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D01L04 G Djordjevic - Regional Networking as a Tool for Joint Research, Education and Capacity...

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Regional Networking as a Tool for Joint Research, Education and Capacity Building Activities in Basic and Engineering Sciences - a SEENET-MTP Experience and Perspective - Goran Djordjevic, University of Nis, SERBIA in cooperation with Radu Constantinescu, University of Craiova, ROMANIA EBES, Nis, Serbia, 18-21 February, 2010
Page 1: D01L04 G Djordjevic - Regional Networking as a Tool for Joint Research, Education and Capacity Building Activities in Basic and Engineering Sciences

Regional Networking as a Tool for Joint Research, Education and Capacity Building Activities

in Basic and Engineering Sciences- a SEENET-MTP Experience and Perspective -

Goran Djordjevic, University of Nis, SERBIA

in cooperation with

Radu Constantinescu, University of Craiova, ROMANIA

EBES, Nis, Serbia, 18-21 February, 2010

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Introduction and JustificationIntroduction and Justification

• Initiative for the SEENET-MTP NETWORK: University of Nis

• First step: UNESCO-ROSTE - sponsored BALKAN WORKSHOP BW2003 "Mathematical, Theoretical and Phenomenological Challenges Beyond the Standard Model: Perspectives of Balkans Collaboration" (Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia, August 29 - September 3, 2003)

• Structure Development 2004 - 2009

– 16(17) institutions from 8 countries in the region joined the Network

– 11 partner institutions all over the world– about 200 individual members

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Cankaya UniversityAnkara, Turkey

Astron. Observ.Belgrade, Serbia

Institute of Physics, Belgrade, Serbia

Fac. PhysicsUniv. Belgrade, Serbia

N.I.P.N.E.Bucharest, RomaniaUniv.Craiova


Bogazici UniversityIstanbul, Turkey

Dept. PhysicsUniv. Kragujevac


Univ. Nis, SerbiaInst. for Nucl. Research

and Nuclear EnergySofia, Bulgaria

Sect. of Nucl.& Part. PhysicsAristotle Univ. Thessaloniki


Dept. Math. Phys.&Comp. Sc., School of Engineering,

Thessaloniki, Greece

West Univ. Timisoara, Romania

Dept. Theor. PhysicsUniv. Zagreb,Croatia

Network nodesNetwork nodes

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Partner InstitutionsPartner Institutions• Department of Physics & Astronomy, The Johns Hopkins University,

Baltimor, USA• Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Banja Luka,

Bosnia and Herzegovina• Department of Physics, Buffalo Unversity, Buffalo, USA• Institute of Applied Physics, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova • Mathematics Department, Lusofona University, Lisbon, Portugal• Department of Theoretical Physics (F-1), Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana,

Slovenia• Lab 170, ITEP, Moscow, Russia• Sring Theory Group, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität and Max-Planck-

Institut fuer Physik, Munich, Germany• Algebraic Structures in Field Theory Group, CBPF, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil• Theoretical Physics Department, Faculty of Physics, Sofia University "St.

Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, Bulgaria• Particle Physics Group, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Vienna University

of Technology, Vienna, Austria• Department of Statistics, Faculty of Science, University of Warwick,

Warwick, UK

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The Main Objectives and AimsThe Main Objectives and Aims• Co-operation among faculties of science, research institutions

and individual scientists in South-East Europe

• Joint scientific and research activities in the region

• Support capacity building in science and technology by initiating new approaches to teaching physics and sciences

• Promote exchange of students and encourage communication between gifted pupils

• Support establishment of local and regional centres of excellence in physics and mathematics.

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Main supporters of the Network:

• UNESCO-ROSTE (BRESCE), Venice, Italy

• IBSP program UNESCO Paris, France

Other supporters::• ICTP - The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy

• DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst, Germany

• DFG - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Germany

• CEI – Central European Initaitive

• ESF – European Science Foundation through Quantum Geometry and Quantum Gravity Network

• EPS - European Physical Society

• IAMP - International Association of Mathematical Physics

• Max Planck Institute for Physics, and Ludwig-Maximillians-University, Munih, Germany

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President of the Representative Committee and the Network

• Prof Dr Radu Constantinescu, Craiova, Romania

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Boyka AnevaINRNE

Sofia, Bulgaria

Goran DjordjevicFaculty of Sciences, University of Nis

Nis, Serbia

Executive Director

Tonguc Rador TBCDepartment of Physics,

Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey

Executive CommitteeExecutive Committee

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Marijan MilekovicUniversity of Zagreb

Zagreb, Croatia

Argyris NicolaidisSection of Nuclear and Particle Physics,

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Thessaloniki, Greece

Mihai VisinescuDepartment of Theoretical Physics,

National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering

Bucharest, Romania

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• Ilja Dorsner

• Faculty of Science, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Representative Committee (RC)Representative Committee (RC)

• Each of 16(17) Network nodes - represented by one person

• Included in preparation and implementation of the Network activities

• Relation between all Committees is precised by the Terms of references accepted in November 2005

• Last meeting – SSSCP2009, Nis, Serbia, April 3rd, 2009

• One institution from Moldova should be accepted to join the Network soon.

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Scientific-Advisory Committee Scientific-Advisory Committee (SAC)(SAC)

• Consists of (currently 17) outstanding and leading international researchers both from the SEE region and elsewhere in the world

• The main responsibilities:– consideration of research project proposals submitted by the nodes

– to recommend promising research topics of high international interest

– support of the activities and participation in the events

– supporting bilateral and multilateral co-operation between the SAC members’ home institutions and the SEENET-MTP

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Main Results and ActivitiesMain Results and Activities

• Mobilty program:– About 100 exchanges in the region (2005-2009), in average 20 per year– Duration of visits: 5-7 days– 3 student fellowships

• Network meetings: 14 meetings in 5 years, about 700 participants• Publication-Network Proceedings and Abstract books: about 15 issues, 3 International

Monographs• Research: Numerous joint papers with acknowledgements to UNESCO for support,

partially or even fully based on collaboration during exchanges• SEENET-MTP web portal became one of the most popular source of information

concerning MTP in our region:• Promotion of science in particular physics (main activities in Serbia):

– 40 lectures and 2 books– Special class for high school students with special interests in sciences, Nis,

Serbia, www.pmf.ni.ac.yu/f_odeljenje

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Network Meetings 2003-2009Network Meetings 2003-2009• BW2003 - Mathematical, Theoretical and Phenomenological Challenges Beyond the

Standard Model (Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia)• BW2005 - II Southeastern European Workshop: Challenges Beyond the Standard

Model (Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia)• QM2005 - Quantum Models on Noncommutative and Deformed Spaces (Nis, Serbia)• QFTHS2006 - 5th International School & Workshop – Quantum Field Theory &

Hamiltonian Systems (Calimanesti, Romania)• STMP2006 - Selected Topic in Modern Physics (Nis, Serbia)• MMP2006 - International School on Modern Trends in Mathematical Physics (Sofia,

Bulgaria)• SQ2007 - New methods in string theory and quantization (Nis. Serbia)• SQIQC07 - School Of Quantum Information And Quantum Computation (Kragujevac,

Serbia)• BW2007 - III Southeastern European Workshop: Challenges Beyond the Standard

Model (Kladovo, Serbia)• MMP2008 - II International School on Modern Trends in Mathematical Physics

(Varna, Bulgaria)• NTST2008 – New Trends in Science and Technology (Ankara, Turkey)• SSSCP2009 - Spring School on Strings, Cosmology and Particles (Belgrade-Nis,


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Publications related to the Network Publications related to the Network eventsevents

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``Mediana`` - Roman Emperor Constantine Residence, Naissus - Nis,

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Expected Results and OutcomesExpected Results and Outcomes• Self-sustained Balkan/South-East European Research and Education Network in Physics and


• Reinforce and extend the already established mobility for researchers, graduate and undergraduate students

• Joint successful projects in European framework, as FP7

• Reinforced interests for science in high schools by promoting activities as “Science and Society”.

• South East European Countries in Mathematics and PhysicsMap of the top research fields and top research organizations following the publication records from 2000-2010

• Mobility Program in 2010• School & Workshop in Calimanesti, Romania, May 2010 and final meeting on Database for this

phase of the project

SSSCP2009-2013, From Science to the Cultural Networking…?

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