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Cyclopedia of Hardy Fruits; by U. P. Hedrick (1922)

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Cyclopedia of Hardy Fruits; by U. P. Hedrick (1922) >>>>Detailed descriptions of hardy fruits grown in temperate climates.
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2. o. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY NEW YORKBOSTON CHICAGO DALLASATLANTA SAN FRANCISCOMACMILLAN &CO., LIMITED LONDONBOMBAY CALCUTTAMELBOURNE THE MACMILLANCO. OF CANADA, LTD. TORONTOMAW LIBttAfrr.AQRlCin.TUmi 3. BALDWIN 4. CYCLOPEDIA OFHARDY FRUITS BY U. P.HEDRICK AND HORTICULTURIST OF THE NEW VICE-DIRECTORYORK AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1922 All rights reserved 5. H4- THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA * a*** ,*"**i **" COPYRIGHT, 1922, BY THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. Set up and electrotyped.Published September, 1922.MAINPress of J. J. Little ftIves CompanyNew York. U. S. A. 6. PREFACE The purpose of this manual is to describe The chief value of a book like this lies inthe varieties of hardy fruits grown in North the accuracy of the descriptions and of theAmerica. A new book describing hardy fruitsdeterminations of synonyms. Herein theneeds no justification. Downings Fruits and author has had an advantage over the oldFruit Trees and Thomas American Fruit Cul-pomologists, since his connection with a mod-turist, in their many editions, have served twoern experiment station, with a large collectiongenerations of fruit-growers. Both are worn outof fruits and a good horticultural library, hastools. Most of the varieties described by thesegiven him opportunity to describe first handauthors are not now found in American or-and pass impartial judgment on varieties, andchards or nurseries. Many of the kinds theyto go to original sources for names; whereas,discuss have never been grown in this country, the old writers, lacking these modern facilities,the descriptions published having come fromwere compelled to copy one from the other.European fruit-books. On the other hand,With great reluctance, the author abandonsnone of the varieties of this century is de- a key to varieties of the several hardy fruits.scribed in Downing or Thomas. Moreover,Years of patient labor have not enabled himthe descriptions of these old workers are tooto produce a key that will work. A varietyscant and fragmentary to have great value in of any fruit behaves so differently in the sev-modern pomology.A newmanual of fruits is eral great pomological regions of the continentneeded to take the place of Downing andthat a key cannot be made that will be usableThomas, valuable as these books were for for a fruit in all regions.A satisfactory keytheir day. to varieties of apples for New York does notThe plan of the book is simple. A brieffit this fruit in Virginia, Iowa, California, orglance through its pages should suffice to revealOregon. About the only constant characterseven to the beginner in the study of pomologi- of the apple for all regions of the continentcal literature the arrangement of fruits andare sweetness and sourness. The color of thetheir varieties, and the presentation of names flesh is the only constant character of theand synonyms. Clearness and simplicity havepeach. There are few or no constant char-been sought, that the reader may with theacters in other fruits as they grow in differentleast trouble obtain a perfect mental pictureregions. To arrange varieties alphabeticallyof the variety described.is unscientific, disorderly, and makesdifficultThe ways in which the author designs tothe identification of fruits, but it is the authorsmake this manual useful are: (1) To aid in belief that they cannot be satisfactorily ar-the identification of varieties. (2) To guideranged otherwisefor a text covering more thanin the choice of varieties. (3) To sort theone pomological region.Keys to varieties ofnames now in use for varieties of hardy fruits,fruits can be of value only when made forand assign them to the varieties to which they particularregions.belong. (4) To state in what regions the va- In acknowledging obligations, the authorrieties described grow best. (5) To tell whenneeds to name the pomologists of the nine-and where the varieties originated. (6) By teenth century. Coxe, writing in 1817, was thedepicting choice products of the orchard, to pioneer, followed by Prince, Kenrick, Manning,stimulate the desire to grow better fruits.Downing, Thomas, Cole, Barry, Hovey, Elliot, The book is written for fruit-growers,Hooper, and Warder, the pageant ending innurserymen, students in colleges and high- 1867.These men brought fruit-growing intoschools, county agricultural agents, and buyersbeing in America and nourished it to maturity.of fruits.It is designed for those interestedThey studied fruits in their various seasonalin fruits in general, rather than for the spe- expressions with accuracy and insight, andcialist inpomology. Specialists will find fuller wrote with the sincere and sympathetic feelingdiscussions of nearly all of the varieties de- of the best naturalists of their day, therebyscribed in this manual in the fruit-books pub- putting American pomology on a solid founda-lished by the New York Agricultural Experi- . tion. The author of this manual is not forget-ment Station, most of them written under the ful of their great work, a service to the nationaldirection of the author, and from which he welfare little appreciated, but which is to himhas drawn heavily for this volume. perennial inspiration. U. P. HEDRICK.Geneva,New York,December15, 1921.483481 7. TABLE OF CONTENTSnaPARTI POME-FRUITS 1CHAPTER ITHE STRUCTURAL BOTANY OF POME-FRUITS1IISPECIES OF POME-FRUITS8III VARIETIES OF APPLES15 IV VARIETIES OF CRAB-APPLES 72V VARIETIES OF PEARS 76 VI VARIETIES OF QUINCES107 PARTII DRUPE-FRUITS111VII BOTANY OF THE DRUPE-FRUITS113 VIII VARIETIES OF APRICOTS 131 IX VARIETIES OF CHERRIES 136X VARIETIES OF NECTARINES 157XIVARIETIES OF PEACHES161 XIIVARIETIES OF PLUMS190PARTIII THE GRAPE 223 XIII BOTANY OF THE GRAPE . 225 XIVVARIETIES OF GRAPES 233PARTIVTHE BRAMBLES263XVBOTANY OF THE BRAMBLES265 XVIVARIETIES OF RASPBERRIES275XVIIVARIETIES OF BLACKBERRIES AND DEWBERRIES285PART V CURRANTS AND GOOSEBERRIES293XVIII BOTANY OF CURRANTS AND GOOSEBERRIES 295 XIXVARIETIES OF CURRANTS 301XXVARIETIES OF GOOSEBERRIES . ....307 8. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGEPARTVI HEA1TH FRUITS 311 CHAPTERXXI BOTANY OF HEATH FRUITS 313XXII THE CRANBERRY ANDITS VARIETIES316XXIII BLUEBERRIES AND HUCKLEBERRIES322PART VII THE STRAWBERRY327XXIV BOTANY OF THE STRAWBERRY, 329 XXV VARIETIES OF STRAWBERRIES 335 PARTVIIIMISCELLANEOUS FRUITS347XXVI PERSIMMONS, MULBERRIES, PAWPAWS, ELDERS, HIGHBUSH CRAN- BERRIES, BUFFALO-BERRIES, GOUMIS AND BARBERRIES . . . 349 9. PLATESPLATEI BALDWIN APPLE(in color) Frontispiece FACING PAGE II BARTLETT PEAR(in color)34III SECKEL PEAR64IVMONTMORENCY CHERRY 94 VNAPOLEON CHERRY 114VIELBERTA PEACH 132 VIIBRADSHAW PLUM 152VIIIDE SOTO PLUM172IXSHROPSHIRE PLUM 192 XCONCORD GRAPE(in color) 206XINIAGARA GRAPE 230 XIIJUNE RED RASPBERRY250XIIIAGAWAM BLACKBERRY 272XIV FAY CURRANT 296 XV INDUSTRY GOOSEBERRY.308XVI GOOD LUCK STRAWBERRY (in color) 342 10. CYCLOPEDIAOF HARDY FRUITS 11. CYCLOPEDIA OFHARDY FRUITS PART IPOME-FRUITS CHAPTER ITHE STRUCTURAL BOTANY OF POME-FRUITSBotanists differ in defining a pome. Onetowhich belong the apricot, cherry, peach,definition is that the outer fleshy part of the nectarine, and plum; the brambles, a generalapple, pear or quince, fruits which all agree name for blackberries, dewberries, and raspber-are typical pomes, is the thickened calyx; aries; and strawberries, sometimes called thecomparatively new definition describes a pome runner fruits.Among these several groups,as consisting of two to five carpels, each of pome-fruits lead in importance in the agricul-which is a drupe-like fruit containing one to tural regions of the world. The pomes seem tomany seeds, the several drupes being connectedhave been cultivated longer than any other ofand held together by a fleshy receptacle. The the fruits under consideration; henceit may 1. Flower and fruit of a pome. A, Flower of pome; B, Fruit of pome, a, Sepal; b, calyx-tube; c, receptacle; d, carpel; e, ovule; j, petal; g, stamen; h, style.definition most generally accepted is that abe assumed that they are farthest evolved frompomeis a fleshy fruit of which the compound the wild state, and accordingly there are moreovary is borne within and connected with thevarieties of apples and pears than of otherenlarged receptacle.hardy fruits. It is significant that pomology,A discussion of the botanical alliances of this the name accepted for the science and practicegroup of plants would be helpful to the study of fruit-growing, is derived from pome. (Fig.of the structure of pomes. Such a discussion,however, would lead far afield, so that a briefCHARACTERS OF POME-FRUIT PLANTSstatement must suffice as to the place whichpome-fruits hold in botanical classifications ofThe recognition of varieties is usually de-plants.The pome-fruits belong to Rosaceae,pendent on characters of the fruits,but thea family of plants of which the rose is the plants are distinct as well as the fruits andtype. Three other groups of hardy fruits com- may be helpful in identification and classifica-mon in orchards are associated with the pomes tion, and, in the absence of fruit, must bein the Rose family. These are: drupe-fruits,relied on to identify a species or variety. It is 12. 2-vCONSTlT.tfnONALCHARACTERS LEAF-BUDS AND LEAVESstill more important that thecultivator shouldadaptability of varieties to special locations,know whether or not the plant is manageable although nothing is more certain than thatin the orchard, and, therefore, should have a some varieties are adapted to a greater rangedescription of all plant-characters.of conditions than others. The Baldwin appleSize of tree is a very reliable character toand Bartlett pear have as one of their mostdetermine varieties of any of the pome-fruits.valuable qualities great adaptability to diverseThe Wagener or Rome Beauty apples, or the conditions.Winter Nelis pear, are almost dwarfs as com-Trunk and branch.pared with other apples and pears. Size variesgreatly with environment, it must be remem- The trunk counts for little in descriptionsbered, in using this character. The terms large,of varieties because it usually changed byissmall, and medium are commonly used topruning. The bark may be smoothor shaggy.designate size. Vigor must not be confusedColor of barkis often a most valuable diag-with size. Vigor may be denned as internalnosticcharacter,especially in young trees.energy. Small trees may be as vigorous as Manynot most varieties of pome-fruits can iflarge ones. be told in the nursery by the color of the bark.The term "habit of growth," as used by The branches offer several distinctive char-pomologists, has reference to the form of the acters, some of which are very reliable. Thetop. In describing the tops of pome-fruit trees long slender branches of Rhode Island Green-a number of self-explanatory terms are used;ing and Tompkins King apples, and the slenderas, upright, spreading, drooping, tall, low, dense, drooping branches of the Winter Nelis pear areopen-topped, vase-form, and round-topped. examples. The branches of some pears bearMany if not most varieties of pome-fruits may spines, and the fruit-spurs borne on branchesbe told by the form of the top. One can tellof all pome-fruits are very characteristic. TheSutton at a glance by its upright branches; asbranchlets or twigs may be short or slender;he can, also, Rhode Island Greening by itslong-jointed or short-jointed; straight or zig-wide-spreading branches; or the Winter Neliszagging; variously colored; some, at certainpear by its drooping branches. The form ofstages of maturity, are pubescent, othersthe top may make a variety easy or difficult to glabrous; the branching angle of branchletsmanage in the orchard.is often characteristic; the epidermis may besmooth or covered with scarf-skin; lastly, the Constitutional characters. size, shape, color, number, and position of the Constitutiona rather vague term used by is lenticels on young wood are most importantpomologists toindicate the vital power of in identifying trees after the leaves have fallen.varieties. It generally refers to hardiness, pro-ductiveness, susceptibility to pests and adapt- Leaf-buds and leaves.ability to climates and soils.Size, length and shape of leaf-buds help toThe degree of hardiness is difficult to use identify dormant trees. The shape may usu-in identification but does identify, and is ofally be described as acute, pointed, obtuse,utmost importance in characterizing the value conical or plump. If the bud lies close to theof a fruit. Baldwin and Rhode Island Green- twig, it is said to be appressed; if it standsing apples are relatively tender to cold Mcln-;at a considerable angle, it is free. In examin-tosh is hardy and Hibernal is very hardy. The ing dormant buds, note should be made as toBartlett pear is tender; Seckel more hardy. whether the leaf-scar is conspicuous or incon-Productiveness, age of bearing, regularity of spicuous.bearing, and certainty of bearing are all well- While leaves vary much in accordance withrecognized characters of pome-fruits, helping the condition of the plant which bears them,to set the value of a variety, and all count in they offer a number of valuable distinguishingclassifying, although rather difficult to use for characters. In the study of leaves, thosethis purpose. Length of life, whether long or found on water-sprouts or suckers and thoseshort, is another character of constitution thatborne on slow-growing spurs should not bemust be noted.used, but, rather, those found on free-growingThe degree of susceptibility of a variety totwigs.fungous diseases or insect pests is a mostThesize of the leaf, ifgiven in figures, is avaluable cultural character and may be used most valuable determinant ofvarieties of allin classifying. Thus, there are great differences pome-fruits, as is the shape, if depicted inin varieties of apples in their resistance to well-chosen words. Thickness counts for some-apple-scab, fire-blight, cedar-rust and bitter- thing, as do the color of the upper and lowerrot; or, to codlin-moth, any of the aphids, surfaces and the character and amount ofor San Jose scale. All pears are more or less pubescence on the surfaces. The margins offersusceptible to pear-blight and various fungousevidence for identification in the character ofdiseases, as they are also to psylla, San Josethe serrations, and in the glands and hairs toscale, and other insects.Varieties of applesbe found in an occasional variety. The timeand pears are described in this text as immuneof the appearance and the fall of leavesto one or more of these pests, and others ascharacterizes some varieties. Lastly, someespecially susceptible to them. sorts have many leaves and others few.The All of these constitutional characters are length, thickness, and color of the petiole andmuch modified by care and environment. Care its smoothaess or pubescence are sometimesand environment, also, greatly modify the worth noting. 13. FLOWER-BUDS AND FLOWERS SIZE AND SHAPE Flower-buds and flowers. is in proper condition for use.Unless other-Flower-buds offer the same marks for identi-wise stated, season has reference to the period fication as are mentioned for leaf-buds. Theyduring which fruit is in condition for use in may usually be distinguished from leaf-buds, ordinary storage, which of course greatly pro- being larger and less pointed, and, of course, by longs the natural season. The terms summer, their contents, if examined under a microscope. fall and winter, sometimes modified by early Time of opening is a mark of distinction with or late, give the season with sufficientaccuracy. varieties that bloom very early or very late, Keeping quality and shipping quality, both de- but it will be found that most varieties open pendent on several factors, are usually men- at approximately the same time. tioned in connection with season. The flower of the apple gives opportunity to Rather closely connected with season isuse,itscharacteristics almostthe uses for which a variety is identify throughparticularly every variety; the flowers of the pear and suited being indicated by several terms. A quince are of less use, but still are useful. The market variety is one suitable for the general size, shape, and color of the petals offer themarket; a local market sort is one which does bestmeans of identification in flowers. The not stand handling well enough for thegeneral length, thickness, amount, and kind of pubes- market but is acceptable in local trade. A cence on the styles may distinguish varieties.dessert or table variety is suitable for eating The styles of Tolman Sweet are covered andm the uncooked state; culinary, cooking, or bound together by dense pubescence not to bekitchen varieties are especially desirable for found in any other variety. The styles of the culinary purposes. Howell pear are abnormally short. The calyx- Size and shape.tubes,calyx-lobes, and pedicels differ mate-rially.These structures in the flower, whileAmong external characters of pome-fruits, size is important, if severaloffering decisive evidence in identification, aretypical specimensseldom used by pomologists, because characters can be examined, but is often misleading be-of plant and fruit may be studiedcause under the stress of environment abnormal during amuch longer time and are of greater cultural specimens may be produced. Gradations in. size are expressed by the termsimportance. The stamens, however, afford a large, medium,more permanent means of classifying than and small, modified by very, above, or below.other parts of the flower. In the blooming Used in connection with size, uniform signifies that the fruits of a variety areseason, length, diameter, and the pubescencegenerally ofof stamens may be noted, but much more im- about the same size.portant, taxonomically, is the position of theProbably no one character of pome-fruits isstamens on the calyx-tube in the maturemore important in classification than shape,fruit,these organs, or remnants of them, especially since it may be used with reference persistingto immature as well as maturein the ripened fruits, as will be noted in thespecimens.discussion of characters of the fruit.In determining the shape of a pome, the fruitshould be held opposite the eye perpendicularLastly, some varieties may be identifiedto the diameter from stem toduring the blooming season by the distribution calyx; or theof the blossoms on the tree. The flowers of fruit may be cut longitudinally at its widestRome Beauty, as an example, are borne ondiameter. So looked at, an apple may bethe periphery of the tree,described as round, oblate, conical,giving it an aspect ovate, 06-by which one may recognize the variety at long, truncate, or by combinations of theseonce. The flower-clusters of some and similar terms. If the fruit then be turned pome-fruitsso that the base or apex isbear many flowers; others few; in some the opposite the eye,flowers are loosely arranged, in others com-or if a transverse section be made at thewidest diameter, it may be determined whetherpactly.the fruit is regular, that is if the transversesection is circular in outline; FRUIT CHARACTERS OF POMESelliptical, withits sides compressed; or ribbed, angular,If a variety is not oblique, with sides unequal ornoteworthy in the char- symmetrical,allacters for which the fruit isgrown those self-explanatory terms.which appeal to the senses of taste and The shapesof pears are even more used insight-it stands small chance of classifying that fruit than is the case withbeing cultivated longor widely.Varieties are generally apples. Besides the terms used inknown,describingtherefore, from the characters of the fruit apples, additional descriptive words are neces-rather than those of thesary by reason of the common division of a plant. Hence, especialattention is paid topear into two parts the neck and thedescriptions of the fruitsome pomologists characterizing almostThe neck is the narrow part bearing the body. wholly stem;from the fruit and saying little or the body is the more or less swollen nothing of partthe plant.crowned by the calyx. A pear is pyriformwhen the curves formed by the body and neckSeason and use. are concave;turbinate, or top-shaped, whenthe body is nearly round with a shortPerhaps seasonthe first character, and isneck.Ihe neck may be long or short, distinct or ob-certainly it is one of the most important char- scure obtuse or acute.acters to be noted in theThe body is usuallyseason ripened fruitBydescribed by the terms used inis meant the periodin which a variety describingapples. 14. THE STEMCHARACTERS OF THE SKINThe terms used in describing shapes of apples right, if the tips incline inward,the lobes areand pears are applicable to the quince. Manysaid to be connivent; if inclinedoutward, theyoomologists describe quinces as either apple- are re flexed or divergent. Thelobes may beshaped or pear-shaped.broad or narrow, with tips acute or acuminate. A graphic record should accompany a de-Characters of the skin.scription of the fruit, to show size and shape.Asimple outline drawing serves the purpose.The skins of pome-fruits offer several mostvaluable features for classification, color beingThestem.the most important. Perhaps no character ofVarying as little as any other character of fruits varies more in accordance with environ-the apple or pear, the stem is much used in ment than the color, yet the color itself andidentification. It may be long and slender, the way in which it is distributed on the fruitas in the Rome Beauty apple or Bosc pear; serve to make this character a fairly safe dis-short and thick as in the Sutton apple andtinguishing mark for most varieties of pome-Cornice pear; fleshy as in the Peck Pleasantfruits.The ground-color of apples, pears, andapple and Louise Bonne pear; clubbed when quinces is the green or yellow-green of chloro-enlarged at the end; and lipped when thephyll, usually with an over-color of tints andflesh forms a protuberance under which theshades of yellow or red. The over-color maystem is inserted, as in the Pewaukee apple. belaid on in stripes, splashes or streaks; orThe stems of pears are often set obliquely, asas a blush it may mottle the surface, or may ;in Clairgeau; or are crooked or curved, as in be a single color, in which case the fruit is saidHowell. The stems of some pome-fruits haveto be self-colored.distinguishing colors; those of others areThe skin may be thick or thin, tough orpubescent. In some pears, as Bergamot dEs- tender. In a few varieties of apples it is rela-peren, there are bud-like projections on thetively free from the flesh, but with most clingsstem. The length of the stem in apples andtightly. The surface of the skin may be cov-pears is a reliable diagnostic character only ered with a delicate white substance calledwhen it is known from what part of the flower-the bloom, Mclntosh furnishing a good ex-cluster the fruit was developed.For, as a ample of an apple with a bloom. In otherrule, the nearer the flower to the center of thevarieties the skin is waxy or oily, as in Lowellumbel in the apple, and the tip of the raceme and Tompkins King apples. This characterin the pear, the shorter the stem of the fruit. must not be confused with waxen, which re-fers to the glossy appearance of the skin ofCavity and basin. such apples as Winter Banana and Maiden The cavity, the depression in which the stem Blush.is offers several marks which greatly en- set,Some apples and pears have an unbrokenhance the value of a description of any of therusset surface, as Roxbury Russet apple andpomes. It may be acute or obtuse; shallow,the Sheldon pear.Or the surface may bemedium, or deep; narrow, medium, or broad;rough because of minute russet dots or nettedsmooth or russeted; furrowed, ribbed, angular,veins.In many apples the cavity alone isor uniform; or it may be lipped as describedrusseted, as in Pumpkin Sweet.If the russetunder stem. The color of the skin within theof the cavity is spread out in radiating lines,cavity is sometimes different from that with- it is said to be radiating.out, and there may be radiatinglines, rays,In some apples a suture-like line extendsor streaks. toward the apex from the base, Tolman Sweet Thebasin, the depression in which the calyxfurnishing an example.is set, isas important as the cavity in classify-With varieties of all of the pome-fruits, noteing pomes, and is described by the same should be made of the presence and characterterms. The furrows in the basin are some- of pubescence about the calyx. In the quince,times indistinct and are then called wavy.the whole surface is covered with woollyThe skin around the calyx-lobes may bepubescence, which must be described.wrinkled, plaited, folded or corrugated. Rarely, Nearly all apples and pears have few orthere are fleshy protuberances about the calyx- many dots on the skin, notes on which maylobes, as in the Delicious apple and Siberian enhance the value of a description. Thesecrab-apple, called mammiform appendages.may be obscure or conspicuous, large or small,raised or sunken. If visible under the epider- Calyx-lobes.mis, they are said to be submerged.When The withered calyx-lobes persist in some star-like, they are called stellate.If sur- pomes and not in others. They persist in the rounded by a halo of lighter color, they are common apple and are deciduous in P. bac- said to be areolar. In some varieties of apples, cata; persist in European pears, deciduous in the dots are much elongated. the Asiatic species; persist in edible-fruitedThe .roughened outer skin, called scarf-skin, the commonquince, deciduous in the Japanese gives a distinguishing appearance to a few quince. The calyx-lobes may be open, partly apples. The scarf-skin runs outward from the open, or closed in varieties of the fruits in base of the apple in lines or stripes on Pump- which they are persistent. In some varietieskin Sweet, Green Newtown, and some other of apples the segments are separated at the varieties.This scarf-skin gives a dull appear- tase; in others, united. The lobes may lie flat ance to some red apples, as Sweet Winesap and on the fruit or may stand erect. When up- Black Gilliflower. 15. INTERNAL STRUCTURE FIBROVASCULAR BUNDLESCutting pomes to show the internal structure.by abnormalities in the fruit. The base of the When varieties cannot be distinguished from styles, in some varieties, develops intofleshy tissue which alters the shape of the calyx-tube.external marks, there are several very reliablecharacters that can be made use of in the in- The calyx-tube maybe cone-shaped, funnel-ternal anatomy of the pome. To study these shaped, or urn-shaped.When funnel-shaped, the broad upper part is called the limb; thecharacters it is necessary to make a longi- narrow lower part, the cylinder.In sometudinal and a transverse section of the fruit. varieties the remnants of the styles, often moreTo make an accurate examination of the in- or less fleshy, form a point, called the pistil-ternal structure of apple, pear or quince, the point, which projects into the calyx-tube.sectioning must be done with a keen, thinGano has a well-developed pistil point.knife, with a steady hand and a good eye. In making the longitudinal section, the knife The core.should pass through the center of the calyx, The position of the core in the fruit isshowing the remnants of styles and stamens;often a valuable means of distinguishing varie-through the middle of the core cell, showing ties. If close to the stem, the core is said tothe outline of the core cavity; and through be sessile; if at the center of the pome, it isthe middle of the stem. A true record cannotbe obtained unless the organs named are di-median; when distant from the stem, distant. The cell containing seed, called a carpel, isvided with fair accuracy into halves. In mak- morphologically a modified leaf, which bying the transverse section, the knife should folding together and by union of its edgespass through the widest diameter of the fruit, forms a closed receptacle. In some varietiescutting the core in half. If the core is not the carpels are open; in others, closed. If thein the center of the fruit, trial cuts to locateit must be made that it may be halved exactly. tip of the carpel is indented, it is said to be emarginate; if long and pointed, mucronate. In shape, carpels may be round, cordate, ob- cordate, elliptical, oblong, elongated, ovate, or obovate. In the cores of most pomes there is a central cavity called the core-cavity, some- times spoken of as the axial-sac, which may be either narrow or wide in some it is lacking. ; This is a character of much importance and reliability in pears. When the carpels extend quite to the axis of the fruit, they are said to be axile, and there is no core cavity; when distant from the axis, they are abaxile, and a core cavity is formed. Sometimes the carpel is lined on the inner surface with a white sub- stance, as in Tompkins King, when it is said to be tufted. In some pears there are many fine hairs in the core-cavity, in which case the2.Longitudinal section of an apple showing core characters (X Vz). a, Cavity; b, core- cavity is said to be tufted. The characters of lines; c, abaxile open core with broadly ellip- the core are shown in Fig. 2. The limits of tical mucronate carpels; d, conical calyx-the core are marked by a line usually very distinct in apples and quinces, which is called tube; e, calyx-lobes; /, basin. the core-line. The area enclosed by this line may be large or small and may be variouslyThe stamens. shaped. In some species of apples, as in After halving the fruit longitudinally, the P. coronaria and P. ioensis, rue core separatesfirst organs to be studied are the stamens, thefrom the flesh along the core-line so that itposition of which furnishes reliable taxonomic may be taken out, leaving a well-defined cavitydata. Hogg, an eminent British pomologist, in the apple.The direction which the core-devised an analytical key to varieties of apples line takes from the intruded woody stem fibresbased on the position of the stamens. Apples is often a clear mark of distinction.Thus, themay be divided into three groups in accordance line may proceed at right angles from thewith the position of stamens. In one group stem, may incline upward, or incline down-the stamens are on the outer margin of the ward. When the core-line joins the calyx-tubecalyx-tube and are said to be marginal; in along the sides it is said to be clasping; whenthe second, they are located about the middlethe two ends of the line meet at the base ofof the tube and are said to be median; in thethecalyx-tube,the expression "core-linesthird, they are inserted at the base of themeeting" is used.tube and are said to be basal. Fibrovascular bundles.The calyx-tube andstyles.Ten primary fibrovascular bundles enter the Passing from the stamens to the calyx-tube, fleshof pomes from thepedicel and closelyit will be found that the shape of this structurefollow the core-line which marks the limits ofis of some use inthe core. These are plainly seen in transverse separating varieties, althoughit is exceedingly variable in accordance withsections of apples and quinces as well-markedthe size of the fruit, and is materially altered dots. They are arranged in two cycles. In 16. 6SEEDSFLAVOR AND QUALITYthe outer cycle, the bundles are opposite thequality. It is important, also, in describingdorsal sutures of the carpels; those of thethe flesh to have the fruit at the proper stageinner cycle alternate with the carpels. Theof maturity, and as immaturity verges almostcore-line appears in the transverse section on imperceptibly into maturity and maturity intothe inner side of the ten bundles as a beautiful decay, each condition affecting the flesh, it isbit of tracery, looping out between the bundlesnot surprising that differences of opinion mayinto the pulp. There is much difference in the be many in judging the flesh characters of asize of the bundles and in the outline of thefruit.In cutting an apple, the color of thecore-line, as seen in sections of a pome, andflesh is first noted.It may be white, as inthese seem quite distinct in each variety. Ac- Mclntosh; tinged with yellow, as in Baldwin;cordingly, it is proposed by several workers greenish-white, as in Stark; or streaked orat home and abroad to classify varieties bytinged with red, as in Wealthy. Apples withmeans of these structures. To the workingred flesh are occasionally found, but no stand-pomologist, who finds little difficulty in identi- ard varieties have flesh of this color. Pearsfying varieties from characters more easily seen,have the flesh of the same colors as the apple,such attempts seem an unnecessary magnifi- except that none is quite as white in flesh ascation of fine points. Mclntosh. The flesh of the quince is yellow or orange, often turning pink or red whenSeeds. cooked.One determines the nature of theSeeds are characteristic in all varieties of texture by cutting the fruit, by pressingpome-fruits, and might well be used in classi- with the ringers, and by eating. The texturefication more generally than is the case. Themay be coarse or fine; tender or tough; crisp,number is exceedingly variable in all varieties. breaking, melting, or in the pear almostIn apples and pears, the usual number is two buttery; dry or juicy.Many varieties ofin each cell, but often there are three or more, pears are granular or gritty about the core,and occasionally seeds are missing; in quinces,and sometimes gritty nodules are found in thethere are many in each cell. Seeds varyflesh, but usually as abnormalities.greatly in different varieties in size, shape andcolor, and differences in these characters are Flavor and quality.as constant as are those of any other organs Apples and pears are readily divided intoof the fruit. Number, size, shape, and color two classes as to flavor; they are either sweetof seeds should be noted with care in everyor sour. Such a division is less apparent intechnical description of a pome.The pointquinces.The qualifying terms mildly andof the seed, also, is worth noting; it may bevery are often used with sweet and sour. Sub-acute, acuminate, or obtuse. Like the carpels, acid, tart, and sprightly are sometimes mostthe seeds are often tufted.In quinces, the expressive. Austere refers to a flavor moreseeds are arranged in two rows, and the testaor less sour with some astringency. Pears andaboundsin a gum having demulcentandquinces may often be put down as astringent.mucilaginous properties. All varieties have a more or less distinct aroma. Rich and refreshing are words oftenFlesh. found in the rather extensive vocabulary neces- Most pomes may be identified from the flesh sary to describe the flavors of fruits.characters without a glance at any other part Quality is that combination of texture,of fruit or plant.Flavor, odor, and textureflavor, and aroma which makes a fruit pleasantof flesh are distinct in almost every varietyto the palate. Quality is rated by commonof apple, pear, or quince, and appeal more consent of pomologists in five grades: poor,strongly to the senses of taste and smell than fair, good, very good, and best. It should becharacters measured by the eye do to the noted that good in this rating signifies a fruitsight.Unfortunately, flavors, odors, and tex-of butmedium quality.tures are difficult to describe.All characters The accompanying description blank for theof the flesh vary greatly in accordance with apple sets forth most of the characters stu-conditions of growth, soil and climate havingdents and fruit-growers will use in describinga profound influence on texture, flavor, and pome-fruits. 17. DESCRIPTION BLANK FOR THE APPLEName Orchard.Row No Date..... 19.TREEFRUIT, Contd Marked characteristics Length Large, medium, smallLarge, medium, small Vigorous, medium, weakUniform, variable Upright, spreading, droopingRoundish, oblate, conical Tall, low, denseOvate, oblong, truncate Open, vase-formed, round-topped Oblique, ribbed, irregular Slow growing, rapid growing Symmetrical, sides unequal Hardy, half-hardy, tender Uniform Very productive, productive STEM Medium productive, unproductive Long, medium, short Regular bearer, uncertain bearerThick, medium, slender SUSCEPTIBILITY to CAVITY Insects Obtuse, acute, acuminate DiseasesShallow, medium, deep TRUNK Narrow, medium, broad Stocky, medium, slender Russeted, smooth Smooth, medium, shaggySymmetrical, furrowed BRANCHESCompressed, lipped Thick, medium, slenderCALYX Smooth, mediumOpen, closed Shaggy, zigzagLarge, medium, small Red, brown, gray, greenLobesLenticelsSeparated at base Numerous, medium, few Long, medium, short Large, medium, smallBroad, medium, narrow BRANCHLETSObtuse, acute, acuminate Thick, medium, slender, willowy BASIN Long, medium, short Shallow,medium, deep Red, brown, grayNarrow, medium, wide Green, glossy Obtuse, abrupt, smooth Rough, smooth, zigzag Furrowed, corrugated Pubescent, glabrous Symmetrical, compressedInternodes SKIN Long, medium, short Thick, medium, thin LEAF-BUDS Tough, medium, tender Large, medium, smallSmooth, rough Long, medium, short Russet, waxen Obtuse, conical, pointed,plumpGlossy, dull, bloom Appressed or free COLOR ,Leaf-scars Prominent LEAVES Length Width. -DOTS Large, medium, smallNumerous, medium, few Wide, medium, narrowLarge, medium, small Long, medium, short Conspicuous, obscure Oval,ovate, obovate Gray, russet Abruptly pointed, taper-pointed Submerged, areolar Thick, medium, thin Light, medium, dark green FLESH Smooth, rugoseWhite, yellow, redMargin Firm, coarse, medium, fine Glandular, crenateCrisp, tender, tough Dry, juicy, sweet, subacid Finely serrate, coarsely serrate Sour, aromatic, sprightlyPetiole, length Long, medium, shortQuality Best, very good, good Thick, medium, slender Fair, poor, very poor FLOWERS CORE Date of bloom Large, medium, small Early, medium, late Large, medium, small Open, closed Axile, abaxile White, pink Fertile or sterileCORE-LINES Clasping, meetingFRUITCALYX-TUBE Markedcharacteristics Early, mid-season, late Long, medium, narrow Wide, medium, narrow DATE OF RIPENINGFunnel-shaped, conical, urn-shaped LENGTH OF SEASONSEED Large, medium, small HANGS WELL OR DROPS Wide, medium, narrow Long, medium, short KEEPING QUALITY Flat, plump, obtuse SHIPPING QUALITYAcute, acuminate, tufted USE Dessert, kitchen, market, homeSUSCEPTIBILITYto Insects TYPE OF DiseasesDESIRABILITYREMARKS 18. CHAPTERII SPECIES OF POME-FRUITS There are about ninety genera in the Rose 1.Apples (Malus). Flowers pink, rose-color, redor sometimes white, borne in fascicles or subumbellatefamily,of which ten or twelve bear pome-clusters on short spurs or lateral branchlets ; ovary 3-5-fruits. Of the pome-bearing genera, but two celled;styles more or less united at the base. Fruitcontain cultivated species of prime importancemore or less globular with a distinct depression at bothends,the flesh without grit cells, rounded at the base.in fruit-growing: namely, Pyr s, to which be- The species in this section number from 30-40, of whichlong apples and pears; and Cydonia, the not more than a half dozen are domesticated.quince. Three other genera are of lesser im- 2.Pears (Pyrus). Flowers white, few, borne in corymbson short spurs or lateral branchlets ovary 5-celled ;portance: Mespilus, the medlar; Chsenomeles,;styles usually free. Fruit usually pyriform, sometimesthe Japanese quince; and Amelanchier, the subglobose, usually conical at the base, the flesh usuallyJuneberry. The fruits of Crataegus, the haw-bearing grit-cells when ripened on the tree. Thethorns or thorn-apples, allied to medlars in thespecies number from 15-20 of which but two are trulydomesticated, but several others give promise of valuestructure of the fruit, are edible, and several for stocks and possibly for their fruits.species offer possibilities for domestication, butnone is cultivated in North America. THE APPLETHE GENUS PYRUS Of thethirty and more species of apples andcrab-apples, but two are prominent pomologi-Authorities differ as to what groups of plantscal subjects, as all of the others remain wildshould be included in Pyrus. Most of theor are cultivated in a small way or as orna-older botanists placed in the genus the apple,mentals. Among the ornamental species, how-pear, crab-apple, quince, medlar, sprbus, and ever, are several bearing edible fruits, which,chokeberry.Some botanists still include all though of small value now for the orchard,of these fruits, but the modern tendency is tomay through selection or hybridization playsegregate the groups in distinct genera some- an important part in the pomology of thewhat in accordance with the common names, future. But for the present, fruit-growers areas the differences which give distinctions suffi- concerned with only P. Malus, from whichcient for a common name suffice also for acomes the common apple, and P. baccata,botanical division. The pear and apple, how-parent of most cultivated crab-apples. Culti-ever, are generally kept together in Pyrus; vated apples and crab-apples are easily dis-but few botanists consider the differences in tinguished in standard varieties by size, shape,the two fruits sufficiently marked to justify flesh, and flavor, to name the characters inputting them further apart than in two sections which differences are most apparent, but inof one genus. The distinguishing characters outlying varieties the two fruits merge intoof Pyrus are: each other so that clear botanical separationrests on a difference in one structure, the calyx.Woody plants, trees or shrubs, with smooth or scaly In the common apple the calyx persists on thebark. Leaves simple, or sometimes lobed, alternate,usually serrate, deciduous with deciduous stipules whichripened fruit; in the true crab-apple, it fallsare free from the petiole. Flowers perfect, regular,fromripe fruits.borne in compound terminal cymes ; torus urn-shaped,adnate to the ovary and inclosing it with thick suc- 1. Pyrus Malus, Linn.Apple. Plant a large bushculent flesh at maturity ; calyx-lobes 5, acuminate and or a tree attaining a height of 60-70 feet with a trunkreflexed, persistent in some and deciduous in other 1-2 feet in diameter which .divides into stout spreadingspecies ; petals 5, white, pink or red, inserted on the branches forming a round open head ; bark separatingthickened border of the disk ; stamens 15-20, in threeinto large, thick, ashy-brown persistent scales ; branch-rows;styles 2-5 free 01 united below;carpels 2-5, lets and twigs glabrous or slightly pubescent, usuallyinferior, crowned by the styles, usually 2-seeded.Fruit bright red-brown and dotted with scattered, conspicuous an ovoid or pyriform poine ; seeds 2 in each cell, brown lenticels.Leaves oval, ovate or orbicular-ovate, usuallyor brownish, lustrous, mucilaginous on the outer surface. pointed at the apex, rounded or truncate at the base,with serrate margins, dull in color, soft in texture, borneon stout petioles.Flowers large, white, pink or red,Pyrus contains fifty to sixty species widelyborne in close terminal cymose clusters on short pedicels ;scattered throughout the north temperate zone,appearing with the leaves ; calyx-lobes 5, acuminate ;the largest number in south-central and east- petals 5, inserted, remotely contracted into narrow claws,usually pink.Fruit exceedingly variable in size, shapeern Asia. In North America, Pyrus is repre-color, flavor and time of ripening, with a cavity aboutsented by five species, while eight or nine the stem, the calyx persistent and set in a well-markedspecies inhabit Europe. Study of the speciesbasin ; flesh thick, succulent and homogeneous. Seedsmakes plain that there are many natural brownish, glossy, mucilaginous, usually two in each ofthe 5 carpels forming the core.varieties.The two sections of Pyrus, giventhe rank of genera by some authors, are dis-Between four and five thousand namedtinguished as follows:pomological varieties belong to this species, a 19. CRAB APPLESCRAB APPLESspecies, however, which some authorities preferCRAB-APPLESto divide into two or more specific groups. Itis probable that cultivated apples have comeThere seems to be little question that thefrom two distinct species, possibly three, butcrab-apples of most common cultivation, rep-resented by such varieties as Martha, Hyslop,these have been so fused by hybridization thatit is now impossible to separate cultivatedand Transcendent, are hybrids between twovarieties into species. The best that can bespecies, P. baccata and P. Mains, though thesedone is to divide the species into severalhybrids are often put in a separate species,botanical varieties to which the pomologicalP. prunifolia. The Siberian crabs, of whichseveralnamedvarieties are cultivated, un-varietiesmay be referred, but even this cannotdoubtedly belong to a distinct speciesnowtobe done with the precision that might bewished. Of the many botanical varieties de- be described,scribed by various authors, but three are de-2.Pyrus baccata, Linn. Siberian Crab. Plant alimited with sufficient exactness to make themsmall round-headed tree attaining a height of 30-40 feet,useful to the pomological student. Thesewith a trunk 10-12 inches in diameter, which dividesinto many rather slender branches forming a compacthead ; vigorous, hardy and productive wood hard and ;tough, bark much less rough and tree smoother in all ofVar. sylvestris, Linn.Characterized by glabrous its parts than in the common apple.Leaves ovate, ovate-shoots and leaves whereas those in the type species are lanceolate or ovate-acuminate, thin, glabrous, brightpubescent ; the calyx-lobes are glabrous outside butgreenpetioles ;slender ;margins finely and evenlypubescent within.The habitat of the variety is West serrate.Flowers large, white, very fragrant, handsome ;and Central Europe.The distinction between this appearing with the leavespedicels very slender, green-;variety and the type species would be hardly worthish;style usually longer than the stamens, glabrous ormaking, were it not that some European botanists give lightly pubescent ; calyx-lobes long, narrow acuminate ;it the rank of a species and refer several pomologicalcalyx falling away before maturity.Fruit from %-lvarieties to it.inch in diameter, yellow or red; borne on long, hard Var. pumila, Henry. To this botanical variety, de- slender stems ; basin shallow or none, often wrinkledscribed as a species by some authors, most of the or having mammiform protuberances ;flesh yellow, verycultivated apples are now referred.The trees are largefirm,subacid, astringent, translucent.Seeds small,or small, sometimes bush-like, with the young branches, short, wide, obtuse, dark brown.pedicels, calyx-tube, both surfaces of the calyx-lobes andthe under surface of the leaves prominently tomentose.The Paradise and Doucin apples, used as dwarfing stocks,There are several botanical forms of P. bac-are probably dwarf forms of Var. pumila. This botanical cata,but to which of these the cultivated crab-variety is native to southeastern Europe and westernapples belong is a mooted question. No doubtAsia, although found wild as an escape wherever the there are a number of natural hybrids, as thereapple is cultivated. Var. astracanica, Loud.It is probable that several certainly are of artificial ones.Hybrid andpomological varieties belong to this botanical variety, pure-bred crab-apples, cultivated for theirwhich is characterized by large, coarsely serrate or doubleserrate leaves, tomentose beneath, and by the longfruits, number two score or more, and probablypedicelsit is a native of Asia.;a much greater number of named varieties,the world over, are grown as named ornamen-In the descriptions of the species and itstals.varieties, statements of habitat were made;The crab-appleprobably cameoriginallythese need to be amplified. P. Mains has been from Siberia, northern China, and Manchuria,known as a wild plant in temperate Europe butand flowers has been cultivated for its fruitand Asia throughout historic times, but un- in China and Japan from time immemorial.questionably its fruits were used long before The Chinese and Japanese have developedhistory began, and, no doubt also, the plants many forms differing in plant, fruit, andwere distributed by the prehistoric dwellersflower, more particularly in the flowers, thesein the two continents. Students of the origin being of many colors, various sizes, and in allof cultivated plants now believe the speciesdegrees of doubling. The Siberian crab-appleto be indigenous in the northwestern Himalayas, is the hardiest of the tree-fruits, grows withwhere there are vast forests of wild apples great rapidity, thrives in many soils, andascending the mountains to a height of nine bears year after year with increasing abun-to ten thousand feet in regions to which mandance.could hardly have introduced the plant. This species was early introduced into Eu-The apple has been cultivated from remote rope, although little grown until the last cen-times in India, Cashmere, and northern China. tury forits fruit. While itmay have comeCarbonized apples are found in the ancientearlier asan ornamental,itseems not to belake habitations of Switzerland, showing that mentioned as a fruit-treein America untilthey must have been known in Europe by pre- toward the close of the eighteenth century, andhistoric peoples.The apple is mentioned bysince nurserymen did not list crab-apples untilthe earliest writers on agriculture in China, toward the middle of the nineteenth century,India,Italy, France, Germany, andGreece, this fruit must be looked on as comparativelyEngland.was introduced by the first col- It a newcomer.onists in all temperate parts of the New World. But few of the cultivated crabs of AmericanIt is now the most valuable fruit-plant of theorchards are pure-bred to the species, most oftemperate regions of the world, and by se-them being hybrids with P. Mains. Theselection and hybridization several thousandhybrid crabs are most valuable additions tovarieties have been obtained.The apple is the apple-flora of the whole country, and, cultivated in all agricultural regions of thebecause of great hardiness, promise much for United States excepting in subtropical parts ofcold regions. The species does not thrive as the Gulf states and California.well as might be wished in southern apple re- 20. 10 THE PEARTHE PEARgions, where its usefulness is also much cur- or many grit-cells.Seeds1-3 in a cell, sometimesabortive or wanting, large, brown or brownish, oftentailed by its susceptibility to pear-blight.tufted at the tips.Crab-apple trees are used in cold climates asstocks upon which to graft the common apple,Botanists describe several botanical varieties,for which purpose they are in most respects and some would separate from the species avery desirable. number of garden forms. In the present stateSome twenty or more oriental floweringof botanical knowledge of the species, however,crab-apples are listed in the botanies, several the pomologist may best classifypomologicalof which produce edible fruit, and two of varieties under the typespecies.which, P. prunijolia, Willd. and P. Sieboldii,Pyrus communis now grows naturally in allRegel, have been more or less cultivated forbut the coldest and warmest parts of Europetheir fruits and used as stocks for the commonand Asia. It probably came originally fromapple in China and Japan.Some of thesethe Caucasian countries and northern Persia,Asiatic crab-apples are promising, also, forwhere, in elevated regions, there are now for-hybridization with the common apple and the ests of wild pears; or, possibly, the originalSiberian crab.center of distribution was in Cashmere and theFive types of native crab-apples grow innorthwestern Himalayas where there are alsoNorth America. None of these has sufficient pear forests.The treegrows spontaneouslymerit to recommend it to pomologists in as an escape from orchards in nearly all re-regions where the common apple grows, but gions where the pear is generally cultivated,one, the Soulard crab, P. Soulardii, Bailey,but sparingly in North America, because keptprobably a natural hybrid between P. Mainsdown by pear-blight.and P. ioensis is grown in the upper Missis-The common pear has been cultivated fromsippi Valley where only trees of great hardinesstime immemorial.The ancient Greeks hadwithstand the cold. A typical variety of this several varieties; Pliny, the Roman naturalist,species is described as the Soulard crab by describes forty-one varieties. The pear is men-botanists. There is some promise of further tioned in France, Germany and Great Britainamalgamation of the common apple and thealmost with the first written records of agri-native crab-apple to secure greater hardinessculture, and it came to America with theof tree and longer keeping qualities in the earliest permanent settlers in the northernfruit.states.The French brought the pear to Can-ada and Michigan, and pear-trees said to beTHE PEABtwo hundred years old are yet standing aboutmission sites of the French along the St.The innumerablevarieties of pears, more come fromLawrence and the Great Lakes to Detroit,than 4000,almost all single a Asecond species, P.Michigan.The pear is now grown in thespecies, P. communis.the Chinese Sand pear, furnishes per- temperate regions of the whole civilized world,serotina, not so commonly planted as the apple onlyhaps a score of named sorts with showy fruits because less easily managed in the orchard,which keep well, but are scarcely edible un-less adaptable to soils and climates, and morecooked and of very indifferent quality inThis species, however,susceptible to pests, especially the pear-blight,culinary preparations.which takes prodigious toll from this fruit inhas addedmuch to the pear flora of the world;the pear-regions of the New World.for, when hybridized with the common pear,a plant is produced of remarkable vigor, cleanIn North America, pears thrive particularlywell only in the states north of Maryland andin growth, productive, hardy, and almost im-mune to the dreaded pear-blight, which yields west to Wisconsin and in the Pacific states.a fruit suitable for culinary purposes andThe climate of the southern states is uncon-edible out of hand, if properly ripened. Thegenial to this fruit, being too hot, while thatof the Mississippi Valley and Great Plains iswell-known Kieffer is typical of these hybrids.A too hot in the summer and too cold in the third species, P. nivalis, the Snow pear, iswinter. Blight, also, is more virulent in thesegrown sparingly in parts of Europe for theregions than in those first named, and makesmaking of pear cider, but is not of sufficientpear-culture precarious even where climateimportance to warrant discussion in a pom-favors. California and New York are the lead-ological text.ing pear-growing states, in both of which re- 3.Pyrus communis, Linn.Common Pear. A vig- gions the pear industry is handicapped byorous,upright tree attaining a height of 80 feet andblight.a diameter of 4 feet, usually with an oblong or pyramidaland rather compact top bark on old trees rough with ;Pear-growing began in America as an avoca-rather large persistent scales. Leaves 2-4 inches long, tion formen of means, leisure, and taste. Its1-2 inches wide, oblong-ovate, thin, hard and veiny ;uppersurface dark green, glabrous lower surface light ;period of greatest activity began early in thegreen, glabrous; apex acuminate ; margin, crenate-nineteenth century and passed before the closeserrate or entire, never setose-serrate petiole 1 to 2; of the century, during most of which timeinches long, becoming glabrous. Flowers 1-2 inchesthe pear was the center of interest in Americanacross, white, appearing with the leaves, borne in 4-12umbel-like clusters on slender pedicels calyx persistent;fruit circles. In the first half of the last cen-or rarely deciduous ; stamens 15-20.Fruit exceedingly tury many new varieties of pears were intro-variable under cultivation, usually pyrifonn, sometimes duced from Europe, and a considerable numberround-conic, turbinateor occasionally round-oblate;green, yellow, red or russet, or combinations of theseoriginated on this side of the Atlantic. Incolors; flesh of fruits ripening on the tree with few 1859, T. W. Field, in his Pear Culture, gave a 21. THE PEAR THE QUINCE 11listof 854 pears, of which 686 originated inother than varietiesof the Europeanpear.Europe and 168in America. The great Ameri-The fruits are little liked by those who havecan pomologists of the nineteenth century the common pear, although they are attractiveManning, the Downings, Wilder, Berckmans, in appearance, long keepers, and not unpalat-Hovey, Barry, and Thomas were more inter- able in some culinary preparations.Severalested in the pear than in any other fruit.Japanese pears have been introduced intoFor many years past, however, the pear, inAmerica, and their apple-like fruits are notcomparison with the apple, peach, plum, oruncommon, being readily distinguished fromcherry, has been losing in popularity. Thereapples by their deciduous calyces, roughare now few good collections in the country;skins, long stems, gritty flesh, and potato-likenurserymen list fewer and fewer varieties; theflavor.pear is now less and less used as a dessert fruit,These Japanese pears hybridize freely withthe product being largely used in canning.the common pear, and several valuable hybridsPear-culture is failing in America for theare now widely and commonly grown in Northreasons that the pear is not well adapted toAmerica, Kieffer, Le Conte, and Garber, inthe American climate; that cultural and com-the order named, being the best known. Thesemercial conditions make it more difficult tohybrids are much stronger in growth, moregrow than other fruits and that the formidable ;blight-resistant, more productive, and moredisease, blight, remains unchecked by any ofrapid in growth than the common pear; thethe remedies now in use.fruits are more pyriform and of much betterOwing to the decline in pear-growing, manyflavor than those of the oriental parent; theof the varieties described in this text cannot nowcalyx in the hybrid is sometimes persistentbe purchased from nurserymen.All have beenand sometimes deciduous. They do not makecultivated on this continent,however,andgood stocks and intergraft but poorly withmanyold trees of all varieties stillexist. Some,the common pear. Of all pear-trees, these areit is to be hoped, will be reintrqduced for handsomest in growth, making excellent orna-home orchards, if not for commercial planta-mental plants.tions.Several other oriental pears are being testedin the United States as stocks for named varie- 4.Pyrus serotina, Rehd.Tree vigorous, upright,ties of the common pear.attaining a height of 20-50 feet, the branchlets becomingSeedlings of theglabrous. Leaves ovate-oblong, sometimes ovate, 3-5 common pear have been used in the past asinches long, rounded at the base, long acuminate, stocks, but these are susceptible to blight, lacksharply setose-serrate ;lower surface cobwebby but be-in vigor, and the seedlings are not uniform.coming glabrous. Flowers white, borne in 6-9-floweredumbellate-racemose clusterscalyx-lobes long-acuminate, ;Search is being made for an oriental pear thatglandulose denticulate petals oval, short-clawed stamens ;; does not have these defects and those ofabout 20styles 4 or 5, glabrous.Fruit subglobose, ;russet-brown ; stalk slender ; calyx deciduous. European stocks. Some of the species intro-duced from China for stocks are cultivated intheir native country for their fruits, and itPomologists are interested in the typespecies,which comes from central and westernmay be expected that hybrids between theseand the common pear will give new types ofChina, only as a possible source of blight-this fruit.resistant stocks for varieties of the commonpear.Stocks from the species were introducedsome years ago on the Pacific slope, but have THE QUINCEproved unsatisfactory because difficult to bud, The common quince belongsto the genusvery susceptible to leaf-blight, and not im-Cydonia, which differs from Pyrus chiefly inmune to pear-blight. Render, an authority onthe fruits. Thus, the pomes of Cydonia arePyrus, gives two botanical varieties, one ofharder than those of Pyrus; the quince has awhich is most important to pomologists, havingwoolly surface while that of the apple andgiven, as a hybrid with the common pear, apear is smooth; the sepals at the apex of thenew and very distinct type of pear. Thisquince are more leaf-like than those of thevariety is described as follows:apple and pear; the five carpels of the quincecontain many seeds, those of species of PyrusVar. culta, Rehd.Sand Pear. Japanese Pear. Chi-nese Pear. Tree strong and rapid in growth, withbut few; the testa of quince seeds aboundsstrong thick shoots. Leaves very large, often 6 inchesin a gum having mucilaginous and demulcentlong and 3-4 inches broad, broadly ovate and long-pointed, very dark green ; margins setose-serrate, theproperties, while there is little or no gum inteeth very sharp, almost bristle-like. Flowers very large,seeds of the apple and pear; the stem of theappearing somewhat in advance of the foliage.Fruitquince is so short as to appear to be wanting,apple-shaped or pyriform, more or less rough, with awhile the stem of the apple and pear is dis-well-marked cavity about the stem calyx usually de-tinct and often long. ;ciduous flesh tough, gritty and poor in flavor.; Cydonia contains onlythe species now to be described. The sand pear from the type in its differsCydonia oblonga, Mill. Common Quince. Small treeslargeranddifferently shaped fruits and muchor shrubs 15-20 feet in height, with slender unarmedlarger, greener leaves. It comes from Japan,branches.Leaves alternate, oblong-oval, entire, pubescentwhere it must have been early introduced from beneath, petioled, stipulate, 2-4 inches long.Flowerswhite or tinged with pink, large, 2 inches in diameter,China, and where it is now the most commonshowy, terminal on short leafy branchlets ; petals 5 ;fruit-tree with the exception of the persimmon. stamens numerous ; styles 5, free ; ovary with 5 cellsThere are several pomological varieties ineach containing many seeds. Fruit large, round or pear-shaped, yellow, woolly, with hard yellow flesh whichJapan, although they differ less from eachbecomes pink after cooking. 22. 12 THE JAPANESE QUINCE THE JUNEBERRYThe Japanese quince, now put in the genus most people verypleasant, which it imparts toChaenomeles, was long included in Cydonia.other fruitswhen cooked with them.TheIt is easily distinguished by the serrate orspecies a native of China and Japan, but iscrenate papery leaves and styles united athas long been cultivated in Europe and Amer-the base. The species has been divided intoseveral botanical varieties, but only the typeTHE JUNEBERRYis of interest to pomologists. The quince is of but secondary importanceUnder the names juneberry, shad-bush,in fruit-growing, since it is only sparingly usedservice-berry, sugar-pear, and grape-pear, orfor culinary purposes. The fruit deserves, how- their equivalents in other languages, the fruitsever, much more attention than is given it in of some twenty-five or thirty species ofdomestic economy, for it is second to no otherAmelanchier are used for food in all parts offor marmalades, jellies, and conserves of all the North Temperate Zone. While very dis-kinds, and is much used for flavoring prepara-tinct in aspect of tree and fruit, Amelanchiertions of apples and pears. There are but fewand Pyrus have few structural differences, thevarieties and there seems to be little or notwo genera being separated chiefly by reasoninterest in increasing the number, although of the fact that the compound ovary inthe quince offers great possibilities in hybrid-Amelanchier has partial divisions which areization within the species and with the Japanesequince, while interesting hybrids between thequinceand the pear are recorded. Quincestocks are much used whereon to graft thepear, to dwarf the tree and increase the sizeof the fruit and hasten its bearing.The quince is a native of the Mediterraneanand Caucasus regions, and in ancient timesgrew abundantly in Crete,deriving fromCydon in that country the name Cydonia.From ancient Greece, it was taken to Romebefore the Christian era, for the writers ofthe first century mention it as if it were acommon fruit. The Romans knew the quinceas the cotonea, a name to be found in oldEnglish as well as in Latin. Spreading fromItaly, it was soon cultivated, as agricultureadvanced step by step, throughout the mildclimates of Europe. In 812, its culture was3. Juneberry.enjoined by Charlemagne in France under thename coing. Chaucer speaks of the quince in The specieslacking in the ovary of Pyrus.the latter part of the fourteenth century inare so closely related, with numerous spontane-England, calling it come from the French. ous hybrids, from which, indeed, they areEarly Spanish, English, French, and Dutchhardly to be distinguished that it serves the brought the quince to America.settlersuses of pomologists to characterize the genusalone, without giving detailed descriptions of THE JAPANESE QUINCEthe several species which have pomologicalpossibilities.(Fig. 3.) Four species of Chamomeles are grown forAmelanchier.Shrubs or smallunarmed. Leave*their handsome flowers, and one, C. lagenaria,trees,simple, alternate, petioled,serrate.Flowers white,is of some value also for its fruit and offers aracemose or rarely solitary ; calyx 5-cleft, persistent, thegood field for the plant-breeder. Through tube campanulate and adnate to the ovary petals 5,;obovate, oblong or rarely linear stamens numerous,hybridization and selection, it is possible that;short ; styles 5, united below ; ovary inferior, 5-celled,other species of the genus might be made to each cell with two ovules cells with a projection grow-;yield fruits of value.ing from the back forming a false partition. Fruit anedible berry-like pome with a cavity at the topsweet; Chcenomeleg lagenaria, Koid. Japanese Quince. Shruband juicy ripening in early summer.;3-6 feet high, with spreading, spiny branches. Leavessub- persistent or deciduous,alternate, oblong-ovate, The species of interest to fruit-growers areglossy above, papery, l%-3 inches long. Flowers inall natives of temperate North America. Theclusters of 2-6, red or reddish, l%-2 inches across;calyx-lobes entire or serrate ; petals 5 ;stamens nu- product of one or another of them plays anmerous ; styles 5, united at the base.Fruit 5-celled,important part in the diet of North Americaneach cell with many seeds ; globular or ovoid ; yellowish-green ; stem lacking.Indians, who make use of the berries bothfresh and dried. So, also, juneberries have There are many ornamental forms, most of been a source of food supply to explorers, pros- which bear quinces esteemed for jellies, con-pectors, and pioneers, who testify to their serves,and other culinary purposes. The dark,value as pleasing dessert fruits. Juneberries green fruits are very hard, but contain a rich,are as yet little used where they must compete aromatic, lemon-like juice which makes a jelly with other fruits, although they have many of very pleasing flavor. The fruits are furtherqualities to commend them for domestication. characterized by a strong, distinctive odor, toThe fruit of the juneberry is a small pome 23. THE MEDLARTHE MEDLAR13or apple, usually with five cells, each more orovaries;and in its apparently stemlessfruits.less completely divided into two parts so that Thereis but one species.there appear to be ten cells. The pomes ofsome species are no larger than a pea, whileMespilus germanica, Linn.Medlar. Mespilus. a small tree attaining a height of 25 feet, sometimesPlantin the best strains of other species they attain shrub-like, the wild plants thorny, cultivated varietiesthe size of a small crab-apple. They vary in thornless. Leaves simple, nearly sessile, oblong-lance-color from dark red to a purplish-blue or blackolate or oblong, pubescent, serrate.Flowers large and sessile on short, leafy shoots, white orand all have more or less bloom.The several pink, pubescent outside; styles 5, glabrous and distinct. Fruit a round-juneberries are exceedingly variable in theirish or top-shaped pome with the 5 leaf-likesepaltfruits, suggesting high potentialities in thepersistent;receptacle hollowed as in the apple and pear, but not completely inclosing the carpels; the 5domestication of the best of the wild species. carpels having a hard, bony wall protecting the singleThey differ much in the character of the plants, seed within.some species being dwarf shrubs with manystems, while others are small trees withAt leasttwo botanical varieties are named, one a large-fruited form, and the other seedless,straight, slender trunks, the largest of whichattain a height of forty feet and a diameter both of which, from the descriptions given,of eight or ten inches. All are hardy, and atmight well be considered pomological varieties.least two of them give promise of making mostThe medlar is a native of Europe, being founddesirable domesticated plants in regions too wild in many parts of central and southerncold for any, or but few, other fruits. June-Europe and even in England, where, however, it is probably an escape from cultivation.berries thrive under the same care as thatIt is thought to begiven the apple or pear.The genus showsindigenous to south-centralwide adaptation to soils and moisture condi-tions; in temperate regions there are few lo-calities where other fruits are grown in whichsome one or several of the juneberries wouldnot thrive. Strains of several species have been broughtunder cultivation, some of which have beennamed and sparingly disseminated by nursery-men. So far, all of the cultivated varietieshave come from the bush-like species, mostof them from A. alnifolia. One of thefirst named sorts to be sent out was Success,a dwarf strain probably of A. canadensis, in-troduced by H. E. Van Deman, then of Kansas,about 1878; this variety seems to be no longercultivated. Several western nurserymen nowoffer strains of A. alnifolia under the namesImproved Dwarf Juneberry, Dwarf Mountain 4. Dutch Medlar.Juneberry, and Western Huckleberry. Thesenamed varieties are selected strains from wild Europe eastward to the Caucasus.The medlarplants, no one as yet having set out to improve is said to hybridize with the hawthorns.juneberries. Then; are many distinct forms inthe wild, some of them supposed to be naturalThe medlar, it seems, held a much higherhybrids, offering opportunities for selection in place among fruits in the Middle Ages thanthe amelioration of the species for the garden.now.Itwas used as a preserve and to seasonThere is no reason to believe that the species meats.The fruit was the foundation of thewill not hybridize as freely as other members famous preserve known in Orleans, France, asof the rose family. Juneberries are readilycotignac, which was always offered a French sovereign when he entered the town, and whichpropagated from seeds and no doubt all would was the first present made to Joan of Arc whenyield to budding and grafting. They are said she led her troops into that city. The fruitto be easily budded on the hawthorn.At issomewhat common in the markets ofpresent, suckers are used in propagating the France, very common in Germany, and some-species. times is to be found on fruit-stalls in England.THE MEDLAR Medlars are to be seen in many door-yard plantations in the South Atlantic and GulfThemedlar, or mespil, is a small, handsome states in the United States, but are seldomtree belonging to the genus Mespilus which seen northward, although they are hardy asbears edible fruits. The genus is closely re-far north as Geneva, New York. In parts oflated to Crataegus and Pyrus. It is separatedFlorida, the medlar is very common, beingfrom Crataegus by its large flowers, which are used as a hedge-plant as well as a fruit-plant,borne singly and have leaf-like sepals, and by and is frequently found in a semi-wild state.its stemless fruits. It differs from Pyrus, withWhen plants or seeds were first brought towhich it is sometimes classed, in bearing itsAmerica is not known; American pomologiesflowers singly on leafy shoots of the currentand horticultural magazines give but scant andyears growth; in having an open-topped, over- fragmentary information on the subject. Itgrowing receptacle which does not cover theseems certain, however, that the plant has 24. 14 THE MEDLARTHE MEDLARbeen known in the South, especially aboutpear, quince, or thorn. Usually the seeds willNew Orleans, for two centuries at least, prob- not grow the first year, but require stratifica-ably brought there from France by French tion through this period. Three varieties areJesuits. grown in England, compiled descriptions of The tree is small but handsome; often, es-which are herewith given.pecially in the North, it is a much-branched,DUTCH. Tree weeping, very handsome and muchtwiggy shrub. In central New York it bears used as an ornamental. Leaves large, soft, luxuriant.showy white blossoms late in May or early in Flowers very large and showy. Fruit large, 2% inches in diameter, ripening in October, edible before ChristmasJune, when the soft, luxuriant foliage is well not the best in quality, but the most generally grown ;out. The roundish or top-shaped fruit is red-because of thetrefe.dish-brown with firm, austere flesh which isunpalatable until mellowed and sweetened byROYAL. Tree more upright, with smaller leaves than the former ; more productive. Fruit smaller and scarcelyfrost or decay. After the period of decay, as Dutch.good as thatofcalled in England bletting, the fruit has a richsubacid flavor much prized by those accus-NOTTINGHAM. Tree of upright growth, fewer branches and sparser foliage than in the two former.tomed to it. Fruit smaller, brisker and better flavored, being the bestMedlar stocks may be grown from seed; or of the medlars.Nottingham is sometimes called the small-fruited medlar to distinguish it from Dutch whichthe varieties may be budded or grafted on theis called the large-fruited or monstrous. 25. CHAPTERIIIVARIETIES OF APPLES than 2500 apples have beenmedian core abaxile, open or partly closed core-linesProbably not;;less meeting carpela elliptical, ; emarginate seedsdark;named or described in America. Possibly twicebrown, long, narrow, acute, numerous flesh yellow, crisp, ;as many more names have appeared in thecoarse, tender, very juicy, subacid, aromatic good to ;horticultural literature of the world. Com-very goodJanuary to June. ;mercial fruit-growing demands few varieties,and with the change from the growing of fruitALBEMARLE.See Green Newtown.for personal use and pleasure to the commer-cialorcharding which is taking place inAmerica, the number of apples under culti-vation annually grows less, until it is doubtfulwhether as many as 300 names appear incurrent literature; in fact, a count of varietiesoffered by nurserymen in 1920 shows onlyabout 200, not a few of which are recent intro-ductions that ought not to be considered es-tablished sorts. In this text, only standardvarieties are described those grown exten-sively for home or market at the present time ;those that are generally on probation amongfruit-growers or experiment stations; and afew old sorts that have historical value or arestill to be found in old orchards.All full 6. Alexander. (Xy2 )descriptions were made at the ExperimentStation, Geneva, New York, while the ab-breviated ones have been compiled. ALEXANDER. Fig. 6. Aporta. Alexan- der has many merits but some faults. Merits of the trees are vigor, hardiness, productiveness, earliness and regularity of bearing of the fruits,; large size and handsome appearance. The chief fault of the tree is susceptibility to blight. The apples fail in being coarse in texture and so poor in quality as to be suitable only for culinary purposes; in ripening unevenly and so requiring several pickings; in dropping prematurely; and in not keeping well in either common or cold storage. The variety is much used as a filler in some apple regions, and as a5. Akin. (Xy2 )permanent tree where hardiness is a determi- nant. Its cultivation is everywhere commonAKIN. Fig. 5. Akin Red. Akin is a hand-in northern apple regions. Alexander was in-some dark red, late winter-apple of medium sizetroduced into England in 1817; when intoand very good quality. It is adapted to south- America is not known.ern regions, though the fruits usually mature asTree large, vigorous, with long stout branches, upright-far north as central New York. It succeeds spreading,open, somewhat drooping.Fruit large, uni- form insize and shape, round-conic to oblate-conic, reg-best in the Middle West and on rich warm ular or approaching broadly angular, symmetrical stem ;soils.Akin is especially adapted to the needsshort, thick cavity acute, deep, broad, symmetrical, oc- ;of the fancy fruit trade.The variety origi-casionally lipped, russeted, often with broad, conspicu- ous outspreading russet rayscalyx large, open lobesnated from seed planted near Lawrenceville,; ; short, narrow, acutebasin small, deep, narrow, abrupt, ;Illinois, in 1831 by W. J. Akin. smooth, symmetrical skin thick, tough, smooth, glossy, ; waxen, pale yellow deepening to orange-yellow in the Tree upright-spreading, dense, vigorous branches long, ; sun, overspread with lively red or striped and splashedstout. Leaves large, broad. Fruit medium, round-ob-with carmine dots inconspicuous, scattering prevailing ; ;late, often irregular, slightly ribbed, sides sometimeseffectred or stripedcalyx-tube variable, long, wide, ;unequal stem long, slender cavity obtuse, broad, shal- ; ; conical ; stamens median ; core small, usually axire ;low, often distinctly furrowed and corrugatedskin ; cells closed or slightly open core-lines clasping ; carpels ;tough, smooth, yellow, blushed and striped with bright elliptical, emarginate seeds wide, short, plump, obtuse ; ;deep red, in well-colored specimens almost completelyflesh faint yellow, firm, coarse, crisp, tender, juicy, mildreddots small, white ;; calyx-tube conicalstamens ; subacid fair to good ; September to November. ;15 26. 16 BAILEY SWEETANISIM. According to N. E. Hansen, in ARKANSAS BLACK.Arkansas Blackcharge of pomology at the South Dakota Ex-Twig. Arkansas Black is a beautiful dark red,periment Station, Anisim is a most valuable late-keeping apple of very good quality. Un-apple in the northern states of the Great Plains. fortunately, the trees are so unproductive as toIt seems not to be grown elsewhere in the make the variety hardly worth planting, evenUnited States. The variety is a Russian sortfor home use. It is profitably grown only in theintroduced into Canada about 1885. The fol- South and Southwest. The variety originatedlowing is the description given by Hansen:in Benton County, Arkansas, about 1870. "Tree a strong grower in the nursery and orchard andTreevigorous, upright-spreading, open ;branchesa prodigious beareryoung trees upright, spreading ;long, slender. Fruit medium or rarely large, uniformwith age limbs long, slender with a very strong shoul-; in size and shape, nearly round cavity acute, small, ;der leaves narrow, pointed, dark green.; The beautifulsometimes lipped, partly russeted calyx small, closed ; ;color of the fruit attracts favorable attention. Fruitbasin obtuse, shallow, slightly furrowed, faintly cor-below medium, roundish-conical, slightly angular sur-skin smooth, waxy, yellow covered with a ;rugated;face greenish-yellow, covered almost wholly with a beau-lively red deepening to almost black on the exposed side ;tiful dark crimson, with heavy blue bloomdots white, ;dots small, inconspicuous ; calyx-tube conical stamens ;minute cavity regular, acute, usually slightly russeted ;;marginal ;core small, abaxile, closed or partly open ;stem mediumbasin narrow, very shallow, corrugated,; core-lines clasping ;carpels concave, roundish, emar-sometimes flat calyx closed. Core closed, clasping tube;;ginate ; seeds plump, short, obtuse, dark brown flesh;short,broad stamens median flesh greenish- white, with; ; yellow, firm, fine-grained, crisp, juicy, sprightly subacid ;green veins, good early winter." ;good to very good December to April or later. ; ARCTIC.Arctic, as the name implies,an is BABBITT. Western Baldwin. If the fruitapple for cold climates, much hardierthanwere not quite so acid, and the trees were moreBaldwin or Northern Spy, but not so hardy asproductive and more regular in bearing, Bab-several of the Russian apples. The trees arebitt would be rated as a valuable variety. Thevigorous, healthy, and usually productive; butapples are large and often strikingly handsome,the fruit,while pleasing in appearance,is far while the trees are hardy, healthy, vigorous,from good in quality. Arctic originated as aand productive. The variety is of value asseedling on the farm of John H. Esseltyne,a culinary fruit, since the apples retain theirCape Vincent, New York, about 1862. sprightly subacid flavor throughout late win- Treea moderate grower, spreading and open, withter.It is grown most largely in the Mississippilong,stout branches.Leaves large, dark green, broad Valley. Babbitt is a seedling of Baldwin grown Fruit large, oblate, sometimes round-conic,and thick.often faintly ribbed, uniform in size and shape ; stemby C. W. Babbitt, Woodford County, Illinois,short and thick ; cavity shallow, broad, usually sym-about 1845.metrical or furrowed and having outspreading rays ofred or green-russet ; calyx large, segments broad, ob- Tree very vigorous, spreading, open ; branches stout, basin abrupt, wide and deep, often com-often crooked. Leaves large, broad, dark green, thick.tuse, closed;Fruit large, round-oblate, angular and irregular; stempressed or furrowed and corrugated skin smooth, slightly;short ; cavity obtuse to acute, shallow, broad, russeted ;roughened by light russet or white dots, deep yellow basin abrupt, deep, furrowed, corrugated ;almost wholly covered with bright red obscuring stripes calyx closed ;stamens meskin bright, pale yellow with mottled red cheek, stripedof deeper red calyx -tube short, conical;;core medium, axilecells closed or partly openwith bright carmine ; calyx-tube conical ; stamens me-dian; ;round to obcordatedian ; core small, axile, closed ; core-lines clasping car-;core-lines clasping carpels broadly;seeds often abortive, large, flat, ob pels broad, round, truncate ; seeds dark brown, small ;emarginate, tufted ;flesh yellow,fine-grained, crisp, juicy, sprightly sub-tuse, sometimes tufted, darkflesh yellow, firm, coarse, ;acid ; good to very good ; November to May.crisp, juicy, mild subacidgood in quality October to;;February.BAILEY SWEET.Howards Sweet. De-ARKANSAS. Mammoth Ar- Black Twig. spite many faults, Bailey Sweet is largely grownkansas Black. Arkansas is a large, dull, deep in many parts of America because of its rich,red, striped, late-keeping winter-apple of good sweet fruits agreeable to all who like sweetquality, much grown in the South and South- apples. The trees lack vigor, health, and hardi-west. In the North the fruits are usually small,ness, defects offset somewhat by productive-poorly colored, and otherwise undeveloped.ness and regularity in bearing. The fruits areNorth and South, the trees are unproductive.susceptible to the scab fungus, do not keepArkansas was grown from a seed planted in well, are often malformed, and are not uniform1833 near Rhea Mills, Arkansas. It resemblesin size. The origin of the variety is not known,Winesap, of which it may be a seedling, and further than that it was disseminated fromParagon, to which it is similar. It is often con- Perry, New York. The first description wasfused with Arkansas Black because of similarity published by Thomas in 1849.in name. Tree upright-spreading, open branches slender. Leaves ;Tree large, vigorous, upright-spreading branches large,;large. Fruit large, round-conic, or oblate, ribbed ob-crooked, stout, open.Fruit large, uniform in size, roundscurely, symmetrical, sides elliptical, uniform in sizeto conic, sometimes oblate, broadly ribbed, uniform inand shape;stem shortcavity acute, deep, furrowed, ;shapestem long or short, stout; cavity acute, wide, ;sometimes with sides compressed or lipped, often withmedium in depth, green, often much russeted, sometimesthin golden-brown russet calyx closed, small with short ; closedbasin abrupt,obtuse lobesbasin shallow, narrow, obtuse, furrowedindistinctly furrowed calyx small, ; ; ;wide, deep, broadly furrowed or wavy skin smooth, dull ;or corrugated, often with mammiform protuberances;a skin tender, smooth, clear bright yellow covered withgreen, often becoming deep yellow, overspread withdull deep red, obscurely striped with darker red dots;deep red, mottled or striped with darker red, often withsmall, russet, inconspicuous calyx-tubeconical sta-; ;_irregularly netted markings and dotscalyx-tube funnel- ;mens median core axile, closed ; core-lines clasping ;;shape, wide limb stamens median; core axile, closed ; ;core-lines claspingseedscarpels broadly ovate, deeply emarginate, tufted ; seeds carpels elliptic, emarginate ; ;few, variable, long, narrow, acute, tufted ; flesh yellow, large, long, acute ; flesh yellow, firm, coarse, crisp, ten-very firm, fine-grained, tender, juicy, subacid, crisp ; der, juicy, sweet, agreeable in flavor ; very good ingood; December toMay.quality ; October to January or later. 27. BALDWIN BELMONT 17BALDWIN. Fig. 7. Pecker. Steeles RedTree large, vigorous, upright-spreading, open. FruitWinter. Woodpecker. Baldwin is the standard large, uniform in size but not in shape, oblate or round,somewhat irregular, broad at the base, angular, narrowwinter apple of eastern America, and is moreto broad, irregularly russeted calyx large, open or;largely grown than any other variety of thisclosed, with lobes large, long, very broad, acute basin;fruit on the continent.It takes its high rank irregular, wide, obtuse to abrupt, wrinkledskin thin,;from several characters, chief of which tender,rough, greenish-yellow or orange-yellow overlaid is adap- with broken stripes of light and dark red dots few,;tability to a great diversity of soils and cli- small, light prevailing effect yellow striped ; calyx ;mates. Other good qualities are: the fruits tube large, conical ; stamens median ; core medium insize, strongly abaxile ; cells open ; core-lines claspingkeep long; are uniformly large; when well the funnel cylinder ; carpels broad-ovate, emarginate ;grown, are attractive in color; the quality,seeds large, long, plump, acute, brown ; flesh yellow,while not of the best, is good; and the apples, firm, fine, crisp, tender, juicy, sprightly subacid, aro-maticvery good to best ; late September to earlybecause of firm texture and thick skin, stand November. ;handling and shipping well; this fact makes itthe standard variety for both home and foreign BAXTER.Baxters Red. Red Pound. Themarkets. The trees are vigorous, long-lived,bluish bloom, large areolar dots, large size,healthy, and remarkably productive, individualform, color, and the flesh and flavor of thetrees not infrequently bearing twenty barrels offruits of Baxter, all indicate close relationshipapples, and the crop is usually uniform. Theto Blue Pearmain.In quality, the apples aretrees are faulty in bearing biennially, in fallingonly fair, but immunity to fungi and the greata little below the average of the species inhardiness of the trees make the variety de-sirable in regions too cold for Baldwin orNorthern Spy. Baxter came into local reputeat Brockville, Ontario, about 1800. Treeproductive,very vigorous,upright-spreading,open;branches long, stout.Leaves large. Fruit largetovery large, round-conic, faintly ribbed, sides oftenunequal, axis sometimes oblique ; stem short ; cavitylarge,deep, acute, partly russeted, furrowed ;calyxsmall, closed or partly open ; basin oblique, shallow todeep, narrow, obtuse, furrowed, corrugated ; skin thick,tough, roughened by russet dots, pale yellow mottledand blushed with bright red deepening to darker shades,splashed and striped with purplish-red dots numerous,;conspicuous, areolar ; bloom heavy prevailing effect red ;or striped redcalyx-tube large, elongated, funnel-form ;;stamens median to marginalcore abaxile, open ; core- ;linesclasping ;carpelselongated-ovate,emarginate,tufted ;seeds numerous, small, wide, plump, obtuse,tufted, dark brownflesh;yellow, sometimes stainedwith red, firm, breaking, coarse, tender, juicy, mild,7. Baldwin. (X%)subacid, aromatic ; fair to good ; November to January.hardiness, and in being susceptible in both fruitBEACH. Apple of Commerce. Beach hasand been widely distributed in the United States foliage to the apple-scab fungus. Baldwinand Canada, and is now offered by manyoriginated about 1740 as a chance seedling onthe farm of John Ball, Wilmington, Massachu-nurserymen. It is not likely to become widelysetts.grown, and yet it should be known for itslate-keeping fruits.The apples are pleasant Tree large, very vigorous, upright-spreading branches ;to eat hardly among the best but are notstout.Leaves large. Fruit large, round-conic to round-attractive in form or color. The variety wasoblong, often faintly ribbed or irregular, uniform inshape stem medium to long cavity acute, deep, broad,; ;first described in Arkansas in 1898.often furrowed, sometimes compressed, sometimes lipped, Tree large,vigorous, productive, round, denseoften russeted with outspreading rays of russet or green ;;branches stocky. Leaves large, longpetioles red atcalyx small, closed or open, with long lobes,
