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d20P - Ancient Mecha

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  • 7/28/2019 d20P - Ancient Mecha




    PL 0: Stone Age PL 1: Bronze Age PL 2: Iron Age PL 3: Age of Reason

    PL 4: Industrial Age

    Mecha of earlier periods are designed utilizing the highest form of technology available

    in that time period.

    Stone Age Mechas are made of wood and are driven by "muscle power". All "Torso

    Slots" and lower "slots" are filled by the laboring beast that powers the mecha. Largemecha can utilize a draft horse. Huge mecha use an elephant. Mecha of greater size

    depend upon dinosaurs, giants, or mythical beasts. Stone Age mecha have nomechanical weapons at all and rely on oversized melee weapons and thrown weapons.

    Bronze Age andIron Age mecha use

    the elements topower them. Power

    sources could be awaterwheel, a

    windmill, a hotsprings, or some

    gravity drivendevice. The "Back"

    slot space is always

    sacrificed to thepower mechanismof the mecha.

    Bronze Age mechacan be deprived of

    their power sourceby changes in the

    weather. Thesemecha use

    catapults, arbalests, and battering rams as weapons.

    Age of Reason mecha are driven by either clockwork or steam works. A clockwork

    mecha can remain active no longer than 8 hours before it needs rewinding (six minutesper hour). A steam work mecha generates great clouds of smoke as it burns wood or coalto heat a boiler. It can remain active so long as it has a sufficient fuel. A steam work

    mecha can stay active for 6 hours plus 6 hours for each slot it devotes to fuel storage.Weapons for these mechas are limited to Flintlocks and Cannons (D20 Past).

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    Industrial Age mecha use combustion enginesto power their mechas. These mechas lack the

    electronic systems common to PL 5 mecha. Allmecha built before PL 5 require crews to reload

    their weapons.

    Mecha Size and AttributesAvailable mecha sizes are unchanged from thed20 Future. Mecha made in the past has the

    same number of slots, attributes, and slamdamage as given in d20 Future.

    Mecha Superstructure

    Wood (PL 0)Wood is easy to prepare and fashion into any shape. Unfortunately, it offers little

    protection and is vulnerable to combustion. Hardness: 0, Base Purchase DC Modifier:-20

    Bronze (PL 1)

    Bronze is softer than iron, but is easier to shape in primitive forges. A bronze mechaoften resembles an animal or deity. Hardness: 5, Base Purchase DC Modifier: -10

    Cast Iron (PL 2)

    A cast iron superstructure is created piece by piece by hammer and anvil. Cast iron is

    heavier than bronze, but more brittle than steel. Hardness: 6, Base Purchase DCModifier: -8

    Steel (PL 3)

    Steel is made when iron is combined with carbon under high heat. Hardness: 8, BasePurchase DC Modifier: -6

    Titanium (PL 4)

    Titanium is steel combined with trace elements the reinforce it. Hardness: 9, BasePurchase DC Modifier: -5

    Mecha ArmorWood Armor (PL 0)

    Wood armor is hard wood planking fastened together by pegs and rope. Equipment

    Bonus: +2, Speed Penalty: -10ft, Armor Penalty: -10, Purchase DC: 2+ 50% Mecha

    Base Purchase DC

    Bronze Armor (PL 1)

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    Bronze armor is softer than iron, but more flexible. Bronze armor is often highlypolished and decorated. Equipment Bonus: +2, Speed Penalty: -10ft, Armor Penalty: -6,

    Purchase DC: 3+ 50% Mecha Base Purchase DC

    Cast Iron Armor (PL 2)

    Cast Iron is usually completely black in color and very rough. It is often called BoilerPlate armor in later ages. Equipment Bonus: +6, Speed Penalty: -20ft, Armor Penalty: -

    8, Purchase DC: 4+ 50% Mecha Base Purchase DC

    Steel Plate Armor (PL 3)

    Steel Plate is made of many square sheets of metal riveted together. It can be polished to

    mirror sheen. Equipment Bonus: +4, Speed Penalty: -10ft, Armor Penalty: -6, PurchaseDC: 6+ 50% Mecha Base Purchase DC

    Titanium Armor (PL 4)

    Titanium is reinforced steel and is usually painted to resist rusting and providecamouflage. Equipment Bonus: +5, Speed Penalty: -10ft, Armor Penalty: -6, Purchase

    DC: 9+ 50% Mecha Base Purchase DCBattleship Plate (PL 4)

    This armor is made from multiple layers of reinforced steel usually used in theconstruction of battleship hulls. Equipment Bonus: +8, Speed Penalty: -20ft, Armor

    Penalty: -10, Purchase DC: 10+ 50% Mecha Base Purchase DC

    Mecha EquipmentMecha from the PL 0 to 4 have the most primitive forms of sensors, defense systems, and

    communications. Weapon systems require a crew to reload and maintain. Flight

    Systems do not exist for mecha from these ages.


    Telescopic Crosshairs

    (PL 4): Grants a +2

    bonus to spot checks,and reduces the range

    penalties of any rangedattack by the mecha by

    2. Slot: 1 (Head orShoulders), Activation:

    Free Action, Range:LOS, Purchase DC: 15.

    Defensive Systems

    Hide Covered (PL 0):

    Help to reduce thechance that a wooden

    mecha will catch on fire

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    (Reduce chance by half). Slot: None, Activation: Free Action, Range: Touch, PurchaseDC (By Size): Large: 12, Huge: 16, Colossal: 20, Gargantuan: 20

    Metal Shield (PL 1): The mecha carries a metal shield in one hand slot. This shield addsto the armor equipment bonus of the mecha if it is "readied". Slot: One per size over

    mecha size greater than medium (hand or arm), Activation: Move Action, Range: Touch,

    Saving Throw: None, Hardness: 8 bronze or 10 iron, HP: 100 per size over medium.Purchase DC: 5+ One quarter the base cost of the mecha..

    Spiked Armor (PL 2): Metal spikes dot the outside of the mecha. On a "Large" mecha

    these spike inflict 1d8 piercing damage. Scale up damage for larger mecha. These spikesdamage any creature successfully grappled by the mecha. Slot: None, Activation: Free

    Action, Range: Touch, Saving Throw: None, Purchase DC: 3+ One quarter the base cost

    of the mecha.

    Smoke Cloud (PL 3): The mecha can emit a cloud of smoke that blocks normal vision.

    On the round when it is released, the smoke cloud fills the mecha's space. On thefollowing round, it fills all squares within 10 feet of the mecha, and on the third round it

    fills all squares within 15 feet of the mecha. The smoke obscures all sight, including thedark vision ability granted by night vision goggles. Any creature within the area has total

    concealment (attacks suffer a 50% miss chance, and the attacker cant use sight to locatethe target). It disperses after 10 rounds, though a moderate wind (11+ mph) disperses the

    smoke in 4 rounds and a strong wind (21+ mph) disperses it in 1 round. Smoke isavailable in several colors, including white, red, yellow, green, and purple. As such, they

    can be used as signal devices. Slot: 1, Activation: Standard Action, Range: Up to a 15ftradius, Duration: 10 rounds, Saving Throw: None, Purchase DC: 20.

    Suicide Charge (PL 4): Several pounds of dynamite are secured in various locations inthe mechas cockpit. These explosives can be detonated by the pilot to commit suicide or

    used as a trap against thieves. Concussion Damage: 1d6x10, Spot DC: 25, Disable

    Device DC: 25, Never Miss (Onset Delay: 5 rounds, Bypass (Open Lock DC: 30), TrapCR: 7.

    Slot: None, Activation: Free Action, Range: Touch, Target: Cockpit, Duration: Onset

    Delay (5 rounds), Saving Throw: None, Purchase DC: 30, Restriction: Licensed (+1)

    Communication Systems

    Battle Drum (PL 0): The battle drum can be used to communicate across the battle field

    at a range of 500ft. The drum requires a Perform Check to accurately play (10+1 perword in message). The battle drum requires a Listen Check to accurately hear (10 +1 per

    word in message +1 per 100ft from drummer). Drum codes are considered their ownlanguage (Speak Language: Drum Code). Slots: 1 (head usually), Activation: Standard

    Action, Range: 500ft for messages, Purchase DC: 5

    Brass Bugle (PL 1): Similar to the drum, a bugle can communicate messages andtransmit farther. The brass bugle can be herd accurately up to 1000ft away. All the same

    skill DCs apply. Slots: 1 (head usually), Activation: Standard Action, Range: 500ft formessages, Purchase DC: 8.

    Semaphore (PL 2): A pair of immense mechanical flags can be manipulated by the pilot

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    or crew of the mecha to communicate with others by visual code range is rarely greaterthan half a mile (3000ft max). The also can denote the rank and unit of the mecha. Slot:

    2 (head or shoulders), Activation: Standard Action, Range: 3000ft, Purchase DC: 10

    Fireworks Cannon (PL 3): The mecha can fire a series of colored flares into the sky.

    These flares can be used to determine the relative position of a force and give battlesignals. The communication range of a fireworks cannon is up to two miles (12000ft).

    Slot: 1(head or shoulders), Activation: Standard Action, Payload: 15 flares, Range:

    12,000ft, Purchase DC: 15.

    Wireless Telegraph (PL 4): Messages can be relayed between units by a simple carrier

    wave. Both units must be familiar with the message code (i.e. Speak Language: MorrisCode) or the message must be decrypted (Decipher Script DC: 20+). The range of

    communication is 10 miles (30 miles at sea). A wire telegraph includes a transmitter, a

    receiver, and a radio tower. Slot: 2 (head or shoulders), Activation: Standard Action,Range: 10 miles, Purchase DC: 20 (The wireless telegraph is discarded after radio is


    Mecha Weapons

    Stone Age Mecha Weapons

    Mecha in the Stone Age (PL 0) lack any of the mechanized weapons of later mecha.

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    Mecha Archaic Melee Weapons (PL 0): Melee weapon can be crafted for creatures largerthan human size. Mecha weapons have a +10 equipment bonus to resist disarming

    because of the vice-like grip of a mecha. The weapon is carried in a scabbard untilneeded. As the mechas size increases the damage increases one step. Here are three

    basic melee weapons: the axe, the sword, the pick, and the hammer. Slot: One per size

    larger than medium,. Hardness: Stone (5), Bronze (8), Iron (10), HP: 50 per size stepgreater than medium. Purchase DC: 4 +One quarter the base cost of the mecha.

    Mecha Size: Large (L), Huge (H), Colossal (C), Gargantuan (G)

    Mecha Axe: Dam: 2d6 (L), 3d6 (H), 4d6 (C), 6d6 (G); Crit: x3, Type: Slashing

    Mecha Lance: Dam: 2d6 (L), 3d6 (H), 4d6 (C), 6d6 (G); Crit: x3, Charge: Doubledamage to targets of a charge. Awkward: Cant attack adjacent opponents with the mecha

    lance. The mecha lance is used one-handed. Type: Piercing,

    Mecha Pick: Dam: 1d8 (L), 2d6 (H), 3d6 (C), 4d6 (G); Crit.: x4, Type: Piercing

    Mecha Sword: Dam: 2d6 (L), 3d6 (H), 4d6 (C), 6d6 (G); Crit: 19-20/x2, Type: Slashing

    Mecha War Hammer: Dam: 2d6 (L), 3d6 (H), 4d6 (C), 6d6 (G); Crit: x3, Type:Bludgeoning

    Mecha Archaic Ranged Weapons (PL 0): Stone Age mechas can be equipped with bows,

    slings, or javelins. A bow or sling is permanently attached to a mechas arm and preventsthat arm from using melee weapons (other than slams). Mecha Javelins leave the hands

    free for other uses. Ammunition stored on the mecha takes up one slot per 10 shots.Javelins are stored until needed in a rack that carries four mecha javelins (javelins can be

    recovered after thrown). Weapon damage increases proportionally to weapon size. Slot:1 per size greater than medium, Ammunition requires 1 slot per 10 shots. , Hardness: 5,

    HP: 100 per size step greater than medium. Purchase DC: 4+ One quarter the base

    cost of the mecha (Mecha Sling and Bow ammunition: 6).

    Mecha Sling: RI: 35ft (L), 50ft (H), 75ft (C), 110ft (G) Dam: 1d6 (L), 1d8 (H), 2d6 (C),

    3d6 (G); Crit.: x2, Type: Bludgeoning

    Mecha Bow: RI: 75ft (L), 110ft (H), 165ft (C), 240ft (G); Dam: 2d6 (L), 3d6 (H), 4d6

    (C), 6d6 (G); Crit: x3, Type: Piercing

    Mecha Javelin: RI: 45ft (L), 60ft (H), 90ft (C), 120ft (G), Dam: 1d8 (L), 2d6 (H), 3d6

    (C), 4d6 (G); Crit.: x2, Type: Piercing

    Boulder Hurler (PL: 0): This Stone Age has oversized hands shaped like scoops for

    hurling boulders at enemies without inflicting any attack bonus penalty. Usually a hurledboulder is an improvised weapon. A mecha can only hurl boulders of smaller size than

    the mecha. A mecha with this piece of equipment can not use any other hand basedweapon system, but inflicts slam damage as if it were one size larger (1d8 to 2d6, 2d6

    to 2d8, 2d8 to 4d6, 4d6 to 6d6). Slots: 2 (one for each hand), Range: Varies, Activation:Full Round Action, Duration: Instant, Purchase Cost: 8 + one quarter the base cost of

    the mecha.

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    Large Boulder: RI: 30ft, Damage: 5d6, CRIT: x2, Type: Bludgeoning

    Huge Boulder: RI: 65ft, Damage: 8d6, CRIT: x2, Type: Bludgeoning

    Gargantuan Boulder: RI: 120ft, Damage: 12d6, CRIT: x2, Type: Bludgeoning

    Firing Platform (PL: 0): A firing platform provides a single soldier with 9/10 cover whilehe uses a range weapon against foes within range and within a 180* arc. Slot: 1

    (anywhere), Duration: Constant, Purchase Cost: 5

    Bronze Age Mecha


    Mecha in the Bronze

    Age use siegeweaponry. The mecha

    pilot aims and fires thesiege weapon, but

    every siege weaponhas a crew requirement

    to reload it. With a fullcrew, the weapon can

    fire once per round(each crew member

    expends a full-roundaction to reload the

    weapon betweenshots). With a single

    crew member, theweapon will take

    multiple rounds toreload. With no crew

    the siege engine cannot be reloaded.

    The weapon crews of a bronze mecha require one slot for each member of the crew, but

    they are not as well protected as the pilot. The weapon crew receive 50% cover from themecha in addition to any armor they may be wearing. Operating a siege weapon

    proficiently requires the Siege Weaponry exotic weapon feat. A pilot can act as one ofa weapon crew if he takes no other action in that round.

    The massive advantage of siege engines built into mecha is that they can be quicklyrepositioned and moved in the battlefield.

    Ballista, Light (PL 1): A ballista is like an oversized crossbow. It makes direct fire

    attacks. A light ballista requires an attack roll using the crew chiefs AB and any rangemodifiers. The weapon carries 10 shots. An additional slot is required to store additional

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    ammunition (10 per slot). Slots: 1 for ballista, 2 for crew, Activation: Attack Action,Reloading: 2 full round actions, RI: 30ft, Target: Single target within 300ft, RoF: One

    attack per round, Saving Throw: None, Damage (Piercing): 3d6 (19-20), Hardness: 5,

    Hit Points: 25, Weight: 400lbs. Purchase DC: 10

    Ballista, Heavy (PL 1): A heavy ballista is a Huge version of a light ballista. Slots: 3 for

    heavy ballista, 4 for crew. Activation: Attack Action, Reloading: 4 full round actions,RI: 45ft, Target: Single target within 450ft, ROF: One attack per round, Saving Throw:

    None, Damage (Piercing): 5d6 (19-20), Hardness: 5, Hit Points: 675, Weight: 2000lbs.,

    Purchase DC: 14.

    Battering Ram (PL 1): A battering ram is a heavy wooden log capped with bronze or iron

    and suspended by ropes or chains from the mechas superstructure. It usually replacesthe arm of a mecha, but can be built into the chest cavity or the . In addition to the

    mechas Strength modifier, the entire crew of the battering ram can add their STRmodifiers as well. A battering ram must be mounted on a mecha of at least Huge size or

    larger. Unlike other siege engines no crew is required to use the weapon. Slots: 3 for ram,up to 10 for crew, Activation: Full Round Attack, RI: None, Target: Single target, Saving

    Throw: None, Damage (bludgeoning): 3d8 (x2), Hardness: 5 (9 for bronze, 10 for iron),Hit Points: 1350, Weight: 3000lbs, Purchase DC: 10 (15 for bronze, 18 for iron)

    Catapults: Catapults do not use the normal rules for ranged attacks. They are not Line-

    Of-Sight (LOS) weapons and can ignore non-vertical barriers. To aim a catapult, thecatapult crew or mecha pilot must make a DC 15 Profession (Siege Engineer) skill check

    as a full round action. Each member of a crew can take a full round action so that oneperson can be aiming the catapult while the rest reload it. If the chief succeeds at his skill

    check, he can roll a 1d20 plus his BAB plus his INT modifier minus any RI penalties and-4 if he does not have EWP: Siege Weaponry to hit his target square (AC: 10). A

    catapult requires a vertical clearance of at least half the distance to fire. Firing at a target

    the catapult crew can not see inflicts a -6 AB penalty to the attack roll. If the shot hits thetarget square any object in the square will suffer damage unless it succeeds at a reflexsave (DC equal to attack roll). If the shot misses the target square it will strike a random

    square 3 squares distance per range increment from the target square in a random cardinaldirection (Roll 1d8: 1 is N, 2 is NE, 3 is E, 4 is SE, 5 is S, 6 is SW, 7 is W, 8 is NW).

    Mangonel, Light (PL 1): A mangonel is a catapult that uses torsion to throw rocks.Reloading a light mangonel requires TWO full actions (a crew of two can reload it in one

    round). A mecha mangonel carries its ammunition internally. 10 stone rounds arecarried by all mangonels and it cost an additional slot to carry 10 more rounds. Slots: 2

    for mangonel, 2 for crew (slots must be in upper body), Activation: Attack Action,

    Reloading: 2 full round actions, RI: 50ft, Minimum Range: 25ft, Target: Single square up

    to 250ft away, RoF: One attack per round, Saving Throw: Reflex DC= Attack roll,Damage (bludgeoning): 4d6(x2), Hardness: 5, Hit Points: 400, Weight: 2000lbs,

    Purchase DC: 15.

    Magonel, Heavy (PL 1): A heavy magonel requires FOUR full actions to reload. Amecha must be at least HUGE size to carry a heavy magonel. Slots: 3 for mangonel, 4

    for crew, 1 for 10 additional rounds, Activation: Attack Action, Reloading: 4 full round

    actions, RI: 80ft, Minimum Range: 40ft, Target: Single square up to 400ft away, RoF:

    One attack per round, Saving Throw: Reflex DC= Attack roll, Damage (bludgeoning):

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    6d6(x2), Hardness: 5, Hit Points: 1300, Weight: 3000lbs, Purchase DC: 18

    Trebuchet, Light (PL 1): A trebuchet is a catapult that uses a counter weight to throw

    rocks. Reloading a light trebuchet requires SIX full round actions. A mecha trebuchetcarries 10 stone rounds internally. Each additional ten rounds carried requires an

    additional two equipment slots. Only a gargantuan or larger mecha can mount a light

    trebuchet. Slots: 4 for trebuchet, 6 for crew, 2 for each additional 10 shots; Activation:Attack Action, Reloading: 6 full round actions, RI: 90ft, Minimum Range: 45ft, Target:

    Single square up to 450ft away, RoF: One attack per round, Saving Throw: Reflex

    DC=Attack Roll, Damage(bludgeoning):10d6(x2), Hardness: 5, HP: 3,200, Weight: 4

    tons, Purchase DC: 20.

    Trebuchet, Heavy (PL 1): A heavy trebuchet requires EIGHT full round actions to reload.A mecha must be colossal in size to mount a heavy trebuchet. Slots: 5 for trebuchet, 8

    for crew, 2 for each additional 10 shots; Activation: Attack Action, Reloading: 8 full

    round actions, RI: 100ft, Minimum Range: 50ft, Target: Single square up to 500ft away,

    ROF: One attack per round, Saving Throw: Reflex DC=Attack Roll,

    Damage(bludgeoning): 14d6(x2), Hardness: 5, HP: 7500, Weight: 10 tons, Purchase

    DC: 22.

    Siege Tower (PL 1): More than just a firing platform, a siege tower can be used todeliver a large force to the top of enemy battlements. A 30ft siege tower is built into the

    frame of the mecha. It has nine levels that hold nine medium creature. The bottom levelprovides total cover. The second and third level provides 9/10

    cover and passagers can

    shoot any range weapons they possess through arrow slits in the towers walls. One wallon the third level of the tower is actually a 15ft by 15ft drawbridge that can be lowered

    when the mecha is standing near battlements. It takes one round for three soldiers tomove up one level in the tower. Mecha must be at least gargantuan in size to house siege

    towers. Muscle driven mecha can use creatures on the bottom level of the tower as a

    power source. Slots: 5 (feet & legs) +5 (back & torso) +5 (head & shoulders) for a totalof 15 slots; Hardness: Same as the mecha, HP: If the mecha is destroyed so is the tower,Weight: 5 tons, Purchase DC: One half the base cost of the mecha.

    Iron Age Weaponry (PL 2):

    Mecha in the Iron Age use advanced siege engines. In addition, they can use weaponsand shields forged from iron ore. All the rules that apply to Bronze Age siege engines

    also apply in the Iron Age.

    Scorpion, Light (PL 2): The scorpion is catapult that uses an intricate set of pulleys toincrease its power beyond the older mangonel. A scorpion requires 2 full rounds to

    reload and can be mounted in a LARGE mecha. Slots: 2 (head, shoulders, or arms), 2for crew, 1 for 10 additional rounds, Activation: Attack Action, Reloading: 2 full round

    actions, RI: 70ft, Minimum Range: 35ft, Target: Single square up to 350ft away, ROF:

    One attack per round, Saving Throw: DC= Attack roll, Damage (bludgeoning): 6d6(x2),

    Hardness: 5, Hit Points: 400, Weight: 2000lbs, Purchase DC: 23

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    Scorpion, Heavy (PL 2): The heavy scorpion requires 4 full rounds to reload and can be

    mounted in a HUGE mecha. Slots: 3 (head, shoulders, or arms), 4 for crew, 1 for 10additional rounds, Activation: Attack Action, Reloading: 4 full round actions, RI: 80ft,

    Minimum Range: 40ft, Target: Single square up to 400ft away, ROF: One attack per

    round, Saving Throw: Reflex DC= Attack roll, Damage (bludgeoning): 9d6(x2),

    Hardness: 5, Hit Points: 1000, Weight: 3000lbs, Purchase DC: 25

    Volley Arbalest, Light (PL 2): The volley arbalest is a enormous crossbow that fires avolley of crossbow bolts rather than a single large bolt like the ballista. When firing the

    volley arbalest, the mecha pilot rolls 1d20 + BAB + her INT modifier. This is the ReflexDC for the targets of the weapon to negate arbalest damage. Slots: 1 for arbalest, 2 for

    crew, 1 for 10 additional volleys, Activation: Attack Action, Reloading: 2 full round

    actions, RI: 100ft, Target: All creatures within 15ft of the target square, Saving Throw:

    Reflex DC=Attack Roll, ROF: S, Damage (piercing): 1d10(19-20/x2) to each victim,

    Hardness: 5, HP: 50, Purchase DC: 15.

    Volley Arbalest, Heavy (PL 2): The heavy arbalest requires 4 full round actions to reloadand cant be mounted on a LARGE mecha. Slots: 2 for arbalest, 4 for crew, 1 for 10additional volleys, Activation: Attack Action, Reloading: 2 full round actions, RI: 120ft,

    Target: All creatures within 20ft of the target square, Saving Throw: Reflex DC=Attack

    Roll, ROF: S, Damage (piercing): 2d8 (19-20/x2) to each victim, Hardness: 5, HP: 67,

    Purchase DC: 17.

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    Catapult Shot (PL 2): These metal balls can replace the standard stone ball to increase thearea affected by a catapult attack. Catapult shot inflicts half standard damage to a larger

    area. Mongonel and Scorpion Shots damage all objects adjacent to the target square.Trebuchet Shot damages all objects within 2 squares of the target square. Slots: Same as

    ordinary catapult ammo, Purchase DC: 10 for 10 rounds of catapult shot.

    Fire Pot (PL 2): A fire pot is a round fired by a catapult that explodes when it hits itstarget square. The fire pot inflicts the FULL standard damage of the catapult as fire

    damage to a larger area. Mongonel and Scorpion Fire Pots damage all objects adjacent tothe target square. A Trebuchet Fire Pot damages all objects within 2 squares of the target

    square. Slots: 1 for 10 fire pots, Purchase DC: 20 per 10 fire pots

    Plague Pot (PL 2): A plague pot is filled with filth and rotten meat. When thrown by a

    catapult it explodes on impact blasting all within a 15ft radius of the targeted square withinfectious muck. Everyone within a 15ft radius must make a Reflex Save (DC=Attack

    Roll) or suffer 1d6 points of piercing damage. Any creature that suffers damage must

    make a Fortitude Save (DC= 11) or contract Filth Fever.

    Filth feverbite, Fortitude DC 11, incubation period 1d3 days, damage 1d3 Dex and1d3 Con. The save DC is Constitution-based.

    Slots: 1 slot for 10 plague pots, Purchase DC: 22.

    Age of Reason Weaponry (PL 3)

    Weaponry in the Age of Reason incorporates black powder weapons and early scientific

    discoveries. Many mecha of this age mount muzzle loading cannons. Just like siegeengines, these cannons must have a crew to reload and clean them between each shot.

    Cannon (PL3): Cannons are cast of bronze and must be loaded between each shot. First

    one of the cannon loaders swabs out the cannon to cool it and prevent it from jamming.Second, a pre-measured load of gun powder it shoved into the cannon followed by the

    cannon ball. The cannon ball is rammed it to assure a tight fit between ball and powder,then a lit fuse is thrust into the touch-hole to ignite the powder and the cannon is fired.

    Rather than iron cannon balls, cannons can fire chain shot or grape shot. See D20 Pastfor details.

    Cannons can be fired as LOS weapons (Standard Ranged Attack Roll) or as indirectweapons (Attack Roll: 1d20+ BAB+ INT Modifier, Ignore any vertical cover, Roll forscatter if shot misses). Scatter: If the shot misses the target square it will strike a

    random square 3 squares distance per range increment from the target square in a randomcardinal direction (Roll 1d8: 1 is N, 2 is NE, 3 is E, 4 is SE, 5 is S, 6 is SW, 7 is W, 8 isNW). All mecha cannons hold 10 shots internally. The given size of each cannon

    indicates the minimum size of mecha needed to mount the cannon in an equipment slot.

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    Large Mecha Cannon (6 lb shot): A large mecha cannon needs only a single loader tofire once per round. Slots: 1 for cannon, 2 for crew, 1 for 10 additional shots.

    Activation: Attack Action, Reload: 2 full round action, Damage (Ballistic): 2d12(x2), RI:

    30ft, Target: Single up to 300ft away, Hardness: 8, HP: 100, Purchase DC: 26

    Huge Mecha Cannon (12 lb shot): A huge mecha cannon needs two loaders to fire onceper round. Slots: 2 for cannon, 3 for crew, 2 for 10 additional shots, Activation: AttackAction, Reload: 3 full round actions, Damage (Ballistic): 4d12(x2), RI: 60ft, Target:

    Single target up to 600ft away, Hardness: 8, HP: 400, Purchase DC: 30

    Gargantuan Mecha Cannon (18 lb shot): A gargantuan mecha cannon needs fourloaders to fire once per round. Slots: 3 for cannon, 4 for crew, 2 for 10 additional shots,

    Activation: Attack Action, Reload: 4 full round actions, Damage (ballistic): 5d12(x2), RI:

    90ft, Target: Single target up to 900ft away, Hardness: 8, HP: 1000, Purchase DC: 32

    Colossal Mecha Cannon (32 lb shot): A colossal mecha cannon needs six loaders to fire

    once per round. Slots: 4 for cannon, 6 for loader crew, 3 for 10 additional cannon balls,Activation: Attack Action, Reload: 6 full round actions, Damage (ballistic): 8d12(x2), RI:

    125ft, Hardness: 8, HP: 2000, Purchase DC: 34

    Harpoon Cannon (PL 3):A harpoon cannon launches a metal barbed spear attached to a

    rope line. This weapon is often used for fishing, but it can also be used for grapplingover walls. Slots: 1 for cannon, 1 for crew, 1 for 1 additional harpoon. Activation:

    Attack Action, Reload: 1 full round action, Damage (Piercing): 3d8(x2), RI: 20ft, Target:

    Single up to 200ft away, Removing the Harpoon: Requires full round action to roll a

    successful STR check (DC: 20) and inflicts 3d8 damage. A minor one minute surgical

    operation and a successful Heal skill check (DC: 20) will remove the harpoon with

    out damage. Hardness: 8, HP: 100, Purchase DC: 26

    Hawk-Man Launcher (PL 3): Thisdevice is very similar to a ballista, but is

    designed to launch a manned glider intothe air. This device can be used as an

    ejector seat by the pilot or as a way toquickly launch aerial scouts above the

    battlefield. A hawk man launcher isequipped with one collapsed glider.

    Additional gliders will take up one sloteach. It can also be used to launch

    people without gliders into the air.

    Hawk Glider: Hawk Gliders rely onhigh altitude or thermal updrafts to stay

    in the air. Large Vehicle, Speed: Fly 30ft (poor), Hardness: 5, HP: 20, AC: Pilots AC -6, Ram Damage: 2d6(x2), Purchase Cost: 16 per glider

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    Launcher: Slots: 1 for launcher, Activation: Attack Action, Reloading: 2 full round

    actions, RI: 30ft, Target: Launch glider 300ft straight up, ROF: One attack per round,

    Saving Throw: None, Ram Damage (Bludgeoning): 2d6(x2), Hardness: 5, Hit Points:

    25, Weight: 400lbs. Purchase DC: 20.

    Volley Gun (PL 3): The volley gun is basically a bank of at least five flintlock muskets

    that fire all together in a massed volley. This weapon is best used to mow down enemyinfantry. A volley gun is incredibly slow to reload since each barrel must be loaded

    individually. The volley gun can make one Burst Fire attack by firing at least FIVEflintlocks at once. This weapon can not be used again until it is reloaded. Slots: 1 per

    FIVE muskets, Activation: Attack Action, Reloading: 2 full round actions per musket, RI:

    30ft, ROF: A, Saving Throw: None, Damage (Ballistic): 2d8(x2), Hardness: 8, Hit

    Points: 25 per barrel, Weight: 400lbs. Purchase DC: 20 per five flintlock muskets.

    Industrial Age Weaponry (PL 4):

    Industrial Age weaponry covers all weapons made in the 19th

    and 20th

    century. The mainmecha weapon is breach loading artillery. Artillery requires less loading crew than

    cannons and are less likely to jam or misfire due to smokeless gunpowder. Machine-gunsare also created starting with the hand cranked Gattling Gun up to the M2HB air-cooled

    heavy machine gun. Listing all possible weapons would be too long so I will post just afew below.

    Mecha Artillery (PL 4): Mecha artillery carry 10 rounds in an internal magazine. They

    require only half the crew needed for Mecha cannons and reload more quickly. They are

    also harder since they are made of iron rather than bronze.

    Large Mecha Artillery (6 lb shell): A large mecha artillery needs only a single loader to

    fire once per round. Slots: 1 for Artillery, 1 for crew, 1 for 10 additional shots.Activation: Attack Action, Reload: 1 full round action, Damage (Ballistic): 2d12(x2), RI:

    40ft, Target: Single up to 400ft away, Hardness: 10, HP: 100, Purchase DC: 30

    Huge Mecha Artillery (12 lb shell): A huge mecha artillery needs two loaders to fireonce per round. Slots: 2 for Artillery, 2 for crew, 2 for 10 additional shots, Activation:Attack Action, Reload: 2 full round actions, Damage (Ballistic): 4d12(x2), RI: 70ft,

    Target: Single target up to 700ft away, Hardness: 10, HP: 400, Purchase DC: 34

    Gargantuan Mecha Artillery (18 lb shell): A gargantuan mecha artillery needs fourloaders to fire once per round. Slots: 3 for Artillery, 3 for crew, 2 for 10 additional shots,

    Activation: Attack Action, Reload: 3 full round actions, Damage (ballistic): 5d12(x2), RI:

    100ft, Target: Single target up to 1000ft away, Hardness: 10, HP: 1000, Purchase DC:


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    Colossal Mecha Artillery (32 lb shell): A colossal mecha artillery needs six loaders tofire once per round. Slots: 4 for Artillery, 4 for loader crew, 3 for 10 additional artillery

    shells, Activation: Attack Action, Reload: 4 full round actions, Damage (ballistic):

    8d12(x2), RI: 140ft, Target: One up to 1400ft away, Hardness: 10, HP: 2000, Purchase

    DC: 40

    Gattling Gun (PL 4): The gattling gun was created early in the Industrial Age (1862). Itis air cooled and requires the shooter to turn a crank to fire the multiple barrels of this

    gun. A gattling gun holds box of 40 bullets. A mecha crew member must reload thisbox if it is depleted by the mecha pilot. Slots: 1, Activation: Attack Action, Payload: 40

    round box, Reloading: 1 full round action, RI: 100ft, ROF: A, Saving Throw: None,

    Damage (Ballistic): 2d10(x2), Hardness: 10, Hit Points: 50, Weight: 400lbs. Purchase

    DC: 26

    Mecha Flamethrower (PL 4): A flamethrower consists of a pressurized backpackcontaining fuel, connected to a tube with a nozzle. It shoots a 5-foot-wide, 30-foot-long

    line of flame that deals 3d8 points of fire damage to all creatures and objects in its path.No attack roll is necessary, and thus no feat is needed to operate the weapon effectively.

    Any creature caught in the line of flame can make a Reflex save (DC 15) to take halfdamage. Creatures with cover get a bonus on their Reflex save.

    A flamethrowers tank has hardness 10 and 25 hit points. When worn, the mechas tankhas a Defense equal to 9 + the wearers Dexterity modifier + the wearers class bonus. A

    backpack reduced to 0 hit points ruptures and explodes, dealing 6d6 points of fire damageto the mecha (no save allowed) and 3d6 points of splash damage to creatures and objects

    in adjacent 5-foot squares (Reflex save, DC 15, for half damage).Any creature or flammable object that takes damage from a flamethrower catches on fire,

    taking 1d6 points of fire damage each subsequent round until the flames are extinguished.A fire engulfing a single creature or object can be doused or smothered as a full-round

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    action. Discharging a fire extinguisher is a move action and instantly smothers flames ina 10-foot-by-10-foot area.

    A flamethrower can shoot 10 times before the fuel supply is depleted. Refilling orreplacing a fuel pack has a purchase DC of 13. Slots: 1, Activation: Attack Action,

    Payload: 10 shots per tank, Reloading: 1 full round action, RI: 100ft, ROF: S, Saving

    Throw: 15 DC Reflex, Damage (Fire): 3d8(x2), Hardness: 10, Hit Points: 50, Weight:200lbs. Purchase DC: 26

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