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D. Fisher 1997 DAY OF CARING Programs

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1997 Partners/Projects As of June 4, 1997 The United Way of Greater Lorain County, Inc. 1875 North Ridge Road, East · Suite H Lorain, OH 44055-3345 PHONE: (216) 277-6530 / 324-2898 FAX: (216) 277-7409
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As of June 4, 1997

TThhee UUnniitteedd WWaayy ooff GGrreeaatteerr LLoorraaiinn CCoouunnttyy,, IInncc.. 11887755 NNoorrtthh RRiiddggee RRooaadd,, EEaasstt ·· SSuuiittee HH

LLoorraaiinn,, OOHH 4444005555--33334455 PPHHOONNEE:: ((221166)) 227777--66553300 // 332244--22889988

FFAAXX:: ((221166)) 227777--77440099

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Projects without Partners...................................5

Friday Partners / Projects.................................9

Saturday Partners / Projects............................13

Partners for Drives and Collections ................17

Contacts / Phone Numbers.............................20

FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: VVoolluunntteeeerr CChhaaiirrss:: BBaarrrryy HHeennddrr iixx MMaarrttyy KKeell llyy TThhee GGEEOONN CCoommppaannyy EErriiee SShhoorreess GGiirrll SSccoouutt CCoouunncciill 993300--33880088 ((221166)) 223333--66111122 // 332244--66110044 UUnniitteedd WWaayy SSttaaffff:: ((221166)) 227777--66553300 // 332244--22889988

PPeeggggyy CChhaammbbeerrllaaiinn ((EEXXTT.. 3311)) TTiinnaa CCllaarrkk ((EEXXTT.. 3333)) RRiicchhaarrdd GGaarrddnneerr ((EEXXTT.. 2222)) DDeebbrraa FFiisshheerr ((EEXXTT.. 2255)) JJeerrrryy SSkkuullllyy ((EEXXTT.. 3311)) JJeeaanneettttee WWiilllliiss ((EEXXTT.. 2266))

The United Way of Greater Lorain County, Inc. 1875 North Ridge Road, East

Suite H Lorain, OH 44055-3345

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Projects without partners....

AA CClleeaann SSwweeeepp :: VVoolluunntteeeerrss aarree nneeeeddeedd ttoo cc lleeaann aanndd bbuuffff tthhee tt ii llee ff lloooorrss ,, aanndd ssccrruubb tthhee ccaarrppeetteedd fflloooorrss aatt tthhiiss aaggeennccyy’’ss eemmeerrggeennccyy sseerrvviicceess ssiittee.. TThhiiss ddoowwnnttoowwnn LLoorraaiinn ssiittee ggeettss aa llaarrggee vvoolluummee ooff ttrraaffffiicc ffrroomm ppeerrssoonnss ccoommiinngg ffoorr eemmeerrggeennccyy ffoooodd bbaaggss,, hhoott mmeeaallss,, aanndd eemmeerrggeennccyy aassssiissttaannccee wwiitthh uuttiilliittiieess aanndd pprreessccrriippttiioonnss,, aammoonngg ootthheerr sseerrvviicceess..

1122 VVoolluunntteeeerrss:: FFrriiddaayy,, SSeepptteemmbbeerr 55 ffrroomm 1122::3300 PPMM-- 44::3300 PPMM.. CCaatthhoolliicc SSoocciiaall SSeerrvviicceess ooff LLoorraaiinn CCoouunnttyy AAddrriieennnnee NNoorrmmaann:: 224444--99991155

AAddaapptt iivvee EEqquuiippmmeenntt RReeppaaii rr :: VVoolluunntteeeerrss aarree nneeeeddeedd ttoo cc lleeaann,, rreeppaaii rr aanndd eennhhaannccee vvaarr iioouuss vviiss iioonn aaiiddss ((mmaaggnniiffiieerrss,, lliigghhttiinngg iimmpplleemmeennttss aanndd eelleeccttrroonniicc aappppaarraattuuss)).. VVoolluunntteeeerrss wwiitthh wwoorrkk tthhrroouugghhoouutt tthhee ddaayy oonn eeqquuiippmmeenntt ppeeooppllee wwiillll bbrriinngg iinnttoo tthhee aaggeennccyy,, aass wweellll aass tthhee aaggeennccyy’’ss ““lliibbrraarryy”” ooff llooaanneedd eeqquuiippmmeenntt..

66 VVoolluunntteeeerrss:: FFrriiddaayy,, SSeepptteemmbbeerr 55 ffrroomm 1100::0000 AAMM -- 44::0000 PPMM.. VViissiioonn RReehhaabbiilliittaattiioonn KKeevviinn WWaalltteerr:: 332222--11112222

A Day With Lucy Idol Center for the Handicapped: Volunteers with patience and understanding are needed to help the disabled people served by this agency enjoy an outing with a picnic and bowling .

15 Volunteers: Friday, Sept. 5 from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Lucy Idol Center for the Handicapped Carol Peck & Martha Idol: 967-6724

Care for Kids Carnival : Volunteers are needed to organize a carnival for about 100 at risk youth. Volunteers will design and operate booths (bobbing for apples, ring toss, hoop shot, for example). This would help the YWCA to become more kid-friendly to low-income youth.

30 Volunteers: Saturday, Sept. 6 from 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

YWCA of Elyria Linda Riddell: 322-6308

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CCoommmmuunnii ttyy WWaarreehhoouussee PPrroojjeecctt :: VVoolluunntteeeerrss aarree nneeeeddeedd ttoo oorrggaanniizzee aa ccoommmmuunnii ttyy--wwiiddee ddrr iivvee ffoorr ““wwiisshh--lliisstt”” iitteemmss ffrroomm UUnniitteedd WWaayy aaggeenncciieess ttoo hheellpp tthheeiirr cclliieennttss oorr mmaakkee tthhee aaggeennccyy rruunn ssmmooootthheerr.. LLaasstt yyeeaarr,, RRiiddggee TTooooll CCoommppaannyy aanndd IInntteerriimm PPeerrssoonnnneell ssppoonnssoorreedd tthhiiss uunniiqquuee pprroojjeecctt..

FFOORR MMOORREE IINNFFOORRMMAATTIIOONN,, CCOONNTTAACCTT:: MMiikkee IIvveess:: 332233--55558811 aatt RRiiddggee TTooooll CCoommppaannyy

FFaall ll CClleeaann 110011:: VVoolluunntteeeerrss aarree nneeeeddeedd ttoo ssaannii tt iizzee ttooyyss,, aanndd aall ll tthhee iinnddoooorr eeqquuiippmmeenntt ooff tthhiiss aaggeennccyy.. VVoolluunntteeeerrss wwiillll wwoorrkk ssiiddee bbyy ssiiddee wwiitthh tthhee CCeenntteerr’’ss ssttaaffff iinn tthhee cchhiillddrreenn’’ss ccllaassssrroooommss aanndd wwiillll hhaavvee pplleennttyy ooff ooppppoorrttuunniittiieess ttoo iinntteerraacctt wwiitthh tthhee cchhiillddrreenn..

55--2200 VVoolluunntteeeerrss:: FFrriiddaayy,, SSeepptt.. 55 ffrroomm 99::3300 AAMM -- 44::0000 PPMM

OObbeerrlliinn EEaarrllyy CChhiillddhhoooodd CCeenntteerr CCyynntthhiiaa PPooiinnddeexxtteerr:: 777744--88119933

Gleaning Project : Volunteers are needed to glean a field or greenhouse to recover usable, but undersized, fresh produce for the food bank. Volunteers need to have the ability to perform physical work, perhaps outdoors, such as bending for several hours. The produce will supplement food that is distributed to 125 hunger centers in Lorain, Erie and Huron Counties.

Number of Volunteers and Time To Be Determined

Friday, Sept. 5 OR Saturday, Sept. 6

SSeeccoonndd HHaarrvveesstt FFoooodd BBaannkk ooff NNoorrtthh CCeennttrraall OOhhiioo KKaarreenn OOrrttiizz:: 998866--22444422

Group Agency Client Get-Together : Volunteers are needed to host an affair or outing for the clients and their families from two or more United Way agencies that help the working poor and single parents families. By hosting an event, these people could attend without anyone’s direct knowledge of what services they utilize.

Number of Volunteers and Time To Be Determined

Friday, Sept. 5 OR Saturday, Sept. 6

Family Planning Services of Lorain County Sharon Flynn: 322-9931

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It’s An Inside Job: Volunteers are needed to clean the woodwork and paint the bedrooms and offices of this agency’s residential facility which is used for alcohol and drug rehabilitation for women and their children. The residents will serve volunteers snacks, coffee and lunch!

20 Volunteers: Saturday, Sept. 6 from 9:00 AM-2:00 PM

Lorain County Alcohol & Drug Abuse Services Joyce Pleasant / Helen Rodriguez: 244-4566:

Painting and Yard Work Project: Volunteers are needed to plant flowers, paint the garage, porch and trim, and do light yard work for this agency. The clients of this agency will work side by side with volunteers to help with the yearly maintenance chores and upkeep.

10-15 Volunteers: Saturday, Sept. 6 from 9:30 AM-12:30 PM

El Centro de Servicios Sociales Bill Ortega / Ella Tomka: 277-8235

Volunteer Buddies!: 35 youth from the Urban Leagues African-American Male and Female Enrichment Programs need volunteer buddies for a day in order to help 6 Lorain County senior citizens who need yard work, and minor home repairs done for them. Volunteers need to be the home handy “person” type and be willing to serve as supervisors and mentors for the day.

6 Volunteers: Saturday, Sept. 6 from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Lorain County Urban League Elizabeth Nicholson: 323-3364

Wheelchair Fix-Up!: Volunteers with specialized knowledge are needed to provide one-on-one services to clean and repair the parts and wheelchairs of people with disabilities. These consumers are on fixed incomes and have a lot of active and inactive equipment to repair.

Number of Volunteers To Be Determined

Friday, Sept. 5 from 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM

LEAP/CIL Mary Butler: 277-8888

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Friday Partners / Projects :

Back to School Celebration : Volunteers will host a back to school celebration for 20 children ages 4-15, and their families. These children come primarily from low-income, single-parent families and would benefit from a “back to school” celebration. Planned activities include food, rap sessions, music, videos, story-telling, etc.

5 Volunteers: Friday Sept. 5 from 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Heart of Ohio Council - Boy Scouts of America Don Day: 1-800-334-5910

Neighborhood House Association Annie Frasier: 277-8269

CCaall ll iinngg AAll ll CCaarrppeenntteerrss :: VVoolluunntteeeerrss wwiillll ddeessiiggnn aanndd ccoonnssttrruucctt aa ppiiccnniicc ppaavvii ll iioonn aatt tthhee cchhiilldd ccaarree cceenntteerr aatt tthhee VVeerrmmiilliioonn YYMMCCAA.. OOvveerr 220000 cchhiillddrreenn wwiillll bbeenneeffiitt ffrroomm tthhee ccoommpplleetteedd pprroojjeecctt tthhaatt wwiillll hheellpp tthhee YY bbeeggiinn ttoo ddeevveelloopp tthhee oouuttssiiddee aarreeaa ffoorr uussee iinn iittss ssuummmmeerr pprrooggrraammss..

1100++ VVoolluunntteeeerrss:: FFrriiddaayy,, SSeepptteemmbbeerr 55 ffrroomm 99::0000 AAMM ttoo ?? Browning Ferris Industries Jimmy Davis / Heather Schul tz: 774-3100

Century Telephone George Paulsen: 244-8204

VVeerrmmiilliioonn FFaammiillyy YYMMCCAA LLiinnddaa HHaammaaiiddee:: 996677--33005500

Clean & Paint Project: Volunteers will clean and paint the interior stairwells (2), bathrooms (3), all purpose room, kitchen, office and lower level of this agency’s community center building.

15 Volunteers: Friday, Sept. 5 from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

15 Volunteers: Saturday, Sept. 6 from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Allied Signal, Inc. Vickie Metzger: 329-9756

The Salvation Army-Elyria Corps Major Ken Stahl: 323-2026

Cleaning Toys : Volunteers will clean the toys used in the play therapy program and to sort out damaged toys for replacement. Play therapy is a special therapy program that gives a voice to children suffering from a range of problems from sibling rivalry to physical and sexual abuse.

2 Volunteers: Friday, Sept. 5 from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Allied Signal, Inc. Vickie Metzger: 329-9756

Family Service Association of Lorain County Barb Padgett: 277-1800

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Feed the Hungry : Volunteers will cook and serve a hot meal to 75-100 people in Lorain. Meals are only served Monday through Thursday, so a Friday meal is especially nice for these hungry families.

10 Volunteers: Friday, Sept. 5 from 9:00 AM - 12:45 PM

Browning Ferris Industries Jimmy Davis / Heather Schu ltz: 774-3100

Burger King-Midwest R. Corporation (donate burgers, drinks & cups) Betty Henline: 322-6060

TThhee CCoommmmuunnii ttyy FFoouunnddaatt iioonn ooff GGrreeaatteerr LLoorraaiinn CCoouunnttyy NNeellssoonn BBoouurr:: 227777--00114422 FFaammii llyy SSeerrvviiccee AAssssoocciiaatt iioonn ooff LLoorraaiinn CCoouunnttyy DDeebbbbiiee MMccDDeerrmmoott tt :: 227777--11880000 EEdduuccaatt iioonnaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeenntteerr ooff LLoorraaiinn CCoouunnttyy LLaarrrryy PPffrrooggnneerr:: 332244--55777777 CCaatthhoolliicc SSoocciiaall SSeerrvviicceess ooff LLoorraaiinn CCoouunnttyy AAddrriieennnnee NNoorrmmaann:: 224444--99991155

Food Bank Day : Volunteers will sort and pack various food items (potatoes, onions or other fresh produce, or clean canned food items) into established categories. The food is distributed to 125 hunger centers in Lorain, Erie and Huron Counties.

20-30 Volunteers: Friday, Sept. 5 from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

20-30 Volunteers: Saturday, Sept. 6 from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

EEMMHH RReeggiioonnaall HHeeaall tthh CCaarree SSyysstteemm DDaann MMii ll lleerr:: 332299--77550088

EEdduuccaatt iioonnaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeenntteerr ooff LLoorraaiinn CCoouunnttyy LLaarrrryy PPffrrooggnneerr :: 332244--55777777 Lorain County Board MR/DD Jeff Miller: 324-4993

Lorain County Transit Debbie Mohr: 329-5545

Lorain Products Ben Norton: 246-4175

RELTEC Services Barb Pentito: 353-2045

SSeeccoonndd HHaarrvveesstt FFoooodd BBaannkk ooff NNoorrtthh CCeennttrraall OOhhiioo KKaarreenn OOrrttiizz:: 998866--22444422

Senior Achievement Outing : 30-40 seniors want out to shop a local mall or tour the Lorain Palace Civic Center. These seniors are frail or functionally impaired participants in an adult day care program. A few are wheelchair bound. Volunteers will socialize with them and help the seniors enjoy an activity that many used to do but need assistance with now.

30 Volunteers: Friday, Sept. 5 from 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM

Family Service Association of Lorain County Debbie McDermott: 2 77-1800

Lorain County Transit Debbie Mohr: 329-5545

RELTEC Services Barb Pentito: 353-2045

Catholic Social Services of Lorain County Mary Wright: 277-4860

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� Story Time: Volunteers will share a special story time and pizza party for 25-30 children who come from low-income families and participate in this agency’s kindergarten through 6-grade day care program.

5 Volunteers: Friday, Sept. 5 from 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Browning Ferris Industries Jimmy Davis / Heather Schul tz: 774-3100

Interim Personnel Donna Fiscus: 277-0384

Invacare Corporation Jim Dowdell: 329-6241

EEdduuccaatt iioonnaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeenntteerr ooff LLoorraaiinn CCoouunnttyy LLaarrrryy PPffrrooggnneerr:: 332244--55777777 Lorain County Transit Debbie Mohr: 329-5545

The Salvation Army-Elyria Corps Kathy Spraggins: 323-2109

PPaaiinntt && CClleeaann UUpp DDaayy:: VVoolluunntteeeerrss wwiillll ppaaiinntt tthhee iinntteerr iioorr ooff tthhee JJuunnccttiioonn RRuunnaawwaayy SShheelltteerr.. IIff yyoouu aarree aa hhoommee hhaannddyy ““ppeerrssoonn”” aanndd ccaann ssttrriipp wwaallllppaappeerr,, aanndd ppaattcchh aanndd pprreepp wwaallllss ffoorr ppaaiinnttiinngg,, cclleeaann wwiinnddoowwss,, ddoooorrss,, mmoollddiinnggss,, aanndd bblliinnddss,, tthhiiss aaggeennccyy ccoouulldd cceerrttaaiinnllyy uussee yyoouurr hheellpp!!

1122 ++ VVoolluunntteeeerrss:: FFrriiddaayy,, SSeepptt.. 55 ffrroomm 99::0000 AAMM -- 55::0000 PPMM 1122 ++ VVoolluunntteeeerrss:: SSaattuurrddaayy,, SSeepptt.. 66 ffrroomm 99::0000 AAMM -- 55::0000 PPMM

The Community Foundation of Greater Lorain County Nelson Bour: 277-0 142

Lorain County Metro Parks James Martin: 458-5121

CCeenntteerr ffoorr CChhiillddrreenn && YYoouutthh SSeerrvviicceess AAnnddrreeww SScchhuummaann:: 332222--11110033

P.A.L. Program : 30-40 pre-school children will “P.A.L.--play and learn” with a new adult buddy for this DAY OF CARING project. Volunteers will share puzzles, board games, reading, etc. and a brown-bag lunch. These children tend to come from single-parent, working families and would love the extra adult attention.

20 Volunteers: Friday, Sept. 5 from 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Browning Ferris Industries Jimmy Davis / Heather Schul tz: 774-3100

Century Telephone George Paulsen: 244-8204

The GEON Company Bob Kisslin g: 930-1393

EEdduuccaatt iioonnaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeenntteerr ooff LLoorraaiinn CCoouunnttyy LLaarrrryy PPffrrooggnneerr:: 332244--55777777 RREELLTTEECC SSeerrvviicceess BBaarrbb PPeenntt ii ttoo:: 335533--22004455 Vermilion Family YMCA Linda Hamaide: 967-3050

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Saturday Partners / Projects :

Blaze the Trail : Volunteers will develop a new section of the trail at the Firelands Reservation. Anybody with home landscaping skills like digging or raking can volunteer. Volunteers will be “mugged” for their efforts! (A camp coffee mug will be given to volunteers in appreciation.)

10-15 Volunteers: Saturday, Sept. 6 from 9:00 AM-3:00 PM

Lorain County Board MR/DD Jeff Miller: 324-4993

Lorain County Metro Parks James Martin: 458-5121

Heart of Ohio Council-Boy Scouts of America Donald Day: 1-800-334-5910

Bowling Party : Volunteers will host a bumper bowling party for 20-25 children and their families who participate in the preschool and outpatient rehabilitation programs of this agency. This gives the children with disabilities an opportunity to participate in a fun activity, not related to their everyday therapeutic needs. Some kids will be in wheelchairs, others will just need a helping hand.

20 Volunteers: Saturday, Sept. 6 from 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Holiday Inn - Elyria Vanessa Smith: 324-5411 / 7813

RELTEC Services Barb Pentito: 353-2045

RW Beckett Corporation Joy ce Van Meter: 327-1060

The Children’s Developmental Center Amy Galla: 984-2416

Clean & Paint Project: Volunteers will clean and paint the interior stairwells (2), bathrooms (3), all purpose room, kitchen, office and lower level of this agency’s community center building.

15 Volunteers: Friday, Sept. 5 from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

15 Volunteers: Saturday, Sept. 6 from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Allied Signal, Inc. Vickie Metzger: 329-9756

The Salvation Army-Elyria Corps Major Ken Stahl: 323-2026

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Dare to Repair : 100 Cadette/Senior Girl Scouts (11-14 years old) will partner with volunteers to improve some of Camp Timberlane’s outdoor facilities. Activities include planting a DAY OF CARING United Way tree, painting, and/or outdoor clean up. Lunch is provided for volunteers.

5-15 Volunteers: Saturday, Sept. 6 from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Holiday Inn - Elyria Vanessa Smith: 324-5411 / 7813

May Department Stores/Credit Services Ginger Hardisty-Vargas: 233-2866

May Department Stores-Great Lakes Data Kathleen Mahnic : 233-3408

Erie Shores Girl Scout Council Alicia Thompson/Jeddie Driscol: 233-6112

Family First Aid Day : Volunteers will teach first aid skills to children (ages 8-12). About 75-100 people are expected to participate.

15 Volunteers: Saturday, Sept. 6 from 8:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Invacare Corporation Jim Dowdell: 329-6241

American Red Cross-Lorain County Chapter Beth Maiden: 324-2929

Food Bank Day : Volunteers will sort and pack various food items (potatoes, onions or other fresh produce, or clean canned food items) into established categories. The food is distributed to 125 hunger centers in Lorain, Erie and Huron Counties.

20-30 Volunteers: Friday, Sept. 5 from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

20-30 Volunteers: Saturday, Sept. 6 from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

EEdduuccaatt iioonnaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeenntteerr ooff LLoorraaiinn CCoouunnttyy LLaarrrryy PPffrrooggnneerr:: 332244--55777777 Lorain County Board MR/DD Jeff Miller: 324-4993

Lorain County Transit Debbie Mohr: 329-5545

Lorain Products Ben Norton: 246-4175

RELTEC Services Barb Pentito: 353-2045

SSeeccoonndd HHaarrvveesstt FFoooodd BBaannkk ooff NNoorrtthh CCeennttrraall OOhhiioo KKaarreenn OOrrttiizz:: 998866--22444422

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Share in the Care of the Earth : 100 Brownie Girl Scouts (6-8 years old) will partner with volunteers to learn about the 3 R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). Volunteers will do crafts, hike and hands-on activities with the Brownies to demonstrate the importance of our environment.

5-35 Volunteers: Saturday, Sept. 6 from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Allied Signal, Inc. Vickie Metzger: 329-9756

Browning Ferris Industries Jimmy Davis / Heather Schul tz: 774-3100

Erie Shores Girl Scout Council Alicia Thompson/Jeddie Driscol: 233-6112

Sports Clinic: Volunteers will work with Volunteens (high school students participating through the Volunteer Action Center) to establish a weekend sports clinic for approximately 35 at-risk middle and elementary school-aged children.

15 Volunteers: Saturday, Sept. 6 from 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Browning Ferris Industries Jimmy Davis / Heather Schul tz: 774-3100

Volunteer Action Center Patti Betka: 240-1990

Trip To Cedar Point: Volunteers will partner with the agency’s staff to watch small groups of children (35 total) on a day trip to Cedar Point (half of the Center’s children come from very low income families).

20 Volunteers: Saturday, Sept. 6 from 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Interim Personnel Donna Fiscus: 277-0384

Oberlin Early Childhood Center Cynthia Poindexter: 774-8193

Tutoring Clinic: Volunteers will work with Volunteens (high school students participating through the Volunteer Action Center) to tutor about 25 children in various grade levels. Large numbers of students need help with basic math, reading, and writing skills.

15 Volunteers: Saturday, Sept. 6 from 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Southeastern Business College Jackie Marshall: 277-0021

Volunteer Action Center Patti Betka: 240-1990

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Landscaping for Kids!: Volunteers will plant shrubbery and improve the outdoor playing area at a child care center at the YWCA of Lorain.

Number of Volunteers To Be Determined

Saturday, Sept. 6 from 10:00 AM-12:00 PM

Lorain Public Library System Nancy Ostrander: 244-1192

YWCA Of Lorain Ann Vaughn: 244-1919

PPaaiinntt && CClleeaann UUpp DDaayy:: VVoolluunntteeeerrss wwiillll ppaaiinntt tthhee iinntteerr iioorr ooff tthhee JJuunnccttiioonn RRuunnaawwaayy SShheelltteerr ((ssttrriippppiinngg wwaallllppaappeerr,, ppaattcchhiinngg aanndd pprreeppaarriinngg wwaallllss ffoorr ppaaiinnttiinngg,, cclleeaanniinngg wwiinnddoowwss,, ddoooorrss,, mmoollddiinnggss,, aanndd bblliinnddss))..

1122 ++ VVoolluunntteeeerrss:: FFrriiddaayy,, SSeepptt.. 55 ffrroomm 99::0000 AAMM -- 55::0000 PPMM 1122 ++ VVoolluunntteeeerrss:: SSaattuurrddaayy,, SSeepptt.. 66 ffrroomm 99::0000 AAMM -- 55::0000 PPMM

The Community Foundation of Greater Lorain County Nelson Bour: 277-0 142

Lorain County Metro Parks James Martin: 458-5121

CCeenntteerr ffoorr CChhiillddrreenn && YYoouutthh SSeerrvviicceess AAnnddrreeww SScchhuummaann:: 332222--11110033

Zoo Trip: Volunteers will host a trip to the zoo and picnic for 25-30 school age children and their families who have financial difficulties. Prior to the meeting with the children, volunteers will be instructed on some self esteem boosting techniques.

10 Volunteers: Saturday, Sept. 6 from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

R W Beckett Corporation Joy ce Van Meter: 327-1060

The Community Foundation of Greater Lorain County Nelson Bour: 277-0 142

Holiday Inn - Elyria Vaness a Smith: 324-5411 / 7813

May Department Stores/Credit Services Ginger Hardisty-Vargas: 233-2866

May Department Stores-Great Lakes Data Kathleen Mahnic : 233-3408

The Salvation Army-Elyria Corps Kathy Spraggins: 323-2109

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Partners for Drives and Collections:

CCaatthhooll iicc SSoocciiaall SSeerrvviicceess FFoooodd DDrr iivvee:: VVoolluunntteeeerrss wwiillll oorrggaanniizzee aa wwoorrkkppllaaccee ddrr iivvee ffoorr ffoooodd aanndd ootthheerr pprroodduuccttss ttoo ssuupppplleemmeenntt tthhee eemmeerrggeennccyy ffoooodd bbaaggss tthhiiss aaggeennccyy pprroovviiddeess ttoo tthhee nneeeeddyy.. PPaarrttiiccuullaarrllyy nneeeeddeedd aarree ttuunnaa,, SSppaamm,, ppeeaannuutt bbuutttteerr,, jjeellllyy,, jjaamm,, ssppaagghheettttii ssaauuccee,, ““HHeellppeerr”” ttyyppee mmiixxeess,, rraavviioollii,, ttooiilleett ppaappeerr,, bbaarr ssooaapp aanndd sshhaammppoooo.. TThheessee iitteemmss wwiillll bbee ddeelliivveerreedd oonn FFrriiddaayy,, SSeepptt.. 55.. May Department Stores/Credit Services Ginger Hardisty-Vargas: 233-2866

May Department Stores-Great Lakes Data Kathleen Mahnic : 233-3408

CCaatthhoolliicc SSoocciiaall SSeerrvviicceess ooff LLoorraaiinn CCoouunnttyy AAddrriieennnnee NNoorrmmaann:: 224444--99991155

Formula For Success : Volunteers will organize an infant formula drive for the food bank. Employees (maybe customers too!) can collect infant formula for one or two weeks, with the drive culminating on one of the DAYS OF CARING .

Southeastern Business College Jackie Marshall: 277-0021

Union Counseling School/Lorain County Labor Agency Alan Zgonc: 282-74 01

UUSSSS//KKoobbee SStteeeell CCoommppaannyy && UUnnii tteedd SStteeeell WWoorrkkeerrss LLooccaall 11110044 GGlleennnn MMiisskkoovv:: 224444--55779955 SSeeccoonndd HHaarrvveesstt FFoooodd BBaannkk ooff NNoorrtthh CCeennttrraall OOhhiioo KKaarreenn OOrrttiizz:: 998866--22444422

JJuunncctt iioonn RRuunnaawwaayy SShheell tteerr HHoouusseehhoolldd //PPeerrssoonnaall IItteemmss DDrr iivvee:: VVoolluunntteeeerrss wwiillll oorrggaanniizzee aa wwoorrkkppllaaccee ddrr iivvee ffoorr nneeww bbeeddddiinngg,, ttoowweellss,, uunnddeerrggaarrmmeennttss aanndd ppeerrssoonnaall hheeaalltthh ccaarree pprroodduuccttss ffoorr uussee aatt tthhee sshheelltteerr aanndd ttoo ddiissttrriibbuuttee ttoo tthhee rreessiiddeennttss.. TThhee ddrriivvee wwiillll ccoonncclluuddee oonn oonnee ooff tthhee DDAAYYSS OOFF CCAARRIINNGG,, wwhheenn vvoolluunntteeeerrss ccaann ddeelliivveerr tthheessee iitteemmss ttoo tthhee sshheelltteerr.. Lorain County Board MR/DD Jeff Miller: 324-4993

CCeenntteerr ffoorr CChhiillddrreenn && YYoouutthh SSeerrvviicceess JJeeffffrreeyy NNeeaall:: 332222--11110033

Page 18: D. Fisher 1997 DAY OF CARING Programs


LLoorraaiinn CCoouunnttyy SSaaffee HHaarrbboorr //GGeenneessiiss HHoouussee FFoooodd DDrr iivvee:: VVoolluunntteeeerrss wwiillll oorrggaanniizzee aa wwoorrkkppllaaccee ddrr iivvee ffoorr ffoooodd aanndd ssuuppppll iieess ttoo hheellpp oouutt tthhee wwoommeenn aanndd cchhiillddrreenn aatt LLoorraaiinn CCoouunnttyy’’ss oonnllyy ddoommeessttiicc vviioolleennccee sshheelltteerr.. TThhee ppeeooppllee ccoommiinngg ttoo tthhee sshheelltteerr oofftteenn ccoommee ffrroomm aa hhoossppiittaall eemmeerrggeennccyy rroooomm oorr aarree fflleeeeiinngg ffrroomm hhoommee wwiitthh lliittttllee mmoorree tthhaann tthheeiirr ccllootthhiinngg.. TThhee ddrriivvee wwiillll ffiinniisshh eeiitthheerr oonn tthhee FFrriiddaayy oorr SSaattuurrddaayy DDAAYY OOFF CCAARRIINNGG.. Browning Ferris Industries Jimmy Davis / Heather Schul tz: 774-3100

Lorain National Bank Paulette Mager: 244-7123

LLoorraaiinn CCoouunnttyy SSaaffee HHaarrbboorr//GGeenneessiiss HHoouussee LLiissaa GGoonnzzaalleezz--BBrraammhhaallll:: 224444--11886677

LLaayyeett tteess ffoorr NNeewwbboorrnnss DDrr iivvee:: VVoolluunntteeeerrss wwiillll oorrggaanniizzee aa wwoorrkkppllaaccee ddrr iivvee ffoorr nneewwbboorrnn ccllootthhiinngg,, iinnffaanntt iitteemmss aanndd ffoorrmmuullaa ffoorr tthhiiss aaggeennccyy ttoo pprroovviiddee ttoo nneeww mmootthheerrss wwhhoo aarree ccoonnssiiddeerriinngg aaddooppttiioonn,, ffoosstteerr ccaarree aanndd//oorr ppaarreennttiinngg.. TThheessee iitteemmss wwiillll bbee aasssseemmbblleedd iinnttoo ggiifftt bbaaggss oonn tthhee FFrriiddaayy DDAAYY OOFF CCAARRIINNGG..

66 VVoolluunntteeeerrss:: FFrriiddaayy,, SSeepptt.. 55 ffrroomm 99::0000 AAMM -- 1122::0000 PPMM Allied Signal, Inc. Vickie Metzger: 329-9756

CCaatthhoolliicc SSoocciiaall SSeerrvviicceess ooff LLoorraaiinn CCoouunnttyy AAlleexxiiss LLeeoonnaarrdd:: 227777--77222288

SSoocckkss!! VVoolluunntteeeerrss wwiillll oorrggaanniizzee aa wwoorrkkppllaaccee ddrr iivvee ffoorr nneeww ssoocckkss,, ppeennccii llss,, uunnddeerrwweeaarr,, bbaacckkppaacckkss,, eettcc.. ffoorr cchhiillddrreenn.. SSoommee ffaammiilliieess ddoo nnoott hhaavvee tthhee rreessoouurrcceess ttoo pprroovviiddee uupp ttoo $$220000 wwoorrtthh ooff ssuupppplliieess ffoorr eeaacchh cchhiilldd ttoo ssttaarrtt sscchhooooll.. VVoolluunntteeeerrss wwiillll aarrrraannggee ddoonnaattiioonnss iinn AAuugguusstt,, aanndd tthheenn ddeelliivveerr aanndd ssoorrtt iitteemmss oonn tthhee FFrriiddaayy DDAAYY OOFF CCAARRIINNGG..

1100 VVoolluunntteeeerrss:: FFrriiddaayy,, SSeepptt.. 55 ffrroomm 99::0000 AAMM -- 44::0000 PPMM R W Beckett Corporation Joy ce Van Meter: 327-1060

PPrreemmiieerrBBaannkk MMiicchheell llee TTrruuppoo:: 332299--88000000 FFaammiillyy SSeerrvviiccee AAssssoocciiaattiioonn ooff LLoorraaiinn CCoouunnttyy DDeebbbbiiee MMccDDeerrmmootttt:: 227777--11880000

Page 19: D. Fisher 1997 DAY OF CARING Programs


OOppeerraatt iioonn TTooyyss:: VVoolluunntteeeerrss wwiillll hhoolldd ttooyy ddrr iivveess ttoo ccoolllleecctt nneeww oorr ““lliikkee nneeww”” ttooyyss ffoorr tthhee nneeeeddyy cchhiillddrreenn iinn tthhee ccoouunnttyy.. TThheessee ddrriivveess wwiillll eeiitthheerr bbeeggiinn oorr eenndd oonn oonnee ooff tthhee DDAAYYSS OOFF CCAARRIINNGG.. IInn DDeecceemmbbeerr,, vvoolluunntteeeerrss mmaayy aallssoo ssoorrtt ttooyyss dduurriinngg tthhee CChhrriissttmmaass ddiissttrriibbuuttiioonn pphhaassee ooff tthhee pprrooggrraamm.. Lorain County Metro Parks James Martin: 458-5121

May Department Stores/Credit Services Ginger Hardisty-Vargas: 233-2866

May Department Stores-Great Lakes Data Kathleen Mahnic : 233-3408

UUnniitteedd WWaayy ooff GGrreeaatteerr LLoorraaiinn CCoouunnttyy 332244--22889988 oorr 227777--66553300

Peanut Butter & Jelly Day : Volunteers will organize a workplace drive for the two most sought after items for emergency food box distribution -- peanut butter & jelly! The goal is for 1,500 jars each since 1,500 food boxes are distributed each month in Lorain County to hungry families. The drive will be held in August and September with the food being delivered on one of the DAYS OF CARING .

R W Beckett Corporation Joy ce Van Meter: 327-1060

Century Telephone George Paulsen: 244-8204

Elyria Public Library Marge Savoy: 324-9823

Holiday Inn - Elyria Vanessa Smith: 324-5411 / 7813

Interim Personnel Donna Fiscus: 277-0384

Lorain Public Library System Nancy Ostrander: 244-1192

RELTEC Services Barb Pentito: 353-2045

Ridge Tool Company Mike Ives : 323-5581

Wickens, Herzer & Panza Kat hryn Smith: 246-5268

SSeeccoonndd HHaarrvveesstt FFoooodd BBaannkk ooff NNoorrtthh CCeennttrraall OOhhiioo KKaarreenn OOrrttiizz:: 998866--22444422

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Contacts / Phone Numbers

Allied Signal, Inc. Vickie Metzger: 329-9756

American Red Cross-Lorain County Chapter Beth Maiden: 324-2929

Browning Ferris Industries Ji mmy Davis / Heather Schultz: 774-3100

Burger King-Midwest R. Corporation Betty Henline: 322-6060

CCaatthhoolliicc SSoocciiaall SSeerrvviicceess ooff LLoorraaiinn CCoouunnttyy AAlleexxiiss LLeeoonnaarrdd:: 227777--77222288

CCaatthhoolliicc SSoocciiaall SSeerrvviicceess ooff LLoorraaiinn CCoouunnttyy AAddrriieennnnee NNoorrmmaann:: 224444--99991155

Catholic Social Services of Lorain County Mary Wright: 277-4860

CCeenntteerr ffoorr CChhiillddrreenn && YYoouutthh SSeerrvviicceess JJeeffffrreeyy NNeeaall:: 332222--11110033

CCeenntteerr ffoorr CChhiillddrreenn && YYoouutthh SSeerrvviicceess AAnnddrreeww SScchhuummaann:: 332222--11110033

Century Telephone George Paulsen: 244-820 4

EEdduuccaatt iioonnaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeenntteerr ooff LLoorraaiinn CCoouunnttyy LLaarrrryy PPffrrooggnneerr :: 332244--55777777

El Centro de Servicios Sociales Bill Ortega / Ella Tomka: 277-8235

Elyria Public Library Marge Savoy: 324 -9823

EEMMHH RReeggiioonnaall HHeeaall tthh CCaarree SSyysstteemm DDaann MMii ll lleerr :: 332299--77550088

Erie Shores Girl Scout Council Alicia Thompson/Jeddie Driscol: 233-6112

Family Planning Services of Lorain County Sharon Flynn: 322-9931

Family Service Association of Lorain County Barb Padgett: 277-1800

FFaammii llyy SSeerrvviiccee AAssssoocciiaatt iioonn ooff LLoorraaiinn CCoouunnttyy DDeebbbbiiee MMccDDeerrmmootttt :: 227777--11880000

Heart of Ohio Council - Boy Scouts of America Don Day: 1-800-334-5910

Holiday Inn - Elyria Vanessa Smith: 324-5411 / 781 3

Interim Personnel Donna Fiscus: 277 -0387

Invacare Corporation Jim Dowdell: 329- 6241

LEAP/CIL Mary Butler: 277-8888

Lorain County Alcohol & Drug Abuse Services Joyce Pleasant & Helen Rodriguez: 244-4566

Lorain County Board MR/DD Jeff Miller: 324-499 3

Lorain County Metro Parks James Martin: 458-5121


Page 21: D. Fisher 1997 DAY OF CARING Programs

2211LLoorraaiinn CCoouunnttyy SSaaffee HHaarrbboorr//GGeenneessiiss HHoouussee LLiissaa GGoonnzzaalleezz--BBrraammhhaallll:: 224444--11886677

LLoorraaiinn CCoouunnttyy TTBB CCll iinniicc BBoonnnniiee AAllssttoonn:: 332222--88881155

Lorain County Transit Debbie Mohr: 329-5 545

Lorain County Urban League Elizabeth Nicholson: 323-3364

Lorain National Bank Paulette Mager: 244-71 23

Lorain Products Ben Norton: 246-4175

Lorain Public Library System Nancy Ostrander: 244-1192

Lucy Idol Center for the Handicapped Carol Peck & Martha Idol: 967-6724

May Department Stores-Great Lakes Data Kathleen Mahnic: 233-3408

May Department Stores/Credit Services Ginger Hardisty-Vargas: 233-2866

Millbrook Bread Craig Brotko: 277-9244

NACS/NACSCORP Jerry Buchs: 775-7777 (x. 2205)

Neighborhood House Association Annie Frasier: 277-8269

Oberlin Early Childhood Center Cynthia Poindexter: 774-8193

PPrreemmiieerrBBaannkk MMiicchheell llee TTrruuppoo:: 332299--88000000

R W Beckett Corporation Joyce Van Meter: 327-1060

RELTEC Services Barb Pentito: 353 -2045

RRiiddggee TTooooll CCoommppaannyy MMiikkee IIvveess:: 332233--55558811

RRoossss EEnnvvii rroonnmmeennttaall SSeerrvviicceess JJuuddyy LLiiaass:: 774488--22220000 ((xx.. 33110044))

SSBBSS TTrraannssii tt DDaann VVaann WWaaggnneenn:: ??

SSeeccoonndd HHaarrvveesstt FFoooodd BBaannkk ooff NNoorrtthh CCeennttrraall OOhhiioo KKaarreenn OOrrttiizz:: 998866--22444422

Southeastern Business College Mary Lou Shipman: 277-0021

The Children’s Developmental Center Amy Galla: 984-2416

The Community Foundation of Greater Lorain County Nelson Bour: 277-0142

The GEON Company Bob Kissling: 930-1393

The Salvation Army-Elyria Corps Kathy Spraggins: 323-2109

The Salvation Army-Elyria Corps Major Ken Stahl: 323-2026

Union Counseling School/Lorain County Labor Agency Alan Zgonc: 282-7401


Page 22: D. Fisher 1997 DAY OF CARING Programs

2222UUnniitteedd WWaayy ooff GGrreeaatteerr LLoorraaiinn CCoouunnttyy 332244--22889988 oorr 227777--66553300

UUnnii tteedd WWaayy SSttuuddeenntt IInnii tt iiaatt iivvee TTiinnaa CCllaarrkk:: 332244--22889988

UUSSSS//KKoobbee SStteeeell CCoommppaannyy && UUnnii tteedd SStteeeell WWoorrkkeerrss LLooccaall 11110044 GGlleennnn MMiisskkoovv:: 224444--55779955

VViissiioonn RReehhaabbiilliittaattiioonn KKeevviinn WWaalltteerr:: 332222--11112222

Vermilion Family YMCA Linda Hamaide: 967-3050

Volunteer Action Center Patti Betka: 240-1990

Wickens, Herzer & Panza Kathryn Smith: 246-5268

York International/United Steelworkers Local 6985 Nancy Railton (x. 448)

or Dave Teleha: 323-5561

YWCA of Elyria Linda Riddell: 322-6308

YWCA Of Lorain Ann Vaughn: 244-1919

97prjlst.doc: 4/3/98
