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CV/Resume Vladislav B. Sotirovic

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  • 7/31/2019 CV/Resume Vladislav B. Sotirovic


    Professor Vladislav B. Sotirovi, Ph. D. Curriculum Vitae Page 1


    Professor VLADISLAV B. SOTIROVI, Ph.D.An ORCID Identifier: 0000-0002-4627-1266

    OFFICE:Mykolas Romeris University (MRU), Faculty of Politics and Management, Institute

    of Political Sciences, Office I-57, Valakupi g. 5, LT-10101 Vilnius, Lithuania(Lietuva); E-mail: [email protected]; Phone: (+3705) 2740 611; Fax: (+3705)

    2740 624; URL: http://vsotirovic.home.mruni.eu


    Gerosios Vilties 2448, Vilnius LT-03144, Lithuania (Lietuva), Phone: (+3705)2136787; Mobile phone: 370 676 64317; E-mail: [email protected]: http://www.sotirovic.eu

    EDUCATION:Central European Summer University, Central European University, Budapest,

    Hungary. Certificate of Attendance for having taken part in and completed the

    summer course Theory and Research in Comparative Sociology, Budapest,Hungary, July 126, 2002Vilnius University, Faculty of Philology, Slavic Philology Department, Vilnius,

    Lithuania, Ph.D. in Hum. Sc. (Philology), June 2002. The Ph.D. dissertation:

    Lingvistiki model definisanja srpske nacije Vuka Stefanovia Karadia i projekatIlije Garaanina o stvaranju linvistiki odreene drave Srba (Linguistic model ofDefinition of Serbian Nation by Vuk Stefanovi Karadi and the Project aboutCreation of Linguistically Understood Serbian National State by Ilija Garaanin),supervisor-Prof. Dr. Habil. Sergejus Teminas (Vilnius University)School of Human Rights Research, Faculty of Law, Tilburg University and

    Institute for Human Rights, Faculty of Law, Catholic University of Leuven,

    Certificate of Attendance for having taken part in and completed the Summer CourseHuman Rights 2001, Tilburg, The Netherlands and Leuven, Belgium, August 2031,2001

    The Center for European Integration Studies, Diploma of 8th TransatlanticSummer Academy, Bonn, Germany, June 530, 2001European Academy of Bozen/Bolzano, Diploma of Summer Academy Regionsand Minorities in a Greater Europe 2000, Brixen/Bressanone, South Tyrol (Alto

    Adige), Italy, September 415, 2000Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, M.A. in Southeast EuropeanStudies, June 1997. Thesis: Relationships Between The Yugoslav Committee inLondon, The National Council in Zagreb and The Royal Serbian Government During

    The Process of Creation of Yugoslavia, GPA: 3.45 (max. 4,00), supervisors-Prof. IvoBanac (Yale University) and Prof. Drago Roksandi (Zagreb University)

    Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, M.A. in Central European

    History, June 1996. Thesis: The Creation of Yugoslavia 1914-1918. GPA: 3.50(max. 4,00), supervisors-Prof. Ivo Banac (Yale University) and Prof. Alfred J. Rieber

    (Central European University)

    University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy, Serbia, B.A. in History, June 1991.

    Thesis: Fortifications and the Urban Topography of Belgrade at the end of Middle

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    Professor Vladislav B. Sotirovi, Ph. D. Curriculum Vitae Page 2

    Ages, GPA: 9.26 (max. 10), supervisors-Prof. Sima irkovi (Belgrade University)and Prof. Rade Mihalji (Belgrade University)


    Senior lecturer of Middle East Studies at the Mykolas Romeris University,Vilnius, Lithuania, 2016-onward

    Senior lecturer of Mediterranean Studies at the Mykolas Romeris University,Vilnius, Lithuania, 2016-onward

    Senior lecturer of Ethnicity, Multiculturalism and Globalisation, BalkanNationalism and Ethnic Conflicts, Europeanisation: Process and Results,Geopolotics in Central Asia and the Caucasus, Democracy: Past, Present, Future,Global Politics: Theories, International Relations and Security, ComparativeHistory of Central and Southeast Europe and Eastward Enlargement of theEuropean Union at the Institute of Political Sciences (Faculty of StrategicManagement and Politics) at the Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania,

    2007-onward (ERASMUS programme)

    Senior lecturer of European Studies at the Social Science Colleague in Vilnius,Lithuania from 2009-2011

    Senior lecturer of Politics of the Balkan States at the Political Science Dept.(Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy) at Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas,

    Lithuania, 2009-2011

    Senior lecturer of Region of the South Europe in the 20-21 century at theDepartment of Political Science (Faculty of Strategic Management and Politics) at the

    Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2009-2010

    Senior lecturerof Region of the Middle East and North Africa in the 20-21 century

    Senior lecturerof Serbian Language at the Foreign Languages Center at VytautasMagnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania, 2009-2013

    Senior lecturer of Political Scienceat the Department of Political Science (Facultyof Strategic Management and Politics) at the Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius,

    Lithuania, 2007-2009

    Senior lecturer of European integration at the Department of Political Science(Faculty of Strategic Management and Politics) at the Mykolas Romeris University,

    Vilnius, Lithuania, 2007-onward

    Senior lecturer of Applied Political Sociology at the Department of PoliticalScience (Faculty of Strategic Management and Politics) at the Mykolas Romeris

    University, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2007-2010

    Senior lecturer of The Ethnicity, Multiculturalism and Globalization at theEuropean Humanities University, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2006-2010

    Senior lecturer of 1) Balkan Nationalism and Ethnic Conflicts, 1477to the presenttime, 2) Balkan Security Problems and Perspectives, 1815to the present time, 3)History of the Early Byzantine Empire, 330846, 4) Comparative History ofCentral and South Eastern Europe: 1683to the present time, 5) Serbian Languageand Philology, 6) Ottoman History, 7) South Slavs History, 8) Introduction tothe Czech Philology, 9) South Slavic Sociolinguistics, and 10) The Ethnicity,Multiculturalism and Globalization at the Faculty of Philology, Slavic PhilologyDepartment (1998; 20002007), Faculty of Philology, Slavic Studies Department

    (20072008) and the Faculty of History, Department of History of Theories andCulture (20002006), Vilnius University, Lithuania

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    Professor Vladislav B. Sotirovi, Ph. D. Curriculum Vitae Page 3

    Senior lecturer of 1) Southeast European States and their Majorities and Minoritiesin Conflict: Origins, History, Politics and Resolution, and 2) Stateless Cultures andMinorities in the Balkans: Challenge of Transition, Center for Stateless Cultures,Faculty of History, Vilnius University, Lithuania, 20012003

    Senior Research Fellow at the Faculty of Philology, Slavic Philology Department

    and Slavic Studies Department, Vilnius University, Lithuania, 1998; 2000-2008

    Researcher on individual research project Serbia, Montenegro and AlbanianIndependence, 19121913, 20002002 sponsored by Research Support Scheme,PragueSoros Foundation, New York

    Research Room Coordinator, Open Society Archives at Central European

    University, Budapest, Hungary, September 1999August 2000

    Political analyst upon international politics and Balkan affairs at several international

    websites, November 2008-onward

    Columnist/Correspondent upon Baltic affairs at the International Desk of Serbian

    national dailyDnevnik (Novi Sad), September 2004-January 2005

    Columnist/Correspondent upon Balkan and Southeast European affairs at the

    International Desk of Lithuanian national daily Respublika, September 1998September 2001/November 2007January 2008

    Columnist/Correspondent upon Balkan and Southeast European affairs at the

    International Desk of Lithuanian national daily Vakar Ekspresas, October 2007January 2008

    Research Assistant in the Central European University, History Department,

    Budapest, enrolled in the project The Origins of the Cold War, FebruaryJune 1999,supervised by Prof. Alfred J. Rieber (Central European University)

    Assistantin the writing of the Lithuanian Encyclopaedia, 1998-2008

    Columnist at the Rytai-Vakarai of Lithuanian national daily Lietuvos Rytas, JuneAugust 1998

    Research Project Assistant enrolled in the project: Post-CommunistDemocratization organized by the Department of Political Science, MelbourneUniversity, Australia, 19961997, supervised by Prof. Leslie T. Holmes (MelbourneUniversity) and Prof. John S. Dryzek (Melbourne University/Australian National

    University, Canberra). The results of the research project are published in the chapter

    Yugoslavia, pp. 5775 in Dryzek S. J, Holmes T. L., Post-CommunistDemocratization. Political Discourses Across Thirteen Countries, Cambridge

    University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2002, pp. 300 (participation in the project and

    authorship credit confirmed on pp. x and xii)Research Assistantin the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, University of Belgrade, enrolled

    in the project: Hundred Years of the Public Transport in Belgrade, 19911992,supervised by Prof. Dejan Kosanovi (Belgrade University)


    COST, European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research ,

    grant for participation in Action IS0803 Remaking Eastern Borders in Europe: ANetwork Exploring Social, Moral and Material Relocations of Europes EasternPeripheries, January 2009January 2013

    Open Society Archives at Central European University, Budapest, Hungary grant for

    a monthly archival research upon the dissolution of Yugoslavia, 19901995, January5February 5, 2005.

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    Professor Vladislav B. Sotirovi, Ph. D. Curriculum Vitae Page 4

    Central European University, Budapest, Hungary grant for participation in

    international conference Recent Pasts: Looking Back, 20031933 at New EuropeCollege, Romanian Institute for Recent History and Institute for Political Research,

    University of Bucharest in Bucharest, Romania, May 2123, 2004.

    Special Projects Office, Special and Extension Programs Central EuropeanUniversity, Budapest, Hungary, awarded Junior Visiting Research Fellowship at theHistory Dept. of Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, July 3August 3,2003

    The USAIDgrant for participation in Workshop for new Doctoral Research on theHistory of Southeast Europe in Sofia, Bulgaria, organized by the Center forDemocracy and Reconciliation in Southeast Europe, Thessaloniki, Greece and the

    Centre for Advanced Study, Sofia, Bulgaria, June 2628, 2003

    Sdertrns hgskola, University College, Baltic and East European GraduateSchool grant for participation in a conference for young scholars in the humanities:

    Statehood Beyond Ethnicity: Comparative and Trans-National Perspectives in

    Europe, Fleminsberg near Stockholm, Sweden, June 1314, 2003Central European Summer University, Central European University, Budapest,

    Hungary. Scholarship, accommodation and travel expenses for the summer course

    Theory and Research in Comparative Sociology, Budapest, Hungary, July 126,2002

    Special Convention Nationalism, Identities and Regional Co-operation:Compatibilities and Incompatibilities, convention fee, accommodation and travelexpenses, June 49, 2002, Forli, Italy, organised by the Centro per lEuropa CentroOrientale e Balcanica, the Association for the Study of Nationalities and held under

    the auspices of the Europe and the Balkans International Network, with the

    participation of the Italian Association for Slavic Studies and the European

    Association for Comparative Economic Systems, Bologna University and theMunicipality of Forli

    School of Human Rights Research, Faculty of Law, Tilburg University, and

    Institute for Human Rights, Faculty of Law, Catholic University of Leuven,

    scholarship, accommodation and travel expenses for Summer Course Human Rights2001, Tilburg, The Netherlands, Leuven, Belgium, August 2031, 2001

    The Center for European Integration Studies, Bonn, scholarship, accommodation

    and travel expenses for the 8th Transatlantic Summer Academy, Bonn, Germany,June 530, 2001

    European Academy Bozen/Bolzano, scholarship, accommodation and travel

    expenses for the Summer Academy Regions and Minorities in a Greater Europe2000, Brixen/Bressanone, South Tyrol (Alto Adige), Italy, September 415, 2000

    Research Support Scheme, Soros Foundation, Prague, grant for individual research-

    project Serbia, Montenegro and Albanian Independence, 19121913, July 2000July 2002

    Soros Foundation Postgraduate Scholarships, Central European University,

    Budapest College, Hungary, 19951996 and 19961997

    Undergraduate Scholarship of Republican Foundation for a support of the young

    scientific the rising generations, Republic of Serbia, Yugoslavia, 19871991

    Undergraduate Scholarship, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade University,

    Yugoslavia, 19851991

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    Professor Vladislav B. Sotirovi, Ph. D. Curriculum Vitae Page 5

    Financial Supportfor all participated scientific conferences by the organizers or/and

    the home university and for participation in ERASMUS/SOCRATES Program


    Visiting lecturer at the Institute of Political Science, the Faculty of Social Sciences

    and Philosophy,Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany, December, 711, 2015. Givenlectures: Cultural Identity and European Unification, State-Building, PoliticalSystem and Ethnic Conflicts in the FYR Macedonia, Lithuania Between the West &East: Culture, History, Politics & Political System (sponsored by ERASMUS+Program)

    Participant at the International Conference "European Union and Byzantium -

    Cultural Heritage, History and Perspectives: The World of the Justinian theGreat and European Civilization (5652015)", October 2325, 2015, Vilnius,Lithuania, organized by the Greek Society of Lithuania - "Pontos" with the research

    paper presentation The Foundation of Christian ConstantinopleVisiting lecturer at the Institute of Political Science, the Faculty of Law, Etvs

    LorndUniversity, Budapest, Hungary, April, 2024, 2015. Given lectures: How toAchieve a Pan-European Identity?, The FYR of Macedonia After The OhridAgreement in 2001: Democracy, State-Building and Multiethnic Cohabitation,Lithuania Between The West & East: Culture, History, Politics & Political System (sponsored by ERASMUS+ Program)

    Visiting lecturer at the Lisboa School of Economic & Management , Lisbon

    University, Lisbon, Portugal, December 15, 2014. Given lecture: BalkanNationalism and Destruction of Yugoslavia (sponsored by ERASMUS+ Program)

    Participant at the SOCIN 3rd International Interdisciplinary Conference on

    Social Innovation, October 2324th, 2014, Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius withthe research paper presentation Nationalism and Territorial Claims of the Yugoslavs

    Visiting lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political

    Science at the Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, March 2428, 2014. Givenlecture: Selected Issue on European Identity (sponsored byERASMUS/SOCRATES Program)

    Visiting lecturer at the Department of Global Political Studies, Malm University,Malm, Sweden, March 37, 2014. Given lecture: Balkan Nationalism andDestruction of Yugoslavia (sponsored by ERASMUS/SOCRATES Program)

    Peer reviewerof the article: Miroslav Svirevi, Serbian Local Government underthe Rule of the Constitutionalists: 1842-58, Serbian Studies. Journal of the NorthAmerican Society for Serbian Studies, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2011 (2014), Slavica

    Publishers, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA, pp. 119-142Visiting lecturer at the Institute of Political Science, the Faculty of Law, EtvsLorndUniversity, Budapest, Hungary, November 48, 2013. Given lecture: Balkan

    Nationalism and Destruction of Yugoslavia (sponsored by ERASMUS/SOCRATESProgram)

    Participant at the International Scientific Conference Self and Others in theContemporary Research, October 2425th, 2013, Lithuanian Institute of History,Vilnius with the research paper presentation The European Union and the EuropeanIdentity

    Participant at the SOCIN 2nd International Interdisciplinary Conference on

    Social Innovation, October 1011th, 2013, Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius withthe research paperpresentation How to Achieve a Pan-European Identity?

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    Professor Vladislav B. Sotirovi, Ph. D. Curriculum Vitae Page 6

    Participant at the International Scientific Conference SustainableMultilingualism: Research, Studies, Culture, September 2728, 2013, atVytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania, organized by the Institute of Foreign

    Languages with the research paper presentation Shaping of a Modern Serbian Nationand State-Building

    Participant at the International Conference "European Union and Cultural

    Heritage of Byzantium: Byzantine Commonwealth of Nations and Its

    Significance for European Civilization", September 1215, 2013, Vilnius,Lithuania, organized by the Greek Society of Lithuania - "Pontos" with the research

    paper presentation The Greekness of the Byzantine Empire

    Virtual participant at the Scientific Conference, Section 9: Art, Religion, History,

    Culturology, Philosophy, June 1015th, 2013, Research paper presentation:

    Kosovo and the Caucasus: A Domino Effect (Papers online presentation:http://www.scieconf.com/actual-conferences-and-papers/?pa=9&cmd=det)

    Visiting lecturer at the Faculty of Economics, Legal and Political Sciences at the

    University of Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, May 610, 2013. Given lectures: BalkanNationalism and Destruction of Yugoslavia and Shaping Modern SerbianEthnolinguistic Nation and National State-Building in the First Half of the 19 th

    century (sponsored by ERASMUS/SOCRATES Program)

    Participant at the Second EastBoardNet Conference: Relocating Borders: AComparative Approach, January 1113, 2013, Humboldt University, Berlin,Germany, organized by the COST Action Committee (University of Manchester,

    UK), with the research paper presentation Nationalism and Territorial Claims of theYugoslavs: Challenge to Remapping the Balkans in the 21stcentury

    Virtual participant at the World Congress on Administrative and Political

    Sciences conference, Qeeen Elizabeth Hotel and Spa, November 29th

    December 2nd

    ,2012, Antalya, Turkey organized by Academic World Education & Research Center,

    Kyrenia, Cyprus. Research paper presentation: Shaping Modern SerbianEthnolinguistic Nation and National State-Building in the First Half of the 19 th

    century (Paper ID: 21972; http://www.worldeducationcenter.eu/index.php/ADPOL/)

    Visiting lecturer at the Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology at the

    University of Granada, Spain, November 59, 2012. Given lecture: How to AchievePan-European Identity? (sponsored by ERASMUS/SOCRATES Program)

    Participant at the SOCIN 1st International Interdisciplinary Conference onSocial Innovation, October 2526th, 2012, Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius with

    the research paper presentation Fair Trade and the European UnionParticipant at the international Fifth Annual Academic Conference Borders,Boundaries, and Barriers: New Paradigm for the Twenty-first Century, March2324, 2012, at the LCC International University, Klaipda, Lithuania with theresearch paper presentation Nationalism and Territorial Claims of the Yugoslavs:Challenge to Remapping the Balkans in the 21stc.

    Participant at the International Scientific Conference Multilingualism andLanguage Studies in Higher Education, December 810, 2011, at VytautasMagnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania, organized by the Centre of Foreign Languages

    with the research paper presentation Disintegration of Ex-Serbo-Croat Language:Boshnjak Identity and Bosnian Language

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    Professor Vladislav B. Sotirovi, Ph. D. Curriculum Vitae Page 7

    Visiting lecturer at the Faculty of Political Science,at the University of Pisa, Pisa,

    Italy, November 1418, 2011. Given lecture: Serbia, Kosovo and the EuropeanUnion (sponsored by ERASMUS/SOCRATES Program)

    Visiting lecturer at the Faculty of Political Science Cesare Alfieri, at theUniversity of Florence, Florence, Italy, November 711, 2011. Given lecture:

    Cultural Identity and European Unification (sponsored by ERASMUS/SOCRATESProgram)

    Participant at the International Conference European Union and CulturalHeritage of Byzantium: 550 Years Since the End of the Empire of Trebizond-Tragedy of the Byzantine World, September 2324, 2011, Vilnius, Lithuania,organized by the Greek Society of Lithuania Pontos with the research paper

    presentation Byzantium after Byzantium: Megali Idea and United National GreekState

    Visiting lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political

    Science at the Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, March 2125, 2011. Given

    lecture: Serbia, Kosovo and the European Union (sponsored byERASMUS/SOCRATES Program)

    Participant at the First EastBoardNet Conference: Remaking Borders, January2022,2011, Catania, Italy, organized by the COST Action Committee (University ofManchester, UK), with the research paper presentation Remapping the Balkans:Shaping the Borders of United National State of Ethno-Linguistic Serbs

    Visiting lecturer at the School of Economics and Management, Economics Dpt.,

    at the University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, November 15, 2010. Given lecture:Citizenship and Multiculturalism (sponsored by ERASMUS/SOCRATES Program)

    Participant at the 4th International Conference Nation and Language: ModernAspects of Socio-Linguistic Development, October 2122, 2010, organized byKaunas University of Technology, Panveys Institute, Panevys, Lithuania, with theresearch paper presentation Shaping Modern Serbian Ethnolinguistic Nation and

    National State-Building in the First Half of the 19th c.

    Participant at the International Conference "Northern Athens: CulturalDialogue between East and West", September 1719, 2010, Vilnius, Lithuania,organized by the Greek Society of Lithuania - "Pontos" with the research paper

    presentation Post-Soviet Language Policy in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania

    Participant at the COST Workgroup 3 Differences and Inequalities, May 7-8,2010, Fafo Institute for Applied International Studies, Oslo, Norway. Paper

    presentation: Fair Trade and the European Union

    Visiting lecturer at the Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology at the

    University of Granada, Spain, April 26-30, 2010. Given lecture: Serbia, Kosovo andthe European Union (sponsored by ERASMUS/SOCRATES Program)

    Visiting lecturer at the European Studies Masters Programme at the Universityof Latvia, February 8-12, 2010. Given lecture: Citizenship and Multiculturalism(sponsored by ERASMUS/SOCRATES Program)

    Participant at the COST Workshop 1 Multiple Easts: Peripheries as Practice,November 12-13, 2009, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. Paper

    presentation: Making Boshnjak Ethnonational Identity by Creation of BosnianLanguage in Bosnia & Herzegovina and Sandak, 1993-2009

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    Professor Vladislav B. Sotirovi, Ph. D. Curriculum Vitae Page 8

    Participant at the 5th International Scientific Conference: Social Sciences inGlobal World: Possibilities, Challenges and Perspectives, October 8-9, 2009,Klaipda, Lithuania at the University of Klaipda, organized by Baltic Sea RegionUniversity Network and University of Klaipda with the paper presentationTrafficking of Women: A Dark Side of Globalization

    Visiting lecturer at the Department of Political Science and International

    Relations at the University of Tampere in Finland, September 29-October 1, 2009.

    B.A./M.A. credit course: Linguistic Nationalism in Contemporary Europe(sponsored by ERASMUS/SOCRATES Program)

    Participant at the International Conference and Festival "European Union andCultural Heritage of Byzantium: History and Future", June 19-25, 2009, Vilnius,

    Lithuania, organized by the Greek Society of Lithuania - "Pontos" with the research

    paper presentation The Battle of Manzikert (1071): The Beginning of Decline ofByzantium

    Lecturer at the 4th International Summer School "Challenges of Democracy inPost-Communist Europe: National Identity", Vilnius, Lithuania, organized by

    Dept. of Political Science, Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania, June 14-

    21, 2009. Lecture: Balkan Nationalism and Destruction of Yugoslavia

    Participant in the COST, European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and

    Technical Research, Action IS0803 Remaking Eastern Borders in Europe: ANetwork Exploring Social, Moral and Material Relocations of Europes EasternPeripheries, January 2009January 2013

    Peer reviewerof article Killing Nationalism with Liberalism? Austria-Hungary andthe Serbian Constitution 1869 for the journalDiplomacy & Statecraft, USA, 2009

    Visiting lecturer at the Institute of European Studies and InternationalRelations, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciencies at Comenius University,

    Bratislava, Slovakia, March 30April 3, 2009, giving lectures to Ph.D. and B.A.students: Balkan Nationalism and Destruction of Yugoslavia, Kosovo, Serbia andEU, Nationalism, Ethnicity and State (sponsored by ERASMUS/SOCRATESProgram)

    Visiting lecturer at the Institute of Political Sciences at Grenoble , November

    1720, 2008, Grenoble, France, giving lectures to B.A./M.A. students: LinguisticNationalism in Contemporary Europeand Balkan Nationalism and Destruction ofYugoslavia(sponsored by ERASMUS/SOCRATES Program)

    Paper presenter at the 11th Annual Mediterranean Studies AssociationCongress, May 2831, 2008, Lneburg, Germany. The congress is organized by theKenneth Spencer Research Library, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, USA. The

    paper presentation: Turkey, Greece, Italy and Security in the Mediterranean Area

    Visiting lecturer at the Porto University, Faculty of Psychology and Educational

    Science, May 1216, 2008, Porto, Portugal, giving lectures to BA students:Multicultural Society and Minority Rights and Globalization (sponsored byERASMUS/SOCRATES Program)

    Visiting lecturer at the Lisbon University, Faculty of Law, May 511, 2008,Lisbon, Portugal, giving lectures to BA students: European Integration Processesand Globalization (sponsored by ERASMUS/SOCRATES Program)

    Paper presenter at the 2nd Annual Conference of the Open Society Institute-

    Central European University Comparative History Project: New Approaches to

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    Professor Vladislav B. Sotirovi, Ph. D. Curriculum Vitae Page 9

    Comparative History in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe , April 17-19th, 2008, Sofia, Bulgaria. The paper presentation: The Idea of Pan-SlavicEthnolinguistic Kinship and Reciprocity in Dalmatian and Croatian Literature and

    Historiography, 14771706

    Visiting lecturer at the Warsaw University, Eastern Winter School 2008 at the

    East European Studies Programme organised by the East European Collegium,Wrocaw, March 110th, 2008, Poland. Lectured course: National, Ethnic andPolitical Backgrounds of the Balkan Conflicts (sponsored by the Warsaw University)

    Visiting lecturer at the University of Tartu, Faculty of Social Sciences,

    Department of Political Science, November 2630, 2007, Tartu, Estonia, givingseminars-lectures to BA/MA students: Balkan Nationalism and the Destruction ofYugoslavia and Macedonian Question in Historical Perspective, 1878-2007. Givena public lecture (by the invitation of EuroCollege of the University of Tartu) : Post-MilosevicsSerbia and the Question of Kosovo on November 28th, 2007 (sponsored

    by ERASMUS/SOCRATES Program)

    Paper presenter at the Third international conference: The RecentDevelopment of the European Union: Challenges and Experience, October 1112, 2007, Klaipda, Lithuania. The conference is organized by the Baltic Sea RegionUniversity Network, the University of Klaipda and the Vilnius University. The paper

    presentation: The European Union and the European Identity

    Paper presenter at international conference: European Union and CulturalHeritage of Byzantium: History and Future, June 2227, 2007, Vilnius,Lithuania. The conference is organized by the Greek society in Lithuania - Pontos.The paper presentation: The Triumph of Christianity in the Early ByzantiumPaper presenter at the international Vishegrad 4 conference: Processes ofRedefinition and Reconstruction of the Term Nation in Central Europe, June 89, 2007, Tel, Czech Republic. The conference is organized by Center for Research ofEthnicity and Culture (CVEK), Bratislava, Slovakia and Institute for the Research on

    Social Reproduction and Integration (IVRIS), Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk

    University, Brno, Czech Republic. The paper presentation: Making BoshnjakEthnonational Identity by Creation of Bosnian Language in Bosnia & Herzegovina

    and Sandak, 19932007

    Paper presenter at the international conference: European Studies: Dialectsand Language Policy, April 2728, 2007, iauliai, Lithuania. The conference isorganized by European Studies Institute, Humanities Faculty at the iauliaiUniversity. The paper presentation: Disintegration of Serbo-Croat Language and

    Linguistic Policy in Bosnia & Herzegovina: Making Boshnjak Ethnonational Identityby Transformation of Regional Dialect into Bosnian Language

    Paper presenter at the international conference: Representation and Formationof National and Civic Identity Nowadays, April 2627, 2007, Kaunas, Lithuania.The conference is organized by the Department of Lithuanian Literature, Humanities

    Science Faculty, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas. The paper presentation:

    Making Boshnjak Ethnonational Identity by Creation of Bosnian Language in Bosnia& Herzegovina and Sandak, 19932007

    Visiting lecturer at the Warsaw University, Eastern Winter School 2007 at the

    East European Studies Programme organised by the East European Collegium,

    Wrocaw, March 110th, 2007, Poland. Lectured course: The Politics of theBorderlands of Central, East and Southeast Europe from Pre- to Post-Communism(sponsored by the Warsaw University)

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    Professor Vladislav B. Sotirovi, Ph. D. Curriculum Vitae Page 10

    Visiting lecturer at the University of Tartu, Faculty of Social Sciences,

    Department of Political Science, February 1216, 2007, Tartu, Estonia. Lecturedcourse: Balkan Nationalism and the Destruction of Yugoslavia. Given a publiclecture: Serbias Political Scene and Future of Regional Security on February 13th,2007 (sponsored by ERASMUS/SOCRATES Program)

    Paper presenter at the international conference: Current Theoretical andPractical Tendencies in the Russian Studies, May 1213, 2006, Klaipda,Lithuania. The conference is organized by the Slavonic Centre of the KlaipdaUniversity, Russian State University I. Kant, Kaliningrad, and Russian GeneralConsulate in Klaipda. The paper presentation: Balkans and Russian nationalinterest: Russia Between Euro-Atlantics integration and the myth of pan-Slavic

    solidarity, reciprocity and brotherhood

    Paper presenter at the Second International Conference: Nation and Language:Modern Aspects of Socio-Linguistic Development, April 28, 2006, Paneveys,Lithuania. The conference is organized by Kaunas University of Technology,

    Paneveys Institute, Faculty of Management and Administration, Centre ofLanguages. The paper presentation: The Croatian National Revival Movement (TheIllyrian Movement) and the Question of Language in the Phase from 1830 to 1841

    Visiting lecturer at the European Studies, Institute for Political Science,

    University of Hannover, February 411, 2006, Hannover, Germany. Lecturedcourse: Balkans in International Relations, 1920th, cc.. Given a public lecture:Emigration, Refugees and Ethnic Cleansing in Yugoslavia between 1991 and 2000on February 7th, 2006(sponsored by ERASMUS/SOCRATES Program)

    Paper presenter at the international conference Organizations of NationalMinorities: Cultural Aspect, November 18, 2005, Kaunas, Lithuania. Theconference is organized by the Cultural Center of Kaunas Various Nations. Paper

    presentation: The Role of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the protection ofminorities and minor religious communities in Serbia and Montenegro

    Academic Ph.D. supervisor to Ph.D. candidate Rene Barba Para (Mexico) at Vilnius

    University, Lithuania, from September 2005 to September 2006. Ph.D. dissertation:

    The role of Slobodan Miloevi in Yugoslav crisis 19911995

    Paper presenter at the Third International Conference in Stateless Cultures

    (The Weakest Minorities: Reconstructing Europe of Local Cultures), May 1314, 2005, Vilnius, Lithuania. The conference is organized by the Center for Stateless

    Cultures, Faculty of History at the Vilnius University, Lithuania. Paper presentation:

    Roma Holocaust in Central and Southeast Europe, 19391945

    Paper presenter at the international conference Inheritance of the ByzantineCulture, Vilnius, Lithuania, March 1819, 2005. The paper presentation: TheBalkans: Crossroads of civilizations and political spheres of influences. Theconference is organized by the Greek society Pontos in Lithuania

    Monthly archival research at the Open Society Archives at Central European

    University, Budapest, Hungary upon the dissolution of Yugoslavia, 19901995,January 5February 5, 2005

    Paper presenter at international conference Recent Pasts: Looking Back, 20031933 at Institute for Political Research, University of Bucharest in Bucharest,Romania, May 2123, 2004. The paper presentation: Emigration, Refugees and

    Ethnic Cleansing During Yugoslavias Disintegration: Ethnic Nationalism and

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    Professor Vladislav B. Sotirovi, Ph. D. Curriculum Vitae Page 11

    Creation of the National States. The conference is organized by Pasts, Inc. Centar forHistorical Studies, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary

    Paper presenter at the seminar Inheritance of the Byzantine Culture , Vilnius,Lithuania, April 26, 2004. The paper presentation: Byzantium and the FourthCrusade. Seminar is organized by the Greek society Pontos in Lithuania

    Research at the Library of Central European University and Open Society

    Archives at Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, on creation of

    Albanian independent state at the beginning of the 20 thc. sponsored by Special and

    Extension Programs-Central European University, July 3August 3, 2003

    Paper presenter in the Workshop for new Doctoral Research on the History ofSoutheast Europe, Sofia, Bulgaria, June 2628, 2003. The workshop is organized

    by the Center for Democracy and Reconciliation in Southeast Europe, Thessaloniki,

    Greece and the Centre for Advanced Study, Sofia, Bulgaria. The paper presentation:

    The Lingustic Model of the Definition of the Serbian Nation by Vuk StefanoviKaradi and the Project of the Creation of a Linguistically-Determined Serbian

    National State by Ilija GaraaninPaper presenter in the Early Modern Panels of a Conference for Young Scholars

    in the Humanities: Statehood Beyond Ethnicity: Comparative and Trans-National Perspectives in Europe, Fleminsberg near Stockholm, Sweden, June 1314, 2003. The conference is organized by Sdertrns hgskola, University College,Fleminsberg near Stockholm, Sweden. Paper presentation: The Idea of GreaterCroatia in the Seventeenth-Century

    Paper presenter in the Second International Conference in Stateless Cultures ,

    December 46, 2002, Vilnius, Lithuania. The conference is organized by the Centerfor Stateless Cultures, Faculty of History at the Vilnius University, Lithuania. Paper

    presentation: A Stateless Minority Threatened with Extinction: The Vlachs/Aromaniin the Balkans

    Paper presenter in the panel 68 Language Nationalism and Globalization inthe Special Convention Nationalism, Identities and Regional Co-operation:Compatibilities and Incompatibilities, June 49, 2002, Forli, Italy, organized bythe Centro per lEuropa Centro Orientale e Balcanica, the Association for the Study of

    Nationalities and held under the auspices of the Europe and the Balkans International

    Network, with the participation of the Italian Association for Slavic Studies and the

    European Association for Comparative Economic Systems, Bologna University and

    the Municipality of Forli. Paper presentation: A Linguistic Model of SerbianNationalIdentity and the Creation of Ethnolinguistic State of Serbs

    Speaker in the conference Balkan Conflicts with the research paper SerbianQuestion and the Collapse of Yugoslavia, organized by Vytautas Magnus University,March 8, 2002, Kaunas, Lithuania

    Speaker in the conference Religion and Culture with the research paper The Roleof Patriarchate of Pe in Preservation of Serbian National and Cultural Identitywithin the Ottoman Empire, organized by the Center for Religious Studies, Vilnius

    University, February 28March 1, 2002, Vilnius, Lithuania

    Speaker in the international conference Beginnings and Ends of Emigration: Lifewithout Borders in Contemporary World with the speech and research-paper

    Emigration, Refugees and Ethnic Cleansing in Yugoslavia 19912001 in the Context

    of Transforming Ethnographical Borders into National-State Borders, organized byVytautas Magnus University, Faculty of Social Sciences Vytautas Kavolis Center for

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    Professor Vladislav B. Sotirovi, Ph. D. Curriculum Vitae Page 12

    Interdisciplinary Studies, Kaunas and The Lithuanian Emigration Institute, Kaunas,

    Lithuania, November 2223, 2001, Kaunas, Lithuania

    Guest lecturer at the Department of Classical Philology, Vilnius University,

    Vilnius, Lithuania with the topics 1) Political and Cultural Foundations of the

    Byzantine Empire, 2) Nations and Languages in the Early Byzantium and 3)

    Christianity and Religious Sects in the Early Byzantine State, February 14, 21 andMarch 14, 2002

    Key speaker and the leader of the public seminar International Terrorism and

    Contemporary Balkan Security, Vilnius University, Faculty of History, Center for

    Stateless Cultures, October 16, 2001, Vilnius, Lithuania

    Speaker in the international seminar Multilinguistic Europe: Past, Present,Future with the speech and research-paper Linguistic Nationalism in Contemporary

    Europe, organized by Department of National Minorities and Lithuanians Living

    Abroad to Government of Republic of Lithuania, Vilnius, Lithuania, October 4, 2001

    Key speaker and the leader of the public seminar South Tyrolean Question,

    Vilnius University, Faculty of History, Center for Stateless Cultures, May 1, 2001,Vilnius, Lithuania

    Participant in professional training programme ogranized by Curriculum Resource

    Center, Central European University, Budapest College, Budapest, Hungary, March

    2630, 2001

    Key speaker and the leader of the public seminar The Balkans: Meeting Ground

    and Melting Pot of Ethnic Minorities, Vilnius University, Faculty of History, Center

    for Stateless Cultures, March 20, 2001, Vilnius, Lithuania

    Key speaker and the leader of M. A. seminar Serbian Nationalism and Destruction

    of Yugoslavia, Vilnius University, Institute of International Relations and Political

    Science, November 21, 2000, Vilnius, LithuaniaParticipant with the paper about Serbian linguistic nationalism in the Summer

    Academy Regions and Minorities in a Greater Europe 2000, organized by EuropeanAcademy Bozen/Bolzano, Brixen/Bressanone, South Tyrol (Alto Adige), Italy,

    September 4-15, 2000

    Participantof UASEC (University Association for Contemporary European Studies,

    Kings College London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS) 30th Anniversary Conferenceand Fifth Research Conference, co-organised with the Central European University,

    April 68, 2000, Budapest, Hungary

    Participant of the Conference Democratization in Theory and Practice in Eastern

    Europe co-orgnized by the European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre,Florence, Italy, and University of Melbourne, Australia, with the research-report/analysing paper The process of democratization and Yugoslavia, October 25

    November 2, 1998, Florence, Italy


    Book Global Research. Selected articles (second edition), Vilnius: UAB Mylida,2016, ISBN 978-609-408-840-7, UDK 911.3:32 So-121

    Book The Croatian National (Illyrian) Revival Movement and the Serbs: From1830 to 1847, Saarbrcken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2015, ISBN 978-3-659-69315-1

    Book Global Research. Selected Articles on Global Studies Research, Saarbrcken:LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2015, ISBN 978-3-659-41652-1

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    Professor Vladislav B. Sotirovi, Ph. D. Curriculum Vitae Page 13

    Book Serbia, Montenegro and the Albanian Question, 18781912: A GreaterAlbania Between Balkan Nationalism & European Imperialism, Saarbrcken: LAPLAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2015, ISBN 978-3-659-67591-1

    Book From the EuroBalkan Studies: Scientific Articles in English, Vilnius,

    Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences Press, 2014, printed book ISBN 978-

    609-408-597-0, electronic book ISBN 978-609-408-598-7, UDK 94 (497.1) So-121

    Book , , 1941. .1945. ., : , 2014, printed book ISBN 978-609-408-557-4,electronic book ISBN 978-609-408-556-7, UDK 94 (497.1) 1941/1945 So-121[Forgeries about Josip Broz Tito, Brozs Partisans and the Ravna Gora Movement,19411945]

    Book . , : , 2014,printed

    book ISBN 978-609-408-524-6, electronic book ISBN 978-609-408-525-3[From the

    South Slavic History: Collection of Selected Articles]Book Balcania (Scientific articles in English), Vilnius, Lithuanian University of

    Educational Sciences Press Edukologija, 2013, paper book ISBN 978-609-408-473-7, electronic book ISBN 978-609-408-474-4, UDK 949.7 So-121

    Book . , : , 2013, ISBN 978-609-408-452-2, ISBN 978-609-408-452-2 [Sociolinguistic Aspect ofDissolution of Yugoslavia and Serbian National Question. Third revised edition,

    Vilnius: Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences Press Edukologija, printedbook ISBN 978-609-408-452-2, electronic book ISBN 978-609-408-452-2]

    Book Emigration, Refugees and Ethnic Cleansing: The Death of Yugoslavia,

    19911999, Saarbrcken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2013, ISBN 978-3-659-39196-5

    Book Emigration, Refugees and Ethnic Cleansing: The Death of Yugoslavia,

    19911999 (second edition), Vilnius: Lithuanian University of Educational SciencesPress Edukologija, 2013, paper book ISBN 978-609-408-433-1, electronic bookISBN 978-609-408-434-8, UDK 325.2 (497.1) So-121

    Book , , , 2013, ISBN 978-609-408-387-7, UDK 327 (497.1)So-121 [Essays from Yugoslavology, Vilnius: Lithuanian University of Educational

    Sciences Press Edukologija, 2013, ISBN 978-609-408-387-7, UDK 327 (497.1)So-121]

    Book From the Balkan History of Diplomacy and Politics (Scientific articles in

    English), Vilnius, Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences Press Edukologija,2013, ISBN 978-609-408-373-0, UDK 949.71So-121

    Book Creation of the First Yugoslavia: How the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and

    Slovenes was Established in 1918, Saarbrcken: LAP LAMBERT AcademicPublishing, 2012, ISBN 978-3-659-27922-5

    Book ( ), , , 2012, ISBN 978-609-408-241-2, UDK940.53(497) So-121 [On the Qataphalque of Titography, collection of articles,

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    Professor Vladislav B. Sotirovi, Ph. D. Curriculum Vitae Page 14

    Vilnius, Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences Press Edukologija, 2012,ISBN 978-609-408-241-2, UDK 940.53(497) So-121]

    Book Srpski komonvelt (Serbian Commonwhealt), Vilnius, Vilnius Pedagogical

    University Press, 2011, ISBN: 978-609-408-206-1

    Book [Sociolinguistic Aspect of Dissolution of Yugoslavia and Serbian NationalQuestion], -, , 2007, ISBN 978-86-83587-20-9,CIP- . , ,COBISS.SR-ID 227788807

    BookCreation of the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, 19141918, VilniusUniversity Press, Vilnius 2007, ISBN 9789955330684

    BookBalcanica, Serbica, Yugoslavica, Vilnius University Press, Vilnius 2007, ISBN

    9789986199953 (selected articles)

    Book , [Sociolinguistic Aspect of Dissolution of Yugoslavia and Serbian NationalQuestion], Vilnius University Press, Vilnius 2006, ISBN 9986199670BookLingvistiki model definisanja srpske nacije Vuka Stefanovia Karadia i

    projekat Ilije Garaanina o stvaranju lingvistiki odreene drave Srba [Linguisticmodel of Definition of Serbian Nation by Vuk Stefanovi Karadi and the Projectabout Creation of Linguistically Understood Serbian National State by Ilija

    Garaanin], Ph.D. Dissertation, Vilnius University Press, Vilnius 2006, ISBN 9986199174

    Book chapter The European Union and the European Identity, Vida Savonikait(ed.), Savas ir kitas. iuolaikiniais poiriais[Contemporary Approaches to the Selfand the Other], Vilnius: Lithuanian Institute of History Press, 2014, ISBN 978-9955-

    847-80-9, pp. 99121Article Russias Balkan Politics: From the Politics of Pan-Slavic Reciprocity of theTsarist Russia to the Realpolitik of the Republic of Gazprom Russia, (Serbian Political Thought), Vol. 51, 1, Belgrade: Institute forPolitical Studies, 2016, ISSN 0354-5989, pp. 83109

    Article (15. 1999. ) (TheCritical Analysis of the Raak Case (January 15th, 1999)), Serbian Studies

    Research, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2015, ISSN 2217-5210, Novi Sad, Serbia, pp. 243261

    Article Who are the Albanians? The Illyrian Anthroponomy and the Ethnogenesis ofthe Albanians A Challenge to Regional Security, Serbian Studies: Journal of the

    North American Society for Serbian Studies, Vol. 26, 2012, 12, ISSN 0742-3330,2015, Slavica Publishers, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA, pp. 4576

    Article Separatism in Kosovo-Metohija and the Caucasus: Similarities andDifferences, Serbian Studies: Journal of the North American Society for SerbianStudies, Vol. 26, 2012, 12, ISSN 0742-3330, 2015, Slavica Publishers, IndianaUniversity, Bloomington, USA, pp. 107117

    Article Yugoslavias Hidden History: Partisan-Ustashi Collaboration in the WorldWar II (19411945),History Research, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2015, pp. 924, ISSN (print):2376-6700, ISSN (online): 2376-6719, DOI: 10.11648/j.history.20150301.12, Science

    Publishing Group, USA

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    Professor Vladislav B. Sotirovi, Ph. D. Curriculum Vitae Page 15

    Article Anti-Serbian Collaboration Between Titos Partisans and Pavelis Ustashiin World War II, Balkan Studies, Vol. 49, 2014 (2015), ISSN (print) 0005-4313,ISSN (online) 2241-1674, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 113156

    Article The NATOs World Order, the Balkans and the Russian National Interest,International Journal of Politics & Law Research, Sciknow Publications Ltd., Vol. 3,

    1, 2015, New York, NY, USA, ISSN 2329-2253 (print), ISSN 2329-2245 (online),pp. 1019 (www.sciknow.org)

    Article Saradnja Brozovih partizana i Pavelievih ustaa u drugom svetskom ratu nateritoriji Nezavisne drave Hrvatske (Collaboration between Brozs partisans andPavelis ustashi in the WWII on the territory of the Independent State of Croatia),Serbian Studies Research, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2014, ISSN 2217-5210, Novi Sad, Serbia,

    pp. 119144

    Article , Political Review: Magazine for Political Science,Communications and Applied Politics, Vol. 41, 3, Belgrade: Institute for Political

    Studies, 2014, ISSN 1451-4281,pp. 5189ArticleThe Idea of Pan-Slavic Ethnolinguistic Kinship and Reciprocity in Dalmatiaand Croatia, 14771683,Politikos moksl almanachas (Political Science Almanack), 15, 2014, ISSN 2029-0225, e-ISSN 2335-7185, Kaunas, Lithuania, pp. 175187

    Article The Fair Trade Movement and the European Union, Open Journal ofSocial Science Research, Sciknow Publications Ltd., Vol. 2, 4, 2014, New York,

    NY, USA, ISSN 2328-5001 (print), ISSN 2328-501X (online), pp. 127132(www.sciknow.org)

    Article The 1917 Corfu Declaration and its Importance for the Creation of theKingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes in 1918, The South Slav Journal, Vol. 33,

    12, LondonBelgrade: The South-Slav Research and Study Centre in LondonTheAngloSerbian Society in Belgrade, 2014, ISSN 0141-6146, pp. 735

    Article Turkey, Greece, Italy and Security in the Mediterranean Sea Area,Journalof Global Peace and Conflict, American Research Institute for Policy Development,

    Vol. 2, No. 1, 2014, ISSN 2333-5858 (online), ISSN 2333-584X (print), pp. 5383

    Article The 1917 Corfu Declaration and its Importance for the Creation of theKingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes in 1918, National Interest: Journal for

    National and State Issues, Vol. 20, 2, Belgrade: Institute for Political Studies,2014, ISSN 1820-4996, pp. 4176

    Article The European Union and The European Identity, Advances in Sociology,

    American V-King Scientific Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2014, pp. 3138(www.vkingpub.com)

    Article The Serbian Patriarchate of Pe in the Ottoman Empire: The First Phase(155794), Serbian Studies: Journal of the North American Society for SerbianStudies, Vol. 25, 2011, 2, ISSN 0742-3330, 2014, Slavica Publishers, IndianaUniversity, Bloomington, USA, pp. 143167

    Article Kosovo & Metohija: Ten Years After The March Pogrom 2004, (Serbian Political Thought), Vol. 43, 1, Belgrade: Institute forPolitical Studies, 2014, ISSN 0354-5989, pp. 267283

    Article The Great Economic Depression in the Weimar Republic, 19291933,

    Economics, 3 (1), pp. 18, published online on March 10


    , 2014(http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/paperinfo.aspx?journalid=177&doi

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    Professor Vladislav B. Sotirovi, Ph. D. Curriculum Vitae Page 16

    =10.11648/j.eco.20140301.11), doi: 10.11648/j.eco.20140301.11, Science Publishing

    Group, USA

    Article : , Sustainable Multilingualism, 3,2013, ISSN 2335-2019, e-ISSN 2335-2027, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas,

    Lithuania, pp. 4761Article (Croatian Historiographyof Rights and the Serbs), Serbian Studies Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2013, ISSN2217-5210, Novi Sad, Serbia, pp. 173188

    Article (About Ethnic Identity of the Serbocroatian or CroatoserbianLanguage),

    /Review of Slavic Studies by Matica Srpska, 84, ISSN03525007/UDC 821.16+811.16 (05), pp. 141158, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2013Article Kosovo and the Caucasus: A Domino Effect, (Serbian Political Thought), Vol. 41, 3, Belgrade: Institute for Political Studies,

    2013, ISSN 0354-5989, pp. 231241Article National Identity: Who Are the Albanians? The Illyrian Anthroponymy andthe Ethnogenesis of the Albanians, History Research, 1 (2), pp. 524, publishedonline on September 30th, 2013 (http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/j/history),

    doi: 10.11648/j.history.20130102.11, Science Publishing Group, USA

    ArticleThe Boundaries of tokavian Dialect as the Borders of United National Stateof Ethno-Linguistic Serbs, Sustainable Multilingualism, 2, 2013, ISSN 2335-2019, e-ISSN 2335-2027, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania, pp. 4559

    Article Kosovo and the Caucasus: A Domino Effect (Papers online presentation:http://www.scieconf.com/actual-conferences-and-papers/?pa=9&cmd=det) presented

    at virtual Scientific Conference, Section 9: Art, Religion, History, Culturology,Philosophy, June 1015th, 2013

    ArticleKolizijos Pietrii Europoje: Tarptautiniai santykiai, usienio jg interesaiir Alban klausimas (Collisions in South-East Europe: International Relations,Interests of Foreign Powers and Albanian Question), Politikos moksl almanachas(Political Science Almanack), 11, 2012, ISSN 2029-0225, e-ISSN 2029-8862,Kaunas, Lithuania, pp. 733

    Article The Memorandum (1804) by the Karlovci Metropolitan StevanStratimirovi, Serbian Studies: Journal of the North American Society for SerbianStudies, Vol. 24, 2010, 12, ISSN 0742-3330, 2012, Slavica Publishers, IndianaUniversity, Bloomington, USA, pp. 2748

    Article Hrvatsko-srpski sporovi oko jezika i pisma u Trojednici od Revolucije1848./1849. g. do zasedanja Hrvatsko-slavonskog Sabora 1861. g., Toovi Branko,Wonisch Arno (eds.), Die serbische Sichtweise des Verhltnisses zwischen demSerbischen, Kroatischen und Bosniakischen, I/4, ISBN 978-3-9503053-3-3, Novi Sad:

    Institut fr Slawistik der Karl-Franzens-Universitt GrazBeogradska knjiga, 2012,pp. 503523

    Article (Anti-Serbian Character of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia), Serbian Studies

    Research, Vol. 3, No. 1, ISSN 2217-5210, 2012, Novi Sad, Serbia, pp. 7388

    ArticleDisintegration of Ex-Serbo-Croat Language: Boshnjak Identity and BosnianLanguage, Research in multilingualism: selected papers [electronic publication]

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    Professor Vladislav B. Sotirovi, Ph. D. Curriculum Vitae Page 17

    (Nemira Maianskien, ed.), Kaunas : Vytauto Didiojo universitetas, 2012, ISBN978-9955-12-784-0, pp. 2027

    Article Vuk, Hrvati i Dubrovnik(Vuk, Croats and Dubrovnik), Serbian StudiesResearch, Vol. 2, No. 1, ISSN 2217-5210, 2011, Novi Sad, Serbia, pp. 111125

    Article Macedonia between Greek, Bulgarian, Albanian and Serbian nationalAspirations, 18701912, Serbian Studies: Journal of the North American Society forSerbian Studies, Vol. 23, 2009, 1, ISSN 0742-3330, 2011, Slavica Publishers,Indiana University, Bloomington, USA, pp. 1740

    Article Serbias Diplomatic Preparations for the Creation of the First BalkanAlliance, 18611864,, Zgodovinski asopis/Historical review, 65, 12 (143), ISSN03505774, 2011, pp. 88103, Ljubljana, Slovenia

    Article Serbias Diplomatic Preparations for the Creation of the First BalkanAlliance, 186164, Serbian Studies: Journal of the North American Society forSerbian Studies, Vol. 22, 2008, 1, ISSN 0742-3330, 2010, Slavica Publishers,Indiana University, Bloomington, USA, pp. 6582

    Article Shaping Modern Serbian Ethnolinguistic Nation and National State-Buildingin the First Half of the 19th c., Proceedings of the 4th International ConferenceNation and Language: Modern Aspects of Socio-Linguistic Development, ISSN2029-0497, Kaunas: Technologija, 2010, pp. 9296

    ArticleThe Multiparty Elections in Serbia in 1990, Politikos moksl almanachas(Political Science Almanack), Vytauto Didiojo universiteto leidykla, Kaunas,Lithuania, Vol. 6, 2009, ISSN 20290225, pp. 724

    Article Fair Trade and the European Union, EastBordNet Working Papers,webpage:


    Article The Multy-Party Elections in Serbia in 1990, Zgodovinskiasopis/Historical review, 63, 34 (140), ISSN 03505774, 2009, pp. 426438,Ljubljana, Slovenia

    Article Trafficking of the Women: A Dark Side of Globalization, in Bridges.Supplementary issue: Scientific volume Social Sciences in Global World:Possibilities, Challenges and Perspectives vol. 39, 2009, Klaipda University, ISSN1648-3979, pp. 287290

    Article Making Boshnjak Ethnonational Identity by Creation of Bosnian Language

    in Bosnia & Sanak, 19932007, in Michal Vaeka (ed.), Nation ber alles.Processes of Redefinition and Reconstruction of the Term Nation in Central Europe, ,

    Center for the Research of Ethnicity and Culture, Bratislava 2008, ISBN: 978-80-

    970088-7-1, pp. 139152

    ArticleKosovas ir Metohija Serb tautos lopys (Kosovo and MetochiaCradleof Serbian Nation), Istorijos, cultural journal, 10 (37), October 2008, Vilnius,Lithuania, pp. 3336

    Article The Disintegration of Serbo-Croat Language and Linguistic Policy inBosnia-Herzegovina: Making Boshnjak Ethnonational Identity by Transformation of

    Regional Dialect into the Bosnian Language, Acta Humanitarica Universitatis

    Saulensis, Mokslo darbai, T. 4 (2007), Europos studijos: dialektai ir kalbos politika

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    Professor Vladislav B. Sotirovi, Ph. D. Curriculum Vitae Page 18

    (Scientific works vol. 4 (2007), European studies: dialects and linguistic policy),

    iauliai, 2008, ISSN 1822-7309, pp. 121137

    Article The Historical Role of the Patriarchate of Pe in Preservation of SerbianNational and Cultural Identity, , -

    , 28-29 2008 , , , 2008(Actual Scientific Problems in the Context of the Orthodox Traditions, Conference

    proceedings, February 2829th, Armavir, 2008, Russian Federation), ISBN 978-5-91153-021-5, pp. 2225

    Article The European Union and The European Identity, The Recent Developmentof the EU: Challenges and Experience, The 3rd scientific volume, edited by Stasys

    Vaiteknas, Ligita imanskien and Tadeusz Palmowski, Klaipda University,Faculty of Social Sciences, Regional Policy & Planning InstituteBaltic Sea RegionUniversity NetworkVilnius University, Institute of Political Sciences & InternationalRelations, Klaipda: Klaipda University Press 2007, ISBN 978-9955-18-272-6, pp.

    5458Article Pitanje jezika i pisma u Dalmaciji 1903. g. i poetak politike novog kursa(A Question of the Language and Script in Dalmatia in 1903 and the Beginning ofthe Politics of a New Course), /Review ofSlavic Studies by Matica Srpska, 70, 2006, YU ISSN 03525007/UDK880.1+881(05), pp. 183194, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2006

    Article (19741991) (Constitutional and Legislative Regulations upon Serbo-Croat Language inSFRY (19741991)), in scientific journal (Inheritance), Faculty ofPhilology and Art of the University of Kragujevac, year IV, No. 6, 2007, ISSN 18201768, pp. 7587, Kragujevac, Serbia

    Article Kroatijos valstiei partija (Croatian Peasent Party), in Visuotin LietuviEnciklopedija(Universal Lithuanian Encyclopaedia), Vol. XI, p. 117, Vilnius, 2007

    Article Kroat kalba (Croatian Language), in Visuotin Lietuvi Enciklopedija(Universal Lithuanian Encyclopaedia), Vol. XI, p. 117, Vilnius, 2007.

    Article Russian National Interest: Between Euroatlanticist Integration and the Mythof Pan-Slavic Solidarity, Reciprocity and Brotherhood, in conference proceedingiuolaikins rusistikos teorijos ir praktikos tendencijos (Theoretical and PracticalTendencies in Contemporary Russian Studies), Slavonic Center at the Humanities

    Science Faculty at the Klaipda University and the Faculty of Philology andJournalism at the Russian State University of Immanuel Kant, ISBN 9789955181897, pp. 151155, Klaipda, 2007Article Pitanje jezika i pisma u Dalmaciji 1903. g. i poetak politike novog kursa(A Question of the Language and Script in Dalmatia in 1903 and the Beginning ofthe Politics of a New Course), in scientific anthology Microlanguages, Languagesand Interlanguages. Anthology in Honour of Professor Alexander Dmitrievich

    Dulichenko (eds. A. Kunnapa, V. Lefeldt, S. N. Kuznetsova), Tartu University, Dept.

    of Slavonic Philology, ISBN 9949114446, pp. 204213, Tartu, Estonia, 2006

    Article Kosovo mis (Kosovo battle), in Visuotin Lietuvi Enciklopedija(Universal Lithuanian Encyclopaedia), Vol. X, pp. 657658, Vilnius, 2006

    Article The Croatian National Revival Movement (The Illyrian Movement) and

    the Question of Language in the Phase from 1830 to 1841, in scientific journal

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    Professor Vladislav B. Sotirovi, Ph. D. Curriculum Vitae Page 19

    (Inheritance), Faculty of Philology and Art of the University ofKragujevac, year III, No. 4, 2006, ISSN 18201768, pp. 101116, Kragujevac, Serbia

    Article Kolizijos Pietrii Europoje: Tarptautiniai santykiai, usienio jg interesaiir Alban klausimas (Collisions in South-East Europe: International Relations,Interests of Foreign Powers and Albanian Question), in scientific-cultural journal

    Naujoji Romuva, vol. 3 (556), pp. 4247, October 2006/vol. 4 (557), pp. 5358,December 2006, ISSN 1392043X, Vilnius, Lithuania

    Article Srpska politika desnica i srpsko nacionalno pitanje u Trojednici krajemXIX. veka (Serbian Political Right and Serbian National Question in TriuneKingdom at the end of 19thc.),Zgodovinski asopis/Historical review, 60, 12 (133),ISSN 03505774, 2006, pp. 123137, Ljubljana, Slovenia

    Article The Idea of Pan-Slavic Ethnolinguistic Kinship and Reciprocity inDalmatian and Croatian Literature, 14771706, in scientific journal Jaunjmokslinink darbai/Journal of Young Scientists, 1 (8), ISSN 16488776, 2006, pp.174178, iauliai University Press, iauliai,Lithuania

    Article Juodkalnieiai (Montenegrins), in Visuotin Lietuvi Enciklopedija(Universal Lithuanian Encyclopaedia), Vol. IX, p. 13, Vilnius, 2006.

    Article The Croatian National Revival Movement (The Illyrian Movement) andthe Question of Language in the Phase from 1830 to 1841, in Second InternationalConference Proceedings: Nation and Language: Modern Aspects of Socio-Linguistic

    Development, Kaunas University of Technology, ISBN 9955250402, pp. 219226, Kaunas 2006

    Article Kritika interpretacije filolokih stavova Vuka Stefanovia Karadia odstrane jugoslovenske integralistike filologije (A Critique of Interpretation of VukStefanovi Karadis Philological Approaches by Yugoslav Integral Philology),

    /Review of Slavic Studies by Matica Srpska,68, 2005, YU ISSN 03525007/UDK 880.1+881(05), pp. 4761, Novi Sad, Serbia,2005

    Article Hrvatsko-srpski sporovi oko jezika i pisma u Trojednici (1848.1861. g.)(Croatian-Serbian disputes concerning the language and alphabet in the TriuneKingdom, 18481861), Slavistica Vilnensis, Kalbotyra 53 (2), 2004, ISSN 13921517, pp. 87108, Vilnius University Press, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2005

    Article Emigration, Refugees and Ethnic Cleansing in Yugoslavia 19912001 in theContext of Transforming Ethnographical Borders into National-State Borders, in

    Beginnings and Ends of Emigration: Life without Borders in Contemporary World, A

    collection of scholarly essays, (edited by Dalia Kuizinien), issued by VytautasMagnus University and The Lithuanian Emigration Institute, Kaunas: Versus Aureus,

    ISBN 9955-601-50-7, pp. 85108, Lithuania, 2005

    Article Nacionalno samoodreenje Hrvata i Srba putem jezika u TrojednojKraljevini Dalmaciji, Hrvatskoj i Slavoniji, 1835.1848. g. (National self-determination of the Croats and Serbs by the language in the Triune Kingdom of

    Dalmatia, Croatia and Slavonia, 18351848),Zgodovinski asopis/Historical review,58, 34 (130), ISSN 03505774, 2004, pp. 377389, Ljubljana, Slovenia

    Articles upon historical-current Baltic affairs published in Serbian national daily

    Dnevnik, October-December 2004.

    Article Ryt klausimas (Eastern Question), in scientific-cultural journal NaujojiRomuva, 2004 vol. 1 (546), pp. 4549, March 2004, vol. 2 (547), pp. 5761, May2004, vol. 4 (549), pp. 6169, December 2004, ISSN 1392043X, Vilnius, Lithuania

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    Professor Vladislav B. Sotirovi, Ph. D. Curriculum Vitae Page 20

    Article Glagolika (Glagolitic script), in Visuotin Lietuvi Enciklopedija(Universal Lithuanian Encyclopaedia), Vol. VI, p. 758, Vilnius, 2004.

    Article Bosni kalba (Bosnian language), in Visuotin Lietuvi Enciklopedija(Universal Lithuanian Encyclopaedia), Vol. III, p. 382, Vilnius, 2003

    Article Piet Slav unifikacijos idjos raida (Development of the Idea of SouthSlavic Unification), in scientific-cultural journalNaujoji Romuva, 2003 vol. 2 (543),ISSN 1392043X, pp. 5055, September 2003, Vilnius, Lithuania

    Article The Idea of Greater Croatia in the Seventeenth-Century, in Conferenceproceeding material Statehood Beyond Ethnicity: Comparative and Trans-National

    Perspectives in Europe, Sdertrns hgskola, University College Baltic and EastEuropean Graduate School, Fleminsberg near Stockholm, 2003, Sweden, pp. 149189

    Article Jezik i pismo kao faktori nacionalnog odreenja Hrvata i Srba u XIX. veku(Language and Orthography as Factors in National Self-Determination of the 19 th-century Croats and Serbs), Slavistica Vilnensis, Kalbotyra 51 (2), 2002, ISSN 13921517, pp. 3948, Vilnius University Press, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2002

    Article Didysis Kosovo kankinys, (The Great Kosovos Martyr) in scientific-cultural journal Naujoji Romuva, 2002 vol. 4 (541), ISSN 1392043X, pp. 5661,December 2002, Vilnius, Lithuania

    Article Shaping the Borderlands of Pax Sovietica Commonwealth in Central andSoutheastern Europe: the Communist Party of Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union

    during the Second World War, Lietuvos Istorijos Studijos, Mokslo darbai, vol. 10,2002, ISSN 13920448, pp. 6582, Vilnius University Press, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2002

    Article Tautin tapatyb: kas yra albanai? Ilyrikoji alban antroponimija iretnogenez (National Identity: Who are the Albanians? The Illyrian Anthroponymyand the Ethnogenesis of the Albanians), scientific-cultural journalLiaudies Kultra,

    2002 vol. 3 (84), ISSN 02360551, pp. 3143, April 2002, Vilnius, LithuaniaArticle Civilizacij konfliktas Balkanuose? (The Clash of Civilizations in theBalkans?), in scientific-cultural journal Kultros Barai, 2001 vol. 11, ISSN 01343106, pp. 5051, November 2001, Vilnius, Lithuania

    Article Serbia Rediviva: 1804. . (Serbia Rediviva: Memorandumof Metropolitan Stratimirovic from 1804 upon creation of Slavonic-Serbian Grand

    Duchy), Slavistica Vilnensis, Kalbotyra 50 (2), 2001, ISSN 13921517, pp. 930,Vilnius University Press, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2001

    Article Balkanai: Civilizacij ir politins takos sfer krykelje (The Balkans:

    Crossroads of civilizations and political spheres of influences), in scientific-culturaljournalNaujoji Romuva, 2001 vol. 2 (535), ISSN 1392043X, pp. 1722, July 2001,Vilnius, Lithuania

    Article Moter istorija jugoslavijos istoriografijoje (Writing women history inYugoslav historiography), in scientific-cultural journal Kultros Barai, 2001 vol. 5,ISSN 01343106, pp. 8385, May 2001, Vilnius, Lithuania

    Article Nineteenth-century Ideas of Serbian Linguistic Nationhood andStatehood, Slavistica Vilnensis, Kalbotyra 49 (2), 2000, ISSN 13921517, pp. 724,Vilnius University Press, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2000

    Articles 1) Kosovo scenarijus Makedonijoje (Kosovo Scenario in

    Macedonia), August 23-30, 2001 ( 34), p. 32, 2) Kosovo albanai pleia tvyn(Kosovar Albanians are enlarging their motherland), January 1117, 2001, 1451

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    Professor Vladislav B. Sotirovi, Ph. D. Curriculum Vitae Page 21

    ( 2), p. 30, and Neiriamas Kosovo mazgas (Unloosed Kosovo Knot),November 29th, 2007, 48, p. 38, in political weekly magazine Veidas Vilnius,Lithuania

    Article Kosovo Knot (Koszov csomja), in political-cultural monthly journalBeszl, III. folyam, IV. vfolyam, 6. szm, ISSN 08654093, pp. 3035, June 1999,Budapest, Hungary

    Articles upon global politics published at Centre for Research on Globalizationshomepage: www.globalresearch.ca, and at Oriental Review Open Dialog ResearchJournals homepage: www.orientalreview.org, 2014 onward

    Articlesupon historical-current Balkan and Southeast European affairs published in

    Lithuanian national dailies Lietuvos Rytas,Respublikaand VakarEkspresas, 19982001/20072008


    Native Serbian, fluent in English, Croatian, Lithuanian, good in Russian


    Microsoft Office programa Windows system, Word Processors, Wind Word, WordPerfect, Excel, Access, Databases, Electronic Mail Program, CCMAIL for Windows,

    JSTOR, InternetREFERENCE PERSONS (primary list):

    Assoc. Prof. Virginijus Valentinaviius, Dean of the Faculty of Politics andManagement, Mykolas Romeris University, Office I-208, Valakupi g. 5, LT-10101Vilnius, Lithuania (Lietuva), E-mails: [email protected] &

    [email protected], Phone: (+3705) 2740 638; Fax: (+3705) 2740 624

    Assoc. Prof. Andrijus Stasiukynas, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Politics and

    Management, Mykolas Romeris University, Office I-207, Valakupi g. 5, LT-10101Vilnius, Lithuania (Lietuva), E-mail: [email protected], Phone: (+3705) 2740635; Fax: (+3705) 2740 624

    Assoc. Prof. Gediminas Kaznas, Director of the Institute of Political Sciences,Faculty of Politics and Management, Mykolas Romeris University, Office I-216,

    Valakupi g. 5, LT-10101 Vilnius, Lithuania (Lietuva), E-mail: [email protected],Phone: (+3705) 2740 618; Fax: (+3705) 2740 624

    REFERENCE PERSONS (secondary list):

    Assoc. Prof. Algirdas Monkeviius, Rector of Mykolas Romeris University, OfficeI-217, Ateities g. 20, LT-08303 Vilnius, Lithuania (Lietuva), E-mail:

    [email protected], Phone: (+3705) 271 4625; Fax: (+3705) 267 6000

    Prof. Vygandas Kazimieras Paulikas, Mykolas Romeris University, Faculty of

    Politics and Management, Institute of Political Sciences, Office I-57, Valakupi g. 5,LT-10101 Vilnius, Lithuania (Lietuva), E-mail: [email protected], Phone: (+3705)

    2740 611; Fax: (+3705) 2740 624

    Prof. arunas Liekis, Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences and Diplomacy,Vytautas Magnus University, Office 102, Gedimino g. 44, LT-44246 Kaunas,

    Lithuania (Lietuva), E-mails: [email protected], [email protected], Phone: (837)

    206 702, Fax: (837) 206 709

  • 7/31/2019 CV/Resume Vladislav B. Sotirovic


    Vladislav B. Sotirovic

    Updated on 2016-06-01
