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CV and examples of work by architect Emilie Westergaard Folkersen
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Emilie Westergaard Folkersen Architect MAA CV + PORTFOLIO

Emilie Westergaard FolkersenArchitect MAA

CV +




PERSONAL SKILLSI am an analytical thinker - I gather knowledge about situations and problems and interpret this into concepts

and stories. I am intuitive and tend to focus on the big picture.I am curious and eager to learn - I can quickly familiarize myself with new tasks and workflows.

I am positive and empathetic and find it easy to communicate with many different people.Calm and patient - even in stressful situations.

PROFESSIONAL SKILLSI am good at communication and presentation - both graphically, in writing and orally.

I am good at IT - I learn new programs quickly and am a bit of a computer geek.I can translate complex information / legislation into concise and down to earth communication.

I have several years of international experience and an international network.

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Selfemployed architect | Frederiksberg, Denmark | 2014 -

Extension and conversion of single family houses.

Johannesen Architects | Odense, Denmark | 2013 - 2013

Proposal for residential area / row housing. Proposal for lookout towers.

pS Arkitektur | Stockholm, Sweden | 2011 - 2012

Office- and library interior design and housingdesign. Competitions, 3D modelling, graphic design, marketing and intern training.

Mikael Bergquist Ark. kontor | Stockholm, Sweden| 2012 - 2012

Transformation of an old town house into a restaurant, bar and hotel suites (www.noshandchow.se).

Fantastic Norway Architects | Oslo, Norway | 2011 - 2011

Proposals for summer cabins. Koncept design, 3D modelling, competitions, graphic design.

CV Emilie Westergaard Folkersen

Rahbeks Alle 6, st.th., 1801 Frederiksberg C +45 27266063 | [email protected]

Født 08.02.85



EDUCATION Arkitektskolen Aarhus | Aarhus, Denmark | 2007 - 2013 | Cand.Arch.

Department for cultural heritage and the department for architecture and aestethics.Thesis project “Eroded City - a study and staging of the urban layers of Stockholm”

UCD School of Architecture | Dublin, Ireland | 2010 - 2011 | 4th year

Studio"Room to Manouevre" and studio "Occupations", as well as theoretic and practical classes, in urban design theory, landscape architecture, concrete studies and sustainability.

Syddansk Universitet | Odense, Denmark | 2005 - 2007 | Media Sciences

Film studies, media theory, media history, communication and webdesign.

FURTHER TRAINING Arkitektforeningen | Copenhagen | 2014 | "Renovering - værdi, strategi og virkemidler"

2 day course in building renovation theory.

CADXpert / DTU Diplom | Greve, Denmark | 2014 | Revit course

6 weeks training in Revit Architecture with focus on sketching and rendering.

COMPUTER SKILLSRevit | AutoCad | Sketchup | Indesign | Photoshop | Illustrator

INTERESTSI relax by going on walks or runs with my dog and experiencing the city and nature.. I also like to use my hands,

both for crafts and for fixing up my apartment.

REFERENCESGert Johannesen | Johannesen Architects | +45 28 14 09 16

Mikael Bergquist | Mikael Bergquist Arkitektkontor | +46 8 644 21 23 Peter Sahlin | pS arkitektur | +46 707 235 021

Erlend Blakstad Haffner | Fantastic Norway Architects | +47 40 84 84 00





Eroded cityThesis project | A study and staging of Stockholm’s urban layers

My thesis project is about Stockholm and the thing that I find most fascinating about the city - its verticality.I set out to analyse the area around Sergels Torg, which is the one place in the city, that I think represents best the verticality, that I like about Stockholm and the heterogeneity that most of Stockholm needs. I wanted to learn from this place and destill qualities from it, to use on an empty building site, and create an equally heterogeneous place. I chose Blasieholmen and the coming Nobel Center competition as a case for my studies. The competition brief had

not yet been made public, so I wrote a building program myself. A Nobel Center is inherently a large iconic building. But with my thesis I wanted to investigate, if it is possible to design a building, which admittedly is an icon, but is a more open, heterogeneous and relaxed one all the same.

In my study of Sergels Torg I found that what has happened here, is what you could call urban erosion. The city has become more layered and the street level has gradually fallen as the area was modernized - in some places as much as 8 meters below original street level. At the same time, the urban mass has grown to a height of up to 19 floors.

Nevertheless was has happened on Blasieholmen is the exact opposite. Here the city has not eroded, but only grown through sedimentation, as the peninsula went from being a small untouched cliff in the archipelago, to being a

man-made urban quay in the middle of the city.

I decided to “re-erode” Blasieholmen using what I had learned from Sergels Torg. It resulted in a structure that assumes the role of both urban space, landscape and building. A layered structure with the city as it’s roof around

a submerged town square that draws people into it’s comfortable climate.



Quality: Layering

Quality:Valley formation

Quality: Undermining

Quality:Tunnel formation

Quality: Hole formation


Sergels Torg Blasieholmen

The verticality of Norrmalm Nobel Center on Blasieholmeninterpretation

Modernist area in several layers that accommodates a large amount of traffic while creating a well functioning urban space.

20,000 sqm cultural building in the centre of Stockholm with an open, heterogeneous expression and well functioning infrastruc-ture.





Plan +2

+ 8,02 m

Plan +1

+ 4,96 m

Plan 0

+ 1,90 m

+ 1,90 m

+ 1,45 m

+ 1,00 m

Plan -3

- 10.17 m- 10.17 m

- 18.50 m

Plan -1

- 1,16 m

- 2,06 m

Plan -2

- 5.00 m

- 5.00 m

- 7.11 m

- 7.11 m

- 7.11 m

- 7.11 m

Restaurant970 kvm

Café440 kvm

Butik860 kvm

Is- / ka�ekiosk120 kvm

Bibliotek2900 kvm

Konference-faciliteter2570 kvm

Nobelstiftelsens kontorer410 kvm

Depot / administration1260 kvm

Reception500 kvm

Udstilling5000 kvm

Auditorium + foyer2900 kvm

Fælles af- og pålæsning





Foto af den fine model



“Door To Door”4th year | Improving a dysfunctional housing estate in the small village Cahir in Ireland.

There are no ghost estates in Cahir, but the large housing estate north of the town centre, is not exactly a lively community either. It is a confusing assortment of houses and roads, with no apparent centre or common identity ,

and with only a few facilities to service the many people living there.Therefore I proposed to transform the wide space along the main road and it’s parallel access roads, into a cohesive green community backbone in the form of a long narrow park, that prioritises pedestrians and cyclists over cars,

and introduces a variety of public spaces and community facilities.Cars will drive on one-way streets along the edges of the space giving acces to the houses, while pedestrians and

cyclists have a direct path through the middle of the space.This however, makes the transition from private front gardens to public space very abrubt. To remedy this I have transformed the existing open front gardens into walled courtyards that introduce a threshhold between private

and public and also works as an ekstra coherent facade towards the park.

Pull the surrounding countryside into the housing estate by designing a park along the much too wide road space that runs through the estate.



Place different community elements along the new park to give the estate a “community backbone”:

1: community hall2: shop3: picnic area4: playground5: skating area6: garden center

Occupy the redundant space between the houses and make the tran-sition from private home to public park more gradual:



Cycle/walking pathStreetSidewalkFront yardExisting house

light3 bins

post box

brick wall 360 mm

sliding entry door


built in benchbuilt in bench

built in planter

bin room - accesible from both sides



Park Street Sidewalk Front yard Existing house



yder, “den til guderne indviede”. I Snorres Heimskringla bruges betegnelsen Godnarfjördr om Randers Fjord, og i Øm Klosters krønike fra begyndelsen af 1200 tallet hedder den Guthnesse. Helt tilbage fra oldtiden har Gudenåen været én

på trods af mange fald og forhindringer har det nok været lettere at transportere ting ad vandvejen end gennem et vildnis helt uden eller med elendige veje. Man har i gamle retsprotokoller fundet vidnesbyrd om

“Randers Parktown”2nd year | Designing a new town neighbourhood on a disused industrial harbour area.

The projects started with a one-week competition in groups of four: Design a master plan for the harbour area in Randers. (See opposite page)

Marianne Kasten, Kristian Pedersen, Alex Berg and I focussed on the area’s infrastructural problems. First freeing the central harbour pier from the adjacent traffic knot by changing it into an island. Then connecting the harbour island to the city by making an existing boulevard and a “ramp” onto the island, also giving the boulevard a much needed end point. Finally establishing a circular traffic flow from the city to the harbour island and back to te city.

This project won 1st prize in the workshop competition.

The rest of the semester was an individual continuation of the previously mentioned workshop: Choose one of the three winning master plans, and design an urban plan for the harbour area.

I chose the master plan “Green Invasion”, wich proposed to make the harbour a green link between the green of the river delta on the eastern and western side of the city.

I decided that my interpretation of green, was not necesarily trees and grass, but rather the use of landscaping principles in the planning of urban elements. I designed a park made up of buildings and pavement.




1 Knudepunkt med høj aktivit et 2 Østervold med manglende aktivitet



Hovedvejene danner et knudepunkt som opdeler byen.

mod Århusmod Århus

mod Aalborg

mod Viborg og Hobro

mod Århus

Primary infrastructure

Establish another bridge, to create traffic circulation.

Problems: Confusing traffic knot near site and pedestrian boulevard with no endpoint.


Hovedvejene danner et knudepunkt som opdeler byen.

[Løsning 2 ]Østervold forlænges - skaber lynlås mellem Randers midtby og pier.

Existing conditions

Solution: Continue the pedestrian boulevard onto the pier island.

Solution: Redirect the primary infrastruc-ture, so it crosses the boulevard more directly, away from quay.

[Løsning 3 ]

Den regionale vej føres af en ny rute, som kryder Østervold et andet sted end i overgangen mellem midtby og pier.

[Løsning 1 ]

Ved at fritlægge pieren fjernes den fra det infrastrukturelle knudepunkt.


3 Ved at forlænge Østervold skabes endnu et nyt knudepunkt mellem regionale og lokale veje.


Problem: Primary infrastructure crosses bou-levard along the valuable quay edge.

Final structure plan - 1st place in compe-tition

Solution: Cut off the pier from traffic knot, by making it into an island.

yder, “den til guderne indviede”. I Snorres Heimskringla bruges betegnelsen Godnarfjördr om Randers Fjord, og i Øm Klosters krønike fra begyndelsen af 1200 tallet hedder den Guthnesse. Helt tilbage fra oldtiden har Gudenåen været én

på trods af mange fald og forhindringer har det nok været lettere at transportere ting ad vandvejen end gennem et vildnis helt uden eller med elendige veje. Man har i gamle retsprotokoller fundet vidnesbyrd om



Emilie Westergaard Folkersen 2014
