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Cyber Social World Ppt

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  • 8/3/2019 Cyber Social World Ppt


    The Cyber Social World

    of Todays Youth

    Purple People Eaters

    (Becky Groth & Melissa Nol)

  • 8/3/2019 Cyber Social World Ppt


    In the Beginning

    The internet first came into existence in 1969.

    The internet was developed as part of a project

    by the United States Department of Defense as

    a means to communicate that would survive anuclear war (Cooper & Mathy, 2003).

  • 8/3/2019 Cyber Social World Ppt



    Chat rooms Instant messaging


    Information acquisition Real time gaming

    Social networking sites like

    FaceBook or MySpace



  • 8/3/2019 Cyber Social World Ppt


    Social networking, instant messenger,chat rooms, and internet predators

    Teens are being intercepted by pedophiles

    The number of men who engage children andadolescents on the internet is statistically on therise

    Individuals are able to explore a darker side totheir sexuality in anonymity that might includechild pornography or violent images of sex thatthey would have never initially pursued in real life

    The cyber world is an enabler and it creates anideal breeding ground for sexual predators

    (Young, 2005).

  • 8/3/2019 Cyber Social World Ppt


    Social networking, instant messenger, chat

    rooms, and internet predators cont...

    Alicia Kozakiewicz, fromPittsburgh, 13 years old

    Thought she was talking to avery pretty, red headed girl

    about her age. Except that thefriend was really a pedophileand he later kidnapped, rapedand tortured the thirteen yearold girl for four days (Jaffe,

    2007). Justin Berry, 13 years old

    He was lured into a pedophilessex ring where he was abusedand molested (Eichenwald,


  • 8/3/2019 Cyber Social World Ppt


    Social networking, instant messenger,

    chat rooms, and closeness of friendships Reduction hypothesis is based on four assumptions:

    a) The internet motivates adolescents to form moresuperficial relationships online with strangers

    b) Online friendships with strangers are less beneficial for

    adolescents than existing offline friendships C) The time spent online with strangers occurs at the

    expense of time with offline friends

    d) As a result of the three proceeding assumptions, the

    closeness of existing friendships are reduced (Locke, 1998).

  • 8/3/2019 Cyber Social World Ppt


    Social networking, instant messenger,

    chat rooms, and closeness of friendships

    The Stimulation Theory

    a) The internets reduced cues encouragesadolescents to disclose their inner feelings moreeasily than in real-life interactions

    b) Intimate self disclosure is an importantpredictor in reciprocal liking, caring, and trust(Collins & Miller, 1994)

    c) As a result of these assumptions, internet

    enhanced intimate self disclosure stimulates thecloseness of adolescents offline existingrelationships (McKenna & Bargh, 2000).

  • 8/3/2019 Cyber Social World Ppt


    Social networking, instant messenger,chat rooms, and closeness of friendships Little support for the reduction hypothesis

    Early internet effects studies reported reductive effects

    There were not as many participants involved in theinternet

    Little crossover between offline friends and online friends Use of internet in United States Households have increased


    Therefore, when adolescents spend time online they cansimultaneously foster online relationships as well as their

    real-life relationships with online contact (Valkenburg &Jochen, 2007)

    The results of a recent study of internet and computergame use by adolescents suggested that online interactionsmay now be an important context for interactions with

    friends (Willoughby, 2008).

  • 8/3/2019 Cyber Social World Ppt


    Online Gaming Online gaming is a way for teenagers and adolescents to

    portray roles and participate in fantasy. Unfortunately,these games can be highly addictive and can discourageprosocial interaction.

    Wizards of War CraftRunescape- XBOX 360-Playstation-Nintendo Wii

    Runescape Promotes: Rudeness, Cheating, Gambling,Player killing, Luring others to the wilderness by trickery tokill them and take their items, Killing unicorns to raise yourlevel by obtaining their game valuable unicorn horn.(www.truthscape.com)

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    Online Gaming Cont

    The Story of a Real RuneScape Addict

  • 8/3/2019 Cyber Social World Ppt


    Cyber Bullying Megan Meier. Megan was

    thirteen years old. She had beguntalking to who she thought was aboy her age on the internetnamed Josh. Megan disclosedmany private things to Josh

    Megan received an unsettling

    message that started a tragicchain of events

    I don't know if I want to befriends with you any longerbecause I hear you're not nice to

    your friends.

    "Megan Meier is a slut. MeganMeier is fat,"

    The world would be a betterplace without you

    Megan had hanged herself and

    died a day later (Good MorningAmerica, 2009).


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    Sadly, Megan isnt the only victim

    The Readings Wanda's Song- The true victims ofCyber Bullying

  • 8/3/2019 Cyber Social World Ppt


    How Do I Know My Child Has a

    Problem? Internet Addiction Criteria:

    Preoccupation with theInternet

    Need for longer amounts of

    time online to achievesatisfaction

    Repeated unsuccessful effortsto control, cut back, or stopinternet use

    Restlessness, moodiness,depression, or irritabilitywhen attempting to cut downor stop internet use

  • 8/3/2019 Cyber Social World Ppt


    How Do I Know My Child Has a

    Problem? Internet Addiction Criteria

    (Continued): Staying online longer than

    originally intended

    Jeopardizing or risking the loss ofa significant relationship, job, oreducational or career opportunitybecause of the Internet

    Lying to family members,

    therapists, or others to conceal theextent of involvement with theInternet

    Using the Internet as a way ofescaping from problems or ofrelieving a dysphoric mood

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    Internet Addiction Test (IAT)http://www.netaddiction.com/resources/internet_addiction_test.htm

    IAT Scale comprises 20 items which assess theseverity of negative consequences due to excessiveInternet use. Factor 1: Withdrawal and Social Problem

    Factor 2: Time Management and Performance

    Factor 3: Reality Substitute

  • 8/3/2019 Cyber Social World Ppt


    What Can I Do as a Parent?

    Talk to Your Adolescent

    Monitor Your Computer

  • 8/3/2019 Cyber Social World Ppt


    Talk to Your Adolescent!(Dombroski et al., 2006)

    Recognizing and Discussing Internet Dangers: Dangers of givingout personal information, and meeting people they have met online.

    Supervising Internet Friends: Discuss each online friend in a mannerthat respects the privacy of the youth while safeguarding him or her frominappropriate communication.

    Understanding and Approving Childrens Screen Names:Caregivers should ensure that their adolescent is using screen names devoid ofsexual innuendo.

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    Talk to Your Adolescent!(Dombroski et al., 2006)

    Establishing a Parent-Child Contract: Contract tohelp structure interest use and guidelines.

    Placing the Computer in a Public Location

    Contacting the Cyber Tip Line: If suspicion of onlinesexual solicitation of youth, call the National Center for

    Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) 1 (800) 843-


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    How to Monitor Your Computer(Dombroski et al., 2006)

    Installation of a firewall:Asoftware or hardware firewall

    provides a barrier between acomputer and the Internet that

    prevents third parties fromcontrolling the computer.

    Installation of antivirus oranti-Trojan software

    Installation of a key logger:Efficient means of reviewing thetype of communication patternschildren are having on a


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    How to Monitor Your Computer(Dombroski et al., 2006)

    Monitoring the Browser History Encryption:The use of encryption techniques will hide text

    from predators who are using an Ethernet sniffer to spy on achilds Internet-based communication.

    Privacy Filtration: Personal information may be blocked fromtransmission over the Internet (Netscape Nanny 5.0)

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    How to Monitor Your Computer(Dombroski et al., 2006)

    Application Tracking and Usage: Can monitor theamount of time spent using particular computer programs

    or applications.

    Chat Logging: Chat logger records and saves on thehard drive the plain text online conversations.
