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Czech Republic - spas

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  • 7/28/2019 Czech Republic - spas



  • 7/28/2019 Czech Republic - spas



    Thanks to its tradition and the combination o high quality medicalcare and the use o the latest methods, the Czech spa industrybelongs to the best in the world. Apart rom curing mineral waters andsprings, the spa sites are rich in peat deposits, moorlands and healinggas elds. The clients can choose rom a broad range o relaxation-,regeneration- and anti-stress programmes, all under a proessionalsupervision o medical doctors. This approach to spa treatment medicine wellness is one o the many reasons o the Czech spaspopularity.

    Rich Spa Menu

    You will be, as many other visitors beore, enchanted by the glamour othe hidden corners, romantic views, elegant spa buildings with originalarchitecture and by a glitter o the concerts on the promenade, orsimply by calm parks with benches. The rst-class hotels oer high-level comort with a broad selection o services; the restaurants oerboth local and international specialities. Each spa resort is surroundedby kilometres o hiking tr ails and biking paths. Sometimes, around theresorts, the natural landscape enables the visitors to do winter spor tactivities, however, a broad range o indoor sport acilities is nevermissing. Gol comes traditionally together with the spa industry, and

    thereore, very oten you will nd gol courses nearby the spa resorts.That applies mainly or the so-called West Bohemia Spa Triangle, a trioo Karlovy Vary, Marinsk Lzn and Frantikovy Lzn spa towns.The spas are always throbbing with the social and cultural lie so,please accept our invitation and enjoy the unorgettable atmosphere.Be it just or a trip or or a longer stay, you will always be a welcomedguest here.

    A Centuries-LongSpa TradiTionthe spA industry hAs A Long-LAstingtrAdition in the CzeCh repubLiC in itsterritory, ALreAdy in the 14th Century thesprings were used for CurAtive purposes.sinCe then the spA towns were foundedAround those springs And over the time,they hAve beCome A symboL of heALth,weALth, As weLL As CuLture.

    The ocial tourist presentation o the Czech Republic


  • 7/28/2019 Czech Republic - spas




    zpAdn eChy

    Karlovy vary

    Kal va a l jc tl ao . tak q a laca l a a, Kal va l l a a lac Ccrlc.

    arlovy Vary is the most renowned town o the West Bohemia Spa Triangle, andso has, over its six hundred and ty years history attracted many celebrities ocultural and political lie. The spa was visited by the tsar Peter the Great or thecomposer Johann Sebastian Bach; and the poet Johann Wolgang Goethe actuallyvisited the spa thirteen times! Thereore his name is bore by several venues oKarlovy Vary, like or example, one o the many town view points. The wide parkso the town, as well as its surroundings, are ull o lush green vegetation and theycall on or walks and trips around.

    The heRb liquoR

    Becherovka (originally

    the Carlsbader English

    Bitter) manuactured in

    Karlovy Vary is, with a bit o

    exaggeration, considered to

    be one o the curing springs.

    A worLd-fAmous spA


    SpecTaculaR colonnadeS

    and ThiRTeen SpRingS

    In Karlovy Vary, you can walk aroundve colonnades. The largest one isthe Mill Colonnade and under its roo,which is supported by 124 Corinth-style columns, six dierent mineralsprings can be ound.Though, the most amous is the ThermalSpring Colonnade with a ountain thatjets a 72C hot spring twelve metershigh. The natural resources o KarlovyVary are used or the treatment odisorders o the digestive tract, o thelocomotive organs, or in the case ometabolic disorders.Karlovy Vary can easily competewith much larger cities in the area ocultural, social and sporting events.There is a broad range o theatre plays,concerts, cinemas, galleries, as well ascasinos and horse-racing events taking

    place. There are luxurious shops, cosy

    The week of The

    inTeRnaTional filM

    Karlovy Vary is the venue hosting

    the international flm estival; it

    belongs to the prestigious category

    A, along with the estivals in Cannes,

    Venice, Berlin and Tokyo. Many

    world-known movie celebrities

    come here at the beginning o every


    cas, noble spa houses and hotels allthis and much more can be ound righthere!

    The Karlovy Vary Gol Club can prideitsel on a gol course that is the oldestin the Czech Republic. It was ounded

    back in 1904.

  • 7/28/2019 Czech Republic - spas



    zpAdn eChy


    t xq a ak a a la qa al a l mak L a.tak , ala a a a al a ea a a xq a a k ll a.A acc a a caa ac a a...

    Spa Social life

    Also the promenades o the Marin-sk Lzn spa used to be enjoyed bycelebrities. Just a ew to mention: thewriters Mark Twain or Franz Kaka, thecomposers Gustav Mahler and JohanessStrauss, or the psychoanalyst SigmundFreud. Johann Wolgang Goethe methere his late love, juvenile Ulrika vonLevetzow. And the genius Polish pianoplayer, Frdric Chopin gave the nameto the international music estival thattakes place every year.I you walk along the main colonnade thatbelongs, thanks to its unique cast-iron

    Nmst J. W. Goetha

    MarinSK lzn

    construction to the main sightseeing sites,you will denitely be attracted by theSinging Fountain. Its magnicent waterperormance is accompanied by musicand by the light show in the evenings.The nearest neighbourhood o the townis surrounded by the endless Slavkov-sk Wood. Follow one o the manypaths and get to know the undisturbedbeauty o the local nature.The indications in Marinsk Lzn canbe very varied. The chemical composi-tion o the springs is very diverse andthat is why many dierent disorders anddiseases are treated here.

    The Royal Gol Club in Marinsk

    Lzn has got a very interesting

    history, as well as important present.

    The club was ounded in 1905 by

    the English King Edward VII, its frst


    surroundedby minerALsprings

  • 7/28/2019 Czech Republic - spas


    The statue o Frantiek, a little boy with

    a fsh, became a symbol o theFrantikovy Lzn spa. It is very popu lar

    with emale visitors. According to the

    story that goes around, the statue

    promises immediate pregnancy; all you

    have to do is just to touch a specifc spot

    on the statue.



    FranTiKovy lzntrAdition And heALth

    i c w ba satal l fak L . tak a -clacal acc a la al, fak L a a ca Cc a. t al , aak a fak s, l aala 15 c.

    he spa is renowned or thetreatment o gynaecological problems,disorders o the locomotive organs,and o the cardiovascular diseases. It ismainly celebrated or the successes intreatment o emale inertility.The incredible eect o the curativestays is the outcome o the spa r iendlyand amily atmosphere, consistent useo the local natural resources, com-bined with kind care and proessionalskills o the local medical doctors.

    SOOS Nature Reserve, a landmarkbroadly visited by tourists, representsa real rarity. A large peat bog with richmineral springs and mud volcanoes (socalled moets) can be observed here.The whole area reminds one oa moonscape, churned up by erosionsand covered by a layer o evaporatedmineral salts.


    zpAdn eChy


    SpoRT and wellneSS

    I you are not so passio nate about golor hiking, you may spend your timein Aquaorum a water world withindoor and outdoor swimming poolsand other acilities.Should you enjoy the spa proceduresor the wellness programs, or shouldyou simply decide or sportingactivities, Frantikovy Lzn will alwaysbe your avourite venue.

  • 7/28/2019 Czech Republic - spas


    zpAdn eChy

    JchyMovthe first rAdon spA in the worLd

    tak q al c a ala, Jc a a a xcal a a al lc a. t all, a a all, a a l a a.

    hilly SceneRy

    The neighbourhood o Jchymov willmake you tempted or tripping around.For example, you can visit hollows in theground, called Vl jmy. Thanks to thelow temperature at the bottom, ice canbe ound there even in the summer.The near-by Krun Mountains oeroptions or winter sport activities; you willnd cross country skiing trails as well asskiing slopes there. In the summer, thehilly terrain represents a challenge ormountain bike ans.The contemporary standard o the siteis the combination o a medical spatreatment with an excellent level o thecatering services and accommodation.Jchymov is a really exceptional spaand that is why many guests keep oncoming back here.

    on The TRack of SilveR

    Svornost Mine is a very important part o the Jchymov spa; it is the place where

    the healing radon water springs rom. In the history, silver used to be mined here

    and the silver coins thalers, later tollars used to be made o it. Thanks to this coin, the

    American dollar got its name. Svornost Mine is a part o a nature trail that is bearing

    somewhat a gloomy name Jchymov Hell. It actually maps out the lives o the

    political prisoners who were orced to work in the local uranium mines under really

    brutal conditions back in the 1950s.



    the spA of your heArtt pl r ca l a a a a a aql aa, a al ak. Ka L a a al lac ca a c a, a cal a lax al la.

    A cq a L Ka a l wba sa tal.i a lac cla c al.

    he spa quarter, situated in the west slope, is the dominant o the town;rom the nature it was given three gits: genial climate, mineral springs andmoor deposits in the nearest surroundings. Although the spa programmes arededicated to children with respiratory diseases, the town a nd its neighbourhoodis visited by tourists, mainly by the guests o the near-by spa Marinsk Lzn.Their avourite destination is marvellous Chateau Kynvart a residence o theAustrian chancellor Metternich, an important meeting point o the Europeandiplomacy at that time. The local den o rarities is one o the oldest Europeanmuseums open to the public and it holds thousands o unique items.

    onstatinovy Lzn became a stylish centre or patients withcardiovascular diseases and it managed to keep its reputation o

    a small spa with excellent medical expertise and great healingresults.Pristine countryside surrounding the spa town invites you ora trek- or a bike tr ip. Green valleys lure or walks, and the bike-touristic program suggests many interesting sites. Based on therecommended trips you can visit the Mantn Chateau, a pearl othe Czech baroque, or the monasteries in Tepl and Kladruby towns.

    lzn KynvarToAsis for ChiLdren

    KonSTanTinovy lzn

  • 7/28/2019 Czech Republic - spas



    TepliceAn honourAbLe spA trAdition

    tlc lca k maa a K ma, a ga. t j l ak aal a a a a ak ca . i a, a tlc ccaac cla.

    eplice is amous or its brilliant eects o its thermalmineral springs. Five spa houses, situated in the parkswith ountains, provide the best care and high levelservices to its guests. The mineral springs are used tocure the disorders o the locomotive organs, circulatorydiseases, and the posttraumatic aections. Apart romthe traditional curative stays, the spa oers medicalwellness stays, preventive care- and reconditioning stays everything that corresponds with present trends. You

    can ollow a marked route that will guide you around the

    historic landmarks and monuments o the town. It willbring you to the Castle Square that is dominated by animpressive Plague Pillar. We can also recommend youto visit the Duchcov Castle, the place where GiacomoGirolamo Casanova, the amous globe-trotter and thelady-seducer, spent last years o his lie.The Krun Mountains su rpassing the town invite ortreks or bike trips. In the winter, many skiing slopescan be ound here. The calm atmosphere o the spa

    neighbourhood will denitely amaze you!

    faMouS gueSTS

    The Teplice spa has hosted a line o

    celebrities in its spa houses. It was

    the place where Johann Wolgang

    Goethe and Ludvig van Beethoven

    frst met. The genius composer came

    here or spa treatment, but as well, he

    composed symphonies here..




    severn A stedn eChy

    m a l a pa a a q clal .i a al all, a al a la ac ak .

    A ll a La aa ll Jkma. tak lcaa laa cla, a lac aca, a ll a a caalla a ll .

    or more than 200 years, this peat spa has been treatingillnesses o the locomotive organs, and recently, a range orelaxation and wellness programmes has been introduced.The architectural gem o the spa is the Dvorana Pavilion.It was built in the art nouveau-style and it is considered tobe a masterpiece o Jan Letzel, known Czech architect. Hismost amous work is the I ndustrial Promotion Hall in theJapanese Hiroshima, which, as the only building, resistedthe nuclear explosion in 1945, and that is nowadays knownas the Atomic Bomb Dome.

    ibverda spa is specialized on the treatment o heartdiseases, blood circulation disorders and disorders o thelocomotive organs. The local acidulous mineral water isthe base or all curative practices and procedures. Thespa resort is an excellent venue or relaxation. Libverda is

    situated in the protected landscape area o the JizerskMountains, so you can enjoy beautiul scenery anda range o interesting sites. Just to name one out o many,the nearby Hejnice is one o the most important places opilgrimage in Bohemia.



    oAsis of CALmAnd peACe

    A spA Atthe foothiLLof JizersKmountAins

  • 7/28/2019 Czech Republic - spas



    Cc rl c













    Karlovy varywww.karlovyvary.cz


    MarINSK lZNwww.marianskelazne.cz


    FraNTIKovy lZNwww.rantiskovylazne.cz




    KlTereC Nad oHwww.klasterec.cz


    lZN KyNvarTwww.detskalecebna.cz


    KoNSTaNTINovy lZNwww.konstantinovy.cz

    7 vrwww.lazne-vraz.cz




















    lZN lIBverdawww.lazne-libverda.cz


    lZN KUNdraTICewww.laznekundratice.cz




    lZN ToUewww.slatinnelaznetousen.cz


    JaNSK lZNwww.janskelazne.com


    lZN BloHradwww.belohrad.cz




    lZN BoHdaNewww.lazne.bohdanec.cz






    Karlova STUdNKawww.k.studanka.cz


    velK loSINywww.lazne-losiny.cz




    darKov KarvINwww.darkov.cz




    TePlICe Nad BevoUwww.ltnb.cz




    KoSTeleC U ZlNawww.hotel-kostelec.cz


    oSTroSK Nov veSwww.laznenovaves.cz



















  • 7/28/2019 Czech Republic - spas



    severn A stedn eChy


    t paca l l c el Lla. tc alcac a a a a ca a cala a a a.

    he speciality o Podbrady spa is the Centre o Early Rehabilitation. Patientsare brought here rom the cardiac clinic straight ater surgery. Thanks to that, theduration o their recovery shortens signicantly, and so they can return to theireveryday lie.

    TouR inTo hiSToRy

    The historic centre surrounded with greenery reminds o an atmosphere oa pleasant holiday venue. You will be impressed with the equestrian monumento the Bohemian King George o Podbrady. Georges idea o the united ChristianEurope did not nd enough sympathy back in the 15th century; however, it isalive today. The king sent a delegation rom Bohemia to the end o (then-known)world; its role was to spread the good name o the Bohemian Kingdom widely.

    wandeRing aRound

    The town o Podbrady is surrounded by the riparian woodlands and natural parksthat enable you many opportunities or recreation and sport. The fat but charminglandscape invites you or easy treks and bike trips. The passionate skaters will appreciatethe in-line path that goes along the Elbe River. For more activities, you can also checkthe oer o the Gol Club, the Sports Centre and the Riding Club o Podbrady. Youmight be tempted to visit landmarks o the neighbourhood. For example, the Hrdeku Nechanic Chateau, the Karlova Koruna Chateau, or the Dtenice Chateau resort withbrewery and a stylish medieval tavern are a very good choice. Podbrady and itssurrounding will denitely enable you to orget the rush o the everyday lie.

    A mAgiC of the eLbe region

    Go or a boat trip on one o the

    largest European rivers. Get on the

    steam-boat and enjoy the romantic

    junction o the Elbe and Cidlina rivers,

    or the Nymburk town.

    During the summer season, the boats

    leave or a whole-day trip to Mlnk

    or to Kladruby nad Labem. You can

    visit the amous horse-breeding arm






    Jak L a a -aal aa a Cc rlc Kk ma.i l k a a a, al aa k .

    t a L bla a lac ca lax, a a xl ... all a aa a al aal c.

    ansk Lzn achieved signicant successes in the area o the treatment olocomotive organs. It was the rst European spa where the juvenile polio wascured successully. Nowadays, both the children and the a dult patients come hereor their therapeutic stays. Jansk Lzn spa is also a place where you can spenda wonderul summer holiday. Fresh mountain air, a deep orest, a ascinating viewo the Krkonoe Mountains and a developed system o paths... this all makes youractive recreation ideal.

    he base o curative resource o the localspa is peat mud that has a great impacton treatment o the locomotive organs.As the rst spa in the whole o Europe,the Annensk Slatinn Lzn (AnnesPeat Spa) obtained the EUROPESPA medcerticate. Only selected European spashave been awarded this certicate. Thespa itsel is encircled by natural parklandwhich calls or a nice walk just like thewhole spa neighbourhood.You can also take a trip to the BohemianParadise, a protected geo-park, or visit theSaari ZOO in the near Dvr Krlov town.

    A heALing gAteof KrKonoemountAins

    on the right wAy to yourweLLbeing

    JanSK lzn

    lzn blohrad

  • 7/28/2019 Czech Republic - spas






    t a a a vlck a lcal aal ca c a -qal a.

    hanks to its unique chemical composition, it has great healing eects on thelocomotive organs. Apart rom the classical spa procedures there is a broad rangeo relaxation- and wellness programs oered here. The new Medical WellnessInstitute is designed or all who care about their well-being.

    he local natural curative resources peat deposits andmineral water gave rise to a spa treating the locomotiveorgans, mainly the rheumatoid arthritis diseases.In the close neighbourhood o the spa, there are manyinteresting sites that can become a destination o your trip. Forexample, you can visit Kutn Hora, a historic town listed on theUNESCO World Cultural Heritage List.

    lzn bohdanet a L ba a lac el Lla, l a kl ea ba pac.sa c , cla, cal a a a all a c c a,, laxa a .

    baRoque beauTy

    Dont miss the opportunity to visit a unique

    landmark the Kuks Hospital, a part o the

    ormer palatial buildings. Three hundred

    years ago, the hospital, as the main building

    o a spa was the centre o relaxation,

    entertainment and social lie.

    Any visitor o Kuks should not orget to view

    the near Bethlehem, an open-air exhibition

    o sandstone statues and relies. They were

    carved in rocks and boulders by Maty

    Bernard Braun, a true master o Czech



    Tebo peArL of the southbohemiAn LAndsCApet ac t, a cqc s ba r a lac, ll Cc a. taac ca c laak, clac a aal al c ll ak a aca a c ack.

    or centuries, the local residents have shaped their neighbourhood untila landscape with ponds connected with numerous channels and streams,surrounded with elds, meadows and orest came into existence. The naturalcurative resources o the local spa are peat and bog, both used or the treatmento the disorders o the locomotive organs. Tebo is one o the most beautiulSouth Bohemian historic towns: you will nd a Renaissance chateau there andthe main square that is lined with houses with amazing Renaissance and Baroquegables. One o the most remarkable landmarks o Tebo is the crypt o theSchwarzenbergs aristocratic amily that can be seen at the south-east side o the

    pond Svt (World). Dont miss the

    sightseeing o the Regent Brewerythat belongs to the oldest breweriesworldwide!

    Round-The-woRld TRip

    The countryside around Tebo ismade or bike trips or or walks. I youwant to get to know it better, ollowany o the educational oot-pathsaround the Svt Pond. You can alsoexplore the Romberk Pond,an impressive technical masterpieceand the largest Bohemian pond.It is located just a ew kilometres romTebo.

  • 7/28/2019 Czech Republic - spas






    i c maa, a Jk , a a a a .t q lcal ccla al a a . t a a-lk, ak xcal a h Jk ma.

    he spa can be grateul or its ame to the local healer Vincenz Priessnitz. It was him,who ounded the Hydrotherapy Institute, the rst institute in the spa history, backin 1822. Thanks to him, a amous spa was developed and it has been now visited ormore than one hundred and eighty years. Over the time, Priessnitzs idea o returning

    to the natural resources actually turned into a demand o the present period.

    The Priessnitz spa resort is sensiblyintegrated into the landscape. Theexceptionally avourable climate enablesit to cure visitors at all times o the year.The spa oer also includes short-term

    stays that will help you to improve yourphysical and mental orm.

    TRekking and Skiing

    The Jesenky Mountains are a avouritedestination or winter holiday. The attrac-tive mountain setting oers good condi-tions or downhill- and cross countryskiing, or popular trips on snowshoesand or many other winter activities. Inthe summer season a developed systemo ootpaths will guide you to loadso interesting destinations. Would youlike to try trekking with special poles,the modern Nordic walking? There areantastic terrains available in the nearestneighbourhood o Jesenk!

    the birthpLACe of modernhydrotherApy

  • 7/28/2019 Czech Republic - spas



    severn morAvA



    velK loSiny

    darKov Karvin


    The virgin countryside o the Jesenky Mountains hidesa little spa town Karlova Studnka. Thanks to its locationand altitude o 800 meters above sea-level, the air thereis the cleanest in the Central Europe. Thereore the spatreatment is specialized on the respiratory diseases. Theprotected landscape area o the Jesenky Mountains is ullo educational trails. Just ollow any o them and nd outmore about the local undisturbed nature!

    The spa Velk Losiny lies in the picturesque valley o the DesnRiver, at the oothill o the Hrub Jesenk Mountains. The curative

    resources mineral water and hot sulphur-rich spring help totreat the respiratory diseases and disorders o the locomotiveorgans. Velk Losiny is renowned or its rich history, hundredsyears o spa tradition and a range o cultural landmarks. You willbe ascinated by the magic o the local Renaissance castle, one othe most beautiul architecture in Moravia. However, there alsoexists a dark side o the castles history the witchcrat processeso the 17th century. Another attraction o the town is a paper millthat belongs to the oldest in the whole o Europe. It has beenmanuacturing the paper over our hundred years. The visit to thelocal Museum o Paper is denitely a unique experience.

    You will nd the town o Karvin in the north-eastern part othe Czech Republic. The local spa Darkov uses a unique curativenatural resource, the iodine-bromine water, commonly calledsolanka(brine). Its chemical compos ition reminds o stronglymineralized seawater and helps to cure the locomotive organs,as well as the disturbances o the nervous system. Darkov isconsidered to be one o the most successul spas in the CzechRepublic in the area o the above mentioned indications.

    Klimkovice spa is known or treating mainlythe locomotive organs, using the iodine-bromide water. The local rare mineral water,however, has much broader curative eectson the human organism.The spa avourable location near the City oOstrava, a metropolis o North Moravia, willenable you to make a number o trips into theundisturbed nature o the Odra River Regionand to many other interesting destinations.




    nad bevou


    nov veS

    Hodonn belongs to the newest spa acilities o the Czech Republicand it is specialized primarily on the treatment o the locomotiveorgans. You will nd it in the middle o the beautiul parkland in theoutskirts o the town. The main curative resource, the iodine-bromidewater, is declared to be o the highest quality in the whole Europe.The town o Hodonn is situated in a region that is renowned or wineproduction, so you can organize a trip along the wine cellars and tastethe delicious local wine. Cheers!

    Teplice nad Bevou is situated in the picturesquevalley o the Beva river, close to the Moraviantown Hranice. The spa is using modern methods orehabilitation o clients with cardiovascular problemsand it ocuses on the prevention o cardiac andcerebral dysunctions. The local medical experts aimcontinuously to infuence the patientsliestyle inorder to improve their health.

    Ostrosk Nov Ves is situated in one o the most beautiulparts o South Moravia in the heart o the Slovcko R egion,nearby the Uhersk Hradit town. The main curativeprocedure is based on sulphurous bath. It is used to treat skindiseases psoriasis in particular and also musculoskeletalproblems. The sulphur spa oers a range o own naturalcosmetics made with local natural resources.You can visit many interesting places during your stay in thisspa, or example, the Buchlov Castle, the Buchlovice Chateau,or Velehrad, a amous place o pilgrimage.

  • 7/28/2019 Czech Republic - spas


    Luhaovice were the

    avourite venue o Leo

    Janek, nowadays

    a world-wide

    played composer.

    He used to come

    to Luhaovice

    spa to fnd rest

    and relie rom his

    demanding personal

    and artistic live.


    Jin A stedn m orAvA


    luhaovicethe LArgest spA in morAviAt a a Lac a -a a maa. i caaal a aal cla. i a lac al a a caacc acc .

    he unique composition o the localmineral springs has been helpingpeople or more than three hundredyears. There are sixteen acidulous watersprings rich in chloride and one springrich in sulphur r ising here. The mostamous is the Vincentka mineral water.All the local springs are important incuring a broad list o disorders, primarilythe respiratory and digestive problems.The remarkable architecture o the spabuildings is joined with Duan Jurkovi,a Slovak architect, who got inspiredby the olk architecture o the ValaskoRegion. The unique dominant and themost beautiul building o Luhaoviceis the Jurkovi House. However, in thespa, there are many other importantlandmarks that can be admired by thespa guests.The surrounding woods are just madeor trekking; the White CarpathiansMountains, a protected landscape area,actually passes through the town. Theactive visitors will be pleased by thesystem o well-marked ootpaths andbike paths.

    The characteristic procedure o

    Luhaovice is inhalation. The mineral

    water gets into the respiratory system

    o the patient with the help o the

    vapour inhalation device.

    ouR SuggeSTion

    We recommend you to visit Krom,

    so called Athens o the Han Region,

    a town with unique architecture. You

    will fnd here a marvellous archbishop

    castle. In the past, its Parliamentary

    Hall was a very important meeting

    point or representatives o the

    Bohemian and Moravian lands.

    Together with the Podzmeck and

    Kvtn gardens, it is listed on the

    UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List.

  • 7/28/2019 Czech Republic - spas






















    x x


    o o xo o


    x x x x

    Frantikovy Lznwww.frantiskovylazne.cz

    x x x xo


    x x x


    x x

    Jansk Lznwww.janskelazne.com

    o o xo xo xo


    x xo xo xo xo x

    Karlova Studnkawww.k.studanka.cz

    x x x

    Karlovy Varywww.karlovyvary.cz

    x xo xo x

    Klterec nad Ohwww.klasterec.cz

    x x


    o xo xo xo

    Konstantinovy Lznwww.konstantinovy.cz

    x x

    Kostelec u Zlnawww.hotel-kostelec.cz

    x x

    Lzn Blohradwww.belohrad.cz

    xo xo xo

    Lzn Bohdanewww.lazne.bohdanec.cz


    Lzn Kundraticewww.laznekundratice.cz

    x x

    Lzn Kynvartwww.detskalecebna.cz

    o o

    Lzn Libverdawww.lazne-libverda.cz

    x x x x

    Lzn Touewww.slatinnelaznetousen.cz



    x x x x x


    x x xo


    x x xo xo x

    Marinsk Lznwww.marianskelazne.cz

    x x xo x xo xo xo


    x x

    Ostrosk Nov Veswww.laznenovaves.cz

    x x


    xo xo xo



    Teplice nad Bevouwww.ltnb.cz

    xo xo o


    x xo xo


    x x


    x x

    Velk Losinywww.lazne-losiny.cz

    o xo o


    x x

    X Listofindications forspatreatmentforadults O Listofindications forspatreatmentforchildrenandyoungpeople

    This symbol denotes ocial certied accommodation acilities

    This symbol denotes ocial tourist inormation centres

    Published by Mlad fronta, Clients Title Division for CzechTourism

    Prague 2009

    Text: CzechTourism in cooperation with Mlad rontaTranslation: tpnka CollinsPhotographs: CzechTourism, Lzn Podbrady, a.s., Tom Kube,

    Roman Maleek, Promedia CZ, Lubo Stiburek, Zdenk Thoma,archive o MF and archive so the spa towns and sites

    Design: Miroslava FrnkovPrint: Europrint

    The ocial tourist presentation o the Czech Republic


  • 7/28/2019 Czech Republic - spas


