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Czech for Foreigners CEFR Level: A1 - CA Institute of...

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CA Institute of Languages s.r.o. Údolní 8 602 00 Brno Czech Republic IČ: 02041162 +420 530 346 530 www.ca-institute.com [email protected] Czech for Foreigners CEFR Level: A1 Author: Klara Cernikova, Marketa Sindelova Email: [email protected], [email protected] Phone: +420 731 586 418, +420 777 607 350 Signature and stamp: Coordinator: Erik L. Dostal Email: [email protected] Phone: +420 776 178 333 Signature and stamp:
Page 1: Czech for Foreigners CEFR Level: A1 - CA Institute of …ca-school.cz/docs/Czech-for-foreigners-elementary... ·  · 2015-07-07Czech for Foreigners CEFR Level: A1 Author: Klara Cernikova,


CA Institute of Languages s.r.o. • Údolní 8 • 602 00 • Brno • Czech Republic • IČ: 02041162 • +420 530 346 530

www.ca-institute.com • [email protected]



Czech for Foreigners CEFR Level: A1

Author: Klara Cernikova, Marketa Sindelova

Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Phone: +420 731 586 418, +420 777 607 350

Signature and stamp:

Coordinator: Erik L. Dostal

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +420 776 178 333

Signature and stamp:


Page 2: Czech for Foreigners CEFR Level: A1 - CA Institute of …ca-school.cz/docs/Czech-for-foreigners-elementary... ·  · 2015-07-07Czech for Foreigners CEFR Level: A1 Author: Klara Cernikova,


CA Institute of Languages s.r.o. • Údolní 8 • 602 00 • Brno • Czech Republic • IČ: 02041162 • +420 530 346 530

www.ca-institute.com • [email protected]






Overview CA Institute's Czech for Foreigners courses are designed for today’s students and professionals who are seeking to further expand their understanding of life, business and culture Czech Republic.

Goals By the end of this course, students should understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type (articles, extracts from textbooks, websites, advertisements, leaflets, etc.) with high frequency everyday language. They should be able to communicate in a simple and direct way and be able to produce simple texts.

End of course “CAN DO” statements n I can understand main differences between English and Czech n I can use basic phrases n I can use the verb “to be”


Materials Czech Step by Step Czech Grammar in a Nutshell

Other resources Film, documentaries, TV, projector, internet, dictionaries, special projects

Milestones Weekly quizzes Mid-course exam Final exam Certificate upon completion


Czech for Foreigners    

Syllabus M-F Open

Course duration: 36 lessons 90 minutes each

CEFR Level – A1

CEFR start: A1 CEFR end: A2    CA Institute of Languages E-Mail: [email protected]


Page 3: Czech for Foreigners CEFR Level: A1 - CA Institute of …ca-school.cz/docs/Czech-for-foreigners-elementary... ·  · 2015-07-07Czech for Foreigners CEFR Level: A1 Author: Klara Cernikova,


CA Institute of Languages s.r.o. • Údolní 8 • 602 00 • Brno • Czech Republic • IČ: 02041162 • +420 530 346 530

www.ca-institute.com • [email protected]

n I can talk about food and prices n I can understand the grammar dealing with gender n I can talk about people n I can tell time n I can talk about different countries and nationalities n I can ordering food in restaurants n I can use models of locative in singular n I can use accusative in singular n I can use the past tense n I can understand and post advertisements n I can use verbs with a direct object n I can use indefinite and negative pronouns n I can use negation n I can talking about free-time activities n I can write a postcard n I can use the future tense n I can talk about the human body n I can use accusative and nominative in plural n I can talk about travelling n I can use prepositions + genitive




It is necessary to be flexible and prepared. Please complete all assignments beforehand and bring the following to class:

1. Laptop 2. Articles, textbooks, documents and homework

Special activities

Weekend courses Intensives Movie night Much more… .  

Topic Outline / Schedule

Important Note: Refer to the course calendar for specific meeting dates and times. Activity and assignment details will be explained in detail within each week's corresponding learning module. If you have any questions, please contact your instructor.

n Lesson 1

Icebreaker. Go over course material and goals. Introduce yourself. Main differences between English and Czech. Words that sound English but are not. Classroom language.

Page 4: Czech for Foreigners CEFR Level: A1 - CA Institute of …ca-school.cz/docs/Czech-for-foreigners-elementary... ·  · 2015-07-07Czech for Foreigners CEFR Level: A1 Author: Klara Cernikova,


CA Institute of Languages s.r.o. • Údolní 8 • 602 00 • Brno • Czech Republic • IČ: 02041162 • +420 530 346 530

www.ca-institute.com • [email protected]

n Lesson 2

Warmer. Signs in the street. Basic phrases. Pronunciation of Czech consonants and long vowels. Practice. To be in 3rd person singular. Practice. Review. Cooler.

n Lesson 3

Warmer. Review. Numbers and prices. Listening. Practice. Review. Cooler.

n Lesson 4

Warmer. Review. Grammatical gender. Determiners “ten, ta, to”. Countries and nationalities. To be in 1st and 2nd person singular. Practice. Review. Cooler.

n Lesson 5

Warmer. Review. Famous people + numbers practice. Reading. Possessive adjectives “Tvůj, tvoje, můj, moje”. Listening. Review. Cooler.

n Lesson 6

Lessons 1-5 review. Games

n Lesson 7

Warmer. Adjectives. Family. Describing family photographs.Reading. Speaking. Writing-Mz family (Homework). Review. Cooler

n Lesson 8

Warmer. Review. Telling the time. TV guide - reading for detail + speaking. Verbs “vstává, snídá, obědvá, večeří” + family members and time speaking exercise. Reading. Review. Cooler

n Lesson 9

Warmer. Review. Parts of the day, days, months, seasons. Practice. Describing pictures. Listening. Review. Cooler.

n Lesson 10

Warmer. Review. Verbs. Conjugation. Modal verbs “muset, moct, umět” writing exercise. Game. Review. Cooler.

n Lesson 11

Lessons 7-10 review. Games

n Lesson 12

Page 5: Czech for Foreigners CEFR Level: A1 - CA Institute of …ca-school.cz/docs/Czech-for-foreigners-elementary... ·  · 2015-07-07Czech for Foreigners CEFR Level: A1 Author: Klara Cernikova,


CA Institute of Languages s.r.o. • Údolní 8 • 602 00 • Brno • Czech Republic • IČ: 02041162 • +420 530 346 530

www.ca-institute.com • [email protected]

Warmer. Localities vocab. Phrases “Kde je to? Jak je to odtud daleko? Jak se dostanu?” conjugation of verbs. Practice. Writing a postcard (Homework). Review. Cooler.

n Lesson 13

Warmer. Review. Adverbs of place (“vpravo nahoře, vlevo uprostřed” etc.). Signs, names of shops. Drawing dictation game. Verbs “jít, jet”. Simplified locative in singular. Review. Cooler

n Lesson 14

Warmer. Review. Tom’s daily routine. Reading & listening. Favourite day. Locative endings. True/false game. Role play (morning at school; in the office). “Jsem rád, že….” phrase. Practice. Review. Cooler

n Lesson 15

Warmer. Review. Restaurant vocab. Role play (ordering food and drinks). Likes and dislikes. Difference between “mít rád” and “rád dělat”. Practice.Writing- menu (homework). Review. Cooler.

n Lesson 16

Warmer. Review. Accusative( singular). Ordering with numbers (“jednou kávu, dvakrát pivo”). Phrases “Chtěl/a bych. Chtěl/a byste”. Listening. Menu game. Review. Cooler.

n Lesson 17

Warmer. “Mám rád” and “Líbí se mi” phrases. Diary - Planning meetings and dates. Reading and listening. Review. Cooler.

n Lesson 18

Mid- course test

n Lesson 19

Warmer. Past tense (to be). 2nd position club. Practise. “Před” preposition. Home dialog-role play. Review. Cooler.

n Lesson 20

Warmer. Review. Regular and irregular verbs. Practise. Reading (Karel IV. and other famous people). Review. Cooler

n Lesson 21

Warmer. Review. Question in past tense. Listening. Quiz. Game - famous people. Review. Cooler.

Page 6: Czech for Foreigners CEFR Level: A1 - CA Institute of …ca-school.cz/docs/Czech-for-foreigners-elementary... ·  · 2015-07-07Czech for Foreigners CEFR Level: A1 Author: Klara Cernikova,


CA Institute of Languages s.r.o. • Údolní 8 • 602 00 • Brno • Czech Republic • IČ: 02041162 • +420 530 346 530

www.ca-institute.com • [email protected]

n Lesson 22

Warmer. Review. Conjugation of verbs in present and past. Accusative. Conversation. Reading and listening. Writing - a famous person (homework). Review. Cooler.

n Lesson 23

Warmer Review. Housing and furniture vocab. Practise.Reading. Writing an ad. Problem solving game - looking for a flat. Review. Cooler

n Lesson 24

Lessons 19-23 review. Games

n Lesson 25

Warmer. Feminine grammatical gender review.Masculine animate model words. Practise. Review. Cooler.

n Lesson 26

Warmer. Review. Reading. Writing-Dating site ad (homework). “Rád” + activity vs “rád” + object. Practice. Review. Cooler

n Lesson 27

Warmer. Review. New verbs. Practice. Grab game. Reading. Role play. “Pro” and “za” prepositions. Buying gifts. Practice. Review. Cooler.

n Lesson 28

Warmer. Review. Future tense - to be. Practice. Reading. Imperfective verbs (půjdu, pojedu, poletím, ponesu etc.). Practice. Review. Cooler

n Lesson 29

Warmer. Review. “Na- words”. Practice. Grab game. Role play. Speaking: my plans for the weekend. Writing-my plans for holiday (homework). Review. Cooler

n Lesson 30

Lessons 25-29 review. Games

n Lesson 31

Warmer. Plural nouns in nominative and accusative. Human body I -vocabulary, reading, listening. Game. Practice. Review. Cooler.

n Lesson 32

Page 7: Czech for Foreigners CEFR Level: A1 - CA Institute of …ca-school.cz/docs/Czech-for-foreigners-elementary... ·  · 2015-07-07Czech for Foreigners CEFR Level: A1 Author: Klara Cernikova,


CA Institute of Languages s.r.o. • Údolní 8 • 602 00 • Brno • Czech Republic • IČ: 02041162 • +420 530 346 530

www.ca-institute.com • [email protected]

Warmer. Review. International words in plural. Listening. True/false game. Human body II. Reading- Review. Cooler.

n Lesson 33

Warmer. Prepositions with genitive. Listening. Practice. Review. Cooler.

n Lesson 34

Warmer. Review. Direction vs location. Practice. Reading. Speaking. Review. Cooler.

n Lesson 35

Warmer. Lessons 31-34 quick review. Writing: Ideal city (in class). Reading. Review. Cooler.

n Lesson 36

End of course test. Games.


Useful Links





Mandatory Reading

HOLA, L. (2012), New Czech Step by Step, Akropol is.

HOLA, L., BORILOVA, P. (2012), Czech Grammar in a Nutshell, Akropolis.

Recommended Reading

NAUGHTON, J. (2005), Czech: An Essential Grammar, Routledge.

Page 8: Czech for Foreigners CEFR Level: A1 - CA Institute of …ca-school.cz/docs/Czech-for-foreigners-elementary... ·  · 2015-07-07Czech for Foreigners CEFR Level: A1 Author: Klara Cernikova,


CA Institute of Languages s.r.o. • Údolní 8 • 602 00 • Brno • Czech Republic • IČ: 02041162 • +420 530 346 530

www.ca-institute.com • [email protected]
