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Self Assessment Deerfield Beach Middle School Broward County School District Ms. Francine Baugh, Principal 701 S.E. 6th Avenue Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 Document Generated On December 3, 2015
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Self Assessment

Deerfield Beach Middle School

Broward County School District

Ms. Francine Baugh, Principal

701 S.E. 6th Avenue Deerfield Beach, FL 33441

Document Generated On December 3, 2015

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Introduction 1 Standard 1: Purpose and Direction 2 Standard 2: Governance and Leadership 4 Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for Learning 6 Standard 4: Resources and Support Systems 10 Standard 5: Using Results for Continuous Improvement 13 Report Summary 15

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Introduction AdvancED's Self Assessment (SA) diagnostic is based on the AdvancED Standards of Quality, which serves as the foundation of theaccreditation and continuous improvement process. The SA is a valuable tool for collaboratively engaging staff members and stakeholders inpurposeful, honest dialogue and reflection to assess the institution's adherence to the Standards, and guide its continuous improvementefforts. The SA includes the institution's self-ratings of and the evidence cited for each of the indicators, comments that explain the indicator'sratings and an overall narrative for each Standard. The results of the SA are reviewed by the External Review Team as one essentialcomponent of the preparation process for the institution's External Review.

Self AssessmentDeerfield Beach Middle School

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Standard 1: Purpose and Direction The school maintains and communicates a purpose and direction that commit to high expectations for learning as well as shared values andbeliefs about teaching and learning. Overall Rating: 3.67

Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating1.1 The school engages in a

systematic, inclusive, andcomprehensive process toreview, revise, and communicatea school purpose for studentsuccess.

The process for review, revision, andcommunication of the school's purposeis clearly documented, and a record ofthe use and results of the process ismaintained. The process is formalizedand implemented with fidelity on aregular schedule. The process includesparticipation by representatives selectedat random from all stakeholder groups.The purpose statement clearly focuseson student success.

•Examples ofcommunications tostakeholders about theschool's purpose (i.e.website, newsletters,annual report, studenthandbook)

•Communication plan tostakeholders regarding theschool's purpose

•Minutes from meetingsrelated to development ofthe school's purpose

•Documentation ordescription of the processfor creating the school'spurpose including the roleof stakeholders

Level 4

Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating1.2 The school's leadership and staff

commit to a culture that is basedon shared values and beliefsabout teaching and learning andsupports challenging, equitableeducational programs andlearning experiences for allstudents that includeachievement of learning, thinking,and life skills.

Commitment to shared values andbeliefs about teaching and learning isevident in documentation and decisionmaking. This commitment is regularlyreflected in communication amongleaders and staff. Challengingeducational programs and equitablelearning experiences are implementedso that all students achieve learning,thinking, and life skills necessary forsuccess. Evidence indicates acommitment to instructional practicesthat include active student engagement,a focus on depth of understanding, andthe application of knowledge and skills.School leadership and staff share highexpectations for professional practice.

•Agendas and/or minutesthat reference acommitment to thecomponents of theschool's statement ofpurpose

•The school's statement ofpurpose

•InternationalBaccalaureate wholeschool

Level 3

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Reflect upon your responses to each of the indicators and performance levels by considering and responding to the followingquestions when drafting your narrative response. Use language from the performance level descriptions to guide your writing.Cite sources of evidence External Review team members may be interested in reviewing. The process of review and revision and communication of the school's purpose is a clearly an area of strength for the school. The school's leadership and staff commit to a culture that is based on shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning and supportschallenging, equitable educational programs and learning experiences for all students that include achievement of learning, thinking, and lifeskills is an area of improvement needed. As a school, we are continuing to communicate the school's vision through our weekly newsletter, on our website and throughout the school -which focus on academics. In order to improve the staff commitment to the vision, allowing staff to be involved in the decision makingregarding the direction of teaching and learning.

Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating1.3 The school's leadership

implements a continuousimprovement process thatprovides clear direction forimproving conditions that supportstudent learning.

School leaders require the use of adocumented, systematic continuousimprovement process for improvingstudent learning and the conditions thatsupport learning. All stakeholder groupswork collaboratively and consistently inauthentic and meaningful ways that buildand sustain ownership of the school'spurpose and direction. School personnelsystematically maintain, use, andcommunicate a profile with current andcomprehensive data on student andschool performance. The profile containsthorough analyses of a broad range ofdata used to identify goals for theimprovement of achievement andinstruction that are aligned with theschool's purpose. All improvement goalshave measurable performance targets.The process includes action planningthat identifies measurable objectives,strategies, activities, resources, andtimelines for achieving all improvementgoals. School personnel hold oneanother accountable for and evaluatethe overall quality of the implementationof all interventions and strategies. Theprocess is reviewed and evaluatedregularly. Documentation that theprocess is implemented with fidelity andyields improved student achievementand instruction is available andcommunicated to stakeholders.

•Agenda, minutes fromcontinuous improvementplanning meetings

•Communication plan andartifacts that show two-way communication tostaff and stakeholders

•The school continuousimprovement plan

Level 4

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Standard 2: Governance and Leadership The school operates under governance and leadership that promote and support student performance and school effectiveness. Overall Rating: 4.0

Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating2.1 The governing body establishes

policies and supports practicesthat ensure effectiveadministration of the school.

Policies and practices clearly anddirectly support the school's purpose anddirection and the effective operation ofthe school. Policies and practicesrequire and have mechanisms in placefor monitoring effective instruction andassessment that produce equitable andchallenging learning experiences for allstudents. There are policies andpractices requiring and giving directionfor professional growth of all staff.Policies and practices provide clearrequirements, direction for, andoversight of fiscal management.

•Student handbooks

•Governing body policies,procedures, and practices

•Staff handbooks

•Communications tostakeholder about policyrevisions

Level 4

Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating2.2 The governing body operates

responsibly and functionseffectively.

The governing body has implemented aprocess to evaluate its decisions andactions to ensure they are in accordancewith defined roles and responsibilities, aformally adopted code of ethics, and freeof conflict of interest. Governing bodymembers are required to participate in asystematic, formal professionaldevelopment process regarding the rolesand responsibilities of the governingbody and its individual members. Theprofessional development curriculumalso includes conflict resolution,decision-making, supervision andevaluation, and fiscal responsibility.Members comply with all policies,procedures, laws, and regulations andfunction as a cohesive unit for thebenefit of student learning.

•Communication plan toinform all staff on code ofethics, responsibilities,conflict of interest

•Governing body trainingplan

•Governing code of ethics

Level 4

Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating2.3 The governing body ensures that

the school leadership has theautonomy to meet goals forachievement and instruction andto manage day-to-day operationseffectively.

The governing body consistentlyprotects, supports, and respects theautonomy of school leadership toaccomplish goals for achievement andinstruction and to manage day-to-dayoperations of the school. The governingbody maintains a clear distinctionbetween its roles and responsibilitiesand those of school leadership.

•Roles and responsibilitiesof school leadership

•School improvement plandeveloped by the school

•Communicationsregarding board actions

•Agendas and minutes ofmeetings

Level 4

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Reflect upon your responses to each of the indicators and performance levels by considering and responding to the followingquestions when drafting your narrative response. Use language from the performance level descriptions to guide your writing.Cite sources of evidence External Review team members may be interested in reviewing. The governing body operates responsibly and functions effectively is an area of strength for the district. As a school, developing a culturethat is consistent with the school's purpose and direction is area of improvement needed. In order to continue with an environment thatoperates effectively, we will continue to evaluate our process and make the necessary changes where needed. In addition, we will continuewith professional development with staff to share information that will facilitate a true understanding of the purpose and direction of theschool.

Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating2.4 Leadership and staff foster a

culture consistent with theschool's purpose and direction.

Leaders and staff deliberately andconsistently align their decisions andactions toward continuous improvementto achieve the school's purpose. Theyencourage, support, and expect allstudents to be held to high standards inall courses of study. All stakeholders arecollectively accountable for studentlearning. School leaders actively andconsistently support and encourageinnovation, collaboration, sharedleadership, and rigorous professionalgrowth. The culture is characterized bycollaboration and a sense of communityamong all stakeholders.

•Examples of collaborationand shared leadership

•Examples of decisionsaligned with the school'sstatement of purpose

•Examples of decisions insupport of the school'scontinuous improvementplan

Level 4

Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating2.5 Leadership engages stakeholders

effectively in support of theschool's purpose and direction.

Leaders consistently communicateeffectively with appropriate and variedrepresentatives from stakeholdergroups, provide opportunities forstakeholders to shape decisions, solicitfeedback and respond to stakeholders,work collaboratively on schoolimprovement efforts, and provide andsupport meaningful leadership roles forstakeholders. School leaders' proactiveand persistent efforts result inmeasurable, active stakeholderparticipation; positive engagement in theschool; a strong sense of community;and ownership.

•Minutes from meetingswith stakeholders

•Copies of surveys orscreen shots from onlinesurveys

•Involvement ofstakeholders in a schoolimprovement plan

•Communication plan

Level 4

Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating2.6 Leadership and staff supervision

and evaluation processes resultin improved professional practiceand student success.

The primary focus of the criteria andprocesses of supervision and evaluationis improving professional practice andensuring student success. Supervisionand evaluation processes areconsistently and regularly implemented.The results of the supervision andevaluation processes are analyzedcarefully and used to monitor andeffectively adjust professional practiceand ensure student learning.

•Examples of professionaldevelopment offerings andplans tied specifically tothe results fromsupervision and evaluation

•Representativesupervision and evaluationreports

Level 4

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Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for Learning The school's curriculum, instructional design, and assessment practices guide and ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning. Overall Rating: 3.42

Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating3.1 The school's curriculum provides

equitable and challenginglearning experiences that ensureall students have sufficientopportunities to develop learning,thinking, and life skills that lead tosuccess at the next level.

Curriculum and learning experiences ineach course/class provide all studentswith challenging and equitableopportunities to develop learning skills,thinking skills, and life skills that alignwith the school's purpose. Evidenceclearly indicates curriculum and learningexperiences prepare students forsuccess at the next level. Likecourses/classes have the same highlearning expectations. Learning activitiesare individualized for each student in away that supports achievement ofexpectations.

•Survey results

•Lesson plans

•Learning expectations fordifferent courses

•Posted learningobjectives

•Representative samplesof student work acrosscourses

•Course schedules

•Enrollment patterns forvarious courses

•Course descriptions

Level 4

Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating3.2 Curriculum, instruction, and

assessment are monitored andadjusted systematically inresponse to data from multipleassessments of student learningand an examination ofprofessional practice.

Using data from multiple assessments ofstudent learning and an examination ofprofessional practice, school personnelsystematically monitor and adjustcurriculum, instruction, and assessmentto ensure vertical and horizontalalignment and alignment with theschool's goals for achievement andinstruction and statement of purpose.There is a systematic, collaborativeprocess in place to ensure alignmenteach time curriculum, instruction, and/orassessments are reviewed or revised.The continuous improvement processhas clear guidelines to ensure thatvertical and horizontal alignment as wellas alignment with the school's purposeare maintained and enhanced incurriculum, instruction, and assessment.

•Common assessments

•Curriculum writingprocess

•Products – scope andsequence, curriculummaps

•Lesson plans aligned tothe curriculum

Level 4

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Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating3.3 Teachers engage students in

their learning throughinstructional strategies thatensure achievement of learningexpectations.

Teachers plan and use instructionalstrategies that require studentcollaboration, self-reflection, anddevelopment of critical thinking skills.Teachers personalize instructionalstrategies and interventions to addressindividual learning needs of studentswhen necessary. Teachers useinstructional strategies that requirestudents to apply knowledge and skills,integrate content and skills with otherdisciplines, and use technologies asinstructional resources and learningtools.

•Professional developmentfocused on thesestrategies

•Authentic assessments

•Examples of teacher useof technology as aninstructional resource

•Examples of student useof technology as a learningtool

•Interdisciplinary projects

Level 3

Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating3.4 School leaders monitor and

support the improvement ofinstructional practices of teachersto ensure student success.

School leaders formally and consistentlymonitor instructional practices throughsupervision and evaluation proceduresbeyond classroom observation to ensurethat they 1) are aligned with the school'svalues and beliefs about teaching andlearning, 2) are teaching the approvedcurriculum, 3) are directly engaged withall students in the oversight of theirlearning, and 4) use content-specificstandards of professional practice.

•Peer or mentoringopportunities andinteractions

•Examples ofimprovements toinstructional practicesresulting from theevaluation process

•Administrative classroomobservation protocols andlogs

Level 4

Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating3.5 Teachers participate in

collaborative learningcommunities to improveinstruction and student learning.

All members of the school staffparticipate in collaborative learningcommunities that meet both informallyand formally on a regular schedule.Frequent collaboration occurs acrossgrade levels and content areas. Staffmembers implement a formal processthat promotes productive discussionabout student learning. Learning from,using, and discussing the results ofinquiry practices such as actionresearch, the examination of studentwork, reflection, study teams, and peercoaching are a part of the daily routine ofschool staff members. School personnelcan clearly link collaboration toimprovement results in instructionalpractice and student performance.

•Examples of crosscurricular projects,interdisciplinaryinstruction, and classroomaction research project

•Common language,protocols and reportingtools

•Agendas and minutes ofcollaborative learningcommittees

•Calendar/schedule oflearning communitymeetings

•Examples ofimprovements to contentand instructional practiceresulting fromcollaboration

Level 4

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Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating3.6 Teachers implement the school's

instructional process in support ofstudent learning.

All teachers use an instructional processthat informs students of learningexpectations and standards ofperformance. Exemplars are oftenprovided to guide and inform students.The process includes multiple measures,including formative assessments, toinform the ongoing modification ofinstruction and provide data for possiblecurriculum revision. The processprovides students with specific andtimely feedback about their learning.

•Examples of learningexpectations andstandards of performance

•Examples ofassessments thatprompted modification ininstruction

•Samples of exemplarsused to guide and informstudent learning

Level 3

Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating3.7 Mentoring, coaching, and

induction programs supportinstructional improvementconsistent with the school'svalues and beliefs about teachingand learning.

School personnel are engaged inmentoring, coaching, and inductionprograms that are consistent with theschool's values and beliefs aboutteaching, learning, and the conditionsthat support learning. These programsset expectations for all school personneland include measures of performance.

•Professional learningcalendar with activities forinstructional support ofnew staff

•Descriptions andschedules of mentoring,coaching, and inductionprograms with referencesto school beliefs andvalues about teaching andlearning

Level 3

Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating3.8 The school engages families in

meaningful ways in theirchildren's education and keepsthem informed of their children'slearning progress.

Programs that engage families inmeaningful ways in their children'seducation are designed andimplemented. School personnel regularlyinform families of their children's learningprogress.

•List of varied activitiesand communicationsmodes with families, e.g.,info portal, online,newsletters, parentcenters, academic nights,open house, early releasedays

•Parental/family/caregiverinvolvement plan includingactivities, timeframes, andevaluation process

Level 3

Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating3.9 The school has a formal structure

whereby each student is wellknown by at least one adultadvocate in the school whosupports that student'seducational experience.

School personnel participate in astructure that gives them long-terminteraction with individual students,allowing them to build strongrelationships over time with the student.All students may participate in thestructure. The structure allows theschool employee to gain insight into andserve as an advocate for the student'sneeds regarding learning skills, thinkingskills, and life skills.

•List of students matchedto adult advocate

•Description of formaladult advocate structures

Level 3

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Reflect upon your responses to each of the indicators and performance levels by considering and responding to the followingquestions when drafting your narrative response. Use language from the performance level descriptions to guide your writing.Cite sources of evidence External Review team members may be interested in reviewing. School leaders monitor and support the improvement of instructional practices to ensure student success is a area of strength. In addition,teachers participating in collaborative learning communities to improve instruction and student learning is also an area of strength for ourschool. As a school, we will continue to monitor these processes to ensure teacher are align to curriculum standards and students areperforming at their optimum level. Mentoring, coaching and induction programs that support instructional improvement is an area of concern. As a school, we will continue tosolicit SAC, staff and community members for their input to foster an environment that is consistent with the school's values and beliefsabout teaching and learning.

Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating3.10 Grading and reporting are based

on clearly defined criteria thatrepresent the attainment ofcontent knowledge and skills andare consistent across gradelevels and courses.

Teachers use common grading andreporting policies, processes, andprocedures based on clearly definedcriteria that represent each student'sattainment of content knowledge andskills. These policies, processes, andprocedures are implementedconsistently across grade levels andcourses. Stakeholders are aware of thepolicies, processes, and procedures.The policies, processes, and proceduresare regularly evaluated.

•Evaluation process forgrading and reportingpractices

•Sample report cards foreach grade level and forall courses

•Policies, processes, andprocedures on grading andreporting

Level 3

Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating3.11 All staff members participate in a

continuous program ofprofessional learning.

All staff members participate in arigorous, continuous program ofprofessional learning that is aligned withthe school's purpose and direction.Professional development is based onan assessment of needs of the schooland the individual. The program buildsmeasurable capacity among allprofessional and support staff. Theprogram is rigorously and systematicallyevaluated for effectiveness in improvinginstruction, student learning, and theconditions that support learning.

•Results of evaluation ofprofessional learningprogram.

•Evaluation tools forprofessional learning

Level 4

Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating3.12 The school provides and

coordinates learning supportservices to meet the uniquelearning needs of students.

School personnel use data to identifyunique learning needs of all students atall levels of proficiency as well as otherlearning needs (such as secondlanguages). School personnel staycurrent on research related to uniquecharacteristics of learning (such aslearning styles, multiple intelligences,personality type indicators) and provideor coordinate related learning supportservices to all students.

•Data used to identifyunique learning needs ofstudents

Level 3

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Standard 4: Resources and Support Systems The school has resources and provides services that support its purpose and direction to ensure success for all students. Overall Rating: 3.43

Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating4.1 Qualified professional and

support staff are sufficient innumber to fulfill their roles andresponsibilities necessary tosupport the school's purpose,direction, and the educationalprogram.

Clearly defined policies, processes, andprocedures ensure that school leadershave access to, hire, place, and retainqualified professional and support staff.School leaders use a formal, systematicprocess to determine the number ofpersonnel necessary to fill all the rolesand responsibilities necessary to supportthe school purpose, educationalprograms, and continuous improvement.Sustained fiscal resources are availableto fund all positions necessary toachieve the purpose and direction of theschool.

•School budgets for thelast three years

•Policies, processes,procedures and otherdocumentation related tothe hiring, placement andretention of professionaland support staff

•Assessments of staffingneeds

•Documentation of highlyqualified staff

Level 4

Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating4.2 Instructional time, material

resources, and fiscal resourcesare sufficient to support thepurpose and direction of theschool.

Instructional time, material resources,and fiscal resources are focused onsupporting the purpose and direction ofthe school. Instructional time is protectedin policy and practice. School leaderswork to secure material and fiscalresources to meet the needs of allstudents. School leaders demonstratethat instructional time, materialresources, and fiscal resources areallocated so that all students haveequitable opportunities to attainchallenging learning expectations.Efforts toward the continuousimprovement of instruction andoperations include achieving the school'spurpose and direction.

•School schedule

•Alignment of budget withschool purpose anddirection

•School calendar

Level 3

Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating4.3 The school maintains facilities,

services, and equipment toprovide a safe, clean, and healthyenvironment for all students andstaff.

School leaders have adopted orcollaboratively created clear definitionsand expectations for maintaining safety,cleanliness, and a healthy environmentand they have shared these definitionsand expectations with all stakeholders.All school personnel and students areaccountable for maintaining theseexpectations. Valid measures are inplace that allow for continuous trackingof these conditions. Improvement plansare developed and implemented byappropriate personnel to continuouslyimprove these conditions. The results ofimprovement efforts are systematicallyevaluated regularly.

•Documentation ofcompliance with local andstate inspectionsrequirements

•Documentation ofemergency proceduressuch as fire drills,evacuation and otheremergency procedures.

•Safety committeeresponsibilities, meetingschedules, and minutes

Level 4

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Reflect upon your responses to each of the indicators and performance levels by considering and responding to the followingquestions when drafting your narrative response. Use language from the performance level descriptions to guide your writing.

Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating4.4 Students and school personnel

use a range of media andinformation resources to supportthe school's educationalprograms.

Students and school personnel haveaccess to media and informationresources necessary to achieve theeducational programs of the school.Qualified personnel are available toassist students and school personnel inlearning about the tools and locations forfinding and retrieving information.

•Budget related to mediaand information resourceacquisition

•Data on media andinformation resourcesavailable to students andstaff

•Schedule of staffavailability to assiststudents and schoolpersonnel related tofinding and retrievinginformation

Level 3

Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating4.5 The technology infrastructure

supports the school's teaching,learning, and operational needs.

The technology infrastructure meets theteaching, learning, and operationalneeds of all stakeholders. Schoolpersonnel develop and administer needsassessments and use the resulting datato develop and implement a technologyplan to improve technology services andinfrastructure.

•Assessments to informdevelopment of technologyplan

Level 3

Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating4.6 The school provides support

services to meet the physical,social, and emotional needs ofthe student population beingserved.

School personnel implement a clearlydefined process to determine thephysical, social, and emotional needs ofeach student in the school. Schoolpersonnel provide or coordinateprograms to meet the needs of allstudents. Valid and reliable measures ofprogram effectiveness are in place, andschool personnel use the data fromthese measures to regularly evaluate allprograms. Improvement plans related tothese programs are designed andimplemented to more effectively meetthe needs of all students.

•Student assessmentsystem for identifyingstudent needs

•Agreements with schoolcommunity agencies forstudent-family support

•List of support servicesavailable to students

Level 4

Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating4.7 The school provides services that

support the counseling,assessment, referral, educational,and career planning needs of allstudents.

School personnel implement a processto determine the counseling,assessment, referral, educational, andcareer planning needs of all students.School personnel provide or coordinateprograms necessary to meet the needsof students whenever possible.Measures of program effectiveness arein place, and school personnel use thedata from these measures to evaluate allprograms. Improvement plans related tothese programs are designed andimplemented when needed to moreeffectively meet the needs of students.

•Budget for counseling,assessment, referral,educational and careerplanning

•Description of IEPprocess

•Description of referralprocess

Level 3

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Cite sources of evidence External Review team members may be interested in reviewing. Qualified professional and support staff are sufficient in number to fulfill their roles and responsibilities necessary to support the school'spurpose direction, and the educational program has been identified as a school strength. In addition, the school maintains facilities, servicesand equipment to provide a safe, clean and healthy environment for all students and staff is an effective practice enforced by the school.We will continue with professional development and professional learning communities to continue training staff in the areas necessary tosupport the school's purpose. Students and school personnel use a range of media and information resources to support the school's educational programs is a area thathas been identified for improvement. We will continue to seek outside sources such as SAC, community members, community partnershipsto assist with improving our range of media and informational resources. Furthermore, we will communicate with district personnel to acquireadditional media resources.

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Standard 5: Using Results for Continuous Improvement The school implements a comprehensive assessment system that generates a range of data about student learning and school effectivenessand uses the results to guide continuous improvement. Overall Rating: 3.6

Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating5.1 The school establishes and

maintains a clearly defined andcomprehensive studentassessment system.

School personnel maintain andconsistently use a comprehensiveassessment system that produces datafrom multiple assessment measures,including locally developed andstandardized assessments aboutstudent learning and schoolperformance. The system ensuresconsistent measurement across allclassrooms and courses. Allassessments are proven reliable andbias free. The system is regularly andsystematically evaluated for reliabilityand effectiveness in improvinginstruction, student learning, and theconditions that support learning.

•Documentation ordescription of evaluationtools/protocols

•Brief description ofstudent assessmentsystem including range ofdata produced fromstandardized and localassessments on studentlearning and schoolperformance

Level 4

Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating5.2 Professional and support staff

continuously collect, analyze, andapply learning from a range ofdata sources, includingcomparison and trend data aboutstudent learning, instruction,program evaluation, andorganizational conditions.

Systematic processes and proceduresfor collecting, analyzing, and applyinglearning from all data sources aredocumented and used consistently byprofessional and support staff. Datasources include comparison and trenddata that provide a comprehensive andcomplete picture of student learning,instruction, the effectiveness ofprograms, and the conditions thatsupport learning. All school personneluse data to design, implement, andevaluate continuous improvement plansto improve student learning, instruction,the effectiveness of programs, andorganizational conditions.

•Examples of use of datato design, implement, andevaluate continuousimprovement plans andapply learning

•List of data sourcesrelated to student learning,instruction, programeffectiveness, andconditions that supportlearning

Level 4

Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating5.3 Professional and support staff are

trained in the evaluation,interpretation, and use of data.

All professional and support staffmembers are assessed and trained in arigorous professional developmentprogram related to the evaluation,interpretation, and use of data.

•Policies specific to datatraining

•Professional learningschedule specific to theuse of data

•Documentation ofattendance and trainingrelated to data use

Level 3

Self AssessmentDeerfield Beach Middle School

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Reflect upon your responses to each of the indicators and performance levels by considering and responding to the followingquestions when drafting your narrative response. Use language from the performance level descriptions to guide your writing.Cite sources of evidence External Review team members may be interested in reviewing. Leadership monitors and communicates comprehensive information about student learning, conditions that support student learning, and theachievement of school improvement goals to stakeholders is a effective practice. We will continue with academic focus meetings, classroomobservations and leadership meetings to ensure that teachers are informed regarding student performance and provide support whenneeded. Professional and support staff are trained in the evaluation, interpretation and use of data has been identified as an area in need ofimprovement. We will continue to provide professional development in data analysis to improve student performance.

Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating5.4 The school engages in a

continuous process to determineverifiable improvement in studentlearning, including readiness forand success at the next level.

Policies and procedures describe aprocess for analyzing data thatdetermine verifiable improvement instudent learning, including readiness forand success at the next level. Resultsindicate improvement, and schoolpersonnel consistently use these resultsto design, implement, and evaluate theresults of continuous improvementaction plans related to student learning,including readiness for and success atthe next level.

•Agendas, minutes ofmeetings related toanalysis of data

•Examples of use ofresults to evaluatecontinuous improvementaction plans

•Evidence of studentreadiness for the next level

•Evidence of studentgrowth

Level 3

Indicator Statement or Question Response Evidence Rating5.5 Leadership monitors and

communicates comprehensiveinformation about studentlearning, conditions that supportstudent learning, and theachievement of schoolimprovement goals tostakeholders.

Leaders monitor comprehensiveinformation about student learning,conditions that support student learning,and the achievement of schoolimprovement goals. Leaders regularlycommunicate results using multipledelivery methods and in appropriatedegrees of sophistication for allstakeholder groups.

•Communication planregarding student learning,conditions that supportlearning, and achievementof school improvementgoals to stakeholders

•Sample communicationsto stakeholders regardingstudent learning,conditions that supportlearning, and achievementof school improvementgoals

Level 4

Self AssessmentDeerfield Beach Middle School

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Report Summary

Scores By Section


1 2 3 4Section Score

Standard 1: Purpose and Direction

Standard 2: Governance and Leadership

Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for Learning

Standard 4: Resources and Support Systems

Standard 5: Using Results for Continuous Improvement






Self AssessmentDeerfield Beach Middle School

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