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Cyrus Bates Estate

Date post: 09-Apr-2018
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  • 8/7/2019 Cyrus Bates Estate



  • 8/7/2019 Cyrus Bates Estate



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  • 8/7/2019 Cyrus Bates Estate


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  • 8/7/2019 Cyrus Bates Estate


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  • 8/7/2019 Cyrus Bates Estate


  • 8/7/2019 Cyrus Bates Estate


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  • 8/7/2019 Cyrus Bates Estate



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  • 8/7/2019 Cyrus Bates Estate


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  • 8/7/2019 Cyrus Bates Estate


  • 8/7/2019 Cyrus Bates Estate


    D!N:. 14,2005

    FROM : Gary L , RhodesRE : Bates. Ma te ria ls.Ep'clqsed 'p)eas'~ find some materials th~t I had .~ldvise(d..we hsve foundrecently ~and some others that w e have had fo r a while,

    l. W'e,enclose the Estate 'Papers for Cyrus ' Bates from a book caned theD ow er B tH Jk --w hich 1 : 1 3 at the Jefferson Count Surrogates office, Thisbook has been lost in the office for A nUi11~Qrof years. as we havensked for it in rhe pa-st and they couldn' t find it.1. W e hav e enclosed 8 ! copy of the National Register Cedi f l cate

    3 . W '.ha v e -enc losed m ultip l e o 'cop ies.n f the : records -of th e .F iretCongregaticnal Churchof Henderson. These records "were found" anumber of years ag9 in a Church A.rGhhle inPhiladelphia and we.ha9a t microfilm madeup of them. The 'page .on the film is wide s:q'I run'looking for a machine that prtnt8 wide f lm pages, ineread cfsections.

    l.p lan to do a special cancellation next yqar for Q\lf town's 20.o th )/ecar andbecause of what goes on in this, town, while I win not have anythingto dowith the. celebration .' I intend'to ha ve this-special cancellation slt1cethe houseis the only site on the register inthe town, We abo hope to geta specialroad marker for thehouse, .slmiIar tQ 'lh ~ (me 's th at were p lace alo ng theroadW.3YS in 1932 by th e state Educ!JJlO]1 Department to recognize historic sites,A good Holiday tDYOU rilL$Im~erely.

    Gary L RhodesOliver am] Cyrus Bates Historie SrteAlexander Corners Veterans-and Pearl Harbor Me-morial.
