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Cyndi Canada, Site Supervisor Alison Barber, Assistant Site ...

Date post: 02-Jan-2017
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Cyndi Canada, Site Supervisor Mrs.Canadaspent13yearsworkingfortheYMCAintheirbeforeandaerschoolpro- grams.ShewastheSiteDirectorforMohawkTrailsbeforeandaerschoolprogramfor eightyearspriortoCCPRtakingovertheprogram.Shealsoworkedinaquacsandsummer campprograms.ThisishertenthschoolyearastheSiteSupervisorfortheESEprogramat MohawkTrails.DuringthesummersheistheSiteSupervisorforBoysRock!GirlsRule! camp. Shelovescampingandhiking,especiallyinthefall. Fun Fact: Shelovesrunning,hascompleted13halfmarathons,and1fullmara- thon. Alison Barber, Assistant Site Supervisor ThisisMs.Barber’sfirstyearastheESEAssistantSiteSupervisoratMohawkTrailsElemen- tary,butshehasbeenwithCCPRfortwoschoolyears.ShegraduatedfromBallStateand hasworkedwithyouthprogramsforseveralyears.Ms.Barberisconsideringtofurtherher educaon, possibly in School Counseling. Fun Fact: Ms.Barbergraduatedhighschoolwithonly27otherstudetns,andthat wasamazinglya100%graduaonrate! Tinara Davis, Head Kid Counselor MissDavisisbeginningher4thschoolyearatMohawkTrails,andisvery excitedtobeback!Sheenjoysworkingwithkidssomuch,thatsherecently changedhermajortoearlychildhoodeducaon. Fun Fact: MissDavishas15brothersandsisters!
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Cyndi Canada, Site Supervisor Mrs. Canada spent 13 years working for the YMCA in their before and a�er school pro-

grams. She was the Site Director for Mohawk Trails before and a�er school program for

eight years prior to CCPR taking over the program. She also worked in aqua'cs and summer

camp programs. This is her tenth school year as the Site Supervisor for the ESE program at

Mohawk Trails. During the summer she is the Site Supervisor for Boys Rock! Girls Rule!

camp. She loves camping and hiking, especially in the fall.

Fun Fact: She loves running, has completed 13 half marathons, and 1 full mara-thon.

Alison Barber, Assistant Site Supervisor

This is Ms. Barber’s first year as the ESE Assistant Site Supervisor at Mohawk Trails Elemen-

tary, but she has been with CCPR for two school years. She graduated from Ball State and

has worked with youth programs for several years. Ms. Barber is considering to further her

educa'on, possibly in School Counseling.

Fun Fact: Ms. Barber graduated high school with only 27 other studetns, and that was amazingly a 100% gradua'on rate!

Tinara Davis, Head Kid Counselor

Miss Davis is beginning her 4th school year at Mohawk Trails, and is very

excited to be back! She enjoys working with kids so much, that she recently

changed her major to early childhood educa'on.

Fun Fact: Miss Davis has 15 brothers and sisters!

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Katelyn Summi�, Kid Counselor

This is Miss Summi8’s second year for CCPR at Mohawk Trails. During

the summer she worked at Adventures in Art camp. Miss Summi8 is

currently studying Nutri'on & Diete'cs at IUPUI. She hopes to run an-

other mini-marathon this spring!

Fun Fact: Miss Summi8 ran a marathon last year!

Victoria Schuster, Kid Counselor

Mrs. Schuster is star'ng her 4th school year with CCPR. During the sum-

mer she subbed at Outdoor Explores and loved watching the kids catch

fish. In October 2015, Mrs. Schuster and her husband welcomed a baby

boy to their family. She enjoys hiking, fishing, cra�ing and spending 'me

with her family. During October, November and December she sells her

cra�s at local shows.

Fun Fact: She has completed 10 races (virtual and live) since having

her son.

Catlin Stahl, Kid Counselor

Miss Stahl is a proud IU graduate with a degree in Outdoor Recrea'on &

Parks. This is her second school year at Mohawk and is excited to be

back. She loves ge@ng kids outside exploring and apprecia'ng nature.

She loves reading, camping, bird watching, doing jigsaw puzzles and

spending 'me with her two cats.

Fun Fact: Miss Stahl studied Norwegian in college and can sing several

Disney songs in Norwegian!

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Amanda Maddox, Kid Counselor

Mrs. Maddox is a mother of three boys ages 21, 16 and 13. She has

worked with both children and adults who reside in a domes'c violence

shelter located in Madison County. Loves animals and has also worked

as a pet nutri'on specialist. Mrs. Maddox is a full-'me student at IUPUI

and is majoring in social work.

Fun Fact: Mrs. Maddox enjoys wri'ng fic'onal stories and is an avid


Monika Awad, Kid Counselor

Miss Awad will be star'ng her seventh year for CCPR at ESE Mohawk Trails.

During the summer she subbed the Boys Rock! Girls Rule! camp. Miss Awad

will be a senior at IUPUI studying elementary educa'on and working on her

dual license for ENL. She is looking forward to seeing everyone back this

school year.

Fun Fact: Miss Awad can speak Arabic fluently!

Maggie Smith, Kid Counselor

Miss Smith is in her second year at Ivy Tech. She plans to transfer to Ball

State University in the fall of 2017. Miss Smith wants to double major in

Child Life Specialist and Child Development. She is the oldest of three

children. This is her first year at ESE and works at Mohawk Trails and

Smokey Row.

Fun Fact: In the fall of Miss Smith’s Senior year of high school, she rowed at Eagle Creek and Indianapolis Rowing Center (IRC)

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Mikayla Hazelwood Kid Counselor

Miss Hazel wood is a Senior at Fishers High School. She is the second

oldest of five siblings and enjoys being outside. Miss Hazelwood has

played so�ball since she was li8le Her favorite season is baseball sea-

son and always watch the Cardinals. She wants to a8end University of

Cincinna' and plans to become a doctor focusing on Oncology.

Fun Fact: Miss Hazelwood a8ended the ESE program at Carmel Ele-

mentary School from Kindergarten through 5th grade.

Sharon Rusk, Kid Counselor

Ms. Rusk worked for the YMCA for 14 years. She enjoys working the

children at Mohawk! She is a widow, has one daughter and 2 grand-

children. She loves to travel and has been to 10 countries. She en-

joys cooking and looks forward to running some cooking clubs here

at MT ESE!

Fun Fact: Ms. Rusk did catering for 15 years!

Brennan Turi, Kid Counselor

Mr. Turi is a sophomore at Carmel High School. When he was very

young he moved to Carmel from New Jersey. Mr. Turi has taken nu-

merous advanced classes and is planning to take up to 6 next year.

Fun Fact: Mr. Turi has played soccer since he was 5.

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Kiya Eldridge, Kid Counselor

Ms. Eldridge has experience with young children. She comes from

working in the daycare se@ng. She loves being around and working

with children. Ms. Eldridge loves to dance and go on trips. She is

expec'ng a li8le bundle of joy in August.

Fun Fact: Ms. Eldridge used to be on a Majore8e Dance Team.

Michael Smith, Kid Counselor Mr. Smith relocated to Carmel in December 2016 from Michigan with his wife

and two teen aged sons. While having several careers he has enjoyed none more

than being a stay-at-home dad for over ten years. Mr. Smith has been a Scout

leader and youth sports coach for about 20 years and have always enjoyed work-

ing with kids.

Fun Fact: Mr. Smith races sailboats from 15 feet to 70 feet long

all over the Midwest including on the great lakes.

Kayla Williams, Kid Counselor Miss Williams is a 2015 graduate of Anderson University with a degree in Dance

and Business. Miss Williams comes from Louisville, Kentucky and has been re-

cently working in San Francisco with the Joffrey Ballet school as the Head Resi-

dent Advisor where she supervised the housing staff and 150+ dance students.

Her love for working with children began when she used to volunteer at a day-

care whe she was in middle school. Aside from working at Mohawk Trails, she

also teaches four days a week at Dance Studios in Zionsville and Indianapolis.

Fun Fact: Miss Williams is the biggest Michael Jackson fan you’ll

probably EVER meet!

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Clarrisa DeGan, Kid Counselor Mrs. DeGan grew up in West Lafaye8e, Indiana. She went to college at

Purdue University where she studied Nutri'on Science. Mrs. DeGan

worked a few years in the nutri'on before deciding she wanted to work

with children. She worked at an elementary school with students who

speak English as a second language. She wanted to con'nue to work with

children when she moved back to Indiana so she started at Mohawk


Fun Fact: Mrs. DeGan’s first job was making candy canes.
