained. In this study, 2 glycemic control strategiesare compared with microvascular and macrovascular end-points: in the intensive group HbA1c target is below 6.5%and the expected difference with the conventional group is1% [26]. The comparison of the results of the ADVANCEstudy with the ACCORD study will soon help to clarify ourview of the relationship between HbA1c and cardiovascularevents in diabetes. In the ACCORD study, 2 glycemic con-trol strategies are compared with macrovascular endpoints:in the intensive group HbA1c target is below 6.0% and 7.0-7.9% in the conventional group [27].

Interestingly, only the so-far published studies showing alarge difference in the glycemic control were able to showpositive results on macrovascular events such as theDIGAMI 1 study [28]. However, those study with an insuf-ficient glycemic contrast (such as DIGAMI 2 [29], or theCREATE-ECLA studies [30]) failed to show an associationbetween glycemic intervention and cardiovascular end-points.

4. Conclusion

It must be mentioned that the glucose-centered point ofview is important for physicians involved in diabetes care,as it helps to recommend targets of blood glucose control.However, the PROACTIVE or the STENO 2 are goodexamples of intervention targeting blood glucose that pro-ved to be beneficial on macrovascular endpoints when aconjunction of a beneficial effects was encountered on seve-ral risk factors such as HbA1c, lipids, blood pressure. Anyeffort should thus be made to improve glycemic control inconjunction of improvement of other cardiovascular riskfactors.


SH received a speaking fee from the Servier Company.SH, FT, LL and RM collectively received research grantsfrom Servier, Sanofi-Aventis, Merck Sharp Dome, BristolMyers Squibb and Johnson & Johnson pharmaceuticalfirms.

Conflicts of interest:S. Hadjadj: Dr. Samy Hadjadj is participating as a memberof scientific committees and speaker at the Servier labora-tory satellite symposium ALFEDIAM Advance. He tookpart in the Advance study supported and promoted by Ser-vier laboratory and is member of a national or internationalscientific council or committee of MSD laboratories.P.-J. Saulnier: none.F. Torremocha: none.L. Labbé: none.R. Maréchaud: Professor R. Maréchaud is participatingas a member of scientific committees and a speaker forthe GSK, Lilly, Novo-Nordisk, Sanofi-Aventis, andTakeda laboratories.


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