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CYH & ONLINE SCHOOL YUD ALEF NISAN HACHANA ... alef nisan hachana...Dear CYH and Online School...

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Page 1: CYH & ONLINE SCHOOL YUD ALEF NISAN HACHANA ... alef nisan hachana...Dear CYH and Online School Students, We are very pleased to present to you the Yud Alef Nisan Hachana program. This




Page 2: CYH & ONLINE SCHOOL YUD ALEF NISAN HACHANA ... alef nisan hachana...Dear CYH and Online School Students, We are very pleased to present to you the Yud Alef Nisan Hachana program. This

Dear CYH and Online School Students, 

We are very pleased to present to you the Yud Alef Nisan Hachana program. This program runs 

from Rosh Chodesh un l Yud Alef Nisan. 

Yud Alef Nisan is the day that the Rebbe was born.  The days before this are special days used to 

strengthen our connec on with the Rebbe. 

Our Hachana is called “Our Rebbe, Our Nasi, Our Stories.” Rebbe stories are always inspiring to 

hear. But when the stories are personally connected to us it makes it so much more special! 

We combined the efforts of CYH and Online School and collected stories from Shluchim and stu‐

dents worldwide. Opening our inboxes every morning was so special– we were able to read more 

special stories about the Rebbe that happened to people that we know! We heard dollar stories, 

stories that showed the Rebbe’s care for every single kind of Yid, and miracle stories. We com‐

bined them into a Yud Alef Nisan Hachana JUST FOR YOU! 

But a er Yud Alef Nisan is over, we don’t want this inspira on to leave us. And that is why we are 

crea ng a special story book of all the stories collected from the Shluchim worldwide.  

IY”H every Shliach that submits a story will get a page in the book. We are posi ve that this way 

your Hiskashrus will get stronger and stronger as you read the stories that happened to YOUR 


Before Pesach, Mr. Chase, a billionaire, asked the Rebbe what he wants for a birthday present. The 

Rebbe responded saying “Although it is not customary to ask for gi s, I will, considering our spe‐

cial rela onship. Your birthday present to me should be that you begin to lay Tefillin every morn‐


We know the Rebbe doesn’t need cars or birthday cakes as a gi , he wants a RUCHNIUS gi ; he 

wants us to add in Torah and Mitzvos. 

As you are reading these special stories about the Rebbe, be sure to take a lesson from each one, 

and increase in Torah and Mitzvos to give the Rebbe a birthday present that he wants. 

L’chaim and enjoy! 


Chanale Weisz                Mushkie Lipsker CYH                     Online School  


The Rebbe and Mr. David Chase 

Page 3: CYH & ONLINE SCHOOL YUD ALEF NISAN HACHANA ... alef nisan hachana...Dear CYH and Online School Students, We are very pleased to present to you the Yud Alef Nisan Hachana program. This

Dear Kids, How many of you try and say the Rebbes Kapitel every day?!?! Well... as you all know on Yud Aleph Nissan we are starting to say a new Kapitel of the Rebbe, Kuf Yud Alef. To make sure you are ready for to say the Rebbe’s new Kapitel, we are going to tell you some interesting things which will help you concentrate on the Kapitel when Yud Aleph Nissan is here! -This whole Kapitel is about thanking Hashem and praising him. We thank him for all of the things he does...for giving us food, for creating the world, for giving us Eretz Yis-roel. In fact this Kapitel used to be Bentching! Just like in Bentching we are thanking Ha-shem for our food here we are too. -One Possuk says Gedolim Maasei Hashem - the works of Hashem are great Think about something that a man invented? However cool it is, you can use it for just one thing. A car is for traveling on land, a boat on a river, and a sled on snow - A car wouldn't do very well in the water!! But Hashem’s creations are multi-use: the sun can make things grow, heat homes, bleach clothes, tan skin, dry fruit, give a person strong bones and teeth. hmmm think about it!! -Want to know something else cool? This Kapitel has EVERY letter of the Aleph Beis in it - In order! Every time it starts a new way to praise Hashem, Dovid Hamelech used the next letter of the Aleph Beis. Can you find them all??? See if you can circle Alef through Tof in the Rebbe’s Kapitel below. Now when Yud Alef Nisan comes, we will know what to concentrate on when we are saying the Rebbe's new Kapitel! Of course we can thank Hashem for giving us the Zchus to be Chassidei Chabad on Shlichus!

Hey kids! I circled the Alef, Bais, Gimmel and Daled of the Kapitel. See if you can circle all the way un l Tof! Good luck!  

Page 4: CYH & ONLINE SCHOOL YUD ALEF NISAN HACHANA ... alef nisan hachana...Dear CYH and Online School Students, We are very pleased to present to you the Yud Alef Nisan Hachana program. This

My uncle once went over to The Rebbe for Kois shel Brocho. He was surprised when The Rebbe gave him a whole bottle of Mashke to take back to Tzfas. He took it and put it into the pocket of his shirt. He re-mained quiet because one doesn't ask The Rebbe questions. He was on his way to his host's house when he stopped to talk to a friend. While they were talking, a ‘goy’ came over to them with a gun and said "your money or your life". My uncle's friend ran away. A shot was heard but my uncle wasn't hurt. The goy's shot hit the bottle of Mashke that my uncle had received from The Rebbe and was in his shirt pocket. My uncle was saved. We see the Ruach HaKodesh of The Rebbe that my uncle had to have the bottle of Mashke not to get hurt.

- The Yarmush Family, Shluchim to Montreal One time, my grandmother took my mother to visit the Rebbe. The Rebbe gave my Grandmother honey cake and my mother grabbed it and started to eat it so my grandmother was trying to take it away from my mother so she could share the piece with the rest of the family, But the Rebbe said to my grandmother “She can’t have?” and the Rebbe gave my grandmother another piece of honey cake!

- Online School Student Shaina Ezagui, Shlucha to NPB Florida

Our Bubby Chyena Avtzon used to travel with all the Shluchim of Michi-gan to the Rebbe once a year, for convention. One year, though, the Head Shliach had asked her to “go under him.- under his name” But she refused, saying that “she was sent by the Rebbe himself.” “If that’s the case,” the Head Shliach informed her, “then you cannot come with all other delegates from Michigan.” Bubby Chyena was heartbroken. That year, she travelled alone. When she came in front of the Rebbe, he asked why she hadn’t come with all the other delegates from Michigan. She told him the whole story, and ended off sadly, “I guess I am not included with the other Shluchim of Michigan.” She looked up to the Rebbe. The Rebbe gently told her a few words that remained in her heart forever: “But you are my Shlucha”

- Online School Students, the Zirkinds, Shluchim to Fresno, California

Page 5: CYH & ONLINE SCHOOL YUD ALEF NISAN HACHANA ... alef nisan hachana...Dear CYH and Online School Students, We are very pleased to present to you the Yud Alef Nisan Hachana program. This

Before we moved on Shlichus, we had a hard time finding a place to live in the right location. After Davening and writing to the Rebbe, and just weeks before our daughter Rivka was born, we got a call about an opening in an apartment building in a perfect location. We outgrew that apartment in no time. Just weeks before our son Yehuda was born, there was another opening in the same apartment building al-lowing us to rent two apartments. Just weeks before our daughter Rochel was born, we were blessed with the great fortune of being able to move into a beautiful house that would function as our house, our Chabad house and also a student housing center. Not too long after our daughter Shayna was born, our student housing center expanded even further. We were able to see clearly the Rebbe's Brachos for our expan-sion when at first glance it seemed there were no possible options, and it is no coincidence that each of these events centered around the birth of our children, about which Torah teaches that each child brings addi-tional Brachos.

- Rochel Leeds, Shlucha to Berkeley, California When I was 5 I went to the Rebbe for Yechidus, and He asked me if I Bentched Licht. I wasn't at that time, so the Rebbe told my parents that while I was in the Big city (New York) they should buy me a Leichter and I should start Bentching Licht the next Shabbos.

-The Rapaport Family, Shluchim to Vineland, NJ

One time someone from our Shul was very ill and needed a new part for her body. The doctors said that she might not get better because they couldn’t find this special part of the body to give to her to make her better. My Tatty wrote a Pan to the Rebbe and the next day the doctors told her that they have the special body part and they hope it will help her get better. Six years later she is still healthy.

- Online School Student Rivka Pink, Shlucha to Solihull, England

Page 6: CYH & ONLINE SCHOOL YUD ALEF NISAN HACHANA ... alef nisan hachana...Dear CYH and Online School Students, We are very pleased to present to you the Yud Alef Nisan Hachana program. This

Menachem Mendel is not a very common name here we are on Shlichus. However, one day we were taking a walk on the block and we met our neighbor and he asked us what are names were. One of us replied 'Mendel'. He was so excited and he said my Hebrew name is Menachem Mendel too! We spoke about the Rebbe and how special it is to be named for the Rebbe. Since then we try to go visit our newly found neighbor Mendel. We bring him Challos, Shalach Manos and most importantly our smiles. We hope that the Rebbe is proud of us. Mission: What does your name mean? Try find out a special story of the person you were named after today! -Dovid, Mendel and Hinda Wolvovsky, Shluchim to Silver springs, Mary-


One Shabbos we had 9 men & desperately wanted a 10th man. It was Shabbos Berashis. Everyone in Shul really wanted to be able to take the Torah out to read the very first Parsha. So we decided to look for a 10th man & were determined not to give up. Every week our Tatty saw this old man pass our Shul with a cane. He looked nothing like a yid or so he thought & made nothing of it. This week as we were desperately looking for a minyan & the old man with a cane once again passed by. My Tatty thought I have nothing to lose, let me asking him if he is Jewish. Sure enough he responded, “Yes” & was willing to be our 10th men. What Hasgacha Protis! The next Shabbos he came over to our Tatty and told him that just recently, He looked himself in mirror & said, "Hashem if you help me find a shul, I'll start doing more mitzvos & then you stopped me to be your 10th man" He has been coming to Shul & comes to my Tatty’s Torah class every week.

- Wolff Family, Shluchim to Cutler Bay, Florida

Page 7: CYH & ONLINE SCHOOL YUD ALEF NISAN HACHANA ... alef nisan hachana...Dear CYH and Online School Students, We are very pleased to present to you the Yud Alef Nisan Hachana program. This

This past Sunday, March 18th, my parents went to a wedding to wish Mazal Tov to a family in Tucson. The brother of the Kallah, who was a medical student over 25 years ago, came over to my father and said "I want you to know.” He then started to cry, “19 years ago, my when my wife was in labor with the triplets, and you (my father) called in a Brocha to the Rebbe, and i want you to know that today, 19 years later, I have 3 beautiful and healthy children.”

- Online School Student Leah Shemtov, Shlucha to Tucson, Arizona

Six and a half years ago my little sister was born. But she wasn't an ordinary baby, she was born little more then 2 months early and the doc-tors gave her no hope of survival. She had a breathing machine and there were tubes inserted all over her body. She had to be fed through tubes, she had to breathe through tubes she had to do everything with tubes. She was in the ICU (Intensive care unit) and the doctors didn't think that such a small baby could battle this and make it and still grow up to be a normal child without any problems. My parents wrote a Pan to the Rebbe and sure enough she slowly recovered, after 2 long months in the ICU she slowly began breathing on her own, eating on her own and everything else. A couple of weeks later we brought her home – although no one was allowed to touch her for a couple of months she was home, healthy. And now Baruch Hashem she's like any other 6 year old with no health issues. Even with the Rebbe no longer physically alive he's still here and helps us!!

-Online School Student Chaya Bigelman, Shlucha to Tucson, Arizona

When I was 5 I went to the Rebbe for Yechidus, and He asked me if I Bentched Licht. I wasn't at that time, so the Rebbe told my parents that while I was in the Big city (New York) they should buy me a Leichter and I should start Bentching Licht the next Shabbos.

- Rapaport Family, Shluchim to Vineland, NJ

Page 8: CYH & ONLINE SCHOOL YUD ALEF NISAN HACHANA ... alef nisan hachana...Dear CYH and Online School Students, We are very pleased to present to you the Yud Alef Nisan Hachana program. This

Each morning when Mendele and Chayale Friedman wake up, they ask: Is heint shabbos? They are always looking forward to greeting thier shabbos guests! They ask each new person who they meet what thier name is, and proudly introduce themselves as well. Mendele loves saying Modeh Ani loud and clear, knowing that the Rebbe is so proud of him. (He always turns to the picture of the Rebbe in his room) Chayale loves saying 12 Pesukim loud and clear. She has a picture of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushkah in her room, and is so proud to be named after her.

-Freedman Family, Shluchim to Beachwood, Ohio

My great grandfather R' Dovid Schultz A"H was a Gerer Chossid who was in the Gerer Rebbe's choir before WW2. After the holocaust my Elte Zaide moved to East New York and married tzu leing leben my great grandmother, who came from a prominent Lubavitcher family. When the neighborhood that they lived in started to become worse, my Zaide wanted to move to Boro Park where all his friends were moving. After being married to my great grandmother he always asked the Rebbe before doing anything. When he went into Yechidus and told the Rebbe he wants to move to Boro Park, the Rebbe told him he should move to Crown Heights. My Zaide was surprised and also a little reluc-tant. The Rebbe told him it is for you and your family's benefit to move to Crown Heights. My Zaide did what the Rebbe told him to do, even though all his friends laughed at him. (People at that time were moving out of Crown Heights). Eventually the house in Crown Heights is where my Bubby and Zaide (Shluchim in Worcester) stayed when they came to be by the Rebbe and when my father and all his siblings learned in Crown Heights they all stayed in Bubby and Zaide's house in Crown Heights. My Elte Zaide would say Baruch Hashem ich hub gefolgt dem Rebbe. Der Rebbe hut altz gevust. Mission: Sometimes we don’t always understand how some things we are supposed to do are good for us. Let’s work on Kabolas Oil today!!

-Online School Student Tayna Blotner, Shlucha to Mesa, Arizona

Page 9: CYH & ONLINE SCHOOL YUD ALEF NISAN HACHANA ... alef nisan hachana...Dear CYH and Online School Students, We are very pleased to present to you the Yud Alef Nisan Hachana program. This

A young man from our Chabad walked into a restaurant and over-heard a conversation with the chef & customer. The customer, an Arabic man, was asking if there is any kosher meat (Arabs prefer to eat kosher meat). The chef said, “Here, no way.” The young man from our Chabad asked the chef, “How do you know what is kosher?” The chef answered, “Because I am Jewish. I never told anyone that before. I never felt com-fortable to say that publically in this neighborhood. The young man from our Chabad said, “You know there is a Shul in the neighborhood. You must come.” After much persistence the chef agreed. So the young man brought the chef to our Chabad, the next Friday night. While everyone was Davening, they noticed tears coming down from the Chef’s eyes. They gave him his space & after Davening they asked him if he was ok. He said my grandfather is affiliated with yiddishkeit. I have not walked into a Shul since I was four. It was so hard for me to walk in. I am glad I came. He has been coming to our Chabad house since. He also had a Bar Mitzvah. It is amazing that not only are we on Shluchos and bringing people closer to Yiddishkeit but people who we are influenc-ing are influencing others. This was the vision of the Rebbe.

-Wolff Family, Shluchim to Cutler Bay, Florida

When our Mommy was married to our Tatty for many months, she went to get a dollar from the Rebbe on a Sunday morning. She decided that Sunday she would ask the Rebbe for a brocha for having a child. When she reached the Rebbe on the dollar line she became very nervous and didn’t say anything to the Rebbe. The Rebbe was saying "Brocha Vi-hatzlocha" to everyone as he gave them their holy dollar. The Rebbe did the same to my mother but as she walked away the Rebbe called her back and gave her another dollar and said "Besurois Toivois"! My mother was shocked. Even though she had not said a word about what she was going to ask for, the Rebbe knew what she was going to ask! Wow! But it be-came even more exciting after that! Only a few days later she found out she was already expecting a baby (our oldest brother, Mendel). The Rebbe saw already what she didn’t even know yet!

-Mangel Family, Shluchim to Blue Ash, Ohio

Page 10: CYH & ONLINE SCHOOL YUD ALEF NISAN HACHANA ... alef nisan hachana...Dear CYH and Online School Students, We are very pleased to present to you the Yud Alef Nisan Hachana program. This

Of course the life of every Chassid and especially every Shliach is greatly influenced by the Rebbe. It goes without saying. But the influence that the Rebbe had on our family is so huge, that we wouldn’t even be Jewish if it hadn’t been for the Rebbe! Our Mommy was not born Jewish. She decided she wanted to be Jewish when she was in university. Baruch Hashem, because of the Rebbe, there were Shluchim at her university, the Morrisons. They told her that she needed to convert k’halacha to be Jew-ish. She studied hard to learn about Torah and Mitzvos and converted k’halacha. The Morrison family was such a Dugma chai, our Mommy also wanted be a Chassid and Shlucha of the Rebbe! Our Tatty was born Jewish, but not raised frum. When he went to university he met the Shluchim there, the Leiders. After spending just one Shabbos with them, he wanted to do more Mitzvos so he started going to classes and putting on Tefillin every day. After a year, Tatty realized he had to go to yeshiva to learn more about being a Yid. There, he learned all about the Rebbe and how great it is to be a Shliach! After our Mommy and Tatty got married, they decided that the best place to go on the Reb-be’s Shluchos would be to a college campus. That way they could teach the Yidden there about Torah and Mitzvos and the Rebbe, just like their Shluchim taught them. Baruch Hashem we are now Shluchim of the Reb-be to SUNY Oswego, a campus in upstate New York. Thank you Rebbe!

- Chaim, Menachem, Levi, and Rivka Madvig, Shluchim to SUNY Oswego, New York

Page 11: CYH & ONLINE SCHOOL YUD ALEF NISAN HACHANA ... alef nisan hachana...Dear CYH and Online School Students, We are very pleased to present to you the Yud Alef Nisan Hachana program. This

My great grandparents, Jack and Miriam Shenkman are prominent members of the Machane Israel group. They would visit the Rebbe every year between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. My great grandparents and my mother lived in Michigan. One year, there was a Nesiya to the Rebbe for Yud Tes Kislev. The boys 10 and older were going. My uncle Yisroel (my mother’s brother) was only 6 years old then, but wanted to go on the trip. So he called his Grandfather and asked if he could get him on the trip. My great grandfather called Rabbi Shemtov (head Shliach of Michi-gan) and asked if Yisroel could go. Out of respect for my great grandfa-ther, Rabbi Shemtov allowed Yisroel on the trip, even though he was so much younger. In New York, Yisroel got in line to get dollars. When it was his turn, the Rebbe handed him a dollar. Yisroel said to the Rebbe "I need more dollars", because he wanted to bring dollars to his family. The Rebbe handed Yisroel six dollars, which was exactly the amount he need-ed! The next time my great grandparents went to visit the Rebbe between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, the Rebbe mentioned this incident to my great grandparents about their grandson.

Even after the Rebbe got sick and was living in the room upstairs in 770, he remembered and honored my great grandparents who did so much for Chabad. On one of their annual visits to NY, my great grandfa-ther was invited to be in the Rebbe’s Minyan. He stood next to the Rebbe when the Rebbe received an Aliyah from his special Torah (which was made to be very light so the Rebbe did not have to strain to hold it), and then he was honored with Hagba on the Rebbe's torah.

My great grandmother says the Rebbe had a great sense of humor too. On one of their visits, my great grandfather gave the Rebbe a list of people and said "These people have all donated between half a million to a million dollars". The Rebbe smiled and said "a million sounds better".

- Online School Student Maishie Citrin, Shliach to Atlanta, Georgia

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My grandfather, who lives in London decided that it was time that a Yeshiva was opened up there. So he started raising money and finally he got enough to start building. After a while the stress started to get to him and he just felt like he couldn’t bear the pressure of making a yeshiva for hundreds of kids. So my grandfather decided to go to the Rebbe for advice. When it was my grandfather’s turn, the Rebbe started telling him a mashul. There once was a man carrying a large sack filled with stones up a big hill. A man comes along holding a stone and asked him if he wanted to add the stone to his bag. The Rebbe then turned to my grandfather and asked him what he would do. My grandfather replied that he would not have accepted the stone. The Rebbe then continued; And what if that sack was filled with diamonds and a man comes along holding a diamond and asks you if you want to add it to your sack – then what would you say? My grandfather then said It would be foolish to turn the diamond down. The Rebbe then told him that what hes doing is filling a sack filled with diamonds and he must never stop and he should have the strength to overcome any obstacle. My grandfather went back to London and finished building the Yeshivah. Today it is a huge thriv-ing Yeshivah that many boys go to. Mission: Look around at everyone today as if they were precious dia-monds! What do you discover -Online School Student Esti Vogel, Shlucha to Wilmington, Delaware

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As soon as my oldest brother Levi was able to walk, my mother would take him on Shabbos to the Rebbe’s Farbrengen. She would make up a time with my father to meet him so he could take him inside and after the sicha was over he would bring him back out and my mother would take him home. Once, soon after they went on Shlichus, they came in to New York for Yud Beis Tammuz, when Levi was around two, for a Shabbos and stayed by a friend. Levi fell asleep right at the time my mother was supposed to take him to meet my father. She wasn’t sure what to do, so in the end she let him sleep. My Zaidy was in New York that Shabbos, so on Sunday he went with my father and Levi to the Rebbe for dollars. My Zaidy was holding Levi. When they came to the Rebbe, the Rebbe said in Yiddish: “I didn’t see him yesterday by Farbrengen.” My Zaidy thought the Rebbe was talking about him, and he was confused because the Rebbe even told him to say a big L’chaim! The Rebbe saw my Zaidy was confused, nodded his head to-wards Levi and said again, “I didn’t see him yesterday by Farbrengen!” Out of hundreds of people at the Farbrengen, the Rebbe noticed that one little boy wasn’t there!

-Online School Student Sarah’le Vogel, Shlucha to Wilmington, Deleware

Our Bubby Chyena Avtzon was very active in the Detroit Russian community and would make different celebrations several times a year. She would also help the newly immigrated Russians get settled and things like that. After getting the next “boat-load” settled, she decided she would make a party where the males would have Brissim as they weren’t able to behind the Iron Curtain.

Bubby Chyena wrote into the Rebbe about the event that was to take place and he replied by sending one dollar for each male. It hap-pened that he sent one extra, and Bubby Chyena was puzzled as to why the Rebbe would do such a thing. The date of the event neared and it happened that one of the Russian women gave birth to a boy! Mazel Tov! This explained the extra dollar-a little baby boy just born :)

- Online School Zirkind Family, Shluchim to Fresno, California
