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Cygnus Review, 2012 Issue 4

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The April 2012 issue of Cygnus Review, entitled 'Laying the foundations'
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Two new Cygnus publications: Be Still & Know That I Am God Nick Gancitano Dare to Care Louis Bohtlingk 10 Mindful Minutes Goldie Hawn & Wendy Holden Laying the Foundations Ann Napier & Mikael Nordfors Forgiveness William Bloom Cygnus Review www.cygnusbooks.co.uk april 2012 – free of charge heal your body, feed your soul, free your mind, love your planet
Page 1: Cygnus Review, 2012 Issue 4

Two new Cygnus publications:

Be Still & Know That I Am God Nick  Gancitano

Dare to Care Louis  Bohtlingk

10 Mindful Minutes Goldie  Hawn  &  Wendy  Holden

Laying the Foundations      Ann  Napier  &  Mikael  Nordfors


William  Bloom

Cygnus Review

www.cygnus-­books.co.ukapril 2012 – free of charge

heal your body, feed your soul, free your mind, love your planet

Page 2: Cygnus Review, 2012 Issue 4

Mystics throughout the ages have often taught that it is possible to speed up the natural process of evolution of the human soul. Why would one want to do that? If evolution is natural, why interfere with the process? Well, it’s not so much an interfer-ence as an exponential development, and we think you’ll see how this works if you understand that the process of human evo-lution is really the process of universal love – of the combined forces of compassion, joy, appreciation, gratitude, nurturing and service – unfolding to such an extent in our minds, hearts, bodies and lives that ultimately everything is subsumed by it. Well, when that kind of love starts to bloom in us, as we move beyond personal, conditional love, it is not going to want to wait around! It is going to want to give itself, to alleviate suffering, to nurture the souls of others and to shed a light for them to see by. The conscious choice to become an instrument of universal love, to ‘love God above all things and our neighbour as ourselves’, even to the extent of being will-ing to ‘lay down our life for our friends’, is what triggers the process of accelerated evolution. Once we reach that point, it is as if we pass through a door, on the other side of which life gets, well... interesting.

Why? Because universal love pulls us – with a force equal to our desire to serve it – out of our conditioning, out of the sad lies we tell ourselves, out of everything that binds us and prevents us from being free, whole and true. And that can, at times, feel exactly like being dragged through a large number of hedges backwards. Persecution, rejection, loneliness, illness, confusion, heartbreak and slander are then even more likely to be on your life’s menu than formerly, as the power of love unfold-ing in you takes you beyond not only your own limitations, but also the limits set by the social group, culture and nation to which you belong. Does a plant feel pain as it breaks through the dark soil into the light and air above? We don’t know, but humans certainly do. Clearly then, we could make life much easier for ourselves if we understood what was going on and could cooperate with it.

Which brings us to that well-known story about the house built on sand, which falls down, versus the house built on rock, which does not. For sure there are many layers of meaning to this story, but we would like to focus on one in particular. What is the best foundation for love, the one which will ensure that our structures are built straight and true, and do not fall down? It is the ability to love ourselves, to feel and accept the love of others and of

the divine, and to see the divine perfection of all things – not just outside ourselves, but inside ourselves.The fabric of divine perfection

When people have near-death experi-ences, these very often involve a profound experience of how very much they are loved, and how everything they ever did, however much they are ashamed of it, is woven beautifully into the fabric of divine perfection.

This immersion in divine love can sometimes have such a far-reaching effect on them that they are completely freed of

the physical ailments that caused them to ‘die’ in the first place, and they live out the remainder of their lives with far greater wisdom, confidence and love. So we can say that, when we are born into the after-life (we prefer the idea of being born to the idea of ‘dying’, because death is an illusion really), perfect love and care are absolutely there for us, and the only question is whether we will be able to perceive it.

But what happens when we are born into life on Earth? Well, in the West at least, it is not unlikely that we will be born to parents who, because they were not loved properly as children themselves, do not know how to unconditionally love their own offspring. And this can result in the child growing up with what can only be described as a ‘hollow’ feeling – the feeling of not being lovable, of not being worthy of love, and of not being able to receive the love of others. If you have that feeling yourself, you’ll know exactly what we’re talking about. Such people – and there are many of us – often feel tormented by guilt, loneliness and depression, not to mention ill-health. And while they may be very loving, caring people, their love is never free of that slightly ‘hollow’, brittle quality, and despite their best intentions, their love may often miss the mark.

And then there are the huge numbers of people who grow up so damaged by lack of

love that they develop a thick shell which is almost impossible to penetrate, and their innate wisdom is totally occluded. Is it any wonder then, that in our society, so much is driven by harsh materialism, greed and selfishness? And can you imagine how very different our world would be if every child was welcomed and surrounded by true, unconditional love?

As it is though, by the simple means of bringing children up in a way that does not respect the beauty and purity of their souls, and making them feel guilty and incomplete instead, adversarial forces have enslaved humanity and kept us from our birthright, which is wholeness. And for anyone who, moved by love, has passed through the door mentioned above, the spiritual path is made much more difficult than it really needs to be.Being free of our ballast

Is there any way we can free ourselves of the ballast we are burdened with by our upbringing? Is there any way we can be released from those feelings of unworthi-ness and guilt that make us hide from love, even while we strive to give it to others? Is there any way our hollowness can be filled without actually having a near-death experience?

Of course there are lots of ways, but first and foremost is to recognise, as Mikael always says to his patients: ‘It’s not your fault!’ And nor is it your parents’ fault, or your parents’ parents. It’s simply an unhelpful pattern that has been handed down for so long that more healthful ways of loving have been forgotten about.

Here’s another way. You can talk to God and listen to what She says back to you. Everyone has the innate ability to do this, even if they aren’t aware of it, and in times gone by it was a much more com-mon practice, which is why those ancient spiritual texts in the form of dialogues between a deity and a mortal, such as the Book of Thoth, were written.

To help you, here’s such a conversation, and you’ll find many more in Be Still and Know I Am God, which Cygnus has just published (see p. 4).Seeker: I see that both the love and the wisdom in me are undermined by feelings of unlovableness, unworthiness and guilt. Please heal me of this. Please help me to feel your love and know my own perfection.

God: My dear friend, know that I love you just as you are, that there is not one part of you in which I do not rejoice. Be secure in the knowledge that the love in you is drawing you towards Me as surely

Ann Napier & Mikael Nordfors MD

Our cover photograph is by Janet Baxter, ©2011 Prints can be obtained by calling Cymric Cards on 01970 871333, www.cymriccards.co.uk This magazine is printed with vegetable inks on paper from sustainable PEFC accredited sources by S&G Ltd, Merthyr Tydfil, 01685 388888.


Page 3: Cygnus Review, 2012 Issue 4

as a magnet draws iron. You can never fall out of My hand. My love is sufficient for you.

Seeker: Dear God, I know this, but often-times I do not feel it. Is there a remedy?

God: Of course. I would never leave you without help. Go out into the natural world and you will see that I have sur-rounded you with an infinitude of mir-rors to remind you of your true nature at every turn. Do you see a beautiful flower? Know that it is a reflection of the beauty inside you. A soaring, graceful tree? Know that it reflects your own soul’s grace, and the height of your aspirations towards Me. A blackbird singing? A re-minder of your own soul’s harmony and music. A flowing river? Your love flows and quenches thirst in just the same way. A cloud? Simply a reminder that even your blemishes serve a perfect purpose in My plan, and are therefore every bit as lovable as the rest of you.

Seeker: What about when I cannot go out-doors? I feel the need for constant reminders of your truth. Nothing less will enable me to dissolve the habit of not loving myself.

God: It’s simple. Beauty and joy are expressions of Me. Therefore surround yourself as much as you can with beauty, and whatever gives you joy. Notice them. Savour them. Even in tiny things. And above all recognise that beauty in all its forms reflects and awakens the beauty in-side you and in every human being. You are whole and complete, and everything you have ever done, ‘good’ or ‘bad’, is an accepted and loved part of My plan. Recognize yourself in all your glory. Then go out into the world and love Me, your neighbour and yourself with uninhibited passion. And be free.

Seeker: What about people? How do I receive their love when they seek to give it to me? I am often just a little bit afraid to do this, and hold back when I could be open-hearted.

God: Don’t worry. Your fear is okay, and you are okay. Just knowing this will help you move past all that holds you back. Be spontaneous. Remind yourself that the beauty you see in others exists in you in equal measure. Then it will not be difficult to accept the love of others. And when they offer to help you, just say ‘yes’.

Seeker: But I have noticed that I often just say ‘no’, or run away, even when I would like to do the opposite. I am so afraid of being hurt.

God: I understand. But you are con-fusing genuine love with perfect love.

Genuine love doesn’t have to be perfect. You can easily sense if someone’s love for you is genuine or not. Even a baby can do that! And that should be your only question. If you feel the love of another is genuine, welcome it. It may not be perfect, as indeed yours may not, either, but those very imperfections will provide growth experiences for you both.

So don’t be afraid to welcome any genu-ine impulse towards love. Vulnerability, openness and trust are essential for My love to flow freely in you. And why would you be afraid anyway? Are you so small and weak? Who gave you that idea? It wasn’t Me! Remember your original wholeness and purity, and you will have no need to fear vulnerability. Then try to keep in mind, when people approach you in a truly loving way, that you don’t want to run away. You want to be loved, and you want to receive the love they are offering. Love, being Light, will shine

into your dark places and may well make you feel uncomfortable, at least to start with. But don’t be afraid of that feeling. Just allow it, and it will pass. Hold fast to Love, and Love itself will transform you.

* * * * *Finally, here is an exercise you can do to

remind yourself of your true nature and of the fact that you are not only loved, but eminently lovable. It’s a good idea to do it every day. Look at yourself in a mirror, see yourself with clear eyes and say (and most importantly, feel):

‘I know you. I love you.’ And wait until the feeling of that love has completely penetrated your heart and mind.

That way, slowly but surely, you will be able to systematically undo any loveless conditioning that affected you during childhood, and the firm foundation for the rest of your spiritual growth will have been laid. Let’s do it together.With much love from Ann, Mikael, Geoff

and the Cygnus Team

Mikael Nordfors can be contacted viawww.medicdebate.org

He has also written a piece of music, called You Are Wonderful, which you may find is another excellent tool for remembering the divine Love in which every particle of your being is, in fact, bathed. You can download it free from www.last.fm


Laying the Foundations












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I hold a belief some peo-ple may think is incon-ceivable. I believe that, despite the magnitude of the problems afflict-ing our financial and economic worlds, we, the people, are fully capa-ble of redesigning and re-making those worlds.

I believe that we each can claim our power and capacity to resolve these issues and work together. I see it as a co-operation between all people: those of us in government, the corporate world, or in whatever job we have or do not have. It is with each other, not against one another.

It is important to face the situation we are in and learn to understand the financial-economic set up we are working with. We shouldn’t say that it is too complicated for us to understand and leave it to others (the experts) to resolve it for us. Financial and economic matters af-fect our daily lives, our relationships and even our health in a profound manner. The world of money, goods and services is something we all can understand quite easily.

In my first phone conversation with Hazel Henderson (a futurist and campaigner for so-cially responsible economics), that led to us deciding to produce Dare To Care together, I shared an inspiration with her:

‘Hazel, humanity needs to clarify to itself which direction it needs to take with its eco-nomic world view. What is the Vision needed to create a sustainable economic future for generations to come? I see the world as being very confused in the sense that money is too much of a focus and real living is not. We have a culture where the forces of fear, greed, selfishness, possessiveness and desire for power have created a huge shadow, causing a lot of harm. A certain amount of this harm is unintentional and comes from ignorance. We, as humanity, do not know enough about how to claim our strength and create the world we want. We need to create a road map to the future with principles that everyone understands and can apply. I want to show that living from the heart is sustainable or to say it more strongly, is the only choice we have to establish a new foundation for our economies.’

In November 2010 I travelled to Florida, where Hazel lives, and wrote the basic draft of Dare To Care in three weeks (all 21 chap-ters) with her assistance. On November 1st 2011 it was released by Cosimo in New York.

I quote from Cosimo’s Press Release: ‘Cosimo Books is proud to release a new

financial book that offers a plan to end our current financial crisis: Dare to Care – a New Book That Will Change Our Financial At-titude and Future For the Better.‘

Creating a caring worldMoney can be a tool for creating a cold

and unhappy world, but also can become a beautiful tool for creating a caring world. Sounds like a pipe dream? Well I don’t think it is. How can daring to care in our life really help us to change things for the better?

By moving from a money-first to a care-first attitude and letting care lead the way in our financial transactions and choices. This means we use money in service to our values and the well-being of all people and living systems of the Earth and not at their expense.

Dare To Care gives many examples of organ-isations, businesses and financial institutions who apply this. For example when we chase money, but do not take care of our health, harm the environment or underpay our workers, we create a cold, money-first world. But what happens in the care-first business model?

We pay our employees to express our appre-ciation for their work and who they are. We pay our suppliers to show gratitude for their service and support their business. Our cus-tomers gladly pay us when we provide quality

and good service. We buy the things we need from organisations whose values we support. We make, provide and sell goods and services in ways that are supportive of others and of our Earth, and not just of ourselves.

In this way, fair profits can be made by us all, as a well deserved added value above cost, by which we are being supported in our livelihood. We make the financial exchanges between one another fair and mutually supportive.

It is a win-win situation for all. It is caring and supportive; it is real togetherness and sharing. The way of the heart is fully applica-ble in business.

Did you know that only about 10% of the money going round on the planet can be seen in real terms of exchanging goods and services and supporting one another, while the remaining 90% is being speculated with, in the global casino of our money markets!!! Here we have gone off at a tangent, too often being very irresponsible, selfish and greedy, with far too much focus on me and how much I can get for me.

In Dare To Care I recommend that we embrace the concept of ‘Global Financial Commons’, seeing money more as a com-mon good for all, like water, air and sunlight, something we need to care about together. We are all held accountable for the quality of our financial dealings as to how they affect and serve the well being of our communities and Earth.

To centre our economic-financial systems in the forces of the heart can seem like a huge task, a foray into completely new and unexplored territory. But in many ways it is not. It is all about the application of basic human values known to us all: fairness, and care for one another and our environment. These values create new principles like Care-First and sustainability. Let money be the container for these positive energies instead of being an instrument for the forces of fear and greed.

As we walk through the maze we need to make some big changes. They will be our stepping stones towards the future. Dear friends, I know we can do it! We have the heart, knowledge and resourcefulness to make it happen. So let’s tip the scales towards the positive and move forward with courage to empower ourselves and each other to cre-ate a sane financial reality for all!

Let’s begin to work together throughout this year as so many people already are! I welcome your responses to my article and to Dare To Care. You can email me on [email protected]

On our Dare To Care online platform (www.carefirstworld.com/blog) you can find more information about Dare To Care, join the conversation and subscribe to our Newsletter.


Louis Bohtlingk Walking through the Maze










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William Bloom Forgiveness












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I practice gratitude every day of my life, and it’s inconceiv-able to me now that I could have lived days, months, and years without practising gratitude in some way every day. Grati-

tude has become a part of my personality, it is in my cells, and it’s a pattern in my subconscious mind.

But if we get caught up in life and forget to practice gratitude, over a period of time, the magic will evaporate. I use the magic in my life as my guide to let me know if I’m practising gratitude enough, or if I need to practise more. I watch my life care-fully, and if I find that I’m not feeling as happy, I increase my practice of gratitude. If a few little problems start appearing in a particular area of my life, immediately I increase the magical practices of gratitude in that area.

I’m not blinded by false appearances any more. Instead I look for the goodness to be grateful for in every circumstance, know-ing that it’s there. And then, like a puff of smoke, what was unwanted magically disappears!

Through the practice of gratitude you are using an infallible law of the Universe; it is a gift from the Universe to you, and it exists in order for you to use it and advance your life.The Universe and you

There is a level that you can reach with gratitude that causes unlimited abun-dance in your life. The way that this level of gratitude is reached is through your relationship with the Universe, or, if you prefer, Spirit or God.

You can tend to think of the Universe as separate from you, and when you think of it, look up above yourself and toward the sky. While the Universe most certainly is above you, it is also below you, and behind you, and beside you, and it within every single thing and every single person. That means the Universe is within you.“As below, so above; and as above so below. With this knowledge alone you may work miracles.”

THE EMERALD TABLET (ca 5,000 – 3,000 BC)

When you understand that the Uni-verse is within you, and by it’s very nature it is for you, wanting you to have more life, more health, more love, more beauty, and more of everything you want, then you will feel genuine gratitude to the Universe for everything you receive in your life. And you will have established a

personal relationship between you and the Universe.

The more genuine gratitude you feel toward the Universe for everything you re-ceive, the closer your relationship becomes with the Universe – and that is when you can reach the level of unlimited abundance from the magic of gratitude.

You will have opened your heart and mind completely to the magic of grati-tude, and with it you will touch the lives of everyone you come into contact with. You will become a friend of the Universe.

You will become a channel for unlimited blessings on Earth. When you get up close and personal with the Universe, when you feel that closeness of the Universe within you, from that moment on, the world will belong to you, and there will be nothing that you cannot be, have, or do!Gratitude is the answer

Gratitude is the cure for broken or difficult relationships, for lack of health or money, and for unhappiness. Grati-tude eliminates fear, worry, grief, and depression, and brings happiness, clarity, patience, kindness, compassion, under-standing, and peace of mind. Gratitude brings solutions to problems, and the opportunities and wherewithal to realise your dreams.

Gratitude is behind every success, and it opens the door to new ideas and discov-eries, as the great scientists Newton and Einstein proved. Imagine if every scientist followed in their footsteps; the world would be propelled into new territories of understanding, growth, and advancement. Current limits would be broken, and life-altering discoveries would be made in technology, physics, medicine, psychology, astronomy, and every scientific field.

If gratitude became a mandatory subject in schools, we would see a generation of children who would advance our civilisa-tion through spectacular accomplishments and discoveries, obliterating disagreements, ending wars, and bringing peace to the world.

The nations who will lead the world in the future are the ones whose leaders and people are the most grateful. The gratitude of a nation’s people would cause their country to thrive an become rich, would cause illnesses and disease to drastically drop, businesses and production to esca-late, and happiness and peace to sweep the nation. Poverty would disappear, and there would not be a single person in hunger, because a grateful nation could never allow it to exist.

The more people who discover gratitude’s magical power, the faster it will sweep the world, and cause a gratitude revolution.Take the magic with you

Take gratitude with you wherever you go. Saturate the magic of gratitude into your passions, encounters, actions, and life situations to make all your dreams come true. In the future, if life presents you with a challenging situation that you think you have no control over, and you’re at a loss as to what to do, instead of worry or fear, turn to the magic of gratitude and be grateful for everything else in your life. When you deliberately thank the good-ness in your life, the circumstances around the challenging situation will magically change.

Say the magic words, thank you. Say them out loud, shout them from the rooftops, whisper them to yourself, say them in your mind, or feel them in your heart, but wher-ever you go from this day forward, take gratitude and its magical power with you.

To have a magical life filled with abun-dance and happiness, the answer is on your lips, it is inside your heart, and it is ready and waiting for you to bring forth the magic!

From The Magic, © 2012 by Rhonda Byrne, published by Simon and Schuster.

Rhonda Byrne The Magic Never Ends








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It’s difficult not to keep returning to what the Native American people say, so wisely: ‘What you do to the Earth, you do to yourself. What you do to yourself you do to the Earth’. This comes from

the fact that we are part of her, our bodies are our own little earths, made of the same substance, and in evolution, as she is. This means that our sufferings reflect hers and it also means that what we do to help our own health and our own evolution is helping to heal her. This thought brings such a sense of meaning to what happens to us and a pro-found sense of service to the greater whole, in whatever we choose to do to heal.

The more we become conscious of what is going on at a deeper level, be it when we walk on the Earth or when love touches us, the more we open to the bigger picture, the more we can feel ourselves interwoven with the journey we and the Earth are making together, in these incredibly challenging and changing times. The thought that comes is so simple, yet profound: when we attend to the call to look after ourselves, to seek soul heal-ing and the healing of our earthly vehicle, if we listen deeply, the Earth will respond with gratitude, sending signs in her own language, a lark rising in full song from just under our feet, a herd of deer leaping across fields and hedges, in full view. Spring brings the renewal of life and hope. May it bring a renewal of commitment to our common journey with the Earth.

JehanneThe Way the Heart Warms

The way the heart warms when it opens to loveIs the way the Earth warms in the spring,Never warm for only one person alone,It spreads warmth over everything.

The way the heart sings when it opens to loveIs the way the lark sings in the air,Letting its blessings water the Earth,Showering down everywhere.

The way the heart hurts when it opens to loveIs a mixture of pain and of joy,As this small chambered space in the cave of the

breastGrows wide as the Earth and the Sky.

The heart knows no limits when love is alight.There’s no prison it cannot break through.When the heart is in love the spirit is freeFor the tasks it has chosen to do.

The way the heart warms when it opens to loveIs the way the Earth warms in the spring,Never warm for only one person alone,It spreads warmth over everything.

© Jehanne Mehta, April 2010

She Knows About LoveOh, she knows about lovingnothing is lost on hershe watches you out of the facesof flowersshe knows intimatelythe set of your shoulderthe tilt of your headas you walk, soul naked, bare footedunder the looping flightof swallows

Her body is a sacred musichumming aloudin the hollows where she hides her treasures,orchids, bugle, cowslips,milkwort,exploding into lark tones ofunimaginable sweetnesswhen you touch herwith your heart

Be awarethe grass you tread is consciousresponds to your intentyour inmost thoughtsshe knows you belong togetherright into the open futureout beyond the oily vacancy that haunts

the world

This is her endless hope, and soshe holds you as she longs to be heldnothing is lost on her

She knows about love© Jehanne Mehta, April 2011

The teachings of your feetWalking is a continual letting go:As your back foot leaves the earthYou release an earth-time-print …What you were when you occupiedThat space, when your particular weightWas falling there through you;And jumbled in were all the familiarImpediments to unfolding,Pebbles in the flow,So well rounded,Rumbled to and fro in daily discourse,You were oblivious.

But what a chance if we were mindful.Follow the teachings of your feet:Every step a whole world could drop away

foreverAnd pilgrimage become a long and beautiful

unwinding,(Lazarus out of his grave clothes)Leaving you radiant and heart new,Yourself the goal,The child with open face,At last, the child with open face and feet

of light,Firm to the rock.

© Jehanne Mehta

To be in the worldIf you know that the Universealways sees you as beautifuland treats you as such,why would you doubtyour right to be in the worldas yourself, dispensing your beautyas naturally as a flower does?

Forget to open to the Universeand every step is uphill,every thought a potential thornto puncture your security.So we make the world intoa place of sharp edges,where everything is measured bythe length of its sting.

© Jehanne Mehta, May 2009

Jehanne Mehta The Earth Will Respond with Gratitude














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Nature meditation: Connecting with the tree of life

Feel the energy of the tree, as you men-tally connect with the tree’s timeless pres-ence – notice how you feel this energy, and sense the qualities which are expressed in this energy, as it gently reaches out to you.

Feel the inner strength that is awakened within you as you become aware of how the tree reaches out to all life, yet how the tree is strong in its own core self; know-ing all is well. The tree represents inner strength, vitality and wisdom.

The tree is grounded in the Earth, and is connected to the Earth’s universal wisdom, simultaneously. Feel the strength of your own core being – strong in your presence, allowing yourself to be, as you are.

Feel yourself connect to the earth’s wisdom, yet also embracing life. Visualize

how the branches reach out to embrace the Universe with the expectancy that life is supporting and sustaining and nurturing.

Feel yourself embrace life, knowing that you are a beloved child of the universe, which is always benevolent, reaching out to you always and supporting all your needs. Now affirm with intention:

“My being is my sustenance.”Draw in this abundance, this sustenance,

into your very core; knowing that it sus-tains you always, and that you are very safe and supported. This abundance of life will energize you.

Feel the strength of your centre, as the Universe reaches out to you, and open your heart to receive these limitless blessings.

Marie WestonA positive healing path

In reply to Vanessa’s letter ‘Live and enjoy it all’ (Cygnus Review, March 2012), I would firstly like to say how wonderful it is to hear of her healing journey. Some-times when we lead a balanced and healthy life it is a shock when we get unwell, but of course this is what happened to Bran-don Bays [see The Journey, 090801].

What was so important was how Vanessa said she realised she was in control. This is paramount to a positive healing path. Become informed, read and ask. You are not a statistic but an individual and need to find your way through the dis-ease. You will find a wealth of material, but my per-sonal favourite is Dr Bernie Siegel’s guid-ance in improving the immune system*. He truly stimulates your understanding of your illness, and gives wonderfully

practical ways of dealing with it through discussion, visualisation and choices.

Truly inspiring! The main thing is for each person to realise that, whether it is a cold or something more serious, they can listen to what the illness is telling them, draw together the possible medical, surgi-cal and complementary support and make healthy choices. Remember, healing may not be a cure but a cure may not contain any healing. Well done Vanessa, and good health to all.

Natalie Holford*Meditations for Enhancing Your Immune System CD, D190316 and Love, Medicine and Miracles, 080223

Chat Page Letters and poems from Cygnus members

I read Money is Love* by Barbara Wilder when it was first published in 1998. I loaned and lost my copy so was delighted when Cygnus recently offered an updated edition. One of the exercises suggested in the book is writing about the meaning of money in one’s life.

Money means I am able to have the material necessities and enjoyments of life and to assist others. Money flows and is to be shared.

Over many years of reduced income (I was unable to work due to having ME) there had not been anything of real importance which I had had to do without. Of course, over those years I also had reduced strength and energy so my desires were minimal. But the

principle that there is enough stands. Money came when most needed.

Now I am better and have lost the main financial support I received during the years of illness. Now what?

This is a time of trusting. Believing, as Julian of Norwich says, that ‘all manner of thing shall be well.’

Financial plenty is not to be confused with abundance. Money is an energetic component in the flow of life – it is only one aspect of abundance. Without much money one can still have and share abundance – of one’s time, support, friendship, love; even soup!

However, knowing this does not preclude continuing to work with this helpful book to encourage financial plenty into my life.

Many blessings, Brenda Bayne*Money is Love, Barbara Wilder, 200706













Springtime blessingsI dreamed of Spring,of earth and dew,of places warm and skies of blue.

As Winter makes its solemn bow,I think of you, I think of how,our love began and where we’ve been,of people met and places seen.

I watch our children,fair and young,and pray for songs yet to be sung.Songs of joy, of hope and light,that fill our lives and shine so bright.

As trees reveal their blossom new,I think of love, I think of you.

God Bless. Charlotte Wakefield

In this momentYou are now free of bondage from the past,All ifs, ands and buts, woulds and shouldsMaybes and what-might-have-beens

In this momentYou are freeAnd always will be

The choice is yoursThe power with you

Choose wiselyWith your highest knowing

Always turning to the LightAlways calling the Soul

Crystal Voyle

Page 15: Cygnus Review, 2012 Issue 4



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